"A Year in Review" High Meadows School Magazine & Annual Report 2020-2021

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A Year in Review High Meadows Magazine & Annual Report 2020-2021

From the Head of School & Camp Dear High Meadows Families, It has been my absolute pleasure to begin my service to High Meadows School & Camp this year. A global pandemic may not have been the hurdle any of us planned to navigate, but it certainly was amazing watching this community work. Camp jumped into 2020 “Summer Remix” which helped create strategies for the school year, our teachers took time over the summer to learn more tools and prepare (and then had to make more adjustments than ever imagined), administrators worked and re-worked schedules, the tech team rolled out equipment and platforms to provide tools to students, parents jumped in as partners, and our students did not miss a beat. We lived through multiple in-person and virtual learning formats in the first semester, learned and adjusted, and were 100% in person from January to the end of the year with ZERO transmissions on campus. High Meadows stayed committed to our Mission. We stuck together and our traditions continued- Hopes and Fears Conferences, Halloweenie Roast, Grandparents and Special Friends Day, Emphasis, 100-Day Celebration, Earth Day, Living Museum, Community Gatherings, Exhibition, Yearbook Signing, Capstone Presentations, Recognition, and more! This magazine is a new addition to our list. We have designed it to provide all of our families, past and present, a highlight of the year. We are also taking time to celebrate the High Meadows Class of 2021 students who are making a transition to high school after this year as well as the HMS Class of 2020 and HMS Class of 2017. We hope you will enjoy this Inaugural Edition of “A Year in Review: 2020-2021.” We look forward to many more. As I write, I can hear the laugher and happy bellows of our High Meadows campers. It is our 49th consecutive summer. Next year will bring the 50th and will start a year of celebration for all of us. I look forward to the opportunity to meet more of you in person and to learn about this magical place that inspires wonder and celebrates childhood. Please be on the lookout for opportunities to connect and help us understand the past so that we can live into our best future. Lisa Baker

Head of School & Camp

“This magazine is a new addition to our list. We have designed it to provide all of our families, past and present, a highlight of the year. We hope you enjoy this Inaugural Edition of ‘A Year in Review’ and look forward to many more.”

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

Thriving During COVID-19 What defines a High Meadows experience? When, in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic required a quarantine situation in which schools around the globe had to abruptly shift to virtual learning, we were challenged to explore how the delivery of the High Meadows mission could persevere beyond the bounds of our physical campus. Through innovative thinking, careful planning, and a commitment to our students and families, High Meadows quickly pivoted to meet the unique challenges posed by the pandemic. Our teachers and educational leaders gathered to brainstorm how to continue to deliver a mission-driven student experience through digital platforms, while our Health and Safety Committee worked to create a response plan that would allow students to safely return to on-campus learning. Once back on campus in fall 2020, High Meadows employed a wide variety of mitigation strategies to keep faculty, staff, and students safe. From daily temperature checks to the utilization of face masks and small class cohorts, keeping our community risk as low as possible was an effort supported by everyone. The partnership and shared responsibility across our faculty, staff, parents, and teachers has served as a true testament to the strength of our community. One of High Meadows’ biggest assets during the pandemic has been the ability to take learning outdoors. With 42 acres of woods, meadows and gardens and an already abiding commitment to connecting to nature, High Meadows classes took learning outdoors more than ever during the 2020-2021 school year. Use of camp ‘castles,’ porches, patios and woods allowed every class to have an open-air space to utilize in addition to well-ventilated classroom spaces. One teacher shared “we discovered so much about what can be accomplished outdoors. I know that will be a lasting benefit of what we learned during COVID-19.” As we conclude the second school year affected by COVID-19, High Meadows has much to feel proud of. While these have been times like no other, our students have continued to grow, learn, and thrive under the steadfast care of our faculty and staff. As one veteran High Meadows parent shared, “I have been a HMS parent for 16 years and can honestly say I have never been more appreciative of our school than I am now... Never have I felt my tuition dollars were more valuable than right now.”

Grade Level Updates Pre-K High Meadows multiage Pre-K is alive with play, discovery, and joy. The Reggio Emilia philosophies of early childhood education paired with the IB/PYP curriculum drive the student experience in the Pre-K classrooms. Our teachers follow the interests of the children while seamlessly incorporating foundational lessons to address whole-child development. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, our Pre-K team continued to provide students an enriching, mission-driven experience throughout the 2020-2021 school year.

“I feel that all of the mitigation strategies we had in place made us successful in responding to the challenges we faced. We were able to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for the children.” - Pre-K Teacher, Jenifer Friedman


High Meadows’ Kindergarten program is dedicated to achieving develo experiential and inquiry driven approach. A hallmark feature of High Me outdoor education, with significant amounts of time allocated to explor expansive campus and woods. This exposure to regular and frequent se development of confident, independent, resilient, creative children.

“Our increased immersion days in the forest and intentional use of the learning spaces have truly augmented the Kindergarten student expe benefit from the opportunities to learn in nature, but also learn about environment with deeper understanding and empathy..”

1st - 5th High Meadows Lower Years teachers cultivate First - Fifth Grade students’ natural curiosity and provide them with tools and opportunities to learn through discovery, supporting and guiding them along the way. Our experiential and developmentally driven classrooms offer students a variety of valuable experiences, while allowing for a child-centered approach to academic and whole-child growth. Organized around the IB/PYP units of inquiry, Lower Years curriculum focuses on core subject content, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. Flexibility and creativity allowed for students to continue to grow and thrive despite our different operational models throughout the pandemic. “In some ways the pandemic forcing us outside brought us back to the core of our mission. It felt like we were still able to teach our content and continued to find ways to honor our commitment to inquiry and collaboration. We were also able to get students on campus safely, prioritizing outdoor learning and using our campus to our benefit.” - 3rd Grade Teacher, Libby McCutchen

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

Middle Years (6th - 8th) High Meadows Middle Years program is a place where students explore big ideas and learn about the world, themselves, and each other. Our students spend their days learning about literature, history, mathematics, language, science, and the arts in unique ways that allow them to draw deep connections between these subject areas. In June 2020, High Meadows School welcomed Matt Nuttall as the new Middle Years Principal. Matt quickly connected both with the MY faculty and students while responding to the various needs of the year.

“The beauty of this year was that amidst the challenges of navigating school during COVID, many of our cherished student experiences remained intact. From our Living Museum and Capstone to Halloweenie Roast and Earth Day, our students worked hard, played hard, and thrived.”

opmentally appropriate objectives through an eadows Kindergarten is a prominent focus on ration and nature immersion across our essions in the outdoors supports the

e campus, gardens, trails and outdoor erience at High Meadows. Students not only t how to respect and care for our - Kindergarten Teacher, Rebecca Drage

- Middle Years & Connections Principal, Matt Nuttall

Capstone: 8th grade students presented their Capstone projects to 6/7 students in person, and their parents virtually, in May, sharing out their remarkable insights as the culmination of their yearlong research. Living Museum: The focus on this year’s Living Museum was Human and Civil Rights. Our 6/7 students researched and then took on the persona of activists from a wide array of time periods and covering a broad swath of human and civil rights issues. Mini-Courses: Several new Mini-Courses were introduced this year, including Podcasting, Embryology, Crucial Conversations, Making Memories Photography, Minecraft, Hiking, and Stock Market. Advanced Band: The Advanced Band celebrated the end of the year with an outdoor concert on the Meadow for their parents; a fitting culmination to a year where they demonstrated their creativity and flexibility. Theatre: In a demonstration of tremendous creativity, Middle Years students wrote and performed an original play, Alice in Cyberland, including students both in person and remotely. The show was recorded and shared with the entire community. Tinkershed: Our newly redesigned Tinkershed was unveiled for two Mini-Courses in the Spring Semester, introducing students to the Maker Mindset and Arduino microcontrollers.

Campus-Wide Updates No Place for Hate HMS was designated as No Place for Hate for the 2020-2021 school year. No Place for Hate (NPFH) is a student-led school climate improvement program. The components of earning this designation include setting up a NPFH committee, signing the pledge and three activities that enhance students’ understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion. The activities are designed to foster equity and harmony in our school community. The theme of our activities this year was peace. For the first activity, the students wrote a school wide poem about peace. Each class contributed one line of the poem, starting with the youngest students in Pre-K and working its way up through the grades (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb54rT2Xnz4). The second activity was the peace art project. Students were asked to create a piece of artwork that shows what peace means to them. The artwork was put on display on the outside billboard. For the third activity, students read the book It’s Ok to Be Different by Todd Parr, discussed what makes them each unique and special and colored a paper doll to include an element that makes them one of a kind. The paper dolls were on display on the “We’re Better Together” billboard outside.

Earth Day

High Meadows Camp

This year’s Earth Day included a full slate of educational programming, environmentally focused class projects, art, music, and joy, all kicked off with a gathering of the entire school on the Meadow.

Summer 2020 for High Meadows Camp was structured differently than camp of years past due to COVID-19. W “Summer Remix” where campers engaged in fun outdoor activities and were able to socialize, play, and grow in the the challenging pandemic. The program size was reduced & safety measures implemented, but most importantly- c THRIVED! Campers explored our forest and meadows, le about nature and traditions, played sports and games, vis barnyard and met animals, rode ponies, practiced archery created art, & sang silly camp songs. High Meadows Cam instrumental in helping shape what school would look lik students returned to campus in September. The experien strategies of Camp were vital to our successful school ye

Field Day Through ingenuity and thoughtfulness, Field Day was reimagined this year to allow students to participate in a wide array of games including bocce, Gaga, Capture the Potato, and Water Balloon Toss. Barnyard Our newly expanded Barnyard program was a resounding success this past school year. Every student had the chance each week to interact with our animal friends, learn about their daily lives, explore the world of animal training, and help feed and take care of the chickens, pigs, horses, sheep, and rabbits. This year, we added two pigs (Hamilton and Boo) to our barnyard and expanded our flock of chickens by way of our Middle Years Avian Embryology course.

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

We created r e midst of d, health campers earned sited the y, swam, mp was ke when nces and ear.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion We believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion are vital components to developing global citizens- a key element of our school mission. To extend our institutional DEI focus, scope, and programming, High Meadows invested this year both in appointing a DEI Coordinator and in the creation of educational resources for our faculty, parents, and the greater community. During her inaugural year leading the school’s DEI efforts, Danielle Wright spearheaded the creation of the school’s first Academic Guide for Equity and Justice to assist teachers of all grade levels in incorporating the ever-important work of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. Our faculty and staff participated in critical conversations initiated by Terra Gay, Director of Culture and Equity and Drew Charter School in Atlanta and collaborated around how to integrate DEI in meaningful and powerful ways across the High Meadows community. These conversations simultaneously brought our community closer and provided strategies to engage our students in conversations on identity, race, and gender. Throughout the 2020-2021 school year, our Pre-K through 3rd grade teachers introduced students to concepts of identity and openly celebrating difference instead of shying away from it. From books like Colors of Me to the Beautiful Skin Song, from My Princess Boy to Under My Hijab, to exploring physical abilities to deconstructing gender stereotypes in fashion – exploring identity gives children language to understand and appreciate who they are. That appreciation of self leads to greater understanding and empathy for those who are different from them in visible and invisible ways. It also allows us to fulfill our 6th guiding principle: “We understand, respect, and appreciate differences within our community, enabling us to be compassionate, responsible members of our global society.” Our 4th through 8th graders also explored race and gender this school year. Our curriculum guide provided resources to further explore gender equality and stereotypes, systemic and institutional racism, human rights, and more. Exploring the historic and current oppression in our country in age-appropriate ways, initiated students’ thinking to find ways in which they could be changemakers and be active participants in the country they want to see. Our diversity statement predates our curriculum guide by almost a decade, but it provides the very foundation on which we stand to do this difficult, yet imperative work. “The High Meadows community values and supports diversity in all its dimensions, including but not limited to each person’s unique combination of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical ability, learning style, religious beliefs, political views, perspectives, and life experiences. By embracing diversity, we expand our understanding of others, stimulate our own learning and growth, and connect with one another and the world. Moving beyond simple tolerance builds a safe, positive, and nurturing environment that expands each individual’s enduring sense of belonging and significance.” “We are committed to do the work, not just now in the light of a racial awakening in our country but as a recognition that diversity, equity, and inclusion is part of who we are. Social justice is an inherent aspect of progressive education, an aspect that we will not turn our back on. Along the way, we expect mistakes, obstacles and confrontation. As with all important work, we will continue on the journey together – as a community striving to make our school, our community, and our world a better place for all.” -DEI Coordinator, Danielle Wright

Our 2021 8th grade graduates are heading into their high school experiences not only with a strong academic foundation, but also with the flexibility, perseverance, and sense of humor that was required to navigate middle school during a truly unusual time. Read on to hear what our 2021 graduates feel is most special about High Meadows School.

HMS Class of 2021 Lorem

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

HMS Class of 2021

Lily Alford Walton High School

The style of teaching where we often end up discussing current events or going into detail about what students are interested in.

Elissa Borak Riverwood International Charter High School

My friends and the campus.

Elizabeth Babiar Wheeler High School Magnet Program

Nicholas Bakke Lassiter High School

Tanner Begin Roswell High School

I really enjoy the amount of group work and the amount of things we are able to do outside.

My favorite thing about High Meadows School is the community.

Dillon Callen Innovation Academy

Isabella Corradini Walton High School

Eiana Crenshaw TBD

My favorite thing about High Meadows is how often we go outside. Learning outside helps because you're more relaxed and excited.

My favorite thing about HMS is the community. I love the community because of the variety of experiences people have had.

The community is my favorite part of High Meadows.

I like how much High Meadows cares about the environment and does so many things to protect it.

HMS Class of 2021

Maria Escalera Riverwood International Charter High School

Definitely the people. Mainly my friends because they've always helped me when I've needed it. The teachers and staff are absolutely the best!

Jillian Gordon Walton High School

My favorite thing about High Meadows is meadow/lunch time because I can have fun with my friends.

Matia Figueiredo The Walker School

Cedar Furniss Innovation Academy

I really like my teachers because they're nice and actually help me learn. I also love the animals on campus.

I like all my best friends at HMS. My friends are so nice.

Jackie Hong Campbell High School IB Program

Maddie Janzen Christchurch School

Kyle Klotz Roswell High School

I like the tire swing and my friends and my teachers.

The meadow. For space to explore and have free time. And I really enjoy some of the mini courses.

I like the people and everyone is so nice.

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

Noah Godhard Blessed Trinity Catholic High School

My favorite thing about High Meadows are the teachers. They are always so kind and helpful- no matter what the situation is, they are always there for me.

Leo Miranda Roswell High School

I like friends and the meadow.

Lily Mosbacher Pope High School, Globalization Academy

My favorite thing about High Meadows is how at home I feel. I have been here for 6 years and HMS feels like a second home!

Muzyq Najm Roswell High School

Gavri Newman The Weber School

My favorite thing about High Meadows is how you can bond with teachers. It makes you feel safer as a student.

The friends I’ve made along the way. These friendships that have helped me become who I am. People at HMS are very kind and I’ve had so much fun over the years growing and learning.

Nathanial Warrington-Read Pope High School

Rocco Pavlovich Roswell High School

Kyson Phillippi Roswell High School

William Ramsey The Mount Vernon School

Great teachers- each teaches with a different style. If you need help, they are always willing to give extra.

I love the teachers and the spirit of community at High Meadows!

While the campus and classes will always be things I remember from High Meadows, the thing that really makes this place unique is the caring and supportive people in it.

High Meadows was a fun school because it was outside and not just talking or listening. It was more about what you wanted to learn and ask questions about.

HMS Class of 2021

Kate Rinehimer Lassiter High School

Fiza Sewani The Mount Vernon School

Zain Sharma Roswell High School

Noah Sherwood Collegedale Academy

My favorite thing about HMS is the amount of time we get to spend outside.

My favorite thing about High Meadows is being on the meadow with friends.

The ability to be outside on the campus while doing school work- it changes the way we learn and keeps everyone happy.

I love being outside and being able to be very social with my classmates.

Nathan Soganich Wheeler High School

Darren Spano The Weber School

Elizabeth Stamey Roswell High School

Mei Strother Harrison High School

My favorite thing about High Meadows is the campus.

My favorite thing about High Meadows is the community because it's easy to make friends and it's also very diverse.

The relationship students have with the teachers.

My favorite thing about High Meadows is creating memories with my friends.

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

Ethan Swallow Blessed Trinity Catholic High School

Being able to have different classes that are not normal at other schools Ex: ropes mini courses.

Dodge Zaccara Blessed Trinity Catholic High School

My favorite thing about High Meadows is the campus because it allows for lots of hands-on learning, fun activities, and mini-courses.

Bruno Villa South Cobb High School

The teachers and students. As well as the bonds they make because those bonds will last them for a long time and it will help make them into better people.

Gianna Volpe Innovation Academy

Kate Weiner Weber High School

My favorite thing about High Meadows is how easy it is to make memories.

The relationships students are able to build with their teachers. Having small classes and teachers for multiple years is something I really value about HMS.

For surviving and thriving despite the disruption of a global pandemic, we’d like to honor our 2020 graduates and wish them well on their ongoing high school journeys. While spring 2020 may not have been exactly what we had planned, your 8th grade year was most certainly unforgettable. Congratulations on the positivity, grace and grit that carried you through to the finish line! We asked our 2020 graduates, “What is a personal attribute that High Meadows taught you that you will carry with you.” Read on to hear their responses.

HMS Class of 2020

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

HMS Class of 2020

Max Allemeier Walton High School

Persistence - High Meadows motivated me to pursue my goals.

Evanthia Bilson Blessed Trinity Catholic High School

Lorem High Meadows has taught ipsum me how to advocate d for myself and how to persevere through hard situations in life.

Victor Dekeyser The WalkerSchool

Johanna Epstein The Weber School

High Meadows taught me to live life to the fullest and choose the path that you want to take so that you will enjoy what you do.

High Meadows taught me the importance of caring about the environment and helped me connect with the outdoors.

Reese Burdette Milton High School

Kaelin Burdette Walker High School

At High Meadows, I learned how important it was to connect with people.

HMS taught me to have confidence in myself- that I’m more than I thought I was, and that’s amazing.

Lyla Gerretzen Midtown High School

Niamh Giles Knopp Pope High School

High Meadows taught me to understand and accept others for who they are. There are a lot of different people in the world and you need to learn to accept others on their own terms.

HMS Class of 2020

Taryn Hunter Milton High School

Brenna Jewett Roswell High School

High Meadows taught me to treat others how I want to be treated because no one wants to feel left out or unwanted.

Nicole Luong Mt. Bethel Christian Academy

Resilience - There are a lot of people in the world that try to make your life miserable. I learned to confront instead of sit there and take it. It ultimately makes me a better person.

Kai Keating Roswell High School

The importance of setting attainable goals. Setting goals helps give me direction and motivation and a sense of personal satisfaction. I will always carry this with me since goal setting will be important throughout my life.

Sarah-Neal Knight Mount Paran Christian School

Time management skills or study skills.

Mason Marks Dunwoody High School

Chiara Misawa North Springs High School

Zella Pardue Roswell High School

I learned to advocate for myself and it has been very useful this year!

I learned to vocalize thoughts and questions during class to have a deeper understanding of topics.

That teaching children how to think and solve problems instead of just memorizing facts is the best way to get students interested in lifelong learning. I will take this information with me throughout my education and beyond.

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

Jace Rubenstein North Springs High School

Cyanne Sharon Roswell High School

Eric Sher Innovation Academy

David Strasberg Dunwoody High School

HMS helped me figure out how to make new friends.

High Meadows has taught me how to be a more organized and attentive learner. I am definitely a better student because of it and will use these fundamental skills throughout high school, college, and even my into career.

High Meadows has taught me to be creative and to think outside of the box when working on projects for or outside of school. This is important to me because I know these traits will help me in high school, college, and beyond.

I have learned independence because of the amount of space we had at High Meadows. We were given great opportunities to go off on our own.

We wish the class of 2020 the very best in your ongoing high school endeavers and look forward to staying connected.

Libby Tapasak Blessed Trinity Catholic High School

To have an open mind and be able to adapt to change. We worked in teams various times to find the solution to a problem, and in doing so you have to listen to others ideas, and be able to change the plan if something goes wrong.

Kaya Snyder North Springs High School

Max Allemeier Evanthia Bilson Keela Boyce Kaelin Burdette Reese Burdette Luke Burgess Alexa Carrizales Kayla Clemente Victor Dekeyser Austin Edler Johanna Epstein Eliza Finarelli Ben Franks Lyla Gerretzen Niamh Giles Knopp Jack Griffin Finley Hoffman Taryn Hunter Kate Hurd J.J. Irwin Riley Jackson Brenna Jewett Brianna Katz Eden Katz

Kai Keating Erik Knapp Sarah-Neal Knight Blake Lowrey Nicole Luong Mason Marks Avani Mars Ilan Medwed Chiara Misawa Cristian Olea Zella Pardue Ella Quigley Siyona Raina Olivia Reeder Jace Rubenstein Kiki Sharma Cyanne Sharon Eric Sher Kaya Snyder David Strasberg Nora Sweeney Libby Tapasak Natasha Weinberg

As High Meadows graduates, you soared through high school with confidence, creativity, determination, and a love of learning. Congratulations on your high school graduation! Its time to begin your next journey, and we can’t wait to hear all about the adventures that await you. We asked our 2017 graduates, "What advice would you give to our 8th graders about your high school experience." Read on to hear their responses.

HMS Class of 2017

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

HMS Class of 2017

Connor Beitzell Milton High School University of Georgia

Don’t stress at all about fitting in. As long as you make an effort to be in things you enjoy, people like you will follow.

Austin Buck Sequoyah High School Georgia Institute of Technology

Have fun! Make sure to focus on your grades, but don’t sacrifice all your time and energy for it. Explore YOUR interests!

Will Cave Centennial High School Syracuse University

Noel Crenshaw Riverwood High School Bard College

Cherish every moment and challenge yourself academically. You are more prepared than you think.

Make friends with people who are different than you, focus on having fun and becoming the best person you can be. The rest will work itself out.

Kate Deskey The Lawrenceville School Northeastern University

Genevieve Fidati Paideia School Smith College

Drew Finarelli The Walker School Furman University

Gordon Finnegan Lassiter High School Purdue University

Be sure to hold on to where you came from and always be yourself. You will find new people, places, and activities that you love, but try your best to hold onto your relationships from HMS, too. You will do great things wherever you are!

If you’re worried about high school, that’s normal. HMS prepares you for sure. You’re gonna get through it. Sometimes you might fail a precalculus tests. You will live.

Get help from your teachers.

Use all of the study resources that the High Meadows teachers taught you and you will be more than prepared.

HMS Class of 2017

Grace Gasaway Centennial High School Mercer University

The change from a little private school to big public school can be scary - so don’t be afraid to ask for help, and remind yourself that everyone else is in the same boat!

Sabrina Leftoff North Springs University of Alabama

High school is not scary! There are so many people who want you to succeed and guide you. You are not alone! Stress is inevitable so don’t procrastinate and start your work soon after it is assigned.

Betsy Gould Roswell High School Florida State Universitystudying abroad in Italy

Emery Hoffman Mount Vernon University of South Carolina

Never stop being curious. Do all the things (clubs, football games, dress up days). Grades are important but so are laughter and memories.

The past four years have flown by faster than I could have imagined. Make sure to enjoy all that you do!

Dane Lewandowski The Walker School Gustavus Adolphus College

Kimberly Mendez Roswell High School Trade School for Plumbing

Make sure to ask your teachers for help if you need it and definitely do extracurricular activities and have fun in high school.

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

Get to know as many people as you can and learn a thing or two from them.

Jamie Jewett Roswell High School University of Incarnate Word

Cooper Mills The Galloway School Barrett, Honors College at Arizona State University

Taking tons of AP courses in high school isn’t always the best, especially for your mental health.

Mackenzie Paschal Roswell High School Kennesaw State University

Abigail Peacock The Galloway School University of Edinburgh

Slow down. Be kind to your self, don't take things too seriously. Take advantage of Dual Enrollment.

You already have all the tools you need to succeed in high school and beyond. Focus on the quality of your own experience, and great things will come.

Amanda Reeder The Walker School School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Charli Shapiro Roswell High School/KSU Dual Enrollment Pursuing Film Career

The transition may seem drastic, but HMS highlights the ways that you are uniquely capable, a helpful insight to have in high school! Try not to worry too much about the small stuff and ask for help.

Do not be afraid to break out of the box and be your own person!!!

Congratulations to the entire class of 2017!

Summer Sun Palo Alto High School Carnegie Mellon University

Instead of focusing on getting good grades, prioritize challenging yourself and fostering your own curiosities.

Brock Torres Mount Vernon School University of Alabama

Find something you really enjoy doing. I found working on cars to be a great outlet for me.

Naomi Alexander Connor Beitzell Austin Buck William Bushey Will Cave Noel Crenshaw Kate Deskey Hut Fahnestock Genna Fidati Drew Finarelli Gordie Finnegan Grace Nealie Gasaway Betsy Gould Emery Hoffman Jesse Hudgens Jamie Jewett Sabrina Leftoff Dane Lewandowski Jake Loggins Presley Martinez

Emmie McCoy Tali Medwed Kimberly Mendez Cooper Mills Arshan Mukadam Mackenzie Paschal Abigail Peacock Amanda Reeder Charli Shapiro Kate Sherman Liam Spencer Summer Sun Grace Taheri Luke Taylor Brock Torres Daniel Waller Nic Waters Ellie Weinreb Alec Yeung

2020-2021 Annual Report

Board of Trustees The governing body of High Meadows School is the Board of Trustees. The Board is a self-perpetuating group of volunteer parents, past parents, alumni, grandparents, and friends, all committed to setting the course for the school’s long-term success.

We thank the following trustees for High Meadows School throughout

The Board identifies and studies issues that will impact the school’s future. Through standing committees as well as strategic task forces, it focuses on governance and mission-centered areas of interest. Stewardship of High Meadows’ resources is a primary duty of the Board, not the daily function of the school.

Javier Estrella, Chair Erica Davis, Vice Chair Chris Rogers, Treasurer Amy Jewett, Secretary Geoff Knapp, Member At Large Lisa Tilt, Member At Large

Financials Operating Income 89%

Tuition & Fees




Camp & Auxiliary Programs



Operating Expenses 68%

Salary & Benefits


Financial Aid




Camp & Auxiliary Programs


Buildings & Grounds


Academic Program


Interest & Depreciation

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

Executive Committee

2020-2021 School Administration their service and dedication to the 2020-2021 school year. Members Joe Crowley Theresa Robison Gary Denning Mark Sedgley Audrey Hines Steve Shlansky Jody Holden Katie Johnson Tony Khan Mital Patel Kate Pearson

Lisa Baker, Head of School & Camp John Dovic, Director of Camp and Auxiliary Programs Margaret Jones, Associate Head of School Lori Kennedy, Lower Years Principal Angela Lockard, Associate Director of Development & Communication Laura Nicholson, Director of Admission & Enrollment Matt Nuttall, Middle Years & Connections Principal Michael Rhodes, Director of Technology Roslyn Terrell, Business Manager Danielle Wright, Theatre Arts Teacher and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator

Financial Contributors High Meadows Fund The High Meadows Fund is the school's annual giving campaign that raises critical philanthropic dollars to support the daily operations of the school. Thanks to the generous support of our community, the High Meadows Fund raised over $280,000 this year. As a direct result of High Meadows Fund gifts, we were able to augment technology in the classrooms, complete several buildings and grounds projects, make purchases related to our COVID-19 mitigation strategies, and strengthen our financial foundation for the future. Thank you to the following donors whose gifts during the 2020-2021 academic year helped every student at High Meadows School. $20,000 & Above

Anonymous Donor Jon & Christine Ramsey



Mark & Dorota Sedgley Steve & Michelle Shlansky

P, B B, A


Steven Barnard & Margaret Lamb



Steve & Carlyn Romeyn

B, A


The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Joe & Claudia Astrachan Gary & Rosa Denning Ken & Donna Hall Jed & Brandy Harvey



Anonymous Donor Brian & Becky Albertalli Gary & Robyn Berzack Jamie & Katie Jaffe Erich & Kelly Janzen Amy & Diane Jewett Subin Menon & Archana Jayan Roger Mitchell & Tameka Phillips Eduardo & Shannon Perez Max & Julie Shapiro Sallie Samuels Gul & Usha Thadani

P P P P B, A P P P P S G

Lisa Baker & Kristi Fielder Rex Baker & Megan McRoberts Eric & Cheryl Barlow Randy & Mary Ann Bigler Darlene Coyne James Crowley & Phil Mack Luke & Erica Davis Ignacio Diego Andrew & Sarah Gibbons Elliott & Maggie Gordon Isaac & Sharidy Gowin Daniel & Brooke Gray Steven & Valerie Hong Anil Jagarlamudi & Mahalakshmi Sudanagunta

S P P P S, G P, B P, B G P P P P P, A P


HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

Key: B = Board Member/Founder P = Current Parent S = Faculty/Staff A = Alumni/Alumni Parent G = Grandparent F = Friends FD = Foundation

Geoff & Stephanie Knapp Seong & Soo Lee Scott & Nancy Lupinski Neil & Melissa Marini Jack & Marianne Marraccini Richard & Jessica McCraw Stefan Schmieta & Dörte Wohmann-Schmieta Starr Snead John & Jacinda Stamey Chester & Olga Thomas Michael & Lisa Tilt Jon & Alexis Valera Chris Watford & Mary Ann Sardone-Watford Ken & Stephanie Wright

P, B P P P G P P, A F P P P, B P P P


Anonymous Donors (2) Jason & Cari Begin Carlos & Paula Fabian Bremer Barbara Brooks Collin & Bess Brown Mark & Tracy Brown Laura Calvert Travis & Caroline Carr Scott & Erin Conley James & Kendra Cox Pat & GG Daly Robert & Patricia Hampel Audrey Hines Stacy Holloway Katie Johnson Margaret & Jonathan Jones Lori Kennedy

P P G P A S P P P, S P P B G B S S

Tony & Molly Khan Agazi Kidane & Eleni Nega Robin Macke John & Kelly McCraney Christopher Mroczka & Leslie Younkins Chris & Laura Nicholson Ankit & Mital Patel Daniel & Mary Phelps Zachary & Julia Prescott Matthew & Caroline Richardson Taylor & Theresa Robison Scott & Grace Shickler Ulrich & Jeanine Sturz Marshall & Kate Sweeney Mark & Carrie Warrington-Read Jeff & Lisa Williams Ali & Kristen Yarbou

P, B P G P P P, S P, B P P P P, B A P P P S, A P

Up to $499 Anonymous Donors (10) Gail Albert Darrick & Suzanne Alford Ken & Karen Allen Jeffrey Amezqua & Tiffany Hannon Gerald & Tasha Babiar Andrew & Anne Bacchus Holly Berg Ryan & Sarah Bobbitt James & Katie Boston Bill & Bonnie Braine Deanna Bussard Chris Cerimele Cynthia Cintron Linda Cox Kathleen Coyne Craig & Jenni Crenshaw Kenneth Dardick Clive Davis & Yvette Cupid John Dovic Rebecca Drage Michael & Martha Drake Michelle Epstein Javier Estrella & Johane Baez Alejandro & Karen Figueiredo David & Amanda Flashner Linda Foley Kirsten Fournier Jana Franks Jenifer Friedman Jo Gallaugher Sheryl Garrett Lee & Larisa Gilbert

S P S,A P P, S P S P, A P A S F S G P P, A G S, P, A S S B S, A P, B P P F S A S G S A

Chad & Maggie Godhard Jimmy & Megan Gosma Lori Beth Green Mark & Reina Grundhoefer Sam & Chelsea Harrison Charles & Kathleen Herndon Jody Holden Jared Huller & Kelly Costa Huller Scott & Jean Hunter Roshni Ismail Justin & Sharanne Johns Sameer & Marisa Joshi Kathy Jung David & Kim Keating Adam & Holly Kintner Russell Knudsen Christina Lababidi Ryan & Andrea Landers Ginger Landers Angela Lockard Jennifer Lott Anne Lovatt Kristina Lucarelli Craig & Haley Madole Steven & Mia Mandel Jason & Davina Marraccini Mario & Ana Maria Martinez Michael & Libby McCutchen Susan McMahon Jim Mercy & Avid Reza John & Linda Monahan John Monahan & Lily Moore-Coll Jane Murphy

P P S P P, A P B P S, A S P P F P, A P S S P S S S S, A P P P P P P, S F P G P S, A

Ben & Raina Nadler Marius & Christy Nel Jonathan & Cari Newman Matt & Robin Nuttall Jerry O'Keefe & Nicole Dye-O'Keefe David & Daria Pardue Michael & Calley Pavlovich Fran Peterson Rosalind Reiss Michael & Wendy Rhodes Kara Saiz Matthew & Erica Sartorio Corey & Mary Schuman Marcello & Andrea Schutzer Sujit Sharma & Achal Mehta Todd & Amy Sherman Monti & Christina Simmons Allison Stanley Jack & Kate Stoessel Brent & Marci Suddeth Liz Thompson Sarah Topper Anne Verville Peggy Volrath Daron & Julie Vroon Brian Waldman & Samara Kaufman Paula Williams Jeremy & Di Wilms Linda Wise Eric & Shannon Wright Danielle Wright Adrianna Zambrano

P P P, S, A P, S P P P G F S, A S P S, P P P P P S S, P P S S S S P P S P S S S P

Financial Contributors

Matching Gift Companies Donors are able to increase the value of their donation by utilizing an employee matching gift benefits program at the company where they work. Thank you to the following companies who provided matching gifts to High Meadows School. Assurant Bank of America BlackRock Coca Cola Crum & Forster Dell Corporation Epsilon

Goldman Sachs InVision App Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Pfizer Inc. Salesforce Suntrust Bank/Truist Synchrony

Ted Wolf Memorial Scholarship Fund Jennifer Armstrong Joel Deitch & Corey-Jan Albert David & Dana Meyer Patricia Wolf

Jack Gilliom Campership Fund Mike & Bonnie Gilliom

Georgia GOAL Tax Credit Program The state of Georgia has set aside $100 million for taxpayers to redirect a portion of their state tax liability to provide tuition assistance to students matriculating into independent schools from the public school system. Thank you to those who have participated in the Georgia GOAL Tax Credit Program. Your support makes a positive difference for families within our community, and your contribution will continue to strengthen our school in countless ways. The additional financial aid funding created by the tax credit program frees up High Meadows School’s operating budget for other important initiatives. As a result, every High Meadows School student is positively impacted. Thank you to our 2020 Tax Year Contributors.

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL | A Year in Review | 2020-2021

James & Gail Albert Brian & Rebecca Albertalli Lisa Backalenick Rex Baker & Megan McRoberts Gary & Robyn Berzack Ryan & Sarah Bobbitt Collin & Bess Brown Mark & Tracy Brown Neil & Susannah Campbell Gerald & Cameron Clark James & Kendra Cox Craig & Jenni Crenshaw Joe Crowley & Phil Mack Lucas & Erica Davis Christina Dechen Gary & Rosa Denning John Dovic Javier Estrella & Johane Baez Jon & Erica Torres Apollonia Fortuna Creighton & Kelly Frommer

Andrew & Sarah Gibbons Chad & Maggie Godhard James & Megan Gosma Gary & Jackie Greenhood Paul & Ellen Guziel Ken & Donna Hall Jed & Brandy Harvey Stuart & Senetha Houck Holli Hutson Jacob & Kerri Irwin Roshni & Mahamood Ismail James & Katie Jaffe Amy & Diane Jewett Jonathan & Margaret Jones Lori Kennedy Geoff & Stephanie Knapp Russell Knudsen Matthew & Tracy Lekawa Angela Lockard Dustin & Brooke Logan Anne Lovatt

Jason & Davina Marraccini Jeffrey & Patricia McDaniel Ylayalv Medina William & CeCe Meyers Peter Miralles Jane Murphy Marius & Christy Nel Chris & Laura Nicholson Tim Ovbey Christopher & Kari Peterson Nancy Puckett Ravi & Nishi Raina Jon & Christine Ramsey Michael & Wendy Rhodes Gregory Rodriguez Steve & Carlyn Romeyn Karl & Helene Romine Sallie Samuels Mark & Dorota Sedgley Max & Julie Shapiro Valera & Marina Shifrin

Steve & Michelle Shlansky John & Jacinda Stamey Steven & Sandi Strasberg Scott & Catherine Strobeck Ulrich & Jeanine Sturz Ryan & Chi Swallow Michael & Lisa Tilt Sarah Topper Peggy Volrath Daron & Julie Vroon Lior & Sarah Weinstein George & Angela Williamson John Wilson Isaac Wolf & Jennifer Larson Pat Wolf Daniel & Teresa Woodruff Danielle Wright Rafael & Chelsea Zabala Adrianna Zambrano Carol Zboreak

*The 2020-2021 Annual Report is published by the Development Office to express gratitude to those who have generously given to the school during the fiscal year (June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021). Every effort has been made to ensure that each contributor's name is properly listed. Please accept our apology if your name was omitted, listed incorrectly, or misspelled. Please advise us of the error by emailing development@highmeadows.org.

Happy 50th Birthday, High Meadows School & Camp! We have BIG plans to celebrate our 50th year during the 2022-2023 school year! High Meadows Camp will kick-off our 50th year in summer 2022, followed by community celebrations throughout the year.

Stay connected to hear how you can celebrate with us!

Our Mission To celebrate and perpetuate each individual’s quest for knowledge and skill, sense of wonder, and connection to the natural environment. We empower each to be a compassionate, responsible, and active global citizen.

High Meadows School & Camp 1055 Willeo Road Roswell, GA 30075 highmeadows.org 770.993.2940

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