Hkjff 2015 brochure

Page 30



USA, Israel, Italy, South Africa 2014 | Documentary, Biography, Drama English with Chinese subtitles 88 mins Director: Cecilia Peck

Brave Miss World 最勇敢的世界小姐




11:30 AM Matinée

英語 / 中文字幕

“The essential documentary of 2014.” – Mark Warren, Executive Editor, Esquire “The coming together of two remarkable women, Linor and documentary filmmaker Cecilia Peck.” – Amy Goodman, Democracy Now.

Awards Chicago International Film Festival: Audience Choice Award 2013 Nominated for a 2014 Emmy for Exceptional Merit in Documentary Filmmaking

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Presented in cooperation with the Consulate General of Israel and the American Consulate General

Israeli beauty queen Linor Abargil was abducted and raped in Milan two months before being crowned Miss World in 1998. Ten years later, she resolved to confront her past and returns to Italy to find the prosecutor who collaborated with Israeli authorities to arrest the serial rapist. Now a globe-trotting victims’ advocate, Linor encourages others to stand against sexual violence by putting an end to their silence. Abargil’s progression from rape victim to empowered activist/attorney, and her journey of becoming more religously observant, is moving and brave in this uplifting documentary. Linor is an unforgettable heroine. 以色列裔佳麗莉娜·阿巴吉爾在米蘭慘遭綁架性侵,事發兩個月後, 莉娜當選 1998 年世界小姐。遊歷世界過後的莉娜鼓勵所有有著相同遭 遇的受害人,千萬不要只是沉默,呼籲各界正視性暴力問題。由國際反 性暴力運動至荷里活的鎂光燈下,莉娜一直都得到很多支持。而與此同 時,積極推廣反性暴力運動卻讓那些慘痛經歷再一次浮現,莉娜在正統 猶太教中找到了心靈的慰藉。莉娜在事發後首次回到意大利,與檢察官 及以色列政府合作拘捕連環強暴犯。 在冥冥之中命運的安排下,莉娜 遇到了另一位被同一強暴犯在同一埸境遭性侵的女性。 與性暴力抗戰, 受害者在這征途仍有漫漫長路。莉娜·阿巴吉爾 -最勇敢的世界小姐, 也會繼續以她不畏縮的精神去對抗這些惡行。

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