Hong Kong Sinfonietta: 2017/2018 Annual Report

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香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall

使命 Mission “Magical experience.” Emder-Zeitung (Germany) “A splendid ensemble… simply impressive.” Nordwest-Zeitung (Germany) “The Hong Kong Sinfonietta continued to sparkle with its diverse and creative programming.” South China Morning Post

進一步將古典音樂融入香港市民的生活 To further the integration of the art of music with the lives of the people in Hong Kong

提高音樂藝術及音樂家在香港的地位 To elevate the status of the art of music and musicians in Hong Kong

著重以土生土長和區內的音樂專才提供高質素之管弦樂演奏 To achieve the best quality of music making possible with emphasis on promoting local talents as well as those in the neighbouring regions

「香港文化土壤中,仍有不少並未開墾, 而香港小交響樂團是其中一頭壯健的開荒牛,

目錄 Contents

發掘可能性。」 《01 博客》

主席報告 Chairman’s Report


音樂總監報告 Music Director’s Report


鳴謝 Acknowledgements


樂季概覽 2017/2018 Season


財政報告 Financial Statements




Personnel Lists Published by the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited © Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited, 2018

香港小交響樂團有限公司 HONG KONG SINFONIETTA LIMITED 「[香港小交響樂團]讓本地觀眾親身領略到, 在當今最高層次上的現代音樂會是什麼模樣。」 《信報》

香港灣仔譚臣道 98 號運盛大廈 3 樓 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG 電話 Tel: (852) 2836 3336 傳真 Fax: (852) 2783 9819 www.HKSL.org enquiries@hksinfonietta.org

hong kong sinfonietta hksinfonietta


香港小交響樂團有限公司為註冊之非牟利慈善團體; 捐款 HK$100 或以上可憑收據申請扣稅。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited is a registered charity and all donations over HK$100 are tax-deductible.

主席報告 Chairman’s Report

「小交決不止是為市民提供娛樂而已, 他們希望為樂壇的長遠而健康發展,出一分力。」 《Artplus》 「小交以培育年輕音樂家,突顯香港本地藝術能量, 為樂團發展的重要脈絡之一,指揮大賽的誕生, 在樂團明年慶祝 20 周年之際,適時呼應樂團核心價值, 給予年輕指揮成長的土壤。」 台灣《Muzik》

2 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

香港小交響樂團相信知音不分年齡,不論形式,只要是好音樂,就能得到共鳴。在音樂總監葉詠詩與首席客席 指揮柏鵬緊密合作下,樂團在本樂季繼續為本地和國外的觀眾送上高水平的演出,同時透過委約新作、國際交 流和合作及培育藝術人才,致力促進音樂藝術的發展,並提升本土的音樂水平。 在 2017/2018 樂季,香港小交響樂團主辦了第一屆香港指揮大賽,是亞洲區(除了日本一個民辦比賽外)絕無僅 有的同類比賽,為香港確立了作為亞洲古典音樂重鎮的位置。是次比賽吸引了來自全球 49 個國家/地區共 310 位 35 歲以下的年輕指揮報名,最終來自 13 個國家的 16 位參賽者獲選到港參加為期四天的比賽。參賽者指揮的 曲目涵蓋類型甚廣,除了較傳統的樂種如交響曲及協奏曲(由李嘉齡擔任鋼琴獨奏)外,還包括駐團藝術家陳慶 恩的新作。三輪比賽均於網上直播,讓不能親身到現場的樂迷皆可觀看比賽過程。比賽後,評審之一、著名的 指揮教授潘努拉聯同評審團聯合主席葉詠詩和柏鵬主持了一個為年輕指揮而設的國際指揮工作坊。 香港小交響樂團多次海外巡演也讓國際樂壇認識到香港樂團的高水平。今樂季樂團先後獲邀於波蘭貝多芬復活 節音樂節、德國東弗里斯蘭「浪潮」音樂節和法國蒙頓音樂節首演,以及再度於葡萄牙馬爾旺國際音樂節和法 國拉羅克.昂迪榮國際鋼琴音樂節亮相。在德國演出的兩套節目中更包括了香港作曲家鄺展維委約作品的世界 首演,並獲當地著名電台轉播。樂團亦在香港多個本土藝術節舉行音樂會,當中包括「法國五月」藝術節、 首次舉行的「光.影.香港夜」、聲蜚合唱節及香港藝術節。 2017/2018 樂季,樂團亦與海外樂團或藝術機構聯合委約多首管弦樂及室樂作品,也首演了多位當代頂尖作曲 家的作品,讓本地樂迷欣賞到這些當代傑作。樂團也繼續委約跨界製作,包括與編舞家李思颺及伍宇烈合作的 《�月夜》;與��創作人謝立文及�家�合作的《��.音樂��的��》;與�展人�嘉�及��在 ArtisTree 舉行,為期近一個月的「音樂 X 展覽」系列《Notating Beauty That Moves》;以及與多位爵士樂或實 驗音樂創作人合作的《Beyond Good Music @ The Fringe》系列等。而拓展觀眾的音樂會系列如《寶寶愛音樂》 及《古典音樂速成》等,亦繼續廣受觀眾歡迎。 整體來說,在 2017/2018 樂季香港小交響樂團共推出 80 套節目(當中包括 113 場現場演出),首演了 10 首管弦 樂作品及 10 首室樂作品,與超過 80,000 名本港及海外觀眾現場分享美妙的音樂。樂季多個演出也獲網上或電 台的轉播,讓更多聽眾欣賞到樂團的演出。樂團在香港大會堂的售票節目的平均入座率為 87% ,同時亦透過室 樂及免費音樂會系列接觸更多不同地區的觀眾。 上述種種,沒有各位觀眾、媒體友好及合作伙伴不懈的支持不可能成事。我們尤其感謝香港特別行政區政府、 贊助機構、捐助人士對樂團的長期支持和信任;由於政府正推行藝術發展配對資助試驗計劃,您們對樂團的每 分毫贊助均尤其重要。希望樂團的努力能讓更多人支持樂團,讓我們日新又新,以好音樂繼續觸動觀眾,激發 不同的創意和靈感,豐富香港文化藝術的土壤。

香港小交響樂團有限公司 主席

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 3

At Hong Kong Sinfonietta we believe music is good for everyone (“tutti”) and the art of music should integrate with the lives of people. Under the leadership of Music Director Yip Wing-sie and Principal Guest Conductor Christoph Poppen, the orchestra continued to captivate audiences in Hong Kong and abroad this season with exciting and inspiring programmes of the highest artistic standards. At the same time, our efforts to promote the development of the music artform continued through new commissions, international collaborations and nurturing artistic talents. The most challenging project in 2017/2018 had to be the 1st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition. The first of its kind in the country and one of the only two in Asia, the Competition attracted 310 applications from 49 countries/regions. 16 candidates – from Austria, Chile, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland and the UK – flew to Hong Kong in January and conducted works ranging from symphonies and concerto (featuring pianist Colleen Lee) to a new work by HKS Artist Associate Chan Hing-yan. All rounds of the Competition were open to the public and streamed live and on demand on the internet, winning worldwide attention and accolades. Following the Competition, three members of the jury – the renowned conducting pedagogue Jorma Panula, co-chairs Yip Wing-sie and Christoph Poppen hosted an international conducting workshop for young conductors.

4 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

Hong Kong Sinfonietta was also invited to perform at a number of prestigious music festivals in Europe in 2017, aptly showcasing Hong Kong’s “soft power” as the HKSAR celebrated its 20th Anniversary. In April, the orchestra returned to Poland and gave four concerts at the Beethoven Easter Festival. In July, the orchestra made its début in Germany at Gezeitenkonzerte festival with two exquisite programmes that included the world première of a commissioned work by Hong Kong composer Charles Kwong, and the concerts were broadcast on NDR and Deutschlandfunk Kultur. From Germany the orchestra went on to the 4th Marvão International Music Festival in Portugal, and then to France to the prestigious 37th Festival International de Piano La Roque d’Anthéron and the 68th Festival de Musique de Menton. At home the orchestra presented four concerts at Le French May Arts Festival and performed at the inaugural Lumieres Hong Kong, 2017 SingFest and 2018 Hong Kong Arts Festival. Other initiatives in 2017/2018 included international co-commissions of orchestral and chamber works by such renowned composers as Thomas Larcher, a composer exchange project with Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, commissioning new works by Hong Kong composers, and premiering works by leading composers such as Philippe Manoury, Pēteris Vasks and Rolf Martinsson. We also continued to broaden the horizon of our audience by commissioning new crossover projects, including Transfigured Night (with choreographers Justyne Li and Yuri Ng), McDull . Pictures at a Concert (with McDull creators Brian Tse and Alice Mak), the month-long “Music at an Exhibition” project Notating Beauty That Moves at ArtisTree (with curators Samson Young and Yang Yeung), as well as the Beyond Good Music @ The Fringe series (with various jazz and experimental artists). Audience development series such as Good Music for Babies, Good Music for Kids and Short-cut to Classical Music also continued to thrive. In sum, Hong Kong Sinfonietta performed in a total of 80 programmes this season (including 113 performances) and premiered 10 orchestral works and 10 chamber works. Over 80,000 people attended the orchestra’s performances live, and many more heard or saw us on radio or via the internet streaming of the Conducting Competition. Average audience percentage to the ticketed concerts presented by the orchestra at City Hall was 87%, and we also reached out to the community through our various chamber music and free concert series. On behalf of the Board of Governors, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to our wonderful audiences, media friends and collaborating partners for their ongoing support, and to our generous supporters, sponsors and the Hong Kong Government for believing in us and our mission. Their contributions are particularly important now as we are in a position to obtain additional funding through the Government’s Art Development Matching Grants Pilot Scheme, which will further help us fulfil our vision of building a cultural Hong Kong through good music.

Y K Chan Chairman, Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 5

音樂總監報告 Music Director’s Report

在樂團排練時,「Tutti」這個簡單的意大利字詞經常出現,意思是樂團「所有人一起」演奏。這也是我們策劃 2017/2018 樂季節目時的精神 — 邀請新知舊雨與我們一起奏出美好的音樂;與本地及海外的合作伙伴發展各 類型的新計劃;為不同觀眾群度身設計形形色色的節目;為年輕的音樂專才提供學習的機會;為年輕指揮建立 網絡而首次舉辦了香港國際指揮大賽。 這個樂季由樂團的波蘭之旅揭開序幕,在曾來港與樂團合作的傳奇作曲大師彭德雷茨基推薦下,樂團獲邀參加 波蘭貝多芬復活節音樂節,聯同小提琴家曾宇謙演出了四場音樂會。而在香港的新樂季則由首席客席指揮柏鵬 的《相約大師柏鵬》系列展開,他更親自指揮了樂團首席格德霍特題獻給他的新作之世界首演。柏鵬亦參與了 我們夏季歐洲巡演,在德國及葡萄牙演出。這次歐洲之旅,樂團除了與著名音樂家包括歌唱家斑莎、鋼琴家塞 伊和卡杜殊,以及大提琴家柏斯卡爾合作之外,還世界首演了由樂團委約鄺展維創作的《古夢之盡頭》,演出備 受歐洲樂評及觀眾讚賞。 6 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

另一首海外樂迷也能欣賞到的委約作品,是本樂季駐團藝術家陳慶恩的《十一月的流星》。這首作品也是香港國 際指揮大賽總決賽的指定曲目,透過賽事網上直播而廣傳千里。此外,陳慶恩為樂團及法國五月藝術節的觀眾 帶來新版本的笙協奏曲《幽鳳聲如剪》,由盧思泓(駐團藝術家 2012-2013)擔任獨奏。本樂季最後一首管弦樂 委約作品由另一位卸任駐團藝術家楊嘉輝創作,以他在世界各地採集的鐘聲錄音為作品的元素之一,寫成了 《鐘為誰鳴》,於樂團的香港藝術節音樂會上首演。 本樂季的其他首演還包括由樂團與阿姆斯特丹小交響樂團、瑞典室樂團、洛桑室樂團、挪威室樂團及慕尼黑室 樂團聯合委約奧地利作曲家拉爾赫的《銜尾蛇》,於 2016 年在阿姆斯特丹首演這作品的大提琴家凱拉斯更親自 來港與樂團合作此亞洲首演。香港小交響樂團在本樂季亦與巴黎室樂團開展了交流計劃,當中包括世界首演了 兩位與室樂團合作無間的法國作曲家的作品之管弦樂團版本 — 馬塞的《地動山搖》和馬努里的《多瞬間》。而 中提琴家賴沙諾夫演出的瓦斯克斯中提琴協奏曲,是該樂曲的亞洲首演;魯伊斯則為馬廷森的第一低音大提琴 協奏曲作香港首演。 一系列的全新製作將不同界別的藝術家連結一起:四位舞蹈家參與,由編舞家伍宇烈(駐團藝術家 2011-2013) 及李思�以��格《��之�》編�的舞蹈作品;��文及麥家�的《麥��音樂��的圖畫》為觀眾設計了 一個別開生面的藝術與音樂之旅,並由溫卓妍擔當「導賞員」;而多才多藝的楊嘉輝則聯同楊陽在 ArtisTree 策 劃了橫跨整個三月的《Notating Beauty That Moves — Music at an Exhibition》 ,這個別樹一格的展覽探索樂譜的 記譜方法作為視覺文化的呈現,還加上香港小交響樂團樂師與多位特邀藝術家(如澳洲的 Ensemble Offspring 、台灣舞者周書毅、英國聲音藝術家 Lore Lixenberg 、鋼琴家李嘉齡 [駐團藝術家 2010-2011] 及敲擊 樂手余林橞等)一起演出多首 20 及 21 世紀極具代表性的作曲家的室樂和實驗作品。 本樂季的《古典音樂速成》系列為觀眾送上《樂團指揮有幾勁》音樂會,請來生鬼的本地演員孫麥凱,再配上 日本畫家小澤一雄的插畫,為第一屆香港國際指揮大賽暖身。此外,本地歌手/演員張國穎在 15 輯 YouTube 短片《一屋寶貝學指揮》中,跟我「拜師學藝」,成為我的「入室弟子」,期望有朝一日能躋身香港國際指揮大 賽。談到宣傳首屆香港國際指揮大賽的幕後功臣,自然少不了為我們創作大賽所有宣傳品上的圖像的著名捷克 藝術家 Jiří Votruba 。 香港國際指揮大賽冀為年輕指揮擴闊眼界,蓄發更多在亞洲的發展機遇。大賽吸引了 49 個國家/地區共 310 位指 揮家報名,最後 16 位極高水平、來自英國、愛爾蘭、法國、德國、智利/意大利、瑞士/奧地利、羅馬尼亞、波 蘭、匈牙利、俄羅斯和新加坡的指揮聚首香港,在三輪賽事中指揮香港小交響樂團。經過四日激烈的比賽,國際 評審團成員(包括聞名國際的芬蘭指揮大師及教授潘努拉、指揮家簡文彬及柏鵬、藝術家經理人迪弗萊克、蘇格 蘭室樂團行政總裁李德、樂團大號首席林榮燦及我自己)最終選出匈牙利參賽者卡利為首屆香港國際指揮大賽的 冠軍。賽後的一週我們亦為經驗較淺的指揮舉辦了指揮工作坊,希望能藉此為培養新一代的藝術領袖出一分力。 2017/2018 樂季當然還有不少令人銘記的時刻:由韓德爾專家古特文在聲蜚合唱節執棒的韓德爾《以色列人在 埃及》;由


堂演出的、別樹一幟的大提琴獨奏會;在 ArtisTree 演出的多首 20 世紀實驗音樂代表作;以至我們在藝穗會融合 管弦樂器和爵士樂的新嘗試等等。希望大家都跟我們一樣享受這繽紛多姿的音樂經驗。最後, Tutti! 讓我們在 來年一起分享更多的好音樂!

香港小交響樂團 音樂總監


香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 7

“Tutti!” is one of those words we use a lot in orchestra rehearsals. This simple Italian term gets everyone in the orchestra to play together and it was in this spirit which we programmed our 2017/2018 season – inviting friends, old and new, to make music with us; venturing into new projects with local and international collaborators in the music field or other artforms; devising a diverse range of programmes for different audiences; creating learning opportunities for the future generation of music professionals; and presenting the first-ever Hong Kong International Conducting Competition. Hong Kong Sinfonietta began the season with four concerts in Poland (featuring violinist Tseng Yu-chien) at the Beethoven Easter Festival, which invited the orchestra at the recommendation of the legendary Krzysztof Penderecki (who had previously worked with us in Hong Kong). Back home in Hong Kong Principal Guest Conductor Christoph Poppen opened the season with the world première of a new work written for him by concertmaster James Cuddeford, and launched the Inspired by Schubert series. He also joined us on tour to Germany and France, and invited us back to his festival in Portugal. On this tour, apart from working with great artists such as Juliane Banse, Fazıl Say, David Kadouch and Aurélien Pascal, the orchestra premiered Charles Kwong’s At the Very End of Old Dreams to critical acclaim. As the required work in the Finals of the 1st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition, the commissioned work November Leonids by HKS Artist Associate Chan Hing-yan was available online via livestreaming. Chan Hing-yan also wrote a new version of his sheng concerto Hark the Phoenix Solitaire Cry (featuring Loo Sze-wang, HKS Artist Associate 2012-2013) for one of our Le French May concerts. Another HKS Artist Associate “alumnus” Samson Young was also commissioned to write a new work (that included the bell recordings he collected from his “BMW Art Journey” For Whom the Bell Tolls) for our Hong Kong Arts Festival concert. Other premières in 2017/2018 included Thomas Larcher’s Ouroboros for Violoncello & Chamber Orchestra, commissioned in 2015 by Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, Munich Chamber Orchestra and Hong Kong Sinfonietta and premiered in 2016 in

8 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

Amsterdam by leading European cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras who also joined us in the Asian première. We also gave the world premières of the orchestra version of Pierre-Yves Macé’s Glissement de Terrain and Philippe Manoury’s Instants Pluriels (for two ensembles and requiring two conductors!). Both composers were associated with Orchestre de Chambre de Paris with which we embarked on an exchange initiative this season. Maxim Rysanov returned to give the Asian première of Pēteris Vasks’ Viola Concerto which was written for him, and Edicson Ruiz played the Hong Kong première of Rolf Martinsson’s Double Bass Concerto No 1. A number of new productions this season brought artists of different artforms together. Four local dance artists premiered the Transfigured Night (set to Schönberg’s beautiful Verklärte Nacht) by Yuri Ng (HKS Artist Associate 20112013) and Justyne Li. Long-time friends Brian Tse and Alice Mak took the HKS McDull Music Project to new heights as they created a guided art (and music) tour in McDull . Pictures at a Concert with singer/actress Jarita Wan as the “docent”. The multi-talented Samson Young, on the other hand, curated the month-long Notating Beauty That Moves – Music at an Exhibition with Yang Yeung at the new ArtisTree. This unique project explored the notion of music score as a visual culture in an exhibition, in addition to the musical performances of some of the most representative 20thand 21st-century experimental music and premières by Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians and guest artists including Ensemble Offspring from Australia, dance artist Chou Shu-yi from Taiwan, British voice artist Lore Lixenberg, pianist Colleen Lee (HKS Artist Associate 2010-2011) and percussionist Karen Yu. Leading up to the 1st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition, Hong Kong actor Micah Sandt joined us in a special edition of Short-cut to Classical Music (complete with illustrations by Japanese artist Ozawa Kazuo) where we unveiled the mystery behind conducting and conductors. In 15 online YouTube mini-episodes of I Want to be a Conductor, local singer/actress Margaret Cheung took conducting “lessons” with me, hoping that she could take part in the Competition some day! As we were launching the Competition for the first time, an attractive visual image was also essential. For this we must thank celebrated Czech artist Jiří Votruba for providing all the distinctive artworks for the publicity and online campaigns. With the aim to provide a platform for young conductors to establish a network in Asia, the 1st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition attracted 310 applications from 49 countries/regions. 16 candidates of very high standard came to Hong Kong to conduct the Hong Kong Sinfonietta in three competition rounds (open to the public and broadcast online). The jury panel – consisting of legendary conducting pedagogue Jorma Panula, conductors Chien Wen-pin and Christoph Poppen, artist manager Gaetan Le Divelec, Scottish Chamber Orchestra Chief Executive Gavin Reid, our Principal Tuba Lam Wing-tsan and myself – spent a few days with the full orchestra in tow, finally crowning the young Hungarian conductor Gabor Kali as the winner of the Competition. An international conducting workshop followed after the Competition for less experienced conductors. In the long-run, we hope these will help groom a new generation of artistic leaders. There were naturally many more memorable moments in 2017/2018: from Handel’s magnificent oratorio Israel in Egypt (conducted by Handel expert Paul Goodwin) at the SingFest to the musical adventures for babies and toddlers (with conductor Teresa Cheung) or older kids (with Alasdair Malloy), from Jean-Guihen Queyras’ exquisite recital programme (Bach and contemporary works) at City Hall to John Cage’s Sonatas for Prepared Piano and Cathy Berberian’s Stripsody at ArtisTree or technicolour film music and experimental jazz at the Fringe… We hope you enjoyed them as much as we did. And Tutti! Let’s share more good music in the coming season!

Yip Wing-sie Music Director, Hong Kong Sinfonietta

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 9

謝謝 Thank You Partners! 2017/2018 樂季贊助機構 Sponsors of the 2017/2018 Season

主要贊助機構 Major Sponsors

商業機構贊助計劃 Corporate Members 白金會員 Platinum Members

金會員 Gold Member

10 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

謝謝 Thank You! 香港小交響樂團對以下的捐款者及機構致以衷心謝意。 Thank you to the following donors and organisations who have supported us with a donation in the past year. 贊助人及捐款者 Patrons & Donors MegaSTAR Patron (>HK$500,000)

• 施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Limited STARplus Donors (HK$30,000 to HK$99,999)

SuperSTAR Patrons (HK$100,000 to HK$499,999)

• 亞洲保險有限公司 Asia Insurance Co Ltd • 陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Chan Yuk-kwan • Miss Cecilia Fok • 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick S C Poon • 冼為堅基金有限公司 Sin Wai Kin Foundation

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

陳嘉何醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Chan Ka Ho Lowell and Phyllis Chang Chiu Music Fund Mr Chester Hoang 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen 翟紹唐先生 Mr Jat Sew-tong 郭立成律師 Mr Chris Kok Dr Paul Lam Ruth & Sidney 史泰祖醫生 Dr Shih Tai Cho Louis Mr Tong Pak Chuen Ms Yip Wing-sie 多位無名氏 Anonymous

STAR Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999)

Donors (HK$1,000 to HK$9,999)

• 北山堂基金 Bei Shan Tang Foundation


• 喵喵

• 周愛琳醫生 Dr Irene Chau

• 鮑美麗小姐 Miss Meli Bell

• 張黎慧文 Vivian W M Cheung

• Mr & Mrs Anthony Chan

• 香港日電東金有限公司 NEC TOKIN Hong Kong Ltd

• Dr Vivian Cheung

• Jonman, Monika & Joel Chan Family

• Mr Eugene Fung

• Ms Chan Ping Ting

• 關卓然先生 Mr William Kwan Cheuk Yin

• 陳燕婷

• Mr Allan Leung

• 張綺華小姐 Ms Helen Cheung

• Ms Florence Leung

• Mr J Chew

• Mrs Adeline Lui

• Kenyon & Leonard Chow

• 莫扎特迷 Mozart’s Fan

• Ms Suzanna Chung

• Dr Yvonne Ou

• In memory of Esther

• Poon Shing Chi and Liao E Wen

• 馮新健先生 Mr John Sun-kin Fung

• 施永青先生 Mr Shih Wing Ching

• Ms Betsy Lai

• Dr Alfred Tam

• Mrs Amanda Lam Ho

• 譚耀祖先生 Mr Paul Joe Tam

• Ms Rose Ho

• 曾健鵬先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Paul Tsang

• Mr Mark Tong

• Mr Simon T K Leung

• Ms Wong Yuen Wa Agnes

• Mr Tong Pak Chuen

• Mr Tommy Lo

• Miss Cindy Yu

• 曹延洲教授 Prof Tsao Yen Chow

• Mrs Lillian Lu

• 先生 BB 紅耳鵯

• 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse

• Philippe de Marcillac & Gu Jing

• 多位無名氏 Anonymous

• Mr Augustine Wong

• 大通會計事務所 Masterpoint Professional Ltd

• 多位無名氏 Anonymous

• 吳志強先生 • 吳思博先生及蕭泳欣女士 Winny & Nigel Ng • 魏玉華小姐 Miss Winnie Ngai • In loving memory of QQ’s family • STARCOM LIMITED • John & Anthea Strickland • Ms Elsie Tam • Mr and Mrs Robert Tang • 曾作強先生 Mr Henry Tsang • Mr Paul Tsang

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 11

學生票資助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme Donors Diamond Donors (>HK$100,000)

• 鍾陳碧璋女士 Mrs Shirley Chung • 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick S C Poon • 芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation Jade Donors (HK$50,000 to HK$99,999)

Opal Donors (HK$1,000 to HK$9,999)

• 陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Chan Yuk-kwan • CLP Holdings Limited • 無名氏 Anonymous

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Ruby Donors (HK$30,000 to HK$49,999)

• 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen • 郭立成律師 • 史泰祖醫生 Dr Shih Tai Cho Louis Pearl Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999)

• 陳育明先生 Mr Patrick Chan • 周愛琳醫生 Dr Irene Chau • 張德賢博士伉儷 Dr & Mrs Douglas Cheung • 張�昌基金有限公司 Thomas H C Cheung Foundation Ltd • 林定國先生夫人 Mr and Mrs Lam Ting Kwok Paul • Nathaniel Foundation Limited • 彭嘉碧女士 Ms Rotina Pang • 施永青先生 Mr Shih Wing Ching • 孫永輝及施熙德伉儷 Edith and Stephen Sun • 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse • 王煒東先生 Mr Wong Wai Tung • 多位無名氏 Anonymous

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

壹頤 Amelie and Angus BELIEVING MUSIC CAN Mr Iain Bruce Mr & Mrs Anthony Chan Jonman, Monika & Joel Chan Family Mr Chan Kwan Ho Mr J Chew Mr Philip Lawrence Choy 祈大衛教授 Prof David Clarke 洪美珠女士 Ms Hung Mee Chu 席信 Mr Paul Jackson Luca, Caterina, Maurien, Joseph Jacobelli 劉文文女士 Ms Lisa Lau Ms Lau Man Kwan Julia 紀念劉葉珍女士 李樹榮博士 Dr Ernest Lee Mr Simon T K Leung 廖炳輝醫生 Dr Liu Bing Fai 陸文靜小姐 Ms Anna, Man Ching Luk 吳思博先生及蕭泳欣女士 Winny & Nigel Ng 吳榮奎先生 Mr Ng Wing Fui Nicholas 蘇國輝教授 Mr and Mrs Robert Tang Mr K K Tsang 曾健鵬先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Paul Tsang Mr Tse Kam Keung 黃乃禧先生 Mr Wong Nai Hay Mr Marcus Woo 偉高忻先生 Mr Michael Yan Ms Alice Yeung 多位無名氏 Anonymous

Patrons of the 2017/2018 Fundraising Gala (in alphabetical order)

• 陳育明先生 Mr Patrick Chan • 陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Chan Yuk-kwan • 周莉莉女士 Ms Lily Chow • 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen • 鍾陳碧璋女士 Mrs Shirley Chung • Mr Chester Hoang • 翟紹唐先生 Mr Jat Sew-tong • 劉文文女士 Ms Lisa Lau • 潘燊昌博士 Dr Patrick S C Poon • 史泰祖醫生 Dr Shih Tai Cho Louis • 施永青先生 Mr Shih Wing Ching • 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse • 多位無名氏 Anonymous

Premium Friends • 陳肇基先生 Mr Jeremy Chan • 陳求德醫生 Dr K T Chan • 張�昌博士 Dr Thomas H C Cheung • 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen • 馮元志 Louis Fung • 林煥樟博士 Dr Steven Woon-cheong Lam • 李韶博士 及 李梅以菁博士 Dr Lee Shiu & Dr Jennie Mui Lee • 羅榮生 Vincent W S Lo • 冼為堅博士 Dr David Sin Wai-kin • 唐柏泉醫生 Dr Patrick Tong • 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse • Mr T L Tsim • 萬美宜 Christine Van

感謝以下各機構對香港小交響樂團一直的支持! Thank you to the following parties for their continued support! • Association Culturelle France Hong Kong Ltd • CASH 音樂基金 CASH Music Fund • 法國駐港澳總領事館 Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao

• 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department • 邁騰路通有限公司 Maestro GT Limited

• Dr Andrew Stephen Yuen

• 波蘭駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Hong Kong

• 香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hongkong

• 香港電台 Radio Television Hong Kong

• 民政事務局 Home Affairs Bureau

• 太古地產 Swire Properties

• 香港駐柏林經濟貿易辦事處 Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Berlin

• 通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Co Ltd

• 香港駐布魯塞爾經濟貿易辦事處 Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Brussels 12 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

• 瑞士國際航空公司 Swiss International Air Lines

指揮家 Conductors 陳穎朗 Ray Chan • Teresa Cheung 簡文彬 Chien Wen-pin • 廖國敏 Lio Kuokman 蘇柏軒 Perry So 作曲家 Composers 陳慶恩 Chan Hing-yan(駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2016-2018) 趙朗天 Alain Chiu • 鄺展維 Charles Kwong 李一葦 Lee Yi-wei Angus 楊嘉輝 Samson Young(駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2008-2009) 器樂演奏家 Instrumentalists 李嘉齡 Colleen Lee(駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2010-2011) 林品任 Richard Lin 盧思泓 Loo Sze-wang(駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2012-2013) 曾宇謙 Tseng Yu-chien • 余林橞 Karen Yu 歌唱家/演唱/合唱指導 Vocalists/Singers/Chorus masters 張國穎 Margaret Cheung • 趙伯承 Patrick Chiu 鄺勵齡 Louise Kwong • 羅芷盈 Law Tsz-ying 孫子承 Felix Shuen • 黃日珩 Apollo Wong 胡永正 Caleb Woo 演員/舞者 Actors/Dancers 周書毅 Chou Shu-yi • 梁穎琳 Vivian Leung 馬師雅 Alice Ma • 麥卓鴻 Kelvin Mak 溫卓妍 Jarita Wan • 楊靜嫻 Yang Jing-xian 其他創作人 Other creative artists 李思颺 Justyne Li • 麥家碧 Alice Mak 伍宇烈 Yuri Ng(駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2011-2013) 謝立文 Brian Tse • 楊陽 Yang Yeung 其他表演藝術團體 Other performing arts groups 春田花花教育基金有限公司 Chun Tin Hua Hua Foundation 香港芭蕾舞團 Hong Kong Ballet 香港歌劇院 Opera Hong Kong 羅曼四重奏 Romer String Quartet 聲蜚合唱學院及節日合唱團 SingFest Choral Academy & Festival Chorus Wong Way Down

駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associates 香港小交響樂團自 2006 年起舉辦 「駐團藝術家」計劃,為藝術家提 供發光發亮的平台,也讓他們能 與樂團緊密合作,發展新意念及 拓闊古典音樂的界限。作曲家陳 慶恩 2017/2018 樂季繼續擔任駐 團藝術家,為樂團撰寫了兩首出色 新作:為笙與樂隊而作的《幽鳳聲 如剪》 (2017 版本) ,由笙演奏家盧思泓 (駐團藝術家 2012-2013)擔任獨奏;在首屆 「光.影.香港夜」藝術節首演的《十一月的流 星》,更於第一屆香港國際指揮大賽演奏了三次, 全球樂迷均可透過網上直播欣賞到此作品。 陳慶恩亦與法國作曲家馬塞於香港大學聯合主持 了一次研究座談會。馬塞作品也於樂團的「光. 影.香港夜」音樂會中首演。以上均為樂團與巴 黎室樂團的交流計劃的項目。 多位卸任的駐團藝術家於本樂季亦與樂團合作, 包括鋼琴家李嘉齡(2010-2011)、編舞家伍宇烈 (2011-2013)及作曲家/媒體藝術家楊嘉輝 (2008-2009) 。 The HKS Artist Associate scheme has since 2006 been providing a platform for talented artists to grow and shine, and to work closely with Hong Kong Sinfonietta to explore new ideas and expand the horizon of classical music. Composer Chan Hingyan continued to be our Artist Associate this season and wrote two works for the orchestra: a new version of his sheng concerto Hark the Phoenix Solitaire Cry featuring Loo Sze-wang (HKS Artist Associate 2012-2013) and November Leonids, which was premiered at Lumieres Hong Kong before being performed three times in the Finals of the 1st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition, thus seen and heard worldwide via online livestreaming. Chan also co-hosted a Research Colloquia at The University of Hong Kong with French composer Pierre-Yves Macé, whose work was also premiered in the Lumieres Hong Kong concert. These were part of their participation in the orchestra’s exchange initiative with Orchestre de Chambre de Paris. Other HKS Artist Associate “alumni” who collaborated with the orchestra in 2017/2018 included pianist Colleen Lee (2010-2011), choreographer Yuri Ng (2011-2013) and composer/media-artist Samson Young (2008-2009). 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 13


這樂季與樂團合作 的華裔藝術家 Chinese artists who collaborated with Hong Kong Sinfonietta in 2017/2018

委約作品 Commissioned Works 香港小交響樂團本樂季委約多位本地及國際知名作曲家為樂團譜寫新曲,除了駐團藝術家陳慶恩的兩首新作 外,還有多首管弦樂及室樂作品,以及香港編舞家李思颺和伍宇烈為荀伯格《昇華之夜》創作的跨界作品,推 動現代音樂發展之餘,更與世界接軌。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta continued its efforts in keeping the musical artform alive this season. Apart from the two new works by HKS Artist Associate Chan Hing-yan, the orchestra commissioned a number of orchestral and chamber works by Hong Kong and internationally renowned composers, as well as a new choreography to Schönberg’s Verklärte Nacht by Justyne Li and Yuri Ng.

香港作曲家作品(管弦樂)Orchestral works by Hong Kong composers

陳慶恩:《幽鳳聲如剪》— 為笙與樂隊而作(2017 版本) Chan Hing-yan: Hark the Phoenix Solitaire Cry –

鄺展維:《古夢之盡頭》 Charles Kwong: At the Very End of Old Dreams

for Sheng & Orchestra (2017)

世界首演 World première: 19.7.2017, 德國 Germany 葡萄牙首演 Portuguese première: 23.7.2017, 葡萄牙 Portugal 法國首演 French première: 25.7.2017, 法國 France 亞洲首演 Asian première: 9.9.2017, 香港 Hong Kong (圖為作曲家及指揮蘇柏軒於作品的亞洲首演 The composer and conductor Perry So at the Asian première)

世界首演 World première: 20.5.2017, 香港 Hong Kong

“[The sheng’s] combination with instruments of the traditional western orchestra made for an interesting soundscape.” Bachtrack.com

陳慶恩:《十一月的流星》— 為樂隊而作 Chan Hing-yan: November Leonids – for Orchestra 世界首演 World première: 18.11.2017, 香港 Hong Kong + 14.1.2018, 第一屆香港國際指揮大賽 1st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition (圖為大賽冠軍卡利在決賽指揮此作品 Competition winner Gabor Kali conducting the work in the Finals)

14 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

楊嘉輝:《鐘為誰鳴》為鐘聲錄音、旁白及樂團而作 Samson Young: Such Sweet Thunder for Recorded Bell Sound, Narration & Orchestra 世界首演 World première: 25.2.2018, 香港 Hong Kong

其他管弦樂作品 Other orchestral works

室樂作品 Chamber works Seth Cluett: interference is partial 世界首演 World première: 3.3.2018, 香港 Hong Kong

鄺展維 Charles Kwong: of no shore for Violin, Bass Flute, Bass Clarinet & Percussion Co-commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta & Ensemble Offspring 世界首演 World première: 4.3.2018, 香港 Hong Kong

李一葦 Lee Yi-wei Angus: IMA [Modus Operandi II] (cartographic studies in nonconformity)

世界首演 World première: 10 & 11.3.2018, 香港 Hong Kong

趙朗天 Alain Chiu: John Cage’s Aria (1958), with Fontana Mix (Alain Chiu version) 世界首演 World première: 17 & 18.3.2018, 香港 Hong Kong

拉爾赫:《銜尾蛇》為大提琴與室樂隊而作(2015) Thomas Larcher: Ouroboros for Violoncello & Chamber Orchestra (2015) 由阿姆斯特丹小交響樂團、瑞典室樂團、洛桑室樂團、挪威室樂團、 慕尼黑室樂團與香港小交響樂團委約 Commissioned by Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, Munich Chamber Orchestra & Hong Kong Sinfonietta 亞洲首演 Asian première: 10.6.2017, 香港 Hong Kong

“The French cellist [Jean-Guihen Queyras] shined, the percussionists deserve a special mention, but pride of place must go to the perfect rendition of Ouroboros, a modern and demanding cello concerto.” South China Morning Post 「香港小交響樂團有份參與委約的《銜尾蛇》樂章, 札根於古典音樂傳統,發展出富有現代人精神的音韻樂思, 且演奏手法新穎,令樂迷對古典音樂的發展前景, 抱有積極樂觀的希望。」 《東周刊》

其他首演 Other premières 世界首演 World premières 馬努里 Philippe Manoury:《多瞬間》Instants Pluriels (樂團版本 Orchestra Version)

格德霍特 James Cuddeford: 眾讚歌前奏曲 Triptych for Orchestra – I: Chorale Prelude (for Christoph Poppen) 格德霍特 James Cuddeford: Transcendental Etudes Nos 2, 3 & 6 for Solo Violin (2012, rev 2017) 格德霍特 James Cuddeford: Ur for a Percussionist with Two Bass Drums (1993, rev 2017)

Erik Griswold: Action Music II (2017) OZNO:《慫》Zoon, Op 11a for flute & MP3 亞洲首演 Asian premières 瓦斯克斯 Pēteris Vasks: 中提琴協奏曲 Concerto for Viola & String Orchestra (2014-2015) Efrain Oscher: Barroqueanas Venezolanas No 4 (2017, for Edicson Ruiz)

Marcus Whale: Slatted Light (2010) 香港首演 Hong Kong première 馬廷森 Rolf Martinsson: 第一低音大提琴協奏曲 Double Bass Concerto No 1, Op 87 (2011)

馬塞:《地動山搖》 (樂團版本) Pierre-Yves Macé: Glissement de Terrain (Orchestra Version) 由香港小交響樂團與光.影.香港夜聯合委約 Co-commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta & Lumieres Hong Kong 世界首演 World première: 18.11.2017, 香港 Hong Kong

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 15

香港國際指揮大賽 1st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition 由香港小交響樂團主辦的「第一屆香港國際指揮大賽」,於 2018 年 1 月 10 日至 14 日 舉行,比賽過程並特設網上直播。這次比賽備受國 際樂壇注目,反應十分踴躍,共收到來自 49 個國家/地區共 310 份報 名,經評審團選出 16 位參賽者進入初賽,之後再選八強入準決賽, 決賽則由最後三強對決。三輪激烈比賽後,冠軍由匈牙利指揮卡利奪 得,他同時獲得由樂團成員投票選出的樂團大獎。 With the aim to provide a platform for young conductors to establish an international network in Asia, the 1st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition attracted 310 applications from 49 countries/regions. 16 Candidates flew to Hong Kong from 13 countries in January 2018 to compete in 3 live rounds, conducting the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. The Competition was streamed live (and on demand) on the internet, garnering much attention not only in Hong Kong but also in the international music scene. An international jury panel selected the 3 prizewinners (Gabor Kali, Antoine Glatard and Dawid Runtz) while the musicians of Hong Kong Sinfonietta and the public voted for the winners of the Orchestra and Audience Prizes respectively.

第一名及樂團大獎 1st & Orchestra Prizes

Gabor Kali

第二名 2nd Prize

(匈牙利 Hungary)

Antoine Glatard (法國 France)

第三名及觀眾大獎 3rd & Audience Prizes

Dawid Runtz (波蘭 Poland)

16 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

觀眾大獎 Audience Prize

Anton Torbeev (俄羅斯 Russia)

「三輪比賽的最大特色是全程由樂隊伴奏, 而非一般在初賽時以鋼琴或雙鋼琴伴奏。 五十多人樂隊演出樂曲片段,伴奏十六次的工作量極大, 而且全部網上直播,曝光於全世界。」 《亞洲週刊》

準決賽由香港鋼琴家李嘉齡(駐團藝術家 2010-2011)演奏蕭邦鋼琴協奏曲 The Semi-finals featured local pianist Colleen Lee (HKS Artist Associate 2010-2011) in Chopin’s Piano Concerto No 2

「這一比賽填補了中國在 國際性管弦樂團指揮比賽方面的空白。 即使在亞洲層面,國際性管弦樂團的 指揮賽事也只另有日本東京國際 指揮比賽,乃日本民音基金會主辦。」 《亞洲週刊》 「這個比賽不單為樂團提供了學習機會, 更為香港國際之都再添色彩。」 《晴報》

得獎者及評審團成員(後排左起):迪弗萊克、潘努拉、李德、柏鵬、葉詠詩、簡文彬、林榮燦 The Prizewinners and the Jury (in the back from the left: Gaetan Le Divelec, Jorma Panula, Gavin Reid, Christoph Poppen (co-chair), Yip Wing-sie (co-chair), Chien Wen-pin, and Lam Wing-tsan)

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 17

「由香港小交響樂團主辦的第一屆香港國際指揮大賽, 吸引了世界各地年輕指揮,一較高下之餘, 也將香港置於國際古典樂壇地圖之上。」 《明報》

Vladimir Agachi (羅馬尼亞 Romania)

Marta Gardolińska (波蘭 Poland)

Boon Hua Lien

(新加坡 Singapore)

Victor Aviat

(法國 France)

Victor Jacob

Paolo Bortolameolli

(智利/意大利 Chile/Italy)

Sándor Károlyi

(法國 France)

(瑞士/奧地利 Switzerland/Austria)

Corinna Niemeyer

Gurgen Petrosyan

(德國 Germany)

18 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

(俄羅斯 Russia)

Joolz Gale

(英國 UK)

Maciej Kotarba

(波蘭 Poland)

James Sherlock

(英國/愛爾蘭 UK/Ireland)

指揮大賽全程設網上直播, 讓本地及海外觀眾可緊貼賽程, 並重溫賽事。 The Competition was streamed live on the internet

「節目以輕鬆有趣的情節和對白, 由舞台劇演員張國穎,加上葉詠詩粉墨登場, 生動卻又簡明扼要,為大賽揭幕, 藉此提高公眾對於古典音樂的認識, 為大賽造就人氣支持。從每條網上影片的點擊率 均超過一萬人次可見,節目亦成功收效。」 《01 博客》

Online youtube mini-episodes of I Want to be a Conductor featuring singer/actress Margaret Cheung helped raise public awareness of the Competition

指揮工作坊 Conducting Workshop

葉詠詩、潘努拉及柏鵬於指揮大賽後主持了 指揮工作坊,與年輕指揮分享心得 Renowned conducting pedagogue Jorma Panula, Competition co-chairs Yip Wing-sie and Christoph Poppen hosted an international conducting workshop for young conductors after the Competition

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 19

本樂季主要演出 Major Performances in 2017/2018 海外演出 Tours 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

香港小交響樂團波蘭巡演 Hong Kong Sinfonietta in Poland 波蘭貝多芬復活節音樂節 Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival, Poland 3.4.2017

華沙愛樂音樂廳 Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall


盧布林文化中心歌劇院 Lublin Centrum Spotkania Kultur Opera Hall


扎布熱音樂及舞蹈中心音樂廳 Zabrze Dom Muzyki i Tańca Concert Hall


拉多姆彭德雷茨基音樂廳 Radom Krzysztof Penderecki Concert Hall

香港小交響樂團音樂會 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert

[左至右] 台灣小提琴明星曾宇謙、音樂總監葉詠詩 和波蘭貝多芬復活節音樂節總監彭德雷茨嘉女士 [L–R] Tchaikovsky Competition winner Tseng Yu-chien, Music Director Yip Wing-sie and Mrs Elżbieta Penderecka (General & Artistic Director of the Beethoven Easter Festival)

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、曾宇謙(小提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Tseng Yu-chien (Violin)

曾於 2015 年與樂團合作的傳奇作曲家彭德雷茨基親臨華沙的音樂會為樂團打氣 The legendary composer Krzysztof Penderecki attended our concert in Warsaw

“The orchestra was met with applauses that raised the roof.” Echodnia (Poland)

在扎布熱的音樂會全院滿座, 2,000 名觀眾反應熱烈 Standing ovation from 2,000 audience members at Zabrze’s Dom Muzyki i Tańca

20 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

在音樂節的首場音樂會獲中國駐波蘭大使徐堅先生(左三) 及文化參贊蔡煉女士(右二)蒞臨支持 Guests at our Beethoven Easter Festival début included Mr Xu Jian, Chinese Ambassador to Poland (3rd from the left) and Cultural Counselor Ms Cai Lian (2nd from the right)

“Unforgettable performance!” Beethoven Magazine (Poland)

香港小交響樂團相隔 12 年後再次在著名的華沙愛樂音樂廳演出 Hong Kong Sinfonietta returned to the grand Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall after its Polish début there in 2005

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 21

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

香港小交響樂團歐洲巡演 Hong Kong Sinfonietta in Europe 德國東弗里斯蘭「浪潮」音樂節 Gezeitenkonzerte in Ostfriesland, Germany 18.7.2017

利爾大教堂 Große Kirche, Leer

香港小交響樂團音樂會 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert

柏鵬(首席客席指揮)、斑莎(女高音) 姜主美(小提琴) Christoph Poppen (Principal Guest Conductor) Juliane Banse (Soprano), Clara-Jumi Kang (Violin) 葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、諾道雅(小提琴) 鄺展維(作曲) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Lena Neudauer (Violin), Charles Kwong (Composer)


同時為電台廣播之音樂會 Concert with radio broadcast

“A splendid ensemble with captivating musicality.”

“A perfect delight.”

Nordwest-Zeitung (Germany)

Ostfriesen-Zeitung (Germany)

“Magical... the concert was one of the most splendid

“Beethoven and Schubert would not have done

in a festival that is full of superlatives!”

this differently.”

Emder-Zeitung (Germany)

Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Germany)

樂團首次出訪德國,並首演香港作曲家鄺展維的新作,廣獲當地傳媒關注 Hong Kong Sinfonietta made its German début with two exquisite programmes (both broadcast by national radio stations) that included the world première of Charles Kwong’s At the Very End of Old Dreams

22 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

葡萄牙馬爾旺國際音樂節 Marvão International Music Festival, Portugal 21.7.2017


馬爾旺城堡 Marvão Castle

音樂節開幕音樂會 香港小交響樂團 Gala Opening Concert Hong Kong Sinfonietta

柏鵬(首席客席指揮)、斑莎(女高音) 姜主美(小提琴) Christoph Poppen (Principal Guest Conductor) Juliane Banse (Soprano), Clara-Jumi Kang (Violin)

香港小交響樂團音樂會 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、柏斯卡爾(大提琴) 鄺展維(作曲) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Aurélien Pascal (Cello), Charles Kwong (Composer)

由樂團首席客席指揮暨音樂節藝術總監柏鵬指揮葡萄牙馬爾旺國際音樂節開幕音樂會 The orchestra returned to Portugal and opened the 2017 Marvão International Music Festival

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 23

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

法國拉羅克.昂迪榮國際鋼琴音樂節 Festival International de Piano La Roque d’Anthéron, France 25.7.2017

佛羅蘭斯城堡公園 Parc du Château de Florans

香港小交響樂團音樂會 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、卡杜殊(鋼琴) 鄺展維(作曲) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) David Kadouch (Piano), Charles Kwong (Composer) 葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮) 阿勃杜萊莫夫、尤登尼奇(鋼琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Behzod Abduraimov, Stanislav Ioudenitch (Piano)


樂團與音樂總監葉詠詩再次獲邀到著名的拉羅克.昂迪榮國際鋼琴音樂節,演出兩場音樂會 After its successful début five years ago, the orchestra returned to the prestigious summer festival in La Roque d’Anthéron

“Impeccable and razor-sharp in her conducting, Yip Wing-sie led the Hong Kong Sinfonietta in a performance that showed the subtleties in her musical vision, sensibility and authority.” La Provence (France)

24 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

法國蒙頓音樂節 Festival de Musique de Menton, France 29.7.2017

聖米歇爾大教堂 Parvis de la Basilique Saint-Michel Archange

音樂節開幕音樂會 香港小交響樂團 Festival Opening Concert Hong Kong Sinfonietta

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、塞伊(鋼琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Fazıl Say (Piano)

樂團再度與鋼琴及作曲鬼才塞伊合作, 為第 68 屆法國蒙頓音樂節揭開序幕 The orchestra opened the 68th Festival de Musique de Menton with pianist Fazıl Say

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 25

欣賞 Appreciate 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

法國五月藝術節 凱拉斯大提琴獨奏會 Le French May Arts Festival Jean-Guihen Queyras Cello Recital


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

法國五月藝術節 舒爾特(指揮)、凱拉斯(大提琴) 凱拉斯與香港小交響樂團 Clemens Schuldt (Conductor) Le French May Arts Festival Jean-Guihen Queyras (Cello) Jean-Guihen Queyras & Hong Kong Sinfonietta

《相約大師柏鵬》系列 《最愛雙簧管》:李察.史特勞斯雙簧管協奏曲 Inspired by Schubert series Ramón Ortega Quero Plays Richard Strauss Oboe Concerto 法國五月藝術節 拉赫曼尼諾夫第二鋼琴協奏曲 Le French May Arts Festival Great Piano Concertos: Rémi Geniet Plays Rachmaninov No 2

柏鵬(首席客席指揮)、歐迪加.凱羅(雙簧管) 格德霍特(作曲) Christoph Poppen (Principal Guest Conductor) Ramón Ortega Quero (Oboe) James Cuddeford (Composer) 葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、尚尼埃(鋼琴) 盧思泓(笙) (駐團藝術家 2012-2013) 格德霍特(小提琴) 陳慶恩(作曲) (駐團藝術家 2016-2018) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Rémi Geniet (Piano) Loo Sze-wang (Sheng) (HKS Artist Associate 2012-2013) James Cuddeford (Violin) Chan Hing-yan (Composer) (HKS Artist Associate 2016-2018)

法國五月藝術節 《最愛豎琴》:高迪瑪爾與香港小交響樂團 Le French May Arts Festival Anaïs Gaudemard & Hong Kong Sinfonietta

簡文彬(指揮)、葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮) 高迪瑪爾(豎琴) Chien Wen-pin (Conductor) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Anaïs Gaudemard (Harp) 凱拉斯(大提琴) Jean-Guihen Queyras (Cello)

同時為電台廣播之音樂會 Concert with radio broadcast

笙演奏家盧思泓與音樂總監葉詠詩首演陳慶恩的《幽鳳聲如剪》 HKS Artist Associate “alumnus” Loo Sze-wang in Chan Hing-yan’s Hark the Phoenix Solitaire Cry

首席客席指揮柏鵬為 2017/2018 樂季揭開序幕 Principal Guest Conductor Christoph Poppen opened the 2017/2018 season with oboist Ramón Ortega Quero

26 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

“Manoury’s piece, expanded from his 2008 chamber work, called for two separate instrumental groups, with Yip [Wing-sie] and the evening’s guest conductor, Chien Wen-pin, leading their antiphonal entities in different tempos. Facing away from each other, the groups maintained a theatrical presence that kept the audience’s focus clear.” The Financial Times

音樂總監葉詠詩及簡文彬指揮法國作曲家馬努里為雙樂團而寫的《多瞬間》 The orchestra embarked on a partnership with Orchestre de Chambre de Paris with the world première of Philippe Manoury’s Instants Pluriels, the original chamber version of which was commissioned by the latter

「Jean-Guihen Queyras 以現代樂曲, 提供欣賞巴赫的新角度。」 《信報》

Jean-Guihen Queyras Cello Recital

樂團在法國五月藝術節的其中一場音樂會《最愛豎琴》 French harpist Anaïs Gaudemard and conductor Chien Wen-pin at the 2017 Le French May

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 27

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

《相約大師柏鵬》系列 醉人歌韻:女高音斑莎 Inspired by Schubert series Juliane Banse Sings Arias & Lieder

柏鵬(首席客席指揮)、斑莎(女高音) 格德霍特(小提琴) Christoph Poppen (Principal Guest Conductor) Juliane Banse (Soprano), James Cuddeford (Violin)


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

《最愛小提琴》:哈察圖良小提琴協奏曲 Mayu Kishima Plays Khachaturian Violin Concerto

廖國敏(指揮)、 Lio Kuokman (Conductor) Mayu Kishima (Violin)


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


聖桑第二鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: David Kadouch Plays Saint-Saëns

蘇柏軒(指揮)、卡杜殊(鋼琴)、鄺展維(作曲) Perry So (Conductor), David Kadouch (Piano) Charles Kwong (Composer)

聲蜚合唱節 2017 SingFest 韓德爾: 《以色列人在埃及》 Handel: Israel in Egypt

古特文(指揮)、鄺勵齡、羅芷盈(女高音) 龐斯福德(高男高音)、杜博爾(男高音) 胡永正、黃日珩(男低音) 趙伯承、孫子承(合唱指導) 聲蜚合唱學院及節日合唱團 Paul Goodwin (Conductor), Louise Kwong, Law Tsz-ying (Soprano) Simon Ponsford (Countertenor), Mark Dobell (Tenor) Caleb Woo, Apollo Wong (Bass) Patrick Chiu, Felix Shuen (Chorus Masters) SingFest Choral Academy and Festival Chorus

「斑莎將歌中的戲劇性表現得 淋漓盡致,對比鮮明。」 《HiFi 音響》 「一場音樂會,有藝術歌唱, 有交響樂章,有小提琴協奏曲, 流動多變、聽感層次豐富, 是指揮家柏鵬獻給樂迷的心意。」 《東周刊》

Juliane Banse Sings Arias & Lieder

28 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

廖國敏指揮《最愛小提琴》:哈察圖良小提琴協奏曲 Mayu Kishima Plays Khachaturian Violin Concerto

蘇柏軒指揮聖桑第二鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: David Kadouch Plays Saint-Saëns

「聲蜚合唱團及節日合唱團的表現 獲得全音樂廳觀眾讚賞,掌聲持久不停。」 《信報》

本地及英國音樂家合作的韓德爾大型神曲《以色列人在埃及》 2017 SingFest: Handel’s Israel in Egypt

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 29

日期 Date

地點 Venue

21 & 22.10. 2017

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

《相約大師柏鵬》系列 《藍月夜》 Inspired by Schubert series Transfigured Night

柏鵬(首席客席指揮)、柏姿妮(鋼琴) 李思颺(概念/設計/編舞) 伍宇烈(概念/設計/編舞/服裝設計) (駐團藝術家 2011-2013) 梁穎琳、麥卓鴻、馬師雅、楊靜嫻(舞者) Christoph Poppen (Principal Guest Conductor) Sophie Pacini (Piano) Justyne Li (Concept/Design/Choreography) Yuri Ng (Concept/Design/Choreography/Costume Design) (HKS Artist Associate 2011-2013)

Vivian Leung, Kelvin Mak, Alice Ma, Yang Jing-xian (Dance Artists) 4.11.2017

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

最愛低音大提琴 Double Bass-mania: Edicson Ruiz Plays Martinsson

李布賴希(指揮)、魯伊斯(低音大提琴) Alexander Liebreich (Conductor) Edicson Ruiz (Double Bass)


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

光.影.香港夜 《最愛小提琴》:林品任香港首演 Lumieres Hong Kong Great Violin Concertos: Richard Lin Plays Korngold

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、林品任(小提琴) 陳慶恩(作曲) (駐團藝術家 2016-2018) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Richard Lin (Violin) Chan Hing-yan (Composer) (HKS Artist Associate 2016-2018)


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

2018 香港藝術節 《最愛中提琴》 :賴沙諾夫與香港小交響樂團 2018 Hong Kong Arts Festival Maxim Rysanov & Hong Kong Sinfonietta

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)、賴沙諾夫(中提琴) 、楊嘉輝(作曲) 紀文舜(旁白) (駐團藝術家 2008-2009) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Maxim Rysanov (Viola), Sean Curran (Narrator) Samson Young (Composer) (HKS Artist Associate 2008-2009)

“Most clever and inspiring.” South China Morning Post 「小交音樂廳加插舞蹈表演,十分精采。」 《星島日報》 「得說這是編排甚佳、也跳得好的出色演出⋯⋯ 小交在指揮家柏鵬帶領下,弦樂組有一等一的好演出 (這首曲子只需要弦樂)。」 《Artplus》

跨界作品《藍月夜》 Crossover production Transfigured Night

30 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

台灣小提琴家林品任香港首演 Great Violin Concertos: Richard Lin Plays Korngold

“A daring and challenging Hong Kong Arts Festival programme that marvellously showcased both the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and guest soloist Maxim Rysanov.” South China Morning Post

樂團在 2018 年香港藝術節首演了瓦斯克斯及楊嘉輝的作品 Maxim Rysanov gave the Asian première of Pēteris Vasks’ Viola Concerto (which was written for him)

Edicson Ruiz and Alexander Liebreich gave the Hong Kong première of Rolf Martinsson’s Bass Concerto

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 31

增值 Learn 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

16-18.6 2017

香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre

鷹君集團合家歡系列 幼兒愛音樂 Great Eagle Family Series Good Music for Kids (3-6 years old)

12 & 13.8 2017

荃灣大會堂演奏廳 Tsuen Wan Town Hall Auditorium

《古典音樂速成》:樂團指揮有幾勁? Short-cut to Classical Music: and now... Maestro!

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持)、孫麥凱(特邀演出) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor/Presenter) Micah Sandt (Special Guest)

26-28.1 2018

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

鷹君集團合家歡系列 《我的音樂日記》:魔幻王國之旅 Great Eagle Family Series Good Music for Kids: Adventures in the Magical Kingdom

陳穎朗(指揮)、麥萊(主持) Ray Chan (Conductor) Alasdair Malloy (Presenter)

29-31.3 2018

香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre

寶寶愛音樂 Good Music for Babies

演出者 Major Artists (指揮/主持)

Teresa Cheung (Conductor/Presenter)


Teresa Cheung (Conductor/Presenter)

「今年節目安排的確要讚,葉詠詩找來在香港成長的法國、 芬蘭混血兒演員 Micah Sandt 擔當一個插科打諢的角色, 他半咸淡的廣東話已經逗得全場小朋友捧腹大笑, 再加上他與葉詠詩的生鬼對話,成功以趣味十足的方式, 具體介紹指揮的工作。」 《蘋果日報》

《古典音樂速成:樂團指揮有幾勁?》為觀眾欣賞第一屆香港國際指揮大賽作好準備 Short-cut to Classical Music: and now… Maestro!

32 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

Conductor Teresa Cheung put parents to work in Good Music for Babies

《我的音樂日記》:魔幻王國之旅 A lot of fun and good music with Alasdair Malloy in Good Music for Kids: Adventures in the Magical Kingdom

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 33

減壓 Relax 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

1-3.12 2017

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

《我個名叫麥兜兜.古典音樂小計劃》 麥兜.音樂����畫 HKS McDull Music Project McDull . Pictures at a Concert

演出者 Major Artists

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮) 謝立文及麥家碧(概念/導演)、溫卓妍(特邀演出) Lunchtime Production Limited(動畫製作) 春田花花教育基金有限公司 Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Conductor) Brian Tse & Alice Mak (Concept/Co-directors) Jarita Wan (Special Guest) Lunchtime Production Limited (Animation Production) Chun Tian Hua Hua Foundation Ltd

“The orchestra used music to enhance the beauty of various paintings which were projected onto a big screen. The pairing of the fourth movement of Mahler’s Symphony No. 5 in C-sharp minor with a series of self-portraits of Rembrandt (of different ages) was effective and moving.” South China Morning Post 「一幅幅 Rembrandt 自畫像慢慢滑過屏幕, 竟然與這首樂章 [馬勒《小慢板》] 相當匹配。」 《蘋果日報》

《麥�.音樂廳���畫》 McDull . Pictures at a Concert

34 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

樂聚 Encounter 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists (聯同香港小交響樂團樂師 With Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians)

香港大會堂免費午間音樂會 Hong Kong City Hall Lunchtime Foyer Concerts 9.5.2017



HK City Hall Foyer

Panasonic Proudly Sponsors Good Music This Lunch

香港小交響樂團樂師及友人 Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians & friends

15.8.2017 12.9.2017 10.10.2017 7.11.2017 5.12.2017 30.1.2018 27.2.2018 27.3.2018

Good Music This Lunch – monthly chamber concerts in the City Hall Foyer

《樂在咫尺》UpClose Encounters 27.4.2017

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

歐迪加.凱羅室樂聚 Chamber Music & Dialogue with Ramón Ortega Quero

歐迪加.凱羅(雙簧管/主持) Ramón Ortega Quero (Oboe/Presenter)


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

尚尼埃室樂聚 Chamber Music & Dialogue with Rémi Geniet

尚尼埃(鋼琴/主持) Rémi Geniet (Piano/Presenter)


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

高迪瑪爾豎琴獨奏會 UpClose Encounters with Anaïs Gaudemard

高迪瑪爾(豎琴/主持) Anaïs Gaudemard (Harp/Presenter)


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

卡杜殊室樂聚 Chamber Music & Dialogue with David Kadouch

卡杜殊(鋼琴/主持) David Kadouch (Piano/Presenter)

《樂在咫尺》:歐迪加.凱羅室樂聚 UpClose Encounters: Chamber Music & Dialogue with Ramón Ortega Quero

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 35

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists (聯同香港小交響樂團樂師 With Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians)

Good Music @ The Fringe with James C. 26.9.2017



Fringe Underground,


The Fringe Club

Rhythmic Origins Flute Connections Invisible Colours

格德霍特(小提琴/主持) James Cuddeford (Violin/Presenter)

Beyond Good Music @ The Fringe 19 & 20.9



Fringe Dairy, The Fringe Club

5 & 6.12 2017

6 & 7.2 2018

黃彥康 Nate Wong Wong Way Down Jazz Symphony

Wong Way Down

張國穎 Margaret Cheung My Technicolor Childhood

張國穎(演唱)、孔奕佳(鋼琴/樂隊領奏) 蔡志豪(結他)、李澤民(低音結他) 樊麗華(鼓)、 Frankie Ho(編曲) Margaret Cheung (Singer) Edgar Hung (Piano/Band Leader) Choi Chi-ho (Guitar), CMgroovy (Bass Guitar) Anna Fan (Drums), Frankie Ho (Arranger)

Michael Schiefel meets Romer String Quartet: Stravinsky & Beyond

施菲爾(作曲/演唱/即興創作)、羅曼四重奏 Michael Schiefel (Composer/Vocalist/Improviser) Romer String Quartet

樂團首席格德霍特的 Good Music @ The Fringe with James C.

36 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

Beyond Good Music @ The Fringe with Nate Wong: Wong Way Down Jazz Symphony

Beyond Good Music @ The Fringe with Margaret Cheung: My Technicolor Childhood

Michael Schiefel meets Romer String Quartet: Stravinsky & Beyond

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 37

日期 Date

地點 Venue 節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists (聯同香港小交響樂團樂師 With Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians)

香港小交響樂團 ArtisTree 駐場計劃 Hong Kong Sinfonietta ArtisTree Residency Notating Beauty That Moves – Music at an Exhibition Exhibition

楊嘉輝(策展) (駐團藝術家 2008-2009) 、楊陽(策展) Samson Young (Curator) (HKS Artist Associate 2008-2009) Yang Yeung (Curator)


Connecting the Dots

Ensemble Offspring


Tesserae by Ensemble Offspring

Ensemble Offspring 格德霍特(小提琴)、鄺展維(作曲) Ensemble Offspring, James Cuddeford (Violin) Charles Kwong (Composer)

6 & 22.3.2018

Good Music This Lunch @ ArtisTree

香港小交響樂團樂師與友人 Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians & friends

10 & 11.3.2018

Gesturing Motion

周書毅(舞者)、余林橞(敲擊樂)、李一葦(作曲) Chou Shu-yi (Dance Artist), Karen Yu (Percussion) Lee Yi-wei Angus (Composer)


Good Music This Lunch @ ArtisTree with James C. Spring of Chosroes

格德霍特(小提琴/作曲)、李嘉齡(鋼琴) (駐團藝術家 2010-2011) James Cuddeford (Violin/Composer) Colleen Lee (Piano) (HKS Artist Associate 2010-2011)

17 & 18.3.2018

Vocalizing Motion

Lore Lixenberg(聲音藝術家/女中音)、趙朗天(作曲) Lore Lixenberg (Voice Artist/Mezzosoprano), Alain Chiu (Composer)


UpClose Encounters with Hong Kong Sinfonietta The Strings Aligned

葉詠詩(音樂總監/主持) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Presenter)


UpClose Encounters with Hong Kong Sinfonietta The Wind Rises

葉詠詩(音樂總監/旁白) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/Narrator)


Song and Dance I

李嘉齡(鋼琴) (駐團藝術家 2010-2011) Colleen Lee (Piano) (HKS Artist Associate 2010-2011)


Song and Dance II


港島東 ArtisTree

38 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report


Ensemble Offspring and Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians in Connecting the Dots




楊嘉輝 Samson Young, the mastermind behind the unique Notating Music That Moves

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 39

Voice artist Lore Lixenberg in Vocalizing Motion

周書毅 Dance artist Chou Shu-yi in Gesturing Motion

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie in UpClose Encounters with Hong Kong Sinfonietta

李嘉齡 Colleen Lee in Song and Dance, playing Boulez, Cage and Mendelssohn

40 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

樂團委約李一葦的敲擊樂作品首演 World première of IMA [Modus Operandi II] – (cartographic studies in nonconformity) by Lee Yi-wei Angus

伴奏節目 Accompaniment Projects 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

指揮 Conductors



香港歌劇院: 《塞維爾理髮師》 Opera Hong Kong: The Barber of Seville

贊諾拿 Roberto Gianola

香港芭蕾舞團: 《唐吉訶德》 Hong Kong Ballet: Don Quixote

波普 Benjamin Pope

香港芭蕾舞團: 《胡桃夾子》 Hong Kong Ballet: The Nutcracker

達戴 Marc Taddei

HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre


香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre


香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 41

“The most exciting chamber orchestra in Asia.” Deutschlandfunk Kultur (Germany)

“Intrepid programmes.” The Financial Times “Enormous range of musical expression.” Ostfriesen-Zeitung (Germany) 「這一晚小交的弦樂演奏,美不勝收。」 《星島日報》

42 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report

收支表 Statement of Income and Expenditure 2018




一般基金 General Fund

總計 Total

總計 Total




截至 2018 年 3 月 31 日 For the year ended 31 March 2018

具競爭元素試驗計劃 配對資助 Contestable Funding 試驗計劃 Pilot Scheme Matching Grants

收入 INCOME 政府年度撥款 Government grants – subvention for the year 政府其他撥款 Government grants – other grants






音樂會及其他表演收入 Revenues from concerts & other performances




海外表演收入 Revenues from outbound cultural exchange performances




捐款、贊助及其他資助 Donations, sponsorship & other grants




其他收入 Other income









扣除 LESS 支出 EXPENDITURE 薪金及表演者酬金 Salaries & artist honorariums






製作開支 Production expenses





海外表演開支 Overseas touring expenses




市場推廣開支 Marketing expenses





籌款開支 Fundraising expenses





















( 8,070,442 )

行政開支 Administration expenses 折舊 Depreciation

本年度盈餘 Surplus for the year 轉入配對資助儲備 Transfer to Matching Grants Reserve

年初累積盈餘 Accumulated surplus at the beginning of the year


( 8,070,442 ) 15,475,042










總計 Total

總計 Total

資產負債表 Balance Sheet 2018 年 3 月 31 日

As at 31 March 2018

具競爭元素試驗計劃 配對資助 Contestable Funding 試驗計劃 Pilot Schemes Matching Grants 非流動資產 NON-CURRENT ASSETS 流動資產 CURRENT ASSETS 流動負債 CURRENT LIABILITIES 資產淨值 NET ASSETS

一般基金 General Fund









( 4,155,371 )

( 8,646,668 )

( 7,015,247 )





( 4,491,297 ) –

基金及儲備 FUND & RESERVES 楊雪姬基金 The Serena Yang Fund




配對資助儲備 Matching Grants Reserve



收支表結餘 Income & Expenditure Account








節錄自核數師報告 Extracted from Audited Financial Statements

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 43

香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta (2018 年 10 月 As at October 2018) 音樂總監 Music Director

葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie

小提琴 Violin 格德霍特

長笛 Flute James CUDDEFORD Concertmaster


首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor


柏鵬 Christoph POPPEN


LE Hoai-nam

● 洪健鈞 上杉晃代

HUNG Chien-chun Akiyo UESUGI

Second Violin Principal


TSAI Loo Second Violin Assistant Principal


雙簧管 Oboe 福原真美



CAI Pak-yi


CHAN Shaw-nan Sharon

單簧管 Clarinet

高世章 Leon KO


Kiann CHOW

● 方曉佳






JIA Shu-chen


KIM In-sun

巴松管 Bassoon



● 秦慶生


Sally LAW


Ambrose LUI


LUO Wei-min


PANG Hiu-wan

圓號 Horn


POON Ka-mei Camille

● 包文慶


YANG Min-yu




YANG Yu-si


SHUM Hing-cheung


YIP Siu-hay


Benny KWAN

駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associates

陳慶恩 CHAN Hing-yan (2016-2018)

石家豪 Wilson SHIEH (2015-2016)

朱�� CHU Pak-him (2014-2015)

麥淑賢 MAK Su-yin (2014-2015)

羅詠媞 Wendy LAW (2013-2014)

盧思泓 LOO Sze-wang (2012-2013)

伍宇烈 Yuri NG (2011-2013)

李嘉齡 Colleen LEE (2010-2011)

黎志華 Jason LAI (2009-2011)

中提琴 Viola

田口美奈子 ★ 陳定遠

FONG Hiu-kai Johnny CHEN Chiu-yuan

CHIN Hing-sang Minako TAGUCHI CHAN Ting-yuen Timothy

PAW Man-hing Hermann

小號 Trumpet

● 陳子信

CHAN Tsz-shun Elvis

▼ 劉琛彥

LAU Sum-yin

● 黃山 文曦


Christina BEAN


Ringo CHAN

長號 Trombone



● 羅澤基


NGAN Sing-on



Christopher RODGERS CHAN Hok-yin

楊嘉輝 Samson YOUNG (2008-2009)

大提琴 Cello

伍卓賢 NG Cheuk-yin

● 張培節

CHANG Pei-chieh

▼ 貝樂安

Laurent PERRIN


低音長號 Bass Trombone 江子文


HO Kwok-chee Karey

大號 Tuba


PARK Si-won

● 林榮燦


YIP Chun-hei Eric

KONG Tze-man Jason

LAM Wing-tsan

定音鼓 Timpani 低音大提琴 Double Bass

● 村本曉洋


● 永井雅美

Masami NAGAI

▼ 柯斯達


敲擊樂 Percussion

HUANG Tun-pin

● 周展彤



CHAU Chin-tung Rieko KOYAMA

豎琴 Harp ● 黃士倫 ● 首席 Principal ▼ 助理首席 Assistant Principal ★ Orchestral Associate

44 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2017/ 2018 Annual Report


鍵琴 Keyboard ● 朱偉恆

Alan CHU

香港小交響樂團有限公司 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 榮譽監察委員 Honorary Governors Mrs Alice KING Mr SHIH Wing-ching Ms Serena YANG

金董建平女士 施永青先生 楊雪姬女士 監察委員會 Board of Governors 陳鋈鋆先生






Dr Patrick S C POON



(至 2018 年 4 月 29 日)

Mr Patrick CHAN

(until 29.4.2018)


(自 2017 年 5 月 4 日)

Ms Carmen CHOI

(from 4.5.2017)


(自 2017 年 5 月 11 日)

Ms Lily CHOW

(from 11.5.2017)


(至 2017 年 12 月 31 日)

Dr CHUNG See-yuen

(until 31.12.2017)

Mrs Shirley CHUNG

鍾陳碧璋女士 黃智成先生

(自 2017 年 10 月 12 日)

Mr Chester HOANG

(from 12.10.2017)

Mr JAT Sew-tong

翟紹唐先生 林煥樟博士

(至 2018 年 1 月 19 日)

Dr Steven LAM

(until 19.1.2018)


(至 2017 年 9 月 22 日)

Ms LAU Man-man Lisa

(until 22.9.2017)


(自 2017 年 10 月 6 日)

Dr SHIH Tai-Cho Louis

(from 6.10.2017)


Mr Stephen TAN


Prof C K Michael TSE Mr Patrick YEUNG

楊偉添先生 阮偉文博士

(自 2018 年 8 月 21 日)

Dr Andrew S YUEN

(from 21.8.2018)

義務公司秘書 Honorary Company Secretary


Tricor Tengis Limited

義務法律顧問 Honorary Legal Consultant


Hogan Lovells

義務骨科專科醫生 Honorary Orthopaedic Surgeon



樂團行政 Administration(2018 年 9 月 As at September 2018) 行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 總經理 General Manager 行政秘書 Executive Assistant to CEO 會計經理 Accounting Manager 辦公室助理 Office Assistant

楊惠 李浩儀 何淑娟 李靄玲 楊瑞遠

Margaret YANG LEE Ho-yee Rose HO Judith LEE YANG Jui-yuan

陳成美 丘靄雪 黃紫菱 黎希潼 楊植生 鄺展維

Marylu CHAN YAU Oi-suet Icy Athena WONG Carvina LAI Bobby YEUNG Charles KWONG

高級市場及業務拓展經理 Senior Marketing & Development Manager 市場及業務拓展經理 Marketing & Development Manager

莫皓明 何珮鈴

Amanda MOK Pauline HO

藝術行政主任 Arts Administration Officers

林瑛權 袁穎芝

Tonmy LAM Christine YUEN

樂團事務及節目 Orchestra & Programme 樂團經理 Orchestra Manager 節目經理 Programme Manager 節目經理 Project Manager 樂團事務主任 Orchestra Officer 舞台經理 Stage Manager 當代音樂研究 Contemporary Music Research 市場推廣及發展 Marketing & Development

行政人員薪酬 Remuneration of administration staff (2017/2018) 總薪酬 Annual total salaries (HK$) (連福利 including benefits)

HK$1,000,001 – HK$2,500,000 HK$700,001 – HK$1,000,000 HK$400,001 – HK$700,000 HK$400,000 or below 或以下

職位 Number of positions

(連空缺 including vacancies)

1 1 6 13 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2017/ 2018 年報 45


Investing in a Cultural Tomorrow

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