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香港藝術節今年踏入第4 6屆,再度為來自世 界各地的觀眾獻上精彩紛呈的藝術盛宴,讓 香港這個文化大都會更添生色。 今年藝術節預備了各式各樣的表演節目, 古典及當代藝術元素俱全,凸顯本港豐富 多元的文化特色。短短一個月內將有約1 3 0 場音樂、舞蹈、戲劇、歌劇等表演舉行, 讓一眾藝術愛好者目不暇給。 一如以往,本屆藝術節除了請來本地和海 外藝術家演繹引人入勝的代表作品,亦悉 心安排各項外展活動。為培養青少年對藝 術的興趣,「香港藝術節青少年之友」計 劃讓本地學生有機會欣賞藝術節節目和參 與全方位藝術活動。此外,藝術節又透過 工作坊、後台參觀和大師班等「加料節 目」,讓觀眾一睹藝術節重點節目的幕後 創作過程,大開眼界。 政府致力推動本地文化藝術發展,亦樂見贊 助商和捐款者鼎力支持,攜手把香港藝術 節打造成為享譽國際的藝壇盛事。我衷心感 謝藝術節團隊多年來盡心盡力,為我們帶來 這項高質素的文化活動,令本港藝壇百花齊 放,蓬勃發展。 謹祝第4 6屆香港藝術節圓滿成功,各位表演 嘉賓和觀眾朋友共享一段精彩難忘的藝術旅 程。

林鄭月娥 香港特別行政區行政長官

Now in its 46th year, the Hong Kong Arts Festival continues to contribute to the cultural life of Hong Kong, delighting audiences from near and far. This year, the Festival puts on a wide variety of performances that showcase a mix of classic and contemporary genres, spotlighting Hong Kong’s rich and diverse cultural landscape. Featuring some 130 performances in a packed month of music, dance, theatre, opera and more, the Festival has much to offer to arts lovers of all kinds. Alongside dazzling performances by an array of local and international artists, the Festival continues to place great emphasis on its outreach activities. To develop youngsters’ appreciation of the arts, the Young Friends of the Hong Kong Arts Festival offers local students the opportunity to enjoy the Festival’s performances and participate in multi-arts activities. Similarly, the PLUS programme gives audiences an inspirational glimpse into the creative process behind the core Festival performances through a combination of workshops, backstage tours and masterclasses. The Government is committed to promoting the development of arts and culture in the city, and we are blessed to have the support of devoted sponsors and donors who join us in making the Hong Kong Arts Festival an international success. I am also thankful to the Festival team for their years of hard work to deliver a top-class cultural event and their invaluable contribution to the city’s thriving arts scene. I wish the 46th Hong Kong Arts Festival a resounding success and all the participants, performers and audiences alike, an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Mrs Carrie Lam Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

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