Hilltop News - February 2011

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The student publication of Corban University

Vol. 7, No. 5


Feb. 22, 2011

Salem, Ore.


Illustration by Kyle Doty

n o i t In ac in this issue:

Students’ passions and talents add a spin to life outside of class See pp. 8-9

Student sees Egypt protests firsthand - 4 Goodbye, fellowships - 6 RA application process wraps up - 7 Advising system may undergo change - 10 The meaning & morality of tattoos - 12 Athletes transition to college sports - 15

2 - Voice

February 2011

The beginning of forever My two left feet The mysterious barista. You know the type. The barista you see who makes delicious beverages and your interactions are not ever quite long enough. You suddenly lose all wit and social skills as you approach the counter. You become a “frequent flyer” to develop a relationship that would not exist otherwise. Yeah, that’s not me. I was mopping, like any diligent barista would after a morning rush, when I saw him. Now “saw” might not be entirely true. Poor vision without glasses is not a recipe for success, but this is what I had to work with. It was up to me to depict what he

looked like. I have a great imagination. So this man walked in. I stared. Then he asked about an application. “An application!” I internally screamed. “This is the beginning of forever.” My boss took him aside and began chatting with him about his interest in the position. Over our headset, I told her, “Boss, if looks are on the resume you should hire him right now.” She took off her headset. My co-worker and I continued to gawk, as we absentmindedly continued our cleaning tasks. Then it happened. My mop got stuck. Broken from my trance, I

By Rob Saffeels By Rachel Jeffers

looked down to discover my own fate. “Oh gosh, not now,” I thought. My mop was stuck on a hook under the refrigerator. With one’s head in a cloud, it’s hard to think straight or at all, for that matter. My brilliant solution? Pull really hard. It all happened so quickly, yet so slowly. Being a current resident of Cloud 9, my brain hadn’t quite registered that my chances of slipping after mopping directly under my feet were approximately 100 percent. As I pulled the mop, my feet slipped toward the fridge and continued sliding out from under me. I

was on the ground. I just sat. My co-worker conveniently looked over just as I took the spill. She was on the floor, too, though her collapse was induced by laughter. Knowing the spill was fully displayed behind the counter, for the world to see, including the new man in my life, I sank even lower. My mysterious barista façade was shattered before it even had the chance to develop. Story of my life. The boy was later hired and worked with me for two years, but our working relationship really started the day he mopped me off my feet.

generation gap?

( 2 older people. 2 younger people. 1 question. )

Should people be able to text while they are driving? Tim Anderson Colette Tennant “Absolutely not—as a mom and as a person who cares about our students, please don’t do it for your own sake and for the sake of those around you.”

“It’s very bad. It’s also against the law, and people crash.”

Jen Kollaer “I know that people shouldn’t text while driving, especially on the highway, but I am guilty and I see that and a lot worse — people texting, people doing makeup, people falling asleep....”

Andrew Norman “I think it’s so stupid…how far are you driving that you have to keep up on this?”

no prob for rob Why am I still single? Why does everyone say just wait and God will bring me the one? There has to be more to it… Especially around Romance Month, you will find it easier said than done to accept being single. Those who tell you “God has a plan” usually already have found someone or don’t mind waiting until they are “older.” For those wanting something right now, there are many reasons you could be single. It hurts to know that statistically 82 percent of 20-24-year-olds aren’t married. But the good news is only 15 percent aren’t married by age 44! Something important to think about is where your relationships with your family and with God are. If you can’t forgive and understand those within your family, it might be difficult to figure out someone else. If you are looking for God instead of a relationship, He will tend to show you what His will is. Sometimes, we should stare into the future through His eyes instead of through our own. Oh, and never lie, learn to cook (men and women), and try bathing often. Those help out in the long run. Last semester my roommate and I got along super well. Now she has a boyfriend. She always talks about him and she’s always happy, but I’m not. I thought the boy liked me; he would say hi and still waves at me, but would it be awkward to tell my roommate? Having a roommate with a fiancé now (props to Vince and Jessie), I’ve come to understand there is a difference between being friends with a girl and thinking she likes me. I mean, Jessie would always say hi and talk to me, and I didn’t want to tell my

roommate! But seriously. A wave, a smile, or a friendly conversation doesn’t necessarily mean someone is trying to be “romantical” with you. Part of a relationship comes with the ability to hang out with and become friends with the significant other’s relations. Unless he or she is trying to make a move or tries to do more than just have a chat, don’t read too much into it. They are hopefully not dating your roommate to get to know you better. And if they are, then yes, you should probably let them know. Try being happy for them even if it’s difficult, because you will want the same when you find Mr. Right. What do you do about a guy/girl who likes you, but you don’t share the same feeling? Confrontation is the third highest fear only to public speaking and death by falling (unknown source). Knowing the right way to go about breaking someone’s heart is a tricky situation. Not saying anything and just leaving people wondering is usually not the best way to go. Sometimes you don’t have to do anything. Eventually, most people give up and try to move on when they can tell there is nothing coming from the other end. All you should really do is pray for God to show you how to clearly communicate where you stand. If you were a girl, which Corban guy would you marry? Jeff Brown. Not really, but you wanted an answer. Do boys have a list of girls on campus who they think are attractive? Yes, and the list can be found in all of the men’s bathrooms across campus. The list is frequently edited and is very comprehensive. That’s why girls aren’t allowed in our lavatories.

Voice - 3

Corban University


Positive. Always. painting by number I have too much homework. There are not enough hours in the day. Aramark sucks. My friends don’t spend enough time with me. I don’t have a boyfriend. My classes are too early. Chapel is a waste of time. CCS credits have no purpose. College is too expensive. Sectionals and dorm meetings take up my entire life. Why do I have to read the Bible for class? It’s so dumb my athlete roommate wakes up so early. I hate living on campus as a freshman and sophomore. The contract is so unfair. There is too much walking on campus. If any of these comments have come out of your mouth at some point, I would consider you a negative number. No one likes dealing with negative numbers. Let’s be honest: they’re a pain. All they do is

Convince a local business or church to advertise here. They pay $25. You make $5.

By Maria Robertson

make a confusing subject more them. In the world of math, that confusing. leaves you with a positive numRight when you understand ber. how to really add, subtract, mulI’m not here to tell you that tiply and divide your negative positive numnumbers aren’t as “Even bad weeks bers, the teachbig as others—or ers throw in the maybe I am. have good days. negatives. And I Even days have good thinkPersonally, above all else, Corban they drive me should be a cammoments. Even bad nuts. moments have great pus that is upliftIn the world of ing -- somewhere math, a positive hope. There is always that constantly number always reminds me of reason to hope.” cancels out a the hope that JeBo Stern negative numsus has given to a ber. The truth world full of crap. is, I could give you at least one I don’t know about you, but that’s thing positive that counteracts what I think. each one of those negative comRecently, an uncle of a close ments. In fact, most of the nega- friend was diagnosed with ALS. tive comments have well over If you don’t know what that is, one positive that can counteract look it up. It is a disease that pro-

vides little hope. Yet in such a negative time, and rightfully so, this man’s wife has continually held onto the blessing’s God has provided her. She doesn’t have to be jumping with joy every minute to see the positive that God provides, and, frankly, she shouldn’t have to. My friend told me these inspiring words her aunt, Bo Stern, said: “Even bad weeks have good days. Even days have good moments. Even bad moments have great hope. There is always reason to hope.” In a time of pain, she still manages to see the good--the good that God intended for man to experience. Do you even know how to recognize what blessings God has laid out in front of you? Prove it to me.


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Hilltop News The student publication of Corban University 5000 Deer Park Dr. SE Salem OR 97317-9392 503-589-8151 hilltopnews@corban.edu

Chick flick reality check Note Worthy The screaming. The crying. The jumping up and down. He finally popped the question! It’s a dream come true. A happily ever after. It’s just like the movies. Don’t get me wrong. It’s exciting. I’ve been there, and I loved every second of it. But it’s not like the movies. In fact, chick flicks have created unrealistic expectations for engagement and marriage. Earlier this year CNN released an article entitled, “Romantic films put too much pressure on guys?” In the article, Ryan Gosling, who played the male lead in “The Notebook,” tells a story of a future bride who asked her fiancé if he would build a house for her like Gosling’s character

By Jake Zufelt

did for his true love. When the fiancé replied that he didn’t know how, she called off the wedding. While that may be a little extreme, the chick flick expectation still thrives on other levels. I know one girl who was openly disappointed that her fiancé didn’t spend a lot of money on a ring, and another who called off her wedding only to get re-engaged a couple months later, this time with a bigger rock. Now, guys, don’t pretend this is just a girl thing. As a two-year RA, I sat in my room listening to guys talk for hours about how much better their lives would be if they only had a girlfriend or fiancé. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s in every movie.

Take 10 seconds and jot down the names of movies that end in a proposal or wedding … “The Notebook,” “The Proposal,” “While You Were Sleeping,” “The Wedding Planner,” “27 Dresses” … While these movies present compelling, heartfelt love stories, they forget to mention that when the wedding is over, it’s over. Teesha and I had a perfect wedding. Had our lives been a chick flick and the wedding the final scene, we’d have let the credits roll. But I soon discovered why romantic comedies end with the wedding. Before landing in Cabo, we visualized the perfect chickflick honeymoon, complete with

hours of sunbathing on the beach and a personal waiter. Instead, we spent the first three days repeatedly rejecting overeager timeshare salesmen and avoiding resort employees who required a $5 tip for bringing a glass of water. Shortly after our trip, I ended up in Urgent Care with a sun rash, and Teesha experienced an emergency wisdom tooth removal. Although our first three weeks didn’t quite meet the chick-flick expectations of wedded bliss, we’ve since learned to set aside our unrealistic expectations and have found contentment in the actualities of marriage. But how could we have known that life-after-wedding wasn’t perfect? The movies never got that far.

Hilltop News Editors: Kate Schell & Eriin Streckfuss Hilltop Online Editor: Adrienne Goodrich Hilltop Yearbook Editor: Jesse Belleque Photo Editor: DeAnna Thomas The J-Lab staff & freelancers: Hali Anderson, Kyle Anthony, Claire Richter, Audrey Engel, Ben Funkhouser, Whitney Harris, Katherine Jamerson, Rachel Jeffers, Lacy Ramirez, Megan Russell, John Shaw, Meredith Smith, Hannah Yocum J-Lab adviser: Christena Brooks J-Lab co-adviser: Ellen Kersey This publication reflects the views of the writers and editors and does not necessarily reflect the view of Corban University, its administration or trustees.

4 - News

NEWS BRIEFS Arts Week offers variety Corban’s campus was invaded with artistic talent the week of Feb. 7–11. Speakers and instructors from Corban and beyond helped students and faculty gain an understanding and respect for the arts and their impact. Students were challenged to think beyond the familiar and challenge themselves physically and spiritually. Unlike any other week at Corban, Arts Week offered a unique way of worship. Classes were held on subjects such as cartooning, dancing, stage combat, painting, bronze sculpting, and whittling. Lectures also gave the students a chance to contemplate how art is protrayed in Christianity and in the world.

Hymn Festival coming up For this, its 11th year, the annual Hymn Festival has the theme “Work! For the Night is Coming.” This is an evening where Corban’s music department will lead many in a worship experience. Complete with orchestra, concert band and choir, the First Presbyterian Church of Salem is expected to have a full house. The festival will be held March 3 and 4. It will be an evening of music and worship with an open door to the community. The night is free of charge but an offering will be taken.

February 2011

Student studying abroad sees riots firsthand Katherine Jamerson Staff writer

On the flat screen TV in the dining hall, news about the turmoil in Egypt blares. Two students freeze. “Isn’t that near where Brooke is?” they ask each other and shudder. Brooke Jaskilka, a Corban junior, is studying abroad in Egypt this semester and has ended up being near history in the making. Beginning Jan. 25, protesters of all ages gathered in Cairo and in other areas to protest the rule of President Hosni Mubarak. Even though he was “elected” president, he manipulated the laws to keep his office for the last 30 years. Many people in Egypt were fed up. Jaskilka has been in the middle of things since the rioting began. “I saw Brooke’s Facebook message saying that if we saw the news about Egypt that she was safe so I wasn’t worried,” one of Jaskilka’s roommates, Whitney Dahlberg, said. But no one expected her to be so close to such traumatic activities. “Watching from the pool on the rooftop [in Luxor,] we saw quite a bit [of the protesting]: tear gas, men running, and police forces trying to stop them. It seemed to ebb and flow- the police would succeed for a little bit, but the protestors kept coming back,” Jaskilka wrote in her blog. She kept her family and friends informed through nearly daily postings. As the protesting intensified, rocks and bars became the weapon of choice as the battle of stubbornness continued. The protesters refused to leave Cairo and Tahrir Square until they saw the change they wanted, but President Mubarak refused to step down. Finally, on Feb. 11, Mubarak stepped down. This means that the protestors got what they wanted, but now they have to fill the vacant leadership role.

Photo submitted

Brooke Jaskilka stands in front of the pyramids during a group exploration of Egypt’s main tourist attractions. “They’re going to have a hard time putting all these ideas they have into a government that will work for the people,” Scott Bruce, history professor, said. Despite all of this turmoil, Jaskilka has found the Egyptian people to be very friendly. “Americans are treated so well here, better than any local, and even better than any other foreigner,” she said. For obvious safety reasons, Jaskilka and her classmates have been moved out of Egypt to Turkey. “I can see now that leaving Egypt was a

good idea,” Jaskilka said, once she was safely in Turkey. They are currently traveling around safer areas, such as Israel, but future plans for the semester are currently unknown. “It’s scary where she is right now,” said her friend, Gina Dahlberg. “I hope she has fun, but I also want her home safe.” Jaskilka asked Corban students to keep the people of in their prayers. Those who are interested may keep updated with Jaskilka’s travels, by checking out her blog at http://brookejaskilka.wordpress.com/.

Focus groups let students communicate frustrations Meredith Smith Staff writer Girl is mad. Boy doesn’t realize. Girl speaks her mind. Boy listens. Boy not only listens, but is caring and understanding and immediately acts to reassure and make changes and gives her a gift to show how much he cares. What a beautiful picture. The ARAMARK focus groups held Feb.2 and 3 were a fairy tale come true for disgruntled Corban consumers, who were not only able to honestly share their food frustrations, but also receive a Target gift card for their participation. The discussion forum was led by Mary Barrett and Lorin Jacobs from the ARAMARK regional office. They said the focus groups are helpful in receiving firsthand feedback from both students and faculty.

“Unlike the surveys, we it.” were able to ask followCorban students would up questions based on an- rather have their high-qualswers,” they said. ity cake and eat it too, while Focus groups were meant speaking the truth as they to be diverse, including all see it concerning the food dorms, commuters, athletes, ARAMARK offers. non-athletes, Newby staff and said Barrett Students want to and Jacobs faculty. Rachel have their high-qual- asked the Newby, jugroups to nior English ity cake and eat it, too, be not only and Educahonest, but while speaking the tion major candid. truth as they see it and basket“But she ball player, concerning the food w a s n ’ t felt positive inviting ARAMARK offers. people to about the discussion be disretime. spectful, which did happen,” “You have a strong opinion she said. “They [students] about something and need to should be thankful for what be heard, so you vent and are they do get and not just gripe heard and then you feel bet- about things they think they ter about it,” she said. deserve and don’t have.” American author Henry Barrett and Jacobs said Brooks Adams once said, the focus groups were truly “I would rather starve and meant to be an open forum rot and keep the privilege of for discussion: “All views speaking the truth as I see and suggestions are wel-

come,” they said. “We felt that everyone at Corban was both engaged in the process and respectful.” Disrespectful or no, the focus groups gave students the opportunity to speak and be heard. “I said what I wanted to say,” said Karen Ramos, freshman women’s ministries major. With an ever-increasing student population, diversity has also increased. Corban includes students from Indonesia, the Pacific Islands, New Zealand, and Cameroon, for example. Ramos, a Pacific Islander, wants to see this diversity in the food selection. “I wish we had more authentic food like Asian food, because I’m used to eating those things,” she said. “But they need to be able to pull it off too.” Ramos did admit, “I actually like the food here, but sometimes you just need to

mix it up a little.” Karli Havens, a commuter, also attended the focus group. She offered the bottom line to her and other commuters’ conception of ARAMARK. “As college students, we care more about the price than the quality. We [commuters] don’t eat there because it’s too expensive, whether or not it’s good food,” she said. From staff and faculty, English professor Ellen Kersey said, “The strongest negative came from staff members responsible for catered events, who were distressed at the amount of money charged by ARAMARK.” This is especially in light of the fact that outside food is not allowed, providing no other options. Kersey both appreciates and is excited by the variety of food always offered, reminiscing about her own time in college cafeterias “before hamburgers were invented.”

Faith - 5

Corban University

By Whitney Harris Staff writer

For college students, finding a balance between commitments can seem impossible. Corban students are no different, as some try to balance being a full-time student, working, and even balancing being newlyweds. So how does a student with so many commitments find time for ministry? To say it’s a bit of a challenge is an understatement. Patrick Frost, a senior youth ministry major, knows the challenges that school, work, marriage and ministry bring. “[My priority list goes in this order] God, marriage, school, and ministry” said Frost. He is one of those Corban students who balances having a part-time job at Dominos, being a part-time middle school youth intern at Salem First Baptist Church and being a newly-wed, besides being a full-time student. The challenge is worth it, though, because Frost enjoys the ministry. “[My favorite part of ministry] is


Photo by Jessica Baughman

Jake Zufelt shares his love for worship arts with others in Salem. the kids. They are funny, have incredible energy, and say profound things” said Frost. Frost is a part of a ministry that pertains specifically to his major; however, not all Corban students in ministry are ministry majors. Jake Zufelt, a senior English communications major, is an example of a

student who ministers outside of his major. Zufelt is a music intern at West Salem Foursquare Church. He actively participates in leading worship on Sundays, with additional meetings throughout the week. When asked how English Communications helps him lead worship, Zufelt said,

“Worship leaders are the worst theologians. They sing songs, but don’t think about the words. English communications makes me think about the words.” Zufelt and fellow English communications major Rachel Jeffers find time between their busy schedules to lead worship at their churches. Jeffers, a senior, leads worship bimonthly for Church on the Hill. She is a full-time student, part-time barista at Starbucks, and a worship leader. “With a full schedule, it is hard to create any sort of balance in my life,” Jeffers said. “Worship has been no exception. The commitment is no small one, but I know God has called and created me to lead.” These students are able to prioritize their time and put forth the effort needed to be involved in areas of ministry where God wants them. They are able to be whole-heartedly involved in whatever they participate in. “It is by the grace of God that I survive,” said Frost.

all the political turmoil, economic uncertainties, and natural di-

sasters happening across the planet, it is easy to become overwhelmed and question whether



still loves the world.


Dr. Tim world news.


to discuss a biblical response to depressing

a christian’s response to hard world news With the globalization of media, we read his cries (1:2-4). Nevertheless, the LORD’s about and actually see and hear the tragedies response was clear and direct, “Trust Me, betaking place on our planet. If we have not been cause I’m doing something that you wouldn’t deafened and calcified by the bombardment of believe if you were told. I’m funneling the vireports of disaster and suffering (but see 1 John cious Babylonians down to judge Judah for her 3:17; Luke 10:30-37, etc.), many of us simply wickedness” (cf. 1:5-11). “feel.” We feel elements of shock, grief, anger, Habakkuk, however, saw a huge contradiction and even a numbing sense of despair. in this. How could a pure and holy creator God Yet as Christians we should find use wickedness!? (cf. 1:12-2:1). ourselves asking a basic question: The Lord replies, “Do you Habakkuk chose want an answer? Here’s one. how should we deal with the depressing world news? God wants Write this down because you to view horrifyus to see it not as overwhelming can take it to the bank” (cf. 2:2but as an opportunity. We are ing world news as 3). He went on to make a declaChristians. ration. “I know the Babylonians We believe in a creator re- an opportunity to are so arrogant to think that they deemer God and we believe Him. are unstoppable. You believe trust in his God. It is one thing to say we believe that too, don’t you? Ha! The Him when things are going well righteous will live by their faith and we can have some sort of satisfaction that in Me!” (cf. 2:4). we can make sense of the world around us. He then describes His judgment that would It is quite another thing to believe Him when come down on them like a mocking Orc chant we are exposed to the knowledge of devastat- and an exacting repo man (cf. 2:4-26). ing disasters, suffering and injustice that shake How would Habakkuk respond to the Lord’s our comfortable lives isolated from human and powerfully incisive answer? Would he continue ecological tragedy on a massive scale. Will we to listen to the voices in his head that were cryallow ourselves to be overwhelmed or will we ing out for justice and relief? Would he retreat see this as an opportunity to place our absolute into the whirlpool of his overwhelming feeltrust in the Lord? ings? No. Habakkuk declares in writing for The prophet Habakkuk had to deal with de- the rest of the world to read that even though pressing world news. On a domestic level his there is desolation around him and impending own nation of Judah was experiencing internal devastation of his own security and sustenance, strife, dark wickedness and oppressive violence. he would trust in the Lord. Read his words for To him it seemed as though God was deaf to yourself.

17Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, 18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. 19 GOD, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places. (ESV) In other words, Habakkuk chose to view horrifying world news as an opportunity to trust in his God. He truly believed God would give him strength and sure-footedness to walk with Him through the minefield of our fallen world. Believing or trusting God doesn’t mean that we don’t need to wrestle with the global news of the suffering of the innocent (but see at least Luke 13:4 and Rom. 8:18-25), or our bigotry toward certain nations or people groups (James 2:1-14; Jonah, etc.), or the need for missions to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the lost (see for example, Mark 1:17; Acts 3:1-10, Eph. 6:19, etc.), or the need for us to support trustworthy relief agencies (i.e., Compassion International, Northwest Medical Teams, etc.), or the need to pray for everything from regime change to aid for persecuted believers (i.e., 1 Tim. 2:1-7; Col. 4:3-4, etc.). These are simply opportunities through which we can demonstrate our trust in Him.

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6 - Campus Life

February 2011

Farewell forever for fellowships? By Meredith Smith Staff writer

Photos by DeAnna Thomas

Fellowship presidents Hannah Kersey, Karli Havens, Josh Geier and Johnny Johnson hold onto hope for their dying fellowships.

Please pause in a moment of silence for the loss of our Corban Fellowships. Once upon a time, every Corban student was required to be part of a fellowship. Once upon last year, ASB made a controversial change to fellowships and clubs Corban-wide: they became simply Student Organizations and went through a more strict application process. Fellowships fell, and leaders were frustrated by the change to what they had known. Students who had been a part of these groups struggled with the transition. The Doves and Eagles and Panthers and Lambs quickly and quietly ceased their existence. The Pandas and Trojans and Saints and Angels were not so willing to give up. Excited for a chance to grow, the semester began on a high note for both. Karli Havens, Pandas president, said they received an unexpectedly high turnout for their 80s Dance Party last semester. However, the numbers slowly dwindled over the next few months, threatening the fellowship’s vitality.

“By the end of last semester, we didn’t have anyone coming,” she said. “Only one current leader is even coming back next year, and, with no consistent members, I don’t know if anyone would really be willing to step up [to lead next year].” Saints president Joshua Geier said all they can do is “just hold onto hope for now.” This change to fellowships (organizations as a whole) gave students more opportunities to create other resources within Student Organizations. Eight new organizations have been created since the start of this school year. Kaitlyn Ragan, ASB Student Organizations Coordinator, said, “They felt like they had to fit into a mold, but once that mold was gone, it opened the box and gave others the freedom to step up.” But was this change more than just that? Was it, in fact, a loss of identity for fellowships? “It seems like some clubs are just like a group of friends who get paid to hang out,” said Havens. “They seem exclusive.” The purpose of fellowships had been to create a brotherhood and a sisterhood within the Corban community. Men and women who would never

have crossed paths found common ground in Bible studies, community outreach, fellowship exclusive events, and all school events. “It crosses all classes,” said Geier. “It gets freshmen involved with upper-classmen. I definitely wouldn’t have met any of the freshmen otherwise.” “Some of my best friends I would never have met if I weren’t a Panda,” Havens said. Because of their own experiences in being part of fellowships, current leaders mourn the loss. “It makes me sad seeing how long they have been a part of our school, and they are dying without any notice,” said Hannah Kersey, Angels president. David Holcomb, junior history and education major, said he thinks organizations need a new direction. “I think it’s the purpose that we’re missing,” he said. “It’s really great to have organizations that promote fellowship, but even better to fulfill Corban’s mission. “Fellowships were the vehicle that took compassion and service to the outside community. With one dream and one vision, who knows what one organization or fellowship could do?”

Connecting commuters on campus is a challenge By Hali Anderson Staff writer Davidson, Balyo, Aagard, Farrar, PVG. Four dorms with 451 residents. Dorm life: singing a duet in adjacent shower stalls with your roommate, Aramark lines stretching around the pillars of the cafeteria, late nights gallivanting across campus and getting wary looks from security guards. But what about the 264 undergrad students living off campus? With Corban’s tight knit residential community, what is Corban doing to keep commuters connected? Corban’s policy requires that students must live on campus as freshmen and sophomores, with the exception of those who live with parents, and on occasion, older transfer students. “Because of the culture of Corban, most [commuters] come out

of the residential program and Roth. “It’s a hard group to already have a friend base,” said reach.” Dean of Students Brenda Roth. Commuters are heartily en“Students who transfer or live couraged to be involved in allwith their parents off campus campus events like ASB events, the whole time, that’s a student but, unlike residents, commuters I’m not so sure we do a great job have little to no opportunities for with.” involvement Roth works activities “Finding the thing that in in Corban’s such as dorm pulls them in is really Student Life meetings and Office, which tricky. [Commuters] are s e c t i o n a l s . not only housMost comes residential a hard group to reach.” muters like students, but the indepenBrenda Roth also works to dence of forkeep commuters involved on going mandatory activities. campus. “I don’t have to go to dorm Every month, Roth organizes meetings, which is amazing,” a commuter contest, be it a scav- said senior Maria Robertson. enger hunt requiring commuters However, lack of dorm life can to get information from faculty also be a con, she explained. members, or a caption-writing “As an RA last year I had two challenge seeking funny inter- friends who were commuters. pretations of a cartoon. We don’t have any Bible studies “Finding the thing that pulls for commuters unless they go to them in is really tricky,” said someone’s hall Bible study,” she

said. Robertson, who lived on campus for three years, is commuting as a senior and started a women’s Bible study off campus to remedy this problem. “I think Corban is doing the best job they can. I think there is more they can do, but commuters are given plenty of opportunities to get involved,” she said. Peter Ellis, who lived in Farrar for two years before becoming a commuter, believes Student Life has been making strides this year to make Corban more commuter friendly. Ellis competed on the commuter/townhouses team for the all-dorm competition “In It To Win It.” This year Student Life has commuter Makenna McElrath serving as a Community Life Team member, a position previously limited to on-campus students. McElrath, a junior, lived

on campus fall semester, but moved into a house with several roommates second semester to save money. While she no longer receives the CLT room and board scholarship, she still attends CLT meetings and has started a weekly game night at the nearby Saddle Club apartments. “The biggest thing commuters lack is community,” said McElrath. “You have to invite them a lot and really advertise.” While the commuter program at Corban is meager, Roth and others are making an effort to help those who don’t live on campus become more involved. “We don’t have a huge shiny commuter program,” said Roth. “I’m the person to come to if they need me. That’s my role and I love hearing from them. If a student has an idea they can come talk to me and I can try to make it happen.”

Campus Life - 7

Corban University

Willing, wanting, waiting to be RAs By Megan Russell Staff Writer

Four hundred fifty students; 104 applications; 18 positions. Not everyone can be an RA. The hours can be grueling. The people can be difficult. Yet, the reward can also be immensely fulfilling. With only 18 positions available, the competition is tough. Nearly one-fourth of on-campus students applied to be an RA for the next school year. Sophomore Rachel Field noticed the competition’s risen numbers as she applied for the second year. “Being an RA means being there for the girls in a hall, being a leader, encouraging spiritual walks and giving advice when it’s needed,” said Field, who made it to the final step in the process. Ninety six applications were filled out for first-year RAs; eight for second-year RAs. The last two years have seen the highest numbeer of applications Corban has seen in a while. The decade of the 2000s brought RA application numbers ranging from 60 to 70. Last year the blast hit on-campus students like a wave as numbers rolled into the 80s. This year, the high tide rose again. In the past the RAs have been “paid” with 50 percent of a room and board scholarship. This year, they’ve increased the incentives. RAs will now receive a 75 percent scholarship for their room and board. Every year, RA applicants first submit an application with an essay, cover letter, and resume. Director of Residence Life Jimmy D’Agosta said, “We want our process to be an educational matter. People need to learn to do resumes and cover letters for real life jobs, which is why we added

Photo by DeAnna Thomas

Aspiring RA Kristen McMillan explains her skills to Holly Schilperoort, Jen Ellison and Besty Jaskilka, resident directors of Balyo, Prewitt and Aagard, respectively. that this year.” The next step is interviews. A select number of applicants make it to the interview. Then some are chosen to move forward to callbacks where they participate in role plays and group activities. “There are a lot of good applicants,” D’Agosta said, “That’s a good problem for us. We don’t want to cut everyone,

but it’s good to have many good applicants.” An RA’s job is obviously a highly competitive, highly desired position. Junior Baylo RA Dana Kropf said, “It’s truly an experience of trust, patience and growth. As I went through the process, I learned a lot about myself, both qualities that would benefit me in my

role as an RA and those I needed to put extra time and effort into; just the process itself stretched me and helped me to grow.” By the beginning of March, RA letters should make their way to mailrooms to deliver disappointing or exciting news to those anticipating the revelations and new life the letters may hold.

See the light - and turn it off By Katherine Jamerson Staff Writer

Photo by Katherine Jamerson

Lindsey Smith helps by turning off the light in Aagard’s lobby.

“Well, my tuition doesn’t change either way,” most people think as they leave their room with all the lights on and a laptop still humming away. It is easier for Corban students to leave things on and more comforting to enjoy a really long, hot shower, but let’s face it: “We should become better stewards of the electricity and power God has given us,” said Beau St. Peter, ASB vice president. To curb wasteful electricity use, Corban ASB, headed by St. Peter, has come up with a power saving competition among dorms. Here are the guidelines: at the end of February, each dorm’s

electricity bill will be compared how to save power,” said Betsy to last year’s bill. To make sure Jaskilka, Aagard’s RD. everything is fair, the numStudent Ryan Riffle agrees. “I ber of students think it’s a really compared to last thing. We “This isn’t just a great year will also be are wasting thoucompetition. It’s factored in. The sands of dollars dorm that saves keeping our heattrying to start a the highest perers and lights on centage of elec- new habit of using when there is no tricity per student need to keep them less.” wins, and the RD on when we are Beau St. Peter not in our room,” gets to pick the prize. Riffle said. “This isn’t just a competition,” Can’t think of more ways to St. Peter said. “It’s trying to start save power? Try turning off a new habit of using less. We your laptop before you go to want students to become aware bed, turning off all your lights of how much we use.” when you leave your room, and ASB isn’t the only group no- unplugging things that aren’t beticing how much electricity stu- ing used. Also, don’t leave your dents and staff waste. phone charging all night. Try “This is a great chance to learn these, your dorm might win.

8 - Corban University

February 2011 - 9


Name: Nona Nelson Age: 20 Year: Sophomore Activity: Reenacting Years active: 6

Weekend DJ Name: Jason Pluemke Age: 19 Grade: Freshman Activity: Freelance DJ Years active: 2


Sewing petticoats and discussing Pacific Northwest history may not sound like fun to most people. But that’s exactly how Aagard resident Nona Nelson has spent much of her free time for the last six years, reenacting the lives of early-19th century settlers at Fort Nisqually Living History Museum in Tacoma, Wash. As a freshman in high school, Nelson began volunteering at the museum as part of the Apprentice Interpreter Program, which was advertised at her high school. “This is new and a bunch of people I don’t know,” she thought initiailly, surrounded by students from other schools, including a significant home-schooled population. But she soon made friends, including sophomore Elisabeth Doornink. The first European settlement in the Puget Sound, Fort Nisqually was originally a trading post built for the Hudson’s Bay Co. Nelson enjoys the Pacific Northwest history she has learned through reenacting.“The best way to learn about it is to live it like you’re there,” she says. Besides extensive historical knowledge, Nelson has gained an array of domestic skills. She has learned many 19th century dances, like the Virginia Reel; she has learned about old-fashioned toys and taught children how to play 19th century games; she has learned how to build and cook on a campfire; and despite her initial distaste, she has become an avid sewer. “I’d make my own costumes – petticoats, corsets, dresses, everything,” she says.“I started doing things by hand – trimming, hemming, gathering skirts. It takes a while, but it’s fun.” On her way to the museum, people have asked Nelson, wearing her full period costume, if she is Mormon or Amish. “There’s never really a dull moment in reenacting,” Nelson says.

Name: Stefanie Smith Age: 21 Grade: Sophomore Activity: Surfer Years active: 8 The first time Stefani Smith paddled out into the Oregon waters at age 14, she knew surfing was for her. “The first time I went, it was just a unity of body and water,” she recalled. “I felt really alive. It felt good to have the sky above me and the water below me.” Although she has never competed in her sport, Smith had the unique opportunity to get sponsored through a surf camera group called Awesome Surf Vids. “They were filming in Lincoln City where I live, and I happened to be out the same day of filming. They caught my stuff and decided to sponsor me,” she recalled. “I mostly just got free gear.” Surfing has never been about fame or glory to Smith. Photos Submitted “I always did it just for enrichment of my life. It made me feel better, so why not?” she said. She has always enjoyed the challenge of surfing, but even more so the relaxing, family-oriented environment. For her, it has been little more than a routine and something to enjoy. The sponsoring stopped when she tore her ACL while snowboarding. “I’m not surfing as much right now because I’m far away from the ocean,” she said. She hopes very much though that it will remain a constant part of her life.

talent in motion

Everybody has a hobby. Playing Mario Bros. is cool and all, but some hobbies take expertise, gumption, or talent. Editors Erinn Streckfuss and Kate Schell talked to five students with exceptional pastimes. They sort of put your Mario Bros. marathon to shame, eh?



Learning how to DJ was just one just one more skill Jason Pluemke could add to his resume of musical talents. The 19-year-old freshman has been playing drums, bass guitar, and various types of keyboards and synthesizers since the fourth grade. He decided to mix it up when his high school student council was Name: Riley Bidwell looking for a DJ to help out with some of the school dances. Age:18 “A lot of my friends were on ASB and student council,” Pluemke explained. “They Grade: Junior couldn’t find a cheap DJ, so they came to me, since I knew a lot about music. I Activity: Mowing Lawns started by just having two iPods and fading them together. I thought it was Years active: 8 pretty fun, so I got some turntables and started learning more.” The turntables were just the beginning, as Pluemke, a health and science At 10, Riley Bidwell started mowing lawns for his major, began getting more offers from friends to DJ for parties, wedneighbors, a fairly typical pre-teen business endeavor. dings, and dances. But by the age of 13, Bidwell procured a commercial conUsing computer programs, such as Virtual DJ, Pluemke makes his tract and opened a bank account for his Limited Liability Comown music as well, which he describes as “August Burns Red meets pany (LLC), Legacy Lawncare. Deadmau5 with some breakdown, post hardcore punk guitar “I kept getting money and reinvesting it to buy new equipment,” he said. stuff thrown in.” By 15, he had two more commercial contracts. He wanted to purchase his Pluemke would like to use his major to one day become a own house by 16, despite the fact it was not legal for a minor to buy a house. Howprosthetist. He still holds the dream of many musicians:do ever, it is legal for a minor to own shares what you love and get paid to do it. in an LLC: how convenient. Through Legacy For now he sticks to making his own music and Lawncare, Bidwell purchased his own house charging very little to DJ parties. at 15. “DJing gets more expensive the more you do The house had an unfinished basement, it,” he explained. “I do it more for the fun of it which he remodeled over the summer with his though.” dad, forming the house into a duplex, which he rents out. He didn’t stop there, that same year Bidwell started an online business with a friend. Bidwell created applications for the Apple “app store.” So far he has 60 apps under his belt and expects to have doubled this by the end of the year. Bidwell is, no surprise, pursuing a business major, with plans of possibly expanding to a triple major in Marketing and Information Systems. Where will all this fame and fortune take him next? His long-term goals include becoming a self-supporting part-time missionary, planning to live off his investments and spend three to four months of the year building and starting orphanages in Africa.

Girl Surfer

Name: Devan Gross Age: 18 Grade: Junior Activity: Pro Ski Instructor Years active: 3 Hitting the slopes is nothing new for young junior Devan Gross. “My dad started teaching me to ski when I was just 2 years old,” she explained about her passion. Originally from Leavenworth, Wash., the communications major began skiing on a ski hill her family ran. Aside from the exercise and fun with friends, Gross enjoys this chilly sport because it is “different every time.” When Gross was 15 years old, the hobby turned into an opportunity. A TA program opened up at Mission Ridge in Wanachi, Wash., which Gross and her younger brother enrolled in. The program trained her on skills as well as how to instruct. “I decided to do it because I knew it would be fun,” Gross recalled, “but also because it’s such an expensive sport. If you’re going to continue to do it, it’s a good idea to get involved somehow to get discounts and even have a job doing what you love.” Gross passed the program and became a member of the Professional Ski Instructors of America, which she keeps up by taking educational classes each year. “Being certified is very rewarding,” she explained. “I used to teach six-week programs for kids, and it’s nice to see how much they progress and learn.”


i Instructor

10 - Academics

February 2011

Textbooks: Why are Popping the infamous they so expensive? bubble said. In theory, books are intended to last students for a lifetime of study and “I am not fond of expecting catas- use, said Trott. Thus, textbooks are trophes, but there are cracks in the published using high quality bindings universe,” wrote English author and and hardback covers. This increases production costs, even though most clergyman Sydney Smith. Corban’s Christian worldview students today sell their books back. “And it also goes back to supply and teaches that a perfect, utopian society won’t occur until Christ’s final return. demand,” Trott said. “People will pay Yet that doesn’t keep students from $100 for a textbook, unfortunately.” Once books are produced and mardreaming of a perfect college experience, complete with a seemingly end- keted, they are sent out to the world less supply of fascinating, life-alter- of academia. How does Corban’s bookstore set prices? Items are priced ing and affordable textbooks. Affordable? Alas, the dream is using a markup percentage set by the shattered. But why are textbooks so administration to cover shipping and purchasing costs, exexpensive? Unplained Heather Martin, fortunately, there are no simple an- Books covering highly bookstore manager. Markup falls within swers. technical or advanced the industry standard The price of a subjects are often exof 20-30 percent, she book must first be traced back to pensive because they re- said. “For the most the publisher. A quire expert-level writ- part I think our margin barely covers our shipcursory glance at a recent chemis- ers, who in turn require ping to get it here and back. It’s not like we’re try book reveals expert-level salaries. making tons of profit a lengthy list of on these things.” publishers, ediWhen possible, Corban stocks used tors and development coordinators. These types of lists usually don’t in- books as well. For book buybacks, Corban usuclude the main author, who is typically a P.h.D and distinguished scholar ally gives students 45-50 percent of the retail price for books that are goin his or her field. “It takes a lot of work to make these ing to be used again in classes such books,” said Garrett Trott, research as American Thought or Christian Theology. librarian. “A lot of work.” If a book is not going to be used Books covering highly technical or advanced subjects are often expen- again at Corban, the bookstore will sive because they require expert-lev- try to sell it to a wholesaler, which el writers, who in turn require expert- will return only 10-20 percent of the retail price to the students. If neither level salaries. Beyond developing content, pub- of these options applies, the booklishers are also tasked with packag- store can’t buy back the book. How are students to navigate these ing their books in attractive and durable formats, meaning color images tricky waters? Sharing curriculum and highlighting. According to Trott, with other students is an option used books have to go through the printing by Chris Spivey: otherwise “textprocess multiple times for each color. books for one of my classes would If they stuck with black and white have been close to $400,” he says. text? “It would be a lot cheaper,” he

By Ben Funkhouser Staff writer

$ $$

see TEXTBOOKS, page


By Claire Richter Staff writer Many students would agree that there is such a thing as the “Corban bubble.” “Our whole world seems to revolve around us,” said freshman Alysha Fox. “I hear of people skipping church because they go to chapel instead. How sad is it that Corban students aren’t even involved in church?” However, senior Alysha Gates thinks that even though the “Corban bubble” exists, students are stepping out and reaching the community more than anyone realizes. She explained that there are many community outreach programs founded or supported by Corban students. Freshman Ralph Emerson sees both pros and cons to life “in the bubble”: “It’s positive because I haven’t been around Christians for awhile, so it’s helping me with my individual spiritual growth,” he said. “The negative side of this is we only know our ‘family,’ and therefore we are a ‘homeschooled’ college.” When it comes to students who literally were home-schooled, Corban’s student body is actually a majority of public school graduates, said Registrar Chris Vetter. Home-schooled, private-schooled, public-schooled: do different pre-college backgrounds affect students’ willingness to reach outside the “bubble?” Not necessarily, said Stephen Novak, who was home-schooled for 12 years. “I believe it’s all about individual willingness to get out there and meet new people,” he said. One excuse Corban students use for avoiding off-campus outreach is Corban’s physical location. Living so far from downtown is a big factor stopping some students from doing outreach programs, said freshman Michael Morin. Compared to schools such as Portland State University, Corban feels isolated and remote, he explained. Instead of viewing Corban’s “bubble”

as purely negative, some students say the loving and accepting environment makes the school a good place to grow spiritually. Freshman Riley Bidwell said, “At Corban … kids not only don’t look down on kids with different backgrounds, but also sometimes the public-schooled kids respect the home-schooled kids for not being exposed to partying, and vice versa.” Sophomore John Bennett agreed, saying, “A positive of the ‘Corban bubble’ is that we have each other to build us up and help us through difficult situations.” Sophomore Lauren Dimock said that “being sheltered” is a good thing. “We have to work on it. We have to learn obedience. That’s a really good thing about Corban,” she said. The down side to all this community love? Some students worry that “the bubble” is not realistic to what students will experience after graduation. Although students get a solid, Christian education, some feel that, as adults, they need to experience things for themselves. They worry that being sheltered almost increases the chance for failure because there is not as much exposure to tempting situations and thus a lack of strength to say “no.” “If someone is sheltered throughout high school and college,” freshman Spencer Anderson said, “it almost increases their chance for failure, because they haven’t been put in the tempting situation yet.” Although Corban may have a reputation for being too sheltered, students have many opportunities to get more involved in the community. Community service credits offer an extra incentive to join community outreach programs, and students can also get to know people on a relational level. This may involve getting a job off campus, getting involved in a church, a community service outreach program or just meeting people at the mall or a coffee shop.

Academics - 11

Corban University

... He knows us personally and knows all of our schedules.” – Shaelee Haglund, worship arts major. “I didn’t even see her. I just dropped off my sheet and I was done.” – Alysha Fox, elementary education major. “I have to go to 20 different people to find out anything here, and then they just send you to the registrar.” – Riley Bidwell, business major. “It wouldn’t be Corban to me if the faculty weren’t doing the advising.” – Marty Trammell, English professor. “I

love it

Professorial advising may get an upgrade By Hali Anderson Staff writer Corban’s unique academic advising program elicits a wide array of opinions from both students and faculty. Unlike most universities, professors here serve as academic advisors and must personally enroll students in all their classes. According to Provost Matt Lucas, Ph.D., the software Corban uses isn’t even capable of allowing students to register themselves. That could change soon. If Corban purchases the Datatel software administrators have been considering, not only would it link grades, advisors, and the registrar to the same database, but it would also allow students to register for their own classes online. The question is, will Corban allow do-it-yourself-registration? And will professorial advising go out the window? More importantly yet: should it? “The upside [of professors registering for students] is it does sort of force a level of interaction that wouldn’t be there otherwise,” said Chris Vetter, registrar. Dr. Jim Hills, English professor and an adviser, like many of his fellow faculty members at Corban, expressed what he believes is the importance of Corban’s advising program. “It’s highly unlikely that we will have elaborate labs and equipment at Corban...If we can’t compete with those services, we have to offer other services. We need to be better at providing advising … a continuing contact be-


Photo by DeAnna Thomas

Corban’s professorial advising system may switch over to a student-led system. tween student and a student’s advisor.” While Hills says he is “happy to be a part of the service,” he admitted that the work load can be “fairly daunting.” He said he won’t be surprised if soon students are doing the “keyboard” stuff, and quite frankly, he wouldn’t mind being free of the monotony of the data-entry of registering students for their classes. Not only is the data-entry a heavy workload for professors, according to Vetter, it can cause “bottlenecking” as students clamor to have their advisors register them as soon as possible. “Having to fit in students and schedule with the teacher and the logistics of meeting is a bit of a race,” said Dr. John Wilson. “If a teacher has classes

continued from page

E-books, such as those offered through Amazon’s Kindle service, are an interesting option as well. On the bright side, e-books are slightly less expensive and are available for instant download. Unfortunately, the electronic book market isn’t quite grown up yet, said Trott. He said publishers will probably start producing more textbooks for the Kindle within a couple years, but, because of the work that goes into writing curriculum, that won’t necessarily lower prices. Another downside to e-books? “There’s no buyback on them. You’re paying 40 percent less, but you don’t get any money out


of it,” said Martin. A third option is purchasing books online. Amazon offers free two-day shipping on select items for college students through a service called Amazon Prime. Although there may be some legitimate reasons for the cost of textbooks, their high prices are still a burden to many. Understanding why the rain falls doesn’t make you any less wet. “As students, we are already hurting financially to pay for school. And then they charge these almost impossibly high prices,” said Kevin Saunders. “I mean, it’s a book,” said Travis Hilley. “It’s not rent. It’s not food for a month. That’s rough.”

from 8-10, there is no way they can sign you in.” Dr. Marty Trammell, Humanities Chair at Corban, similarly bears the brunt of an increased workload due to advising. “The older I get the harder it is to juggle [advising] with teaching … [but] the time invested in the student is worth the negative aspects of making it work … It wouldn’t be Corban to me if the faculty weren’t doing the advising,” he said. Trammell said it is beneficial to have an advisor who can walk students through the education process from freshman year to graduation: helping with sticky scheduling, arranging internships and even aiding in a plan

for after college. Trammell also views advising as a mentoring opportunity, a chance for faculty to show true interest in the lives of students. For some students, this is a reality. Worship arts major Shaelee Huglund’s adviser Dan Shuholm advises fewer than a dozen students. “He knows us personally and knows all of our schedules,” she said. Not only this, but Shuholm takes the time to invest in their lives spiritually. “It’s nice to know he cares about you outside of school. The best advice I’ve gotten this year is from him,” she said. For other students, the relationship with their advisors is nothing more than handing in a list of classes to be plugged into the computer, something they could easily, and often more efficiently, do themselves. For instance, freshman Alysha Fox, has never even met her advisor. Or senior Erinn Streckfuss, who said, “Even if [dissolving the advising program] would ‘take away the personal aspect,’ we’re not getting that anyway.” Lucas and the Academic Council are beginning to muse over this issue. “The philosophy is that the mentoring relationship is manifested in the advising process. What is the best way to manifest it? I believe there are other ways to manifest it,” said Lucas. “The Academic Council is asking this question now because of the size of the institution. It is feasible that Corban could hire new faculty, therefore having more advisors …. When do we get to the point when we are just too big to do that?”

Miss out on Arts Week? Watch the video recap.


hilltop. corban.edu

12 - Lifestyle

February 2011

Tattoos: Mark of the soul By Erinn Streckfuss Co-editor “Isn’t it so pretty?” senior Jen Kollaer gushes as she displays the new addition to her upper right arm and shoulder. The addition, red roses and vines that spread out from a previous tattoo, a collection of roses, joins countless others, eight to be exact. For the communications major, tattooing has been an integral part of her life since she turned 18. “There is sincere meaning behind all of my tattoos,” Kollaer explains. “I don’t have a ‘just because’ tattoo like some people. I am a walking testimony for God, for my family, for my best friend and for my Granny who is in heaven.” Kollaer’s tattoos range from delicately written phrases symbolizing her faith and thankfulness to a beautiful floral memorial piece dedicated to her grandmother. Kollaer also sports a simple fish on her foot with the phrase “God” inside, as well as the initials of her best friend. However, since the first day she altered her skin, she knew she would face objections, especially in the Christian world. “I knew the day I got my first tattoo that it would forever be something I would be judged for,” she says. “But I think I live a strong Christian life and I hope I am a walking testimony to people who judge too easily. We [tattooed people] are not second class, and we are not bad people.” Once thought taboo in Christianity, tattoos reflect a widening gap between groups of Generation Y intent on cementing self-sustaining beliefs and their elders who embrace an established faith where a pastor’s word is bond. While acceptable and open in many Christian circles, tattooing remains a moral question for many believers, as they argue over biblical passages, such as Leviticus 19:28. “Well, in Leviticus it is talking about separating themselves from the pagan practices of their time,” junior LeAnna Bartholf says, explaining her understanding of the passage. “Since my tattoos are not symbols of witchcraft or pagan worship, I don’t think the verse

applies. My tattoos do not make me a part of pagan practices.” Bartholf, who has two tattoos – an elegant cross on her forearm and doves on her back -- and Kollaer both say they’ve experienced judgment when it comes to their ink, even from within their own families. However, when it comes to moral implications, neither feels it’s necessary to choose between the needle and the nail. “I definitely think you can be a Christian and have tattoos,” says Kollaer. “I know my body is the temple of God, and I believe I have mine decorated pretty dang good.” For both Kollaer and Bartholf, the bulk of their tattoos represent either their own spiritual faith or a loved one. Both have had the opportunity to witness to others through their body art.

heritage: stigma or honor? Christianity itself has surprising history when it comes to tattooing. Body modifications through scarification, piercing and its corollary tattooing have an elaborate history and an even longer prehistory. According to Rufus Camphausen’s “Return of the Tribal: A Celebration of Body Adornment,” the oldest evidence of the practice has been found on preserved bodies accidentally or ritually mummified dating as far back as 30,000 B.C. When understanding body modification and how it pertains to Christians, the same question that has been asked in all cultures throughout history can be asked of us, “Why tattoo?” Tattooing has been used widely as a means of conveying symbolism, survival strategies, rites of passage, messages, and, of course, religious ideals or beliefs. In the Bible, the only direct references to tattooing are the Mosaic prohibitions with which many believers are familiar. At first glance, tattooing, or “marking,” or “cutting” the flesh, is explicitly prohibited in the Old Testament. However, since the basis of Christianity is the belief that Christ came to set his followers free from the old law through salvation, many no lon ger see tattooing as prohibited. And Christians have been getting tattoos for

Submitted photo/photo by Erinn Streckfuss

(Left) LeAnna Bartholf shows off her faith-based tattoo. (Above) Jen Kollaer gets inked for the eighth time. than just a picture on the side of her foot. “My tattoo has a few meanings to me,” explains the 19-year-old biblical studies major. “First, God’s grace has always astounded me,” she said. “I just don’t get how He could give me the gift of grace. Also, I love the Latin language. I used to sing in Latin a lot and fell in love with the language. I love music, hence the much longer than modern believers may realize, says one Oxford historian. In her music note, and I serve God by doing music, book “Written on the Body,” Jane Caplan ex- and lastly, the cross can explain itself. That plains that criminals during Roman times were was Christ; He gave His life.” Dimock, along with inked and un-inked Cortattooed on the forehead with a word or symban students, says that tattooing may not be for bol indicating their crime, and because Chriseveryone and should be deeply meaningful to tianity was prohibited throughout much of the empire, Christians were arrested, tattooed, and the person. “I wouldn’t get one because I would look often enslaved. Other Christians, particularly completely ridiculous,” says sans tattoo junior after the rise of Christianity in the Roman EmDavid Holcomb. “It just wouldn’t match my pire, gave themselves voluntary tattoos, modeling the wounds of Christ (or stigmata, which personality. There isn’t anything I like enough is the Roman word for tattoo) as a sign of their to have on my body permanently. If I want to faith and showing that they belonged to this make a statement, I’ll wear a shirt. I think it fits people who are artistic and creative.” much distained, but very special group. Many tattooed students admit that one of the Since many Christians were tattooed and biggest warnings they’ve received addresses punished simply for their faith, it makes sense the permanence factor. that the stigma of tattoos would transform into For psychology professor Laurie Smith, a badge of honor for them and as a sign that they belonged to a group. This crosses over this is a factor she considered heavily before even today, nearly 3,000 years later, as many making the decision to get inked seven years Christians have tattoos of religious symbols, ago. For Smith, the significance of her tattoo including crosses and the icthus fish. As explained by C.P. Jones in “Stigma: Tat- represents the passing of her mother, whom tooing and Branding in Graeco-Roman An- she lost to cancer. “My younger sister painted a butterfly on tiquity,” when Constantine became emperor, mom’s chest during the night she was passhe banned facial tattoos, saying, “so that the face, which has been formed in the image of ing, because butterflies for her symbolized the divine beauty, should be defiled as little as transformation and change,” Smith explains. “Later that week, I got a tattoo over my heart possible.” In A.D. 787 Pope Hadrian I forbade tattooing of that same butterfly, with my mom’s faof any kind, and the popes who followed him mous nickname, Kiki. For me, it is a precontinued this tradition. It is believed that this cious reminder of my journey that year.” For a Christian, when it comes to deciding is the reason tattooing was virtually unknown whether or not to get inked, the significance and unacceptable in the Christian world until is only one part of the spectrum. the 19th century. “I think the most relevant question about tattoos for many believers is in the realm of disputable matters,” explains Smith. “I always consider issues like this along the lines of Romans 14, which is a personal question about whether a certain food (or tattoo or certain haircut or anything else along those For many Christians today, tattooing is be lines) is the right thing for an individual. We coming less of a forbidden art form and more a have freedom in Christ.” Smith’s inner journey mirrors that of many matter of personal expression. From pastors to tattooed Corban students and expresses that college students, many are getting such symbols of faith permanently inscribed on their religious trek outwardly on their flesh. The importance is to ask whether or not that trek bodies. For sophomore Lauren Dimock, the music is worth it, how it will affect the person getnote transforming into a cross coupled with ting tattooed, as well as others around him or the phrase “God’s grace” in Latin, is more her, and what personal significance it has.

the needle or the nail?

Photo By Erinn Streckfuss

Jen Kollaer displays the newest inked addition to her body.

Submitted photo

Lauren Dimock shares her body art.

Lifestyle- 13

Corban University

Frame of mind: a guide to mental health Y ou ’ ve

taken the psych classes , heard the emo jokes , and seen the

Z icam

commercials . Y ou know mental health is -

sues affect millions of people . B ut how can you help if one of those people is your roommate , classmate , or friend ?

R ead

on for a practical guide to how to identifiy the symptoms of some common mental health issues ,

how to approach someone you ’ re concerned about , and how to support a friend in the healing process .

By Editor Kate Schell

Anxiety disorders

Depression Common symptoms: Sadness or hopelessness; changes in sleep patterns; rapid changes in weight or appetite; isolation from peers; difficulty concentrating; loss of energy; loss of enjoyment in favorite activities; thoughts of self-harm or suicide. Most people associate depression with sadness, but “[it] doesn’t have to be there,” Husk says. Instead, “it could be fatigue or a lack of focus.” With men, depression often surfaces with irritability rather than sadness. What helps: Experts often recommend trying to use exercise, sleep, and healthy eating to boost seratonin, the body’s natural happy drug, before resorting to medication. It’s also important to be active even when you don’t feel like it, to work on overcoming negative thought patterns, and to turn to family and friends for support.

Bipolar disorder

Common symptoms: Watch for a rollercoaster of emotional extremes. The manic phase manifests itself as an unnatural high, impulsiveness, excessive energy, a lack of sleep but not feeling tired; and on the other side. The low phases match the symptoms of depression. Husk cautions against assuming an extreme mood is the sign of bipolar. “Just because your mood seems extreme, that doesn’t mean you’re bipolar,” says Husk. What helps: As with any disorder, the patient must be commited to the treament plan, which usually includes both medication and therapy to reduce symptoms and help prevent future episodes. To support a bipolar friend, educate yourself about the disorder and offer to help them find a qualified clinician.

Photo by DeAnna Thomas

Recognizing mental illness can require input and support from students’ friends and roommates. When sophomore Jennifer Amoguis someone off-campus, e-mail Husk for -- Don’t force them to seek help. “When was 12 years old, something began to a referral, or check out the programs, you give people information, at that feel off. Something wasn’t right. counseling, and ministries your church point, you have to let it be their thing… “I didn’t know what it was,” Amo- might offer. It has to be that person’s choice. Let guis says. “I tried to talk to some friends When it comes to supporting a strug- them have the dignity to say no.” about it but they didn’t understand it, gling friend, the keys are presence and Overcoming stigma either.” normalcy. Despite being a Christian campus, stuFor six years, she didn’t know. Then “You’re definitely there to listen and dents still sometimes face stigma when as a freshman, her RA encouraged her you’re definitely it comes to having mento go to counseling, and Amoguis was there to sit through “You’re there to tal health problems, godiagnosed with clinical depression. hard stuff,” Husk ing to counseling, and listen and to sit Amoguis is one of many students who says. “But you’re taking medication. deal with not only the typical stresses also the one to say, Amoguis has encounthrough hard stuff. and pressures of college, but also a ‘Let’s go to Taco tered misconceptions mental illness. And like many students, Bell’ and do fun, But you’re also the about the connection Amoguis’ healing process began with normal stuff. It’s between her mental support from a friend. easy to feel like one to say, ‘Let’s go state and her spiritual a freak, when all to Taco Bell’ and do state. People assume A friend in need Mental health can be a touchy topic, your friends are that if you’re depressed, fun, normal stuff.” “there’s no joy in your but Director of Counseling Services suddenly treating Stephanie Husk says there are ways to you so gently.” Stephanie Husk life and you’re not con“For me it’s best approach someone you’re concerned tent. There’s something about. It starts with a simple conversa- to have someone wrong with your relationship with who’s just there for me,” Amoguis God,” Amoguis says. tion. “The main thing is to state what you says. “They’re just there with me, cryOpposition tends to arise specifiobserve,” Husk says. “You’re not ac- ing with me if I need to or just watching cally around the subject of medication. cusing the person, you’re not judging a pointless movie or making me laugh, Amoguis has been told, “I shouldn’t be the person for having a problem, you’re but not forcing me to be happy.” on medication. I should just be trying not being moralistic.” What not to do harder and leaning on God better,” she If it is taken badly, restate, “I’m Because mental health is confusing or says. saying this because I’m concerned. I foreign to many people. Husk recomBut psychologically speaking, that’s would be a good friend if I didn’t say mends avoiding these common pitfalls not necessarily the problem. anything.” Focus on communicating of good intentions gone wrong: “Our emotions and behaviors, you that your heart is for them to seek help -- Don’t tell them to stop taking medi- can’t separate those from the brain,” and healing and live an abundant life, cation. Husk says. “If the brain chemistry is Husk says. -- Don’t say, “I know how you feel.” off, it seems pretty unkind to say a perIt is important to offer practical help There’s a good chance you don’t. son just needs to figure it out.” and know resources. Husk recom- -- Don’t immediately tell your own stoHusk points out one of the best ways mends talking to an RA, an RD or a ry, which may make it seem like you’re you can support friends dealing with faculty member; setting up a counsel- assuming you know what the problem mental illness: silence any rumors that ing appointment with Student Life; or is or it may minimize their struggle. could damage them. taking the anonymous online screening -- Don’t promise you won’t tell any“In Christian community, we have the available on the Counseling Service’s one. opportunity to create a culture of menpage at corban.edu. If you prefer to see -- Don’t treat your them differently. tal health,” Husk says.

Common symptoms: Feeling overwhelmed; chronic, unsubstantiated worry; abnormal physical sensations like muscle tension, sweating, or rapid heart rate; tightness in the chest or stomach; insomnia, difficulty concentrating. Anxiety disorders are often ignored because students justify their stress as a normal part of college. “That’s always dangerous because your body will start to break down” if you don’t address extreme anxiety, Husk says. What helps: Similar to depression, lifestyle changes like exercise can help relieve stress. Evaluating and possibly reducing excess responsibilities can also alleviate anxiety.

Eating disorders

Common symptoms: Weight loss; always going to the bathroom after meals; eating alone, obsessing over body image; use of diet pills or laxatives; excessive exercise; and in females, missed periods. While Husk hasn’t encountered males with eating disorders on campus, Corban women statistically “match the general population, so men probably do, too,” she says. Try not to minimalize symptoms, assuming someone is just fit and healthy, or oversimplify, thinking it’s just about not wanting to get fat. “There are a lot of emotional things underlying it,” Husk says. What helps: Addressing the underlying emotional issues, such as a need to feel control. While these disorders aren’t simply a matter of looks, it is important to take a realistic approach to media, understanding that people are often portrayed in an unrealistic and unhealthy way.

14 - Entertainment

January 2011

‘Never Say Never’ to Kids join ‘Great Expectations’ catching the fever

Photo by Kate Schell

Kate Vetter, as Young Estella, and Jacob Hearne, as Young Pip, play cards at Miss Havisham’s during a rehearsal Feb. 19.

By Lacy Ramirez Staff Writer By Whitney Harris Staff writer I have caught the fever… the Bieber fever. This year, my Valentine’s Day was filled with Justin Bieber instead of my valentine. A girl might normally enjoy a nice dinner with her loved one, but this year mine was in Africa. Because of this, I chose to do what any girl would do when her man was gone on Valentine’s Day: go see the Justin Bieber movie. I’m not a huge Bieber fan, but I must say after watching his movie, I caught the fever. The movie was a backstage pass to the life he leads and his musical talent. If you can get past the screaming, crying and the teeny-boppers, you might enjoy it too. “Never Say Never,” honestly depicts the life of a super star. This movie shows a side that “normal” people don’t ever get to see. We get to see life from the perspective of a famous recording artist. It shows a hard-working, 16-year-old who is only

trying to follow his dream. I think all Americans can appreciate that ambition. The aspect I appreciated most about this movie was that Bieber has a clear message. It wasn’t to show people that he was a quality musician with several musical talents. It was, simply: follow your dreams. Those are pretty profound words for a 16year-old. Bieber is following his dream, but he is living it too. As the movie ended, I found myself snapping back into reality. I realized I wasn’t on tour, nor was I a 12-year-old middle-schooler. I remember thinking throughout the movie, “Maybe I want to become a famous singer?” Then reality hit me. I am not musical whatsoever. However, isn’t that the point of a movie? Isn’t it to allow you to escape from your real world and enter into a fantasy world? In that case, “Never Say Never” creates a world that most of us will never see, then gently brings us back to reality.

Mr. Jaggers wisely told Pip in “Great Expectations” to “Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There’s no better rule.” The same thing can apply to the Corban family when deciding whether or not to see the March production of “Great Expectations,” a story written by Charles Dickens and adapted by Barbara Fields. This marks a change in Corban theatre, as it is the first serious play after five comedies in a row. “It’ll be very different,” said Krystal Kuehn, who plays Estella, “but still very good and the audience will surely be able to engage in it and have fun.” Another new development is that the cast also includes three child actors: Kate Vetter and Jacob and Joshua Hearne, ages 11 and 12. The children practice on campus every Wednesday night and rehearse with the whole cast on Saturdays. The cast members have enjoyed working with the young actors and have had fun teaching them different skills. “It’s entertaining seeing them interact with older actors, “ said Kuehn. “They each have their own unique attitudes that really come out on stage!” In particular, Kuehn enjoys being with Vetter onstage. “She plays Young Estella, and she really is a mini- me! It’s awesome!” she said. It is Joshua Hearne’s first acting experience, and he plays three roles: Young Herbert, a stable boy and a boy. “It’s really exciting,” he said. “I want to make people happy.” Similarly, his brother Jacob has had a great time working with the older cast members. “They are all very welcoming, and I wasn’t nervous at all,” he said. Jacob has performed in “little school plays,” and his part as Young Pip is his first “big role.” The whole cast is excited to bring this great story to the stage and appreciate that Katie and Adam Karnes,

the alumni guest directors, cast people who could mesh well together and really connect. “In Dickens, “ Kuehn said. “Everyone is connected. It’s weird.” The opening night of “Great Expectations” is set for March 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the Psalm Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 for students and seniors and $4 for children 12 and under. Jacob Hearne advises everyone to go because, “it teaches you a lesson. You’ll just love it.”

Corban University

Sports a ‘window’ to share gospel

Photo by DeAnna Thomas

Jake Kopra is uniformed and ready for his second sport of the year, baseball.

By Claire Richter Staff writer After finishing a full season of basketball last week, sophomore forward Jake Kopra could be resting, relaxing and enjoying the off-season. But he’s not. Instead, he’s

practicing every day for a second round of games, this time on the baseball diamond. Kopra’s reason for working so hard year round? He’s not seeking the NBA draft or planning to play major league baseball. He sees this time at Corban as a chance to develop his athletic skills, which he plans to use in reaching kids for Christ. “The really important thing for me with playing sports is the fact that I have a way to reach young people today,” Kopra said. “If you excel at anything, whether it be choir, theater, math or sports, people will respect you.” One of an elite group of two-sport athletes at Corban, Kopra shines on the court and on the mound. His spiritual emphasis and humble attitude have racked up respect from teammates, coaches and fellow students. “Jacob is a spiritual leader on our team,” said baseball coach Jeff McKay. “Most of his teammates look up to him.” As a high schooler growing up in Gresham, Kopra was inspired by his youth pastor, who encouraged him to get in the Word of God. He kept this focus while playing both basketball and baseball all four years at Sam Barlow High School. If that weren’t enough, he also played one year of football. Between athletic commitments, he got involved in a week-long Vacation Bible School camp in Browning, Mont. At this camp, Kopra used basketball as a way to

reach young people and relate to them. When he arrived at Corban in 2009, he wanted to continue using his athletic development here to reach young people with the gospel. He initially expected to play only baseball for the Warriors, but Coach Justin Sherwood asked him to join the basketball team also. How is it playing both sports at the college level? “Challenging and time-consuming,” he said. But “I love both of these sports, and it definitely helps financially.” While playing basketball, Kopra said he is not really missing anything from baseball, because he is becoming conditioned, which transfers to his position as pitcher on the baseball team. About playing basketball, Kopra said he just tries to give his all during games. “Jake brings a lot of energy to the game,” said Sherwood. “His willingness and relentlessness to give up his body in the game is inspiring.” Because of his strong work ethic and his ultimate goal of inspiring young people to seek and find God, Kopra excels both on the field and on the court. After graduation, he plans to return to the summer camp at Browning and encourage young people spiritually by relating to them athletically. “I am doing everything I can athletically here at Corban, because sports are my window to the youth,” he said.

Athletes transition to college sports By Kyle Anthony Staff writer Legendary College football coach Lou Holtz once said, “I’ve never known anybody to achieve anything without overcoming adversity.” That’s what most freshman athletes have to deal with when they enter college. The top dog on campus, the Most Valuable Player, the one everybody looks up to hoping one day to be. That’s how people see an athlete senior year in high school. The whole world seems to be at your fingertips, as you lead the varsity team into pep rallies and get attention from the local press. Sounds like nothing could go wrong from there, right? That’s when you go back to the bottom of the pack as a college freshman. In a cruel twist of fate, once again you find yourself as the newbie among older college athletes. “I had this idea that because I was good in high

school I would be the top in flip side to some freshman college,” freshman baseball athletes entering college, player Justin White said. they see the big games that White came from Pleasant ESPN shows. They view Hill, Ore., where he was the it as that’s what they’ll be top pitcher for his team. He doing once they enter that climbed the ladder from the level, and they’ll continue freshmen to have the who saw spotlight little to no “I had this idea that on them. playing time All of because I was good in to become them have the one the high school I would be heard the freshmen the top in college. Then stories of wished they that one all of a sudden I’m back f r e s h m a n could be. “It just felt who bedown at the bottom.” like I had came the Justin White worked all star of a this time to team, and get to this think mayspot,” White said. “Then, all be that will be them. of a sudden, I’m back down “You see stories like Colt at the bottom looking up at McCoy and think you can a mountain I had to climb do what he did,” said Josh that is three times bigger Dyer, freshman cross counthan the one I had climbed try runner. “That if an unin high school.” known can become a star, Like many other freshman then I have that chance.” athletes across the country, However, at the start of the going from the front of the year, he injured his knee and pack to the back can be a re- had to sit out for a bit of the ality check. However, on the season. “It kind of deflated

me in a sense. I learned a lot from people who had gone through something like that, and it showed me how much experience they had over me,” he added. “It’s a bit of a reality shock for some of them,” Sherwood said of the freshman athletes. “You’re taking them from their arena and putting them into a bigger one.” For some freshman athletes the idea of being on a team with those who are even better than they is something they enjoy. “You get to learn a lot from players who have been on the team for two or three years,” White said. “It gets you into that mindset of how much you can learn from everyone who went through the same thing as you.” The challenge has been laid out for them. High school stats don’t matter here. The whistle has been blown and the freshman athletes have stepped out into the world of college sports.

Sports - 15



Mens basketball wins with 18.8 seconds left Thanks to freshman Jordan Carter’s second game-winning shot of the season, the Warriors basketball team earned the tournament’s sixth seed and will travel to Warner Pacific tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. The team took one step closer to the playoffs with a 67-65 come from behind win over their rival Northwest Christian. The game was tied at 65 following a free throw made by Cameron Marshall of Northwest, leaving only 18.8 seconds on the clock. Carter got the ball and began to slice through NCU’s defense before nailing an eight-foot floater in the lane, shooting it over a pair of stretched out NCU defenders, with only 3.2 seconds on the clock. Erick Cronrath led the Warriors with a game high of 25 points and five assists. Nash Keene and Ian Logan added 12 and 11 points, and Bryan Martin added a game high of 10 rebounds.

Women’s basketball win A 29-4 run in a span of nine minutes in the beginning of the game aided the Warriors to an 84-76 win over Northwest Christian, allowing the team to streak into the playoffs. They will play at home tomorrow at 7 p.m. Senior Jennesa Miller scored a teamhigh 19 points, along with seven rebounds and seven assists. Four other Warriors, Katie Steigleman, Emily Tsugawa, Becky Buhler, and Tess Bennett, also registered double digits in scoring with 16, 15, 14, and 10 points for the game. Bennett led the team in rebounds with a game high of 11, while Tsugawa handed out a game high tying of eight assists.

Warriors baseball drops final game The baseball team lost 12-9 to Pacific University of Oregon in the final game at the Cascade-Northwest Challenge Sunday afternoon at Wilsonville High School. The Warriors’ attack was led by Jonathan Ramirez, who batted 3-4 on the day. The team jumped out to a 9-0 lead, with all runs scored in the fourth inning, but it was not enough, as Pacific took the next 12 runs for the victory. The loss drops the Warriors to 0-7 on the year.

Softball splits final Northwest Cup games Corban softball split its games Saturday, with a 15-5 victory over Whitworth and a 3-11 loss to British Columbia, each called in five innings due to the eight-run mercy rule.

16 - Expression

January 2011

By anonymous student

Who do you think you are? High up on the wall Watching, staring, at those who pass by Silently, you scream judgment Reflecting reality Twisting, distorting, truths into lies You expect perfection Anything less fails Quickly, cruelly, you magnify flaws Motionless, you strike out Inflicting pain Beating, bruising inside the soul All you do is take Deceiving to get Confidence, money, happiness, life

There is no escape People return Willingly, freely giving to change Desiring to please Despite the pain Longing, seeking to be “good enough” Your opinion is the world’s All that matters Harshly, loudly you shout it out You are all around Staring back Reflecting, showing the world on a wall Lifeless piece of glass With so much power Condemning, judging that with breath— Who do you think you are?

To submit your drawing, painting, comic, poem, or short story, email hilltopnews@corban.edu.

“Imp” by Katherine Jamerson. Medium: acrylic on canvas.

Master of Deception

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