2022 Winter Advocate

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Winter 2022

Your giving matters.

On our cover: Our medical director of cardiology, Azhil (Alex) Durairaj, MD, is pictured in our new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center before the facility opened to patients in August 2021. The center’s comprehensive range of cardiovascular services — all brought together under one roof — is making it easier than ever to heal hearts. Visit page 12 to learn more about the Heart & Vascular Center.

Contents. Winter 2022


28 Huntington Annual Fund

Thoughtful community giving

29 President’s Circle

Leading through giving

30 Vicki and Bob Bond

Building a legac y of care for our community

34 Your giving matters

Bill Mahoney

36 Robert Luis Pereira

Sustaining lifesaving care

38 Grateful Hearts

Steve Allen

40 I am Huntington

Nathan Bond and Melissa Monzon

42 Thank you to our valued partners

Flintridge La Cañada Guild, Huntington Charity League and Altadena Guild

44 Your giving matters

Rachel and Francis Galluppi

46 Austrian-American Council West Advanced care for premature infants

A note on this issue: Some of the photos included in the following pages were taken before the pandemic began. As a result, they show individuals who are not wearing masks or practicing social distancing. In response to this health crisis, we took prompt and thorough action to protect patients, staff, visitors and our community. We remain responsive to local need and committed to your safety. Visit www.huntingtonhospital.org/COVID-19 for the latest information and how we are working to keep you safe.

Around the campus
Huntington Hospital + Cedars-Sinai Health System
Huntington: Taking surgical care to the next level
Your giving matters Jamie Brady-Smith 8 The Margaret and Ned Good Endowment for Graduate Medical Education 10 Fall Food + Wine Festival A new way to celebrate Heart & Vascular Center Feature 12 Meet our new Heart & Vascular Center 16 The Webster Family Transforming cardiac care 20 Your giving matters
Hanafi 22 Eva and Jason Chau Strengthening heart care 26 Caregiver Spotlight Heart & Vascular Center staff

A note of gratitude.

It’s an eventful time in Huntington’s history. We continue to adjust our approach as the COVID-19 public health crisis evolves — ensuring we can provide the best possible care. At the same time, recent enhancements across our campus are taking us into the future of medicine. As we step up to this next level of care excellence, I’m grateful for thoughtful donors like you who make it all possible.

Community philanthropists have helped us reach new heights in cardiac care by funding the creation of our new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center. In this state-of-the-art medical hub, patients now have access to the latest and greatest in cardiac innovations, right on our campus. In these pages, we’re pleased to share the stories of some of our most generous donors and why they chose to support heart care here.

Read on to also learn about how gifts from our community help us deliver above-and-beyond medical care to patients who come to us with a variety of injuries and ailments — including COVID-19. You’ll meet some of the patients whose lives have been changed thanks to the care made possible through your charitable gifts.

It’s only with the support of friends like you that we’re able to continue to heal, to create, to innovate and to deliver the very best in care to our patients. And it’s thanks to you that we can look forward to further advancements in 2022 and beyond. Thank you for your support.

Advocate. Winter 2022 1

Around the campus.

There is always something new going on at Huntington Hospital! Here are just a few of the things happening around our campus thanks to the support of our community.

Hands-on training.

Huntington Hospital offers top-notch residency training in both internal medicine and general surgery through our Graduate Medical Education program. Gifts from our community help ensure our residents have the up-to-date knowledge and skills they need to provide the very best of care.

Care for COVID-19 long-haulers.

What happens when COVID-19 symptoms do not go away? Some people experience lingering health problems, including shortness of breath, fatigue and heart palpitations, even after they have recovered from the acute phase of the illness. This is often referred to as long COVID-19.

To help support the recovery of people with long COVID-19, Huntington Hospital has established a Long COVID Recovery Clinic (LCRC) at Huntington Ambulatory Care Center. Led by renowned infectious disease specialist Kimberly Shriner, MD, patients are evaluated at our LCRC and referred to our multidisciplinary team of specialists for customized treatment. Patients are also invited to participate in clinical research related to long COVID-19. Philanthropic contributions from our community help make the work of our LCRC possible.

Proceeds from The Schow Endowment for Graduate Medical Education are helping us purchase an exciting new piece of equipment: the SimNow Simulator Console. Using this state-of-the-art technology, residents will participate in realistic simulations of a variety of surgical scenarios. SimNow will give these new surgeons the hands-on training they need to use advanced robotic surgical equipment. We are grateful to the Schow family for helping our residents become outstanding physicians.

2 Your giving matters.

Canine therapy.

Sometimes, the companionship of a furry friend can make all the difference. Pet-Assisted Therapy (PAT) dogs have been a presence on Huntington Hospital’s campus since 1984 and are an important part of our innovative array of supportive services. Our PAT program connects patients with special canine volunteers — each of which is lovingly trained to work in the hospital. Hospital staff members, too, benefit from visits from our pet therapy dogs, during often-stressful work days. In 2021, we were thrilled to add four new dogs to our pet therapy team. Support from The Thornton S. Glide, Jr. and Katrina D. Glide Foundation helps make this important work possible. During the pandemic and always, our PAT dogs help to lift everyone’s spirits. Recently, one of our team members was so touched by a visit from a PAT dog named Maya that she gave a Grateful Hearts gift in recognition of the dog’s work. Our Grateful Hearts program allows employees and members of the community to make a gift in honor of any hospital team member — including PAT dogs — who provides exceptional service. Visit https://giving. huntingtonhospital.com/caregiver to learn more about how you can make a Grateful Hearts gift.

Supporting seniors.

We are here for our region’s seniors. Since 1984, Huntington Senior Care Network (SCN) has provided a wide array of services to older adults and adults with disabilities, as well as to their family caregivers. Community support allows SCN’s skilled nurses and social workers to support thousands of vulnerable community members each year so that they can remain as vital, healthy and independent as possible.

In addition to its high-quality in-home programs, SCN provides education on aging; links seniors to additional resources they need; and enhances the skills of caregivers, service providers and others. It also publishes informative publications throughout the year. At the start of the pandemic, SCN’s popular Noon Hour lecture series was converted to a virtual format. Known as Tele-Noon Hour events, these call-in lectures provide information that can help keep older adults in good health and age well, while remaining safe at home. Visit www.huntingtonhospital.org/SCN to learn more about SCN.

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Huntington Hospital + Cedars-Sinai Health System: A partnership that benefits you.

Huntington Hospital is a pillar of our community. One on which people have relied for lifesaving care for nearly 130 years. To ensure your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and greatgreat-grandchildren continue to have access to world-class care right here in Pasadena, we took the exciting and forward-thinking step of affiliating with Cedars-Sinai Health System.

While drawing on the extraordinary strengths of this affiliation, our unique culture as a community institution, governed by our local board with our own employees and medical staff, will continue. Philanthropy and volunteer support will also remain locally controlled by our hospital for the benefit of the communities we serve.

Being part of Cedars-Sinai Health System brings many benefits to you, our community, our employees and our medical staff. The affiliation includes commitments for continued investment in our hospital and opportunities for collaborations with the other entities in the health system — sharing expertise and resources that further strengthen Huntington and our longstanding commitment to providing affordable, high-quality care to the San Gabriel Valley.

One thing that will not change is our ongoing focus on providing excellent, compassionate patient care to our community. It has always been, and remains, our top priority. This new affiliation with Cedars-Sinai ensures we can continue to meet this commitment for decades to come.

4 Your giving matters.
Visit www.huntingtonhospital.org/about-us to learn more.

Huntington: Taking surgical care to the next level.

Philanthropic funds have allowed Huntington Hospital to undertake an ambitious construction project aimed at building out our surgical facilities by adding new and upgraded surgical spaces on our campus. This project will allow us to speed treatment times, improve outcomes and serve more patients.

We are pleased to share that construction was recently completed on six brand-new operating rooms! These suites are designed for specific types of surgery — trauma, orthopedic, neurologic and robotic — allowing our team to streamline their work and easily access specialized tools.

That is not all! We are currently hard at work on enhancements to eight existing surgery suites. Outfitting these rooms with state-of-the-art technology and future-ready infrastructure will allow us to continue to deliver the latest and greatest in surgical care. Operating room doors will, for example, be outfitted with auto-open sensors and there will be new antimicrobial light fixtures. Rooms will include new booms, surgical lights and control panels. Additionally, an enhanced airflow and ventilation system will help decrease the presence of airborne particulates during procedures. We anticipate finishing work on these upgraded suites by the end of 2022.

Once complete, the surgery center will also include ample space for patient preparation and recovery, as well as comfortable waiting areas, well-equipped nursing stations and related administrative space. We will also add a seventh new surgery suite. Construction is being phased to ensure the ongoing availability of surgical services.

All surgical spaces are being built above our Nan and Howard Schow Emergency & Trauma Center and are easily accessed via a single elevator ride. This ensures trauma patients and people with life-threatening conditions can be rapidly transferred to their awaiting surgical team — helping to speed care and save lives.

We are excited to take Huntington Hospital to the next level of surgical care, and we thank the generous donors who are making it possible. Visit https://giving. huntingtonhospital.com to make a gift in support of our surgery project today.

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Your giving matters.

If you need surgery, you should not settle for anything less than the highest level of care. Donor support allows Huntington Hospital to attract outstanding surgeons, purchase state-of-the-art equipment and invest in advanced facilities — all of which combine to make us a regional leader in surgical care.

When Jamie Brady-Smith started feeling pain around her shoulder, she figured it would go away on its own. She was wrong. Her pain grew more and more intense.

Jamie turned to Huntington Hospital for help. She works here as our manager of donor relations and special events, and trusts us to deliver the best possible care. Jamie was diagnosed with spinal stenosis — a narrowing of the spaces within the spine, which can put pressure on your nerves. She underwent a CT-guided epidural procedure at the hospital, performed by Angelos Konstas, MD.

Jamie felt better for about a month, but it did not last. She met with Bradley Johnson, MD, a Huntington Hospital-affiliated orthopedic surgeon who specializes in spine surgery. Dr. Johnson recommended she try physical therapy before undergoing surgery, which helped for a while. “I appreciated the fact that my doctors tried other options to help relieve my pain before resorting to surgery,” she says. Her pain, however, eventually returned — this time even worse than before. “I couldn’t stand, and I couldn’t drive,” she says. “I cried every single day.”

Surgery was now the only option left. Dr. Johnson recommended replacing two of the discs in Jamie’s spine with Mobi-C discs — prosthetics that result in less pain and recovery time than traditional spinal fusion.

The operation was done on an outpatient basis and Jamie was able to go home the same day. “Dr. Johnson was world class, and the nurses were so reassuring,” she says. “I was very anxious, but they explained everything in detail without making me feel like my questions were silly.”

Jamie felt immediate relief after the procedure. Even months later, she is still pain free. She can finally go on walks and spend time with her family without discomfort. Thankful for the compassionate care she received here, Jamie has made several philanthropic gifts to the hospital through our Grateful Hearts program. This program allows patients and their families to honor hospital staff members who made a special impact.

“You don’t realize what you’re missing out on until your pain is gone,” Jamie says. “The surgery was life-changing for me. It’s all thanks to the team at Huntington Hospital, and I’m forever grateful.”

6 Your giving matters.
Visit www.huntingtonhospital.org/surgery for information about our leading-edge surgical services.

Jamie Brady-Smith (pictured with her husband, Dan Smith) is grateful to be pain free after undergoing spine surgery at Huntington Hospital — allowing her to get back to enjoying quality time with her family.

Pictured opposite (from bottom, left to right), Daniel, Kevin, Estevan, Andrew, Riley, Jamie and Dan.

The Margaret and Ned Good Endowment for Graduate Medical Education

Ned Good (pictured) and his wife, Margaret, continue to generously support Huntington Hospital, even after their deaths. Created by their estate, The Margaret and Ned Good Endowment for Graduate Medical Education will benefit surgical residents here.

8 Your giving matters.

During their lifetimes, Margaret and Ned Good were among Huntington Hospital’s most steadfast and generous supporters. For years, their significant investments in our work helped our team deliver the best possible care to our patients.

Even after their deaths, the Goods’ generosity lives on. Their estate created The Margaret and Ned Good Endowment for Graduate Medical Education here, which is helping to teach and prepare the next generation of surgeons in our region.

Proceeds from the Good Endowment will support our comprehensive surgical residency program, which gives our general surgery residents the chance to experience one-on-one interactions with board-certified specialists, consultation rounds with attending physicians, simulation-based skills trainings, special lecture opportunities and more. Through this program, our residents are primed to bring Huntington Hospital’s special brand of expert, compassionate care to our community and beyond.

Have you considered including Huntington  Hospital in your estate plan?

A charitable bequest is an easy way to make a lasting impact.

You may leave money that will help us meet any needs that may arise, or you may identify a program that has special meaning to you. Your gift may reduce the tax burden on your family and estate.

Consult with your attorney to learn how your will or living trust can specify that a particular asset, dollar amount or percentage of your estate be given to Huntington Hospital.

Please contact Helen Bechtolt, senior director of principal gifts, at helen.bechtolt@ huntingtonhospital.com or (626) 397-3241 for more information.

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We are immensely grateful for the everlasting support of Margaret and Ned Good, which will continue to strengthen physician education and quality surgical care for our region in perpetuity.

Fall Food + Wine Festival

A new way to celebrate.

For some, autumn means pumpkin-flavored drinks and leaves falling. For us, autumn has always signaled that our Fall Food + Wine Festival was right around the corner. Each October, guests would join together on the grounds between the Parkway Grill and Arroyo Chop House to eat, drink, dance — and save lives: Their participation raised essential funds for Huntington Hospital Trauma Center, the largest trauma center in our region.

In 2020, we had to think differently about how we celebrate Fall Food + Wine season. We transformed the festival into the Fall Food + Wine Restival, a special fundraising campaign to carry on the spirit of the event by raising funds to support lifesaving trauma care here.

The campaign was a huge success, and in 2021, we wanted to keep the momentum going — while also adding a special twist for the campaign’s supporters.

Thus, Fall Food + Wine with a twist was born. We were excited to give our patrons a fun way to get a taste of festivals past, while avoiding the risks that come with attending large-scale events during the pandemic. Each participant who gave at the Chardonnay level or higher was treated to dinner and wine (in person or via pickup) compliments of our generous Fall Food + Wine vendors.

Once again, Fall Food + Wine supporters stepped up to help local trauma patients — raising a total of $230,000. Guests loved having the chance to enjoy the gourmet offerings they sampled in previous festivals.

These funds are crucial in our work treating patients with life-threatening injuries — work that has not stopped during the pandemic. Additionally, due to a hospital-wide strain on resources caused by COVID-19, these gifts are even more critical.

Funds raised through Fall Food + Wine with a twist help us offer outstanding care to patients suffering from severe injuries, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They help the hospital to invest in leading-edge equipment, train members of our community through the Stop the Bleed program, and provide advanced education for our trauma nurses and surgical residents.

This year’s patrons have shown us that Fall Food +Wine is more than an event. The essence of celebration and of giving that we feel each fall lives on through them. We thank our Fall Food + Wine with a twist donors for their generous support.

10 Your giving matters.

2021 Fall Food + Wine Committee

We are grateful to Fall Food + Wine Committee members for helping us celebrate the spirit of the Fall Food + Wine Festival in a new way. Thank you to the following dedicated community members for their involvement:

Janet Mayeda, Co-chair

Nick Salata, Co-chair

Linda Barker

Rachel Barker

Garrett Bell

Karen Billman

Brian Birnie

Jamie Brady-Smith

Carter Donaldson

Pinky Lark Farnum

John Haglund

Anne Irvine

Bailey and Brett Larson

Bob Michero

Lia Peterson Miller

Blake Mount

Cathy Simms

Rob Terrazas

with a twist

World-class trauma care.

Funds raised through the 2020 Fall Food + Wine Restival and 2021 Fall Food + Wine with a twist allowed us to purchase Belmont® Rapid Infuser RI-2s. This advanced equipment will be used in Huntington Hospital Trauma Center to treat patients who have suffered massive blood loss.

Community philanthropy is also helping us take our trauma care services to an even higher level of excellence: It has allowed us to build a dedicated trauma surgery suite in our new surgery center, located above our Nan and Howard Schow Emergency & Trauma Center. This state-of-the-art operating room was specially designed to allow for prompt, streamlined care for patients with traumatic injuries.

Thank you to our generous community donors for helping to save the lives of seriously injured patients in our region. We are truly grateful.

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2021 Vin de Soins Bienveillants

Meet our new Heart & Vascular Center.

Our medical director of cardiology, Azhil (Alex) Durairaj, MD, is deeply grateful for the community philanthropists who invested in the creation of our new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center.

World-class heart care has a new home at Huntington Hospital.

We are pleased to share that, thanks to donor support, Huntington Hospital’s new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center opened its doors in August 2021.

Advocate. Winter 2022 13
14 Your giving matters.

Our new Heart & Vascular Center is the most comprehensive and innovative facility for cardiac care in the San Gabriel Valley. It offers a full spectrum of cardiology services — including screening and diagnostic tests, advanced medical and surgical treatments, and cardiac rehabilitation and education programs — all under one roof. By offering related cardiac services in one centralized location, we have streamlined the care experience for patients. The modern and well-equipped center features:

• Two catheterization suites outfitted with the latest imaging technology, enabling us to provide prompt, high-quality treatment to patients with potentially life-threatening heart problems.

• An innovative catheterization and surgical hybrid suite that allows us to efficiently perform both minimally invasive procedures and traditional surgical intervention in one place.

• A high-tech electrophysiology suite in which we can evaluate the heart’s electrical system and diagnose arrhythmias.

• Six suites designed to accommodate a wide range of tests — including electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, treadmill stress tests and more — to help us diagnose complex heart conditions.

• Eight private patient care rooms where our team can prepare and closely monitor patients.

Located directly above our Nan and Howard Schow Emergency & Trauma Center, our new Heart & Vascular Center can be accessed by a fast one-minute elevator ride. This ensures patients in need of immediate treatment receive vital care as quickly as possible — helping to save lives. The new and larger space will also allow our hospital to increase the number of patients treated by 30%, so that we can heal more hearts.

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“Our new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center is helping ensure we can serve our area’s growing population. The new, state-of-the-art center wouldn’t be possible without the support of friends like you. Thank you for helping us provide the very highest‑quality care for our community.”
Azhil (Alex) Durairaj, MD, medical director of cardiology

Our innovative new Heart & Vascular Center is named in honor of Helen and Wilton (Will) Webster, who, together with their sons, Alec (not pictured) and Richard (pictured with his wife, Kimberly Kenne), played a significant role in funding the center’s creation.

16 Your giving matters.

The Webster Family

Transforming cardiac care.

Simply put, Huntington Hospital’s new Heart & Vascular Center would not exist without the support of the Webster family. The Websters, including the late Helen and Wilton (Will), and their sons, Richard and Alec, have long been the heart of our work. Most recently, the family’s foundation — The Helen and Will Webster Foundation — made a generous capstone gift toward the new center, helping ensure the successful completion of the project. The foundation also made a significant leadership gift toward creation of the facility early in the project’s development.

The new state-of-the-art center, which opened in August 2021, has been named the Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center. Richard and Alec are thrilled that the new center named in honor of their parents is now in operation. “Our parents would feel so proud to know that the center is open and that our family was so involved,” Richard says. “Like me and Alec, they were both very passionate about this project. It was a family affair.”

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Deep roots.

Our friendship with the Websters has deep roots, and their story closely mirrors ours. “My great-grandfather was a rancher and miner who moved here in 1886,” Richard explains. The hospital was established six years later.

“Huntington Hospital is part of our family’s story,” he continues. “My dad was born here and my children were too.” The Websters have come through our doors many times since. Will once came to our Nan and Howard Schow Emergency & Trauma Center after a mild heart attack, and Richard spent an entire Christmas there. “Being in an emergency room wasn’t my preferred way of celebrating the holiday,” Richard says, “but Huntington Hospital provides amazing care. They make you feel like family.”

Impactful improvements.

The Websters’ connection to healing hearts goes back further than their generous gift to our new Heart & Vascular Center — further even than Will’s cardiac event: An engineer and pioneering inventor, Will worked with renowned cardiologists to revolutionize the fields of catheterization and electrophysiology. The medical advancements Will made through his company, Webster Laboratories, now part of Johnson & Johnson’s Biosense Webster, continue to impact the lives of cardiac patients today.

In that spirit of continuous improvement, our new Heart & Vascular Center has been intentionally built to accommodate future advancements. “We’re excited about how adaptable the rooms are,” Richard says. “They’ll allow the hospital to remain at the forefront of cardiac care even as the field progresses.”

18 Your giving matters.
Members of our Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center team include, from left, Stacy Pereira; Kalin Ichev; Candy Corral; Azhil (Alex) Durairaj, MD; Gail Cinexi; and Satenik Danielyan.

Enhancing access for all.

The Websters want to create more opportunities for those in need. Through the Helen and Will Webster Foundation, they do just that. “Our family wants to help people progress — whether through access to quality health care or through educational opportunities for kids,” Richard says. “It’s about giving people access to more resources.”

This passion for supporting access for our friends and neighbors in the community shows in the Websters’ support of our work. “The hospital makes world-class medical resources available to every single person in our area,” Richard says. “It’s truly a jewel of the San Gabriel Valley.”

The Webster family hopes their gifts will inspire others to contribute to the hospital. “It’s so important to support Huntington Hospital because nearly everyone will need it sooner or later,” Richard says. “You may need it when your kids are born, or when you have an accident; it touches every family in our community. I can’t imagine Pasadena without it.”

Thank you to everyone who supported this project! We are especially grateful to the following donors who made transformative gifts toward our new Heart & Vascular Center.

Peter Arkley and Denise Wynn

Eva and Jason Chau

Heather and Paul Haaga

Terri and Jerry Kohl

The Lakeview Foundation

Thuy and Buddy* Moss

Helen and Will Webster


“It’s so important to support Huntington Hospital because nearly everyone will need it sooner or later.”
Advocate. Winter 2022 19

Your giving matters.

Patients value Huntington Hospital not only for our expert care, but also for our state-of-theart facilities and leading-edge technologies. Our new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center encompasses all three and is a great example of how philanthropic support allows us to remain at the forefront of medical care in our region.

Josie Hanafi has a clear preference when she needs medical care. A clinical lab scientist in our hematology department, Josie chooses to receive care at Huntington Hospital for the same reason she chooses to work here. “I love Huntington Hospital, and I trust all the doctors here,” she says. “I believe in the work we do.”

When Josie began to experience blurry vision and a terrible headache, however, she was not in our area. She was rushed to the emergency room at another hospital, where it was confirmed that she had suffered a major stroke.

Upon her release from the hospital, Josie scheduled a follow-up appointment with Fernando Roth, MD, a cardiologist affiliated with Huntington Hospital. Through a diagnostic ultrasound, Dr. Roth determined the likely cause of her symptoms: Josie had a patent foramen ovale (PFO) — a small opening between the two upper chambers of her heart.

Josie needed to have the PFO in her heart closed. She was referred to Azhil (Alex) Durairaj, MD, medical director of cardiology here. Dr. Durairaj performed a minimally invasive procedure on Josie in our Heather and Paul Haaga Hybrid Catheterization Suite, located in

our new Heart & Vascular Center. “I was actually the first patient to ever be treated in the hybrid suite,” says Josie. “I’d never seen anything like it. It was a spectacular space full of the most state-of-the-art instrumentation.”

The first of its kind in our service region, our hybrid suite accommodates both catheterization and surgical procedures. As a result, the suite can be used to treat patients whose condition may require rapid transition from catheterization to surgery. “Knowing the hospital was equipped with the most advanced technology and prepared for any possibility made me feel more relaxed,” says Josie.

The procedure went perfectly. “I’m so thankful for Dr. Durairaj,” she says. “I felt like I was his only patient. Dr. Roth was also amazing, and the nurses were so reassuring. They even played music for me before the procedure to help me stay calm.”

Josie went home the next day feeling great, and she returned to work a week later. She was quickly back to her normal activities, which include being a wife and mom, and volunteering at her church. “Having a heart procedure can be scary,” says Josie, “but I knew I was in the right place.”

20 Your giving matters.
Visit www.huntingtonhospital.org/heart to learn about our expert cardiology services.

Eva and Jason Chau

Strengthening heart care.

Jason Chau has a special place in his heart for Huntington Hospital. Aside from a brief hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he has attended the cardiac rehabilitation program here three times per week for 30 years. He and his wife, Eva, have also been philanthropic contributors to our work for nearly as long.

Most recently, the Chaus made a significant gift toward our new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center. The couple designated their gift in honor of cardiologist John L. Easthope, MD, who has treated Jason since 1991.

As a longtime cardiac patient at Huntington Hospital, Jason understands the value our new Heart & Vascular Center brings. “One time I went to the emergency room,” he says, “and I had to be wheeled all the way over to the catheterization lab. I remember thinking, ‘Why are they taking me so far away?’”

The center offers a comprehensive range of cardiovascular services, from research and diagnosis to treatment and recovery, all under one roof. The facility is strategically located above our Nan and Howard Schow Emergency & Trauma Center, helping us deliver urgent heart care faster than ever before. As soon as the Chaus learned of our new Heart & Vascular Center, they knew they had to support it.

“It was my idea,” Jason jokes, “to put all these services together!”

22 Your giving matters.
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All about community.

Jason was diagnosed with arterial sclerosis in 1990 and underwent two coronary angiogram procedures here. He began our cardiac rehabilitation program shortly thereafter. Through the program, Jason built more than just his heart health. Staying after each session to chat with other participants, he also built friendships that last to this day. “For Jason, it’s always been about more than just exercise,” Eva says. “It’s about community.”

Eva notes how Jason’s experience in cardiac rehabilitation at Huntington Hospital has paralleled the growth and development of the hospital itself. “Through rehab, Jason grew stronger — in more ways than one,” she says. “Jason transformed as he watched the hospital transform.”

Adapting and thriving.

Both Eva and Jason have called many places home. A fifth generation Hawaiian, Eva was born in China, went to college in Hawaii, and moved to San Francisco after graduating. Jason was born in Shanghai, lived in Hong Kong and came to California for college. Eva and Jason met in San Francisco when a mutual friend asked Jason for a favor. “Our friend couldn’t pick Eva up from the airport, so he asked me to help out,” Jason says. “The rest is history,” Eva adds. The couple moved several more times, and along the way, Eva gave birth to their two sons.

Jason’s career has been similarly far-reaching. After college, he worked as an engineer. Later, he entered the field of real estate development — first in Guam and then in Southern California — where Jason and his soon-to-be business partner would make a life-changing decision.

24 Your giving matters.
“By supporting the hospital, we’re helping others, but we’re also helping ourselves.”

“The City and County of Los Angeles were seeking contractors from minority groups, but we didn’t have the capital to undertake the projects,” Jason says. “We came together and pooled our resources so we could meet their requirements.” It worked, and it opened doors for lucrative opportunities across Los Angeles. Together, Jason and his partner purchased many properties, including a car dealership in Alhambra that they operated for 16 years.

Investing in exceptional care.

Jason’s success comes from knowing how to seize opportunities by thinking strategically. It is with this keen sense that he and Eva chose to donate to Huntington Hospital.

“By supporting the hospital, we’re helping others, but we’re also helping ourselves,” Jason explains. In fact, within the first month

of its opening, Jason visited our new Heart & Vascular Center after feeling pains in his chest. Thankfully, it was nothing serious, but the experience allowed the Chaus to see the value of their investment firsthand.

“From the intentional layout of the facilities to the incredibly advanced equipment, the center was so impressive,” Jason says. “I could tell there was so much thought put into making the space as patient-friendly as possible.”

For the Chaus, Jason’s visit to the Heart & Vascular Center reinforced how crucial gifts are to the hospital. “Health is one of the most important things in life,” Eva says, “and medical advancements require funding. Philanthropic support helps Huntington Hospital ensure it has the latest technology to deliver the best of care right here in our community.”

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When Jason Chau visited our new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center as a patient, he was impressed with the modern facility, including patient care rooms like the one featured here.

Caregiver Spotlight. Heart & Vascular Center staff

Our new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center was made possible thanks to the generosity of local friends like you. We asked a few team members about how the Heart & Vascular Center is making a difference in their work and helping us heal hearts better.

“New technology truly makes all the difference. The echo lab has new echocardiography machines, the stress lab has new treadmills and we have 10 new EKG machines. Overall, this investment is allowing us to provide better patient care — which can lead to A+ outcomes.”

“For me, the biggest improvement is our new cardiovascular imaging management system. Our old procedure had a lot of steps. The doctor would dictate the report, then it went to transcription, and then back to the doctor to review and sign. Now, the results are available for physicians right away. It’s better for us and it’s better for the patients.”

26 Your giving matters.

“Now we spend less time getting from room to room — a big difference when minutes mean muscle. Every minute an artery is clogged, something is shutting down; if I can save five or even 10 minutes, you can imagine how much more muscle or tissue you can preserve. It brings an even higher level of care to our community.”

“Everything is in one place, so patients can get it all done at one time. The rooms are bigger, which makes it easier to move around. The center also has automatic doors so we don’t have to push them open or hold open, saving time and effort. Our outcomes have always been good. But with the new center, now they can be even better.”

Investing in leading-edge technology.

Jennifer and Shawn McCreight believe strongly in the power of philanthropy to change lives and advance the future of care. Through a recent $200,000 challenge match from the McCreight Foundation, they did just that.

The McCreight Foundation matched donations made in support of cardiac care equipment and technology by January 15, 2022.

Together with donations made by community donors, this challenge match inspired others to give generously — securing more than $400,000 in additional funding to further improve the fleet of cardiac diagnostic, monitoring and surgical equipment used by the dedicated team of caregivers and staff who work in our newly opened Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center.

Thank you to the McCreights for their heartfelt investment in our work.

Advocate. Winter 2022 27

Huntington Annual Fund & President’s Circle

Huntington Annual Fund

Thoughtful community giving.

From our humble beginning almost 130 years ago, Huntington Hospital has grown and evolved thanks to the generosity of our community. While much has changed since we first opened our doors, one thing has stayed the same: All of our accomplishments have been possible as a result of our enduring partnership with community supporters like you. Each year, financial contributions from our generous donors play a vital role in ensuring we remain an essential resource for health care in this region.

Through times of calm and times of crisis, philanthropic friends like you give generously to our Huntington Annual Fund, creating and sustaining our world-class healthcare services. Annual giving helps maintain and develop superlative care throughout the hospital.

Thanks to annual fund gifts, we not only have the flexibility to maintain and enhance ongoing care and services, we are also better positioned to respond to unforeseen needs as they arise. Thank you for helping to ensure we are able to provide compassionate care for our diverse community, today and for many years to come.

Huntington Annual Fund Benefits

All annual fund donors receive Huntington Hospital publications and access to a variety of health resources, classes and physician-referral services.

Champion $1,000 - $1,999

All of the above PLUS:

• Access to complimentary flu shots each fall, as available.

• Invitation to our Annual Fund Recognition luncheon.

28 Your giving matters.

President’s Circle Leading through giving.

Each year, annual fund donors providing gifts of $2,000 or more are welcomed into our leadership society — the President’s Circle of Huntington Hospital. We are pleased to thank these generous supporters with a variety of special benefits. Perhaps the most valuable benefit of all is the knowledge that you will be joining a select group of people committed to ensuring that the hospital’s uninterrupted, state-of-the-art healthcare services continue.

For questions regarding the President’s Circle of Huntington Hospital, please contact Lia Peterson Miller, senior director of donor engagement and communications, at (626) 397-3241. For more information about how you can contribute to our Huntington Annual Fund, please contact Josué E. Hernández, manager of annual fund and donor groups,, at (626) 397-3568 or josue.hernandez@huntingtonhospital.com.

President’s Circle Benefits

Friend $2,000 - 4,999

All Annual Fund benefits PLUS:

• Annual complimentary hospital self-parking in the North and East parking structures.

• Invitation to the President’s Circle Member Recognition event.

• Special invitations to selected Discover Huntington Hospital events.

• Complimentary flu shots each fall.

Associate $5,000 - 9,999

All of the above PLUS:

• Annual complimentary valet parking on our campus.

• Annual recognition on the President’s Circle donor wall in our main lobby.

Medicus Society $10,000 - 24,999

All of the above PLUS:

• Invitations to additional President’s Circle members-only events with hospital leadership.

• Invitations to special behind-thescenes tours of Huntington Hospital, as available.

Colleagueˆ$25,000 - 49,999

All of the above PLUS:

• Two complimentary tickets to Huntington Hospital’s Fall Food + Wine Festival

• Personalized stewardship report on the use of your funds each year.

Patron $50,000 - 99,999

All of the above PLUS:

• Invitations to small group gatherings with clinical and hospital leadership.

• Access to an estate planning specialist who can help you explore and weigh the benefits of estate planning.

Gold $100,000 - $249,999

All of the above PLUS:

• Opportunity to meet personally with hospital leadership to learn about the impact of your support.

• Access to a patient relations representative during your hospital stay, as needed.

• Four complimentary tickets to Huntington Hospital’s Fall Food + Wine Festival.

• Additional recognition opportunities on our campus, as available.

Although all in-person gatherings have been temporarily suspended due to COVID-19, some events may be held virtually when possible. Stay tuned for more information.

Advocate. Winter 2022 29

President’s Circle


Vicki and Bob Bond

Building a legacy of care for our community.

What is really important to you? How can you make a lasting difference? When Bob and Vicki Bond began planning their estate, these were the tough questions they faced. “That’s the thing about estate planning,” Vicki explains. “It made us consider where we wanted to focus our attention and what we wanted to do with our money, both now and later.”

The Bonds had been Huntington Hospital donors for years, and during these conversations they decided it was time to put more of an emphasis on supporting the hospital’s work — both for their benefit and for the good of the community. They have since included us in their estate plans — earning them a place in our Legacy Gift Society. Vicki and Bob also chose to increase their annual giving and become members of the President’s Circle of Huntington Hospital at the Friend level. This generous couple makes all their contributions unrestricted, trusting the hospital to decide where their support will have the greatest impact.

“Planning an estate is one of those tasks that no one wants to do, but everyone needs to do,” Bob says. “Once we did, it really helped us think about what our priorities were.”

A nicer place to live.

Bob and Vicki originally started donating to Huntington Hospital after positive experiences here, including as patients in our Nan and Howard Schow Emergency & Trauma Center. “Being a patient gives you a deeper appreciation for this great resource,” Vicki says. “They are so well established in so many fields, and they have specialists for everything. Most importantly, you can tell the hospital values and cares for each of their patients as individuals.”

Advocate. Winter 2022 31

Recently, the Bonds relied on our specialized services when Bob developed cancer in his eyelid. Huntington Hospital-affiliated surgeon Michael Burnstine, MD, successfully removed the cancer. “I couldn’t go with him because it happened during the height of the pandemic,” Vicki says. “But I had faith everything would be fine. I knew Bob was in good hands at Huntington Hospital.”

“Having a world-class hospital in the area improves the quality of life here,” Bob says. “You never know when you’re going to need it yourself, but it’s always there ready to serve those in need. It makes Pasadena a nicer place to live.”

Pasadena is home. Although Bob lived in many places before settling in Pasadena, he and Vicki both consider the city home. Bob’s family relocated several times for his father’s job — from Michigan to Minnesota and from California to Connecticut. Vicki, on the other hand, has spent her entire life in the San Gabriel Valley: She was born in Glendale and grew up in Alhambra.

The Bonds have lived together in Pasadena since they got married in 1990. They both worked at Sempra Energy for many years. Bob spent 21 years working as a tax lawyer there, and Vicki was in the human resources department for 17 years. They retired together in 1999, partly to facilitate their shared love of traveling together. Bob and Vicki have since visited every continent on Earth, including Antarctica.

32 Your giving matters.
Vicki and Bob Bond choose to support Huntington Hospital in appreciation of the high-quality care we provide for members of our community.

A state-of-the-art hospital in our backyard.

Traveling has made the Bonds truly appreciate having a resource like Huntington Hospital nearby. Although they considered moving away from the San Gabriel Valley in the past, the couple says our hospital is one of the reasons they have not left. “We’ve realized what a state-ofthe-art hospital really is — and what it means to have one right in our backyard,” Bob says.

The Bonds hope their story will inspire others to include the hospital in their estate plan. “It’s a process people tend to put off, but it’s so important,” Vicki says. “When you start to feel confident in your financial situation, it’s time to think of what you can do to help your community continue to thrive into the future.”

“After everything Huntington Hospital has done for our community, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, they deserve our support,” Bob says. “It’s nice to be able to give back.”

Advocate. Winter 2022 33
“Having a world-class hospital in the area improves the quality of life here.”
34 Your giving matters.
Bill Mahoney (pictured here with his wife, Cynthia Lopez, MD) credits the multi-disciplinary team of specialists at Huntington Hospital, including those in our Nan and Howard Schow Emergency & Trauma Center, with saving his life.

Your giving matters.

At Huntington Hospital, a multi-disciplinary team of specialists is available 24/7 to treat patients with a variety of life-threatening illnesses. Donors also play an important role on our team: Your support allows us to deliver world-class care swiftly, safely and effectively.

At first, Bill Mahoney thought he had come down with a cold. As time went on, it became clear something was wrong — very wrong. He started having trouble breathing. Soon, he was unable to lie down without being in excruciating pain.

Finally, Bill couldn’t take it anymore. “It felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest with a shard of glass,” he says. So he came to our emergency department for help.

Here, Bill was diagnosed with severe pneumonia. His lungs were filled with fluid. Our medical professionals removed the fluid from Bill’s lungs, and his condition significantly improved. He was then kept here overnight for observation.

During the night, Bill’s health declined, fast. He was rushed to our intensive care unit (ICU). “If I wasn’t taken to the ICU when I was,” Bill says, “I don’t think I would’ve made it.”

Bill’s case was complex: He had developed life-threatening complications

from his lung infection. His body had gone into septic shock. He was treated by a multi-disciplinary team that included a cardiothoracic surgeon and a pulmonologist — as well as Kimberly Shriner, MD, a renowned infectious disease specialist. With treatment, Bill improved enough to be moved to our definitive observation unit, which is for patients whose conditions are serious but not immediately life-threatening. He notes that our team put him at ease, and recalls one nurse in particular who Bill says, “went well beyond the call of duty.” After more than a week in the hospital, he was well enough to go home.

Bill is back to his old self, exercising regularly and even rock climbing — and credits the team here with his recovery.

“Not only did Huntington Hospital save my life,” Bill says, “but they also went out of their way to make me feel at home there. It was the best care I’ve ever had.”

Advocate. Winter 2022 35
Visit www.huntingtonhospital. org/emergency to learn about our lifesaving emergency and trauma care services.

Huntington Sustainers

Donors like Robert Luis Pereira make monthly, recurring gifts to the hospital via credit card. Just a $10 monthly pledge — or 30 cents per day — can help us protect and enhance our community’s health and well-being with high-quality, lifesaving care.

Visit https://giving. huntingtonhospital. com/monthly to join Huntington Sustainers, or email give@ huntingtonhospital. com for more information. You may also visit https://giving. huntingtonhospital. com/donate to make a one-time gift by credit card on our safe and secure website.

36 Your giving matters.

Robert Luis Pereira

Sustaining lifesaving care.

Every month, Robert Luis Pereira makes a donation to Huntington Hospital. “If I can chip in a little something every month to help maintain all that the hospital does for the community, why wouldn’t I?” he says. As a Huntington Sustainer, Robert knows that monthly, recurring donations add up over time to achieve great impact.

A public health graduate student and pharmacy technician, Robert also knows the value of nonprofit hospitals. “At my job, I see the types of prescriptions that are filled,” he says. “Heart disease is rampant. Resources like the hospital’s new Heart & Vascular Center are so crucially important. I’m Hispanic, and my community suffers disproportionately from these issues, so I feel an especially strong connection to the hospital’s work.”

Ultimately, Robert hopes to further contribute to community health by becoming a physician. In the meantime, in addition to contributing to our work as a donor, Robert serves his community by volunteering in our Nan and Howard Schow Emergency & Trauma Center.

In his role as a volunteer, Robert helps with scheduling, admissions and other administrative tasks. He is also involved with our Get Up and Move mobility program — taking walks with patients around the hospital to ensure that they do not stay in bed too long. “Volunteering at the hospital, I’ve noticed that everyone here is so focused on patient care — from the nurses and doctors to the administrative staff,” Robert observes. “Especially during the pandemic, when everyone is spread a little thin, it feels good to be able to help carry out this important work.”

Robert set up his recurring monthly donation on his very first day as a volunteer here. He believes that giving to the hospital is a worthy investment for all of us. “It’s a mutually beneficial relationship,” Robert explains. “Huntington Hospital helps our community thrive by providing vital healthcare services. By giving back, we can help safeguard the hospital’s ability to be there when we need it.”

Advocate. Winter 2022 37

Grateful Hearts

Gratitude through giving.

When Steve Allen needed outpatient physical therapy following a surgery this past summer, he knew where he wanted to go for care. As he says, “my first thought was obviously Huntington Hospital!”

He made an appointment here.

His choice was not a surprise. Steve and his wife, Suzan King, have a strong connection to the hospital. They are longtime donors, and have also both been patients. All three of their grandchildren were born here.

As a former patient, Steve knew the care he would receive would be good. When he first started working with physical therapist Julie Vingh, however, he was blown away by her compassion and commitment. “She is a remarkable professional,” Steve says. “Her service has truly been exceptional.”

Steve recently decided to make a Grateful Hearts gift in honor of Julie. Through our Grateful Hearts program, patients and their families can make a donation to the hospital while recognizing a Huntington team member for their outstanding care.

He notes that Julie took the time to understand his condition, needs and goals. When Steve mentioned he wanted to get back to playing tennis, Julie worked out a detailed plan to get him there. And after just a few months, he was back on the court.

“Julie has supported me in such an important way in my recovery,” he says. “I wanted to recognize that, while also supporting the institution where my care took place.”

38 Your giving matters.

Make a gift in gratitude. You may choose to say thank you for excellent care you or a loved one received here by making a gift in honor of a Huntington team member through our Grateful Hearts program. When you acknowledge a special physician, nurse, volunteer or other care provider, he or she will be notified of your appreciation and provided with a special lapel pin that recognizes his or her compassionate community care. The amount of your gift will remain confidential. Visit https://giving.huntingtonhospital. com/caregiver to learn more about how to make a Grateful Hearts gift today.

Advocate. Winter 2022 39

We are Huntington.

The Huntington team shows their deep commitment to our mission every day, through the above-andbeyond care they provide. Many dedicated members of our staff do even more to show they care, by participating in our I am Huntington employee giving campaign. Our high rate of employee giving demonstrates how strongly those closest to us believe in our work. Nathan Bond and Michelle Monzon are among the generous employees who have given through I am Huntington

Nathan Bond

Nathan Bond, associate director of patient access, has been part of the Huntington team for 21 years. He is also a longtime donor: Inspired by the positive impact our hospital has in the community, he made his first charitable gift to us nearly a decade ago.

Nathan has since gone one step further by volunteering with the I am Huntington Employee Giving Campaign Committee, where he currently serves as chair.

“Donating through the I am Huntington campaign is a small way for me to give back to the hospital,” he notes, “to thank them for what they have helped me accomplish over the years.”

Through his work on the committee, Nathan knows how important community philanthropy is. He wants to show his fellow staff members the impact that their donations have on our work and our patients.

“The hospital has always put contributions to good use,” he says, “whether through huge infrastructure projects or meals for staff in COVID-19 units.”

For Nathan, Huntington Hospital has a special place in our community. “It has a family-like atmosphere for staff and patients,” he shares. “I’m happy to support a place that has been good to so many.”

Melissa Monzon

Immediately after joining Huntington Hospital as a monitoring technician this past summer, Melissa Monzon made a donation through our I am Huntington employee giving campaign. “I donated for the same reason I started working here,” she says. “I wanted to help patients as much as the hospital has helped me.”

Melissa has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a disease that causes parts of the heart muscle to thicken or become stiff, making it more difficult to pump blood. In some instances, her condition causes her to pass out — putting her at risk of serious injury every time she falls.

“Other hospitals just told me they didn’t have a cardiac care unit, and that I needed to go find a doctor on my own,” Melissa says. However, her experience at Huntington Hospital was different. “The doctors and nurses here seemed like friends who I could talk to,” she says. “They always thoroughly checked me out before discharging me to make sure I hadn’t been hurt from falling, and they never let me go home without a plan.”

Today, Melissa’s condition has stabilized. She remains grateful for the care she received here. By donating through the I am Huntington campaign, she is helping ensure everyone has access to the same quality of care she did. Visit

https://giving.huntingtonhospital.com/employee for more information on how Huntington team members can make a gift to our employee giving campaign. Advocate. Winter 2022 41

Thank you to our valued partners.

Huntington Hospital is grateful to our guilds and support groups for their generosity, during the pandemic and always.

Flintridge La Cañada Guild

The Flintridge La Cañada Guild has been supporting Huntington Hospital — meeting a variety of needs here — for more than 60 years.

On October 2, 2021, the guild hosted the Autumn Classic Ringside Benefit Dinner at the Flintridge Riding Club. The event featured the $25,000 Grand Prix of Flintridge, sponsored by The Flying Spur Ranch. Proceeds from the event are helping support the work of a registered nurse navigator in Huntington Cancer Center, who helps coordinate care for lung cancer patients.

The Flintridge La Cañada Guild looks forward to hosting its 100th annual Horse Show on Thursday, April 27, through Sunday, May 1, 2022. Email flintridgehorseshow@gmail.com for more information about the guild.

Huntington Charity League

Huntington Charity League (HCL) is a group of local community members — many of whom have received care here — who believe strongly in supporting the needs of Huntington Hospital.

The group is especially dedicated to raising funds in support of essential care for babies in our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). We are home to the region’s only level-III NICU, providing the most advanced care available in the San Gabriel Valley for premature infants and other newborns with severe medical needs.

We truly appreciate HCL’s ongoing devoted involvement. Please contact huntingtoncharityleague@gmail.com to learn more about HCL membership and future events.

42 Your giving matters.

Altadena Guild

Founded in 1951, the Altadena Guild raises funds to help improve peoples’ lives through better health care, innovation and community involvement. Thanks to the guild’s support, Huntington Hospital nurses staffed a free flu vaccine clinic at St. Elizabeth Parish School in Altadena on October 3, 2021. Guild members volunteered their time to assist at the event, during which more than 100 flu vaccine doses were administered to those in need.

While the guild’s popular Home & Garden Tour event was canceled in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, the group has continued to solicit donations from patrons. These gifts are allocated toward the hospital’s new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center, our Constance G. Zahorik Appearance Center and the Altadena Guild Community Service Scholarship. A portion of funds raised also benefits Huntington Medical Research Institutes.

Planning for the Altadena Guild’s 2022 Home & Garden Tour — scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 1, 2022 — is underway. Visit www.altadenaguild.com for more information about the guild and future events.

Advocate. Winter 2022 43

When Francis Galluppi and his wife, Rachel, learned that their daughter, Gianna, would need specialized care in our NICU, they knew she would be in good hands: Francis himself received lifesaving treatment in our NICU as a newborn, more than 30 years ago.

44 Your giving matters.

Your giving matters.

Huntington Hospital’s team of experts is here to care for premature and seriously ill babies. Philanthropic gifts help ensure our neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) has what it needs to continue to provide outstanding care for our smallest patients.

When Rachel Galluppi went into labor 35 weeks into her pregnancy, she and her husband, Francis, rushed to Huntington Hospital. After examining Rachel, caregivers determined that their baby was in breech position. Rachel would need a cesarean section right away.

Only an hour after the Galluppis arrived at the hospital, baby Gianna arrived. Though she seemed in good health at first, within just a few hours, Gianna began to have serious problems. Gianna’s lungs had not fully developed, and she needed help to breathe. She was quickly moved to our NICU.

Home to the only level-III NICU in our service region, we provide the most advanced care for premature and very sick babies. The Galluppi family already knew us well: Francis and one of his brothers also received care here when they were born.

“They saved my life,” says Francis, “and I was confident Gianna was getting the best

care, too.” He adds that he was impressed by the caring staff — some of whom even remembered him and his family from his own time here, more than 30 years ago.

In addition to receiving respiratory support, Gianna needed to be fed via a tube. She also received therapy to strengthen her legs, which were impacted by her breech position in the womb. Due to the pandemic, “Everyone always wore masks and there were all sorts of sanitation precautions,” says Francis. “They were the best about keeping us safe.”

After 10 days of advanced care, Gianna was ready to go home. Today, she is meeting her developmental milestones — and is healthy, happy and curious about the world.

“We really want to thank the hospital’s staff for caring for our daughter, for teaching us everything we needed to know, and for just being amazing human beings,” says Francis.

Advocate. Winter 2022 45
Visit www.huntingtonhospital.com/NICU for information about our advanced care for babies born prematurely or with medical problems.

Advanced care for premature infants.

The Austrian-American Council West (AACW) recently made a thoughtful gift to Huntington Hospital in support of the best care for our smallest patients. Funds from the group are helping us purchase a new Giraffe incubator for use in our neonatal intensive care unit.

The incubator will provide a healing microenvironment for babies who are born prematurely. This piece of equipment helps minimize a baby’s temperature swings, dampen noise, and diminish the need to move or reposition the baby for treatment, reducing stress. Through its support, the AACW is helping to increase comfort and support healing for babies with special healthcare needs.

In 2005, the AACW also generously designated funds from one of its annual fundraisers to support surgical care for low-income and uninsured children. A plaque in our pediatric unit celebrates the gift.

The AACW is the Los Angeles chapter of the Austrian-American Council of North America, which works to foster goodwill and better understanding between the people of Austria and the United States. The Council, which celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2021, sponsors professional and cultural exchanges and supports many causes worldwide.

We are grateful to the AACW for its friendship and support. Visit www.aacwest.com to learn more about the AACW.

46 Your giving matters.

We speak your language.

We are committed to providing you with compassionate care regardless of the language you speak.

Advocate. Winter 2022 47

Dear friends:

2021 was truly an historic year for Huntington Hospital. Our affiliation with Cedars-Sinai Health System enables our longstanding tradition of providing high-quality, trusted Huntington care for our community. This partnership is off to an excellent start — re-enforcing our strong belief that this is the optimal partnership for our San Gabriel Valley community and beyond.

In addition, the opening of our new Helen and Will Webster Heart & Vascular Center — made possible thanks to generous philanthropic gifts — is already transforming cardiac care for patients, integrating the best techniques of today with the latest advances of the future.

At the same time, 2021 was also a difficult year for you and Huntington Hospital. The pandemic continued to rage in our community, with many friends and neighbors turning to Huntington Hospital for expert COVID-19 care. Our healthcare heroes continue to treat patients experiencing myriad health concerns with commitment, compassion and grace. I continue to marvel at the dedication of our front-line healthcare workers now facing the third wave of COVID-19, and I’m forever grateful.

Throughout it all, you were here. Please know support from community members like you has been inspirational and keeps us going. You’ve enabled Huntington Hospital to achieve so much in 2021 despite our tumultuous world.

Your generosity helps ensure we can continue to weather any storm, and allows us to make vital new investments to advance the level of care we offer in our community.

From all of us at Huntington — and from all of the patients whose lives your gift will change — thank you for your friendship and support. Best wishes for a healthier 2022 and all good things for you and yours.

48 Your giving matters.

Our vision

To be the leader in creating community well-being through world-class health care delivered with kindness and dignity.

Our mission

To provide excellent health care and compassionate service to each person by bringing together outstanding physicians, caring nurses, professional staff and advanced technologies.

Our values Respect Integrity Stewardship Excellence Collaboration

Huntington Hospital complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex.

Huntington Hospital is committed to improving the environment. Advocate has been printed entirely on Forest Stewardship Council‑certified paper. FSC certification ensures that the paper used contains fibers from well managed and responsibly harvested forests that adhere to strict environmental and socioeconomic standards. We are proud to make this significant move to help our environment.

Board of Directors

Sharon Arthofer

Erin Baker

William J. Bogaard

Harry Bowles, MD

Wayne Brandt, Treasurer

Michelle Quinones Chino, Secretary

Jim Gamb, Ex Officio

Akila Gibbs

Ronald L. Havner, Jr.

Christopher G. Hedley, MD

R. Scott Jenkins

Paul Johnson, Vice Chair

David Kirchheimer

Brandon Lew, DO, President, Medical Staff

Simon Li

Allen W. Mathies, Jr., MD, President Emeritus

M. Christian Mitchell

Lori J. Morgan, MD, MBA

Mei-Lee Ney

Elizabeth Graham Olson

Thomas Priselac

Edward Prunchunas

Peter Rosenberg, MD, Ex Officio

Rosemary B. Simmons, Director Emeritus

Jaynie Studenmund, Chair

Deborah Williams

Renée Ying

Robert Y. Yu

President and CEO

Lori J. Morgan, MD, MBA

Philanthropy Committee

Sharon Arthofer

William J. Bogaard, Vice Chair

Wayne Brandt

Ronald L. Havner, Jr.

R. Scott Jenkins, Chair

Lori J. Morgan, MD, MBA

Kathleen Good Podley

Rosemary B. Simmons

Renée Ying

Robert Y. Yu

Senior Vice President of Philanthropy and Public Relations

Jane Haderlein

Office of Philanthropy and Communications

Mark Anello, Senior Director of Development Services and Strategic Planning

Helen Bechtolt, Senior Director of Principal Gifts

Jamie Brady-Smith, Manager of Donor Relations and Special Events

Cathi Chadwell, Executive Director of Philanthropy and Public Affairs

Stephanie Cianci, Manager of Content Marketing

Marie Cleaves, Major Gifts Officer

Josué E. Hernández, Manager of Annual Fund and Donor Groups

Lia Peterson Miller, Senior Director of Donor Engagement and Communications

Eileen Neuwirth, Executive Director of Communications and Brand Strategy

Advocate. Winter 2022

Editors Cathi Chadwell

Stephanie Cianci

Lia Peterson Miller

Writer/Editor Sheikh/Impact

Principal Photography Christopher Grisanti Photography

Shane Karns Photography

Skalij Photography

Design Terry Griest

Printing Impress Communications

Office of Philanthropy 100 West California Boulevard Pasadena, California 91105 www.huntingtonhospital.org
397-3241 Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Pasadena, CA Permit No. 100 Huntington: Focused on your health. With a strong network of affiliated doctors, advanced technologies and specialized services, we’re here to provide you with the care you need, when you need it.

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