OU Job Search Guide 17-18

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Passport Careers


USA Career Guides by GOINGLOBAL

Career Services offers a variety of online resources located on our website, including:

Create and manage your rĂŠsumĂŠ using this comprehensive web-based tool. This interactive program has over 250 samples to choose from and allows you to build a resume from scratch.

OptimalInterview Optimal Interview allows you to explore questions you could be asked in your next interview and record yourself answering them. This tool also lets you share your videos to get feedback from professionals and offers tips on how to answer questions from an automated career coach.

FOCUS2 Use this online career guidance tool to assist you in self-assessment, choosing a major and exploring various careers.

GOINGLOBAL Explore more than 10,000 resources for finding internships and full-time positions abroad.

Identify job and internship strategies, guidance, and resources for 57+ countries (250 cities).

Navigate career and employment resources for the 40 largest metropolitan areas in the U.S. Also included in this search engine: job search resources, employment outlook, professional networking groups, cost of living, major employer listings by industry sector, non-profits, and volunteer opportunities. H1B Visa employer listings are also listed for all 50 states.

Career Shift Search, select, and store job listings from all job boards and all company job postings. Find accurate contact information, including email addresses, for millions of companies and access to in-depth information about contacts and organizations.

ARTSEARCH Navigate hundreds of opportunities in the arts and create email alerts based on your customized searches.


Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.