The HOME Monthly Eastern Edition

Page 4

A warm cozy welcome


by Joanne Greco Rochman

Joanne Rochman photos A welcoming bed has a soft comforter and fluffy pillows in a design that complements the wallpaper.

Even though Benjamin Franklin said that fish and guests stink after three days, when entertaining, you should think about the do’s and don’ts in making them feel welcome. I learned one of the don’ts the hard way. A dear friend came to visit, and so, of course, I prepared the guest room with plenty of extra fluffy pillows, fresh flowers and books, a pewter hurricane lamp with candles and matches (just in case a lightning storm knocked out the power), and plenty of towels in the adjoining guest bath. There are all kinds of special things that can be done to make someone away from home feel relaxed and comfortable while visiting with you, and I’ll share some of the best. However, if like me, you have an alarm system in your home, do inform your guests about how it works. Don’t forget to warn them about this. Trust me. This bit of information ranks number one on my Don’t Ever Forget list. It all happened after an especially delicious dinner. I offered my friend and weekend guest a piece of homemade chocolate cake for dessert. “No thanks,” she said. “I’m watching my weight.” When everyone retired for the evening, my husband automatically set the interior house alarm. Imagine my surprise when, all of a sudden, “Burglar, burglar” echoed through the house, with lights flashing and horns blowing. My husband and I rushed to the top of the stairs to see my friend frozen like a statue in front of the open refrigerator with the chocolate cake held tightly to her. “Oops, caught red-handed,” she said with a laugh.

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The HOME Monthly, a Hersam Acorn special section, Shelton, Conn.

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August 2008

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