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CBD RELIEVES PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY A common complication of diabetes, peripheral neuropathy can also be caused by chemotherapy or various health conditions that damage nerves in the hands or feet. It’s difficult to treat—but topical CBD in a cream or lotion can help, according to a study of 29 patients led by Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego. Compared to a placebo, daily application of a topical CBD product containing 250 mg of CBD per 3 fluid ounces for four weeks significantly reduced intense or sharp pain and cold and itchy sensations, with no adverse effects.

Theanine Boosts Mental Performance


Theanine, a calming substance found in tea, is known to reduce stress and enhance sleep, even when taken in a single dose. But a longer-term Japanese study found that when taken daily for four weeks, the supplement also enhanced mental performance. Published in the journal Nutrients, the study compared the effects of a placebo and 200 mg daily of theanine in a group of healthy people who had not been diagnosed with any psychiatric condition but were experiencing some difficulties with sleep and stress. After taking the supplement at bedtime for four weeks, those in the study fell asleep faster, stayed asleep longer, felt less anxious, and experienced a better mood. In addition, tests showed improved mental performance. The supplement tested in this study, Suntheanine, is a patented form of theanine that can be found as an ingredient in many supplement brands. It’s usually taken during the day to relieve stress and enhance attention span, and before bedtime to improve sleep without causing morning drowsiness. The theanine content of green tea ranges from 8–30 mg per cup. White, oolong, and black teas contain smaller amounts.

The 10-Hour Eating Plan

Eating only during a 10-hour window each day can help you lose weight, lower blood pressure and harmful cholesterol, and sleep better, as well as reduce your risk for diabetes and heart disease, according to a study by the University of California, San Diego, and the Salk Institute in La Jolla, Calif. Such an eating pattern restores your body’s natural circadian rhythms, and it’s easier to follow than completely revamping your diet.

“Eating and drinking everything (except water) within a consistent 10-hour window allows your body to rest and restore for 14 hours each night,” says study co-author Emily Manoogian, PhD. Most people in the study ate the first meal of the day a bit later and the last one a bit earlier, but did not skip meals. Although they were not asked to reduce calories, many did so spontaneously, simply because less of their day included eating.

43% of Antibiotic Prescriptions Are Inappropriate

Among 130.5 million antibiotic prescriptions analyzed by researchers in Portland, Ore., only 57 percent were appropriate for the condition being treated. The rest were either incorrectly prescribed or had no evidence to support their use in the situation.

“I give this to my 3-year-old daughter when she’s feeling a little under the weather, and it totally helps . I also give it to her before she goes to daycare where there are tons of germs around and I really feel like it helps keep her immune system strong.

”- Sarah B., Happy Customer

Nutrition for Kids!

ChildLife® First Defense is Dr. Murray Clarke’s unique combination of herbal and mineral immune-stimulating ingredients. It combines the flavors of natural herbs with a light sweetness in a convenient liquid dosage. All ChildLife® products were formulated specifically for infants and children ages 6 months and up.