Global Compact Ânima Educational Group (UNA, UNIBH, UNIMONTE)

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starting off With a brave attitude by Course Coordinator, toPiCs suCh as the imPaCt of meat ConsumPtion, foie gras as an examPle of animal Cruelty, vegetarianism, and veganism Were exPlored throughout the Week. stories of suCCess of entrePreneurs Who deCided to leave the Comfort zone and Were able to set uP Profitable businesses, Causing a smaller environmental imPaCt and a better soCial imPaCt, Were fundamental to materialize something WhiCh seemed utoPian at first.



“the sustainable gastronomy Week turned into a more imPortant event, (…). the leCtures Were …, dealing With neW ConCePts, interesting and ComPletely doable teChniques to our daily lives. raising aWareness to environment Preservation is everybody’s Job.” (maria aPareCida de faria – retired reCePtionist)

“the event Was though out to value students in a Way different than What they are used to. the idea of sustainable gastronomy is still Weak and the results, nevertheless, intensely exPerienCed by those Who see it, Consume it and enJoy it. students are not used to being Presented to toPiCs like this in the CurriCulum of the Course and, this Way, the gastronomy Week Was an oPPortunity for them to get to knoW Professionals With PraCtiCal exPerienCes WhiCh Present neW Ways of seeing the relationshiP betWeen food ProduCtion and ConsumPtion folloWing the ConCePts of sustainability.”

“i found it a really interesting Week. i think this is a toPiC WhiCh has to be extensively debated, esPeCially, by us, students of gastronomy, Who use a lot of natural resourCes (…). i really enJoyed it. it insPired me With several ProJeCt ideas.” (stella mendes gonçalves – student of gastronomy at unimonte)

103 | relatório 2010 anima do Global pacto Global Compact anima report 2010

sustainable gastronomy Week Was Created to broaden horizons for future Professional oPtions in the area.

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