Best Bets: Military Spouse Careers that Don't Require a License

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a closer look


1. Software Developer O*Net code: 15-1132

overview With more than 800,000 jobs in the United States, projected growth of more than 30% over the next 10 years, and an average starting salary of $100,000, it is easy to see why software developers top our list of best careers not requiring

what is it? Software developers work in a range of industries writing code and fixing bugs for everyday computer programs and applications. Developers must possess a high level of attention to detail, be creative, and work collaboratively with

a license. Better yet, these careers also

teams. They also need to use their

provide great portability, flexibility, and

technical and analytical skills to create and

remote work opportunities.

what does it take? Most software developers have a four-year

enhance programs.

frequent job titles Application Developer

degree and strong math skills, although

Software Architect

some entry level jobs are open to those

Software Developer

with an Associates degree or self-taught

Software Development Engineer

experience. Software developers also need to be fluent in programming languages such as C++, C#, Java, Java Script and Python.

Software Engineer

2. Market Research Analyst O*Net code: 13-1161


what is it?

Another career with strong projected

Marketing research analysts do just what

growth (+23% in the next decade) and

their title implies—they analyze markets

average salaries in excess of $60,000,

and consumer trends to market products

marketing research analyst positions are

or create marketing campaigns.

a great bet for the long-term. This career

Marketing research analysts require an

field also has the added benefit of providing military spouses with a wide

analytical eye, creativity, and strong communication skills.

array of entry points and opportunities for growth.

what does it take?

frequent job titles

Marketing research analysts often have a

Business Development Specialist

four-year degree, although their majors

Client Service and Consulting

widely vary and may include course work


in business, communications, English,

Communications Specialist

math, marketing and/or psychology.

Market Research Manager Product Line Manager Project Manager

is this a


3. Human Resources Specialist O*Net code: 13-1071


what is it?

A career in human resources (HR) is a perfect fit for many military spouses and the HR specialist role is an excellent entry point. HR specialist jobs are plentiful (550,000 positions) and provide

HR specialists play a critical role in business. Their areas of responsibilities can include compensation and benefits, compliance, training, and personnel data management. HR specialists have to

competitive pay (average salary: $59,000).

understand key objectives for their

These jobs are also highly portable across

business, how to find and retain the best

industries and geography and offer

employees, and how to implement policies

excellent promotion and growth

while fostering company culture.


what does it take? HR specialists generally have a degree in

frequent job titles Corporate Recruiter

human resources or business. For

Employment Specialist

recruiters, it also is helpful to have

Human Resources Coordinator

specialized knowledge about an industry, or a demographic of targeted possible employees, like veterans.

Talent Acquisition Specialist

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