Recruitment Processes and Practices

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Recruitment processes and practices include the different methods businesses use to find employees. Recruitment processes often ramp up when a new business starts or when an existing business expands.

A start-up business must identify the types of employees it needs including the position titles and job descriptions. Each job description should identify minimum requirements in education, experience and physical requirements (if any).

A job description will summarize the essential responsibilities, activities, qualifications and skills needed for a position. A job description can also include important company details like the company’s mission and vision statement and any benefits or perks that it provides to employees.

A good job description needs to provide enough detail for candidates to determine if they are qualified for the position. The job description should begin with a strong, attention-grabbing summary. Hook the readers with some of the details about what makes your company a great place to work.

Your job description is an introduction to your company and your employer brand. Provide an exact job location to optimize your job posting. Outline the core responsibilities of the position. Identify the day-to-day activities of the position. Specify how the position fits into the organization.

Indicate which manager the person will report to. The job description should clearly specify requirements in education, work experience, certifications and technical skills. You also may want to include required soft skills, like communication and problem solving, as well as specific personality traits that you envision for a successful hire.

Recruitment Sources :

There are a wide variety of recruitment sources including: internet job boards, employee referrals, college campus recruiting and social networking sites like Linked-In and Facebook. The sourcing phase usually consists of reviewing resumes, conducting phone interviews, and assessing and evaluating the qualities and abilities of the candidates. Usually, the candidates are ranked based on their overall fit for the position. The top candidates are then interviewed directly by the hiring managers.

Selecting the Right Talent: The ability to select the right talent for the position is critical for achieving the company’s business goals. Applying proven recruitment strategies and best practices in talent selection will ensure that your company can hire the talent needed. Important recruitment metrics to monitor include: time to fill, cost to fill and quality of hire.

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