The Maisha Collective is Heshima Kenya’s peerdriven social enterprise that fosters leadership and business management skills.
Angie Black & White Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Angie Holly & Pine Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Angie Hot Pink & Black Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Yvette Emerald & Cream Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Angie Neapolitan Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
All scarves are uniquely designed & hand-produced by the refugee women that Heshima Kenya serves.
Takuma Amethyst Galaxy Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Takuma Midnight Ruby Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Takuma Mint Cocoa Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Yvette Cobalt & Ivory Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Yvette Copper & Cream Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
100% of proceeds from the Maisha Collective are reinvested into Heshima Kenya’s empowerment programs.
Yvette Khaki & Palm Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Yvette Lily Pad Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Yvette Navy Jungle Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Yvette Poinsettia Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
Yvette Sand & Slate Large: 32” x 88” Infinity: 15” x 45” (doubles to 90”)
For wholesale & partnership opportunities, please contact: Emily Snider 312.985.5667 1111 N Wells Street Suite 306 Chicago, IL 60610