The 42nd Hong Kong International Film Festival

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The 16th Hong Kong – Asia Film Financing Forum 19 - 21 March 2018


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is an established film financing platform in Asia. Attracting more than 1,000 filmmakers and financiers from at least 35 countries and regions, around 35 projects are selected annually to participate in the three-day event.

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星光盛宴 GALA PRESENTATION 6 首映禮 Galas 10 影迷嘉年華  Cinephile Paradise

火鳥大獎  Firebird Awards 14 新秀電影競賽  Young Cinema Competition 16 紀錄片競賽  Documentary Competition 18 國際短片競賽  Short Film Competition

大師與作者  Masters & Auteurs 20 大師級  The Masters 24 作者風 Auteurs 28 霧裏藏花  露琦茜亞馬蒂  The Engaging Detachment of Lucrecia Martel


目 錄


34 香港電影面面觀 2017-18 Hong Kong Panorama 2017-18 38 雲外笑紅塵—­林青霞  Filmmaker in Focus: Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia 42 中國電影新貌  Chinese Cinema Now

世界電影 World Cinema 46 環球視野  Global Vision 52 丹麥新氣象  New Danish Cinema 86 自主新潮  Indie Power

紀錄片 Documentaries 90 真的假不了  Reality Bites 94 疾走無韁  原一男  A Dedicated Filmmaker: Hara Kazuo 98 影人影事  Filmmakers and Filmmaking

五光十色  KALEIDOSCOPE 102 106 108 110 114

超人氣動畫  Animation Unlimited 我看我電影  I See It My Way 我愛午夜長  Midnight Heat 詩影像  Poetry in Motion 修復經典  Restored Classics

焦點  Focus 118 菲律賓新浪潮旗手  依瑪勞貝盧 The Genius of Filipino New Wave: Ishmael Bernal 120 求真若狂  華納荷索 The Ecstatic Truth of Werner Herzog

其他  Miscellaneous 63 72 74 135

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訂票指南  Booking Guide 電影節指南  How to Festival 電影節通行證  HKIFF Pass 影片索引  Index of Films

2/21/18 11:30 AM

星 Gala Presentation 光 盛 宴 首映禮 Galas

開幕電影 Opening Film

國際首映 International


香港會議展覽中心 CE1 19/3(一)7:30pm

20GC3P1 20/3(二)8:00pm The Grand GC

All rights reserved @ Epic Entertainment

盛情款待 導演:陳鈺杰 2017 國語/日語 96 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:田中麗奈、王柏傑、余貴美子、木村多江、藤井美菜

一昔如環,昔昔都成玦,曾經風光一時的明月館成了明日黃花。凋零的京都溫泉旅館 被老闆娘的台灣舊相好買下,他派往監督翻新工程的兒子卻另有盤算。異想天開將之 改裝成新式婚宴場,替念念不忘的前女友辦婚禮,同時趁機暗中把旅館賣掉。老闆娘 女兒、老闆兒子及打工換宿的哈日宅男跟資深老師學習日本傳統「待客之道」,過程中 三人尋回迷失的自我,重拾若即若離的感情。成長於美國的台灣導演陳鈺杰首部劇情 長片,以抽離視野與故鄉情懷看文化差異,既遠且近,舉重若輕。月圓月缺,笑着豁 然面對人生。

Omotenashi Dir: Jay Chern 2017 Mandarin/Japanese 96min Cast: Tanaka Rena, Wang Po-Chieh, Yo Kimiko, Kimura Tae, Fujii Mina

When the moon no longer shines, the beautiful yet obsolete Bright Moon Ryokan in Kyoto is acquired by the innkeeper’s Taiwanese former lover, who sends his son to supervise the renovation. Unaware of his hidden agenda, the innkeeper is excited about the idea of turning the hotel into a wedding venue, and suggests that he learns “omotenashi”, the virtue of traditional Japanese hospitality, together with her daughter and the otaku helper. Distant yet intimate, Jay Chern’s feature debut offers a heartwarming portrayal of young people getting to appreciate different cultures, and the values of things old and new.

開幕電影 Opening Film

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

香港會議展覽中心 CE1 19/3(一)9:45pm

20GC3E1 20/3(二)7:30pm The Grand GC

小美 導演:黃榮昇 2018  國語 95 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:陳以文、劉冠廷、納豆、巫建和

眾人眼中的可愛少女小美突然人間蒸發。與她生命軌跡交集過的九個人物,透過訪談 與回憶,逐漸拼湊出小美的生命輪廓。房東、前男友、美容公司老闆、母親各自搓揉 記憶,黏合出一尊模模糊糊的人物塑像。害羞不安的吸毒少女倏忽往來過去與現在, 如今肉身何處、靈魂何在,卻沒一個人能說得準。導演黃榮昇首部長片即入圍柏林 影展面面觀單元,金馬獎最佳導演鍾孟宏擔任監製兼親自操刀攝影,《大佛普拉斯》 (2017)導演黃信堯獻聲旁白加持,把懸疑神秘與黑色迷幻共冶一爐。在熹微闇晦的光 影中,一個依稀身影,流離於冷漠的台北街角,孤寂蒼涼。

Xiao Mei Dir: Maren Hwang 2018 Mandarin 95min Cast: Chen Yi-Wen, Liu Kuan-Ting, Na Dow, Jao Cincin

導演/演員將出席與觀眾會面 The director and/or actors will attend the screening


A young girl named Xiao Mei suddenly vanishes. Without trace or explanation. Each of the nine people who once appeared in her life tries to offer a piece of the missing puzzle. In a kaleidoscope of meandering memories, confessions and helpless speculations through which the young escapee wanders aimlessly, they attempt to solve the enigma of her disappearance. Brilliantly juggling elements of film noir, suspense and whodunit, director Maren Hwang in his debut feature explores the riddle of identity and how “truth” is constructed, in a fluid juxtaposition of reality and fiction, past and present.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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2/20/18 2:13 AM



頒獎禮之夜 Awards gala

國際首映 International


02KG4E1 2/4(一) 7:00pm 頒獎禮 Award ceremony 7:30pm 電影放映 Screening 香港文化中心 KG

閉幕電影 CLOSING Film

世界首映 World Premiere

05KG4E2 5/4(四)9:00pm 香港文化中心 KG



嫲煩家族 3

導演 : 基斯頓柏索 德國/法國 2018 101 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:山田洋次 日本 2018 115 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:橋爪功、吉行和子、 妻夫木聰、蒼井優

暗藏作家遺作手稿,佐治偷借難民身份逃避戰火,欲登上從德國開往馬賽的渡輪,陰 差陽錯被誤會是作家本人。等候過境期間,他結交了同袍兒子,愛上神秘女郎,並逐 《嫲煩家族》(40、41 屆)的麻煩事接二連三!老頑固鬧完離婚,死埋老友,今次輪到 漸認識「自己」—那個因被迫害而自殺的作家。改編自著名女作家安娜西格斯流亡 新抱離家出走!大嫂持家有道事無大小照顧周到,忽然一日賊仔上門將她的私己錢偷 期間寫成的同名小說,近年備受注目的德國作者導演柏索繼《火鳳凰》(39 屆)後, 走,老公大發雷霆令她心灰意冷拂袖而去。一屋上下頓時七國咁亂,老爺子不得不幫 再度窺探身份的矛盾曖昧與存在意義,讓逃出集中營的過去人物穿梭於現代馬賽,兩 忙打理家務,手忙腳亂仲差點燒晒全家!平田家陷入家變危機,最後如何收科?全體 代難民在同一時空交錯重疊,借古喻今,看萬物之逆旅、百代之過客。去年憑《愛的 演員再度埋班一家人默契滿分,山田洋次的場面調度四両撥千斤十足大師功架,喜劇 替身》(41 屆)奪威尼斯影展最佳新人獎的寶娜比爾鋒芒畢露,演出令人眼前一亮。 節奏分毫不差。本集日文片名向成瀨巳喜男的《願妻如薔薇》(1935)致敬,荒誕鬧劇 為含辛茹苦的家庭主婦吐一口烏氣,姊姊妹妹齊鼓掌唱番首喜氣洋洋! 入圍角逐柏林影展金熊獎。

What a Wonderful Family! 3: My Wife, My Life

Transit Dir: Christian Petzold Germany/France 2018 101min Cast: Franz Rogowski, Paula Beer, Godehard Giese, Lilien Batman

Dir: Yamada Yoji  Japan 2018 115min Cast: Hashizume Isao, Yoshiyuki Kazuko, Natsukawa Yui, Tsumabuki Satoshi

During WWII, Georg flees Germany and escapes to Marseille, where he tries to obtain one of the few scarce passages on a ship via an assumed identity. While waiting there, he meets other refugees, falls in love with the mysterious Marie, and befriends Driss, the son of a late comrade. Berlinale Silver Bear-winning director Petzold (Phoenix, 39th) transposes the characters from Anna Seghers’ eponymous novel – written during the renowned author’s wartime exile – to contemporary Marseille, where refugees from the past and present co-exist, and where their stories combine to create one eternal transit space. In Competition, Berlinale.

Surviving his wife’s surprise divorce proposal and his old buddy’s sudden death (What a Wonderful Family! I & II, 40th & 41st), Shuzo and the Hirata family are blown by another colossal storm. A crisis ensues when one afternoon housewife Fumie finds her secret money stolen by a thief. Upset by her husband’s fury, she leaves the house, and the whole family soon falls into a state of chaos. Paying tribute to Naruse Mikio’s Wife! Be Like a Rose! (1935) by adopting the same Japanese title, Yamada continues to dissect society in microcosm through domestic life, giving a voice to women characters who, have the capacity for desire, ambition and mending mistakes.


香港會議展覽中心 CE1 20/3(二)8:30pm


31/3(六) 1:30pm, 3:00pm, 4:30pm, 6:00pm, 7:30pm 1/4(日) 12:00pm, 1:30pm, 3:00pm, 4:30pm, 6:00pm, 7:30pm 2/4(一) 12:00pm, 1:30pm, 3:00pm, 4:30pm

Free Screening

星光盛宴 GALA Presentation | 首映禮 Galas

4/4(三)10:00pm The Grand GC

請參閱P.9 Please refer to P.9


家在蘭若寺 (VR)

導演:華納荷索  英國/奧地利  2016  104 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:蔡明亮  2017  國語  55 分鐘 演員:李康生、陸弈靜、陳湘琪、尹韾

烈焰熔岩,一幅幅煉獄似的末世奇觀,景象震撼。拍罷《蘇弗里耶火山》(1976)後, 荷索對火山的熱情越燒越旺,遇上同是狂迷的火山學家奧本海默,一拍即合並肩走訪 小康(李康生)在家中養病,幻見亡母(陸弈靜)為他做飯,鄰居是從沒遇見的女鬼 印尼、冰島、埃塞俄比亞等地,看熔漿爆發的原始威力,更看人心依附的信仰神靈。 (陳湘琪),知己是一起泡浴缸的大魚精。潮濕的房子,斑駁的牆壁,荒蕪之境,大魚 科學助人避災,卻難阻人着魔。瓦努阿圖村民相信熔岩是惡魔發怒的表徵;日惹王獻 化成女身,寂寞人間依然有情。蔡明亮首部 VR 作品,虛擬實境融合影像、舞台與裝置 祭祈求海洋女神與火山鬼神和諧共處;地主建造雞教堂朝向火山祈禱;村民信奉住近 藝術,令觀眾恍如置身場景之中,亦猶如飄浮於夢境之內,與人物角色既疏離又親密。 火山的美國大兵有日會帶來西方家電;背靠革命聖山的偉大領導人金正日,更令朝鮮 仍是獨一無二的長鏡頭風格,凝視時間流逝,聆聽雨聲淅瀝。魚精(尹韾)在浴缸現 人民瘋狂膜拜。火山,令人聯想到文明某日或會灰飛煙滅。其毀滅性的美麗,有如愛 身一幕,光影設計尤其精彩。小康一口一口吃下餃子,伴隨着潘迪華歌曲〈熱情的眼 睛〉。在陰陽交會的蘭若寺,生命縱是短暫,欲望卻從不退場。 情,越危險,越教人着迷至不能自拔。

Into the Inferno Dir: Werner Herzog UK/Austria 2016 104min

Obsessed with the mystic power of the destructive magma, Herzog follows volcanologist Clive Oppenheimer in a globe-trotting tour to document a powerful meditation on volcanoes and their meanings. More astonishing than the violent and rapturously beautiful shots of lava eruptions are the fascinating individuals we meet: tribal people in Vanuatu who invest angry craters with spirits and gods, and North Koreans who worship their leader, who is believed to be associated with sacred Mount Paektu. Blending reportage, history and philosophy into a riveting cinematic experience, this documentary is Herzog’s risky exploration of the precariousness of human existence.

The Deserted (VR) Dir: Tsai Ming-Liang 2017 Mandarin 55min Cast: Lee Kang-Sheng, Lu Yi-Ching, Chen Shiang-Chyi, Ivy Yin

Hsiao Kang is recuperating from an illness in the mountains. Unable to communicate with his late mother who visits and cooks for him, or the female ghost lives next door, his only companion is a lone fish who swims with him in the bathtub. Iconoclastic art house veteran Tsai Ming-Liang, in his debut virtual reality work, integrates the artistry of cinematography with technological dynamism, and creates a dreamlike 3D space in which viewers can thoroughly live a fragment of the characters’ personal journeys, and immerse into their contemplation of life, death and memory.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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2/20/18 2:13 AM

香港會議展覽中心 CE1 21/3(三)8:30pm


特備節目 Special Presentation


25GC3E1 25/3(日)6:45pm The Grand GC


23/3(五)9:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

27/3(二) 7:15pm Festival Grand FG


合辦 Co-presenters:


星光盛宴 GALA Presentation | 首映禮 Galas




導演:薩維亞勒格朗  法國  2017  94 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:溝口健二  日本  1954  102 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:長谷川一夫、香川京子、進藤英太郎

夫婦婚姻破裂,母親入稟法庭爭奪 12 歲兒子的單獨撫養權,希望兒子遠離暴力傾向的 父親。鍥而不捨的父親卻成功說服法官,判處雙方共同監護。面對水火不容的雙親, 兒子身處夾縫,不得不想盡辦法,化解家庭危機。勒格朗志不在拍一部翻版《克藍瑪 對克藍瑪》(1979),獲凱撒獎最佳短片的前作《失去一切之前》(2013),早現處理 家庭衝突的功架。首部長片創意繼續萌芽,簡潔寫實硬殼胚藏意在言外的殘忍,層層 剝落骨肉親情下的暗黑暴力和扭曲人性,在家庭題材滲入點點驚慄元素,結局充滿張 力。勇奪威尼斯影展最佳導演殊榮,兼獲首部劇情片未來獅獎,戴丹兄弟大可安心後 繼有人。

被譽為溝口健二代表作之一,經典地位穩如泰山。改編自近松門左衛門的淨琉璃劇, 故事如日本畫卷般徐徐展開,講述造紙工場內一名技藝精湛的裝裱匠人,因同情大經 師夫人的處境而遭誤會私通,兩人只得倉皇逃逸,最後真的墮入愛河。新修復版中, 宮川一夫的攝影更如水墨畫般濃淡有致優美動人,兩人泛舟湖上,欲投湖自盡前彼此 表露愛意,呈現的幽玄之美,與《雨月物語》(1953)的人鬼戀情遙遙呼應。日式傳統 音樂與長鏡頭景致合一,達和諧境界之極致。年逾八旬的傳奇女主角香川京子,將親 臨香港與觀眾見面。

A Story from Chikamatsu (Chikamatsu Monogatari) Dir: Mizoguchi Kenji Japan 1954 102min Cast: Hasegawa Kazuo, Kagawa Kyoko, Shindo Eitaro

Custody (Jusqu’à la garde) Dir: Xavier Legrand France 2017 94min Cast: Léa Drucker, Denis Ménochet, Thomas Gioria

After his award-winning short Just Before Losing Everything (2013), Legrand’s feature debut raises the agonizing issue of family abuse as a harrowing, complex nightmare. In a broken marriage facing a bitter custody battle, the 12-year-old son is held hostage to the escalating conflict between his parents and pushed to the edge. Adopting the raw social realist approach of the Dardenne brothers, the Venice Best Director winner bisects the family with restraint and intuition, while evoking profound sympathy for his broken characters.

Based on The Legend of the Grand Scroll-Maker by Kabuki dramatist Chikamatsu, this is a haunting tale of doomed love between a merchant’s wife and his top apprentice. Falsely charged with having an affair, the two are forced into running away but end up falling in love. This newly restored version reveals the true beauty of the brilliant cinematography that makes this film classic. At his most painterly, Mizoguchi unfolds a tragic romance fusing sentimentality and a cry out against injustice with unrestrained lyricism, realising one of the greatest artworks in Japanese cinema and film history. Actress Kagawa Kyoko will meet the audience in person.

與影人會面 Meet the Filmmakers 日期 Date

時間 Time

地點 Venue

頁碼 Page

20.3 ( 二 )


《深入火心》及華納荷索大師班 Into the Inferno and Werner Herzog Master Class

香港會議展覽中心演講廳 1 HK Convention & Exhibition Centre Theatre 1


25.3 ( 日 )


《石棉村大訴訟》及原一男大師班 Sennan Asbestos Disaster and Hara Kazuo Master Class

香港藝術中心電影院 HK Arts Centre Cinema


25.3 ( 日 )


《近松物語》及面對面:香川京子 A Story from Chikamatsu and Face to Face with Kagawa Kyoko

The Grand Cinema


31.3 ( 六 )


香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre


香港浸會大學傳理視藝大樓 CVA104 室 CVA104, Communication and Visual Arts Building, HK Baptist University


香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre


香港名家講座—林青霞 Face to Face with Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia 主持 Moderator: 施南生 Nansun Shi


2.4 ( 一 )


4.4 ( 三 )


蔡明亮大師班 Tsai Ming-Liang Master Class

《歡迎光臨夢幻樂園》及面對面:辛貝克 The Florida Project and Face to Face with Sean Baker

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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2/21/18 11:42 AM


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星 Gala Presentation 光 盛 宴 影迷嘉年華 Cinephile Paradise

© Mark Rogers



23/3(五)9:45pm The Grand GC

30/3(五)6:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

荒漠恩仇錄 導演:華威方頓 澳洲  2017 110 分鐘 中文字幕

澳洲原住民受命協助第一次大戰退役軍人修整牛圈,終 無法忍受「主人」的殘暴無理,出於自衛鎗殺了對方, 唯有帶懷孕妻子千里逃亡,憑着超卓的叢林生存技巧避 過一次又一次的追捕。前面是無垠沙漠、荒原和無望的 未來,後面則是彪悍騎警,一心要把犯下謀殺白人大罪 的「兇徒」繩之於法;個體命運總比設想來得荒謬和悲 涼。在澳洲愛麗斯泉土生土長的華威方頓取材真人真事, 以西部片的框架提出種族主義下談何公義的叩問,風格 凌厲,劇力迫人。榮獲威尼斯影展評審團特別獎。

Sweet Country Dir: Warwick Thornton Australia 2017 110min Cast: Hamilton Morris, Sam Neill, Bryan Brown, Matt Day

An outback western lays bare the flagrant injustice against Australia’s Aboriginal people when an indigenous man kills a violent white farmer in self defense and is forced to flee with his wife, who was raped by the attacker, from law officials and vigilantes seeking revenge. The grand beauty of the Australian landscape lends a heartbreaking backdrop to a story of prejudice in the law-challenged country in the early 20th century. Observing the inequality around him, a kind-hearted preacher wonders, “What chance has this country got?” Special Jury Prize, Venice Film Festival. 國際首映 International




25/3(日)2:30pm 星影匯 MP

3/4(二)9:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

超市情緣 導演:湯瑪士史杜伯 德國 2018 125 分鐘 中文字幕

寡言的基斯蒂安遮蓋紋身,當上超市夜更新丁。老叔父 同事諄諄教誨,教他把握休息時間吞雲吐霧;鄰線甜姐 兒亦和顏悅色,似對他青眼有加。工作雖然卑微,總好 像滲着種種有待發掘的小確幸。平凡人各有追尋,彷彿 《愛情回水》(31 屆),然而太多看不見的憂鬱,猛然驚 覺時一切可已太遲?《爸不得妳快樂》(2016)影后姍迪 許娜主演。史杜伯前作《最後激戰》(2015)探討拳手的 孤獨,今回索性讓大家置身超市的龐大孤寂氣場,與基 層男女一起靜聽心曲。入圍角逐柏林金熊獎。

In the Aisles (In den Gängen) Dir: Thomas Stuber Germany 2018 125min Cast: Franz Rogowski, Sandra Hüller, Peter Kurth

When have art films looked at the supermarket, a territory so long dominated by sitcoms? Yet, when Christian loses his construction job, he must explore new life and new friends in the strangely ordinary world of groceries, from stocking to shelving to sales. And is it possible that in a world where people become identified by their workplace geographies, he can even find love with Marion (Sandra Hüller of Toni Erdmann, 2016) at a confectionary counter? A German comedy from the Golden Bear competition at the Berlinale. 10

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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2/20/18 2:13 AM



國際首映 International



25/3(日)9:30pm the sky SK

29/3(四)7:15pm 香港文化中心 KG

香港會議展覽中心 CE2 05KG4M2 5/4(四)2:30pm 20/3(二)8:15pm 香港文化中心 KG



21/3(三)9:45pm The Grand GC

24/3(六)6:15pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU




導演:法提艾金  德國  2017  105 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:菲臘朗寧  德國/法國  2018  174 分鐘

導演:約哥斯蘭堤莫斯  愛爾蘭/英國  2017  121 分鐘 中文字幕

法提艾金金熊獎前作《愛從零開始》(2004)的流離愛 侶,落到今天依然難以安身立命。德國女子與在囚庫爾 德族男子結婚後,打算重回生活正軌。丈夫及兒子卻在 恐襲中喪生,兩名新納粹份子因證據不足獲無罪釋放。 她決定完成武士紋身,自己執行法庭未能彰顯的公義。 極右種族主義在歐美乘勢再起,艾金的驚慄作百分百是 現實投射,政治宣言對準仇外勢力。戴安古嘉的原始爆 炸力粉碎公義和道德界線,痛苦與憤怒血淚交迸,一舉 摘下康城影后殊榮。金球獎最佳外語片。

雙生兒羅拔與伊蓮娜活在自己的小天地,靜躺於一望無 際的黃金麥田,任意讓青春流逝;絮唸布倫塔諾、海德 格的哲語,彷彿把時間凝住。兩人的伊甸園突然多了棵 誘人的蘋果樹,羅拔是個笨蛋,自是難解雙生靈魂的心 事。哥哥有沒有偷嘗禁果?妹妹心思思以自己的童貞為 賭注。在共同度過的最後盛夏,各自探索愛慾的迷思, 看誰能在這個成人禮遊戲佔得上風。菲臘朗寧(《警妻勿 語》,38 屆)將成長的忐忑心神,寄意若即若離的雙生 兒身上,為青蔥歲月譜一闋驪歌。入圍角逐柏林金熊獎。

誤殺聖鹿,阿伽門農不得不殺死愛女獻祭贖罪。希臘神 話降臨人間,落在醫療失誤的外科醫生史提夫身上。死 者兒子的詛咒逐步應驗,史提夫必須在妻、女、兒中選 擇一人,血債血償。誰也不想成為犧牲品,於是無所不 用盡其極地求存。《單身動物園》(40 屆)反烏托邦的幽 靈鬼祟飄進尋常家庭,哥連費路與妮歌潔曼夫婦貌合神 離各懷鬼胎,比喜怒無常的諸神更令人心寒。是冥冥中 因果報應,抑或預言自我實現,蘭堤莫斯的詭異,就是 讓你迷失於人心的魑魅魍魎。獲康城影展最佳劇本獎。

In the Fade (Aus dem Nichts)

My Brother’s Name is Robert and He is The Killing of a Sacred Deer an Idiot (Mein Bruder heißt Robert und ist ein Idiot) Dir: Yorgos Lanthimos Ireland/UK 2017 121min

Dir: Fatih Akin Germany 2017 105min Cast: Diane Kruger, Denis Moschitto, Johannes Krisch

Recalling the gritty love story in the Golden Bear winner Head-On (2004), Akin creates a compelling revenge drama attacking Islamophobia panic and terrorist crimes. When the Neo-Nazis who murdered her Kurdish husband and son get off in court, a Hamburg woman takes justice into her own hands. A story that has become even timelier with the resurgence of right-wing rhetoric plaguing the West, while Diane Kruger’s powerhouse performance embodying the heroine’s inner grief and rage certainly deserved the Cannes Best Actress Award. Best Foreign Language Film, Golden Globe Awards.

Dir: Philip Gröning Germany/France 2018 174min Cast: Josef Mattes, Julia Zange, Urs Jucker, Stefan Konarske

Robert is helping Elena prepare for her final philosophy exam. This pair of twins live in a world of their own. Robert likes to drink beer and talk about Brentano and Heidegger, reflecting on being and time. But her budding sexuality is calling for more attention. Philip Gröning (The Police Officer’s Wife, 38th) describes a period of upheaval on the cusp of adulthood, in a film whose rhythm is determined by the twins’ subjective sense of time. In Competition, Berlinale.

Cast: Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman, Barry Keoghan

Inspired by classical Greek mythology, Lanthimo’s (The Lobster, 40th) latest work is a brooding requiem of domestic horror. The modern Agamemnon must sacrifice a family member to escape punishment for a medical error. Revealing its surprises in layers, this hypnotic tale of guilt and retribution takes on a metaphorical register, underscored by the subdued intensity of Colin Farrell and Nicole Kidman. There’s little hope for a happy ending in this Cannes Best Screenplay winner, but no shortage of extreme discomfort.







25/3(日)4:15pm The Grand GC

1/4(日)7:00pm 香港文化中心 KG

25/3(日)9:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

5/4(四)6:00pm 香港文化中心 KG

24/3(六)5:00pm the sky SK

28/3(三)7:15pm 香港文化中心 KG




導演:森美莫斯  以色列/德國/法國  2017  113 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:黑澤清 日本 2017 140 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:夏帆、染谷將太、東出昌大

導演:薩德杜里 黎巴嫩 2017 113 分鐘  中文字幕

這邊廂,軍人來按門鈴,給費德曼夫婦帶來壞消息:他 們正在服兵役的兒子已經殉職。驚聞噩耗,妻子當場昏 倒,丈夫故作堅強,想看兒子遺容卻不得要領,懷疑事 有蹺蹊。那邊廂,兒子在邊境哨站當值,駱駝老是常出 現,軍營在沼澤緩緩下沉,日子苦悶,摟着步槍跳狐步 舞,構思裸女漫畫聊以自娛。森美莫斯繼金獅獎首作《黎 巴嫩》(34 屆)後,以三幕劇結構,再次正視戰爭荒謬 與當兵的夢魘,峰迴路轉的情節凸顯因果宿命。勇奪威 尼斯影展評審團大獎,並囊括以色列金像獎八項大獎。


悅子發覺同事行為異常,竟將父親當成幽靈,便帶她到 丈夫工作的醫院就診,心理醫生說她失去「家人」的概 念。醫院內,悅子巧遇新來的外科醫生,感受到一股異 於常人的氣場。丈夫行徑變得詭異,身邊怪事連連,令 她內心萌生一股不祥預兆。為拯救丈夫,悅子決意以身 犯險。黑澤清(《顯影亡靈》,41 屆)以強烈影像風格建 構末世意象,從日常生活提煉出非比尋常的驚慄與陰沉, 直探人性本質。


種族宗教衝突的敏感題材未公映已引發爭議,在巴勒斯 坦電影節遭滋事份子衝擊,被迫取消閉幕片的放映,震 驚國際影壇。曾因前作《炸彈枕邊人》(37 屆)被拘禁 的導演杜里無畏無懼越戰越勇,新作讓卡梅艾巴沙先拔 頭籌摘下威尼斯影展最佳男主角桂冠,繼而殺入奧斯卡 問鼎最佳外語片。劇情描述兩個男人因面子問題互不相 讓,令一場鄰舍小風波演變成法庭攻防戰,甚至一路鬧 至總統府,引發全國風暴。人性偏執埋下的地雷無分國 界一觸即發,戲裏戲外世界和平依然遙遙無期。

Dir: Samuel Maoz Israel/Germany/France 2017 113min Cast: Lior Ashkenazi, Sarah Adler, Yonatan Shiray

Dir: Kurosawa Kiyoshi Japan 2017 140min Cast: Kaho, Sometani Shota, Higashide Masahiro

The Insult (L’insulte) Dir: Ziad Doueiri  Lebanon  2017  113min Cast: Adel Karam, Kamel El Basha, Camille Salameh

Israel is a modern, sophisticated place for families. But it is also a state at war, a message that comes home brutally to Dafna and Michael when they receive news of the death of their soldier son, Jonathan. Yet, as we absorb their pain in rising levels of mourning, the world somersaults once again. And we are forced to ask if violence has in the end become normal. After winning the Venice Golden Lion with his debut feature Lebanon (34th), Maoz is back with a nightmarish triptych of loss, waste and grief. Grand Jury Prize, Venice Film Festival.

Etsuko is the only one who senses early on that something is odd when her colleague treats her father as a ghost. The doctor delivers an unsettling diagnosis: she no longer understands the concept of “family”. After encountering the new doctor with an uncanny air in the hospital where her husband works, Etsuko gradually learns the truth, and is determined to risk her life to save her husband. Creating a dark and creepy otherworld of chilling fantasy, Kurosawa Kiyoshi (Daguerrotype, 41st) continues his explorations of the complexity of humanity.

Two male egos enter into a conflict, complicated by different ethnic and religious groups that bear longstanding animosities towards each other. Tony, a Lebanese Christian, and Salameh, a Palestinian Muslim, escalate a minor neighborhood dispute into a series of lawsuits, which eventually evolves into a national crisis. Like his terrorism-themed drama The Attack (37th), Doueiri dissects Lebanese political and religious tugs of war in a riveting drama. Nominated for Oscar’s Best Foreign Language Film.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_A-14.indd 11

星光盛宴 GALA Presentation | 影迷嘉年華 Cinephile Paradise



2/20/18 2:13 AM

星光盛宴 GALA Presentation | 影迷嘉年華 Cinephile Paradise

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


亞洲首映 Asian Premiere







2/4(一)9:45pm 香港文化中心 KG

5/4(四)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

23/3(五)7:45pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU

30/3(五)4:00pm 香港文化中心 KG

25/3(日)9:15pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU

28/3(三)10:00pm The Grand GC




導演:李察艾爾 英國 2017 105 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:阿曼多伊恩諾齊 英國/法國 2017 106 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:塞巴斯蒂安烈利奧  英國  2017  114 分鐘 中文字幕

白血病少年危在旦夕,父母因信仰原因拒絕輸血續命, 法官費安娜必須按「兒童法」作出最合乎少年利益的艱 難裁決。破例到醫院與少年見面,促使她決心救他一命。 判決終結但法外情未了,少年對救命恩人產生微妙感情, 陷於婚姻危機的費安娜糾纏於專業理智與個人情結,難 以審理自身矛盾。《醜聞日記》(2006)導演李察艾爾改 編布克獎作家伊恩麥伊雲同名小說,連同奧斯卡影后愛 瑪湯遜與《鄧寇克大行動》(2017)耀眼新星菲昂懷海德 配成黃金組合,探討法律、宗教與倫理衝突,發人深省。

都是莫扎特惹的禍!一代梟雄史太林聽過電台莫扎特交 響樂演奏後索取錄音帶留念,神推鬼㧬觸發改變歷史的 腦溢血事件。最高領導雙腳一伸,全面權鬥即告揭幕。 改編自同名法國漫畫,戲謔史太林身後權力交接之謎。 秘密警察頭子貝利亞力推馬林科夫到前台,收買人心, 企圖當太上皇,可惜機關算盡,弄巧反拙,赫魯曉夫冷 手執個熱煎堆。如果人們一思考,上帝便發笑,那麼在 沒有神的國度,獨裁者的黃昏可會只是無關痛癢的笑話? 主題敏感,遭俄羅斯文化部禁止在該國放映。

被視為離群黑羊的攝影師康妮,突然接到拉比父親離世 消息。重返倫敦老家受盡冷眼,驚覺童年好友已嫁給父 親猶太教會的繼承人。若即若離間,兩女子愛火重燃, 令保守家庭傳統陷入付諸一炬的危機。智利導演烈利奧 繼《歌莉亞戀愛日記》(38 屆)及提名奧斯卡最佳外語 片的《神奇女郎》(2017)後,再次交出洞悉女性心事的 動人篇章。兩大性格女星麗素慧絲與麗素麥雅當絲細膩 演出坦蕩激情,以解放自身愉悅尋求獨立,衝擊宗教信 仰與家庭觀念,直探自由與愛情的敏感地帶。

The Children Act

The Death of Stalin


Dir: Richard Eyre  UK  2017  105min Cast: Emma Thompson, Fionn Whitehead, Stanley Tucci

Dir: Armando Iannucci UK/France 2017 106min Cast: Steve Buscemi, Simon Russell Beale, Paddy Considine

Dir: Sebastián Lelio UK 2017 114min Cast: Rachel Weisz, Rachel McAdams, Alessandro Nivola

Facing the difficult case of a leukemia-stricken boy who is denied a life-saving blood transfusion due to his parents’ religious beliefs, high-court judge Fiona is charged with a tough decision to protect the teenager’s welfare under the British Children Act. What she doesn’t realize is that her momentous verdict will have far-reaching consequences. Oscar winner Emma Thompson shares the screen with Fionn Whitehead in Richard Eyre’s adaptation of an Ian McEwan novel that brims with intelligence, sophistication and intrigue.

The satirical eye of Armando Iannucci (In the Loop, 2009) takes on the deepest depths of post-Stalinist intrigue in the Soviet Union. Iannucci and his splendid cast (including Steve Buscemi, Michael Palin, Jeffrey Tambor, Olga Kurylenko and others) adapted the French graphic novel of the same name where this dark period of stress, strain, endless intrigue and murder in the Council of Ministers is transformed into a wry vision of politics with contemporary bite as well. And the Russian government really, really hates this film, too.

A black sheep of her London-based Orthodox Jewish family, Ronit, a New York photographer, returns home to pay her respects when her Rabbi father dies. Surprises await, as she finds her childhood friend Esti has married her father’s spiritual protégé. An old flame is reignited between Ronit and Esti – one that could torch everything this family cherishes most. Impressive performances by Weisz and McAdams add dimension to this nuanced portrait of a love affair, in a transfixing consideration of sexuality, personal liberty and religious conviction.





22/3(四)9:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

26/3(一)7:45pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU

20/3(二)10:15pm 2/4(一)3:45pm The Grand GC 香港文化中心 KG



2/4(一)7:15pm 康怡戲院 KH

4/4(三)8:00pm 香港文化中心 KG




導演:保羅麥格根 英國 2017 105 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:蓮妮韻詩  英國/法國/美國  2017  89 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:辛貝克  美國  2017  115 分鐘 中文字幕

一代性感尤物葛麗亞嘉綸涵在黑白電影年代風光旖旎, 憑《玉女奇男》(1952)獲奧斯卡女配角獎加持,羅曼史 比電影更精彩。戲內有型男堪富利保加,戲外有大導老 公尼古拉斯雷,連年幼繼子也一抱入懷成了第四任丈夫。 徐娘半老雖已星沉影寂,風韻猶存依然令年輕廿八載的 舞台劇演員彼得特納神魂顛倒。二人共度最後相愛時光, 也為她的歲月憔悴來個光榮謝幕。安納貝寧與《舞動人 生》(2000)的占美比爾漂漂亮亮跳一首忘年探戈,還青 春之風流,光影中長生不死。

染血斧頭、燃燒的女童照片、自封於膠袋一呼一吸的人 佛羅里達迪士尼旁有個夢幻樂園,是名為「奇幻城堡」 頭,急速跳躍的凌亂影像,先聲奪人為沉鬱躁動風格定 的廉價旅館,頑皮反斗六歲女孩和她叛逆的單親媽媽, 調。亞祖從退役軍人變身合約殺手,受僱為參議員從綁 將要在此度過難忘夏日。中年旅館經理古板嚴肅,其實 匪手中救回被賣當娼的愛女,不惜一切以暴易暴,殺出 內心慈祥,不時被小女孩和一班百厭星弄得哭笑不得。 重圍救人自救。蓮妮韻詩繼《我兒子是惡魔》(2011)後 女 孩 在 夢 幻 樂 園 開 心 探 險, 亦 有 闖 禍 時 候, 而 隨 着 殘 再帶來暴力驚慄的強烈衝擊,猶如從史高西斯《的士司 酷現實逐漸揭開,歡樂時光亦在倒數。《跨性有話兒》 機》(1976)的倒後鏡,近距離凝視駕駛座上華堅馮力士 (2015)導演辛貝克透過小孩的童真視角,處理社會邊緣 的滿臉于思,逐步揭開沉默背後壓抑的童年創傷,與紐 題材,小演員生動自然的演出叫人驚喜。威廉迪福演旅 約街頭的腐敗沉淪。獲康城最佳男主角及最佳編劇獎。 館經理更是溫暖動人,獲提名奧斯卡最佳男配角。

Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool

You Were Never Really Here

The Florida Project

Dir: Paul McGuigan UK 2017 105min Cast: Annette Bening, Jamie Bell, Julie Walters

Dir: Lynne Ramsay UK/France/USA 2017 89min Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Ekaterina Samsonov, Alessandro Nivola

Dir: Sean Baker USA 2017 115min Cast: Willem Dafoe, Brooklynn Prince, Valeria Cotto, Bria Vinaite

Scarcely remembered nowadays, Gloria Grahame, the iconic femme fatale in the ‘50s who won an Oscar for her supporting role in The Bad and the Beautiful (1952), is brought back to life in McGuigan’s humanizing portrait. The film focuses on her melancholic final days when she was left adrift on the outskirts of showbiz, beset by waning health and fading fame, until she met Peter Turner, a young British actor, who revived her with a taboo-breaking romance. Bening and Bell’s riveting performances promise to generate award buzz.

Into the rear-view mirror of Scorsese’s Taxi Driver (1976) comes the reflection of Joe, a traumatized veteran working as a contract killer for a mission to rescue a senator’s daughter who has been kidnapped and put to work in a Manhattan brothel. Six years after We Need to Talk About Kevin, Ramsay returns with a stark, psychological thriller which is a divulgence of political corruption and a sensory evocation of the internal trauma of the lonely hitman, played by the quietly furious Joaquin Phoenix, Best Actor at Cannes.

Poverty in the shadows of Disneyworld. Where instead of a magical kingdom, children live in the precariousness and disorder of rundown motels, forming alliances for survival when parents and dreams fail them, as they so often do here. An incredible Brooklynn Prince anchors the film as 6-year-old Moonee whose day runs from wanton play with her peers to the threat of crushing loss. A film whose art nonetheless indicts the inequality and shattered illusions of the contemporary United States.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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火 Firebird AwardS 鳥 大 獎 新秀電影競賽 Young Cinema Competition



20/3(二)7:45pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU

31/3(六)12:00pm The Grand GC

嘉年華 導演:文晏 2017 普通話 107 分鐘 中文字幕

一次無聲吶喊,被侵犯的女童,無法討回公道,面對成 長之痛,還要被無情社會二度傷害。位高權重的男人, 把小文和她的同學帶到旅館。在那裏當黑工的小米,從 閉路電視目睹經過。兩個素不相識的女孩,案發一夜短 暫相遇,置身經濟騰飛的喧鬧嘉年華,在巨型夢露雕像 的裙擺陰影下,她們的青春未綻放已凋零,只剩令人心 寒的無盡黑暗。文晏把殘酷現實搬上銀幕,克制中更見 尖銳批判,文淇與周美君的演出令人眼前一亮。入選威 尼斯影展競賽單元,並獲金馬獎最佳導演獎。

Angels Wear White Dir: Vivian Qu 2017 Putonghua 107min Cast: Wen Qi, Zhou Meijun, Shi Ke, Geng Le, Liu Weiwei

In a quiet seaside village, tranquility is torn asunder by a terrible crime: two schoolgirls are assaulted by a middleaged man. The only witness, Mia, who was working the graveyard shift at the motel, chooses to keep silence. Caught in an ever-tightening net of danger, Mia and Wen, one of the victims, have to find their own way out. Winning the Golden Horse Award for Best Director with her sophomore effort, Vivian Qu crafts a brave and hardhitting drama, at once luminous and dark, that tackles social injustice and violence against women. 亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



30/3(五)4:45pm The Grand GC

1/4(日)2:15pm The Grand GC

柔情史 導演:楊明明  2018  普通話  116 分鐘  中文字幕

北京胡同內,同一屋簷下,兩母女同睡一張床,有時同 聲同氣,有時情緒勒索,相依為命又針鋒相對,抓住那 割不斷的臍帶拉扯拔河。兩母女都愛寫作,女兒小霧是 編劇,平常家裏也充滿戲劇性。小霧愛上中年大學教授, 還沒打算結婚,嚮往率性而為不受管束的自由。母親偏 偏有點控制狂,連女兒洗碗碟次序也要管,守寡多年照 顧年邁的老爺,心底還是渴望談一場戀愛。楊明明自編 自導自演,跟飾演母親的耐安較勁,愛恨糾纏關係裏折 射出柔情的力量。

Girls Always Happy Dir: Yang Mingming 2018 Putonghua 116min Cast: Li Qinqin, Yang Mingming

In 2012, Beijinger Yang Mingming bursted out of film school with her short but inventive mockumentary of sorts, Female Directors (2012), in which she and a film school classmate seemed to become recorders of life and love for a new social media generation. She continues to explore female dreams and dynamics in this feature comedy, shifting to a mother and daughter dyad whose quest for fame and wealth through arts takes second place to the verbal interactions that create the film. 14

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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國際首映 International


亞洲首映 Asian Premiere







30/3(五)2:30pm The Grand GC

1/4(日)7:30pm The Grand GC

29/3(四)5:15pm The Grand GC

31/3(六)9:45pm The Grand GC

29/3(四)7:30pm The Grand GC

1/4(日)9:45pm The Grand GC




導演:拉華加 2017 普通話 90 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:沃夫岡菲莎  德國/奧地利  2018  94 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:巴比斯馬基迪斯 希臘 2018 99 分鐘

雨一直在下。雨水令藏地農區穀物豐收,水窪泥濘卻令 旺扎甚為困惱。個個孩子都有一雙雨靴,唯獨他一個沒 有。媽媽終於以羊氈換來一雙雨靴,雨卻沒有再下。旺 扎 盼 望 暴 雨 來 臨 好 讓 他 能 在 雨 中 穿 上 新 靴, 此 時 喇 嘛 卻正要開壇作法擋雨以保秋收……曾擔任《塔洛》(40 屆)、《清水裏的刀子》(41 屆)執行導演的拉華加首執 導筒,夥拍名導監製萬瑪才旦及著名攝影師呂松野,入 圍柏林影展新生代競賽單元。純淨風格、素樸鄉郊、稚 拙童趣,那不就是基阿魯斯達米的一道風景嗎?

傳說中通向地獄入口的冥河,分隔生死,肉身難渡。女 醫生莉嘉生活幸福工作順遂,趁假期一償心願獨自揚帆 出海,來一趟舒展心靈的遠洋航程。一場突如其來的風 暴吹破她的美夢,風高浪急中遇上一艘殘破的超載難民 船,過百難民載浮載沉生死一線。莉嘉設法營救但求助 無門,無能為力的仁心,隨着猙獰現實的噩夢沉進深不 見底的怒海。德國導演菲莎置身歐洲難民危機感受尤深, 將汪洋化為現世寓言,看人間冥河吞噬無數苦渡蒼生, 淹沒多少善良人性。

妻子在醫院昏迷多時,律師丈夫背人垂淚,左鄰右里的 關懷問候成了生活必須的慰藉。一日妻子奇蹟甦醒回家, 安慰憐憫隨即消失,他的靈魂頓然像缺了一塊。訛報妻 子病況,私買催淚彈,從接辦的案件中取得靈感,不惜 一切繼續博取同情,確保眼淚源源不絕。憑《聖鹿獵殺》 贏得康城最佳編劇獎的艾浮堤米思菲利普與導演拍檔, 延續希臘詭異浪潮作者風,將冷面笑匠與悲劇英雄縫合 成雙面譜,哭諷表裏不一的虛偽,笑嘲電影廉價眼淚的 矯情。結局如何?一定係賺人熱淚,除非唔係。

Wangdrak's Rain Boots (Wang Zha de Yuxue) Styx


Dir: Lhapal Gyal 2017 Putonghua 90min Cast: Druklha Dorje, Pakmo Yangdrom, Jinpa, Shanma Jyi

Dir: Wolfgang Fischer Germany/Austria 2018 94min Cast: Susanne Wolff, Gedion Oduor Wekesa

Dir: Babis Makridis Greece 2018 99min Cast: Evdoxia Androulidaki, Georgina Chryskioti

Heavy rain is good for the crops, but bad for young Wangdrak, the only boy without rubber boots in the Tibetan mountain village. When his wish for a pair of boots is finally fulfilled, he then faces a new problem: the rain stops. He now has to fight against the lama from prohibiting the rain pour. Nestled in the inimitable mountain landscape, Lhapal Gyal, the assistant director of Tharlo (40th), tells an empathetic tale of a child’s dream, with vivid imagery offering a candid glimpse of a culture steeped in ancient traditions.

Rike, a successful doctor, uses her holiday to fulfill her long-cherished dream of sailing single-handedly from Gibraltar to Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Her dream holiday is quickly broken after a storm, when she spots a badly damaged, hopelessly overloaded refugee boat. More than a hundred people are about to drown. Seeking help in vain, Rike faces the limits of the empathy of her cultural milieu, and is forced to recognize that there is no way to counter the cruelties of real life.

Mourning his comatose wife, a drab lawyer plummets into sadness. A s consolations from friends and neighbors become a regimented routine, he soon finds there are more perks to living with grief than without, and is willing to do everything to maintain his mood of solemnity and ensure the gestures of sympathy from others continue. Cannes Best Screenplay winner Efthymis Filippou crafted yet another deadpan black comedy of the Greek Weird Wave, gleefully shredding the artifice of feeling and fictional sentimentality.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere







29/3(四)3:00pm The Grand GC

31/3(六)5:15pm The Grand GC

29/3(四)9:45pm The Grand GC

1/4(日)12:00pm The Grand GC

31/3(六)2:15pm The Grand GC

2/4(一)12:00pm The Grand GC




導演:羅拉碧絲普莉 意大利/德國/瑞士 2018 100 分鐘

導演:山中瑤子 日本 2017 66 分鐘

導演:申東錫  南韓  2017  124 分鐘

遠離繁囂俗世,她們仨,也是相聚相失的故事。十歲的 維多利亞,自小與母親天娜於地中海小島平靜過活。一 年夏天,島上來了安祖莉卡,一個與母親截然不同、關 係卻非比尋常的野性女子。被安祖莉卡的隨心率性吸引, 維多利亞不理母親反對,與她結伴在山野海洋浪蕩,不 亦樂乎。繼首作《還我女兒身》(39 屆),導演碧絲普莉 再將一體二分,二分之一女孩依戀慈媽媽的關懷愛護, 二分之一女孩則仰仗野媽媽的獨立自主。三段糾纏關係, 三段人生旅程,各自尋求生命的答案。

高校女生情竇初開,班房遇上足球健將更衣誘惑,你以 為純愛故事即將發生?且慢,女主角雖像廣瀨鈴般清純 可愛,但以為她只會賣萌卡哇伊就太天真,暗戀的他失 蹤,少女決意走到東京找真相,發現他與沉迷大眾文化 的另一少女打得火熱,她只好浸在浴缸狂吃檸檬。別期 待在世界中心呼喚愛,她只會在新宿街頭與瘋男狂呼愛 情是謊話,在車站捉住情侶跳隻萌過《逃恥》的戀舞。 鮮活技法創出另類少女浪漫,獲日本 PIA 電影節觀眾票 選大獎。同場加映《少女失蹤》(16 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

榮與辱共蒂,生與死同根。兒子恩燦因救同學基鉉而溺 斃,父母消沉於喪子之痛。眼見基鉉被一群少年欺凌, 經營裝修生意的父親決意收他為徒,教他自力更生,母 親對他亦由抗拒變為接納。基鉉彷彿替代了兒子角色, 三人如家人般越靠越近。恩燦死亡的真相突然曝光,榮 耀反變為屈辱,憤怒淹沒了同情,令父母陷入良知掙扎 的深淵。申東錫以第三者冷峻視角,溫柔又殘忍將人生 難以承受的痛嫁接於父母身上,從家庭的不幸暴露整個 社區的醜惡。憐憫,是更大的傷害,還是唯一的救贖?

Daughter of Mine (Figlia mia)


Last Child (Salanameun Ayi)

Dir: Laura Bispuri Italy/Germany/Switzerland 2018 100min Cast: Valeria Golino, Alba Rohrwacher, Sara Casu

Dir: Yamanaka Yoko Japan 2017 66min Cast: Sunohara Aira, Oshita Hiroto, Mineo Maiko

Dir: Shin Dong-seok  South Korea  2017  124min Cast: Choi Moo-seong, Kim Yeo-jin, Seong Yu-bin

Ten-year-old Vittoria is growing up in a village untouched by tourism on Sardinia. One day she meets the impetuous Angelica, who is completely different to her own caring mother, Tina. Captivated by this fearless, independent woman, Vittoria begins rediscovering the island with her. Laura Bispuri (Sworn Virgin, 39th) once again follows her protagonist as she encounters, imitates and questions several role models until she gradually discovers who she is. The warm light of a Sardinian summer accompanies Vittoria on her turbulent journey.

Amiko falls helplessly in love with the cool boy Aomi. She thinks he is cool, like her. But then he shacks up with another girl who is “the embodiment of mass culture.” Confronting a stupid world of lies and mediocrity, Amiko remains a wild romantic and chooses her own way to mourn her lost love. This zany film forges a new expression of pure love, with Amiko’s cynical and selfdeprecating inner monologue going off like a vibrant stand-up comedy. Audience Award, PIA Film Festival. Screening with Young Girls Vanish (16min, see P.18).

A grief-stricken couple, whose son drowned saving the life of his friend, takes in the boy when they see him harassed by a group of teenagers. The father teaches him interior decorating skills and the mother gradually opens her heart. Soon the three become like family, until one day the boy makes a confession. The couple must choose how to cope with the truth that their son was not the noble sacrifice that the world knows. Director Shin underplays the emotional extremes to create a powerfully gritty tale of guilt and grief.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_A-15.indd 15

火鳥大獎 Firebird AwardS | 新秀電影競賽 Young Cinema Competition

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


2/21/18 11:43 AM

火 Firebird AwardS 鳥 大 獎 紀錄片競賽 Documentary Competition



30/3(五)4:30pm the sky SK

1/4(日)7:15pm the sky SK

羅長姐 導演:金行征  2017  湖北方言  89 分鐘  中文字幕

在國家道德模範的光環背後,是八十八歲母親四十年來 照顧失常兒子的刻苦生活。羅長姐在湖北農村種地養豬, 二兒子年輕時當兵,得了腦膜炎導致失憶及精神病,連 最基本的穿衣、吃飯、如廁都不能自理,而且誰也不認 得,發病時有暴力傾向,誰靠近他就打誰。羅長姐被打 瞎了右眼,打斷過右手,依然不離不棄,每天照顧起居, 按時餵食。日漸年邁的她怕自己比兒子先走,慢慢培養 孫媳婦成為接班人。鏡頭冷靜記下這一家人不尋常的生 存狀態。入圍金馬獎最佳紀錄片。

Mama Dir: Jin Xingzheng  2017  Hubei dialect  89min

Mothers take care of their children. When mothers grow older, the children take care of them. But although Luo Zhangjie is approaching 90, her son, deeply damaged by meningitis, continues to require her care. To top it all, who will take care of him when she is gone? A moving documentary with the visual beauty of Vermeer and the stark simplicity of a fable, it grapples with the cycles of life and the problems facing a changing China. Nominated for Best Documentary, Golden Horse Awards.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



27/3(二)9:45pm the sky SK

31/3(六)4:45pm the sky SK

遠方的狗吠聲 導演:西門李榮威蒙 丹麥/瑞典 2017 90 分鐘

烏克蘭廣場革命把親俄的前總統趕下台,引發東部頓巴 斯地區反彈,在俄國撐腰下,武裝分離份子與烏克蘭政 府軍持續爆發激戰。對生活於衝突前線周邊的十歲男孩 奧列格,以及相依為命的祖母來說,生活如被嚴冬冰封, 唯願寒流過後,一切回復正常。鄰居紛紛逃難離開,他 們則堅持留在自己的土地上。李榮威蒙近距離觀察孩子 在戰爭中的成長。戰火陰影下,孩子偶然拾到一把手槍, 初嚐殺生滋味,年少懵懂間,切身體驗暴力與兇殘。同 場加映《利未記異聞》(15 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

The Distant Barking of Dogs Dir: Simon Lereng Wilmont Denmark/Sweden 2017 90min

In eastern Ukraine, orphaned 10-year-old Oleg lives with his grandmother in a village near the front lines of the war against pro-Russian separatists. Gunfire and missile strikes are part of daily life, but Oleg and his younger cousin Yarik spend their time chasing typical boyhood diversions in the countryside, even as the threat of death looms large. While the politics of the military conflict are deliberately avoided in Wilmont’s documentary, Oleg clearly senses the theft of his childhood and the bleak path his future promises. Screening with Wrong Revision (15 min, see P.18). 16

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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2/20/18 2:13 AM



亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

國際首映 International








31/3(六)2:30pm the sky SK

2/4(一)5:15pm the sky SK

31/3(六)7:00pm the sky SK

2/4(一)2:30pm the sky SK

30/3(五)7:00pm the sky SK

1/4(日)2:30pm the sky SK




導演:嘉兒西蒙  法國  2018  100 分鐘

導演:想田和弘  日本  2018  122 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:戶田光  日本/英國/法國  2017  94 分鐘 中文字幕

二八芳華,青春正茂,可是這群早上八九點的太陽並不 瀨戶內海牛窗小鎮,今村昌平曾到此取景,拍過《黑雨》 快樂。直接電影闖將嘉兒西蒙深入巴黎市郊中學,跟隨 (1989)和《肝臟大夫》(1998),但人口老化令市內蕭 一群高中生,靜靜紀錄他們之間的談話,聆聽他們交換 條。定居紐約的想田和弘(《牡蠣工場》,40 屆)偕妻兒 家庭問題情報,互相分擔未來的迷惘。從天氣談到往事, 尋根。他母親來自牛窗旁的岡山,藉此血脈連繫,邀得 從升學扯到離家出走和生育,他們在缺乏信任的成人世 健談婆婆對着鏡頭介紹景點細說身世,又跟村中最年邁 界如履薄冰,面對不斷的欺騙與創傷,不曉得自己可以 且失去聽力的老人出海,記錄捕魚生態 —市場競投人 成為怎麼樣的人。嘉兒西蒙的鏡頭再一次發揮其捕捉真 丁單薄,但都敬業樂業;再遇上餵流浪貓和掃墓的長者。 實威力,把年輕人生涯規劃的困境盡收眼底,令觀眾無 想田的黑白鏡頭似被生命流動牽引,人情與景物互動, 與一眾老人的萍水相逢,煞是動人。 法避開那股久久不散的心靈寂寥。

吉田昌史、南和行是一對同性戀人,也是南森律師行合 夥人,坦然公開性傾向,致力爭取平權,更透過律師行 工作,以法律知識為社會上其他被主流排斥的小眾仗義 執言。有老師因為唱國歌不起立,遭學校辭退;女漫畫 家以自己陰部為模型做創作,被控發放淫褻物品罪;非 婚生子女不被法律承認身份,淪為無戶籍者苟且偷生。 吉田昌史、南和行除了維護公義,為民請命,亦是生活 上的伴侶,渴望組織家庭,而在排他性極強的日本社會, 更需要為尋常幸福而奮戰。

Young Solitude (Premieres Solitudes) Dir: Claire Simon France 2018 100min

Inland Sea

Of Love & Law

Dir: Soda Kazuhiro Japan 2018 122min

Dir: Toda Hikaru Japan/UK/France 2017 94min

For more than two decades, French filmmaker Claire Simon (God’s Offices, 2009) has turned her caring but probing eye towards the intimate lives of those around her, crossing between fiction and documentary and even combining them to illuminate values and choices in contemporary France. Here she tackles one of the great myths of French society – the children of the banlieues so often depicted as scenes of chaos and hatred. But in this compelling documentary, she listens, she shares, and she finds so much more.

The elementary school becomes an inn and then a hospital… Such is the rhythm of life in Ushimado, a seaside village of aging inhabitants along the inland sea, the body of water surrounded by Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. In a town once beloved of filmmaker Imamura Shohei, Soda’s (Oyster Factory, 40th) unhurried black and white observational cinema allows us to experience Ushimado through everyday life, words and memories, amid fishing, cats and the gossip among old friends.

This crowd-sourced activist documentary by Toda Hikaru centers on two men, Fumi and Kazu, who are both lovers and partners in Japan’s only LGBTQ law firm. While affirming their partnerships amidst multiple repressions, these lawyers also take on clients whose issues expand our awareness of the dimensions of “outsiderness” and individuality challenging the status quo in a society that has mingled democracy and modernity with deeply confining traditions and rules. Grand Prize, “Japanese Cinema Splash”, Tokyo International Film Festival.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere







29/3(四)9:45pm the sky SK

1/4(日)5:00pm the sky SK

29/3(四)7:15pm the sky SK

31/3(六)9:45pm the sky SK

30/3(五)2:30pm the sky SK

1/4(日)9:45pm the sky SK




導演:薇娜圖拉列殊 塞爾維亞/法國/卡塔爾 2017 104 分鐘

導演:古斯塔夫沙曼隆 西班牙 2017 88 分鐘

導演:馬卡斯嚴可夫 瑞士/德國 2018 92 分鐘

薇娜從母親寓所發現被鎖起的空間,一道封鎖七十年的 「從前,有一位母親,她有三個夢想:成群兒女、一隻馬 門,藏着塞爾維亞纍纍的歷史傷痕。薇娜外公曾參與開 騮和一座城堡。」這個阿媽不簡單,願望通通成真,更 國大典,母親出身律師之家,在大學任教,積極投身全 有本事失驚無神笑到你人仰馬翻。天降橫財買了夢想城 國抵抗運動,為民主抗爭,反對米洛舍維奇的獨裁政權。 堡,滿屋稀奇古怪阿媽樣樣當寶。仔女擾擾攘攘尋找不 薇娜要一探門後秘密,同時試圖拆解塞爾維亞的心鎖, 知所蹤的曾祖母脊椎骨,翻箱倒籠尋着悲喜回憶與家庭 透過與母親的親密對話,回首共產時代之互相監視、米 樂趣。可惜金融風暴,堡壘被逼變賣,全家又吵吵鬧鬧 洛舍維奇強勢執政、南斯拉夫爆發戰爭,到右翼民族主 總動員搬屋去。阿媽八十高齡精伶鬼馬拿死亡開玩笑, 義再次興起,思考每一代人的責任,以及塞爾維亞的未 阿仔導演首部長片又豈會失禮,趣怪溫馨的家庭電影贏 來。獲阿姆斯特丹紀錄片電影節最佳紀錄片獎。 得獎項回家,非親朋戚友也找到共鳴會心微笑。

當下歐洲的難民危機,勾起紀錄片名導嚴可夫(《沒有蜜 蜂的日子》,37 屆)的童年記憶。大戰期間,瑞士要為 軸心國照顧飢饉兒童,法西斯才容許少數猶太人經瑞士 逃到美國。嚴可夫的母親因此領養了一名意大利女孩, 他跟這女孩情同姊弟,戰爭結束亦是分離之時。今日的 非洲難民,千里迢迢乘船逃到歐洲,但黃金國只是傳說, 他們不是關在難民營,就是變成非法移民為奴為娼,能 合法居留瑞士的例子寥寥可數。嚴可夫對照今昔,從人 的故事出發,剖視流離者的生存狀態。

The Other Side of Everything

Lots of Kids, a Monkey and a Castle


(Druga strana svega) Dir: Mila Turajlic Serbia/France/Qatar 2017 104min

Dir: Gustavo Salmerón Spain 2017 88min

Dir: Markus Imhoof Switzerland/Germany 2018 92min

The quirky 80-year-old Julita introduces herself in her son’s eccentric family portrait. She gets what she wanted – lots of kids, a monkey and a castle. Even though her castle is finally lost to the economic crisis, the family never loses their laughter and kindheartedness that mark their domestic squabbles. Basking in Julita’s inexhaustible playfulness and her boundless love for her kin, Salmerón has created a boisterous, hilarious and profoundly affectionate home movie that is allegorical to the contemporary situation in Spain.

In the wake of World War II, Imhoof’s family adopted an Italian girl, whose life and death had a profound impact on the filmmaker. This dialogue, in turn, serves to interrogate both the horror and the banality of contemporary trans-Mediterranean flights and their reception in Italy and Switzerland, producing a multilayered questioning of place, identity, movement and sharing across the borders of politics and economics that constitute the modern world and its variegated populations seeking refuge.

For Srbijanka Turajlic, the political has always been personal – from the heritage she received from her lawyer-activist parents under Tito to her own roles as a university professor fighting fervent Serbian nationalism and preaching peace through Otpor!, which opposed the excesses of Slobodan Miloševi . Her daughter, a director who turned her eye towards history in Cinema Komunisto (2010) now celebrates her mother’s commitment to reform in Serbia and creates a very different vision of Balkan life and politics.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_A-15.indd 17

火鳥大獎 Firebird AwardS | 紀錄片競賽 Documentary Competition

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


2/21/18 11:43 AM

火 Firebird AwardS 鳥 大 獎

02AC4E1 2/4(一)7:45pm 香港藝術中心 AC

國際短片競賽 Short Film Competition

03AC4E1 3/4(二)6:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

04AC4E1 4/4(三)6:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC

贊助 Sponsored by


AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_A-14.indd 18

2/20/18 2:13 AM



國際短片競賽節目(一) 《小城二月》(中國/法國)贏得康城短片金棕櫚獎,焦急的母親尋找失蹤女兒,教師 宿舍的遠距離長鏡別出心裁。《塔斯曼尼亞老虎》(法國)已於 1936 年絕種,我們身 處的地球可會同樣走上絕路?《不睡》 (瑞典)的大頭小孩愛說話,卻阻住媽媽去尋歡。 定格動畫《工作中不能承受的重》(瑞典)是暗黑怪雞音樂劇,魚頭人、馬騮人又唱又 跳,唱盡打工仔心聲。三百多年前,法國埃松省有五十多個女孩被狼吞噬的個案,傳 聞現在同一地點再度有《少女失蹤》(法國)。《當我還活着》(美國)紀錄一群非裔美 國女性的百衲被工藝,回憶過去,編織未來。全長 85 分鐘。

Short Film Competition Programme I

火鳥大獎 Firebird AwardS | 國際短片競賽 Short Film Competition

Opening with Palme d’Or winner at Cannes, A Gentle Night (Qiu Yang), the creativity never lets up. Where Qiu’s film provides an unsettling portrait of a woman searching relentlessly for her daughter, The Tasmanian Tiger (Vergine Keaton) poses extinction of a single species against a cosmic background of molten, tectonic change. Sweden provides some moments of relief in the wry mother-child dialogue of Stay Ups (Joanna Rytel) and the more troubling musicality of roadside vendors in The Burden (Niki Lindroth von Bahr). Finally, wolves from the past haunt our present in Young Girls Vanish (Clément Pinteaux) while African-American quilts connect past with future in While I Yet Live (Maris Curran). Total: 85min.

國際短片競賽節目(二) 《第五道牆》(奧地利)的玻璃象徵現代社會無所不在的大小屏幕,正遭遇連環重擊。 少年想向小女友求婚,帶着《阿飛的靈魂》(巴西)和一把鋤頭,走進森林尋找寶石。 後窗遙望對面大廈,《拼貼迷魂記》(見 110 頁)原班人馬創作的《入門》(加拿大) 凝視每戶露台永劫回歸的人生百態。《利未記異聞》(日本/希臘)取材芥川龍之介小 說〈煙草和魔鬼〉,八爪魚模樣的魔鬼,偽裝成聖方濟各的傳教士抵達日本。《你會沒 事的》(法國)壽星仔用版畫回憶分手慘痛經歷。動畫《小魔女》(法國/土耳其)以 繽紛想像,跟隨熱愛大自然的八歲女孩,慢慢走進她受創的小小心靈。全長 75 分鐘。

Short Film Competition Programme II Short films can offer delicate miniatures or illusionary feats of prestidigitation, surprising or haunting us at the moment illumination dawns, as we see immediately when The Fifth Wall (Florian Kindlinger, Peter Kutin) shatters our viewpoint. The Hooligan Soul (Marco Antonio Pereira) provides a tale of love and gems in the Brazilian jungle while Accidence (Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson) introduces a kaleidoscopic wall of balconies where we always glimpse another distracting story. Wrong Revision (Araki Yu) artfully embroiders the connections of Catholicism, devils and octopi in Japan. You Will Be Fine (Céline Devaux) evokes the multimedia sensations of a breakup before the exquisite animation in Wicked Girl (Ayce Kartal) that reveals the deepest, darkest of secrets. Total: 75min.

國際短片競賽節目(三) 尼古拉特斯拉是電機工程先驅,但晚景坎坷,《特斯拉世界之光》(加拿大)就來一次 前衛致敬。巴黎地鐵內的無業東歐男子,找不到安身之所,偶遇同鄉讓他憶起了家鄉 的《榆樹》(法國)。《我們的開掘》(法國/海地/希臘)以影子重演拿破崙時代的海 地革命,山洞內展開一場獨立之戰。動畫《藍》(德國)是巨鯨的夢,本來自由自在大 海暢泳,人類把牠們迫進了死角。就在伊拉克揮軍入侵科威特前夕,《飛船》 (科威特) 主角發現父母暗中聯繫了外星人。《鷦鷯男孩》(英國)由傳統愛爾蘭節慶開始,一次 探監之旅,翻開多少隱藏心事。全長 78 分鐘,附中文字幕。

Short Film Competition Programme III Meetings, meanings and myth begin with The Tesla World Light (Matthew Rankin), the animation of Nikola Tesla’s meeting J.P. Morgan – an ambiguous historical encounter that explodes into electric filmmaking. On the Paris metro, a chance meeting of two Bulgarians in The Elms (Marion Desseigne-Ravel) prefigures another transformation. The shadowy cave lighting of An Excavation of Us (Shirley Bruno) lets us encounter Haitian history. While in Blau (David Jansen), we ourselves meet a whale in multiple and lyrically animated dimensions. The Craft (Monira Al Qadiri) grapples with the meetings and meanings of popular culture and modernities. Finally, Wren Boys (Harry Lighton) returns us to violent encounters in contemporary Ireland, where love and family have real costs. Total: 78min.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_A-14.indd 19


2/20/18 2:13 AM

大 MasterS & Auteurs 師 與 作 者



22/3(四)7:30pm 星影匯 MP

2/4(一)5:45pm The Grand GC

12日瘋人認證 導演:雷蒙迪柏當 法國 2017 87 分鐘  中文字幕

大師級 The Masters

非自願被羈留於精神病院的人,根據法國新規例,必須 於十二日內會見裁判官,決定病人是去是留。紀錄片大 師迪柏當的新作,首次獲准拍攝聆訊過程,三部攝影機 對準病人、裁判官與精神病院,直視病人的命運裁決。 十個病人,九個希望離開:有人想回家跳樓自殺、有人 欲組織政黨滅絕精神科醫生、有人冀成為職業足球員、 有人只盼為兩歲女兒換尿片。不幸的人各有各的不幸, 生命的苦痛卻人人難免;掏空的心底話,道盡了人性的 喜怒哀樂貪嗔癡。正常與不正常,憑誰來畫界線?

12 Days (12 Jours) Dir: Raymond Depardon France 2017 87min

All patients who have been involuntarily committed into a psychiatric institution are brought before a judge within 12 days, when a crucial decision has to be made – will the patient stay or leave? Granted unique access to these hearings, renowned documentarian Depardon (Caught in the Act, 1994) turns his lens towards desperate, broken souls, as the patients tell stories of the dark lives they lead. Distressing yet enlightening, this film gives a voice to those who have been voiceless, revealing depths of humanity.



25/3(日)9:15pm Festival Grand FG

1/4(日)8:00pm 香港大會堂 CT

聖女貞德的童年 導演:般奴杜蒙 法國 2017 106 分鐘

別以為又多一齣歌頌貞德如何聖潔堅定的電影。當德萊 葉、布烈遜等大師將注意力放在貞德受審蒙難前的信仰 掙扎,無神論導演般奴杜蒙(《戇神探與小混混》,39 屆) 一心帶觀眾回到聖女的八歲童年,找尋她踏上領導法國 人擺脫英國佔領,終至殉道之路的源頭。全片對白採自 大詩人佩吉名劇《貞德慈惠之謎》,拍成糅合重金屬音 樂、道地饒舌和傳統法式歌舞片的實驗作品;非職業演 員別樹一幟的動作舞步,諷喻有時,象徵有時,把每一 分預期都徹底打破,不容觀眾片刻放縱懶筋或逃避深思。

Jeannette, the Childhood of Joan of Arc (Jeannette, l’enfance de Jeanne d’Arc) Dir: Bruno Dumont France 2017 106min Cast: Lise Leplat Prudhomme, Jeanne Voisin, Lucile Gauthier

Joan of Arc, savior of France, was martyred by the English before reaching the age of 19. While the youth of the Maid of Orleans has imbued her imagery for centuries, what was she like at 8? Or 12? Bruno Dumont (Li’l Quinquin, 39th) brings the younger girl and her visions to rich life that let us appreciate the humanity so often hidden by sainthood. And did we mention the rock and roll score by Igorrr and the dancing nuns and saints? 20

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_A-14.indd 20

2/20/18 2:13 AM



亞洲首映 Asian Premiere





30/3(五)9:30pm the sky SK

2/4(一)1:15pm 香港大會堂 CT

19/3(一)10:00pm The Grand GC

27/3(二)10:15pm 2/4(一)2:30pm The Grand GC 星影匯 MP




導演:克勞朗治曼  法國  2017  100 分鐘

導演 : 基阿魯斯達米  伊朗  2017  114 分鐘

導演:塔維安尼兄弟  意大利/法國  2017  84 分鐘

以拍攝跆拳道的名義,年屆九十的克勞朗治曼(《大浩 劫》,37 屆)再次踏足平壤,只為緬懷一段畢生難忘的 邂逅。六十年前,他是左翼熱血份子,在韓戰結束後, 參加了西方首個到訪北韓的交流團,行程間不適,須安 排護士打針,因此遇上令他心蕩神迷的朝鮮少女。言語 不通,但愛火熔解隔膜,少女向他展示燃燒彈在她身上 留下的疤痕,他念念不忘泛舟湖上與匆匆熱吻。幸福北 韓是泡影,慾望到頭一場空,朗治曼重遊舊地,對照今 昔,繪形繪聲,細說這段鐵幕容不下的異國羅曼史。

一花一世界,一木一浮生,基阿魯斯達米遺作,以廿四 格畫面繪出一道道自然人世風景,念茲在茲仍要我們用 心觀看世界。以文藝復興名畫《雪中獵人》起始,每段 4 分 30 秒畫面內自然萬物各有神韻。寧靜致遠的世界人跡 罕見,只有身影或佇立凝望,或匆匆而過。與《伍》(29 屆)的靜觀現實各異其趣,基氏最後的詩意光影實驗, 以愛打破審查禁忌,還叮嚀我們莫失莫忘「生命中的錦 繡華年」。大師一生對影像的意義不歇追尋與叩問,至此 再無遺憾。

熱血青年密爾頓正值美好年華,迷上了謎一樣的伏麗雅。 她卻只喜歡他的思想,反而暗暗被他好友佐治奧吸引。 大戰當前,已容不下三人的夏日青春舞曲。兩個男生加 入反法西斯游擊隊,霧鎖深山艱苦作戰。佐治奧被敵軍 俘虜,密爾頓奉命營救,卻得知好友已贏得伊人芳心, 妒火中燒,不但要衝鋒陷陣,更要陷入痛苦的內心交戰。 塔維安尼兄弟(《凱撒必死》,37 屆)深入意大利北部山 區,訴說被槍林彈雨掩蓋的兒女私情,傳是兩位大師封 筆之作。同場加映《我們的開掘》 (11 分鐘,見 18 頁)。


24 Frames

Rainbow – A Private Affair

Dir: Claude Lanzmann France 2017 100min

Dir: Abbas Kiarostami Iran 2017 114min

Reminiscence of Red-Star-crossed love in North Korea. Lanzmann, while known for such powerful documentaries like Shoah (37th), dips into his own memories for this curious tale of a leftist Western visitor who needs health care but becomes passionately involved with his Korean nurse, even if the romance seems to be primarily heavy snuggling and a boat trip. Yet the sheer honesty of his recollections pulls us into the distorted world of North Korea from a novel vantage.

After a career of bringing images to life, Kiarostami bids farewell with a mesmerizing vision of nature in 24 frames. From the first frame of Bruegel’s painting, “The Hunters in the Snow,” to the director’s photographs depicting beaches and woodlands, pure images come alive as moments of life in each segment. Kiarostami skilfully animates the aesthetic of still nature, whether a pair of horses courting each other or a seagull mourning its dead mate transcends into a meditative experience. A song. A kiss. A spark of color. Kiarostami never forgot to remind us to open our eyes and see.

Dir: Vittorio Taviani, Paolo Taviani  Italy/France  2017  84min Cast: Lorenzo Richelmy, Valentina Bellè, Alessandro Sperduti

Love, war and dire choices – as they only can be evoked by the masterful Taviani brothers in their sixth decade of filmmaking. Returning to scenarios of their childhood in World War II Italy, they explore the hopes and tensions of three young lovers – Milton, Fulvia and Giorgio – in an idyllic prewar period. Yet, these are transformed by the life and death choices of partisans and fascists in 1944, when the men find themselves embroiled in a country of betrayal. Screening with An Excavation of Us (11 min, see P.18)

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

香港會議展覽中心 CE1 27PU3E1 27/3(二)7:45pm 22/3(四)9:45pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU




5/4(四)7:30pm 香港大會堂 CT

24/3(六)2:15pm the sky SK

1/4(日)4:15pm 香港文化中心 KG




導演:北野武 日本 2017 104 分鐘 中文字幕

導演:拉夫狄亞茲  菲律賓  2018  234 分鐘

導演:安德烈薩金塞夫  俄羅斯/法國  2017  127 分鐘  中文字幕

北野武重出江湖延續七年之惡,《全員惡人》三部曲來到 最終章,大開殺戒片甲不留。繼捲入頂頭大佬權鬥,再 被警察請出山以黑制黑後,黑幫小頭目神隱南韓避世。 沒料到色情架步糾紛,觸發日韓兩幫惡勢力對決,江湖 風暴終極爆發。黑道電影宗師豁出去盡地一煲,將暴力 美學升至神壇供奉,在機關槍橫掃及對話連珠炮發之間, 還有謀略、膽識與背叛,黑吃黑冶煉出黑過烏鴉的暴力 極品。不講人情義理,只要壞事做盡,砰一聲你死我亡, 痛快俐落,又想令人看後哀傷落寞。問你死未?

拉夫狄亞茲繼揚威柏林的《革命英雄安眠曲》(40 屆)及 男孩失蹤了,父母本已鬧着離婚,各有新歡亦被迫碰頭, 勇奪威尼斯金獅獎的《出獄的女人》(41 屆)後,這次要 警察稱人手不足難以追查,唯有義工隊四出搜索。出生 拍歌劇,而且是反音樂劇,以一首首清唱的歌曲,揭示 本是一場意外,孩子是生是死無人在意。《母親的罪愛》 獨裁者造成的悲慘世界。軍人為虎作倀,百姓成為獵物, (36 屆)尚留母愛慰藉,薩金塞夫今回更狠狠將僅存餘 理想都是死罪。馬可斯統治菲律賓期間,宣佈全國戒嚴, 溫滅絕,剩下慘白男孩孤伶伶湮沒人世。《荒謬啟示錄》 以國家安全為由濫捕異己,有人遭受酷刑,有人從此被 (2014)的制度僵化霸權肆虐至今更積重難返,連小孩亦 失蹤。依舊是構圖匠心獨運的黑白攝影與固定長鏡頭, 慘受其害。冷冽鏡頭緩緩捕捉人性扭曲與社會崩壞,無 眼見已消散的法西斯陰魂再度蠢蠢欲動,狄亞茲決定溫 情凝視愛的消失殆盡,難掩心頭隱隱作痛。獲康城影展 評審團獎,並提名角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片。 故知新,重揭惡魔肆虐的無光歲月。

Outrage Coda

Season of the Devil

Dir: Kitano Takeshi Japan 2017 104min Cast: Kitano Takeshi, Toshiyuki Nishida, Tatsuo Nadaka

Dir: Lav Diaz  The Philippines  2018  234min Cast: Piolo Pascual, Shaina Magdayao, Angel Aquino, Pinky Amador

Dir: Andrey Zvyagintsev Russia/France/Belgium 2017 127min Cast: Maryana Spivak, Alexey Rozin, Matvey Novikov

In the final chapter of the Outrage trilogy, Kitano Takeshi makes sure there is nothing left for another sequel. The former yakuza boss leaves his seclusion in South Korea and returns to Japan to settle a conflict between two powerful enterprises in a tsunami of bullets. A perfect finale to Kitano’s labyrinthine yet hermetically contained yakuza universe, where the fires of stylized violence burn themselves to cold embers, leaving only emptiness and sadness behind them.

Another twist from the Golden Leopard and Golden Lion winner Lav Diaz – a musical. Or rather, an antimusical, whose choruses and recitatives are imbued with Brechtian confrontations of politics and mythology. Filmed in black and white and set in a Filipino village suffering under martial law in the 1970s, everyone is constantly watching, waiting, intimidating, killing… and singing, whether soldiers, villagers or resistance. Once again, Diaz probes the wounds of Filipino history to produce a haunting film with universal resonance.

If motherly love is all that remains in Elena (36th), Zvyagintsev has stripped it away in this stark tale of a failed marriage and a child’s disappearance. Another dramatic microcosm that illustrates the pathologies of Russian society as in Leviathan (2014), Loveless adds a devastating coldness by leaving a vulnerable 12-yearold boy suffering from the charred ashes of broken relationships, rooted in a society of corruption. Winner of the Cannes Jury Prize, an ominous vision of the fraying of love.

Loveless (Nelyubov)

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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大師與作者 masterS & auteurs | 大師級 The Masters



2/20/18 2:14 AM

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


大師與作者 masterS & auteurs | 大師級 The Masters

© Zipporah Films








31/3(六)5:15pm Festival Grand FG

3/4(二)7:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

2/4(一)3:30pm 香港大會堂 CT

4/4(三)8:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

1/4(日)7:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

5/4(四)4:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC






導演:洪尚秀  南韓  2018  66 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:弗德烈懷斯曼  美國  2017  197 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:積葵利維特  法國  133 分鐘

她是咖啡館常客,常獨坐店裏一隅,偷聽顧客交談,用 手提電腦記下觀察,以想像填補空白:輕談淺酌間,有 人提到女友自殺,有人自殺不遂無處容身……餐桌是舞 台,男男女女的情愛故事輪流上演,那時錯,這時對, 或者繼續曖昧下去。她看似平靜的旁觀者,內心其實有 暗湧,卻有人冒昧上前請她做靈感繆思。洪尚秀前作《等 一個人的心灣》(2017)原名來自惠特曼的詩,新作片名 亦源自惠特曼《草葉集》。戲裏戲外的靈感繆思,必然是 金敏喜了。同場加映《小城二月》 (15 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

去年獲頒奧斯卡終身成就獎的紀錄片大師懷斯曼又有新 作,繼《紐約巴別塔》(40 屆)後,這次以紐約公共圖 書館為探討對象。圖書館不只有書,更重要是人。由活 動講座到內部會議到電話查詢,由讀者到職員到遊客, 圖書館一點都不沉悶,而且目不暇給。Patti Smith 談尚紀 湼《竊賊日記》,Elvis Costello 談父親,道金斯談無神論, 非裔家長討論教科書提及的「黑奴」歷史,以至館外熱 鬧的萬聖節巡遊,包羅萬有。獲威尼斯影展國際影評人 聯盟獎,《紐約時報》列為年度十大。


Ex Libris – The New York Public Library Jacques Rivette: Practice Films

Dir: Hong Sang-soo  South Korea  2018  66min Cast: Kim Min-hee, Jung Jin-young, Kim Sae-byuk, Ki Joo-bong

Dir: Frederick Wiseman USA 2017 197min

Dir: Jacques Rivette  France  133min

What is a library? Books? Computers? Buildings? People? For Frederick Wiseman, the New York Public Library is above all a world of words – read aloud, sought by strangers, shared in discussions, brought into debate or used to teach. From the iconic splendor of the Main Library on 42nd Street to the richness (and idiosyncracies) of special collections to the everydayness of the far-flung branches, Wiseman reveals a world of information and ideas not archived but circulated, alive and shared.

Considered by Jacques Rivette as “practice films”, his first three short films, all silent and filmed on 16mm reversal films, resurfaced after his passing and are now digitally restored. Aux quatre coins (1949) is a pure experimentation with narrative and mise-en-scène; Le quadrille (1950), co-scripted with Jean-Luc Godard, is a chamber piece exploring the dynamics among human beings; the encounters in Le divertissement (1952) foreshadows the labyrinthine walks that would be a part of Rivette’s cinema. Screening with his fourth short film Le coup du berger (1956).

So, who is that girl in the corner? That one, who always seems to have her laptop open, writing away? Is she picking up scraps of conversation and life from those around her and weaving them into new dramas and connections? Is it fiction or reality? Working once again with his muse, Berlinale Best Actress winner Kim Min-hee, Hong (The Day After, 2017 Summer IFF) weaves together a tale of the trappings of romantic longings, and the sorrows of arriving at middle-age. Screening with A Gentle Night (15 min, see P.18)

積葵利維特最早的作品,是三部無聲黑白短片,十六米 厘「反轉片」上的影像令人驚艷:《四角》(1949)以情 人之吻為中心,在敘事與場面調度上大膽嘗試;高達合 編並參演的《斗室暗湧》(1950)探索人與人之間的互動 關係;《偷閒時光》(1952)裏男男女女在巴黎街角尋覓 與相遇,初現大師對城市空間的觸覺。三作在他逝世後 方曝光,經數碼修復,現與其首部有聲短片《棋高一着》 (1956)同場放映。該片與查布洛合編,從類型片格局中 創新意。四作盡現實驗精神,骨子裏思考電影本質。

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_A-14.indd 22

2/20/18 2:14 AM


大 Masters & Auteurs 師 與 作 者

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



20/3(二)2:15pm The Grand GC

2/4(一)9:45pm 香港大會堂 CT

逆光天使 導演:巴巴拉阿爾拔  奧地利/德國  2017  97 分鐘

作者風 Auteurs

莫札特和海頓全盛期的十八世紀維也納,失明少女鋼琴 家瑪莉亞帕拉第斯的音樂才華令上流社會側目。父母擔 心她嫁杏無期前途黯淡,找來野心勃勃的新晉醫生麥斯 梅令她重拾光明。另類療法果然奏效,瑪莉亞回復視力 之餘,卻失去了對音樂的敏銳感覺。巴巴拉阿爾拔以細 緻華麗的美術佈景、服飾道具重塑時代氣派,以溫柔感 性細看社會盲點、性別地位如何影響藝術與生命。《畢作 虧心事》(41 屆)新星瑪莉亞德拉古斯大放異彩,演繹 天才少女的患得患失收放自如,耀目光芒不容忽視。

Mademoiselle Paradis Dir: Barbara Albert  Austria/Germany  2017  97 min Cast: Maria Dragus, Devid Striesow, Lukas Miko, Katja Kolm

In the world of Mozart and Haydn, sightless pianist Maria Theresia von Paradis, playing by ear and instinct, gains acclaim from Viennese high society. Yet, her parents want nothing but to restore her sight. When her vision is repaired by the “miracle” healer Dr. Mesmer, her treasured artistry vanishes and her life changes. In a film of sensory discovery revealing society’s blind spots, rising star Maria Dragus (Graduation, 41st) dominates with her impressively visceral performance as a woman overwhelmed by her senses.



26/3(一)5:00pm Festival Grand FG

5/4(四)7:45pm The Grand GC

浪女狂歌 導演:湯尼吉列夫  法國  2017  97 分鐘  中文字幕

希臘少女為了替繼父尋找修船工具,帶着琴與一身家當, 從愛琴海小島一路來到伊斯坦堡,巧遇落泊的法國少女 結伴同行。踏着敘利亞難民逃難的足跡,走過蕭條破落 的城市,兩個少女任隨肉體與心靈流放於狂歌熱舞中, 展開追尋自由之路。憑《浪人戀曲》(29 屆)摘下康城 最佳導演獎的吉列夫,延續吉卜賽音樂電影的作者風, 透過民俗音樂 Rebetiko,將過去的繁華與現今的頹敗盡 化於抑揚頓挫中,讓年輕迷惘的靈魂吟唱出心中吶喊; 在看不見的未來面前,以樂觀豁達鳴奏生命的希望。

Djam Dir: Tony Gatlif France 2017 97min Cast: Daphne Patakia, Simon Abkarian, Maryne Cayon

Djam, a young Greek woman, is sent by her stepfather to Istanbul to find a rare engine part for their broken boat. Together with a French 19-year-old whom she meets, the pair sets off on an eventful road trip back into Greece, full of sudden mood swings and wild poetic musings. Steeped in exile and loss under the “Rebetiko” musical interludes, Cannes Best Director Gatlif’s (Exiles, 29th) lusty road movie reflects on the contemporary realities that afflict Europe today, all the while cherishing the kindness and joy present in the world. 24

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_B-14.indd 24

2/20/18 2:52 AM



亞洲首映 Asian Premiere






21/3(三)4:15pm The Grand GC

5/4(四)9:30pm Festival Grand FG

1/4(日)5:00pm The Grand GC

3/4(二)7:15pm 香港大會堂 CT

26/3(一)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

1/4(日)5:00pm Festival Grand FG

社區放映會(P.30) 5/4(四)5:00pm 香港大會堂 CT




導演:沙維亞博雅  法國/瑞士  2017  134 分鐘

導演:諏訪敦彥  法國/日本  2017  103 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:穆哈默沙萊哈龍  法國  2017  100 分鐘  中文字幕

大半生在銀幕上歷遍人間生離,年逾古稀卻怎也無法在 鏡頭前演出死別一刻。趁劇組停拍,資深演員到蔚藍海 岸探望故友。來到荒廢大宅,偶遇拿着攝影機拍鬼片的 孩童,喚起《四百擊》 (1959)男孩與電影初邂逅的情緣; 夢迴與貌美如昔的情人靈魂相遇,重拾一生銘記的愛戀。 生命將盡之際,終領悟怎樣與死亡共存。諏訪敦彥(《話 多多二人幫》,40 屆)給法國新浪潮的情書,讓杜魯福 與高達愛將尚彼亞里奧,將前世今生銘刻於光影裏。且 唱一闋獅子的輓歌,化作生命禮讚,伴隨夢去。

逃得出家鄉的戰爭地府,逃不過異鄉的人間煉獄。兩兄 弟在中非貴為學者受人敬重,逃難到巴黎卻淪為菜販看 更任人魚肉。顛沛流離的失落、尋求庇護的屈辱,弟弟 慘痛來個了斷。哥哥身份懸空帶着兒女居無定所,亡妻 漂泊的幽靈日夜纏繞,縱遇異鄉戀情亦難以安身立命。 潘朵拉的盒子打開令苦難充斥塵世,守護尊嚴成為人生 最後的希望。憑《失魂游泳池》(35 屆)獲康城評審團 獎的哈龍,痛念非洲同胞的磨難。鐵塔凌雲望不見歡欣 人面,只能無語問蒼天。

The Guardians (Les Gardiennes) Dir: Xavier Beauvois France/Switzerland 2017 134min Cast: Nathalie Baye, Laura Smet, Iris Bry

The Lion Sleeps Tonight Dir. Suwa Nobuhiro France/Japan 2017 103min Cast: Jean-Pierre Léaud, Pauline Etienne

A Season in France (Une saison en France) Dir: Mahamat-Saleh Haroun France 2017 100min Cast: Sandrine Bonnaire, Eriq Ebouaney, Bibi Tanga

During WWI, French women must guard their farms when their men are at the front. Francine, a young orphan, is hired for farm work. Her honesty and diligence earn the family’s respect, but when the sons return from war, her life is turned upside down. Of Gods and Men (2011) director Xavier Beauvois revels in the beauties and mysteries of the French countryside, reminiscent of Terrence Malick’s Days of Heaven (1978) and Stanley Kubrick’s Path of Glory (1957), in an intricate drama set against the upheaval of war.

A veteran actor, Jean, is finding it difficult to approach a scene which calls on him to expire in front of the camera. Leaving the shoot, he heads for an abandoned house, where he encounters a group of children playing at filmmaking, and meets the spectre of his past love. Blending reality and fantasy, Suwa Nobuhiro’s cinematic poetry is a celebration of cinema’s capacity to understand life’s journey and bring coherence to its disjointed parts. And crucially, a salute to Jean-Pierre Léaud, the “lion” of French New Wave who plays Jean.

Eiffel Tower is nowhere to be seen. For the two African brothers fleeing their war-torn country to seek asylum, Paris is no more than a stone-cold city in a season of hell. Agonized by the change in identity and traumatized by the loss of his wife, the grieving father struggles to have normal love while wrestling to make do with cashin-hand jobs. A moving vision of life for those stuck in legal and emotional limbo, Chadian director Haroun (A Screaming Man, 35th) feels deeper with the refugees for their bitter humiliation in the face of diminished dignity.

第一次世界大戰如火如荼,法國男丁全被徵召入伍,留 下婦孺守衛家園。家族莊園的母親請來孤兒法仙妮幫忙 農耕事務,勤奮能幹的她深得上下眾人喜愛。然而當男 人陸續從戰場歸來,各種恩怨愛恨隨之而起,為莊園的 安寧帶來暗湧,法仙妮亦被趕出了莊園……憑《人神之 間》(2010)獲康城評審團大獎的沙維亞博雅,以詩意鏡 頭描繪法國鄉郊景致,美得教人聯想起泰倫斯馬力的《夢 斷天涯》(1978),最後一幕則猶如向寇比力克二戰經典 《光榮之路》(1957)致敬。



25/3(日)12:00pm 5/4(四)5:00pm The Grand GC Festival Grand FG





1/4(日)2:45pm 星影匯 MP

3/4(二)7:45pm The Grand GC

21/3(三)7:00pm The Grand GC

30/3(五)2:30pm 星影匯 MP




導演:巴拔舒羅德  法國/瑞士  2017  100 分鐘

導演:羅倫康堤 法國 2017 113 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:米高法蘭哥  墨西哥  2017  103 分鐘  中文字幕

我佛慈悲,普渡眾生;萬人信奉的緬甸高僧維拉圖,弘 揚的佛法卻是順我者生,逆我者亡。菩提樹下修行出孽 魔惡道,端坐權力祭壇,右手支頤高舉和平公義,左手 捏指挑起反伊斯蘭仇恨,煽動種族清洗羅興亞人。佛光 昭昭下生靈塗炭,令番紅花革命染上血色,昂山素姬的 民主光環幻滅。始於《獨裁者阿敏的自畫像》(1974), 續於《魔鬼大狀》 (32 屆),舒羅德終以「佛教恐怖面相」 的曼陀羅完成「邪惡軸心」三部曲。人在做,天在看, 無畏無懼以鏡頭直視邪惡本相:心若囚籠,蒼生難渡。

小說作家奧莉薇亞來到法國南部小城擔任寫作班導師, 帶領學生集體創作一本犯罪小說。創作過程觸及小城隨 着造船業興衰的歷史。然而男生安坦挑起了針鋒相對的 爭論,以虛構的殺戮情節,帶出極右思想、種族歧視、 恐怖主義、階級對立。奧莉薇亞與安坦的師生關係亦日 趨緊張。金棕櫚獎得主羅倫康堤(《課室風雲》,2008) 與 康 城 評 審 團 大 獎 得 主 羅 賓 金 比 路(《 心 跳 120》, 2017)黃金組合再度攜手,透過一個寫作班,把現實社 會的深層次矛盾暴露無遺。

The Venerable W. (Le vénérable W.) Dir: Barbet Schroeder France/Switzerland 2017 100min

The Workshop (L’atelier) Dir: Laurent Cantet France 2017 113min Cast: Marina Foïs, Matthieu Lucci, Florian Beaujean

April’s Daughter (Las hijas de Abril)

Cantet scored brilliantly with The Class (2008), which explored the dynamics of a new teacher and diverse students in a Parisian middle school, with an ambivalent conclusion. In The Workshop, he inverts this trajectory: a diverse summer writing workshop with a less adaptive teacher. Not only the issues of what writing a thriller means, but also the background and aspirations of individual students guide us towards ever more challenging – and yet compelling tensions charged by unforgettable new, non-professional actors.

And baby makes five. One too many. The dysfunctional triad of April and her two daughters, Clara and Valeria, begins to unravel when 17-year-old Valeria becomes pregnant by her boy friend, Mateo, and flaunts her triumph before her jealous family. Moves and countermoves explode – motherhood becomes less a refuge of caring than an arena of savage fighting, bribery and outright theft. This chilling Mexican drama, prizewinner at Cannes, asks us who can save the baby in a world of betrayal.

Get ready for a disturbing look at the Burmese monk Ashin Wirathu, whose abhorrent Islamophobic rhetoric is stoking ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya minority. Called “The Face of Buddhist Terror”, Wirathu doesn’t shy away from speaking openly to the camera about his campaign of racism and violence. Beginning with General Idi Amin Dada: A Self Portrait (1974) and continuing with Terror’s Advocate (32nd), director Schroeder completes his “Axis of Evil” trilogy with this chilling documentary, a fearless exploration of dehumanization in our society.

與姊姊同住海邊小屋的十七歲少女華萊莉亞,與小男友 打得火熱,晝夜交歡,結果未婚懷孕。她叮囑姊姊別告 訴那個長期缺席的母親,姊姊卻把母親艾普找來了。由 照顧家務到哺養嬰兒,艾普可謂無微不至,把嬰兒視為 己出,甚至想把女兒的一切都據為己有……《胡莉糊濤》 (2016)女主角艾瑪蘇蕾茲演繹非常媽媽艾普,演技出神 入化。米高法蘭哥繼《非常看護》(40 屆)後,這次透 過異常扭曲的母女關係,編織出一張糾纏不清的人間孽 網。獲康城影展「某種觀點」評審團獎。

Dir: Michel Franco Mexico 2017 103min Cast: Emma Suárez, Hernán Mendoza, Joanna Larequi

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_B-14.indd 25

大師與作者 masters & auteurs | 作者風 Auteurs



2/20/18 2:52 AM

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

©Bartosz Mrozowski







31/3(六)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

2/4(一)3:00pm The Grand GC

21/3(三)7:15pm 星影匯 MP

26/3(一)10:10pm The Grand GC

23/3(五)7:15pm The Grand GC

27/3(二)9:45pm 星影匯 MP




導演:曼尼哈紀紀 伊朗 2018 109 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:瑪歌莎堤蘇慕絲嘉  波蘭  2018  91 分鐘

導演:小阿歷西謝曼 俄羅斯/波蘭/塞爾維亞 2018 126 分鐘

大師與作者 masters & auteurs | 作者風 Auteurs

伊朗導演約化巴納希被禁止拍電影,照樣拍片得獎。話 說他有個同鄉哈辛也遭遇相似命運,卻沒那麼好彩,只 能拍殺蟲水廣告。夫妻關係日漸疏遠,阿媽彷彿失心瘋, 最愛的御用女星另謀發展,而更壞的是,城中導演接連 被暗殺斬首,額頭劃上「豬」字,爛片導演亦遭殃,偏 偏哈辛平安無事。是他被遺忘了嗎?抑或兇手只誅殺豬 一般的導演?他要捍衛自尊,竟不惜以身犯險⋯⋯哈紀 紀(《龍吟傳說》,40 屆)大玩黑色幽默,既嘲人亦自嘲, 諷刺名人名氣光環,笑盡伊朗電影界百態。

Pig (Khook) Dir: Mani Haghighi Iran 2018 109min Cast: Hassan Majooni, Leila Hatami, Leili Rashidi, Parinaz Izadyar

Mug (Twarz) Dir: Małgorzata Szumowska Poland   2018  91min Cast: Mateusz Ko ciukiewicz, Agnieszka Podsiadlik

Dir: Alexey German Jr. Russia/Poland/Serbia 2018 126min Cast: Milan Marić, Helena Sujecka, Danila Kozlovsky, Artur Beschatny

Over recent decades, Iranian cinema has become synonymous with reflective examination of urban life, tradition, conflict, and freedom through the masterworks of Kiarostami, Panahi and Makhmalbaf, among others. So who would decide to kill off the directors of Tehran? And make it a comedy? Haghighi adds this devious plot to the twists and tribulations of his hapless director hero, Hassan, as he struggles with a government ban, difficult stars and three generations of demanding women in his own family. But if he really is a success, how come no one is trying to kill him?

Berlinale Silver Bear winner for Best Director (Body, 39th), Małgorzata Szumowska returns with yet another darkly comic rumination on what it means to be alive, how humans deal with the loss of identity, and the hypocrisy in family and religion. A construction worker who lost his face in an accident returns to his hometown after a face transplant operation, but his fiancée is gone and his family turns away from him. His new weird face becomes all he has to live on. In competition, Berlinale 2018. Screening with You Will Be Fine (15min, see P.18).

Before his sudden death at 48 in 1990, Sergei Dovlatov became one of the most sensitive and popular Russian authors of his generation – despite the fact that he was only able to publish for most of his life in the American émigré press, after his emigration to New York in 1979. Working with his daughter (who also translated the novelist’s wonderful Pushkin Hills), Alexey German Jr. (Under Electric Clouds, 39th) explores a brief but telling window in this complicated transnational life. In competition, Berlinale.





28/3(三)9:30pm 星影匯 MP

30/3(五)12:00pm The Grand GC

21/3(三)9:30pm The Grand GC

23/3(五)7:15pm 星影匯 MP



導演:彭力雲坦拿域安 泰國/德國 2017 108 分鐘

導演:沙基羅斯尼薩  烏克蘭/法國  2017  143 分鐘  中文字幕

交通意外大難不死,反誘發殺人動機。美麗泰國女星陷 入事業與婚姻瓶頸,希望突破刁婦角色局限,更想擺脫 迷信邪教的法國富豪丈夫掣肘。車禍讓她結識神秘男子, 建議令她丈夫人間蒸發。殺夫計劃卻陰溝翻船,女星失 蹤,殺手反被邪教追殺,結局更撲朔迷離。彭力雲坦拿 域安(《頭中彈》,36 屆)向希治閣借鏡,黑色懸疑驚慄 奇情只是虛招;戲中有戲,以為眼看為真,殊不知現實 已暗裏被虛構取代。令人錯亂迷惑的,不只是電影情節, 更是泰國上流社會畸形生態。

寄給獄中丈夫的包裹突然打回頭,妻子別無選擇只得遠 赴西伯利亞尋找答案。列寧巨像矗立,鐵幕陰影無處不 在,人人落魄失魂自我麻醉,對一切視若無睹。的士司 機說「監獄助人生存」,妻子面對高牆卻處處受盡屈辱, 丈夫依然下落不明,欲知真相代價沉重。啟發自杜斯妥 也夫斯基的《溫柔女子》,撕破溫柔盡現殘酷,暴露極權 壓迫至今仍陰魂不散。羅斯尼薩(《霧裏人鬼神》,37 屆) 以純釀伏特加,為俄羅斯民族的苦難乾杯,留在喉頭的, 是燒心灼熱與苦澀回味。

Samui Song (Mai Mee Samui Samrab Ter)

A Gentle Creature (Krotkaya) Dir: Sergei Loznitsa Ukraine/France 2017 143min Cast: Vasilina Makovtseva, Marina Kleshcheva, Lia Akhedzhakova

Dir: Pen-ek Ratanaruang  Thailand/Germany  2017  108min Cast: Chermarn “Ploy” Boonyasak, David Asavanond

A Thai actress is desperate to escape the soap-opera ghetto and her wealthy French husband who has been brainwashed by a religious guru. A car accident brings her to a mysterious man who offers help. Twisty and deadpan eccentric, the murder plot results in metacinematic shots and identity changes that blur reality and fiction. Fusing crime-movie tropes and sly social commentary, this neo-noir from the Thai director of Last Life in the Universe (28th) is more than a Hitchcock-inspired thriller. 26

《臭皮囊》(39 屆)柏林最佳導演銀熊獎得主蘇慕絲嘉, 《雪原七思》(39 屆)預示了俄羅斯的未來光景,小阿歷 神秘新作再度入圍柏林角逐金熊獎。前作為現代寂寞人解 西謝曼這次將目光轉往過去。1971 年的列寧格勒,無論 剖身體解密心靈,今次索性將整張面孔換掉,連身份也一 自然天氣或文藝氣象都正值嚴冬,青年杜夫拉托夫和布 併連根拔起。小鎮地盤工人因工業意外受重傷,接受面部 羅茨基還未流亡紐約,努力創作和尋找出版機會。無情 移植手術後重返家鄉,未婚妻與家人驚惶四散。變臉人只 國家機器、鐵腕文藝政策、公式僵化英雄故事,當然還 得靠販賣奇形怪面為生,在異樣目光下見盡家庭的虛情假 有失意愛情,各種低氣壓都令藝術家透不過氣來。小阿 意與宗教的惺惺作態。人物陰暗心理的獨到描寫,社會偽 歷西謝曼獲杜夫拉托夫女兒協助編劇,再次把細緻的生 善的尖刻嘲諷,奠定蘇慕絲嘉的波蘭電影新旗手地位。同 活觀察融入有條不紊的鏡頭美學,回顧的又豈止一個時 場加映《你會沒事的》(15 分鐘,見 18 頁 )。 代、一群不甘卑微抗拒宰制的靈魂?


A powerful glimpse into Russian’s soul. Determined to find out why a parcel she sent to her incarcerated husband was returned without explanation, a woman plunges into a hellish journey of bureaucratic resistance, humiliation, and abuse. Truth is only to be obtained at a terrible price. Inspired by Dostoyevsky’s short story, Loznitsa (In the Fog, 37th) takes us through a shattered society still haunted by a dehumanizing totalitarian nightmare.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_B-14.indd 26

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AD_HKIFF42_BF_Film Plus_10_OP.pdf 1 21/2/2018 上午11:45









大 Masters & Auteurs 師 與 露琦茜亞馬蒂 作 The霧裏藏花  Engaging Detachment of Lucrecia Martel 者 2004 年, 香 港 國 際 電 影 節 曾 以「 阿 根 廷 新 電影」專輯,介紹阿根廷電影生力軍,露琦 茜亞馬蒂就是其一。她的首部長片已備受注 目,入圍柏林影展主競賽單元,其後兩片均 入選康城。她從自己保守中產家庭成長的經 驗出發,以女性視角及近乎人類學的冷眼觀 察,巧用省略與暗示手法,拍出只此一家的 敘事風格:故事往往不見全貌,不提供簡單 因果,卻充滿可堪回味的豐富細節,更接近日常的真實狀態。

While the scarcity of major female directors has become a global scandal, patriarchal Latin America long made female mastery even rarer. Lucrecia Martel exploded onto this scene with The Swamp (2001). Yet, with this semi-autobiographical film, imbued with the sights and sounds of modern Argentina and varied yet critical female viewpoints, she was immediately recognized as a force not only in New Argentine Cinema, after the dictatorship, but in world cinema. Two more female-centered masterpieces followed and then silence for nine years. And then, Zama. Historical, with a male lead…although we understand that both style and themes continue.

26GC3E2 26/3(一)9:45pm The Grand GC 設映前簡介,大學講師 劉美希英語主講 Introduction (in English) by university lecturer Mercedes Vázquez Vázquez

01FG4E1 1/4(日)7:15pm Festival Grand FG

濕樂園 阿根廷/法國/西班牙 2001 102 分鐘

馬蒂一鳴驚人的首作,取景於自己家鄉,透過兩個中產家庭,直視阿根廷走向衰敗的 狀況。中年的美查與表妹塔麗,每年都跟家人來到沼澤邊緣的別墅避暑。美查瞧不起 丈夫,歧視原住民女傭,與子女關係疏離,家道中落,她只求以酒精和日光浴,自我 麻醉逃避現實。新聞報導聖母顯靈,想看卻一再落空。到處悶熱潮濕,一頭牛陷於沼 澤,成人好逸惡勞,孩子自生自滅。馬蒂以大膽的碎片化敘事,表現出叫人窒息的死 水微瀾,隱隱散發絕望、亂倫與死亡的腐敗氣息,而且不只是寓言一則,更是傳神活 現的沼澤人間。獲柏林影展艾佛鮑華銀熊獎。

The Swamp (La Ciénaga) Argentina/France/Spain/Japan 2001 102min Cast: Mercedes Morán, Graciela Borges, Martín Adjemián, Leonora Balcarce

Martel has said she creates her soundscapes first – and the intense soundscape of this debut gem immerses us in a claustrophobic and rigorously detailed world of Argentines at their provincial country home. La Ciénaga means “The Swamp” – an image that haunts us as the adults languish by the pool where their control of Amerindian servants and their dreams melt (or they fall into inebriated accidents). And the pack of children morph from good little bourgeois urbanites into feral tribesmen. When buying cheap goods in Bolivia is your dream escape, something has gone very wrong indeed.

24SM3E1 24/3(六)7:30pm 香港科學館 SM 設映後座談會,影評人 張偉雄、馮嘉琪粵語主講 Post-screening seminar (in Cantonese) with film critics Bryan Chang and Kiki Fung

30SM3E1 30/3(五)7:30pm 香港科學館 SM 設映前簡介,大學講師 劉美希英語主講 Introduction (in English) by university lecturer Mercedes Vázquez Vázquez

聖女性女 阿根廷/意大利/荷蘭/西班牙 2004 106 分鐘

小鎮姑娘愛瑪正值二八年華,既虔誠又天真。一群醫生前來參加交流會議,入住她母 親經營的旅館。愛瑪在街頭圍觀電子樂器示範,看演奏者利用電磁感應隔空彈琴。其 中一位醫生竟趁着人頭湧湧,從後用下體碰觸她臀部。明明是非禮行徑,愛瑪卻認定 是天主感召,決定接近這位沉淪醫生,奉獻少女的愛,隔空感應慾望,打救墮落靈魂。 馬蒂完成首作後即獲艾慕杜華垂青,答應投資兼任監製。繼續以家鄉為背景,這次不 只徘徊於人性陰暗面,更深入至信仰底層,透過大量近距離鏡頭,以及環境與耳語的 敏感重疊,令全片頹廢氣氛更形幽閉。

The Holy Girl (La niña santa) Argentina/Italy/Netherlands/Spain 2004 106min Cast: Mercedes Morán, Carlos Belloso, Alejandro Urdapilleta, María Alche

For centuries, the lives of Argentine women have been constrained – and often ruined – by Roman Catholicism and sexuality: do we not remember Eva Perón as madonna and whore? Returning to the provincial town of The Swamp, Martel takes on both heritages in this coming-of-age film anchored by a teenage girl in a rambling provincial hotel, facing the temptations and challenges of dirty old men, sexual desire, and confidences with her girlfriend and mother. To the ethereal sound of a theremin, The Holy Girl figures as another element in Martel’s exploration of the sounds of complex but concealed worlds.


AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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27GC3E2 27/3(二)9:45pm The Grand GC 設映前簡介,電影學者 馬蘭清英語主講 Introduction (in English) by film scholar Gina Marchetti

31FG3E1 31/3(六)7:00pm Festival Grand FG

電影節書刊特賣場 The Great Book Sale 香港科學館演講廳入口處 Entrance, HK Science Museum Lecture Hall 25.3 (日) 3:30–7:00pm

阿根廷/法國/意大利/西班牙 2008 87 分鐘

中產牙醫維朗妮嘉,在公路駕車遇意外,隱約記得是撞死野狗,然後下起傾盆大雨。 受驚過度,她不敢回家,恍恍惚惚,記憶空白,好像魂魄仍遺留在肇事現場。儘管毫 髮無損回到平常生活,焦慮卻揮之不去。撞死的真是野狗?抑或是路邊嬉戲的鄉間小 孩?她已不敢肯定了。一宗無頭公案,令她恍如無頭蒼蠅,在罪咎裏亂撞亂碰。馬蒂 再次以獨特敘事風格,透過一次精神創傷,凸顯女性在現代生活面對的壓抑與潛藏恐 懼,不循傳統刻劃失憶的方式,以生活碎片展現主角的存在狀態。獲阿根廷金像獎最 佳電影等三項大獎,入選 BBC 廿一世紀百大電影。

30.3 (六) 3:00–7:00pm 31.3 (日) 3:30–7:30pm 1.4 (一) 3:30–7:30pm

The Headless Woman (La mujer sin cabeza)

雲外笑紅塵—林青霞 Filmmaker in Focus: Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia

Argentina/France/Italy/Spain 2008 87min Cast: María Onetto, Claudia Cantero, Inés Efron

Vero is talking on her cellphone somewhere on a road in Argentina while driving. Bad move. And then she hits something – or someone. But she drives on. As usual, in Martel’s universe, the initial failing soon spirals into deeper questions and issues as Vero grapples with what may have happened and what – or whom – she might have hit. Yet, as she retraces her steps to the hotel and the road, disturbing new mysteries accumulate in this taut masterwork that really recenters psychology itself in the classic psychological thriller, and solidifies Martel’s global reputation and presence.


25GC3E2 25/3(日)9:45pm The Grand GC 設映前簡介,電影學者 馬蘭清英語主講 Introduction (in English) by film scholar Gina Marchetti


2/4(一)7:15pm Festival Grand FG

第 42 屆香港國際電影節特刊 The 42nd HKIFF Main Catalogue $100

十年再見 楊德昌 Edward Yang, 10-year Commemoration

流亡將軍沙馬 阿根廷/巴西/西班牙/多明尼加共和國 2017 115 分鐘 中文字幕

沙馬是西班牙皇室官員,生於南美殖民時代,滯留異邦,等待着國王的任命書,批准 他調職到阿根廷。歲月流逝,每多阻滯,國王信函一直未見。經過漫長而徒勞的等待, 沙馬把心一橫,參與追捕傳說叫人聞風喪膽的綠林大盜,企圖喚起國王注意。最後卻 發現唯一願望,是活着。馬蒂蟄伏九年,其間只拍過幾部短片,重回大銀幕即改編阿 根廷經典小說,離開現代題材,開啟歷史視野,透過如畫的影像以及荒誕的存在處境, 呈現主角等待的焦慮,以至最後豁出去的心情,繼續以她獨有的暗示手法,處理階級、 殖民與性別,乃至身份、志業與天命等題旨。

Zama Argentina/Brazil/Spain/Dominican Republic 2017 115min Cast: Daniel Giménez Cacho, Lola Dueñas, Matheus Nachtergaele, Juan Minujín

And then nine years without a film…before Lucrecia Martel returns working with the nuances of Antonio di Benedetto’s classic novel (recently translated into English). Centering her film on an 18th century Spanish bureaucrat in some mythic province who is desperately and futilely seeking a transfer to Lerma, Argentina. Failing in myriad interactions with his supervisor and others including a local coquette, he enters the wild in search of a bandit…and for glory? Yet even amid such transformation, Martel’s themes of uncertainty, identity, race and divisions, and the profound impact of the past reveal a core that transcends time and gender.

花樣的年華 澤東廿五 In the Mood for Films 25th Anniversary of Jet Tone Films




and more discounted publications also available for sale

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_B-15.indd 29

大師與作者 masters & auteurs | 露琦茜亞馬蒂 Lucrecia Martel

香港文化中心大劇院二樓入口處 Entrance, HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre



2/21/18 12:26 PM

AD_HKIFF42_BF_Community Screenings_07_OP.pdf 1 21/2/2018 上午11:50




















10:29 AM












9:59 PM

華 PAN-Chinese Cinema 語 電 影

04GC4P1 4/4(三)7:45pm The Grand GC

看見你便想念你 導演:鍾德勝  2017  粵語  93 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:麥子樂、林俊彥、張雪芹、袁浩楊

香港電影面面觀2017-18 Hong Kong Panorama 2017-18 水底行走的人 (P.90) i've got the blues

似有還無,卻總是如影隨形,揮之不去。是抑鬱的幽靈, 還是無法宣之於口的愛意?在校被孤立的 Kevin,身邊好 友只得 Jamie 一人。友情在不知不覺間踰越了界線,海灘 情深一吻時被警察發現,令兩人倉皇逃離這段別人眼中 的異端感情。十年後重遇,Kevin 決定從澳洲療養院回港 開展新生活。安穩工作、親密女友,禁不住內心深處的 呼喚。在隨波逐流與隨心而活之間,Jamie 必須作出取捨。 抑鬱藍調與彩虹之愛,鍾德勝潛進內心黑洞,將社會禁 色盡染於光影夢魂內,還原生命的姹紫嫣紅。

I Miss You When I See You Dir: Simon Chung 2017 Cantonese 93min Cast: Bryant Mak, Jun Li, Candy Cheung, Yuen Ho-yeung

Kevin and Jamie are high school buddies. While their friendship gradually develops into a passionate kiss, their nascent relationship is cut short when Kevin departs for Australia. Suffering from depression, Kevin’s return awakens Jamie’s suppressed feelings; he must make a choice between following social norms and being true to his heart. Venturing into the socially invisible domain of depression and homosexuality, Simon Chung paints a moving portrait of outsiders.

03AC4M2D 3/4(二)2:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

29+1 導演:彭秀慧  2016  粵語  110 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:周秀娜、鄭欣宜、楊尚斌、蔡瀚億

彭秀慧從劇場跨界到電影,改編同名獨腳戲,由周秀娜、 鄭欣宜演繹不一樣的兩生花。故事發生在 2005 年,兩個 同日出生、性格迥異、互不相識的女子,因一次搬家與 一本日記,有了巧妙的連繫。職場拼搏的女強人林若君, 來到三十而立的人生關口,業主突然收回她租住的房子, 老父腦退化越加嚴重,愛情關係漸見暗湧。未嘗戀愛的 傻小妹黃天樂,看似無憂無慮樂天知命,原來也到了生 命轉捩點,趁還來得及,決定乘早班火車看日落巴黎, 也給林若君帶來走出困局的勇氣。

29+1 Dir: Kearen Pang 2016 Cantonese 110min Cast: Chrissie Chau, Joyce Cheng, Benjamin Yeung, Babyjohn Choi

Successful career woman Christy (Chau) faces multiple crises right before her 30th birthday, but finds unlikely inspiration and support from a cheerful ordinary woman (Cheng) born on the very same day. Kearen Pang adapts her one-woman stage show to the screen, delivering an incisive and intelligent look at contemporary Hong Kong women exiting their twenties. Drawing surprising performances from her two leads, Pang establishes herself as a talent to watch. 34

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_B-14.indd 34

2/20/18 2:52 AM





23/3(五)4:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC

26/3(一)4:45pm 香港藝術中心 AC

23/3(五)2:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC




導演:陳嘉上  2017  普通話/日語  128 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:趙文卓、洪金寶、萬茜、倉田保昭

導演:許鞍華  2017  130 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:周迅、彭于晏、霍建華、葉德嫻

導演:王晶、關智耀 2017 粵語/潮州話 128 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:甄子丹、劉德華、姜皓文、劉浩龍

倭寇沿海為患,明朝貪污腐敗,人心散漫,疲於應對。戚 繼光逆流而起,以堅強的鬥志重整軍紀,開發兵器,訓練 新軍,終逐步將漢奸、浪人、倭兵趕出中土。陳嘉上延續 他的《飛虎雄心》(1994)精神,戰爭場面細節還原古戰 場的實感,一反華語片處理歷史題材的因循態度,令人耳 目一新。戚繼光的懼內,更有百鍊鋼化為繞指柔的全新演 繹。難得趙文卓和倉田保昭的敵我鬥智,超越正邪勝敗的 窠臼,還英雄以血肉,令一代戰神的磨練成長,更形立體 傳神。獲香港電影評論學會最佳編劇及男演員獎。

攝製隊到小童群益會訪問的士司機鄭家彬,由當年還是 小鬼的他憶述抗日時期「東江縱隊」游擊隊事跡。他們 除了曾護送以茅盾為首的文化名人撤離淪陷的香港,還 伺機擊殺漢奸,運送秘密情報,宣傳抗日。大時代洪流 下,小人物的愛情、親情和友情,備受考驗和磨鍊。許 鞍華延續其香港情懷和人文關注,繼《黃金時代》 (2014) 再次嘗試捕捉時間的弔詭、人性的迂迴。葉德嫻與周迅 的母女戲固然突出,彭于晏的跳脫和霍建華的沉潛也各 有神采。金像獎 11 項提名話題作。

潮州兄弟幫偷渡來港,為謀生夾在黑白兩道,認識了平 步青雲的華探長。一場城寨血戰,有人以一條腿換來義 薄雲天與隨之而有的金權勾結。「正」邪合作譜寫香港地 下史,扯出來佔盡灰色地帶,誰管追逐的是毒霧還是登 龍之術?以跛豪和呂樂為原型的故事可以無限輪迴,只 因我城脫殖反覆難產,吐氣揚眉的需要只能靠邊緣象徵 輾轉反芻。甄子丹嘗試拔高演技,配合再飾五億探長雷 洛的劉德華,數碼重現九龍城寨穿梭自如,食材舊卻鑊 氣足,不乏黃金時代港產片的神韻。

God Of War

Our Time Will Come

Chasing the Dragon

Dir: Gordon Chan 2017 Putonghua/Japanese 128min Cast: Vincent Wenzhuo Zhao, Sammo Hung, Kurata Yasuaki

Dir: Ann Hui 2017 130min Cast: Zhou Xun, Eddie Peng, Wallace Huo, Deanie Ip

Dir: Wong Jing, Jason Kwan  2017  Cantonese/Teochew  128min Cast: Andy Lau, Donnie Yen, Kent Cheng, Wilfred Lau

A grand historical action-drama backed by complex battle sequences, God of War tells the exploits of Qi Jiguang, a real-life 16th century general who defended the China coastline from marauding pirates and Japanese samurai. Severely outnumbered, Qi and his comrades must find and train new soldiers to withstand the Japanese armies, led by the brilliant Commander Kumasawa (veteran actor Kurata Yasuaki in an award winning performance).

Set during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong in the 1940s, and inspired by real-life characters and events, Our Time Will Come follows a young woman Fang (Zhou Xun) as she becomes increasingly involved in the resistance movement along with guerrilla leader Blackie (Eddie Peng) and boyfriend Li Jinrong (Wallace Huo). A tale of ordinary heroes and nameless sacrifice, Ann Hui’s latest cinematic epic revisits a period in Hong Kong history rarely so pragmatically portrayed on screen.

Martial arts superstar Donnie Yen flexes his acting muscles to play Ng Sik-ho, a.k.a. Limpy Ho, the real-life drug lord who established an underworld empire in 1970s Hong Kong. In this fictionalized action-drama, Limpy Ho teams with police inspector Lee Rock (Andy Lau, who also played Lee Rock in two 1990s films) to corner the drug trade. But their activities earn them attention from rival gangs, the newly-formed ICAC, and the corrupt British colonial police.




3/4(二)4:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

4/4(三)2:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

26/3(一)2:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC




導演:杜汶澤 2017 粵語/日文 87 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:鄧麗欣、杜汶澤、倉田保昭、歐錦棠

導演:張艾嘉  2017 普通話 119 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:張艾嘉、田壯壯、吳彥姝、朗月婷

導演:譚惠貞  2017  粵語  94 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:劉嘉玲、吳肇軒、謝君豪、董瑋

為免回頭已是百年身,唯有懸崖勒馬不作空手回。父親 過世,一直討厭空手道的中日混血女欲把道場改建成劏 房圖利,誰料老父把大半業權留給她師兄。對方跟她定 下贏出擂台比賽就無條件歸還業權的契約,於是熱血有 了出口,懺悔埋伏前路。棄用替身的鄧麗欣一改戲路, 拳拳到肉,以「打甩棚牙和血吞」的氣概演活了不得不 苦練出頭的三失港女。結合風格美術,不屈的杜汶澤拍 出一齣抗拒天命重拾理想的勵志之作,許是他向沉淪現 實送出的一封戰書?

張艾嘉以細膩女性觸覺,透過三代人的感情困境,帶出 一場愛的教育。慧英堅持父母合葬,引發家庭內的強烈 衝突,父親在鄉下的原配寸步不讓,女兒更倒戈相向。 步入退休之齡,死亡陰影迫近,四出奔波為亡故雙親補 辦結婚證,已叫她身心疲累,更擔心丈夫被鄰居王太太 搶走,自己也困惑於那隱隱約約的春夢。背景雖在河南 鄭州,卻拍出不囿於地域的普世故事,更拍出了人情的 微溫。一首〈花房姑娘〉,一句「我不要你了」,還有照 片中被抹掉的容顏,點到即止,感人至深。

在那個想像過剩的夜晚,於學校泳池閒睡的浪兒,被老 師掉入水裏的聲音驚醒了,從此掉進用背叛、回憶、慾 望編織的孽網,身不由己,又陶醉在自覺自主的危險漩 渦。華麗飽和的畫面、似曾相識的配樂獨白、憶妻成狂 的拾荒父親、進出別人家居的孤獨身影⋯⋯可都是以青 春名義放任縱情一趟的藉口?也許,所見皆是城市的遺 棄與虛無,一直在找逃逸缺口而已。譚惠貞初執導筒即 牢牢捕捉吳肇軒的故作自若、劉嘉玲的絕望難耐。畢竟 空有故愛,心事已成非。

The Empty Hands

Love Education

In Your Dreams

Dir: Chapman To 2017 Cantonese/Japanese 87min Cast: Stephy Tang, Chapman To, Kurata Yasuaki, Stephen Au

Dir: Sylvia Chang 2017 Putonghua 119min Cast: Sylvia Chang, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Wu Yanshu, Lang Yueting

Dir: Tam Wai-ching 2017 Cantonese 94min Cast: Carina Lau, Ng Siu Hin, Tse Kwan Ho, Stephen Tung

Former pop princess Stephy Tang earned a Best Actress nod from for her role in this contemplative drama directed by popular comedian and fledgling filmmaker Chapman To. Mixed Chinese-Japanese Hirakawa Mari (Tang) becomes embittered following the death of her father (Kurata Yasuaki), who leaves the family karate dojo to his top disciple (To) instead of his daughter. Mari can still reclaim what was hers, but only if she rediscovers her passion for the martial arts.

Sylvia Chang returns with this nuanced drama about the fragile bonds and surprising similarities among three generations of Chinese women. Stubborn, middle-aged Huiying plans to move her father’s remains from his rural hometown to the city, but encounters resistance from her father’s first wife. Meanwhile, Huiying’s daughter Weiwei struggles to break free from her mother. Through observant writing, sharp wit, and graceful direction, Sylvia Chang delivers one of her finest works to date.

In Your Dreams marks an impressive debut for Tam Wai-ching. Directing from her own script, Tam explores the unusual bond between Chi-hang (Ng Siu-hin), a disaffected youth with wayward parents, and Yeuk-mei (Carina Lau), a middle-aged teacher pained by loneliness. Thrown together by circumstances, the two engage in a friendship/flirtation akin to a dance. Tam’s sometimes elliptic, sometimes romantic drama is a subtle and surprising achievement in character and mood.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_B-14.indd 35

華語電影 PAN-CHINESE cinema | 香港電影面面觀 Hong Kong Panorama 2017-18



2/20/18 2:52 AM


華 PAN-Chinese Cinema 語 電 雲外笑紅塵—林青霞 影 Filmmaker in Focus:

Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia

林青霞在華語影壇舉足輕重。1970 年代,台灣言情文藝片熱潮興起,她已是當時得令的青春偶像, 散發出女神的奪目光芒。1980 年代轉戰香港,再開拓出另一片廣闊天地。她既是大美人,更是少數 宜古宜今,集英氣與嫵媚於一身,能同時駕馭文藝片與武俠片類型的女星。《窗外》(1973)最近完 成修復,正是回顧林青霞璀燦電影生涯的最好時機。

The incomparable Brigitte Lin enchanted audiences in over one hundred Taiwan and Hong Kong films during her storied career. Lin rose to stardom in popular Taiwan romance dramas. Later, she became a key figure in the surging international popularity of Hong Kong cinema, earning acclaim for her stunning charisma and gender-bending roles in dazzling wuxia pian. Lin retired from acting in 1994. Decades later, devoted fans and cinephiles still ardently hope for her return to the silver screen.

座談會 Seminar

25/3 Sun(日)

時間 Time 5:30pm 《愛殺》放映後 After the screening of Love Massacre 地點 Venue

香港科學館演講廳 HK Science Museum Lecture Hall

講者 Speakers

陳志華、蒲鋒  Ernest Chan, Po Fung




22/3(四)9:30pm The Grand GC

31/3(六)2:15pm 香港文化中心 KG

窗外 導演:宋存壽、郁正春 1973 國語 108 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:林青霞、胡奇、秦漢、張俐仁、孫越

林青霞十七歲初登銀幕之作,改編瓊瑤原著,美麗傳奇 由此開始。高中女生江雁容編織着豆芽夢,熱愛寫作, 但功課欠佳,沒信心考上大學。父母偏心弟妹,她在家 裏得不到溫暖,卻在班主任康南身上找到安慰。師生戀 不為世俗所容,她母親更堅決反對,多番阻撓,寧願把 她嫁給別的男生,也要拆散鴛鴦。當年因版權風波,沒 有在台灣上映,反倒在香港率先曝光。坊間流通的影碟 版本少了二十分鐘,是次放映最新修復版,足本再現林 青霞黛綠年華的迷人風采。

Outside the Window Dir: Sung Tsun-Shou, Yok Teng-Heung  1973  Mandarin   108min Cast: Brigitte Lin, Hwu Chyi, Chin Han, Chang Li-Jen, Sun Yueh

Brigitte Lin showed astonishing range in her debut film, made when she was only seventeen years of age. In this popular romantic drama, Lin plays Jiang Yanrong, a high-school student who falls in love with her teacher Kang Nan (Hwu Chyi), who’s twenty years her senior. He wholeheartedly returns her affections, but can society accept their love? Based on a novel by popular romance author Chiung Yao, whose film adaptations were key to Brigitte Lin’s rise to stardom across Asia.

粵語主講,免費入場 Conducted in Cantonese. Free Admission.

鳴謝:康樂及文化事務署香港電影資料館 Acknowledgment: Hong Kong Film Archive, Leisure and Cultural Services Department

24SM3M2 24/3(六)2:30pm 香港科學館 SM

古鏡幽魂 導演:宋存壽 1974 國語 92 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:林青霞、石雋、顧文宗、張冰玉

取材唐代傳奇名著,石雋飾演的書生替病癒母親酬神還 願,須找個僻靜地方,齋戒沐浴,誠心抄經一百遍。他 為此搬進荒郊廢園,園中常有人墮井失蹤,於是有鬧鬼 之說,書生不以為然,直至某夜遇見神秘少女素素,一 段人鬼情緣由此展開。宋存壽在《窗外》之後,與林青 霞再度合作,由她飾演附於古鏡的美麗幽魂,因受制於 毒龍而加害於人,卻不忍心向書生下手,甚至為救他而 不惜犧牲。林青霞為演出本片學跳古典舞及彈古琴,古 裝扮相清麗可人。

Ghost of the Mirror Dir: Sung Tsun-Shou 1974 Mandarin 92min Cast: Brigitte Lin, Shih Chun, Ku Wen-Chung, Chang Ping-Yu

全力支持 Supported by Moleskine 今年再度與香港國際電影節合作, 為林青霞設計特別版筆記簿。 Moleskine has collaborated with the HKIFF to create a special edition notebook for Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia.


Brigitte Lin reteamed with director Sung Tsun-Shou for this costume romance that draws from Chinese folk tales. Lin plays amiable ghost Su-Su, who nevertheless is cursed by a dark evil to tempt hapless men to their dooms. Proving impervious to Su-Su’s seductive magic, a chaste scholar endeavors to save her by acquiring the enchanted mirror imprisoning her soul. Elements of horror and fantasy make this an entertaining melodrama, but it’s Lin’s fresh innocence and intoxicating beauty that linger.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_B-14.indd 38

2/20/18 2:52 AM




©Licensed by Celestial Pictures Limited. All Rights Reserved

鳴謝: 康樂及文化事務署香港電影資料館 Acknowledgment: Hong Kong Film Archive, Leisure and Cultural Services Department




23/3(五)8:00pm The Grand GC

24/3(六)4:45pm 香港科學館 SM

25/3(日)4:00pm 香港科學館 SM




導演:陳鴻烈  1977  國語  97 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:林青霞、秦漢、秦祥林、胡茵夢、馬永霖

導演:李翰祥 1977 國語 108 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:林青霞、張艾嘉、胡錦、岳華、米雪

導演:譚家明  1981  粵語  91 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:林青霞、秦祥林、張國柱、劉天蘭

瓊瑤自組巨星公司的創業作,請來林青霞與「二秦」擔 綱演出,還有出道不久的胡茵夢,並由鳳飛飛唱出膾炙 人口主題曲,堪稱鑽石陣容,亦成了七十年代台灣言情 文藝片經典。林青霞飾演純真率性的段宛露,小時候夢 想成為一片雲,青梅竹馬的友嵐(秦漢)對她一往情深, 她卻傾情於記者孟樵(秦祥林),陷入糾纏不清的三角關 係。她被孟樵母親嫌棄,其後更發現了自己的身世真相。 由童話開始,以悲劇告終。林青霞的美貌與氣質,令人 驚艷不已。

李翰祥以美輪美奐的場面設計,以及對服裝佈景的精細 考究,把《紅樓夢》故事搬上銀幕,拍成黃梅調電影。 原本屬意林青霞演林黛玉,卻發現由她反串賈寶玉更合 適,她的男裝扮相不只俊俏,更瀟灑如玉樹臨風。手執 風車初見黛玉的一場,雖不脫稚氣,卻已是一派風流倜 儻公子哥兒模樣,形神俱備,把寶玉的叛逆、任性與多 情,演繹得維肖維妙。由得悉被騙迎娶寶釵,到哭祭於 黛玉靈前,林青霞把那份痴狂與斷腸的感情傾瀉而出, 不勝悲愴。

林青霞赴美期間演出本片,開始了她與香港電影的緣份。 故事源於變態兇手在護士宿舍行兇的新聞,由陳韻文編 劇,譚家明應唐書璇兄長唐書琨之邀擔任導演。特地前 往三藩市及洛杉磯拍攝,實驗以顏色表達情緒,並受法 國新浪潮的高達啟發,以鮮明紅白藍三色為主調,建構 強烈美術風格。林青霞赤腳走在沙漠的畫面已先聲奪人。 本片亦是香港電影首次設立美術指導一職,張叔平為林 青霞設計了清爽髮型,一改過往形象,在銀幕上留下了 清新脫俗的飄逸美態。

Cloud of Romance

The Dream of the Red Chamber

Love Massacre

Dir: Chen Hung-Lieh  1977   Mandarin  97min Cast: Brigitte Lin, Chin Han, Charlie Chin, Terry Hu, Ma Yung-Lin

Dir: Li Han-Hsiang  1977   Mandarin  108min Cast: Brigitte Lin, Sylvia Chang, Hu Chin, Yueh Hua, Michelle Yim

Dir: Patrick Tam  1981  Cantonese  91 min Cast: Brigitte Lin, Charlie Chin, Chang Kuo-Chu, Tina Lau

Based on the work of novelist Chiung Yao, whose company also produced the film, Cloud of Romance stars the young Brigitte Lin in a heartrending love triangle with Charlie Chin and Chin Han. Seemingly a prototypical weepie, Cloud of Romance enters the pantheon of screen romance due to its incomparable cast: This is the only film featuring three of “Two Lins, Two Chins”, the superstar quartet (Joan Lin is the fourth) considered synonymous with 1970s Taiwan romantic cinema.

For her first work with the Shaw Brothers studios, Brigitte Lin collaborated with director Li Han-Hsiang in this opulent musical adaptation of the same-titled classic Chinese novel. Lin took on her first gender-bending role as Jia Baoyu, the immature heir to the aristocratic Jia family, whose complex romantic relationship with his sickly cousin Lin Daiyu foregrounds his family’s declining fortunes. A compelling, tragic tale highlighted by Lin’s ever-expanding screen charisma.

After starring in countless commercial romances, Brigitte Lin explored the darker side of love in the appropriatelytitled Love Massacre. Set in San Francisco, the film relentlessly shifts genres – from drama to romance to thriller to slasher – as it follows Ivy (Lin), a beautiful student who has an affair with a married man, only to discover that he isn’t who he seems. Patrick Tam channels European art films and American thrillers for his unsettling and visually-striking New Wave gem.

© Fortune Star Media Limited. All Rights Reserved

© Fortune Star Media Limited. All Rights Reserved

©Licensed by Celestial Pictures Limited. All Rights Reserved




25/3(日)7:30pm 香港科學館 SM

30/3(五)2:30pm 香港科學館 SM

30/3(五)5:00pm 香港科學館 SM




導演:泰迪羅賓  1983  粵語  102 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:林子祥、林青霞、泰迪羅賓、徐克

導演:徐克  1986  粵語  104 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:林青霞、葉蒨文、鍾楚紅、午馬、曾江

導演:許鞍華  1988  粵語  93 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:林子祥、林青霞、吳大維、葉晨、爾冬陞

向《北非諜影》 (1942)致敬,延續《鬼馬智多星》 (1981) 的明快節奏與卡通風格。林子祥演夜來香偵探社的阿唷, 原來是特務「天字九十九號」,暗號「我是女人」,要協 助猶太佬把秘密武器藍圖交給美國佬,豈料漢奸警察局 長攔途截劫。泰迪羅賓演歡喜冤家羅賓探長,徐克粉墨 登場演日本專員。林青霞演警察局長未婚妻,也是阿唷 舊情人,更有神秘身份,形象多變,動靜皆宜,完全融 入港式喜劇節奏中。《刀馬旦》的女強男弱與大義滅親情 節,早在本片已綻放異彩。

在偏重男星的港產片主流裏,徐克大膽找來三位當時得 令女星擔綱演出,結合錯摸、驚險、女性友誼與戲曲元 素,拍成別開生面之作,巾幗不讓鬚眉,更有借古諷今 意味。三個出身不同、性格迥異的女子,一個為革命, 一個為舞台,一個為錢財,生於亂世,萍水相逢,危難 當前,在戲班聯手合演了人生最精彩的一場戲。林青霞 飾演軍閥女兒,暗地投身革命事業,一身男裝打扮,英 姿颯爽,剛柔並濟,比男角還要帥,徐克自此發掘出她 超越性別的銀幕魅力。

許鞍華言志之作,上承《傾城之戀》 (1984)的時代感懷, 下啟《千言萬語》(23 屆)的歷史作證,借一段橫跨二十 年的愛情糾葛,流露對社會變遷的感觸與詠嘆。表面是 師生戀與忘年戀,實則觸及六七暴動與八七代議政制起 步。上一代的港大校園禁戀,美夢被土製菠蘿炸碎;下 一代勇敢去愛,同樣觸礁。把爭取八八直選與求婚失敗 並置,明顯有弦外之音。由吳靄儀客串演議員,更有先 見之明。林青霞同時演十八歲與三十八歲兩段感情,一 樣應付裕如,為故事添上動人光采。

All the Wrong Spies

Peking Opera Blues

Starry is the Night

Dir: Teddy Robin 1983 Cantonese 102min Cast: George Lam, Brigitte Lin, Teddy Robin, Tsui Hark

Dir: Tsui Hark 1986 Cantonese 104min Cast: Brigitte Lin, Sally Yeh, Cherie Chung, Wu Ma, Kenneth Tsang

Dir: Ann Hui 1988 Cantonese 93min Cast: George Lam, Brigitte Lin, David Wu, Yip San, Derek Yee

A hilarious Chinese riff on Casablanca (1942), this zany World War II spy spoof follows a private eye and a local inspector as they race to find a secret nuclear formula in Hong Kong before Axis powers do. Brigitte Lin plays it sexy and sultry as a femme fatale who’s tougher and far more capable than the men chasing her. A prime exhibit of 1980s Hong Kong cinema and its wild “anything goes for entertainment” sensibilities.

Brigitte Lin headlines an unbeatable trio of actresses in this beloved action-comedy masterpiece. Lin plays a revolutionary who secretly plots against her father to secure China’s sovereignty. In her struggle, she finds two unlikely allies: a gold-digging courtesan and an heiress to a Peking opera troupe. Using his full bag of cinematic tricks, Tsui Hark explores Chinese history, culture, politics, gender norms, and more, while never forgetting to delight, entertain, and amaze his audience.

In her only collaboration with renowned director Ann Hui, Brigitte Lin plays Cai Mei, a school counselor who enters into a relationship with a younger student. However, Cai Mei still struggles with memories of her university days, when she had an affair with her married teacher. This richly-detailed drama represents Lin’s return-of-sorts to student-teacher relationship films, but with more mature themes and a Hong Kong political context, including events set during the 1967 riots.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_B-15.indd 39

華語電影 PAN-CHINESE cinema | 林青霞 Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia



2/21/18 12:27 PM



華語電影 PAN-CHINESE cinema | 林青霞 Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia

© Tomson (Hong Kong) Films Co., Ltd.





3/4(二)9:45pm 香港大會堂 CT

2/4(一)5:30pm 香港科學館 SM

2/4(一)8:00pm 香港科學館 SM


笑傲江湖 II 東方不敗


導演:嚴浩  1990  國語  94 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:林青霞、秦漢、張曼玉、吳耀漢

導演:程小東  1992  粵語/四川話/日語  107 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:李連杰、林青霞、關之琳、李嘉欣

導演:賴聲川  1992  國語  107 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:林青霞、金士傑、李立群、顧寶明

紅塵中的情緣,只因為生命那匆匆不語的膠着。沈韶華 因父親反對初戀,被鎖在閣樓,透過寫作尋到慰藉,父 親去世後重獲自由,成為作家。自命風流的章能才慕名 求見,二人一見鍾情。亂世成全了他們的愛情,也令他 們註定失散在茫茫人海。韶華的閨密月鳳與未婚夫懷着 革命熱情,死於軍警鎮壓,恰是後八九的情感折射。嚴 浩和三毛借張愛玲的影子,寫出蕩氣迴腸之作,寄寓時 代感懷。林青霞憑本片獲封金馬影后,影片並獲金馬獎 最佳劇情片及最佳導演等多獎。

當大家以為這是《笑傲江湖》(1990)乘勝追擊的續集, 影片卻以林青霞飾演東方不敗為焦點,與令狐沖談一場 柏拉圖式戀愛,把觀眾殺個措手不及。徐克與程小東聯 手,大膽改造金庸筆下陰陽怪氣的大魔頭,聰明利用葵 花寶典「欲練神功必先自宮」的前提大玩性別轉換,拍 成妖艷淒迷之作,把頹靡陰森昇華為依依不捨的浪漫。 林青霞角色亦邪亦正,亦男亦女,既綺麗俊美,亦心狠 手辣,練成蓋世武功卻難掩內心騷動,這個性別流動的 曖昧形象,把她的演藝事業推向高峰。

舞台上,一邊在排演《暗戀》,江濱柳與雲之凡相戀,卻 因國共內戰而失去聯絡,一別五十年。一邊在排演《桃 花源》,古代貧賤夫妻百事哀,老婆偷情,漁夫失意之際 竟找到陶淵明筆下的世外桃源。賴聲川把同名舞台劇搬 上銀幕,融合兩岸現實與避世美夢,抒懷歷史無情與人 生荒謬,讓悲劇與喜劇交錯交鋒,戲總是演到一半就被 打斷,上海外灘的靜夜情話與桃花源的落英繽紛競相爭 奪舞台。林青霞演技潛力完全爆發,跟多位舞台劇演員 碰撞出悅目火花。

Red Dust

Swordsman II

The Peach Blossom Land

Dir: Yim Ho 1990 Mandarin 94 min Cast: Brigitte Lin, Chin Han, Maggie Cheung, Richard Ng

Dir: Ching Siu-tung  1992  Cantonese/Sichuanese/Japanese  107 min Cast: Jet Li, Brigitte Lin, Rosamund Kwan, Michelle Reis

Dir: Stan Lai  1992  Mandarin  107 min Cast: Brigitte Lin, King Shih-Chieh, Lee Li-Chun, Ku Pao-Ming

Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards finally recognized Brigitte Lin with a Best Actress Award for her powerful work in this epic drama. Red Dust depicts the doomed romance between a talented Chinese novelist (Lin) and a Japanese collaborator (Lin’s frequent leading man Chin Han) over decades of turbulent Chinese history, from the years of Japanese occupation through the eventual rise of Communism. Winner of eight Golden Horse Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director.

This Tsui Hark-produced adaptation of Jin Yong’s classic wuxia novel was a blockbuster hit – but it’s perhaps more famous for featuring Brigitte Lin in her iconic role as Invincible Asia, the male leader of the Sun Moon Holy Cult who castrates himself to attain supreme martial arts power. Lin gives a commanding, awe-inspiring performance opposite Jet Li as Ling Wuchung, a carefree swordsman who unknowingly falls in love with – and finally must oppose – the all-powerful Invincible Asia.

In the midst of her 1990s run of blockbusters, Brigitte Lin lent her superstar presence to this surprising stageto-screen adaptation. Theater director Stan Lai adapts his own play about two theater companies rehearsing on the same stage, with one troupe performing an epic romance, and the other a comedic fable. As the players argue and the rehearsals progress, the two narratives begin to intertwine. Lin is luminous in this playful, sharply-realized exploration of Chinese history.




31/3(六)11:55pm The Grand GC

4/4(三)9:30pm 香港大會堂 CT

1/4(日)10:15pm 香港大會堂 CT




導演:于仁泰  1993  粵語  92 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:張國榮、林青霞、吳鎮宇、藍潔瑛

導演:王家衛  1994  粵語/國語  98 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:林青霞、梁朝偉、王菲、金城武

導演:王家衛 2008 粵語 /國語 93 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:張國榮、林青霞、梁朝偉、張曼玉

改編梁羽生小說,請來和田惠美擔任服裝設計,讓林青 霞再以驚豔造型叫人眼前一亮。張國榮飾演武當少俠卓 一航,天資過人卻反叛不羈,遇上林青霞飾演的魔教狼 女練霓裳,彼此各為其主,身不由己,但情根暗種,愛 得轟烈。雌雄同體的魔教教主姬無雙,野心吞併中原武 林,一心拆散有情人,在一片腥風血雨下,二人遭受連 番考驗。于仁泰的影像淒美浪漫,美術與攝影俱突破武 俠片窠臼,林青霞更把狼女的孤傲冷艷、愛恨交織與肝 腸寸斷演繹得恰到好處。

走進重慶大廈,穿梭石屎森林,愛情終結帶出兩種結局, 前後兩段故事獨立成章又巧妙呼應,創意奔放,神采飛 揚。王家衛以最快的速度捕捉劇變中的城市,以手提攝 影快速剪接,在急速流動的人潮,追趕流逝的時間,數 算感情期限,測度緣份的距離。林青霞本來演過氣明星, 最後變成女殺手,一樣應付裕如,穿起風衣架上墨鏡, 戴一頭《鐵血娘子歌莉亞》(1980)的金色假髮,踏着高 跟鞋在尖沙咀街頭狂奔,直闖機場和地鐵站快閃偷拍, 留下叫人難忘的演出。

當年上映,人人以為王家衛拍金庸小說,結果另闢蹊徑 的改編激起爭議。事後證明只是走得太前,超越了港產 片的類型與敘事常規,延續《阿飛正傳》 (1990)的執迷、 孤獨與遺恨,拍出劃時代經典,在大漠黃沙開出不朽奇 花。終極版以驚蟄夏至等節氣分章,還原林青霞國語原 聲,以馬友友大提琴演奏,襯托醉生夢死肝腸寸斷。林 青霞淡出影壇前演出的第一百部電影,分裂成兄妹二人, 同時飾演慕容嫣與慕容燕,心陷樊籠,因愛成傷,對影 練劍,獨孤求敗,演繹出難以言喻的哀婉淒美。

The Bride with White Hair

Chungking Express

Ashes of Time Redux

Dir: Ronny Yu 1993 Cantonese 92 min Cast: Leslie Cheung, Brigitte Lin, Francis Ng, Lam Kit-ying

Dir: Wong Kar Wai 1994 Cantonese/Mandarin 98 min Cast: Brigitte Lin, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Faye Wong, Kaneshiro Takeshi

Dir: Wong Kar Wai 2008 Cantonese/Mandarin 93min Cast: Leslie Cheung, Brigitte Lin, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Maggie Cheung

Brigitte Lin starred in countless swordplay films, but few were as passionate as this adaptation of the eponymous wuxia novel, starring Lin as Lian Nichang, the adoptive heiress of an occult sect, who falls for swordsman Zhuo Yihang. Their ill-fated love transforms the stricken Nichang transforms into a murderous white-haired witch consumed by unstoppable rage. An operatic and sensuous take on Romeo and Juliet told in artful, violent and glorious Hong Kong cinema style.

Wong Kar Wai’s effervescent cinema love letter to Hong Kong serves as a fitting capstone to Brigitte Lin’s eclectic career. Always sporting sunglasses and a blonde wig – and yet still commanding the screen – Lin plays a femme fatale who shares a brief encounter with a heartbroken cop. Meanwhile, another cop finds sort-of love with a quirky counter girl. A multi-award-winning modern classic and possibly one of the most beloved films in all of Asia.

It was only fitting that Brigitte Lin, one of the defining stars of wuxia films, would appear in Wong Kar Wai’s daring transformation of the genre – and in a genderbending role, no less! Based on the work of novelist Jin Yong, the film features Lin as fraternal twins who forge a special connection with enigmatic swordsman Ouyang Feng (Leslie Cheung). Wong Kar Wai weaves his signature themes of longing and regret into the rich tapestry of an iconic Chinese film genre.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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華 PAN-Chinese Cinema 語 電 影 中國電影新貌 Chinese Cinema Now

世界首映 World Premiere

02FG4E2 2/4(一)9:30pm Festival Grand FG

04KH4E1 4/4(三)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

尋狗啟事 導演:蔣佳辰 2017 普通話 102 分鐘 中文字幕

小狗丟失了,鐵飯碗也保不住?即將碩士畢業的張廣勝,不慎將教授的狗丟失。為怕 教職不保影響仕途,父與子不得不使出渾身解數去尋狗,引發一連串啼笑皆非的誤會 與麻煩。「這年頭,狗事兒和人事兒,沒有錢辦不了的事兒!」偏偏張氏父子就是拿不 出錢辦事,害得整天與狗周旋。新晉導演蔣佳辰的黑色喜劇,從故鄉瀋陽熟悉的人和 事實地取材,保留幽默活潑的地方語言,靈動鏡頭呈現市井生活的粗糙質感,由小狗 牽引出當下社會的現實與荒謬,還有城市喧囂之中的父子親情。

Looking for Lucky Dir: Jiang Jiachen 2017 Putonghua 102min Cast: Ding Xinhe, Yu Hai, Da Bing

A rousing dog-and-man comedy set in Shenyang in northeastern China, where people argue continuously. An MA student loses his professor’s dog and must enlist his father’s help to retrieve it, lest his prospective tutorship vanish. Full of humorous and lively conversations, the film captures the rhythms of real life, in which absurdity is part of living. Emerging director Jiang Jiachen delivers a biting satire on every conceivable illness in modern society, along with an endearing father-and-son relationship.

30FG3E2 30/3(五)9:30pm Festival Grand FG

01KH4E1 1/4(日)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

被陽光移動的山脈 導演:王強 2017 藏語 109 分鐘 中文字幕

自小生活在寺院的僧侶丹增班覺回到三千里外的家,看望成了植物人的弟弟,卻被母 親要求留下,與未過門的弟媳卓瑪成親。丹增拒絕之餘,卻無法阻擋心底情感。冰湖 上一場生死考驗,令二人深陷情網無法自拔。然而弟弟竟在此時恢復知覺,卓瑪亦有 別戶人家隆重提親。面對信仰與愛情,他該何去何從?首屆「早鳥·新導演啟航計劃」 入選作品,新導演王強首部劇情片,描繪在浩瀚大地少數民族的獨特生活情懷與風俗 傳統,畫面簡潔而含蓄細緻,呈現西藏宗教信仰孕育下的靈慾掙扎。

Sunshine that Can Move Mountains Dir: Wang Qiang 2017 Tibetan 109min Cast: Tenzin Jigme, Sonam Droga, YangJin Droga

Tenzin Banjue, a young Tibetan monk, takes a long journey home to visit his brother who is in a vegetative state. Despite finding himself enamored of his brother’s fiancée, he refuses his mother’s demand to stay and marry her. Wang Qiang’s debut feature is a poignant portrait of Tibetans defending a vanishing culture with their sacred traditions. Combining spiritual musings and nature’s beauty, it’s an ode to pure love and the wisdom that brings light to life.


AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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香港會議展覽中心 CE1 22/3(四)7:15pm

1/4(日)9:30pm Festival Grand FG





導演:鵬飛 2017 普通話 102 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:蔡成杰 2017 普通話 118 分鐘  中文字幕

小津安二郎以茶泡飯之味悠然細說夫妻生活的平淡是福,鵬飛則以米花之味輕盈道來 母女心靈的親疏遠近。城市打工的媽媽返回雲南傣族鄉間,女兒跟所有留守兒童的問 題並無二致:愛撒謊,玩手機,與同學爭執,跟老師唱反調,還偷寺廟的錢。女兒好 友之死打破隔閡,母女走進深幽鐘乳洞,佛像前起舞,哀悼亡靈,也連繫彼此靈魂。 城鄉差異、傳統與現代的對碰、發展與保育的衝突,在詩意影像與禪意感悟中化解; 就燒一鍋油,炸一盤米花,把生活的甜酸苦辣,調製成團圓的祝福。

與菲律賓已故名導依瑪勞貝盧的經典《神蹟》(見 118 頁)遙遙呼應,在不同地域不同 年代,新晉導演蔡成杰創造另一個隱喻中國集體意識的神話。一個死了三任丈夫的農 村寡婦遭村民厭棄無處容身,不得已假裝「薩滿」替人驅邪治病,騙取食宿。沒料到 弄假成真變為「薩滿」,可惜仍無力拯救村民的貪婪和冷漠。黑白彩色光影交錯,在寫 實中點綴魔幻、以荒誕掩飾哀傷,為中國農村的虛浮亂象把脈,審視世相百態與人間 冷暖。結局寒氣刺骨,令人無言以對。獲鹿特丹電影節老虎大獎。

The Taste of Rice Flower (Mihua zhi wei)

The Widowed Witch

Dir: Pengfei 2017 Putonghua 102min Cast: Ying Ze, Ye Bule, Ye Men

Dir: Cai Chengjie 2017 Putonghua 118min Cast: Tian Tian, Wen Xinyu

A city woman returns to her Dai home village to find her left-behind daughter grown cold and rebellious. Their estranged relationship surges with compassion when the daughter’s best friend falls mysteriously ill and dies. Beautiful, luminous and lyrically resonant, Pengfei’s second feature contemplates the hybrid culture and values emerging from minority communities, where tradition and modernity collide. Like an enchanting dance performed inside a cave, it’s rigorously unsentimental yet bright with life at its heart.

When Er Hou is widowed for the third time, the credulous locals in her village believe she is cursed. The young woman turns superstition to her advantage, rebranding herself as a shaman, peddling life advice and supernatural quick fixes in return for food and shelter. A blend of wry cynicism and magical realism, director Cai Chengjie’s debut feature examines superstition, opportunism and the moral vacuum in an impoverished part of China. Winner of Hivos Tiger Award at International Film Festival Rotterdam.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_B-14.indd 43

華語電影 PAN-CHINESE cinema | 中國電影新貌 Chinese Cinema Now

30/3(五)7:00pm Festival Grand FG

3/4(二)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH


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© 2017 FIJI Water Company LLC. All Rights Reserved. FIJI, EARTH’S FINEST WATER, the Trade Dress and accompanying logos are trademarks of FIJI Water Company LLC or its affiliates.

香港浸會大學於1970年代開設香港首個電影和錄像課程及電影研究課程,並於1990年代正式成立電影電視 系,更在2009年升格為電影學院。秉承浸大「全人教育」的理念,電影學院的課程設計兼顧人文學術及專 業培訓,內容涵蓋電影與媒體研究、創意寫作、影視製作技巧、動畫創作、後期製作及數碼媒體創作。電影 學院定期舉辦精彩活動包括學界影視獎、大師班及工作坊,並邀請知名業界人士帶領電影拍攝項目,培育新 生代電影人。

HKBU offered Hong Kong’s first film and video production course as well as classes in film studies since the 1970s and established the Department of Cinema and Television in the 1990s, which was upgraded and renamed as the Academy of Film in 2009. In line with HKBU’s mission to provide ‘whole-person’ education, the Academy strives to broaden students’ academic vision and equip them with thorough professional knowledge in film and media studies, script writing, film and television production, animation, post-production and digital media. The Academy hosts student film festival, master classes and workshops on a regular basis. Top-notch industry professionals are invited to supervise film projects with an aim to cultivate young talents.

HKBU Academy of Film 香港浸會大學電影學院

電影學院為超過700名學生提供四個全日制課程: The Academy offers four full-time programmes to over 700 students: 電影電視與數碼媒體藝術(製作)碩士 (三年全日制) Master of Fine Arts in Film, Television and Digital Media (3-year Full-time) 傳理學學士(榮譽) - 電影主修 (四年全日制) Bachelor of Communication (Honours) – Film Major (4-year Full-time) 新媒體及影視創意寫作文學士(榮譽) (兩年全日制) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media (2-year Full-time) 創意電影製作高級文憑 (兩年全日制) Higher Diploma in Creative Film Production (2-year Full-time)

電影學院畢業生、電影《點五步》導演陳志發(右)及編劇黃智揚(左) Mr Steve Chan (right) and Mr Yellow Wong(left), director and scriptwriter of Weeds on Fire, graduates of the Academy of Film

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國際首映 International


世 World Cinema 界 電 影



23/3(五)5:30pm Festival Grand FG

2/4(一)10:00pm the sky SK

黑風箏 導演:塔利其卡原微 阿富汗/加拿大 2017 88 分鐘

環球視野 Global Vision

風箏遙遙一線牽,線長線短牽動阿富汗國運高低幾回, 亦牽絆酷愛紙鳶的阿里安一生起跌。昔日繁盛教育普及, 小孩的風箏高飛藍天,承載着阿里安對未來的嚮往和憧 憬。蘇聯入侵,塔利班上場,一聲禁令風箏斷線,阿里 安的自由夢想隨之墜落。在月光黯淡之夜,父女倆偷偷 讓紙鳶再次在天空飛舞,不料竟招致殺身之禍。與《追 風箏的孩子》(2007)一脈相承卻又大異其趣,以風箏共 白雲飛的夢幻想像,對抗極權統治下的威嚇恐懼。春風 縱無憑據,唯留希望於碧海青天。同場加映《阿飛的靈 魂》(15 分鐘,見 18 頁 )。

Black Kite Dir: Tarique Qayumi  Afghanistan/Canada  2017  88min Cast: Haji Gul, Hamid Noorzay, Masoud Fanayee

Arian adores kites. But the young daydreamer’s talent is curtailed when the Taliban takes power and bans kite flying. When the moonlight is faintest, Arian and his daughter find solace and strength in the clandestine act of kite flying – “the highest crime,” which may cause him his life. While reminiscent of The Kite Runner (2007), Black Kite takes an eclectic approach in telling a profound parable against oppression, in a land of seismic political shifts and dissipating hope. Screening with The Hooligan Soul (15min, see P.18). 亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



23/3(五)7:45pm Festival Grand FG

5/4(四)9:45pm The Grand GC

誰調換了我的母親 導演:迪亞高拉曼 阿根廷/巴西 2017 95 分鐘  中文字幕

女醫生長途跋涉探訪待產窮媽,原來只是覬覦她腹中塊 肉。在貧富懸殊的資本主義社會,領養和人口買賣往往 只差一線。收養從來不只是法律程序,也不只限於兩個 家庭之間的事。一場爭子活劇,在求不得愛別離的情意 波瀾下,很快演變成彼此猜忌、母性比拼的倫常考驗。 迪亞高拉曼(《失驚無神三人行》,27 屆)以冷靜克制的 鏡頭,戳破中產道德偽善之餘,嚴正檢視了生養條件益 發懸殊的殘酷現實。如果貧窮是罪惡,自以為是的施愛 何嘗不是?西班牙聖塞巴斯蒂安電影節最佳劇本獎。

A Sort of Family Dir: Diego Lerman  Argentina/Brazil  2017  95min Cast: Bárbara Lennie, Daniel Aráoz, Claudio Tolcachir

Malena is in her 30s, a doctor, married but childless. She wants a family. Marcela, a rural woman, is about to give birth. Adoption could provide the link and the answer, but the relationship of two women, powerfully incarnated by Bárbara Lennie and Yanina Ávila, reveals manipulation, betrayal and tensions exacerbated by the men around them (husband, colleague and gobetween). Emotions erupt powerfully and beautifully under the skilful direction of Diego Lerman. 46

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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亞洲首映 Asian Premiere







21/3(三)7:30pm Festival Grand FG

2/4(一)9:45pm The Grand GC

25/3(日)5:00pm Festival Grand FG

5/4(四)9:45pm The Grand GC

27/3(二)5:15pm The Grand GC

3/4(二)10:00pm the sky SK




導演:羅拉雅麗斯  阿根廷/英國  2018  77 分鐘

導演:菲力浦范萊烏 比利時/法國/黎巴嫩 2017 85 分鐘

導演:利安美迪夫 保加利亞/德國 2017 82 分鐘

三十五年前福克蘭戰役,阿根廷與英國鬥個你死我活, 過千人成了兩國主權爭議下的亡魂。六個被現世遺忘的 過氣軍人,在導演雅麗斯的拉攏下相聚,重談縈繞心頭 的往事,將戰爭經驗搬上舞台。劇作《地雷陣》在倫敦 劇院公演後在鏡頭前繼續上演,地盤、泳池、荒野成了 老兵的現代戰場,排演當年的敵我對決,前塵回憶與今 朝夢魘一一湧現。遊走於現實與劇場之間,既是假意虛 演,亦是真情流露,以藝術化干戈,一笑泯恩仇。同場 加映《塔斯曼尼亞老虎》(13 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

硝煙四起,一家大小只能靠四面牆壁姑且抵擋炮火。攝 影機定鏡於大馬士革這間平民公寓,烏姆在丈夫外出後 支撐大局,排除萬難誓保膽戰心驚的家人及鄰居婦孺。 窗外炮聲隆隆,門內誠惶誠恐,每個決定都生死攸關。 強暴欺凌破門而入,烏姆面臨抉擇:應當挺身而出,還 是明哲保身委曲求全?不見烽火連天,戰爭恐怖與人性 衝突卻暗藏密室,壓迫張力逼令觀眾直面戰火,正視時 局的殘酷。敘利亞難民親自演繹,獲柏林影展面面觀觀 眾票選大獎。同場加映《飛船》(16 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

年輕鋼琴新星米娜正積極備戰德國著名音樂學院的入學 試,精力過剩的弟弟卻總愛以古靈精怪的玩意令她分神。 物理教授爸爸愛理不理,關心學生前途多過自己兒女。 媽媽從一開始已缺席,四分三家庭雖然人人節奏不一致, 但各自各的旋律卻又組合成和諧樂章。簡單樸實的電影 運鏡,看似信手拈來的生活片段,練達慧黠都藏於一派 雲淡風輕的家庭關係裏。若加幾杯燒酒,活脫就是洪尚 秀的篇章了。獲羅迦諾電影節當代電影人單元金豹獎。 同場加映《不睡》(12 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

Theatre of War (Teatro de Guerra) Dir: Lola Arias Argentina/UK 2018 77min Cast: Lou Armour, David Jackson, Rubén Otero



Dir: Philippe Van Leeuw Belgium/France/Lebanon 2017 85min Cast: Hiam Abbass, Diamand Bou Abboud, Juliette Navis

Dir: Ilian Metev  Bulgaria/Germany  2017  82min Cast: Mila Mikhova, Niki Mashalov, Todor Velchev

Lola Arias’ innovative hybrid documentar y/social experiment is an artistic project with one-time enemies of war. It tells the story of how three British and three Argentine veterans from the Falklands/Malvinas War come together to discuss and rehearse theatrical re-enactments of their memories, 35 years after the conflict. Artfully switching between reality and fiction, spontaneity and acting, the film turns their wartime experiences and postwar nightmares into a play, and inspires a strong bond between former enemies. Screening with The Tasmanian Tiger (13min, see P.18).

Trapped inside her apartment in the Damascus war zone, a tenacious mother is determined to maintain daily domestic routines, and keep her family and neighbors safe. But when the snipers knock at their bolted door, her decision becomes a matter of life or death: should she sacrifice one member to guarantee the survival of the others? Van Leeuw’s intense drama puts the audience inside the conflict zone, reminding us the real terrors of war are never just outside our doors. Screening with The Craft (16min, see P.18).

A family portrait during their last summer together. Mila, a young pianist, is preparing for an audition abroad, while her brother, Niki, distracts her with his annoying talent for the absurd. Their father, a physics professor, is absent-minded about his children’s anxieties. The missing quarter-the never-seen mother, nonetheless adds a whole new dimension to family pressures. Narratively slight but emotionally sincere, this naturalistic drama acknowledges life’s imperfections, yet conveys optimism for this disparate trio's capacity to create an appealing melody. Screening with Stay Ups (12min, see P.18).

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere







20/3(二)9:45pm The Grand GC

22/3(四)9:45pm The Grand GC

20/3(二)7:30pm 星影匯 MP

24/3(六)3:45pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU

21/3(三)2:15pm The Grand GC

4/4(三)9:30pm 星影匯 MP




導演:薩達芙科萊紀 加拿大/伊朗 2017 102 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:安德利亞巴拿路 意大利 2017 93 分鐘

導演:埃曼紐嘉哈 法國 2017 96 分鐘

黑紗籠罩全身,卻掩藏不了青春的放縱與叛逆。在家是 清規嚴明的管教,在校是鼓勵同學打小報告的白色恐怖, 仍禁不住波鞋、化妝品、追求音樂夢想的呼喚。少女雅 花與心儀男同學偷偷約會,被操控狂的醫生母親視為私 通,竟被抓去醫院檢查驗證。處女膜完璧,母女關係卻 已撕裂得無法修補。伊朗裔導演科萊紀首部長片借鑑自 身經歷創作雅花一角,以充滿張力的鏡頭調度,捕捉品 學兼優的乖乖女如何被專制社會逼至幾乎窒息,憤而反 抗爭取自由自主,不惜一切都豁出去。

夏綠蒂藍萍爐火純青演技示範作。她的名字叫漢娜,丈 夫身陷囹圄,她跟兒子變得疏遠,給富裕人家當家務助 理,表面如常參與劇場排練,內心承受不足為外人道的 壓力。導演巴拿路不以傳統手法敘事,鏡頭近觀漢娜的 生活片段,既留白亦留下蛛絲馬跡,讓觀眾慢慢意會她 有如巨鯨擱淺的精神狀態。不想面對的家醜避無可避, 生活卻還是如常。影片為藍萍安排大量獨腳戲,呈現漢 娜的內心煎熬,也令她繼《緣來他不夠愛我》(2015)奪 柏林影后之後,再憑本片贏得威尼斯影后殊榮。

剛果窮小子自力更生,拿一把斧頭走入叢林,以過人意 志,獨力砍大樹,土法製木炭。辛苦都不怕,他夢想活 得好一點,可以親手為妻子及女兒造個安樂窩。只有一 輛單車,載滿一袋袋沉甸甸的木炭,他一個人推着上路, 長途跋涉,期望送到鎮上能賣個好價錢。公路旅程卻多 險阻,有人攔路「收陀地」,顧客壓價佔便宜。人情涼薄, 向上天禱告可會有奇蹟出現?攝影師出身的嘉哈,以出 色影像與紀實目光,近距離捕捉這段猶如薛西弗斯推石 上山的賣炭人生。奪康城影展影評人周大獎。




Dir: Sadaf Foroughi  Canada/Iran  2017  102min Cast: Mahour Jabbari, Bahar Noohian, Leili Rashidi

Dir: Andrea Pallaoro  Italy/France/Belgium  2017  93min Cast: Charlotte Rampling, André Wilms, Stéphanie Van Vyve

Dir: Emmanuel Gras  France  2017  96min Cast: Kabwita Kasongo, Lydie Kasongo

A full black veil cannot shield an Iranian teenage girl from rebelling against the authoritarian society in Sadaf Foroughi’s insightful feature debut. Abided by a strict regiment of school, violin lessons and curfew, Ava is stunned by the violation of privacy when her controlfreak mother forces her to consult a gynecologist after her secret date with a boy. Refusing to be caged by the social norms that stifle female creativity and selfexpression, Ava must stand up and fight for her freedom and independence.

At 70, the magnetic and magnificent Charlotte Rampling holds the screen as surely as ever, bringing her depth and complexity to this study of guilt and family. The guilt lies not only with the husband but with Hannah herself, who defended him against charges of sexual misconduct at the cost of her son’s affection. Slowly but surely, her life unravels when evidence emerges to confirm her doubts, throwing her whole life into question. Venice Film Festival Best Actress Award.

Charcoal: nearly pure carbon made by slowly cooking wood for days to remove water and other substances. Such a simple product, yet for many in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, it is a way of life, a chance for survival. Documentarian Gras charts the life of one such man, bringing us into the painful and exhausting demands of the black gold he makes, transports (by arduous bicycle journey) and sells – a product that most of us take for granted. Cannes Film Festival Critics’ Week Grand Prize.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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世界電影 World cinema | 環球視野 Global Vision

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


2/20/18 2:55 AM

世界電影 World cinema | 環球視野 Global Vision

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere







22/3(四)5:15pm The Grand GC

25/3(日)7:15pm Festival Grand FG

29/3(四)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

2/4(一)5:00pm Festival Grand FG

24/3(六)12:00pm 4/4(三)07:30pm The Grand GC Festival Grand FG





導演:阿里雷札卡塔米  法國/智利  2017  92 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:安娜烏魯沙迪絲 格魯吉亞/愛沙尼亞 2017 107 分鐘

導演:羅拔舒雲奇 德國/法國/波蘭 2017 118 分鐘

長駐停屍間的管理員已屆古稀之年,欲守住記憶,但人 們都傾向遺忘。在腐敗的國度,周遭有抗爭怒潮爆發, 也有鯨魚集體擱淺。秘密警察前來毀屍滅跡,遺下一具 年輕無名女屍。管理員被勒令退休,卻決意回到墓園, 給最後的死者好好安葬。伊朗新銳導演卡塔米,將小時 候經歷兩伊戰爭的陰影,投射到智利軍事獨裁的苦難歲 月,透過如畫的攝影,以類似馬奎斯的魔幻想像,踏上 卡夫卡式荒謬旅程,喚回集體失落的記憶。獲威尼斯影 展地平線單元最佳劇本及國際影評人聯盟獎。

女人五十一枝花,不過花開在字海內。對已育有三名子 從偷雞蛋以致誤殺農夫那刻開始,邪惡已在靈魂播下種 女的馬娜娜來說,其人生第二春絕對是創作,但要找到 子。二戰接近尾聲,魔鬼選中步兵赫羅德,讓他在逃亡 書寫的房間,面前需要犧牲的豈止是家庭和諧與一切傳 時拾獲一套軍服。軍袍加身,自稱獲希特拉直接任命, 統的幸福?當她一頭栽進現實和虛構的交接地帶,身邊 他由落難窮寇,搖身變成操生殺之權的納粹將領。權力 人無法接受等待揭示的殘酷與恐怖,連她自己也逐漸分 在手的快感,終煉成了平凡的邪惡。《時光旅的戀人》 不清孰真孰假,是愛抑恨。安娜烏魯沙迪絲初執導筒即 (2009)、《猛火爆》(2010)導演舒雲奇從荷里活回流 以風格強烈、揮灑自如的鏡頭,大書女性如何突破父權 德國,以真人真事為藍本,冷峻黑白光影以上帝視角俯 壓逼,周旋於丈夫、父親與出版人之間,拍出不囿於類 探權慾薰心的世相,低角度仰察屈辱求存的蒼生,呈現 型的驚慄,技驚四座。 恍如博斯畫中的地獄景象,歷史的重擔令人低迴不已。

Oblivion Verses

Scary Mother (Sashishi deda) Dir: Ana Urushadze  Georgia/Estonia  2017  107min Cast: Nata Murvanidze, Dimitri Tatishvili, Ramaz Ioseliani

The Captain (Der Hauptmann) Dir: Robert Schwentke  Germany/France/Poland  2017  118min Cast: Max Hubacher, Milan Peschel, Frederick Lau

Shhh – quiet while mommy works on her novel! Manana is more than an obsessed middle-aged artist. How far does she go to write her story, and to what extent does her family figure in its making? This debut film from breakout female Georgian director Ana Urushadze becomes a powerful commentary on creation and connection, shattering the expectations of gender, age and identity that trap us all. Locarno International Film Festival, Best First Feature.

Filmed in stunning black and white, this real-life story captures the transformation of a deserter during the final days of the Third Reich. Desperately trying to escape, Herold, an infantryman, finds a captain’s uniform. This turns him from victim to persecutor, someone who has authority over life or death. Accomplished Hollywood filmmaker Schwentke explores a rich metaphor of the intoxication of power, punctuated with grotesque Hieronymus Bosch-style scenes of depravity, in a film with contemporary resonance.

Dir: Alireza Khatami France/Chile 2017 92min Cast: Juan Margallo, Tomás del Estal, Manuel Moron

Iranian political silences meet the labyrinths of Latin American disappearances in this multinational debut by writer-director Alireza Khatami. Set primarily in a lonely, unnamed cemetery, its caretaker and his grave-digger interlocutor seem locked into existential inertia in their interactions with the living and dead. When their entire anti-world is overturned by a mysterious political group who commandeers the morgue, the old man is forced into exile in the desert which spurs him into action. Venice Horizons Section Best Screenplay Award and FIPRESCI Prize.







22/3(四)9:30pm the sky SK

24/3(六)7:00pm Festival Grand FG

25/3(日)9:45pm 星影匯 MP

27/3(二)7:30pm the sky SK

21/3(三)7:30pm the sky SK

24/3(六)9:45pm 星影匯 MP




導演:漢沙爾默塔 印度 2017 96 分鐘  中文字幕

導演︰李瑪達絲 印度 2017 87 分鐘

導演:莫莉蘇亞 印尼/法國  2017 93 分鐘  中文字幕

奧馬爾在倫敦過着富裕生活,還有一年就大學畢業,一 切看似安好。然後忽然一天感召來了,他無法再忍受波 斯尼亞大批穆斯林被虐殺的報道和影像,要做點什麼改 變世界。真人真事改編,呈現恐怖份子的成魔歷程;不 從英美主流角度去看,也不全循伊斯蘭觀點,究竟可以 折射出一幅怎樣的圖像?觀眾跟隨攝影機見證奧馬爾在 巴基斯坦山區受訓,在新德里綁架視為沉默同謀的歐美 遊客,策劃謀殺《華爾街日報》記者,以致最後就擒。 的確,人在做天在看,問題是哪一個天在看。

少女住在山間窮鄉,雖然能像猴子般攀樹,喜歡和男孩 子廝磨,但也跟同齡玩伴一樣,有機會便看漫畫,拿着 發泡膠做的仿結他載歌載舞。她夢想擁有自己的電結他, 開始逐塊盧比儲蓄起來,儘管旁人笑她太瘋癲,覺得她 還是留在母親身邊賣小食洗洗衣服好一點。有一天,她 從舊報紙讀到一篇介紹正向思維的文章,令她相信正能 量只要夠強,就能變出實物。說到底,如果觀眾能從她 臉上讀到「不放棄」三個字,一點也不奇怪。全能編導 李瑪達絲在故鄉出神炮製,合成這部十足驚奇之作。

七條大漢非俠亦無義,強搶寡婦牲畜還要一女侍七夫, 豈可怪她心狠手辣雞湯下毒,更大刀一揮令欺凌者人頭 落地?手執首級孤身上路到警局自首,兩個逃脫黨羽窮 追不捨,還有無頭首領如影隨形。絕地反擊,寡婦與十 月懷胎同鄉決意懲治橫行惡棍。在雄性主導的印尼社會, 導演莫莉蘇亞與女主角馬蓮娜攜手殺出一片天,尋回女 性尊嚴與力量。沒有牛仔和手槍,一個女人一匹駿馬足 以活現西部片氣派;不用披風連帽裝模作樣,素淨女子 在荒漠丘陵中自行公義,豪邁颯爽,大快人心。


Village Rockstars

Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts

Dir: Hansal Mehta  India  2017  96min Cast: Rajkummar Rao, Rajesh Tailang

Dir: Rima Das  India  2017  87min Cast: Bhanita Das, Basanti Das, Boloram Das, Rinku Das

Dir: Mouly Surya  Indonesia/France  2017  93min Cast: Egy Fedly, Dea Panendra, Yoga Pratama

Who is the face of terror? Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh has vanished from the public gaze, languishing in Karachi Prison, sentenced to death since 2002. Yet, this Britishborn Pakistani, purportedly recruited by MI6 while still at university, has attacked the world in terrorist acts – ranging from kidnappings and the execution of Daniel Pearl to armed challenges to the Indian government, and possibly 9/11 involvement. In this chilling fictionalization, Hansal Mehta takes us into the soul of a terrorist.

Adolescent Dhunu dreams of a real guitar and a rock band. Her dream is supported by her widowed mother, despite floods, crushing poverty and the rules restricting women in rural Indian society. Emergent prize-winning director Rima Das handled writing, cinematography and design for this tender yet smartly unsentimental vision of her own village. A rare story that captures and challenges those left behind in South Asian modernization.

Spaghetti Western becomes Satay Western in director Surya’s powerful, provocative female journey of repossessed strength and personal identity, After robbers have stolen her livestock and raped her, young widow Marlina, with a severed head in hand, hits the road to seek justice. Sharply sardonic and fiercely feminist in what is typically a masculine genre, this revenge fantasy is rooted in Indonesia’s gender inequality, complex culture and stark beauty.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_C-14.indd 48

2/20/18 2:55 AM



亞洲首映 Asian Premiere






24/3(六)9:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

2/4(一)8:00pm The Grand GC

22/3(四)9:30pm 星影匯 MP

24/3(六)4:45pm The Grand GC

20/3(二)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

28/3(三)10:15pm The Grand GC

社區放映會(P.30) 31/3(六)2:30pm 星影匯 MP




導演:薩維加比遜  以色列  2017  103 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:鍾納斯卡皮那諾 意大利/美國/法國 2017 120 分鐘

導演:英格烈維塔妮蒂  立陶宛  2017 91 分鐘  中文字幕

意 大 利 南 部 吉 卜 賽 人 聚 居 的 社 區, 典 型 的 貧 窮 混 亂。 十四歲少年渴望早日長大,像哥哥那樣自力更生。他抽 煙喝酒,從哥哥身上學會偷竊技能,不識字不打緊,認 得鈔票才實際。哥哥被捕,他變本加厲,偷車兼入屋爆 竊,其間認識了非裔青年,驟覺人間有情。然而最後發 現,成人禮的代價,是要懂得背叛與無情。美籍意大利 裔導演卡皮那諾三年前拍過同名短片,這次得史高西斯 跨刀監製,起用非職業演員,捕捉貧民區的鮮活實感。 代表意大利角逐奧斯卡最佳外語片。

郭利斯馬基的冷冽黑色幽默落入立陶宛土壤,新晉導演 維塔妮蒂以超現實冷眼,看脫離蘇聯後的資本社會異象。 荒涼小鎮的豬場由盛轉衰瀕臨結業,酗酒丈夫更是添煩 添亂,艾蓮唯有板着冷面獨力支撐。此時突然來了個與 特朗普活像孖寶兄弟的美國土豪,聲稱要收購祖先土地 大肆擴充業務,兼要重振小鎮繁榮威風。艾蓮被其豪言 壯語弄得心神不定,對外來客能否帶來奇蹟半信半疑。 幽默情節出其不意,暗藏的諷刺卻教人欲哭無淚。歷史 不堪回首,未來又可會運轉乾坤?

Longing (Gaagua) Dir: Savi Gabizon Israel 2017 103min Cast: Shai Avivi, Asi Levy, Neta Riskin

A Ciambra

Miracle (Stebuklas) Dir: Egle Vertelyte  Lithuania  2017  91min Cast: Egle Mikulionyte, Vyto Ruginis, Andrius Bialobzeskis

After the accidental death of a son whose existence is unbeknownst to him, Ariel, a well-to-do but disgruntled man, begins to piece together his lost son’s personality through his friends, girlfriend and the pretty teacher his son adored. Gradually he takes on the role of father, jumping to his son’s defense and even arranging a posthumous marriage. As a reflection on paternity, this deeply moving yet surreal comedy-drama opens up pathway, into the corners of the human heart.

Following characters from Mediterranea (2015), his powerful feature debut tackling race and immigration in Southern Italy, Jonas Carpignano depicts the now 14-year-old Pio Amato, a Romani boy as he moves from petty criminality into premature adulthood, becoming the “man” of the family while his father and brother are in jail. Amidst bitter divisions and racism, Pio finds a father and mentor in Aviya, a Burkinabe refugee from the first film, a survivor at the edges of a brutal global society.

結束,才是開始。然而未嘗擁有已失去,回頭是否太難? 阿里爾事業有成,發現原來有個十九歲兒子時,兒子已 意外身亡。來到墓前,從兒子的死黨、女友、狂戀的老 師等第三者描述中,他一點一滴認識從未見過的兒子。 不曾盡過爸爸責任,卻漸漸擔起人父角色,在人前暢談 兒子一切,捍衛他生前所作所為,甚至為他安排冥婚。 「我會是個怎樣的父親?」是個永遠無法解答的問題;然 而走過兒子死亡的幽谷,從孤獨中釋放出來,舔舐着傷 口,慢慢尋覓錯過了的人生。回頭,也許未晚。

Dir: Jonas Carpignano  Italy/USA/France  2017  120min Cast: Pio Amato, Koudous Seihon, Damiano Amato

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

Aki Kaurismäki’s deadpan tragicomedy finds a new root in director Vertelyte’s well-crafted feature debut, with more distinctively local elements and a dash of political critique in communist-turned-capitalist Lithuania. Irena, a tough woman with a bone-dry face and a hidden past, is stuck toiling for her alcoholic husband. When a boisterous American-Lithuanian stranger – a Donald Trump doppelgänger – suddenly arrives, pledging to save the declining enterprise and revive the somnambulant town, is it a miracle too good to be true?

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere




24/3(六)2:30pm 星影匯 MP

2/4(一)10:15pm The Grand GC

24/3(六)10:00pm 31/3(六)7:30pm The Grand GC The Grand GC




2/4(一)4:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

5/4(四)8:30pm 星影匯 MP




導演:居爾贊卡德 荷蘭/土耳其 2017 84 分鐘

導演:雅果達舒烈齊 波蘭 2017 106 分鐘

導演:柏度賓奴 葡萄牙 2017 177 分鐘

日光明亮,卻照不穿人心。青蔥初夏,離家六年的佳雅 終於回來。久別重逢,姊姊慕拉卻憂心忡忡,由她養大 的小妮娜已到了初領聖體的年齡,她擔心女兒知道佳雅 才是親生母親。事先約法三章,不許佳雅說出真相,也 不許她跟妮娜單獨相處。然而奇怪事情接踵而來,慕拉 的焦慮與日俱增,不安的漣漪慢慢擴大,可會是什麼劇 變的先兆?佳雅是回來帶走妮娜嗎?還是另有圖謀?新 銳導演舒烈齊首次執導長片,混合家庭題材與心理懸疑, 讓鏡頭遊走於角色之間,不動聲色走向驚奇結局。

電梯工廠領導層以資源重組為名,摸黑搬走生產工具, 工人擔心資方引入新機器為大裁員鋪路,經濟不景下無 法承受失業打擊,紛紛起來抗爭。勞資糾紛越揭越臭, 階級差異如斑駁日常,不談避談還須談。柏度賓奴繼承 前作《青春夏日紀事》(2013)風格,以半紀錄片手法捕 捉自然展開的敘事,忽然歌舞,忽然論述,遊走於新寫 實與魔幻現實邊緣,如行雲流水,驚喜處處,成績直逼 同胞美基哥姆斯的《一千零一夜》三部曲(40 屆),一 舉摘下康城國際影評人聯盟獎。

Tower. A Bright Day. (Wieza. Jasny dzie ) Dir: Jagoda Szelc  Poland  2017  106min Cast: Anna Krotoska, Malgorzata Szczerbowska, Anna Zubrzycki

The Nothing Factory (A Fábrica de Nada) Dir: Pedro Pinho Portugal 2017 177min Cast: José Smith Vargas, Carla Galvão, Njamy Sebastião

A psychological mystery set in the Polish countryside. Kaja arrives at the home of her sister Mula after an unexplained six-year absence. Mula and her husband have been caring for Kaja’s young daughter, Nina, who believes they are her real parents. As Nina prepares for her First Communion, Kaja’s reappearance in the lives of her daughter, sister, brother and other family members coincides with strange events at their home. Has Kaja come back to reclaim her daughter, or is there another more troubling reason for her return?

After establishing himself as an important documentarian, Portuguese director Pedro Pinho veers from neorealism to magical realism in this multilayered examination of the problems ensnaring his country. Beginning with everyday workers’ experiences of declining power and corporate greed in an elevator factory, Pinho adds testimonies and discussions about global capitalism – all before exploding into a musical climax about our endangered future. Directors' Fortnight FIPRESCI Prize winner, Cannes Film Festival.

土耳其揮軍清剿庫爾德民兵,全面撲殺民族自決,主流 傳媒不見報導,只得當地居民匿名上載的網上視頻。衝 突持續數月,宵禁下的天空突然出現流星雨,人人抬頭 望天,是天降神諭出手叫停,抑或純屬巧合萬物無情? 鏡頭有限,思慮無窮,導演卡德把感覺沉澱,以一個序 幕及六個章回,組成一首戰魂遊蕩之詩。從搜集到的紛 紜影像,跨越紀實與虛構的分野,由族人狩獵,到士氣 高昂的抗爭,回顧不同時期眾生的對峙衝突。同場加映 《榆樹》(17 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

Meteors Dir: Gürcan Keltek Netherlands/Turkey 2017 84min

How do we document events when the government tells us they have not existed? Turkish filmmaker Gürcan Keltek scrapes together fragmentary footage, sometimes only cellphone images on the internet, to evoke covert Turkish military actions against peoples of Eastern Anatolia and their resistance. Framed by dramatic scenes in nature – a hunt for mountain goats on unforgiving mountains and a final meteor shower – Meteors further blurs the boundaries between documentary and fiction, power and resistance. Screening with The Elms (17min, see P.18).

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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世界電影 World cinema | 環球視野 Global Vision



2/21/18 12:27 PM

世界電影 World cinema | 環球視野 Global Vision






28/3(三)2:45pm The Grand GC

5/4(四)7:00pm Festival Grand FG

23/3(五)10:00pm 25/3(日)5:00pm 星影匯 MP 星影匯 MP




24/3(六)7:45pm The Grand GC

5/4(四)4:30pm the sky SK




導演:阿蘭高米斯  塞內加爾/法國 2017 123 分鐘

導演:朴起鏞 南韓/日本 2017 89 分鐘

導演:卡拉西蒙 西班牙 2017 96 分鐘

在剛果金沙薩生存不容易,貧富懸殊、社會秩序混亂, 單親媽媽費莉絲蒂是小酒吧駐唱歌手,十四歲兒子遇車 禍撞斷腿,醫院見錢才肯動手術,她四出籌措高昂手術 費,卻無人伸出援手。以為是苦情戲嗎?倔強的費莉絲 蒂沒有輕易被命運擊倒,以穿透靈魂的歌聲展現強韌生 命力。手搖及特寫鏡頭營造紀實味道,又從困境徐徐轉 入後段的浪漫與夢幻。雪櫃壞了,修理的男人好像帶來 希望,其實希望在自己手裏,困頓生活依然有歌。獲柏 林影展評審團大獎。

一根煙,燃起舊愛新愁。回韓探望母親的女子與送女出 國的男子,在仁川機場吸煙時重遇。舊情人相隔廿五年 再碰頭,走過當年談情的大街小巷,重訪讀書時代相遇 的江村,物換星移,人面全非。愛火似熄還現,在氤氳 縈繞間,是更多的悵惘與失落。屬於他們的年代已成過 去,眼前只有生活的挫折:生意失敗、雙親年邁、朋友 患癌、離婚、喪妻……朴起鏞(《落地再生根》,36 屆) 以緩慢鏡頭凝住流逝時光,無奈機會不再來,夢想與愛 情,只能於裊裊飄煙中憑弔追憶。

1993 年夏天,對六歲的加泰隆尼亞女孩芙烈達來說,是 遭逢變故,也是陽光燦爛。因為父母雙亡,她從巴塞隆 拿搬到鄉下,跟舅父舅母生活。儘管新的家人和藹可親, 又多了個可愛妹妹安娜可以作伴,一切新奇,暑假好像 放不完,但始終是陌生地方。原來是個催促成長的夏天, 她幼小敏感的心還是會隱隱作痛。卡拉西蒙首執導筒, 把半自傳故事搬上銀幕,由小孩視角出發,以溫柔細膩 的寫實筆觸,刻劃成長路上的複雜心理,以真情引起共 鳴。獲柏林影展最佳首作獎。


Old Love

Summer 1993 (Estiu 1993)

Dir: Alain Gomis  Senegal/France  2017  123min Cast: Véro Tshanda Beya Mputu, Gaetan Claudia, Papi Mpaka

Dir: Park Ki-yong  South Korea/Japan  2017  89min Cast: Yoo Jung-ah, Kim Tae-hoon, Kim Moon-hee

Dir: Carla Simón  Spain  2017  96min Cast: Laia Artigas, Paula Robles, Bruna Cusí

Véro Tshanda Beya Mputu commands the screen as a bar-singer and single mother scraping together life and even occasional love in the phantasmagoric landscapes of modern-day Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. When her teenage son is hurt in a motorcycle accident, the quest for the million Congolese francs (HK$ 4000) she needs for the operation reveals the cracks in her safety and social net. An arresting work by FrancoSenegalese director Alain Gomis. Silver Bear Grand Jury Prize, Berlinale 2017.

A cigarette outside Incheon Airport rekindles the affection of two lovers: a woman returning from Canada, and a man sending his daughter to study abroad. Feeling a romantic thrill, the pair retrace the memories they had shared. What they both discover is a deep-rooted life fatigue, with added stress of business failures, aging parents, divorce, separation and death. Tracing the passage of time, Park Ki-yong (Moving, 36th) muses on life’s meandering path and mourns the loss of love and dreams.

Children have provided a cinematic perspective on traumatic changes in modern Spain, from Cria Cuervos (1976) to Pan’s Labyrinth (2006). In this award-winning debut film, Spain’s Oscar nominee, newcomer Carla Simón creates an intimate world of loss as 6-year-old Frida must leave Barcelona when her mother dies and discover life, family and home with her uncle and aunt in their Catalan mountain village. A rich and personal film in a remarkable year of children on screen. Best First Feature, Berlinale 2017.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere





21/3(三)8:00pm The Grand GC

2/4(一)7:45pm The Grand GC

20/3(二)9:45pm the sky SK

22/3(四)7:45pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU

社區放映會(P.30) 30/3(五)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH



21/3(三)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

25/3(日)2:00pm The Grand GC




導演:艾爾彼德遜、文斯曼遜 瑞典/英國 2018 88 分鐘

導演:納華普譚容格坦拿列 泰國 2017  71 分鐘   中文字幕

導演:趙婷  美國  2017  104 分鐘  中文字幕

大半生遊手好閒衣食無憂,年近古稀的露潔由陽光海岸 據說這世界每秒鐘就有兩人去世。四個女生在酒店房間 回歸老家斯德哥爾摩,發現亡父遺留給她的住宅大廈, 開畢業派對,看星座運程想像未來,沒料到死神已在門 管理混亂不堪,住滿七十二家三教九流房客。眼見肥美 外守候。妻子病了等不及換心,以為自己是先走那個, 金鵝變成過街老鼠,她打算將大廈賣給地產經紀大賺一 豈知丈夫出差卻成永訣。男子自殺前盼望聽舊情人說聲 筆一了百了。不料大計難產,露潔不惜一切,大發雌威, 「我愛你」,卻始終聽不到。《戀愛病發》(2015)編導譚 誓要重奪業權。瑞典兩位新一代導演將地產市場泡沫吹 容格坦拿列,集結泰國電影新力量,找來《出貓特攻隊》 漲成黑色荒誕驚慄電影,為狂飆的樓市把脈,亦為屋迷 (2017)茱蒂蒙翠莎容素欣、《戀愛病發》桑尼舒雲門塔 心竅的都市人斷症。失控的何止是樓價,更是貪得無厭 諾、維奧拉禾狄雅,借電影直談死亡,不怕忌諱,透過 的人心。入圍角逐柏林影展金熊獎。 輕靈多姿的片段,察看身前身後事。

巴迪在馬背上長大,馴服野馬有一手,是牛仔競技場新 星,卻在比賽中不幸受傷,頭骨受重創,昏迷了數天, 僥倖拾回性命,但醫生囑咐不能再騎馬。巴迪頓失人生 意義,猶如被判死刑,在雜貨店當收銀員,但他血液內 是牛仔基因,要勒緊韁繩,還是欣然放手?改編真人真 事,華裔導演趙婷融合虛構情節與真實人生,找來巴迪 本人重演自己故事,重新掌握個人命運。絕美攝影捕捉 美國中西部迷人景致,細膩觀察內心風景,靜待療癒與 救贖的魔幻時刻。獲康城影展導演雙周藝術電影獎。

The Real Estate (Toppen av ingenting) Dir: Axel Petersén, Måns Månsson  Sweden/UK  2018  88min Cast: Léonore Ekstrand, Christer Levin, Christian Saldert

Dir: Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit Thailand 2017 71min Cast: Patcha Poonpiriya, Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying

The Rider

After a life of decadence, Nojet returns to her homeland Stockholm to inherit an apartment building. What appeared to be a cash cow turns out to be a curse – the building is in a wretched state full of tenants without a single legal contract. When her plan to sell it to an estate agent becomes futile, she is determined to take control of the building – at whatever cost. A comic psycho-thriller, with a sharp gaze at the crime and gluttony within the real estate bubble. In Competition, Berlinale.

Emerging Thai director Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit played with life, mortality and choice in his awardwinning Heart Attack (2015). Here, he breaks taboos and looks death directly in the face. Not with the slow decay of the elderly, or the reign of horror films, but with episodic essays of those who die – happy, young, prepared or otherwise. Drawing on news reports and fiction, twelve vignettes ask what it means to say goodbye – and to grapple with how we have lived.

Die Tomorrow

Dir: Chloé Zhao USA 2017 104min Cast: Brady Jandreau, Tim Jandreau, Lilly Jandreau, Cat Clifford

A Chinese-born female filmmaker takes on one of the core myths of Americana – the cowboy. In this case, the cowboy story is based on a real one, embodied anew in the compelling acting of Brandy Jandreau, who must grapple with a rodeo accident that undercuts his very ability to be a cowboy. Instead, he must follow another American trope – travelling the country to find his identity. And the result was a moving and elegiac story, and an award for Art Cinema in the Directors' Fortnight at the Cannes Film Festival.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_C-14.indd 50

2/20/18 2:55 AM


加拿大電影 Canadian Film

導演薩達芙科萊紀親臨出席 Director Sadaf Foroughi in attendance 只要女性在社會上得到真正的尊重,其意見備受重視,其能力獲 得承認,定能引領社會越趨繁榮穩定、團結進步。雖然我們在邁 向性別平等之道路上踏出了重要的一步,但需要做的還有很多。 加拿大總理杜魯多

Society is better – more prosperous, peaceful, secure, and cohesive – when women’s rights are respected, when women are valued and empowered, and when they lead the way in our communities. While we have taken significant steps toward gender equality, we know that much more work needs to be done. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau


9:45pm The Grand Cinema


9:45pm The Grand Cinema

女性創造力展露光芒,成為世界各地的社會新力量。香港國際電影節選映加拿大 電影《叛逆黑紗》,由伊朗裔加拿大籍導演薩達芙科萊紀首次執導,捕捉女性如 何反抗社會壓抑,尋覓自主自由。節目詳情請參閱第 47 頁。 Women’s strength and creativity have become a powerful force in social transformation. HKIFF is pleased to present Ava, a Canadian film that depicts Iranian women’s fight for freedom and independence. See p.47 for details.

全力支持 Supported by

AD_HKIFF42_BF_Canadian Film_10.indd 1



19/2/2018 下午9:23

世 World Cinema 界 電 影



25/3(日)8:00pm The Grand GC

29/3(四)9:30pm 星影匯 MP

波格對麥根萊 導演:恩尼斯梅士 瑞典/丹麥 2017 107 分鐘  中文字幕

丹麥新氣象 New Danish Cinema 遠方的狗吠聲 (P.16) The Distant Barking of Dogs

無敵是最寂寞,旗鼓相當的宿敵,締造網球壇上經典神 話。八十年代的「冰與火」,瑞典的波格外表俊朗冷靜內 斂;美國的麥根萊長髮攣毛火爆暴躁,罵裁判摔球拍是 家常便飯。兩人南轅北轍,造就了最為人津津樂道的網 球戰史。狂野男星沙拉保夫演網壇壞孩子不作他人選, 一句「You cannot be serious!」入型入格。丹麥紀錄片悍 將梅士(《子彈橫飛維和路》,35 屆)重演 1980 年溫布 頓世紀對決,盡現天才球手內心交戰,還有球場外惺惺 相惜的浪漫。

Borg/McEnroe Dir: Janus Metz  Sweden/Denmark  2017  107min Cast: Shia LaBeouf, Stellan Skarsgård, Sverrir Gudnason

“The IceBorg versus the SuperBrat”: an epic rivalry between Björn Borg, the cool Swedish tennis legend and his greatest adversary, John McEnroe, the brash American whirlwind of fury and precision. Metz replays the legendary 1980 Wimbledon Championship men’s final but dives into both men’s psyches to see how they not only faced their inner demons but also treasured the bond with their best rival. And who is more perfect to play the hotheaded McBrat than the volatile Shia LaBeouf? 亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



30/3(五)9:15pm The Grand GC

1/4(日)9:15pm 星影匯 MP

騙婚異鄉人 導演:米勒亞拉米  丹麥  2017  100 分鐘

西裝筆挺,氣宇不凡,伊朗青年伊斯梅爾夜間流連酒吧 狩獵寂寞芳心,難以看出日間是潦倒搬運工人。帶點異 國風情的俊朗外表吸引無數單身女子自動獻身,可惜希 望透過一紙婚書延續丹麥居留權依然難以如願。移民簽 證死期逼近,他結識了美女同鄉,被對方識破圖謀,貓 捉老鼠,老鼠捉貓,兩人陷入真假愛情遊戲。伊朗裔導 演米勒亞拉米首部長片,表面大打引人入勝的愛情心理 戰,潛台詞是道盡北歐移民面對的複雜困境,縱是如何 喬裝改變身份,始終是難以融入社會的失落異鄉人。

The Charmer Dir: Milad Alami Denmark 2017 100min Cast: Ardalan Esmaili, Soho Rezanejad, Lars Brygmann

An affable Iranian expat trawls the singles-bar circuit and picks up women, who know nothing about his daytime work as a furniture mover and his desperate pursuit of a paper marriage to retain his Danish citizenship. Until a beautiful Iranian girl comes to know his game, a catand-mouse relationship begins. Danish-based Iranian filmmaker Alami’s debut feature weaves complicated social issue into this paranoid psychodrama, morphing into a film noir with a strain of morally elusive mystery. 52

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_C-14.indd 52

2/20/18 2:55 AM






31/3(六)7:00pm 香港文化中心 KG

2/4(一)9:15pm 星影匯 MP

26/3(一)7:30pm The Grand GC

31/3(六)9:30pm 星影匯 MP



導演:約謙特艾爾  挪威/丹麥  2017  116 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:根納西古德遜  冰島/丹麥  2017  89 分鐘

《凶靈》 (1976)的異能少女回魂,Carrie 換上了 Thelma, 怒火焚心以眼還眼遇神殺神。踏入青春期的北國少女離 鄉進城升學,與女同窗首嘗愛戀滋味。宗教束縛與父母 箝制令敞開的心扉抽搐,妒忌與仇恨餵飼心魔,天賦異 能從心所欲,令潛意識的邪念如願以償,甚至超乎一己 控制。沒有豬血淋頭的感官恐怖,不動聲色卻連幼小無 辜也不放過,才最寒氣徹骨。特艾爾繼《響亮的秘密》 (40 屆)後再潛入人性欲望的無底深潭,看撒旦從小植 根心靈,與青春探戈。代表挪威競逐奧斯卡最佳外語片。

樹大不止招風,更可能因一棵樹弄至水火不容。中年漢 與嫩妻不滿隔壁夫婦種大樹遮蔭,阻礙享受日光浴。退 休夫婦對修樹要求置諸不理,讓樹蔭遮蔽家庭隱衷;兒 子與妻的情感瓜葛,更是剪不斷理還亂。左鄰右里關係 逐漸惡化,車軚洩氣,貓兒失蹤,花盆損毀都怪在鄰居 頭上,衝突升溫至一發不可收拾,過程滑稽抵死,充滿 北歐式黑色荒誕喜劇色彩。本是芝麻綠豆的齟齬,日積 月累梗塞了狹隘人心。代表冰島競逐奧斯卡最佳外語片。 同場加映《鷦鷯男孩》(11 分鐘,見 18 頁)。


Under the Tree (Undir trénu)

Dir: Joachim Trier  Norway/Denmark  2017  116 min Cast: Eili Harboe, Kaya Wilkins, Henrik Rafaelsen

Dir: Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurðsson  Iceland/Denmark  2017  89min Cast: Steinþór Hróar Steinþórsson, Edda Björgvinsdóttir

Like a cerebral, austere Carrie (1976), Thelma focuses on the psyche of a timid young woman who leaves her rural home to study in Oslo. Her sexual awakening, complicated by her family’s oppressive fundamentalism, sparks telekinetic powers she struggles to understand and control. Louder Than Bombs (40th) director Joachim Trier mixes sobriety and melancholy, to create a chilly, opaque world conflating lust, shame and panic deeper than dark supernatural forces. Norway’s entry for the Oscar’s Best Foreign Language Film.

Shade from a front-yard tree brings simmering tensions between two neighboring families in an Icelandic suburb to the boiling point. Infuriated with the retired couple next door who ignore their repeated requests to trim the tree, an amateur marksman and his young wife take their own action. Charting an initially familiar acrossthe-fence battle, Sigurðsson gradually develops petty domestic tensions into dark gloom. When grudges branch out, everyone suffers. Iceland’s entry for the Oscar’s Best Foreign Language Film. Screening with Wren Boys (11min, see P.18). 亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


28/3(三)7:30pm The Grand GC

30/3(五)9:15pm 星影匯 MP



導演:希諾龐馬遜  丹麥/冰島  2017  93 分鐘

導演:彼得舒奴福格  丹麥/瑞典  2017  117 分鐘  中文字幕

非黑即白的世界,是更分明,還是更混沌?地底礦坑是 無盡的黑,地面風雪是無邊的白。同於礦場工作的兩兄 弟,性格南轅北轍。兄安於現狀,弟販賣私酒予同僚, 不料一人中毒入院,被揭發偷取公司物資製酒。日常消 遣,是重複觀看來福槍射擊訓練錄像。鎮上唯一女子, 是生活的寄望,亦令兄弟反目赤身肉搏。僅靠頭頂唯一 微光,難以尋覓孤寂的出路。冰島新晉導演龐馬遜,以 毫無溫度的鏡頭和機械音樂創造無名冷酷異境,徹骨寒 意襲人而來。獲羅迦諾電影節最佳男主角等四獎。

一宗車禍令妻兒險成亡魂,發現丈夫瘋狂駕駛背後或許 別有內情。醫生證實他腦內生了腫瘤,可能導致行為異 常—包括挪用其私校公款擅作投資,律師正好以精神 失控為由為他洗脫罪名。《哭泣的藝術》(31 屆)導演福 格的鏡頭將法庭審訊與事發前後交錯,從妻子視角看丈 夫判若兩人,一言一行是難以自控還是另有圖謀,枕邊 人亦捉摸不透。《堅離地公社》(2016)柏林影后崔娜蒂 虹,聯同北歐兩大名演員尼古拉萊卡斯及《龍紋身的女 孩》(2009)尼維斯特演技互拼,勾勒出人性複雜面。

Winter Brothers (Vinterbrødre)

You Disappear (Du forsvinder)

Dir: Hlynur Pálmason Denmark/Iceland 2017 93min Cast: Elliott Crosset Hove, Simon Sears, Victoria Carmen Sonne

Dir: Peter Schønau Fog  Denmark/Sweden  2017  117min Cast: Trine Dyrholm, Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Michael Nyqvist

Emil and his brother Johan work in a remote limestone mine. To get through his hardscrabble life, Emil sells moonshine to his workmates and repeatedly watches an instructional video on how to shoot a rifle until, vying for the affections of the same woman, the brothers come into direct conflict. Shot in an eerie, near-apocalyptic industrial landscape, with a ferociously stylized aesthetic, Pálmason’s directorial debut is a weird yet compelling and humorous film about love and isolation. Locarno International Film Festival Best Actor Award.

Mia’s seemingly happy marriage is disrupted by an accident caused by her husband’s reckless driving. A medical examination reveals a brain tumor which may explain his odd behavior, and his embezzlement from his private school – or at least his lawyer claims it as a defense that he can’t be held accountable. The Art of Crying (31st) director returns with this incisive, absorbing psychodrama, invigorated by the powerful performance of a classy cast, who add extra dimensions to the complexity between causality and free will.

Meeting of

operatic forms 作 曲 及 聯 合 導 演 Composer / Co-Director


電 影 導 演 及 聯 合 導 演

Film Director / Co-Director

卓翔 Cheuk Cheung






能 劇


3/4(二)9:30pm 星影匯 MP

screen to stage;

歌 劇


27/3(二)7:30pm The Grand GC

documentary from

崑 曲



世界電影 World cinema | 丹麥新氣象 New Danish Cinema


從 影 像 延 伸 舞 台 的 混 種 紀 錄 歌 劇


亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


27-28 / 4 / 2018 (五至六Fri-Sat) 8 pm 29 / 4 / 2018 (日Sun) 4 pm 香港大會堂劇院

Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall $ 270 (5/3 -8/4 優惠購票 special discount for $240) [$120 學生/高齡人士/殘疾人士 students / senior citizens / people with disabilities] (另設團體購票優惠 With group booking discount) 肖像曲 Songs of Portrait

電話或網上購票 Telephone & Online Booking

2111 5999 / 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries

5161 9684 / 計劃策劃及製作 Project Curated & Produced by

「Project ELSE」獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助 計劃」的資助。本節目屬於「Project ELSE」計劃一部分。 "Project ELSE" is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. This programme is part of "Project ELSE".

此作品於2018年由orleanlaiproject 委約,部份費用由香港作曲家 及作詞家協會轄下的「CASH音樂基金」贊助 。 This new work is commissioned by orleanlaiproject in 2018 with partial sponsorship from CASH Music Fund. 鳴謝 Acknowledgment:

康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_C-14.indd 53


2/20/18 2:55 AM

the grand ads output.pdf 1 21/1/2016 上午10:40











The first Dolby® Atmos™ theatre in town All houses equipped with 4K digital projection Venue for screenings, film festivals, events & conferences

2/F, 1 Austin Rd West, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Tel (852) 2196 8170 ︱ Fax (852) 2196 8176 ︱

Output / JET / JET_185_ALL Mag_215x280

JET_185_ALL Mag_215x280.indd 1

17/1/2018 17:07:22

購票途徑 HOW TO BUY TICKETS 2018年3月2日上午10時起 From 2 March 2018, 10am onwards 城市售票網(不包括香港會議展覽中心放映之場次) URBTIX (Except Screenings at HKCEC)

快達票(只限香港會議展覽中心放映之場次) HK Ticketing (For Screenings at HKCEC only)

網上購票 Internet Booking

售票處購票 Counter Booking 各城市售票網售票處 URBTIX Outlets (P.65 頁)

快達票分銷處 HK Ticketing Outlets (P.65 頁)

信用卡電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking 2111 5999

3128 8288

票務查詢 Ticketing Enquiries 3761 6661

2922 8288

流動購票應用程式 Mobile Ticketing App 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries 2970 3300

請即掃描瀏覽! Scan me! 60

TP_HKIFF42_BF_How To Buy Tickets_13.indd 60

19/2/2018 下午9:08

票價 Ticket Prices 票價 Ticket Prices

港幣 HKD

VIP通行證及特刊 VIP Pass & Publications

《家在蘭若寺》(除本地全日制學生優惠票外,其他門票優惠並不適用) The Deserted (Except Hong Kong Full-time Student Tickets discount, other ticket discounts are not applicable)


VIP通行證* VIP Pass*

《虛無工廠》於星影匯放映之場次、《盜火線》、《哥哥羅拔是個笨蛋》 The Nothing Factory at The Metroplex, Heat, My Brother's Name is Robert and He is an Idiot


第四十二屆香港國際電影節特刊 The 42nd HKIFF Main Catalogue


雲外笑紅塵 - 林青霞 Filmmaker in Focus: Brigitte LIN Ching-Hsia


《虛無工廠》於香港藝術中心放映之場次、《露茜亞》、《紐約公共圖書館》、 《石棉村大訴訟》、《不羈的美女》、《惡魔的季節》 The Nothing Factory at HK Arts Centre, Lucía, Ex Libris - The New York Public Library, Sennan Asbestos Disaster, La Belle Noiseuse, Season of the Devil


於香港會議展覽中心、香港文化中心、香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館、The Grand Cinema、 星影匯、Festival Grand Cinema、康怡戲院、the sky放映之正場、週末及假日場次 Ordinary, Weekend and Public Holiday Screenings at HK Convention & Exhibition Centre / HK Cultural Centre / Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University / The Grand Cinema / The Metroplex / Festival Grand Cinema / Grand Kornhill Cinema / the sky


於香港大會堂、香港科學館、香港藝術中心放映之正場、週末及假日場次 Ordinary, Weekend and Public Holiday Screenings at HK City Hall / HK Science Museum / HK Arts Centre


平日日場(星期一至五〔假期除外〕,影片編號以D結尾) Weekday Matinee Screenings (Mondays - Fridays [except public holidays], with film codes ending with “D”)


本地全日制學生優惠票 Hong Kong Full-time Student Tickets


港幣 HKD $5,000

* 請留意VIP通行證之有關使用條款 (第74頁) * Please read the relevant conditions of the VIP Pass (P.74)

門票優惠 Discounts 門票優惠(不適用於購買VIP通行證及《家在蘭若寺》門票) Discounts (Not valid for purchasing VIP Pass & The Deserted) 「電影節發燒友」會員 HKIFF Cine Fan Privilege •購買1 - 9張正價門票 Buy 1 - 9 Regular Price Tickets •購買10 - 19張正價門票 Buy 10 - 19 Regular Price Tickets •購買20 - 40張正價門票 Buy 20 - 40 Regular Price Tickets

九折優惠 10% Discount 八五折優惠 15% Discount 八折優惠 20% Discount

一般觀眾 Ordinary Audience • 購買10 - 19張正價門票 Buy 10 - 19 Regular Price Tickets • 購買20 - 40張正價門票 Buy 20 - 40 Regular Price Tickets

九折優惠 10% Discount 八五折優惠 15% Discount

60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、綜援受惠人士 Concessionary Tickets for the Elderly aged 60 or above, People with Disabilities & the Minder, and CSSA Recipients

六折優惠 40% Discount

「港樂會」 / 「以舞會友」尊尚、精英會籍 /「舞蹈靈」卡 / 「進念之友」 / 「中樂摯友會」會員 HK Phil Club Bravo / Friends of HKDC Prestige, Classic Membership / CCDC 'Dance Inspirations' Card / Zuni Friends / Friends of HK Chinese Orchestra members

九折優惠 10% Discount


The Grand Cinema各場次九折優惠* 10% Discount for screenings at The Grand Cinema*

VIP Metropolitans VIP Metropolitans

星影匯各場次九折優惠* 10% Discount for screenings at The Metroplex*

MCL Club會員 MCL Club members

Festival Grand Cinema及康怡戲院各場次九折優惠* 10% Discount for screenings at Festival Grand Cinema & Grand Kornhill Cinema*

skywalker, GH Moviegoer 會員 skywalker, GH Moviegoer members

the sky各場次九折優惠* 10% Discount for screenings at the sky*

城市當代舞蹈團Dance、Kids Card / 藝穗會 / Perfect Cup Card / The Coffee Academics Coffee Club Card 會員 九折優惠# 10% Discount# CCDC Dance, Kids Card / Fringe Club / Perfect Cup Card / The Coffee Academics Coffee Club Card members * 只適用於城市售票網售票處購票及戲院即場門票。Available at URBTIX Outlets and Cinema door sales only. # 只適用於城市售票網售票處購票。 Available at URBTIX Outlets only. ‧ 使用以上之門票優惠前,請參閱本手冊內之「訂票指南」。Please read the Booking Guide in this booking folder before obtaining the above discounts. ‧ 每張門票最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠。All of the above discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offer. ‧ 優惠門票數量有限,售完即止。All discounted tickets are subject to availability. 61

TP_HKIFF42_BF_How To Buy Tickets_13.indd 61

19/2/2018 下午9:08

自助取票服務 Ticket Collection Service 城市售票網公開發售門票 Tickets available at URBTIX

From 2.3.2018 起

顧客可選擇攜同交易時使用的信用卡,由2018年3月3日起前往位於下列地點的「購票通自助取票機」刷卡提取門票 *,或親臨任何一間城市售票網售票處的售票櫃檯 憑卡領取電影節各放映場地*的門票。顧客亦可選擇郵遞服務(須繳付相關郵遞費用),惟服務提供至放映前七天止。

Starting from 3 March 2018, customers may choose to collect their pre-paid tickets for all screening venues at any Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machine (TDM), or at the sales counter at any of the URBTIX Outlets with the credit card used for transaction*. Locations of Cityline TDMs and URBTIX Outlets are listed below. Customers may also choose mail delivery service (extra service fee will be charged) which is available until 7 days before the screening day. * 此服務不包括於香港會議展覽中心的電影節放映場次,該場地票務只由快達票提供。 * This service does not apply to screenings to be held at HKCEC, where the service is provided by HK Ticketing only.

購票通自助取票機 Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines 地點 Locations: 康文署演出場地 LCSD Performing Venues 香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre *

香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall *

香港科學館 Hong Kong Science Museum *

沙田大會堂 Sha Tin Town Hall

香港太空館 Hong Kong Space Museum

香港體育館 Hong Kong Coliseum

伊利沙伯體育館 Queen Elizabeth Stadium

西灣河文娛中心 Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre

上環文娛中心 Sheung Wan Civic Centre

高山劇場 Ko Shan Theatre

牛池灣文娛中心 Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre

葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre

荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall

屯門大會堂 Tuen Mun Town Hall

元朗劇院 Yuen Long Theatre

大埔文娛中心 Tai Po Civic Centre

北區大會堂 North District Town Hall

香港文化博物館 Hong Kong Heritage Museum

香港歷史博物館 The Hong Kong Museum of History

香港電影資料館 Hong Kong Film Archive

其他取票地點 Other Locations MOKO 新世紀廣場 (MTR樓層) 香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館 * Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University * MOKO (MTR)


時代廣場 Times Square (地面食通天電梯大堂 G/F at Food Forum Lift Lobby)

機場UA IMAX影院 UA IMAX Theatre at Airport

九龍灣國際展貿中心 Kowloonbay International Trade and Exhibition Centre

亞洲國際博覽館 AsiaWorld-Expo

通利琴行門市部各分行 Tom Lee Music Stores Branches

香港浸會大學大學會堂 Academic Community Hall, Hong Kong Baptist University

影藝戲院 Cine-Art House

hmv 銅鑼灣店 hmv Causeway Bay

麥花臣場館 MacPherson Stadium * 電影節放映場地 HKIFF Screening Venues

其他電影節放映場地之取票服務 Ticket Collection Service at Other HKIFF Screening Venues 香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre

設有城市售票網售票處,可供領取門票。 Ticket collection service is available at URBTIX Outlets.

The Grand Cinema Festival Grand Cinema

戲院不支援領票服務。已訂票的觀眾,請先行到上述「購票通自助取票機」或城市售票網售票處領取門票。 Ticket collection service is NOT available at these screening venues. Please collect your tickets at a Cityline TDM or URBTIX Outlet at the locations as mentioned above before going to the screening venues.

康怡戲院 Grand Kornhill Cinema

星影匯 The Metroplex

放映場地不支援領票服務。已訂票的觀眾,請先行到上述「購票通自助取票機」或城市售票網售票處領取門票。 Ticket collection service is NOT available at these screening venues. Please collect your tickets at a Cityline TDM or URBTIX Outlet at the locations as mentioned above before going to the screening venues. 最接近星影匯之「購票通自助取票機」設置於九龍灣國際展貿中心地下。 The nearest Cityline TDM for The Metroplex is located at G/F, KITEC.

the sky

香港浸會大學傳理視藝大樓 Communication and Visual Arts Building, Hong Kong Baptist University

最接近the sky之「購票通自助取票機」及城市售票網售票處設置於九龍海泓道1號奧海城三期地下02號舖的通利琴行 (開放時間:星期日至四  上午十時至下午八時;星期五至六  上午十時至下午九時)。 The nearest Cityline TDM and URBTIX Outlet for the sky is located at Tom Lee Music Store, Shop G02, Olympian City 3, 1 Hoi Wang Road, Kowloon (Opening Hours: Sun-Thu  10am-8pm; Fri-Sat  10am-9pm). 最接近香港浸會大學傳理視藝大樓之「購票通自助取票機」設置於九龍塘窩打老道224號浸會大學大學會堂。 The nearest Cityline TDM for the Communication and Visual Arts Building of Hong Kong Baptist University is located at Foyer of Academic Community Hall of Baptist University, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong.

有關自助取票服務的最新詳情,請留意購票通隨時的公布。 Regarding the latest information of the ticket collection service, please pay attention to Cityline’s announcement from time to time. 62

TP_HKIFF42_BF_Ticket Collection Service_07.indd 61

19/2/2018 下午9:11

訂票指南 Booking Guide 票價 Ticket Prices

港幣 HKD

《家在蘭若寺》(除本地全日制學生優惠票外,其他門票優惠並不適用) The Deserted (Except Hong Kong Full-time Student Tickets discount, other ticket discounts are not applicable)


《虛無工廠》於星影匯放映之場次、《盜火線》、《哥哥羅拔是個笨蛋》 The Nothing Factory at The Metroplex, Heat, My Brother's Name is Robert and He is an Idiot


《虛無工廠》於香港藝術中心放映之場次、《露茜亞》、《紐約公共圖書館》、 《石棉村大訴訟》、《不羈的美女》、《惡魔的季節》 The Nothing Factory at HK Arts Centre, Lucía, Ex Libris - The New York Public Library, Sennan Asbestos Disaster, La Belle Noiseuse, Season of the Devil


於香港會議展覽中心、香港文化中心、香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館、 The Grand Cinema、星影匯、Festival Grand Cinema、康怡戲院、the sky放映 之正場、週末及假日場次 Ordinary, Weekend and Public Holiday Screenings at HK Convention & Exhibition Centre / HK Cultural Centre / Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University / The Grand Cinema / The Metroplex / Festival Grand Cinema / Grand Kornhill Cinema / the sky


於香港大會堂、香港科學館、香港藝術中心放映之正場、週末及假日場次 Ordinar y, Weekend and Public Holiday Screenings at HK City Hall / HK Science Museum / HK Arts Centre


平日日場(星期一至五〔假期除外〕,影片編號以D結尾) Weekday Matinee Screenings (Mondays - Fridays [except public holidays], with film codes ending with “D”)


本地全日制學生優惠票(先到先得,額滿即止):* Hong Kong Full-time Student Tickets (Limited availability, on a firstcome, first-served basis): * 本地全日制學生優惠票持有人於入場時必須出示可以證明身份的有效證件 Hong Kong Full-time Student Tickets holders must provide acceptable proof of identity upon admission


VIP通行證(請留意有關使用條款,第74頁) VIP Pass (Please read the relevant conditions on P.74)


門票優惠(不適用於購買VIP通行證及《家在蘭若寺》門票) Discounts (Not vaild for purchasing VIP Pass & The Deserted) 1) 「電影節發燒友」會員: HKIFF Cine Fan Privilege: • 購買1 - 9張正價門票:九折優惠 Buy 1 - 9 Regular Price Tickets: 10% Discount • 購買10 - 19張正價門票:八五折優惠 Buy 10 - 19 Regular Price Tickets: 15% Discount • 購買20 – 29張正價門票:八折優惠及獲贈《第四十二屆香港國際電影節特刊》 換書券乙張 Buy 20 - 29 Regular Price Tickets: 20% Discount and a book voucher for one complimentary copy of “The 42nd HKIFF Main Catalogue” • 購買30 – 40張正價門票:八折優惠及獲贈《雲外笑紅塵 – 林青霞》換書券乙張 Buy 30 - 40 Regular Price Tickets: 20% Discount and a book voucher for one complimentary copy of “Filmmaker in Focus: Brigitte LIN Ching-Hsia” 2) 一般觀眾: Ordinary Audience: • 購買10 - 19張正價門票:九折優惠 Buy 10 - 19 Regular Price Tickets: 10% Discount • 購買20 – 29張正價門票:八五折優惠及獲贈《第四十二屆香港國際電影節特刊》 換書券乙張 Buy 20 - 29 Regular Price Tickets: 15% Discount and a book voucher for one complimentary copy of “The 42nd HKIFF Main Catalogue” • 購買30 – 40張正價門票:八五折優惠及獲贈《雲外笑紅塵 – 林青霞》換書券乙張 Buy 30 - 40 Regular Price Tickets: 15% Discount and a book voucher for one complimentary copy of “Filmmaker in Focus: Brigitte LIN Ching-Hsia” 3) 60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人、綜援受惠人士:正價門票六折優惠 Concessionary Tickets for the Elderly aged 60 or above, People with Disabilities & the Minder, and CSSA Recipients: 40% Discount for regular price tickets • 綜援受惠人士優惠不適用於The Grand Cinema、星影匯、Festival Grand Cinema、 康怡戲院及the sky之場次。 No CSSA concessionar y tickets for screenings at The Grand Cinema, The Metroplex, Festival Grand Cinema, Grand Kornhill Cinema & the sky. • 優惠票持有人於入場時必須出示可以證明身份或年齡的有效證件。 Concessionary ticket holders must provide acceptable proof of identity upon admission. 4) 香港管弦樂團「港樂會」∕香港舞蹈團「以舞會友」尊尚、精英會籍∕城市當代舞蹈 團「舞蹈靈」卡∕「進念之友」∕「中樂摯友會」會員:正價門票九折優惠 HK Philharmonic Orchestra Club Bravo / Friends of HK Dance Company Prestige, Classic Membership / City Contemporary Dance Company ‘Dance Inspirations’ Card / Zuni Friends / Friends of HK Chinese Orchestra members: 10% Discount for regular price tickets 5) THE CIRCLE會員:The Grand Cinema各場次正價門票九折優惠 (只適用於城市售票網售票處購票及戲院即場門票,售完即止) THE CIRCLE members: 10% Discount for screenings at The Grand Cinema (Available at URBTIX Outlets and Cinema door sales, subject to availability)

6) VIP Metropolitans:星影匯各場次正價門票九折優惠 (只適用於城市售票網售票處購票及戲院即場門票,售完即止) VIP Metropolitans: 10% Discount for screenings at The Metroplex (Available at URBTIX Outlets and Cinema door sales, subject to availability) 7) MCL Club 會員:Festival Grand Cinema及康怡戲院各場次正價門票九折優惠 (只適用於城市售票網售票處購票及戲院即場門票,售完即止) MCL Club members: 10% Discount for screenings at Festival Grand Cinema & Grand Kornhill Cinema (Available at URBTIX Outlets and Cinema door sales, subject to availability) 8) skywalker, GH Moviegoer 會員:the sky各場次正價門票九折優惠 (只適用於城市售票網售票處購票及戲院即場門票,售完即止) skywalker, GH Moviegoer members: 10% Discount for screenings at the sky (Available at URBTIX Outlets and Cinema door sales, subject to availability) 9) 城市當代舞蹈團Dance、Kids Card / 藝穗會 / Perfect Cup Card / The Coffee Academics Coffee Club Card會員:正價門票九折優惠 (只適用於城市售票網售票處購票,售完即止) City Contemporary Dance Company Dance, Kids Card / Fringe Club / Perfect Cup Card / The Coffee Academics Coffee Club Card members: 10% Discount for regular price tickets (Available at URBTIX Outlets only, subject to availability) 每張門票最多只可享用其中一種購票優惠。觀眾須於購票時說明所選用的優惠。 All of the above discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or offer. Please inform the sales counter of the discount you wish to enjoy at the time of booking.

城市售票網(不包括香港會議展覽中心放映之場次) 3月2日上午10時起 URBTIX (Except Screenings at HKCEC) From 2 March, 10am onwards

網上購票Internet Booking: 流動購票應用程式 Mobile Ticketing App: My URBTIX (Android, iPhone/iPad versions) 信用卡電話購票Credit Card Telephone Booking: 2111 5999 • 購票手續費:每張門票港幣8元,手續費不設上限及退款。以上手續費會因應購票通 (香港)有限公司而調整。 如選擇以掛號郵件或速遞收取門票,須繳付相關郵遞費用。恕不提供平郵服務。 (註:如門票遭派遞失誤、遺失、偷竊或損毀均不能補發。) Service Fee: HK$8 per ticket, no limit set per transaction and non-refundable. The service fee is subject to adjustment by Cityline (HK) Limited. Extra service fee will be charged for choosing registered mail or courier service. Surface mail is not available. (Remark: Tickets cannot be re-issued if they are posted wrongly, lost, stolen or damaged.) • 除門票郵遞服務外,顧客亦可選擇由3月3日起,攜同交易時使用的信用卡在「購票通自 助取票機」刷卡提取門票,或親臨任何一間城市售票網售票處之售票櫃檯憑卡領取門 票(請參閱62頁)。 Besides ticket mailing service, customers may choose to collect their pre-paid tickets from Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines, or at the sales counter at any of the URBTIX Outlets (Please refer to P.62) with the credit card used for transaction starting from 3 March. • 電影放映前七天內所訂購的門票,顧客須攜同交易時使用的信用卡在「購票通自助取票 機」刷卡提取門票,或親臨任何一間城市售票網售票處之售票櫃檯憑卡領取門票。 Tickets booked within 7 days of screenings must be collected from Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines, or at the sales counter at any of the URBTIX Outlets with the credit card used for transaction. 請注意:香港浸會大學傳理視藝大樓、The Grand Cinema、星影匯、Festival Grand Cinema、康怡戲院及the sky不設城市售票網售票處或「購票通自助取票機」,觀眾必須 在前往上述放映場地之前,先行在「購票通自助取票機」刷卡提取門票或親臨任何一間城 市售票網售票處的售票櫃檯憑卡領取門票。 Note: URBTIX Outlets or Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines are NOT available at Communication and Visual Arts Building. Hong Kong Baptist University, The Grand Cinema, The Metroplex, Festival Grand Cinema, Grand Kornhill Cinema and the sky. Please collect your tickets from Cityline Ticket Dispensing Machines or at the sales counter at any of the URBTIX Outlets BEFORE going to these screening venues. 票房訂票 Counter Booking:各城市售票網售票處URBTIX Outlets (P.65頁) 各城市售票網售票處均接受現金、信用卡(美國運通卡、萬事達卡及Visa卡)及銀聯卡 (交易以港幣結算)付款。 All URBTIX Outlets accept payment in cash, credit cards (American Express, MasterCard and Visa) and China UnionPay Cards (in Hong Kong currency only). • The Grand Cinema、星影匯、Festival Grand Cinema、康怡戲院及the sky放映之場 次,城市售票網會於放映前一天下午5時起停止發售。觀眾可於電影放映當日到放映場 地票房購買剩餘門票。 For screenings at The Grand Cinema, The Metroplex, Festival Grand Cinema, Grand Kornhill Cinema and the sky, tickets are available at URBTIX until 5pm one day before respective screenings, after which remaining tickets will be available only at the box office of respective screening venues on the day of screening, subject to availability. 63

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• 香港科學館、香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館及香港浸會大學傳理視藝大樓不設城巿售票 網售票處。上述各場次之臨時售票櫃位於電影開映前30分鐘提供服務,即場發售剩餘 門票(只接受現金付款)。 There is no URBTIX Outlet at the Hong Kong Science Museum, Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Communication & Visual Arts Building, Hong Kong Baptist University. The door ticket counter at respective screening venues opens 30 minutes before the screening. Limited tickets to non sold-out screenings will be available at the door, subject to availability (Cash only).

3月20日至4月5日 20 Mar – 5 Apr

• 其他放映場地之場次,城市售票網售票處會於放映前一小時停止售票,隨後由放映場地 售票處發售剩餘門票。 For screenings at other venues, tickets are available at the URBTIX until one hour before the screening, after which remaining tickets will be sold only at the door.

香港文化中心行政大樓四樓展覽館 九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 Exhibition Gallery, 4/F, Administration Building, HK Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon 開放時間 Opening Hours:10:00 - 19:00

4月6日至5月31日 6 Apr – 31 May

香港國際電影節協會辦事處 九龍觀塘道370號創紀之城3期21樓(近牛頭角港鐵站) The HKIFF Society Office 21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Opposite to Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station) 辦公時間 Office Hours: 星期一至五Mon – Fri 10:00 - 12:00; 14:00 - 17:00 星期六、日及公眾假期休息 Weekends & Public Holidays Closed

快達票(於香港會議展覽中心放映之場次) HK Ticketing (Screenings at HKCEC)

3月2日上午10時起 From 2 March, 10am onwards

網上購票Internet Booking: 信用卡電話購票Credit Card Telephone Booking: 31 288 288 顧客服務費:每張門票將收取港幣15元顧客服務費。顧客服務費不設上限及退款。 可選擇郵政專遞或親身到各快達票分銷處領取門票。選擇郵政專遞方式收取門票的人士, 須另繳付郵遞費用。以上顧客服務費會因應快達票香港有限公司而調整。 Customer Service Fee: HK$15 per ticket. No limit set per transaction and is nonrefundable. Collect tickets at any HK Ticketing outlet after the transaction, or request delivery by courier to a specific address with additional courier charge. The customer service fee is subjected to adjustment by Hong Kong Ticketing Limited. 票房訂票 Counter Booking:快達票分銷處 HK Ticketing Outlets(P.65頁) 每張門票將收取港幣8元的顧客服務費。各快達票分銷處均接受現金及信用卡(美國運通 卡、萬事達卡及Visa卡)及銀聯卡(交易以港幣結算)付款。顧客服務費不設上限及退款。 以上顧客服務費會因應快達票香港有限公司而調整。 Customer Service Fee: HK$8 per ticket. All HK Ticketing outlets accept cash and credit card (American Express, MasterCard and Visa) and China UnionPay Cards (in Hong Kong Currency Only). No limit set per transaction and is non-refundable. The customer service fee is subjected to adjustment by Hong Kong Ticketing Limited.

電影節特刊換領地點及時間 Opening Hours of Festival Catalogue Redemption Points

退款及節目更改 Refund and Programme Changes 本電影節訂票手冊付印時,大部份影片均未經電影、報刊及物品管理辦事處檢查。將來 如有影片被檢定為三級者,未滿18歲而於公布前購買該場門票的持票人,可由通知日起 向本會遞交退票申請表格。 At the time when this booking folder goes to print, most of the films have not yet been submitted to Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. In case that a film is subsequently classified as Category III, refunds will be made to ticket holders under age of 18 who bought tickets before the announcement. 退票申請表格可於以下途徑索取: Refund application forms are available at: 1. 香港文化中心、香港大會堂或放映場地之售票櫃檯 HK Cultural Centre, HK City Hall, and the sales counters of the screening venues 2. 於電影節網頁下載 Download at HKIFF website

門票優惠 Ticketing Discounts 只提供本地全日制學生港幣28元優惠票;60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及綜援受惠人士 六折購票優惠及電影節發燒友九折購票優惠。不設其他優惠。優惠票持有人於入場時必須 出示可以證明身份或年齡的有效證件。 Only HK$28 Hong Kong Full-time Student Tickets, 40% discount to Elderly aged 60 or above, the Disabled & CSSA Recipients, and 10% discount to Cine Fan Privilege will be offered. No other discounts are applicable. Concessionary ticket holders must provide acceptable proof of identity upon admission.

請將填妥之表格及完整之門票於2018年4月27日前寄回香港國際電影節協會辦事處(香港 九龍觀塘道370號創紀之城3期21樓),信封面請註明「退款申請」。香港國際電影節會 以劃線支票寄回門票款項給持票人(購票手續費及其他費用恕不退回)。 Completed application forms and tickets should be returned by post to the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society Office (21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong) on or before 27 April 2018, with the subject "Refund Application" on envelope. Refund cheque of the net amount of ticket will be sent to ticket holders by post (Service fee and other charges will not be refunded).

滿座場次即場門票 Stand-by Tickets for Sold-out Screenings

香港國際電影節保留更改所有放映的影片、時間及地點的權利,導演/演員與觀眾會面環 節亦會因導演/演員行程而隨時作出更改,請留意電影節網頁最新資訊公 布或各放映場地的通告。節目如有更改或取消,觀眾可循上述安排辦理退款或按原定時 間入場觀看補映的影片。除此之外,所有完成放映的電影場次恕不受理任何退款申請。 In case of unavoidable necessity, The Hong Kong International Film Festival reserves the right to alter programmes without prior notice. Meet-the-audiences session may be changed due to director and/or actors’ schedule. Programme updates will be announced on HKIFF website and at the screening venues. For alteration or cancellation of screenings, refund policies are the same as aforementioned. Ticket holders may also choose to attend a screening of a replacement film at the same time slot. Under no circumstances other than the cancellation or the alteration of programmes can tickets be refunded. Refund applications are also not available for all completed screenings.

香港文化中心大劇院及香港大會堂劇院所有滿座場次,將有少量即場門票於開映前30分 鐘在該放映場地發售,座位安排將視乎VIP通行證持有人及持票人士入場後之情況而定。 每人每次限購即場門票2張。 A limited number of stand-by tickets for sold-out screenings at HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre and HK City Hall Theatre are on sale 30 minutes prior to the screening time at the respective screening venue. Seating is subject to availability after admission of VIP Pass holders and all ticket holders. Each person can purchase up to 2 stand-by tickets per transaction.

座位及排隊安排 Seating and Queuing Arrangement 香港文化中心大劇院之場次,電腦系統會於售票時以堂座→樓座→高座的次序,配 以未售出的座位。由於距離和觀看角度問題,高座的座位或會較堂座和樓座的座位稍 遜,敬請留意。 For screenings at HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre seats are allocated in the following sequence: Stalls→Circle→Upper Circle. Please note that due to the distance and viewing angles, Upper Circle seats are less satisfactory than those within Stalls and Circle. 連場門票:位於香港會議展覽中心、香港文化中心、香港大會堂及香港科學館的放映 場地,設有等候區,供持有「連場門票」的觀眾排隊入場。惟其他放映場地因條件所 限,在一般情況下,不會提供此安排。 Back-to-back Screenings: At HKCEC, HK Cultural Centre, HK City Hall and HK Science Museum, if you hold tickets to back-to-back screenings at the same venue, you may stay in the Waiting Area for admission to subsequent screenings. In other venues, there is no such arrangement for back-to-back screenings in normal cases.


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售票條款 Terms and Conditions 1. 每次交易最多可訂購40張門票,每場最多4張。 Maximum 40 tickets per transaction, 4 tickets per screening. 2. 《家在蘭若寺》門票,每次交易最多可訂購2張。 Maximum 2 tickets of The Deserted per transaction. 3. 一人一票,不論年齡亦須憑票入場。6歲以下小童,恕不招待。 One person per ticket for admission regardless of age. Children under age of 6 will not be admitted to any screenings. 4. 本會恕不負責任何門票遺失。如門票遭派遞失誤、遺失、偷竊或損毀,恕不獲補發。 HKIFFS is not responsible for any lost ticket. Tickets cannot be re-issued if posted wrongly, lost, stolen or damaged. 5. 所有已出售的門票均不能退款,亦不能更換其他放映之場次。 All tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. 6. 所有門票不設劃位。 Free seating for all screenings. 所有門票均受城市售票網、快達票及個別放映場地的銷售條款所約束。 All tickets are subject to the Purchase Policy of URBTIX, HK Ticketing and the venues. 城市售票網 – 請參閱張貼於各城市售票網售票處或www.urbtix.hk網頁上之告示。 URBTIX – Please refer to the Terms and Conditions at URBTIX Outlets or 快達票 – 請參閱快達票網頁www.hkticketing.com網頁上之告示。 HK Ticketing – Please refer to the Terms and Conditions at VIP通行證 – 請參閱第74頁的使用條款。 VIP Pass – Please refer to P.74 for Terms and Conditions.

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票房地點及開放時間 Ticketing Outlets and Opening Hours 3 月 2 日起公開發售 Tickets available from 2 March onwards

城市售票網 URBTIX (香港會議展覽中心場次除外 Except Screenings at HKCEC)

城市售票網售票處地點及開放時間  URBTIX Outlets & Opening Hours 1000 - 2130

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

香港大會堂、香港文化中心、沙田大會堂、葵青劇院、荃灣大會堂、屯門大會堂、元朗劇院  Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Sha Tin Town Hall, Kwai Tsing Theatre, Tsuen Wan Town Hall, Tuen Mun Town Hall, Yuen Long Theatre

1000 - 2030

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

青年廣場  Youth Square

1000 - 1830

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

香港體育館、高山劇場、牛池灣文娛中心、北區大會堂、伊利沙伯體育館、西灣河文娛中心、  上環文娛中心、大埔文娛中心  Hong Kong Coliseum, Ko Shan Theatre, Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre, North District Town Hall, Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Tai Po Civic Centre

1000 - 1800

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

香港藝術中心(電影節期間,售票櫃檯將於最後一場電影開始放映後30分鐘關閉)、香港兆基創意書院、  柏斯琴行(油塘大本型分店)  Hong Kong Arts Centre (during the Festival period, the sales counter will close 30 minutes after the last screening begins), HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Parsons Music (Yau Tong Domain Branch)

1000 - 1930

星期一至日 Mon - Sun

通利琴行門市部 Tom Lee Music Stores 灣仔告士打道、銅鑼灣駱克道The L. Square、香港仔中心、西環西寶城、尖沙咀金馬倫里、紅磡黃埔花園、  旺角奧海城三期、九龍灣MegaBox、沙田HomeSquare、將軍澳東港城、大埔新達廣場、屯門時代廣場、  元朗大馬路、荃灣綠楊坊、青衣城 Gloucester Road (Wan Chai), The L. Square (Causeway Bay), Aberdeen Centre (Aberdeen), The Westwood (Western District), Cameron Lane (Tsim Sha Tsui), Whampoa Garden (Hung Hom), Olympian City 3 (Mong Kok), MegaBox (Kowloon Bay), HomeSquare (Sha Tin), East Point City (Tseung Kwan O), Uptown Plaza (Tai Po), Trend Plaza (Tuen Mun), Castle Peak Road (Yuen Long), Luk Yeung Galleria (Tsuen Wan), Maritime Square (Tsing Yi)

以上資料如有更改,以城市售票網公布為準。 The above information is subject to change with announcements by URBTIX.

其他售票處  Other Outlets 未滿座場次開映前30 分鐘  香港科學館、香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館及香港浸會大學傳理視藝大樓之臨時售票櫃位 (只發 30 minutes before non sold-out screenings 售該場地當場放映場次之剩餘門票,售完即止) Hong Kong Science Museum, Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Communication and Visual Arts Buildings, Hong Kong Baptist University Door Ticket Counter (Ticket will be available to the respective screening venues on the day of screenings, subject to availability) The Grand Cinema、星影匯、Festival Grand Cinema、康怡戲院、the sky只發售當日該場地放映場次的剩餘門票,售完即止。 The Grand Cinema、The Metroplex、Festival Grand Cinema、Grand Kornhill Cinema、the sky: Tickets will be available only at the box office of respective screening venues on the day of screening, subject to availability.

快達票票房地點及開放時間  HK Ticketing Outlets & Opening Hours 1100 - 1900 星期一至六 Mon - Sat * 香港會議展覽中心 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

3月2日起公開發售  Tickets Sales from 2 March (香港會議展覽中心場次) (Screenings at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre)

1000 - 1800 星期一至五 Mon - Fri *

亞洲國際博覽館 AsiaWorld - Expo

1100 - 1900 星期一至日 Mon - Sun

九龍灣國際展貿中心 KowloonBay International Trade & Exhibition Centre

1200 - 1800 星期一至六 Mon - Sat

香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

1100 - 1800 星期一至日 Mon - Sun

香港演藝學院古蹟校園─伯大尼 HKAPA Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus

1100 - 1930 星期一至日 Mon - Sun

D•PARK 愉景新城

1100 - 1930 星期一至日 Mon - Sun

K11 Select

1000 - 1930 星期一至日 Mon - Sun

各通利琴行分銷處 Tom Lee Music Co. Ltd. Branches

* 公眾假期休息 Closed on Public Holidays

以上資料如有更改,以快達票公布為準。  The above information is subject to change with announcements by HK Ticketing.

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HKCEC 香港會議展覽中心


7:30 pm

星期一 MON



8:30 pm

Custody 監護權爭戰


7:15 pm

The Widowed Witch 北方一片蒼茫 Outrage Coda 全員惡人最終章


9:45 pm 8:30 pm

星期三 WED

22 星期四 THU

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Omotenashi 盛情款待 Xiao Mei 小美 Into the Inferno 深入火心

星期二 TUE



9:45 pm

6 7

Date 日期




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9:45 pm

星期一 MON

10:00 pm


2:15 pm

星期二 TUE

4:15 pm 7:45 pm

Angels Wear White 嘉年華 20PU3E1


7:30 pm 8:00 pm


9:45 pm 10:15 pm



Date 日期

HKCEC 香港會議展覽中心


8:15 pm

My Brother's Name is Robert and He is an Idiot 哥哥羅拔是個笨蛋


7:30 pm

Fitzcarraldo 陸上行舟


星期二 TUE

22 星期四 THU

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2:15 pm

星期三 WED

4:15 pm 7:45 pm

Rokuroku: The Promise of the Witch 666群妖大會 21PU3E1


7:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:30 pm 9:45 pm



2:30 pm

星期四 THU

5:15 pm 7:45 pm

Suitable for All Ages 適合任何年齡人士

Die Tomorrow 哪一天我們會死 22PU3E1


7:15 pm 8:00 pm 9:30 pm

Not Suitable for Children 兒童不宜

9:45 pm

Not Suitable for Young Persons and Children 青少年及兒童不宜


2:00 pm

星期五 FRI

Persons Aged 18 and Above Only 只准18歲或以上人士

4:30 pm 7:45 pm

The Death of Stalin 弊傢伙!史太林死咗 23PU3E1


7:00 pm

Chasing the Dragon 追龍 23AC3M2D God of War 蕩寇風雲 23AC3M3D La Belle Noiseuse 不羈的美女 23AC3E1


2:30 pm


4:30 pm


7:15 pm 8:00 pm

Date 日期


9:45 pm


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10:00 pm



星期六 SAT

星期六 SAT

2:30 pm 4:45 pm

Ghost of the Mirror 古鏡幽魂 24SM3M2 The Dream of the Red Chamber 金玉良緣紅樓夢 24SM3M3

38 39

12:00 pm 12:00 pm 3:45 pm

Heat 盜火線 24PU3M2 Hannah 漢娜的日與夜 24PU3M3


2:00 pm

An Elephant Sitting Still 大象席地而坐 24AC3M2



2:30 pm 4:45 pm 6:00 pm

7:30 pm 9:15 pm

The Holy Girl 聖女性女 24SM3E1 Seminar on Lucrecia Martel 露琦茜亞馬蒂座談會


6:15 pm

The Killing of a Sacred Deer 聖鹿獵殺 24PU3E1


6:30 pm

Yol - The Full Version 自由之路 24AC3E1



7:15 pm 7:45 pm

9:15 pm

Ichi the Killer 殺手阿一 24PU3E2


9:15 pm

The Legend of the Ugly King 醜天王傳奇一生 24AC3E2


9:45 pm 10:00 pm 11:55 pm

Wings of Desire 柏林蒼穹下 19GC3E2 24 Frames 廿四格 19GC3P2 Mademoiselle Paradis 逆光天使 20GC3M2D Lucía 露茜亞 20GC3M3D Xiao Mei 小美 20GC3E1 Omotenashi 盛情款待 20GC3P1 Ava 叛逆黑紗 20GC3E2 You Were Never Really Here 獨行煞星 20GC3P2 Makala 嗟炭人生 21GC3M2D The Guardians 夢斷莊園 21GC3M3D April's Daughter 雛為人母 21GC3E1 The Real Estate 我為樓狂 21GC3P1 A Gentle Creature 鐵幕溫柔女子 21GC3E2 The Killing of a Sacred Deer 聖鹿獵殺 21GC3P2 Good Luck 別有洞天 22GC3M2D Oblivion Verses 遺忘詩篇 22GC3M3D Tehran Taboo 德黑蘭禁忌玫瑰 22GC3E1 The China Hustle 強國救世夢 22GC3P1 Outside the Window 窗外 22GC3E2 Ava 叛逆黑紗 22GC3P2 The Judge 維權女法官 23GC3M2D Ashwatthama 迷失愛與痛的邊緣 23GC3M3D Dovlatov 大文豪的嚴冬 23GC3E1 Cloud of Romance 我是一片雲 23GC3P1 Sweet Country 荒漠恩仇錄 23GC3E2 The Enigma of Kasper Hauser 卡斯伯侯沙之謎 23GC3P2 The Captain 以希魔的名義 24GC3M1 Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki 永不言倦的人︰宮崎駿 A Ciambra 惡童成人禮 24GC3M3 The Lost Hokusai 失落的北齋 i've got the blues 水底行走的人 24GC3E1 Summer 1993 那年夏天,陽光燦爛 24GC3P1 Nosferatu the Vampyre 吸血殭屍 24GC3E2 Tower. A Bright Day. 異常明亮的一天 24GC3P2 Rokuroku: The Promise of the Witch 666群妖大會 24GC3E3


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116 21 24 115 6 6 47 12 47 25 25 50 26 11 110 48 102 91 38 47 91 87 26 39 10 120 48 93 49 93 90 50 121 49 109

Master Class, Face-to-Face & Seminar: Please refer to P.8, P.28 and P.38 for details. 大師班、名家講座及座談會:詳情請參閱8、28及38頁。 Free Screenings: Unless otherwise stated, tickets are open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis. 免費放映場次:除特別註明外,門票將預留予公眾人士即場免費領取,數量有限,額滿即止。 Weekday Matinee Screenings: Mondays – Fridays [except public holidays], with film codes ending with “D”. 平日日場:星期一至五(假期除外),影片編號以D結尾。 66

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19 ~

星期一 MON


20 星期二 TUE

5:30 pm 7:30 pm

Mariphasa 把悲傷留給自己 20SK3E1


9:45 pm

Die Tomorrow 哪一天我們會死 20SK3E2


7:30 pm

Miracle 豬園欲潤 20KH3E1


7:15 pm

The Green Fog 拼貼迷魂記 20FG3M3D Nervous Translation 寫我小心情 20FG3E1


110 87

7:30 pm

Hannah 漢娜的日與夜 20MP3E1


9:30 pm

Posesif 有一種愛叫佔有 20MP3E2


7:15 pm

Mug 假面人間 21MP3E1


9:15 pm

Ashwatthama 迷失愛與痛的邊緣 21MP3E2


7:30 pm

12 Days 12日瘋人認證 22MP3E1


9:30 pm

A Ciambra 惡童成人禮 22MP3E2


7:15 pm

A Gentle Creature 鐵幕溫柔女子 23MP3E1


10:00 pm

Old Love 情留半生 23MP3E2


2:30 pm

Meteors 流星啟示錄 24MP3M2 Father 紅盒子 24MP3M3



21 星期三 WED

5:30 pm 7:30 pm

Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts 復仇女萬里殲狼 21SK3E1


9:30 pm

Dragonfly Eyes 蜻蜓之眼 21SK3E2


7:30 pm

The Rider 再生騎士 21KH3E1


7:30 pm

Invisible 看不見的哀愁 21FG3M3D Theatre of War 非常戰爭劇場六面體 21FG3E1

86 47

22 星期四 THU

5:30 pm 7:15 pm

Nervous Translation 寫我小心情 22SK3E1


9:30 pm

Omertà 奧馬爾成魔之路 22SK3E2


7:15 pm

9:30 pm

Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool 最後相愛的日子 22KH3E2

The Wolf House 狼隱之家 22FG3M3D Posesif 有一種愛叫佔有 22FG3E1

111 107


23 星期五 FRI

5:30 pm

Black Kite 黑風箏 23FG3M3D


7:45 pm

A Sort of Family 誰調換了我的母親 23FG3E1


7:30 pm

Dragonfly Eyes 蜻蜓之眼 23SK3E1


9:45 pm

Our House 兩生同棲物語 23SK3E2


2:15 pm

Loveless 相親不相愛 24SK3M2 The Insult 給我一個道歉 24SK3M3

21 11

5:00 pm

Filmworker 寇比力克的萬能助手 24FG3M3


4:45 pm

7:30 pm

A Skin So Soft 爆肌六壯士 24SK3E1


7:00 pm

Omertà 奧馬爾成魔之路 24FG3E1


7:30 pm

A Matter of Life and Death 平步青雲 24MP3E1


9:30 pm

The First Lap 合久必婚 24SK3E2


9:30 pm

Soldiers. Story from Ferentari 春光乍洩新寫實基情篇 24FG3E2


9:45 pm

Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts 復仇女萬里殲狼 24MP3E2


9:30 pm

Custody 監護權爭戰 23KH3E2


24 星期六 SAT

5:00 pm

9:30 pm

Longing 緣來我是父親 24KH3E2


★ Chinese subtitles in addition to English subtitles/dialogue. 除英語對白或英文字幕外附加中文字幕。 Unless otherwise stated, all films (except English-speaking films) are subtitled in English. 除特別註明外,所有非英語對白電影皆設有英文字幕,但不另設中文字幕。












Weekday Matinee Screening







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Date 日期



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25 星期日 SUN


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12:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:30 pm

Love Massacre 愛殺 25SM3M2 "Filmmaker in Focus: Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia" Seminar 「雲外笑紅塵-林青霞」座談會 All the Wrong Spies 我愛夜來香 25SM3E1


12:00 pm


3:30 pm


6:00 pm

In the Intense Now 68火紅正蔓延 25PU3M2 The Breadwinner 持家小木蘭 25PU3M3 On Happiness Road 幸福路上 25PU3E1


2:00 pm


4:45 pm


6:30 pm

Good Luck 別有洞天 25AC3M2 The Green Fog 拼貼迷魂記 25AC3M3 Sennan Asbestos Disaster 石棉村大訴訟 25AC3E1


2:00 pm


4:15 pm


6:45 pm 8:00 pm

9:15 pm


Disobedience 叛逆性百合 25PU3E2

9:45 pm 10:15 pm


2:30 pm

星期一 MON

4:45 pm 7:45 pm


Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool 最後相愛的日子 26PU3E1

7:30 pm

In Your Dreams 以青春的名義 26AC3M2D Our Time Will Come 明月幾時有 26AC3M3D World Animation for Adults 成人動畫精選 26AC3E1

Jean Douchet: Restless Child 全身影評人 26AC3E2


3:30 pm 5:15 pm 7:45 pm


Outrage Coda 全員惡人最終章 27PU3E1

7:30 pm

Poetry in Motion Programme I 詩影像短片專輯﹝一﹞ 27AC3M2D Poetry in Motion Programme II 詩影像短片專輯﹝二﹞ 27AC3M3D World Animation 世界動畫精選 27AC3E1


7:30 pm


9:45 pm


3:15 pm


5:15 pm


7:30 pm 7:45 pm

9:30 pm



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The Rise and Fall of a Small Film Company 小小電影公司興亡史 27AC3E2


9:45 pm 10:15 pm 2:45 pm

星期三 WED

5:30 pm 7:15 pm

The Insult 給我一個道歉 28KG3E1


7:30 pm 8:00 pm

9:45 pm

The Ringside Story 擂台物語 28KG3E2


10:00 pm 10:15 pm


3:00 pm

星期四 THU

5:15 pm 7:15 pm 9:30 pm

In the Fade 公義暗角 29KG3E1 River's Edge 河畔的惡意 29KG3E2


7:30 pm


9:45 pm 11:55 pm

30 星期五 FRI

12:00 pm 2:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm

Peking Opera Blues 刀馬旦 30SM3M2 Starry is the Night 今夜星光燦爛 30SM3M3 The Holy Girl 聖女性女 30SM3E1


1:30 pm


4:00 pm


6:30 pm 9:00 pm

My 20th Century 我的二十世紀 30KG3M2 The Death of Stalin 弊傢伙!史太林死咗 30KG3M3 Sweet Country 荒漠恩仇錄 30KG3E1 Girls' Encounter 少女邂逅 30KG3E2

The Venerable W. 妖僧志 25GC3M1 The Rider 再生騎士 25GC3M2 Foxtrot 戰地狐步舞 25GC3M3 A Story from Chikamatsu 近松物語 25GC3E1 Borg/McEnroe 波格對麥根萊 25GC3P1 Zama 流亡將軍沙馬 25GC3E2 Aguirre, the Wrath of God 天譴 25GC3P2


Under the Tree 樹大招瘋 26GC3E1 Tremble All You Want 最終幻想女孩 26GC3P1 The Swamp 濕樂園 26GC3E2 Mug 假面人間 26GC3P2 Struggling 奮鬥 27GC3M2D 3/4 四分三個家 27GC3M3D Winter Brothers 黑白寒光 27GC3E1 River's Edge 河畔的惡意 27GC3P1 The Headless Woman 無頭女 27GC3E2 Rainbow - A Private Affair 戰火虹天 27GC3P2 Félicité 樂在金沙薩 28GC3M2D Lucky 福伯的不老傳說 28GC3M3D You Disappear 腦謀心算 28GC3E1 Girls' Encounter 少女邂逅 28GC3P1 Disobedience 叛逆性百合 28GC3E2 Miracle 豬園欲潤 28GC3P2 Daughter of Mine 慈媽媽野媽媽 29GC3M2D Styx 怒海仁心 29GC3M3D Pity 哭上癮 29GC3E1 Amiko 傲嬌少女愛作戰 29GC3E2 Revenge 烈女復仇 29GC3E3 Samui Song 蘇梅女星殺夫事件 30GC3M1 Wangdrak's Rain Boots 旺扎的雨靴 30GC3M2 Girls Always Happy 柔情史 30GC3M3 WATERSCHOOL


50 11 8 52 29 120


10:10 pm

星期二 TUE

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7:45 pm 9:15 pm



2:30 pm


4:45 pm


7:30 pm


9:15 pm 11:55 pm

The Charmer 騙婚異鄉人 30GC3E2 Veronica 日蝕亡靈 30GC3E3

107 28 26 114 47 53 106 29 21 50 88 53 106 12 49 15 15 15 15 108 26 15 14 55 52 108

For screening format information, please refer to 影片放映格式請參閱第 42 屆香港國際電影節網頁。


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25 星期日 SUN

2:45 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm

9:30 pm

Suleiman Mountain 情騙萬重山 25SK3M2 Our House 兩生同棲物語 25SK3M3 Invisible 看不見的哀愁 25SK3E1

In the Fade 公義暗角 25SK3E2


2:30 pm


5:00 pm


7:15 pm


9:30 pm

Yocho 預兆 25KH3E2


In the Aisles 超市情緣 25MP3M2 Old Love 情留半生 25MP3M3 My 20th Century 我的二十世紀 25MP3E1


Insyriated 烽火家人 25FG3M3 Oblivion Verses 遺忘詩篇 25FG3E1


5:00 pm



7:30 pm

9:15 pm

Jeannette, the Childhood of Joan of Arc 聖女貞德的童年 25FG3E2


9:45 pm

Village Rockstars 結他少女冇得彈 25MP3E2


5:00 pm

Djam 浪女狂歌 26FG3M3D Father 紅盒子 26FG3E1

24 7:15 pm

Yol - The Full Version 自由之路 26MP3E1


9:45 pm

i've got the blues 水底行走的人 26MP3E2


7:15 pm

The Legend of the Ugly King 醜天王傳奇一生 27MP3E1


9:45 pm

Dovlatov 大文豪的嚴冬 27MP3E2


7:30 pm

Becoming Cary Grant 加利格蘭私記 28MP3E1


9:30 pm

Samui Song 蘇梅女星殺夫事件 28MP3E2


7:30 pm

Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood 荷里活皮條天王 29MP3E1 Borg/McEnroe 波格對麥根萊 29MP3E2


April's Daughter 雛為人母 30MP3M2 A Skin So Soft 爆肌六壯士 30MP3M3 Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story 艷星發明家 30MP3E1 You Disappear 腦謀心算 30MP3E2




25 ~

Date 日期



26 星期一 MON

7:15 pm

The First Lap 合久必婚 26SK3E1


9:45 pm

The Dead Nation 平行生命的歷史碎片 26SK3E2


7:30 pm

A Season in France 流離悲歌 26KH3E1


7:15 pm


27 星期二 TUE

5:00 pm 7:30 pm

Village Rockstars 結他少女冇得彈 27SK3E1


9:45 pm

The Distant Barking of Dogs 遠方的狗吠聲 27SK3E2


7:30 pm

On Happiness Road 幸福路上 27KH3E1


7:15 pm

The Seen and Unseen 通靈月舞 27FG3M3D A Story from Chikamatsu 近松物語 27FG3E1

87 8

28 星期三 WED

5:00 pm 7:30 pm

Belle de Jour 青樓紅杏 28SK3E1


9:45 pm

A Matter of Life and Death 平步青雲 28SK3E2


7:30 pm

Suleiman Mountain 情騙萬重山 28KH3E1


7:15 pm

Silas 綠林鬥士 28FG3M3D The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On 祭軍魂 28FG3E1

91 94

29 星期四 THU

5:00 pm 7:15 pm 9:45 pm

Lots of Kids, a Monkey and a Castle 藏寶女王 29SK3E1 The Other Side of Everything 回首抗爭七十年 29SK3E2


7:30 pm

Scary Mother 慌心女作家 29KH3E1


7:15 pm

Jean Douchet: Restless Child 全身影評人 29FG3M3D Extreme Private Eros: Love Song 1974 極私愛慾‧戀歌1947 29FG3E1

98 94


9:30 pm


2:30 pm


30 星期五 FRI

2:30 pm 4:30 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 pm

Eldorado 難民的黃金國 30SK3M2 Mama 羅長姐 30SK3M3 Of Love & Law 逆權夫夫 30SK3E1 Napalm 燃燒彈 30SK3E2

16 17 21

5:00 pm 7:30 pm

Die Tomorrow 哪一天我們會死


7:00 pm 9:30 pm

Hitler's Hollywood 希特拉的荷里活 30FG3M3 The Widowed Witch 北方一片蒼茫 30FG3E1 Sunshine that Can Move Mountains 被陽光移動的山脈 30FG3E2


5:00 pm


7:15 pm


9:15 pm

91 99 53

While it is the HKIFF’s policy to secure the best possible print of the original version for all its screenings, HKIFF will appreciate its patrons’ understanding on occasions when less than perfect screening formats are screened. 香港國際電影節務必為觀眾全力搜羅影片的最佳原版拷貝放映,但若偶然事與願違,尚祈大家見諒。 Durations of films are provided by the rights owners or culled from publicity materials, and may differ from their actual lengths. Please check the HKIFF website for latest updates. 本手冊內各電影的片長主要由片主提供,部份或參考電影製作及宣傳資料,可能與實際片長略有出入。請留意電影節網頁的更新資訊。


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Date 日期




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12:00 pm

星期六 SAT

2:15 pm 5:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 pm

Outside the Window 窗外 31KG3M2 Face to Face: Brigitte Lin Ching-Hsia 香港名家講座:林青霞 Thelma 北國凶靈 31KG3E1 Tremble All You Want 最終幻想女孩 31KG3E2


2:15 pm


5:15 pm


7:30 pm


9:45 pm 11:55 pm


12:00 pm

星期日 SUN

1:30 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 10:15 pm

The Rise and Fall of a Small Film Company 小小電影公司興亡史 01CT4M3 Jeannette, the Childhood of Joan of Arc 聖女貞德的童年 01CT4E1 Ashes of Time Redux 東邪西毒終極版 01CT4E2


4:15 pm


7:00 pm


9:30 pm

Wings of Desire 柏林蒼穹下 01KG4M2 Loveless 相親不相愛 01KG4M3 Foxtrot 戰地狐步舞 01KG4E1 Tehran Taboo 德黑蘭禁忌玫瑰 01KG4E2


2:30 pm


4:30 pm


7:00 pm


9:45 pm

Becoming Cary Grant 加利格蘭私記 01AC4M2 Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood 荷里活皮條天王 01AC4M3 Jacques Rivette–Practice Films 利維特短片習作 01AC4E1 Poetry in Motion Programme I 詩影像短片專輯﹝一﹞ 01AC4E2


2:15 pm


5:00 pm


7:30 pm


9:45 pm 11:55 pm

2 星期一 MON

12:00 pm 1:15 pm 3:30 pm 7:30 pm

Napalm 燃燒彈 02CT4M2 Ex Libris - The New York Public Library 紐約公共圖書館 02CT4M3 The Breadwinner 持家小木蘭


1:30 pm


3:45 pm


7:30 pm

Belle de Jour 青樓紅杏 02KG4M2 You Were Never Really Here 獨行煞星 02KG4M3 Transit 時空中轉站 02KG4E1


2:30 pm


4:15 pm


7:45 pm

The Wolf House 狼隱之家 02AC4M2 The Nothing Factory 虛無工廠 02AC4M3 Short Film Competition Programme I 國際短片競賽節目﹝一﹞ 02AC4E1


3:00 pm


5:45 pm


7:45 pm 8:00 pm

9:45 pm

Mademoiselle Paradis 逆光天使 02CT4E2


9:45 pm


The Children Act 判決 02KG4E2

9:45 pm

Poetry in Motion Programme II 詩影像短片專輯﹝二﹞ 02AC4E2


9:45 pm 10:15 pm


2:00 pm

星期二 TUE

4:15 pm 7:15 pm 9:45 pm

The Lion Sleeps Tonight 獅子徹夜安眠 03CT4E1 Red Dust 滾滾紅麈 03CT4E2


7:30 pm


9:30 pm

Grass 草葉咖啡館 03KG4E1 In the Aisles 超市情緣 03KG4E2


6:00 pm


7:45 pm


2:00 pm

星期三 WED

4:30 pm 7:15 pm 9:30 pm

5 星期四 THU

1:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm


Struggling 奮鬥 04CT4E1 Chungking Express 重慶森林 04CT4E2 Lucía 露茜亞 05CT4M1 A Season in France 流離悲歌 Season of the Devil 惡魔的季節 05CT4E1

8:00 pm


40 115

2:30 pm


6:00 pm

My Brother's Name is Robert and He is an Idiot 哥哥羅拔是個笨蛋 05KG4M2 Yocho 預兆 05KG4E1


2:30 pm


4:30 pm


7:15 pm

Date 日期



The Deserted 家在蘭若寺 1 星期日 SUN

6:30 pm 8:15 pm

9:00 pm

星期六 SAT

The Florida Project 歡迎光臨夢幻樂園 04KG4E1


What a Wonderful Family! 3: My Wife, My Life 嫲煩家族 3 05KG4E2



1:30 pm


2 星期一 MON

12:00 pm


1:30 pm


1:30 pm


3:00 pm


3:00 pm


3:00 pm


4:30 pm


4:30 pm


4:30 pm


6:00 pm


6:00 pm


5:30 pm

Tsai Ming-Liang Master Class 蔡明亮大師班

7:30 pm


7:30 pm


Page 頁碼

14 15 15 49 15 40 15 14 25 15 15 109 15 26 20 50 49 47 49

34 35 18

7:45 pm


10:00 pm

The Workshop 腦作風雲 03GC4P1 Revenge 烈女復仇 03GC4P2

25 108

35 99 18

7:45 pm


10:00 pm

I Miss You When I See You 看見你便想念你 04GC4P1 Transit 時空中轉站 04GC4P2


Djam 浪女狂歌 05GC4P1 A Sort of Family 誰調換了我的母親 05GC4P2



99 22 86

7:45 pm 9:45 pm


Page 頁碼


12:00 pm

29+1 29+1 03AC4M2D The Empty Hands 空手道 03AC4M3D Short Film Competition Programme II 國際短片競賽節目﹝二﹞ 03AC4E1 La Belle Noiseuse 不羈的美女 03AC4E2 Love Education 相愛相親 04AC4M2D Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story 艷星發明家 04AC4M3D Short Film Competition Programme III 國際短片競賽節目(三) 04AC4E1 Ex Libris - The New York Public Library 紐約公共圖書館 04AC4E2 78/52 觸目驚心:78/52 大解密 05AC4M2 Jacques Rivette–Practice Films 利維特短片習作 05AC4M3 An Elephant Sitting Still 大象席地而坐 05AC4E1

Angels Wear White 嘉年華 31GC3M1 Last Child 溺愛的替身 31GC3M2 Daughter of Mine 慈媽媽野媽媽 31GC3M3 Tower. A Bright Day. 異常明亮的一天 31GC3E1 Styx 怒海仁心 31GC3E2 The Bride with White Hair 白髮魔女傳 31GC3E3 Amiko 傲嬌少女愛作戰 01GC4M1 Girls Always Happy 柔情史 01GC4M2 The Lion Sleeps Tonight 獅子徹夜安眠 01GC4M3 Wangdrak's Rain Boots 旺扎的雨靴 01GC4E1 Pity 哭上癮 01GC4E2 Ichi the Killer 殺手阿一 01GC4E3 Last Child 溺愛的替身 02GC4M1 Pig 豬一般的導演 02GC4M2 12 Days 12 日瘋人認證 02GC4M3 The Real Estate 我為樓狂 02GC4E1 Longing 緣來我是父親 02GC4P1 Theatre of War 非常戰爭劇場六面體 02GC4E2 Meteors 流星啟示錄 02GC4P2


守則 Rules & Regulations: 患有心臟病、高血壓、幽閉恐懼症、癲癇症、身體不適受藥物或酒 精影響等觀眾,以及孕婦不建議觀看 VR 電影。 Audiences who are suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, claustrophobia, epilepsy and physical discomfort or affected by drugs or alcohol and pregnant women are not recommended to participate in the VR screenings.


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31 星期六 SAT

2:30 pm 4:45 pm 7:00 pm 9:45 pm

Young Solitude 少年秋日的憂鬱 31SK3M2 The Distant Barking of Dogs 遠方的狗吠聲 31SK3M3 Inland Sea 港町 31SK3E1 Lots of Kids, a Monkey and a Castle 藏寶女王 31SK3E2


2:30 pm

16 17

5:15 pm 7:30 pm

Pig 豬一般的導演 31KH3E1



7:00 pm 9:00 pm

Grass 草葉咖啡館 31FG3M3 The Headless Woman 無頭女 31FG3E1 Heat 盜火線 31FG3E2


4:45 pm


7:30 pm


9:30 pm

Miracle 豬園欲潤 In the Intense Now 68火紅正蔓延 31MP3M3 78/52 觸目驚心:78/52大解密 31MP3E1 Under the Tree 樹大招瘋 31MP3E2

49 91 99 53

1 星期日 SUN

2:30 pm 5:00 pm 7:15 pm 9:45 pm

Of Love & Law 逆權夫夫 01SK4M2 The Other Side of Everything 回首抗爭七十年 01SK4M3 Mama 羅長姐 01SK4E1 Eldorado 難民的黃金國 01SK4E2


2:45 pm

17 16

5:00 pm 7:30 pm

Sunshine that Can Move Mountains 被陽光移動的山脈 01KH4E1



7:15 pm 9:30 pm

A Season in France 流離悲歌 01FG4M3 The Swamp 濕樂園 01FG4E1 The Taste of Rice Flower 米花之味 01FG4E2


5:15 pm


7:15 pm


9:15 pm

The Workshop 腦作風雲 01MP4M2 The China Hustle 強國救世夢 01MP4M3 Filmworker 寇比力克的萬能助手 01MP4E1 The Charmer 騙婚異鄉人 01MP4E2


Rainbow - A Private Affair 戰火虹天 02MP4M2 The Dead Nation 平行生命的歷史碎片 02MP4M3 Hitler's Hollywood 希特拉的荷里活 02MP4E1



31 ~

Date 日期



91 99 52

2 星期一 MON

2:30 pm 5:15 pm 7:45 pm

10:00 pm

Inland Sea 港町 02SK4M2 Young Solitude 少年秋日的憂鬱 02SK4M3 The Ringside Story 擂台物語 02SK4E1


2:30 pm

17 107

Black Kite 黑風箏 02SK4E2

5:00 pm 7:15 pm

The Florida Project 歡迎光臨夢幻樂園 02KH4E1



Scary Mother 慌心女作家 02FG4M3 Zama 流亡將軍沙馬 02FG4E1


4:45 pm


7:00 pm

9:30 pm

Looking for Lucky 尋狗啟事 02FG4E2


9:15 pm

Thelma 北國凶靈 02MP4E2


5:00 pm

Soldiers. Story from Ferentari 春光乍洩新寫實基情篇 03FG4M3D Lucky 福伯的不老傳說 03FG4E1

88 7:30 pm

The Judge 維權女法官 03MP4E1 Winter Brothers 黑白寒光 03MP4E2


Silas 綠林鬥士 04MP4E1 Makala 嗟炭人生 04MP4E2 World Animation 世界動畫精選 05MP4M2 World Animation for Adults 成人動畫精選 05MP4M3 The Breadwinner 持家小木蘭 05MP4E1 The Nothing Factory 虛無工廠 05MP4E2


7:15 pm

91 99

3 星期二 TUE

7:15 pm 10:00 pm

Miracle (Himala) 神蹟 03SK4E1 3/4 四分三個家 03SK4E2


7:30 pm

The Taste of Rice Flower 米花之味 03KH4E1


7:45 pm



9:30 pm


4 星期三 WED

5:15 pm 7:15 pm 10:00 pm

5 星期四 THU

2:15 pm 4:30 pm 6:45 pm 9:45 pm

Date 日期

2 星期一 MON

You are Mine 你全屬我 04SK4E1 Veronica 日蝕亡靈 04SK4E2 The Seen and Unseen 通靈月舞 05SK4M2 Summer 1993 那年夏天,陽光燦爛 05SK4M3 At the Top 飛上枝頭 05SK4E1 Insyriated 烽火家人 05SK4E2

HK SCIENCE MUSEUM LECTURE HALL 香港科學館演講廳 5:30 pm 8:00 pm


7:30 pm

Looking for Lucky 尋狗啟事 04KH4E1


7:30 pm

Mariphasa 把悲傷留給自己 04FG4M3D The Captain 以希魔的名義 04FG4E1

7:30 pm 9:30 pm


2:45 pm

118 47

5:00 pm 7:30 pm

The Children Act 判決 05KH4E1


7:00 pm 9:30 pm

The Venerable W. 妖僧志 05FG4M3 Félicité 樂在金沙薩 05FG4E1 The Guardians 夢斷莊園 05FG4E2

Hong Kong - Asia Film Financing Forum Selected Project

Swordsman II 笑傲江湖II東方不敗 02SM4M3 The Peach Blossom Land 暗戀桃花源 02SM4E1






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4:45 pm


6:30 pm


8:30 pm

47 103 103 103 49

FIPRESCI Prize Nominated Film 國際影評人聯盟獎提名電影

40 40


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• 觀賞電影節期間各適用場次(2018 年 3 月 19 日至 4 月 5 日) • 《家在蘭若寺》之所有場次# 恕不適用 •優先進場入座 *,並可攜同一位持票或持有通行證人士(滿座場次除外)同時進場 •獲贈《第四十二屆香港國際電影節特刊》及《雲外笑紅麈 – 林青霞》各一本 #

有關 VIP 通行證持有人之邀請場次(31/3(六)12pm 及 1/4(日)10:30am)詳情,請與本會聯絡

* 請於各場次開映前十五分鐘或三十分鐘(只限香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館)與場地職員聯絡

• Admit to all applicable screenings during Festival period (19 March – 5 April 2018).

每張 HK$5,000 each (限量發售 Limited Availability) 為你帶來無比便利, 全情投入電影節!

• The Deserted screenings# are not applicable • Receive priority admittance for all applicable screenings* with one accompanying ticket holder or pass holder (except for sold-out screenings) • Get one copy of each “The 42nd HKIFF Main Catalogue” and “Filmmaker in Focus: Brigitte LIN Ching-Hsia” #


Please contact our staff for more details about the exclusive private screenings(31/3(Sat)12:00pm and 1/4(Sun)10:30am)for VIP Pass holders

* Please arrive at the venue and contact the staff 15 minutes or 30 miuntes (for Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University only) before the show

推廣生意的競賽牌照號碼 : Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 050162-3

訂購及換領方法 How to order & collect URBTIX 訂購 Via URBTIX: 可於 3 月 2 日上午 10 時起於城市售票網購買,每次交易限購買 VIP 通行證換領票一 張。 Please purchase at URBTIX from 2 March, 10am onwards. Maximum one VIP Pass voucher per transaction. 顧客須帶同換領票及近照一幀(護照相片),於 3 月 6 日至 3 月 17 日期間親臨香港國際電影節協 會辦事處辦理。 Please collect your VIP Pass from 6 - 17 March at the HKIFF Society Office. You are requested to bring along the ticket voucher and a recent passport-sized photo for the issuance of the Pass.

VIP 通行證使用條款:

傳真訂購 Fax Order: 請填妥訂購表格於 3 月 2 日上午 10 時後傳真至 2970 3011。 Please fax the order form to 2970 3011 from 10am, 2 March. 顧客須帶同近照一幀(護照相片),於 3 月 6 日至 3 月 17 日期間親臨香港國際電影節協會辦事處辦理。 Please collect your VIP Pass from 6 - 17 March at the HKIFF Society Office. You are requested to bring along a recent passport-sized photo for the issuance of the Pass.

香港國際電影節協會辦事處 The HKIFF Society Office 香港九龍觀塘道 370 號創紀之城 3 期 21 樓

1. 不設折扣優惠,每張通行證只限一人使用,不得轉讓。


2. 只限年滿 18 歲或以上人士購買,數量有限,先到先得。 3. 有效期為 2018 年 3 月 19 日至 4 月 5 日,逾期作廢。

辦公時間: 星期一至五上午 10 時至中午 12 時,下午 2 時至 5 時; 星期六上午 10 時至中午 12 時;星期日及公眾假期休息

4. 本會恕不保證開場後到場的 VIP 通行證持有人能獲安排入座。

如不能在上述時間親臨辦理通行證,請於辦公時間內致電 2102 7331 另作安排。

5. 香港國際電影節保留更改或取消節目的最後決定權,通行證售出概不退換。

Address: 21/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Terms and Conditions for VIP Pass:

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00-12:00; 14:00-17:00, Sat 10:00-12:00; Sundays & Public Holidays Closed

1. No discount is applicable to the Pass. The Pass is non-transferable and good for one person only. 2. The Pass is sold to persons aged 18 or above and on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you cannot come to collect the Pass during office hours, please call 2102 7331 during office hours for further arrangement.

3. The Pass is valid from 19 March to 5 April 2018. 4. For sold-out screenings, VIP Pass holder does not guarantee seating once the show begins. 5. The HKIFF reserves the right to alter or cancel programmes. No refund or exchange can be made after the Pass is sold.


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VIP Pass Fax Order Form (Fax No: 2970 3011) Order starts from 2 March 2018, 10am (No orders will be accepted before that time)

VIP通行證傳真訂購表格 (傳真號碼: 2970 3011) 2018年3月2日上午10時起接受訂購 (於上述時間前的傳真訂購,恕不受理) 我欲訂購 I wish to order:

VIP 通行證 VIP Pass(es) (HK$5,000@) x 2018 年 3 月 2 日上午 10 時起接受訂購

1 個 2

通行證總值: Total Value of Festival Pass(es):


Order starts from 2 Mar 2018, 10am onwards

通行證持有人姓名 Pass Holder Name * 請使用身份證上之英文姓名 Please use HKID English Name (1)

(2) (第1個通行證持有人 1st Pass Holder)

(第2個通行證持有人 2nd Pass Holder)

地址 Address: 電話 Tel:

電郵 E-mail:

傳真 Fax:

客戶將於 3 個工作天內以電郵或傳真方式收到訂購確認。

Confirmation will be sent via email or fax within 3 working days.

Credit Card Order Voucher

信用卡訂購憑單 金額 HK$

信用卡號碼 Credit Card Number

Total Amount

有效日期至 發卡銀行 Expiry Date (MM/YY) Issuing Bank (只適用於VISA卡、萬事達卡及美國運通卡 Applicable only to VISA / MasterCard / American Express) 姓名

電話 Name Tel

簽署 Signature

傳真 Fax

日期 Date

(請用信用卡上之簽名式樣 Please use authorized signature as on your credit card)

Purchase Form for Sales Counters at URBTIX Outlets

城市售票網售票處購票表格 每張門票最多只可享用其中一種優惠。

Discounts cannot be used in conjunction.

「電影節發燒友」會員 Cine Fan Privilege 我是 / 我持有: I am / I have: ( 請於購票時出示相關證明文件 ) (Please present valid proof of identity upon purchasing tickets)

The CIRCLE / VIP Metropolitans / MCL Club / skywalker, GH Moviegoer 會員 The CIRCLE / VIP Metropolitans / MCL Club / skywalker, GH Moviegoer members 請圈出適用者 Please circle the appropriate option

香港管弦樂團「港樂會」 / 香港舞蹈團「以舞會友」尊尚、精英會籍 / 城市當代舞蹈團「舞蹈靈」卡、Dance、Kids Card /「進念之友」/ 「中樂摯友會」/ 藝穗會 / Perfect Cup Card / The Coffee Academics Coffee Club Card 會員 HK Phil Club Bravo / Friends of HKDC Prestige, Classic Membership / CCDC ‘Dance Inspirations’, Dance, Kids Card / Zuni Friends / Friends of HKCO / Fringe Club / Perfect Cup Card / The Coffee Academics Coffee Club Card members

場數 Screening

請圈出適用者 Please circle the appropriate option

正價票 Regular Price Ticket 影片編號 Film Code

本地全日制學生優惠票 HK Full-time Student Ticket

優惠票 Concessionary Ticket ( 高齡人士 / 殘疾人士 / 綜援受惠人士 ) (Senior Citizens / The Disabled / CSSA Recipients)

票數 No. of Tickets ( 每次交易最多可訂購 40 張門票,每場最多 4 張 Maximum 40 tickets per transaction, 4 tickets per screening 《家在蘭若寺》門票,每次交易限購買最多 2 張 Maxium 2 tickets of The Deserted per transaction)

總票價 Total Price

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 75

TP_HKIFF42_BF_VIP Pass_13.indd 75

19/2/2018 下午9:12

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HKIFF42 _ 2018 10 op.pdf 1 6/2/2018 上午10:05









milkad.indd 1

18/2/2017 下午7:13

香⽮䉦㑘              ጠ칗ɞ葶ꉛ೿ ⽦恏虏⽮앥䪐앟げ葶潦�Ȱ 칗ⵎ�譎


吀栀攀  匀栀漀瀀瀀攀爀 琀 愀椀 渀洀攀渀琀 䌀漀洀瀀氀 攀砀 ᭚ɪ‫ﲌ‬楲N�ཟ풚垚

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亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

世 world cinema 界 電 影



24/3(六)2:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

5/4(四)7:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

大象席地而坐 導演:胡波 2017 普通話 230 分鐘  中文字幕

自主新潮 Indie Power

滿州里動物園有一頭大象,每天坐在那裏。為朋友出頭 的少年、為弟報仇的惡霸哥哥、身陷囹圄的女生,卡在 世界灰暗的縫隙裏無法脫身,卻掙扎着去看大象。蕭瑟 寒冬的一天,絕望身影在不對稱不平衡的影像中碰撞, 爆裂了壓抑的沉鬱,在粗糙佈景、朦朧燈光的低成本製 作中肆意蔓延。作者兼導演胡波(筆名胡遷)首作,以 青澀樸質與震撼感性,獲柏林影展賞識入圍論壇單元, 卻是無法嵌合和諧主旋律的一塊失落拼圖。看不見大象 是共同宿命,胡波驟然隕落,也成了這一代人的遺憾。

An Elephant Sitting Still Dir: Hu Bo 2017 Putonghua 230min Cast: Zhang Yu, Peng Yuchang, Wang Yuwen, Liu Congxi

In Manzhouli, people say there is an elephant that simply sits and ignores the world. A rookie accidental killer, a man who seeks revenge for his brother, an old man about to be abandoned, and a girl behind bars, all long for escape from the downward spiral and see the elephant. Hu Bo’s electrifying directorial debut is a mesmerizing tale about the emotional negative space in a city where all shattered characters are heading nowhere. Tragically, it’s also the final chapter in his legacy. The writer-director took his own life at age 29.



21/3(三)5:30pm Festival Grand FG

25/3(日)7:30pm the sky SK

看不見的哀愁 導演:柏保羅佐治利 阿根廷/法國 2017 87 分鐘

在社會底層,充斥看不見的人,他們於無人留意的時候, 默默浸淫在看不見的哀愁。十七歲少女過着平凡生活: 上學、在寵物店兼職,唯孤獨難掩躁動,擾攘滲透寂寞。 有什麼令她不再平淡的事件在周圍的空氣飄蕩,可是當 真的有什麼發生了,到頭來又必須若無其事,一切交給 上天決定,連最難承受的生與死也可輕放。康城金攝影 機獎得主柏保羅佐治利以寫實主義手法捕捉沉鬱,順利 讓壓抑通過大量特寫汨汨流出,最終有否釋放已變得不 再重要。威尼斯影展驚艷者眾。

Invisible Dir: Pablo Giorgelli  Argentina/France  2017  87min Cast: Mora Arenillas, Mara Bestelli, Diego Cremonesi

Ely will haunt us. She is 17, pregnant, tossed about in an Argentine world where adult guidance barely seems to exist. She stumbles through her life, friends, home and school, hoping for some solution. Director Pablo Giorgelli, who won global acclaim and the Cannes Camera d'Or Award for his spare but beautiful first feature, Las Acacias (2011), follows up with a similarly styled yet deeply evocative portrait of a girl trying to make sense of her options in a life with scant resources. 86

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_C-15.indd 86

2/21/18 12:27 PM








21/3(三)9:15pm 星影匯 MP

23/3(五)4:30pm The Grand GC

27/3(二)5:00pm Festival Grand FG

5/4(四)2:15pm the sky SK

23/3(五)9:45pm the sky SK

25/3(日)5:00pm the sky SK




導演:佩舒彭德拉辛格 印度/南韓 2017 120 分鐘

導演:卡米拉安迪妮 印尼/荷蘭 2017 86 分鐘

導演:清原惟 日本 2017 80 分鐘

馬賊入村劫掠,九歲男孩從此失去母親。親戚接他到異 鄉居住,新生活真的在前面等着驚魂未定的他?遠山連 綿,林徑迂迴,故事彷彿於路的盡頭開始了,無緣無故 在轉角暫時消失,拐了一個彎又重現。夢境和現實界線 變得模糊之際,男孩所能緊緊擁抱的,只是亡母告訴過 他的神話故事,關於受詛咒的憤怒復仇之神馬勇,關於 不知不覺間緩慢而實在的成長。佩舒彭德拉辛格的第二 部作品,處處閃現薩耶哲雷、杜魯福和域陀艾里斯的光 影風格,滲透在黑白之間,純粹的美,複合的痛。

十歲女孩相信舞蹈接通靈魂,孖生弟弟腦癌導致失明癱 瘓,她面對悲傷,回憶一起嬉戲的日子,夢中更幻見弟 弟甦醒,給她講皮影戲故事。弟弟病情惡化,她以一支 猴子舞,潛進弟弟的意識。印尼名導嘉連奴高浩(《爪哇 歌劇》,31 屆)女兒安迪妮的首作《鏡子不說謊》 (36 屆) 備受好評,再以充滿靈氣的影像,映照難以言傳的內心。 猶如阿彼察邦的魔幻風格,穿梭現實與夢境,以細膩女 性觸覺,窺探孩子的幻想世界,從自身文化尋找療癒傷 痛的力量。同場加映《藍》(15 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

她們這一屋,這邊廂,住着一對母女,父親失蹤,母親 桐 子 另 結 新 歡, 女 兒 Seri 迎 來 十 四 歲 生 日, 寫 下 少 女 日記,忐忑面對母親快要改嫁的現實。那邊廂,住着兩 個女子,透子幹着神秘工作,收留在渡輪上失去記憶的 Sana,同住同居,卻不知對方過去。Sana 偶遇的男子突 然造訪,忽地打通了同一扇門。一間房子,平行時空, 兩個世界,四人生活暗地交織。師承黑澤清的新晉導演 清原惟,建構集實感與玄秘、既親近又疏離的空間,窺 看女性心靈密室。獲日本 PIA 電影節大獎。

Ashwatthama Dir: Pushpendra Singh  India/South Korea  2017  120min Cast: Aryan Singh, Lovely Singh, Sangita Kumari, Chitra Sharma

The Seen and Unseen (Sekala Niskala) Dir: Kamila Andini Indonesia/Netherlands 2017 86min Cast: Ni Kadek Thaly Titi Kasih, Ida Bagus Putu Radithya Mahijasena

Our House (Watashi-tachi no ie)

After his mother was killed by bandits, nine-year-old Ishvaku moves to live with her family in the Chambal ravines, whose closed terrains seemed to have locked its communities in mythic time. Holding onto his mother’s tale of the tragic hero Ashwatthama – an immortal who is eternally cursed with the pain of his wounds – the young boy begins to have strange encounters in the village. Singh’s second feature, redolent of Victor Erice’s cinema, weaves the mythical and the real in a child’s coming-of-age drama.

Hauntingly beautiful sophomore effort by Indonesian filmmaker Kamila Andini, yet revealing a clear vision infused with a poignant lyricism and bittersweet tragedy. Telling a simple story of two young twins becoming separated by the slow death of the brother, Tantra, Andini lets the sister, Tantri, explore worlds beyond the real, ever-present nature of the rice paddies into realms where folklore, dance and a superb childlike enactment of a cockfight unite the children even as their life paths diverge. Screening with Blau (15min, see P.18).

Two worlds in an old, odd-shaped house. Seri, nearly 14, knows her mother, Kiriko, has taken a new lover and plans to remarry. Sana, waking up on a ferry with no memory, stays with Toko, who keeps many secrets. Gradually the two worlds and the lives of the four characters subtly intertwine. Contriving a mystic world at once creepy, fascinating and touching, Kiyohara Yui, the PIA Film Festival Grand Prize Award winner, shows the hallmarks of creativity resembling her mentor, Kurosawa Kiyoshi.

Dir: Kiyohara Yui Japan 2017 80min Cast: Kawanishi Nodoka, Yasuno Yukiko, Osawa Mariwo, Fujiwara Mei

國際首映 International








25/3(日)2:45pm the sky SK

28/3(三)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

20/3(二)7:15pm Festival Grand FG

22/3(四)7:15pm the sky SK

20/3(二)7:30pm the sky SK

4/4(三)5:15pm Festival Grand FG




導演:伊莉莎維塔斯蒂肖娃  吉爾吉斯坦/俄羅斯  2017  103 分鐘

導演:施蓮世諾 菲律賓 2018 90 分鐘

導演:山曹阿基拿 葡萄牙 2017 86 分鐘

「謊言重複一千遍就是真理。」偷呃拐騙過活的卡拉巴 爸爸長年在外地打工,八歲女孩反覆聽他寄回來的家書 斯,亦有一妻一妾左右逢源。賤男爛賭揮霍酗酒,偏偏 錄音帶,躲在她的小世界,拿起玩具器皿,假裝兼母職 令兩個女人死心塌地:老妻領養了一個孤兒為求丈夫回 「煮飯仔」。母親總是很忙,疏於照顧,親密時光只有替 心轉意,年輕貌美的情人則為他身懷六甲。蘇萊曼山脈 母親拔白頭髮的時候。儘管爸爸有個長得一模一樣的兄 巍峨聳峙,俯視着破碎家庭踏上朝聖的顛簸之途。久已 弟,但父愛難覓。她心底可能也有戀父弒母傾向,但其 消失的兒子、即將出生的孩兒令虛浮父親重新正視一直 實更想得到一枝「美好人生」原子筆,在她緊張不安時, 逃避的人生,為糾纏關係化解愁結。鏡頭下吉爾吉斯優 代她寫出心聲。日本長大的菲律賓導演施蓮世諾,透過 美山色如畫,傳統與宗教信仰孕育的人文風景如詩,大 小女孩目光,回顧 1988 年馬可斯剛下台的日子,以異常 獨特的想像,反映典型菲律賓家庭的離散狀態。 地留下了慈悲,讓人間終究美好。

保羅在建築地盤當夜更保安,因為愛女之死,他把自己 遺留在陰冷異域,漫漫長夜是噩夢,活着像走肉行屍, 他的世界在崩塌,傷痛如魅影揮之不去,廢墟似的地盤 成了他內心寫照。原片名指的是《倫敦人狼》(1935)裏 的西藏奇花,在月光下盛放,能抑制人狼的獸性,令人 避免於月圓之夜變身成狼。那麼能拯救保羅的奇花又在 何方?阿基拿摒棄傳統敘事邏輯,以非凡影像建構介乎 生死的迷離空間,夢魘與現實難以分割。同場加映《第 五道牆》(12 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

Nervous Translation


Dir: Elizaveta Stishova Kyrgyzstan/Russia 2017 103min Cast: Daniel Daiyrbekov, Turgunai Erkinbekova, Perizat Ermanbaeva

Dir: Shireen Seno  The Philippines  2018  90min Cast: Jana Agoncillo, Angge Santos, Sid Lucero

Dir: Sandro Aguilar Portugal 2017 86min Cast: António Júlio Duarte, Albano Jerónimo, Isabel Abreu

Hinging around the healing powers of Kyrgyzstan’s sacred Suleiman mountain, the film follows the journey of a broken family in search of healing. A con-man swindles along his path with his two wives and his long-lost son, as the man’s selfishness and foolish ideas bring disappointment and pain upon the entire family. Kyrgyzstan’s magnificent landscape is brilliantly woven into this unconventional tragic-comedy with compassion for all its characters, good and bad.

In a year where many films explore the world through children’s eyes, both The Florida Project (P.12) and The Seen and Unseen find their counterpoint in this bittersweet depiction of the Philippines in the 1980s. Yael, at 8, balances an overseas father she barely remembers through messages on cassette tapes, an uncle who resembles him and a mother exhausted by work and responsibility, inviting us into the small-scale reality that buffers her from the troubles swirling so close around her.

A fictional plant that prevents men from becoming werewolves – and a symbol of the loss facing men in a landscape of ruins. Aguilar creates a zone between myth and the crushing realities of a failed world where loss haunts everyday life, especially as we meet Paulo, a night-watchman in post-industrial ruin dealing with personal loss and a world around him that is falling apart. A powerful voice from and about contemporary Portugal within a rich, distinctive cinematic tradition. Screening with The Fifth Wall (12min, see P.18).

Suleiman Mountain (Sulayman too)

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_C-14.indd 87

世界電影 world cinema | 自主新潮 Indie Power



2/20/18 2:55 AM

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

世界電影 world cinema | 自主新潮 Indie Power

©Hi Film Productions







24/3(六)9:30pm Festival Grand FG

3/4(二)5:00pm Festival Grand FG

24/3(六)9:30pm the sky SK

26/3(一)7:15pm the sky SK

28/3(三)5:30pm The Grand GC

3/4(二)7:45pm Festival Grand FG




導演:伊萬娜米拉狄露域  羅馬尼亞/塞爾維亞  2017  119 分鐘

導演:金大煥 南韓  2017 99 分鐘

導演:尊卡盧連治  美國  2017  88 分鐘  中文字幕

這是個「羅密歐與茱麗葉的愛情故事」。絕對冇搞錯,官 方宣傳寫得清清楚楚,只不過主角變成剛被女飛、研究 人類學的中坑,與滿面鬍鬚加個大肚腩的黑社會積犯。 艾迪來到布加勒斯特市郊的九反地帶研究地道吉卜賽音 樂,遇着地頭蟲阿拔圖答應幫忙,幫着幫着幫到登堂入 室上了床。一段淒美的後現代男人基情故事由此展開, 為世不容的感情是否注定悲劇收場?新晉女導演米拉狄 露域心中也有一座斷背山,突破社會禁忌以溫柔打造粗 獷的浪漫,絕對比得上莎翁愛情經典的盪氣迴腸。

得獎首作《爸爸的隆冬》(39 屆)的老爸嚷離婚鬧家變, 《德州巴黎》(1984)主角夏利甸史丹頓遺作,以九十高 今次輪到年輕愛侶同居七年結不結婚釀成家庭糾紛,懷 齡演繹退役老兵。居於美國西部沙漠小鎮,他煙不離手, 孕疑雲更令感情陷入信任迷陣。回家吃飯吃出個慘慘戚 不信有神,無妻無兒,我行我素。有日突然昏倒家中, 戚,女方母親嘮嘮叨叨促她快嫁,男方父親醉醺醺勸他 始意識到身體衰老,生命在倒數。由最初恐懼與不捨, 成婚,從此快快樂樂生活下去是誰在騙誰。駕着車在公 到學習坦然面對,剩下的餘生,每天都有新的體悟。演 路兜兜轉轉,兩個人在途上尋尋覓覓,順流逆流也好, 員出身的尊卡盧連治初執導筒,不只讓夏利甸史丹頓在 方向對錯也罷,總勝過一個人孤孤寂寂。金大煥與演員 銀幕留下巔峯代表作,還請來大衛連治客串,不以戲劇 們一起即興創作,在細節處處滲透人物忐忑心情,輕取 性取勝而重刻劃心態,跟隨主角踏上精神之旅。獲羅迦 羅迦諾電影節最佳新導演獎。 諾電影節天主教人道精神獎。

Soldiers. Story from Ferentari

The First Lap (Cho-haeng)


Dir: Kim Dae-hwan  South Korea  2017  99min Cast: Cho Hyun-chul, Kim Sae-byuk

Dir: John Carroll Lynch  USA  2017  88min Cast: Harry Dean Stanton, Ron Livingston, David Lynch

Cohabiting for seven years, Su-hyeon and Ji-young’s existence is interrupted by a possible unplanned pregnancy. This impels Ji-young’s desire to reunite with his family, while Su-hyeon’s mother urges the couple to get married. While passive-aggressive undercurrents flow through the straightforward narrative, The First Lap also imbues a universal resonance to the ordinariness of relationships, much like how this couple drives towards Korea's east coast, knowing and fearing in their bones how it will all end. Prize for Best Emerging Director, Locarno International Film Festival.

In one of his last screen roles, Harry Dean Stanton gives a career-defining performace as a celluloid version of himself, playing Lucky, a scruffy 90-year-old atheist, loner, singer, smoker, irritant, and – yes – a philosophical World War II veteran fearing death while staring into the twilight of his life. This pseudo-biographical story is a reflective, poignant, funny and irreverent celebration of the legendary artist, who died in September, and reminds us why he stood out as Hollywood’s favorite character actor during his six-decade film career. Watch out for David Lynch's delightful supporting performance!

Dir: Ivana Mladenovic Romania/Serbia 2017 119min Cast: Adrian Schiop, Vasile Pavel-Digudai

Described as a “Romeo and Juliet” tale; in this case, Romeo is a middle-aged anthropologist recently dumped by his girlfriend, while Juliet is an ex-convict with a large beard and belly. When Alberto helps Adi to do his field research into the manele Gypsy music in the impoverished ghetto Ferentari, the mismatched pair soon develops into an unlikely romance. A tender love story that looks into isolation and intimacy in a society plagued with social taboos and prejudices, Mladenovic’s debut feature promises love and passion that stays with people as the Shakespearean classic.

電影節發燒友2018優惠計劃 HKIFF Cine Fan 2018 Privilege Scheme

入會即送第42屆香港國際電影節換票證2張* Join & Get 2 Ticket Vouchers* for HKIFF42 * 換票證只適用於換取第四十二屆香港國際電影節於香港理工大學賽馬會綜藝館及香港文化中心放映之未滿座場次。 換票證數量有限,先到先得。 * Ticket vouchers are applicable to redeem tickets for all non sold-out screening at Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and HK Cultural Centre in HKIFF42. Ticket vouchers are available on a firstcome, first-served basis.

費用 Fee HK$10,000 HK$120

會籍Types 贊助會員Patron Privilege 會員Classic Privilege

2018年12月31日 31 December 2018


學生會員Student Privilege 門票優惠Discounts 電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)節目各場正價門票 Regular-priced HKIFF Cine Fan Programme tickets 香港國際電影節各場正價門票 Regular-priced HKIFF tickets 《第四十二屆香港國際電影節特刊》及《雲外笑紅塵# - 林青霞》^ "The 42nd HKIFF Main Catalogue" and "Filmmaker in Focus: Brigitte LIN Ching-Hsia"^

有效期至Valid Until

贊助會員 及會員 Patron Privilege▲and Classic Privilege

學生會員 Student Privilege

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How to join the HKIFF Cine Fan Application for Classic / Student / Patron Privilege can be made online or in-person. Apply online: A recent passport-sized photo (max. 2MB) is required for Student and Patron Privilege applications. Apply in-person: For application in-person, please contact us at 2970 3300.

電影節發燒友(HKIFF Cine Fan)入會條款、優惠詳情及細則,請參閱。For the T&C and benefit details of HKIFF Cine Fan Privilege Scheme, please visit 88

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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國際首映 International


紀 Documentaries 錄 片



24/3(六)4:45pm 星影匯 MP

26/3(一)7:15pm Festival Grand FG

紅盒子 導演:楊力州  2017  國語/台語  99 分鐘  中文字幕

真的假不了 Reality Bites

戲夢人生,戀戀風塵,但戲迷散了,戲台漸漸被其他娛 樂取代。陳錫煌是已故布袋戲大師李天祿的長子,因父 親入贅而從母姓,於是自小得不到父愛,即使學得高超 技藝,父親的亦宛然劇團亦沒有傳給他。他帶着供奉戲 神的紅盒子,自立門戶巡迴表演,把布袋戲藝術傳揚到 海外。然而年事已高,即使樂於授徒,始終後繼乏人。 楊力州(《那時.此刻》,39 屆)歷時十年製作,不只翻 開兩代國寶級大師的父子矛盾,也記下了掌上技藝的絕 妙優美,道盡傳統布袋戲的興衰,令人低迴不已。


燃燒彈 (P.21) Napalm

深入火心 (P.7) Into the Inferno

12日瘋人認證 (P.20) 12 Days

紐約公共圖書館 (P.22) Ex Libris - The New York Public Library

妖僧志 (P.25) The Venerable W.

Dir: Yang Li-Chou 2017 Mandarin/Taiwanese 99min

What do filial piety and reverence for the old mean in a world transformed? Taiwan director Yang Li-Chou (The Moment, 39th) showed his sensitivity to the elderly in his moving documentary on dementia, The Long Goodbye (2010). Here, he focuses on a single family, art and tradition, as finger puppeteer Chen Hsi-Huang wrests his identity from his father Li Tien-Lu (The Puppetmaster, 1993) to start his troupe at 79, but also faces questions of who will follow him in a life and labor of love.



24/3(六)7:15pm The Grand GC

26/3(一)9:45pm 星影匯 MP

水底行走的人 導演:陳安琪  2017  粵語  91 分鐘  中文字幕

陳安琪繼《三生三世聶華苓》(36 屆)後,再為藝術家 造像,近距離展現黃仁逵的創作人生與人格魅力。黃仁 逵學藝於法國,擅繪畫、攝影、寫作,精於藍調音樂, 亦為電影美術指導。透過與黃仁逵的互動,導演嘗試窺 探他不為人知的一面,靈感激發與觀點碰撞並行,強大 自我與審慎謙卑角力,甚至針鋒相對。當中不只紀錄他 追尋理想甘於淡泊的態度、與女兒失散多年後重逢的故 事、與翁維銓的深厚友情,以及我城的人文風景,也坦 誠紀錄他對拍攝目的及手法的質疑,真性情盡顯。

i've got the blues Dir: Angie Chan  2017  Cantonese  91min

Following her award-winning documentary, One Tree Three Lives (36th), about novelist Hualing Nieh Engle, Hong Kong director Angelina Chan examines the artist Yank Wong Yan-kwai. A complex man who resists easy categorizations, Wong is a painter, art director, set designer, writer, musician, and photographer, an elusive renaissance man of bountiful creativity. More than a portrait of an artist and the creative life, the film is also a high-octane cat-and-mouse game between filmmaker and subject: one tries to capture, the other evades. 90

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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25/3(日)12:00pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU

31/3(六)4:45pm 星影匯 MP

28/3(三)5:00pm Festival Grand FG

4/4(三)7:30pm 星影匯 MP

24/3(六)7:30pm the sky SK

30/3(五)5:00pm 星影匯 MP

68 火紅正蔓延



導演:祖莫尼拉沙利斯 巴西 2017 127 分鐘

導演:亞嘉莉娜雅、夏華艾雪曼  加拿大  2017  80 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:丹尼郭迪  加拿大 2017 94 分鐘  中文字幕

巴西政變,1964;文革,1966;布拉格之春,1968;巴 黎五月風暴,1968。導演沙利斯發現已故母親四十年前 拍下的片段,她在文革爆發當年到過中國,親眼見證革 命理想的幻象,與個人崇拜的瘋狂。那是個火紅年代, 同一天空下,巴西的左傾總統因美國撐腰的軍事政變而 流亡海外,捷克的民主運動如火如荼卻遭到蘇聯坦克鎮 壓,巴黎學生則佔領校園讓革命之火席捲全國。鑒古知 今,沙利斯以類似基斯馬爾卡的詩意光影沉思,回溯半 世紀前的浩瀚波瀾。

前世界足球先生韋亞獲選為利比利亞總統,令國家貧窮 貪腐問題一時成為國際新聞焦點。兩位女導演則揹起攝 影機,紀錄環保鬥士西拉斯塞亞恪的抗爭歷程。以生命 喚醒世人對非洲破壞環境和違反人權的關注,巧用通訊 科技和社交媒體,揭發前總統泰勒以開山砍樹牟利來支 持內戰,亦暴露前任女總統瑟利夫在諾貝爾和平獎的光 環下,將大量伐林開礦的合約私賣予行賄的外國財團。 里安納度狄卡比奧監製加持,齊向破壞地球的惡勢力宣 戰。同場加映《當我還活着》(15 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

六個有肌猛男,個個四十吋胸肌大過部電視機。人人艷 羨的筋肉人魔鬼身材,究竟如何練成的?丹尼郭迪(《折 翼大丈夫》,40 屆)帶你走進大隻佬日常生活。虎背熊 腰原來得來不易,是日以繼夜、夜以繼日體能鍛練與飲 食節制,毅力堅持缺一不可。爭取健美冠軍是共同目標, 軌跡卻各有不同:有的兼職人體素描模特兒,有的以肉 身拉動貨櫃車頭,有的上台摔角比拼。不必深究狂操肌 肉所為何事,是雄性荷爾蒙作祟,抑或自我炫耀;且看 格鬥士亦有感性時,健碩胸肌下,也有一顆溫柔的心。

In the Intense Now (No Intenso Agora)


A Skin So Soft (Ta peau si lisse)

Dir: João Moreira Salles  Brazil  2017  127min

Dir. Anjali Nayar, Hawa Essuman  Canada  2017  80min

Dir: Denis Côté Canada 2017 94min

Five decades after convulsions of social value, generational protest, and cultural change swept the world, the 1960s continue to fascinate old generations and new as periods of global upheaval and apparent transformation. To take us into the heart of that enthusiasm and evanescence, Salles skilfully interweaves contemporary materials from May ’68 in Paris, the Prague Spring and the early Cultural Revolution, posing profound questions about commitment, meaning, understanding and change itself that we continue to live and struggle with.

Liberia president-elect George Weah may become the new hero in tackling income inequality and poverty, but the real hope of Africa’s citizens lies in Silas Siakor, who has been fighting against environmental destruction and political corruption for his whole life. A symbol of resistance for a new generation, the tireless crusader has ventured to remote areas to document abuses with his cellphone camera, shedding a critical light on the Nobel Peace Prize laureate President Ellen Sirleaf’s logging exploitation as the root of the country’s decline. Screening with While I Yet Live (15min, see P.18).

An absurd body mass catches the eyeball, yet it’s the skin that offers a wealth of details. Studiously observing the world of male bodybuilding, this documentary crafts a multifaceted portrait of six modern gladiators building up their physical brawn: extreme diets, training regimens and stamina. Without trying to analyze their obsession with their extravagant concept of masculinity, or the need for self-display, Denis Côté (Boris Without Beatrice, 40th) shows the daily lives of these men in an understated approach, capturing their emotional complexity with wit and tenderness.

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere







23/3(五)2:30pm The Grand GC

3/4(二)7:30pm 星影匯 MP

26/3(一)9:45pm the sky SK

2/4(一)4:45pm 星影匯 MP

22/3(四)8:00pm The Grand GC

1/4(日)5:15pm 星影匯 MP




導演:艾莉卡高恩  巴勒斯坦/美國  2017  81 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:雷杜祖迪 羅馬尼亞  2017  83 分鐘

導演︰積羅夫斯坦  美國 2017 82 分鐘  中文字幕

儘管可蘭經沒有明文禁止女性在伊斯蘭法庭出任法官, 胡露德法琪最初想擔任此職,簡直是異想天開。2012 年, 她終於獲委任,是巴勒斯坦第一人,亦是中東第一人。 她在約旦河西岸的法院,按照伊斯蘭法律,審理家暴及 家庭糾紛,判決離婚及子女撫養權。但她的裁決及能力 仍會受到無理質疑,必須耐心改變世俗的性別偏見,才 能捍衛社會公義。高恩以真實電影方式記錄,釐清外界 對伊斯蘭法律的誤解,如實呈現巴勒斯坦女性的生活面 貌。同場加映《特斯拉世界之光》(8 分鐘,見 18 頁)。

畫面來自攝影師哥斯提卡厄辛特的照相館,是羅馬尼亞 小鎮攝於 1937 至 1946 年間的珍貴照片。聲音則來自一 名猶太裔醫生同期的日記,記下當年反猶太主義抬頭, 羅馬尼亞的大屠殺歷史,並穿插那時候的政府宣傳片聲 帶。雷杜祖迪繼《押奴記》 (39 屆)及《少年詩人的心疤》 (41 屆)後,轉拍非劇情片,同樣充滿震憾力。聲音與 畫面,明明出自同一時空,卻彷彿兩個平行宇宙,猶太 人面對的苦難命運,與羅馬尼亞小鎮的生活面貌,看似 割裂分離,卻又互相對照,彼此補足。

水 能 載 舟, 亦 能 覆 舟。2008 金 融 海 嘯 之 後, 全 美 視 引 入中資為救市良方。透過反收購美國公司,中資企業如 洪流湧進山姆叔叔的金融市場,有人額手稱慶,有人看 出隱憂。轉眼十年快過,積羅夫斯坦遍訪華爾街,他的 鏡頭下有大鱷,也有機會主義者,更有註定後悔出鏡的 業界「消息靈通人士」,進退之間幾乎拍成了一齣恐怖 片 —到處是街客想像不到的秘密交易、巧取豪奪。如 果這「故事」有教訓,大抵是:知難而退直是天方夜譚, 失手的下次只會來得更狠更卑鄙。

The Judge

The Dead Nation

The China Hustle

Dir: Erika Cohn Palestine/USA 2017 81min

Dir: Radu Jude Romania 2017 83min

Dir: Jed Rothstein USA 2017 82min

Shari’a law has been caricatured in the West as a system of rigidity, extremism and oppression, especially with regards to Muslim women. Judge Kholoud al-Faqih, however, shatters many of our stereotypes as a leader in the first of a group of women who have been appointed to religious courts in the last decade, blending progress and tradition as she works to inspire other Muslim women by her strength and judgment. A fascinating revelation by Middle-Eastern documentarian specialist Erika Cohn. Screening with The Tesla World Light (8min, see P.18).

The banality of hate turned into a masterwork of creative documentary. Yet another dynamic Romanian director, Radu Jude (Scarred Hearts, 41st), turns from his fictional films towards an aesthetic indictment of pervasive anti-Semitism in his country. Juxtaposing quietly beautiful photographs of everyday Romanians with texts of the rise of fascism from both leaders and victims, Jude provides eerie insight into the Holocaust from a country that has since forgotten it, and the 700,000 Jews who disappeared into its history.

Wall Street. China. Greed. Fraud. And with billions of dollars at stake, this documentary becomes an economic thriller. After the 2008 global financial meltdown, U.S. investors looked for ways to recover, despite even greater risk-taking. Enter shadowy mainland Chinese companies, seeking listings on New York stock markets through reverse-takeover mergers of American shell companies. It’s as dubious as it sounds: as one hedge-fund manager turned whistleblower tells us, “There are no good guys in this story, including me.”

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_C-15.indd 91

紀錄片 Documentaries | 真的假不了 Reality Bites

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


2/21/18 12:27 PM

Wa n t to D i s c ove r t h e M a ny Fa c e s of J a p a n? NHK WORLD T V PROGR A M LINEUP NHK WORLD TV is a 24/7 English channel from Japan

Latest news, business, and weather every hour with stories and analysis from Japan, the rest of Asia, and around the world. 每小時最新新聞、經濟及天氣資訊,並提供日本、其他亞洲國家及 世界各地的報道和分析。



English-speaking visitors travel the length of Japan, exploring the locales, meeting the people and of fering travel tips based on their experiences.

CYCLE AROUND JAPAN presents tips on enjoying pedalpowered adventures across the country. Even if you never climb on, you’ll get a cyclist's-eye view just by watching.

說英語的訪客走遍日本各地,探索當地社會及文化,接觸不同人物, 透過自身經歷為你提供旅遊貼士。

CYCLE AROUND JAPAN 搜羅以單車遊日的貼士,讓你盡情享受踏單車 的冒險旅程。即使未能親身參與,你也可透過收看節目,從中感受到 踏單車過程的視野。



A focus on Asia today, from the traditional to the trailblazing, as the region balances its dynamic growth and impact in the global market with its rich history.

A new initiative from NHK WORLD TV to showcase the best Asian documentaries by emerging Asian filmmakers.

聚焦在今日的亞洲,這個融合了傳統到創新、擁有豐富歷史的地區, 了解它如何在急速發展中取得平衡,並探討它對全球市場的影響。

NHK WORLD TV的新嘗試,為大家獻上亞洲新銳導演製作的 最佳亞洲紀錄片。

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Live and on-demand streaming is available on our website and app.







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紀 Documentaries 錄 片 29FG3E1

疾走無韁  原一男 A Dedicated Filmmaker Hara Kazuo

29/3(四)7:15pm Festival Grand FG

日本紀錄片猛將原一男,作品不多,卻每每帶來震撼與衝擊。他 在 1945 年生於山口縣,1972 年與小林佐智子成立「疾走」製作 小組。同年完成首部紀錄片《再見 CP》,近距離紀錄腦麻痺患者 的生存狀態。成名作《極私愛慾 ‧ 戀歌 1974》把鏡頭轉向個人 私生活,讓前度女友坦露自我。代表作《祭軍魂》(11 屆)極具 爭議,令他聲名大噪。1994 年的《全身小說家》(19 屆)忠實紀 錄作家井上光晴的最後歲月。新作《石棉村大訴訟》剛於去年完 成,從社會議題入手,而他最關心始終仍是人的故事。

What does it mean to be an outlaw filmmaker? For some, experiments in form and sound. For others, political positioning. For others, sheer shock. For Hara Kazuo, his outlawness means being outside of and inside Japanese society, formed by centuries of culture yet ready to rip away all that is concealed there. His extraordinarily vivid documentaries provide voices for those disabled by cerebral palsy and radical feminists, work to uncover the silenced betrayals of World War II and mean a decade of work exploring the everyday betrayals of asbestos workers. Searingly personal, intimate, demanding – his films embody a unique vision that continues to tear down taboos even if he himself is hurt in the process. A dedicated man and mind. 28FG3E1 28/3(三)7:15pm Festival Grand FG

25AC3E1 25/3(日)6:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC


AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_C-14.indd 94

2/20/18 2:55 AM



極私愛慾‧戀歌 1974 日本  1974  92 分鐘

原一男完成首作《再見 CP》後,轉往極之私密的題材,利用拍紀錄片的機會,找回曾 經同居三年的前度女友武田美由紀。她已帶着他們的小孩移居沖繩,跟另一女生拍拖 同居。原一男以鏡頭直接介入她的私生活,赤裸呈現其獨特個性,及後他更讓自己的 新女友兼製片人小林佐智子也前往拍攝,安排兩個女人侃侃而談這個微妙三角關係。 武田美由紀可說是當時的先鋒女性,在鏡頭前展現異常潑辣勇猛的生命力,敢愛敢恨, 愛起來不問性別不拘膚色,也拒受婚姻束縛,寧去夜店打工自力更生也不靠男人,自 己生的小孩自己帶自己養,攝影機更拍下她在家獨力分娩的整個過程。

Extreme Private Eros: Love Song 1974 Japan 1974 92min

A film that strips away the mirages of romance in the unsettling life of a Japanese feminist and her intersections with her obsessive ex-boyfriend, the filmmaker. While Kazuo states early on that the film was a way to keep his wife in his life, she takes over in painful revelations that also cast him into dark shadows. Halfway through the process, Hara even arranged for his new girlfriend, a producer, to join the shooting and engage in a conversation with the ex. Lovers, relationships, and issues of race and power in Okinawa, give way to sheer control of the female body as Miyuki gives birth and Hara rolls the camera, silently, stripping Eros of Erotica but challenging us with what emerges in its place.

祭軍魂 日本  1987  122 分鐘

原一男挑戰禁忌,衝擊底線,拍出日本史上其中一部最重要紀錄片,《電影旬報》票選 二十世紀百大日本電影榜上有名。奧崎謙三曾以鋼珠射擊天皇,認為必須向發動戰爭 的日皇裕仁追究到底,又揚言行刺首相。他廿一歲入伍,太平洋戰爭期間被派到新畿 內亞,戰敗滯留孤島,忍飢挨餓。親密戰友枉死,他決意討回公道,滿腔怒火噴薄而出。 原一男經由今村昌平介紹認識奧崎,以攝影機逼視戰時罪行,鏡頭前的奧崎咄咄逼人, 獨自開着寫滿標語的宣傳車追討戰爭責任,不只怒祭戰友魂,更以誘騙及暴力手段, 窮追猛打,迫使當年軍官承認曾下令殺害部屬,揭開駭人聽聞的吃人真相。

The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On Japan 1987 122min

An obsessive meets an obsessive: Hara follows veteran Okuzaki Kenzo in his quest to expose and critique the horrors of the last days of World War II, when Japanese soldiers on New Guinea were faced with the choice between starvation and cannibalism. He confronts both victims – including families of those shot for their actions – and abusive commanders who failed them, in near-parodic politeness that opens with gifts and then turns to accusations. And his attacks go far – up to the cult of the Emperor (Hirohito) and a responsibility unspoken in Japanese society, which has shunned this film.

石棉村大訴訟 日本  2017  215分鐘  中文字幕

大阪府泉南地區,明治末年開始發展成石棉重鎮,戰後更是石棉工廠林立。2005 年「久 保田震撼」令日本民眾意識到石棉問題嚴峻,不只石棉工人罹患致命肺病比率超高, 連員工家屬及工廠周邊居民亦深受其害。政府早知石棉危險,卻以經濟發展為先,對 致病風險視若無睹。泉南受害民眾決定控告政府,原一男以三個半小時篇幅,把個案 數字還原為一個個有血有肉的人,都有喜怒哀樂,有人以抱病之軀堅持訴訟,有人等 不到裁決已病逝。民眾代表柚岡一禎沒有《祭軍魂》的奧崎謙三那麼激進,但同樣是 憤怒的行動派,上書首相府,誓要有關官員對石棉禍害承擔責任。

Sennan Asbestos Disaster Japan  2017  215min

A documentary forged through a decade of struggle by asbestos workers to win recognition and compensation from those who allowed them to toil in life-threatening circumstances, in an area known for asbestos from the Meiji period until now. Their humble questions, challenges and gains are punctuated by the sickness and death of those who we come to know as activists and human companions. Even with a court win, the film does not bask in triumph but challenges the legitimacy of the courts, industry and government that finally acknowledged a few, but overlooked the suffering and deaths of many.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

紀 Documentaries 錄 片



28/3(三)7:30pm 星影匯 MP

1/4(日)2:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC

加利格蘭私記 導演:麥克歇度  法國  2017  85 分鐘  中文字幕

影人影事 Filmmakers and Filmmaking 拼貼迷魂記 (P.110) The Green Fog

在《捉賊記》(1955)與嘉麗絲姬莉調情,《花都奇遇結 良 緣 》(1963) 迷 倒 柯 德 莉 夏 萍,《 奪 魄 驚 魂 》(1959) 驚險避過飛機俯衝追殺,加利格蘭堪稱荷里活一代男神, 風度翩翩風流倜儻,但巨星光芒背後,原來有着難解心 結。生於裁縫之家,母親因病被送走,自小缺乏母愛, 令他嚴重欠缺自信及安全感,多段婚姻均以失敗收場, 借助精神藥物才把心病治好。本片以加利格蘭未曾出版 的自傳為骨幹,既是他由窮家小子到成為奧斯卡終身成 就獎得主的心路,也是他尋覓自我、面對心魔的歷程。

Becoming Cary Grant Dir: Mark Kidel France 2017 85min

That smile. That voice. The definition of debonaire, especially when Hitchcock drew out his darker sides in To Catch a Thief (1955) and North by Northwest (1959). But who was Archibald Leach? Where did he come from and what did he leave behind? And how did he and others come to create this enigmatic and charming persona over a long and storied life? Drawing on Grant’s unpublished memoirs, home movies and his encounters with LSD, this film offers insights into the person behind the mask of the star.

國際首映 International




26/3(一)9:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

29/3(四)5:00pm Festival Grand FG

全身影評人 導演:法比安夏緒、納梅爾、雲信夏沙  法國 2017 85 分鐘

誰是尚杜謝?惜字如金的影評人、不授課的老師和沒有 孩子的父親—影迷這樣形容他。但其實誰會不認識這 位足跡遍及全法,最受歡迎的映後談講者兼《電影筆記》 資深影評人呢?法國新浪潮評論達人、希治閣專家、奧 桑恩師⋯⋯可以為了一個吻參演電影,相信友情,不相 信愛情。三名電影發燒友追隨他走訪故友門生,暢談光 影哲學,回溯當年評論奧遜威爾斯和尚雷諾亞的珍貴片 段。畢竟,無事不變,無物不動;健動如尚杜謝,連結 起電影,與人間。

Jean Douchet: Restless Child Dir: Fabien Hagège, Guillaume Namur, Vincent Haasser  France 2017 85min

The evangelist of the French New Wave, Jean Douchet forsook directing to teach: not in Paris or global film schools, but with cine-clubs or groups of amateurs across provincial France. For decades, he has preached and taught film to generations of young French filmmakers, inspiring them with the possibilities of creating new worlds. Now, as he approaches 90, three of his youngest acolytes engage the master before the camera, making his legacy even more accessible to the world. 98

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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30/3(五)5:00pm Festival Grand FG

2/4(一)7:00pm 星影匯 MP

24/3(六)9:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

27/3(二)7:15pm 星影匯 MP

31/3(六)7:30pm 星影匯 MP

5/4(四)2:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC



觸目驚心:78/52 大解密

導演:魯狄加舒士蘭 德國 2017 105 分鐘

導演:胡賽因塔貝克 德國/奧地利 2017 122 分鐘

導演:亞歷山大奧菲臘 美國 2017 91 分鐘  中文字幕

他是生於土耳其的庫爾德人、政治異見者、當年獨裁政 府眼中釘,飾演《醜王》(1966)亡命鐵漢聲名大噪,因 誤殺被判刑十九年,卻在獄中寫了三部名揚海外的電影。 尤馬茲瑾尼拍《自由之路》(1982,見 115 頁)時正在獄 中,排除萬難完成作品,之後流亡法國,與哥斯達加華 斯的《大失蹤》(1982)分享康城金棕櫚獎,兩年後病死 他鄉。塔貝克是米高漢尼卡的學生,深受瑾尼電影啟發, 決定追尋他的足跡,走訪其親友、同囚、創作伙伴、合 作過的演員,重組這位傳奇影人的真面目。

少女淋浴,黑影拉開浴簾向她狂刺,《觸目驚心》 (1960) 短短三分鐘的一幕,成為電影史上最驚心動魄的經典場 面。希治閣鐵粉奧菲臘拆解緊張大師的麥加芬奧秘,將 78 個鏡位共 52 次剪接逐一解剖研究:對白雙重意涵、 場景精密設計、鏡頭匠心獨運。39 位導演、演員及技術 專家,細談大師如何以高超技法及無窮創意建構神作。 希治閣把觀眾拋入一個暴力變態的世界,徹底改變觀影 模式,製造社會文化現象,影響力石破天驚。本片如同 偵探查案抽絲剝繭,絕對滿足影痴的偷窺欲。

Hitler’s Hollywood

The Legend of the Ugly King


Dir: Rüdiger Suchsland Germany 2017 105min

Dir: Hüseyin Tabak Germany/Austria 2017 122min

Dir: Alexandre O. Philippe  USA  2017  91min

Roughly 1000 films were produced in Germany under Nazi control between 1933 and 1945. Only a few are known today for their vivid propaganda as well as their cinematic mastery – Triumph of the Will (1935), Olympia (1938), Jew Suss (1940), etc. What of the everyday, the glamour, the escape? Suchsland (From Caligari to Hitler, 39th) probes musicals and melodramas, adventures and tragedies to reveal the seeds of hate and fascism, wrapped in the stars and technical expertise that echoed Hollywood while creating a very different world.

Audiences who only know Kurdish filmmaker Yılmaz Güney through his 1982 Cannes laureate Yol (see P.115) will be inspired anew by his life and work in Turkey and exile, private life and public confrontations, revolution and prison. The film illuminates his rural childhood, his stardom as the glamorous James Bond-type Ugly King, and his evolution into a powerful leftist visionary. From there until his premature death in exile in 1984, Güney created a powerful new vision as he battled imprisonment and dictatorship.

The shower scene! Three minutes, that’s all it takes to shock the world and still haunt us today. Alexandre O. Philippe takes an unprecedented look at the iconic moment in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960), dissecting the MacGuffin DNA in the 78 setups and 52 cuts used in the shower scene. Film directors, actors and editors discuss the shockmaster’s revolutionary use of film technique, and how he changed cinema’s relationship with sex and violence. An expert autopsy on a genius work that wields a massive impact on film culture.

承接預示極權崛起的《從卡里加利到希特拉》(39 屆), 舒 士 蘭 繼 續 鉤 沉, 打 開 德 國 電 影 史 禁 忌 一 章。 除 了 常 被 後 世 提 及 的 經 典 宣 傳 片《 意 志 的 勝 利 》(1935) 與 《奧林匹亞》(1938)、激起反猶情緒的《猶太人蘇斯》 (1940),納粹從掌權到倒台,共製作了過千部電影,儼 然要與荷里活分庭抗禮,建立起自家夢工場的明星制度, 透過影像煽動人心。舒士蘭認真檢視非常時期的非常電 影, 從 出 走 美 國 前 的 英 格 烈 褒 曼 數 到 德 國 版《 鐵 達 尼 號》,拆解潛藏的思想控制,以及極權下的集體潛意識。

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere







30/3(五)7:15pm 星影匯 MP

4/4(三)4:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC

24/3(六)5:00pm Festival Grand FG

1/4(日)7:15pm 星影匯 MP

29/3(四)7:30pm 星影匯 MP

1/4(日)4:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC




導演:阿歷山德拉甸 美國 2017 90 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:東尼茲耶拉  美國  2017  94 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:麥泰拿路  美國  2017  97 分鐘  中文字幕

她是《霸王妖姬》(1949)的美艷妖姬,演過無數人間尤 物與風流皇后。當世人只注意她的樣貌與身材,關心她 的緋聞與私隱,認定美貌與智慧不可兼得,喜地拉瑪的 故事肯定令人跌破無數眼鏡。她與音樂家好友佐治安泰 爾,在戰時發明無線電跳頻技術,為後世 wifi 和藍芽通 訊奠下基礎。她要當發明家,但政府只想利用她的名氣 推銷戰爭債券。蘇珊莎拉頓參與監製,戴安古嘉客串讀 出書信,加上親友憶述,以及意外發現的喜地拉瑪生前 錄音帶,讓人更接近這位艷星發明家的真實面目。

天才橫溢,偏執成狂,倒吸引了個鐵粉。李昂維塔利本 是前途光明的新星,演罷《亂世兒女》(1975)即拜服於 寇比力克的創作神壇,甘捨棄名利侍奉大師廿多年形影 不離。上至選角收音剪接,下至駕車縫衣照顧愛貓,對 嚴苛要求使命必達,身心俱殘仍無怨無悔。沒有維塔利, 影史不會出現《閃靈》(1980)的詭異雙胞胎、《烈血焚 城》(1987)的魔鬼教官,《大開眼戒》(1999)亦難以 完成。茲耶拉細緻觀察兩人相互依存的關係,是獻給所 有默默耕耘不求回報的電影工作者最美麗的情書。

扯皮條扯到成為荷里活傳奇,當今世上怕只有史葛蒂鮑 華思一人。麥泰拿路(《真國民:我衛我城》,41 屆)翻 開皮條天王回憶錄,細看他當年在機緣巧合下將荷里活 大道加油站變成明星肉慾場。直的、攣的、男女通殺的 明星來到這裏一一得到滿足,食快餐、玩 3P、開雜交派 對式式俱備。加利格蘭、嘉芙蓮協賓、史賓沙德利西等 皆是座上客,徹底拋開銀幕前紳士淑女華衣,尋回人性 原始本能與基本快樂。尋幽探秘之間,且看案內人如何 以貨真價實兼密不透風的專業精神,贏得愛戴與尊重。

Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story


Dir: Alexandra Dean USA 2017 90min

Dir: Tony Zierra  USA  2017  94min

Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood

Bursting onto the screen in the 1930s as the “Ecstasy Girl” – coined after the German film Ecstasy (1933), in which she combined beauty and shocking sensuality – Hedy Lamarr’s looks earned her a Hollywood career full of scandals, marriages, and too few actually memorable roles, followed by decades of decline. Yet, Lamarr also advised Howard Hughes on airplane design and invented one of the key elements of modern encryption. Using interviews, memoirs and lush clips, director Dean illuminates the complicated life behind her exquisite façade.

Leon Vitali, after his acclaimed performance as Lord Bullingdon in Barry Lyndon (1975), became Stanley Kubrick’s devoted aide﹣de﹣camp. For over two decades, Vitali was Kubrick’s factotum, never not on call, doing anything the ruthless taskmaster asked – from casting the role of Danny in The Shining (1980), to looking after his cats. Left skin and bones, even drifted from his children, Vitali never walked away. Zierra’s compelling and compassionate film enters into their uniquely complex, interdependent relationship, paying tribute to one of cinema’s unacknowledged heroes.

Dir: Matt Tyrnauer USA 2017 97min

Scotty Bowers was an unsung Hollywood legend. In Tyrnauer‘s deliciously scandalous portrait, we meet the happy-go-lucky procurer who catered to the sexual appetites of celebrities – straight, gay and omnivorous – for decades. From Cary Grant and Spencer Tracy to Ava Gardner, Scotty helped fulfill inner desires in his gas station, where he’d please his clients with quickies, threesomes, orgies, or whatever they wanted, in strictest confidentiality. Amid these human stars, he was a professional who made people happy.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_D-15.indd 99

紀錄片 Documentaries | 影人影事 Filmmakers and Filmmaking

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere


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五 kaleidoscope 光 十 色 超人氣動畫 Animation Unlimited

25PU3E1 25/3(日)6:00pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU

27KH3E1 27/3(二)7:30pm 康怡戲院 KH

幸福路上 導演:宋欣穎 2017 國語 109 分鐘  中文字幕 聲演:桂綸鎂、魏德聖、陳博正、廖慧珍

長大了,有成為理想中的大人嗎?小琪生於蔣介石逝世當天,成長過程正是台灣社會 經歷最劇烈轉變的時期,從戒嚴到解嚴,從白色恐怖到政黨輪替。六歲那年舉家搬到 新北市幸福路,為了滿足父母期望,她力爭上游,但也許幸福本來就沒有捷徑。她一 步步走上當初沒預期的路,到美國工作、結婚,走到人生的瓶頸,因外婆去世,重返 老家,回首童年,思索前路。曾經留美的宋欣穎,以手繪動畫細細道出同代人的喜與 憂,請來桂綸鎂、魏德聖參與配音,為一代人的成長回憶添上幽默與感人筆觸。金馬 影展閉幕電影。

On Happiness Road Dir: Sung Hsin-Yin 2017 Mandarin 109min Cast: Gwei Lun-Mei, Wei Te-Sheng, Chen Bor-Jeng, Jane Liao

Born in the 1970s, Chi (voiced by Gwei Lun-Mei) grew up in a family of modest means in post-Chiang Kai Shek Taiwan. Years later, she returns from life in the U.S. to attend her grandmother’s funeral, which prompts her to come to terms with her younger self. Sung Hsin-Yin’s hand-drawn animated debut feature delicately reflects upon the evolution of Taiwanese society and history through a woman’s coming-of-age story. Closing Night Film, 2017 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival.

22GC3E1 22/3(四)7:15pm The Grand GC

01KG4E2 1/4(日)9:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

德黑蘭禁忌玫瑰 導演:阿里蘇杉達  德國/奧地利  2017  96 分鐘  中文字幕

強制披戴的頭紗下,是三個伊朗女性的暗黑命運。一個因丈夫吸毒坐牢,要獨力照顧 不能說話的幼兒,不獲批准離婚再嫁,只好賣淫為生。一個懷孕後好不容易找到工作, 丈夫卻拒簽同意書讓她上班。一個情不自禁與年輕樂手發生關係,卻因為失去處女身 而一身蟻。充滿禁忌的父權國度,到處是性別歧視、虛偽做假、濫權瀆職。一個惡作 劇電話,更凸顯女性面對的巨大壓力。如此故事,只能用動畫呈現,以綠幕拍下真人 演出,再利用轉描技術做出栩栩如生又帶強烈控訴的德黑蘭風情畫。入選康城影展影 評人周及安錫國際動畫電影節。

Tehran Taboo Dir: Ali Soozandeh Germany/Austria 2017 96min

A grim indictment of repression in contemporary Iran, achieved with both intimacy and distance through beautiful rotoscope animation (where actors are redrawn by computers) under the sure hand of German-Iranian director Ali Soozandeh. While one of the main characters is a young urban musician, it is the women – married and single, prostitute and housewife – who bear the brunt. A patriarchal city that feels like somewhere between a dream and a trap. Selected in Cannes Critics’ Week and the Annecy International Animation Film Festival.


AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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25/3(日)3:30pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU

27/3(二)7:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC

社區放映會(P.30) 2/4(一)7:30pm 香港大會堂 CT

05MP4M2 5/4(四)2:45pm 星影匯 MP

05MP4E1 5/4(四)6:30pm 星影匯 MP


合導《凱爾經的秘密》(2009)的娜拉沃美,改編黛伯拉艾里斯的兒童文學《戰火下的 小花》,安祖蓮娜祖莉越洋相助當監製,拍出美不勝收動畫佳作,透過一個阿富汗女孩 的動人經歷,彰顯女性的勇敢與堅強。塔利班粗暴掌權,非但不准女孩上學,更規定 女性必須男性陪同才可外出,違者可遭毒打。父親本是學者,在暴政下失業,由十一 歲女兒帕瓦娜陪伴,到市集代人寫信。有日父親被士兵強行帶走,被關入獄。帕瓦娜 為維持家計,決定剪短頭髮,化身小木蘭,偷偷以男裝打扮上街,打水買食糧,代父 開檔賺錢,亦因此眼界大開,更有同學蕭希亞教她街頭生存之道。亂世催促成長,置 身強權下,卻仍能抓住希望。獲提名奧斯卡最佳動畫。

The Breadwinner

《天上的月亮》(白俄羅斯)照亮了地上的萬物,人間一切也無法擺脫月亮的牽引,包 括失眠的可憐蟲。《噢!媽媽》(波蘭)以靈巧筆觸繪出男孩成長,刻劃一段既親密又 緊張的母子情。客人到訪,門鈴在響,不過《彭妮露》 (愛沙尼亞)的家依然一片混亂。 《太陽系漫遊》(丹麥)猶如一個眼花繚亂的萬花筒,帶我們流連宇宙的奧秘,配以爵 士、電子和迷離的音樂。《聖羅馬諾的戰役》 (瑞士)走入烏切羅畫作中的混亂與秩序, 一場超現實的視覺饗宴。女孩攜着《籃子》(印度)走在孟買街頭,設法修復時刻,只 有親情不隨時間流逝,精緻的泥膠製作倍感動人。深宵時份,公路邊購物城裏的低端 動物忍不住要高唱我歌,《工作中不能承受的重》(瑞典)唱出他們生存以上生活以下 的焦慮。共 81 分鐘。

World Animation

Dir: Nora Twomey Ireland/Canada/Luxembourg 2017 93min Cast: Saara Chaudry, Soma Chhaya, Noorin Gulamgaus, Laara Sadiq

A lively, inspirational parable of female empowerment in Afghanistan, by Irish animator Nora Twomey (who honed her skills on such classics as The Secret of Kells [2009, co-dir]). Adapting Deborah Ellis’ novel, Twomey draws us into the story of Parvana, who must pretend to be a man after her father is arrested, to support her family and to keep it together, as she discovers that “when you are a boy, you can do anything.” Actually, girls can do even more. Nominated for Best Animated Feature Film in the Academy Awards.

Inspired by Aleksey Tolstoy’s The Witcher, And the Moon Stands Still (Yulia Ruditskaya) explores the nightmarish lunacy. In innocent brush strokes, Oh Mother! (Paulina Ziolkowska) paints the delicate dynamics of mother-son relationships. A humorous take on Penelope (Heta Jäälinoja) reveals a housewife’s playful imaginations. Solar Walk (Réka Bucsi) celebrates the joy of galactic creation while Georges Schwizgebel finds movement in Paolo Uccello’s The Battle of San Romano. In stop-motion The Basket (Suresh Eriyat), father and daughter reconcile on the streets of Mumbai, while roadside vendors in The Burden (Niki Lindroth von Bahr) sing out their boredom and existential anxiety. Total: 81min.

26AC3E1 26/3(一)7:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC

05MP4M3 5/4(四)4:45pm 星影匯 MP

五光十色 kaleidoscope | 超人氣動畫 Animation Unlimited

持家小木蘭 導演:娜拉沃美  愛爾蘭/加拿大/盧森堡  2017  93 分鐘 中文字幕

成人動畫精選 著名漫畫家 Dave Cooper 的作品改編,在《艾迪太保的桃花源》(挪威),性荷爾蒙原 力覺醒,蜜糖色彩怪誕畫風,充滿惡搞趣味。《肉體禁不住》(英國)的熟女逃避要奪 其身體的精靈,最後能否力保不失?皎月當空,《荒野一匹狼》(瑞士)被襲擊而痛失 妻兒,憤化成魔,走上血肉橫飛的復仇路。《像 H 一樣過活》(瑞士)本來規律有序, 但一環脫軌,小小宇宙就會崩潰。拒絕現實,小女孩幻想出動物兇猛的秘密花園,《鬃 毛與雄偉》(伊朗)卻窮追不放。《零聲》(英國)描繪了一個完全基於聲音頻率和振 動的自然國度。男人與女人的家庭紛爭,演變成你來我往、不斷升級、玉石俱焚的《攻 殼大戰》(法國)。八歲土耳其《小魔女》(法國)在病床上,愛在回憶中找祖父母, 讓我們為她集氣打敗大魔王。共 67 分鐘。


World Animation for Adults In The Absence of Eddy Table (Rune Spaans), the comic character stumbles across love and nightmare. The woman in Body World (Kitty Faingold) realizes she is a conscious figment. Coyote (Lorenz Wunderle) tells the tragedy of a coyote who is possessed by demon. In Living Like Heta (Bianca Caderas, Isabella Luu, Kerstin Zemp), a world crumbles when routines fall into disarray. Maned & Macho (Shiva Sadegh Asadi) exposes a girl’s repressed instincts. In the fantastic world of [O] (Mario Radev, Chiara Sgatti), creatures use vibrations to communicate with one another. An ordinary domestic dispute turns into a surreal fight between humanoids in Robhot (Donato Sansone). Finally, the exquisite Wicked Girl (Ayce Kartal) reveals the darkest secrets. Total: 67min.

Details: 詳情 詳情 Details:P.74 P.74

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_D-14.indd 103


2/20/18 2:56 AM


27/3(二)7:45pm The Grand GC

29/3(四)9:30pm 香港文化中心 KG




導 演

導演:行定勳 日本 2018 118 分鐘 中文字幕 演員:二階堂富美、吉澤亮、森川葵、上杉柊平、Sumire

《 事 我 井 友 擊 家 地 洛 l

山田帶若草看他河邊的秘密:「每次見到這屍 體都給我勇氣」。徘徊在河畔的,還有暴食的嫩 模、賣淫的同志、狂躁的憤青、墮落的性伴,構 成段段扭曲的關係。改編被譽為青春漫畫的最高 峰傑作,在後 311 的今天回望日本泡沫經濟年 代,青春片能手行定勳打造出比《東京同棲 80 後》(夏日國際電影節 2011)更絕望的世界;也 是二階堂富美從影以來最大膽演出。活着令人如 此不安,腐朽的肉體淒絕的美,少年魂等待一次 撕心裂肺的分離。

River’s Edge Dir: Yukisada Isao Japan 2018 118min Cast: Nikaido Fumi, Yoshizawa Ryo, Uesugi Shuhei, Sumire

In the 1990s, Okazaki Kyoko challenged the world of manga with her varied, complex female protagonists, ranging from office ladies to models to high school girls. Yukisada Isao now brings Okazaki’s classic 1990s serial to life, revealing the secrets binding two Japanese teenagers in suburban Tokyo. The young heroine, Haruna, befriends a gay teen, Ichiro, who has been bullied by her ex-boyfriend. As their relationship deepens, it is also changed by their encounter with a dead body along the riverside….

導演:枝優花  日本  2018  101 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:保紫萌香、Motola 世理奈

遇上一個人的概率是二十四萬分之一,能成為 密友大概更是天文數字。Miruyi 經常被欺凌而 患上選擇性緘默症,她收養一條蠶蟲作情感寄 託。轉校生 Tsumugi 來到,成為 Miruyi 的奇蹟。 謎樣的 Tsumugi 很難捉摸,更自帶蟲屬性。廿 五歲導演枝優花拍出暗黑寓言版的《花與愛麗 絲》(2004),講欺凌的電影很多,卻說不出這 種切膚之痛。撕開芳華的外衣,青春只是利用 和背叛,成長教我們把脆弱的心圍得密不透風。

Girls’ Encounter 28GC3P1


28/3(三)8:00pm The Grand GC

30/3(五)9:00pm 香港文化中心 KG

Dir: Eda Yuka Japan  2018 101min Cast: Hoshi Moeka, Motola Serena

Miyuri, a vulnerable Japanese adolescent, has been driven to the brink by pressures of her provincial school and university entrance exams as well as the viciousness of her classmates, who even toss away her only companion, a silkworm. But then a mysterious new student, Tsumugi, suddenly arrives and begins to spin webs of connection, aspiration, secrets, adventure and sensuality that transform Miyuri. But what secrets is Tsumugi herself hiding? And what, indeed, does a silkworm become when it grows up?

HKIFF2018_BF_IS-08.indd All Pages



I See it My Way


Dir: Take Masaharu Japan 2017 104min Cast: Sato Eriko, Eita



28/3(三)9:45pm 香港文化中心 KG

2/4(一)7:45pm the sky SK

導演:武正晴  日本  2017  104 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:瑛太、佐藤江梨子

《100 円的愛》後,導演武正晴再拍拳擊故 事。村上無業三個月,仍保持臨時演員的自 我修養:拒絕與 AV 女優拍動作片,遇見岩 井俊二不上前擦鞋。才華不能當飯食,有女 友就可以。加奈子為養家,跑去當摔角和拳 擊賽事的助理,抵受臭汗和筋肉的衝擊,回 家見渣男仍然自由自我,發夢踏上康城的紅 地氈。當女友絕望而去,村上終於要爆了, 洛奇上身、狂牛教路;就算輸,也要以 one life one take 的演出做一次神奇小子。

Freaking out when her girlfriend Kanako loses her job, Hideo, an unemployed actor, comes up with a plan: to land Kanako a job at a professional wrestling organization, a sport he loves more than anything. As she gets familiar with her work, Hideo finds himself caught up in a mess fueled by jealousy and insecurity. Full of comic and absurd twists as his former boxer-themed hit 100 Yen Love, director Take Masaharu takes a closer look at sheer audacity, and pays tribute to those who fight for what they believe in.


The Ringside Story 31KG3E2

26/3(一)7:45pm The Grand GC

31/3(六)9:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

導演:大九明子 日本 2017 117 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:松岡茉優、渡邊大知、石橋杏奈、北村匠海

廿四歲在雪國成長的良香從未拍拖、沉迷絕種 動物更懂得獨自快樂,因為她有位單戀十年未 見一面的夢想型男友 1 號,甜到漏的愛情在腦 中 inside out。突然戇直男同事表白,成為進取 型 2 號。沒加上限期也從來未發生的愛情被驚 動了,她鼓足勇氣接近 1 號面對現實,又懷疑 2 號的真誠。改編自最年輕芥川獎得主綿矢莉 紗的獲獎小說,探討奇想愛情哲學難題:究竟 在疏離而虛無的世界中,FF 的愛應該被棄絕? 還是一種終極幸福的必然選擇?

it ay 有一種愛 叫佔有



Dir: Ooku Akiko Japan 2017 117min Cast: Matsuoka Mayu, Watanabe Daichi, Ishibashi Anna, Kitamura Takumi

A surprising foray into the world of Japanese Chick Lit and the women who read, live and hide there. Actress Matsuoka Mayu is marvelously engaging as the lonely Japanese office girl, Yoshika, who fantasizes about the guy she never interacted with in high school while ignoring the bumbling – ok, obnoxious – accountant in her office at her feet. Director Ohku proves deft in sensitivities, humor and insights that go beyond Wataya Risa’s popular novel or the genre itself.

導演:Edwin  印尼  2017  102 分鐘  中文字幕

國家跳水隊新星娜娜遇見轉校生尤迪,好 pure 好 true 的出水芙蓉與陽光男孩在椰林 樹影中傾情。娜娜為了愛情,離爸爸和跳 水而去,但尤迪的佔有慾一發不可收拾, 愛 到 盡頭 變 成 恨 與怕。 繼《 想 飛 的盲 豬 》 (33 屆)、《動物園的明信片》 (36 屆)後, Edwin 拿手的超現實動物隱喻更出神入化。 一邊在校園調劑純情,一邊觸碰情感關係 的禁區,人是最需要愛也最拒絕愛的動物。 橫掃印尼電影節十項提名。

Tremble All You Want

Posesif 20MP3E2


20/3(二)9:30pm 星影匯 MP

22/3(四)7:15pm Festival Grand FG

Dir: Edwin Indonesia 2017 102min Cast: Putri Marino, Adipati Dolken

Having won international acclaim with his arthouse features Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly (33rd) and Postcards from the Zoo (36th), Edwin turns to a coming-of-age drama in which a penguin and whale become tokens of love. A romance between a national diving athlete and a new kid in school turns dark when the young man becomes possessive and loses control. Using the symbolic language he is famous for, Posesif pushes us beyond simple narratives to contemplate violent relationships. 107

2/21/18 4:18 PM

五 kaleidoscope 光 十 色 我愛午夜長 Midnight Heat

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

29GC3E3 29/3(四)11:55pm The Grand GC

03GC4P2 3/4(二)10:00pm The Grand GC

烈女復仇 導演:高拉莉法爾杰  法國  2017  108 分鐘  中文字幕

百萬金童帶着超索情婦到沙漠行宮,一心準備在周年會獵前圖個爽快。兩名獵友如期 到會,其中一人見色心喜,趁金童外出將伊強姦。當觀眾一心以為兄弟會因此反目, 檀郎撕破臉皮,揭開殘暴噩夢的帷幕……且住!物化女性的鏡頭為何忽然倒轉,獵人 竟發覺自己才是獵物?高拉莉法爾杰旨在顛覆類型電影的剝削語言,以彼之道還施彼 身,炮製一桌解構血腥暴力的復仇盛宴。女性主義也好,cult 片也罷,標籤貼無可貼, 成就了一部可能反過來界定女性凝視的奇片。

Revenge Dir: Coralie Fargeat France 2017 108min Cast: Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz, Kevin Janssens

Boys will be boys, or so it seems, as three guys get together to blow off steam. What about the shy, young girlfriend accompanying one of them…? Here, the scorned woman not only gets to call the shots, but takes them, with deadly aim. In a year of so many revelations of the harassment and assaults by powerful men, here is a film that boldly lives up to its title, earning a paramedic’s visit to its screening at the Toronto International Film Festival.

30GC3E3 30/3(五)11:55pm The Grand GC

04SK4E2 4/4(三)10:00pm the sky SK

日蝕亡靈 導演:柏高派薩 西班牙 2017 112 分鐘  中文字幕

天狗食日,別亂玩碟仙!以《80 分鐘死亡直播》系列闖出名堂的柏高派薩,根據西班 牙警方的靈異懸案改編,結合少女成長與恐怖懸疑,嚇出新血路。事件發生於 1991 年, 馬德里少女父親剛去世,母親迫於生計日夜開工,她則要擔起照顧弟妹的責任。跟兩 個女同學在日全蝕之時玩碟仙,引來怪事連篇,她恍恍惚惚陷入昏迷,是父親回魂了 嗎?還是凶靈在作祟?醒來看到異象,聽見怪聲,噩夢連連,本應溫暖的家變成至陰 至寒之地,驅邪之餘,她更要保護弟妹免受惡鬼傷害,談何容易?

Verónica Dir: Paco Plaza Spain 2017 112min Cast: Sandra Escacena, Bruna González, Claudia Placer, Ana Torrent

Horror, Spanish style, imbued with relations of life and death, absent parents and new generations, a millennia of Catholic spirituality, and the lure of the popular occult. Familiar elements are refreshed by both Plaza’s (REC, 2007) fast-paced directions and the extraordinary performance by a group of youngsters, who make the phantoms escaped from a OUIJA board chillingly real. Could this really be based on a true story, though?


AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_D-14.indd 108

2/20/18 2:56 AM






21/3(三)7:45pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU

24PU3E2 24/3(六)9:15pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU



24/3(六)11:55pm The Grand GC

1/4(日)11:55pm The Grand GC

666 群妖大會


導演:山口雄大 日本 2017 92 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:三池崇史 日本 2001 128 分鐘  中文字幕 演員:淺野忠信、大森南朋、塚本晉也、孫佳君

Rokuroku: The Promise of the Witch Dir: Yamaguchi Yudai Japan 2017 92min Cast: Asakura Erika, Moso Calibration, Mickey Curtis, Hotaru Yukijiro

Rokurokubi have haunted the Japanese folk and literary imagination for centuries. These evil witches can either stretch their necks to incredible lengths or have their heads fly free on nefarious missions. So filmmaker Yamaguchi Yudai has found the perfect spectres for a classic horror scenario of two female ex-classmates brought together in a mysterious hotel with no apparent exit. Intensely theatrical horror, whose intense colors and visions should prove just as terrifying to the spectators as to the girls onscreen.

割舌、針刺、凌遲、油燙,三池崇史改編山本英夫的黑道漫畫,把重口味血腥暴力推 到極致,早成 cult 片經典。名副其實煎皮拆骨,血液與精液四濺,締造人間修羅地獄, 也恰如超現實荒誕嘉年華。淺野忠信飾演黑幫猛將垣原,因老大突然失蹤,掀起江湖 大風暴。垣原手段殘暴,卻原來是極度被虐狂。得知兇殘變態的殺手阿一可能已把老 大幹掉,他逐步接近這位神秘殺手,竟感到興奮莫名。一刀不剪的全新修復版殺得更 加痛快淋漓。

Ichi the Killer Dir: Miike Takashi Japan 2001 128min Cast: Asano Tadanobu, Ohmori Nao, Tsukamoto Shinya, Paulyn Sun

Full and loving restoration of the 2001 gory carnival that assaulted audiences and was even banned in Norway. A cinematic epic of brutal and complicated yakuza conflicts, betrayals and manipulation. Prostitutes who are used and discarded, often by murder. Psychotic killers who find sexual gratification in their actions. And all these events are intertwined with themes of memory, family and loyalty that link this horrific manga violence to the real world. Come and enjoy the gorefest, if you dare…

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_D-15.indd 109

五光十色 kaleidoscope | 我愛午夜長 Midnight Heat

行走江湖遲早要還,下巴輕輕雖遠必誅。腦退化祖父雖不能自理,卻預感怪事將至。 他的文靜孫女有日收到多年不見的中學同學邀約敘舊;儘管記憶中彼此不太稔熟,她 仍決定赴約,然而到了約定的酒店,怪事隨即連接發生。四人夜話般的氛圍、會移動 的牆壁、穿紅色和服的長頸「轆轤首」女妖、裂嘴怪、貓眼妖……有如掉進了妖怪大 辭典的世界,一切竟源於當年一個無心許下的諾言。特攝鬼才導演雨宮慶太原創故事, 戲中妖怪由他設計,一新傳統妖怪片的視覺造型。


2/21/18 12:29 PM

別有洞天 Good Luck

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere



22/3(四)2:30pm The Grand GC

25/3(日)2:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC


The Wo

導演:班羅素 法國/德國  2017  143 分鐘

長鏡視角、沉靜對比,先縱深後橫亙,是本片的文法與力量所在。首先到塞爾維 亞深入地底四百米的銅礦洞,跟着轉至蘇里南林深不知處的非法淘金熱點,前者 張開眼看見無底深黑,後者深谷中聽見天地寧靜,卻也是無盡泛音。採礦人是不 適應社會的人,身處人間空洞去表達存在感受,自有生命節奏和人生態度,班羅 素更安排長短自定的自拍,捕捉無懼眼神及無言詩意。片名是世界通行英文祝福 語,然而轉成地道語開章收結,是真正自勵的祝願,是帶諷喻的「翻譯」,也是不 厭其煩再點出全球化的剝削形勢,願君全收到。美國影評人協會最佳實驗電影獎。 Dir: Ben Russell France/Germany 2017 143min

In myriad fascinating works, Russell has earned a reputation as a psychedelic ethnographer, roaming the earth with masterful control of sound and image while expanding perceptions in ways transcending traditional anthropological filmmaking. This apparently more straightforward work juxtaposes two mines, different in almost all respects – an open gold mine in the Suriname jungle and the dim, cramped caverns of a Serbian copper mine. Yet the ambience, voices and above all the miners, their words and images, reframe our universe.






Dragonfly Eyes

21/3(三)9:30pm the sky SK

23/3(五)7:30pm the sky SK

五部短片主題 煮海造山。《 《冬眠》(比利 黑天。《兩間 完成他的《攝 哥本哈根現代 置藝術家帶備

導演:徐冰  2017  普通話  81 分鐘  中文字幕

中國有逾二千萬個「天眼」,保安之餘更在監控。藝術家徐冰把網絡上搜集到的大 量閉路電視片段,重新剪輯,配上虛構對白,發展成故事。這部號稱沒有演員和攝 影師的電影,把全中國閉路電視鏡頭變成攝影師,把拍下來的群眾變成演員。劇 情是少女蜻蜓決定離開寺院,到牛奶廠打工,認識技師柯凡,兩人命運從此相連。 柯凡入獄,蜻蜓整容,「網紅」瀟瀟失蹤,徐冰以光怪陸離故事,呈現現代人在監 控下的焦慮不安,私隱被侵犯,自由被剝削,百分百真人騷,衝擊觀眾道德底線。 羅迦諾電影節國際影評人聯盟獎。

Landscapes a of mountains and memory on new dime (Depoorter, D landscapes b modern Prot dissecting a s (Herwig Weis

Dir: Xu Bing 2017 Putonghua 81min

Where are the found stories in a world of constant surveillance? Installation artist Xu Bing pits this watching world – 10,000 hours of found footage from 28,000 cameras across China uploaded to the cloud – against simple melodrama, young love and fragility. The story is read into an embroidered quilt of clips where time clocks spin at random. Even as we deal with a new narrative, the backgrounds fascinate us with their mosaic of materials already watched.

拼貼迷魂記 The Green Fog

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

導演:佳麥甸、伊凡莊遜、基倫莊遜 美國 2017 63 分鐘

以三藩市為背景的《迷魂記》(1958)被譽為希治 閣巔峰作。佳麥甸(《非請勿進》,39 屆)應邀為 三藩市國際電影節創作電影,自然想起《迷魂記》。 念念不忘金露華身上那團綠霧,他甚至認為《迷魂 記》就是電影和三藩市的同義詞,於是以別開生面 方式來個致敬,從《上海小姐》(1947)到《加州 大地震》(2015)等超過二百部有關三藩市,或於 三藩市取景的影視作品裏摘取片段,以《迷魂記》 為參照,再行拼貼,重新想像,構成一封獻給三藩 市的情書。同場加映原班人馬創作之短片《入門》 (10 分鐘,見 18 頁)。 110

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20/3(二)5:30pm Festival Grand FG

25/3(日)4:45pm 香港藝術中心 AC

Dir: Guy Maddin, Evan Johnson, Galen Johnson  USA 2017 63min

San Francisco as you have seen it before – but never came to know it. Guy Maddin and his collaborators, Evan Johnson and Galen Johnson, were charged by the San Francisco Film Society to review over 200 films to find the city. Yet, rather than assemble a mere pastiche or documentary, they created a whole new world. The story evokes Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958) and at the same time transcends and transforms it – an utter delight enveloped in iridescent green fog. Screening with Accidence (10min, see P.18).


2:00pm 心 AC

狼隱之家 The Wolf House (La Casa Lobo)

亞洲首映 Asian Premiere

到塞爾維 點,前者 礦人是不 度,班羅 英文祝福 ,也是不 電影獎。


22/3(四)5:30pm Festival Grand FG

2/4(一)2:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC

導演:華堅哥西尼亞、基斯杜拜里昂 智利 2018 75 分鐘

曾幾何時,智利惡名昭彰的異端組織「尊嚴殖民地」,由一名戀童的前納粹份子 發起,建立了如同邪教的封閉社區,當中的德國移民,與皮諾切特獨裁政權合作, 犯下種種令人髮指的罪行。哥西尼亞和里昂合作的定格動畫,靈感來自此組織。 女孩瑪利亞沒服從命令,放走了三隻小豬,被罰百日不能與人說話,於是連夜逃 跑,走進森林小屋,躲避狼的襲擊。不停變動的場景,牆上移動的角色,猶如史 雲梅耶的天馬行空,表現女孩揮之不去的夢魘世界,充滿魔幻色彩。

hedelic image ological mines, gle and , voices

– but never ollaborators, harged by the 200 films to mere pastiche w world. The d at the same utter delight eening with


Dir: Joaquín Cociña, Cristóbal León  Chile  2018  75min

At first, a slightly sinister technicolor propaganda for a German fundamentalist colony in the Chilean countryside. Yet, when young Maria escapes them into a tiny house in a forest of wolves, she enters an animated world that constantly remorphs around her into its own phantasmagoric nightmares. Artists Cociña and León created their eclectic stop-motion animation through a nationwide exhibits and workshops that brought popular participation and aesthetics in a story rooted in current events and fairy tales.

詩影像短片專輯(一) Poetry in Motion Programme I



27/3(二)3:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC

1/4(日)9:45pm 香港藝術中心 AC

五部短片主題均是造物與建築。《造山運動》(西班牙/法國)假設你是遠古神人去 煮海造山。《許願井》(德國)說你是林中小孩,在夢中走進樹林捧起時間許個好願。 《冬眠》(比利時/德國)女攝影師夥拍音樂人,帶你到挪威北部小村落細味永恆的 黑天。《兩間大教堂》 (丹麥/德國)漢斯艾密荷斯繼《市街風景(對話篇)》 (41 屆) 完成他的《攝影與之後》第 28 輯,帶你到意大利中世紀的奧維爾托主教座堂及丹麥 哥本哈根現代的格倫特維教堂作細部對比。《政府房屋》(奧地利/俄羅斯)前衛裝 置藝術家帶備透明膠喉,走進空蕩蕩的政府屋宇給你塑造時光魅影。全長 77 分鐘。

Landscapes and buildings throbbing with motion. Beginning with the pulsing birth of mountains in Labbé’s Orogenesis and vibrating into the intersection of light, music and memory at Sylvia Schedelbauer’s Wishing Well, this symphonic collection takes on new dimensions with looming darkness of the Norwegian night in Dvalemodus (Depoorter, De Craene). Heinz Emigholz continues his exploration of our everyday landscapes by intercutting Two Basilicas – from medieval Catholic Orvieto and modern Protestant Copenhagen – before the programme explodes with lights dissecting a single building – and who else do we glimpse in Government House (Herwig Weiser) ? Total: 77min.

詩影像短片專輯(二) Poetry in Motion Programme II



27/3(二)5:15pm 香港藝術中心 AC

2/4(一)9:45pm 香港藝術中心 AC

盡是超肉體的影像沉思。《天星小輪》(香港/美國)疊影東京香港日與夜。冰川融 化後留下《抗爭》(瑞士)的傷痕。《向前無損相隨》(美國)要求暗語說出來才解鎖 敘事機密。《網絡空間對話》(比利時)討論數碼不老人先老、知與未知的身體進度。 哥德恐怖影像拼貼出《迷月赤蛇銀盤》(西班牙)。《樣式語言》(美國)是程式設計 出來的「非電影語言」。《皮相之形》(土耳其)在宗教遺跡捕捉鏡像迷思。《旋遊夜 城》與《跟紅》(美國)是肯雅各斯跟香港粉絲的一期一會。全長 83 分鐘。

Across journey and imaginations. In Simon Liu’s Star Ferry Hong Kong and Tokyo collide; Laurence Favre’s Resistance allows glacial time to reveal human history. Onward Lossless Follows (Michael Robinson) queries our trajectories, which A Dialogue with Cyberspace (Brian den Hartog) reframes through myriad choreographies. Enchanted Moon Red Snake Silver Tray (Dostopos) recombines elements from cinematic horror while in Peter Burr’s Pattern Language humans interrupt form. Shape of a Surface (Nazli Dincel) returns us to solid ground amid shifting cultures. Finally, two shimmering urban journeys by Ken Jacobs – A Spin Through Night City and Along the Elevated. Total: 83min. 111

2/20/18 12:03 AM

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五 kaleidoscope 光 十 色

修復經典 Restored Classics

近松物語 (P.8) A Story from Chikamatsu

利維特短片習作 (P.22) 殺手阿一 (P.109) Jacques Rivette: Ichi the Killer Practice Films

27GC3M2D 27/3(二)3:15pm The Grand GC

04CT4E1 4/4(三)7:15pm 香港大會堂 CT 設映後談,影評人 劉嶔粵語主講 Post-screening talk (in Cantonese) with film critic Lau Yam

奮鬥 導演:史東山  1932  84 分鐘  默片配樂  中文字幕

上海聯華公司製作了不少留名影史的經典名作,包括卜萬蒼的《戀愛與義務》 (1931)、 吳永剛的《神女》 (1934)、孫瑜的《大路》 (1934),還有史東山這部幾被遺忘的瑰寶。 耿直小子幼虎與燕妹情投意合,但同屋的小袁覬覦燕妹美色,燕妹養父更想把她賣給 有錢人。二人私奔後,戰爭爆發,幼虎毅然從軍,自此勞燕分飛。當時 16 歲的陳燕燕 飾演燕妹,青春逼人,亦因此有了美麗小鳥稱號。鄭君里演幼虎,不甘壓迫的形象亦 為他留下偉大老虎綽號。史東山以成熟運鏡與出色場面調度,在片廠內拍出空間實感。 中國電影資料館完成修復,本片終於得以出土,多倫多電影節首映備受注目。

Struggling Dir: Shi Dongshan  1932  Silent with Music  84min Cast: Zheng Junli, Chen Yanyan, Yuan Congmei, Liu Jiqun

Hangzhou-born Shi Dongshan (1902-1956) was one of the preeminent directors in China before 1949, producing a series of movies dealing with China at war and peace. In this melodramatic family saga, Swallow (played by sixteen-year-old Chen Yanyan), trapped under the harsh control of her adoptive father, finds love with her neighbor, the young soldier, Xiao Zheng – all under the watchful eye of the teacher, his wife, and other neighbors around the courtyard. Anger, betrayal and war against the Japanese may intervene, but virtuous love is celebrated through Shi’s exquisite direction. The glory of this rarely seen classic is now brought back to screen with this new restoration.

24MP3E1 24/3(六)7:30pm 星影匯 MP

28SK3E2 28/3(三)9:45pm the sky SK 設映前簡介,影評人 兼策展人堅特鍾斯英 語主講 Introduction (in English) by film critic and curator Kent Jones

平步青雲 導演:米高鮑華、艾默力柏斯保格 英國  1946 104 分鐘  中文字幕

二戰英國空軍軍官跳傘失敗,本來大劫難逃,誰知靈界使者困於大霧,竟讓他安然着 陸,還找到遇難前跟他深情對話的無線電控制員,兩人火速墮入愛河。一場關於他該 生該死的形上訴訟隨即展開。也許死神都要放假,足夠異想天開有時會喜出望外。天 人兩界一個黑白一個彩色,凡夫俗子自懂選擇。連接大地和靈界,兩旁豎滿大人物雕 像的超級天梯;供靈界使者俯察世情的摩登圓洞⋯⋯場景設計別開生面。黃金組合鮑 華與柏斯保格(《紅菱艷》,34 屆)的不朽浪漫經典,影帝大衛尼雲演出七情上面,希 治閣親薦的金髮美人金亨特更亦風采迫人,成就十足經典。

A Matter of Life and Death Dir: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger  UK  1946  104min Cast: David Niven, Kim Hunter, Robert Coote, Kathleen Byron

A parable of an “accidental” life after death becomes a beautiful and inventive love fantasy to heal the losses and rifts of World War II (released for Christmastide 1946). A dashing pilot (David Niven) connects with an American radio operator (Kim Hunter) in the moments before his crash. Yet, a bumbling angelic “conductor” cannot find him in the fog to take him to the other world, leaving him alive by mistake. As a cosmic trial ensues – in pearly black and white – we are asked which is stronger: the eternal law of the universe, or love? A gloriously restored romantic classic by British duo Powell and Pressburger (The Red Shoes, 34th).


AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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2/20/18 2:56 AM




28/3(三)7:30pm the sky SK

20/3(二)4:15pm The Grand GC



2/4(一)1:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

5/4(四)1:30pm 香港大會堂 CT



導演:路易士布紐爾 法國 1967 100 分鐘

導演:堪貝托蘇拉斯 古巴 1968 160 分鐘 中文字幕

情色藝術的極致,布紐爾作了完美示範。美艷的中產少婦白晝客串應召女郎,尋求標 準丈夫難以燃起的激情慰藉。妓院裏教授扮家僕、恩客躲棺材下,由性虐到戀屍,粗 暴撕破聖羅蘭的華衣,人妻反客為主利用嫖客滿足性趣。馬車叮噹鈴聲潛入夢境勾引 秘隱,同時喚醒靈魂重回現實。布紐爾以超現實的五稜鏡,折射幻想的真實和現實的 虛妄,批判資產階級的傳統道德與偽善,將威尼斯金獅獎一抱入懷。嘉芙蓮丹露絕色 天下,沒有大膽裸露鏡頭,更無露骨性愛場面,色情魅惑盡在骨子裏,影片半世紀後 修復,看來更令人神魂顛倒,意馬心猿。

三個女人,都叫露茜亞,活在同一國家,都有一份民族情懷。三個看似互不關連卻不 乏內在聯繫的故事,橫跨七十年古巴歷史,由 1895 年的西班牙殖民年代到 1933 年的 新殖民主義,終結於上世紀六十年代的社會主義革命。誰說不是背叛惹的禍?首先是 女人被情人背叛,然後是情人被革命背叛,最後輪到愛情被荒唐背叛。蘇拉斯拍攝本 片時年僅廿六歲,以純熟的手搖鏡、緊湊的特寫剪接,配合如畫龍點睛的歇斯底里演 出,交出了生命和理想的結晶。與其說他拍出了一個女性的故事,不如說他用電影見 證了社會變遷,拍出古巴電影經典。

Belle de Jour


Dir: Luis Buñuel France 1967 100min Cast: Catherine Deneuve, Jean Sorel, Michel Piccoli

Dir: Humberto Solás Cuba 1968 160min Cast: Raquel Revuelta, Eslinda Núñez, Adela Legrá, Teté Vergara

The best-known erotic film in modern times, Belle de Jour’s wild fantasy still captivates over half a century later. In Buñuel’s feverish surreality, the exquisite Catherine Deneuve secretly transgresses to become a prostitute in the afternoons. From frigid housewife to masochist voluptuary, her life and fantasies betray a total separation of flesh and spirit. Dream and reality blend into an indissoluble whole, becoming a shrewd commentary on the hypocrisy of social relations and sexual politics. With virtually no nudity and absolutely no onscreen sex, this Golden Lion Best Film winner, now fully restored, invites us into sensual and erotic imagination.

Three strong women. Three critical moments in Cuban history, seen through their eyes with love, humor and sensuality. Lucía 1895, an aristocrat, becomes caught up in the promises, loves, and betrayals of Cuban independence. Middle-class Lucía 1933 finds love crossed by the corruption of state politics and the banality of the Cuban bourgeoisie. And Lucía 1960’s, a worker in the field, is a true child of the revolution – even if her husband needs some remedial education in the new ways of the world. An important restoration of this classic from Cuban master Humberto Solás.



24/3(六)6:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC

27/3(二)9:30pm 香港藝術中心 AC



26/3(一)7:15pm 星影匯 MP

1/4(日)6:00pm 香港大會堂 CT



導演:尤馬茲瑾尼、塞里夫格仁  土耳其/瑞士/法國  1982  110 分鐘

導演:尚盧高達  瑞士/法國  1986  92 分鐘

被譽為土耳其影史上最重要的電影,尤馬茲瑾尼(《醜天王傳奇一生》,見 99 頁)創 作劇本時正身陷囹圄,交由塞里夫格仁代為拍攝,最後潛逃國外完成剪接。故事圍繞 幾名獲一周假期短暫回家的男囚犯,有人弄丟了出獄許可證明,歸家無期;有人因間 接害死了妻子兄弟,滿懷罪疚;有人回到庫爾德家鄉即目睹槍林彈雨、軍警搜捕異見 份子;有人越過冰天雪地,誓要懲罰背叛他的妻子;有人想帶妻兒遠走高飛,擁抱自 由卻是死路一條。監獄外的世界比監獄內更糟,影片尖銳批評軍政府時期的土耳其社 會,康城影展曝光即引起哄動,終於成為首部奪得金棕櫚獎的土耳其電影。

本來是法國電影台《黑色系列》其中一集,但高達拍電視,又怎會受公仔箱規限?正 如他拍《3D 鐵三角》(38 屆)其實批判 3D 電影,拍電視也不會遷就電視台,更是藉 此思考電視普及年代拍電影的意義。尚彼亞里奧飾演的導演要開新戲,苦苦尋找資金。 製片人為了讓愛妻當明星,招來橫禍。重複出現試鏡場面,應徵演員排隊接龍唸對白, 諷刺影視產業流水作業。片中不忘向尚高克多、積大地、尚雷諾亞等致敬,高達自己 也粉墨登場,更安排導演姓巴贊,製片又名尚維果,不只是開玩笑,實有切膚之痛。 本片於市面消失三十年後,終於修復再現銀幕。

Yol - The Full Version

The Rise and Fall of a Small Film Company

Dir: Yılmaz Güney, Serif Gören  Turkey/Switzerland/France  1982  110 min Cast: Tarik Akan, Serif Sezer, Halil Ergün, Meral Orhonsay

A restored epic that marked a pivotal moment in Turkish cinema and politics. Yol portray five men on leave from prison, reunited with their families yet divided by betrayal, war, loneliness and violence. Their treks unfold amid bitter divisions between the Turks and the Kurds, and are heavily repressed amid repressions by custom, religion, gender, poverty, and military rule: a week outside jail offers no freedom from prisons. A saga almost overshadowed by director Yılmaz Güney (see also The Legend of the Ugly King, P.99), who wrote and managed the production from prison before escaping to edit the film and winning the Palme d’Or at Cannes.

(Grandeur et décadence d’un petit commerce de cinéma) Dir: Jean-Luc Godard  Switzerland/France  1986  92min Cast: Jean-Pierre Léaud, Jean-Pierre Mocky, Caroline Champetier, Marie Valera

The deconstruction of a murder as only Godard could envision it. Is it about the making of a murder mystery for television amid clashing ideas of art and finance? Or about the making of the making (the factory, not the dream), tied into petty and nefarious subterfuge and financial trickery? Or about cinema and its own enigmas, as Godard himself appears to comment while guiding us towards red herring filmic references? This wry and complex delight, made for a French noir thriller series, now comes to us restored as a delicious Godard treat, 30 years after it was first shown.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_D-15.indd 115

五光十色 kaleidoscope | 修復經典 Restored Classics



2/21/18 12:29 PM

五光十色 kaleidoscope | 修復經典 Restored Classics 116



19/3(一)9:45pm The Grand GC

25/3(日)7:30pm 星影匯 MP



1/4(日)1:30pm 香港文化中心 KG

30/3(五)1:30pm 香港文化中心 KG



導演:雲溫達斯 西德/法國 1987 128 分鐘  中文字幕

導演:伊迪高安怡迪  匈牙利/西德/古巴  1989  101 分鐘

圍牆把城市分隔開,雲上的天使默默守護善良,聆聽大家的心聲,慰藉寂寞的心靈。 然後來到那一天,厭倦了留在高空眺望的他,不惜放棄優越身份,墮落凡塵,親嚐人 間愛惡。雲溫達斯溫柔的影像,緩緩擺蕩於貧富苦樂、知性和感性之間,要平衡的豈 止現實的偏離、聖凡的辯證?總之少不了一句小心輕放。空中飛人的隱喻、納粹歷史 的回顧、無力挽回死亡的傷痛,襯托着如夢似幻的想像飛馳。見證折翼者在柏林圍牆 塗鴉旁流血、發現色彩、領略食物和咖啡的美好。輕取康城影展最佳導演獎,更被譽 為一代文青至愛的經典。

在愛迪生發明電燈的年代,一對孿生姐妹出生了。兩個賣火柴的小女孩分別被人收養, 二十年後來到世紀末,杜拉成了縱情聲色的享樂主義者,莉莉則變成放炸彈的革命份 子。同時愛上一名神秘俄國男子,驢子引路令失散兩生花命運重新交疊。去年憑《夢 鹿情緣》(41 屆)勇奪柏林影展金熊獎的伊迪高安怡迪,首部長片已鋒芒畢露,勇奪 康城金攝影機獎,修復後還原黑白光影的豐富層次。天上繁星喃喃細訴命運,與地下 燈光照亮歌舞狂歡;飛鴿傳書,與電報傳訊相映成趣。發明家以天馬行空的想像開啟 科技發展,電影人則以奇思異想的光影編織夢幻詩篇。

Wings of Desire (Der Himmel über Berlin)

My 20th Century (Az én XX. Századom)

Dir:Wim Wenders West Germany/France 1987 128min Cast:Bruno Ganz, Solveig Dommartin, Otto Sande, Curt Bois

Dir: Ildikó Enyedi  Hungary/West Germany/Cuba  1989  101min Cast: Dorotha Segda, Oleg Yankovsky, Péter Andoral

Two guardian angels in the form of middle-aged men – Damiel and Cassiel – watch over the people of Berlin. Invisible to everyone except children, the duo are able to hear the thoughts of the city’s lonely and despondent residents, comforting them at times with success, and at other times with tragic failure. After falling in love with a mournful trapeze performer, Damiel metaphorically sheds his wings to explore the fragile joys of mortal life. Released two years before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Wenders’ fantasy offers a contemplation on humanity in a divided city, and foreshadows reunification in all its uncertainty and promise. Best Director Award, Cannes Film Festival.

It’s 1880, and as Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb, a pair of twin sisters are born to the world. Orphaned and separated, their lives take different paths: Dora flourishes exploiting capitalism with her beauty, whereas Lili engages with revolution. Fate sees them reunited in the orbit of a man with whom they have both fallen in love. Berlinale Golden Bear winner Ildikó Enyedi of On Body and Soul (41st) shows her auteurist vision in this debut feature, which won the Cannes Camera d’Or. Shot in luminous black and white, this fantastically ambitious film, through the twin’s split personalities, reflects the great historical events which shaped the technological development and confusion of an era.



23/3(五)7:00pm 香港藝術中心 AC

24/3(六)12:00pm 理大賽馬會綜藝館 PU



3/4(二)7:45pm 香港藝術中心 AC

31/3(六)9:00pm Festival Grand FG



導演:積葵利維特  法國/瑞士  1991  238 分鐘

導演:米高曼  美國  1995  172 分鐘  中文字幕

法國新浪潮猛將利維特另一部深入呈現創作歷程的巔峰作,榮獲康城影展評審團大獎。 我們一點不介意米修皮哥里有替身,Bernard Dufour 的手實在神奇,鏡頭不去驚動,讓 他在白畫布上一筆一筆給我們看到美。艾曼妞琵雅的胴體固然也是美,在戲裏活出生 命之後,我們看到的是靈魂。借巴爾札克的小說,探索電影創作的可能性,皮哥里、 琵雅、珍寶金的三角關係,也是畫家與模特兒/繆思的微妙關係,繆思叫創作力枯竭 的畫家重生,幾場對話極度精警迷人。不少影癡的最愛,感念他對電影藝術不懈的追 求,四小時足本的新修復版更攝人心魄。

英雄莫問氣短,兒女難耐情長。幹探文遜與賊王尼爾各懷心事,帶着愛無能的苦惱, 捲入不得不對決的境地。表面上一個追一個走;一個維護法紀,一個鳥為食亡,但滲 透其中的情義、孤獨和無奈,又豈足為外人道?劇情改編自六十年代真人真事,本想 拍成電視劇,一度變身為電視電影《L.A. Takedown》(1989)。電影版獲兩大影帝羅拔 迪尼路與阿爾柏仙奴加持,兩人互拚演技之餘,將踩着鋼線堅持的男子豪情、惺惺相 惜和宿命對立,提升到近乎莊嚴的層次。米高曼精妙緊湊的場面調度、滴水不漏的動 作剪接,令雙雄連場鬥智鬥力無懈可擊,成就一代警匪片經典。

La Belle Noiseuse


Dir: Jacques Rivette France/Switzerland 1991 238min Cast: Michel Piccoli, Jane Birkin, Emmanuelle Béart, Marianne Denicourt

Dir: Michael Mann USA 1995 172min Cast: Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Natalie Portman

Beauty and trouble create an irresistible temptation. Their dual embodiment underpins Jacques Rivette’s (1928-2016) film, which has fascinated critics since its Grand Prize win at Cannes. An older painter and his beautiful wife (Michel Piccoli and Jane Birkin) live safely ensconced on their estate in southwestern France. They receive a visit from a young colleague and his writer friend, Marianne (Emmanuelle Béart), who becomes the naked muse inspiring the weary artist to new creation. Yet who is the beautiful troublemaker?

Director Michael Mann’s rich, complex crime drama comes with a classic pairing at its core – Robert De Niro as master criminal Neil McCauley and Al Pacino as his nemesis, police lieutenant Vincent Hanna. Woven into exciting action sequences and twisting subplots of betrayal and revenge, the bond between these two isolated men, antagonists who have sacrificed their lives and deaths for their craft – takes the movie to another level of art and humanity. This enduringly pleasurable film features a splendid supporting cast including Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, Ashley Judd and Hank Azaria.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_D-14.indd 116

2/20/18 2:56 AM


焦 Focus 點 05SK4E1

菲律賓新浪潮旗手 依瑪勞貝盧 The Genius of Filipino New Wave Ishmael Bernal

5/4(四)6:45pm the sky SK

依瑪勞貝盧(1938-96)是菲律賓第二代新浪潮電影的中流砥柱, 以尖刻批判社會歪風及反思生活景況聞名,與連奴布洛加、邁克 迪里安於七十年代將菲律賓新電影帶上國際舞台。曾四度榮獲菲 律賓影評人獎最佳導演殊榮,他對劇本編寫與鏡頭運用自成一 家,將社會寫實主義巧妙糅合於視覺美學之中。一生對藝術不懈 追求,爭取創作自由,還被壓迫者一個公道,啟發觀眾反思人生 世態與存在困境。三部修復經典重現銀幕,置於當今社會,更見 貝盧超越時代的視野。

Hailed as “the genius of Philippine cinema,” Ishmael Bernal (1938-96) was a powerful force of the country’s New Wave, who, together with Lino Brocka and Mike De Leon, brought the new Filipino cinema to international attention in the 1970s. An art crusader, he was as passionate about innovative techniques of scriptwriting and camera movement, while his films serve as strong critique of immorality and corruption, and bold reflections of life’s realities. Four-time Best Director of the country’s prestigious Gawad Urian Awards, Bernal left behind a luminous body of work reflecting his extraordinary vision.

04SK4E1 4/4(三)7:15pm the sky SK

03SK4E1 3/4(二)7:15pm the sky SK

創作夥伴李聖輅將出席與觀眾會面 Creative Partner Ricky Lee will attend the screenings 118

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_D-14.indd 118

2/20/18 2:56 AM



飛上枝頭 菲律賓 1971 117 分鐘

脫衣舞孃被大導發掘一舉成名,念念不忘潦倒舊情人,說服他放棄的士司機工作加入 影圈。兩人終於名成利就,飛上枝頭的代價,卻是迷失與落寞。貝盧首部劇情長片技 驚四座,批判影壇的歪風弊病與社會的道德敗壞一針見血。片首女主角輕解羅裳以娛 恩客,與片末華衣美服步履蹣跚踏上台階討好觀眾,前後呼應成強烈對比。導演角色 成為貝盧電影中最為人忽略的悲劇英雄,承載着電影人對藝術與人生的理想與失落: 不計名利只求拍好電影,到頭來失敗收場;婚姻破裂,對女主角的愛情亦成空。獲菲 律賓影評人獎七十年代最佳電影殊榮。

At the Top (Pagdating sa Dulo) The Philippines 1971 117min Cast: Eddie Garcia, Rita Gomez, Vic Vargas, Zenaida Amador

Bernal’s impressive debut feature confirmed him as a prominent filmmaker who was not only capable of orchestrating a striking narrative, but also one that revealed the hypocrisy permeating the carnivalesque affairs of filmmaking. The story follows Ching, a stripper, who performs to the lustful stares of her patrons. Discovered by an idealistic film director, she rises to stardom and takes her lover Pinggoy, a taxi driver, into show business. Scrambling to the top, they reap fame and forture only to find tragedies awaiting. Bernal has made startlingly accurate observations of the dichotomies facing Philippine cinema and society, winning Best Film of the Decade in the country’s prestigious Gawad Urian Awards.

你全屬我 菲律賓  1978  126 分鐘

焦點 focus | 依瑪勞貝盧 Ishmael Bernal

何謂愛,其實最愛只有誰?與泰莉共對五年,又平淡似水;別了她為了珊迪娜,留住 愛卻亦留住罪。一個是溫婉含蓄、理智冷靜的蘭花研究者,給予他關懷備至的安全感; 一個是熱情豪邁、自由放任的藝術家,令他感覺到被需要的驕傲。誰人是歷斯一生中 最愛,答案可是絕對?貝盧找來三位菲律賓最當時得令的巨星演繹這段三角關係,人 生如戲,現實生活中的夫妻基斯杜化迪里安與諾娜歐奈婚姻數年後亦告觸礁,介入者 正是同戲演員珊迪安多隆(後來成為他第二任妻子)。貝盧將人性與愛情的錯綜複雜看 得透徹,沉默裏任寒風吹,卻找不着愛的證據。

You are Mine (Ikaw ay Akin) The Philippines 1978 126min Cast: Nora Aunor, Vilma Santos, Christopher De Leon

Rex Aguilar is torn between two women: his girlfriend of 5 years, Tere, an orchid expert who is calm, reserved, and looks totally in control of herself, and newcomer Sandra, a vibrant, aggressive artist who is also neurotic. Can a man fall for two women? Bernal’s sophisticated articulation expertly explores this centuries-old question with taste and finesse that remains uncommon in Filipino cinema. Taking three celebrated Filipino stars – Nora Aunor, Vilma Santos and Christopher De Leon – into a ménage-a-trois, Bernal plunges into a character analysis which sensitively explores the pains and joys, the hesitations and decisions, and the delights and agonies of relationships. See the final duel between Tere and Sandra and learn how looks can kill.

霧裏藏花  露琦茜亞馬蒂

The Engaging Detachment of Lucrecia Martel 映後座談會 Post-screening Seminar 聖女性女 The Holy Girl

24.3 ( 六 ) 7:30pm

講者 Speakers SM

映前簡介 Introduction

神蹟 菲律賓 1982 125 分鐘  中文字幕

荒涼小鎮久旱成災,天狗食日之際,愛莎據稱親歷聖母顯靈,獲賜予治病能力。朝聖 者與好奇客聞風湧至,居民趁機大刮油水,出售聖物聖水、出租被鋪甚至床上服務一 應俱全。導演趕來湊熱鬧拍攝奇人異事紀錄片,爆出愛莎因姦而懷胎,居民深信是聖 靈感孕。此時雷電交加天降甘霖,愛莎突然道出真相,令全鎮陷入瘋狂。改編真人真 事,貝盧將「奇蹟」提昇至隱喻菲律賓集體意識的神話,微觀人對宗教權威的迷信已 至失去理智的境地:人在自創神話,也是在自掘墳墓。被譽為貝盧巔峰作,其高瞻遠 矚令人折服,CNN 選為有史以來亞太區最佳電影之一。

張偉雄、馮嘉琪 Bryan Chang, Kiki Fung

講者 Speakers

流亡將軍沙馬 Zama

25.3 ( 日 ) 9:45pm


馬蘭清 Gina Marchetti

濕樂園 The Swamp

26.3 ( 一 ) 9:45pm


劉美希 Mercedes Vázquez Vázquez

無頭女 The Headless Woman

27.3 ( 二 ) 9:45pm


馬蘭清 Gina Marchetti

聖女性女 The Holy Girl

30.3 ( 五 ) 7:30pm


劉美希 Mercedes Vázquez Vázquez

憑票入場 Admission by ticket only 詳情見 28 頁 For details, see P.28

粵語主講 Conducted in Cantonese 英語主講 Conducted in English

Miracle (Himala) The Philippines 1982 125min Cast: Nora Aunor, Veronica Palileo, Spanky Manikan A true classic with its powerful revelation of Filipino religious-political sensibilities. It tells a story of a woman who sees a vision of Virgin Mary. Presumed to possess miraculous healing powers, she attracts a sudden influx of pilgrims and curiosity seekers to her arid village. The “miracle” gradually takes a different turn and ends up in mass hysteria. Bernal’s masterpiece is a piercing gaze at the self-fulfilling “miracles” that blind people to a point of dehumanization, and works as a political allegory of messianic figures. Selected by CNN as one of the Best Asia-Pacific Films of all time.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

HKIFF2018_BF_D-15.indd 119


2/21/18 4:17 PM


焦 Focus 點

25/3(日)10:15pm The Grand GC

求真若狂 華納荷索 The Ecstatic Truth of Werner Herzog 千山獨行,深入火山邊緣,闖進亞馬遜叢林; 堅定不移,縱要陸上行舟亦寸步不讓;暴躁偏 執,與寇斯金斯基互相逼至精神崩潰,無懼天 譴,連吸血殭屍也灰飛煙滅。一往無前的氣勢, 以性命換來了曠世奇作。道是瘋狂,毋寧說是 自信,知其不可而為之。這就是華納荷索。電 影裏的匪夷所思,看似虛幻,其實更接近本相。 萬物有信,野人如卡斯伯侯沙,亦可領悟生命 之謎。超凡視野,單純初心,我自行我道,教人肅然起敬。

He’s stared into volcanoes, and braved into the Amazon forest. He’s dragged ships up mountains, to the point of plotting to kill Klaus Kinski. This is Werner Herzog, one of the world’s greatest living filmmakers. With a reputation perched precariously on a mountain of mythology and fabrication, the visionary genius is still obsessively seeking his “ecstatic truth” through transforming strange landscapes and conceiving quixotic stories. Consistently reflecting obsession and the sublime, his cinematic legacy is an incessant exploration of authenticity.

©Werner Herzog Film

天譴 西德 1972 95分鐘  中文字幕

峻嶺險峯、怒河飛湍,大自然宣示威力,人卻不知敬畏。為尋覓傳說中失落的黃金之 城,西班牙殖民帝國探險隊不惜入侵亞馬遜叢林。先遣隊溯流而上,軍官亞基拉發動 叛變。敵人從未現身,隊友已在木筏上中伏身亡。漫天死亡陰霾,野猴進佔亂竄,上 帝之怒降臨人間,俯視亞基拉倉皇孤立於崩塌木筏迴旋。金斯基本是執迷的野性狂人, 完美展現逆天者的貪婪野心。荷索洞悉康拉德《黑暗之心》,拍攝過程如同入魔,親歷 以文明征服蠻荒自然的瘋狂與挫敗,哥普拉的《現代啟示錄》(1979)亦瞠乎其後。入 選 2005 年《時代雜誌》史上百大電影。

Aguirre, the Wrath of God (Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes) West Germany 1972 95min Cast: Klaus Kinski, Helena Rojo, Del Negro, Peter Berling

Herzog’s Heart of Darkness is about obsession, an experimentation of cinematic realism paired with an extreme sense of the surreal. Laced with legendary incidents during shooting, this riveting epic is about a catastrophic expedition of the Spanish conquistadors into the Peruvian rainforest in search of the lost city of gold, whose futile conquest ends in unforgiving despair. Kinski invests Aguirre with a frightening intensity, an acute manifestation of what greed and madness can bring to human beings. Herzog’s overwhelming vision, not just of the havoc of civilization, but also the insanity in man, dwarfs even Coppola’s Apocalypse Now (1979).

深入火心 (P.7) Into the Inferno

23GC3P2 23/3(五)10:00pm The Grand GC

©Werner Herzog Film

卡斯伯侯沙之謎 西德 1974 110分鐘  中文字幕

卡斯伯侯沙出生以來活在地窖不識說話不懂人情。科學家、神學家輪流教化,學會識 字更懂彈琴,不過人人仍難解其怪異思維。毋須文明洗禮,抱起嬰兒自然感動流淚, 單純直心,只落得成為馬戲團的搖錢樹,貴族炫耀的工具。無端中槍身亡,臨終前記 掛的只是迷路駱駝隊走出沙漠的夢兆,剩餘價值是遺體被當作外星人解剖研究。荷索 在國際影壇奠定地位之作,取材自十九世紀真人真事,由曾患精神病的布魯諾本色演 繹,直觀文明極致成了野蠻。唯有去除理性、回歸初心,始能參透生命之謎。獲康城 影展評審團大獎。

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle) West Germany 1974 110min Cast: Bruno S., Walter Ladengast, Brigitte Mira

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“Every man for himself and God against all”: the film’s German title summarizes the enigma of Kaspar, the “wildman” who becomes a public sensation when he ventures into a society that wishes to civilize him. A mysterious attack ends his life, with his origin never discovered and the hostility towards him never explained. Once a mental patient, Bruno S. perfectly fits into Kaspar’s role in one of Herzog’s most fascinating films, a bizarre but true story that becomes an unforgettable meditation on the nature of civilization and the fine line between sanity and madness. Grand Prize of the Jury, Cannes Film Festival.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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24GC3E2 24/3(六)9:45pm The Grand GC

©Werner Herzog Film

吸血殭屍 西德 1979 107 分鐘  中文字幕

荷索向茂瑙致敬之作,吸吮了德國表現主義的鮮血與精神,賦予殭屍永恆不滅的新生。 地下墓穴裏一具具真實的木乃伊殘骸,早已預示死亡本相。金斯基化身德古拉伯爵, 豈止帶來瘟疫召喚死亡的魔性恐怖,還見渴望愛情難以如願的苦痛落寞。伊莎貝雅珍 妮飾演的露西,早已在夢中與殭屍相通,奉獻純潔身軀和心靈為愛殉道,可惜丈夫並 未因而得救,反變吸血鬼,墮進百年孤寂的深淵。繾綣露西身伴,寧願在晨曦中消亡, 德古拉伯爵那缺乏愛的寂寥,終於得到解放。在浪漫主義的十字架下,不朽的並非死 亡,而是愛。獲柏林影展最佳美術設計銀熊獎。

Nosferatu the Vampyre (Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht) West Germany 1979 107min Cast: Klaus Kinski, Isabelle Adjani, Bruno Ganz

焦點 focus | 華納荷索 Werner Herzog

A tribute to F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu (1922), Herzog’s 1979 version imitates the striking art direction of German Expressionist cinema with a new kind of romanticism fusing a sense of horror, awe and poetic beauty. Beyond fearfulness, Klaus Kinski’s Count Dracula is a deathly and pathetic entity, trapped in endless loneliness yet desperately seeking love. It is Lucy, a “woman of pure heart” who in her personal sacrifice delivers him from the horror of his torturous inability to grow old and die. Yet, the evil of a vampire plague continues to rage across the land, in cinema at least... Silver Bear Award for Achievement in Production Design, Berlinale.

香港會議展覽中心 CE2 22/3(四)7:30pm

©Werner Herzog Film

陸上行舟 西德 1982 158分鐘  中文字幕

若荷索要走進地獄,與魔鬼搏鬥爭奪一部電影,想必是《陸上行舟》。要在亞馬遜森林 建一家歌劇院,本就是癡人說夢。別人覺得異想天開,他卻一往無前,憑着對歌劇的 激情,冷對世人嘲諷,平息土著的惶恐與挑釁,甚至推動三百多噸重輪船上山。孤注 一擲的何止是探險家費茲卡羅多,荷索為求逼真,不惜與製作團隊以身犯險實景拍攝, 開山劈樹,任由孤舟在怒河漂流,更差點與金斯基同赴黃泉。建造歌劇院的夢想無可 避免失敗收場,但「有夢的人終能移山」,荷索摘下康城影展最佳導演桂冠,電影亦永 垂青史。荷索將出席答問環節。

Fitzcarraldo West Germany 1982 158min Cast: Klaus Kinski, Claudia Cardinale, José Lewgoy

An impossible film about an impossible dream, Fitzcarraldo is the story of a mad adventurer who is determined to build an opera house in the Amazon forest, and concurrently, of a cracked director who is unyielding in discovering new images no one has ever seen. The surrealist image of the huge boat being hauled uphill has become a supremely quixotic vision of unstoppable entrepreneurial ambition, inseparable from Herzog’s own obsession in realizing it. It earned him the Best Director Award at Cannes, and remains one of the greatest visions, and the greatest follies, of cinema. Herzog will attend the Q&A session after the screening.

AC Arts Centre  |  CE HKCEC  |  CT City Hall  |  KG Cultural Centre  |  SM Science Museum  |  GC The Grand Cinema  |  MP The Metroplex  |  FG Festival Grand Cinema  |  KH Grand Kornhill Cinema  |  SK the sky  |  PU JCA, PolyU  |  VR CVA, HKBU

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2/21/18 4:17 PM


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影片 索引

Index of Films

URBTIX Public Sale 城市售票網公開發售 From 2/3/2018 起


12 Days 12日瘋人認證


Daughter of Mine 慈媽媽野媽媽


God of War 蕩寇風雲


24 Frames 廿四格


Dead Nation, The 平行生命的歷史碎片


Good Luck 別有洞天


29+1 29+1


Death of Stalin, The 弊傢伙!史太林死咗


Grass 草葉咖啡館


3/4 四分三個家

7, 9

Deserted, The 家在蘭若寺


Green Fog, The 拼貼迷魂記


78/52 觸目驚心:78/52大解密


Die Tomorrow 哪一天我們會死


Guardians, The 夢斷莊園


Aguirre, the Wrath of God 天譴


Disobedience 叛逆性百合


Hannah 漢娜的日與夜


All the Wrong Spies 我愛夜來香


Distant Barking of Dogs, The 遠方的狗吠聲


Headless Woman, The 無頭女


Amiko 傲嬌少女愛作戰


Djam 浪女狂歌


Heat 盜火線


Angels Wear White 嘉年華


Dovlatov 大文豪的嚴冬


Hitler’s Hollywood 希特拉的荷里活


April’s Daughter 雛為人母


Dragonfly Eyes 蜻蜓之眼


Holy Girl, The 聖女性女


Ashes of Time Redux 東邪西毒終極版


Dream of the Red Chamber, The 金玉良緣紅樓夢


I Miss You When I See You 看見你便想念你


Ashwatthama 迷失愛與痛的邊緣


Eldorado 難民的黃金國


Ichi the Killer 殺手阿一


At the Top 飛上枝頭


Elephant Sitting Still, An 大象席地而坐


In the Aisles 超市情緣


Ava 叛逆黑紗



In the Fade 公義暗角


Becoming Cary Grant 加利格蘭私記

Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On, The 祭軍魂



In the Intense Now 68火紅正蔓延

Belle de Jour 青樓紅杏

Empty Hands, The 空手道



In Your Dreams 以青春的名義

Belle Noiseuse, La 不羈的美女

Enigma of Kasper Hauser, The 卡斯伯侯沙之謎



Ex Libris - The New York Public Library 紐約公共圖書館

Inland Sea 港町


Insult, The 給我一個道歉


Insyriated 烽火家人


Into the Inferno 深入火心


Invisible 看不見的哀愁


i’ve got the blues 水底行走的人


Jacques Rivette: Practice Films 利維特短片習作


Jean Douchet: Restless Child 全身影評人


Jeannette, the Childhood of Joan of Arc 聖女貞德的童年

115 116 46

Black Kite 黑風箏


Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story 艷星發明家



Borg/McEnroe 波格對麥根萊

Extreme Private Eros: Love Song 1974 極私愛慾‧戀歌1974



Breadwinner, The 持家小木蘭

Father 紅盒子



Bride with White Hair, The 白髮魔女傳

Félicité 樂在金沙薩



Captain, The 以希魔的名義

Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool 最後相愛的日子



Charmer, The 騙婚異鄉人

Filmworker 寇比力克的萬能助手



Chasing the Dragon 追龍

First Lap, The 合久必婚



Children Act, The 判決

Fitzcarraldo 陸上行舟




China Hustle, The 強國救世夢

Florida Project, The 歡迎光臨夢幻樂園

Judge, The 維權女法官




Chungking Express 重慶森林

Foxtrot 戰地狐步舞

Killing of a Sacred Deer, The 聖鹿獵殺




Ciambra, A 惡童成人禮

Gentle Creature, A 鐵幕溫柔女子

Last Child 溺愛的替身




Cloud of Romance 我是一片雲

Ghost of the Mirror 古鏡幽魂

Legend of the Ugly King, The 醜天王傳奇一生




Custody 監護權爭戰

Girls Always Happy 柔情史

Lion Sleeps Tonight, The 獅子徹夜安眠


Girls’ Encounter 少女邂逅


Longing 緣來我是父親


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Looking for Lucky 尋狗啟事


Other Side of Everything, The 回首抗爭七十年


Silas 綠林鬥士


Workshop, The 腦作風雲


Lost Hokusai, The 失落的北齋


Our House 兩生同棲物語


Skin So Soft, A 爆肌六壯士


World Animation 世界動畫精選


Lots of Kids, a Monkey and a Castle 藏寶女王


Our Time Will Come 明月幾時有


Soldiers. Story from Ferentari 春光乍洩新寫實基情篇


World Animation for Adults 成人動畫精選


Love Education 相愛相親


Outrage Coda 全員惡人最終章


Sort of Family, A 誰調換了我的母親


Xiao Mei 小美


Love Massacre 愛殺


Outside the Window 窗外


Starry is the Night 今夜星光燦爛


Yocho 預兆


Loveless 相親不相愛


Peach Blossom Land, The 暗戀桃花源


Story from Chikamatsu, A 近松物語


Yol - The Full Version 自由之路


Lucía 露茜亞


Peking Opera Blues 刀馬旦


Struggling 奮鬥


You are Mine 你全屬我


Lucky 福伯的不老傳說


Pig 豬一般的導演


Styx 怒海仁心


You Disappear 腦謀心算


Mademoiselle Paradis 逆光天使


Pity 哭上癮


Suleiman Mountain 情騙萬重山


You Were Never Really Here 獨行煞星


Makala 嗟炭人生


Poetry in Motion Programme I 詩影像短片專輯(一)


Summer 1993 那年夏天,陽光燦爛


Young Solitude 少年秋日的憂鬱


Mama 羅長姐


Poetry in Motion Programme II 詩影像短片專輯(二)


Sunshine that Can Move Mountains 被陽光移動的山脈


Zama 流亡將軍沙馬


Mariphasa 把悲傷留給自己


Posesif 有一種愛叫佔有


Swamp, The 濕樂園


Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts 復仇女萬里殲狼


Rainbow - A Private Affair 戰火虹天


Sweet Country 荒漠恩仇錄


Matter of Life and Death, A 平步青雲


Real Estate, The 我為樓狂


Swordsman II 笑傲江湖II東方不敗


Meteors 流星啟示錄


Red Dust 滾滾紅麈


Taste of Rice Flower, The 米花之味


Miracle 豬園欲潤


Revenge 烈女復仇


Tehran Taboo 德黑蘭禁忌玫瑰


Miracle (Himala) 神蹟


Rider, The 再生騎士


Theatre of War 非常戰爭劇場六面體


Mug 假面人間


Ringside Story, The 擂台物語


Thelma 北國凶靈


My 20th Century 我的二十世紀



Tower. A Bright Day. 異常明亮的一天


My Brother’s Name is Robert and He 106 is an Idiot 哥哥羅拔是個笨蛋

Rise and Fall of a Small Film Company, The 小小電影公司興亡史


Transit 時空中轉站


Tremble All You Want 最終幻想女孩


Under the Tree 樹大招瘋


Venerable W., The 妖僧志

River’s Edge 河畔的惡意


Napalm 燃燒彈


Rokuroku: The Promise of the Witch 666群妖大會


Nervous Translation 寫我小心情


Samui Song 蘇梅女星殺夫事件


Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki 永不言倦的人︰宮崎駿


Scary Mother 慌心女作家



Nosferatu the Vampyre 吸血殭屍


Veronica 日蝕亡靈



Nothing Factory, The 虛無工廠

Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood 荷里活皮條天王

Village Rockstars 結他少女冇得彈


Oblivion Verses 遺忘詩篇

Season in France, A 流離悲歌



Wangdrak’s Rain Boots 旺扎的雨靴


Of Love & Law 逆權夫夫

Season of the Devil 惡魔的季節





Old Love 情留半生

Seen and Unseen, The 通靈月舞

What a Wonderful Family! 3: My Wife, My Life 嫲煩家族3



Widowed Witch, The 北方一片蒼茫

Omertà 奧馬爾成魔之路

Sennan Asbestos Disaster 石棉村大訴訟



Wings of Desire 柏林蒼穹下

Omotenashi 盛情款待

Short Film Competition Programme I 國際短片競賽節目(一)



Winter Brothers 黑白寒光

On Happiness Road 幸福路上

Short Film Competition Programme II 國際短片競賽節目(二)



Short Film Competition Programme III 國際短片競賽節目(三)

Wolf House, The 狼隱之家

48 6 102


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2/21/18 11:55 AM

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