2021第三屆「無限亮」 No Limits | 節目場刊 House Programme

Page 111


主持人 Moderator 錢黃碧君是現任印度尼西亞若斯帕緹大學客席教授,香港理工大 學活齡學院及生物醫學工程學系賽馬會智齡匯名譽顧問,亦兼職 任教中文大學臨床老年學碩士課程。曾任香港理工大學應用社會 科學系實務教授(老年學)及活齡學院創院總監。她的研究及文 章重點包括認知障礙症及護老長者服務、積極老年、長者終身學 習、長者友善城市設計、樂齡科技及銀髮產業等。

錢黃碧君教授(香港) Prof Teresa Tsien B.K. (Hong Kong) 香港理工大學活齡學院名譽顧問 Honorary consultant of the Institute of Active Ageing at Hong Kong Polytechnic University

講者 Speakers

何天虹教授(香港) Prof Rainbow Ho Tin-hung (Hong Kong) 香港大學行為健康教研中心總監及 表達藝術治療碩士課程總監 Director of Centre on Behavioral Health and Master of Expressive Arts Therapy Program at The University of Hong Kong

Prof Teresa Tsien is a visiting professor at Respati University of Indonesia, an honorary consultant of the Institute of Active Ageing and the Jockey Club Smart Ageing Hub of the Department of Bio-Medical Engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU). She also lectures part time on the MSc in Clinical Gerontology and End of Life Programme, Department of Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Tsien is the former Professor of Practice (Gerontology) of the Department of Applied Social Sciences and the first Director of the Institute of Active Ageing of the HKPU. She has conducted research and published numerous articles and papers on social work and ageing, active ageing, gerontechnology, age-friendly cities and dementia caregiving.

藝術以促進全人健康的無限可能:從藝術作品到研究數據 Unlimited Possibilities of Arts for Holistic Wellbeing: From Artworks to Research Data 何天虹為研究者、治療師、教授及表演藝術者,專長為表達藝術 治療及身心醫學研究,在國際期刊及書籍發表超過二百篇學術論 文。她曾獲美國舞蹈治療協會頒發研究獎(2015,2019)及傑出 成就獎(2015);澳洲、新西蘭及亞洲藝術治療協會的研究及發展 獎(2016);以及香港大學社會科學學院的傑出教師獎(2015)及 傑出研究獎(2020)。 Prof Rainbow Ho has many years’ experience as a researcher, therapist, professor and performing artist. She has more than 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals and academic books and has been the principal investigator of numerous research projects related to creative and expressive arts therapy, mind-body medicine, spirituality and physical activity for healthy and clinical populations. Ho has received the Outstanding Achievement Award (2015) and Research Award (2015, 2019) from the American Dance Therapy Association and the Outstanding Teaching Award (2015) and Research Award (2020) from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong; and also the Research and Development Award from the Australia, New Zealand and Asia Arts Therapy Association (2016).

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