Volume 48 issue 4

Page 1

Editors’ Word

Content 01 Undo 07 News Anatomy 12 Asclepius 19 Read My Mind 27 Words of Wisdom 28 Humans of HKU

褰執Ӟ牏犋ٚ෈ਁ ӣ

ଧ᥺ 捝䨗݈藮౯Ӟଙԧ牐磪Ո๚襁習耈牧磪Ո盅樄ত捝牧捝䨗蝡ࢧԪ螭፥ฎഇ磪 蚕‫ޱ‬牐蝡ฎӞ㮆㾈皰ጱ碻դ牧Ոஞইउ૱牧篷综篷哴妔瞷ԧ㮆य़ࣗৼ牧಩扗ल 蝱݄ጱ䩚ᥜ᮷妔ल蝱݄牐犖战匍ࣁጱ֦๚஠กጮ౯ಅ拻ጱ䩚ᥜ牧֕ፘ‫מ‬౯牧֦ 䨝牧֦፥ጱ䨝牐ℂੜ碻狡牧Ӟ㮆墋㻌ੜ皐ԏ疑胼䄪訅胍Ӟ‫ݷ‬犋墋㻌ጱካ਎‫ک‬覍 硰଱ᓕቘጱ䋊໊捝䨗૪妿ฎ缜ዜ‫ێ‬哴ጱӞࢧԪԧ牧፡茐ٌ犢‫ݶ‬䋊揮ᛔ૩ጱ襎ৼ 瑊๭牧揮ᛔ૩ጱ䨗๜牧揮ᛔ૩ࡅ稭ጱ䩚ᥜ牧螭፥ฎ磪讨眤禊牐ฦ螁ᘒ᥺牧ኞၚ ࣁ蝡㮆犋墋㻌ጱଙդ牧౯螭፥ฎഇଛᐰ牧ಅ犥礬硁౯ጱ妿涢牧胼䄪蝨疰犋墋㻌 ጱ䩚ᥜ疰‫ݝ‬磪෈ਁ牐 Ӟ ଙ斕ጱ碻狡牧౯盄竑磭஑‫ک‬Ӟ蟂痀ෝᛔ૩ጱಋ秚牧‫ݢ‬胼ᛔ૩藨傶ฎӞ圵蛪獤 ଙ斕ጱ碻狡牧౯盄竑磭஑‫ک‬Ӟ蟂痀ෝᛔ૩ጱಋ秚牧‫ݢ‬胼ᛔ૩藨傶ฎӞ圵蛪獤ጱ 虡监牧犖‫ݢ‬胼‫ݝ‬ฎ૶磭蚤๏‫݋‬Ӟ蚏ሻ㱾牐ಋ秚ԏಅ犥窕ᤈࣁय़蟂獤Ոጱಋ愊ᶎ 犋ฎࢩ傶ਙ覍ଉ胼䄪蚤獨Ո传蝢牧ᘒฎ犢疥Ո疑ጱ㵕眲旉玕౮౯㮉肊螲ጱ肨ᶪ 牧ࣁ౯㮉ಋ愊褰݄6ZLSH㬵6ZLSH݄牐ಋ秚ԏಅ犥಑㫂ԧ౯㮉ኞၚጱଘᤍ牧犋ฎ ࢩ傶౯㮉ॡ狅蚅蝡粬獨ૡٍ牧ᘒฎ౯㮉஺ኼ෈ਁጱ礬๜௔牐ࢧ‫ک‬Ӟጯଙ獮牧蜢 Լᶐ޸獮盅咳ኞጱԲࢥ螀㵕牧ฎӞ䁰ᤅ脱ጱ෈ਁ螀㵕牧Ӟ䁰䌘碝෈ਁጱᶐ޸޾ 藨‫ݶ‬牪֦‫ݢ‬犥藯匍ࣁ෈ਁฦ现玕ग़੝᮷ฎࢩ傶ಋ秚ጱ皞ာ௔牧犖膏Բࢥጮ扖෈ 螀㵕ፘ犲ጱ෈ਁᶐ޸牐֕ฎ牧ጮ扖෈螀㵕ಅ癲㬵ጱฎӞ圵෈ਁ‫ݙ‬䯤ጱ硬虋牧Ӟ 螀㵕ፘ犲ጱ෈ਁᶐ޸牐֕ฎ牧ጮ扖෈螀㵕ಅ癲㬵ጱฎӞ圵෈ਁ‫ݙ‬䯤ጱ硬虋牧 圵఺蘷୵眲ጱ旉虋牧ℂ੗ୌ狒ਝ矎क़ጱஞ眲‫ک‬矑‫ݑ‬ᥜො෈䋊୽段ጱ旉虋牪ᘒ 0HVVDJLQJಅ癲㬵ጱ୽段㪔䷱磪箑蜍螕吚ጱ෈ਁ硽胍牧ᘒฎ艴ྰՈ觊ጱྰߝ牐 墋㻌㬵藯牧:KDWV$SS牏7HOHJUDP牏0HVVHQJHU缛缛蝢懱ૡٍय़य़仂犵ԧՈ㮉 䌘෈ਁ޾蜱դ෈䋊ጱ硵眤ଶ牧犤ฦ嬄य़唰䌘‫ৼݙ‬ԏ䯤蝨޾෈ਁԏ痀௔᮷覍ଉ脀 ୧牧蝡疰ฎ匍դ෈䋊૪妿犋ٚ‫ڊ‬匍̿湗蜫牏எப砗牏֟纩襁牏֟‫ط‬Ӿ牏٩ஞ̀ 缛෈䋊癨Ոጱ礬๜ܻࢩ牐Ո觊碍֖玕ጱ㺔氂૪妿犤෈䋊Ӟ݄犋蜴牧匍ࣁ౯ொ牧 犖胼‫ݝ‬磪ஃ盅፡ԧ牐

蝡㮆簡蛓犋ਞጱ碻դ牧‫ݱ‬圵襉襉ᏦᏦጱ戺抷妿ଉ‫ڊ‬匍ෝ౯㮉ኞၚ愊ᶎ牧篷 蝡㮆簡蛓犋ਞጱ碻դ牧‫ݱ‬圵襉襉ᏦᏦጱ戺抷妿ଉ‫ڊ‬匍ෝ౯㮉ኞၚ愊ᶎ牧篷抷 ࣁ碝股䁭疩牏皞‫ޞ‬牏䁭℅缛缛虻懱ૡٍ牧者ฎ蝓櫝犋ԧ蝡圵֦蒇౯戵অ玄渝 糈ጱ๜௔牧Ո㮉᩼㬵᩼੝ࢧ稳෈ਁጱच๜牧᩼㬵᩼஺ኼ෈䋊ጱ᯿ᥝ௔牐 ଙጱ詂჈牧Ոጱ琺螲者ฎమ茐ӥ稞扗‫ߺک‬㱾碟ᤈ牧ӥ稞扗揮Ջ讕牧笕脲ৼమ 茐蝓櫝匍䋿ጱ䩚ᥜ牐ࣁԒ葐ຎ㵕碝股ߺ㻌碝股ጱߺ㮆Ո穉犢㮉ᛔ૩ጱ螗蝽螭 䙳牧ತ㬵Ӟ犚篷蘎ጱਞ眿牪䷱Ԫ䓄牧簥Ӟӥ覮玀牧፡፡Ջ讕̿จจ̀Ջ讕̿ 盅蕏̀牧ತ㬵㮆覮㾴ካՈ吚Ӟӥ2SSD牧ਞ眿Ӟӥᛔ૩ဂ䘇ጱኞၚ牧ਞ眿Ӟ ӥᛔ૩०硻ጱՈኞ牐 2SSD蝡㮆㺔氂‫ݢ‬犥藯ฎӞ圵‫؍‬猟ਂࣁԆ嬝牧ࢩ傶ᛔ૩眤眐耬ԓ螕吚ጱੀ蜃 牧篷抷ฎ৒盅篷瓺ጱ眤眐ኞၚ牧螭ฎ㻌蛪穇Ո䌘֎㭏ጱ竑穩牧य़蟂獤詂჈Ո 緡ฎဂ亥ෝ蝡圵የ眲ጱଝమ牐2SSDጱਂࣁ޾ካՈࡅ稭ጱ$9ٌ䋿᮷䷱ࠨ獤獨 牧倵薩౮Ո翕殷碻狡牧ଝమጱ䩚ᥜ螭፥ጱ蚤፡覮玀ഇፘ犲牧ߕ㮉૶磭ጱ犋ฎ ஑‫ک‬憙毱愊ᶎጱ䩚ᥜ牧ᘒฎ૶磭ࣁ୽粙愊ᶎತ‫ک‬Ӟ圵眤眐ੀ蜃牧ಫ咳Ոኞဂ 䘇ጱ匍䋿牧薹究ኞቘ襑ᥝ牪॰ௗጱฎ牧蝡圵̿‫ݢ‬磭ᘒ犋‫ܨݢ‬ጱ̀ஞ眲಍ฎ౯ 㮉襑ᥝጱஞ眲牐֕ฎ2SSD穉$9ๅ癩ጱฎ牧磪ጱՈ礬๜憽஑2SSD疰ฎ犢㮉ጱ ጮ泷ሴৼ牧憽஑Ոኞ疰ฎ傶2SSDᘒၚ牧蝡㮆2SSD 'LVHDVH䛑扗疻樄螕吚ጱ ጮ泷ሴৼ牧憽஑Ոኞ疰ฎ傶2SSDᘒၚ牧蝡㮆2SSD &OLQLFDO 'LDJQRVLVԧ牐䉀者ฎ蚤౯藯̿獨಩襎憙吚觵‫̀ݰ‬蝡‫ݙ‬扖‫ک‬蝡㮆ଙդ 螭ฎ䷱磪䷱苽牧襎憙蝡螇槹螭ฎ樄ጱ牧֕ฎ蝡㮆碻狡藯犋ᥝ፡襎憙ጱฎ౯牐 襎憙‫ݱ‬圵ጱ戺抷蚤ੜ䋊ኞ䌃ጱ䷱ࠨ獤獨牧薪唰ᥝ፡ጱ犋ฎ֦磪ग़珿时牧犋ฎ ֦磪ग़肦ก牧ᘒฎ֦ᗛ磻磪ग़य़牧䰬ৼ笖犋笖犝牐蝡圵篷୵ጱଝమ犋ฎᐒ䨝 籧蝨ጱ牧ᘒฎ妿螂硩憙࿆藲‫ڊ‬㬵ጱ奾ຎ牧盅㬵碝股穇Ԇ砮犖‫ݝ‬磪笖犝ጱ಍胼 砾吚ԧ牐 ෈䋊ጱ䷱苽犋ฎ෈ਁ犋ٚ磪珅୚‫ێ‬牧ᘒฎय़蟂獤䌃֢ጱՈฎአ胷‫ݗ‬㬵䌃֢牐 碻樌ጱ‫ݘ܉‬Ԫ牧አग़੝ਁ犖犋穉笖犝穇ኞಅ䌃ጱ疵扖牐෈ᒍٚ夺牧耬ԓ甿誢 ጱ䁭疩礬๜䷱磪Ոဳ఺牧礬๜吚犋Ӥ疑㯽䜛䧳ጱ‫ਁݷ‬牪ੜ藯ٚঅ搚牧䌃ਁጱ Ո礬๜犋胼ࣁӞ㮆虻๜ᐒ䨝脒耕ᘒ‫ڊ‬牧䌃ਁጱՈ㱑ᓕ磪ग़磪‫ݷ‬牧蚎ࣁ᪠Ӥ礬 ๜犋አಀू椷牧疰Ӟ㮆$OL疰穉֦ๅ‫ݷڊ‬ԧ牐

ԫ ෈ਁ牧ฎ㮆盄粬獨ጱ䩚ᥜ牧ਙ盄斕ၶ牧疰ฎ犋妔֦瞟֘牧㶴ࣁ֦襑ᥝጱ碻狡 ෈ਁ牧ฎ㮆盄粬獨ጱ䩚ᥜ牧ਙ盄斕ၶ牧疰ฎ犋妔֦瞟֘牧㶴ࣁ֦襑ᥝጱ碻狡ۗ ֦Ӟ಩牧瞲讨࿯ઊ牐෈ਁ牧硯ࣁ藠稧愊ᶎ牧胼䄪虦硯犋嬇藯‫ڊ‬ᛔ૩匍䋿犋胼䄪 ᪭᪃ጱஞह牧疥匍䋿ଝమ稳ᛔ૩ಅ痀牐෈ਁ牧硯蝱ੜ藯牧我藳Ӟӥ稲‫ݥ‬牧我藳 Ӟӥ‫ݘ܉‬Ԫ㱾牧硯犨Ӟӥ䌘ಯ碻樌牧಑樄‫ݚݻ‬क़ਜਦጱय़槹牧蝡䰬፥ฎ苡茐Ӟ 圵௏మጱ窚笤ࠡ牐෈ਁ磧य़ጱ碊Ո牧犋ฎӾ㾴‫و‬叨焬牧犖犋ฎ聅㾴ጱ&,$牪襎憙 ޾襎脲牧蝡犚疥ኞၚ碍֖玕ጱ࣯璀牧揫傶ൻ䵼෈ਁ磧य़穀㰁‫ێ‬ጱྎ瑊牧‫ݢ‬ᒞጱ ฎ牧౯犖犋胼䄪蝓‫ڊ‬ਙ‫ڥ׎‬ጱ諑ഩ牐蝡獋䰬䩚ᥜ牧猟聲葽Ӟ䰬牧縣樌‫֦࢓ރ‬Ո ኞ䌌揫ጱ碻樌牧旉玕౮䵮疷Ӟ䰬ጱ制眲牧妟ྺ犋㵕牧猟璼羜‫׎‬犲ጱ牧犋ኞ犋稴 ኞ䌌揫ጱ碻樌牧旉玕౮䵮疷Ӟ䰬ጱ制眲牧妟ྺ犋㵕牧猟璼羜‫׎‬犲ጱ牧犋ኞ犋 牐፥ྋጱ෈䋊ฎ犋胼䄪ᤩ碍ਁ玕ૡٍಅਂ㱪牧Ո觊ጱ妿涢螭ฎᥝՈ觊಍胼䄪᪭ ᪃牧Ո觊ጱ眤眐螭ฎᥝ妔Ո觊ಅ㰁疏牐ੜ皐ᐒ䨝匍դ玕ԏ㺔氂犋ฎӞ碻Ӟ‫ਂڰ‬ ࣁ牧蝡圵狅覎碍ਁ碍֖ጱਂࣁԆ嬝牧‫ݢ‬犥藯牧૪妿窼獈౯㮉ጱኞၚ牧犋胼ಾ݄ 牐碍֖玕虻懱ጱ။笁牧猟秜ጼ腙Ӟ䰬牧಩౯㮉ᛔ૩ጱమဩ旉玕౮Ӟ圵蒅篷ጱ䩚 ᥜ牧ᤩӞ圵篷୵ጱ讞‫ێ‬矒‫ګ‬牧ٚ篷ဩ獺蝨碝ጱ෈䋊ԧ牐

㨍⨀㡨甙嵭ℬ⑮⹻劊 ҈0 &KHQJ 7XQJ



ç‘ƒč‚¨ŕ˘Ľčš?áŒąç´”ä °ç‰§ 犲ꔇꔇ çš…ç°”ŕž‹čš?áŒąč’ˆč–Ťç‰Ş ᤊč? čž‚Ô§áŒąç¨§č‚¨ç‰§ 犲ꔇꔇ ŐˆŕŽžçŞ•â€ŤÝťâ€ŹáŒąçž˛ç§‚ç‰? áľœä„‰á˜’শç‘ĽáŒąç¨§č‚¨ŕ¸Ž៧á??áŒąč”­ç?”牊 á?Ąę”‡ę”‡̽泡ć?´ŕšƒĚžę”‡ę”‡ŕĽšáľœä„‰ę”‡ę”‡ č‹&#x;č‰?á€™Ó¤áŒąâ€ŤŘˇâ€Źŕ¸§Óžč–ŠçŻˇčžŁç‰Ş á?ĄĚ˝ĺŹ?玄敎č?ąá¤ˆŕšƒĚžę”‡ę”‡ŕĽšçŽ„ç˘ ę”‡ę”‡ ค࡭ಯ࡭碝áŒąá¤…čť˜ĺ“´ŕŁ ç¸„ç?Žç‰?

Medicine = Playing God?

ĺ?šę”‡ę”‡ ç‘ƒč‚¨č? Ö˜ԧ稧肨牪 ç‘ƒč‚¨çŞżäˇąÔ§áˆ´ăž´ç‰§ ‍گ‏筕ԧℂ祰á˜?áŒąá?&#x;匿ç‰?

0 č?–༠ᘒᤈ

I curse TVB every time my mom switches to channel 81 and it happens to be in a


commercial break.

čš?çź?ç‰?厨á‘Ľç‰?ಋ祯čƒˇç?Žŕ¸Žä˝&#x;ŕż†ć‡şĺ¨žâ€ŤÚŠâ€ŹăŹľáŒąá šč¤şç‰Ş 厨çź?ç‰?艞瑼ç‰?Ս憙čž?ŕˇœŕ¸ŽčœŚŕż†ć‡şĺ¨žâ€ŤÚŠâ€ŹăŹľáŒąćŤšćŤ‡ç‰?

Ugh‌ no doubt I am going to be bombarded yet again by a barrage of advertisements, with such marketing buzzwords as ʼn磪秚Ŋ Ĺ‰ÜťáŠžçœ˛ĹŠ ʼn犋ç?€Őˆč?¨áœ‹á”°ĹŠ Ĺ‰ĺĽˆŕĽ ç° č‰&#x;ŕšœ๎犊Ŋ, etc. These descriptions are so repetitive and irritating, my head feels like it is about to explode whenever I hear them.

çŠ–ćˆ˜ę”‡ę”‡ ć‡şĺ¨žá‡—áŠťáŒąŕˇœá€Šč‹­â€ŤÜ‰â€Źç‰§ Ö•á?“秂稳ÓžĘ’Ę’ä˘˜๯á˜?̿犀篡Óžčš?Í€ áŞ?ç‘żá˜?牧 č?‘犢Ӟ捇睚á?Šç‰? č™?çŠ˘ŕŁ á†ŚăŹľçĄžŕŽƒáŒąá¤‹čž‡Ó¤ç‰§ çŠĽçŠ˘çŁ§çœ˘áŠ áŒąÓĽÜŽč›ŞĘ’Ę’ Ü‘ç›?瑿Ս憙čŒ?áŽŽčžĽćŠƒáŒąŕĽ çťšç‰? ĺ’łâ€ŤÚŠâ€Źç‘ƒč‚¨á˜?牧 č?‘çŠ˘ÓžćŤ•ŕ˛‹ćŚˆç‰? č™?犢࣠ਿç–™篡ŐˆáŒąç‘ťâ„ƒç?‰ç‰§ çŠĽçŠ˘çŁ§çœ˘áŠ áŒąç‘ƒč‚¨Ę’Ę’ ç–…ĺŠ ç‘żä•ƒ༾čŒ?áŽŽá›”áŠ§áŒąçŚźá’?ç‰? ̿ࡪ̀࿞犋‍ׯ‏Ӽ牌

ĺœ‹ć­Œ Ňˆ1 čˆ™ฯ䧉

Sometimes they leave me wondering how on earth those advertising agencies are able to come up with so many fancy phrases, when all they are conveying is simply a message: the products in question are natural, and what is natural must be superior to their synthetic counterparts somehow. If you find such catchphrases clichÊd, chances are you have taken as a fact their implication that artificiality is bad, that mankind should interfere with the workings of nature as little as possible. Chances, too, are it has seldom occurred to you that by far the biggest human intervention Chances in our Mother Nature is neither cosmetic products nor processed foods. It is medicine. And here I am not just talking about antibiotics or euthanasia. Yeah, they have been lamented by pundits and religious leaders respectively time and again, but it is the very idea of medical care that is going against nature. The very notion of maintaining and enhancing health by the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease and other illnesses. Well, my readers are justified in being sceptical: you’ve got to be kidding me, man. Having an enhanced health can only be a good thing, huh? Such doubts are misplaced, though. Just because it boosts our well-being does not mean that it is not unnatural. Let me explain this further.



And here I am not just talking about antibiotics or euthanasia. Yeah, they have been lamented

In prehistoric times, the average life expectancy of Homo sapiens sapiens was estimated at

by pundits and religious leaders respectively time and again, but it is the very idea of medical

20-35 years, according to the Encyclopaedia of Population published in 2003 by Gale Group.

care that is going against nature. The very notion of maintaining and enhancing health by the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease and other illnesses.

By a stark contrast, in 2015 the life expectancy of Hong Kong was 84.28 years. Whilst this can in large measure be attributed to improved nutrition rather than the advent of medicine, my point is that we now live a much, much longer life than our ancestors did.

Well, my readers are justified in being sceptical: you’ve got to be kidding me, man. Having an enhanced health can only be a good thing, huh?

At first glance, this is not so extraordinary. Imagine, though, that your pet dog was going to live for 100 years and would even outlive you. You probably start feeling a bit uneasy with this

Such doubts are misplaced, though. Just because it boosts our well-being does not mean that it is not unnatural. Let me explain this further.

idea. Now, have you ever wondered why we are attracted to the opposite sex and have sexual

As a matter of fact, Homo sapiens sapiens are no different from any other organisms, in that each and every one of them is merely a small component of the ecosystem and a link in the evolutionary chain. As a Chinese expression put it, a human being is born, ages, gets illnesses, and dies, thereby completing yet another life cycle. Each stage of it is determined solely by

impulses from around the age of 12? The majority of Hongkongers nowadays do not marry until about 30 something. Why do all these begin so early on?

the laws of Nature, and is subjected to the constraints of his environment.

beyond 30. In other words, the majority of prehistoric human beings died as young3 people. So if you looked for a mating partner only after 30, you would most likely have perished by

For this reason, our body is ‘designed’1 in a way that befits the niche2 of mankind just well enough. Every biological reaction of ours corresponds to a certain demand from the surroundings, and serves the ultimate goal of survival and reproduction. This is the outcome of evolution. Nothing too far-fetched, right?

then. To pass on our genes, nature has programmed us to be actively seeking a boyfriend/girlfriend long before our death. This had to be sufficiently ‘long’ to give us room for manoeuvre because there are bound to be a great deal that could go wrong in the processes of dating, reproduction and/or raising our offsprings.

That said, health practitioners often assume, consciously or unconsciously, that the human

Our natural life expectancy, in a sense, is exactly the most common life spans in much of our

body is not well-equipped to heal itself and to deal with the threats from its environment. After all, such a profession would not otherwise have existed to begin with. We make vaccines since it is not prepared for infection. We invent antibiotics since it has no idea how to defend itself. We take aspirins since it is producing sensations that disrupt our lives. We do surgeries since it is incapable of repairing itself.

evolutionary past. So far, so good.

Put simply, the body is a little kid who is too dumb to take care of himself, and cannot lead his life properly without our doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, optometrists and the like being his guardian. To better illuminate the conflicts between these two views, it is worth discussing life expectancy as a case in point.


Yeah, you’ve guessed it. In time immemorial, as mentioned just now, people seldom lived

If you eat something after its expiry date and get a stomachache, you know that there is no one to blame since it is supposed to be consumed prior to the date. In the same vein, our body is supposed to be in the best shape before the natural life expectancy, and it should come as no surprise that its functioning starts to deteriorate beyond this age. We are supposed to have been dead by that time anyway. But not any longer. Just as preservatives are added to foods to artificially maintain their freshness, so modern medicine has enabled us to defy the forces of Nature and extend our lifespans beyond the supposed limits. Abo Abortion kills the life of a few who would otherwise be born. Euthanasia ends the life of a few who would otherwise be alive. And medicine sustains the life of a majority who would otherwise have been dead.


still doing just what our fellow species are doing, albeit probably in a wildly different

Back to our little thought experiment. Among all the possible appearances of God,


being human-like is only one of them. It is then simply a matter of probability that God would be extremely unlikely to happen to resemble us. After all, it is possible for Him

Whilst the use of language, a defining feature of human beings, is unique throughout the biological world, other organisms interact among themselves in ways that are

to take up any shape he desires, so why does it have to be humanoid?

just as complex, nuanced and beautiful as ours. Some plants communicate with one another by sending chemical signals, for instance.

Nonetheless, the most common description of the highest being of most major religions is a wise old man who has full control over everybody and everything. We must obey Him, respect Him, sometimes even fear Him. Unconditionally.

To put it bluntly, there is simply nothing special about Homo sapiens sapiens. It is really.

Do these characteristics sound familiar to you? It is no coincidence that God bears a faint resemblance to an ancient emperor or a tribal chief. Religion, from its very start,

Having said that, the concept of artificiality as opposed to naturalness is not exactly

have been revolving around power. Challenging authority rarely succeeded, and you would certainly face dire consequences once you failed. This is why people find the

misleading to artificially4 distinguish between what is natural and what is artificial,

an illusion. It is a useful distinction in the context of interactions between human beings and other organisms. In fact, most of the other differentiations we are familiar with in our daily life are equally delusive, but also equally essential to our making sense of the environment.

notion of taking the place God so horrifying, even though most of us never realise the underlying cause. Yeah, it is equivalent to usurping your tribal chief in prehistoric times. Now let me sum up all the arguments I have put forward above.

A notable example is ethnicity. Today, most scientists have come to the conclusion that ‘race is a social construct’ without any biological meaning. Still, just because a concept is actually non-existent when taken out of context does not mean that it

If you believe in some sort of God, well, there is no reason why you must assume Him to be just like a tribal leader. Even if you do, take a moment to contemplate the effects

ought to be abandoned altogether. All it tells us is that one should be apply these constructions only in the right contexts.

of our interventions in nature, e.g. abortion or euthanasia. Is it morally sound or not, all things considered? Who knows, God may actually support it if this does more good than harm to the well-being of the stakeholders. He is supposed to be all-loving

So, no, I am not objecting to the use of ‘naturalness’ in the case of advertisements. Or ordinary conversations among people, for that matter. What I am disappointed in, instead, is that these artificial constructions have more often than not been employed in academic discussions. This is somewhat like assigning students to different classes for administrative purposes. Although there is usually nothing

or, to sound fancier, omnibenevolent, after all.

inherently different between students from different classes (unless students are divided up according to their results), from time to time teachers make the mistake of labelling one based too much on which class he belongs to.

If you are an atheist like me, remember the distinction between what is natural and what is man-made is imaginary and is only meaningful in certain contexts. Our skyscrapers are to us what hives are to bees. If we were bees, we would find our hives artificial, too. My final word to y’all: never overthink a topic the way I do. You’d be driven nuts. Be satisfied with being an ordinary medical student.

On a side note, my choice of this article’s title per se has provided some food for further thought. Why does the idea of ‘playing God’ sound not quite right to many, and probably appalling and even horrifying for some? To explain this, we have to trace it back to the origin of religion. Try conjuring up an image of God in your head. Whether you have a faith or not does not matter. What does He look like? Well, you have no idea if you are correct or not. Neither do I. When something is unknown to us, there can be a wide range of (often infinite, in fact) possibilities for it that are, at least logically speaking, equally valid. Valid so long as it is not logically contradictory.


Remarks: 1. If you believe in God, take it literally; if you are an atheist like me, just take it as a metaphor for evolution. 2. Credits to a secondary schoolmate of mine. I didn’t study biology in secondary school. It is him who introduced this term to me for the 1st time. Well, when talking about why we’re attracted to different girls. 3. Being ‘young’, though, would have referred to a younger age then, as the concepts of youngness and oldness are relative to each other. 4. Oops, my use of the word ‘artificially’ in the last sentence sounds pretty ironic here, doesn’t it? $VFOHSLXV O

「看」不到的世界 0 :LQJV

ইຎ֦磪፡螂㵕向֦̽ጱ‫̾ਁݷ‬牧螭懿஑讙ขԏ碻盅ӣ茆樄ত盛懿ԧ简ጱ‫ਁݷ‬牧櫒簁 ஞӾᎣ螇磪㮆᯿ᥝጱՈਂࣁ牧㶴ত奰మ犋蚏䌘ොጱ䰬ৼጱᮎӞ癷㻟牫吚碻౯‫ࣁ׎‬మ牧 Ӟ㮆Ոጱ‫޾ਁݷ‬蛪犩᮷‫ݢ‬犥秇美牧ࢩ傶ᛗ੝֦ࣁ憎‫ک‬犢ጱ縣樌‫׎‬胼嘦ਧ牧䌘牧犢疰ฎ ֦唰愊疨犢‫܉‬ጯଶጱՈ牐֕‫ױ‬舙脲ၹӾ礬๜ၶ匍犋‫ڊ‬犢ጱ਻氅牧ᮎ讕‫ࣁֵܨ‬Ոၹ艇艇 Ӿፘ蝽牧य़禊犖‫ݝ‬胼硄蛪ᘒ螂牐蝡䰬ጱ扖牧犖๚‫ع‬ॡ‫ݢ‬睌ԧ牐蜱෭౯಍఺क़咳匍牧ܻ 㬵ӮӤ፥磪Ӟ圵ፘ觊犲ጱዩ制牧ᮎ‫ݞ‬$SKDQWDVLD牐 $SKDQWDVLD 螭䷱磪ਥොጱӾ෈捌‫ݷ‬牧ࢩ傶橕ෝਙጱᎸ绗ฎࣁ ଙ಍ᤩḒଶ൉‫ڊ‬㬵 $SKDQWDVLD 牧螭䷱磪䌘ਙጱ౮ࢩ޾咳የܻቘ蝱獈窼獈ጱ矐懵牧ಅ犥綍ᛗ圸犋ӤฎӞ圵የ牧‫ݝ‬ฎӞ 圵匍虡牐ࣁ ଙ牧Ӟ֖ 䵇ጱक़㾴ካॊ0;ࣁ狶ԧӞ㮆ੜࣳक़ᑀಋ蔩盅牧咳匍ᛔ ૩ጱ䷱ဩࣁ脲ၹӾ‫ګ‬蝨୽猟牧墋㻌ጱ蝫疑Ӿ磪ग़੝瞋槹绯犖碍犋‫ک‬牧ෝฎ犢‫ݻ‬羊ᐟᑀ 蠴ኞ穩蠴牧ᛔ種疥 $SKDQWDVLD 癲Ӥ蠴䋊Ӯኴጱ膚‫ݣ‬牐 ྋଉՈॠኞ᮷磪疥మ猟‫ڊ‬㬵ጱ䩚ᥜ‫ݢ‬憙玕ጱ胼‫ێ‬牧蝡犚䩚ᥜ۱ೡ瑽猟牏肨ᶪ牏穥‫ޱ‬ ྋଉՈॠኞ᮷磪疥మ猟‫ڊ‬㬵ጱ䩚ᥜ‫ݢ‬憙玕ጱ胼‫ێ‬牧蝡犚䩚ᥜ۱ೡ瑽猟牏肨ᶪ牏穥‫ޱ‬缛 缛牧‫ݢ‬犥ฎ㮆Ոጱࢧ䛂牧ֺইᒫӞ稞膏疑Ո碟蝿ጱ䁰ว牧犖‫ݢ‬犥‫ݝ‬ฎ㻌奈ጱଝమᛔ૩ ࣁ聅讀ጱ祜຋愊琘‫ک‬ጱ臺詂޾肊֎㯽㬵ጱ澆承牐犖战֦䨝憽஑䢐磪蝡㮆胼‫ێ‬ฎቘಅ吚 簁ጱ牧ฎՈጱॠ௔牧ٌ֕䋿犋簁牐磪 $SKDQWDVLD ጱՈᤩ圸傶耬੝ԧஞ縄 PLQG V H\HV 牧ࢩ傶犢㮉篷ဩ䯤మ‫ڊ‬蒅硈ጱ୽猟 YLUWXDO LPDJHV 牧ᮎ圵眤憽疰অ穉ᘍ手碻֦ 蝽‫้ک‬娞聜螂ጱ氂ፓ牧֦กกᎣ螇ᒼ礯ฎՋ讕牧脲ၹ㶴狳狳䷱ဩ೪䌃ਙ牐‫ݢ‬胼֦䨝犥 傶 $SKDQWDVLD 疰ฎ०䛂ጱӞ圵牧ٌ֕䋿 $SKDQWDVLD ఋᘏጱ懿䛂‫ێ‬膏ଉՈ篷吖牧犢 㮉懿஑ᛔ૩ጱኞၚ讨ᄆ޾Ԫ䋿 IDFWV 牧‫ݝ‬ฎ犋胼಩ਙ㮉矟蝄‫ڊ‬㬵牐

O 5HDG 0\ 0LQG

$SKDQWDVLD 粬獨犤Ոࢯ硑ጱฎ牧ఋᘏ疥篷ဩ䛂蚏Ոጱक़ᨩ牧ߺொฎ薥ই疑Ո牧 眢ই֎㭏牐舣㾴ጱ 1LHO .HQPXLU ੜ碻狡०፦碻牧粗粗硽犢‫ݢ‬犥碍姩ᗤ牧‫ݢ‬ฎ犢 㶴肥మ犋‫ک‬妟ྺጱ向ᶎ牧ෝฎ咳匍ᛔ૩磪 $SKDQWDVLD牐磪Ӟ稞䟖我碻犢ᤩ㺔现 ‫ک‬๚৒甖ጱ਻ᨩ牧犢磪讨螣睛瑿ࢧᒼ物̿౯ጱ脲ၹၶ匍犋‫ڊ‬ӟ讨ጱ୽猟牧ߺொ ౯Ꭳ螇౯ࣁమ猟ጱՈฎ抑牐౯懿஑甇犡෱๳蚏ԧ毣誧牧甇ጱ毣誧ฎ祔ᜋጱ牐‫ݢ‬ ฎ 蝡 犚 ᮷ ‫ ݝ‬ฎ ౯ 懿 ஑ ጱ 橕 ෝ 甇 ጱ 粬 监 牧 ᘒ 犋 ฎ ౯ 胼 ፡ 憎 ጱ ୽ 猟 牐 ̀ 䌘 ෝ $SKDQWDVLD ጱఋᘏ㬵疰牧犨㮆Ոጱ裾ፘ᮷‫ݝ‬犋螂ฎӞ皰皰癲茐㺔蒈ጱᶎٍ牧‫ܨ‬ ֵஞӾ䌘ᮎՈ磪ٚग़ጱ௏盢牧犖‫ݝ‬胼䌘茐Ӟ㮆绚ጮጱ向ᶎ藗珜脿牐‫؃‬ই蝫ᆙ粙 ֵஞӾ䌘ᮎՈ磪ٚग़ጱ௏盢牧犖‫ݝ‬胼䌘茐Ӟ㮆绚ጮጱ向ᶎ藗珜脿牐‫؃‬ই蝫ᆙ ᮷䷱磪ኸӥ牧ᮎ讕य़禊Ӟ蜇ৼ犖ٚ‫ۦۮ‬犋‫ڊ‬ᮎՈጱ፠ፓԧ牐 ‫ݚ‬Ӟ䰬橕ෝ $SKDQWDVLD 盄磪蚕ጱԪ䋿ฎ牧ӮӤጱఋᘏกก犋ᓒ੝牧ᛗ੝犖㬟 磪 牧֕蝡㮆匍虡㶴ฎፗᛗ蜱ଙ಍ᤩ൉现牧綍ᛗ战ग़Ո᮷犋Ꭳ螇磪蝡䰬Ӟ㮆ዩ 制ਂࣁ牐य़蟂獤ጱఋᘏ᮷ᥝ‫ک‬裾य़盅಍‫؍‬簁咳匍ᛔ૩ጱ膏唰犋‫ݶ‬牧অ猟ฎ‫ے‬೭ य़ጱ (EH\HU牧 䵇獮犢ℂ㬵犋疗憽ᛔ૩磪Ջ讕㺔氂牧ፗ‫ک‬磪Ӟ稞穇๏‫݋‬虏 (EH\HU 矟蝄甇ጱ裾ፘ牧犢‫ׯ‬玱㺔穇‫݋‬物̿櫞螇֦胼́፡͂‫ک‬Ӟ㮆Ոጱ䰬ৼ㻟牫 ̀蝡碻犢಍詼憽ᛔ૩耬੝ԧ蝡圵ଘଉՈ᮷犋犥傶簁ጱ胼‫ێ‬牐 胼䄪಩ኞ޸ྯӞྦྷṛ犵蚏չጱ妿稲ᇑᇑ礡ࣁ脲ၹӾ牧ٌ䋿૪ฎӞ圵ᐰ穥牐ᮎ 胼䄪಩ኞ޸ྯӞྦྷṛ犵蚏չጱ妿稲ᇑᇑ礡ࣁ脲ၹӾ牧ٌ䋿૪ฎӞ圵ᐰ穥牐ᮎ䰬 ᛗ੝胼ࣁኞၚ犋ই఺碻䛂蝄蚏ᮎ犚้虏֦ஞ毣ӞำጱԪ牧胼ࣁጮ誧荕荕碻፡‫ک‬ ᛔ૩吚碻ଙ੝斕ᇰጱ蛪୽牧継ᒌՈ者஑ኸ㮆盢మ牧㬵ඪ砤౯㮉蚎螂篷碍䵇์牐 匍ࣁՈ者眢藯物̿犋ᥝ ƈ ॡग़ࠩ牐ٌ̀֕䋿抑犋้ଝమ螂牧抑牧犋眢ଝమ牫

5HDG 0\ 0LQG O

treasure their lives, which I personally believe whether or not should be a personal choice for an individual, but it also socialises people to have specific dreams. You are not successful if you are not reputable. You are not a hero of your life if you cannot overcome the hardships to reach your goal. You are not a normal person living a good life if you don’t have a happy family with a few children by your side. That is what we are told probably by school and our family from childhood on. But why, from the beginning, should we be socialized this way if it is our OWN life and we are supposed to be its master? Shouldn’t I have the choice of not enduring all the pain and misery in life? Shouldn’t I have the right to opt to surmount or not in the face of obstacles? Why are we praising people who are ‘tough’ or ‘strong’ or ‘determined’ if it is only a matter of choice, when we actually have the right to determine our own life? If it’s entirely up to us ourselves whether we would like to live a hectic life or just simply embrace our death, why are there a group of people criticizing other’s lives and trying to give advice every once in a while? It is the freedom of choice which makes each of us a unique person. What defines us should not be our appearance, our names or the roles we play, but each and every decision we make and how we act, which is actually surreptitiously controlled and regulated.

Meaning /M22 Will

The idea of writing this article struck my mind when I was attending my relative’s funeral. We were not very close, meeting only on festive occasions so I did not have a strong impression of him. Still, as I was watching the video recording his life, I could not help dropping tears. I started to doubt how many people there were genuinely feeling anguished because of the lost but not merely the atmosphere. The thought that perhaps no one is going to be really sad if I die one day suddenly saddened me. I started to question what I have actually achieved over these 19 years. I have been admitted to a quite reputable university as a ov medical student, which some of my friends envy. But is this success? We often hear on TV programs that nothing is more important than lives since you lose everything once you die. But then people sometimes say they can die without regret as they have already realised their dreams. And after logical deduction I believe that the latter is more true for everyone knows life has a termination and we will all die one day. That’s why the fear of death should originate from the fact that there are things we fail to accomplish before we die, rather than death itself. That brings me to another question – does it mean that if we don’t have any goals or dreams ahead, there is actually no point in living? If there is nothing we want to achieve, probably we will not have any regret the day we die. In other words, we can literally die at this very moment without feeling scared at all. But what actually is a dream? No one has ever defined it apart from the thing we want so, so desperately. It feels like the notion of dream is just a lie for people to maintain their lives, as it is a general belief that people should treasure their lives. In other words, the slogan of having a dream is, perhaps, just a tool by the authority to socialise people. Not only does the authority socialise people to

As I grow older, learn and think more about the world that I have been living in, I begin to become more and more confused and uncertain. If ‘dream’ is never defined by anybody, then it should be an abstract concept of which everyone can have a different definition. If it is entirely up to me, why am I blamed for not having a dream? My dream is nothing and I can just die at this very moment without any regrets – why am I blamed if I declare proudly like this? There are more and more people committing suicide these days in Hong Kong. Some people blame the government for not being able to bring hope to the citizens that it should have go been protecting, while some others blame the people who have committed suicide for they are not resilient enough to pull through the difficulties in lives. But how do we know what they were thinking about when they decided to end their lives? Everything is ultimately about cost and benefits. Perhaps they are not too weak but it is just that they do not find it worthy to live on. Perhaps they don’t think it is hopeless, but just that they have achieved everything they desire already. I am not denying that some people did choose to end their lives for the hopelessness. All I de mean is that committing suicide is not a crime, but just a decision and a choice that we should be entitled to make on our own. I am still in search of the ‘correct’ path and meaning of life – and I am wondering whether I can ever find the answer. While I am constantly challenging myself for the thoughts that sometimes strike or sprout in my head, I start to challenge the criteria that I use to challenge them – these criteria are, perhaps, also what have been instilled in my mind by society after so many years of brainwashing. It is an infinite regress, a repeating and never-ending cycle. The moment I think I have some critical thinking, I doubt it. And this doubt is in turn subject to further, deeper-level doubts. The hard work and effort to re-introspect myself is probably deepe in vain, but I just still have to. I think when I am writing this passage, I am, perhaps, a little bit more than confused and chaotic. So if this passage sounds illogical at all, just forgive me. Though, actually, I think that there is no such thing as logic when we are looking into the so-called meaning of life. At the end of the day, perhaps I am just trying to say that it is the freedom which makes each of us a unique person.

我在貴州的深山發了一場美夢 /M22南方姑娘

ԫ襉‫܈‬犊ଙ犊์‫܈‬Ӟ෭ᛗԫ‫܈‬Բ෭牧౯㷢‫ے‬ԧӞ稞膏揫癥य़䋊‫ݳ‬旰ጱ嬝硽ԏ碟牧ᛗ犡櫞盛牐 ℂ嬝硽ࢧ㬵ԏ盅牧战ग़Ո᮷虏౯犥Ӟ‫ݙ‬扖㬵者奾蝡ྦྷ妿稲牐౯ӥ఺蘷మ藯‫̿ڊ‬荲毣ࣺᶎ̀牏̿蛪ஞԻጄ̀缛 缛ጱਁ縄牧‫ݢ‬౯旉盢Ӟమ牧మ蚏ᛔ૩ࣁ蝡‫ࢥ܈‬ॠ஑‫ک‬ጱ‫݋‬眐޾眤㵕牧మ蚏䋊ኞጱᒞ覐ই臺牧మ蚏Ո簔ᑑ੝ጱ ઊ愊毣耆จ窕㵕ጱज़绚牧ܻ๜ಅ磪ጱ盏᥺膏಼௕᮷簔窞襇碂牧‫ݝ‬訏ӥ笕笕ጱ眤筕牐磧盅牧౯ᒞ茐藯物̿蝡ฎ ྯ㮆ՈӞ蜇ৼ篷抷ই֜᮷䛑扗䢐磪ጱ妿稲牐̀

ᒫԫॠྋୗӤ抓牧ࣁ樄䋊因碻ጱ౯ᒫӞ稞吚ԧ螁‫܋‬෪ಋ牐ᮎॠ櫒簁䷱磪౯ጱ抓牧౯㶴݄ԧԲଙ羷ጱ舣承抓 吚ۗ硽牐抓ਰ愊᮷ฎᴲኞጱᶎ৿牧౯ੜஞ聰聰瑿蚎蜱覎绯ጱᮎӞ奲䋊ኞ牧犖战ฎ犋ॡᆧ盿ጱ橕狌牧犢㮉᮷ 盄疏聉犖犋眢藯扖牐奾ຎӞ碉璤抓ӥ㬵᮷অ猟䷱磪膏犢㮉೉蜱橕狌牧౯樄ত磪讨丽穥牐蝡碻Ӟ㮆䋊ኞᐟᑃ 瑿೭‫ڊ‬Ӟ㮆蕕笕ੜ羗ຎጱ絵ৼ牧Ӥᶎ䌃茐౯ጱจଷ牐ܻ㬵౯㴄㴄‫ݝ‬ฎ犋妿఺瑿൉螂ᛔ૩ጱจଷ牧犢㮉㶴ᇑ ᇑ懿茐ԧ牐౯Ӟፗ犥傶嬝硽ጱ఺嬝ฎ౯㮉傶䋊ኞ癲㬵橕眢牧㶴䷱మ螂犢㮉犖胼覎ᛔ૩奞ੜጱ櫕ಋ伩ำ౯㮉 牐磪碻狡犢㮉ᛔ૩᮷䞳犋஑揮襉觬牧㶴盄氎఺膏౯㮉獤Ձ牧ଉଉ蝑౯㮉ੜ因ᇔ牐磪犚䋊ኞ疑ह虳ࢯ牧౲ฎ ଉଙ憎犋஑ᆿྮ牧㶴胼狅簁狒瞱禼薪ጱஞ眐牧傶ԧ硬虋޸螀ᘒ藨፥ጱ捝䨗牐懿஑磪稞Ӟ㮆ੜ穇਎‫ޞ‬藗౯甇 犋మ裾य़牧౯㺔甇傶Ջ讕牧甇藯ொ裾य़ԧ粗粗ং​ং疰‫׀‬犋蚏甇盢䨗ԧ牐吚ӥ౯穹认ԧ臑ԋ牧犋Ꭳ螇扗ெ讕 ࢧ䛑甇牐膏ԏፘ穉牧౯憽஑ᛔ૩ጱኞၚ䋿ࣁଛᐰ஑ग़牧౯盄睃ଛ詂჈ฎ蝡讕ੜ蝡讕咳螈牧蝡䰬ᆿྮ疰犋አ 櫝暱獨Գጱૡ֢牧౯犖犋አ傶捝䨗ᘒ舚䘩牐

ᒫӣॠӞय़෱౯㮉奰ෝ珸纷‫ک‬༿࿯ጱॡଘੜ䋊牧妿螂Բ㮆ੜ碻览ᓽጱ敋纷牧Ӟӥ敋‫׎‬螐螐፡‫ࣁک‬篇෭皈ӥ缛 盃茐౯㮉ጱ䋊ኞ牐犢㮉螲ೌ茐ಋ螲稭蜰౯㮉牧㬵‫໊ک‬槹‫ݗ‬ๅ磪ӞᗭԲଙ羷ጱ穇䋊ኞ蔭ᄍ聅ওጱֿ稧牐薥蛪矑 藉‫ک‬蝡紑ੜ๏‫݋‬牧౯಍奰ෝ眤‫کݑ‬Ӟ圵嘦䋿ጱ揣犨眤牧ஞӾ㶴磪妟妟ጱ睈眾牧౯胼玽膏犢㮉಑౮Ӟ粙珌牫犢 㮉䨝ࡅ稭౯蝡㮆聲䒍㻟牫

吚簁牧狶聲䒍犖犋ฎ਻ฃጱૡ֢牧౯犖้蝽螂穥訉ጱ碻狡牐ᮎฎ౯޾‫م‬ଙ羷ӤጱᒫӞ抓牧櫒簁෱ࣁԏ獮౯ ૪妿ᤩᎣ䨝螂‫م‬ଙ羷䋊ኞጱ獖笟牧֕ࢩ傶妿稲螂Բଙ羷䋊ኞጱ伩ำ牧者犥傶犢㮉犖䨝斕ฃᣟ獈抓璤牐‫ݢ‬౯ 獮脻㴄᪭蝱抓ਰ牧疰૪妿窼窼眤‫کݑ‬犋䌘㵇ጱ穥䁰牧޾犢㮉腷Ӥ氃Ӥ‫ڰ‬茐ጱ犋眐氎牐౯切蚏Ӟ㮆य़य़ጱᒞ ਻牧޾犢㮉Օ奧㺔অ牧矦㬵ጱ‫ݝ‬磪ࣖࣁ獮矎疙疙皃㮆‫ݶ‬䋊ጱࢧ䛑牧盅矎ጱካ਎ৼ狅簁̿疂疂犋‫̀׸‬瑿ईḒ ಑蝿瞁牐吚碻ጱ౯䷱磪妿涢牧碪犋మ肐藮抓璤牧犖犋૶磭አ揣猋ጱොୗ㬵硽懺犢㮉牧ࠔ磪Ꮭ茐毣ጼ媣媲拻 抓牐౯伛猋ԧ战ग़詂჈聅讀ጱᆙ粙޾౯ጱኞၚ讨ᄆ妔犢㮉፡牧๜㬵毆懯犢㮉䨝櫕ፓ咳‫ط‬牏稭޷肨種蚏ஂ苽 牧磧盅㶴‫ࣁݝ‬Ӟ粙稴穥穹穹Ӿ፡‫ک‬䋊ኞ㮉珉舙๙櫚ጱ腷牐蝡稞抓璤癲妔౯犋ੜጱ಑䢗牧盅㬵皃෭ই篷ᥝԪ ౯᮷犋氎ٚ᪭獈‫م‬ଙ羷抓ਰ牧ࢩ傶౯者憽஑ᛔ૩ࣁ犢㮉ஞӾฎ盄羝羖ጱ聲䒍牐ፗᛗ磪Ӟॠ牧‫ݚ‬Ӟ㮆嬝硽聲 䒍‫ޞ‬藗౯牧‫م‬ଙ羷ጱ䋊ኞ䌘甇藯盄ࡅ稭౯ጱ抓牧篷抷ฎ౯疻纈ጱ詂჈ज़ว޾聅觬牧౲ฎ蔫ኞ抓硽疩犢㮉ጱ የܻ誢膏綧የ牧犢㮉᮷磪圵縄獮Ӟ犝ጱ眤憽牧猟ฎ䋊‫ک‬ԧ犋蚏ጱ䩚ᥜ牐吚ӥ౯疰กጮ牧犖战犢㮉犋ฎ犋矑 ‫ݑ‬౯ጱ牧‫ݝ‬ฎ‫ک‬ԧӞ㮆疏聉ጱଙ夵牧犋䨝ٚ猟ੜ਎ৼ膢ࡅ୵ෝᜋ牐‫ݝ‬ᥝ犢㮉磪憽஑ℂ౯ጱ抓Ӿ糷ፅ牧ᮎ犖 疰犋ງ౯অ皃ॠ蝢疐螈෮ጱ猋抓ԧ牐

蝡犩砾睈盄盠ᤩ‫ݚ‬Ӟ㮆ๅय़ጱ㺔氂玲դ牧疰ฎ犋璱獈ፓጱ੷֘絑ह牐蛪傶Ӟ㮆穇਎ৼ䌘ෝ蔫ኞ竃笰者ฎ犩क़ 硵眤牧ෝฎࣁ獤蟴ਾᛣ盅౯ᒫӞ碻樌ஃ䓨ಅ፡牧磧盅犋螂܎‫ڰ‬ጱ碻樌‫׎‬矓茐ἲৼ樂茐޷珅᪒‫ڊ‬㬵牧䓨ಅጱ蔫 ኞ纷ଶ螐穉౯మ猟ጱ癩牧ᘒӬ䓨ಅ᮷犋ฎ加缏ጱ牧‫ݝ‬磪犋‫ک‬蛪誢܎℄ṛጱ℃ۣ䔶螘莯Ӟӥ牐吚ॠภӤ咳匍ๅ 羝羖ጱฎ牧碉㮆ਾᛣ‫ݝ‬磪Ӟ㮆籆࿜臺箒牧㶴ᥝ‫׀‬౯㮉ԫ‫܈‬ग़‫ݷ‬穇ኞֵአ牧ๅ犋ᥝ൉ٌ犢碍犋竃ጱ಼௕牧অ猟 ฎੂ犋蝚觓ጱ瞆樌牧ᮎ皰ᏝইᎪ毣ጱ๙ଥŏŏᮎॠ盅౯窼窼กጮ‫ک‬Ոጱ螕䛑胼‫ێ‬磪ग़讕䔶य़牐

ࣁॡଘੜ䋊ጱ‫܈‬ॠ螂஑ଘ窵ᘒଛᐰ牧母磪Ӟ圵෭‫ڊ‬ᘒ֢牧෭獈ᘒ௳ጱ䌃఺牐櫒簁ྯॠภӤय़疑᮷ዜ睉犋璱 牧犖磪盄ग़犮֎矑ԫ蝫ӣ瑿ኞየ牧֕眜ฎ蜢舚牧眜眤‫کݑ‬ᮎ圵य़疑԰ፘಡ瞱‫ݶ‬ᛪ‫و‬倉ጱ眤憽牐抑胼మ‫܈ک‬ 皃ॠ獮౯㮉螭ฎ蝫䌘ො‫ਁݷ‬犖‫ݞ‬犋‫ڊ‬ጱᴲ᪠Ո珌牫翣犩಩౯㮉癲ӤӞ礍蝢ஃ̿๚Ꭳ̀ጱ‫ڜ‬敋牧窂蝝ོ搕‫ک‬ ጱ觓‫ط‬牧篷抷ࡅ稭膏玽牧᮷虋౮ԧ‫ݝ‬痀ෝ౯㮉ጱࢧ䛂牧ߺொ战ग़ଙ盅ԋ獨᯿蝪牧蝡‫ࢥ܈‬ॠಅ‫و‬ጱఋ櫞狅簁 ฎ౯㮉ၐၐ禼螇ጱ蚕Ԫ牐嬝硽ฎӞ璤‫ڰ‬誇柵ஞጱՈኞ抓牧౯ፘ‫מ‬牧蝡妃䌘ฎӞኞՈӞਧᥝ手Ӟ稞ጱԪ牐

㬵嬝硽ԏ獮牧ٌ䋿౯䌘蝡稞碟纷㪔䷱磪Ӟ㮆盄竃ศጱ禊盢牐౯䨝஑‫ک‬Ջ讕珌牫౯݈‫ݢ‬犥傶य़疑癲㬵Ջ讕珌牫 ౯Ӟፗ᮷藯犋竃牐ಅ犥‫ڊ‬咳碻অ猟蝈蝈美美ጱ牧ஞӾ䷱磪盄๗盃Ջ讕牐಼茐蝡䰬ଘ窵ጱஞ眐㬵‫ک‬揫檚牧ኢ蚎 ‫ڊ‬箛敋ᒊ౯㶴詼ࡅ஑ፓ᎕‫ݗ‬珉牧ࢩ傶揫癥य़䋊ጱ‫ݶ‬䋊෱ࣁᒊक़伛猋ԧӞྦྷ籆膚㬵稭蜰౯㮉牧櫒簁ஂ種ᔰ๚蘌 ᶎ牧犢㮉㶴籆眐瑿೗޷౯㮉牧Ӟ憎ই硲牐ᮎฎ౯ᒫӞ稞憎‫ک‬ᛔ૩ጱੜ犮֎牧甇ฎ㮆盄ଘฃ蜱Ո盄薥獥ጱ穇਎ ৼ牧螭懿஑ᮎॠӥ茐姩姩奞襁牧甇㶴盄䁎瞱ᥝ䒻౯൉ᤈ磷牧蝫㯩犖觎犋Ӥ಑牐

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1 舙ฯ䧉

嗤⇓䃚␩䠀⨉‫⾔׃‬楞祌峹ׄℎ⻌聼獌嗆‫ׅ‬㤆❭㥐㣯苌㿃䌟⃮臍苌⃫⃬Ⰺ␪苌 ⃡䮈縬櫤‫׆‬苌┨‫ׅ‬㊤苜䰿㌂苌⻖抒䥧㊹苌㕫搳哉殉苌⑗⡽㿬㿬‫׆‬珯㨍≧ℇ⃮ 㦪㉸⑗ℎℬ㏰苌⃮職㤐⨉㧙ℎ䥥㾼㾼ℬ嶨勭ビ珯⛐⃡悀⮟⃢ℬ㢦♜瓄䠀㕫聅 㧙ℎ㻌䐂䨀⻇㐀䥥嵒⻌聜Ⅷ㓲䥥㊤⨯宰珯 ⮟⃢вв⃡⋬㉩副㉩副䥥⨑㢚苌㧪繷Ⰺ獍㧪䥞槓獍㧪樳樳䥥嘪⚀獍㧪䄼繷 ⮟⃢вв⃡⋬㉩副㉩副䥥⨑㢚苌㧪繷Ⰺ獍㧪䥞槓獍㧪樳樳䥥嘪⚀獍㧪䄼繷䥥 Ⰸ䁘 珯㓲㏔苌㔡巣䥥‫⽒ׅ‬㣯㼕䲡‫⅀׆‬嚌職㢝㹅珯䠌┑變苌䧬圸聅⃡磻䐂楼䥥 䄼繷❭聏傠⃮㢘䥥樳傁苌≠㓲聅⨉Ⰸ⪯ャℎ⨀䠀⨀桘䥥↛⃮䱢䎛ℬ臍⣧珯㓲 ㏔苌痞㩽叞⨉聅宰職圸砻㎁㎁⨑䠀䀜苌㒪嵓㤐⃷⃫磷副痙䥥Ⅼ㎦✈猳 峹㉸㓲㧟❭痙⚬⑒ℹ⃡河恑⨉⽒桴䥥⻰惐⃫苌㠟䨝䧬⚜䧂㤐⃡䔨垫垫渒渒 峹㉸㓲㧟❭痙⚬⑒ℹ⃡河恑⨉⽒桴䥥⻰惐⃫苌㠟䨝䧬⚜䧂㤐⃡䔨垫垫渒渒珯 ℹ⨱泯⃫苌㓷⃫⩂㓷⃬⩂苌 綖橁圸痙⚬䥥叙呼苌⃡磢㐀岛㧪痞憌⋻㿑⽒苌⃡ 楄瞗㊤䥥㐀岛⎔≧珯䔨├桴苌㉘㉠⃡磢磢䵛昐Ⅳ苌憌㊤昐剏Ⅷ⨉‫׃‬瞧灑嗒榥 ⎔ׄ䥥⃷䠭ℬℎ珯掄⃡䲳苌㓲櫴竅㣯䥞Ⅷ∶㠦苰㣯倶櫣䥥垪␳㧤㻌䐂礔⇗⨑ 䧙⋂掄瓗㉸⛐砵䥥樷⟆⟆苌䟹欹⻨哋ヒ䥥砒綖ↅ↹Ⅹ↷珯㋞竅沍␳䗼竅♜㹆 苌䭍䠀䠀⻨痙痋ℎ䥥㓲㖪⦿Ⅷ䛟⻇珯⦿┑䛟⻇䥥㓲⛋㉸㎬㎽苌⨉㓲憌砒䥥櫣 ⯻㤐㓲䥥䴧㋖㐩苌勭倶樿㓲䥥樷⟆⟆珯甅㤐碆哩珯 㓲㏔苌勢䠀ㄙ嶨䥥㔡巣‫⨑ׅ‬権↛⍲‫⃮⅀ ׆‬職痞㹅珯 峹㉸㓲㧟❭痙⚬⃡群┑砒⮢䍄䈼㼕苌 掄宰㼕䃦㽺ㅝ苌䁘㼕䃦秺屬ㅶ苌 ⃮✌ ⃡熿榽忋珯≁㧤岛㉸哋ヒ㉘∝剏憌㢝⃡⋬ド⩬䥥㼕㢰互ℎ苌崒⯻䥥䒒ㄗ渻⨉

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≁憌肰䄙≧䄙⚜苌⨉㗨紘桴䅽恑珯䕁⋲瓞⨉聄≁䚊∝䥥苌ℹ≁㽳㧪㿉㏰䥥磢⋺ 苌䕁㧤⨉≁憌肰䄙恑獍䡗≁㏔㕫䕁㘪∰䥥磢⋺苌䕁♜⃮䫆翐┑⟋宰⚜Ⅷ珯㋞竅 苌⚩聜Ⅷ㫔⹸␤䥥⃷䠭‫ׅ‬䉎ℎ渻⛐䥟崒欎苌䥧嗆䵛聳䐂㔡≾苌㣆␪⃬砘苌∢竅 ⃮▶苌璷䔟肈聉苌㉡≧劶㋞珯∝哨聳勦䧙㳣珯‫⛋׆‬㤐苌∝ℯ㓲㺵↷ㅙ聴苌聅宰 㧪⻰䉎⃫㽳㧪䥥笶䒒楞␪苌⅀⼒㤐聅宰笶䒒䥥楞␪䆌㥷Ⅷ䁘㼕苌⅀䆌㥷Ⅷ㓲⋲ 䥥㊤硦珯 ⅀崒苌㹄㤐⧁䎛掄宰䥥↛側ㄙ⨉掄䔨䃦㢑䥥䵛㼄❭䃦秺䥥䁘㼕ℬℎ苌↷⋲⅀ ⅀崒苌㹄㤐⧁䎛掄宰䥥↛側ㄙ⨉掄䔨䃦㢑䥥䵛㼄❭䃦秺䥥䁘㼕ℬℎ苌↷⋲⅀箞 ┆⢏俵苌歐㉸㻌䐂榽忋珯⚩㓷崒㤐⧁䎛↷⋲ㄙ㉦⨉掄稱抄抄䥥楞␪⃬苌㔡⇆↷ ⋲㉦↛⅀箞┆䒒㎦珮桬㧸珯 ↷⋲橃⃫苮ㄗ圸箞┆⛐㚍䥥䷲⺚珯↷⋲㧤ℜ▶碉耈 㓲⋲嵃⠰㓲⋲䥥槡缙苌↷⋲㧤⻨哋ヒ⡽砵䥥Ⅼ䕊珮岛㉸痙䥥Ⅼ䕊揞↬倚假㓲⋲ 珯⨉聅宰苌㓲㉘㉠剏憌㢝楗䃖㣯䥥㬤縂䅱ℎ苌⨉⃷⊸䥥䀋禵ℎ䷀㕟┑痞㹅副痰 ℬ⨑獍㕟┑痞㹅⢏俵ℬ↛珯 ⛋㤐苌㓲⋲簃䷀⛋㤐⊸↛珯⨉䃘㽭䥥⊸⃷宰苌㓲⋲⅀㧤㞵㊤哋ヒ㧤⚸膾苌⅀ ⛋㤐苌㓲⋲簃䷀⛋㤐⊸↛珯⨉䃘㽭䥥⊸⃷宰苌㓲⋲⅀㧤㞵㊤哋ヒ㧤⚸膾苌⅀㧤 㖌⃫⊾羅孄苌⻮ⓂⅬ揞㖒㧪㓳㊤苌⛋欹䧙⋂哋ヒ珯 痙⃡㺖磢桴⇆砒苌≁㔮䫆聼 苌聅宰䥥↛㤐⧁䎛哋憌伂⢏俵㴙苌㔮䒒㎦⨑⻮㉦㺰⃡⋬↛苌㔮㻌䐂⊾䠺⨑⻨磷 痙䥥珮磷砵䥥揞ⓧ↌假≁珯聅䲳苌≁㧤㉩劉㐶聅宰䥥伂㴙䨀㝐珯竅勭苌ビ磢耈 苻㣰苌肏磢禑⚜Ⅷ珯 ‫⯶ׅ‬楞䐂椱痙苌⛋㤐耈苻㣰珯‫׆‬儒竅䨝┮䥥␪㥐⑮副苌㓲⅀⃮職㤐職⺃剘Ⅷ ‫⯶ׅ‬楞䐂椱痙苌⛋㤐耈苻㣰珯‫׆‬儒竅䨝┮䥥␪㥐⑮副苌㓲⅀⃮職㤐職⺃剘Ⅷ珯 㬤縂䅱ℇ⃮㤐⽍㢝㓲䥥⃷䠭苌㓲倣䵗㤐缙⦿┑⽍㢝㓲䥥⃷䠭珯剘Ⅷ苌剘Ⅷ猳禑 ⚜✈猳‫ׅ‬禑⚜苌⅀䐂殉槉⅀䐂㥕珯‫׆‬

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౯ᒊࣁઊ毣Ӥ牧翑୽狅膑牧萠ॠՖࣁ牧ጮ襇ࣁ౯ጱ縄፮Ӿ菑ᄙ牐 ֦ᒊࣁ౯ጱ犋螐蒂牧腷Ӥ螭ฎӞಾ亮亮ጱᒞ਻牧ੜੜጱ祅绸䟑ࣁ֦ૢ螲ጱ腷毦牐 ֦๖茐౯೗ԧ೗ಋ牧Ӟ蛪ጮᜋጱ薙ᤔ疪ইॠֵ膢牧盄Ԧ亣牧盄Ԧ亣牐 ౯‫ێݰ‬ጱ砤֘瞨๰牧ӞྍӞྍጱ๖֦ጱ蛪୽蚎茐牐 ޷牐 ፡㬵፥ጱ聲ԧ牐 ౯盏ࡃ茐穥牧ӞੜྍӞੜྍጱ蚎茐牧ᮎ櫕犋Ӿአጱ俰縄‫ݝ‬፡憎֦ᮎկጮ薙ᤔ牧ଙ斕፥অ牐 ፗ‫ک‬瞨๰Ᏻ‫ک‬ӞկᏝᇔ牧౯಍؊ӥྍպ牧狅膑覎茐ಋӤጱ瞨๰牧‫ێݰ‬ጱ䕉ӥ蛪蛯牐 Ո聲ԧ牧脸༚犖犋肯ֵ琉ԧ牐 縄縋犋অ牧፡䩚ᥜ᮷磪讨秇美ԧ牧మ፡竃༩֦ጱ腷犖犋ᤈ牐 ℂय़蔬ጱ䄸蔽獉ഫ‫ڊ‬ᛔ૩ጱ聲臺縄椷牧ಀԧӤ݄牧Ӟ಻蚏毣ʒʒ 椷粙眸眸蚏ԧӞ粙襮穥牐 ெ讕ಀԧ聲臺縄椷犖䷱አ牫 ౯݈൹ԧਙ牧胪㫂瑿አ蔬ᤥ硄ԧ硄椷粙牧蔬ᤥӤ㶴磪皃蒂礕樄ጱ࿜臺牐 ̿ெ讕旰牫ॡ籆ԧ牧碉璸腷᮷ฎ࿪࿜牐̀౯ᒞ茐䌘֦藯牧㶴䷱碁䌘Ӥ֦ጱ縄縋牐 ಋӤ೭茐Ӟ๳ੜ讙臺牧౯಩ਙ螏妔֦牧㶴䷱Ո矑螂݄牐 ̿犥獮֦者藯౯蝫蝑臺᮷泷葽஑盄牧‫ݝ‬አӞ獋皰膑䁭℅಩ਙ㮉ጱ芉蟂۱֘牐̀ ̿匍ࣁ౯አ臺℅಩ਙ㮉妔۱অԧ牧֦ࡅ稭㻟牫̀ ̿ெ讕螭犋矑螂݄牫̀ ̿᮷盛懿ԧ牧֦䷱ဩ绚‫֦ڊ‬ጱಋ㬵矑茐౯ጱ臺牐䷱橕狌牧౯಩ਙ硯ࣁ֦ጱෟ螲牐̀ ᯿碝ಀӤ縄椷牧奰ෝ胼፡竃༩Ӟ讨ԧ牐 ౯獟憙茐֦ጱᒞ腷牧犋ᛔ憽ጱ牧犖ᒞԧ‫ڊ‬㬵牐 瞲੠ᏳӤ֦ጱ腷谎牧ெ讕䨝ᮎ讕獖牫 ಩腷覎茐֦ጱ蛪蛯牧盄獖牧盄獖牐 ̿౯ᮎ穇㱾ࠡ牧‫ޞ‬藗౯蝡ӮӤ磪茐綍讕ଘᤈӮኴ牧疰ฎࠡꔇꔇߖߖꔇꔇࣁ‫ݚ‬Ӟ㮆瑿ො牧 磪茐Ӟ秇Ӟ䰬ጱՈ牧㶴咳ኞ茐犋Ӟ䰬ጱԪ牐̀

When I met you in the summer

֦̿藯牧ߕ㮉ࣁᮎӞ螲牧䛑扗㱾疆笕璤ԧ牧ᮎ磪ग़অ牐̀ ̿Ӟ㮆Ոࣁ蝡愊ᮎ讕ग़ଙ牧盄ਿ疖ԧฎ犋ฎ牫̀ 窲牧犋؊ጱ窕ӥ㬵牐 ֦̿ࣁӥᶎ牧螭ฎࣁ揣ௗ౯‫މ‬牐̀ ̿౯疰ฎ㮆睩ॢ牐̀ ౯牧ࣁ֦ጱ蚤獮牧䛻ఄ茐ᛔ૩ጱ耻螂牐 ̿౯犋䨝ٚ಩֦Ӟ㮆ՈӶӥԧ牐̀ 脻ӥጱ຋ၹ୿䕣疰ࣁ縄獮牐 䌘牧犢犋䨝ٚ಩犢Ӷӥԧ牐

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1 ๙ৼ

When I met you I couldn’t help but twiddle my thumbs, As we texted and texted It was like I was looking in a mirror and After a long, long time I could smile But that was before be With truths and ideals That burned away with the heat Then autumn came

in the summer cracking a smile walking under the sun while my recharge went down the drain I realised I could love myself for the first time seeing the chance of a future for myself looking into your serene gaze the winds of change that came to sweep us off our feet leaving behind rustling ashes of leaves to dry the remainder away

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