Mudd Magazine, fall/winter 2020

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HMC Community Responds to Those in Need throughout fall semester, numbers of positive COVID-19 cases fluctuated and continued to be higher than acceptable to allow in-person, residential higher education. Faculty and staff transitioned to an online format while continuing to support students and one another. In addition to the ongoing commitment of the faculty and staff to offer the highest quality education possible, including transitioning curricular and co-curricular activities for students, the HMC community pulled together to support the Employee Emergency Relief Fund that was established to provide tax-free, emergency assistance to furloughed employees. Within two weeks, contributions reached 85% of the $100,000 initial goal. As a result of the positive response from the HMC community, and given the need to extend furloughs into the spring semester, the fundraising goal was increased to $200,000 to expand the relief provided to furloughed employees to include health insurance subsidy and other emergency relief.

“M y family wholeheartedly thanks you for your financial support, and many thanks to all those who contributed to this great cause. ” HMC STAFF MEMBER AND EERF RECIPIENT



in commitments from 115 donors through Aug. 2021. Approximately $150,000 available through late Jan. 2021.


of health insurance subsidies (Sept. 2020– Jan. 2021)


awarded to 30 furloughed staff as of mid-January 2021

$14,000 in loans to eligible furloughed F&M and Dining Services team members

“ This conversation we’re having on epidemiology about whether or not race is a cause is actually … just moving the responsibility of creating change to the next generation. If we believe that racism is a cause, we need to be able to act on it now … We need to develop new tools, new methodologies, new mathematical theories that will help us move the information that we have to impact people’s health and to improve their lives.” NADIA ABUELEZAM ’09, EPIDEMIOLOGIST AND ASSISTANT PROFESSOR AT THE BOSTON COLLEGE CONNELL SCHOOL OF NURSING, SPEAKING OCT. 21 AT THE FALL 2020 MICHAEL E. MOODY LECTURE. ON “LESSONS AT THE INTERSECTION OF MATHEMATICS, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND RACISM.”

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