Volume 48 issue 3

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Editors’ Word Dear Fellow Readers,

It’s that time of the year again when we embark on a new journey of learning! And you’re right, it’s also when we meet for the third publication of this year after a long break! You may already learn from the issue cover that our theme this time is “Delete”. It does not sound like a positive and encouraging word, so you may be thinking why are we choosing this? Lives are what medical professionals try to save, but deaths are what professionals have to face. When a person passes away, it seems that everything about him or her is deleted from this world. But is that really the case? As medical professionals, we have to accept our limitations, that we cannot stop deaths from approaching, yet we can for sure play a role in easing the heartbreaking pain of the bereaved, as well as reminding them of the memories they still share with their closed ones. They are happiness and joyfulness that will stay in heart, and be cherished for ever. In our interview ‘The Lesson of Letting Go’ with the mortuary officer of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Mr LAM Ming Fai, we try to delve into how settings of a mortuary, and also medical practitioners, can help the bereaved in facing their closed one’s leaving. Apart from that, just as always, our issue is filled with amazing pieces surrounding different themes – from trifles in life to influential social issues. We spare no effort to become the platform for you to express views and feelings freely, and this aspiration of ours cannot be realised without your continued support. With the beginning of the new school year, Caduceus 2017 has already walked three-quarter of our journey alongside you, yet we never stop seeking perfection. We are more than glad to receive any comments or enquiries via our website, Facebook page or email. Submission of articles through our email hkucaduceus@gmail.com is always welcomed. Can’t wait to receive from you! With love, Caduceus Session 2017




News Anatomy




Read My Mind



Words of Wisdom

Humans of HKU


䠀❞䐂ㄙ 䀜⨉䡗⃬ 㺔现蝡犩櫝犋樄ኞ膏稴ጱ肬禂磪玽硬虋ԧ犢䌘Ոኞጱ፡ဩ碻牧຋Ԇ犨蔭纈牧 ᛔ૩ࣁ扗䎿֖Ӥ๐率૪磪ԫ‫܈‬ଙԏԋ牧䌘稴犜硬薪ԧ犋੝牐Ոኞ虋ଝ芛介牧 犋Ꭳ螇֜碻斪‫ک‬ᛔ૩ᶎ䌘稴犜牧Ԫ獮篷ဩ毆碘牧᥺ӥ犋篷眤禊牐犢ᛔ૩ଘ෭ ፓᎃԧ盄ग़蝡䰬ጱӞ㮆眐ว牧犋抷ฎ๏‫݋‬犖অ牧蝡蕌蒂ቘጱ㮆礯犖耼牧磪战 ग़กก螭ଙ੄‫ێ‬䔶牧统簁‫׎‬஑ԧ᯿የ牧螦簁旴Ӯጱֺৼ牧犢瓟礬㱾మ犋‫ک‬凚 Ջ鎏䨝蝡䰬牐֕ฎᛔ૩胼狶犚Ջ鎏牫犖犋क़狶অᛔ૩ጱ๜獤牧螂অྯӞॠ牧 ၚ஑羊୸牐຋Ԇ犨承᯿ஞ裾瑿瞲‫ڊ‬牧扗ெ鎏螂ኞၚ牧䛑吚ኧᛔ૩ਞ矎牧‫܉‬苭 獨ᤩ獨Ո୽段牧ᘒӬᥝ狒瞱ஞह樄๔牧犋አమ஑ॡग़牐ࢩ凚ग़మ犖ฎ盆簁牧 磪犚碻狡ሗ簁የ咳牧‫׎‬૪妿ฎ๛๗የఋ牧蝡觊眐丆犖Ᏻ螂犋੝牐匍ࣁጱ຋Ԇ 犨牧硯ӥԧ战ग़ℂ獮ጱ䁆茐牧ܻࢩ篷犢牧膏ٌ胪௏㫂మ牏ᛔ疨簡䘩牧‫ׯ‬犋ই 癲茐眝盠ጱஞ眐ၚঅྯӞॠ牧凚Ջ鎏覍஑虏ᛔ૩犋樄ஞ珌牫

▁䃒Ⰸ蜆罜帹 㨋䷀瓴▀ ࣁӞ膢Ոጱ縄Ӿ牧䵯瞆ᔰ㬵ฎӞ㮆母凚ᐟᑃጱ瑿ො牐຋Ԇ犨ᒞ圸牧‫׎ܨ‬ฎ 蚏‫ض‬䒻盜璢懺碻牧蝡蕌䌘䋊ኞ㬵抍犖ฎ㮆 ņP\VWHU\Ň牐継ᒌक़ᶎ䵰㰽ᤈ禂臑 芑犋煶牧य़悡櫞‫ع‬䌘種磪盄ग़藮薹牐穉ො抍牧犥獮Ո㮉磪蝡鎏Ӟ㮆綡జ物 ฎ玽ᥝ‫ض‬՞桽牧螣誢಍䨝஑‫ک‬斃֯ጱᆙ碘牫犋螂妿稲犋੝虋硲膏硬ᶐ盅牧 ‫ے‬Ӥ碻դጱ虋螠牧蝡䍅ᐟᑃጱᶎ奋෱૪眸眸瑿ᤩ矮樄牐匍碻䵯瞆ଉ磪犋‫ݶ‬ ጱ㷢薪ၚ㵕牧ইྯଙ磧੝磪Ӟ稞虏虁ॊ牏የఋ牏የఋ疑痀獮㬵牐䵯瞆Խ磪 ਞ矎虁ቘ羬䋊ኞ‫ک‬蝡蕌ԧ薹ٌૡ֢牧ֵ犢㮉ๅ盠螕䛑ጱ虁ॊૡ֢牐 凚ԧी‫ے‬ฦ嬄य़悡䌘䵯瞆ጱ藨蘷牧຋Ԇ犨Խ䨝Ԇ瞱ፘ橕ጱ拻ଷ牐㱑ᓕ匍 凚ԧी‫ے‬ฦ嬄य़悡䌘䵯瞆ጱ藨蘷牧຋Ԇ犨Խ䨝Ԇ瞱ፘ橕ጱ拻ଷ牐㱑ᓕ匍ࣁ 獍唰䌘䵯瞆ጱ藨蘷૪य़磪硬蝱牧֕犋੝ՈՖ簁磪盄ग़௏姘藮玟牧綍ᛗ蠴虁 Ո㹓犖犋胼ଛ‫ع‬牐犢൉现蠴ᴺ蕌獨ጱ‫ݶ‬Ԫࣁ缛狡‫܋‬褔秚碻牧Ᏻ憎蕕螀螣誢 ጱ敋牧狅膑䨝磪ಅ螨ண牧䌀氎缛盃ӥӞ蟂‫܋‬褔秚牐犋螂ই犡磪䌕槹አ֢螀 蝑螣誢ጱ‫܋‬褔秚牧碪狒ᵑԧ螣誢ጱᐺ褲牧疑痀‫ݢ‬褰螣誢‫ک‬䵯瞆牧ٌ薪眤Խ 斃֯牐 犋ᓕই֜牧क़ᶎጱՈ䌘䵯瞆ጱԧ薹ጱ嘦犋窼牧継ᒌ耬ԓय़ࣳጱ硽胍虏૱ 犋ᓕই֜牧क़ᶎጱՈ䌘䵯瞆ጱԧ薹ጱ嘦犋窼牧継ᒌ耬ԓय़ࣳጱ硽胍虏૱࿆ Ꭳ䧳䵯瞆ጱྯӞ蟂獤牧獅ٌᰁ‫ݝ‬Ꭳ螇ٌአ蝝傶㱪ਂ螣誢㪔虏疑痀ٌ盅覿蚎 牧䌘䵯瞆ٌ犢ጱૡ֢斃凚ᴲኞ牧穉ই薹獱牐獍唰䵯瞆吚簁藨蘷斃ग़牧ࢩ傶 襎憙ଉ‫ڊ‬匍ဩ蠴ਥ牐蝡碻຋Ԇ犨盚狎犋纔牧ᒞ蘎 ̿ߢߢ牧%REE\᮷狶஑皃 অ̀牐ᛗෝ蠴ᴺ䵯瞆牧㳷犲Ԓ䷱ᮎ鎏竃༩牐櫒簁匍ࣁ犋櫞糷玲磪橕虻懱牔 ࠔय़ग़碍૱࿆Ֆ膑ฎӞᎣ܎薹牐犢ੀ磭疥㬵ᐒ䨝ๅ樄硯牧磪ๅग़虻碘‫ݢ‬൉ ‫׀‬牐 O 'HOHWH


1 ⊾瞗 疤毱嘦藨羬翄 5),' ҁ5DGLR IUHTXHQF\ LGHQWLƉFDWLRQ҂ 螣誢璂૪ಀӤ疤毱嘦藨ಋ癲牧舙櫝樄䵯瞆塅瑻ᘒ ๚妿໐䋿牧扗ಋ癲䨝缏‫ڰ‬蝚螂蓦癷虻懱羬翄蝢Ꭳ 肬㹓牐旰獍ਰٖԽ磪蓦癷氥纈藨疷ਰྋࣁ藨覿ጱ 螣誢牐

2 䥜峹夶 ‫ے‬蕕ԧቄቼ੽ᵑ牧戔懯犋ইℂ 獮樄硯牧犥嘦狒虻碘蒂ቘๅগ 吚牧㪔狒ᵑ‫ض‬Ոᐺ褲牐ጭ懿蒂 ๅ揳ஞ瑿藲犵ԧṛଶ牧ො‫׎‬斪 ༗Ոॊ牐

瓴㊤㕶⑆ ⃡⋬肏⛩哋ヒ䥥⿸∮ 磧盅౯㮉㺔ԧӞ㮆睊ࣁٖஞ盄ԋጱ㺔氂物֦吚‫ڡ‬傶֜䨝螡䢔種肬禂牫 ຋Ԇ犨ী​ী螇㬵牧ܻ㬵犢㴄樄তࣁ蠴ᴺጱૡ֢犋螂ฎ盪ዩਰጱฦ蝢෈㹓牧 䵯瞆Ԇ犨Ӟ肬ᓒฎӞ圵‫܋‬螠牧ᘒ萇ᰂԽ൉ṛԧ犋੝牐‫ݚ‬क़犢Խ憽஑蝡㮆ᤈ 禂螕‫ݳ‬ᛔ૩牧抁簁磪犚Ո䌘䵯瞆磪ಯ瞩牧ଛ蒎犢ᛔ૩㪔犋ಯ瞩牧ᘒӬ๜㬵 Խ磪பԭ๐率稴ᘏጱ螣誢牧犖睃ଛ磪疑Ոጱඪ瞱牐 匍ࣁጱ䵯瞆蚤犢㴄‫ک‬犨碻ጱय़犋Ӟ䰬牐຋Ԇ犨妿稲ԧ盄ग़硬ᶐ牧匍ࣁಅ磪 ጱ戔懯᮷ฎኧ犢薥ᛔ䯤మጱ牧瑽䰬犖犋ֺक़牧ࢩ傶क़ᤈՈ犋ॡ竃༩犢㮉ጱ 螀֢窕纷牐᯿讨ԏӞࣁෝইֵ֜ԏ䧒殼螀֢牧犥仂੝䌘疑痀犋஠ᥝጱࢯ硑 牐Ӿ㾴Ոࣁ㯽翄Ӥ藨傶獋ಁጱ稴ᘏ薥痀犋਩磪Ի褸牧ಅ犥䵯瞆蝡蕌磪盄ग़ 蝢螇޾‫ڊ‬獈‫ݗ‬牐ֺইੜ因璤ྋࣁ蝱ᤈ㰽ୗጱ碻狡牧‫ֵܨ‬磪疑痀㬵藨覿螣誢 牧‫ݶ‬䰬磪旰ဩ螨‫ع‬獋疑Ᏻᶎ牐຋Ԇ犨‫ڡ‬㬵ԏ碻㪔䷱磪蝡犚戔懯牧螣誢޾ٌ 犢Ոጱ蝱‫ڊ‬᮷ࣁ‫ݶ‬Ӟ֖ᗝ牐‫ݚ‬क़牧ℂ獮螭䷱磪岉ୌ矑憎ਰ牧ࢩ種ྯ​ྯ狶稴 ࢩᎸ绗牧‫׎‬磪ӣੜ碻襑䧙؊矑硩螣誢牐ᴻ戔懯禊盢क़牧䵯瞆Խ胼‫ݶ‬碻ّ觎 ਮಁ๐率牧ই‫ݶ‬Ԫ䨝䋊聜ই֜膏疑Ո现የ瞆㹓ૡ传蝢牧ፓጱฎ㱑ᰁᆙ觎অ 疑痀ጱஞ眐牐


3 碉屬⺅

蠴ኞ疰稴ࢩᎸ绗㮆礯矑憎疑痀牧舙疑痀犋氎 ఺蝱ᤈ薹獱牧蠴ኞ䨝藲礚稴犜ܻࢩ牧㶧ۗ‫ݻ‬ ဩସኩ藶虘‫ع‬薹獱牐矑憎ਰ戔磪䵯瞆虻懱ᓕ ቘ羬翄牧൉‫ܨ׀‬碻ҁUHDO WLPH҂ 夵袅牧糠 ই蟸ମጱ FKHFN LQ 现 FKHFN RXW 羬翄牧犥 ‫׎‬ੴොṛ䍅緳፽眐丆牧‫ܨ‬碻礚樫䵯瞆ਂᰁ现 㱪ਂ໒ጱ螣誢虻碘牐裭ෝ螂ஃ肬㹓ྯ​ྯ殾ᘉ 䲒夵袅菥牧揲碻०Ԫ牧‫ݶ‬碻Խ櫞狒犋䨝‫ڊ‬梊 䲒夵袅菥牧揲碻०Ԫ牧‫ݶ‬碻Խ櫞狒犋䨝‫ڊ‬ 牧碝羬翄䨝ࢩ䛑ੂ嘨ጱദ稗塅瑻ᘒ氥纈犋‫ݶ‬ 虻碘牧‫ݢ‬窩荠蠴ᓕੴ‫ݱ‬ಅ蠴ᴺጱ䵯瞆制丆牐 種क़牧䵯瞆ٖጱ伩ଶ䲒介ྯᵍ 獤楮‫׎‬䨝 咳蝑ፘ橕碍硁牧嘦狒螣誢஑‫ک‬গ珿狒ਂ牐

䵯瞆籗‫ط‬獅᪃牧獉磪Ӟ奲奲٩ᓟ牧ਞ蕕ԧ伩ଶ懯牧嘦 狒螣誢ࣁ‫ݳ‬螕ጱ伩ଶӥਂ硯牐藨疷碻牧螣誢䨝ᑏ蝑ᛗ 藨疷敋牧簁盅螀‫ک‬藨疷ਰ牧蕌ᶎ戔磪蓦‫ط‬癷氥纈稴ᘏ 㮆Ո虻碘牧ਁ誢斃य़犥‫׎‬薥痀໐䌘虻碘牐薥痀犋䨝猟 襎憙℄ፓ膢ፗ矑‫ک‬䵯瞆藨疷牧ࢩ傶Ӟ奲٩ᓟ獉‫ݶ‬碻ਂ 磪ٌ犢螣誢牐䵯瞆Խ戔ᗝԧ樂᪠襎憙牧犥‫׎‬Ӟ෮Ԫ硲 咳ኞ碻㶧ۗ藲礚牐 䵯瞆槹‫ݗ‬Խਞ蕕ԧ疤毱嘦藨羬翄ጱ磪橕戔猋牧۱ೡ 䵯瞆槹‫ݗ‬Խਞ蕕ԧ疤毱嘦藨羬翄ጱ磪橕戔猋牧۱ೡ矊 縖瑊牧犋አՈಋ蜍獈虻碘牧‫ݝ‬殾矊矟㹓ૡ‫ܜ‬牏蔭໒牏 ಋ癲牧‫׎‬䨝ᛔ㵕‫ڜ‬玢疤毱嘦藨ಋ癲牧አෝ翉ࣁಋ蟂现 脻蟂牐種膐胼‫׏‬蝱虻碘ᛔ㵕㯽蜍牧膏襎脲‫ྍݶ‬牧螨‫ع‬ ԧՈಋ‫ڊ‬梊牐䵯瞆肬㹓ྯॠ᮷䨝練讨螣誢牧嘦狒者碍 膏㱪ਂᰁӞ膌牧狒挨螣誢蝱‫ڊ‬伛嘦篷藮牐

4 㺏硦

蝱獈薹獱ਰ獮牧ૡ֢Ո㹓䨝‫ ࣁض‬JRZQ XS URRP 绝 Ӥ狒虁蔬牧ᘒ螣誢䨝盌‫ݚ‬Ӟ槹‫ݗ‬蝱獈薹獱ਰ牧蠴ኞ 櫝樄薹獱ਰԽ磪‫ݚ‬Ӟ‫ݗڊ‬牐磪獨ෝℂ獮牧匍ࣁ薹獱 ਰጱ‫ڊ‬獈‫ݗ‬戔磪ᛔ㵕樄橕牐 薹獱ਰ獉傶揗穥瓟牧犥‫ع‬㯽礕௔穥窕ஃक़窕㵕牧 薹獱ਰ獉傶揗穥瓟牧犥‫ع‬㯽礕௔穥窕ஃक़窕㵕牧眤 礕犢Ո牐獉磪ӣ皰薹獱䲜牏秂๜䲰现螣誢誢᯿懯牐 蕌ᶎԽ磪 HPHUJHQF\ VKRZHU牧蠴ኞӞ෮蔬๐犋ై藉 Ᏻ螣誢牧‫ܨݢ‬碻䷳။牧臺箒䨝ਧ碻硯࿜牧犥ᴠ蝐շ 敎Ոዩጱየ芭ჴኞ牐


5 犥ஃ 牧璤 獉ጱ 粞玝 膏䵰 㰽記 ፘ‫ ݶ‬牐 ኧ蝑 ำच ᰂ摁 ۗ蕕 狕揲 牧匍 碻皐 䌀 璤ጱ 秇ୗ ૪磪 ಅ硬 虋牧 璤獉 籗‫ ط‬礖 ޾ᘒ 獅᪃ 牧虏 疑痀 ๅฃ 綠疩 眐姼 牪 ‫ݚ‬क़ 螡አ ԧ๙ ֢Ԇ ᥝ๭ 碘牧 襇Ꭺ 箓 皈ቄ ቼ獉 硯ᗝ ԧ፥ ጱ䰽 茆֢ 蕕觽 牧 戔懯 羊聅 牐皐 䌀璤 ๅᆙ 觎ԧ 犋‫ ݶ‬疍 硽胙 วՈ ॊጱ 襑ᥝ 牧獮 ො碪 ‫ݢ‬䟑 Ӥ ‫ ਁ܈‬礍౲ ֡硽 ጱ向 ֢牧 Խ‫ݢ‬ 褰碻 橕 蚏牧 犥‫ ׎‬犨֜ 疍硽 ጱՈ ॊ᮷ 胼ֵ አ 牐皐䌀璤Խ戔ᗝԧ&'秚牧 犥砮硯‫ݱ‬ 疍硽ጱᶪ禼牐

䵰㰽 獍‫ ݪ‬ጱ敋 蜁؊ ဤࣁ 䵯 瞆槹 क़牧 盃螣 誢蕕 蛪现 縩 ի螣਻盅ᑏ蝑櫝樄牐

6 康寧堂

盅懿物 ᛗ薥櫝蝥牧觼‫ݑ‬誇ᙂ獤櫝ԏ舚牧眈䙹ࢴ簁篷ဩ᥺承牐ྋই氂ፓಅ᥺牧蝡ฎྯ㮆Ո᮷ᥝ妿稲ጱ Ӟ璤抓牧౯㮉᮷ᥝ䋊睞盛㶴珜眚牧䋊睞硯縄‫ݻ‬獮牐ࣁ妿稲癨य़ጱ㰁ዳԏ碻牧ᥝ֢‫ڊ‬瞾搿ᛗ薥 瑊ਥጱ究ਧ牧ฎ妃䌘犋਻ฃጱ牐簁ᘒ牧矦㮆薫ଶమ牧蝡㶴胼螣眢Ո樌牧籒蚏૶磭牐ᛗ薥ጱᙂ 誢櫒૪櫝౯㮉ᘒ݄牧֕犢㮉ጱ眢牧Ֆ簁ਝ虁茐‫ݚ‬Ӟ㮆ኞ޸牧‫ݚ‬Ӟ㮆疑牐‫ױ‬舙֦㮉᮷氎఺皤媲 磪褖ጱኞ޸牧አ哴Ӟኞ݄眢牧藶獥懿಩瑊ਥ瞾搿ጱ಑ᓒ‫ޞ‬Ꭳ疑Ո牐


Scorched Earth /M21 Steph

Brilliant sheen of Castilian aside the blue waters A gentle figure passing ghastly through the woods Into a shadowy menace of fostering frenzy. Desperate, so desperate; for the touch of such brutal immortality Sentimental prayers remained ever silent Lost in a cathedral of forsaken hope. Of with the wind, off you go to the wilderness Off Unleash the forbidden fatality of natural men Cast away such spoiled piety; let it be torn away by a tornado like another momentary spectacle; A formless, fatuous, trivial worship. Every sumptuous infrastructure erected was not by the hands of god; but by the hands of men. Every worshiped doctrines were not a saying from beyond, but by the words of men. Men, as it is the eminent truth t of itself; A divine being, a figure of god in its most illustrious way.

News Anatomy l 8

第三次世界大戰論 /M22 The observer

二戰以降,人之不習于戰也久矣。尤以香港爲然。 我城僻處嶺南一隅,雖昔嘗有大逃港、六七暴動,而城 中晏然無事,蓋已數十載矣。銅鑼灣、尖沙咀諸區旅客 輻輳、燈紅酒綠;將軍澳、元朗各新市鎮人煙浩穰、規 劃井然,儼然盛世氣象。 兼之前則駐港英軍,後則解放軍駐港部隊,兵役不加 兼之前則駐港英軍,後則解放軍駐港部隊,兵役不加于 本地人,未嘗親冒矢石、輕犯鋒鏑。安坐公寓,智能手 機控于掌上,一套韓劇、一包薯片、一部空調、一張棉 被,可消永晝矣。 縱方今南海主權爭議方興,北韓核武問題未定,西藏獨立運動猶熾、東部財 富不均日烈,又歐洲債臺高築,南美毒梟橫行,中東兵連禍結,而港人且謂 于我何損焉。是日常起居,一若無戰然也。 想法如此類者,普遍矣,似矣,而果然乎? 古之戰也,以爭地也,以爭民也。地不在廣,在資 源而已矣;民不在眾,在生產力而已矣。亦有弱彼 以固己者,非必有所增益于我也,擾其耕織,毀其 軍備,削其國力,以弭患于未然耳,如美國新保守 主義者所謂 ‘preventive war’ 是已,日本突襲珍珠 港、以色列發動六日戰爭,皆是類也。

9 l News Anatomy

要之,則戰,所以富強吾國也,而勢不能無殺傷也。戰者,即西人所謂「零和游戲」焉。 兩國相交,非無互利雙贏也,然吾輩或呼之「貿易」,或稱之「交流」,或名之「合作」。然則 戰者,固一國損彼利己之謂也。 國而自利,將何爲也歟?自形而上學而言之,存者,必有以自存也。 英國生物學家達爾文著《物種起源》,闡明動植物演化以自延續之道。物競天擇、適者生存, 英國生物學家達爾文著《物種起源》,闡明動植物演化以自延續之道。物競天擇、適者生存,非 果有擇我之天也,便于設譬耳。請試言之。環境有我所需所欲者,謂之「資源」,而萬物並存于 世,此中必有與我相爭資源,甚而欲餐我軀體者,此之謂「物競」。不存則亡也,其理明矣,今 人所謂廢話也。所爭既同,我存則彼亡,我亡則彼存,若有人從中而擇焉,而實亡是也。適者, 即不亡于相競之間而得存者也,然則適者生存,亦廢話也,是西人所謂 ‘circular argument’ 焉。 然而天擇之道,不惟生物為然也已。凡存在于此大千世界之事物,罔不有其賴以自存在者。熟 然而天擇之道,不惟生物為然也已。凡存在于此大千世界之事物,罔不有其賴以自存在者。熟思 之,則亦不證自明也,然非廢話。所以然者,先於達爾文而悟此理者寡也矣。宇宙間一切現象, 必有其所以存在之故。德國哲學家黑格爾云:「存在即合理」,其意近之。 乾坤萬物,時刻所爲所作,皆為存在。余生而飲食,年十二而知慕少艾,皆余基因欲自延續而使 之然也。雖然,而存在所爲者何也?答曰:「無之。」存在之意義,不可他求,即在存在本身。 是以自天人而觀之,世間之存在,無不為存在而存在。 存在于世者,不獨生物也。凡我所見、所聞、所觸、所嗅、所思、所感,悉有其自存之道。惜 存在于世者,不獨生物也。凡我所見、所聞、所觸、所嗅、所思、所感,悉有其自存之道。惜哉 ,世人之明乎此理也晚矣。迨西曆一九七六年,達爾文國人、牛津大學講師 Richard Dawkins 方擧 「模因」之説,力證文化之傳承,亦無以異于生物之繁衍也。 竊謂生物如是,文化如是,國家亦何嘗不如是耶?存者,必有以自存也。國欲自存,則戰,其一 道也。 戰之真義,於是而彰彰明甚矣。然則方今之世,果無戰乎?抑人不之知耳乎? 西曆一九九七年,余猶未在世,然亞洲金融風暴,自幼頗有耳聞。百業蕭條,民生凋敝,破產 西曆一九九七年,余猶未在世,然亞洲金融風暴,自幼頗有耳聞。百業蕭條,民生凋敝,破產、 倒閉、裁員、失業不可勝數,至有港人無力償債,惶惶然不可終日,卒跳樓自裁。流毒之深,乃 一至于此。是誰之過歟? 據維基百科,其禍肇于泰銖之貶值。一貨幣貶值,則本國貨物之相對價格下降,進口貨物之相對 價格上升,則國際競爭力加強,貿易順差減少而經常賬戶得而改善矣,此 DSE Economics 耳。是 則貶值貨幣,我國蒙其利而他國被其害焉。吾欲自利也,彼亦欲自利也,既造其端,則各國或求 自保、或且漁利,而爭相貶值,遂不可止矣。曰「經濟戰」、「金融戰」云云,豈無由耶? 噫!經濟戰、金融戰之害,烈于爭民爭城也甚矣哉。兵戈交于無形,勝負決于無聲,無喋血郊原 之畫面,無傳警烽燧之景象,而生產停歇、投資中輟,國勢日蹙,乃至民有菜色,年青人不安于 賦閑在家,有智力者或避稅、或販毒,甚者殺人越貨、聚徒煽亂,而社會秩序蕩然,一蹶不振矣 焉。香港中文大學經濟學教授郎咸平,名之曰「一場沒有硝烟的戰爭」,不亦宜乎! 以是觀之,西曆二零零八全球經濟危機,蓋即第三次世界大戰矣。歐美各國社會,咸受重創,美 國盛極而衰,中國幾于硬著陸,西班牙年輕人失業率達50%,希臘則不啻淪亡矣。嗣後聯儲局量 化寬鬆,變相貶值,實奪財貨于無形也。各國政府爭印鈔票,損彼利己,亦何以異于交相攻伐而 互爲劫掠也歟? 自頃 Donald Trump 競選總統期間,頻頻指控我國操控匯率,既而否認,類皆紙上談兵也,然其于 人民生活之利害也不可謂不大矣。 今者非無戰也,人不之察耳。香港既為國際金融中心,則以春秋戰國譬之,猶韓之處四戰之地, 强敵環伺也。然則安得謂無戰也哉!

News Anatomy l 10

Forget K-pop. Forget Jay Chou. The future lies in Latin.


/M22 路⼈粉

For the time being, it is the 3rd most viewed music video on Youtube, immediately behind See You Again at 2.95 billion views and Gangnam Style at 2.91 billion views. Just to give you an idea of that figure, it is almost 20 times that of popular Chinese song on the same platform.


, the most

And the song is projected to surpass even See You Again in the next few weeks, assuming it can maintain its current momentum - it is the fastest video to reach 2 billion views in the history of Youtube, having spent only 154 days since its release by Puerto Rican singers Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee in January. In comparison, it took See You Again and Gangnam Style 515 days and 684 days respectively. If, however, you are an average Hong Kong youth, as I am sure the majority of my readers are, chances are that you have never heard of the song at all. During my research for this article, I found that virtually all the Google search results in Chinese came from either Taiwan or the Mainland. There were no relevant results altogether when I typed in ‘despacito hk ⾹港討論區’ or ‘despacito hk ⾼登’, just to see if there had been any discussion on some of the most famous local online forums. I thought Hong Kong people had always been proud of keeping updated and staying abreast of the latest trends. Utterly disappointing. And all the more reason I have to write this article for you. By now, you are justified in asking: yeah, Despacito might be a super-hit. But that’s all it is, isn’t it? Gangnam Style dominated the pop scene a few years back, too. And yet the global empire of the Anglo-American culture is alive and well despite the Korean Wave. Well, the potential for Korean is not on the same scale as that for Spanish, even though this is quite the opposite here in HK (but then the problem lies with the ignorance of Hongkongers rather than the actual worldwide influences of the two languages). With 436 million L1 speakers, Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language by the number of native users, outnumbering English by 65 million and second only to Mandarin Chinese, whose figure stands at 897 million. As for Korean, its number of speakers is only one-fifth that of Spanish and even fewer than that of Wu Chinese, of which a variety is the Shanghai dialect.



In retrospect, our next generation will remember 2015 as the turning point where it becomes conceivable for the first time that Spanish will become the language of pop culture someday. It is going to catch most of you by surprise. As a Hongkonger, you are most likely exposed to American, Korean, Japanese and Chinese cultures on a daily basis, whilst Spanish is probably just an unfamiliar concept for now. But there is nothing so astounding about the emerg- ence of the Spanish language.


In its essence, every culture is neutral in nature. It is neither ‘trendy’ or ‘old-fashioned’. Or ‘high-class’, for that matter. It is the people associated with it that gives it all the influences and sentiments. And

And always bear in mind the shifting demographics in the United States of America, the very cultural core and powerhouse of the English language. At the moment, the Hispanic population in the US is

cultures are inherently simply a set of habits shared by a community (or communities). That means that

estimated to be 54 million, comprising almost 20% of the total population (Figure 3). As projected by

when the community gets richer and more powerful, the cultures get refined and practised on po

the Census Bureau, the figure will grow to over 28% by 2060.

a wider scale, and become more prestigious and influential, too.

The situation is even more alarming (or perhaps

If you turned the clock back to 1961, the Korean

encouraging, depending on your point of view) in such states as Florida, California and Texas.

language would not sound ‘fashionable’ as it does today. Instead, it would stand for poverty and

As of 2015, 47.6 % of Californians are Hispanic, and

backwardness at a time when the living standard there was still on a par with Ethiopia. Economic power translates into cultural influence.

nearly 30% still speak Spanish despite prolonged assimilation into the mainstream Anglo-American culture. In Los Angeles, for example, the proportion of Latinos rose from 7.1% in 1940, to 17.1% in 1970,

Where there is demand, there will be supply. As people get richer, they can afford to buy more and

and to 48.5% in 2010.

better cultural products, and, quite naturally, more resources will be allocated to produce and fine-tune these items. This is why Taiwanese pop

Yeah, this is Los Angeles! And this is CALIFORNIA!

music and Cantopop were once so popular in the 1980s as a result of the economic miracles of the Four Asian Tigers. And this is also why both are declining in recent years given their staggering

population. This means in California, you are a lot more likely to see a Hispanic than a non-Hispanic white, not to mention Chinese Americans or African Americans. California is becoming more and more

economic decades.

like Mexico, so to speak.






With such a large population and the rapid developments of Latin American countries, the future of Spanish should not be underestimated. Mexico, for instance, is currently the eleventh most populous country in the world, and it has been projected to become the world's fifth or seventh largest economy by 2050, right behind Germany, UK and Brazil. Brazil


Make no mistake, that’s almost half of the Ma

This was part of the reason why I predicted that Hillary Clinton would win last year, given the widespread outrage at Donald Trump for his anti-immigrant rhetoric then. It turned out that I was wrong on the result of the presidential election. Still, there is no denying that the Hispanic population in the United States is expanding at a greater pace than non-Hispanic populations, and Latino voters are going to have a larger say in politics.

(Figure 3)

2000 years ago, the Romans created one of the largest empires in the ancient world and spread their cultures throughout Europe. Their language, Latin, was central to western civilisation, in the same way ancient Chinese was revered and widely adopted by Japan, Korea and Vietnam alike. Around 60% of loanwords in modern English, a supposedly Germanic language, ultimately came from Latin, and in the vocabulary of ultimate science and technology, this figure is about 90%. Vernacular Latin, or vulgar Latin, eventually evolved into different Romance languages, one of which was Spanish. It was supplanted during the Muslim conquest of Iberia, but began to prosper once the invaders were expelled. The discovery of the New World meant that Spanish was bound to become a global language. It would be


愛上 綁 架 者 可 能 嗎 ?

17 l Asclepius

/M2 2 W i ngs

斯德哥爾摩症候群這個名稱來源於1973年轟動一時的一宗銀行匪劫案。事件發生 在瑞典的斯德哥爾摩,當時兩名劫匪挾持了銀行的四名職員共6天。在最初幾天, 劫匪對人質看守很嚴,也會用槍監管他們,但後來漸漸表現出仁慈的一面,例 如會允許人質自由走動,最後甚至能有說有笑地傾談。在幾天朝夕相處而且沒有 受到身體傷害的情況下,四名人質都開始對劫匪產生感情,儘管對方是本來會威 脅到他們性命的人。後來人質被救出後還會主動探望劫匪,或為他們辯護,當中 一名女職員最後更等待犯人出獄後嫁給了他。 除此之外,1976年發生的法航139次班機挾持案亦發人深省。據其中一名人質回憶 ,當時的他們就像被馴服了的野獸一樣,安靜地服從劫匪要求的一切。最令她印 象深刻的,是每當劫匪的頭目在對他們演講過後,全機的人質都會懇切地鼓掌。 後來她曾表示,「自己在經歷過這場劫難後終於理解到,為何二戰大屠殺時猶太 人會那麼平靜地進入毒氣室,為什麼他們明明被人奪去一切卻任人魚肉,不作反 抗。這是因為,當人想保全性命時,往往是最容易受欺騙的。」也許不一定要像 小丑女或那幾個銀行職員般對加害者產生情愫,可能只是單單因為在人最脆弱的 時候,便會失了方寸地,見到有什麼救命稻草便抓上去,為了自保而表現出認同 劫匪,以免激怒他們。以俗語來說,這大概是所謂的拍馬屁吧? 女人質愛上男劫匪,最後拋卻一切反過來協助對方做盡壞事這種,既矛盾又有趣 的題材似乎深受眾大導演青睞。希望下次大家看到相關電影時,也可以拍拍胸口 很驕傲地跟別人說:「看,你不知道吧?這才不是單純的愛情故事,這也有名字 的,叫斯德哥爾摩症候群。」

Asclepius l 18

醫德 /N21若暄暘

媽媽說﹕「醫生的話準沒錯。」我的舅舅卻有點氣憤地回應道﹕「你是在香港呆太久了嗎 ?在這裏,只有傻瓜才會什麼都不想,任人宰割。 」我這次回鄉最深刻的體會,是為什 麼這裏的醫患關係竟惡劣至此。 舅舅說:「在這裏,所有的醫生都是坑錢的。什麼病人利益、病人的狀況,他們都不管。 一進醫院,什麼檢查還沒做,第一時間便是打點滴。這是不是太誇張了,有點兒濫用這程 序吧!」 其實他說得對,根據國家發改委副主任朱之鑫在人大常委第十八次聯組會議中表示,中 其實他說得對,根據國家發改委副主任朱之鑫在人大常委第十八次聯組會議中表示,中國 人每年使用104億瓶點滴,亦即說13億的民眾,每人每年平均使用八瓶點滴。這遠遠高於 國際人均使用2.5至3.3瓶的數字。過往就有報章報導,有指在上海某中醫院任職的知情人 士說,內地的醫生傾向使用輸液來治療感冒是因為藥物的廠商會給回扣予醫生。越多病人 輸液,由廠商提供的回扣便會越大,故此醫生可以賺取更多金錢。但是廠商給予的醫生回 扣其實轉嫁了成本給病人,同樣是一支的點滴在不同的醫院可能出現海鮮價。這對病人來 說不是什麼好事,病人接受了不需要的治療,既令病人承受不必要的折磨,亦增加了他們 金錢上的負擔 。 歸根究底,要解決這問題,首要是加強對醫生的道德教育,治療病人首先應使用口服藥物 ,其次是打針,再次之才是輸液。另外,參照台灣政府的做法亦不失為好方法。在30年前 台灣曾遭遇同一狀況,當時,台灣政府統一抬高了點滴價錢,令醫生不能再收取回扣。而 調高了的價錢亦使病人較不願意接受輸液治療,使這狀況慢慢受到控制。 舅舅還說:「好不容易終於等到醫生的檢查和治療。可是這些醫生把一個小小的感冒,硬 生生地說成大病。明明不過是睡得太沉,卻說什麼老人已進入昏迷的狀態,讓一個神經外 科專家作檢查,讓一個老人做這麼多的檢查。先不說她一天抽了多少的血、打了多少的吊 針,照了多少的X光片,還要做核磁共振、CT和抽脊髓液。小小的感冒,醫藥費一萬,不 是我摳門、不孝順,不肯付我媽的藥費,可關鍵是我媽那老骨頭經得起這樣的折騰嗎?」 19 l Asclepius

濫用治療和檢查機制也是內地醫療常見的毛病,醫生慣性將一些小毛病誇張成大病。曾有 報章報道指,在成都有一名年約70歲姓唐的老人患上了感冒。他曾到數所醫院求診,可是 這些醫院將他當成皮球,左轉右轉,最後他共進行了多達78項檢查,其中包括核磁共振、 CT和彩超。檢查結果更指出他患上了肺癌,及後雖證實只是虛驚一場,但他卻要付上不 菲的醫藥費,耗光了本用作養老的1.7萬元。 這是由於醫生的獎金與醫院的業績掛鉤,為了獲得更多的獎金,醫生只能將病情說得嚴 這是由於醫生的獎金與醫院的業績掛鉤,為了獲得更多的獎金,醫生只能將病情說得嚴重 些,使病人接受更多的檢查和治療,從而使醫院賺得更多,以提升自己的奬金。說到尾, 又是錢作的怪。 舅舅繼續說:「那一次醫生說你外婆的狀況又嚴重了,所以要給她用另一種更強效的藥。 就在那天晚上她足足拉了四次,我便問護士那是什麼藥,護士竟告訴我﹕『我不知道,你 去問醫師。』不知道他們是否在藥中加了什麼,因為鄰牀也是用了新藥,那天晚上也拉了 兩次。」 醫生護士是否在瓶內加進了什麼不得而知,但是我們可以知道的是這也難怪我舅舅如此 醫生護士是否在瓶內加進了什麼不得而知,但是我們可以知道的是這也難怪我舅舅如此想 像,因為護士的一句「不知道」顯示出她並不專業。 作為一位護士,她是否稱職一看便 知, 居然連病人在用什麼藥都不知道。這便是我們常強調的專業形象,若然什麼都不知 道,那很難令病人相信你,更遑論要將生命託付於你。 此時,我的舅母插嘴道:「對,我上一次進院生小孩的時候,那醫生簡直氣死我。不知 此時,我的舅母插嘴道:「對,我上一次進院生小孩的時候,那醫生簡直氣死我。不知是 我沒有包紅包,還是為什麼,醫生居然進了手術室期間還在打手機。結果,我生完小孩過 了許久,感覺傷口仍非常刺痛。」她又對我補充道:「對了,你將來做護士千萬不能這樣 。病人把生命交給你,你可不能這樣辜負他們對你的信任。」這一刻,我忽然有一種使命 感,醫護人員應當是受病人信賴的人。他們交付予我們他們的生命,我們就應當保持道德 和良心,盡力診治他們。

Asclepius l 20

那是一場 沒有硝煙的戰爭

/N21 木子

大概每個大學生,接觸大學第一件大事,如無意外,便是Reg科。 作為大學新鮮人(下稱FM 好了),當你還沉醉在JUPAS 入到A123 的喜悅,當你還沉醉在 Reg Day當天看到的大學「學術氣氛」、被眾Soc圍攻的沾沾自喜之情,當你還沉醉在於Reg Day認識新朋友的興奮之情,一場無形的戰火,卻即將降臨…… 在大、細O Camp 的組爸媽口中,也許你會聽聞一個由中英文組成的陌生詞彙──「Reg 科」。大概因爲是護理學學生,平常的科目早已為你「pre-reg」好,接下來在「Reg 科」 大日子中你只需要接受Common Core(下稱CC)的挑戰。在通訊群組內,明明與你同為 freshman,卻不知為何他們總比你知多「一點點」。打個比方,在「Reg 科」的話題下, 他們總會有無數個對你來說是外太空文字的詞語,「嘩!呢個唔係大伏 咩?」「CCST XXXX 靚唔靚grade ?」「上portal 咪有得睇add-drop period lol!」「Nei dei choose yuen CC mei ar?」…… 慢着!怎樣才能稱之為「大伏」?到底CC 是什麼?ST 又是從哪裏看到的?更遑論那一串 不是英文的英文句子。無數的疑惑不停從腦海中浮現,手機內的通訊群組早已被訊息炮彈 轟炸得體無完膚,而即將下戰場的你,卻連CC 是什麼都不知道! 來,讓我們一起深呼吸,把手置於在鍵盤上,在瀏覽器打下「HKU CC」數個英文字吧。 大概過了好幾天,你終於弄清楚自己要做什麼的時候,接下來便是在數十個CC選擇中選 好自己想要的、被眾師兄師姐評為「靚grade」、「Low Workload」的絕世好科。然而,要 成功得到絕世好科,絕非常人能做到。 當天準時九時四十五分,你便要乖乖安坐在電腦面前,桌上必備你的手機、你父母的手 當天準時九時四十五分,你便要乖乖安坐在電腦面前,桌上必備你的手機、你父母的手機 、你兄弟姊妹的手機,每部電子器材必須提前登入HKU Portal 的頁面,而最最最重要的是 ,不惜一切代價,都要讓你的各樣武器有足夠的彈藥──Wi-Fi 支持。手上的武器準備就 緒後,你便要金睛火眼地看著電腦的時間顯示。尚未踏入十時正,內心的戰鼓便會被敲響 ,甚至越來越大聲,握著滑鼠蓄勢待發的手心漸漸冒出微汗,眼眶最終只能看見那無情的 時鐘……

23 l Read My Mind

五、四、三、二、一。 數以百計甚至千計的敵人同一時間按下「Continue」的按鍵,宣告戰爭正式開始。別忘了 ,這是一場講求眼明手快的戰爭,快速按下自己一早選好的絕世好科,「select」。 的確,有時候,運氣也是實力的一種。 縱然你有多眼明手快,你卻忘記了,戰爭是殘酷的。 當你看見頁面上的「Processing」正無止境地閃爍著時,當你過了一刻鐘的時間才能成 當你看見頁面上的「Processing」正無止境地閃爍著時,當你過了一刻鐘的時間才能成功 Reg科時,當你看見自己一早看中的絕世好科在Enrolment Status 中,已經是Queue Position 的其中一員時,當你的大、細O Mates 在通訊群組內奏起勝利的旋律,而你只能酸溜溜地 一邊refresh 頁面,一邊察看是否有其他CC 有空位時,明知殘酷,你卻還要繼續打下去。 戰爭,直至各個CC的Approval Status 顯示了Approved,才暫告一段落。 你終於可以全心投入Hall O、O Camp 的洗禮,讓自己在開Sem前盡情享受新奇的一切。 沒想到…… 開Sem 後,踏進大學本部,上了人生第一個CC,卻發現,那所謂絕世好科的CC,原來是 「絕世巨伏」…… 新一輪戰爭重新開始。 周而復始,Sem 1、Sem 2、Sum Sem…… 甚麼? 也許Year 2 的我們,要面對更殘酷的戰爭。

Read My Mind l 24

寧可留著回憶的美 /M22 四劍俠

25 l Read My Mind

又是離別的一瞬了。短暫的相聚以後,又迎來殘酷的分別。以為時間總是那麼的長, 還有多少時間能看著對方的眼眸,打破刻下的沈默,回到舊時的一段光陰;豈料時間 卻總比我們快走一步,剩下茫然的我們,對望著依舊陌生的對方。 七年的時間,我們都錯過了──錯過對方的身影,錯過捉緊彼此衣袖的機會。七年多 少次能挽留對方的機會,我們都頭也不回地走過。若時光能倒流,我想在我們別肩而 過的一刻緊緊摟著彼此。 離別的一瞬,是多麼的快。我想要留住你的目光,卻怎也抓 不住。道別之時,澎湃的情感就這樣一湧而上,哽咽在喉間;回過神來,我們又再分 隔在不同的國度裡,標誌著另一次的分離,另一次的期許──虛弱無聲的期許。這注 定我們的緣份,就只有回望對方的背影嗎?而我們的相聚,又只得離別嗎? 我想回到我們那孩提的歲月,我想你的容貌笑顏如初,我想一切也是回憶的真。 回憶 是多麼的美,我不忍把它打破,我只願它如水晶般剔透,不想時間悄悄模糊它的臉容 。小時候的我們,眼裡都沒有「過去」,到長大領悟到時間的尺度以後,方才發現自 己總在懷緬過去的所有。明明瞭解真正的友誼不是強要對方一成不變,以渴求雙方關 係維持不變;而是要學懂在年月裏接受也在改變和成長的對方,進而在磨合裡找尋新 的相處之道,適應新的彼此。然而,我還是想要問問:「我們──可以一直如此嗎? 」記憶裡的我們,手牽著手, 變回小孩的模樣。求你告訴我這不是夢,這是個最美的 相聚。 然後我又渴望,我們又將重逢。而這次,我再也不會任你離去,我要牢牢地綁著你, 在我的懷裏、心裏,不許再有離別的一剎。可以嗎?再見以前,祝你一切安好。 再見。

Read My Mind l 26

H um a ns of H K U /M2 2 C ynthi a Yu /M2 2 B ri an C hue

Having a bachelor degree in Mainland China, I am now studying master degree in Engineering now. Master degree is no easy task. The schedule is a lot more demanding than the one I took in China. And the interaction between students has been greatly reduced. We sacrifice the so-called 'U-life' and leisure time to complete this degree. Being a student from Mainland, I have a few local friends only. It is hard to join the social circle here. I think I will get a job in Mainland after graduating from HKU. As for death, I believe it is just a normal process in life. When your beloved ones pass away naturally, you have nothing to grieve as they had a wonderful life already. But if death is caused by unfortunate accidents or diseases, it is comprehensible that we find it difficult to accept. In that situation, I hope I could receive mental guidance to cope with my emotions and pressures.

As a Year 4 Chemistry student, I am expecting Year 4 to be much harsher and more demanding than the previous years as all the courses will be more advanced and we have to do the final year project, which is actually a research aiming at evaluating how much we can apply our chemical knowledge acquired in these 3 years, as well. It is quite a challenging task as we have to find the way out ourselves. We have to do everything from planning to real implementation. Our tasks include setting the topics, finding a supervisor and technician for the research project, finding a laboratory which is willing to let us use the equipment like beakers, and more to go. Concerning death, I personally think it will be the best if the hospital allows some time for us to be alone with our beloved deceased ones or arranges a meeting with social workers for us. I do not mind natural burial after I die one day but at this moment, I am neither in favor of nor in objection to organ donation. I think the primary reason for my stance is the lack of promotion apart from the one following the news on liver and heart donation a few months ago. I may consider that after gathering enough information.

Humans of HKU l 28

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