The Maelstrom

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A Complete History of the Skies and Storms

A loud entrance this early, Ms. Sky?

Please sit we have much to talk about. What I am about to tell you is of utmost secrecy. Do you understand?

It has come to the attention of our superiors that an ancient tome had been stolen from our archives. I know it should be impossible however, the details of this theft are close to being uncovered.


As for why you were summoned here this morning, the property of this library needs to be returned. The investigation has uncovered several leads that you are to look into. You are the only one who can go on this search since you are one of the only newer members to the library who has experienced world and magical know-how.

Well technically speaking it is impossible for someone to steal from this library. There are countless magical enchantments all over the place and even on the books!

If the books are removed from the library grounds then they will be teleported back into the library to an official's desk

I can’t believe it's happening! My very own super important secret quest! The library officials think I can do this; they hand selected me! Oh my goodness, I'm so excited! All I have to do is follow up on these leads and get the book, okay easy enough. Hmm… Oh! Let's start with this one, Baron Emilio. I've heard of him before, he’s an up and coming noble, kinda weird and eccentric but he has an eye for relics. I’ve also heard that he can be kinda scary, but someone of his status would know a lot about finding missing artifacts. Oh this is so exciting, I've never met a noble before!

so that we can mark which books are more likely to be stolen or targeted. AND if anyone tries to damage a book inside they get exploded plus there is a dragon ghost in the basement that eats thieves and bad guys.

Do you accept this quest?

I Won’t Fail!
*SLAM!*HIYA! GoodMorning!

Hiya, Lord Emilio Sir! I come to you on this day with an inquiry on behalf of the Lantern’s Helm library of Arcana, History, and Knowledge.

I beseech thee, are you in possession of the tome known as “La

This is crazy. I’m not an adventurer, I don't know what I’m doing. I would never have

If so I must ask you please hand it over so that it might be returned to its proper home, or if you do not have it I ask that you please offer any information you have of its whereabouts or last known location.

Ah yes well, little girl I am not a charity, I do not give out my help for free. However, if you were to help me in exchange I can pull a few strings and help you locate this tome of yours


thought that I would be traveling this far, this is the farthest I’ve ever been from home, the library, even from Mr. Emilio’s estate. It’s so nerve racking! But I just need to wait a while longer Mr. Emilio says he's getting closer to some big information about the book. So that just means I need to do a few more jobs for him so that we’re even. Dang it he’s being so helpful he’s even given me supplies, a place to stay in his estate while I help him and he’s even paid me!

whisperwhispersecretsecretblahblah sheshouldoaycloserattentiontothis blahblahsecretaecretwhisperwhisper

I bet I’ll get a promotion once I get back to the library too. I should pay Mr. Emilio back for the help. I could give him a tour or show him some of the restricted books we have!

Savour de Babosa”.

Hiya! I’m back, Mr. Emilio!

But I didn’t find anything else out about the book, just that there's a bunch of mysteries around it and that it’s like super old. But these quests have been so crazy are they always like that? Because I don’t think I have ever travelled so far do much so close together or even met so many people. But I feel like I have learned so much and I feel so much more confiedent about myself and just have learned so much about the world was amazing and I got to collect so many different types of materials that I can use to make books with. Just look at all these papers and the sewing kits I picked up as well. I even came across a few really interesting looking books from across the world. Have you ever seen a book bound like this? I did not see anything like it in the library and I know we have the largest collection of books ever but how could we not have recieved anything quite like this it just blows my mind that we don’t. I am most definatly going to bring it up upon my return. All the different stories and people I met, I would love to document their oral stories or even just the stories of thier lives, or even just creating a library of sorts for all the small towns and villages I passed through it is such a shame that not everyone can just have acess to information or that it is withheld that should be illegal. Everyone deswverse to know and learn. There was also this really cute boy I met he was looking for is dad and was jacked as heck. Here’s a little report of my travels and the tasks you assigned as well as written confirmation of said tasks from local witnesses and officials from the various locations I visited AND receipts of my journey as extra proof of my travels.

Now with everything I had gathered I grew curious and decided to contact Latern’s Helm to see if I might be granted access to the investigation of this theft.

I actually have become pen pals with the proprietor of the library and they confirmed with me that there has been no successful theft in the most recent centuries.

I took care of all the things you asked me to and checked the leads you gave on top of the ones I received from the library. wow... Report

That is erm… extraordinarily detailed. Thank you for your help with my matters, as for your book I did manage some success you could say.

I couldn’t obtain any information on author or when it was written,

other than it was said to be guarded by one particular family from the northern mountains, which was an very vague location. There were many reports of a fantastical book by the name of ‘The Maelstrom’ that sounds similar, it’s said to be composed of the same contents. But I found no evidence of the existence of either book.

the Maelstorm?

Furthermore, they also confirmed that your manager was in a meeting the morning of your departure based on the rough timeline I gathered from your tales. I do apologize, Sky, but it appears your book does not exist.

What? You must have learned more! What towns gave those reports?

Mountains, I know mountains, I grew near some! I know of a book called the Maelstrom!

It was a family heirloom, I donated it to the library! Could it be the same one?

I couldn’t have been tricked. I need to contact my boss!

I only came for the very book you sent me after. wait no... aitwas joke growup so what ugh lighten up no harm no fowl live a lil you don’t understand

It belongs to me after all.

I didn’t hear her... what come on chill Dwag nani dafuq? ¿mande?

Enough! Ms. Sky placed great trust in this library to look after her family’s tome and you three are a disgrace, these pink slips belong to you.

The lack of mature you displayed was astounding. Lying to our superiors to get rid of me?

Tricking me so I’d walk away from my dream? I was going to dedicate myself to this place. I thought we were friends! You better hope I never see you outside of this place.

Work Place Harassment


Poor Work Conduct

The three of you are banished.


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