Historic New England Annual Report FY2013

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DEAR FRIEND, In a rapidly changing world, saving the stories, buildings, and objects of the past isn’t just a nice thing to do—it is essential to the quality of our communities and our lives. This year, more people than ever joined with us to help preserve and share our region’s heritage. Amidst a challenging climate for museums and nonprofit organizations, Historic New England achieved increased attendance at our historic sites for the tenth consecutive year, and reached an all-time high in membership. We served a record number of New England schoolchildren at our sites and in communities across the region. Our five program areas—historic properties, archives and publications, collections, preservation services, and education programs—inspire individuals and organizations to get involved in a variety of ways. This year, the Rhode Island Foundation, recognizing the importance of our Project CHICK education program

to schools and libraries, supported it with a grant for $10,000. Anne S. Bullis of Marblehead, Massachusetts, donated a tablecloth that was once used at our Sarah Orne Jewett House in South, Berwick, Maine. Newburyport Five Cents Savings Bank Charitable Foundation, understanding the importance of Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm as a community gathering place on Massachusetts’ North Shore, contributed $7,500 to a drainage project at the farm. A $40,000 grant from the Americana Foundation allowed us to create a year-long curatorial fellowship to catalogue more than

More people than ever in Historic New England’s 103-year history joined with us to help preserve and share our region’s heritage.

800 pieces of Massachusetts furniture. Anonymous donors supported a major acquisition of an extraordinary property, the William Ellery Channing Eustis Estate in Milton, Massachusetts, allowing us to preserve nearly 100 acres of open space and an 1878 mansion designed by William Ralph Emerson. At a time when some organizations question the continuing value of preserving historic houses and landscapes, Historic New England will ensure that this property is preserved as an educational and cultural resource for the community for years to come. Not every historic property worth saving is best preserved as a historic house museum. Historic New England continues to work with private homeowners to protect important features of historic houses through our Stewardship Easement Program, which surpassed eighty total easements last year.

Previous page Eustis Estate, Milton, Massachusetts. This page (top) Carl. R Nold and Roger T. Servison. (bottom) Visitors at Roseland Cottage, Woodstock, Connecticut. 2

This program allows us to protect our first H.H. Richardson-designed structure, the Ames Gate Lodge, through a partnership with The Trustees of Reservations. We also maximized public benefit of our museum properties through innovative use of space, such as a new exhibitions program at Governor John Langdon House in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. This program facilitated a partnership with the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service to show The Way We Worked photography exhibit at Langdon House, and helped boost 2012 attendance at the property by fifty percent. The more people we reach through projects across New England, the more we learn about the aspects of our region’s heritage that inspire its citizens. Eleven-year-old Angela Baack of Newton, Massachusetts, convinced her parents to become members, then completed the rare accomplishment of visiting all thirty-six Historic New England properties in less than one year. Our museum guides have reported that other members have been inspired by Angela’s story, bringing curious ten- and eleven-year-olds to tour our sites. In March, our curatorial staff presented a lecture in Rhode Island to share research we’ve gathered for an upcoming exhibition on jewelry history. We were surprised and delighted by the enthusiasm shown by visitors who filled the lecture beyond capacity, the local media, including front-page placement in the Providence Journal, and members and others who were unable to attend but contacted us to share the ways in which jewelry affected their lives. From a woman eager to tell the story of her father’s work in a jewelry factory to a man interested in donating his collection of mid-century Modern pieces, it was immediately clear that the jewelry itself—these historic objects—provides a gateway for people to come together around a common heritage. Historic New England is about saving and sharing this common heritage. Through regional outreach and innovative programs, we are changing the outlook for historic house museums. Our membership is growing, young people are becoming involved, we are welcoming more visitors than ever before in our 103-year history, and our work is garnering national attention. We hope you’ll discover opportunities to become even more involved. Preserving our New England heritage depends on you.

Roger T. Servison

Carl R. Nold

Chairman, Board of Trustees

President and CEO


SAVING NEW ENGLAND’S ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE Among a collection of thirty-six historic properties, Historic New England preserves the oldest wood-frame house in New Hampshire (Jackson House, Portsmouth); the oldest house in Cambridge, Massachusetts (Cooper-Frost-Austin House); and the home of Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius, who helped start a wave of Modernism in the twentieth century (Gropius House, Lincoln, Massachusetts). This year, we added another architectural gem to our collection: the William Ellery Channing Eustis Estate in Milton, Massachusetts. The1878 mansion designed by noted architect William Ralph Emerson is located eight miles south of Boston, on land adjoining the Blue Hills Reservation. In addition to expanding the range of architectural periods and styles represented in our collection of historic properties, purchase of the Eustis Estate presents new opportunities for us to advance the study of Gilded Age architecture, landscape, and decorative arts; protect nearly eighty acres of open space; and welcome the public with tours and events. Having spent the past three years raising an unprecedented $4.8 million to support the preservation of historic properties, this year Historic New England continued to work to 4

grow the Preservation Maintenance Fund, a fund dedicated to maintaining our properties proactively. Upholding the standard dictated by our preservation philosophy requires yearround attention from our property care experts and professional contractors. A major structural repair project protected Sayward-Wheeler House, overlooking the York River in York Harbor, Maine, from water infiltration. Repairs to the portico, balustrade, and other highly visible exterior elements of Governor John Langdon House in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, made the property even more welcoming to visitors, many of whom came to enjoy a new exhibition series. An energy efficiency and weatherization project at the

A record 178,000 visitors experienced these architectural treasures in 2012 and discovered the stories of four centuries of life in New England.

Lyman Estate in Waltham, Massachusetts, cut energy use in the Georgian mansion by an extraordinary sixty-six percent, far surpassing the project goal of fifty percent. The popular PBS series Antiques Roadshow featured a segment on Beauport, Sleeper-McCann House, in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and captured the property at its best following a recent restoration of the Arts and Crafts landscape. Across a wide range of activities, from house tours to crafts festivals, outdoor concerts to weddings and summer camps, a record 178,000 visitors experienced these architectural treasures in 2012 and discovered the stories of four centuries of life in New England.

Facing page and this page (bottom) Barn roof preservation project at Barrett House, New Ipswich, New Hampshire. This page (top) Inside the conservation lab.


C H I L D R E N A C RO S S N E W E N G L A N D F O U N D N E W WAY S TO L O O K AT H I S TO RY T H I S Y E A R . H I S TO R I C N E W E N G L A N D ’ S S C H O O L A N D YO U T H P RO G R A M S R E AC H E D M O R E S T U D E N T S T H A N E V E R , A S W E H AV E E A C H Y E A R SINCE THEIR INCEPTION. More than 42,000 children participated in innovative programs at our historic sites and in communities throughout the region. At Historic New England, education goes beyond history. Our education programs

Historic New England presented 245 public events and programs this year.

use primary source materials from the past to teach science, math, and creative and critical thinking skills. Students learn about agricultural practices that have stood the test of time through the centuries, the basics of balancing a businessman’s account book, units of measures, simple machines, and human and animal adaptation in the coldweather months. “Students are physically transported to a different environment,” wrote one East Boston teacher after taking her class to Pierce House in Dorchester, Massachusetts. “They are not watching a movie or a computer screen. They are interacting with a real person. This is learning that stays with you.”


This page (top) School and youth programs at the Codman Estate, Lincoln, Massachusetts. (bottom) SpencerPeirce-Little Farm, Newbury, Massachusetts. Facing page Project CHICK at Casey Farm, Saunderstown, Rhode Island.

IGNITING A PASSION FOR HISTORY One very popular program in Rhode Island, Project CHICK, brings students outdoors and helps them understand animal lifecycles. An educator based at Casey Farm in Saunderstown visits a classroom with everything needed to incubate eggs, sets up the equipment, and engages students in a hands-on presentation about Dominique chickens and eggs. Twenty-one days later, as students observe, the chicks hatch. Baby chicks are returned to the farm, where students visit them and learn about free-range chickens on one of the oldest farms in the state. Thanks to the popularity of the program with more than 150 schools and libraries, the Providence Journal featured it in a photo spread and online video in March 2013. Programs like Project CHICK provide a unique experiential supplement to classroom learning. Historic New England heavily subsidizes the cost of field trips to our sites so that schools are able to pay for transportation.




I N O U R Q U E S T TO S E RV E A L L O F N E W E N G L A N D, N OT JUST THE COMMUNITIES W H E R E W E P R E S E RV E H I S TO R I C P RO P E RT I E S , H I S TO R I C N E W E N G L A N D PA RT N E R S W I T H O R G A N I Z AT I O N S I N A L L S I X O F T H E R E G I O N ’ S S TAT E S . In just three years, we completed our centennial goal, announced in 2010, of partnering with 100 communities through the 100 Years, 100 Communities initiative, which creates projects designed to preserve and share twentieth-century history. Following the completion of 100 Years, 100 Communities, Historic New England launched the Everyone’s History initiative, in which oral history projects, award-winning documentary films, and traveling and online exhibitions tell the diverse stories of New Englanders in the twentieth century and beyond. A new workshop series, Remembering Home, engages older adults at senior centers and assisted living facilities. In the program, a workshop leader shares a twentieth-century artifact that inspires participants to express their memories through poems or other creative outlets. An Everyone’s History partnership with the AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire, produced a documentary

Facing page The Way We Worked at Governor John Langdon House, Portsmouth, N.H. This page (top) Camp at Casey Farm, Saunderstown, Rhode Island. (center) Three generations of Grundstrom family clam diggers, from the Everyone’s History project From Clam Flats to Clam Shacks, Courtesy of John E. Grundstrom. (bottom) Appleton Circle members visit Oscar Heyman & Bros. in New York City.

In just three years, we completed our centennial goal, announced in 2010, of partnering with 100 communities.

Historic New England presents exhibitions at museums and other venues in all six New England states.

film, Connecting the Threads: Overalls to Art at the H.W. Carter and Sons Factory. The film chronicled the evolution of Lebanon through the rise and fall of a denim manufacturer, whose building later transformed into the AVA Gallery, a thriving contemporary art center. In addition to drawing crowds to screenings in Lebanon, the film aired on New Hampshire Public Television, among other stations, and won an award from the American Association for State and Local History (AASLH).


(Top left) From the Historic New England exhibition Take Me to the Fair, presented at the Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History, photograph by Markham Starr. (top right) H.H. Richardson-designed Ames Gate Lodge in Easton, Massachusetts. (bottom) Movies at the Mansion at the Lyman Estate in Waltham, Massachusetts.

Thanks to a new preservation easement, the Ames Gate Lodge is the first H.H. Richardson property protected by Historic New England. Historic New England partnered with the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) and its Museum on Main Street program to bring a photography exhibition, The Way We Worked, to all six New England states. Comprising photos from the National Archives, The Way We Worked charts the history of work in American culture. Historic New England collaborated with more than a dozen venues, from the Vermont Granite Museum to the New Haven Public Library in Connecticut, to draw a large public audience to the exhibit.


L A U N C H E D I N 2 0 1 0 , H I S TO R I C NEW ENGLAND’S COLLECTIONS A C C E S S P RO J E C T W E L C O M E S W E B U S E R S W O R L DW I D E TO E X P L O R E OUR COLLECTION, WHICH INCLUDES MORE THAN 110,000 OBJECTS AND ONE MILLION A R C H I VA L M AT E R I A L S . We continue to invest in staffing, infrastructure, and state-of-the-art equipment to expand and improve this online resource. This year, Historic New

This year, visitors enjoyed more opportunities than ever to discover these collections in person as well as online.

England secured a $142,559 matching grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to expand online access to our renowned wallpaper collection. When the project is completed, more than 6,000 historic wallpaper records will be accessible as high-resolution zoomable images for students, homeowners, textile experts, interior designers, researchers, and staff at other museums. We also implemented technological improvements to the Collections Access Project. Users now have access to larger images, multiple images per record, and social sharing buttons. Beyond the Collections Access Project, visitors to HistoricNewEngland.org read first-person accounts of preservation projects from carpenters, conservators, and other experts, with step-by-step photo galleries illustrating how Historic New England cares for the treasures we preserve.


(Top) Priscilla of Boston employee Maria Goncalves, part of an Everyone’s History project on the history of the wedding dress manufacturer, photo by Justin H. Goodstein-Aue. (bottom) Interior of Barrett House, New Ipswich, New Hampshire.

CONNECTING THE PAST TO THE PRESENT This year, visitors enjoyed more opportunities than ever to discover these collections in person as well as online. We welcomed a record numbers to behindthe-scenes tours of our collections storage and conservation facilities in Haverhill, Massachusetts; the Library and Archives in Boston; and in-depth programs like the week-long Program in New England Studies. In summer 2012, an eighteenthcentury bombĂŠ chest, one of only forty of its kind, returned to its original home, Quincy House in Quincy, Massachusetts, for visitors to enjoy. Historic New England was able to display the chest thanks to the generosity of a long-time supporter.

(Top) Postcard of Cape Cod printed by Curteich-Chicago, Nina Heald Webber Collection.

Beauport, SleeperMcCann House, Gloucester, Massachusetts, is featured in Architectural Digest and the cover of From Guiding Lights to Beacons for Business: The Many Lives of Maine’s Lighthouses.


CREATING CONNECTIONS A U D I E N C E S O F A L L A G E S A R E D I S C O V E R I N G T H E I R PA S S I O N F O R A R C H I T E C T U R E , D E C O R AT I V E A RT S , A N D T H E S TO R I E S O F F O U R CENTURIES OF NEW ENGLANDERS. The Young Friends of Historic New England membership group continues to grow. More than 150 young adults enjoy exclusive tours, gallery walks, cocktail tastings, and joint programs with other young adult member groups from other museums, such as the U.S.S. Constitution Museum and Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Historic New England’s other specialty membership groups continue to grow as well. The Ogden Codman Design Group is popular among design professionals and enthusiasts to meet, network, and enjoy special access to some of New England’s most unique interiors. More than 150 members of the Historic Homeowner membership program received personalized access to staff expertise on old-house maintenance this year, from paint consultation to weatherization.


Appleton Circle members, our most committed supporters, enjoyed more exclusive access to art, architecture, and antiques in New England and beyond, with a wider range of experiences tied to new levels of participation. Members traveled to Philadelphia for a private tour of the Barnes Foundation’s new building, along with visits to private homes and collections in the area. They joined the Karolik Society of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, for a trip to New York City featuring private access to the Hispanic Society of America, a newly designated National Historic Landmark, and the newly restored Morris-Jumel Mansion, the oldest house on the island of Manhattan and General Washington’s headquarters in 1776. Appleton Circle members Sandra and Holt Massey helped arrange an exclusive visit

More than 150 young adults enjoy exclusive tours, gallery walks, cocktail tastings, and joint programs with other young adult member groups from other museums.

to Holt’s native Richmond, Virginia, to see one of the most significant public collections of Art Nouveau and Art Deco decorative arts outside of Paris at the newly expanded Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, along with private visits to some of the oldest and grandest manor houses of the tobacco plantations along the James River.

(Top) Antique Auto Show at the Codman Estate in Lincoln, Massachusetts. (bottom) A visit to Oscar Heyman & Bros. in New York City.




Historic New England’s latest acquisition and a rare survival of the Gilded Age, was designed by architect William Ralph Emerson and comprises the 1878 mansion, 1892 gate lodge, and numerous other outbuildings.


H E L P U S C O N T I N U E TO P R E S E RV E A N D S H A R E N E W E N G L A N D ’ S H E R I TA G E For more than a century, Historic New England has made a difference in helping to maintain New England’s unique character. The successes of this year would not be possible without the support of the more than 7,300 member households and the hundreds of donors who believe that the past is worth preserving. Visit HistoricNewEngland.org to learn more about our work, join or renew your membership, or donate today.

Visit HistoricNewEngland.org to learn more about our work, join or renew your membership, or donate today.


This page (top) Interior of Cogswell’s Grant, Essex, Massachusetts. (left) Young Friends. (bottom right) School program at Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm, Newbury, Massachusetts. Facing page Collections staff display a portrait of Sara Norton by Hugh Glazebrook at our storage facility in Haverhill, Massachusetts.



FINANCIALS Operating Financial Statementa April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013 FY13


% Increase (decrease)

% of total

$ 6,355,000

$ 6,440,000




Investment Return Designated for Operationsb

Income from Operations





Contributed Income





$ 18,428,000

$ 16,834,000




% Increase (decrease)

% of total



Total Revenue EXPENSES

Collections & Exhibitions

$ 1,376,000

$ 1,440,000






Preservation Maintenance





Museum Operations





Revenue Generating Projects















Education & Public Programming





Stewardship Program





$ 11,120,000

$ 12,527,000


Net Income from Operationsc

$ 7,308,000

$ 4,267,000

Endowment Assets

$105,534,000 $101,653,000

Gain/(Loss) on Investments

$ 2,995,000

Total Expenses


$ (6,953,000)

a This financial statement represents the general operating activities for Historic New England only. Other non-operating activity, including realized and unrealized gains on restricted assets, can be found within the audited financial statements. b “Investment Income Used for Operations” represent the endowment funds approved by the Board of Trustees to support annual operations. The annual draw is based on appropriating 5% of the preceding twenty-quarter fair market value of the investments as of December 31st. cN et income from Operations above includes contributions for property acquisitions and long-term investment of $8.0 million in FY2013 and $3.9 million in FY2012. d Excludes beneficial interest in perpetual trusts which equaled $9.6 million for FY2013 and $9.2 million for FY2012.







Contributed Income



Investment Return Designated for Operations

5% 5%



Income from Operations


Stewardship Program

Education & Public Programming

Administration 3%

13% Marketing Fundraising Revenue Generating Projects



Collections & Exhibitions


5% 5%


Museum Operations


Preservation Maintenance 21


April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013 $1,000,000 AND ABOVE Anonymous $100,000 – $999,999 Anonymous City of Waltham Community Preservation Committee Fidelity Donor Advised Funds Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources $50,000 – $99,999 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Alfond The Champlin Foundations Massachusetts Cultural Council Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Servison $25,000 – $49,999 Anonymous (2) The 1772 Foundation Americana Foundation Donor Advised Funds at the Boston Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Bousa Cambridge Historical Commission The Ogden Codman Trust 22

Fogg Rollins Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. William C. S. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Johnstone Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Junkin Mr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Kingsley Dr. Janina A. Longtine The Lowell Institute Mr. and Mrs. David A. Martland Massachusetts Historical Commission Mr. and Mrs. John B. McDowell Dr. Margaret Ruttenberg and Mr. John Ruttenberg Virginia S. White $10,000 – $24,999 Anonymous (2) Ms. Deborah L. Allinson Mr. and Mrs. George Ballantyne Dr. and Mrs. Ernst R. Berndt The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Mr. Jon-Paul Couture Mr. Arthur D. Clarke and Ms. Susan P. Sloan

Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Trust Mrs. K. H. Jones Ms. Barbara R. Jordan and Mr. Robert A. Pemberton Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt Massey Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. McAfoose Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren McFarlan Ms. Maureen I. Meister and Mr. David L. Feigenbaum Mr. Carl R. Nold and Ms. Vicky Kruckeberg Mr. and Mrs. Randy Parker Mr. Samuel D. Perry The Rhode Island Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy P. Richardson Mr. Robert Rosenberg Mr. Joseph Peter Spang III Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Stone III The Saquish Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Mr. and Mrs. William Vareika Winfield Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ziering, Jr.

$5,000 – $9,999 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. John D. Barnard Ms. Ann M. Beha and Mr. Robert A. Radloff Mr. Charles E. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cheek Dr. Stan N. Finkelstein and Ms. Jill A. Benedict Four Centuries of Massachusetts Furniture Programming Committee Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Maine Historic Preservation Commission Newburyport Five Cents Savings Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Owens Rhode Island Council for the Humanities Ms. Sylvia Q. Simmons U.S. Charitable Gift Trust $2,500 – $4,999 Mr. Paul Blaisdell + Mr. Ralph C. Bloom Ms. Désirée Caldwell and Mr. William F. Armitage, Jr. The Philip and Betsey C. Caldwell Foundation Cambridge Trust Company Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Charles Mr. John D. Childs Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust Ms. Martha Fuller Clark and Dr. Geoffrey E. Clark Combined Jewish Philanthropies Elizabeth & Nicholas Deane Ms. Alan S. Emmet Mr. Stephen L. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Graham Gund Mr. George Handran Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hanss Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hare Ida Ballou Littlefield Memorial Trust Mr. and Mrs. John F. Keane, Sr. Adrienne Kimball Dr. Frederic F. Little and Dr. Claudia L. Ordonez Ms. Susan Matthews Mr. James D. McNeely and Mrs. Barbara W. Moore New Hampshire Charitable Foundation The Reverend Doctor Barbara H. Nielsen (Bottom) From the Historic New England exhibition Take Me to the Fair on display at the Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History, photo by Markham Starr.

Mrs. James Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Pell Mr. and Mrs. George Putnam Mrs. Louise C. Riemer The Roy A. Hunt Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John H. Whiton Stephen G. Woodsum and Anne R. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. John A. Yozell $1,000 – $2,499 Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Ballou Ms. Suzi S. Barbee Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bembenek Mr. Ronald P. Bourgeault Mr. Richard L. Brown Mr. Thomas C. Casey Ms. Karen Clarke Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Coghlin, M.D. Mrs. I. W. Colburn Mr. John D. Corey and Mr. Miguel Rosales Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Dayton DeFrancis Carbone

Mr. Richard A. Duffy and Mr. Jose M. Rodriguez East Cambridge Savings Bank Mr. John M. Ellis Ferguson Perforating & Wire Co Dr. and Mrs. Josef E. Fischer Dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Fischer Mrs. Pamela W. Fox Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackay Ganson, Jr. Mr. Thatcher Lane Gearhart Mrs. Susan Zises Green Ms. Martha D. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hood The Hope Foundation Institution for Savings Jean Nichols Charitable Trust Jewish Communal Fund Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Wade W. Judge Kennebunk Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. King Ms. Mary H. Klock Mr. and Mrs. James M. Knott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Kunian


Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Lamb III Dr. Theodore C. LandsmarkMr. and Mrs. William R. Leitch Mr. and Mrs. Newton H. Levee Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lober Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Lubin Mrs. Olga MacFarlane The MacPherson Fund, Inc. The Maine Community Foundation Mr. Philip Cryan Marshall Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mayer Mrs. Mary L. McKenny Ms. Lauren Mercadante Mr. Thomas S. Michie The MLM Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moran Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mosakowski Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Oedel Mr. and Mrs. Gerard O’Halloran Mrs. Carolyn Osteen and Dr. Robert Osteen Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Owens Mr. and Mrs. John O. Parker Ms. Diane Pienta and Mr. David O’Donahoe Mr. Samuel Plimpton and Ms. Wendy Shattuck Ms. Julie A. Porter Mr. James F. Reardon

The Robertson Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rousseau Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Rush Mr. Sheafe Satterthwaite Julie & Henry Sharpe III Mr. Thomas G. Stemberg and Ms. Katherine Chapman Mr. Gregory W. Sullivan and Dr. Kathy Martien Mr. Charles M. Sullivan and Ms. Susan E. Maycock Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Torrey Miss Kimberlea Tracey Mr. and Mrs. William P. Veillette Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Viera Mrs. Jeptha H. Wade Walmart Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. White Mr. Robert W. Wilkins, Jr. and Ms. Suzanne Courcier Mr. William Williams II and Ms. Pamela Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfe $500 – $999 Anonymous (2) Mr. William D. Adams Mrs. David Ames Dr. and Mrs. Reinier Beeuwkes III Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James S. Bradley

“ An energy-saving retrofit at a National Historic Landmark demonstrates how old-house owners can increase efficiency with minimal disruption” –Old-House Journal feature on the Lyman Estate (April/May 2013)


Kim and Laurence Brengle Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cabot Mr. and Mrs. George W. Carmany III Mr. Michael R. Carter and Dr. David Rousseau Ms. Lorna Condon Mr. and Mrs. James Nicoll Cooper Ms. Jean Courtney Mr. William C. Elinoff Ms. Elaine Espinola Mr. and Mrs. Frederic A. Eustis II Mr. and Mrs. Robert Falk Fiduciary Trust Company First Colebrook Bank Mr. and Mrs. James L. Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Al Gerrish Mr. and Mrs. Garth H. Greimann Mrs. Cyrus I. Harvey Mr. Roland Hoch and Mrs. Sarah Garland-Hoch Mr. Mark R. Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis Drs. John and Francoise Little Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Longsworth Mr. Arthur T. Lyman III Dr. Richard Mooradkanian Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moss Prof. and Mrs. Stewart C. Myers Mr. Charles H. Page Mr. Steven R. Pendery Ms. Sally W. Rand Mr. and Mrs. Norton H. Reamer Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rice Mrs. Barbara Roby Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Royce The San Francisco Foundation Susan B. Schenck and Steven Goodwin Dr. F. H. Sears and Dr. Sharon S. Bushnell Mr. Robert N. Shapiro Mr. Alan P. Slack Ms. Julie A. Solz Mr. and Mrs. A. Holmes Stockly Ms. Gabrielle B. Tiven Mr. and Mrs. William B. Tyler, Esq. Watertown Savings Bank

YOUNG FRIENDS PATRON Mr. John D. Corey and Mr. Miguel Rosales Mr. John M. Ellis Ms. Elizabeth L. Johnson Dr. Frederic F. Little and Dr. Claudia L. Ordonez Miss Kimberlea Tracey Mr. Theodore W. Vasiliou MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Anonymous Amica Companies Foundation Anchor Capital Advisors, Inc. Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker Foundation Bank of America CA, Inc. Matching Gifts Program Exxon Corporation Matching Gift Programs FM Global Foundation GE Foundation General Re Corporation IBM Corporation Liberty Mutual Foundation– Matching Gifts

Lincoln Financial Foundation SMBC Global Foundation Matching Gifts Program Texas Instruments Foundation The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership United Technologies UnumProvident Corporation GIFTS IN KIND Anonymous (2) Clark Currier Inn Ms. Sharon McCann Daly Early American Life Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gallagher Mr. Nathan Gordon Haley’s Ice Cream Mr. Steve Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hosack Mr. Adam Lowe Ms. Beth Oram Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Owens Pizzi Farm Ms. Kathleen Simone

Tendercrop Farm Mr. Robert Thibodeau Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wood Woods & Co. Civil Engineering GIFTS IN MEMORY OF In memory of Anne “Pete” Baker

Mr. Philip Cryan Marshall In memory of Kay H. Jones

Mrs. K. H. Jones In memory of Robert Kilgore

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cross Mr. and Mrs. Chester Swett In memory of Betty Albyn Murray

Mr. Keith Albyn Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Everett Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin Mr. John P. Miller Ms. Carolann Veraldi 25

In memory of Carl Panall

Ms. Elaine Espinola In memory of Mary Trafton Simonds

Virginia S. White GIFTS IN HONOR OF In honor of William T. Fisher

Alison and Bobby McNally In honor of Martha Heath

Mr. Richard Heath In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Holt and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Holt In honor of Laura E. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Falk In honor of Hamish Munro

Ellen Kaspern In honor of Carl R. Nold

Ms. Ann Beha and Mr. Robert A. Radloff In honor of Carl R. Nold, William C. S. Hicks, Edward Bousa, Youme Yai and Joan M. Berndt

Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Johnstone In honor of Simon and Jill Panall

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackmon In honor of Susan P. Sloan

The Simons Family Foundation In honor of her family

Ms. Rebecca Hamilton Smith In honor of George E. Triantaris and Steve Nigzus

Mr. Joseph Donnelly In honor of William Vareika

Mr. Robert N. Shapiro In honor of Daniel Ziarnik

Mr. Michael Grossman


Facing page Roof preservation project at Croade Tavern on the Arnold House property in Lincoln, Rhode Island.

DONORS TO COLLECTIONS Warner House Association Dr. Charles E. Beveridge Mrs. Victoria M. Blair-Smith Mr. Ralph C. Bloom Ms. Sandra Brown Mr. Edmund P. Bullis Ms. Wendy A. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Jed Guertin Mr. Alfred Lawton Hammett III Mr. David Kantrowitz Mr. and Mrs. David A. Martland Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. McAfoose Mr. Thomas S. Michie Mrs. Jane C. Nylander Ms. Wendy Brewer Paddock Mr. Stephen P. Parson Ms. Michelle Simpson Ms. Halcyon H. Springer Mr. James B. Thompson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. von Rosenberg, Jr. DONORS TO THE LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES Anonymous Ms. Susan D. Abele Ms. Cherry F. Bamberg Nancy J. Barnard Mr. Ralph C. Bloom Mr. John D. Booras Ms. Ruth Bowen Mrs. Sandra Blaisdell Brown Ms. Nancy C. Carlisle Mr. John M. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Carr Ms. Sara B. Chase Mr. Tom Clasby Ms. Lorna Condon Ms. Mary Cook Ms. Susanna M. Crampton DeWolfe & Wood Rare Books Mr. Stuart A. Drake Mr. David M. Dwiggins Ms. Alexis Elza Ms. Corinna T. Fisk Mr. George F. Fiske, Jr. Ms. Shirley Cushing Flint Fogg Rollins Charitable Trust

Ms. Jeanne M. Gamble Ms. Lucretia Hoover Giese Mr. Donald L. Gillespie Mr. Justin H. Goodstein-Aue Mr. Piatt A. Gray Mr. David M. Hart, AIA Mrs. Sarah R. Hinkle Mr. Henry B. Hoover, Jr. Ms. Ati Gropius Johansen Estate of John O. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Robert Kennedy Ms. Ailis F. Kiernan Ms. Catherine Knowles Ms. Susan B. Leavitt Ms. Elizabeth Carney Leuthner Ms. Arleyn A. Levee Ms. Anita Lincoln Mr. Warren M. Little Mr. Warren M. Matheson Mr. Franklin W. McCann Ms. Maureen I. Meister Mr. Thomas S. Michie Mr. Christopher Monkhouse Mr. William Morgan Mr. Carl R. Nold Ms. Eleanor A. Norris Richard C. and Jane C. Nylander Prof. James F. O’Gorman Kerry Oliver Origen Property Priscilla of Boston Mr. Anthony Mitchell Sammarco Mr. Daniel S. Santos Mr. Robert Bayard Severy Mr. Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr. Ms. Julie A. Solz Mr. James F. Stoutamire Ms. Elizabeth K. Thomas Mrs. Lee Thompson Mr. Kenneth C. Turino Mr. William P. Veillette Ms. Diane L. Viera Ms. Nina Heald Webber Mr. Thomas E. Weesner Mr. Ray Whittier The Wishart Family Mr. John Hardy Wright



The Otis Society honors donors who include Historic New England in their wills and estate plans. Named for Harrison Gray Otis, the prominent lawyer and politician whose 1796 home has been a Historic New England museum since 1916, this important group reflects the extraordinary impact of planned giving on the future of Historic New England. Otis Society benefits include invitations to exclusive events and recognition in the annual report.

Anonymous (3) Ms. Diana Abrashkin Mr. Peter W. Ambler and Ms. Lindsay M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Ames Mrs. Oliver F. Ames Mr. Paul Blaisdell† Mr. Ralph C. Bloom Mr. Charles E. Buckley† Mr. Thomas C. Casey Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Chaloud Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cheek Mr. Arthur D. Clarke and Ms. Susan P. Sloan Ms. Margaret L. Clarke Mrs. Susan W. Crum Dr. Abbott Lowell Cummings Mrs. Cynthia de Bruyn Kops III Mr. William de K. Burton Mr. Stuart A. Drake

Mr. Nicholas C. Edsall Ms. Alan S. Emmet Mr. Paul E. Giese and Ms. Lucretia Hoover Giese Mr. Philip A. Hayden Mr. Henry B. Hoover, Jr. Mrs. Susan Humphreys Mr. Christopher Keppelman Mrs. Mary S. Kingsbery Mr. John Matzke Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Mayor Mr. Gerald P. Miller Mr. Alan Murray Mr. John A. Neale and Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Mr. Carl R. Nold Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Nylander Mr. Stephen P. Parson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Pell Mr. Brian R. Pfeiffer

Ms. Deborah Reed Mr. Robert B. Rettig Mr. David N. Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Schamay The Honorable John W. Sears Mr. Earle G. Shettleworth, Jr. Mr. Alan P. Slack Mr. Frederick A.† and Mrs. Jane M. Stahl Mr. Dennis E. Stark and Mr. Robert F. Amarantes Mr. J. Reed Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Stone Ms. Denise C. Sullivan Mr. E. Clothier Tepper Mr. George E. Triantaris Miss Jane S. Tucker† Mr. William G. Waters Mr. Roger Willmott Miss Enid Wilson †




Jon-Paul Couture

Maureen I. Meister

Susan P. Sloan

Deborah L. Allinson

William C.S. Hicks

Carl R. Nold

Theresa M. Stone

George C. Ballantyne

Joseph S. Junkin

Randy J. Parker

William Vareika

Nancy J. Barnard

Theodore C. Landsmark

Robert A. Pemberton

Joan M. Berndt

David A. Martland

Margaret Ruttenberg

Maureen Fennessy Bousa

Sandra Massey

Roger T. Servison

Edward Lee Cave

F. Warren McFarlan

Sylvia Q. Simmons

Frederick D. Ballou

Harron Ellenson

Pauline C. Metcalf

Joseph Peter Spang

Lynne Z. Bassett

Robert P. Emlen

Thomas S. Michie

Andrew Spindler-Roesle

Ann M. Beha

Charles C. French

Keith N. Morgan

Dennis E. Stark

Joan M. Berndt

Marcy Gefter

William Morgan

Susan E. Strickler

Charles E. Beveridge

Lucretia Hoover Giese

Henry Moss

Charles M. Sullivan

Ralph C. Bloom

Debra W. Glabeau

Cammie Henderson Murphy

E. Clothier Tepper

Ronald Bourgeault

Briann G. Greenfield

Stephen E. Murphy

Jonathan Trace

Randolph D. Brock

Kerri Greenidge

Marie C. Oedel

Paige Insley Trace

Jeffrey R. Brown

Martha D. Hamilton

Richard H. Oedel

William B. Tyler

W. Robert Carr

Judy L. Hayward

James F. O’Gorman

Theodore W. Vasiliou

Harold J. Carroll

Catha A. Hesse

Mary C. O’Neil

William P. Veillette

Michael R. Carter

Bruce A. Irving

Carolyn Osteen

Gerald W. R. Ward

Richard W. Cheek

Edward C. Johnson 3d

Elizabeth H. Owens

David Watters

Martha Fuller Clark

Elizabeth B. Johnson

Robert I. Owens

Alexander Webb, III

Karen Clarke

Sara C. Junkin

Elizabeth S. Padjen

Roger S. Webb

Barbara Cleary

Mark R. Kiefer

Anthony D. Pell

Elisabeth Garrett Widmer

William C. Clendaniel

Anne F. Kilguss

Samuel D. Perry

Kemble D. Widmer

Frances H. Colburn

Paula Laverty

Patrick Pinnell

Susie Wilkening

Gregory L. Colling

Arleyn A. Levee

Elizabeth Pochoda

Robert Wilkins

Richard Cornell

Anita C. Lincoln

Jeffry A. Pond

Richard H. Willis

Suzanne Courcier

John B. Little

Julie A. Porter

Robert O. Wilson

Julia D. Cox

Charles R. Longsworth

Marion E. Pressley

Linda W. Wiseman

Trudy Coxe

Janina A. Longtine

Sally W. Rand

Gary Wolf

Abbott Lowell Cummings

Peter S. Lynch

Gail Ravgiala

Walter Woodward

Valerie Cunningham

Peter E. Madsen

Kennedy P. Richardson

William McKenzie Woodward

Elizabeth Hope Cushing

Philip Cryan Marshall

Timothy Rohan

Ellen M. Wyman

Elizabeth K. Deane

Johanna McBrien

Gretchen G. Schuler

Charles A. Ziering

William H. Dunlap

Paul F. McDonough

Kristin L. Servison

Margaret Ziering

Jared I. Edwards

James D. McNeely

Earle G. Shettleworth


Front cover Property care staff repair the garden arch at Hamilton House, South Berwick, Maine. Back cover Armchair, Adam Hains, original upholstery attributed to George Bertault, Philadelphia, 1797.

141 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02114

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