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Taking into account the economic background of the region, the government of the Union accelerated plans for the economic development of Kazakhstan. As a result, in 1941, the volume of industrial production increased 8 fold in comparison with 1913. Thus, thanks to the ability of the planned economy to concentrate resources on the fulfillment of largescale economic objectives, Kazakhstan had been completely transformed by the 1930s from a wide nomadic area to a region with a large-scale and manifold industrial complex, a developed agriculture, as well as a high level of culture. Thousands of large industrial plants, along with tens of thousands of kilometers of railways and roads were built on the territory of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan became a large producer of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, coal, oil, grain and livestock-derived products. By 1991 Kazakhstan was producing 70% of the USSR production of lead, zinc, titanium, magnesium tin, 90% of its phosphorus and chrome and more than 60% of its silver and molybdenum. Kazakhstan had also become a major producer of grain-crops. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the USSR’s general economic, social and political crisis also affected Kazakhstan. The rigid system of planned economics was inhibiting Kazakhstan’s economic growth and social development. Thus, the USSR’s reformist policy, ‘Perestroika’, was generally supported by the people of Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan today During the 24 years of independence, Kazakhstan has taken a worthy site in the world political and economic system, strengthening state sovereignty and territorial integrity. Today, Kazakhstan symbolises stability and tolerance, it has become a reliable partner of the international community and our economy demonstrates high growth rates. The country set an ambitious strategic goal to enter the club of the 30 most developed countries in the world.


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