Harvey Mudd College Magazine, fall/winter 2018

Page 47

Donors on the Leading Edge

Leadership Annual Giving at Harvey Mudd College Each year, gifts to the Annual Mudd Fundd (AMF) are immediately put to work—accounting for 7 percent of the operating budget— providing critical support toward financial aid, scholarships, academic department operating budgets and the greatest needs of the College. During the seven years since the launch of The Campaign for Harvey Mudd College, more than $30 million has been contributed toward the AMF. We are appreciative of each and every gift, and have been particularly encouraged to see a steady increase of gifts occurring at the leadership level—contributions of $1,000 or more. This subset of donors has increased by 88 percent since 2011 and now accounts for over 90 percent of all AMF dollars received. While all gifts are important to the College, we are pleased to celebrate and recognize lead AMF donors as members of the Annual Giving Leadership Society at the following levels:

Supporting the Annual Mudd Fundd Through an Annual Named Scholarship To prepare our students to be tomorrow’s leaders, our financial aid program continually stretches to meet the financial needs of students so that their choice to attend Harvey Mudd is possible, regardless of their ability to pay. Annual named scholarships (ANS) provide critical financial support and can be created with a recurring gift of $5,000 or more. Essentially, your leadership-level gift of $5,000 or more annually is comparable to the yearly income from an endowed gift of $100,000. As an ANS donor, you have the opportunity to name your scholarship and receive scholarship reports with details of the specific student that you are supporting, along with personal notes from your scholar. If you are interested in learning more about creating an annual named scholarship, please contact annualgiving@hmc.edu.

President’s Circle: $20,000+ Gold Level: $10,000–$19,999 Silver Level: $5,000–$9,999 Copper Level: $1,000–$4,999 Young Alumni Copper: $500 (5–9 years), $250 (1–4 years) In addition to ongoing recognition of those who invest in the Annual Mudd Fundd at the leadership level, we are deeply grateful for our legacy donors and loyal donors who support all areas of the College. Find the honor roll for the Annual Giving Leadership Society here: hmc.edu/leadership-giving

“No other institution comes close to offering as rounded and intense an education within a diverse yet close-knit community. The world needs more Mudders, more than ever before. The AMF is a great way to ensure Mudders have critical services they need to grow and thrive. We are grateful for the opportunity to support this committed institution and its amazing community.”






– Dipika & Tarun Bhatia P19 Parent Leadership Council (shown above with sons Ronak ’19 and Jai)



“The solid academic foundation I received at HMC benefited me by giving me more options, both in my choice of graduate schools and in my career. Also, some of my ‘brothers in arms’ at HMC became my best friends in life. All of this would not have been possible without the generous financial aid that I received when I was attending Mudd. I am now giving to Mudd to continue this legacy of support that fosters the growth of students.” – David Chi-Ching Ho ’86 (mathematics) Alumni Volunteer



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