Historic New England Annual Report FY2015

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A Decade OF Accomplishment ANNUAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2015


Welcome Dear Friend,

In the years leading up to our 2010 centennial celebration, with your support we embarked on an ambitious plan to transform ourselves from the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities into a new, more outward-looking entity called Historic New England. This shift required an organization-wide commitment to becoming a more public institution—listening to the needs of broader and more diverse audiences, expanding collaboration with partner organizations, and actively increasing engagement through membership. We now stand at the brink of some remarkable milestones. In Fiscal Year 2016, we will exceed 50,000 schoolchildren served by our education programs. We will serve more than 200,000 people at our historic properties. We are finalizing the details of our one-hundredth preservation easement donation. These efforts are ongoing, but we can nonetheless reflect on a decade of accomplishment throughout the organization and acknowledge the work that we continue to do together. This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of our school and youth programs, which have experienced uninterrupted growth since their inception. Fiscal Year 2015 is also our fifth consecutive year of increased membership. We weathered historic snowfall across the region with minimal damage to landscapes and properties, thanks in no small part to the Preservation Maintenance Fund donors who make possible the proactive

COVER Children create medals in a summer

program at Pierce House, Dorchester, Mass. LEFT Selections from our wallpaper collection,

all available for in-depth exploration in a newly expanded database.

work carried out by our property care team. We introduced our new Board of Overseers, a group of ambassadors representing all six New England states. These overseers will assist the organization with strategic thinking, identifying prospects for leadership involvement, providing and encouraging financial support, and helping to identify opportunities for collaboration with heritage organizations and projects throughout the region. Your support makes all of this progress possible. We share with you not only our pride in all we have accomplished together, but also our enthusiasm to tackle the work that lies ahead.

Carl R. Nold

Roger T. Servison

President and CEO

Chair, Board of Trustees

P.S. In addition to the donors who are recognized in this report, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to those who supported us at every level during Fiscal Year 2015, including 7,829 members.


Staff return a painting to our storage facility in Haverhill, Mass.


“ Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm is one of the few historic sites in the area that warrants return visits... beautiful in every season, a calendar of great events and rich exhibits bring us back again and again.” —Margo Shea, Salem, Massachusetts

ABOVE AND RIGHT Families enjoy the

grounds at Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm in Newbury, Mass.


Becoming a MORE Public Institution The reinvention of Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm in Newbury, Massachusetts, is an excellent example of the new, dynamic way that visitors experience Historic New England. People often came to festivals on the grounds, but bypassed the seventeenth-century manor house itself. Or they came for the traditional house tour, but had no way to engage with the farm landscape. How could we create new opportunities for people to enjoy the landscape and also create a more engaging and family-friendly house tour? Answering this question meant embracing a culture of experimentation at Historic New England. To create more opportunities for families to experience the farm itself, we are now a Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals foster farm and invite visitors to interact with the animals. Kids work the outdoor water pump and become engrossed in touchable vignettes in the manor house. New events, including the American Music and Harvest Festival and Vintage Base Ball games, bring even more people of all ages to the farm’s 230 acres of protected open space.


We opened the Stekionis wing of the Spencer-Peirce-Little farmhouse in 2012 to tell the story of the Lithuanian immigrant tenant farmers who lived and worked at the farm for much of the twentieth century. We now present a working-class story as equal to that of the house’s owners, something we continue to work toward at many of our other properties such as the Phillips House in Salem, Massachusetts, and Roseland Cottage in Woodstock, Connecticut. Neighbors in our home communities are now partners in planning, like at the Sarah Orne Jewett House Museum and Visitor Center in South Berwick, Maine, where we learned that this vibrant arts community needed flexible space for exhibitions, workshops, and meetings. Since reopening the Eastman House adjacent to the museum as a visitor center in 2014, local artists, Berwick Academy students, and members of the New England Sculptors Association have exhibited work here. Visitors now experience our properties in more ways than ever, from the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Fairy House Tour at Governor Langdon House to Hermann’s Royal Lipizzan Stallions performing at Roseland Cottage and at Cogswell’s Grant, in Essex, Massachusetts. Residents and summer visitors to the south coast of Rhode Island flock to Casey Farm on the weekends, where the Coastal Growers farmers market attracts 30,000 people each year. ABOVE The Coastal Growers Market at Casey Farm, Saunderstown, R.I. CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE LEFT “Mohammad ‘Mo’ selling fresh produce,” Boston, from The Haymarket

Project, Everyone’s History; fairy houses at Langdon House, Portsmouth, N.H.; Vintage Base Ball at Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm, Newbury, Mass.; Artist Taintor David Child at Sarah Orne Jewett House Museum and Visitor Center, South Berwick, Me.; Movies at the Mansion at the Lyman Estate, Waltham, Mass.; Root School students, Norwich, Vt., 1937, from Back to School, Everyone’s History.





School and Youth Program

School and Youth Program

Exhibition Venue

Community Engagement Partner

Museum Property

Preservation Easement Property

Exhibition Venue Community Engagement Partner Museum Property

Preservation Easement Property




ABOVE More communities than ever are home to Historic New England programs and properties. RIGHT Lunch counter seats at the former Woolworth’s building, Haverhill, Mass., from the Everyone’s

History documentary Woolworth’s: Remembering Haverhill’s Shopping District.


The focus of our 2010 centennial year was public service. We embarked on the 100 Years, 100 Communities initiative to save and share the region’s twentieth-century stories before they’re lost. Community partners collaborated to develop exhibitions such as Twentieth Century African American Tourism in New England, done in partnership with the Portsmouth [New Hampshire] Black History Trail, and a history of Vermont’s Long Trail co-curated with the Green Mountain Club. These collaborations continue under the banner of Everyone’s History, enabling us to expand beyond our core communities and tell a more complete story of life across four centuries of New England history. Award-winning documentary films such as Connecting the Threads: Overalls to Art at the H. W. Carter and Sons Factory in Lebanon, New Hampshire, tell universal stories through the lens of a particular community or event. Our most recent Everyone’s History project, Woolworth’s: Remembering Haverhill’s Shopping District, is a documentary film produced in collaboration with community leaders, developers, cultural partners, and residents of this industrial Massachusetts town in the Merrimack River Valley.

ABOVE Solupta temperum

intotaqui tectassed RIGHT Momolor eiciten

tionsequis pore inum quam eumet.


“ It’s so exciting for me to look on this site and see these pictures and things that belonged to my ancestors, [it] makes them very real.” — Ellen Linn, commenting on the online object record for a linen-and-silk bodice (1925.233) worn by her great-great-great-aunt

ABOVE Staff work to catalogue the A. H.

Davenport­–Irving and Casson Collection. RIGHT Returning newly cleaned glass

vessels to improved storage at our Haverhill, Mass., facility.


Expanding COLLECTIONS Access Technology opens avenues for spontaneous discovery and research that were unthinkable when we began collecting in 1910. About 40 percent of our object collections is on view at our historic properties; the rest is preserved at our facility in Haverhill, Massachusetts. Through our Collections Access database, easily accessible on our website, visitors around the world can search more than 92,000 objects and 69,000 archival records. More than 10,000 people follow Historic New England on Facebook and Twitter, frequently offering insight and observations that enrich our knowledge. Sharing our collections also means maintaining them to the highest standards. An ambitious Collections Care Project is underway at our Haverhill facility to improve storage conditions. Thanks to donors to our Collections Care Fund, we have been able to move, clean, and rehouse


more than 20,000 objects, updating collections database records and generating high-resolution photography along the way to support researchers near or far. Collections care staff transport fragile or damaged items to our state-of-the-art conservation lab for stabilization and treatment. Historic New England exhibitions brought our collections to museums and galleries in every New England state and beyond. Several have garnered national interest, including America’s Kitchens at the Long Island Museum of Art, History, and Carriages in Stony Brook, New York, and Drawing Toward Home at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. Fifty-one museums in twenty-one states have borrowed approximately 220 Historic New England objects since 2005, including a rocking horse from Marrett House in Standish, Maine, that was featured in an exhibition at the National Gallery in Washington, D.C. and a modern art masterpiece by László Moholy-Nagy on view now at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. The Historic New England Publication Series, launched in 2006, utilizes archival objects and ephemera to explore topics from Maine lighthouses to America’s kitchens to historic images of ship and shore in New England.

ABOVE Conserving a rocking horse from Marrett House, Standish, Me., for loan to the National Gallery. CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE LEFT Conservators examine objects using the Brunker portable X-ray

fluorescence device; a metal and wood necklace from the collection of Ise Gropius; Ceramics Cleaning Day at our Haverhill facility; our Collections Care Project motto; students from the College of Older Learners at Haverhill Community College learn about Federal-era furniture; cover of the companion publication for the exhibition Drawing Toward Home.


Engaging YOUNG People We are celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of our school and youth programs and uninterrupted growth in the number of children served each year. Three hundred Boston Public School students took part in the first program at Otis House in Boston in 1985. Today more than 166 times that many students each year experience immersive learning opportunities at more than sixty-five programs at thirteen sites, plus schools, libraries, and community centers. The number of students served has more than doubled in the past ten years alone, and we’re poised to serve 50,000 students during the 2015–16 school year. Classroom teachers and administrators are partners in developing our programs, which are led by professional museum teachers. Programs meet state and national curriculum standards including STEM learning initiatives (science, technology, engineering, and math) and most important for the students, they’re fun. Through the wildly successful Project CHICK, almost every elementary school student in Rhode Island visits Casey Farm to learn about bird life cycles while helping to preserve heritage chicken breeds. In Rally ‘Round the Flag at Roseland Cottage, students experience life during the Civil War

15 LEFT Campers at Casey Farm, Saunderstown, R.I. BELOW Kids enjoy the working water pump at

Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm in Newbury, Mass. FOLLOWING PAGE CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT A Casey

Farm camper carries eggs; students visit Quincy House, Quincy, Mass.; a student participates in The Anti-Slavery Debate at Roseland Cottage, Woodstock, Conn.

“ This is one of the few field trips that engage students in an interactive manner… I have rarely seen field trip staff work so hard at integrating all parts of the curriculum. It’s perfect…this program is explicit, concise, and relevant.” —Mimi Fong, Quincy School, Boston


by building a pontoon bridge and carrying classmates on stretchers in a mock life-saving activity. Our education programs are engaging, interactive, and multi-modal. Growth continued even through the recession of 2007–09, when many schools slashed their budgets for field trips and extracurricular activities. Transportation costs are often the primary barrier to participation, which is why Historic New England has made this expense part of our operating budget. Several generous grants enabled us to provide free transportation for almost 5,000 students in 2014 alone, but the need for funding is ongoing. The cost of a school bus ride may be all that stands between today’s eager third-grader and tomorrow’s preservation leader. Attendance Chart 2004-2014 50,000





0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Boston: Harrison Gray Otis House, Codman Estate

Rhode Island: Casey Farm, Arnold House

Dorchester/Quincy: Pierce House, Quincy House

Maine: Castle Tucker, Nickels-Sortwell House, Sarah Orne Jewett House, Hamilton House

Connecticut: Roseland Cottage Newbury: Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm, Coffin House


Contributing TO Communities Our Preservation Easement Program is an innovative way to help communities, nonprofit organizations, and private homeowners protect historically significant buildings and landscapes. Historic New England’s easements can include exterior elevations, landscapes, outbuildings, and interiors. Full-time preservation staff actively monitors easements through annual site visits. Since 2005, almost thirty new properties have been recruited for the program, including four Mid-century Modern houses and our first easement donation in Rhode Island. We are actively filling gaps in architectural styles, including the 1880–81 Ames Gate Lodge in North Easton, Massachusetts, designed by architect H. H. Richardson, a 2013 donation, and the 2014 donation of the first Colonial Revival builidng in the program, in Winchester, Massachusetts.

The Keith House in Bridgewater, Mass., is protected by an easement held by Historic New England.


Community organizations can use easement donations to refocus resources for the greater benefit of all. One example is the town of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, which in 2013 used funds from the Community Preservation Act to purchase the c. 1783 Keith House and surrounding fourteen acres. They then sold the house and a 2.6-acre parcel with an easement and will conserve the remainder as open space. In 2010 the Salisbury Association donated an easement protecting the Holley-Williams House in Lakeville, Connecticut. The association had long maintained the house as a museum, but it had been operating at a loss for years, diverting resources from the association’s focus on land conservation and stewardship. By selling the house to private owners with a preservation easement held by Historic New England, the Federal-style house and landscape remain protected from subdivision or insensitive alteration. Annual Community Preservation Grant awards are another way that Historic New England helps communities share their history. Twenty-four small to mid-sized heritage organizations have received $1,000 grants since 2011, one in each New England state each year. Past recipients include the Greater New Haven Labor History Association in New Haven, Connecticut, and The Preservation Trust of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont, which used the grant to help preserve more than five hundred boxes of rescued historic records from the Vermont Marble Company archives.

19 OPPOSITE Community Preservation Grant recipients

include the Pettaquamscutt Historical Society in Kingston, R.I., (UPPER LEFT) and The Preservation Trust of Vermont (LOWER RIGHT). This Colonial Revival home (UPPER RIGHT) and All Saints Church in Dorchester, Mass. (LOWER LEFT) are protected by preservation easements held by Historic New England. BELOW Historic New England easements also protect

historically significant interiors.

“ It has been a pleasure to work with this very professional team…. I love to think that future generations will be living here and enjoying the spaces…that have meant so much to us.” — Polly Flansburgh, 2011 donor of an easement protecting her family’s Mid-century Modern house in Lincoln, Massachusetts


Investing in HISTORIC Properties The Preservation Maintenance Fund (PMF) supports our commitment to maintaining our historic properties to the highest standards. Since 2009 PMF donors have made possible an incredible scope of projects in a short period of time—in the first year, eighty-four projects at thirty-one sites; in the second, one hundred five projects at thirty-one sites; and by the end of the third year, another seventy-five projects at twenty-nine sites. These funds enable us to catch up with a backlog of maintenance needs and move forward with the systematic evaluation and prioritization of property care responsibilities. Colleague institutions, historic homeowners, and the broader historic preservation field benefit from our development of best practices, which we share via white papers, national and international seminars, and articles in regional and national media. For example, energy efficiency efforts at the Lyman Estate in Waltham, Massachusetts, have resulted in a 66 percent decrease in energy costs. Communicating our efforts and progress helps other organizations by showing that the initial cost of weatherization work can reap tangible benefits immediately. The 1878 Eustis Estate in Milton, Massachusetts, is Historic New England’s newest museum property and the first late-nineteenth-century property in the collection. Research and planning are ongoing, and we are excited to share the process of transforming this magnificent property into a museum and study center.

BELOW The Eustis Estate, Milton, Mass. CLOCKWISE FROM UPPER LEFT The parterre garden at Roseland

Cottage, Woodstock, Conn.; ell repairs at Roseland Cottage; the summerhouse at Barrett House, New Ipswich, N.H.; Castle Tucker, Wiscasset, Me.; the new roof at Roseland Cottage; arbor care at Barrett House.

Historic New England stewards and preserves more than 1,300 acres of historic landscapes, ornamental gardens, lawns, fields, and woods. Our proactive arbor care program not only identifies potential threats to the trees themselves, but also serves to protect our historic buildings from the danger of fallen trees and tree limbs due to sudden summer storms or relentless winter blizzards. Historic New England achieved many milestones in the past decade. At a time when colleague organizations face declining visitor and member participation, Historic New England has grown historic site visitation by 57 percent since 2005 and broadened our base to a record of more than 8,100 member households in forty-two states. Without the generosity of our donors and members, our mission would not be feasible. Thank you.


“ I understand that there are limited resources to devote to preventative maintenance. That’s why it’s important to me not only to provide high-quality and cost-effective work, but also to be involved with Historic New England as a supporter.” —Ward Hamilton, Olde Mohawk Historic Preservation ABOVE Installing energy-efficient storm windows

at the Lyman Estate, Waltham, Mass. LEFT The carpentry shop and gardens at the

Lyman Estate.


Financials Operating Financial Statementa April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015 Revenue FY15 FY14

Investment Return designated for Operationsb

% increase (decrease)

% of total

$ 5,945,000

$ 5,832,000



Revenue from Operations





Contributed Income





Contributed Income for property and long term investments

15,000 $ 11,899,000

Total Revenue

183,000 -92% 0% $ 12,555,000

Expenses FY15 FY14

Museum Operations


% increase (decrease)

% of total

$ 3,153,000

$ 2,718,000



Preservation Maintenance





Collections and Exhibitions





Education and Public Programming















Revenue Generating Projects





Preservation Easement Program










$ 12,560,000

$ 11,338,000


$ (661,000)

$ 1,217,000

$ 111,431,000

$ 114,068,000

$ 1,807,000

$ 14,435,000

Total Expenses

Net Income from Operationsc Endowment Assets d

Gain on Investments

This financial statement represents the general operating activities for Historic New England only. Other non-operating activity, including realized and unrealized gains on restricted assets, can be found within the audited financial statements. b Investment Income Used for Operations represents endowment funds approved by the Board of Trustees to support annual operations. The annual draw policy is based on appropriating 5% of the preceding twenty-quarter fair market value of the investments as of December 31. c Net income from Operations above includes contributions for property acquisitions and long-term investment of $0.02 million in FY 2015 and $0.2 million in FY 2014. d Excludes beneficial interest in perpetual trusts which equaled $10.1 million for both FY 2015 and FY 2014. a




Investment Return Designated for Operations

Revenue from Operations

50% 32%

Contributed Income

Expenses Preservation Easement Program Education and Public Programming Marketing



Collections and Exhibitions





Revenue Generating Projects


Preservation Maintenance






Museum Operations


Leadership Board of Trustees Theodore Alfond Deborah L. Allinson Nancy J. Barnard Joan M. Berndt Maureen Fennessy Bousa Jon-Paul Couture

Christopher Karpinsky Sidney Kenyon Theodore C. Landsmark David A. Martland Sandra O. Massey F. Warren McFarlan

Carl R. Nold Randy J. Parker Roger T. Servison Sylvia Q. Simmons

Board of Overseers Sylvia Brown Newport, Rhode Island Ronald P. Bourgeault Portsmouth, New Hampshire Christine Chamberlain Rockland, Maine Dona Gibbs Jamestown, Rhode Island James Horan Portsmouth, New Hampshire William C. S. Hicks Wayland, Massachusetts

Kathy W. Kane Portsmouth, New Hampshire Elizabeth Leatherman Newport, Rhode Island Sandra Ourusoff Massey Boston, Massachusetts, and Newport, Rhode Island Bruce D. Moir Portland, Maine Marie C. Oedel Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

Carolyn Osteen Boston, Massachusetts John Peixinho Newport, Rhode Island Susan P. Sloan Boston, Massachusetts William Vareika Newport, Rhode Island William P. Veillette Amherst, New Hampshire


Council George Ballantyne Frederick D. Ballou Lynne Z. Bassett Russell Bastedo Ann M. Beha Joan M. Berndt Charles E. Beveridge Ralph C. Bloom Ronald P. Bourgeault Randolph D. Brock W. Robert Carr Harold J. Carroll Michael R. Carter Edward Lee Cave Richard W. Cheek Martha Fuller Clark Karen Clarke Barbara Cleary William C. Clendaniel Frances H. Colburn Gregory L. Colling Richard Cornell Suzanne Courcier Julia D. Cox Trudy Coxe Abbott Lowell Cummings Elizabeth Hope Cushing Elizabeth K. Deane William H. Dunlap Jared I. Edwards Harron Ellenson Robert P. Emlen Eugene Gaddis Diane R. Garfield

Marcy Gefter Lucretia Hoover Giese Debra W. Glabeau Briann G. Greenfield Kerri Greenidge Martha D. Hamilton Judy L. Hayward Eric Hertfelder Catha A. Hesse Bruce A. Irving Edward C. Johnson 3d Elizabeth B. Johnson Sara C. Junkin Mark R. Kiefer Anne F. Kilguss Matthew Kirchman Nancy Lamb Paula Laverty Arleyn A. Levee Anita C. Lincoln John B. Little Charles R. Longsworth Janina A. Longtine Peter S. Lynch Peter E. Madsen Elizabeth Hart Malloy Philip Cryan Marshall Johanna McBrien Paul F. McDonough James D. McNeely Maureen I. Meister Pauline C. Metcalf Thomas S. Michie Keith N. Morgan

William Morgan Henry Moss Cammie Henderson Murphy Stephen E. Murphy Marie C. Oedel Richard H. Oedel James F. O’Gorman Mary C. O’Neil Carolyn Osteen Elizabeth H. Owens Robert I. Owens Elizabeth S. Padjen Anthony D. Pell Samuel D. Perry Patrick Pinnell Elizabeth Pochoda Julie A. Porter Marion E. Pressley Sally W. Rand Gail Ravgiala Kennedy P. Richardson Timothy Rohan Virginia Rundell Gretchen G. Schuler Kristin L. Servison Earle G. Shettleworth Susan P. Sloan Joseph Peter Spang Andrew Spindler-Roesle Dennis E. Stark Susan E. Strickler Charles M. Sullivan E. Clothier Tepper

Paige Insley Trace John W. Tyler William B. Tyler Theodore W. Vasiliou William P. Veillette Gerald W. R. Ward David Watters Alexander Webb III Roger S. Webb Elisabeth Garrett Widmer Kemble D. Widmer II Susie Wilkening Richard H. Willis Robert O. Wilson Linda W. Wiseman Gary Wolf Walter W. Woodward William McKenzie Woodward Ellen M. Wyman Charles A. Ziering Margaret Ziering


Donors $100,000–$999,999 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Alfond* Mr. Nicholas C. Edsall Fidelity Donor Advised Funds Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Servison* $50,000–$99,999 Institute of Museum and Library Services Massachusetts Cultural Council Mr. and Mrs. John B. McDowell* National Endowment for the Humanities National Historical Publications and Records Commission Mr. William G. Waters $25,000–$49,999 Anonymous Americana Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Bousa* Ruby W. & LaVon Parker Linn Foundation The Lowell Institute Mr. and Mrs. James E. Marble Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Martland* The Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation Dr. and Mrs. F. Warren McFarlan* The Ogden Codman Trust City of Quincy Community Preservation Committee $10,000–$24,999 Anonymous (5) The 1772 Foundation Ms. Deborah L. Allinson* Dr. and Mrs. Ernst R. Berndt* The Boston Family Office The Boston Foundation, Inc. The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Mr. and Mrs. David Chamberlain* Mr. Jon-Paul Couture* The Davis Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William C. S. Hicks* Mr. Timothy T. Hilton Barbara and Amos Hostetter* Institution for Savings Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Johnstone*

April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey R. Kenyon* Dr. Janina A. Longtine* Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt Massey* Mr. Lee Oestreicher and Ms. Alejandra Miranda Naon Caren and Randy Parker* Joan Pearson Watkins Revocable Trust Mr. Samuel D. Perry* Prince Charitable Trusts The Rhode Island Foundation Mr. Robert Rosenberg* Saquish Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Schorsch Mr. Joseph Peter Spang III* Mr. Samuel H. Stevens Mr. Charles M. Sullivan and Ms. Susan E. Maycock* Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Ms. Nina Heald Webber Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. White* Winfield Foundation $5,000–$9,999 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Barnard* The Barnes Foundation The Croll Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Hale* Mrs. K. H. Jones* Mr. Christopher Karpinsky* Mr. Carl R. Nold and Ms. Vicky Kruckeberg* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Pell* Ms. Barbara R. Jordan and Mr. Robert A. Pemberton* Ms. Julie A. Porter* Dr. Margaret Ruttenberg and Mr. John Ruttenberg* Dr. Sylvia Q. Simmons* U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ziering Jr.* $2,500–$4,999 Anonymous Ausolus Trust Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Ballou* Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bembenek* Mr. Ronald P. Bourgeault* Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Cabot*

Ms. Désirée Caldwell and Mr. William F. Armitage Jr.* Cambridge Trust Company Ms. E. Greer Candler* Mr. Harold J. Carroll* Mr. Thomas C. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Charles* Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cheek Ms. Martha Fuller Clark and Dr. Geoffrey E. Clark* Ms. Karen Clarke* The Clowes Fund Inc. Combined Jewish Philanthropies Mr. and Mrs. James C. Curvey* Elizabeth and Nicholas Deane* The Michael and Elizabeth Dingman Foundation Mrs. Paul R. Dinsmore* Mr. Richard A. Duffy and Mr. Jose M. Rodriguez Eaton Vance Management Ms. Alan S. Emmet* Elizabeth and Mark Ferber* Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Fitzgerald Mr. Stephen L. Fletcher* Mr. Jameson French and Ms. Priscilla French Mr. and Mrs. C. Mackay Ganson Jr.* Mr. Thatcher Lane Gearhart* Mr. Spencer P. Glendon and Ms. Lisa Y. Tung* Ms. Martha D. Hamilton* Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hanss* Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hare* Eric and Dorothy Hayes* Mr. and Mrs. Tim Holiner* Mr. and Mrs. Wade W. Judge* Mr. John F. Keane* Ms. Anne F. Kilguss* Mr. and Mrs. Robin Lincoln* Dr. Frederic F. Little and Dr. Claudia L. Ordonez* Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lober* Mr. Stephen G. Woodsum and Ms. Anne R. Lovett* The Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati Ramsey McCluskey Family Foundation Mr. Thomas S. Michie* Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Moir*


New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Northeast Auctions Northeast Investment Management Inc. Northland Forest Products Mr. and Mrs. George Putnam* Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Rickabaugh* Mrs. Louise C. Riemer* The Roy A. Hunt Foundation Ms. Lois C. Russell* Mr. Robert Bayard Severy Sharpe Family Foundation/Julie and Henry D. Sharpe III Mr. Andrew Spindler-Roesle and Mr. Hiram Butler* Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Tooke* Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Trace* The Tulgey Wood Foundation United Technologies Mr. and Mrs. William Vareika* Mr. Theodore W. Vasiliou* Mr. and Mrs. William P. Veillette* Mr. Dennis Walach Wilmot Wheeler Foundation Ms. Elaine Wilde* Mr. Robert W. Wilkins Jr. and Ms. Suzanne Courcier* Mr. Richard H. Willis* Clara B. Winthrop Charitable Trust Stephen G. Woodsum and Anne R. Lovett Mr. and Mrs. John A. Yozell*

$1,000–$2,499 Mr. William Bathe and Mrs. Eleanor Swett Bathe Dr. Stan N. Finkelstein and Ms. Jill A. Benedict Mr. Ralph C. Bloom Kim and Laurence Brengle Mrs. Charles B. Carpenter Mr. John D. Childs Mrs. I. W. Colburn Ms. Jaimie Cuddire and Mr. Daniel Cuddire Cummings Properties Ms. Janet Dinan and Mr. Peter Dinan East Cambridge Savings Bank Mr. John M. Ellis^ Ferguson Perforating & Wire Co Mrs. Pamela W. Fox Thomas A. J. Frank, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Frost III Ms. Diane R. Garfield and Dr. Peter L. Gross Greater Houston Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hamilton^ Mrs. Samuel M. V. Hamilton James and Leslie Hammond^ Mr. George Handran Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hood Mr. Roland Hoch and Mrs. Sarah Garland-Hoch Ms. Abigail Johnson and Mr. Christopher J. McKown* Mr. Stephen Kaloyanides Jr. Kennebunk Savings Bank

Mr. Mark R. Kiefer Ms. Susan S. Kinsey Dr. Theodore C. Landsmark* Mr. and Mrs. William R. Leitch Mr. and Mrs. Newton H. Levee Mr. Gregory A. Liacos and Mrs. Elizabeth S. Liacos Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Lubin Maine Development Foundation Ms. Josie C. Manternach Mr. Philip Cryan Marshall Matter Communications Inc. Mrs. Mary L. McKenny Merrimack Design Associates Dr. Merrill F. Mulch Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Oedel Oregano Pizzeria Mr. William B. Osgood† Ms. Elizabeth Seward Padjen and Mr. Thaddeus Gillespie Ms. Donna Pridmore Qualcomm Foundation Ms. Sally W. Rand Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. William H. Rousseau * Appleton Circle Member ^ Young Friends Patron † deceased


Ms. Wendy Shattuck and Mr. Samuel Plimpton Staples Foundation Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Stebbins Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Torrey Miss Kimberlea Tracey^ Mr. and Mrs. Gary Viera Mr. and Mrs. John H. Whiton Richard W. Weekley $500–$999 Anonymous (2) Mr. H. Whitney Bailey and Mrs. Allison Bailey Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation BNY Mellon Charitable Fund Ms. Cheryl Caldwell Christensen-Dunn Early Foundations Fund Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Coghlin Mr. Gregory L. Colling Ms. Lorna Condon Fiduciary Trust Company Mrs. Sandra Gagnon and Mr. Mark Gagnon Mr. and Mrs. James L. Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Al Gerrish Mr. Peter A. Gittleman Ms. Wendy Gus Mr. Benjamin K. Haavik The Holcombe Charitable Foundation The Hope Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hunnewell Jr. Mr. Kevin Kearney and Dr. Sarah K. Scott Mr. Timothy Kendall and Ms. Christine P. Thomson Mrs. Daniel M. Kimball Ms. Laura D. Kunkemueller Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis Drs. John and Francoise Little

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lynch Christine Tucker McCartney and John McCartney Julianne and David Mehegan Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moss Newburyport Brewing Company The Reverend Doctor Barbara H. Nielsen Mrs. Carolyn Osteen and Dr. Robert Osteen Otter Island Foundation Mr. Charles H. Page Ms. Joanne Patton Mr. and Mrs. Norton H. Reamer Mr. and Mrs. John Remondi Ms. Kelly Reynolds Rhode Island Council for the Humanities Ms. Katharine Richardson Mrs. Barbara Roby The San Francisco Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Sexton Mrs. Matthew R. Simmons and Family Ms. Julie A. Solz Ms. Lynne M. Spencer and Mr. Jeff Musman Mrs. Frederick A. Stahl Mr. Lawrence Stifler and Ms. Mary McFadden Tiedemann Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William B. Tyler, Esq. VoDaVi Technologies Mrs. Jeptha H. Wade Watertown Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Webb III Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wills Matching Gift Companies Anonymous Amica Companies Foundation Anchor Capital Advisors Inc. AT&T Foundation

Bank of America Benevity CA Inc. Matching Gifts Program Citizens Charitable Foundation FM Global Foundation GE Foundation General Mills Foundation Houghton Mifflin Company IBM Corporation MFS Investment Management Millennium Matching Gifts Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Qualcomm Foundation Texas Instruments Foundation The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership United Technologies Gifts in Kind Anonymous The Academy Street Inn Alvin Hollis Jonathan Austin of Austin Architects Beach Rose Café Biomes Marine Biology Center Ms. Annette L. Born California Paints Cambridge Plant and Garden Club Cape Ann Brewing Company Lynette M. Casciotti CGI Communications Channel Mailing Services Inc. Mr. Michael Cooney, Nixon-Peabody LLP Dave’s Marketplace E & J Restaurant Firehouse Center for the Arts Ms. Carolyn J. Fuchs


Mr. Nathan Gordon Green Ink Robert Hale, Goodwin Proctor LLP Jeffrey P. Johnson, WilmerHale Mr. Adam Lowe David Martland, Nixon-Peabody LLP Mayer Tree Paul McDonough, Goulston and Storrs P.A. Painting & Construction LLC Pizzi Farm The Place RFT Insurance Rock Spot Climbing Seaport Signworks Ms. Halcyon H. Springer Ms. Brooke Steinhauser Mr. Caleb P. Stewart Teddy Bearskins Ms. E. ten Grotenhuis Tendercrop Farm Gifts in Memory of In memory of Carole Cunningham Ms. Vicky L. Kruckeberg In memory of Richard E. Greenwood Mr. Philip Cryan Marshall In memory of Matthew R. Simmons Mrs. Matthew R. Simmons and Family

In memory of Richard Wills Mr. John T. Appleton, Ms. Barbara R. Fleischer and Mr. David H. Fleischer Ms. Elizabeth G. Flemings and Mr. James T. Harris Ms. Linda Wing Hom Chris Kaldy Mr. Peter Kaye and Ms. Nancy Kaye Lincoln Academy Ms. Sybil Luchetti Oyster Harbors Club Inc. Thomas P. and Hilary M. Nangle Mr. Paul E. Petry and Ms. Anne C. Petry Mr. and Mrs. Herb Pheeney The Rivers School Ms. Nancy Soja Mr. William F. Vargus Monte and Anne Wallace Ms. Sally T. Whitesell Ms. Linda Whitmore Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Wills Gifts in Honor of In honor of Dr. Abbott Lowell Cummings Mr. Joseph Peter Spang III In honor of Mr. Richard Heath and Ms. Martha Heath Ms. Patricia Lindbo

In memory Herbert Walker Ms. Gail W. White

In honor of the John Lougee Family of New Hampshire Mrs. Matthew R. Simmons

In memory of Charles M. Werly Saquish Foundation

In honor of Blair Lustig Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Lustig

In honor of the good works of Carl R. Nold, Kimberlea Tracey, Bill Hicks, Roger Servison, Joan Berndt, and Maureen Bousa Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Johnstone In honor of Lester & Joyce Ralph Mr. Donald F. Ralph and Ms. Stephanie A. Ralph, Carol and Joe Swetinski In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Simmons’ wedding reception at the Lyman Estate, June 19, 1971 Mrs. Matthew R. Simmons and Family In honor of Susan Sloan Ms. Nancy Netzer and Mr. Robert Silberman In honor of Kimberlea Tracey Kim and Laurence Brengle In honor of Ken Turino Ms. Anne C. Bromer and Mr. David Bromer Donors to the Collections Christine Bishop Ms. Lorna Condon Mr. Robert P. Emlen Mr. Christopher T. Gant and Ms. Sarah B. Gant Ms. Olive Smith Glaser Mr. Richard Heath and Ms. Martha Heath Mr. Bruce E. Jacobson Ms. Diana Korzenik Dr. Janina A. Longtine Julianne and David Mehegan Candace Orcutt * Appleton Circle Member ^ Young Friends Patron † deceased


Mrs. Robert I. Owens* Erika Pfammatter Mr. James V. Righter Mr. Caleb P. Stewart John Sutherland Mark Trumbull Donors to the Library and Archives Rebecca J. Aaronson Mary Jane Anderson Barbara Robbins Armstrong Ms. Nancy Barnard Mr. Frank J. Barrett Jr. Ingrid Barry Mr. John D. Booras Mr. Ronald P. Bourgeault Ms. Linda Brayton Ms. Lisa Brayton Mr. Alexander M. Carlisle Ms. Nancy Carlisle Mr. John M. Carpenter Ms. Lorna Condon Ms. Susanna Crampton Mrs. L. Perry Curtis Mr. David Martin Dwiggins Ms. Harron Ellenson Ms. Alan S. Emmet Mr. Robert P. Emlen Ms. Kathleen Fisher and Mr. Robert Gruber Mrs. Earl R. Flansburgh Mr. Stephen Fletcher Ms. Lucretia Hoover Giese

Ms. Andrea Gilmore Mr. Peter Gittleman Ms. Olive Smith Glaser Ms. Kathryn Grover Mrs. Sarah R. Hinkle Ms. Katherine Kinney and Mr. Hamilton Bowen Holt II Ms. Jennifer Holmgren Mr. Henry B. Hoover Jr. Ms. Roberta Mudge Humble Ms. Susan Johnson Ms. Diana Korzenik Ms. Vicky L. Kruckeberg Ms. Arleyn A. Levee Mr. Christopher Linden John B. Little, M.D. Miss Selina F. Little Michele Lung Diane G. Madore Mr. Walter Maros Ms. Maureen I. Meister and Mr. David L. Feigenbaum Mr. Thomas S. Michie Diana Molchan Mr. Carl R. Nold Brendan W. Nolan Elizabeth Hoover Norman Mr. David Norton Richard C. and Jane C. Nylander Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Owens Mr. Thomas Paine Mr. Lawrence T. Perera

Ms. Erika Pfammatter Ms. Catherine Riedel and Mr. Mike Meyers Mr. James V. Righter Mr. Stanley Robinson Mr. Anthony Mitchell Sammarco Mr. Daniel S. Santos Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Servison Mr. Robert Bayard Severy Mr. Earle G. Shettleworth Jr. Ms. Gloria Solomita Ms. Julie Solz Ms. Halcyon Hobbs Springer Mrs. Frederick A. Stahl Virginia M. Studley Mr. Daniel Topolewski Mr. Kenneth C. Turino Mr. Will Twombly Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. R. Ward Ms. Nina Heald Webber Ms. Stephanie Williams Mr. Richard Wills† Mr. Gary Wolf, AIA

* Appleton Circle Member ^ Young Friends Patron † deceased

Otis Society The Otis Society honors donors who include Historic New England in their wills and estate plans. Named for Harrison Gray Otis, the prominent lawyer and politician whose 1796 home has been a Historic New England museum since 1916, this important group reflects the extraordinary impact of planned giving on the future of Historic New England. Anonymous (4) Ms. Diana Abrashkin Mr. Peter W. Ambler and Ms. Lindsay M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Ames Mrs. Oliver F. Ames Dr. Barbara A. Beall Mr. Ralph C. Bloom Mr. Leslie P. Brodacki Ms. Natalea G. Brown Mrs. Cynthia de Bruyn Kops III Mr. William de K. Burton Mr. Thomas C. Casey Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Chaloud Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cheek Mr. Arthur D. Clarke and Ms. Susan P. Sloan Ms. Margaret L. Clarke Mrs. Susan W. Crum Dr. Abbott Lowell Cummings Mr. Stuart A. Drake Mr. Nicholas C. Edsall Dr. Donald Ehresmann Ms. Alan S. Emmet Mrs. Marjorie A. Falvey Mr. Paul E. Giese† and Ms. Lucretia Hoover Giese Ms. Annabella Gualdoni and Mr. Vito Cavallo Mr. Philip A. Hayden Mr. Henry B. Hoover Jr. Mrs. Susan Humphreys Mr. Christopher Keppelman Mrs. Mary S. Kingsbery Mrs. Joan W. Leslie† Ms. Sylvia B. Lunt†

Mr. John Matzke Mr. Paul F. McDonough Jr. and Ms. Carla A. Blakley Mr. Gerald P. Miller Mr. Alan Murray Mr. John A. Neale and Dr. Stephen L. Boswell Mr. Carl R. Nold Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Nylander Mr. William B. Osgood† Mr. Stephen P. Parson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Pell Mr. Brian R. Pfeiffer Ms. Deborah Reed Mr. Robert B. Rettig Mr. David N. Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Schamay The Honorable John W. Sears† Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Servison Mr. Earle G. Shettleworth Jr. Mr. Alan P. Slack Mrs. Frederick A. Stahl Mr. Dennis E. Stark and Mr. Robert F. Amarantes Mr. J. Reed Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Stone Ms. Denise C. Sullivan Mr. E. Clothier Tepper Mr. George E. Triantaris Mrs. Joan Pearson Watkins Mr. William G. Waters Mr. Roger Willmott Miss Enid Wilson† †deceased

BACK COVER The carpentry shop at the Lyman Estate carriage barn, Waltham, Mass. All photographs by or from the collections of Historic New England except as noted. Cover and pages 14, 16 left and lower right by Beth Oram. Page 2 © Pierce Harman. Pages 4, 5, 6 center right, 15, 16 upper right by Daniel Nystedt. Page 7 upper left by Justin Goodstein. Page 7 left center courtesy of the Norwich Historical Society, Norwich, Vt. Page 8 by Michael VanRavestyn/Foto Factory. Pages 17, 18 upper left and lower right, 19 by David Bohl. Page 21 right center by Annie Card. Page 22 and back cover by Olivia Gatti.

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