Hong Kong Sinfonietta: 2013/2014 Annual Report

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香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 b

進一步將古典音樂融入香港市民的生活 To further the integration of the art of music with the lives of the people in Hong Kong

提高音樂藝術及音樂家在香港的地位 To elevate the status of the art of music and musicians in Hong Kong

著重以土生土長和區內的音樂專才提供高質素之管弦樂演奏 To achieve the best quality of music making possible with emphasis on promoting local talents as well as those in the neighbouring regions c Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

「為香港小交響樂團喝采!不論是樂團弦樂組,管樂組,敲擊組等, 其相互配合,節奏明確,平衡度都是現今一流交響樂團的水平!」 《音響技術》 「小交的演奏秩序井然,各聲部的平衡與層次感都予人好感, 全奏時力度亦相當可觀。」 《亞洲週刊》

目錄 Contents 主席報告 Chairman’s Report


音樂總監報告 Music Director’s Report


鳴謝 Acknowledgements


財政報告 Financial Statements


樂季概覽 2013/2014 Season


樂團架構 Personnel Lists


Published by the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited © Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited, 2014

香港小交響樂團有限公司 HONG KONG SINFONIETTA LIMITED “A polished, well-balanced group, a chain with no weak links.” American Record Guide “World-class performance.” South China Morning Post


香港灣仔譚臣道 98 號運盛大廈 3 樓 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG 電話 Tel: (852) 2836 3336 傳真 Fax: (852) 2783 9819 www.HKSL.org enquiries@hksinfonietta.org

香港小交響樂團有限公司為註冊之非牟利慈善團體; 捐款 HK$100 或以上可憑收據申請扣稅。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited is a registered charity and all donations over HK$100 are tax-deductible.

主席報告 Chairman’s Report

「樂團舉辦的 48 個售票節目平均上座率高達 97% ,當中 37 場更是滿座。」 “Of our 48 ticketed concerts, 37 were sold out and the average audience percentage was 97%!”

2 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

香港小交響樂團深信音樂可以融入每一個人的生活,因此一直致力為普 羅大眾提供高質素的音樂演出,拉近古典音樂與大眾間的距離。樂團亦 致力培育和鼓勵年輕藝術家,並倡導本地不同類型的藝術交流,讓音樂 家(以及其他藝術家)可以在各自的藝術範疇精益求精,發揮所長。 2013/2014 年樂季,樂團於 60 套、共 138 場節目中演出(不包括講座和 大師班),吸引 130,000 名觀眾到場欣賞,而樂團舉辦的 48 個售票節目 平均上座率高達 97% ,當中 37 場更是滿座。能夠如此成功,有賴樂團 努力實現其使命,透過新穎的節目編排及高水準的演出,創建文化香 港。樂團亦為不同年齡層的觀眾帶來合適的音樂節目,其長遠觀眾拓展 計劃亦見成效。一位欣賞過這樂季的《一定聽過古典名曲知多少》的樂 評人寫道:「不用憂慮管弦音樂 — 或指揮葉詠詩口中的『好音樂』— 在香港的未來發展了。這場深入淺出的音樂會,由樂團演奏多首一聽難忘的美 妙調子,座無虛席的音樂廳充滿熱烈的掌聲和歡笑聲。這音樂會形式非常受一 家大小歡迎,相信許多小觀眾長大後將會成為忠實樂迷。」 作為香港的文化大使,樂團在這樂季的其中兩個主要文化交流項目包括再次出 訪日本,以及與訪港的加拿大國家藝術中心樂團作音樂交流。 樂團於四月及五月應邀出訪日本,在東京參與《熱狂 k日》音樂祭,共演出六 場。樂團亦首次到新潟演出,為當地觀眾送上四套全莫扎特作品的節目。 而在十月,香港小交響樂團聯同加拿大國家藝術中心樂團 (NACO) 及其音樂總 監蘇嘉文,於香港文化中心同台演出。兩個樂團在蘇嘉文的指揮下,並肩演奏 宏偉的柴可夫斯基第五交響曲,而弦樂組樂師更在首兩個樂章後與身旁的拍檔 互換位置,體現台上的另一種「交流」。這個音樂會同時為 NACO 首個具歷史 性的中國巡迴演出揭開序幕,在中港兩地及加拿大備受注目。 香港小交響樂團自 1999 年成為職業樂團起, 15 年來經常獲邀到海外巡演,足 跡遍及歐亞和南北美洲共 23 個城市,把香港的音樂家和古典音樂帶到全世界。 香港小交響樂團一直躬行「培育文化新一代」的宗旨,除了委約本地作曲家譜 寫新曲外,亦為不少本地藝術家(不拘限於古典音樂)提供演出平台。樂團於 2006 年推出 HKS 駐團藝術家計劃,邀請香港的傑出藝術家與樂團緊密合作, 為古典音樂和其他藝術領域創造新的可能性,並從本地和海外演出中獲取更多 經驗和知名度。 我謹代表香港小交響樂團監察委員會衷心感謝樂團的支持者、贊助商及各界友 好,有賴大家的支持,樂團的使命才能實現,從而為文化香港出一分力。我離 任在即,希望藉此機會感謝樂團一眾樂師和職員,一直竭誠努力為我們帶來好 音樂。希望各位繼續支持這個出色的本地樂團,在香港持續發揮力量。我很榮 幸能夠與香港小交響樂團並肩同行,在此祝願樂團未來繼續以音樂發熱發亮。

香港小交響樂團有限公司 主席

施永青 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 3

Hong Kong Sinfonietta believes that music is for everyone. We believe that the art of music should integrate with the lives of people in Hong Kong and we aim to provide the best quality music to the general public. We also believe that young artists should be nurtured and encouraged to contribute to the field which will in turn reflect positively in the society. We are happy to be one of the anchor points for musicians (and other artists) to further strengthen their skills in their artform, and to act as a vanguard and catalyst for many artistic offerings in Hong Kong. In the 2013/2014 season, Hong Kong Sinfonietta performed in 60 programmes with 138 performances (not including talks and classes), reaching 130,000 audience members live. Of our 48 ticketed concerts, 37 were sold out and the average audience percentage was 97%! We attribute this success to Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s vision to build a cultural Hong Kong via innovative programming and performances of high artistic quality. Our longterm audience development strategies for classical music, which is based on the concept that the programmes have to be relevant to the society and accessible to everyone from 0 to 88, is also paying off. A reviewer recently wrote after attending the Know Your Favourite Orchestral Tunes concert, that “there is no need to worry about the future of orchestral music, or ‘good music’ as conductor Yip Wing-sie calls it, in this city. This concert had irresistible tunes played beautifully with the hard parts left out. Judging by the full house, laughter and warm applause, this method was a hit with the family audience, some of whom will surely grow up to be fans for life.” As a classical music ambassador of Hong Kong, we engaged in two major cultural exchange projects this season: In April and May, the orchestra was invited to Tokyo, Japan, to give six performances at La Folle Journée festival. The orchestra also made its début in Niigata, performing four all-Mozart programmes. In October, Hong Kong Sinfonietta played host to Canada’s National Arts Centre Orchestra (NACO), collaborating with them and its Music Director Pinchas Zukerman in a joint concert at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. When the two orchestras played Tchaikovsky’s magnificent Symphony No 5 “side-by-side”, there was a literal exchange point when the stand partners of the string sections swapped seats after the first two movements! This concert also marked the opening of NACO’s historical tour in China, which caught much attention in Hong Kong, China and Canada. Since Hong Kong Sinfonietta turned professional 15 years ago in 1999, the orchestra has been invited to give concerts in 23 cities in Europe, the North and South Americas and in Asia, promoting Hong Kong musicians and classical music around the world. Hong Kong Sinfonietta has always made the grooming of local artistic talents the core of its mission. Apart from yearly commissioning of new works by Hong Kong composers, we also showcase Hong Kong artists (not restricted to classical music) as much as we can. In 2006 we launched the HKS Artist Associate Scheme, which started the official relationship between the orchestra and outstanding local artists – giving them a platform to grow and develop as they work closely with the orchestra and Music Director Yip Wing-sie, while gaining experience and publicity at home and abroad. On behalf of the Board of Governors of Hong Kong Sinfonietta, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our supporters, sponsors and friends, whose generous contributions and support have enabled us to realise our mission to build a cultural Hong Kong. As the end of my term as Chairman draws near, I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the dedicated members of this wonderful orchestra – musicians and staff, who always give their best to bring us Good Music. I urge you to continue to support this wonderful local gem, without which Hong Kong would be a different place. I am very proud to have been associated with this organisation and I wish it all the best in the years to come.

Shih Wing-ching Chairman, Board of Governors Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 4 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

the average audience percentage was 97%!”

「香港小交響樂團的演奏,聽得人出塵脫俗, 暫忘紛亂擾攘的人世。」 《星島日報》 “A beautiful performance which showed that Hong Kong Sinfonietta is worthy of standing among the ranks of European orchestras.” L’Eco di Bergamo (Italy) “There is no need to worry about the future of orchestral music, or ‘good music’ as conductor Yip Wing-sie calls it, in this city.” South China Morning Post

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 5

音樂總監報告 Music Director’s Report 「葉詠詩領導香港小交響樂團表現極為出色, 奏出高水平的層次感。」 《亞洲週刊》 “Yip’s interpretation was consistently elegant, charming and well paced.” American Record Guide

6 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report


Opening Doors — to classical music

常常有觀眾及傳媒朋友問我身為一個樂團音 樂總監,在指揮以外還有甚麼工作。有時 候,我會詳盡地講解我的工作日程,讓他們 了解我的工作範疇;有時候又會直接告訴他 們我主管樂團的藝術水平。其實,我的想法 都是圍繞著一個中心點:

In conversations with people and in media interviews, I am often faced with questions regarding what I do as Music Director apart from conducting the orchestra. Sometimes, I make a thorough explanation, taking them through my “typical day”. Other times, I would cite the official line in my “job specification” — and tell them I am in charge of the artistic standard of the orchestra. In fact, the more I answer, the more I catch my thoughts slowly converging towards a main point:

音樂總監是一份很複雜的工作。我不算是樂 師們的「上司」,亦不是行政人員或監察委員 會的成員。我身份獨立,像是一種催化劑, 引領著樂團不斷前進。更具體的說,我的工 作是要令每一位樂師更開放自己,投入音 樂,發揮更高水準,奏出更動聽的音樂。也 許,每一位音樂總監的最終目標就是要打開 樂師們的心扉。 我亦一直著重要為香港和海外觀眾打開認識 古典音樂的大門。這個樂季,我們的努力取 得驕人成果,吸引逾 130,000 名觀眾到場欣賞 演出!香港小交響樂團是全世界最忙碌的樂 團之一,沒有暑假,也沒有寒假。而在這個 樂季,除了在香港大會堂的古典音樂會和室 樂演出之外,我們更為七套大型舞台製作現 場伴奏(包括本地和訪港的芭蕾舞團及歌劇 演出)。樂團亦繼續履行培育本地音樂人才的 使命,委約了三位作曲家為樂團譜新曲,更 於香港藝術節中演出其中一首新作。另外, 徇眾要求,我們再次在香港大會堂劇院舉辦 輕鬆的「早晨美樂」音樂會,於早上 11 時為 觀眾送上優美樂曲;我們亦首次與聲蜚合唱 節合作,演出海頓、布拉姆斯和貝多芬的合 唱曲。此外,我們推出了新的「大師班」系 列,讓一眾愛樂者和未來音樂家可以近距離 聆聽國際知名的音樂大師分享他們的演奏技 巧和心得。 擔任香港小交響樂團音樂總監至今第 12 年, 我很高興看見樂團在緊絀的資源下,仍竭力 為不同觀眾帶來高質素的音樂。我衷心希望 香港政府和愛樂者能繼續支持香港小交響樂 團,讓我們可以繼續為更多人開啟一道道欣 賞古典音樂的大門。

The job of a Music Director is a complicated one. I am not exactly the musicians’ “boss”, nor am I a member of the administrative staff, or a board member. I am an independent entity, perhaps a kind of catalyst, who is here to make the orchestra play and sound “better”. In a more literal sense, it could mean getting the musicians interested in, or enthusiastic about the music-making but on a higher level, I am seeking everyone to “open themselves” to the music. The ultimate goal of every Music Director must be to open the [heart]doors of the musicians. I am also conscious of opening the doors of classical music to the audience, in Hong Kong and abroad. This season, our efforts were record-breaking as we reached out to more than 130,000 people live! I am often reminded that I am leading one of the busiest orchestras in the world — especially when we work through the year and over the summer months. This season, we felt especially challenged as we took on extra accompaniment projects and challenged ourselves with seven significant stage productions (including ballet and opera, local and abroad)! This was in addition to our regular City Hall standard concerts and chamber concerts. We continued with our mission to nurture local talents as we commissioned three composers, one of whom we featured at the Hong Kong Arts Festival. To answer public demands, we continued with our lighter morning series at the City Hall Theatre, welcoming audiences at 11am; and also started our liaison with a new local choral organisation SingFest, presenting two choral concerts in the summer. This season also saw our new “masterclasses” series, which I hope we can develop. These are encounters with international musicians with a twist, where master musicians share their expertise with amateurs as well as tobe-professionals. In my 12th year as Music Director of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, I am happy to see that in spite of financial deficiencies along the way, we have strived and continued to open many doors. I implore the Government and music lovers to continue to support our cause as we continue to open doors to classical music for the people.

香港小交響樂團 音樂總監

Yip Wing-sie


Music Director, Hong Kong Sinfonietta 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 7

謝謝! Thank You Partners! 2013/2014 年樂季贊助機構 Sponsors of the 2013/2014 Season 主要贊助機構 Major Sponsors

Serena Yang

商業機構贊助計劃 Corporate Members 白金會員 Platinum Members

Premium Friends


藝倡畫廊 Alisan Fine Arts

Thank you to the following parties for their continued support!

陳求德醫生 Dr Chan Kow Tak 張 昌博士 Dr Thomas H C Cheung

CASH 音樂基金 CASH Music Fund

馮元志 Louis Fung

法國駐港澳總領事館 Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao

林煥樟博士 Dr Steven Woon-cheong Lam

加拿大駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong

李韶博士 及 李梅以菁博士

The Fleming

Dr Lee Shiu & Dr Jennie Mui Lee

民政事務局 Home Affairs Bureau

羅榮生 Vincent W S Lo

香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

冼為堅 David Sin Wai-kin

光華新聞文化中心 Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center

Mr T L Tsim

康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department

萬美宜 Christine Van

香港電台 Radio Television Hong Kong

多位無名氏 Anonymous

太古地產 Swire Properties 通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Co Ltd 美國駐香港總領事館 US Consulate General Hong Kong

8 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

贊助人及捐款者 Patrons & Donors 香港小交響樂團對以下熱心人士及機構在去年的捐款致以衷心謝意。 Thank you to the individuals, foundations and corporations who have supported us with a donation in the past year. MegaSTAR Patron (>HK$500,000) 施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd SuperSTAR Patrons (HK$100,000 to HK$499,999) 亞洲保險有限公司 Asia Insurance Co Ltd 陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Chan Yuk-kwan 林護紀念基金有限公司 Lam Woo Foundation Limited

林 先生夫人 羅鷹瑞醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Lo Ying Sui Archie 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick S. C. Poon

STARplus Donors (HK$30,000 to HK$99,999) Bloomberg L.P. Cadence, Zoe and Phoebe Dr & Mrs Chan Ka Ho

Dedicated Violinist Fund 梁烈安先生及夫人 Mr & Mrs Leung Lit On Mr Eric Tsang

徐莉女士 Ms Eileen Tsui 多位無名氏 Anonymous

STAR Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999) 北山堂基金 Bei Shan Tang Foundation Dr Jane Chan Prof T M Chan 周愛琳醫生 Dr Irene Chau 張 昌博士 Dr Thomas H C Cheung Dr Vivian Cheung 張黎慧文 Vivian W M Cheung 張玉堂 Cheung Yuk Tong 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen

關卓然先生 Mr William Kwan Cheuk Yin Mr Timothy Lam Mr Allan Leung Ms Olivia Lo Tai Chuen 羅榮生 Vincent W S Lo Mrs Adeline Lui 莫扎特迷 Mozart’s Fan 彭嘉碧女士 Ms Rotina Pang Ruth & Sidney

Mrs Lisa Siu Ms Eva Tam Mr and Mrs Robert C. Tang Patrick & Selena Tsang 曹延洲醫生 Dr Tsao Yen-chow Dr & Mrs A Van Langenberg 多位無名氏 Anonymous

Donors (HK$1,000 to HK$9,999) BELIEVING MUSIC CAN J. Ian Burchett, Consul General of Canada 加拿大琴行 Canada Piano Co Mr Michael Chae Jonman, Monika & Joel Chan Family 陳桂瑤小姐 Ms Chan Kwai Yiu Linda 陳燕婷 Ms Laura Chen Mrs Leslie Cheng 張綺華 Helen Cheung Kenyon & Leonard Chow In memory of Ewing Drs Eudora & Samuel Fung 馮新健先生 Mr John Sun-kin Fung 梅夫人婦女會 The Helena May

Ms Rose Ho Dan and Sheryl Hooley Ms Betsy Lai Mr Lau Chun Kay 劉家駿先生 Mr Garrick Lau Dr Lau Mo Yee Liau, Ho & Chan Solicitors & Notaries Ms Loretta Lee Hayden Majajas & Andy Chen Philippe de Marcillac 大通會計事務所 Masterpoint Professional Ltd Mr Martin Matsui 吳志強先生 吳翠珍女士 Ms Jane Ng

Ms Patricia Or Ms Amy Tam Mr Tony Tang 曾宇美女士 Ms Elizabeth Tsang Ethan Tsang & Anton Tsang Ms Tsui Lap Lee Van-Boswell’s for Christine Van Wig the Pig 黃家敏小姐 Ms Bibiann Wong Mr Derek See-Kit Wong Mr Peterson Wong 徐閔女士 Ms Helen Zee 多位無名氏 Anonymous

學生票資助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme Donors Diamond Donors (>HK$100,000) CLP Holdings Limited Ms Cecilia Fok 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick S. C. Poon 施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd 芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation Jade Donor (HK$50,000 to HK$99,999) 中原電器行 無名氏 Anonymous Ruby Donor (HK$30,000 to HK$49,999) 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen

Pearl Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999) 查懋成及史美倫 Victor and Laura Cha Mr Patrick Chan 周愛琳醫生 Dr Irene Chau 張德賢博士伉儷 Dr & Mrs Douglas Cheung Stephanie & Amelie Jat 高惠充先生 Mr Geoffrey Ko 高振邦先生 郭立成律師 Mr Chris Kok Mr and Mrs Lam Ting Kwok Paul 羅允堂醫生 Dr Law Wun Tong 彭嘉碧女士 Ms Rotina Pang 孫永輝及施熙德 Edith and Stephen Sun 偉華基金 Wai Wah Foundation 王永平教授 Ms Christine Yip 多位無名氏 Anonymous Opal Donors (HK$1,000 to HK$9,999) BELIEVING MUSIC CAN Mr Iain Bruce Jonman, Monika & Joel Chan Family

Miss Julia Chan Mr Chan Kwan Ho Prof David Clarke Mr Paul Jackson 岳家 Jacobelli Family Tasha Lalvani Dr Lee George Lam 紀念劉葉珍女士 李樹榮博士 Dr Ernest Lee 廖炳輝醫生 Dr Liu Bing Fai Ms Anna Luk 吳思博伉儷 Mr & Mrs Nigel & Winny Ng 吳小蓉小姐 Ms Ng Siu Yung 吳榮奎先生 Mr Ng Wing Fui Nicholas 蘇國輝 So Kwok Fai Adrian & Anne Walter Dr Wong Hin Yeuk Professor John Wong 黃乃禧先生 Mr Wong Nai Hay 曾健鵬先生夫人 Mr and Mrs Paul Tsang Mr Wong Wai Tung Mr Marcus Woo Ms Alice Yeung 多位無名氏 Anonymous

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 9

收支表 Statement of Income and Expenditure 截至 2014 年 3 月 31 日

For the year ended 31 March 2014

具競爭元素試驗計劃 Contestable Funding 一般基金 Pilot Scheme General Fund 收入



Government grants – subvention for the year


Government grants – other grants





總計 Total

總計 Total








音樂會及其他表演收入 Revenues from concerts & other performances








捐款、贊助及其他資助 Donations, sponsorship & other grants












Revenues from outbound cultural exchange performances Other income






Salaries & artist honorariums






Production expenses






Overseas touring expenses





Marketing expenses





Fundraising expenses





Administration expenses








Deficit for the year








(161,530 )




Transfer from Touring Reserve



Accumulated surplus at the beginning of the year













總計 Total

總計 Total

資產負債表 Balance Sheet 2014 年 3 月 31 日

As at 31 March 2014

具競爭元素試驗計劃 Contestable Funding 一般基金 Pilot Scheme General Fund 非流動資產














(6,029,348 )











The Serena Yang Fund





Touring Reserve


Income & Expenditure Account

節錄自核數師報告 Extracted from Audited Financial Statements

10 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report







駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2013/2014

(左至右)樂團首席格德霍特、鋼琴大師李爾及駐團藝術家羅詠媞演繹貝多芬三重協奏曲 Beethoven’s Triple Concerto by (from left to right) Concertmaster James Cuddeford, pianist John Lill and HKS Artist Associate Wendy Law: “The performance was a delightfully surprise of near perfect harmony.” Bachtrack.com

香港小交響樂團自 2006 年起舉辦「駐團藝術家」計 劃,由音樂總監葉詠詩邀請不同範疇的藝術家在樂季 中以不同形式與樂團交流和合作,亦為古典音樂創造 新的可能性。 2013/2014 樂季香港小交響樂團駐團藝術家為大提琴 家羅詠媞,她與樂團合作了兩場合音樂會,包括與鋼 琴大師李爾,樂團首席格德霍特合作貝多芬的 C 大調 小提琴、大提琴及鋼琴協奏曲。她又率領其室樂組合 Classical Jam 在樂團的 ArtisTree 駐場計劃中演出了她 的作品,及首演了奕頓《遊戲有理》及海恩斯《數獨 遊戲》,還參演了多場演奏會和工作坊。此外,她亦 走訪了多間學校,與學生分享音樂心得。 First launched in 2006, the HKS Artist Associate Scheme aims to provide a platform for intensive collaborations with individual artists or groups from different arts disciplines. During the course of the season new ideas and initiatives are explored, to expand beyond the horizon of classical music. The HKS Artist Associate in 2013/2014 was cellist Wendy Law, who collaborated with the orchestra in two concerts, including a performance of Beethoven’s Triple

Concerto with pianist John Lill and HKS Concertmaster James Cuddeford. She and her chamber group Classical Jam also worked with HKS musicians in concerts and workshops at the orchestra’s residency at ArtisTree. Together they premiered Kaley Eaton’s Some Reasons Why We Play and Justin Hines’ Suduko, and played her own composition Hong Kong Jam. In addition, Classical Jam visited local schools and shared their music and insights with students and their teachers.

香港小交響樂團駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associates 伍卓賢 Ng Cheuk-yin (2006–2008) 楊嘉輝 Samson Young (2008–2009) 黎志華 Jason Lai (2009–2011) 李嘉齡 Colleen Lee (2010–2011) 伍宇烈 Yuri Ng (2011–2013) 盧思泓 Loo Sze-wang (2012–2013) 羅詠媞 Wendy Law (2013–2014) 朱 謙 Chu Pak-him (2014–2015) 麥淑賢 Mak Su-yin (2014–2015) 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 11

委約作品 Commissioned Works in 2013/2014 12.10.2013 梁基爵 GayBird

《地心》為管弦樂團、結合機械裝置和電子聲響而作 Gravitation in Time for orchestra, robotic instruments & electronics

29–30.11.2013 羅家恩/羅玉梅 (錄像) Aenon Loo/Law Yuk-mui (video)

《走過的日子》為錄像、女高音和室樂團而作 Here are the years that walk between for video, soprano & chamber orchestra

28.2.2014 鄺展維 Charles Kwong

《如川,不舍晝夜》 As the Streams Never Cease

作曲家梁基爵為《地心》的首演親自注入電子聲效及裝置機械「樂器」 Composer Gaybird with his robotic instruments and electronics in Gravitation in Time

「作品 [鄺展維《如川,不舍晝夜》] 的原創性,加上指揮葉詠詩的深情領 導,引起藝術共鳴,令人真正感受到藝術節中的香港。」 《亞洲周刊》 World première of Charles Kwong’s As the Streams Never Cease

女高音葉葆菁(圖左)與副指揮黎志華於 ArtisTree 首演作曲家羅家恩及羅玉梅(錄像)的多媒體作品《走過的日子》 Aenon Loo’s Here are the years that walk between: “With a new set of visuals by Law Yuk-mui, Loo’s conceptions were both musically expanded and thematically tightened, leaving little doubt over the primacy of the music.” The Financial Times

12 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

這樂季與樂團合作的華裔藝術家 Chinese artists who collaborated with Hong Kong Sinfonietta in 2013/2014 指揮家 Conductors 簡文彬 Chien Wen-pin 黎志華 Jason Lai (副指揮/駐團藝術家 Associate Conductor/HKS Artist Associate 2009-2011)

林敬基 Ken Lam 器樂演奏家 Instrumentalists 查海倫 Helen Cha 羅詠媞 Wendy Law (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2013-2014)

盧思泓 Loo Sze-wang (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2012-2013)

施敏倫 Amy Sze

簡文彬 Chien Wen-pin

歌唱家/ 演唱/ 合唱指導 Vocalists/Singers/Chorus masters 鄭基恩 Ronnie Cheng • 蔣頌恩 Grace Chiang 趙伯承 Patrick Chiu • 葉葆菁 Yuki Ip • 林二汶 Eman Lam 孫子承 Felix Shuen • 譚天樂 Alex Tam • 胡永正 Caleb Woo 作曲家 Composers 陳慶恩 Chan Hing-yan • 陳其鋼 Chen Qi-gang 梁基爵 GayBird • 黃若 Huang Ruo • 鄺展維 Charles Kwong 羅家恩 Aenon Loo • 雷德媛 Alexina Louie 伍卓賢 Ng Cheuk-yin (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2006-2008)

林敬基 Ken Lam

游元慶 Yau Yuen-hing 主持及其他創作人 Presenters & other creative artists 羅玉梅 Law Yuk-mui • 盧健英 Lu Chien-ying 麥家碧 Alice Mak • 麥淑賢 Mak Su-yin 伍宇烈 Yuri Ng (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2011-2013)

謝立文 Brian Tse 其他表演藝術團體 Other performing arts groups 拔萃混聲合唱團 Diocesan Schools Choral Society 香港藝術節合唱團 Hong Kong Arts Festival Chorus 香港芭蕾舞團 The Hong Kong Ballet 香港大學學生會合唱團 Hong Kong University Students’ Union Choir Lunchtime Production Limited 香港歌劇院 Opera Hong Kong 聲蜚 2013 節慶合唱團 SingFest 2013 Festival Chorus 聲蜚 2013 青年合唱團 SingFest 2013 Youth Chorus

「是晚小交奏出了宏大的音樂,把海頓的優美和聲,多變的旋律, 精奇的變奏,表露無遺,近九十人的聲蜚青年合唱團,氣勢磅礡。」 《星島日報》 Vocalists Caleb Woo, Alex Tam and Yuki Ip (from right to left) and the SingFest Youth Chorus in Haydn’s The Creation under maestro Helmuth Rilling

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 13

樂季主要演出 Major Performances in 2013/2014 海外演出 Tours 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

27 &




香港小交響樂團日本之旅 日本《熱狂 k日》音樂祭 2013 Hong Kong Sinfonietta in Japan La Folle Journée au Japon 2013

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮) 潘尼迪爾、朴拉、清水和音(鋼琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Jean-Claude Pennetier, Matan Porat, Kazune Shimizu (Piano)

Ryutopia Niigata-City Performing Arts Center Concert Hall


東京國際會議中心 Tokyo International Forum

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、宮田大(大提琴) 莉迪雅及桑雅.比絲雅克、清水和音(鋼琴) 篠崎和子(豎琴)、石丸幹二(旁白) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor), Dai Miyata (Cello) Lidija & Sanja Bizjak, Kazune Shimizu (Piano) Kazuko Shinozaki (Harp), Kanji Ishimaru (Narrator)

香港小交響樂團首次到日本新潟演出,為當地觀眾送上四套全莫扎特作品的節目 Hong Kong Sinfonietta made its Niigata début at the Ryutopia Niigata-City Performing Arts Center

音樂總監兼指揮葉詠詩與鋼琴家潘尼迪爾排練中 Rehearsing with French pianist Jean-Claude Pennetier

14 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

樂團第五度應邀出訪東京,在《熱狂 k日》音樂祭與石丸幹二(下左圖)及莉迪雅及桑雅.比絲雅克(下右圖)等合作,共演出六場音樂會 The orchestra was invited for the 5th time to La Folle Journée festival in Tokyo and gave six performances at Tokyo International Forum

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 15

欣賞 Appreciate 日期 Date

地點 Venue


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

節目名稱 Performance Title

法國五月藝術節揭幕音樂會 Le French May Arts Festival Opening Concert 《最愛豎琴》 :梅斯特與香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta & Xavier de Maistre

演出者 Major Artists

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮) 梅斯特(豎琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Xavier de Maistre (Harp)

西貝遼士第二交響曲 Jason Lai · Sibelius

黎志華(副指揮)、譚銘恩(牧童笛) Jason Lai (Associate Conductor) Stefan Temmingh (Recorder)

自新世界 From the New World

林敬基(指揮)、赫德里希(小提琴) Ken Lam (Conductor), Augustin Hadelich (Violin)

法國五月藝術節閉幕音樂會 Le French May Arts Festival Finale Concert 《最愛小提琴》 :拉威爾與蕭頌 Yossif Ivanov Plays Ravel & Chausson

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮) 伊凡諾夫(小提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Yossif Ivanov (Violin)

貝多芬與鋼琴大師李爾 Beethoven Piano Concertos: John Lill Plays No 1 & Triple

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、李爾(鋼琴) 格德霍特(小提琴)、羅詠媞(駐團藝術家/大提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) John Lill (Piano), James Cuddeford (Violin) Wendy Law (HKS Artist Associate/Cello)

貝多芬皇帝鋼琴協奏曲 Beethoven Piano Concertos: Ian Parker Plays Emperor

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、柏卡(鋼琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Ian Parker (Piano) 同時為電台廣播之音樂會 Concert with radio broadcast

「在旋律、氣氛和表現技巧上的變化,直叫人目不暇給!」《信報》 Le French May Arts Festival Opening Concert: Hong Kong Sinfonietta & Xavier de Maistre

16 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

「讓人耳眩、屏息。樂隊在節奏和音色的掌握,都表現出色。」《亞洲週刊》 Le French May Arts Festival Finale Concert: Yossif Ivanov Plays Ravel & Chausson

「[Stefan Temmingh] 不但吹奏得異常快速,而且非常清晰, 如小鳥鳴唱。」《經濟日報》 Associate Conductor Jason Lai and recorder virtuoso Stefan Temmingh in Jason Lai . Sibelius 「[Augustin Hadelich] 飛快於 1723 Strad 指板上的音符,假泛音精準無誤, 高速過弦不費吹灰之力,技驚四座,俘擄了全場的心。」《信報》 Hong Kong conductor Ken Lam and violinist Augustin Hadelich in From the New World

樂團本樂季選演了貝多芬鋼琴協奏曲全集。圖為音樂總監葉詠詩、 鋼琴大師李爾與樂團 “Yip Wing-sie, John Lill and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta shine in Britten and Beethoven.” Bachtrack.com

「[柏卡] 在第一樂章已先聲奪人,與樂隊和唱出君臨天下之勢。」《晴報》 Beethoven Piano Concertos: Ian Parker Plays Emperor

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 17

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists



聲蜚合唱節 2013 SingFest 海頓《創世紀》 Haydn The Creation

里霖(指揮)、葉葆菁(女高音) 譚天樂(男高音)、胡永正(男低音) 趙伯承、孫子承(合唱指導) 聲蜚 2013 青年合唱團 Helmuth Rilling (Conductor), Yuki Ip (Soprano) Alex Tam (Tenor), Caleb Woo (Bass) Patrick Chiu, Felix Shuen (Chorus Masters) SingFest 2013 Youth Chorus

聲蜚合唱節 2013 SingFest 貝多芬與布拉姆斯 Beethoven & Brahms

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、金鎮秀(鋼琴) 趙伯承、孫子承(合唱指導) 聲蜚 2013 青年合唱團 Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor), Ben Kim (Piano) Patrick Chiu, Felix Shuen (Chorus Masters) SingFest 2013 Festival Chorus

最愛巴羅克 Philip Pickett’s Baroque Favourites

畢克特(指揮)、羅琛琪(長笛)、金勞思(雙簧管) Philip Pickett (Conductor), Kate Lawson (Flute) Marrie Rose Kim (Oboe)

HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港演藝學院 香港賽馬會演藝劇院

《最愛大提琴》 :柴可夫斯基洛可可主題變奏曲 簡文彬(指揮)、羅詠媞(駐團藝術家/大提琴) Cellomania: Wendy Law Plays Tchaikovsky Chien Wen-pin (Conductor) Wendy Law (HKS Artist Associate/Cello) 《最愛大提琴》 :拉羅大提琴協奏曲 Cellomania: Antonio Meneses Plays Lalo

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、梅奈塞斯(大提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor), Antonio Meneses (Cello)

《最愛大提琴》 :梅奈塞斯大提琴獨奏會 梅奈塞斯(大提琴)、伊藤惠(鋼琴) Cellomania: Antonio Meneses Cello Recital Antonio Meneses (Cello), Kei Itoh (Piano)

HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HK Academy for Performing Arts


香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall

香港小交響樂團與加拿大國家藝術中心樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta & Canada’s National Arts Centre Orchestra Pinchas Zukerman · Tchaikovsky Symphony No 5

蘇嘉文(指揮/小提琴) 霍茜(大提琴) Pinchas Zukerman (Conductor/ Violin) Amanda Forsyth (Cello) 同時為電台廣播之音樂會 Concert with radio broadcast

聲蜚合唱節 2013 SingFest: Haydn The Creation 「香港小交響樂團在大會堂演奏海頓的《創世紀》,聽得人出塵脫俗, 暫忘紛亂擾嚷的人世。」《星島日報》 “[Rilling] wielded an undemonstrative baton with a huge sense of authority.” South China Morning Post

18 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

聲蜚合唱節 2013 SingFest: Beethoven & Brahms 「金鎮秀的技巧十分扎實,時而行雲流水,時而張力十足,與樂團對應緊湊流暢, 充滿朝氣。」《信報》 Music Director Yip Wing-sie, pianist Ben Kim and SingFest 2013 Chorus in Beethoven’s Choral Fantasy

指揮蘇嘉文帶領香港小交響樂團與加拿大國家藝術中心樂團同台演出 Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Canada’s National Arts Centre Orchestra under the baton of Pinchas Zukerman 「終章時輝煌的銅管在龐大的弦樂奮力襯托下,奏出一浪又一浪的聲響,最後四個強力和弦炸出極大的掌聲。 這可能是香港史上最響亮的《柴五》。」《亞洲周刊》 “A triumph.” South China Morning Post

蘇嘉文與香港小交響樂團演繹莫扎特小提琴協奏曲 “As a soloist, Zukerman shapes the sound like a fascinating raconteur.” South China Morning Post

著名大提琴家梅奈塞斯在《最愛大提琴》音樂會的演出 Cellomania: Antonio Meneses Plays Lalo

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 19

日期 Date

地點 Venue


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

《最愛小提琴》 :韋家雅香港首演 Great Violin Concertos: Iskandar Widjaja Plays Wieniawski

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、韋家雅(小提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Iskandar Widjaja (Violin)

貝多芬第三鋼琴協奏曲 Beethoven Piano Concertos: David Kadouch Plays No 3

黎志華(副指揮)、卡杜殊(鋼琴) Jason Lai (Associate Conductor) David Kadouch (Piano)

2014 香港藝術節 The 42nd Hong Kong Arts Festival 香港小交響樂團與葛羅夫納 Hong Kong Sinfonietta & Benjamin Grosvenor

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮) 葛羅夫納(鋼琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Benjamin Grosvenor (Piano)

同時為電台廣播之音樂會 Concert with radio broadcast 同時為電視台廣播之音樂會 Concert with TV broadcast

「在葛羅夫納手指下,聽來流暢之至,像是一首流傳已久的經典。小交的樂師們在葉詠詩指揮下全力以赴,毫不含糊。」《明報》 2014 Hong Kong Arts Festival: Hong Kong Sinfonietta & Benjamin Grosvenor

小提琴家韋家雅香港首演 Great Violin Concertos: Iskandar Widjaja Plays Wieniawski

20 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

法國鋼琴家卡杜殊為本樂季的全套貝多芬鋼琴協奏曲節目畫上句號 “David Kadouch gave a brilliant performance.” W City

「香港小交響樂團的葉詠詩,她的生命力、感染力很強, 很快就可以把聽眾帶入她揮動著指揮棒的世界,讓我們靜心欣賞古典或現代曲目。」 《星島日報》 “[Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s performance] had all the biting dynamics and precision of a top European orchestra.” South China Morning Post

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 21

增值 Learn 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists



最愛牧童笛 The Amazing Mr Temmingh & His Recorders

譚銘恩(牧童笛/主持) Stefan Temmingh (Recorder/Presenter)

牧童笛大師班 Stefan Temmingh Recorder Masterclass

譚銘恩(牧童笛/主持) Stefan Temmingh (Recorder/Presenter)

HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

20-21.7. 2013




HK City Hall Concert Hall

HK City Hall Concert Hall

13-15.9. 2013

香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre

國際綜藝合家歡 International Arts Carnival 《我個名叫麥兜兜.古典音樂小計劃》 麥兜.感人至深小故事 HKS McDull Music Project McDull . Sentimental Little Stories

聲蜚合唱節 2013 SingFest Helmut Rilling Conducting Masterclass 《寶寶愛音樂》 Good Music for Babies

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) 謝立文及麥家碧(概念/導演)、林二汶(特邀演出) 伍宇烈(舞術指導/2011-2013 駐團藝術家) Lunchtime Production Limited(動畫製作) 春田花花教育基金有限公司 Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor/Presenter) Brian Tse & Alice Mak (Concept/Co-directors) Eman Lam (Special Guest) Yuri Ng (Movement Director/HKS Artist Associate 2011-2013) Lunchtime Production Limited (Animation Production) Chun Tian Hua Hua Foundation Ltd 里霖(指揮/主持) Helmuth Rilling (Conductor/Presenter) 黎志華(副指揮/主持) Jason Lai (Associate Conductor/Presenter)

副指揮黎志華主持《寶寶愛音樂》 Associate Conductor Jason Lai in the ever popular Good Music for Babies

家長與小寶寶一起隨音樂起舞 Parents and babies dancing to Tchaikovsky’s Waltz

22 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

《我個名叫麥兜兜.古典音樂小計劃》之「麥兜.感人至深小故事」 “The clever use of music in storytelling was evident throughout.” South China Morning Post

大小觀眾與譚銘恩一起吹奏《綠袖子》 Audience members participating in Greensleeves to a Ground

譚銘恩在《最愛牧童笛》中施展渾身解數 The Amazing Mr Temmingh & His Recorders

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 23

日期 Date

地點 Venue


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

9-10.11. 2013





HK City Hall Concert Hall

24-27.1. 2014


14-15.2. 2014


HK City Hall Concert Hall

HK City Hall Theatre

HK City Hall Concert Hall

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

《樂聚一小時》 :校園篇 One-Hour Classics for Schools

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor/Presenter)

《古典音樂速成》 Short-cut to Classical Music

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor/Presenter)

《我的音樂日記》 :星際大冒險 Good Music for Kids: Alasdair’s Space Adventure

戴維斯(指揮)、麥萊(主持) Nick Davies (Conductor) Alasdair Malloy (Presenter)

《寶寶愛音樂》 Good Music for Babies

黎志華(副指揮/主持) Jason Lai (Associate Conductor/Presenter)

一定聽過古典名曲知多少 Know Your Favourite Orchestral Tunes

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor/Presenter)

在《古典音樂速成》中,台上台下打成一片,一起輕輕鬆鬆學習欣賞管弦音樂 Learning music can be a lot of fun! Audience members joining the orchestra and Music Director Yip Wing-sie on stage in Short-cut to Classical Music

24 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

香港小交響樂團樂師在《我的音樂日記》中化身為外星人,與麥萊叔叔一起帶領觀眾作星際大冒險 Captain Alasdair taking the audience of Good Music for Kids on to a Space Adventure with his crews from Hong Kong Sinfonietta

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 25

減壓 Relax 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title



《樂聚一小時》 :早晨美樂 One-Hour Classics Good Music This Morning

HK City Hall Theatre


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

6-8.12.2013 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

演出者 Major Artists

格德霍特(小提琴/領奏) James Cuddeford (Violin/Leader)

鷹君集團五十周年冠名贊助 Great Eagle 50th Anniversary Proudly 迪士尼《幻想曲》音樂會 Disney’s Fantasia: Live in Concert

林敬基(指揮) Ken Lam (Conductor)

韋家雅小提琴狂想 Iskandar Widjaja · The Fiery Violin

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、韋家雅(小提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Iskandar Widjaja (Violin)

最 HIT 音樂劇及電影名曲(聖誕版) Sounds Great: Movies & Musicals

鄧克(指揮) 奧瑪妮、朗尼(演唱) 格德霍特(小提琴) Roderick Dunk (Conductor) Jayne O’Mahony, John Langley (Singers) James Cuddeford (Violin)

(Christmas Special)

迪士尼《幻想曲》音樂會 Disney’s Fantasia: Live in Concert

最 HIT 音樂劇及電影名曲(聖誕版) Sounds Great: Movies & Musicals (Christmas Special)

26 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

還有 What else… 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists



30.7.2013 3.9.2013 29.10.2013 12.11.2013 10.12.2013 21.1.2014 4.3.2014 25.3.2014

HK City Hall Foyer

樂聚一小時 香港大會堂免費午間音樂會 One-Hour Classics Good Music This Lunch

香港小交響樂團樂師與友人 Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians & friends

香港小交響樂團定期在香港大會堂舉行免費午間音樂會,推廣室樂 Good Music This Lunch: free chamber music concert in the foyer of City Hall

樂團首席格德霍特 Concertmaster James Cuddeford

笙演奏家盧思泓 Loo Sze-wang (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2012-2013)

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 27

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists


香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta @ ArtisTree Right Partners • Real Partners


音樂會 Concert 六十分鐘環遊世界 Global Jam

港島東 ArtisTree

16 & 18.11.2013




工作坊 Workshop 敲擊一小時 Percussion Hour 音樂會 Concert 周日遊樂 Games & Puzzles 音樂會 Concert 幻想.二十世紀 Sounds of Phantasy

音樂會/講座 Concert/Talk 史達拉汶斯基《春之祭》(鋼琴二重奏版) Stravinsky The Rite of Spring (arranged for piano duet)


放映會 Screening 史達拉汶斯基《春之祭》 Keeping Score: Revolutionaries in Music Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring

Classical Jam 及香港小交響樂團樂師 Classical Jam & Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians Classical Jam 及香港小交響樂團樂師 Classical Jam & Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians Classical Jam 及香港小交響樂團樂師 Classical Jam & Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians 羅詠媞(駐團藝術家/大提琴)及香港小交響樂團樂師 Wendy Law (HKS Artist Associate/ Cello) Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians 盧健英(講者) 朱偉恆、查海倫(鋼琴) Lu Chien-ying (Speaker) Alan Chu, Helen Cha (Piano)

A Production of San Francisco Symphony & Michael Tilson Thomas


香港小交響樂團周日音樂會 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Sunday Concert


多媒體音樂會 Multimedia Concert 羅家恩《走過的日子》 Aenon Loo’s Here are the years that walk between

黎志華(副指揮)、葉葆菁(女高音)、羅玉梅(錄像) Jason Lai (Associate Conductor), Yuki Ip (Soprano) Law Yuk-mui (Video)

音樂會 Concert 悠揚室樂星期天 Sunday Chamber Delights

香港小交響樂團樂師 Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians


28 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

黎志華(副指揮/主持)、施敏倫(鋼琴) Jason Lai (Associate Conductor/Presenter) Amy Sze (Piano)

羅家恩《走過的日子》多媒體音樂會 Multimedia concert: Aenon Loo’s Here are the years that walk between

六十分鐘環遊世界 Global Jam

周日遊樂 Games & Puzzles

悠揚室樂星期天 Sunday Chamber Delights 幻想.二十世紀 Sounds of Phantasy

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 29

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists



港大禮讚 An Anthem for HKU

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、鄭基恩(合唱團指揮) 拔萃混聲合唱團、香港大學學生會合唱團 Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Ronnie Cheng (Chorus Master) Diocesan Schools Choral Society Hong Kong University Students’ Union Choir

大會堂 Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, The University of Hong Kong

19-20.3. 2014

香港大學陸佑堂 Loke Yew Hall, The University of Hong Kong

Chamber Gems by Hong Kong Sinfonietta 麥淑賢(講者/駐團藝術家 2014-2015) 香港小交響樂團樂師 Mak Su-yin (Speaker/ HKS Artist Associate 2014-2015) Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians

香港小交響樂團在香港大學舉行了兩場室樂音樂會 Chamber Gems by Hong Kong Sinfonietta

港大禮讚 An Anthem for HKU

30 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

伴奏節目 Accompaniment Projects 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

指揮 Conductors




HK Cultural Centre

法國五月藝術節 Le French May Arts Festival 香港歌劇院: 《荷夫曼的故事》 Opera Hong Kong: Les Contes d’Hoffmann

喬爾.康納克(指揮) Emmanuel Joel-Hornak (Conductor)

香港芭蕾舞團: 《風流寡婦》 The Hong Kong Ballet: The Merry Widow

艾理斯(指揮) Philip Ellis (Conductor)

香港芭蕾舞團: 《天鵝湖》 The Hong Kong Ballet: The Swan Lake

波普(指揮) Benjamin Pope (Conductor)

香港芭蕾舞團: 《紅樓夢》 The Hong Kong Ballet: The Dream of the Red Chamber

小林資典(指揮) Motonori Kobayashi (Conductor)

香港芭蕾舞團: 《胡桃夾子》 The Hong Kong Ballet: The Nutcracker

逸斯(指揮) Martin Yates (Conductor)

2014 香港藝術節 The 42nd Hong Kong Arts Festival 米蘭史卡拉歌劇院芭蕾舞團: 《吉賽爾》 Teatro alla Scala Ballet Company: Giselle

加福斯(指揮) David Garforth (Conductor)

Grand Theatre

14-16.6. 2013

香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

23-25.8. 2013

香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

25.10-3.11. 2013

香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

20-29.12. 2013

香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

18-22.2. 2014

香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

12-15.3. 2014

香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

2014 香港藝術節 The 42nd Hong Kong Arts Festival 翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場: 《死而復生的伊菲格尼》 Pina Bausch Tanztheater Wuppertal: Iphigenia in Tauris

霍斯曼(指揮) Jan Michael Horstmann (Conductor)

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2013/ 2014 年報 31

香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta (2014 年 10 月 As at October 2014) 音樂總監 Music Director 葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie

長笛 Flute

小提琴 Violin 格德霍特


樂團首席 Concertmaster

副指揮 Associate Conductor

張文蕊 李海南

助理指揮 Assistant Conductor 黃祖麒 Jacky WONG Cho-ki

LE Hoai-nam

第二小提琴首席 Second Violin Principal




CHEUNG Man-yui Kitty

副樂團首席 Associate Concertmaster

黎志華 Jason LAI

● 羅琛琪


雙簧管 Oboe ● 金勞思 福原真美

Marrie Rose KIM Mami FUKUHARA

第二小提琴助理首席 Second Violin Assistant Principal

駐團藝術家 Artist Associates


CAI Pak-yi

伍卓賢 NG Cheuk-yin





楊嘉輝 Samson YOUNG


JIA Shu-chen




黎志華 Jason LAI


Ambrose LUI



LUO Wei-min

李嘉齡 Colleen LEE


PANG Hiu-wan


丁鈺(休假) TENG Yuk Sophia (on leave)

伍宇烈 Yuri NG


YANG Yu-si



YIP Siu-hay


盧思泓 LOO Sze-wang

★ 陳劭楠

CHAN Shaw-nan Sharon


★ 周止善

Kiann CHOW

單簧管 Clarinet ● 方曉佳 陳秋媛

FONG Hiu-kai Johnny CHEN Chiu-yuan

巴松管 Bassoon ● 秦慶生

CHIN Hing-sang

田口美奈子 Minako TAGUCHI 圓號 Horn ● 包文慶

PAW Man-hing Hermann




SHUM Hing-cheung


Benny KWAN

羅詠媞 Wendy LAW 小號 Trumpet


中提琴 Viola

● 陳子信

CHAN Tsz-shun Elvis

▼ 劉琛彥

LAU Sum-yin


Ringo CHAN




NGAN Sing-on

謙 CHU Pak-him

( 2014–2015)

麥淑賢 MAK Su-yin ( 2014–2015)

大提琴 Cello ● 張培節

CHANG Pei-chieh

▼ 貝樂安

Laurent PERRIN


HO Kwok-chee Karey


PARK Si-won


WU Yin-yin


YIP Chun-hei Eric

低音大提琴 Double Bass ● 永井雅美

Masami NAGAI

▼ 高斯達


▼ 顏熾權(休假) Joseph NGAN (on leave) 丹尼路


長號 Trombone ● 羅澤基 陳學賢

Christopher RODGERS CHAN Hok-yin

低音長號 Bass Trombone 江子文

KONG Tze-man Jason

大號 Tuba ● 林榮燦

LAM Wing-tsan

定音鼓 Timpani ● 村本曉洋


敲擊樂 Percussion ● 周展彤

CHAU Chin-tung

小山理惠子 Rieko KOYAMA 豎琴 Harp ● 黃士倫


鍵琴 Keyboard ● 首席 Principal ▼ 助理首席 Assistant Principal ★ Orchestral Associate

32 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

● 朱偉恆

Alan CHU

香港小交響樂團有限公司 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 榮譽監察委員 Honorary Governors 金董建平女士 楊雪姬女士

Mrs Alice KING Ms Serena YANG

監察委員會 Board of Governors 施永青先生 (主席) 陳鋈鋆先生 (司庫) 陳育明先生 鍾思源醫生 翟紹唐先生 (自 2014 年 9 月 4 日) 林煥樟博士 劉文文女士 潘燊昌先生 (自 2013 年 4 月 17 日) 陳智文先生 曾安邦先生 萬美宜女士 (至 2013 年 12 月 31 日) 王啟達先生 (至 2013 年 4 月 16 日) 楊偉添先生 (自 2014 年 6 月 12 日) 葉琳女士 (自 2013 年 4 月 17 日)

Mr SHIH Wing-ching Mr Y K CHAN Mr Patrick CHAN Dr CHUNG See-yuen Mr JAT Sew-tong Dr Steven LAM Ms LAU Man-man Lisa Mr Patrick S C POON Mr Stephan TAN Mr Eric TSANG Ms Christine VAN Mr Dickson WONG Mr Patrick YEUNG Ms Christine YIP

(Chairman) (Treasurer)

(from 4.9.2014)

(from 17.4.2013)

(until 31.12.2013) (until 16.4.2013) (from 12.6.2014) (from 17.4.2013)

義務公司秘書 Honorary Company Secretary 卓佳登捷時有限公司 Tricor Tengis Limited 義務法律顧問 Honorary Legal Consultant 霍金路偉律師行 Hogan Lovells 義務骨科專科醫生 Honorary Orthopaedic Surgeon 傅偉俊醫生 Dr Dan HOOLEY 音樂總監 Music Director 葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie 樂團行政 Administration(2014 年 10 月 As at October 2014) 行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer: 楊惠 Margaret YANG 總經理 General Manager: 李浩儀 LEE Ho-yee 行政秘書 Executive Assistant to CEO: 何淑娟 Rose HO 會計經理 Accounting Manager: 李靄玲 Judith LEE 辦公室助理 Office Assistant: 楊瑞遠 YANG Jui-yuan 市場推廣及發展 Marketing & Development 公關及市場推廣經理 PR & Marketing Manager: 業務拓展經理 Development Manager: 助理市場推廣經理 Assistant Marketing Manager: 市場推廣主任 Marketing Officers: 樂團事務及節目 Orchestra & Programme 樂團經理 Orchestra Manager: 節目經理 Special Projects Manager: 節目主任 Programme Officer: 譜務主任 Library Officer: 藝術行政主任 Arts Administration Officers: 舞台經理 Stage Manager:

莫皓明 Amanda MOK 陳曉茵 Cynthia CHAN 何珮鈴 Pauline HO 麥敬琳 Karen MAK, 梁凱文 Carmen LEUNG 陳成美 Marylu CHAN 李莉 Lily LEE 卓嘉堯 Polly CHEUK 陳藹晴 Ivy CHAN 黃紫菱 Athena WONG, 丘靄雪 YAU Oi-suet Icy 陳靄婷 Tobie CHAN 楊植生 Bobby YEUNG

行政人員薪酬 Remuneration of administration staff 總薪酬 Annual total salaries (HK$) (連福利 including benefits) Above HK$1,000,000 以上

職位 Number of positions


HK$700,001 – HK$1,000,000


HK$400,001 – HK$700,000


HK$400,000 or below 或以下


(連空缺 including vacancies)


Investing in a Cultural Tomorrow

www.HKSL.org a Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2013/ 2014 Annual Report

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