賽馬會藝壇新勢力2021 學校專場活動指南 JCNAP2021 School Programmes

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關於賽馬會藝壇新勢力 ABOUT JCNAP

由 香 港 藝 術 發 展 局 主 辦,香 港 賽 馬 會 慈 善 信 託 基 金 捐 助 的



驗。過去四屆「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」共有43個藝術單位參與,製作超過 90場不同類型演出及多個重點展覽,並策劃超過550場社區及校園活 動,總參與人次高達46萬 。

JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power, launched in 2017, is an annual Arts Festival presented by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council with the funding support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The Festival brings together established and emerging local artists to produce creative, approachable and engaging arts experiences for all. Over the past four years, 43 arts groups participated in the Festival. Together they produced over 90 live performances, a remarkable number of major exhibitions and held over 550 community and school events, reaching some 460,000 participants.

目錄 CONTENT 關於學校專場活動 About School Programmes


多媒體學習資源 Multi-media Learning Materials


學校巡演 / 工作坊 School Tour / Workshop



・ 擊樂淺談及試驗工作坊










更多精采節目 More JCNAP Programmes


Dot/line/plane@SuperBaby Interactive Workshop

Discovering Percussion Music Workshop

“Tales of Fools” Educational Theatre

Dream-inspired Music Creation Workshop

"All Ears, No Bounds" Improv Workshop & Concert

Inuksuit An Outdoor Percussion Experience

香港藝術發展局有權增減、更換演出者或更改已公布的節目。 如有爭議,香港藝術發展局保留最終決定權。

Hong Kong Arts Development Council reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/ or vary advertised programmes. In case of dispute, the decision of HKADC is final.

學校專場活動 SCHOOL PROGRAMMES 「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」特設學校專場活動,邀請本地藝術單位合作,針對大、

中、小學、幼稚園不同程度的需要,策劃巡 迴演出、工作坊等不同活動,


今年「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」學校專場活動將涵蓋戲劇及音樂活動。藝術無界 限,老師和同學可以盡情探索,擴闊視野。

學校專場活動費用全免,立即報名參加! JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power (JCNAP) works with various local arts groups to offer a diverse range of School Programmes. Designed for students in kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and universities, we wish to provide them with exposures to different arts forms. This year’s JCNAP School Programmes include a variety of theatre and music programmes. Arts without limits! We encourage students and teachers to stay curious and inquisitive.

All school programmes are free of charge. Register now!


四 年 以 來,「 賽 馬 會 藝 壇 新 勢 力 」已 為 11 6 間 學 校、 49,000位學生提供超過230場學校專場活動,當中包括公

開綵排、示範工作坊以及分享講座等,深入淺出地把藝術 帶到校園,深受老師及學生歡迎。 Throughout






presented more than 230 school programmes for over 49,000 students from 116 schools. The programmes, including open rehearsals, workshops and sharing sessions, were well received and enriched the learning and teaching experiences.


學校 Schools

49,OOO+ 23O+

學生 Students 學校專場活動 Programmes



更多活動及報名資訊,歡迎致電 2820 1080 或以電郵查詢。

電郵 E-mail │ jcnap@hkadc.org.hk

For more information on the programmes and application,

Fill in the application form


或 or

傳真 Fax │ 2519 9301

至本局以作優先報名處理,額滿即止。 For priority handling, first-come-first-served.

惡劣天氣指引請參見 www.newartspower.hk。 please contact us at 2820 1080 or via E-mail.

For adverse weather guidelines, please refer to www.newartspower.hk.


多媒體學習資源 MULTI-MEDIA LEARNING MATERIALS 「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」藝術家與專業團隊合力設計,免費供老師和同學靈活運用,豐富學習經驗。 JCNAP artists work with a team of professionals to produce a set of multi-media learning materials which supports teaching and enriches learning experience.

導賞手冊 Appreciation Guide

網上資源 Online Resources







The appreciation guide provides supplementary information,

Teachers and students can make use of JCNAP online

fun facts as well as interesting anecdotes and reflective

resources such as videos, virtual exhibition, e-books, to


make learning more interesting and interactive. Themebased short videos include performance excerpts, behind the scenes, arts concepts and interviews.

* 設有印刷及網絡版

Printed and online versions available



《BB大過天之點、線、面》 互動工作坊 Dot/line/plane@SuperBaby Interactive Workshop

參與藝術家 Participating Artist


相關科目 Related Subjects

形狀│顏色│幾何圖形│遊戲 Shapes, Colours, Geometry, Game

戲劇 Drama

藝術範疇 Art Discipline

一點一點連成一直線,一劃一劃建構無限宇宙! Dot by dot. Line by Line. Connect, and be amazed! 對象

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Target Kindergarten 1-3 中文主講 In Cantonese 具豐富兒童劇場經驗的大細路劇團將帶領同學探索「點、線、

面」的奇幻世界;透過輕鬆的互動遊戲及示範環節,認識點、 線、面的分類、特點,以及不同的排列組合。

同學將 有機會 接 觸七彩波波、伸縮 緞帶、搖滾 點點棒等各種

有趣小道具,掌握聚點成線、聚線成面的無限可能,感受不同線 條及形狀組織變化而成的美感。

一節30分鐘的互動工作坊寓學習於遊戲,結合音樂、小遊戲、生 動講解,刺激小朋友聽覺、視覺及想像力,同時教導他們色彩、 線條辨認及身體協調等基本知識。

活動日期 Programme Period 長度 Duration

Professional children's theatre group Jumbo Kids Theatre will guide our little audience in exploring the fantastic world of "dots, lines, and planes" through a series of fun-filled interactive games and demonstration sessions. Children will have the opportunity to play with a collection of fun props including multi-coloured balls, ribbons and ballrolling tubes. They will be further introduced to the infinite possibilities in connecting dots into lines and turning lines into planes, not to mention the aesthetics through changes in forms and shapes of these elements. The 30-minute interactive workshop combines learning with lots of fun, stimulating children's sensory, visual and imaginative abilities with music, small games, and lively explanations. The learning experience will also enhance their fundamental understanding of colours, recognition of forms and motor coordination.

O9-12.2O21 約 Approx.


分鐘 minutes

設置時間 Set-up Time

約3O分鐘 Approximately 3O minutes

建議場地 Suggested Venue

學校禮堂/活動室 School hall / Activity room

所需器材 Equipment Required

無線咪/領夾咪 Wireless microphone / Lavalier microphone

人數 No. of Participants

最多 Max.



擊樂淺談及試驗工作坊 Discovering Percussion Music Workshop

音樂 Music

相關科目 Related Subjects

藝術範疇 Art Discipline

參與藝術家 Participating Artist


敲擊樂 Percussion

撃樂有聲、響於日常;無須任何經驗也可參與的有趣工作坊。透過本地 敲擊樂團敲擊襄的講解及示範,同學將會學習有關敲擊樂器、節拍和合 奏等不同音樂知識。

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Percussion music is fascinating - as Toolbox Percussion, a group of electrifying local percussionists, will show us in this captivating workshop designed for audiences at all levels. Through guided performance, demonstration and hands-on participatory experiences, students will learn about percussion instruments, beats and rhythms, ensemble playing, as well as miscellaneous musical knowledge.

小學組 For Primary Students 對象

中學組 For Secondary Students 對象 中一至中六 Target Secondary 1 - 6


Target Primary 1 - 6 中文主講 In Cantonese

中文主講 In Cantonese







Toolbox Percussion plays music using daily objects and


guides young children to do the same using objects found

Toolbox Percussion performs their very own works written

on spot and their bodies, creating an interesting assortment

for contemporary percussion and marimba as well as

of sounds and rhythms. While our young ones will get to

rearrangements of classical pieces. Students will get to play

train in listening, rhythmic and coordination skills, they will

along and have a glimpse of processes in music arrangement

surely also have lots of fun!

and creation.

活動日期 Programme Period 長度 Duration

O9-11.2O21 約 Approx.


分鐘 minutes

設置時間 Set-up Time

約6O分鐘(需學校技術人員協助) Approximately 6O minutes (Onsite technical support is needed)

建議場地 Suggested Venue

學校禮堂/室內活動空間/音樂室 School hall / Indoor activity space / Music room

所需器材 Equipment Required

音響設備、咪高峰及投影機 Audio system, microphones and projector

人數 No. of Participants



「滑稽列傳」教育劇場 “Tales of Fools” Educational Theatre

相關科目 Related Subjects

中文│中國文學│音樂│通識教育 Chinese, Chinese Literature, Music, Liberal Studies 藝術範疇 Art Discipline

參與藝術家 Participating Artist


肢體劇場│戲劇│戲曲│文學賞析 Physical Theatre, Drama, Xiqu, Literature Appreciation

英雄好漢大多廣受傳頌;專門插科打諢的丑角故事, 又會教曉我們甚麼簡單大道理?

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People are often inspired by tales of courageous heroes. As for stories of comic characters, are there wisdom and insight to be gleaned? 對象


Combining elements from chou (male clown) roles in

Target Secondary 3 - 6

Cantonese opera, Western pierrot and commedia dell'arte,

中文主講 In Cantonese

a series of dark comedy sketches encourage students to explore some of the most famous historical stories. When

內容糅合粵劇丑生、西方小丑及意大利即興喜劇元素,以充滿黑 色幽默的短劇形式,與同學一起探討歷史故事。面對看似不可

能的任務,如何以嬉笑怒罵方式對待衝突情節,同時學習將失 敗扭轉成解決矛盾的契機?



綴以中樂伴奏。同學更可從中認識戲曲「唱、做、唸、打」、西方 滑稽演繹等,不同風格的舞台表演手法。

faced with seemingly impossible missions, how do we make use of humor and wit to ease the tension and save the situation? Deeply grounded in physical theatre, Théâtre de la Feuille re-enacts these classic events with dramatic tension while students are guided to engage in reflections and discussions. The performance is accompanied by Chinese music with minimal setting, and allows students to learn about various styles of performances including the elements of ‘singing’, ‘acting’, ‘reciting’ and ‘acrobatic fighting’ in Cantonese operas and comedies in Western theatre.

活動日期 Programme Period 長度 Duration

O9-12.2O21 約 Approx.


分鐘 minutes

設置時間 Set-up Time

約6O分鐘 Approximately 6O minutes

建議場地 Suggested Venue

活動室/學校禮堂/ 露天操場(可容納大貨車舞台及觀眾) Activity room / School hall / Outdoor playground (Sufficient access for over-the-road vehicle and seating for audience)

所需器材 Equipment Required

音響設備及投影機 Audio system and projector

人數 No. of Participants

約 Approx.




Dream-inspired Music Creation Workshop

參與藝術家 Participating Artist


林丰 Fung Lam

相關科目 Related Subjects

音樂│樂團│樂器班 Music, Orchestra, Musical Instrument Classes 藝術範疇 Art Discipline

即興演奏│音樂賞析│音樂創作 Improvisation, Music Appreciation, Music Making

摒棄「無譜就不知所措」的心理障礙,跟隨作曲家林丰 體驗隨心隨意、順手拈來的音樂樂趣!

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Student instrumentalists will learn how to create a new composition collaboratively under the theme of “dream” with composer Fung Lam alongside a team of musicians. 對象

中一至中四 │ 弦樂、管樂樂器、樂隊成員,對音樂創作及即興演奏有興趣者 *同學須自備樂器

Target Secondary 1 – 4 │ Strings, wind or band members. Anyone interested in creative music making and jamming

*Students should bring their own musical instruments

中文或英語主講 In Cantonese or English 工作坊共分四節進行:導師將引用多首以「夢」為主題的音樂

The composer will guide students through a selection of


including forms, tonalities, rhythms and styles. As the


dream-inspired music and teach essential musical elements


sessions progress, students will share and explore their own


musical ideas in a practical way, engage in discussions, and


learn various techniques in improvisation and ensemble


playing. Finally, the group will create a new piece together


and have the chance to perform at an in-school showcase. This interactive workshop is designed to enhance young musicians’






encourage them to work collectively and use their ears and imagination critically, as well as increase their confidence, creativity and communication skills. 活動日期 Programme Period 長度 Duration

O9-12.2O21 共


節 sessions in total

每節約 Approx.


設置時間 Set-up Time

每節約3O分鐘 Approximately 3O minutes per session

建議場地 Suggested Venue

活動室/課室/音樂室 Activity room / Classroom / Music room

所需器材 Equipment Required 人數 No. of Participants

分鐘 minutes per session

白板/黑板(有五線譜白板較佳)及音響設備 White / blackboard (preferably with music staff board) and audio system 約 Approx.



「離譜.作樂」 即興演奏工作坊及音樂會 "All Ears, No Bounds" Improv Workshop & Concert

凡於事先無任何準備,僅就當時感受和靈感而觸發的創作都可統稱為「即興」。 但「即興」演奏並非胡亂彈奏,當中蘊含各種知識和技巧。

While improvised performances happen on the spur of the moment without pre-written materials, their nature is not sheer spontaneity; in fact, they are often backed by solid techniques and experiences acquired through effort. 參與藝術家 Participating Artist


相關科目 Related Subjects

音樂│樂團│中樂團│樂器班 Music, Orchestra, Chinese Orchestra, Musical Instrument Classes 藝術範疇 Art Discipline

中樂│西樂│即興演奏│音樂賞析 Chinese Music, Western Music, Performance, Music Improvisation and Appreciation

即興演奏工作坊 Workshop 對象


對即興演奏有興趣者 │ 樂器不限,須具備基本演奏技巧 │ *同學須自備樂器

Target Secondary 1 – 6 S

Anyone interested in learning about music improvisation and has fundamental performance technique. All musical instruments are welcome. * Students should bring their own musical instruments

中文主講 In Cantonese

工作坊由無極樂團團長林灒桐聯同爵士樂手呂奡元帶領,從最簡易的演奏技巧開 始,介紹爵士樂及中國音樂兩種即興演奏方法:前者是在明顯的節奏框架和結構 內自由發揮,後者則是在演奏過程中逐步呈現音樂的走向和結構。

同學在完成個半小時的工作坊後,即可掌握基本即興演奏技法,嘗試放下樂譜, 隨心演奏,盡情體驗中、西合璧的無窮樂趣。另外,更有機會參與學校音樂會,與 中、西樂演奏家同台即興演出。

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O9-12.2O21 長度 Duration 約 Approx.


設置時間 Set-up Time

After this one and a half-hour workshop of fundamental improvisational techniques, participants will have the chance to perform alongside professional musicians in Chinese and Western music in a school concert.

約 Approx.

中文主講 In Cantonese

無極樂團的中、西樂演奏家,由淺入深向同學展示中、西音樂不同的器樂特色, 並示範如何靈活運用兩者的相異之處互補相生,即興建構嶄新的音樂語言。


多元變化。最後更會邀請即興工作坊學員加入即興演奏,一同譜出獨一無二的新 樂章。

Wuji Ensemble will compare and contrast Chinese and Western instruments and demonstrate how their different qualities can be drawn together to construct new musical languages. At the end of the concert, participants of the improv workshop will join the ensemble on stage for a fun jamming session.

分鐘 minutes

約9O分鐘 Approximately 9O minutes 建議場地 Suggested Venue

對象 中一至中六 Target Secondary 1 – 6


活動日期 Programme Period

In this workshop led by pipaist Mavis Lam (co-founder/music manager, Wuji Ensemble) and jazz musician/double-bassist Lui Ngao-yuen, students will learn introductory improvisation techniques both in jazz and Chinese music. In the former, performers improvise to a certain rhythmic framework and structure; in the latter, the improvisation process itself gradually builds toward a structure.

成果音樂會 Concert

表 Form

音樂室/活動室 Music room / Activity room 人數 No. of Participants


活動日期 Programme Period

O9-12.2O21 長度 Duration 約 Approx.


設置時間 Set-up Time

分鐘 minutes

約9O 分鐘 Approximately 9O minutes 建議場地 Suggested Venue

配備舞台的學校禮堂 School hall with stage 人數 No. of Participants

可招待全校學生 All students can be admitted



Inuksuit An Outdoor Percussion Experience

相關科目 Related Subjects

音樂│綜合科學│常識 Music, Integrated Science, General Studies 藝術範疇 Art Discipline

參與藝術家 Participating Artist


音樂│聲音訓練│敲擊樂 Music, Listening Training, Percussion



(John Luther Adams)所創的敲擊樂曲目《譜‧島》(Inuksuit),作品由結合不同

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Nature provides the materials for this workshop curated by Toolbox Percussion, who took the idea from John Luther Adams’ Inuksuit, a nature-inspired piece performed by multiple percussion players dispersed among a natural site, creating a truly magical soundscape. 對象


Anyone interested in music, arts and integrated science


Target Primary 4 – Secondary 6 中文主講 In Cantonese

工作坊共分兩節進行。第一節旨在引導同學張耳聆聽,分辨不 同聲音及了解基本敲擊樂知識。導師亦會教導同學使用簡單組 件,自製獨一無二的敲擊樂器。




活動至尾聲,導師會率領同學一同演奏,以擊樂節奏和聲音與 環境呼應。

In the workshop, the themes of wind, birdsongs and waves will be explored. The first session seeks to prepare the ears, where students will learn to identify the sounds of various percussion instruments and build their own ones. The second takes place in the outdoors and encourages deep listening. In a park or the woods, students will gather leaves, branches and materials to complete their instruments, and engage in a dialogue with nature through a special performance.

活動日期 Programme Period 長度 Duration 設置時間 Set-up Time 建議場地 Suggested Venue 所需器材 Equipment Required 人數 No. of Participants

12.2O21 – O1.2O22 第一節: 約 1st session : Approx.


分鐘 minutes

第一節:約6O分鐘 1st session: Approximately 6O minutes 第一節:活動室/課室/音樂室 1st session : Activity room / Classrrom / Music room

第一節:音響設備、咪高峰、投影機及桌椅 1st session:Audio system, microphones, projector, desks and chairs 約 Approx.


第二節:校外場地進行 │ 日期、時間及場地待定 2nd session: Off campus │ Date, time and location to be confirmed


a b

賽馬會藝壇新勢力 積極推 廣本

地 精英藝 術 家,在計 劃 全力支 持 下,參 與 藝

術家專注創作,力殝完美,將作品內容及製作 再度提煉。

藝術節一直敢於嘗試,走出傳統演出及展覽 場地,發掘香港特色場域,為觀眾帶來不一

樣的觀賞體驗。透 過藝 術家、場地伙伴與

「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」團隊通力合作,創 作出一個又一個廣受好評的計劃。

Celebrating innovation and ingenuity, JOCKEY

JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power actively promotes outstanding local talents. Artists are provided full-pledged support to be focused on perfecting their works with further refinements in content and production.





Power and

a more spectacular arts experience for the audience. The Festival team works incessantly with the artists and venue partners in creating a wide range of well-received programmes.

a. 尹麗娟《珍百貨》(2017)展覽 Zaan Bak Fo (2017) by Annie Wan b. 楊春江《舞.師》(2019) Contempo Lion Dance (2019) by Daniel Yeung c. 梁志和《家‧不家》展覽(2020) Home and Nonhome (2020) by Leung Chi Wo d. 鄭波《生命如此艱難,何必搞得這麼簡單?》(2021)裝置作品 Zheng Bo's installation project Life is hard. Why do we make it so easy?



locations in Hong Kong to provide




e. 伍韶勁《大禹之後》(2018)展覽, 帶領公眾走進大坑東地下蓄洪池 Kingsley Ng presented After the Deluge (2018) using the underground Tai Hang Tung Storage Tank as an exhibition venue f. 藝術行《我們之間》(2020) 多項節目於南豐紗廠的不同角落登場 Art Walk: Threading Through Time (2020) exploited different corners of The Mills g. 藝術行《待渡》(2021) 選址北角(東)渡輪碼頭舉行 Art Walk: Before a Passage (2021) at North Point (East) Pier

e f 每 一 屆「 賽 馬 會 藝 壇 新 勢 力 」均 設「 流 動 劇 場 」( Mobile Theatre)及壓軸節目──藝術行(Art Walk),邀請跨界別藝 術家,遊走本地重要地標及社區,為過往鮮有接觸藝術的社 群帶來特色演出。

JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power also presents the “Mobile Theatre” in different districts of Hong Kong. In addition, cross-disciplinary artists are invited in the planning and production of the grand finale event “Art Walk” with participants threading their ways through important landmarks and surrounding neighbourhoods.


了解更多 Learn More



「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」將於9月至明年1月呈獻六個節目,涵蓋舞蹈、戲劇及音樂,誠邀本地 觀眾參與其中,盡情體驗藝術的盎然妙趣。

JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power will present a variety of programmes that includes dance, theatre and music. Come join us at the Festival, indulge yourself with the feast of arts, joy and extraordinary cityscape!




所有「賽馬會藝壇新勢力」售票節目均設有學生門票優惠。另外,個別節目亦設有學校及團體購票優惠。請留意9月份網上公布之節目 及票務詳情。

Student discount is available for all ticketed programmes. We also provide special discounts for school and group purchases. Programme and ticketing details will be announced in September. Please visit JCNAP website for latest information.



香港藝術發展局(藝發局)於1995年成立,是政府指定全方位發展香港藝術的法定 機構。藝發局的角色包括資助、政策及策劃、倡議、推廣及發展、策劃活動等。

藝發局的使命為策劃、推廣及支持包括文學、表演、視覺術、電影及媒體藝術之發 展,促進和改善藝術的參與和教育、鼓勵藝術評論、提升藝術行政之水平及加強政 策研究工作,務求藉藝術發展提高社會的生活質素。

Established in 1995, the Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) is a statutory body set up by the Government to support the broad development of the arts in Hong Kong. Its major roles include grant allocation, policy and planning, advocacy, promotion and development, and programme planning. The mission of HKADC is to plan, promote and support the broad development of the arts including literary arts, performing arts, visual arts as well as film and media arts in Hong Kong. Aiming to foster a thriving arts environment and enhancing the quality of life of the public, HKADC is also committed to facilitating community-wide participation in the arts and arts education, encouraging arts criticism, raising the standard of arts administration and strengthening the work on policy research.

編輯 Editor

賽馬會藝壇新勢力工作小組 JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power Project Team 出版 Publisher

設計 Design

汪佳樺 K. Wong Wong

香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council

翻譯 Translator

卓嘉堯 Polly Cheuk Cedric Lee

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