Adventures of Leafy

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Leafy is the R1 class’ pet. They watched him grow up from a caterpillar to a butterfly. One day, when Leafy was ready, they let him go from the HKIS primary campus so he could travel the world on his own.

Leafy was excited about being able to travel on his own. He had always wanted to see the wonders of the world.

After an hour of flying, Leafy arrived at the Great Wall of China in Beijing. He was awestruck at how long the Great Wall is!

After visiting the Great Wall of China, Leafy traveled to the Yuanyang rice terraces in Yunnan. Leafy noticed that the reflections and shadows of the rice terraces change color during sunrise and sunset! “How lovely,” he thought.

Leafy hopped onto the wing of a plane (shh!) to catch a ride to Egypt, his next destination! He had a lot of fun watching Paw Patrol through the window.

In Cairo, the capital of Egypt, Leafy saw the great Pyramids of Giza! He went inside and saw the scary-looking mummies of ancient pharaohs.

Next to the pyramids, there was a ginormous Sphinx, a creature with a human’s body and a lion’s head. Leafy sat on the Sphinx’s nose and took a nap.

He then went to the Abu Simbel temples, created by Ramses II. They were created for the ancient gods. It was an amazing sight!

Inside one temple, he saw a statue of Ptah, a mighty Egyptian creator god. Leafy wished to continue his journey safely and quickly.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light!

A river had appeared magically, created by Ptah! Leafy thanked Ptah’s statue and rode on a boat made of papyrus reeds to his next stop.

Leafy marveled at the different villages and people he saw as he sailed on the river. When he reached Morocco and got off, the river disappeared!

The Jardin Majorelle (Great Garden) was magnificent! Leafy saw lots of beautiful flowers with sweet nectar, colorful plants and made many friends with the exotic butterflies living there!

He drank nectar with his new friends and they told him to go to the Ouzoud Falls in Azila, which are a set of waterfalls! The sound of the waterfalls was too loud for Leafy, so he flew off to Spain.

In Spain, he took the Alta Velocidad, a super fast train that took him across the country! Leafy stayed in a first-class cabin on the train, where he took another nap.

After waking up, Leafy flew from Spain to France, where he saw the famous Eiffel Tower! There, Leafy raced with a friendly Parisian pigeon, Jacques, to see who could get to the top first. Who do you think won?

Jacques, Leafy’s new friend, showed him an island called Mont Saint-Michel, which disappeared sometimes under the ocean! Leafy had never seen anything like it before.

They played hide-and-seek in the castle, but they had to leave at nighttime, when the tides rose and the island was covered. Jacques carried Leafy on his back all the way to the ocean.

When he got to the ocean, Leafy was not sure how to get to the next country, Brazil. A dolphin showed him the way to a mysterious hole in the water. Leafy dove into the hole and he was swirling around in a wet, spinning tunnel!

It led to a magical island underwater: Atlantis! Mermaids and mermen humans with tails! swam around with fish and sharks, and they all waved hello to Leafy.

Leafy was sucked back out of Atlantis and landed right in Brazil, in its most busy city, Rio de Janeiro! The yearly Carnaval was happening, a parade of dancing, singing and laughing!

What beautiful costumes! What lively dances! Leafy even saw a girl who was dressed exactly like him, a pretty butterfly!

Then Leafy explored the Amazon rainforest, with all its amazing wildlife. There were strange and dangerous plants like Venus flytraps and pitcher plants, which he avoided. But he also saw new insects and animals that he had never seen before.

Leafy was tired, but there was one last place he wanted to go to: Japan, because he had heard how much the R1 kids had loved it! To get there, he rode on the backs of a flock of rainbow-colored parrots who were migrating to Japan. They chatted and laughed the whole ride long.

They stopped at the famous Dotonbori Street that had plenty of food stalls! The hungry parrots and Leafy flew through the streets. They went from stall to stall eating delicious food like croquettes, grilled skewers, and dumplings!

They were full and happy. The parrots said goodbye and Leafy flew on his own to the Arashiyama bamboo grove. It was quiet and peaceful, compared to the busy city streets.

Suddenly he heard a voice. Who was it? A girl appeared, crying and lost from her family. Leafy felt sorry for her and fluttered up to her.The girl’s name was Livvy and she was from Hong Kong, too!

Leafy directed her the way she had come and helped her find her family. They were so grateful that they offered to take Leafy back home with them.

Leafy was glad to go home. He had met many new friends along they way, and had seen just how big of a place the world was. It had been a great adventure.

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