Customer Centric Sales

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Customer-centric selling is a sales strategy that eliminates traditional sales techniques that are concerned with promoting the product in favor of a more personal approach with customers.

A customer-centric sales approach focuses more on listening, addressing the needs of customers, asking the right questions, identifying pain-points, and creating long-lasting relationships. It is a strategy worth considering in your employee development solutions.

Customer-centric sales means that you engage more fully with your prospects. Establish yourself as a thought leader and a strategic resource in their market segment.

The concept of customer-centric sales rests on prioritizing empathy for the customer above all else. It’s about listening, genuinely understanding their problems, working out possible solutions, and showing how your product or service can be the right solution.

Ultimately, customer-centric selling revolves around the idea that empowering customers is more important than convincing them. You’re going to be operating based on their needs, sharing ownership in their chosen solutions and working on their timelines, not yours. Customer-centric selling is an innovative approach to sales that can greatly increase your revenues.

Company Sales Mission Statement: Do you have a company sales mission statement? If not, create one and keep it simple. People are hit with hundreds of advertising messages a day, so they don’t want to search through long messages to determine exactly what you are selling. Keep it short, simple and attractive.

This will set you apart from your competitors who all have similar services and products but aren’t putting forth the necessary effort to attract people’s attention. Your company sales mission statement can describe your Customer-Centric Sales Strategy.

Create Unique Content: Online content is a valuable resource for many people. Talented writers can create short articles using search engine optimization practices. These articles can pull online traffic to your website that can be turned into leads and sales. Ensure your content is unique, inviting and compelling.

Talented writers say that when we substitute the word should with the word might, people are invited to consider new options. Become a valuable resource for your customers by making your content the first place to go for advice, tips and guides.

Ask the Right Questions Many businesses underestimate the power of questions. If your current sales pipeline is not what you want, what might you do to strengthen it? What might you do to move the current prospects to either a yes or no in the next 30 days? What can you do to speed up closings?

What can be done to improve conversion ratios and close rates? What might you do differently to stop losing business to the competition? What can you do to improve the accuracy of your pipeline forecast? What might you do to exceed your sales growth goals? Contact us for more discussion of Customer-centric Sales Strategy as an employee development solution.

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