Animal Adventures - Children's Book

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There once lived a little girl named


One day, she met a group of kids she wanted to play with, but they didn’t let her join them because she was too ordinary.

So she sat by herself under a tree, waiting for her mom to come to pick her up. She thought about her extraordinary animal friends and wondered what her life would be like if she were them.

“What about Mimi?” Star thought.

Mimi was a

huge creature with golden brown fur, paws the size of a

five-year-old’s face, large and sharp teeth, and a luscious mane. She was

fierce and stood up for herself and her pack against enemies. Can you guess what she was?

Mimi was a brave lion! She sat on her rock and proved her power with

ARS, but they shook the entire ground and were just too loud.

her RO

But no matter how extraordinary Mimi was, there was something that was not


about her.

“What about Seema?” Seema was beautiful.

She had bright, green, and blue feathers that could spread open like a fan. She walked with her head held high, and everyone loved her. Can you guess what she was? Seema was a peacock, the queen of birds. She was so confident and knew that everyone loved her. Unfortunately, she became too proud because of it. But no matter how extraordinary Seema was, there was something that was not


about her.

“How ‘bout Libby?” Star wondered. Libby was pink and had a tiny purple horn between her ears on the tippy top of her head. She liked to eat rainbow cheerios and fart different colors. She had a cute and sparkly white mane. Can you guess what she was? Libby was a pink unicorn. She was majestic and beautiful, but she had no magical powers.

And no matter how extraordinary Libby was, there was something that was not


about her.

Star thought, “how about Carrie?” She could already picture her friend: A white creature -short and agile- with big ears, cute whiskers, a small nose, and a tiny body. She was a ballerina. She wore sparkly pink dresses and danced all day long. Can you guess what she was? Carrie was a talented mouse! But she could not stop eating cheese, so she continued to fart day and night. Even during her ballet performances!

But no matter how extraordinary Carrie was, there was something that was not


about her.

Star sat up and pondered, “what about Maxine?” Maxine was a tiny little thing. She had a stripy, black and yellow body with fuzz all over. She had a stinger on her butt and antennas on her head. She loved eating honey and building her hive. Can you guess what she was? Maxine was a bumblebee. She was cute and bright. But she kept buzz buzz buzzing non-stop. And, for some people, that was too annoying.

But no matter how extraordinary Maxine was, there was something that was not


about her.

“What about Kiki?” Star thought. She laid back and imagined a short black and white figure with a yellow beak. Kiki had no arms but instead had two flappers almost as big as her body. Although she was part of the bird species, she never could bring herself to fly, so instead, she walked on her two tiny webbed feet all around the icy mountains. Can you guess what she was?

Kiki was an adventurous, traveling penguin. However, with every step, she kept tripping over every rock! I hope she doesn’t hurt her beak!

But no matter how extraordinary Kiki was, there was something that was not


about her.

So once again, she thought, “how about Elijah?”. Elijah was a big animal with four legs, pointy ears, a long snout, and brown and black patches on his fur. Elijah worked alongside the police. He loved chasing squirrels and

barking up trees. He skipped around on all fours and had short, handsomely styled fur. Can you guess what he was? Elijah was a brave and playful dog! But he would BARK BARK BARK all day and all night. Sometimes he would wake up in the middle of the night just to yell at the front door.

But no matter how extraordinary Elijah was, there was something that was not


about her.

After thinking long and hard, Star couldn’t find anyone that was perfectly extraordinary. And when she looked to the stars, all she saw was her own reflection. Star knew she couldn’t find anyone just as beautiful, brilliant, and bold as herself. From then on, she would never give herself up for anything in the world.

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