Omar Garcia MCVP BD

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Name: Omar Delfino García Gómez Date of Birth: 16/08/87 Place of Birth: Córdoba, Veracruz. Mexico Mobile: +52 (271) 718 75 87 Email: Skype: owarj9 Join AIESEC: Marzo 2007 Home AIESEC: Mexico










Responsible of customer service EP, upload their form and form audit, OCP Recruitment. 


Responsible of recruitmen plan, new alliance whit universities, recruitment and selection, OC logistic Lops ( local Out-going preparation seminar), training and development for members and Eps, we had 20 Eps abroad in that year for fist time. 


Responsible for plan media communications and positioning, the principal focus area are: intenal & external comunications ( creation newsletter, publicity, manager brand) ; positioning through enterprice sell ( organizations, universities, goverment) and mass media positioning . 


Responsible of provide all information about the congress and events, logistic informations, booklets, media appearances, customer service of delegates and sponsors. 


Coordinate and ensure execution and implementation of the right strategies for the development of financial, material and human resources of the local committee of the entity responsible end. 200% grow of incoming exchanges, 300% grow in revenues and 300% grow in membership. 


Review and realice a new compendium nacional, for first time in 20 years AIESEC MEXICO have a new compendium more updated and slim.




1. Why are you applaying for the position of member committee in AIESEC Dominican Republic? My main motivation has always been to help others in any aspect of life, is part of what AIESEC teaches. belong to this organization for more than six years, and 5 of them actively, I was in almost all areas of a committee but since I began my blood is OGX, is the area that gives us greater participation and satisfaction goals with the goal and vision of AIESEC offers young people, after being LCP my participation was less within the organization, but see this opportunity at a time of my life where I need to grow and further develop my skills, believe again, also out of a comfort zone, I am satisfied with the success achieved so far, but I require new challenges and opportunities in my life and that is where I see AIESEC calls you again, one day finish what you started, give back to the organization everything it taught, at a higher level and impacting more people with a higher learning, the impact is not only to a committee , but a country, and this is that it finds in Republica Dominicana, I'll take this opportunity and not let it go.

2. Describes 3 mains Strengths and weakness, and give example from you past? And How will theses help you / challenge ypu in your MC term? STRENGTHS & WEAKNESS (oportunities) Commitment, Adaptation, Respsonsabillity

Goodness (i belive in all persons and i hope the best for them.) Meticulous ( I like to check my work look to perfection and monitor when you have to delegate.) Forgetful (I have to write everything down and bring agenda to remind me)

EXAMPLE When I had to take over as Chairman of the committee, after several internal problems as well as the re-election of my committee to go ahead with the plans, although this provoked change my own life plans.

the overnight I became President, the hardest part was to stop seeing me as a friend and now as his boss was hard at first because the perspective is very different when you are president, and my confidence that I deposited in others (VPs), it was not always equal or reciprocal labor issues, also increased workload and responsibility more provoked always be up to date, and do not pass any data or important date.

HOW HELP YoU‌ I learned the most valuable thing in life is to believe in me and that when you want something although is not known what happened, we should always try, never know what impact we can achieve or how many lives will change, but we have decided to do. that's AIESEC, take chances, it`s up to you.

Be profesional, give the profesional experience, develop my ladership skill, an the most important, which is the best way to work n team for to achieve the goals, always demand more from myself, believe in my ideals and pricipal help achieve the dreams of others and mine.


3. What have been five mains achievements in AIESEC in the past? I mention 5 mains achievements in each stage of my AIESEC Carrer

1. MEMBER OGX - OCP recruitment 2. CORDINATOR OGX – OC LOGISTIC LOPS (LOCAL OUTGOING PREPARATION SEMINAR) - Fista time in AIESEC Veracruz , we organized that event, we are +30 delegates, and in that year the area have 15 Eps Abroad. 3. VP COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATION – I was pionner and firts VP in this area , AIESEC Veracruz only had presence in two univerities, we could expand to 5 universities more and presence in events, i created portfolio of sales for specific public appearance in media and a better positioning of the organization in the area. 4. OC VP COMMUNICATIONS – NATIONAL CONGRESS – organized only for 4 person 3 VP and 1 OCP, nobody belived in Veracruz like Sede for that congress but that congress achieved : that congress was the biggest at that time to AIESEC MX, 500 delegates for 5 days, + 40 000 pesos in revenues, presence in different media (radio, television, magazines, brochures), as many sponsors. 5. LCP AIESEC VERACRUZ. I started with 2 and 3 vp members, without local office, without numbers on exchanges. 1 month of reserve. Achievement: + 30 members to fish year 2011, alliance with 7 universities, 19 Trainnes , 10 EPs abroad, we had vote in national plenary, and we had 3 moths in reserves.

4. What were your 3 most important learning points from your last term experience? 1. When you want to, you can. No matter you do not know things or is the first time you do, always try and mistakes help us grow personally and professionally. 2. Teamwork is always better. when we learn to delegate or work in synergy we are leaving behind our own ego, and allows ideas we made ​one this way we can achieve any target or goal. 3. Leave fear behind. many things we fear, in any position that we are, fear is a brake to start or grow, we have to try things out of the ordinary, and experience the success or defeat.


5. What do you see as the 3 biggest trends facing the Domicans Republic economy and society? How will these trends affected AIESEC?

Revenues from USA, and export and export iqual. Principal economics is agricultuRe and services growth

35% of population in DR is Young people + 17 years, with openmind and knowledge in other lenguage

All political sectors affect an organization, but AIESEC need profit from the problems, the Dominican Republic is the second largest economy in Central America and Caribbean, with a young population and thought out to seek better opportunities in life and professional preparation, is growing as one of the major tourist destinations in the world's major hotels are there, and opportunities to connect AIESEC, the service sector is the one sector stronger in this century and AIESEC must be present in agreements, alliances, government , private companies. and be the X factor that can unite these sectors.

6. How will AIESEC Dominican Republic look like on the 30th June 2014? Acording to this, what would be top prioritaries in the term? I will see AIESEC DR, as a country that took advantage of the opportunities of a troubled country, knowing how to connect each area with national goals and with a membership trained, engagement and proud to be in this association, with more presence university, business and social, growing in local committees, including being host of a country that wants to join the network, and increasing number of sponsors, strengthened exchanges in sustainable projects. The priorities is : 1. Education & Engagement 2. Positioning brand 3. Exchange projects or programs (X- GIP and GCDP)




1. Propose relevant expansion strategy for AIESEC Dominican Republic, basad on OGX products. Provide us with general timeline, frame works, when, how, where. Before looking for new markets, we must learn how to draw our goals for a sale intelligently, develop strategies that allow us to not only grow, but also as a sturdiness to keep what we have, the area of OGX is a connector with the expansion area and both will run the same process but with a different ending, so too are directed an audience young entrepreneur found in universities. Here a proposed strategy that connects both areas, and how to run the same process. JULY









IDENTITY. Establish an identity can give a focus to the organization, giving members the opportunity to feel engaged and a complete education for the achievement of organizational goals at this stage are working on: Education and commitment, identity, primary needs and goals. SEGMENTATION. Which anailizar need of universities and cities want to open and because it offers, we can offer, viability, establish contacts (alumni, administrators, students, businesses, media). CRITERIAS REVIEW & UPDATES. if we want to grow our network, we provide the new committees, reliability and efficiency in the process, that does not make the end of the cycle and do not want to be more, for inefficient and difficult process, we provide an effective service, which fluency allows us a process but as well with quality standards of the organization. The interesting grup would run a process no more than six months for local committee. MARKETING WE MUST BE AMBASSADORS OF OUR BRAND, advertising will be efficient, direct and concrete, using a specific design for a target audience, we give a range of products that the organization can offer, not only we will build on print advertising, the media will engage communication, with new strategies of attraction like the crowdsorcing. PROCESS RECRUITMENT OGX AND EXPANCIONS SORCE. Recruitment are only will be given ogx, but in the new universities that want to add, will engage the presentation of expansion initiative, with which those interested in another session where they's chat with university officials to make the proposal, so too inviting them to a seminar at your local host committee or MC. EDUCATION The education involves not only give the information, but it is understandable to each sector, either expansion or exchange, revealing the specific points that the organization look at them and what they look to us and for this we will do a induction Local Seminar in order to give these issues. EP PROCESS AND START EXPANSIONS. exchange participants will be able to choose from a GCDP with alliance to a specific country, which will make the process faster (hunter recruitment) or GIP destination either alliance or search alone, in the expansions will start working on the docuementation, education, processes, they provide even host committee or in their case, the MC will be responsible, and everything that involves a particular procedure to be observant and group interest. TRACKING Talk about customer service, and follow-on activities for quality realization processes to achieve the objectives in shorter waiting times.

2. In order to increace quality an quantity OutGoing GCDP experience; what are the top internal actions you would implement to achieve success in GCDP AIESEC Dominican Republic? There are two main factors that should be focused service and internal quality. SERVICE : I propose to make a Custumer Relationship Management exclusively for our EP, the service should be personalized, throughout the process until his return, each committee must invest time (EP Bodie) and money in them. GCDP practices and established alliances will be achieved for a target audience, in this way we will ensure in delivery time in realization, paperwork and providing quality service. INTERNAL QUALITY: quality standards in the selection process, not quantity but quality, as each participant to be an ambassador of the country and AIESEC, target selections.

3. If you could make changes to the current OGX Recruitment Structure and Cycle, What Would you Change and How? How would you decrease time taken in EP Recruitment Process? The last MC made a good job in exchange goals, there are some bottlenecks that can be improved with better more specific processes that give us a delivery time menor and efficient execution, such as: such as: 1. Advertise target. 2. Now form to selecction process and payments. 3. Quality selection processes. 4. Strategic alliances with countries and projects destinations. 5. Efficient and quality service to the customer. (EP) 6. Reintegration.

4. Please make a proposal of your marketing and selling strategy to sell our OGX product in developing contries an the expectation setting.





EDUCATION: education is essential, sellers should be educated and know everything about the product that we sell, image, benefits, alliances, agreements, trends, so have sales force and conviction with other young people and Eps , as well as also providing incentives and rewards to our members. MARKETING: to create multiple tools, printed or virtual, mass media appear, attraction strategies such as crowdsourcing, events, forums, newsletters, maching mania, etc. POSITIONING: are all ambassadors of the brand, with all the above, we can all sell at every moment asociaicion, programs, experiences, professional profile, we need to create an identity. SALLING: Utilizacion de portafolios de venta personalizado para intercambios y expansiones, CV estandar, alianzas en especificas, una seleccion de calidad, servicio al cliente, perfiles que puedan ser matchables, sesiones cortas y de interes, material publicitario, opciones de pago, entro otras .


H. Córdoba, Veracruz, 19 April 2013 PRESENT

I am pleased to endorse the application of Omar Delfino García Gómez for the MCVP OGX and EXPANSIONS of AIESEC Dominican Republic for the term 2013. Omar has been member of AIESEC since October 2007, showing commitment with the organization in different opportunities. In the time that I have known him, he has shown his passion about the organization as LCP of AIESEC Veracruz during the term 2010- 2011. He has participated actively in the growth of AIESEC Mexico this term. I truly believe that Omar is a person with the proper abilities and capacity to contribute to the growth and success of AIESEC in Dominican Republic. I can see in him a deep commitment with his responsibilities focusing on results. I also believe that he can handle different activities simultaneously and he is always trying to find new paths for develop. I can see his application as a way of developing himself and putting in practice his experience and will to learn in order to participate actively in the growth of AIESEC in Mexico. This is why I strongly recommend Omar García as an important element for AIESEC Mexico as global development platform and I support his application. I wish him succeed on his application and selection process. Best Regards

Gretel Selene Morales EX - Local committe President 2012 AIESEC Veracruz

AIESEC México | Comité Local Veracruz | Oficina AIESEC | Calle 18 y Av. 5 No. 1803 | Fracc. Nuevo San José, Córdoba, Veracruz.

Carta de recomendación 20 de Abril de 2013 Ciudad de México Al pleno nacional de AIESEC Republica Dominicana A través de la presente respaldo la aplicación de Omar Garcia para la posición de MCVP OGX & Expansion a nivel nacional AIESEC | Republica Dominicana para el periodo 2013-2014. Omar Garcia se dedico no solo a enseñarme y a darme un seguimiento en el trabajo si no que también confió en mí, me apoyo en los momentos más difíciles dentro de mi vida escolar y laboral, haciendo lo mismo por todo el equipo. El me demostró que llevando una planeación y una buena gestión de la misma el trabajo más duro y difícil puede rendir éxitos sorprendentes. En mi primera cita de negocios fui asesorado por el, en esta venta me di cuenta del potencial que tiene no solo para vender un servicio/producto rápidamente, sino que también analiza y responde cuestiones de una forma concisa, convincente e inteligente. Quiero comentar que el se ha vuelto mi ejemplo de líder, el me motivo para aplicar a la posición de LC VP ICX GIP dándome la inspiración y herramientas esenciales de ventas para el puesto. Omar Garcia es una persona que ama y contribuye al posicionamiento y crecimiento de AIESEC, confió en que Omar Garcia Junto con su equipo lograrán los objetivos planeados y mucho más, ya que es una persona que cuenta con las capacidades para ello. AIESEC necesita agentes de cambio, personas con nuevas ideas y más inquietudes, y con la proactividad que ha demostrado Omar hace que cuente con todo mi apoyo ya que para mi representa uno de mis motivos para seguir dentro de AIESEC.


Carlos Adrian Lozada Avila LC VP ICX GIP Comité local Instituto Politécnico Nacional "La técnica al servicio de la patria"

AIESEC in México | Tel +52 (55) 5362 – 5533 | | Mobile: 044 (55) 3026- 9079 | Skype: dryansz3_lozada

Tourist Business Administration B. A. 2006 - 2010 Golfo de México University, Córdoba, Veracruz

Languages. Spanish Native / English Intermediate advance Administrator with experience in the administration area related to team management, Accounting and audit, international cooperation, enterprise sales and purchases, public relations, planning and logistic events, development of portfolios sales, costumer services, market segmentation, coaching, development projects, customer service, recruitment and selection.

Profesional Profile 

Omar Delfino García Gómez

2009- 2011 - AIESEC México, Local Committee in Veracruz Nov 2009 – Dec 2011

Status Single

Customer relationship management, project development, Coaching and administration of the financial resources in the local office and intern audit. Enterprise Customer, relationship quality service with Company-Trainee, Customer Service, international cooperation and partnerships with business, government and universities, development projects, planning events, recruitment and personal selection, control and personal development, and Coaching.

Address Av. Adolfo López Mateo Paraje Nuevo, Amatlán de los Reyes, Veracruz.

FINANCE DIRECTOR. (Jen – Dec. 2011) Management of Local Committee finance resources, accountabilities, budgeting, analysis and report of results, coaching and personal development, financial sales and financial monitoring.

Mail Skype owarj9


Maximum responsible of Management planning, budget and local control, strategic implementation, team building, responsible of a team of more than 30 people from 6 top tier universities and 6 functional areas.

16 / Agosto /1987

Telephones Cellular. +52 45 (271) 718 7587 House.+52 1 (271) 71 6 67 13


PUBLIC RELATION AND COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR. 2009 (Jen-Nov 2009) – AIESEC México, Local Committee in Veracruz


Planning area, segmentations of markets, Media sales, positioning of the organization across mass media, advertising elaboration and public relations, control of clients´ portfolio, coaching and development personal, management and personal control, social and business planning events and recruitment and personal selection.

EXCHANGES AND HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR 2007 -2008 ( March 2007 – Dec.2008) - AIESEC México, Local Committee in Veracruz. Exchange administration area, exchange program streak, recruiting and selection of applicants, customer service whit universities and trainees, international cooperation with Latin America countries, planning events, intership sales. Recruitment and personal selection process, management and personal

control, planning and logistics events, report results, coaching and personal development, interview process, Carrer Plan implementation, use of technologic tools, monitoring process.

Courses/ Workshops/ Certifications 









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“Administración Estratégica de Empresas Turisticas/ Tourisms Enterprises Strategic Management” Course (40 hrs)

Given by: SECTUR y Qualytechnia Consultores Effective Leadership workshop (14 Hrs) SBS Facilitators, Córdoba, Veracruz, México MOS Certification course(Microsoft Office Specialist) 2009 Microsoft Specialist, Córdoba, Veracruz, México Current Leadership workshop Given by Robert Bosch Company, IPM (International President Meeting) by AIESEC International, México, DF. February 2011 Sustainability in the ONGs Workshop Greenpeace México, IPM (International President Meeting) by AIESEC International, México, DF. February 2011

Knowledge, skills and abilities KNOWLEDGE



International cooperation And alliances


Team work

Business sales



Projects development



Strategic Planning






Management personal Control



Work under pressure

Management accountability




Coaching and personal development



Customer Service

Work per objectives

Taking decision

Software Windows Operating System: XP, Vista y 7, iOS, Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power point, Publisher, Access. Internet

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