House Prog: Good Music for Kids: Family Film Favourites (26-28.1.2024)

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《我的音樂 Good Music f日記》 or Kids


s e t i r u o v a F m l i Family F 主持 Devised & Presented by

指揮 Conductor

麥萊 Alasdair Malloy

陳穎朗 Ray Chan


多位作曲家 麥萊編


約翰.威廉斯 麥萊編


安德森–盧比斯 盧比斯 麥萊編


多位作曲家 麥萊編




約翰.威廉斯 麥萊編


— 中場休息15分鐘 —

賈基諾 麥伊雲編


米蘭達 麥萊編




米蘭達 霍艾 麥萊編


費約哈姆 安德森ó盧比斯 盧比斯 麥萊編 《魔雪奇緣》幻想曲 多位作曲家 麥萊編

《太樂搞了 – 因為大家開心》

約翰.威廉斯 麥萊編


場 地 規 則 House Rules 各 位 觀 眾 Dear Patrons, 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,我們希望各位切勿在場內攝影、錄音或錄影,亦請勿吸煙或飲食。在節目進行前,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置。多謝各位 合作。 In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from recording, filming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating or drinking in the auditorium. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices are switched off before the performance. Thank you for your kind co-operation.


Various composers / Alasdair Malloy arr

Movie Magic Medley

John Williams / Alasdair Malloy arr

Raiders of the Lost Ark : Raiders March

Kristen Anderson-Lopez / Robert Lopez / Alasdair Malloy arr Coco : Remember Me Various composers / Alasdair Malloy arr

The Cunningly Conceived Concealed Cartoon Character Quiz


Carmen Suite No 2: Habanera

John Williams / Alasdair Malloy arr

Harry Potter : The Hero of Hogwarts

- 15-minute intermission –

Michael Giacchino / Robin McEwan arr

The Incredibles : Full Mayhem

Lin-Manuel Miranda / Alasdair Malloy arr

Encanto : We Don’t Talk About Bruno

John Williams

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial : The Magic of Halloween

Lin-Manuel Miranda / Opetaia Foa’i / Alasdair Malloy arr

Moana : You’re Welcome

Frode Fjellheim / Kristen Anderson-Lopez / Robert Lopez / Alasdair Malloy arr

A Frozen Fantasy

Various composers / Alasdair Malloy arr

Everything is Awesome (Because We’re) Happy!

John Williams / Alasdair Malloy arr

Star Wars : Main Theme

香港小交響樂團問卷調查 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Audience Survey 感謝您蒞臨欣賞香港小交響樂團的演出,現誠邀您提供對是次音樂會的意見。請登入網頁或於前台索取並填妥問卷,將有機會獲得精美紀念品 一份。 Thanks for coming to our concert! We would love to have your feedback. Please complete our questionnaire online or at the reception for a chance to win a limited edition gift.

香港小交響樂團 桂冠音樂總監 Music Director Emeritus: 葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie 音樂總監 Music Director: 柏鵬 Christoph POPPEN 副指揮 Associate Conductor: 葉詠媛 Vivian IP

香港小交響樂團是香港的旗艦樂團之一,銳意「培育文 化新一代」,並以富創意的節目及充滿熱忱的演奏稱譽本 地及海外樂壇。 自1999年起,與香港小交響樂團合作過的國際知名音樂 家及藝團包括阿爾斯達德、巴福傑、法蘭、格林高特、 赫姆森、麥米蘭、納卡里亞科夫、彭德雷茨基、凱拉斯、 塞伊、薛高維茨基、英國皇家芭蕾舞團、英國國家芭蕾舞 團、美國芭蕾舞劇院、紐約市芭蕾舞團、斯圖加特芭蕾舞 團及翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場等。樂團亦經常應邀與 香港藝術節、法國五月、香港芭蕾舞團等合作。 樂團自2009年起為香港大會堂的場地伙伴,除了傳統的 管弦樂章,樂團於過去20年,委約本地及海外作曲家創 作超過70首作品。樂團並於2006年起舉辦「駐團藝術 家」計劃,培育新一代本地藝術家之餘更為古典音樂創 造新的可能性。樂團又與不同界別的藝術家製作了不少 大獲好評的跨界節目,包括《士兵的故事》、《一屋寶貝 音樂廳》和《阿飛正轉》等。2020年推出音樂會電影系 列《Back On Stage》,成為首個躍進戲院的本地樂團。 2021年,樂團與MOViE MOViE聯合呈獻「Life is Art盛 夏藝術祭」電影節,帶來音樂新看法。 而針對不同觀眾的多套普及音樂會,包括《寶寶/幼兒 愛音樂》、《古典音樂速成》、《古典音樂知多少》和 《我個名叫麥兜兜.古典音樂小計劃》等節目,以及近 年推出的網上室樂系列,於香港別具特色的旅舍拍攝的 《Tiny Galaxy Concerts》,亦為古典音樂注入新色彩。 4

樂團灌錄過多套唱片,收錄不少華人作曲家的優秀作 品;由DECCA發行的三輯《就是古典音樂》系列,均獲 白金及金唱片佳績。雙CD《一屋寶貝音樂廳》於2018年 由DECCA出版。 樂團經常應邀作客海外,包括:美國紐約林肯中心羅斯 劇院、加拿大多個以出色音效著稱的音樂廳;南美洲的 巴西、阿根廷及烏拉圭;在歐洲計有法國的拉羅克.昂 迪榮國際鋼琴音樂節和蒙頓音樂節等、德國東弗里斯蘭 「浪潮」音樂節、波蘭貝多芬復活節音樂節、意大利布 雷西亞及貝爾加莫國際音樂節、葡萄牙馬爾旺國際音樂 節、立陶宛的兩個音樂節、瑞士蘇黎世、日內瓦和弗里 堡;北京中國交響樂之春(國家大劇院)、中國上海國 際藝術節/世博會、日本《熱狂の日》音樂祭及亞洲交響 樂團音樂節、韓國統營國際音樂節、新加坡、台灣巡演 等。2023/2024樂季樂團獲邀到德、法、奧地利、葡萄 牙、西班牙,以及深圳演出。樂團於2018年成功首辦 香港國際指揮大賽。2023年3月再度舉行,共吸引來自 45個國家及地區的指揮報名,為年青指揮創造新機遇。 樂團2002年至2020年由著名指揮家葉詠詩擔任音樂 總監,期間致力推動本地古典音樂發展。葉詠詩2020 年起出任樂團桂冠音樂總監。樂團現任音樂總監柏鵬, 於2023年4月履新。柏鵬為國際音樂界中享負盛名的指 揮家、小提琴家、室樂演奏家及音樂教育家,現時身兼 科隆室樂團首席指揮,以色列室樂團首席客席指揮及葡 萄牙馬爾旺國際音樂節藝術總監。


Hong Kong Sinfonietta

One of Hong Kong’s flagship orchestras, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has achieved significant local and international recognition for its passionate performances and innovative programming which have brought music closer to the community. Since 1999, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has collaborated with an illustrious array of international musicians and groups, including in recent years Nicolas Altstaedt, Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, Vilde Frang, Ilya Gringolts, Martin Helmchen, James MacMillan, Sergei Nakariakov, Krzysztof Penderecki, -HDQ *XLKHQ 4XH\UDV )D]ÂO 6D\ 'PLWU\ 6LWNRYHWVN\ 7KH Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, New York City Ballet, Stuttgart Ballet and Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch. A regular participant at all the major festivals in Hong Kong including the Hong Kong Arts Festival and French May Arts Festival, the orchestra also partners regularly with Hong Kong Ballet in their staged productions. As an avid believer of keeping music alive and contemporary, Hong Kong Sinfonietta – the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall since 2009 – performs yearround with about 100 performances a season, presenting not only standard orchestral repertoire but also more than 70 newly commissioned works over the past 20 years, as well as launching in 2006 the HKS Artist Associate scheme, which provides a platform for intensive collaboration with local artists from different arts disciplines to expand the horizon of classical music. The orchestra has enjoyed many triumphs with cross-genre productions such as A Soldier’s Story, The Passage Beyond in Concert and Pica Pica Choose , which melded dance and theatre with music to wide critical acclaim. It also became the first local orchestra to appear on the cinema screen in 2020 with its groundbreaking Back On Stage concert film series, and in 2021 further ventured into the cinematic world by co-curating the “Life is Art” film festival with MOViE MOViE. Always breaking down barriers between music and the general audience, Hong Kong Sinfonietta holds speciallydesigned concert series for different audiences and age groups, including Good Music for Babies/Kids, Know Your Classical Music, Short-cut to Classical Music and HKS McDull Music Project , and recently filmed the Tiny Galaxy Concerts online series featuring chamber music performances recorded at a fascinating hostel in Hong Kong. The orchestra’s discography includes CDs of works by Chinese composers on HUGO, and three double-CD

albums This is Classical Music on DECCA which have been awarded Platinum and Gold Records. In 2018, The Passage Beyond in Concert by Leon Ko, was released on DECCA. Thriving on its strong local roots combined with an ambitious international vision, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has been invited to perform on tour in North America in Canada and New York City; in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay in South America; in Europe at prestigious festivals in France including Festival International de Piano La Roque d’Anthéron and Festival de Musique Menton, in Germany at Gezeitenkonzerte Ostfriesland, at Beethoven Easter Festival in Poland, in Switzerland at Tonhalle Zürich, Geneva Victoria Hall and Fribourg, at festivals in Italy including the Festival Pianistico Internazionale di Brescia e Bergamo, in Portugal at the Marvão International Music Festival, and in Lithuania; in China at China Shanghai International Arts Festival (Expo 2010), in Beijing at the National Centre for the Performing Arts; in Japan at La Folle Journée and Asia Orchestra Week; in Korea at the Tongyeong International Music Festival and in Singapore at the Esplanade, and at National Concert Hall Taipei and National Taichung Theater. In the 2023/2024 season, the orchestra is touring Germany, France, Austria, Portugal, Spain and Shenzhen. Following the success of the first edition in 2018, the orchestra organised the 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition in 2023, providing a platform for young conductors to establish a network in Asia and attracting applications from 45 countries/regions around the world. Hong Kong Sinfonietta has thrived under the leadership of Yip Wing-sie, one of Asia’s foremost conductors who was the orchestra’s Music Director from 2002-2020, and has been Music Director Emeritus from 2020 onwards. In April 2023, conductor, violinist, chamber musician and pedagogue Christoph Poppen took on the post of Music Director, while continuing his highly successful collaboration with the Cologne Chamber Orchestra as Principal Conductor, the Israel Chamber Orchestra as Principal Guest Conductor, and the Marvão International Music Festival as Artistic Director. 香港小交響樂團有限公司為註冊之慈善團體。 The Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited is a registered charity. 香港灣仔譚臣道 98 號運盛大廈 3 樓 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 電話 Tel : 852 2836 3336 傳真 Fax : 852 2783 9819 電郵 Email : 網址 Website :


主持 敲擊樂 Presenter Percussion

麥萊 Alasdair Malloy 麥萊擔任BBC音樂會樂團的敲擊樂首席超過25年,期 間於多個音樂會中擔任獨奏,並在自己設計的節目中 融入敲擊樂元素。麥萊同時活躍於古典音樂以外的界 別,參與編曲及錄音工作,並與卡克和沃克等知名歌 手演出。麥萊於2012年倫敦奧運開幕禮的演出標誌着 他與流行歌手奧菲德合作20年。

麥萊是位多才多藝的音樂家,涉足的音樂領域廣泛, 橫跨不同崗位;他既是音樂會主持,亦有演奏敲擊樂 與玻璃琴,並擔任節目策劃和編曲。他策劃及主持的 多個家庭及兒童音樂會系列均廣受歡迎,曾巡迴世界 各地演出。麥萊於2017年獲西蘇格蘭大學頒授榮譽博 士榮銜,表揚他在藝術與教育方面的貢獻。 麥萊策劃的題材涵蓋所有學校科目,甚至魔法、神秘 故事、飲食及旅遊。麥萊經常為不同頂尖英國樂團 主持音樂會,如皇家利物浦愛樂樂團、哈雷樂團、伯 明翰市交響樂團、天鵝樂團、伯恩茅斯交響樂團、阿 爾斯特交響樂團、利茲的北部歌劇團及牛津愛樂樂團 等。麥萊定期與香港小交響樂團合作外,也經常與馬 來西亞愛樂樂團及新加坡交響樂團及上海交響樂團等 亞洲樂團演出,他在上海的首演節目《點蟲蟲》更榮 獲中國國家兒童節目銀獎。在歐洲,他亦與法國奧維 涅國家樂團、巴黎室樂團、斯特拉斯堡愛樂樂團、波 爾多國家樂團、摩納哥蒙地卡羅愛樂樂團和都柏林 的RTÉ樂團等合作無間。 6

作為英國首屈一指的玻璃琴演奏家,麥萊曾於阿姆斯 特丹皇家音樂廳、倫敦史密斯廣場、倫敦藝文中心及 布里斯托爾的聖喬治音樂廳等知名場地演出。此外, 他與蘇格蘭室樂團及皇家利物浦愛樂樂團合作,分別 首演了賀恩的玻璃琴作品《蒸汽》及《螢火蟲》。 2014年,麥萊於波蘭首演著名波蘭作曲家普萊斯納為 I C E克拉科夫會議中心開幕儀式所寫的作品。麥萊經 常獲邀與頂尖音樂家,如冰島流行歌手Björk一同錄 音,亦可在不少電影原聲配樂中聽到他的演奏,包括 兩套《哈利波特》以及獲得英國BAFTA電影獎和奧斯 卡金像獎的電影《引力邊緣》及近期的《熱汽球飛行 家》。2019年麥萊也為美國視覺藝術家奇胡利於邱園 舉行的玻璃裝置展覽作現場演出。 麥萊自1998年於BBC逍遙音樂節作獨奏首演後,已成 為該音樂節的常客,最近與簡納-曼遜家族及作家莫普 格合作,呈獻了一個特別版本的聖桑《動物嘉年華》。 麥萊也經常獲邀於英國及挪威各地音樂節中演出。 2019年麥萊獲邀擔任慶祝登陸月球50周年的「飛躍阿 波羅」計劃的藝術顧問。

Alasdair Malloy is a creative musician crossing musical boundaries, working as a concert presenter, percussionist, glass harmonica player, programme d e v i s e r a n d a r r a n g e r. P r e s e n t i n g a c e l e b r a t e d catalogue of innovative family and children’s concerts across the globe, Malloy was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of the West of Scotland in 2017 for his contribution to music and education. Malloy’s extensive programme catalogue covers all school subjects as well as a host of family favourites, from magic and mystery to film, food and travel. He works closely with a number of the UK’s top orchestras including the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Hallé, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra of the Swan, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Ulster Orchestra, Orchestra of Opera North, Sinfonia Viva and Oxford Philharmonic. A b r o a d , M a l l o y w o r k s i n A s i a w i t h H o n g Ko n g Sinfonietta every season and regularly with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. The première of his highly acclaimed Bugs!! won the National Silver Award for Best Performance in China for children in 2005. In Europe, he appears with the Orchestre d’Auvergne, Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg, Orchestre National Bordeaux Aquitaine, Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo and RTÉ Concert Orchestra in Dublin. Principal percussionist with the BBC Concert Orchestra for over 25 years and a regular soloist, Malloy often incorporates percussion-inspired features within his own programmes. He is also active as a percussionist in other genres and regularly arranges, records and performs with celebrated artists including Jarvis Cocker and Scott Walker. His 20th year of working with Mike

Oldfield culminated in a performance at the London 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony. As Britain’s leading glass harmonica specialist, Malloy has performed at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Aldeburgh Festival, St John’s Smith Square and Kings Place in London, and St George’s Bristol. He premiered David Horne’s Vapours and Fireflies with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra respectively. In 2014, he performed at the opening of the ICE Kraków Congress Centre, an occasion for which the noted Polish film composer Zbigniew Preisner composed a work specifically. Malloy is regularly invited to record with acclaimed artists such as Icelandic pop star Björk and can be heard on numerous film soundtracks: two Harry Potter films, the BAFTA and Oscar-winning Hollywood blockbuster Gravity and most recently Aeronauts . In 2019, he was invited to perform at Chihuly Nights , an exhibition that transformed Kew Gardens, showcasing American artist Dale Chihuly’s glass sculptures. Having made his BBC Proms solo début in 1998, Malloy has returned to the festival numerous times including a recent collaboration with the KannehMason siblings and author Michael Morpurgo for a special presentation of Saint-Saens’ The Carnival of the Animals . Other notable festival appearances include Bury St Edmunds, Chester, Henley, Arundel, Lichfield and Risør in Norway. In 2019, Malloy was appointed Artistic Advisor on the “Apollo: One Giant Leap” project celebrating the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, working closely with composer Geoff Edge and Dorchester Arts.


指揮 Conductor

陳穎朗 Ray Chan 2022年成立了跨媒界的D r a m a t i c E n d e a v o u r e r s 樂團,致力與主流企業和不同形式的場地合作,創造 大膽及多變的21世紀音樂體驗。陳穎朗也是以倫敦為 基地的GoodEnsemble的創團藝術總監,積極推廣古 典音樂。他帶領合奏團演出兩個節目豐富的樂季,並 出任倫敦布魯姆斯伯里音樂節的駐節合奏團。陳穎朗 也是新西蘭弦樂四重奏的董事會成員,並為多個公私 營藝術機構、基金會等出任顧問。 陳穎朗於新加坡楊秀桃音樂學院隨黎志華及陳子樂研 修樂團指揮,及隨張小惠學習鋼琴,於2013年以優等 成績畢業。他亦是學院的首屆歐洲獎學金得主,赴瑞 士洛桑音樂學院隨戈達德學習。陳穎朗曾出任新西蘭 MADE集團拓展總監,現時他正以音樂家和物業及拓 展專業身份雙線發展。

陳穎朗於香港出生,新西蘭長大,2012年於奧地利格 拉茲國際指揮大師班比賽贏得冠軍。他於2016年以伍 德指揮學者身份赴英國皇家音樂學院隨愛德華學習, 並以優異成績畢業。2016/2017樂季他獲委任為奧克蘭 愛樂的駐團指揮,擔任貝林康比的助理指揮。 其他合作過的樂團包括新西蘭及塔斯曼尼亞交響樂 團、英國國家歌劇團、英國皇家音樂學院交響樂團 (R A M S O)、柏林迴聲合奏團及新加坡創樂者樂團 等,並於2015/2016樂季出任英國新莫扎特樂團的助理 指揮。陳穎朗在歌劇方面亦同樣出色,曾指揮及參與 的劇目包括《茶花女》、《費加洛的婚禮》、《唐.喬望 尼》及沃爾頓的《熊》。此外,他曾在RAMSO擔任托 堤利亞的助理指揮,並曾獲多位著名指揮指導,包括 帕佛.約菲、杜南憶、尼姆.約菲、威格斯沃及大植 英次等。 8

Born in Hong Kong and raised in New Zealand, Ray Chan was the First Prize winner of the 2012 Graz International Conductor’s Mastercourse Competition in Austria. He graduated with Distinction from the Royal Academy of Music as the Henry Wood Scholar in Conducting under Sian Edwards in 2016, and was appointed Conducting Fellow of Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra for the 2016/2017 season, serving as Assistant Conductor to Music Director Giordano Bellincampi. Apart from the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Chan’s collaborations have seen him work with New Zealand and Tasmanian Symphony Orchestras, English 1DWLRQDO 2SHUD b 5R\DO $FDGHP\ RI 0XVLF 6\PSKRQ\ Orchestra (RAMSO), Berlin Echo Ensemble, Orchestra of the Music Makers, and New Mozart Orchestra – the latter with whom he served as Assistant Conductor for the 2015/2016 season. Versatile on the symphonic stage as in the operatic pit, he has directed and assisted in productions including La Traviata, The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, and Walton’s The Bear b +H KDV DOVR EHHQ PHQWRUHG by leading conductors such as Yan-Pascal Tortelier (whom he served as Assistant with RAMSO), Paavo Järvi, Christoph von Dohnányi, Neeme Järvi, Mark Wigglesworth and Eiji Oue, amongst others.

quality promotion of classical music. Under his directorship, the orchestra delivered two full seasons of concerts and was named Ensemble in Residence for the annual London Bloomsbury Festival. He currently sits on the board for the New Zealand String Quartet and is in demand as advisor to several private and public arts organisations, trusts and grants. Chan graduated cum laude from Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore as a full scholar in 2013 where he studied Orchestral Conducting under Jason Lai and Chan Tze-law, and Piano Performance under Albert Tiu. He was also the Conservatory’s inaugural Europe Scholar to study at Conservatoire de Lausanne in Switzerland. Currently enjoying a dual career in music and as a property and development professional, Chan was previously Director of Engagement of the MADE Group, and currently runs a property brokerage team specialising in luxury property with Barfoot & Thompson in New Zealand.

In 2022, Chan founded the Orchestra of Dramatic Endeavourers, a genre-bending orchestra dedicated to creating daring, relevant and transformative orchestral experiences collaborating with mainstream enterprises, the hospitality and multimedia sectors, as well as daringly accessible venues, reimagining a new vision for the cultural, social and philanthropic role an orchestra plays in the 21st century. He is also the founding Artistic Director of GoodEnsemble – a professional freelance orchestra based in central London dedicated to the vibrant, relevant and high9


安德森-盧比斯 (1972年生) 盧比斯 (1975年生) 麥萊編

今場音樂會的節目都是來自適合一家大小一同觀 看的電影之配樂,有些是動畫,有些是關於奇幻世 界,有些角色擁有超能力。無論如何,不同年齡層 的觀眾都會從中有所收獲,而新一代的觀眾也會發 現它們的價值。由於有不少電影可供選擇,因此哪 些應該被包括在節目表裏,真是難於取捨。今日的 音樂來自超過25部人見人愛的電影,它們之所以入 選,是因為這些配樂著實令人難忘。




在墨西哥每年11月的亡靈節,人們都會穿戴上精心 製作的、色彩斑斕的衣飾來扮演骷髏。這樣做並不 是為了嚇人,而是一種紀念先人的習俗。皮克斯動 畫工作室(Pixar)在2017年推出的、大受歡迎的 電影《玩轉極樂園》,就以此為背景。其中的主題 曲「請記住我」贏得了奧斯卡電影頒獎禮的最佳原 創歌曲。 多位作曲家




為這場音樂會拉開序幕的,是麥萊叔叔改編自多套 魔法電影的音樂大串燒。它們的角色都有令人難以 置信的能力或魔法。作為一首引子,它有一首標誌 性的音樂,對所有曾經進過電影院的人而言都耳熟 能詳。然後,有一位會飛的人,還有一輛飛車以及 一位年輕的巫師、一位老巫師和一位魔法學徒。 此外,又有一隻會說話的動物和一位強大的絕地武 士!

現在讓我們到動畫電影中探險,樂隊的不同樂手, 會為我們介紹他們喜愛的電影人物。細心聆聽,看 看你能認出有哪些樂器、歌曲、電影和片中唱這些 歌曲的角色。給你一個提示:它們都來自迪士尼的 電影。 比才 (1838-1875)

第二《卡門》組曲:哈巴涅拉舞曲 約翰.威廉斯 (1932年生)


《奪寶奇兵》:進行曲 在關於動作英雄兼考古學家鍾斯博士的《奪寶 奇兵》電影系列中,作曲家約翰•威廉斯有不少機 會,為緊張刺激的動作場面和探險故事創作音樂。 電影描述鍾斯竭力保護古代珍貴的文物,免其落入 卑鄙歹毒且狡猾的納粹份子手中。片中的進行曲是 威廉斯創作中最令人難忘的主題曲之一,它不但在 我們的英雄鍾斯博士出場時響起,而且也在每一次 他與壞人對抗、扭轉局面時出現。

2019年皮克斯的《衝天救兵》(Up ),一開頭便交 代了主角卡爾現在獨居生活背後那個令人傷感的原 因。接著是一連串卡爾在屋中的日常生活的描述, 為這一場景作伴奏的是歌劇《卡門》中的「哈巴涅 拉舞曲」。原曲的旋律,配上了「愛就像反叛的小 鳥」的歌詞,可說是暗示卡爾與奇雲——一隻13呎 高的熱帶巨鳥——後來在片中的相遇。 約翰.威廉斯 (1932年生)


《哈利波特》:霍格華茲的英雄 羅琳關於小巫師哈利波特的整個小說系列,都被拍 成了令人讚嘆的電影。作曲家約翰•威廉斯是公認 的「電影配樂超級英雄」,他為哈利波特電影的頭 三部撰寫配樂,用音樂建構起霍格華茲學院的魔法


世界。在描述哈利波特的寵物貓頭鷹的「嘿美的主 題」之後,我們來到霍格華茲的萬聖節,接著聽到 代表海格教授和其他來自哈利波特奇妙世界的角色 的音樂。 賈基諾 (1967年生)

費約哈姆 (1959年生) 安德森-盧比斯 (1972年生) 盧比斯 (1975年生) 麥萊編


《超人特攻隊》:正義大作戰 這部2004年的動畫電影向我們介紹了一個超級英雄 之家及其成員,甚至小寶寶也擁有令人驚嘆的超能 力。音樂本身也強而有力,作曲家賈基諾在其配樂 中戲仿了不少作品,向多位前輩致敬,為這套奇妙 的電影設下了完美的場景。 米蘭達 (1980年生)


《奇幻魔法屋》:我們不提布魯諾 另一部有關家庭的電影是2021年的迪士尼動畫電影 《奇幻魔法屋》,它以馬瑞格一家為主線,他們的 成員都在五歲時獲得魔力。但奇怪的是,15歲的米 拉貝兒卻一直和普通人一樣,而更詭異的是從來沒 有人提及布魯諾這位家庭成員! 約翰.威廉斯 (1932年生)

《ET外星人》:萬聖節的魔力 1982年的電影《ET外星人》,其中一個最令人難忘 的場景是在萬聖節,艾略特和米高兩兄弟把流落到 地球的外星人裝扮成一隻鬼,把他偷偷送出屋外。 他們穿過市鎮去到森林,讓他能與外星的家通話。 這段音樂與ET在被單下所看到的情景相當匹配,然 後就展開了著名的「飛行主題曲」。 米蘭達 (1980年生)

霍艾 (1956年生)

令人難忘的歌曲;這首是由自我中心的半神毛伊所 唱的,他誤打誤撞地要和莫娜一起完成任務。在這 個管弦樂版本中,毛伊是由長號所代表。


《魔海奇緣》:別客氣 這部電影於2016年11月推出,講述莫娜的故事。她 是波利尼西亞一個部落首領的女兒,被海洋選中, 要將一件神秘的寶物歸還給一位女神。片中有多首

《魔雪奇緣》幻想曲 這部2013年的迪士尼動畫電影,乃根據安徒生的童 話小說《冰雪女皇》所改編。影片贏得了兩項奧斯 卡獎,一是最佳動畫電影,二是最佳原創歌曲「隨 它吧」 (Let It Go)。《魔雪奇緣》幻想曲包含了片中 一些受人喜愛的歌曲,例如開頭的「大地之歌」。 它是根據一首拉普蘭的傳統薩米人音樂改編的。 柏德森 (1965年生) 哈林頓 (1980年生) 謝弗爾 (1977年生) 威廉斯 (1973年生)

巴多羅邁 (1984年生) 山伯格 (1978年生) 塔科奈 (1977年生) 麥萊編

《太樂搞了 – 因為大家開心》 近期有兩部電影採用了好些流行音樂,而且效果 相當好。其中一首是《壞蛋獎門人2》中由威廉斯 (Pharrell Williams)撰寫的「快樂」(Happy), 它在英國是最多人下載的歌曲。另一首是特別為 《LEGO英雄傳》所寫的「太樂搞了」(Everything is Awesome)。兩首歌曲都獲提名為奧斯卡的最佳 原創歌曲,但卻輸給了《魔雪奇緣》的「隨它吧」。 約翰.威廉斯 (1932年生)


《星球大戰》:主題音樂 約翰•威廉斯在1977年為《星球大戰》撰寫的主 題音樂代表了他典型的風格,英雄的旋律由銅管吹 奏,伴以敲擊樂強力的節奏,中間散佈著弦樂抒情 的調子。這首主題音樂在《星球大戰》的七部電影 中都能聽到。 英文節目介紹:麥萊 中文翻譯:行之 11

Programme Notes Our concert today features music from films which the whole family can enjoy watching together. Some of them are animated features, some are set in extraordinary worlds, some have characters with extraordinary talents and powers, but all of them have something to offer all ages and will be there to be discovered by new generations. We had so many films to choose from that it was difficult choosing which ones to include. Today you will hear music from over 25 Family Film Favourites, all chosen because of their truly memorable soundtracks.

Various composers Devised & arranged by Alasdair Malloy

Movie Magic Medley To set the scene for this concert, Alasdair has arranged the music from several beloved family films for this medley featuring characters with incredible or magical abilities. As an introduction, there is an iconic piece of music familiar to everyone who has ever sat in a cinema, then listen out for a flying man and also a flying car as well as a young wizard, an old wizard and an apprentice sorcerer. There is also a talking animal and a forceful Jedi Master!

John Williams (born 1932) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy

Raiders of the Lost Ark: Raiders March In the series of films featuring action-hero archaeologist Indiana Jones, composer John Williams had plenty of opportunity to create 12

music for exciting action scenes and heroic endeavours, as Indy struggles to keep precious ancient artefacts out of the hands of the dastardly and devious Nazis. “Raiders March” is one of John Williams’ most memorable themes and is heard not only to introduce our hero but also to represent the very moment when Indy inevitably turns the tables on the villains.

Kristen Anderson-Lopez (born 1972) Robert Lopez (born 1975) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy

Coco: Remember Me In Mexico, the Day of the Dead festivities take place in November when people dress in elaborate costumes with make-up representing colourful skulls and skeletons. They are not intended to be scary though, as it is a great celebration of remembrance. This is the setting for the popular Pixar film Coco from 2017 and the song “Remember Me” won the Academy Award (nicknamed an Oscar ) for Best Original Song.

Various composers Devised & arranged by Alasdair Malloy

The Cunningly Conceived Concealed Cartoon Character Quiz Some animated adventures now as different players from the orchestra introduce us to their favourite cartoon characters. Listen carefully and see if you can identify the instruments, the songs, the films and the characters from the films who sang the songs. In case you need a clue, they are all films connected with Disney.

Georges Bizet (1838-1875)

Carmen Suite No 2: Habanera The 2019 Pixar film Up begins with a sequence which gives the sad reason why the main character, Carl, now lives alone. This is followed by glimpses of Carl going about his daily routine in his house, to the accompaniment of this piece of classical music from the opera Carmen . In the opera, the melody is sung to the words “Love is like a rebellious bird”, which somehow hints at Carl’s encounter with Kevin, the giant 13-foot-tall tropical bird later on in the film!

John Williams (born 1932)

homage and parody sets the scene perfectly for this fantastic film.

Lin-Manuel Miranda (born 1980) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy

Encanto: We Don’t Talk About Bruno Another film about a family now – the 2021 Disney animation Encanto , which features the Madrigal family, who all receive magical powers at the age of five. There is a great mystery about why Mirabel, who is now 15, received no gift, and an even greater mystery about why no one talks about Bruno!

Arranged by Alasdair Malloy

Harry Potter : The Hero of Hogwarts JK Rowling’s series of books about the boy wizard Harry Potter have now all been turned into amazing films and the composer John Williams, the “Superhero of the Soundtrack”, established the magical world of Hogwarts in his scores for the first three films. After the opening “Hedwig’s Theme”, we visit Hogwarts for the Halloween feast before we hear music representing Professor Hagrid and other characters from Harry’s wondrous world.

John Williams (born 1932)

E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial: The Magic of Halloween One of the most memorable scenes in the 1982 film E.T. was set at Halloween when brothers Elliott and Michael disguise the stranded extraterrestrial as a ghost to sneak him out of the house, through the town to the forest so that he can “phone home”. This musical sequence matches what ET is seeing from under his sheet before launching into the well-known “Flying Theme”.

Michael Giacchino (born 1967) Arranged by Robin McEwan

The Incredibles: Full Mayhem This animated film from 2004 introduced us to a family of superheroes with each member of the family, even including the baby, having incredible superpowers. The music too is powerful and composer Michael Giacchino’s mix of musical

Lin-Manuel Miranda (born 1980) Opetaia Foa’i (born 1956) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy

Moana: You’re Welcome This film was released in November 2016 and tells the story of Moana, the daughter of the chief of a Polynesian tribe who is chosen by the ocean itself 13

to reunite a mystic relic with a goddess. There are several memorable songs in the film; this one is sung by the very self-centred demi-god Maui, the unlikely character that Moana has to team up with to accomplish her task. In this orchestral version, Maui is represented by the trombone.

especially for The LEGO Movie . Both songs were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song, losing to “Let It Go” from Frozen .

John Williams (born 1932) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy

Star Wars: Main Theme Frode Fjellheim (born 1959) Kristen Anderson-Lopez (born 1972) Robert Lopez (born 1975) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy

A Frozen Fantasy Based on Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale The Snow Queen , this 2013 animated film from Disney won two Academy Awards, one for Best Animated Feature and the other for Best Original Song for “Let It Go”. A Frozen Fantasy includes some of the favourite songs from the film, including the opening sequence called “Eatnemen Vuelie” which is based on traditional Sámi music from Lapland.

Shawn Patterson (born 1965) Joshua Bartholomew (born 1984) Lisa Harriton (born 1980) Andy Samberg (born 1978) Akiva Schaffer (born 1977) Jorma Taccone (born 1977) Pharrell Williams (born 1973) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy

Everything is Awesome (Because We’re) Happy Two recent feature films here which both use pop music to great effect in their soundtracks. Pharrell Williams’ “Happy” is used in Despicable Me 2 and it is the most downloaded song of all time in the UK. “Everything is Awesome” was written 14

John Williams’ main theme from the 1977 film Star Wars is typical of his style with heroic melodies for the brass over dramatic rhythms in the percussion interspersed with expressive phrases from the strings. This theme can be heard in all seven of the Star Wars epics. Written by Alasdair Malloy


Hong Kong Sinfonietta 桂冠音樂總監 Music Director Emeritus

小提琴 Violin 格德霍特

葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie


音樂總監 Music Director

柏鵬 Christoph POPPEN

金仁善 助理樂團首席

李海南 第二小提琴首席

副指揮 Associate Conductor

葉詠媛 Vivian IP 駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associates 何博欣 Vivian HO

(2022-2024) 鄺展維 Charles KWONG (2020-2022) 麥兜 McDull

(2019-2020) 高世章 Leon KO

(2018-2019) 陳慶恩 CHAN Hing-yan

(2016-2018) 石家豪 Wilson SHIEH

(2015-2016) 朱栢謙 CHU Pak-him

(2014-2015) 麥淑賢 MAK Su-yin

(2014-2015) 羅詠媞 Wendy LAW

(2013-2014) 盧思泓 LOO Sze-wang

(2012-2013) 伍宇烈 Yuri NG


James CUDDEFORD Concertmaster

KIM In-sun Assistant Concertmaster

LE Hoai-nam Second Violin Principal

蔡柏沂 陳劭楠 周止善 蔡君賢 顧洛臻 羅莎莉 呂灝然 羅蔚敏 彭曉筠 潘迦薇 陽旻佑 楊宇思(休假) ✽ 李威霖 ✽ 梁嘉俊 ✽ 楊健文

CAI Pak-yi CHAN Shaw-nan Sharon Kiann CHOW CHUA Vince Eliezer N John KRUER Sally LAW Ambrose LUI LUO Wei-min PANG Hiu-wan POON Ka-mei Camille YANG Min-yu YANG Yu-si (On leave) William LEE LEUNG Ka-chun YEUNG Kin-man Sunny

中提琴 Viola ● 陳子信 ▼ 劉琛彥 卞思琦 陳敏聰 龍君蔚 顏星安 鄧詠旋

Elvis CHAN LAU Sum-yin Christina BEAN Ringo CHAN LUNG Kwan-wai Kenny NGAN Sing-on TANG Wing-shuen Rebecca

大提琴 Cello ● 張培節 ▼ 貝樂安 何國芝 李恩率 朴詩媛 葉俊禧

CHANG Pei-chieh Laurent PERRIN HO Kwok-chee Karey LEE Eun-sol PARK Si-won YIP Chun-hei Eric

低音大提琴 Double Bass Masami NAGAI ● 永井雅美 JO Hyung-wook ▼ 曹炯旭 HUANG Tun-pin 黃敦品

長笛 Flute ○ 上杉晃代 ▓ 許榮鏗

Akiyo UESUGI HUI Wing-hang Bob

雙簧管 Oboe 福原真美


單簧管 Clarinet ● 禹希秀 陳秋媛

WOO Hee-soo CHEN Chiu-yuan

巴松管 Bassoon ● 廖冬保 田口美奈子

LIU Tung-bo Minako TAGUCHI

圓號 Horn ● 包文慶 東出真澄 陳珈文 普德華

PAW Man-hing Hermann Masumi HIGASHIDE CHAN Kar-man Cheryl Edward PEETERS

小號 Trumpet ● 黃山 陳健勝

HUANG Shan CHAN Kin-sing Kinson

長號 Trombone ● 羅澤基 陳學賢

Christopher RODGERS CHAN Hok-yin

低音長號 Bass Trombone CHAN Sheung-yin 陳尚賢 大號 Tuba ● 陳耀榮

CHAN Yiu-wing

定音鼓 Timpani ● 村本曉洋


敲擊樂 Percussion ● 周展彤 小山理惠子

CHAU Chin-tung Rieko KOYAMA

豎琴 Harp ● 黃士倫


鍵琴 Keyboard ● 朱偉恆

Alan CHU

李嘉齡 Colleen LEE

(2010-2011) 黎志華 Jason LAI

(2009-2011) 楊嘉輝 Samson YOUNG

(2008-2009) 伍卓賢 NG Cheuk-yin

(2006-2008) 16

Notes : 1. Guest Principal Oboe 客席雙簧管首席 CHAN Nim-yee Carol(陳念怡) 2. Freelance Musicians Vanessa CHAN(陳朗瑚) Violin 小提琴 CHOR Kai-hei(左啟希) Cello 大提琴 CHIU Chin-pong Harry(趙展邦) Horn 圓號 TUNG Wai-lok Jimmy(董煒樂) Trumpet 小號 Percussion 敲擊樂 Ashley LO(勞善雯)

● ▼ ○ ▓ ✽

Principal 首席 Assistant Principal 助理首席 Acting Principal 署理首席 Guest Musician 客席樂師 Orchestral Associate


Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 監察委員會 Board of Governors 鍾陳碧璋女士 翟紹唐先生 鍾思源醫生 何汝祥醫生 劉文文女士 劉勵超先生 陳智文先生 謝智剛教授 徐行悅醫生 黃偉雄先生 阮偉文博士

Mrs Shirley CHUNG Mr JAT Sew-tong Dr CHUNG See-yuen Dr HO Yu-cheung Ms LAU Man-man Lisa Mr Patrick LAU Mr Stephen TAN Prof C K Michael TSE Dr Michelle TSUI Mr Addy W H WONG Dr Andrew S YUEN

樂團行政 Administration 主席 Chairman

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer

總經理 General Manager


LEE Ho-yee

行政秘書 Executive Assistant to CEO


Rose HO

會計經理 Accounting Manager


Judith LEE

行政統籌 Administrative Coordinator



行政助理 Office Administrator


YANG Jui-yuan

Margaret YANG

副主席 Vice Chairman 司庫 Treasurer

榮譽監察委員 Honorary Governors

樂團事務 Orchestra

陳鋈鋆先生 金董建平女士 施永青先生 楊雪姬女士

樂團經理 Orchestra Manager


Marylu CHAN

助理樂團經理 Assistant Orchestra Manager


Carvina LAI

樂團主任/譜務 Orchestra Officer/Librarian


Denise CHU

製作經理 Production Manager


Eddie CHAN

Mr Y K CHAN Mrs Alice KING Mr SHIH Wing-ching Ms Serena YANG

義務公司秘書 Honorary Company Secretary Tricor Corporate Secretary Limited

節目及特別節目 Programme & Special Projects 節目經理 Programme Manager


YAU Oi-suet Icy

特別節目經理 Special Projects Manager


Athena WONG

節目及市場主任 Programme & Marketing Officer


Hayley LAM

特別節目主任 Special Projects Officer


Kening LAW

市場推廣及發展 Marketing & Development 高級市場及業務拓展經理 莫皓明 Senior Marketing & Development Manager

Amanda MOK

市場及業務拓展經理 Marketing & Development Manager


Pauline HO

助理市場經理 Assistant Marketing Manager


Christine YUEN

市場及業務拓展主任 Marketing & Development Officer


Pantane OR

當代音樂研究 Contemporary Music Research


Charles KWONG


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