Åringskatalogen 2015

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Följ det senaste om auktionen på www.saef.se








Täby Ryttarcenter 19 sept 2015 kl 13



Ascot Hill, som här ses vinna Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas 2014, såldes på SÅEFs auktion 2012 till Stall Tandem för 180.000 kr. Foto: Stefan Olsson/Svensk Galopp.

57 katalognummer Visning fredag från kl 18 Visning i ring lördag kl 10-11.30

Rätt försäkrad Tryggt hästägande med Agria

20% ie lägre prem

Säkra ditt auktionsfynd!

Veterinä rvård för 449 kro Veterinärvårdsförsäkringen A2 ökar du enkelt tryggheten för Vi Med finns på plats och hjälper dig att försäkra din nhäst, o dig och din häst – för bara 449 kronor om året. Maxersättningen är om året r ! 120 000 kronor, självrisken är 2 800 kronor samt en rörlig del om nu får du 20% rabatt första året, om du köpt häst på 20 procent. I försäkringen ingår buköppning och kolik utan extra

auktion. Hästar sålda på auktionen kostnad. En olycksfallsförsäkring för ryttare eller kusk ingår i allaär automatiskt/gratis Agrias hästförsäkringar. livförsäkrade i en månad hos Agria till köpeskilling! Ring oss redan i dag så berättar vi mer. Du hittar ditt lokala

Ringhästombud ditt lokala RogerAgriaombud: Nilsson 070-811 498814, LarsWerner, Lindh 070-557 87 07, på Agriaombud agria.se eller kundcenter på 020-88 88.Åker Ring ditt kontakta lokala Kerstin Kontakta ditt lokala hästombud på agria.se eller ring 020-88 88 88. Kerstin Åker Werner 070-371 60 56 för att få veta mer. Du kan också ringa 0775-88 88 88. tel kontoret 08-562 831 56, mobil 070-371 60 56.

Agria länsförsäkringsgruppens specialistbolag för djuroch grödaförsäkring. AgriaDjurförsäkring Djurförsäkring är är länsförsäkringsgruppens specialistbolag för djuroch grödaförsäkring.

Förbättra oddsen för vinst satsa på en svenskuppfödd galopphäst! Erroll (SWE), 16 segrar, 2.768.798 kr

Besök en åringsauktion och var med från början!

En svenskuppfödd galopphäst - får starta i alla lopp - får 40% extra på prispengarna - och genererar uppfödarpremier uppåt 20%. Cirka 50% av hästarna i träning kommer till start redan som 2-åringar = snabbare svar angående hästens kapacitet, och snabbare förtjänstmöjligheter. Du får oddsen på din sida, helt enkelt. Köp hästen som åring här i Sverige, så vet du hela bakgrunden och får vara med och forma dess framtid - eller köp ett dräktigt sto och var med från allra första början! Vid prissumma på 100.000 kr får ägaren till en svenskuppfödd 2-4-åring 140.000 kr, och uppfödaren får runt 28.000 kr. Vi svarar gärna på dina frågor om hästköp och fullblodsavel. Välkommen! SvEnSka FullblodSavElSFörEningEn (SFAF) www.sfaf.se - Följ oss även på Facebook! Jimmy Mack (SWE), 10 segrar, 2.389.042 kr.

Volatile (SWE), 3 segrar på 8 starter som 2- och 3-åring 2015, 1.104.107 kr.


Vid 2013 års SÅEF-auktion sålde vi fyra hästar. Tre av dem är storloppshästar, och två av dem deltog i Svenskt Derby. Inköpspriset för alla tre var 50.000 kronor totalt, och de har hittills - på 1,5 säsong - tillsammans tjänat 1.217.828 kronor. Red Hunter hals från klassisk seger i Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas 2015

RED HUNTER e Zaahid u Tawny Eagle. Pris: 10.000 kr. Resultat hittills: 2 segrar, 2a i Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, slagen med hals, 338.800 kr, hcp 83 MUMM MUMM DE MUMM e Gloria de Campeao u The Fast Lane. Pris: 30.000 kr. Resultat hittills: 3 segrar inkl Svensk Galopps Auktionslöpning, 431.000 kr, hcp 82 ZAMIR e Zaahid u Est Est Est. Återropad för 10.000 kr, såld direkt efter auktionen. Resultat hittills: 4 segrar, 4e i Derby Trial, 448.028 kr, hcp 80

Svista Stuteri – där resultaten får tala för sig själv! Vill du också ha resultat? Bjud på våra åringar! Katalognummer 6, 13, 16, 18, 22, 29, 35, 38, 47 och 54. Bo Helander, tel 070-777 32 11 2

Höstens stora internationella hästfest med nostalgitema. Kom och fira Stockholm Cup, sista chansen på Täby.

TÄBY GALOPP, SÖNDAG 20 SEPTEMBER Start kl 13.00. Entré: 100 kr. Under 18 år fri entré. Boka bord på restaurangen: spejsat@mail.com

www.svenskgalopp.se 3

Rätt val för oss med höga krav JOSEFIN HANSÉN BILLBERG, STALL JH

”Det känns tryggt att ha ett stall i betong, det är ju både hållbart och brandsäkert. Dessutom är det underhållsfritt, vilket ger mig mer tid för mina hästar” Går du i byggtankar? Kontakta oss du också. www.stalloridhus.se


RS Mustang® Stallströ & Foder

RS Mustang har Nordens bredaste sortiment av stallströ. Torv • Torvmix • Kutterspån • Pappersströ • Halmpellets • Krossad Halmpellets • Spånpellets • Halmhack • Lantbruksströ • Trippelmix • Ett komplett sortiment foder, müsli och pellets samt grovfoder.

Vi är på plats! besök oss i vår monter

Foder för högpresterande hästar



0171-41 41 80

INGEN DRÖM ÄR FÖR STOR Visste du att ATG är hästens största sponsor i Sverige? När du spelar något av ATGs spel får hästnäringen hela överskottet – runt 1,6 miljarder kronor varje år. Mest går till trav- och galoppsporten som äger ATG. Men vi bidrar stort till all hästsport. Vi tycker att samhället blir bättre med hästar. Vår dröm handlar om ett Sverige där hästen värderas efter sina förtjänster. Där alla som vill umgås med hästar ska få chansen. Där de som vill leva på sitt stora intresse ska kunna göra det. Vi kommer göra allt för att uppnå vår dröm. Det är ett löfte.


Välkommen till Stockholms Åringsauktion 2015!


armt välkomna alla galoppvänner till årets traditionella åringsauktion, den 12e i ordningen i SÅEFs regi! I år har vi valt att åter förlägga auktionen till Täby Ryttarcenter, en anläggning med utmärkta faciliteter för både hästar och människor. Auktionen avhålls åter i anslutning till Stockholm Cup-helgen, då de flesta aktiva finns på plats.

I år har vi 57 åringar i katalogen – något färre än tidigare, men många med riktigt intressant härstamning. Flera av avelshingstarna som är representerade har redan lämnat högklassiga avkommor, och utöver det finns det några mycket intressanta nya hingstnamn. Även på mödernet ser årets katalog ut att vara av hög kvalitet. 28% av moderstona har nått 80 eller högre i handicap. Därutöver ett flertal ston med avkommor som har presterat över 80 i hcp och några ostartade nya importerade ston med högkvalitativ bakgrund.

Som traditionen bjuder håller Tattersalls Alastair Pim i klubban. En framgångrik sport behöver en framgångsrik avel och det ska löna sig att köpa svenska hästar. Notera att svenskuppfödda 2-, 3- och 4-åriga fullblod får 40% i tillägg till prispengarna i form av hästägarpremier i alla öppna löpningar i Sverige. Till detta kommer prispengar avsatta till löpningar för enbart svensk- eller skandinaviskuppfödda hästar. Det högt doterade Scandinavian Breeders’ System-konceptet är också ett starkt incitament att satsa på svenska åringar. Numera är första och andra insatsen gemensam för Breeders-loppen i Sverige, Norge och Danmark, så att den åring som är ansluten, automatiskt är anmäld i alla tre länderna.

Vi upprepar succén med minglet! Stockholm Cup-helgen, inklusive vår auktion, är årets höjdpunkt för många, och vi vill gärna upprepa förra årets succé för att höja feststämningen. Kl 20.00 på fredagskvällen, dagen före auktionen, bjuder SÅEF och SFAF därför uppfödare som säljer häst, tränare, samt de som köpt en åring på någon av våra två senaste auktioner, på mingel med en lättare buffé på Täby Park Hotel. Det enda du som gäst behöver göra är att anmäla ditt deltagande på mailadressen helena@spritzmedia.se senast måndagen den 14 september. Vi ser fler och fler exempel på hur stor glädje ägarkonsortier kan ge, så varför inte bilda ett nytt i år med en fin svensk åring? Var med och dela på miljonerna - kom och bjud på våra fina åringar lördagen den 19e september på Täby Ryttarcenter!





Leif Wretman 070-573 78 00 Petra Amoudruz 073-02 00 194 Roger Asp 070-918 32 01



Stockholm Åringsauktioner Ekonomisk Förening (SÅEF)


Varmt välkomna - och glöm inte att ta med släkt och vänner!



Stockholms Åringsauktioner på Täby Ryttarcenter lördag 19 september Tidsprogram för auktionshelgen SÅ





Lördag 19 september



Boxarna disponeras från kl 09.00. Från kl 18.00 Åringarna tillgängliga för visning


Fredag 18 september

Kl 10.00-11.30 11.30 13.00

Visning av åringarna - se schema nedan! Lunchbuffén öppnar Auktionen börjar

Funktionärer Uppstallning Platsansvarig/koordinator

Petra Amoudruz 073-02 00 194 Leif Wretman 070-573 78 00 Roger Asp 070-918 32 01

Sekretariat Utropare Presentatör

Anna Bonde och Marita Wirenstål Alastair Pim (Tattersalls Ltd, UK) Mikael Armstrong


Obligatoriskt tidsschema för visning av åringarna i nummerordning lördag morgon kl 10.00-11.30 i ridhuset. Åringarna visas i skritt ca 10 min i ridhuset (bortre delen i ”förvolten”) enligt följande tidsschema: Kl 10.00 Nr 1-8 Kl 10.15 Nr 9-16 Kl 10.30 Nr 17-25 Kl 10.45 Nr 26-33

Kl 11.00 Nr 34-41 Kl 11.15 Nr 42-49 Kl 11.30 Nr 50-57

HITTA TILL TÄBY RYTTARCENTER Med bil. Från Norrortsleden: Ta av mot Täby Kyrkby/Täby Centrum. Sväng mot Täby Centrum. Vid första trafiksignalen ligger TRC avfart till vänster. Skylt vid vägen: Ridskola & Efraimsberg. Från E18 (Norrtäljevägen): Ta av mot Viggbyholm/Täby Centrum. Fortsätt på Bergtorpsvägen genom fyra rondeller. Ta sedan höger vid andra trafiksignalen. Skylt vid vägen: Ridskola & Efraimsberg. Med buss: Hållplats antingen Karby Gård (från Täby C-hållet) eller Täby Kyrkby Trafikplats. 8

Åringarna i bokstavsordning Åring Katnr

Åring Katnr

Åring Katnr






33 21 36


12 28




24 56 49


53 31 45 10 44 5 57


37 50 1


34 26


43 20




7 3

40 32 30 46 42 41 55






39 51


2 27




9 4 15 25

Ej namngivna åringar NN, u Audrinna NN, u Dalalaat NN, u Danetime Music NN, u Easy Way NN, u Energia Especial NN, u Fräulein NN, u Lovely You NN, u Magical Wood NN, u Mashaer NN, u Optimise NN, u Three Tops

38 6 19 22 18 16 29 13 54 35 47

Boka hotellrum till rabatterat pris! Best Western

Täby Park Hotel Bokning och info: hotell@tabyparkhotel.se Ange ”Hästauktionen” för rabatt.

Tel 08-506 483 00 Kemistv. 30, 10 min promenad från Täby Galopp.


Säljare i bokstavsordning AB Åkerkullen/Roger Asp Box 2030, 750 02 Uppsala 20 DOMINICA 48 KASHGAR Alvena Gård AB/Per Olof Johansson Eskelheim Alvena 604 622 70 Gotlands Tofta 52 ALVENA ADIEU Arvidsson Per Navesta, 641 62 Valla 43 DIDGERIDOO Arvidsson Per o Equo Bloodstock HB Navesta, 641 62 Valla 7 FIRE IN THE SKY Brantshammar Stuteri AB/Karin Johansson Brantshammar, 741 92 Knivsta 1 LUCKY TOY 34 TETRIS 46 MINT KISS 51 QUINTA Eriksson Ylwa o Per-Johan Gammelgarn, 623 67 Katthammarsvik 8 ENGE RIVER Fellowship Racing AB/Mårten Kask Soldatvägen 57E, 192 73 Sollentuna 17 GARNETT (ger) 28 ISINBAYEVA 40 MAGIC JOHNSON Fällbro Gård/Kerstin Ericsson Skålhamravägen, 187 70 Täby 37 LIMELIGHT K o H von Eckermann, A o H Ottosson Qvillö Stuteri, Kvillö, 570 16 Kvillsfors 23 PRINCE DIVIDER

Morberg Bengt Vallhall, Fäboda 15, 734 91 Hallstahammar 30 MILLIAN 41 MORAVIA 55 MUTEKI Nilsson Pernilla Råby 14, 775 96 Krylbo 5 SPINNING QUEEN 9 GOLDEN DOLLAR 27 ROYAL STARLIGHT 50 LOTUS 56 CARAMBOLA STAR Nordgren Sophie Persson Ulrika och Jonas, Jävsgård 155, Eket, 305 92 Holm 2 RACING STAR 14 ZENDER P. Wahl Racing/Patrick Wahl Sundbyvägen 16, 186 70 BROTTBY 12 IL PASSO Rävdansens stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla 3 FOREVER TOGETHER 10 SONDHEIM 15 GUESS WHO 21 BINOCHE 33 BARTHOLDI 36 BROOKLYN 39 QUEENS 44 SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY 49 CHOCOLAT 57 STEEL CLAW Sigfridsson Tor Harry Västergården 4, 521 97 Vartofta 42 MOMENTUM

Katalogproduktion: Spritz Media/Helena Mansén, helena@spritzmedia.se och Belldale Racing School/Nadja Bellander, nadja.bellander@telia.com i samarbete. Foto omslag och sid 17: Stefan Olsson/SG. Tryck: Åtta45, Järfälla.


SMS Racing HB o Expromo HB Stefan Ahlqvist, Stava Gård, 184 43 Åkersberga 24 CAPTAIN KIRK

Stall Mojito/Thomas Gjelsås Möllebakken 12, 1359 Eiksmarka, Norge 19 NN, u Danetime Music

Skutvik Bjarne, Melingssiden 11, 4056 Tananger, Norge 25 GYPSY STAR

Stuteri Simberg/Ylva o Ulrik Lindh Kestad, 533 96 Götene 31 SIMPLY ENJOY 45 SIMPLY FRANK

Staffansson Gösta o Therese Therese Staffansson, Nannberga Gammelgård 214, 732 91 Arboga 32 MAXI MOTION Stall Bonne Nuit/Nils Petter Gill, Övre Båstad Gård, Leangv 43 1387 Asker, Norge 11 HOLLYS SURPRISE Stall Jalih/Jan Hansson Hjärås gård 9152, 242 97 Hörby 4 GOLDEN ROCKET 26 WALBURGA 53 SILVER VALLEY

Svista Säteri/Bo Helander Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 6 NN, u Dalalaat 13 NN, u Magical Wood 16 NN, u Fräulein 18 NN, u Energia Especial 22 NN, u Easy Way 29 NN, u Lovely You 35 NN, u Optimise 38 NN, u Audrinna 47 NN, u Three Tops 54 NN, u Mashaer

Fri uppstallning i 30 dagar! Klöversymbolen härintill, som återfinns uppe till höger om härstamningen på en del katalogsidor, innebär att säljaren/uppfödaren är villig att erbjuda kostnadsfri uppstallning inkl skötsel och vård - på köparens risk - under 30 dagar direkt efter auktionen den 19 september för varje såld åring. Kontakta respektive säljare direkt vid auktionen för praktiska detaljer.

Katalogsidorna för åringarna kommer vid behov att löpande uppdateras på SÅEF:s hemsida (saef.se) fram till auktionsdatum. Uppdateringarna görs i röd färg och kommer även att finnas med på de sidor (A3) som klistras upp på boxdörrarna auktionsdagen.


Auktionsvillkor 2015 1. Auktionen anordnas av Stockholms Åringsauktioner Ekonomisk Förening (SÅEF) lördagen den 19 september 2015 på Täby Ryttarcenter, Täby.

Auktionen är öppen för skandinaviskuppfödda fullblodsåringar (födda 2014). Säljare ansvarar för att åring som utbjudes är vederbörligen registrerad. Auktionen beräknas starta kl 13.00 med visning dagen före, fredag från kl 18.00 och auktionsdagen från kl 10.00. Åringarna beräknas kunna tas emot fredag från kl 09.00 samt lördag fram till kl 09.00. För övriga tidsangivelser, se katalogen.


Åringarna säljs i befintligt skick. Samtliga uppgifter rörande åringen är lämnade av säljaren, som ensam svarar för riktigheten av dessa. SÅEF och säljaren friskriver sig uttryckligen för fel och brister hos de försålda åringarna. Arrangören och säljarens ansvar gentemot köparen är begränsat till prisavdrag eller till att som mest återbetala det klubbade priset jämte provision och mervärdesskatt. Arrangören och säljaren ansvarar således inte för direkta eller indirekta skador som köparen drabbas av.

3. För fullgörande av sin undersökningsplikt äger köpare rätt och möjlighet att besiktiga och/eller låta veterinär undersöka hästen före auktionstillfället. Kostnaden för en sådan åtgärd ska betalas av köparen. 4. Försäljningen sker i nummerordning enligt katalogen. 5.

Anmälningstiden utgår måndagen den 8 juni 2015. Anmälningsavgift till auktionen är 2.200 kr, vilket inkluderar boxplats och strö samt plats för katalogsida i katalogen. För svenskuppfödd åring bidrar Jockeyklubben med 1.000 kr för att främja svensk fullblodsavel. Därför faktureras endast 1.200 kr av SÅEF i anmälningsavgift för svenskuppfödda åringar. Anmälningsavgiften ska vara inbetald senast den 31 juli 2015. Anmälningsavgiften återbetalas ej oavsett strykningsanledning. Efteranmälan godtas ej.


Anmälan kan göras med den anmälningsblankett som utsändes till ägare av registrerade fullblodsåringar. På anmälningsblanketten ska säljarens regist­reringsnummer för mervärdesskatt anges. Om skyldighet att redovisa mervärdesskatt ej föreligger ska detta markeras i avsedd ruta.

7. Transportbidrag lämnas med 400 kr per häst om resvägen enkel väg överstiger 250 km. 8. Budgivningen ska vara på minst 1.000 kr per bud. Minimipris 10.000 kr. 9. Bevakning av reservpriser görs ej från SÅEF:s sida utan säljare har att själv med motbud eller på annat sätt bevaka sin åring under det att den är i ring för försäljning. 10. Försäljningen sker kontant eller - om så överenskommes med säljaren - mot faktura per 30 dagar netto, räknat från auktionsdagen. Resp säljare ombesörjer fakturering och kreditbevakning. Vid försenad betalning har säljaren rätt att debitera dröjsmålsränta med 2% per månad räknat från förfallodagen. 12

11. Auktionsprovision debiteras säljaren med 2% och köparen med 6%. Vid återrop debiteras säljaren 2% i återropsprovision. Vid återrop debiteras således säljaren totalt 4%. Åring som säljs efter auktionen och senast 21 september registreras som såld på auktionen om säljaren dokumenterar köpet på SÅEF försäljningsblankett och anmäler köpet till SÅEF senast 2015-09-21 kl 24.00. Återropsprovisionen bortfaller då och köparen debiteras sedvanlig köpprovision. Provisioner debiteras separat genom SÅEF. Vid försenad eller utebliven betalning debiterar SÅEF dröjsmålsränta med 2% per månad. 12. Mervärdesskatt tillkommer på anmälningsavgift, inropssumma, auktionsprovision och ev övriga avgifter. 13. Om i katalogen upptagen åring utan giltig anledning dras tillbaka från auktionen, debiteras säljaren en provision på 6% av auktionsmedelpriset. Som giltig anledning godtas endast veterinärintyg utvisande att det av medicinska skäl är omöjligt för åringen att delta. 14. Äganderätten till såld häst övergår till köparen först när hästen är till fullo betald. Efter klubbslaget övergår ansvaret och eventuella kostnader på köparen. Skulle häst insjukna, skadas eller dö efter klubbslaget är köparen ändå skyldig att betala hela köpesumman inkl provision. 15. Samtliga försålda åringar, utom de som återropats, nytecknas kostnadsfritt under 30 dagar i AGRIA Aktiv till klubbat pris (exkl moms och provisioner). 16. Följande veterinärintyg ska avlämnas till behörig auktionsfunktionär vid åringens ankomst till auktionsplatsen: a. Intyg gällande influensavaccination: Minimikravet är en grundvaccination (A) där andra injektionen (B) ges inom 21-92 dagar efter A. b. Intyg gällande smittfrihet: Intyget, som får vara högst 3 dygn gammalt, ska utvisa att såväl åringen som övriga hästar i aktuellt stall inte uppvisar symptom på smittsam sjukdom. 17. SÅEF förbehåller sig rätt att ombesörja dopingprovtagning auktionsdagen på åringarna jämlikt SG:s bestämmelser om otillåtna medel. 18. Åring kan stå kvar i box på auktionsplatsen som längst till direkt efter tävlingarna på Täby den 20 september. Därefter måste den flyttas. I annat fall förbehåller sig SÅEF dels rätten att flytta hästen, dels debitera en avgift om 3.000 kr per häst.








19. SÅEF (inkl Spritz Media HM som framställer katalogen) fritar sig från allt ansvar beträffande ev felaktigheter och tryckfel i auktionskatalogen.



Varmt tack Bezäta! I år är det första gången på många år - 46 år närmare bestämt! - som inte Björn ”BZ” Zachrisson och hans Scandinavian Racing Bureau (SRB) står bakom produktionen av SFAFs eller SÅEFs åringskataloger. Första katalogen gjorde han 1969, därefter varje år fram till 2014. Denna produktion har BZ skött och format som sin egen ”baby” - som så många andra av hans trycksaker till galoppsporten, alla högklassiga både vad gäller innehåll och grafisk utformning. Att närmare gå in på allt övrigt som BZ har bidragit med till den svenska galoppsporten (startboxar, formrader m m) finns det inte utrymme till här. BZ, som den 17 juni fyllde 80 år och då bjöd upp till stor fest på Täby Galopp, fortsätter - om än med något minskad intensitet - att från SRB ta fram trycksaker och galoppstatistik av alla de slag. Dessutom arbetar han på sina memoarer ”Galoppens budbärare” - om hans deltagande i galoppsporten under nästan sju decennier. Efterträdare till just denna SÅEFs produktion är Spritz Media/Helena Mansén och Nadja Bellander i samarbete - båda tidigare medarbetare och ”lärjungar” hos BZ på SRB.

Björn ”BZ” Zachrisson på sitt Scandinavian Racing Bureau varifrån många galoppidéer och trycksaker har tagit form. Foto: Helena Mansén.

SFAF - Svenska Fullblodsavelsföreningen och SÅEF - Stockholms Åringsauktioner Ekonomisk Förening tackar BZ högakt­ nings­fullt för utmärkt samarbete och stort engagemang genom åren.

Svenska Fullblodsavelsföreningen SFAF, bildad 1919, är en sammanslutning av fullblodsuppfödare och andra som vill gagna svensk fullblodsavel. Föreningen har som syfte att främja fullblodsavelns och galoppsportens positiva utveckling i Sverige. Årsavgiften är 300 kr. Intresserade som vill teckna medlemskap är välkomna att reglera årsavgiften genom plusgiro 25 30 08-7. Ange namn, adress, telefon samt ev sto/n.

SFAF:s styrelse 2015 SFAF:s styrelse 2012 Ordförande Ordförande Viceordf ordf Vice Ledamöter Ledamöter

Suppleanter Suppleanter Adjungerade Adjungerade


BoHelander Helander Bo Helena Sigfridsson Ture Lindblad Anna Drion Anna Fischer Ture Lindblad Eva CS Pettersson Eva CS Pettersson Helena Sigfridsson Stefan Uppström Stefan Uppström Anna Fischer Conny Mobeck Ivan Sjöberg Therese Staffansson Bengt Thomasson Bengt Thomasson PeterJosefsson, Josefsson,kassör kassör Peter NadjaBellander, Bellander,sekr sekr Nadja

Hedersledamöter Kirsten Rausing Björn Zachrisson Postadress E-post Tel ordf Tel sekr Hemsida Plusgiro Bankgiro

c/o Nadja Bellander, Centralvägen 8 186 31 Vallentuna nadja.bellander@telia.com 0707-77 32 11 0708-98 14 15 www.sfaf.se 25 30 08-7 5870-8777

Mödrarna i bokstavsordning Mor

Nr Åring

Angels’ Share 48 KASHGAR Ask Don’t Tell (IRE) 30 MILLIAN Audrinna (IRE) 38 NN Castle Zinnia 14 ZENDER Cherokees Smoke (USA) 7 FIRE IN THE SKY Cut Supreme (DEN) 55 MUTEKI Cycle of Life (USA) 5 SPINNING QUEEN Dalalaat (GER) 6 NN Danetime Music (IRE) 19 NN Easy Way 22 NN Energia Especial (FR) 18 NN Eurotanz (IRE) 28 ISINBAYEVA Evening Encore (GB) 31 SIMPLY ENJOY Fabuleux Millie (IRE) 45 SIMPLY FRANK Flip Flopping Fly (USA) 39 QUEENS Flor de Lis (GB) 41 MORAVIA French Madness (USA) 24 CAPTAIN KIRK Fräulein 16 NN Full Footage (GB) 10 SONDHEIM Gabacha (USA) 37 LIMELIGHT Goldinova (USA) 17 GARNETT (ger) Green Rocket 4 GOLDEN ROCKET Grey Pearl (GB) 8 ENGE RIVER Gypsy Singer (USA) 25 GYPSY STAR Heart That Matters (USA) 49 CHOCOLAT Holly Golightly 11 HOLLYS SURPRISE Inching (GB) 56 CARAMBOLA STAR Kufoof (USA) 57 STEEL CLAW Lady Alize (USA) 44 SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY


Nr Åring

Little Green Apple 33 BARTHOLDI Lolla’s Spirit (IRE) 21 BINOCHE Loreley 32 MAXI MOTION Love’s Mirage (IRE) 3 FOREVER TOGETHER Lovely You 29 NN Lucky Me 1 LUCKY TOY Lumen (FR) 50 LOTUS Magical Wood (USA) 13 NN Mashaer (USA) 54 NN Mint Whip (IRE) 46 MINT KISS Morning Rose (GER) 42 MOMENTUM On Light 20 DOMINICA Optimise (IRE) 35 NN Pandorea (GB) 52 ALVENA ADIEU Quite Easy (IRE) 51 QUINTA Racing Lady 2 RACING STAR Reed Door (USA) 26 WALBURGA Sadowa (GER) 27 ROYAL STARLIGHT Seeking The Storm (NOR) 15 GUESS WHO Solid Snake 9 GOLDEN DOLLAR Stockholm Lady (FR) 23 PRINCE DIVIDER Sweet Fox Fever (USA) 36 BROOKLYN Tess 12 IL PASSO Three Tops (GB) 47 NN Tomodachi (IRE) 34 TETRIS Victory Spirit (USA) 53 SILVER VALLEY Vuvuzela (USA) 43 DIDGERIDOO Wellness (ger) 40 MAGIC JOHNSON


To our potential buyers from abroad:

A ”Swedishbred” horse will take you a lot further! In Sweden, there are several extra benefits for horses bred and raised within the country. So when buying a horse in Scandinavia, the choice is easy: Buy a Swedishbred horse!

A Swedishbred horse: - receives an extra horse owners’ premium of 40% in all open races in Sweden as a 2-, 3- and 4-year-old - can participate in all the races in Sweden but also has a certain amount of races to choose from that are open exclusively to Swedish breds (for example, the Swedish Masterships) or Scandinavian breds (for example, The Criterium), where it doesn’t have to compete with imports from outside Scandinavia

a Fullblodsavelsföreningen

- can be trained and raced in Sweden even if owned abroad, or can also be trained abroad and come to Sweden to race, which ever alternative is the most suitable.

n sammanslutning av fullblodsuppfödare och andra System som vill gagna svensk The Scandinavian Breeders’ en har som syfte att främja fullblodsavelns och galopp sporSystem tens po sitiva Most of the Swedish breds are entered in the Scandinavian Breeders’ when they areär foals. This in which about milllion Swedish kronor is payedär outvälkomna in 8 races (5 savgiften 300 kr.concept, Intresserade som7vill teckna med lemskap Sweden, 2 in Norway and 1 in Denmark), is open to imports as well, but as the sire of the genominhorse plusgiro 25 30 08-7. Ange namn, adress, telefon samt ev sto/n. has to be entered before the horse is even born, very few imports actually take part. The yearlings in this catalogue that are entered in the Scandinavian Breeders’ System have a note about it in the top right hand corner.


Hedersledamöter Get your overnight stay paid by the SFAF! Kirsten To encourage buyers from abroad and from other parts ofRausing the country, the Swedish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (SFAF) will pay for the overnight stay at a hotel, on the Björn Zachrisson ander condition that the buyer has purchased at least one Swedishbred horse for at least 80.000 ndblad SEK plus VAT at the sale (valid for maximum two nights and/or maximum 3.000 SEK, and Postadress c/o Nadja Bellander, payment against hotel receipt only). To claim this benefit, contact the secretary of the sale. Fischer The benefit will be payed out when the Centralvägen horse has been fully 8 paid for. S Pettersson . . . and if you travel far, we 186 can 31 Vallentuna a Sigfridsson E-post nadja.bellander@telia.com also help with travel expenses! Uppström Tel ordf 0707-77 32 11 Buyers that travel from outside of Scandinavia to any of the yearling laMobeck Nilsson sales in Scandinavia and buy at least one Swedishbred horse for 15 Tel sekr 0708-98 14 at least 80.000 SEK plus VAT, can also claim their money back for e Staffansson Hemsida www.sfaf.se travel expenses, up to maximum 200 Euro, verified by a receipt. Thomasson Plusgiro To claim this benefit, contact the secretary of the 25 sale.30 The08-7 benefit osefsson, kassör will be payed out when the horse has been fully paid for. Bankgiro 5870-8777 Bellander, sekr www.sfaf.se 16

Några svenskuppfödda framgångar VOLATILE 2014-2015 VOLATILE, 3 år, redan van globetrotter med Listedseger i Dubai och Gr 3-placeringar i England och Frankrike. Tjänat 1 104 107 kr. Äg Let’s Fly-Easy. INAYA (gb), 4 år, sju segrar, tjänat 1 486 732 kr inkl bonus. Årets Sto 2014. Äg Chess Racing AB. DAVICII (gb), 4 år, seger i Dansk Derby 2014. Äg Stall Bonne Nuit som köpte honom på SÅEF 2012. MRS LOREEN (t.h.), 3 år, sju segrar av åtta möjlliga, bl a Altamiralöpning. Tjänat 881 200 kr inkl svenskbonus. Ägare Stall Flimmer-Easy. BRAZIL JACK, 3 år, vinnare av 2015 års Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas. 5 segrar och 864 900 kr inkl svenskbonus. Äg Stall Texas, Stall LATA och Stall Sudden. Vinner här JK före RED HUNTER.


2009 2007 2010 2011 2009 2006 2011 2012 2010 2010 2010 2010 2008 2008 2007 2009 2007 2012 2013 2014

Statue of Liberty King Charlemagne Eishin Dunkirk Eishin Dunkirk Eishin Dunkirk Trempolino Desert Style Tertullian High Chaparral Mandrake El Mago Swedish Shave Black Sam Bellamy Eishin Dunkirk Trade Fair Swedish Shave Sharp Matt Most Welcome Ad Valoreem Zaahid Eishin Dunkirk

Ägare efter auktionen Segr Pris/bonus Stall Gransäter Racemusic HB Almrin Racing Stable Stall Trick or Treat AB Sandås Ann-Louise SRS AB Stall Dawn - Easy Stall Gransäter Mr Ascot Johansson M, Draken, Texas Engblom Henrik Stall Julianus Racemusic HB Dysell Sigyn Falkbolagen AB Cabinet Racing HB Malmborg Gunilla Stall Tandem Brolin S, Sahlberg B, Bolin L Mr Ascot

15 16 10 7 6 16 4 3 2 4 8 4 3 11 13 4 9 2 4 3

3 276 996 2 768 798 2 401 042 1 926 163 1 809 528 1 774 611 1 583 123 1 546 538 1 114 407 1 112 597 1 053 283 942 115 847 478 838 765 808 626 766 880 692 050 550 558 448 028 196 000


Hingstförteckning BATED BREATH (GB) b 2007 Dansili (GB) - Tantina (USA) / Distant View (USA) 6 wins from 3 to 5 years £419,945, 5-6 furlongs, incl Temple S Gr2, Leisure S L, Totesport.com Conditions S, 2nd July Cup Gr1, Sprint Cup Gr1, Nearctic S Gr1, King’s Stand S Gr1, 3rd Sprint Cup Gr1. To stud in England at 2013. His first crop are yearlings 2015. Kat nr: 21 BINARY FILE (USA) bay 1998 Nureyev (USA) - Binary (GB) / Rainbow Quest (USA) Champion Miler i Skandinavien i 2005, Champion Older Horse in Scandinavia 2006. 7 wins at 3 to 8 years and 3,301,438 SEK incl Marit Sveaas Minneløp Gr3, Strensall S L, Pramms Memorial L, Pokalløb L, Swedish Open Mile L, 2nd Prix Dollar Gr2, Stockholm Cup International Gr2, Stockholms Stora Pris L, Dansk Jockey Club Cup L, 3d Marit Sveaas Minneløp Gr3, Stockholms Stora Pris L, Pokalløb L. To stud in Denmark. In Scandinavia sire of 26 winners and 57 wins, £537,543. Among them THE KICKER, 11 wins (Dansk Breeders’ Cup, Dansk 2000 Guineas, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpning, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, Breeders’ Prize Classic, 2e Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, 3e Svenskt Kriterium), SUMMERTIME (Svenskt Oaks, 2nd Dansk Derby, 2nd Skandinavisk Grand Prix), VISITEUR DU POM (Ulriksdals Minneslöpning, 2nd Breeders’ Prize Sprint), Gallant File, 2 wins (2nd Larch Ærespræmie), GALDESSA (Summer Fillies), LADY FILE (Fabellaløb), CUT FATHER (Aalborg 2-års Mesterskab), among winners MARLEY (3), MOMSE (2), BINARY STAR (2), EMMYS LANE, JUNGLELAND, VERONA. Kat nr: 25 CAMPANOLOGIST (USA) bay 2005 Kingmambo (USA) - Ring of Music (GB) / Sadler’s Wells (USA) 11 wins at 2 to 6 years and $1,688,691.41 incl Gran Premio Jockey Club Italiano Gr1, Preis von Europa Gr1, Rheinland Pokal Gr1, Grosser Preis von Hamburg Gr1, Dubai City of Gold Gr2, King Edward VII S Gr2, Totepool Winter Hill S Gr3, Tuddenham Mill Felden S L, 2nd Tattersalls Gold Cup Gr1, International Bosphorus Cup Gr2, Hardwicke S Gr2, Sky Bet York S Gr2, Cumberland Lodge S Gr3, Lancaster S Gr3, 3d Gran Premio di Milano Gr1, Dubai City of Gold Gr2, Dubai Duty Free Arc Trial Gr3 (2x), Derby Trial S Gr3. To stud in Germany 2013, shutteled to Argentina 2013. His first crop are yearlings 2015. Kat nr: 42 CENTER DIVIDER (USA) ch 2007 Giant’s Causeway (USA) - Meridiana (GER) / Lomitas (GB) 4 wins at 3 to 5 years and placed 8 times from 20 starts, earning $341,446 in North America incl 2nd Man O’War S Gr1, Bowling Green Hcp Gr2, John Call S L, 3d Sycamore S Gr3. To stud in Sweden 2013 and in Denmark 2014. His first crop are yearlings 2015. Kat nr: 2, 4, 14, 23 DEVIL’S DRINK (JPN) b 2007 Agnes Tachyon (JPN) - Silk Prima Donna (JPN) / Brian’s Time (USA) Unraced. To stud in Denmark in 2011. His first crop (only 4 foals) are 3yos in 2015, incl MYKITA, winner and placed twice; also 5th in Altamiralöpn, in just 5 starts. Kat nr: 55


EISHIN DUNKIRK (USA) ch 1997 Mr Prospector (USA) - Forest Flower (USA) / Green Forest (USA) 3 wins at 2 to 4 and 39,571,000 Yen in Japan. Champion Sire in Sweden 2010, 2011 and 2012, Champion Sire in Sweden of 2yos in 2009, 2011 and 2012, Champion Sire in Scandinavia of 2yos in 2012. Sire of 58 winners of 152 races and £1,489,429 from his European crops incl EDE SENSATION, F/M of the Year in Sweden 2012, Older Horse of the Year in Sweden 2012 (Lanwades Stud S L, BT Stayer, Lanwades Stud S, Swedish Champion Sprint, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 3rd Coolmore Matchmaker S L), Girl From Ipanema (3rd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn L), WAKAYAMA, F/M of the Year in Sweden 2009, (BT Mile, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn 2, Becky Moss Fillies Mile, JIMMY MACK, Champion Horse of the Year in Sweden 2012, Champion 3yo in Sweden 2012 (BT Classic, BT Mile, BT Juvenile, Mischa Kahns Minne, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn), QUITE A MISSION (Dansk Derby, BT Juvenile, Svenskt Kriterium, Agria Auktionslöpn, JK 2000 Guineas), JELLY ROLL (JK Jubileumslöpn), PAID (BT MIle, Scania Stayer), DOMO ARIGATO (SM 2-åriga), HONGKONG STAR (Svenskt Kriterium), SKRIK (Skand Mesterskap 2-årige) and RED EISHIN (Försommerlöp 3-årige), RED CAVIAR (Amacitalöpn), DOLPHINäS SMILE (Scania Sprint), All Or Nothing (2e Skandinavisk Opdrætningsløb), Dolly Dagger, 3 (2e Lambada Cup). Among other winners, EARTH HOUR (9), KANZEE GOLD (4), RIVER OF DREAMS (3), SENSHI (3), MAGNETIC SOUTH (2), QUINTO (2). Also sire in Japan of A Shin Sword (3rd Wakakusa Sho L) and HONEST JOHN, major Black Type winner. Kat nr: 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 24, 27, 33, 40, 48, 50, 52, 56 FRAAM (GB) br 1989 Lead On Time (USA) - Majestic Kahala (USA) / Majestic Prince (USA) 5 wins at 3 to 5 and £133,142 incl Joel S L, 2nd Premio Natale di Roma Gr3, Prix Chemin de Fer du Nord Gr3, Ben Marshal S L, Doncaster Mile L, 3rd City of York S L, Strensall S L. Sire of 148 winners of 469 races and £4,295,899 incl MAJESTIC DESERT (Fred Darling S Gr3), Oak Tree S Gr3, 2nd Coronation S Gr1, Prix d’Astarte Gr1, Premio Vittorio di Capua Gr1, LADY LAHAR (Futurity S Gr3), 2nd Prix de la Nonette Gr3, 3rd Falmouth S Gr2, CLIFTON DANCER (Eternal S L), SUBITODOPO (Premio Villa Borghese L). Also sire to winners in Scandinavia; ANNEBEE (IRE) (Coolmore Matchmaker S L), BLUSHER (GB) (Amacita, Svealand, Scania Sprint), LOIS (Altamira), Steelwolf (GB), 10 wins, (3rd Scandinavian Open Championship Gr3), Irish Corner (IRE), 2 wins (2nd Mowerina, Svealand), LIGER (GB) (4 wins). Sired in Sweden RED ROBIN (5 wins), FLYING FRAAM (4 wins), EVER SO RICH (3 wins) among 57 wins. Kat nr: 43 MERCHANT OF VENICE (USA) b 1998 Storm Cat (USA)-Bonita Franchita (USA)/Devil’s Bag (USA) Winner at 3 and £6,677. Halfbrother to sires JULES (USA) and ORPEN (USA). To stud in Chile 2002. Per 2014 sire of 189 winners of 683 races and 4,39 mill USD incl ASHTAR (El Derby S Gr1, Herrera Martinez S Gr2, Mistral S Gr3), IL VENEZIANO (Tanteo de Potrillos S Gr1), LOBO BLANCO (Gran Criterium Gr1, Venegas S Gr3, Fernandez S Gr3, 2nd Seleccion de Portrillos S Gr3, 3rd Guineas Bicentenario S Gr1), ALCOHUAZ (Seleccion de Velocistas S Gr2, Flieger Preis L, Prix de Bonneval L, Zawawi Cup L, Täby Open Sprint Championship L, Täby Vårsprint L, Jägersro Sprint L (twice), Hoppegartener Sprint Cup L, 2nd Prix de Seine-et-Oise Gr3), PUERTO BOTANY (Nicanor Senoret S Gr2, 2nd Copa de Plata S Gr1), AMARNA (J S Baeza S Gr3), EL GONDOLIERO (Seleccion de Potrillos S Gr3), LA TORROSA (Jose Saavedra Baeza S Gr3) and Black Type-winners TOUCH ME BABY, BRUNEQUILDA, YANGTSE, TAIHEDIAN and MOUNTAINEER and a further 10 Stakes-winners. To stud in Sweden 2012. His first swedish crop are two year old 2015. Kat nr: 1, 6, 11, 18, 19, 29, 34, 37, 46, 51, 54 MINGUN (USA) b 2000 A.P. Indy (USA) - Miesque (USA) / Nureyev (USA) 3 wins at 3 to 4 years and £120.425 incl Meld S Gr3, Budweiser Celebration S L and 3d Diamond S L. To stud in USA 2006 and had his first runners 2009, sire of winners in USA, Canada, Sydamerika och Europa. Sire also to TOP SCENE (USA) (8 wins in Sweden). To stud in Denmark 2011. Sire to six winners in Scandinavia, GUATON (2) (Lambada Cup), Anassa (2e SM för 2-åriga,3e Dansk Kriterium), GOLDEN ARTLINE, CARA BLANCA, MY PEARL, HONG KONG DRAGON, SAINT CLAIR. Kat nr: 26, 32, 53 19

MORES WELLS (GB) b 2004 Sadler’s Wells (USA) - Endorsement (GB) / Warning (GB) 8 wins at 3 to 7 and £725,604 incl Ballyroan S Gr3 (twice), Ballysax S Gr3, Stockholm Cup International Gr3, Grand Prix de Lyon L, 2nd Canadian International Gr1, Curragh Cup Gr3, Prix d’Hedouville Gr3, Stockholm Cup International Gr3, Prix de Sud-Ouest L, Prix Rene et Jacques Bedel L, 3rd Irish St Leger Gr1, Irish Champion S Gr1, Mooresbridge S Gr3, Prix de Reux L, Grand Prix de Nantes L. To stud in Sweden 2012 and to England 2014. His first crop are two years 2015. Kat nr: 28, 31, 45 PHILOMATHEIA (USA) br 1997 Danzig (USA) - Kooyonga (IRE) / Persian Bold (IRE) 5 wins at 3 to 6 in Japan. Champion Sire in Sweden of 2yos in 2013 , sire of 15 winners of 44 races and £512,903 incl MASTER FITZ (Criterium Partenopeo L, 2nd Criterium di Pisa L, 3rd Premio Vittorio Riva L), PATTAYA (Premio del Giubileo Gr3, Premio Circo Massimo L (twice), 2nd Premio del Giubileo Gr3, Premio Signorino L, 3rd Premio Presidente della Republica Gr1) and in Scandinavia the winners FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT (BT Juvenile, SM 2-åriga), PHILADELFIA (3 wins), EVANS (2), RED GLORY (2), GOLDEN SEA (2), PHILOSOFICAL, STORMZIG, TEXAS SNAKE. Kat nr: 36, 39, 41, 44, 49, 57 TERTULLIAN (USA) ch 1995 Miswaki (USA) - Turbaine (USA) / Trempolino (USA) Jt-Champion Older Sprinter in Germany in 1999. 12 wins from 3 to 6 and £221,201 incl Prix de la Porte Maillot Gr3, Grosser Buchmacher Springer Sprint Preis Gr3, Grosser Preis von Berlin Gr3, Premio Chiusura Gr3 (twice), 2nd Grosser Preis der Dortmunder Wirtschaft Gr3, Grosser Buchmacher Springer Sprint Preis Gr3, 3rd Goldene Peitsche Gr2, Holsten Trophy Gr3 (twice), Benazet Rennen Gr3, Grosser Preis von Berlin Gr3. Sire of 132 winners of 426 races and £6,076,083 incl MAWINGO (Doomben Cup Gr1, Bavarian Classic Gr3, 3rd Fruhjahrs Preis der Bankhauses Metzler Gr3), IRIAN (Mehl-Mulhens Rennen Gr2, Dr Busch Memorial Gr3, 3rd Prix Jean Prat Gr1), AVISO (Mehl-Mulhens Rennen Gr2, 3rd Jaxx Pokal Gr3), RUSSIAN TANGO (Preis der Deutschen Einheit Gr3, SWB Derby Trial L, Preis von Dahlwtiz L, Bwin Sachsen Preis L, 3rd Deutsches Derby Gr1, Mehl-Mulhens Rennen Gr2, Hamburg Trophy Gr3), ILLO (Grand Px Premiere Gr3, Devk Jubilaumscup, 2nd Gr Preis der Wirtschaft Gr3), TERTIO BLOOM (Jägersro Sprint L (twice), Zawawi Cup L, 2nd Svenskt Derby L), DIATRIBE (Kronimus Rennen L), TULIANGREEN (Premio d’Estate L), IDOLINO (Preis der Casino Baden-Baden L, 3rd Bavarian Classic Gr3), ILLIANA (Oppenheim-Rennen L), BELTANUS (EBF Meile L, 3rd Frankfurt Meile Gr3), BELANGO (Le Defi du Galop Cup L), BAIADERA (Krefelder Sprint Cup L), GUILIANI (Prix Matchem L) and in Scandinavia also sire to winners of 25 wins incl HORATIO BLOOM, 2 wins (Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile), Senorita Bloom, 4 wins (2nd Swedish Champion Classic), Talk My Talk, 3 wins (2e Breeders’ Trophy Classic). Kat nr: 30 ZAAHID (IRE) ch 2004 Sakhee (USA) - Murjana (IRE) / Pleasant Colony (USA) 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £107,088 incl Victoria Cup H, 2nd William Hill Lincoln H, 3rd Newbury Spring Cup H. To stud in Sweden 2010. Sire of 4 winners of 11 races and 1,073,221 SEK incl ZAMIR (4 wins 447.628 SEK, hcp 80), Red Hunter, 2 wins, hcp 83 (2nd Jockeyklubben 2000 Guineas)), Uncle Alfie, 3 wins, (3rd BT Juvenile, 322.163 SEK), ZAMWAY (2 wins, 162.120 SEK) Kat nr: 13, 16, 22, 35, 38, 47

Täby Ryttarcenter är en av Stor-Stockholms största ridanläggningar. Auktionen avhölls här 2011 och 2013. Ytterligare info med karta hittar du på vår hemsida saef.se och på tabyryttarcenter.se kan anläggningen beskådas närmare. 20

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0733-82 60 20 076-170 73 75 073-391 47 80 070-772 27 35 0705-79 78 13 070-520 09 50 0766-27 23 10

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Jägersro Galopp Hans Adielsson 0708-47 53 16 Francisco Castro 0705-76 26 34 Elisabeth Gautier 0707-56 07 04 Charlotte Goss 0768-55 63 48 Bodil Hallencreutz 0703-45 86 32 Peter Jardby 0705-47 26 26 Isadora Karlsson-Gomez 0739-06 28 16 Hans-Inge Larsen 0708-37 71 09 Ole Larsen 0707-75 83 69 Annelie Larsson 0704-95 64 91 Karola Larsson 0706-62 70 67 Jessica Long 0708-64 88 24 Marie Lustig 0707-75 33 07 Camilla Nilsson 0705-85 58 19 Rune Ohlsson 0707-48 44 40 Tony Oscarsson 0727-35 44 41 Jan-Erik Pettersson 0708-96 63 95 Ricardo Ramallo 0739-08 20 56 Fredrik Reuterskiöld 0733-86 62 77 Johan Reuterskiöld 0701-60 01 60 Lennart Jr Reuterskiöld 0708-53 98 34 Vanja Sandrup 0709-26 35 68 Annika Sjökvist 0736-80 65 22 Katarina Stenefeldt 0702-29 63 18 Catharina Östlund 0708-17 83 98

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Peter mobil 21

Täby Galopp Claes Björling Åsa Borger Ylva Brandt Sandra Brolin Lars Bäck Sigyn Dysell Johanna Ericsson Tommy Gustafsson Maria Johansson Roy Arne Kvisla Annika Källse Lotta Lien Karin Lindberger Tina Långström Caroline Malmborg Alex McLaren Bo Neuman Dennis Persson Maria Sandh Anna Skoglund-Figueroa Madeleine Smith Catharina Vång Patrick Wahl

0708-756 756 070-799 21 04 073-684 14 41 076-171 20 06 070-513 87 26 0705-54 08 64 073-391 22 10 070-718 03 73 0760-16 75 76 0763-19 83 01 0708-97 29 04 073-708 11 75 0768-66 69 38 0707-74 85 11 070-441 18 89 0709-30 67 61 070-591 26 34 0708-20 43 86 0707-69 28 10 073-617 49 52 070-867 41 81 0708-58 06 25 070-496 16 69

worldracing@hotmail.com borger@telia.com ylva.brandt@telia.com brolinberg@icloud.com lars.back79@bredband.net sigyn@dysell.com ericsson.racing@hotmail.com tgracing@telia.com johanssonaim@gmail.com info@kvisla-racing.com annika.kallse@gmail.com lotta.lien@hotmail.se klindberger@ymail.com tinalangstrom@gmail.com caroline@stallmalmborg.se alex@mclarenracing.se gladh.brandt@telia.com persson.dennis@tele2.se mariasandh1@hotmail.com annaskoglundfigueroa@yahoo.se info@smithracing.se ninna@ullbolsta.com pwahlracing@hotmail.com

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s 2009: n o n ! n a r Vå rtfarande o f r e m m Detta stä

MR PROSPECTOR och DANZIG! Och vi har söner till båda!

EISHIN DUNKIRK Mr Prospector- Forest Flower e Green Forest (segrat över 1000-1400 m)

PHILOMATHEIA Danzig - Kooyonga e Persian Bold (Segrat över 1000-1400 m)

D Wayne Lukas, när han tillfrågades om vad som krävs av en potentiell avelshingst:


Du kommer inte närmare källan! (Notera att både Forest Flower TF127 och Kooyonga TF123 har vunnit Irish 1000 Guineas) Mr Prospector var en speedkula, men har i aveln lämnat avkommor som segrat över alla distanser. Hans söner i sin tur har fortsatt att göra detsamma. Även Danzig var en ren sprinter. Om man tittar på de framgångsrikaste avelshingstarna i Europa idag, så kan man konstatera att de flesta är näst intill rena sprinters. PIVOTAL (Polar Falcon), far till dubbla Oaks-vinnaren 2009, Sariska, är Englands främsta avelshingst. Han segrade aldrig över 1000 m. DANEHILL (Danzig), Champion Sprinter i Europa. Vann aldrig i Gruppsammanhang över 1200 m. DANEHILL DANCER (Danehill), segrade över 1200-1400 m. GREEN DESERT (Danzig), vann aldrig över 1200 m. INVINCIBLE SPIRIT (Green Desert), ny topphingst, har 7 segrar över 1200 m. OASIS DREAM (Green Desert), ny superhingst, max 1200 m. DANETIME (Danehill), max 1200 m. MACHIAVELLIAN (Mr Prospector), 1200-1400, far till Street Cry. SPEIGHTSTOWN (Gone West), ny kanonhingst i USA, max 1200 m. DESERT STYLE (Green Desert), 1200 - 1400 m. BELONG TO ME (Danzig), max 1200 m. ANABAA (Danzig), max 1600 m. ANABAA BLUE (Anabaa), max 1200 m. SELKIRK (Sharpen Up), 1400-1600 m. SMART STRIKE (Mr Prospector), max 1600 m, far till Curlin. CAPE CROSS (Green Desert), max 1600, far till Derbyvinnaren Sea the Stars 2009. DANSILI (Danehill), max 1600 m, osv. I Sverige kan vi se samma mönster i fenomenale FUNAMBULE, som aldrig vann över 1600 m, och kommer från ett genuint sprintermöderne, och ändå har svarat för en Oaksvinnare i Double Up. De klassiska ”långluffarna”, MONTJEU (har t ex aldrig vunnit på kortare än 1600 m), SADLER’S WELLS, GALILEO, KINGMAMBO, HERNANDO, MONSUN, har helt andra profiler.

Rävdansen (Ivan Sjöberg) +46 705 51 09 93 www.ravdansen.se


Katalogens uppgifter 2015 För kataloguppgifterna ansvarar resp säljare. SÅEF påtar sig ej ansvar för ev tryckfel, så ej heller Spritz Media (tekn prod av katalogen). Betr 1-2-3-plac i större löpningar i Skandinavien, följs i denna katalog inte ICSCpraxis (International Cataloguing Standards Committee) betr användandet av s k ”Black Type” - fet stil. Följande praxis gäller - så konsekvent som varit möjligt - för 2015 års katalog: 1 Presentation av resp åring har skett genom mödernelinjen i tre generationer, d v s med 1. mor, 2. mor och 3. mor. I vissa fall har ytterligare textredovisning gjorts i sammandrag. 2 Löpningars namn har endast angivits om de har eller har haft lägst L-status (Listed Race) eller motsvarande, eller är traditionella s k storlöpningar i Skandinavien. 3

Grupp/Grade- och Listed Races (även R för ”restricted”) har utmärkts på vederbörligt sätt (Gr1, Gd1), (Gr2, Gd2), etc - om de omnämnts beträffande utlandet (England, Irland, Frankrike, Västtyskland, Italien) fr o m 1971 (USA och Kanada fr o m 1973). Nämnda länder ingår i del 1 av ICSC:s rekommendationspublikation liksom efter särskilt tillstånd vissa betydande löpningar i Australien, Nya Zeeland och Sydafrika, samt i Sydamerika (Argentina, Brasilien, Chile, Peru och Uruguay).

4 För Skandinavien - som ingår i del 2 av ICSC:s rekommendationer - där Gr- och Listed Race-systemet infördes fr o m 1976, rekommenderar ICSC att Gr-, SkGr- eller Listed Races-benämningar ej utsätts för ifrågavarande löpningar, dock att vinnare och placerade (2:e och 3:e) utmärks med fet stil enl mom 5. Fr o m 1997 har också SkGr-benämningarna börjat utelämnas. 5

Följande har gällt beträffande normal och fet stil. Exempel:

a) CLONDYKE Vinnare i motsv kategori Gr1, Gr2, Gr3 eller L (Listed), R (restricted),

b) Clondyke

2e eller 3e i löpning enl a),


Vinnare av annan löpning. Begreppet ”vinnare” anger att hästen vunnit en löpning, eller om ospecificerat antal segrar, minst en löpning.

d) Clondyke

Övrig häst. Begreppet ”plac”, placerad, anges endast för 2:a och 3:eplacering.


Utslagsgivande för användandet av versaler och fet stil enl mom 5 har varit huruvida ifrågavarande löpning vid något tillfälle varit av motsv Gr, SkGr eller L-karaktär. Fet stil har använts för begreppen win, wins, won, winner, vinnare, segr och om hästen varit officiell Champion i något sammanhang. Antal segrar har angivits i siffror, antal vinnare för mor i bokstäver.

7 Angivandet av suffix för uppgift om födelseland skall ses som upplysning om var hästen är född. 8 Redaktionen har avslutats per 9 augusti. Rättelser och ändringar som därefter inkommer publiceras i förekommande fall i på www.saef.se och på uppförstorade katalogsidor vid auktionen. 9 Uppgifter om säljare på varje katalogsida har försetts med tillgängliga telefonnummer och e-post. 10 Uppgift om huruvida åringen är anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System har i förekommande fall och på säljarens ansvar angivits längst upp till höger på sidan. Detta innebär att åringen är ansluten till alla tre Breeders-systemen i Sverige, Danmark och Norge, vilka har gemensam första och andra insats. I början av 2016, när tredje insats ska erläggas, går de tre ländernas insatssystem isär, och det åligger hästens ägare att stryka ur det eller de system som man inte vill stå kvar i.


Recognized Black Type Races (Gr3/L) in Scandinavia 2015 Denmark (Gr3 - 1, L - 2) Scandinavian Open Championship Dansk Pokallöb Dansk Jockey Club Cup

Gr3 L L

Kla Kla Kla

500 000 DKK 250 000 DKK 180 000 DKK

Gr3 Gr3 Gr3 L L L L L

Övr Övr Övr Övr Övr Övr Övr Övr

Gr3 Gr3 Gr3 Gr3 L L L L L L L L L L L

Jäg Täb Täb Jäg Jäg Jäg Jäg Täb Täb Täb Täb Täb Täb Täb Täb

3y+ 3y+ 4y+

2400 gr 1800 gr 1800 gr

1 300 000 NOK 600 000 NOK 500 000 NOK 1 200 000 NOK 225 000 NOK 225 000 NOK 225 000 NOK 225 000 NOK

3y+ 3y+ 3y+ 3yo 3y+ f/m 3y+ 3y+ f/m 3y+

1800 gr 2400 gr 1370 gr 2400 gr 1600 gr 1600 gr 1800 gr 1170 gr

800 000 SEK 800 000 SEK 800 000 SEK 600 000 SEK 1 500 000 SEK 400 000 SEK 400 000 SEK 400 000 SEK 400 000 SEK 400 000 SEK 400 000 SEK 400 000 SEK 400 000 SEK 400 000 SEK 400 000 SEK

3y+ 4y+ 3y+ 3y+ 3yo 3y+ 3y+ 4y+ f/m 3y+ f/m 3y+ 3y+ f/m 3y+ 3y+ 4y+ 3y+

1730 dt 1950 gr 2400 gr 1200 dt 2400 dt 1200 dt 2400 dt 1600 gr 1600 gr 2000 dt 1950 gr 1600 gr 1150 gr 1150 gr 1600 dt

Norway (Gr3 - 3, L - 5) Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Oslo Cup Polar Cup Norsk Derby Lanwades Stud Fillies & Mares Stakes Polar Mile Cup Semb Hovedgård Hoppelöp Norsk Jockeyklubs Sprintlöp

Sweden (Gr3 - 4, L - 11) Pramms Memorial Stockholms Stora Pris Stockholm Cup International Zawawi Cup Svenskt Derby Lanwades Stud Sprint SFK Jubileumslopning Bloomers’ Vase Lanwades Stud Stakes Songline Classic Stockholm Fillies & Mares Swedish Open Mile Täby Open Sprint Championship Täby Vårsprint Tattersalls Nickes Minneslöpning

KretsLoppet - låt dina lager löpa! Köp, byt och sälj utrustning till häst och ryttare hos oss. Prylar i nyskick till «begagnade» priser. Läs mer på www. belldale.com

Vi finns på Angarns Träningscamp i Vallentuna, på norra sidan av Stockholm, och på Facebook.

Återvinning är en seger både för miljön och för plånboken!


Easy KB har Sveriges smartaste system för andelshästägande! Alla kan vara med - på en svans, en nos, en hov, eller på en större bit. Vi skräddarsyr andelsägandet efter önskemål, både om du är ensam, eller om ni redan är några stycken . . . Vårt andelsägarsystem kan med fördel nyttjas av kompisgäng, som kommer via ATG-ombud, företag, idrottsföreningar, etc. Vi kan ibland erbjuda andelar i galopphästar som redan finns i systemet och vi kan ”ta in” en galopphäst som ni själva väljer ut. Du väljer själv vilken häst/vilka hästar du skall köpa andelar i. I varje häst finns 20 andelar, och samma person kan äga 1 - 20 andelar. Samma person kan äga andelar i flera hästar - med full kvittning . . . Varje andel ”lever sitt eget liv”, och ingen är ansvarig för mer än sina egna andelar! All moms dras av - direkt.

För utförlig information ta kontakt med Folke Forsmarker på Easy KB - Tel 018-12 40 04! 29


1 Lucky Toy


LUCKY TOY Bay or brown colt 2014-05-10 www.brantshammar.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Brantshammar Stuteri AB Karin Johansson, Brantshammar 10 741 92 Knivsta 070-628 11 25

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Black Sam Bellamy (IRE) Urban Sea (USA) Lucky Me, 2008 Sharp Matt (GB) Quite Lucky, 2001 Quite Easy (IRE), 1996 Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN)

1st dam Lucky Me, ran 9 times, 4.500 kr, hcp 65; dam of (first foal); Lucky Toy, see above 2nd dam QUITE LUCKY (SWE), 2001 f. by Sharp Matt (GB), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Sweden and £18,519 and placed 7 times, Cinnamon Challenge, 5th Norwegian 1000 Guineas, hcp 80; dam of one winner: LUCKY YoU (SWE), 2011 f by Heart of oak (USA), winner and placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014, 146.020 kr, hcp 68 Lucky Song (SWE), 2009 f by Songline, placed, 23.737 kr, hcp 70, exported to Norway Lucky Me, see above 3rd dam QUITE EASY (IRE), 7 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and 384.500 kr, Juvenile Mile, 2nd in Amacitalöpn, Scandinavia Cup, hcp 85; dam of seven winnersQUInTO (SWE), 2012 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins and placed once in 4 starts at 2, 2014, 286.200 kr, Manoustielöpn, 2nd in Svensk Galopps Auktionslöpn, hcp 78 QUITE LUCKY (SWE), see above QUITE NICE (SWE), 2003 f. by Sharp Matt (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 4 times, hcp 74 QUITERIA (SWE), 2010 f. by Funambule (USA), winner at 2 years, £14,592 and placed 8 times, hcp 74 QUITE SHARP (SWE), 2002 g. by Sharp Matt (GB), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 6 times. TRAINER’S TRIAL (SWE), 2006 c. by Funambule (USA), winner at 2 years in Sweden, hcp 70 QIGoNG (SWE), 2011 c. by Heart of oak (USA), winner and placed 3 times at 3, 2014, 156.100 SEK Quittra (SWE), 2013 f by Merchant of Venice (USA), in training with Alex McLaren, Täby The next dam QUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £13,203 and placed 6 times; also placed once over hurdles; dam of four winnersQUITE EASY (IRE), see above. QUITY (IRE), 4 wins in Hungary and in Slovakia and placed 4 times. QUIET TRAVELLER (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £27,621 and placed 13 times. PERUVIAN BREEZE (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed once; also placed twice over hurdles. The next dam WAY AHEAD (IRE), by Sovereign Patch (GB), winner at 3 years, from only 2 starts; own sister to EVERYTHInG nICE; dam of one winnerQUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), see above. The next dam Emma Canute, 2 wins at 2 years and placed 6 times incl 2nd Princess Margaret S, Ascot; dam of six winners inclEVERYTHInG nICE, 7 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in USA incl Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3 and Musidora S, York, Gr3, 2nd Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr2, Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L, 4th in Sun Chariot S, Newmarket, Gr2 and orchid H, Gulfstream Park, Gr3; dam of winners. nICER (IRE), The I.A.W.S. Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1 and 3rd P. Vittorio di Capua-Consiglio d’ Europa, Milan, Gr1; granddam of PYRRHA (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years incl Totesport Chartwell S, Lingfield Park, Gr3, placed 6 times, SPECTER (AUS), Henry Bucks Best Dressed Exford Plate, Flemington, L and 3rd The Age Caulfield Guineas Prelude, Caulfield, Gr3. 27

2 Racing Star persson_galopp@hotmail.com

RACING STAR Chesnut filly 2014-05-08

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Sophie Nordgren, Ulrika och Jonas Persson, Jävsgård 155, Eket, 305 92 Holm 070-543 28 93 Storm Cat (USA) Giant’s Causeway (USA) Mariah’s Storm (USA) Center Divider (USA) Lomitas (GB) Meridiana (GER) Monbijou (GER) Danehill (USA) Academy Award (IRE) Ingabelle (GB) Racing Lady, 2008 Mukaddamah (USA) Tamara Red (IRE), 1999 Special Meeting (GB), 1986

1st dam RACING LADY (SWE), 3 wins in Sweden at 2 and 3 years, Dianalöpn, and placed twice, 724.900 SEK, hcp 83; own sister to OSSO BUCCO (SWE), above is first foal. 2nd dam Tamara Red (IRE), placed 5 times in Sweden at 2 years and £1,924; dam of three winners: RACING LADY (SWE), see above. Melody Star (SWE), 2005 f by Pennekamp (USA), 2 wins in Sweden at 2-3 years and 816.855 kr, placed 20 times, 2nd Lanwades Stud Stakes, L, 3rd Coolmore Matchmaker Stakes, L. 4th Swedish Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 5th Dianalöpn, Breeders Trophy Stayer, hcp 85; dam of a winner. BRAZIL JACK (SWE), 5 wins in Sweden at 2 and 3 years, 2015 and 864.900 kr, placed 3 times, Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, 3rd SM 2-year-olds, hcp 84 OSSO BUCCO (SWE), 2007 c by Academy Award (IRE), winner in Sweden at 3 years, 67.500 kr, hcp 73 . Goldgrape (SWE), 2004 c by Fruits of Love (USA), placed 7 times in Denmark and Sweden at 3 and 6 years and £4,870, 4th Hurricanelöpn, hcp 73 Tamara Quest (SWE), 2011 f by Special Quest (FR), placed twice in Sweden at 2 years and £1,248. 3rd dam SPECIAL MEETING, unraced; dam of three winners: Savage (IRE), f by Polish Patriot (USA), 2nd top rated 2yr old filly in Germany in 1995, 2 wins in Germany at 2 and 3 years and £84,295, second in Moet & Chandon Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr2; dam of winners. SOUL CITY (IRE), 4 wins at home and in France at 2 years, £836,638, Prix La Rochette, Longchamp, Gr3 and Prix Francois Boutin, Deauville, L., third Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1; sire. SENTINELESE (IRE), 3 wins in France and U.A.E. from 3 to 5 years and £87,606 including Grand Handicap de Deauville, Deauville, L. FASCINATING (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 4 times. FUTURE WONDER (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times. GRANDE TERRE (IRE), 2 wins at 4 years and placed twice; dam of MANCHESTAR (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and placed 7 times, and THE MELLOR FELLA (GB), 2 wins and placed once. SANTON LAD (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; also 3 wins in Sweden from 5 to 7 years. SPECIAL SOCIETY (IRE), 3 wins in Italy at 2 and 3 years and £45,620 and placed 16 times; dam of winners. SAMYA (GB), 4 wins in Italy at 2 and 3 years and £33,429 including Premio Torricola, Rome, L.; dam of FINGLASS (IRE), 2 wins in France at 3 years, 2014 and placed once. OMBRA DEL VENTO (GB), 14 wins in Italy to 9 years, 2014 and £56,853 and placed 25 times. JEFF (IRE), 5 wins in Italy from 3 to 5 years, 2015 and placed 11 times. BISESE (IRE), 5 wins in Italy at 3 and 4 years and placed 9 times. VALPERTO (GB), 2 wins in Italy at 2 years and £44,978 and placed 15 times; also 3 races over jumps in Italy at 4 years. KIAI (GB), 3 wins in Italy at 3 years and £34,318 and placed 8 times. SIBIRA (IRE), 2 wins in Italy at 3 years and placed 6 times. 28

3 Forever Together ravdansen@telia.com

FOREVER TOGETHER Chesnut filly 2014-05-18 www.ravdansen.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Rävdansens Stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93

Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA)

Pivotal (GB) Love’s Mirage (IRE), 2005 Lone Spirit (IRE), 1997

Polar Falcon (USA) Fearless Revival (GB) El Gran Senor (USA) Obeah (USA), 1985

1st dam LOVE’S MIRAGE (IRE), winner at 3 years in France (Longchamp) and placed 3 times; dam of one winner; PSILORITIS (SWE), 2011 c by Maybach (GB), 4 wins and 257.782 kr and placed, hcp 79. Pistol (SWE), 2013 c by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), in training with Patrick Wahl, Täby 2nd dam Lone Spirit (IRE), unraced; Own sister to PANAMA CITY (USA), MORGANA (USA) and Bedivere (USA); dam of three winnersLonesome Me (FR) (f. by Zafonic (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in France and £44,440 and placed 4 times incl 2nd Prix Occitanie, La Teste De Buch, L, RPR 94; dam of winners. LONSOME DRIVE (FR), 4 wins in France and £59,768 and placed 9 times. LOVE’S MIRAGE (IRE), see above. Amagansett (GB), placed twice at 3 years in France. Plaiwela (IRE), placed twice at 2 and 3 years in Italy. Lone Look (GB), placed once at 3 years in France; dam of a winner. Lone Spectre (GB), unraced; dam of a winner. LOVE QUEEN (IRE), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £77,975 incl Prix Miss Satamixa, Deauville, L, placed 3 times, RPR 95 3rd dam OBEAH (USA), by Cure the Blues (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in USA incl Waterford Candelabra S, Goodwood, Gr3, 3rd Pago Hop H, Fair Grounds and 4th in Hoover Fillies’ Mile, Ascot, Gr2, RPR 98; dam of five winnersMORGANA (USA), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in USA incl Palomar H, Del Mar, Gr2 and Melvin Durslag H, Hollywood Park, L, 2nd Ramona H, Del Mar, Gr1, Wilshire H, Hollywood Park, Gr2 and 3rd Santa Barbara H, Santa Anita, Gr1., RPR 100 PANAMA CITY (USA), 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in USA incl W L McKnight H, Calder, Gr2, Chester Vase, Chester, Gr3 and Mac Diarmida H, Gulfstream Park, Gr3, 2nd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr1, Tripleprint Geoffrey Freer S, Newbury, Gr2, Greene King Feilden S, Newmarket, L, 3rd Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr1 and Pan American H, Gulfstream Park, Gr2., RPR 113 Bedivere (USA), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years at home and in USA 3rd Jim Murray H, Hollywood Park, L. RUACANA FALLS (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of winners. GAHALANTINE (USA), winner at 3 years in Switzerland and placed 3 times. The next dam Trusted Maiden, placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years incl 3rd Azalea S, Phoenix Park, L; dam of seven winners inclOBEAH (IRE), see above. THE PREDECESSOR (IRE), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years in South Africa, Easter Fillies & Mares H, Clairwood, L, 2nd Natalia S, Greyville, Gr2, 3rd Azalea Fillies & Mares H, Greyville, L and Flamboyant S, Greyville, L. Classic Trust (IRE), 5 wins at 3-4 years at home and in Hong Kong 2nd The Centenary Vase, Sha Tin, L. Sarah Purser, placed once at 2 years; dam of winners. Purser’s Guest (SAF), winner in South Africa, 3rd Natal Breeders Championship, Scottsville, L and Henneman Memorial H, Newmarket, L. 29

4 Golden Rocket jalih@telia.com

GOLDEN ROCKET Chesnut colt 2014-03-19

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Stall Jalih/Jan Hansson Hjärås Gård 9152 242 97 Hörby 0708-94 02 05

Giant’s Causeway (USA) Center Divider (USA) Meridiana (GER) Funambule (USA) Green Rocket, 2001 Ebba Grön (GB), 1992

Storm Cat (USA) Mariah’s Storm (USA) Lomitas (GB) Monbijou (GER) Lyphard (USA) Sonoma (FR) Rambo Dancer (CAN) Under The Wing (GB), -87

1st dam GREEN ROCKET, 4 wins och placed 9 times, 381.010 kr, Amacitalöpn, 3e Götalandlöpn, SM 2-year-olds, hcp 78, dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 previous foals of racing age; Noble Rocket, 2011 f by Nobileo (GB), winner, placed 4 times, 622.705 kr, 2nd Dianalöpn, Götalandlöpn, 3rd Stig Holms Memorial, 4th Swedish Oaks, Manoustielöpn, hcp 80. Capital Hill, 2007 g by Baryshnikov (AUS), winner, placed 6 times, 246.785 kr, 3rd Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, 6th Breeders’ Trophy Mile, hcp 78. GATE TO SUCCESS, 2008 g by Jeune Homme (USA), 3 wins, plac 9 ggr, 178.370 kr, hcp 65 Rocky Creek, 2010 g by Dustoori (GB), ran 5 times at 2-3 years, 22.400 kr, hcp 69; dead at 3 years Rock The Night, 2012 g by Crosspeace (IRE), unraced to date 2nd dam EBBA GRÖN (GB), 2 wins, placed 7 times, 108.500 kr, hcp 71, dam of four winners from 8 runners; GREEN ROCKET, see above Curious Green, 1997 f by Precocious (GB), winner, placed 4 times at 2 years, 92.000 kr, 3rd SM 2-year-old Fillies, 4th Amacitalöpn, hcp 72, dam of three winners from 6 runners and 6 foals; De Orio, 2007 g by Arkadian Hero (USA), placed 4 times in 11 starts, 98.000 kr, 3e Swedish Champion Sprint, hcp 72 LORENA, 2005 f by Funambule (USA), winner, placed, 149.900 kr, 5th SM 2-year-olds, hcp 73 QUITO, 2002 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner and placed in just 3 starts, 44.840 kr, hcp 72 THE CURER, 2006 c by Funambule (USA), winner and placed twice, 103.000 kr, hcp 70 Cannon Candy, 2004 f by Troon (GB), placed 2 times 43.660 kr, 4th SM 2-year-olds, hcp 67 GREEN MISSY, 2006 f by Funambule (USA), winner and placed 2 times, 132.700 kr, hcp 67, dam of; Green Mean Machine, 2013 g by Zaahid (IRE), in training at 2 yrs with Catrine Östberg, Uppsala GREEN HARMONY, 2007 f by Funambule (USA), winner, placed 7 times, 210.925 kr, hcp 70 3rd dam Under the Wing (GB), by Aragon (GB), placed 3 times at 2 years, 2nd East Midland Racing Club S, Nottingham, and 3rd EBF Surveyors S, Sandown, and Stakis Regency Club Nursery, Lingfield, her only season to race; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age; EBBA GRÖN (GB), see above The next dam Royal Custody (GB) by Reform (GB), unraced, from 10 foals of racing age, dam of Under the Wing, see above, Rabbit’s Foot (GB), placed once at 3 years, Grey Watch (GB), placed once at 2 years, and Clapton (GB), placed once in Italy. The next dam FOTHERINGAY by Right Royal V, winner at 3 years and placed 3 times, all her starts, dam of five winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age incl, RAGSTONE, 7 wins, Ascot Gold Cup, Gr1, Royal Ascot, Henry II S, sire. CASTLE KEEP, 10 wins at home and in Belgium, Grand Prix Prince Rose, Gr1, Ostende, 4th Benson & hedges Gold Cup, Gr1, York, Coronation Cup, Gr1, Epsom, sire CASTLE MOON, 3 wins at 3 years, dam of winners; MOON MADNESS, won holsten Pils St Leger S, Gr1, Doncaster, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Gr1, 2nd Gr Preis von Baden, Gr1, 3rd Coronation Cup, Gr1, Pr von Europa, Gr1, 4th King George VI & Queen E S, Gr1, sire in Japan. 30

5 Spinning Queen stallpernilla@icloud.com

SPINNING QUEEN Chesnut filly 2014-05-31 www.stallpernillanilsson.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 775 96 Krylbo 0706-317 317

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Nureyev (USA) Spinning World (USA) Imperfect Circle (USA) Cycle of Life (USA), 2000 Mr Prospector (USA) Autumn Moon (USA), 1995 Lypatia (FR), 1975 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

1st dam CYCLE OF LIFE (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and £19,598 and placed once, hcp 83; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 previous foals; SAVING KENNY (IRE), 2010 c by Footstepsinthesand (GB), 7 wins in Sweden and 650.365 kr, won Svealandlöpn, and placed 4 times, placed 2nd Zawawi Cup, Gr3, 4th Täby Vårsprint, L, 5th Malmö Hösthandicap, hcp 89 ATLANTIC CYCLE (IRE), 2007 f by Stormy Atlantic (USA), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £20,408 and placed 5 times. FOOTCYCLE (IRE), 2008 f by Footstepsinthesand (GB), winner at 3 and placed once, died at 5. Street of Hope (USA), 2006 f by Street Cry (IRE), placed twice at 2 years. Nitro Nobella (SWE), 2013 f by Alfred Nobel (IRE), unraced to date. 2nd dam AUTUMN MOON (USA), unraced; own sister to TERESHKOVA (USA) and LYCIUS (USA); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals; SUTEKI SHINSUKEKUN (USA), c. by Danzig (USA), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Japan and £807,580 incl Keisei Hai Autumn H., Nakayama, L, Kochi S., Nakayama, L and Arlington Cup, Hanshin, L, 3rd Keisei Hai Autumn H., Nakayama, Gr3 and Silk Road S., Kyoto, Gr3. Keg Party (USA), c by Any Given Saturday (USA), 4 wins at 3-4 years, 2014 in USA and £56.377, placed 7 times, 3rd Independence Day S, L, Mountaineer Park, and Brooks Fields S., Canterbury Down. INDY MOON (USA), 8 wins at 2 to 6 years in USA and £77,198 and placed 8 times. WILDCAT FORMATION (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2012 in USA and £36,157 and placed 8 times. DANZIG GOLD (USA), c by Flower Alley (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3-4, 2015, £20,026 and placed twice. FERVENT (USA), f by First Samurai (USA), winner in USA at 3, 2015, £9,309 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam Lypatia (FR), by Lyphard (USA), 2 wins at 4 years in France and USA and 99,500 fr, 2nd Prix d’Alencon, Deauville, L; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals; LYCIUS (USA), Jt 3rd top rated 2yr old in France in 1990, Jt 4th top rated 2yr old in Europe in 1990, 2 wins at 2 years at home and in France and £282,521 incl Newgate Stud Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr1, 2nd Carroll Foundation July Cup, Newmarket, Gr1, General Accident 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1, Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr1, P. Fresnay-le-Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1, 3rd Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1 and Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Gr1; sire. AKABIR (USA), 6 wins at 5 and 6 years in France and in USA and 398,000 fr. and £247,804 incl Dixie H., Pimlico, Gr2 and Bougainvillea H., Hialeah Park, Gr2, 2nd Bowling Green H., Belmont Park, Gr1, Pan American H., Gulfstream Park, Gr1, 3rd Sword Dancer S., Belmont Park, Gr1 and 4th Hialeah Turf Cup H., Hialeah Park, Gr1; sire. TERESHKOVA (USA), 3rd top rated 2yr old in Ireland in 1994, 6 wins in France and in UAE and £106,906 incl Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr3, 2nd Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr1 and 3rd Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr1; dam of six winners incl ALESSANDRIA (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £15,846; dam of SAINT BAUDOLINO (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years, 2012 in France and £593,984 incl Prix Guillaume d’Ornano, Deauville, Gr2, 2nd Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr1 and 3rd Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr1, ARMY BULLETIN (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in France and £101.769 incl Prix de Suresnes, Maisons-Laffitte, L, 2nd Prix de Guiche, Chantilly, Gr331

6 752SWE00001854T b.helander@bluewin.ch

Bay or brown filly 2014-04-24

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby

070-777 32 11

Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN)

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN)

Oasis Dream (GB) Dalalaat (GER), 2007 Denice (GB), 1998

Green Desert (USA) Hope (IRE) Night Shift (USA) Despoina (GER), 1993

1st dam DALALAAT (GER), 4 wins at 4 years in Sweden and 107.700 kr, and placed 3 times in just 11 starts, hcp 70; dam of one previous foal; Game Changing, 2013 c by Zaahid (IRE), in training with Caroline Malmborg, Täby 2nd dam Denice (GB), winner at 2 years in Germany and £40,447 and placed 6 times incl 2nd in Henkel Rennen (1000 Gns), Dusseldorf, Gr2, 3rd G. P. der Spielbank Bad Neuenahr, Dusseldorf, L; dam of three winnersDALALAAT (GER), see above. MY SWEET MUSIC (ITY), 3 wins at 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £12,204 and placed 5 times. DENICES MOONLIGHT (GB), winner at 3 years in Slovakia. 3rd dam DESPOINA (GER), by Aspros (GER), winner in West Germany and placed 8 times; Own sister to DIASPRINA (GER); dam of five winners inclDESABINA (GER), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany incl Grosser Preis der Frankfurter Volksbank, Frankfurt, L; dam of winners. DARIA (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in Germany incl GP von E & V. Commercial Weidenspescher, Cologne, L, placed once. DESSAU (GER), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany incl Henkel Stutenpreis, Dusseldorf, L, placed once viz 2nd Preis der Winterkonigin Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3. Denice (GB), see above. DESPOT (GER), 2 wins at 4 and 6 years in Switzerland and placed 18 times. DEBUETANTIN (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and placed 5 times. The next dam Dorle (USA), 4 wins at 3 years in West Germany and placed twice incl 2nd Nereide Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, L; dam of seven winners inclDUKE OF WINDSOR (GER), 4 wins in West Germany incl Orakel der Dreijahrigen, Mulheim, L, 3rd Grosser Preis der Steigenberger Hotels, Frankfurt, Gr3, Cognac Hennessy Rennen, Hamburg, L, Preis von Schlenderhan, Baden-Baden, L and 4th in Mehl-Mulhens Rennen, Koln, Gr2. DIASPRINA (GER), Champion 2yr Old Filly in Germany in 1988, 2 wins at 2 years in West Germany incl Preis der Winterkonigin, Mulheim, L, placed 6 times incl 2nd Oppenheim- Rennen, Koln, L, 3rd Preis von Koln, Koln, L and 4th in Moet & Chandon Rennen, Baden- Baden, Gr2; dam of winners; DIACADA (GER), Jt Champion 3yr Old Filly in Germany in 2003, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany incl Henkel Rennen (1000 Gns), Dusseldorf, Gr2, placed 3 times; dam of DIATRIBE (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 4 years in Germany incl Coolmore Stud Baden-Baden Cup, Baden-Baden, L, Grosser Jubilaums-Sparkassenpreis, Dusseldorf, L and Kronimus Rennen, Baden-Baden, L, placed 4 times, DAKTANI (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2014 in Germany incl Frankenheim Cup - Junioren-Preis, Dusseldorf, L, placed twice. DESIDERA (IRE), Champion 2yr Old Filly in Germany in 1994, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany incl Grosser Preis von Berlin, Hoppegarten, Gr3, placed 5 times incl 2nd Moet & Chandon Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr2; dam of DARESSALAM (GER), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany incl G. Preis der Hannoverschen Volksbank, Hannover, L, placed 4 times, DICKENS (GER), winner, Gr Freiberger Premium-Preis L, Dresden and 2nd BMW Deutsches Derby Gr1, Hamburg. 32

7 Fire In The Sky per.arvidsson@telia.com

FIRE IN THE SKY Bay filly 2014-05-05

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Per Arvidsson o Equo Bloodstock HB Kontakt: Helena Gärtner, Navesta 641 62 Valla 070-254 77 14

Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA)

Runaway Groom (CAN) Cherokee Run (USA) Cherokee Dame (USA) Cherokees Smoke (USA), 2006 Smoke Glacken (USA) S’more Smoke (USA), 1999 Avie’s Song (USA), 1991

1st dam Cherokees Smoke (USA), 4 wins in Sweden at 2 and 3 years and 368.070 kr, and placed 5 times, Diana Trial, 2nd Amacitalöpn, Stig Holms Memorial, 4th Dianalöpn, 5th Bloomers’ Vase, L, hcp 84; dam of 2 previous foals; Outlaw Pete (SWE), 2012 c by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ), placed once in just 2 starts in Sweden at 2 years, 2014 and 23.100 kr, hcp 68 Hit The Road Jack (SWE), 2013 c by Layman (USA), dead as yearling 2nd dam S’more Smoke (USA), 6 wins in USA from 3 to 5 years and £85,681, placed 9 times including second in Jack Betta Be Rite Stakes, Finger Lakes, R.; dam of six winners: Dream S’more (USA), 2011 f by Mineshaft (USA), 4 wins in USA at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £53,271, placed twice including third in Mountaineer Juvenile Fillies Stakes, Mountaineer Park, L. Cherokees Smoke (USA), see above. GLAD IT’S MAY (USA), 2009 f by Posse (USA), 3 wins in USA at 4 years and £13,567 and placed twice. SMOKE OVER WATER (USA), 2008 f by Stormy Atlantic (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3 years and £10,967. WITH POLISH (USA), 2010 f by Yes It’s True (USA), winner in USA at 3 years and £17,774 and placed 3 times. EL BIOLOGO (USA), 2007 c by El Corredor (USA), winner in Mexico at 2 years and £3,977 and placed twice. Mr Miles (USA), 2012 c. by Exchange Rate (USA), ran once in USA at 2 years, 2014. 3rd dam Avie’s Song (USA), winner in USA at 3 years, 2nd in Fleet Treat Stakes, Del Mar, L.; dam of eight winners: DOC CALLS HER KATE (USA) (f. by Missionary Ridge), 7 wins in USA from 2 to 4 years and £129,009 including What A Summer Stakes, Laurel Park, L., Francis Scott Key Stakes, Laurel Park, L. and Roamin Rachel Stakes, Philadelphia Pa, 3rd in Dearly Precious Stakes, Aqueduct, L.; dam of winners. BUTCHER HERB (USA), 3 wins in USA at 3 and 4 years and £59,682 and placed twice. MY LADY AVIE (USA) (f. by With Approval (CAN), 2 wins in USA at 2 years and £74,289 including Maid of the Mist Stakes, Belmont Park, L.; dam of winners. GOLDEN SPIRITS (USA), 3 wins in USA at 3 and 4 years and £53,033 and placed twice. Suave Voir Faire (USA) (f. by Suave (USA), 3 wins in Canada and USA at 2 and 4 years and £84,664, placed third in Golden Rod Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr2. S’more Smoke (USA), see above. JAZZ AND COCKTAILS (USA), winner in USA at 3 years and placed 3 times. NATURALLY TALENTED (USA), winner in USA at 2 years and placed twice, dam of a winner. WAR BALLAD (USA), winner in USA at 4 years and placed once. DOUBLE CUPCAKE (USA), winner in USA at 3 years and placed once; dam of winners. JUMPONTHEBANDWAGON (USA), 5 wins in USA to 8 years and £63,570 and placed 18 times. FOOD FOR THOUGHT (USA), 3 wins in Canada and USA at 3 and 5 years and £29,147 and placed 12 times.


8 Enge River

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Ylwa och Per-Johan Eriksson, Enge Fåroch Hästgård, Gammelgarn Änge 121 623 67 Katthammarsvik 070-515 80 79



ENGE RIVER Brown colt 2014-02-23

Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

X-rayed and cleared regarding osteochondrosis

Ali-Royal (IRE) Grey Pearl (GB), 1999 River’s Rising (FR), 1986

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Royal Academy (USA) Alidiva (GB) Mendez (FR) Dry Land (GB), 1980

1st Dam GREY PEARL (GB), 4 wins at 3-5 years and £35,819 and placed 9 times; dam of two winners: SAKHEE’S PEARL (GB), 2006 f. by Sakhee (USA), 3 wins from 3 to 5 years and £23,911 and placed 18 times; broodmare. EXCEEDINGLY BOLD (GB), 2007 g. by Exceed And Excel (AUS), winner at 2 years and £15,530 and placed twice. Nepalese Pearl (GB), 2010 f. by Tiger Hill (IRE), placed 3 times at 3 years and £1,961. Chipenko (GB), 2011 g. by Archipenko (USA), ran twice in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years, 2015. Enge Euphoria (SWE), 2013 f by Kheleyf (USA), in training with Roy Arne Kvisla, Täby She also has a 3-y-o filly by Sakhee (USA). 2nd Dam RIVER’S RISING (FR), winner at 3 years; dam of nine winners: Dubaian Duel (GB), f. by Daggers Drawn (USA), 2 wins at home and in USA at 2 and 3 years and £95,468, placed third in Malaysia Airlines Prestige Stakes, Goodwood, Gr3. THE POTATO (GB), 11 wins in Italy from 3 to 8 years and £113,597 and placed 26 times. JIGADEE CREEK (GB), Top rated older sprinter in Hungary in 1996, 5 wins in Austria and Hungary at 4 and 5 years and placed once. GREY PEARL (GB), see above. BELLA VITTORIA (GB), 4 wins in Yugoslavia at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times. RISING STREAM (GB), 4 wins in Netherlands at 3 years; dam of a winner. DOUBLE FUN (HOL), 6 wins in Germany and Netherlands from 2 to 4 years and £40,075 and placed 4 times; also placed once over hurdles at 3 years and 4 wins over jumps in Germany at 4 and 5 years and placed 5 times. HAZE BABYBEAR (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice. ESTER MY LOVE (GB), placed twice in Italy at 3 yrs; also winner over jumps in Italy at 3 yrs. MUDFLAP (GB), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of a winner. THAT LOOK (GB), 2 wins at 5 years and placed 4 times; also 4 races over hurdles at 3 and 5 years and 2 races over fences at 4 years and placed twice. T G’s Girl (GB), placed once at 2 years; dam of winners. MAGIC CROSS (GB), 4 wins at 2-3 yrs, placed 8 times; also placed twice in Qatar at 3 yr. CALYPSO KING (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years and placed 3 times. SELKIE’S FRIEND (GB), winner at 3 years and placed once; also placed once in Hong Kong at 5 years, 2014. 3rd Dam DRY LAND, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, from only 4 starts; dam of four winners including: TROJAN DESERT, winner and placed 3 times; also winner in USA, placed 4 times; dam of winners. GILIBERTO (GB), 3 wins in Spain including Premio Villamejor (St Leger), Madrid, L., placed second in Copa de Oro de San Sebastian, Lasarte, Gr3. The next dam LAND HO, ran 3 times on the flat at 3 years; dam of seven winners including: LIFTING (IRE), 4 wins in Italy including Premio Archidamia, Rome, L.; dam of winners incl FRANKENSTEIN (GB), 9 wins in Italy to 7 years, 2014 including Coppa d’Ora di Milano, Milan, L., 34

9 Golden Dollar stallpernilla@icloud.com

GOLDEN DOLLAR Bay or brown filly 2014-03-07 www.stallpernillanilsson.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 775 96 Krylbo 0706-317 317

Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Golden Snake (USA) Solid Snake, 2004 Caution (GB), 1994

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Danzig (USA) Dubian (GB) Warning (GB) Fairy Flax (IRE), 1988

1st dam Solid Snake (SWE), winner at 2 years in Denmark and £17,453 and placed 9 times, 2nd TGAB Auktionslöpn, 3rd Becky Moss Fillies Mile, SFAF Stora Treåringspris, 4th Norwegian 1000 Guineas, 5th Swedish Criterium, SM 2-åriga; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 previous foals; GoLDEN SEA (SWE), 2011 c by Philomatheia (USA), 2 wins and placed, 117.432 kr, hcp 78 GoLDEN HIT (SWE), 2010 c by Songline (SWE), winner at 2 and placed 3 times, 93.800 kr, hcp 72 TExAS SNAkE (SWE), 2012 c by Philomatheia (USA), winner, placed 3 times in 4 starts, 123.200 kr, hcp 73 Golden Caviar (SWE), 2013 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), in training with Patrick Wahl, Täby 2nd dam CAUTIoN (GB), 5 wins and £38,878 and placed 25 times; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals; Solid Snake (SWE), see above 3rd dam FAIRY FLAx (IRE), by Dancing Brave (USA), winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of five winners incl CAUTIoN (GB), see above. FAIRLIE (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and placed 5 times; dam of winners. FAIRYWINGS (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and placed 7 times; dam of winners. The next dam Fairy Tern, 3 wins and 2nd Strensall S, York, L, 3rd Grosser kaufhof-Preis, koln, Gr3, Duchess of Montrose H, Newmarket, L, Harry Rosebery Challenge Trophy, Ayr, L, Prince of Wales S, York, L and 4th in Salisbury 1000 Gns Trial S, Salisbury, Gr3; own sister to NEMESIA; dam of ten winners inclWAY OF THE WORLD (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA incl Fleet Victress S, Belmont Park, L, placed 4 times; dam of winners. LAURIE BEGONE (USA), Brookmeade S, Colonial Downs, R. LETTERS IN SILVER (USA), 2 wins in USA; dam of SISTER GINGER (USA), Martha Washington S, oaklawn Park, L, Indiana Grand S, Indiana Downs, L, 2nd M2 Technology La Senorita S, Retama Park, L, Mistletoe S, Remington Park, opelousas S, Evangeline Downs, 3rd Pippin S, oaklawn Park, L, Remington Park oaks, Remington Park, L and Bayakoa S, oaklawn Park, L. Hoy, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 9 times incl 2nd Tara Sires Desmond S, Curragh, Gr3, Monks Cross S, York, L, Bassett Foods Mile, Doncaster, L, Crawley Warren Heron S, kempton Park, L and 3rd Hennessy Ballymacoy S, Leopardstown, Gr3; sire in Turkey. Papua (GB), 3 wins at 2 years 2nd Prix du Haras de la Huderie, Deauville, L and 3rd Milcars Easter S, kempton Park, L; also 2 wins over hurdles and placed 8 times incl 2nd Crowther Homes Swinton H Hurdle, Haydock Park and 4 wins over fences and placed 10 times. FAIRY FoRTUNE, winner at 3 years and placed 6 times; dam of winners. Counsel’s Opinion (IRE), 9 wins, placed 21 times, 2nd Jardine Thompson Huxley S, Chester, Gr3, Letheby & Christopher August S, Windsor, L and 3rd Jardine Thompson Huxley S, Chester, Gr3. Halloa (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times incl 3rd Rose Bowl S, Newbury, L and Sweet Solera S, Newmarket, L; granddam of All On Red (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and placed 3 times incl 3rd Compton Estates Rose Bowl S, Newbury, L. Preceder (GB), unraced; dam of a winner. Metropolitan Man (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years 2nd Unicorn Asset Management Craven S, Newmarket, Gr3, Vodafone Thoroughbred S, Goodwood, L, Al Tayer Motors Zabeel S, Nad Al Sheba, L, 3rd Bet365 Mile, Sandown Park, Gr2 and Extrabet Royal Windsor S, Windsor, L. 35

10 Sondheim ravdansen@telia.com

SONDHEIM Bay or brown colt 2014-05-20 www.ravdansen.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Rävdansens Stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA)

Lando (GER) Full Footage (GB), 2008 Widescreen (USA), 1998

Acatenango (GER) Laurea (IRE) Distant View (USA) Zaizafon (USA), 1982

1st dam FULL FOOTAGE (GB), placed once in England at 3 years; also winner in Norway at 3 years and 40.234 kr and placed once; above is her first foal. 2nd dam Widescreen (USA), unraced; dam of four winners: NEWNTON LODGE (GB), 2009 g by Rail Link (GB), winner at 2 years and £5,710 and placed 4 times; also 5 wins in Germany at 5 and 6 years, 2015 and £20,112 and placed 11 times. SQUAD (GB), 2006 g by Choisir (AUS), 5 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years and £18,574 and placed 18 times. WIDE RANGING (GB), 2007 c by With Approval (CAN), 6 wins in Denmark and Sweden at 3, 5 and 6 years and £20,554 and placed 22 times. FULL FOOTAGE (GB), see above. Arrival Time (GB), 2012 f by Rail Link (GB), in training She also has a yearling colt by Champs Elysees (GB). 3rd dam ZAIZAFON (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £31,745, Seaton Delaval Stakes, Newcastle, Gr3, placed 7 times, third in Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr2 and fourth in Laurent Perrier Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr2, Vodafone Nassau Stakes, Goodwood, Gr2 and Child Stakes, Newmarket, Gr3; dam of nine winners: ZAFONIC (USA) (c. by Gone West (USA), Champion 2yr old in Europe in 1992, Champion 3yr old in Europe in 1993, 5 wins at home and in France at 2 and 3 years and £374,713 including Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1, Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr1 and Prix Morny Agence Francaise, Deauville, Gr1, placed second in Prix Djebel, M’-Laffitte, L.; champion sire. ZAMINDAR (USA) (c. by Gone West (USA), 2 wins in France at 2 years and £106,482 including Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr3, placed second in Prix Morny Piaget, Deauville, Gr1 and third in Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr1; sire. CHOICE SPIRIT (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA), 2 wins in France at 3 years and £51,168 including Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L., placed second in Prix Amandine, M’-Laffitte, L.; dam of winners. CHOSEN EMPIRE (USA), 6 wins in USA from 5 to 7 years and £104,543 and placed 7 times. ACTION PLAN (USA), 3 wins in Canada and USA at 5 and 8 years, 2014 and £141,800 and placed 23 times. HACHITA (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of ANNOUNCE (GB), 5 wins in France and £342,302 including Darley Prix Jean Romanet, Deauville, Gr1, Prix Allez France, Chantilly, Gr3 and Prix Minerve- Shadwell, Deauville, Gr3, placed second in Qatar Prix de l’Opera, Longchamp, Gr1, MEXICAN GOLD (USA), 2 wins in France at 2 and 3 years, 2015 and £91,452 including Prix de la Grotte, Longchamp, Gr3, placed third in Prix Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1, Straight Thinking (USA), winner in France and £49,105, placed second in Prix d’Aumale, Chantilly, Gr3, Prix de la Grotte, Longchamp, Gr3 and Prix du Calvados - PMU, Deauville, Gr3, HACHITA VALLEY (USA), 2 wins in Bahrain and France and placed 3 times. Bank Guarantee (USA), placed once in France at 3 years, 2015. Choice House (USA), unraced; dam of JAN SMUTS (IRE), 4 wins from 4 to 6 years, 2014 and placed 18 times; also placed once over hurdles at 5 years. 36

11 Hollys Surprise eva@horsenature.nu

HOLLYS SURPRISE Chesnut filly 2014-03-11 Bred at Solbacka, Brottby www.horsenature.nu

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Stall Bonne Nuit/Nils Petter Gill c/o HorseNature KB, Solbacka 186 97 Brottby 070-735 44 80

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Be My Guest (USA) Most Welcome (GB) Topsy (GB) Holly Golightly, 2007 Thunder Gulch (USA) Point Taken (NOR), 2001 Top Cat (FR), 1993 Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN)

1st dam HOLLY GOLIGHTLY (SWE), 4 wins in Norway and Sweden at 2 and 3 years and 1.107.175 kr and placed 4 times, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Swedish Champion Classic, 2nd Skandinavisk Mesterskap 3-year-olds, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Mile, hcp 82; own sister to MIKKELANGELO (SWE); dam of one previous foal; Mikkelsin (SWE), 2013 g by Tertullian (USA), in training with Niels Petersen, Norway 2nd dam POINT TAKEN (NOR), 2 wins in Norway at 3 and 4 years and 290.807 kr, Derby Milen, and placed 10 times, 2nd Norsk Rikstoto Grand Prix, 4th Norsk Mesterskap 3-year-olds and upwards, hcp 77; dam of four winners: MIKKELANGELO (SWE), 2008 g by Most Welcome (GB), 6 wins in Denmark and Sweden from 3 to 5 years and £73,525, Nordic Champion Series/Stayers and placed 15 times, 2nd Kapps Stora Pris, Stockholms Hösthcp, 4th Norwegian St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Breeders’ Trophy Stayers, Swedish Champion Classic Stayers, hcp 84 HOLLY GOLIGHTLY (SWE), see above. Easy Come Easy Go (den), 2009 g by Songline (SWE), 4 wins in Norway from 2 to 5 years, 2014 and 431.328 kr, and placed 13 times, 2nd Agria Auktionslöpn, hcp 77 TAKE ON ME (SWE), 2010 g by Pistachio (GB), 2 wins in Norway at 3 years and £9,067 and placed 5 times, hcp 74 Goodgollymissmolly (SWE), 2011 f by Dustoori (GB), ran 4 times in Norway at 3 years, 2014. Asusual (SWE), 2013 f by Tertullian (USA), in training with Niels Petersen, Norway 3rd dam TOP CAT (FR), 2 wins in England at 2 years; also 9 wins in Norway, Sweden and USA from 3 to 6 years and 780.695 kr, Bloomers’ Vase, Scandinavia Cup, Norwegian 1000 Guineas, and placed 8 times, 2nd Scandinavia Cup, 3rd Rosengårdlöpn, 4th Bloomers’ Vase, hcp 87; dam of four winners: POINT TAKEN (NOR), see above. PANNACOTTA (DEN), 9 wins in Norway from 4 to 6 years and £42,147 and placed 16 times. CAT WIND (DEN), 6 wins in Sweden from 3 to 6 years, 2014 and placed 10 times. LLORET DE MAR (NOR), 3 wins in Norway at 3 years and £33,298 and placed 11 times; dam of a winner. MADAME MEDUZA (NOR), 2 wins in Norway at 3 years and placed twice. The next dam PUSSY FOOT, 3 wins at 3 years and placed 10 times; dam of four winners including: TOP CAT (FR), see above. PLENTYMORE (GB), 5 wins in Germany and placed 9 times. ANSTAND (GB), 5 wins and placed 6 times. The next dam CATS, placed once at 2 years; dam of seven winners including: CATAINER (NZ), 11 wins in Australia including Schweppes Cup, Caulfield, L., Fantastic Flowers Zeditave Stakes, Caulfield, L. and KPMG Handicap, Morphettville, L., placed second in Safeway Bletchingly Stakes, Caulfield, Gr3. 37

12 Il Passo patrick@pwahlracing.se

IL PASSO Brown colt 2014-04-03 www.pwahlracing.se Bred at Stall Jalih, Hörby

Scandinavian Breeders’ System P Wahl Racing AB/Patrick Wahl Sundbyvägen 16 186 70 Brottby 070-496 16 69 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA)

Tsunami Slew (USA) Spectacular Tide (USA) Bid Me Adieu (USA) Tess (SWE), 1997 Known Fact (USA) Factually (GB), 1989 Alydear (USA), 1981

1st dam Tess, placed once, 17.100 kr, hcp 60, dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 previous foals; BANDITOS, 2009 c by Funambule (USA), 5 wins, placed 12 times, 857.875 kr, SM Classic, Götalandlöpn, 3rd Auktionslöpn, joint 3rd SM 2-year-olds, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, hcp 82 Ferrita, 2008 f by Academy Award (IRE), 2 wins, placed 4 times, 350.230 kr, 3rd Amacitalöpn, SM 2-year-olds, hcp 77 FUN EXCEPTION, 2006 g by Funambule (USA), 3 wins, placed 3 times, 270.430 kr, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, 5th Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, hcp 79 WISE CHOICE, 2005 f by Pennekamp (USA), 3 wins, placed 11 times, 331.536 kr, 5th Amacitalöpn, hcp 77 EL GRINGO, 2010 g by Funambule (USA), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 172.648 kr, hcp 74 ILENNA, 2004 f by Final Appearance (IRE), winner, placed 5 times, 110.700 kr, hcp 67 Ligisten, 2012 g by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ), ran once at 2 years, 2014, 5.880 kr 2nd dam Factually (GB), Top rated 2-year-old filly in Sweden in 1991, winner, placed twice, 2nd Norwegian Criterium, hcp 74, dam of five winners; TESORERO, 1996 c by Funambule (USA), 16 wins, placed 14 times, 2.980.045 kr, Swedish Open Mile, L, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, Skand Mesterskap 2-year-olds, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, Sweden Cup Mile, SM Classic, SM Milers, 2nd Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, Sweden Cup Mile, twice, 3rd Swedish Derby, Breeders’ Trophy, hcp 91 DOLPhIN’S SmILE, 2011 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 422.905 kr, Scania Sprint, 2nd Altamiralöpn, Scania Sprint, 4th Scania Mile, 5th Stomilen, hcp 78 DISRAELI GEARS, 2008 g by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), winner, placed 4 times, 190.320 kr, hcp 75 YAMAGUCHI, 2007 g by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins, 133.000 kr, hcp 76 CRUSH, 2004 f by Funambule (USA), 2 wins, placed twice in just 5 starts, hcp 69, dam of one winner: PHILOSOFICAL, 2011 g by Philomatheia (USA), winner and placed 7 times, 132.486 kr, hcp 68 3rd dam ALYDEAR (USA), by Alydar (USA), winner in USA, placed 4 times; dam of two winners; Factually (GB), see above ABOUT LOVE (USA), 4 wins in USA The next dam HER DELIGHT (USA) by Herbager (FR), winner in USA, dam of eight winners; FLEET AND FANCY (USA), 4 wins in GB and Belgium, Prix Baillet-Latour, Boitsfort, L Count Ivor (USA), 2 wins in France, 3rd Prix la Force, Longchamp, Gr3, sire in France LIKEABLE (USA), 3 wins in USA and placed 9 times PLEASURE MISS (USA), 3 wins in USA and placed once; dam of winners; FANCY STYLE (USA), winner in USA; dam of one winner: mischief Afoot (USA), 3rd Arizona Cinco de Mayo Stallion S, Turf Paradise BATEAU MOUCHE (USA), winner in USA and placed 6 times; dam of winners. Embraceable You (USA), unraced; dam of winners; Great Contract (USA), winner, 3rd Omaha Gold Cup, Gr3, and Fairmount Derby, Gr3 38

13 752SWE00001856T b.helander@bluewin.ch

Chesnut colt 2014-05-03

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11

Sakhee (USA), 1997 Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004 Murjana (IRE), 1998

Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA)

Mr Prospector (USA) Woodman (USA) Playmate (USA) Magical Wood (USA), 2008 Riverman (USA) Rivermorn (USA), 1992 Morning Games (USA), 1976

1st dam MAGICAL WOOD (USA), placed once at 3 years in Sweden; Own sister to QUIET RULER (USA), dam of one previous foal; Magical Red, 2013 f by Zaahid (IRE), in training with Ann-Marie Säberg, Vittinge 2nd dam RIVERMORN (USA), ran in USA at 3 years; Own sister to MAGICAL RIVER (USA); dam of four winnersQUIET RULER (USA) (g. by Woodman (USA), 7 wins at 3 to 5 years in USA and £262,193 incl Mohawk H, Belmont Park, L (twice), placed 8 times; also placed once over jumps in USA GOLD BID (USA), 3 wins at 5 years in USA and £27,579 and placed 11 times. PHANTOM CHIEF (USA), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in USA and £10,117 and placed 4 times. LITTLE LOVELY (USA), winner at 3 years in USA Swift Star (USA), placed once at 4 years in USA; dam of winners. BELLAMY STAR (USA), Xtra Heat S, Belmont Park and 2nd Lake George S, Saratoga, Gr2. 3rd dam MORNING GAMES (USA), by Grey Dawn (FR), ran in USA at 2 years; dam of ten winners inclALPHABATIM (USA), 7 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in USA incl William Hill Futurity S, Doncaster, Gr1, Hollywood Turf Cup, Hollywood Park, Gr1 (twice), Highland Spring Derby Trial S, Lingfield Park, Gr3 and Guardian Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr3, 2nd Hollywood Gold Cup H, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Geoffrey Freer S, Newbury, Gr2, Bel Air H, Hollywood Park, Gr3, 3rd Holsten Pils St Leger S, Doncaster, Gr1, San Luis Rey S, Santa Anita, Gr1, San Marcos H, Santa Anita, Gr3, Golden Gate Field Breeders’ Cup H, Golden Gate, L and 4th in Santa Anita H, Santa Anita, Gr1; sire. ROYAL EXPERIMENT (USA), Champion 3yr Old Colt in Scandinavia in 2002, 9 wins at 2 to 6 years in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden incl Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Övrevoll, Gr3, Hangover Square Pokallob, Copenhagen, L and Dansk Jockey Club Cup, Copenhagen, L (twice), placed 15 times incl 2nd Stockholms Stora Pris, Täby, L, 3rd Scandinavian Open Championship, Copenhagen, Gr3, Voskwagen - Preis der Deutschen Einheit, Hoppegarten, Gr3, IBM Stockholms Stora Pris, Täby, L and Songline Classic, Täby, L; sire. GRAN ALBA (USA), 2 wins at 3 years incl EBF Irish National Stud S, Phoenix Park, L, 3rd Leisure Investments Burr S, Lingfield Park, L; also 3 wins over hurdles incl Gerry Feilden Hurdle, Newbury and Top Rank Christmas Hurdle, Kempton Park, placed 7 times incl 2nd Kingwell Hurdle, Wincanton, Seagram 100 Pipers Top Novices’ Hurdle, Liverpool and 3rd Trafalgar House Supreme Novices’ Hurdle, Cheltenham; sire. MAGICAL RIVER (USA), 9 wins in Germany incl P. der Firma Jungheinrich Gabelstapler, Hannover, L, placed 11 times. PUZZLE BOOK (USA), 4 wins at 3 years in USA incl Canterbury Oaks, Canterbury Down, L, placed twice; dam of winners. MONARCH’S MAZE (USA), Jamaica H, Belmont Park, Gr2 and Red Smith H, Aqueduct, Gr2. BROCK STREET (CAN), Eclipse H, Woodbine, Gr3. MYSTERIOUSLY (CAN), Konica Long Look H, Meadowlands, Gr3 (twice); dam of Strizzi (CAN), 2nd Toronto Cup H, Woodbine, Gr3, Multipass (USA), 2nd Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, L; granddam of Dancing Rage (USA), winner in USA, 2nd J Franks Juvenile Fillies Turf S, Calder, L 39

14 Zender


ZENDER Brown gelding 2014-03-16

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Sophie Nordgren, Ulrika och Jonas Persson, Jävsgård 155, Eket, 305 92 Holm 070-543 28 93 Storm Cat (USA) Mariah’s Storm (USA) Lomitas (GB) Monbijou (GER) Danzig (USA) Zieten (USA) Blue Note (FR) Castle Zinnia, 2006 Distinctly North (USA) Castle Square (IRE), 1998 Dancing Line (GB), 1987 Giant’s Causeway (USA) Center Divider (USA) Meridiana (GER)

1st dam CASTLE ZINNIA (SWE), 4 wins in Sweden to 6 years and 458.712 kr and placed 23 times, 2nd Sceptre Stakes, 4th Gothenburg Fillies & Mares Stakes, 5th Scania Sprint, hcp 81; above is her first foal. 2nd dam CASTLE SQUARE (IRE), placed 9 times in 12 starts in Denmark and Sweden at 2-3 years, £4,598; dam of one winner: CASTLE ZINNIA (SWE), see above. Castle Dot (SWE), 2010 f by Konigstiger (GER), placed 3 times in Sweden at 2 and 3 years and £1,886. Castle Lot (SWE), 2004 g by Nicolotte (GB), placed 3 times in Sweden at 2 years and £2,063. 3rd dam DANCING LINE (GB), placed twice at 2 years; Own sister to Joruri; dam of five winners: HANGOVER SQUARE (IRE), c by Jareer (USA), Champion miler in Scandinavia in 1998, 18 wins in Denmark and Sweden from 3 to 8 years and 2.262.375 kr, Pokallob, Copenhagen, L., IBM Stockholms Stora Pris, Taby, L. (twice), Golden Mile, Klampenborg, L. (twice), Swedish Open Mile, Taby, L. (twice), placed 15 times, 2nd in Preis der Badischen Sparkassen Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3, hcp 93. FRONT OF HOUSE (IRE), 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 6 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at 8 years and placed twice; also winner in point-to-point at 11 years and placed once. BLASE CHEVALIER (IRE), 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 5 years; also winner over hurdles at 7 years. TURN TURTLE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, placed 4 times; also placed once over hurdles at 7 years. LITTLE HEROE (IRE), 2 wins in Spain at 6 years and placed 4 times. The next dam DANCING SALLY (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, placed 3 times; dam of five winners including: JITTERBUGGING (GB), c by Try My Best (USA), 9 wins at home and in Italy including Premio Citta’ di Grosseto, Grosseto, L., placed third in Premio d’Estate, Milan, L. and Premio Nearco, Rome, L. Joruri (g by High Line), winner, placed third in Calor Derby Trial Stakes, Lingfield Park, Gr3. TIKHOMIROV, 5 wins and placed 10 times. CIRCUS DANCE, 3 wins and placed 3 times; also placed once over hurdles. Nairasha (IRE), placed 4 times in Sweden; dam of three winners. FINGERS CROSSED (SWE), 5 wins, placed 6 times, 169.100 kr, hcp 66 QUEEN OF SWEDEN (SWE), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 114.000 kr, hcp 70 TRISHA (SWE), 2 wins and placed 12 times; dam of ERROLL (SWE), 16 wins in Sweden to 8 years, 2014, 2.768.798 kr, Swedish Open Mile, Taby, L., JK 2000 Guineas, Swedish Criterium, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, SM 2-year-olds, Ulriksdals Minneslön, 3 times, placed 17 times, 2nd SM Classic, 3rd in Stockholms Stora Pris, Taby, Gr3, 5th Swedish St Leger, Mischa Kahns Minneslöpn, hcp 93. The next dam Dance All Night (GB), 8 wins from 2 to 4 years, placed 10 times including second in Irish Sweeps Cambridgeshire Handicap, Newmarket, L. and third in Strensall Stakes, York, L. and fourth in Queen Mary Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr2; dam of four winners including: SCOTTISH REEL, 5 wins including Juddmonte Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr2 and Diomed Stakes, Epsom, Gr3, placed second in Swettenham Stud Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr1 and fourth in Phoenix Champion Stakes, Phoenix Park, Gr1; sire. 40

15 Guess Who ravdansen@telia.com

GUESS WHO Bay or brown filly 2014-04-21 www.ravdansen.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Rävdansens Stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA)

Seeking The Gold (USA) Lujain (USA) Satin Flower (USA) Seeking The Storm (NOR), 2003 Catrail (USA) Persian Flight (GB), 1998 Persian Victory (IRE), 1988

1st dam Seeking The Storm (NOR), winner at 3 years in Norway, placed 7 times, incl 3rd Malmö Stads Pris, Skand Opdraetningslöb, 4th Dansk Kriterium, hcp 73; dam of four winnersSKRIK (NOR), 2011 c by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in Norway, Skand Mesterskap 2-åringer, Forsommerlöp 3-åringer, 512.592 kr, and placed 5 times, 2nd Norsk Rikstoto Opdrettslöp, Norsk Mesterskap 2-year-olds, hcp 79. TUSEN TAKK (SWE), 2009 f by Academy Award (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2013 in Norway and in Sweden and £14,678 and placed 4 times. SEEKING DUNKIRK (SWE), 2010 g by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Sweden and £11,541 and placed 3 times. JULIEN DELAMARE (SWE), 2012 g by Academy Award (IRE), 2 wins at 3, 2015, 73.003 kr. Fiddle And Drum (SWE), 2013 g by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), in training with Caroline Malmborg, Täby 2nd dam Persian Flight (GB), ran once at 3 years; dam of seven winnersCATCHING THE STORM (NOR), 4 wins at 2 years in Norway and 636.350 kr, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Skand Mesterskap 2-årige, Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp and placed 4 times, incl 2nd Forsommerlöp 3-årige, 4th Norsk Mesterskap 3-årige. DOMO ARIGATO (SWE), 2 wins at 2 years in Sweden and 240.000 kr, SM 2-åriga. Seeking The Storm (NOR), see above. Luz Arcal (NOR), winner at 2 years in Norway, £18,960, placed 7 times, 2nd Norsk Auksjonslöp. ZEN CAT (NOR), 5 wins at 5 and 6 years in Norway and 240.698 kr and placed 12 times. PRIMUS MOTOR (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden, 267.500 kr, and placed 8 times, 5th Swedish Champion Sprint. VESPER (SWE), 3 wins and placed 9 times, 202.912 kr. 3rd dam Persian Victory (IRE), by Persian Bold (IRE), unraced; dam of six winners inclLA DATA DI GIULIO (GB), 12 wins to 2013 in Italy and placed 31 times. PERSIAN TREASURE (GB), 12 wins in Italy and placed 22 times. FINAL VICTORY (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 yrs, placed 6 times; also winner over hurdles and placed twice. OCEAN VICTORY (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times. The next dam LADY HABITAT, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy; dam of eight winners inclBIG REEF, 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in Italy incl Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio d’Aprile, Milan, Gr3, 2nd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples, Gr3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, L, Premio Tupini, Rome, L, 3rd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples, Gr3, 4th in G.P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan, Gr1, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio Ellington, Rome, Gr3; sire. HABIDOS, 3 wins at 2 years in Italy incl Criterium Labronico, L, placed once; dam of winners. LUNA D’ESTATE (GB), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Italy and placed 16 times; dam of ZENONE (IRE), 10 wins in Italy incl Premio del Piazzale-Mem. Enrico Camici, Milan, L, placed 28 times, LUI E LA LUNA (GB), 3 wins at 2 years in Italy incl Premio Rumon, Rome, L, placed 3 times incl 2nd Premio Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr3, LUNA NEL POZZO (GB), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy incl Premio Repubbliche Marinare -Tattersalls, Rome, L, placed once. 41

Scandinavian Breeders’ System

16 752SWE00001851T b.helander@bluewin.ch

Chesnut colt 2014-03-17

Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby

070-777 32 11

Sakhee (USA), 1997 Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004 Murjana (IRE), 1998

Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA)

Songline (SWE) Fraulein (SWE), 2003 Ramonia (SWE), 1993

Diaghlyphard (USA) Princess Persian (IRE) Miami Springs (IRE) Ramona (SWE), 1979

1st dam FRÄULEIN (SWE), 5 wins at 3 to 7 years in Sweden and 316.700 SEK and placed 16 times, FT70; dam of two previous foals; No Angel (SWE), 2011 g by Zaahid (IRE), unraced, died at 3 years in 2014. Zaga (SWE), 2013 f by Zaahid (IRE), in training with Sandra Brolin, Täby 752SWE00001851T, see above 2nd dam Ramonia (SWE), 3 wins, placed 6 times, 185.083 kr, 2nd Altamiralöpn, hcp 79; dam of seven winners inc Queen of HeaRts (SWE), 2001 f by Heart of Oak (USA), 4 wins at 3 years in Norway and in Sweden and 1.730.396 kr, Svenskt Oaks, Norsk Breeders’ Prize, and placed 4 times in just 9 starts, incl 2nd Lanwades Stud S, Täby, L, Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, hcp 84; dam of one winner: King accent (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden, placed 4 times, 330.000 kr, 2nd SM 2-åriga, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, hcp 73 WatCH Me fLY (SWE), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in Sweden and 684.700 kr, incl Nordic Champion Series/Sprinters and placed 10 times, incl 3rd JK Jubileumslöpn, SM 2-åriga, hcp 81 SPIRIT (SWE), 9 wins at 2 to 7 years in Sweden and 520.700 kr and placed 35 times, hcp 84 FRÄULEIN (SWE), see above. SPRING HEART (SWE), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Sweden and 394.400 kr, placed 21 times, hcp 72 SKY MASTER (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 4 times, hcp 66 MALVA (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed twice, 5th Dianalöpn, hcp 78 3rd dam RaMona (SWE), by Moonbeam (SWE), 3 wins, placed 8 times, Dianalöpn, Täby, 4th in Mowerinalob (1000 Gns), Klampenborg; dam of three winners: Ramonia (SWE), see above. RAMIRIS (SWE), 4 wins, placed 6 times, 132.600 kr RAMOON (SWE), winner and placed in just 3 starts, hcp 65 The next dam IRIS (DEN); dam of three winners RaMona (SWE), see above. ELIZ (SWE), 11 wins, placed 13 times, 235.400 kr, hcp 83 Hillmer (SWE), 5 wins, placed 12 times, 208.000 kr, 3rd SM 3-year-olds, SM 4-year-olds and upwards, 5th Swedish St Leger, hcp 81


17 Garnett (ger) info@fellowshipracing.se

GARNETT (ger) Bay or brown colt 2014-06-02 www.fellowshipracing.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Fellowship Racing AB Soldatvägen 57 E 192 73 Sollentuna 0760-42 91 24

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Touch Gold (USA) Passing Mood (CAN) Goldinova (USA), 2009 Nureyev (USA) Soiree Russe (USA), 1997 Private View (USA), 1982 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

1st dam Goldinova (USA), 4 wins in Sweden from 2 to 4 years and £48,255 and placed 10 times, 2nd in Altamiralöpn, Stig Holms Memorial, 3rd in Dianalöpn, 5th in Amacitalöpn, hcp 85; above is her first foal. 2nd dam SOIREE RUSSE (USA), winner in France at 3 years and £15,090 and placed 5 times; dam of four winners: TAZEEZ (USA), 2004 g by Silver Hawk (USA), 6 wins from 4 to 6 years and £296,026 including Weatherbys Earl of Sefton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr3 and Richard Hambro Darley Stakes, Newmarket, Gr3, placed 9 times including second in Blue Square Brigadier Gerard Stakes, Sandown Park, Gr3 and Ambant Gala Stakes, Sandown Park, L. and third in Prince of Wales’s Stakes, Ascot, Gr1 and Princess of Wales’s Sportingbet Stakes, Newmarket, Gr2; also placed in USA at 6 years and £59,876 third in Arlington Million Stakes, Arlington Int., Gr1. Onna Bugeisha (USA), 2010 f by First Samurai (USA), placed in USA, 2nd Cypress Stakes, Los Alamitos. Goldinova (USA), see above. DANSE EN SOIREE (USA), 2008 f by Cat Thief (USA), 2 wins in Germany at 4 and 5 years and £12,702 and placed 13 times. IN FULL COMMAND (USA), 2003 f by Deputy Commander (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3 years and £15,318 and placed 6 times. Ballet Rousse (USA), 2006 f by Milwaukee Brew (USA), placed twice in USA at 5 years and £4,593. Levkoteia (GB), 2011 f by Lemon Drop Kid (USA). 3rd dam Private View (USA), winner in France and 244,500 fr, placed 5 times including second in Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr1 and third in Prix de Malleret, Longchamp, Gr2 and Prix de la Nonette, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of ten winners: Ionio (USA), g by Silver Hawk (USA), Jt 4th top rated 3yr old colt in Ireland in 1994, 3 wins from 2 to 4 years, £73,259, 2nd in Great Voltigeur Stakes, York, Gr2; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years. HAWK’S VIEW (USA), 3 wins in USA at 3 and 7 years and £44,060 and placed 4 times. PRIVATE ACADEMY (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3 years and £28,006 and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. HANNAH (BRZ), 2 wins in Brazil. HANALAH (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3 years and £25,104 and placed once. SERINO LYPHARD (USA), 2 wins in Japan; dam of winners. TEMMA (JPN), 4 wins in Japan and placed 9 times. SEATTLE THRILL (JPN), 2 wins in Japan and placed 5 times. SOIREE RUSSE (USA), see above. GOLDEN STRIKE (USA), winner in USA at 3 years and placed once; dam of winners. Paso A Paso (VEN), 6 wins in Venezuela, placed second in Clasico Senegal, La Rinconada, L. and third in Clasico Presidente de la Republica, La Rinconada, L. LA GUAPA (VEN), 3 wins in Venezuela; dam of PASO ALEGRE (VEN), 2 wins in Venezuela including C. Nuestra Senora de la Chiquinquira, Santa Rita, L., and Paso Del Rey (VEN), placed second in Clasico Jose Antonio Paez, La Rinconada, L. KRIS’S VISTA (USA), winner in USA at 2 years and placed once. WAHIMA (USA), winner in France at 3 years and placed once. 43

Scandinavian Breeders’ System

18 752SWE00001858T


Bay or brown colt 2014-05-05

Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby

Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN)

070-777 32 11

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN)

Sunday Silence (USA) Agnes Kamikaze (JPN) Dyna China (JPN) Energia Especial (FR), 2009 Burooj (GB) Quality Special (BRZ), 2002 Lady Be Special (USA), 1992

1st dam ENERGIA ESPECIAL (FR), unraced; dam of one previous foal; Cartouche, 2013 g by Merchant of Venice (USA), in training with Tommy Gustafsson, Täby 2nd dam Quality Special (BRZ), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years in Brazil and in France and £47,469 and placed 7 times incl 2nd Classico Criadores, Taruma, L, HH The President Cup, Abu Dhabi, L, Al Tayer Group UAE Oaks, Nad Al Sheba, L and 3rd Grande Premio Presidente Guilherme Ellis, Cidade Jardim, Gr3; dam of ENERGIA ESPECIAL (FR), see above 3rd dam LADY BE SPECIAL (USA), by Bering (GB), 2 wins at 3 years in Brazil; dam of four winners inclQuality Special (BRZ), see above. Get Real (BRZ), 2nd Classico Luiz Gurgel do Amaral Valente, Taruma, L. INCREASING PROFITS (BRZ), 3 wins in Brazil. The next dam UNCOMMITTED (USA), winner in France; dam of five winners inclWAVERING MONARCH (USA), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA incl Haskell Invitational H, Monmouth Park, Gr1, San Fernando S, Santa Anita, Gr1, Ak-Sar-Ben Omaha Gold Cup, Ak- Sar-Ben, Gr2 and Jefferson Cup S, Churchill Downs, placed 4 times viz 2nd Charles H. Strub S, Santa Anita, Gr1, 3rd Blue Grass S, Keeneland, Gr1, Santa Anita H, Santa Anita, Gr1 and Malibu S, Santa Anita, Gr2; sire. Florenza (USA), winner at 3 years in France and placed 3 times incl 3rd Prix Chloe, Evry, Gr3 and Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr3; dam of winners. ALL CANADIAN (CAN), Valedictory H, Greenwood, L. Hot N’ Foxy (USA), unraced; dam of KAHYASIN (BRZ), Grande Premio Derby Paranaense, Taruma, Gr2 and 3rd Grande Premio Parana, Taruma, Gr1. Ruby Green (USA), winner in France, 4th in Prix Robert Papin, M’-Laffitte, Gr1; dam of winners. WESTERN BORDERS (USA), Hialeah Sprint Championship H, Hialeah Park, L and 3rd Carter H, Aqueduct, Gr1 (twice); sire. GERVAZY (USA), Gulfstream Sprint Championship H, Gulfstream Park, L, 3rd Carter H, Aqueduct, Gr1 and Metropolitan H, Belmont Park, Gr1. Chellingoua (USA), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years in France and in USA; dam of winners. OUT WEST (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Ruinart Champagne Conqueror S, Goodwood, L, placed 3 times, all her starts; dam of MOTIVATOR (GB), Jt Champion 3yr Old in England in 2005, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Vodafone Derby S, Epsom Downs, Gr1 and Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr1, placed twice viz 2nd Coral Eclipse S, Sandown Park, Gr1 and Baileys Irish Champion S, Leopardstown, Gr1; sire, MACARTHUR (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years incl Hardwicke S, Ascot, Gr2, placed 5 times incl 3rd Juddmonte Coronation Cup, Epsom Downs, Gr1; also placed 9 times over hurdles, IMPERIAL STAR (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl intercasino.co.uk Magnolia S, Kempton Park, L, 3rd Sheikh Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Nad Al Sheba, Gr3. Pretty In Green (USA), unraced; dam of winners. ANTRIM RD (USA), Illinois Derby, Sportsmans Park, Gr2, Fort Springs S, Keeneland, 2nd Turfway Prevue S, Turfway Park, L, Sam F Davis Breeders’ Cup S, Tampa Bay Downs, Promised City S, Oaklawn Park and 3rd Washington Park H, Arlington Int., Gr2. 44

19 752SWE00001799T eva@horsenature.nu

Dark brown gelding 2014-04-20 Bred at Solbacka, Brottby www.horsenature.nu

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Stall Mojito/Thomas Gjelsås c/o HorseNature KB, Solbacka 186 97 Brottby 070-735 44 80

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Danehill (USA) Danetime (IRE) Allegheny River (USA) Danetime Music (IRE), 2004 Sadler’s Wells (USA) Tuesday Morning (USA), -87 Mourwara (USA), 1980 Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN)

1st dam DANETIME MUSIC (IRE), winner at 2 years and £4,223 and placed once; also 3 wins in Norway at 4 years and £10,828 and placed 10 times, 5th Norwegian 1000 Guineas, hcp 78; dam of two winners: ROYAL MUSIC (SWE), 2011 g by Royal Experiment (USA), 2 wins in Sweden at 3 years, 2014 and 146.356 kr, and placed 3 times, hcp 78. MIRA KALEJS (SWE), 2013 f by Tertullian (USA), winner and placed in 2 starts at 2, 2015, 82.880 kr Pilula Feliz (SWE), 2012 f by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ), placed in first start in Norway at 3 years, 2015. Bits And Pieces (NOR), 2010 f by Pistachio (GB), unplaced in Norway from 2 to 4 years, 2014. 2nd dam Tuesday Morning (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners: DANEHILL MUSIC (IRE), 2003 f by Danehill Dancer (IRE), 4 wins from 2 to 4 years and £133,074 including EBF Park Express Stakes, Curragh, Gr3 and Netjets Celebration Stakes, Curragh, L., placed 7 times including second in Lodge Park EBF Park Express Stakes, Curragh, Gr3 and Eyrefield Stakes, Leopardstown, L. and third in Keeneland International Stakes, Curragh, Gr3 and Oak Lodge Sires Loughbrown Stakes, Curragh, L.; dam of a winner. Seussical (IRE), g by Galileo (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £32,432, placed third in King George V Cup Nijinsky Stakes, Leopardstown, L. Rocky Wednesday (IRE), 2007 g by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE), winner at 3 years and £6,854 and placed once; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 and 6 years and £57,160, placed 10 times and winner over fences at 8 years, 2015 and £9,997 and placed 5 times including second in boylesports.com Handicap Hurdle, Leopardstown, Gr2 and Weatherbys Ireland GSB Hurdle, Fairyhouse, Gr3 and third in Winning Fair Juvenile Hurdle, Fairyhouse, Gr2. BOHEMIAN SPIRIT (IRE), 1998 g by Eagle Eyed (USA), winner over hurdles at 8 years and £6,579 and placed 3 times and 7 wins over fences from 6 to 9 years and £58,251 and placed 10 times; also won 3 point-to-points at 5 and 7 years and placed 3 times. ROCK CANYON (IRE), 2009 g by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE), 5 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2015 and £21,709 and placed 23 times. DANETIME MUSIC (IRE), see above. RUBY ESTATE (IRE), 1991 f by High Estate, winner at 3 years and £9,186 and placed 8 times. QUESTOR (IRE), 1999 f by Eagle Eyed (USA), winner in Turkey at 3 years and £16,232, placed 7 times. SU COLLE (IRE), 2000 c by College Chapel (GB), winner in Italy at 3 years and £13,031, placed 7 times. PURPLE DAWN (IRE), 1996 f by Tirol, winner at 3 years and £3,045 and placed once; also placed 3 times over hurdles at 4 years. Time To Change (IRE), 1994 f by Tirol, placed 4 times in Germany at 2 and 4 years. 3rd dam Mourwara (USA), placed once at 2 years; dam of one winner: Masterfleet (c. by Be My Guest (USA), 3 wins in West Germany at 3, 5 and 6 years, placed second in Badener Jugend-Preis, Baden-Baden, L. and Scherping-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. Sailer’s Wells (IRE), placed 6 times in France at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. MIGNON TOSHO (JPN), 2 wins in Japan at 3 years and £83,779 and placed once. 45

20 Dominica roger@ralby.se

DOMINICA Bay or brown filly 2014-05-15 Breeder Alvena Gård AB, Gotland

Scandinavian Breeders’ System AB Åkerkullen/Roger Asp Box 2030, 750 02 Uppsala Tel 0709-18 32 01 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Miswaki (USA) Midyan (USA) Country Dream (USA) On Light (SWE), 2000 Most Welcome (GB) Simply Katie (GB), 1993 Rechanit (IRE), 1988 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

1st dam ON LIGHT (SWE), 8 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and £34,771 and placed 8 times, Treåringar-nas Elitlöpn, 4th Bloomers’ Vase, L, hcp 87; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 5 foals of racing age; Antigua, 2012 f by Archipenko (USA), 2 wins and placed 5 times in 10 starts, 2nd Dianalöpn, Svealandlöpn, 4th Amacitalöpn, 573.188 kr, hcp 81 PERSIAN QUEEN, 2010 f by Songline (SWE), 4 wins and placed 7 times, 243.368 kr, hcp 74 2nd dam SIMPLY KATIE (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, all her starts; dam of eight winners from 9 runners; XSTASE (SWE), f. by Trempolino (USA), Champion 2yr Old Filly in Scandinavia in 2004, 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £95,035 incl Scandinavia Cup, Jägersro, L, placed 7 times, hcp 87; dam of two winners. XOTIC (FR), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in France and £123,936 and placed 14 times. SYGMA (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years, 2013 in France and £49,993 and placed 4 times. ON LIGHT (SWE), see above Borena (fr), winner at 3 years in Norway and £32,164 and placed 6 times; 2nd Sofierolöpn, dam of two winnersMAX MANUS (NOR), 2008 c. by Septieme Ciel (USA), 4 wins at 3-4 years in Norway PRETTY PERFECT (NOR), 2011 f. by Deceptor (USA), 2 wins at 3, 2014 in Norway PROPELINO (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 6 years in Sweden and £25,009 and placed 15 times. WALK THE PLANK (FR), 3 wins at 4 years in Sweden and placed twice. ONE COOL BUCK (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Norway and placed 4 times. MISS AUGUST (SWE), 2 wins at 3 years in Denmark and Sweden and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. SEE ME (SWE), winner at 2 years in Norway and placed 6 times; dam of five winners. RED DRESS ON (SWE), 3 wins, Svenskt Oaks, JK Avelslöpn L, Norsk Mesterskap 2-årige, 2nd Lanwades S, L, Täby, SM Classic, 3rd Kapps Stora, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn,hcp 86. SHADE OF PALE (ger), 12 wins, Breeders Trophy Classic, Svenskt St Leger, Kapps Stora Pris, and placed 21 times, hcp 89. 3rd dam RECHANIT (IRE), by Local Suitor (USA), 4 wins at 3 years in Italy and placed 4 times; dam of seven winners incDANCING FLYER (GB), 9 wins at 4 to 6 years in Netherlands and placed 7 times. ROCCAROMANA (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and placed 12 times. PRIME HAND (GB), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in USA HIP HOP HARRY (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 4 times. GOODWOOD SPIRIT (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 11 times. RECHULLIN (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. SIMPLY KATIE (GB), see above. The next dam CLARETTA (USA), winner at 2 years; dam of eight winners incl SAPIENCE, 5 wins incl General Accident Jockey Club S, Newmarket, Gr2 and Princess of Wales’s S, Newmarket, Gr2, 2nd St Leger S, Ayr, Gr1, Hardwicke S, Ascot, Gr2, Ibn Bey Geoffrey Freer S, Newbury, Gr2, Yorkshire Cup, York, Gr2 (twice), Jockey Club Cup, Newmarket, Gr3, 3rd Eclipse S, Sandown Park, Gr1 and Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr1; sire. 46

21 Binoche

Rävdansens Stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93


BINOCHE Bay or brown filly 2014-02-15 www.ravdansen.se

Bated Breath (GB)

Dasili (GB) Tantina (USA)

Montjeu (IRE) Lolla’s Spirit (IRE), 2003 Glenarff (USA), 1989

Danehill (USA) Hasili (IRE) Distant View (USA) Didina (GB) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Floripedes (FR) Irish River (FR) Kraemer (USA), 1983

1st dam LOLLA’S SPIRIT (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £6,997 and placed 3 times; dam of four winners: LOVING SPIRIT (GB), 2008 g by Azamour (IRE), 3 wins at 2, 6 and 7 years, 2015 and £107,222 and placed 9 times, TF106 FIRST EXPERIENCE (GB), 2011 f by Tamayuz (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £23,034 and placed 10 times. SPARK OF GENIUS (GB), 2009 f by Oratorio (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £9,159 and placed 9 times. CHERRY TIGER (GB), 2010 g by Tiger Hill (IRE), winner at 4 years, 2014 and £3,120 and placed 3 times; also placed twice over hurdles at 4 and 5 years, 2015. Take Note (IRE), 2012 f by Azamour (IRE), placed once at 2 years, 2014. 2nd dam GLENARFF (USA), winner in France at 3 years and 105,000 fr. and placed 3 times; dam of seven winners: ALWAYS WAINING (IRE) (2001 g. by Unfuwain (USA), 3 wins at 3 years and £27,327 and placed 4 times; also 5 wins over hurdles at 4, 5 and 7 years and £35,864 and placed 7 times and 7 wins over fences to 11 years and £262,514 including John Smith’s Topham Handicap Chase, Aintree, L. (3 times) and 32red.com Handicap Chase, Market Rasen, L. and placed 7 times, TF102 HOUSEMASTER (IRE) (1996 g. by Rudimentary (USA), Champion stayer in Hong Kong in 1999-2000, 3 wins at home and in Hong Kong at 2, 4 and 6 years and £924,857 including Aetna Hong Kong Champions & Chater Cup, Sha Tin, L., placed 17 times, placed second in Tennent Cal. Breweries Scottish Classic, Ayr, Gr3, Hong Kong Derby, Sha Tin, L. and Stewards’ Cup, Sha Tin, L. and third in Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr1, Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr1, Feilden Stakes, Newmarket, L., Hong Kong Gold Cup, Sha Tin, L. and Stewards’ Cup, Sha Tin, L., TF119. Mastermind (IRE) (1997 g. by Dolphin Street (FR), 2 wins 2 races at 2 and 4 years and £40,183, placed 9 times, placed third in Budweiser Celebration Stakes, Curragh, L., TF114 LOLLA’S SPIRIT (IRE), see above. PERSIAN PRIDE (IRE) (1998 g. by Barathea (IRE), winner at 3 years and £5,894 and placed twice; also placed once over hurdles at 4 years and £1,068, TF94 DAHOAR (GB) (1999 f. by Charnwood Forest (IRE), placed once at 3 years and £1,374; also winner in Germany at 4 years and £1,863 and placed once; dam of a winner. HOUSE MAIDEN (IRE), winner at 3 years and £7,139 and placed 4 times; dam of TY GWR (GB), 4 wins from 3 to 5 years, 2014 and £19,090 and placed 7 times, SIAN GWALIA (GB), 2 wins at 4 years, 2014 and £9,473 and placed 7 times. BARUTELL (IRE) (2005 c. by Sinndar (IRE), winner in Spain at 3 years and £4,485 and placed once. Sun Chaser (IRE) (2002 f. by King’s Best (USA); dam of a winner. RJEEF (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £9,838 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam KRAEMER (USA), 4 wins in France and USA at 2 and 3 years and £120,519 including Bay Meadows Oaks, Bay Meadows, L., placed 5 times including second in Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr2 and California Jockey Club Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr3; dam of five winners: AMAZING KING (IRE), 6 wins from 4 to 8 years and £27,176 and placed 9 times; also 3 wins over hurdles at 3 and 4 years and £28,625 and winner over fences at 7 years and placed 10 times. 47

22 752SWE00001859T b.helander@bluewin.ch

Bay or brown colt 2014-06-02

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11

Sakhee (USA), 1997 Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004 Murjana (IRE), 1998

Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA)

Medecis (GB) Easy Way (SWE), 2006 Di’s Pearl (ire), 1992

Machiavellian (USA) Renashaan (FR) Diaghlyphard (USA) Emerald Heroine (FR), 1983

1st dam Easy Way, 3 wins and placed 3 times, 458.700 kr, 2nd SM 2-year-olds, 4th Swedish Oaks, Scandinavian Classic Challenge, hcp 79; dam of one winner from 1 previous foal; ZAMWAY, 2011 g by Zaahid (IRE), 2 wins, placed 5 times, 162.120 kr, hcp 69 2nd dam Di’s Pearl (ire), placed, 36.300 kr, dam of eight winners; CHAMPOLLION, 2004 c by Dushyantor (USA), 3 wins and placed, 555.175 kr, Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, 4th Danish Derby, Vinterfavoriternas Pris, hcp 80, Triple It, 199 c by Namaqualand (USA), 6 wins and placed 3 times, 414.275 kr, 2nd Swedish Criterium, hcp 79, Easy Way, see above DIAMONDSANDPEARLS (ire), 2003 f by Nicolotte (USA), 6 wins, placed 8 times, 289.347 kr, hcp 73 SIR SILK, 2009 g by Peintre Celebre (USA), 4 wins, placed 4 times, 175.162 kr, hcp 75 MIRRORVICE (ire), 1997 c by Malvernico (IRE), winner, placed twice in just 4 starts, 48.500 kr, hcp 74 SHEER PEARL, 2002 f by Shernazar (IRE), winner and placed 3 times in just 4 starts, 82.560 kr, hcp 76 CHAPTERELEVEN, 2007 g by Most Welcome (GB), winner in just 2 starts at 3, 60.000 kr, hcp 70, dead at 3 years 3rd dam Emerald Heroine (FR), placed 3 times in France, dam of five winners; EL VENEZOLANO, 1996 c by Malvernico (IRE), 3 wins, 214.000 kr, Derby Milen, hcp 80 Mangas Coloradas, 1995 c by Strong Statement (USA), winner in Norway at 2, 85.000 kr, 3rd in Jydsk Derby, hcp 79 MAGICAL GEM, 1993 f by Magical Wonder (USA), 5 wins, 214.700 kr, 4th Swedish Oaks, Dianalöpn, hcp 78, dam of a winner: Ditzinger’s Ruby, 2 wins, placed twice, 199.030 kr, 3rd Götalandlöpn, Stora Tvååringspriset, hcp 78 ONTRAK, 1994 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins and placed twice at 2, 57.700 kr, hcp 75 RUBY QUEEN, 1988 f by Ti King, 2 wins, placed 4 times, hcp 63 Cala Mallorca, 1998 f by Magical Wonder (USA), placed twice in 4 starts at 3 years, hcp 72 The next dam BOLD GREEN (USA), 2 wins, 218.800 Fr, Prix Coronation, L, 2nd Prix de Cabourg, L, 3rd Prix de la Valee d’Auge, L; dam of nine winners; HEVER GOLF RANGER, winner in England, placed in France and Sweden, 4th Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, 205.945 kr, hcp 87 VILLA VERDE, 8 wins in France, incl 6 wins over jumps, dam of four winners. GOING CRAZY, 2 wins in France PRIMA VERDE (GB), 2 wins and placed twice


23 Prince Divider qvillestuteri@telia.com

PRINCE DIVIDER Chesnut colt 2014-03-20 www.qvillestuteri.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System K o H von Eckermann samt Ann o H-O Ottosson, Kvillö, 570 16 Kvillsfors 070-541 44 54

Giant’s Causeway (USA) Center Divider (USA) Meridiana (GER) High Yield (USA) Stockholm Lady (FR), 2007 La Bomba (GB), 2001

Storm Cat (USA) Mariah’s Storm (USA) Lomitas (GB) Monbijou (GER) Storm Cat (USA) Scoop The Gold (USA) Groom Dancer (USA) Lady Vice (USA), 1993

1st dam Stockholm Lady (FR), 3 wins in Sweden at 2 and 4 years and 175.400 kr and placed 5 times, 2nd Scania Sprint, hcp 79; above is her first foal. 2nd dam La Bomba (GB), ran 3 times in Germany and Sweden at 3 years; dam of one winner: Stockholm Lady (FR), see above. High Voltage (SWE), 2008 c by High Yield (USA), placed 3 times in Sweden at 2 and 3 years and 46.240 kr, hcp 70 Linda Y Cara (FR), 2011 f by Linngari (IRE), ran once in France at 4 years, 2015. 3rd dam Lady Vice (CAN), 4 wins in USA and $89,372, placed 6 times including third in Ballade Stakes, Woodbine; dam of: La Bomba (GB), see above. The next dam IMPULSIVE LADY (USA), 11 wins in USA; dam of four winners including: KIRBY’S SONG (CAN), f by Sultry Song (USA), Champion 3yr old filly in Canada in 1998, 9 wins in USA including Monmouth Breeders’ Cup Oaks, Monmouth Park, Gr2, Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, L.R., Fury Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., George C Hendrie Handicap, Woodbine, L., Mazarine Breeders’ Cup Stakes, Woodbine, L., Natalma Stakes, Woodbine, L., Ontario Matron Stakes, Woodbine, L.R. and Wonder Where Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., placed second in Seaway Stakes, Woodbine, L.R., dam of a winner. Lady Vice (CAN), see above. STRIKE THE BAND (USA), 2 wins in USA Kirby’s Babe (CAN), unraced; dam of one winner. Daytona (USA), 9 wins in USA, placed second in World Appeal Stakes, Meadowlands and Continental Mile Stakes, Monmouth Park. The next dam MISS CARTUJO (USA), 2 wins in USA; dam of two winners: IMPULSIVE LADY (USA), see above. MR CARTUJO (USA), 5 wins in USA


24 Captain Kirk stefan.ahlqvist@tabyit.se

Captain KirK Chesnut colt 2014-03-31 Bred at Rävdansens Stuteri

Scandinavian Breeders’ System SMS Racing HB, Stefan Ahlqvist, Stava Gård 1, 184 43 Åkersberga 0768-56 79 99, 070-551 09 93 (Rävdansen)

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Gone West (USA) Johar (USA) Windsharp (USA) French Madness (USA), 2006 Theatrical (IRE) Shadow Play (USA), 2000 Rima (USA), 1995 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

1st dam French Madness (USA), placed, 5th Fabellalöb at 3-4 in Sweden and Denmark, hcp 66; dam of one previous foal; Double Pi (SWE) (ex Picasso), 2013 c by Philomatheia (USA), dead at 2 years due to illness when in training Captain Kirk, see above 2nd dam SHADOW PLAY (USA), winner at 4 years in USA and £39,019 and placed 5 times; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 foals; TRIBAL MYTH (IRE), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in England and £15,282 and placed 10 times. BARAT SHADOW (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and placed once. DIAMOND SHADOW (IRE), winner of a point-to-point at 6 years, 2014 and placed once. French Madness (USA), see above. 3rd dam RIMA (USA), by Jade Hunter (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 7 foals; SHADOW PLAY (USA), see above. HIGH YIELD HUNTER (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and £13,750. The next dam EStrapaDE (USA), Champion turf Filly in USa in 1986, 12 wins in France and in USA and $1,834,600 and 753,000 fr. incl Oak Tree Invitational H., Santa Anita, Gr1, Yellow Ribbon S., Oak Tree, Gr1, Gamely H, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Santa Ana H., Santa Anita, Gr1, Budweiser Arlington Million, Arlington Park, Gr1, Las Palmas H., Oak Tree, Gr2, Beverly Hills H., Hollywood Park, Gr2, La Coupe de MaisonsLaffitte, M’-Laffitte, Gr3, Prix de la Pepiniere, Longchamp, L and Prix des Tourelles, Longchamp, L, 2nd Trusthouse Forte Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr1, Gamely H., Hollywood Park, Gr1, San Juan Capistrano Invitation H., Santa Anita, Gr1, Santa Barbara H., Santa Anita, Gr1, Beverly Hills H., Hollywood Park, Gr2, 3rd Yellow Ribbon S., Santa Anita, Gr1, Vanity Invitational H., Hollywood Park, Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Turf, Santa Anita, Gr1, Wilshire H., Hollywood Park, Gr2, Prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr3, 4th Matriarch Invitational S., Hollywood Park, Gr1, Del Mar Invitational H., Del Mar, Gr2 and Prix du Prince d’Orange, Longchamp,Gr3; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 6 foals; riCE (USA), 8 wins in USA and £165,658 incl Meadowlands Endurance S., Meadowlands, L, placed 5 times incl 2nd Red Smith H., Aqueduct, Gr2. TROIKA (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £72,480 and placed twice; dam of a winner, MiSS MaMBO (USA), 5 wins, A. Retza & M. Soudavar EBF Garnet S., Naas, L, 2nd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr2, Ben Dunne Memorial Solonaway S., Curragh, L, 3rd Gainsborough Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1 and Indian Maid Breeders’ Cup H., Hawthorne, L; dam of raCE tO UrGa (USA), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2012 in USA and £117,609 incl Wait a While S., Gulfstream Park, placed twice, and Heat Shimmer, unraced, sire. Estrabug (USA), unraced; dam of two winners, Plaza Recoleta (USA), unraced; dam of CaLYpSO (PER), 7 wins, Clasico Almirante Miguel Grau Seminario, Gr2 and Clasico Santorin, Gr3 (twice), 2nd Clasico Ciudad de Lima, Gr2, Clasico Presidente de la Republica, Gr2, Clasico Miguel A Checa Eguiguren, Gr3, Clasico Baldomero Aspillaga, Gr3, Clasico Pedro Garcia Miro, Gr3, 3rd Premio Santorin, Gr3 and Clasico Laredo, L, 50

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bjarne Skutvik (+47) 99 22 66 22 Melingssiden 11 NO-4056 Tananger, Norge

25 Gypsy Star bjarne@skutvik.no

GYPSY STAR Chesnut filly 2014-03-29

Binary File (USA)

Nureyev (USA) Binary (GB)

Kingmambo (USA) Gypsy Singer (USA), 1997 Zakota (IRE), 1991

Northern Dancer (CAN) Special (USA) Rainbow Quest (USA) Balabina (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Miesque (USA) Polish Precedent (USA) Carefully Hidden (USA), 1979

1st dam GYPSY SINGER (USA), ran twice on the flat at 2 years; Own sister to NIMELLO (USA); dam of four winners: MAMBO KING (DEN), 2002 c by Diktat (GB), 5 wins in Denmark at 3 and 5 years and 844.330 kr, Seeland Pokallob, Copenhagen, L., placed 12 times, 2nd in Norwegian Derby, Dansk Jockey Club Cup, Copenhagen, L. and 3rd in Hangover Square Pokallob, Copenhagen, L. Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, Sofierolöpn, and Scandinavian Grand Prix, hcp 90; sire. Pika (DEN), 2008 f by Academy Award (IRE), 3 wins in Sweden from 2 to 4 years, 474.681 kr, and placed 15 times, 2nd Breeders’ Prize Sprint, Nordic Champion Series/Sprinters, 3rd Götalandlöpn, 4th Amacitalöpn, hcp 76 BINARY STAR (SWE), 2009 c by Binary File (USA), 2 wins in Denmark and Sweden at 3 and 4 years and 218.124 kr and placed 9 times, 5th Swedish St Leger, hcp 74 QUEEN MAMBO (DEN), 2005 f by Richard of York (GB), winner in Denmark at 2 years and £3,457 and placed once, 4th Götalandlöpn; dam of Bosun’s Queen (DEN), 2012 f by Bosun’s Watch (GB), in training with Åsa Edvardsson, Brålanda, at 3, 2015 King of York (DEN), 2004 c by Richard of York (GB), placed 4 times in Denmark at 4-5 years, £1,391. Binary Singer (SWE), 2010 f by Binary File (USA), placed 3 times in Denmark at 3 years and £2,534. 2nd dam ZAKOTA (IRE), winner in France at 3 years and £5,034 and placed twice; dam of three winners: Nilometer (FR), 2000 c by Machiavellian (USA), 6 wins in France and Hong Kong at 3, 5 and 6 years and £346,348, placed 8 times including third in Prix de Suresnes, Longchamp, L. King Foraday (FR), 2002 g by Vettori (IRE), winner in France at 4 years and £4,193; also, placed 5 times over jumps in France at 3 and 6 years and £58,741 including second in Prix Georges de Talhouet-Roy Hurdle, Auteuil, Gr2 and Prix Robert Lejeune Hurdle, Auteuil, L. NIMELLO (USA), 1996 g by Kingmambo (USA), 16 wins to 12 years and £161,892 and placed 20 times Calyx (FR), 1998 f by Irish River (FR), placed 4 times in France at 3 years, £5,277; dam of five winners. Calissee (FR), f by Ocean of Wisdom (USA), 3 wins in France at 3 and 4 years and £71,476, placed 7 times including third in Prix Rene Bedel, Lyon-Parilly, L. CALICON (FR), 7 wins in France from 4 to 6 years and £89,240 and placed 20 times. CABRIAC (FR), 2 wins in France at 3 and 5 years and £18,462 and placed 8 times. Curiosity (FR), placed once in France at 4 years, 2015 and £1,163. Hartwood (FR), placed once in France at 3 years, 2015 and £1,473. All The Bees (IRE), 2005 f by Galileo (IRE), ran a few times on the flat at 2 years; dam of a winner. FISHERMAN WHARF (TUR), 2 wins in Turkey at 3 years and £16,892. Mix Me Up (FR) (1999 f. by Linamix (FR); dam of three winners. RICHHILL LADY (GB), 12 wins in France from 3 to 8 years and £154,295 and placed 30 times. STEP UP (IND), 2 wins in India at 3 years and £3,962. 3rd dam CAREFULLY HIDDEN (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3 years and placed once; dam of five winners: ENSCONSE (USA), f by Lyphard (USA), 2nd top rated 3yr old filly in Ireland in 1989, Top rated 3yr old filly in Ireland in 1989 (7-9.5f.), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £158,071, Goffs Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1 and Juddmonte Farms Nell Gwyn Stakes, Newmarket, Gr3, placed fourth in General Accident 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1, from only 7 starts. 51

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Stall Jalih/Jan Hansson Hjärås Gård 9152 242 97 Hörby 0708-94 02 05

26 Walburga jalih@telia.com

WALBURGA Bay or brown filly 2014-04-30

Mingun (USA)

A P Indy (USA) Miesque (USA)

Street Cry (IRE) Reed Door (USA), 2007 Pigricia (USA), 1997

Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Nureyev (USA) Pasadoble (USA) Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street (GB) Lord Avie (USA) Regal Debutante (USA), 1991

1st dam REED DOOR (USA), 2 wins in Sweden at 4 years and £12,218 and placed 6 times, 4th Kopparmärralöpn, hcp 73; Own sister to DENIS OF KERRY (USA); dam of one winner from 1 previous foal; ART TATUM (SWE), 2013 c by Layman (USA),winner in first start at 2 years, 2015 and 112.000 kr 2nd dam PIGRICIA (USA), Champion Grass Mare in Peru, 6 wins at 3 and 4 years in Peru including Clasico PamplonaCopa Amerinvest, Hipo Monterrico, Gr1 (twice) and Clasico Postin, Hipo Monterrico, Gr2, placed second in Clasico Estados Unidos de America, Hipo Monterrico, L and third in Clasico Oscar Berckemeyer Pazos, Hipo Monterrico, Gr2; dam of two winners: Peruvian Lily (USA), 2010 f by English Channel (USA), placed third in Clasico Oscar Berckemeyer Pazos,Hipo Monterrico, Gr2. REED DOOR (USA), see above. DENIS OF KERRY (USA), 2006 g by StreetCry (IRE), winner at 7 years and £5,149 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam REGAL DEBUTANTE (USA), unraced; dam of six winners: PIGRICIA (USA), see above. Acai (USA), c by Three Wonders (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3 years and £171,367, placed second in Pennsylvania Derby, Philadelphia Park, Gr2. NAT PLAYS NO TRUMP (USA), 9 wins in USA from 2 to 6 years and £60,136 and placed 12 times. YANKEE VICE (USA), 7 wins in USA from 3 to 6 years and £54,560 and placed 7 times. WEST OF HOUSTON (USA), 4 wins in USA at 3-4 yrs and £44,033 and placed 4 times, dam of winners. BURNET (USA), 2 wins in USA at 5 years and placed 5 times. The next dam SPECIAL WEEKEND (USA), 9 wins in USA including Petticoat Stakes, Sportsmans Park, L. and Thomas P Scott Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L., placed second in Yo Tambien Handicap, Hawthorne, L., LadyHallie Handicap, Sportsmans Park, L. and Truly Bound Stakes, Fair Grounds; dam of seven winners including: Ells Chana Donna (USA), 4 wins in USA, placed third in Valnor Breeders’ Cup Stakes, Hawthorne, L.; dam of winners. A Perfect Weekend (USA), unraced; dam of UNBELIEVABLE DREAM (USA), won Japan Racing Assoc Appalachian Stakes, Keeneland,Gr3. ESPECIALLY WILD (USA), 10 wins in USA and placed 17 times. WEEKEND UPDATE (USA), 9 wins in USA and placed 8 times. FAST HAND (USA), 7 wins in USA and placed 4 times; dam of one winner: FAST FRED (USA), winner in USA at 4 years, 2014. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT (USA), 2 wins in USA and placed 3 times. The next dam PROM DATE (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners including: SPECIAL WEEKEND (USA), see above. DANCE ATTENDANCE (USA), 4 wins in USA; dam of winners. BAL D’ARGENT (USA), 5 wins in USA including Boca Raton Handicap, Calder, L. and Tropical Park Oaks, Calder, L. MAYBETHEBEST AVIE (USA), 5 wins in USA including Matt Scudder Stakes, Meadowlands, placed second in Navajo Princess Stakes, Meadowlands, L. Formal (USA), unraced; dam of winners. PROM QUEEN (USA), 5 wins in USA including Oklahoma Matchmaker Handicap, Remington Park, placed second in Gutherie Handicap, Remington Park and Sequoyah Stakes, Remington Park. 52

27 Royal Starlight stallpernilla@icloud.com

ROYAL STARLIGHT Chesnut colt 2014-04-22 www.stallpernillanilsson.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 775 96 Krylbo 0706-317 317

Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Lomitas (GB) Sadowa (GER), 1999 Sangueta (USA), 1984

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Niniski (USA) La Colorada (GER) Miswak (USA) Teresa Talani (ITY), 1979

1st dam SADOWA (GER), 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and 1.779.723 kr, incl Premio Regina Elena (1000 Guineas), Rome, Gr2, placed 4 times, hcp 91; dam of eight winnersZAMINDOWA (GB), 2008 f. by Zamindar (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £55,912, under both rules incl Premio del Prato Hurdle, L, Merano, placed 9 times, broodmare DOLCE SADOWA (GB), 2009 f. by Halling (USA), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 in Italy and £28,164 and placed 22 times. SADOWA DESTINATION (GB), 2007 f. by Dubai Destination (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £59,201 and placed 7 times, broodmare. LADY SADOWA (GB), 2006 f. by Nayef (USA), 3 wins at 3 years in Italy and £34,291 and placed 10 times; dam of a winner vizNIK SADOW (IRE), 5 wins in Italy at 2 and 3 years, 2015 and £30,768 and placed 9 times. SADOWA VALLEY (GB), 2010 f. by Three Valleys (USA), winner at 3 years, 2013 in Italy and placed twice. SADOWA RIZED (GB), 2012 c by Authorized (IRE), 4 wins in Italy at 2 and 3 years, 2015 and £28,545 and placed 4 times. SADOSHI (GB), 2011 c by Shirocco (GER), placed once in Italy at 3 years, 2014; also 3 wins over jumps in Italy at 4 years, 2015 AMARILLO STARLIGHT (SWE), 2013 g by Kheleyf (USA), winner and placed in 4 starts at 2, 2015, 89.600 kr, Juvenile Sprint Red Sadowa (GB), 2005 f by Red Ransom (USA), ran in Italy at 2 years; dam of five winners. VALDIVIZZE (IRE), 7 wins in Italy to 6 years, 2015 and £23,754 and placed 23 times; also placed twice over jumps in Italy at 5 years, 2014 and £1,332. RED AND RED (FR), 3 wins in Italy at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £16,990 and placed 17 times. SADOWA D’ARCADIA (ITY), 3 wins in Italy at 2 and 3 years, 2015 and £9,243 and placed 3 times. SHADOW OF LINE (ITY), winner in Italy at 2 years, 2015 and £5,410 and placed twice. 2nd dam SANGUETA (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 yrs in Italy and £18,528 and placed 13 times; dam of seven winnersSADOWA (GER), f. by Lomitas (GB), see above. Sardanapalo (GER), 3 wins at 3 years in Italy and £29,170 and placed 7 times; also winner over jumps in Italy and £13,358 and placed 3 times incl 2nd Premio Coppa General Bocchini Hurdle, Rome. SACHALIN (IRE), 12 wins to 2014 in Italy and £69,560 and placed 47 times. SAINT JUST (GER), 3 wins at 4 years in Italy and £21,631 and placed 10 times. RAIPUR TOKAR (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and £33,080 and placed 13 times. SAAVEDRA (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and £11,849 and placed 4 times. TORPIDA (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and placed twice. Samotracia (IRE), placed 6 times at 2 years in Italy; dam of two winners. BEAURING (IRE), 2 wins in Italy at 2 years and £21,861 and placed 8 times. LUIS BISO (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2013 in Italy and placed once. Salpiglossis (GER), placed once at 3 years in Italy; dam of four winners. SAMADEN (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £37,828 incl Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L. CANNIBAL FREEDOM (IRE), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in Italy and £10,361, placed twice. Torrida (IRE), unraced; dam of three winners. 53

28 Isinbayeva info@fellowshipracing.se

ISINBAYEVA Bay or brown filly 2014-06-06 www.fellowshipracing.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Fellowship Racing AB Soldatvägen 57 E 192 73 Sollentuna 0760-42 91 24 Sadler’s Wells (USA) Mores Wells (GB) Endorsement (GB) Danehill Dancer (IRE) Eurotanz (IRE), 2006 Eurostorm (USA), 1990

Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Warning (GB) Overdrive (GB) Danehill (USA) Mira Adonde (IRE) Storm Bird (CAN) Eurobird (IRE), 1984

1st dam Eurotanz (IRE), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of three previous foals; Dr Dagge (DEN), 2011 c by Sakhee (USA), ran 3 times in Sweden at 3 and 4 years, 2015. Rain (SWE), 2012 f by Bosun’s Watch (GB), ran once in Sweden at 3 years, 2015. Madiba (SWE), 2013 f by Mores Wells (GB), in training with Annika Sjökvist, Saxtorp 2nd dam EUROSTORM (USA), 4 wins at home and in USA from 2 to 4 years and £76,962 including Brownstown Stud Stakes, Leopardstown, L. and Diamond Stakes, Curragh, L., placed 7 times, placed second in Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L. and Locust Grove Stakes, Churchill Downs, L. and third in Mint Julep Handicap, Churchill Downs, L.; dam of four winners: Man O’Mystery (USA), 1997 g by Diesis, 2 wins at 3 and 5 years and £86,915, placed 11 times including second in Lawdirect James Seymour Stakes, Newmarket, L.; also winner over hurdles at 6 years and £16,096, placed twice including second in Laurel Pub Company Top Novices’ Hurdle, Aintree, Gr2 and winner over jumps in USA at 8 years and £10,370 and placed once. VALEO SI VALES (IRE), 2008 g by Oratorio (IRE), placed 5 times at 3 years and £1,242; also 5 wins in Norway and Sweden from 4 to 6 years, 2014 and £20,598 and placed 10 times. CATS IN BOOTS (IRE), 2005 c by Choisir (AUS), 3 wins in Japan at 3-4 years, £380,126, placed 9 times. DESTORM (USA), 1998 c by Dehere (USA), winner at 2 years and £11,186 and placed 3 times. Eurobound (USA), 2001 f by Southern Halo (USA), placed twice; also placed 3 times in Australia and New Zealand; broodmare. 3rd dam EUROBIRD, Champion 3yr old stayer in Ireland in 1987, 4 wins at 3 years and £182,647 including Jefferson Smurfit Mem Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1, Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr2 and Kinderhill Oaks Trial, Phoenix Park, L, placed 7 times including second in Meld Stakes, Curragh, Gr3 and Royal Whip Stakes, Curragh, Gr3 and third in Gilltown Stud Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr1, Jefferson Smurfit Mem Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1 and Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr2, from only 13 starts; dam of ten winners: TERVEL (USA), g by Chief’s Crown (USA), 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years including Martell Mersey Novices’ Hurdle, Aintree, Gr2. EUROSTORM (USA), see above. BOWMORE (IRE), g by Desert King (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £39,037 including Ardilaun House Hotel Oyster Stakes, Galway, L, placed third in Ballyroan Stakes, Leopardstown, L and Challenge Stakes, Leopardstown, L; also winner over hurdles at 4 years. Romaha (IRE), c by Storm Bird (CAN), winner of one N.H. Flat Race at 5 years; also winner over hurdles at 9 years placed third in Paddy Fitzpatrick Memorial Novice Chase, Leopardstown, Gr2. Wing Express (IRE), c by Montjeu (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £27,606, placed second in Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L. Garden Society (IRE), g by Caerleon (USA), 7 wins at 3, 7 and 8 years and £55,786, placed third in Bet Direct Channel 4 Chester Stakes, Chester, L. Golden Cat (USA), f by Storm Cat (USA), winner at 3 years, placed third in Mitsubishi Diamond Vision Stakes, Curragh, L, from only 3 starts; dam of winners. POUNCED (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £459,849 including Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf (c&g), Santa Anita, Gr2, second in Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1; sire. 54

Scandinavian Breeders’ System

29 752SWE00001857T b.helander@bluewin.ch

Bay or brown colt 2014-05-02

Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby

Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN)

070-777 32 11

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN)

Chief’s Crown (USA) Be My Chief (USA) Lady Be Mine (USA) Lovely You (SWE), 2002 Old Vic (GB) Lady Symphonia (GB), 1994 Little White Star (GB), 1976

1st dam LOVELY YOU (SWE), 3 wins and placed 3 times in just 8 starts, 130.060 kr, hcp 84; dam of one winner from 1 previous foal; LOVESONG (SWE), 2010 g by Songline (SWE), 4 wins and placed 5 times, 325.276 kr, hcp 81 2nd dam LADY SYMPHONIA (GB), winner in Norway and placed 3 times in 7 starts, hcp 72; dam of three winners; SYMPHONIAS MAXIMUS, 2006 g by Songline, 9 wins, 707.513 kr; 5 wins including Tre Kilometer, and 4 wins over hurdles incl Lindarängen Memorial, Reinhold Swartlings Memorial and Ormus-Häcklöpn, placed 12 times incl 3rd in Fyraårspokalen, 4th in Täby Maraton, hcp 82 Symphonias Wilmar, 2007 g by Songline, 6 wins, 624.093 kr, placed 8 times incl 3rd Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, Swedish Champion Classic, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Breeders’ Prize Classic, hcp 80 LOVELY YOU, see above Valkyria, 2001 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), placed in just 3 starts, hcp 74, broodmare Symphonias Wilda, 2014 f by Merchant of Venice (USA), yearling 2015 3rd dam LITTLE WHITE STAR (GB), by Mill Reef (USA), ran at 3 years; dam of eight winners; BELDALE STAR, 9 wins, £28.590, Blue Riband Trial S, Epsom, L, placed 7 times, 2nd Lanson Champagne S, Goodwood, L, also 5 wins over hurdles at 4 to 6 years and £15.232 and placed 4 times, 2nd New Year›s Day Hurdle, Windsor, L, and 3rd Swinton Insurance Brokers Trophy Hurdle, Haydock Park, L. MOON DROP, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £15.030, Remembrance Day EBF S, Doncaster, L, 2nd Scherping-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L, and Grosser Sprint Preis von Bayern, Münich, L, dam of ten winners inclDancing Drop (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £31.952 and placed 9 times, 2nd Fern Hill Rated H, Ascot, L, October S, Ascot, L, 3rd Sweet Solera S, Newmarket, L, Dragon Trophy, Sandown Park, L, and Oh So Sharp S, Newmarket, L; dam of winners: JEWEL IN THE SAND (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 4 years and £79.851, Cherry Hinton S, Gr2, Albany S, Ascot, L, 3rd Scurry S, Sandown Park, L, DAVIGNON (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany and £24.783, Scherping-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L, placed 4 times, MR MAN IN THE MOON (IRE), winner at 2 years, £12.960, and placed 4 times. Mithl Al Hawa (GB), winner at 2 years and £17.824, and placed 6 times, 2nd Rockingham S, York, L, Charlotte S, Newmarket, L, dam of one winner: SECRET MILLIONAIRE (IRE), 3 wins at 2-3 years, £29.341, placed 13 times; also grandam of SMOKEY STORM (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, £65.574, Woodcote S, Epsom, L, 2nd Copenhagen Golden Mile, L, 3rd Norsk Jockeyklubs Sprintlöp, L, Moon Diamond (GB), unraced, dam of winners; HIPPODROME (IRE), 3 wins, £31.860, winner at 3 years and £11.387 and placed twice; also winner over hurdles and placed 8 times, and winner over jumps at 5 years in Germany, Bad Durrheimer Trophy Hurdle, Baden-Baden, L, FLIGHTY FRANCES (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times. 55

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bengt Morberg Vallhall, Fäboda 15 734 91 Hallstahammar 070-471 54 29

30 Millian


MILLIAN Bay or brown filly 2014-04-24

Tertullian (USA)

Miswaki (USA) Turbaine (USA)

Indian Rocket (GB) Ask Don’t Tell (IRE), 2004 Cladantom (IRE), 1996

Mr Prospector (USA) Hopespringseternal (USA) Trempolino (USA) Allegretta (GB) Indian Ridge (IRE) Selvi (USA) High Estate (GB) Riflebird (IRE)

1st dam Ask Don’t Tell (IRE), 5 wins; 2 wins at 2 years and £5,043 and placed once; also 3 wins in Denmark and Sweden at 3, 5 and 6 years and 417.932 kr and placed 21 times, 2nd Coolmore Stud S, Klampenborg, 3rd Fawzia S, Cinnamon Challenge, 5th Norsk Oaks, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, L, hcp 80; own sister to FIZZLEPHUT (IRE); dam of one previous foal; Aquilla (ger), 2013 g by Helsinki (USA), in training with Johan Reuterskiöld, Blentarp 2nd dam CLADANTOM (IRE), winner at 3 years and £5,046 and placed twice; dam of four winners: Ask Don’t Tell (IRE), see above. LADY JOURDAIN (IRE), 2009 f. by Chineur (FR), 10 wins; 2 wins at 2 years and £6,073 and placed twice; also 8 wins in France at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2014 and £49,129 and placed 22 times. FIZZLEPHUT (IRE), 2002 g. by Indian Rocket (GB), 6 wins from 3 to 7 years and £35,139 and placed 14 times. MADAME JOURDAIN (IRE), 2006 f. by Beckett (IRE), winner at 2 years and £6,872 and placed 3 times. Bushy Glade (IRE), 2011 f. by Bushranger (IRE), placed twice at 3 and 4 years, 2015 and £1,059. Double Windsor (IRE), 2012 g. by Windsor Knot (IRE), ran a few times on the flat at 2 years, 2014. 3rd dam RIFLEBIRD (IRE), placed once at 3 years; dam of one winner: CLADANTOM (IRE), see above. The next dam SACRED IBIS, ran a few times on the flat at 2 years; Own sister to RED VELVET; dam of seven winners including: CREMATION (c. by Ashmore (FR), 3 wins including McCairns Trial Stakes, Phoenix Park, Gr3. Dovekie (c. by Ela-Mana-Mou), winner, placed third in Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr1. Excelsis (c. by Shirley Heights), 2 wins, placed third in Country Lady Stardom Stakes, Goodwood, L. SYBARIS, 2 wins and placed once; also winner in USA and placed 3 times; dam of winners. Classy Cleo (IRE), 11 wins, placed third in Intercity Group Queensferry Stakes, Chester, L. MILLENNIUM QUEEN, winner; grandam of LITTLE GANGSTER (TUR), 5 wins in Turkey including Fehmi Simsaroglu, Izmir, L. MISS LOVING, 2 wins and placed twice; dam of winners. MISS LOVELY (GB), 14 wins in Denmark, Norway and Sweden including Klampenborg Store Sprint, Copenhagen, L., placed second in Klampenborg Store Sprint, Copenhagen, L. Eh Bien (IRE), 4 wins in Brazil, second in Presidente Asoc. Latinoamericana de J.C., Gavea, L. Love Returned, 9 wins, placed third in EBF Pearl Sprint, Phoenix Park, L. ALLYANA (IRE), winner and placed 7 times; grandam of TEMPLE MEADS (GB), 3 wins, Dubai Duty Free Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr2, Sneak Preview (GB), winner, placed second in Laundry Cottage Firth of Clyde Stakes, Ayr, Gr3. LUCKY DIP (GB), winner and placed 3 times; dam of FORTUNATELY (GB), 7 wins at home and in USA including Dragon Stakes, Sandown Park, L. and Daisycutter Handicap, Del Mar, L. MISSING LOVE (IRE), winner and placed twice; grandam of Poneifattu (GB), 3 wins in Italy from 2 to 4 years, 2014, placed third in Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L. Pearls of Thought (IRE), placed twice over hurdles; dam of AUTUMN PEARL (IND), Capricorn Stud Farm Christmas Cup, Chennai, L. 56

31 Simply Enjoy simberg@simb.se

SIMPLY ENJOY Bay or brown filly 2014-05-13 www.simb.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Stuteri Simberg/Ylva och Ulrik Lindh Simberg, Kestad 0706-61 98 86 533 96 Götene 0706-61 98 87

Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Warning (GB) Overdrive (GB) Sharpen Up (GB) Kris (GB) Doubly Sure (GB) Evening Encore (GB), 2000 Night Shift (USA) Eveningperformance (GB), -91 Classic Design (GB), -85 Sadler’s Wells (USA) Mores Wells (GB) Endorsement (GB)

1st dam EVENING ENCORE (GB), winner at 3 years and £4,222; also winner in USA at 4 years and £10,925; dam of four previous foals: Simply Elvira (SWE), 2011 f by Namid (GB), placed 3 times in Sweden at 2 years and £2,307. Lisselan Star (IRE), 2007 g by Chapel Royal (USA), ran a few times in Spain at 4 years. Bouquetot Concerto (IRE), 2008 g by Choisir (AUS), ran twice in France and Spain at 2 and 3 years. NN, 2010 f by Falco (USA) 2nd dam EVENINGPERFORMANCE (GB), Champion older mare in England in 1996, 7 wins from 3 to 6 years and £159,142 including Flying Five, Leopardstown, Gr3, Multiyork Rous Stakes, Newmarket, L., Sandown Park Sprint Stakes, Sandown Park, L., Doncaster Bloodstock Scarbrough Stakes, Doncaster, L. and Dubai Airport World Trophy Stakes, Newbury, L., placed 10 times; second in Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr1, King George Stakes, Goodwood, Gr3, Dubai Racing Club Palace House Stakes, Newmarket, Gr3 and Ring & Brymer Achilles Stakes, Kempton Park, L. and third in Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of two winners: DRAMATIC TURN (GB), 2004 f by Pivotal (GB), winner at 2 years and £3,239; also 5 wins in France and Spain from 4 to 6 years and £35,217 and placed twice; broodmare. EVENING ENCORE (GB), see above. Final Turn (GB), 2007 g by Kyllachy (GB), placed once at 3 years. Jubilee Dawn (GB), 2002 f by Mark of Esteem (IRE), placed once at 3 years; dam of a winner. JOCASTA DAWN (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £8,059 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam Classic Design (GB), unraced; dam of four winners: EVENINGPERFORMANCE (GB), see above. DE GREGORIO (IRE), 3 wins in Malaysia at 5 and 6 years. NIGHT CAP (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 7 times. WELL DRAWN (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice. Stylish (GB), unraced; dam of winners. STARLISH (IRE), 7 wins in France to 7 years and £250,250 including Prix Andre Baboin (G.P.des Provinces), Lyon-Parilly, Gr3, Prix Francois Mathet, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix de la Porte de Madrid, Saint-Cloud, L., placed second in Prix Hocquart, Longchamp, Gr2. SOLENT (IRE), 5 wins from 2 to 5 years and £80,978 including SIS Fenwolf Stakes, Ascot, L.; also winner over hurdles at 6 years. STAROS (IRE), 4 wins in France to 6 years, 2014 and £88,164 including Prix Maurice Caillault, Saint-Cloud, L. Star On The Rocks (FR), winner in France at 3 years and £81,866, placed second in Prix Matchem, Maisons-Laffitte, L. DUE RESPECT (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years and £68,232 and placed 8 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 years and placed 4 times. COUNT TREVISIO (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 5 times; also winner in UAE at 4 years and placed once. STAR SUN (IRE), 2 wins in France at 2 and 3 years, 2015 and £46,975 and placed 3 times. 57

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Gösta och Therese Staffansson Nannberga Gammelgård 214 732 91 Arboga 070-438 02 87

32 Maxi Motion tessan191@hotmail.com

MAXI MOTION Chesnut colt 2014-04-17 www. staffanssonfbluppfodning.se

A P Indy (USA) Mingun (USA), br 2000 Miesque (USA) Loreley, 2003

Nicolotte (GB) Next Information (GB) 1994

Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Nureyev (USA) Pasadoble (USA) Night Shift (USA) Nicoletta (GB) Chilibang (GB) Mary Miller (GB), 1986

1st dam LORELEY (SWE), 6 wins in Sweden and 610.520 kr and placed 30 times, hcp 81; dam of one previous foal; Mr Minley, 2012 g by Mingun (USA), placed 3 times at 3 years 2015, 40.320 kr, hcp 72 2nd dam Next Information (GB), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years and placed 8 times, 207.200 kr, 3rd Scania Sprint; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals; LORELEY (SWE), see above. NExt AMBER (SWE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Norway and 154.374 kr, placed 11 times, hcp 70 3rd dam Mary Miller (GB), by Sharpo (GB), placed once at 3 years; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 7 foals; Next Information (GB), see above. BRIGht MOth (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 10 times, 125.100 kr, hcp 74; dam of two winners, LAdY (SWE), 5 wins and placed 4 times, 190.920 kr, hcp 80; dam of Joel, placed twice, 22.260 kr BEtOWA (SWE), 3 wins and placed 4 times, 141.100 kr, hcp 69 My Bright Queen (SWE), placed 9 times, 126.850 kr, hcp 70 COLNE VALLEY (GB), placed 6 times at 2 years; also winner at 3 years in hungary; dam of, Caro dama (hUN), unraced; dam of CALIfA (hUN), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in hungary. the next dam ALtEZA REAL (GB) by Mansingh (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to Provaci Ancora; dam of three winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc., INFANTA REAL, 2 wins at 2 years incl doncaster S, doncaster, L; dam of four winners inc., INFORMANT (GB), 7 wins, placed 6 times, 1.071.460 kr, taby Open Sprint Championship, taby, L, IBM Store Sprint, Klampenborg, L and Verdexa Cup, Jagersro, L, hcp 92; sire. MARY CORNWALLIS (GB), 2 wins at 4 years and £10,283; dam of SIR ALBERT (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 6 years at home and hong Kong and £163,341 incl Costcutter Roses S, York, L. tShUSICK (GB), winner at 3 years; dam of MAJESTIC MISSILE (IRE), 6 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in france and £169,225 incl Willmott dixon Cornwallis S, Ascot, Gr3, Betfair Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3 and P. Petit Couvert-Casino Barriere dinard, Longchamp, Gr3, 3rd VC Bet Nunthorpe S, York, Gr1; sire, SANTO PADRE (IRE), 5 wins, 2012 and £130,370 incl Woodlands S, Naas, L, 3rd Weatherbys Ireland Greenlands S, Curragh, Gr3 and Goffs flying five S, Curragh, Gr3, Parisian Elegance (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £18,321 3rd Princess Margaret S, Ascot, Gr3, Black Moth (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £18,021 3rd Ripon Champion 2yo trophy, Ripon, L; also placed once at 4 years, 2012 in hong Kong and £13,823, MAJEStIC ALExANdER (IRE), 2 wins, £17.139; tShUSICK also granddam of March On Beetroot (GB), 2 wins, £55,830; winner at 2 years and £10,818 2nd Blue Square Sandy Lane S, haydock Park, L; also winner at 4 years, 2012 in hong Kong and £45,012. ANZIANO (GB), 7 wins in Germany and £33,140. hoh dancer (GB), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of four winners inc., hENRY ALLINGhAM (GB), 3 wins at 3 years, 2012 and £29,903. 58

33 Bartholdi ravdansen@telia.com

BARTHOLDI Bay or brown colt 2014-04-21 www.ravdansen.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Rävdansens Stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA)

Funambule (USA) Little Green Apple (SWE), 1996 Dappled Flag (USA), 1985

Lyphard (USA) Sonoma (FR) Akureyri (CAN) Baruna (USA), 1979

1st dam LITTLE GREEN APPLE (SWE), 5 wins, placed 4 times, 627.700 kr, Svenskt Kriterium, 2nd Altamiralöpn, 4th SM 2-year-olds, 5th Amacitalöpn, hcp 81; dam of four winnersFRANK LLOYD WRIGHT (SWE), 2011 c by Philomatheia (USA), 3 wins at 2 years, 2013 in Norway and in Sweden, 1.019.563 kr, incl Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, SM 2-year-olds, 2nd Svensk Galopps Auktionslöpn, 3rd Sv Kriterium, Sofierolöpn, 4th SM Sprinters, 5th JK 2000 Guineas, hcp 83. Girl From Ipanema (SWE), 2009 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 703.202 kr, incl Stosprint/Stoserien, and placed 5 times incl 3rd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, hcp 80. Dolly Dagger (SWE), 2013 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 3 wins and placed 2nd in 4 starts at 2, 2015, 301.000 kr, 2nd in Lambada Cup VIRGIL (SWE), 2010 g by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Sweden and 364.876 kr and placed 6 times, 3rd Voter Juvenile, 4th Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, Sofierolöpn, 5th Breeders’ Trophy Mile, hcp 84. 2nd dam DAPPLED FLAG (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of nine winners from twelve foals inclMELLOW YELLOW (SWE), 2 wins and 174.000 kr, SM 2-year-olds; dam of one winner; DUCHESS BLUE (SWE), 4 wins and placed 3 times, 119.097 kr, broodmare Green River (SWE), 6 wins and 573.260 kr and placed 27 times, incl 2nd Svealand, 3rd SM 2-åriga, Vinteravoriternas Pris, SM Milers, 4th Malmö Stads Pris, Svenskt Kriterium, 5th Breeders Trophy, GHR Gold Cup. REDBONE (SWE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and placed 8 times; dam of two winners; WAKAYAMA, Champion Filly/Mare in Sweden in 2010, 4 wins and 967.865 kr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, Becky Moss Fillies Mile, 2nd Swedish Criterium, 3rd Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, 4th Swedish Oaks, hcp 82, and PRAISE, winner, 67.500 kr. RED HOUSE (SWE), 5 wins, placed 6 times, 275.700 kr, 5th Swedish Criterium, SM 2-year-olds, Breeders’ Trophy Classic. 3rd dam BARUNA (USA), by Grey Dawn (FR), ran in USA at 3 and 4 years; dam of seven winners inclDIAMONDRUNA (CAN), winner at 2 in USA, Sales S, Hastings Park, L, placed twice; dam of winners. Zoomin Bayou (USA), winner in USA, 3rd Louisiana Stallion S (fillies), Louisiana Downs, L Dancer’s Kolo (CAN), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in USA and placed 10 times incl 2nd Golden Gate Derby, Golden Gate, L, 3rd Ascot Graduation S, Hastings Park, L, Juvenile Breeders’ Cup S, Hastings Park, L and Sales S, Hastings Park, L. DIAMOND CRUSADER (CAN), 8 wins at 3 to 7 years in USA and placed 17 times. BRETTHEVET (CAN), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in USA and placed 9 times. Red Rain (USA), placed once at 2 years in USA; dam of winners. BENT CREEK CITY (USA), Cinderella S, Hollywood Park, L, 2nd Landaluce S, Hollywood Park, Gr2 and 3rd Sorrento S, Del Mar, Gr2; dam of SIMPLY BECAUSE (USA), Cerf H, Del Mar, L, Bent Missile (USA), 2nd Spring Fever S, Oaklawn, Lady Kentucky (USA), 3rd Disi Tay Deneme (1000 Gns), Veliefendi, L; granddam of Tomica’s Spirit (USA), 3rd Tippett S, Colonial Downs. Red Press (USA), winner in USA, 2nd Rumson S, Monmouth Park, L. 59

34 Tetris


TETRIS Bay or brown colt 2014-03-03 www.brantshammar.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Brantshammar Stuteri AB Karin Johansson, Brantshammar 10 741 92 Knivsta 070-628 11 25

Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Arakan (USA) Tomodachi (IRE), 2007 Ivory Bride (GB), 1988

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Nureyev (USA) Far Across (GB) Domynsky (GB) Ivoronica (IRE), 1977

1st dam TOMODACHI (IRE), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of one previous foal; Tamagotchi, 2013 f by Kheleyf (USA), in training with Niels Petersen, Jägersro 2nd dam IVORY BRIDE (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £16,294 incl Manton Rose Bowl S, Newbury, L, placed 5 times; dam of six winnersCABCHARGE STRIKER (GB), c. by Rambo Dancer (CAN), 11 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in Italy and £120,735 incl Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L, and placed 23 times. FUNFAIR WANE (GB), g. by Unfuwain (USA), 8 wins and £202,239 incl Washington Singer S, Newbury, L, placed 17 times. PARKSIDE PURSUIT (GB), 14 wins and £68,545 and placed 20 times. PURE IMAGINATION (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years and £34,566 and placed 11 times. BOLD ARGUMENT (IRE), 5 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years and £18,532 and placed 6 times. BRIDE’S ANSWER (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; also placed once over hurdles; dam of a winner: BEAU SANCY (GB), 6 wins at 2 and 3 years and £23,074 and placed 10 times. Isili (USA), placed once at 3 years in Italy; dam of two winners incl TYRANITAR (ITY), 4 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £50,105 and placed 18 times. Wrong Bride (GB), ran once at 2 years; dam of three winners incl HIGHLIFE DANCER (GB), 14 wins at 2 to 7 years, 2015 and £39,508 and placed 19 times. 3rd dam IVORONICA (IRE), by Targowice (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times, all her starts; dam of eight winners inclPUTUNA (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl Ballymacoll Stud S, Newbury, L and Dahlia S, Newmarket, L, placed 13 times incl 2nd Tripleprint Lupe S, Goodwood, L, 3rd Trusted Partner Matron S, Curragh, Gr3, Chisholm Bookmakers Virginia Rated Stks., Newcastle, L and Upavon S, Salisbury, L; dam of two winners; KINGSHOLM (GB), 6 wins, and MY AUNT FANNY (GB), 2 wins in GB and 2 wins in USA IVORY BRIDE (GB), see above. Lochonica, 4 wins at 2 and 5 years and placed 5 times incl 4th in Scottish Equitable Gimcrack S, York, Gr2 and Norfolk S, Royal Ascot, Gr3. TYKEYVOR (IRE), 6 wins at 2 to 7 years and placed 11 times; also placed 3 times over hurdles. DIAMOND APPEAL, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. LOCHIVOR, 3 wins at 3 years and placed once. WARNING EXPRESS (GB), 2 wins at 4 years in Australia; dam of winners; KIWI DANCE, 3 wins in Japan, Zephyria (NZ), unraced; dam of ALPINE EAGLE (AUS), Caulfield Autumn Classic, Caulfield, Gr2, 2nd in Australian Guineas, Flemington, Gr1, EVERY FAITH (AUS), Mittys Laelia S, Morphettville, L and 3rd Sportingbet South Aus. Fillies Classic, Morphettville, Gr3. Petonica (IRE), placed once at 2 years; dam of winners. Bourgainville (GB), 4 wins at 2, 4 and 7 years and placed 20 times incl 2nd Bet Attheraces Gordon Richards S, Sandown Park, Gr3, Stan James Now Online Winter Hill S, Windsor, Gr3, Persimmon Homes Strensall S, York, L, Sovereign S, Salisbury, L, Royal Windsor S, Windsor, L and 3rd Magnolia S, Kempton Park, L. 60

35 752SWE00001855T b.helander@bluewin.ch

Bay or brown colt 2014-04-27

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11

Sakhee (USA), 1997 Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004 Murjana (IRE), 1998

Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA)

Danehill (USA) Optimise (IRE), 2002 Sifaara (IRE), 1995

Danzig (USA) Razyana (USA) Caerleon (USA) Royal Touch (IRE), 1985

1st dam OPTIMISE (IRE), placed once at 2 years and £1,701; dam of two winners: CUORI AGITATI (GB), 2010 c by Dutch Art (GB), winner in Italy at 3 years and £2,870 and placed twice. VIRTUELLE (SWE), 2011 f by Virtual (GB), winner at 3 years, 2014 and 70.420 kr and placed once. A Touch of Luck (GB), 2007 g by Lucky Story (USA), placed once at 2 years, dead at 2 years Three Tops (GB), 2009 f by Three Valleys (USA), placed once at 3 years in Sweden. Dreamy Boom Boom, 2013 f by Zaahid (IRE), placed 4th in first start at 2, 2015, 8.960 kr 2nd dam SIFAARA (IRE), ran twice in France at 3 years; dam of four winners: ALITTLEBITLEFT (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and placed 4 times; also winner in USA at 5 years and placed 8 times. MR MIDASMAN (IRE), 3 wins from 2 to 4 years and placed 8 times. MARK OF ZORRO (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 5 times. MAURONE (IRE), 2 wins in Italy at 4 and 5 years and placed 13 times. 3rd dam ROYAL TOUCH (IRE), Champion older mare in Germany in 1989, Top rated older miler in Germany in 1990, 5 wins at home, in West Germany and USA at 3, 4 and 6 years including Grosser Preis von Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Gr2, San Gorgonio Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr2 and Preis von Koln, Koln, L., placed 10 times second in Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1, Santa Ana Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr1, Santa Barbara Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr1, Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr3 and Fluorocarbon Marshall Stakes, Newmarket, L. third in Yellow Ribbon Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr1, Matriarch Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3 and Beverly D Stakes, Arlington Int., L. and fourth in Breeders’ Cup Mile, Gulfstream Park, Gr1; dam of four winners including: ETHELINDA (GB) (f. by Indian Ridge), 6 wins in France including P. Point du Jour-Fourrages A.N. Dutertre, Craon, L. (twice), Prix Tantieme, Maisons-Laffitte, L. and Prix Isola Bella, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed third in Grand Handicap de Deauville, Deauville, L. and Prix Jacques de Bremont, Vichy, L.; dam of winners. VILLA TAMARIS (FR), 3 wins in France at 4 and 6 years, 2015 and placed 8 times. LIBERALIS (FR), winner over jumps in France at 4 years, 2014 and placed 7 times. Ennoblement (IRE) (c. by Halling (USA), winner, placed third in Foundation Stakes, Goodwood, L. NOBILITY (IRE), 2 wins; also placed 4 times in U.A.E. The next dam SOVEREIGN DONA (IRE), 4 wins at home and in France at 2 and 3 years including Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr3 and placed once; dam of seven winners including: FORESEE (GB), Top rated 3yr old stayer in Ireland in 1993, 7 wins at home and in U.A.E. including Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr2 and EBF Leopardstown Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr3, placed third in Budweiser Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr1 and Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1. ROYAL TOUCH, see above. BONARELLI (IRE), 3 wins including Bellway Homes Stardom Stakes, Goodwood, L. Sylvan Point (GB), 6 wins in Germany, second in Made in Europe Val des Pres Trophy, Frankfurt, Gr2. 61

36 Brooklyn ravdansen@telia.com

BROOKLYN Bay or brown filly 2014-04-18 www.ravdansen.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Rävdansens Stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Danzig (USA) Philomatheia (USA) Kooyonga (IRE)

Northern Dancer (CAN) Pas De Nom (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Anjuli (IRE)

Stormin Fever (USA) Sweet Fox Fever (USA), 2005 Twirley (USA), 2000

Storm Cat (USA) Pennant Fever (USA) Deputy Commander (USA) Lovely Nedra (USA), 1984

1st dam Sweet FOx FeveR (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Denmark and in Sweden (undefeated 2yo) and 652.000 kr, Amacitalöpn, Malmö Stads Pris and Pompös Cup and placed 11 times incl 2nd Mowerina, Adalöpn, 3rd Lanwades S, Täby, L and Zawawi Cup, Jägersro, L, and Scania Sprint, 5th Svenskt Oaks, hcp 87, dam of two winnersNORtH SIDe GAL (SWE), 2011 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Sweden and 218.946 kr, Götalandlöpn, and placed 3 times, 3rd Manoustielöpn. All Or Nothing (SWE), 2013 c by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), placed 3 times in 3 starts in Denmark at 2, 2015, 69.388 kr, 2nd in Skandinavisk Opdraetningslöb, Klampenborg STORMZIG (SWE), 2012 c by Philomatheia (USA), winner and placed twice in 5 starts at 3, 2015, 127.540 kr, 5th IKC Sunrise. 2nd dam TWIRLEY (USA), ran in USA at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winnersSweet FOx FeveR (USA), see above. Flip Flopping Fly (USA), f by Orientate (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and 343.700 kr, placed 10 times incl 3rd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, Jägersro, L, 5th Swedish Oaks, hcp 81; INSIDE THE PARK (USA), winner at 4 years in USA and £12,232 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam LOVELY NEDRA (USA), by Irish Tower (USA), winner at 2 years in USA, placed 3 times; dam of eight winnersLAURA’S PIStOLette (USA), 10 wins at 2 to 5 years in USA incl Humana Distaff H, Churchill Downs, Gr3, Gardenia S, Ellis Park, Gr3 and Fairway Fun S, Turfway Park, L, placed 12 times incl 2nd My Charmer S, Turfway Park, 3rd Ballerina S, Saratoga, Gr1, Budweiser Churchill Downs Breeders Cup H, Churchill Downs, Gr2 and Double Delta S, Arlington Int.; dam of winners. BESSIE’S BULLET (USA), winner to 2014 in USA wayward ways (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and placed twice incl 2nd What A Pleasure S, Calder, Gr3; sire in USA MI SIERRA (USA), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in USA and placed 9 times. LOVELY IMP (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed 5 times; dam of winners. NEDRA’S SOCIETY (USA), 2 wins at 4 years in USA and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. HARNSBERGER (USA), winner at 5 years in USA and placed 7 times. BETTERINCLUDEME (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed twice. VILLIFIED (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once. Justified (USA), placed 5 times at 3 years in USA; dam of winners. Hollins (USA), unraced; dam of winners. HOwICK FALLS (USA), Polypipe Flying Childers S, Doncaster, Gr2, Costcutter Roses S, York, L and 3rd Derrinstown Stud Mahab Al Shimaal S, Nad Al Sheba, Gr3. The next dam LAKE IVOR (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners inclIvory Slew (USA), 5 wins in Brazil 2nd Grande Premio Onze de Julho, Gavea, Gr2, Grande Premio Oswaldo Aranha, Gavea, Gr3 and 3rd Grande Premio Duque de Caxias, Gavea, Gr2; dam of winners. MISS CROSS (USA), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA, placed 4 times; dam of winners. vOY SI NO (USA), Frances A Genter H, Calder, L and 3rd Convenience S, Calder, L. 62

37 Limelight fallbrogard@live.se

LIMELIGHT Dark brown filly 2014-04-23 Breeder Stall Affe Racing HB

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Fällbro Gård/Kerstin Ericsson Skålhamravägen 16 187 70 Täby 0708-72 85 10 Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAn) Woodman (USA) Gabacha (USA), 1998 Gold Bird (FR), 1979

Storm Bird (CAn) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAn) Mr prospector (USA) playmate (USA) Rheingold (iRe) orange Bird (USA), 1970

1st dam GABACHA (USA), winner at 2 years in France and placed once; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 8 previous foals; DOUBLE TEN, 2012 g by Three Valleys (USA), winner and placed at 2-3 years, 2014-2015, 357.500 kr, SM for 2-year-olds, 4th Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, Swedish Criterium, Skånelandlöpn, hcp 78 LeyTe GULF (USA), 2003 g by Cozzene (USA), 7 wins, £43,731; 6 wins and £24,893 and placed 19 times; also winner at 4 years in France and £18,838 and placed 8 times. yeokJeonUi CHAMp (USA), 2006 f by Stravinsky (USA), winner at 3 years in South korea and placed twice. Aleut (GB), 2009 f by iceman (GB), placed twice at 2 years, 2011; also placed once at 3 years, 2012 in italy. Timbalier (USA), 2005 g by Dixieland Band (USA), placed twice at 3 years. They’llknowmenow (USA), 2007 c by Rahy (USA), placed once at 2 years; also placed once at 5 years, 2012 in Germany. pyrenean (GB), 2008 f by Mull of kintyre (USA), placed once at 2 years. Wood Woman (GB), 2011 f by Tiger Hill (iRe), placed, 20.000 kr, hcp 60 2nd dam GOLD BIRD (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £26,752, prix des Belles Filles, Longchamp, L, 2nd prix de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr3 and 4th prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr3; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals; GABINA (USA), f. by Caro), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and 2,248,400 fr. incl prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1, 2nd prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1, prix d’ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1, 3rd p. du Moulin de Longchamp ecurie Fustok, Longchamp, Gr1, p. Fresnay-le-Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1 and 4th p. Fresnay-le-Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1; dam of a winner, GARZA (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £34,994 incl prix de la Cochere, evry, L; grandam of MANBALA (FR), 2 wins at 2 years at home and in italy and £45,088 incl premio Dormello, Milan, Gr3. GALETTO (FR), c. by Caro), 3 wins at 3 years in France and 1,267,700 fr. incl prix Lupin, Longchamp, Gr1, 3rd prix du Jockey Club Lancia, Chantilly, Gr1; sire. Gold Rose (FR), f. by noblequest (FR), winner at 3 years in France and 151,000 fr. 2nd prix de Thiberville, Deauville, L; dam of three winners inc., GOLDMARK (USA), won Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1; sire. Rose d’or (iRe), placed once at 3 years; dam of BACCALAUREATE (FR), 10 wins, £62,919; 2 wins at 2 years in France and £27,131; also 8 wins over hurdles, 2013 and £35,788 incl Betfair Finesse Juvenile nov. Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr2. GoLD TeAR (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in France and 97,500 fr.; dam of four winners, GAMARADe (FR), winner at 4 years in France; dam of six winners, GReAT SpiRiT (USA), winner at 4 years in France. GUiGnoL (USA), winner at 3 years in France and £14,530. GoLD CARTeR (USA), winner at 3 years in France and 132,500 fr. GABACHA (USA), see above. 63

38 752SWE00001850T b.helander@bluewin.ch

Bay or brown colt 2014-04-27

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11

Sakhee (USA), 1997 Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004 Murjana (IRE), 1998

Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA)

Oratorio (IRE) Audrinna (IRE), 2007 Zvezda (USA), 1999

Danehill (USA) Mahrah (USA) Nureyev (USA) Storm Fear (USA), 1985

1st dam AUDRINNA (IRE), placed once at 2 years; also 3 wins in Sweden at 2 and 3 years and 229.096 kr and placed 9 times, hcp 75; above is her first foal. 2nd dam ZVEZDA (USA), ran a few times in France at 3 years; Own sister to ZENTSOV STREET (USA) and King’s Jewel (USA); dam of two winners: Silk Dress (IRE), 2004 f by Gulch (USA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years and £12,616 including second in C L Weld Park Stakes, Curragh, Gr3; dam of four winners. TOP FROCK (IRE), winner at 3 years and £2,529 and placed twice; also 11 wins in Greece at 4 and 5 years, 2014 and £65,911 and placed 20 times. SURENESS (IRE), 2 races at 3 years and £8,695 and placed once; also 4 wins over hurdles at 4 years, 2014 and £14,143 and placed once. BILLY BLUE (IRE), winner at 2 years and £6,410 and placed 4 times; also placed once in Czech Republic at 4 years, 2015. MECCA’S MISSUS (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2015 and £4,987 and placed twice, all her starts. AUDRINNA (IRE), see above. FLANAGANS FIELD (IRE), 2008 g by Araafa (IRE), placed once in a N.H. Flat Race at 5 years; also winner over hurdles at 5 years and £6,915 and placed 4 times. Desert Sands (IRE), 2005 g by Dubai Destination (USA), placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years and £2,939 Carrigfergus (IRE), 2006 g by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE), placed once at 3 years. She also has a yearling filly by Elzaam (AUS). 3rd dam STORM FEAR (USA), placed once in USA at 4 years; dam of five winners: ZENTSOV STREET (USA) (c. by Nureyev (USA), 3 wins at home and in USA at 2 and 3 years and £125,604 including In Excess Stakes, Santa Anita, L., placed third in Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr1 and Early Times Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr1; sire. King’s Jewel (USA) (c. by Nureyev (USA), 3 wins in USA at 3 and 4 years and £56,463, placed third in W L McKnight Handicap, Calder, Gr2; sire. STORM HAWK (USA), 3 wins in USA at 3, 4 and 6 years and £61,275 and placed 14 times. MALTESE FEAR (USA), 2 wins in Japan at 3 years, dam of a winner. HAWKSHAW (USA), winner in USA at 3 years and placed once. Ziggy Moondust (USA), unraced; dam of a winner. MISTY BLUE (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3 and 5 years and placed 10 times. Ashbilya (USA), unraced; dam of winners. NAJAABA (USA), 7 wins from 3 to 5 years and £33,716 and placed 5 times. AL RUWAH (GB), 4 wins in Greece at 4 years and £35,423 and placed 11 times. BRAVO KING (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times. LARWOOD (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed once. Tokyo Song (USA), unraced; dam of a winner. DO MORE BUSINESS (IRE), 4 wins to 6 years and placed 28 times. 64

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Rävdansens Stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93

39 Queens ravdansen@telia.com

QUEENS Bay or brown filly 2014-04-17 www.ravdansen.se

Philomatheia (USA)

Danzig (USA) Kooyonga (IRE)

Orientate (USA) Flip Flopping Fly (USA), 2006 Twirley (USA), 2000

Northern Dancer (CAN) Pas De Nom (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Anjuli (IRE) MT Livermore (USA) Dream Team (USA) Deputy Commander (USA) Lovely Nedra (USA), 1984

1st dam Flip Flopping Fly (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and 343.700 kr and placed 10 times incl 3rd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, Jägersro, L, 5th Swedish Oaks, hcp 81; dam of 2 previous foals; Hillybilly Cat (SWE), 2012 c by Swing That Cat (USA), placed at 2 years, 2014, 18.928 kr Kitty Cat Fly (SWE), 2013 f by Swing That Cat (USA), in training with Fredrik Reuterskiöld, Jägersro 2nd dam TWIRLEY (USA), ran in USA at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winnersSwEEt Fox FEvEr (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Denmark and in Sweden (undefeated 2yo) and 652.000 kr, Amacitalöpn, Malmö Stads Pris and Pompös Cup and placed 11 times incl 2nd Mowerina, Adalöpn, 3rd Lanwades S, Täby, L and Zawawi Cup, Jägersro, L, and Scania Sprint, 5th Svenskt Oaks, hcp 87, dam of two winnersNortH SIDE GAL (SWE), 2011 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Sweden and 218.946 kr, Götalandlöpn, and placed 3 times, 3rd Manoustielöpn. All or Nothing (SWE), 2013 c by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), placed 3 times in 3 starts in Denmark at 2, 2015, 69.388 kr, 2nd in Skandinavisk Opdraetningslöb, Klampenborg STORMZIG (SWE), 2012 c by Philomatheia (USA), winner and placed twice in 5 starts at 3, 2015, 127.540 kr, 5th IKC Sunrise. Flip Flopping Fly (USA), see above. INSIDE THE PARK (USA), winner at 4 years in USA and £12,232 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam LOVELY NEDRA (USA), by Irish Tower (USA), winner at 2 years in USA, placed 3 times; dam of eight winnersLAUrA’S PIStoLEttE (USA), 10 wins at 2 to 5 years in USA incl Humana Distaff H, Churchill Downs, Gr3, Gardenia S, Ellis Park, Gr3 and Fairway Fun S, Turfway Park, L, placed 12 times incl 2nd My Charmer S, Turfway Park, 3rd Ballerina S, Saratoga, Gr1, Budweiser Churchill Downs Breeders Cup H, Churchill Downs, Gr2 and Double Delta S, Arlington Int.; dam of three winners. wayward ways (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and placed twice incl 2nd What A Pleasure S, Calder, Gr3; sire in USA MI SIERRA (USA), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in USA and placed 9 times. LOVELY IMP (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed 5 times; dam of winners. NEDRA’S SOCIETY (USA), 2 wins at 4 years in USA and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. HARNSBERGER (USA), winner at 5 years in USA and placed 7 times. BETTERINCLUDEME (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed twice. VILLIFIED (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once. Justified (USA), placed 5 times at 3 years in USA; dam of four winners. Power of the Pad (USA), placed 4 times at 4 years in USA; dam of winners. LACY’S LUCK (USA), winner in USA Amber Lake (USA), placed once at 3 years in Canada. Hollins (USA), unraced; dam of winners. HowICK FALLS (USA), Polypipe Flying Childers S, Doncaster, Gr2, Costcutter Roses S, York, L and 3rd Derrinstown Stud Mahab Al Shimaal S, Nad Al Sheba, Gr3. GOOD MAN DAN (USA), winner in USA. 65

40 Magic Johnson info@fellowshipracing.se

MAGIC JOHNSON Chesnut colt 2014-02-28 www.fellowshipracing.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Fellowship Racing AB Soldatvägen 57 E 192 73 Sollentuna 0760-42 91 24

Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA)

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA)

Sakhee (USA) Wellness (GER), 2007 Wellvita (GER), 2001

Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Vettori (IRE) Wellanca (GER), 1996

1st dam WELLNESS (GER), 3 wins in Sweden at 2 and 3 years and 666.637 kr and placed 3 times, Swedish Criterium, Stig Holms Memorial, 2nd in Swedish Oaks, 3rd Norwegian 1000 Guineas, 5th Mowerinalöb, hcp 84; dam of one winner from 1 previous foal; ANOTHER WORLD (SWE), 2012 f by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ), winner in Sweden at 2 years, 2014 and £4,014 and placed once. 2nd dam WELLvItA (GER), 2 wins in Norway at 2 and 3 years and £39,351, Norwegian Oaks, Eckbo Legats Vandrepokal, placed 5 times including second in Erik O Steens Memorial, Ovrevoll, L., Norwegian Criterium; dam of one winner: WELLNESS (GER), see above. Wellmind (IRE), 2008 f by Ransom O’War (USA), placed 6 times in Denmark and Norway from 3 to 5 years and £4,710. 3rd dam Wellanca (GER), 2 wins in Germany at 2 and 3 years and £63,438, placed 4 times including third in Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L.; dam of one winner: WELLvItA (GER), see above. The next dam WELL KNOWN (GER), Champion 2yr old filly in Germany in 1989, 4 wins in West Germany including Preis der Winterkonigin, Mulheim, L. and Schloss Roland-Stutenpreis, Dusseldorf, L., placed second in Preis der Diana - Deutsches Stuten Derby, Mulheim, Gr2, ARAG Preis (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr2, Grosser Philips - Hamburger Stuten Preis, Hamburg, L. and Preis von Koln, Koln, L. and third in Berberis Rennen, Mulheim, L.; dam of twelve winners including: WELL MADE (GER), 6 wins in Germany and Italy including Deutsche Post Euro Express Europa Preis, Cologne, Gr1, Gerling Preis, Cologne, Gr2, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr3, Grosser Preis der Bremer Wirtschaft, Cologne, Gr3 and P der Landwirtschaft-Grosser 3yo Herbst, Hoppegarten, L., placed third in Preis von Europa, Cologne, Gr1. WEICHSEL (GER), winner in Germany at 2 yrs, 2014, Preis des Verlages Winterkonigin Trial, Cologne, L. Whisperer (GER), 8 wins in France and Germany, placed third in Mehl-Mulhens Rennen, Cologne, Gr2. Wellola (IRE), 2 wins in France and Germany, placed third in Frankfurter der Mehl Mulhens Stiftung, Frankfurt, Gr3; dam of winners. WADESHDA (GB), 2 wins in Germany at 3 years, 2014 and placed 8 times. WILSON (GER), 2 wins in Germany at 3 and 5 years, 2014 and placed 3 times. WELL DRESSED (GER), placed twice in France; also winner over jumps in Italy at 4 years, 2014 Wellanca (GER), see above. WELLANGO (GER), 6 wins in France and Germany and placed 16 times. SEARS TOWER (GB), 3 wins in U.A.E. WILLIAMSTOWN (IRE), 2 wins in Germany and placed 7 times; also placed once over jumps in Germany. WELLENSPIEL (GER), 2 wins in Germany and placed 3 times. WELFENKONIG (GER), 2 wins in France at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and placed twice. WELLISTA (GER), winner in Germany; dam of winners. WELLMOND (GER), 6 wins in France and Germany to 8 years, 2015 and placed 13 times. 66

41 Moravia


MOravIa Bay or brown filly 2014-04-21

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bengt Morberg Vallhall, Fäboda 15 734 91 Hallstahammar 070-471 54 29 Danzig (USA) Philomatheia (USA) Kooyonga (IRE) With Approval (CAN) Flor De Lis (GB), 2009 Polliwilline (IRE), 2003

Northern Dancer (CAN) Pas De Nom (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Anjuli (IRE) Caro (IRE) Passing Mood (CAN) Mull of Kintyre (USA) Zelah (IRE), 1995

1st dam Flor De Lis (GB), ran a few times in Sweden at 2 and 3 years, above is her first foal. 2nd dam POLLIWILLINE (IRE), 3 wins; 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £12,394 and placed 3 times; also winner in Sweden at 4 years and £22,255, Margareta Wettermarks Minneslopning, Jagersro, L., placed 5 times including 2nd in Morten Og Torvald Klaveness Minnelop, Ovrevoll, L., 3rd Cinnamon Challenge, 4th Bloomers’ Vase, L, hcp 86; dam of two winners: TraNssyLvaNIa (DEN), 2011 f by Le Havre (IRE), 3 wins in Denmark and Norway at 3 and 4 years, 2015 and 298.433 SEK and placed 4 times, Lanwades Stud Stakes, L, 2nd Mowerinalöb, 4th Bloomers’ Vase, L, Fawzia Stakes, hcp 86 ASCHA (FR), 2010 c by Piccolo (GB), 2 wins in France and Sweden at 2 and 4 years, 2014 and £20,794 and placed 6 times, hcp 75 3rd dam ZELAH (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of five winners: POLLIWILLINE (IRE), see above. ZAMENHOF (FR), 8 wins in France to 8 years and £108,176 and placed 26 times. BAZ (FR), 5 wins in France from 3 to 5 years, 2015 and £112,915 and placed 7 times. MIYAZAKI (IRE), 3 wins in France at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times. KHEBRAVO (IRE), winner in Italy at 3 years and placed 6 times. The next dam Marie Noelle (FR), 4 wins in France and USA at 2 and 4 years, placed 7 times including second in Prix de la Grotte, Longchamp, Gr3 and Prix des Reservoirs, Longchamp, Gr3 and fourth in Orchid Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr2, Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr3, Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr3 and La Prevoyante Handicap, Calder, Gr3; dam of nine winners including: Mary LINOa (USA), f by L’Emigrant (USA), Jt 4th top rated 2yr old filly in Europe in 1988, Jt 2nd top rated 2yr old filly in France in 1988, 3 wins in France including Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr1 and Prix d’Aumale, Longchamp, Gr3, 3rd in Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr3; dam of winners. MarrasT (FR), 9 wins in France including Prix de Boulogne, Longchamp, L. (twice), placed third in Prix Andre Baboin (G.P. des Provinces), Lyon Parilly, Gr3; sire. REVE DE GRAND-PA (GB), 3 wins in Japan; dam of Dear Majesty (JPN), 6 wins in Japan and placed 4 times; also placed second in Nakayama Daishogai Autumn Chase, Nakayama, L. SHARE ELEGANCE (JPN), 2 wins in Japan; dam of HIrUNO D’aMOUr (JPN), 4 wins in Japan including Tenno Sho (Spring Emperor’s Cup), Kyoto, Gr1 and Sankei Osaka Hai, Hanshin, Gr2, placed second in Satsuki Sho (2000 Guineas), Nakayama, Gr1. Miss Daisy (FR), placed 5 times in France; dam of Mary Louhana (GB), 2 wins in USA, placed second in Prix Minerve, Deauville, Gr3. MING DyNasTy (IRE), g by Sadler’s Wells (USA), 11 wins in France including Prix Louis Desboudet, Vichy, L., placed third in Prix Gladiateur, Longchamp, Gr3. Tapis Rouge (IRE), g by Irish River (FR), 4 wins, 2nd Maxims Club Derby Trial St, Lingfield Park, Gr3. SABINO (IRE), 10 wins in France and Italy and placed 24 times. RAMIKE (IRE), 3 wins and placed 3 times. LEOCADIA (USA), winner in France and placed once; dam of winners. Tatham (GB), ran a few times in Australia; dam of GENEraL’s DyNasTy (AUS), 4 wins in Australia including Jansz National Stakes, Morphettville, Gr3, Fastness (AUS), 7 wins in Australia, placed second in Brisbane Ice Sales Members’ Handicap, Eagle Farm, L. 67

42 Momentum helena@sigfridsson.com

MOMENTUM Bay or brown gelding 2014-05-07

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Tor Harry Sigfridsson Västergården 4 521 97 Vartofta 0708-37 15 55

Mr Prospector (USA) Miesque (USA) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Glorious Song (CAN) Surumu (GER) Acatenango (GER) Aggravate (GB) Morning Rose (GER), 2002 Königsstuhl (GER) Morning Queen (GER), 1993 Mosella (GER), 1985 Kingmambo (USA) Campanologist (USA) Ring of Music (GB)

1st dam Morning Rose (GER), ran twice in France at 3 years, exported to France; dam of one winner; BRIGHT (FR), 2007 c by Prince Kirk (FR), winner at 2 years and £2,469 and placed 8 times. Melirose (FR), 2008 f by Gentlewave (IRE), placed 4 times in France at 3 years and £5,820. Magic Hill (SWE), 2012 f by Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), in training in France 2015 2nd dam MORNING QUEEN (GER), winner in Germany at 3 years and 9,900 DM and placed twice; Own sister to MONSUN (GER), Champion Sire; dam of six winners: MOONRISE (GER), 2001 f by Grand Lodge (USA), 4 wins in France and Switzerland at 2 and 3 years and £36,168 and placed 4 times; dam of four winners. WEKEELA (FR), f by Hurricane Run (IRE), 3 wins in France at 2 and 3 years, 2015 and £98,838, Prix Chloe, Chantilly, Gr3, placed twice, 2nd in Coolmore Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr1. MATAUri PEArL (IRE), f by Hurricane Run (IRE), Champion 3yr old filly in Scandinavia in 2012, 4 wins in Norway and Sweden at 2 and 3 years and £90,178, Norwegian 1000 Guineas, Dianalöpn, Stig Holms Memorial, placed 4 times including 2nd in Lanwades Stud Stakes, L. and Lanwades Stud Stakes, Taby, L. and 3rd in Semb Hovedgard Hoppelop, Ovrevoll, L. MATAUri (IRE), 3 wins in Norway at 3 years, 2014 and £49,097 and placed 6 times, Norwegian St Leger, 2nd Swedish St Leger, 4th Norwegian Derby, L, hcp 88 Moonlight Melody (GER), 1998 f by Law Society (USA), ran once in Germany at 3 y; dam of six winners. MOLLY MALONE (FR), f by Lomitas (GB), 3 wins in France at 3-4 years, £202,087, Qatar Prix du Cadran, Longchamp, Gr1, 2nd in Prix Belle de Nuit, Fontainebleau, L, 3rd in Grosvenor Casinos Pinnacle Stakes, Haydock Park, Gr3, and Prix d’Hedouville, Longchamp, Gr3. MOON ROCK (GB), 4 wins in France from 3 to 5 years and £62,150 and placed 8 times. MOJO MOON (IRE), 3 wins over jumps in France from 3 to 5 years and £40,124 and placed twice. MONTANA MOON (FR), 2 wins in France at 5 years and £34,422 and placed 8 times. HILL TRIBE (GB), 2007 f by Tiger Hill (IRE), 3 wins at 4 years and £8,893, placed 8 times; broodmare. LOVE BROTHERS (GB), 2004 g by Lomitas (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £17,975, placed 4 times. MOONRIVER (GER), 2000 c by Octagonal (NZ), 2 wins in Germany and £5,529 and placed 12 times. IBIO (GB), 2003 c by Poliglote (GB), 2 wins in France at 3 and 5 years and £15,562, placed 4 times. GOLD BALZAC (GB), 2005 c by Alhaarth (IRE), winner in Japan at 3 years and £6,561, placed 6 times. Moonlight Dream (GER), 1999 f by Law Society (USA), ran twice in Germany at 3; dam of four winners. MONTANARELLA (GER), 2 wins in Austria and Germany at 3 years and £11,845 and placed 3 times; dam of MONTINO (GER), 3 wins in Austria and Germany to 2014 and placed 7 times. MOONLIGHT DANCE (GER), winner in Germany at 3 years and £2,206; dam of a winner: Mauriac (GER), c by Clodovil (IRE), 3 wins in France, Germany and Italy from 2 to 4 years, 2014 and £26,899, placed 12 times incl third in Henkel Preis der Dreijahrigen, Dusseldorf, L. 3rd dam MOSELLA (GER), winner in West Germany at 3 years, Las Vegas-Slenderella Rennen, Mulheim, L., placed 3 times including third in Der Continentale Versicherungs- Preis, Dortmund, L.; dam of six winners: MONSUN (GER) (c. by Konigsstuhl (GER), 2nd top rated 3yr old in Germany in 1993, 12 wins in Germany from 2 to 5 years and £838,480, Aral-Pokal, Gr1, Europa Preis, Gr1 (twice), Gerling Preis, Gr2 (twice), Idee Hansa-Preis, Gr2, Grosser Hertie-Preis von Deutschland, Gr2 and Grosser Preis 68 der Steigenberger Hotels, Frankfurt, Gr3, Champion sire.

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Per Arvidsson Kontakt: Helena Gärtner, Navesta 641 62 Valla 070-254 77 14

43 Didgeridoo per.arvidsson@telia.com

DIDGERIDOO Brown gelding 2014-05-04

Fraam (GB)

Lead On Time (USA) Majestic Kahala (USA)

Nureyev (USA) Alathea (GB) Majestic Prince (USA) Charvak (USA)

Kris S (USA) Arch (USA) Aurora (USA) Vuvuzela (USA), 2007 Carson City (USA) Shiny City Shoes (USA), -96 Premiere Danseuse (FR), -78

1st dam VUVUZELA (USA), 3 wins in Denmark and Sweden at 3 years and 278.154 kr, and placed 8 times, Pompös Cup, 3rd Derby Milen, 4th Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, hcp 80; above is her first foal. 2nd dam SHINY CITY SHOES (USA), ran a few times in USA at 2 and 3 years; dam of four winners: Shorey Village (USA), 2001 f by Theatrical), 3 wins in USA at 3 years and £29,277, placed twice including third in Judy’s Red Shoes Stakes, Calder, L.; dam of two winners. BLUE WATERS (CAN), 3 wins in Canada at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and £30,910 and placed twice. VUVUZELA (USA), see above. DIXIE N SPADES (USA), 2004 f by Dixie Union (USA), 2 wins in USA at 2 years and £26,488 and placed twice; broodmare. CITY THRILLER (USA), 2003 c by Old Trieste (USA), winner in USA at 4 years, £7,637, placed 7 times. Catalina Flyer (USA), 2005 f by Golden Missile (USA), placed twice in USA at 2 and 3 years and £2,012. Oppy (USA), 2009 c by Arch (USA), placed once in USA at 3 years and £3,870. She also has a 4-y-o filly by Horse Greeley (USA), a 2-y-o colt by Artie Schiller (USA) and a yearling colt by Get Stormy (USA). 3rd dam PREMIERE DANSEUSE (FR), 3 wins in France and 336,000 fr. including Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L., placed 3 times including second in Prix de la Nonette, Deauville, Gr3 and Prix des Lilas, Chantilly, L.; dam of seven winners: Ma Pavlova (USA) (f. by Irish River (FR), winner in France, placed second in Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr3; dam of winners. L’OPERA (FR), 3 wins at 3 years; also 3 wins over hurdles from 4 to 6 years and £37,022 inc Voice Newspaper Adonis Hurdle, Kempton Park, Gr2; also 2 wins in point-to-points at 9 years. MON DIEU (GB), 9 wins in Germany from 3 to 8 years and £44,738 and placed 20 times. BANNINGHAM BLAZE (GB), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £28,168 and placed 17 times; also winner over hurdles at 5 years and placed 5 times. PURE NOBILITY (IRE), winner at 2 years and placed 5 times; also 5 wins in Denmark and Sweden from 4 to 6 years. MA LUBA (GB), 2 wins in Slovakia at 2 and 3 years and placed 6 times. Bubbling Danseuse (USA) (f. by Arctic Tern (USA), winner in France at 3 years and 212,900 fr., placed second in Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr3; dam of winners. PLAY THRU (USA), 6 wins in USA from 3 to 5 years and £47,538 and placed 12 times. GREENJAY (USA), 4 wins in USA at 2 and 3 years and £49,150 and placed 7 times. EBULLISANTE (IRE), 2 wins in France at 3 years and £78,605 and placed 18 times. KAUAI SUNSET (USA), 2 wins in Italy at 3 years and placed 8 times. FEATHER BRIDE (IRE), winner in France at 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of MILLENNIUM DRAGON (GB), 6 wins at home and in USA and £297,071 including Appleton Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr3, placed second in Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr1; grandam of MEERISS (IRE), 5 races at home and in U.A.E. and £139,820 including Betfair Tennis Stardom Stakes, Goodwood, L., Chala Ja Bachha (IND), 4 wins in India, placed third in The A L Kohli North India Derby, Delhi, L. 69

44 Southside Johnny ravdansen@telia.com

SOUTHSIDE JOHNNY Bay or brown colt 2014-03-22 www.ravdansen.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Rävdansens Stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93

Danzig (USA) Philomatheia (USA) Kooyonga (IRE)

Northern Dancer (CAN) Pas De Nom (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Anjuli (IRE)

Indian Charlie (USA) Lady Alize (USA), 2004 Marina Duff (IRE), 1986

In Excess (IRE) Soviet Sojourn (USA) Caerleon (USA) Jeanie Duff (USA), 1972

1st dam LADY ALIZE (USA), winner and placed 7 times, 149.522 kr, 5th Radley S, L, Montrose Fillies S, L, TF87; dam of two winners: RED CAVIAR (SWE), 2012 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), winner in Sweden at 2 years, 2014 and placed twice, 265.100 kr, Amacitalöpn, 4th SM 2-year-olds, hcp 82 Magnetic South (SWE), 2011 c by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins in Sweden at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £30,700 and placed 5 times, 2nd Derby Sprint, IKC Opportunity, SM Sprinters, 4th Swedish Criterium, hcp 84 2nd dam MARINA DUFF, Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Italy in 1988, 5 wins in Italy from 2 to 4 years and £65,078 including Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr3 and Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L., placed 6 times, second in Premio Royal Mares, Turin, Gr3, Premio Buontalenta, Rome, L. and Premio delle Repubbliche Marinare, Rome, L. and third in Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr3 and Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L.; dam of ten winners: SOPRAN MARIDUFF (GB) (1994 f by Persian Bold), 4th top rated 2yr old filly in Italy in 1996, Jt 3rd top rated 3yr old filly in Italy in 1997, 5 wins in Italy and USA from 2 to 4 years and £226,143 including Black Helen Handicap, Hialeah Park, Gr2, Premio Seregno, Milan, L. and Premio Gino Mantovani, Milan, L., placed 8 times including second in Just A Game Breeders’ Cup Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr3, Premio Baggio, Milan, L. and Premio Novella, Milan, L. and third in Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1, Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr3 and Premio Legnano, Milan, Gr3, TF104; dam of six winners including; STATUE (USA), f by Red Ransom (USA), 3 wins in USA at 3 years and £41,029, Sweettrickydancer Stakes, Calder, placed 4 times including second in Noble Robyn Stakes, Calder. Constant Touch (USA), f by Belong To Me (USA), 3 wins in USA at 3 and 4 years and £67,835, placed 4 times including third in Omnibus Stakes, Monmouth Park. Great Times Ahead (USA); dam of INDIAN INK (USA) (f. by Gold Market (USA), 13 wins in USA from 2 to 6 years and £182,981 including Dr T F Classen Memorial Stakes, Thistledown, R., Vivacious Handicap, River Downs, R. (twice), Bobbie Bricker Memorial H, R. and Scarlet and Gray H, R; Miss Mariduff (USA), dam of winners; PORSENNA (IRE), c by Dylan Thomas (IRE), 8 wins in Italy from 2 to 5 years, 2015 and £174,069 Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr2, Premio Bereguardo, Milan, L. and Premio d’Estate, Milan, L., placed 14 times including second in Premio Del Giubileo, Milan, Gr3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, Gr3 and Premio Mauro Sbarigia, Rome, L. and third in Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr2, TF105 Astrelle (IRE), f by Makfi (GB), 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £37,178, placed 6 times including second in TriConnex Oh So Sharp Stakes, Newmarket, Gr3, TF100 Sopran Woomari (USA), 1999 f by Woodman (USA), 2 wins in Italy at 3 years and £37,397, placed 9 times, 3rd Premio Torricola, Rome, L.; dam of two winners. INVISIBILE (IRE), 9 wins in Italy from 2 to 6 years and £58,362 and placed 36 times. SOPRAN SOKRAR (ITY), 6 wins in Italy from 2 to 5 years, 2014 and £27,904 and placed 30 times. Snowfield (USA), 2005 f. by Tale of The Cat (USA); dam of three winners. TIME CHANT (GB), c by War Chant (USA), 4 wins in Italy at 2-3 yrs, 2015 and £132,706, Criterium Partenopeo, Naples, L., Premio Campobello, Milan, L, Gran Premio d’Italia, Milan, L., placed 4 times, 2nd Premio Botticelli, Rome, L, Premio Vittorio Riva, Milan, L. 3rd Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr2. Voice of Love (IRE), c by Poet’s Voice (GB), winner in Italy at 2 years, 2015 and £14,231, placed second in Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L. 70

45 Simply Frank simberg@simb.se

SIMPLY FRANK Bay or brown colt 2014-04-29 www.simb.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Stuteri Simberg/Ylva och Ulrik Lindh Simberg, Kestad 0706-61 98 86 533 96 Götene 0706-61 98 87

Sadler’s Wells (USA) Mores Wells (GB) Endorsement (GB) Noverre (USA) Fabuleux Millie (IRE), 2004 Flying Millie (IRE), 1998

Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Warning (GB) Overdrive (GB) Rahy (USA) Danseur Fabuleux (USA) Flying Spur (AUS) Sweet Pleasure (GB), 1978

1st dam FABULEUX MILLIE (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £11,512 and placed 3 times; dam of one winner: BLADYMAN (GB), 2012 c by Royal Applause (GB), winner in Italy at 3 years, 2015 and £8,270 and placed 6 times. Scarborough Rock (GB), 2009 g by Notnowcato (GB), ran 3 times on the flat at 3 years and ran twice over hurdles at 3 years. Coffers (GB), 2010 g by Bahamian Bounty (GB), ran once in a N.H. Flat Race at 3 years and over hurdles at 3 years. 2nd dam FLYING MILLIE (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £44,188 and placed 4 times; dam of four winners: SIBERIAN TIGER (IRE), 2005 g by Xaar (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £59,200 including totesport. com Silver Tankard Stakes, Pontefract, L. and placed 9 times; also winner over hurdles at 5 years and £32,343, placed 9 times and 2 wins over fences at 6 years and £14,469 and placed 4 times including second in Listowel Races Supp. Club Lartigue Hurdle, Listowel, Gr3 and bet365.com Hurdle, Sandown Park, L. and third in Totesport Contenders Agfa Hurdle, Sandown Park, L. CLOUD FIRE (IRE), 2006 f by Refuse To Bend (IRE), 2 wins at 4 years and £13,366 and placed 3 times. FABULEUX MILLIE (IRE), see above. FLYING KITTY (GB), 2009 f by One Cool Cat (USA), winner at 3 years and £3,441 and placed 7 times. Jufool (FR), 2011 f by Rail Link (GB) Flying To The Sky (FR), 2012 f by Astronomer Royal (USA) 3rd dam SWEET PLEASURE (GB), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of six winners: Ma Colombine (f by Jaazeiro (USA), winner in France at 2 years, placed second in Prix de la Vallee d’Auge, Deauville, L.; dam of winners. NOBLE TRADITION (AUS), 2 wins in New Zealand including Windsor Park Ford Eclipse Stakes, Ellerslie, Gr3, placed third in Ford Wakefield Stakes, Trentham, Gr3. PRINCE COLOTTO (AUS), 19 wins in Australia. MA HELLEQUIN (AUS), 3 wins in New Zealand. ZAMIRAH (IRE), winner at 2 years and placed 5 times; also 4 wins over hurdles at 4 and 7 years and winner over fences at 5 years and placed 18 times. FLYING MILLIE (IRE), see above. KINGSDOWN (GB), 3 wins over jumps in Czech Republic and Slovakia and placed once. HADDAAJ (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years. JAAZIEL, winner at 3 years. The next dam ARRANGEMENT (GB), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of five winners including: BOLD ARRANGEMENT, Jt Champion 2yr old in France in 1985, Jt 3rd top rated 2yr old in Europe in 1985, 4 wins inc Glen International Solario Stakes, Sandown Park, L., 2nd in Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1, Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr1, 3rd in Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr1, Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Blue Grass Stakes, Keeneland, Gr1, and 4th in Swettenham Stud Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr1, William Hill Futurity Stakes, Doncaster, Gr1; sire. Hout Bay, 5 wins in Denmark and Sweden, placed second in Norsk Jockey Clubs Sprintlop, Ovrevoll, L. 71

46 Mint Kiss


MINT KISS Bay or brown filly 2014-04-29 www.brantshammar.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Brantshammar Stuteri AB Karin Johansson, Brantshammar 10 741 92 Knivsta 070-628 11 25

Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Whipper (USA) Mint Whip (IRE), 2007 Aminata (IRE), 1987

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Miesque’s Son (USA) Myth To Reality (FR) Glenstal (USA) Belle Epoque (IRE), 1980

1st Dam MINT WHIP (IRE), winner at 3 years and £3,517 and placed 4 times, from only 7 starts; dam of: Arresting Boy (ire), 2011 c by Lawman (FR), placed 3 times in Sweden at 4 years, 2015, 12.768 kr Mint Chocolate, 2012 f by Manduro (GER), in training with Anna Skoglund-Figueroa, Täby Mix, 2013 g by Merchant of Venice (USA), in training with Anna Skoglund-Figueroa, Täby 2nd dam AMINATA (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years and £37,078 incl Shernazar EBF Curragh S, Curragh, Gr3 and Smurfit Italia EBF Fillies S, Leopardstown, L, placed 5 times incl 3rd D McCalmont Tetrarch EBF S, Curragh, Gr3 and 4th Phoenix S, Phoenix Park, Gr1, from 9 starts; dam of eleven winners SWIFT GULLIVER (IRE), 1994 c by Gulch (USA), Jt top rated 3yr old sprinter in Ireland in 1997, 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in USA and £49,647 incl Ridgewood Pearl Desmond S, Curragh, Gr3 and Tyros S, Curragh, L; sire. ABDERIAN (IRE), g. by Machiavellian (USA), 9 wins at 2, 5 and 7 years at home and in USA and £232,611 incl Turf Monster H, Philadelphia Park, L and Smile H, Arlington Inter, L, placed 18 times incl 2nd Kentucky Cup Turf Dash S, Kentucky Downs, L, Turf Monster H, Philadelphia Park, L, 3rd Shakertown S, Keeneland, Gr3, Calder Turf Sprint H, Calder, L, Woodford County S, Keeneland, L, Kentucky Cup Turf Dash S, Kentucky Downs, L and Decathlon S, Monmouth Park. Minatonic (IRE), f. by Zafonic (USA), winner at 2 years and £15,451 and placed once viz 2nd Aga Khan Studs Blenheim S, Curragh, L, from only 3 starts. PRINCE MINATA (IRE), 4 wins and £14,538 and placed 7 times; also placed once over hurdles. REQUESTED PLEASURE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £22,008 and placed twice; dam of a winner. PORT MERRION (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2014 and £9,707 and placed 5 times. MUSADAF (IRE), winner at 2 years and placed once; also placed twice over hurdles. DANON BUDDY (IRE), winner at 3 years in Japan and £38,604 and placed 3 times. TURQUOISE SEA (USA), winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of four winners. AMANDIAN (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of six winners. TAMARIND HILL (IRE), 8 wins; 3 wins at 3 years and placed 12 times; also 5 wins in Denmark at 5 and 6 years and placed 5 times, 294.344 kr, hcp 72 BAHAMIAN C (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £12,745 and placed 6 times. ROCK OF GLENSTAL (GB), winner in Germany at 5 years, 2015 and £1,512 and placed twice; also placed twice in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years, 2014. 3rd dam BELLE EPOQUE (IRE), by Habitat (USA), placed 7 times at 3 and 4 years; own sister to DOUBLE FORM; dam of five winners inclAMINATA (IRE), see above. BLUSHING CONNIE (USA), 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and placed 3 times. Franziska (IRE), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. GRANNY FRANNY (USA), winner in USA; dam of KITTEN’S DUMPLINGS (USA), Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, Keeneland, Gr1, Lake George S, Saratoga, Gr2, Regret S, Churchill Downs, Gr3, Edgewood S, Churchill Downs, L, M2 Technology La Senorita S, Retama Park, L and 2nd Florida Oaks, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr3, GRANNY MC’S KITTEN (USA), Johnson S, Saratoga, L. 72

47 752SWE00001849T b.helander@bluewin.ch

Chesnut colt 2014-04-17

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11

Sakhee (USA), 1997 Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004 Murjana (IRE), 1998

Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA)

Three Valleys (USA) Three Tops (GB), 2009 Optimise (IRE), 2002

Diesis (GB) Skiable (IRE) Danehill (USA) Sifaara (IRE), 1995

1st dam Three Tops (GB), placed once in just 2 starts in Sweden at 3 years; above is her first foal. 2nd dam OPTIMISE (IRE), placed once at 2 years and £1,701; dam of two winners: CUORI AGITATI (GB), 2010 c by Dutch Art (GB), winner in Italy at 3 years and £2,870 and placed twice. VIRTUELLE (SWE), 2011 f by Virtual (GB), winner at 3 years, 2014 and 70.420 kr and placed once. A Touch of Luck (GB), 2007 g by Lucky Story (USA), placed once at 2 years, dead at 2 years Three Tops (GB), see above. Dreamy Boom Boom, 2013 f by Zaahid (IRE), placed 4th in first start at 2, 2015, 8.960 kr 3rd dam SIFAARA (IRE), ran twice in France at 3 years; dam of four winners: ALITTLEBITLEFT (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and placed 4 times; also winner in USA at 5 years and placed 8 times. MR MIDASMAN (IRE), 3 wins from 2 to 4 years and placed 8 times. MARK OF ZORRO (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 5 times. MAURONE (IRE), 2 wins in Italy at 4 and 5 years and placed 13 times. The next dam ROYAL TOUCH (IRE), Champion older mare in Germany in 1989, Top rated older miler in Germany in 1990, 5 wins at home, in West Germany and USA at 3, 4 and 6 years including Grosser Preis von Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Gr2, San Gorgonio Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr2 and Preis von Koln, Koln, L., placed 10 times second in Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1, Santa Ana Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr1, Santa Barbara Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr1, Buena Vista Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr3 and Fluorocarbon Marshall Stakes, Newmarket, L. third in Yellow Ribbon Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr1, Matriarch Stakes, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3 and Beverly D Stakes, Arlington Int., L. and fourth in Breeders’ Cup Mile, Gulfstream Park, Gr1; dam of four winners including: ETHELINDA (GB) (f. by Indian Ridge), 6 wins in France including P. Point du Jour-Fourrages A.N. Dutertre, Craon, L. (twice), Prix Tantieme, Maisons-Laffitte, L. and Prix Isola Bella, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed third in Grand Handicap de Deauville, Deauville, L. and Prix Jacques de Bremont, Vichy, L.; dam of winners. VILLA TAMARIS (FR), 3 wins in France at 4 and 6 years, 2015 and placed 8 times. LIBERALIS (FR), winner over jumps in France at 4 years, 2014 and placed 7 times. Ennoblement (IRE) (c. by Halling (USA), winner, placed third in Foundation Stakes, Goodwood, L. NOBILITY (IRE), 2 wins; also placed 4 times in U.A.E. The next dam SOVEREIGN DONA (IRE), 4 wins at home and in France at 2 and 3 years including Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr3 and placed once; dam of seven winners including: FORESEE (GB), Top rated 3yr old stayer in Ireland in 1993, 7 wins at home and in U.A.E. including Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr2 and EBF Leopardstown Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr3, placed third in Budweiser Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr1 and Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1. ROYAL TOUCH, see above. BONARELLI (IRE), 3 wins including Bellway Homes Stardom Stakes, Goodwood, L. Sylvan Point (GB), 6 wins in Germany, second in Made in Europe Val des Pres Trophy, Frankfurt, Gr2. 73

48 Kashgar roger@ralby.se

KASHGAR Bay or brown colt 2014-05-25 Breeder Alvena Gård AB, Gotland

Scandinavian Breeders’ System AB Åkerkullen/Roger Asp Box 2030, 750 02 Uppsala Tel 0709-18 32 01 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Most Welcome (GB) Angels’ Share (SWE), 2009 Inshallah (SWE), 1992

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Be My Guest (USA) Topsy (GB) Diaghlyphard (USA) Princess Persian (IRE), 1983

1st dam ANGELS’ SHARE (SWE), unraced, dam of one previous foal; Martelle (SWE), 2013 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), ran twice at 2, 2015, 8.960 kr Kashgar, see above 2nd dam INSHALLAH (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden; hcp 79; Own sister to SONGLINE (SWE) and MAUREEN STAR (SWE); dam of three winnersDAY TRIPPER (SWE), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in Denmark and in Sweden and £30,549 and placed 21 times, incl 2nd GHR Gold Cup, hcp 81 MINT CONDITION (SWE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £30,875 and placed 3 times, incl 2nd SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, 3rd Amacitalöpn, hcp 80 AURA (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and £13,691 and placed 7 times, hcp 78 Inch By Inch (SWE), placed once at 2 years in Denmark. 3rd dam PRINCESS PERSIAN (IRE), by Persian Bold (IRE), ran in Sweden; dam of six winnersMAUREEN STAR (SWE), Horse of the Year 1992, Jt Champion 3yr Old Filly in Scandinavia in 1992, 19 wins in Sweden incl Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Jägersro, L, 2nd Bloomers’ Vase, Täby, L and Nickes Minneslöpn, Täby, L; hcp 87; dam of a winner. MAYCY STAR (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden; dam of EDE SENSATION (SWE), 6 wins, placed 12 times, 1.809.528 kr, Lanwades Stud S, L, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, hcp 88 Movie Star (SWE), unraced; dam of MARION STAR (SWE), winner in Sweden. SONGLINE (SWE), Champion 2yr Old Colt in Scandinavia in 1995, Champion Older Horse in Scandinavia in 1997, Horse of the Year 1996 and 1997, 14 wins and 3.288.500 kr incl Pokallob, Klampenborg, L, Stockholms Stora Pris, Täby, L, Swedish St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Breeders’ Prize Classic, Kapps Stora Pris, Täby, (twice); hcp 95; sire of 60 winners from 205 runners in Scandinavia incl HALFSONG, Horse of the Year 2003, 12 wins, 3.552.293 kr, hcp 90, Scandinavian Open Challenge, Gr3, Danish Derby, 2nd Swedish Derby; dam of winners (HALF TIGER, 3 wins, placed 6 times, 301.714 kr, hcp 81 and HALF GLORIA, winner and placed in just 2 starts at 3, 2015, 84.000 kr, hcp 78), and FIRST EDITION, 8 wins, placed 8 times, 2.965.350 kr, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Breeders’ Prize, SM Classic, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, Stora Tvååringspriset, hcp 88. DRY SLUDGE (SWE), 12 wins in Sweden, placed 27 times, hcp 68 STRAIGHT EDGE (SWE), 4 wins in Sweden and placed 12 times, hcp 69 INSHALLAH (SWE), see above. SILK ROAD (SWE), 8 wins and placed 9 times in Norway and Sweden, hcp 81 Mind The Gap (SWE), placed 4 times in Sweden; dam of two winners. FILL THE GAP (SWE), 8 wins in Sweden and placed 3 times, hcp 82. BRIDGE THE GAP (SWE), winner in Sweden. Soul Sister (SWE), unraced; dam of a winner. SOUL CAT (SWE), 5 wins to 2013 in Norway and in Sweden. 74

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Rävdansens Stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93

49 Chocolat ravdansen@telia.com

CHOCOLAT Chesnut filly 2014-04-27 www.ravdansen.se

Philomatheia (USA)

Danzig (USA) Kooyonga (IRE)

Northern Dancer (CAN) Pas De Nom (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Anjuli (IRE)

Mr Prospector (USA) Carson City (USA) Blushing Promise (USA) Heart That Matters (USA), 2000 State Dinner (USA) Family Style (USA), 1983 Sharp Kitty (USA), 1979

1st dam Heart That Matters (USA), placed twice at 2 years in USA; dam of two winnersTASYA (USA), 2008 f by Successful Appeal (USA), 10 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2013 in USA and £57,765 and placed 7 times. SHIGERU PASSION (USA), 2009 c by First Samurai (USA), 4 wins in Japan. Cloudy Bay (USA), 2007 g by Tiznow (USA), placed 5 times at 4 years at home and in France. Billable Ours (USA), 2010 c by Lawyer Ron (USA), placed once at 2 years in USA Red Means Go (SWE), 2012 c by Swing That Cat (USA), unraced, dead at 3 years due to illness Cat On Fire (SWE), 2013 c by Swing That Cat (USA), in training with Fredrik Reuterskiöld, Jägersro 2nd dam FAMILY STYLE (USA), 10 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and £1,196,256 incl Arlington Washington Lassie S, Arlington Park, Gr1, Frizette S, Belmont Park, Gr1, La Canada S, Santa Anita, Gr1, Spinaway S, Saratoga, Gr1, Arlington Matron H, Arlington Park, Gr2, Black Eyed Susan S, Pimlico, Gr2, Silver Belle H, Hollywood Park, Gr2, La Brea S, Santa Anita, Gr3 and Cleopatra H, Arlington Park, L, placed 15 times 2nd Apple Blossom H, Oaklawn Park, Gr1, Demoiselle S, Aqueduct, Gr1, Matron S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, Aqueduct, Gr1, Adirondack S, Saratoga, Gr2, Ak-Sar-Ben Queen’s H, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr3, Jersey Belle S, Garden State, L, Breeders’ Cup S, Ak-Sar-Ben, 3rd in Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr1, Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr1, Mother Goose S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Bonnie Miss S, Gulfstream Park, Gr3, Cascapedia H, Santa Anita, 4th in Fantasy S, Oaklawn Park, Gr1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr1 and El Encino S, Santa Anita, Gr3; dam of two winnersPOLISH STYLE (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and 316,000 fr. incl Prix Hampton, Evry, L, placed 5 times incl 2nd Prix de Bagatelle, Longchamp, L, Prix Petite Etoile, SaintCloud, L and 3rd Premio Royal Mares, Turin, Gr3; dam of winners. FOLK (USA), Gulf News UAE 1000 Guineas, Nad Al Sheba, L, Al Tayer Group UAE Oaks, Nad Al Sheba, L and 3rd Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr1; dam of CAPTIVATING LASS (USA), Busanda S, Aqueduct, L and 3rd Davona Dale S, Gulfstream Park, Gr2. Polish Panache (USA), winner, 3rd King of Kings EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr3. DANUTA (USA), winner in UAE and in USA; dam of DEVOTEE (USA), Meydan City UAE Oaks, Nad Al Sheba, L and 3rd Darley Alcibiades S, Keeneland, Gr1; granddam of LADY OF OPERA (JPN), Yodo Tankyori S, Kyoto, L and 2nd Silk Road S, Kyoto, Gr3. BALTIC COAST (USA), winner to 2013 in USA Pelerine (USA), unraced; granddam of Jungle Lily (CAN), winner in Canada, 3rd Hong Kong Jockey Club H, Hastings Park. EBEN AL HABEEB (IRE), placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years; also 4 wins over hurdles and £13,356 and placed twice and winner over fences. Piccolo Player (USA), ran in USA at 3 years; dam of winners. PLAY BALLADO (USA), Miss Oceana S, Aqueduct, R., 2nd El Encino S, Santa Anita, Gr2 and La Canada S, Santa Anita, Gr2; dam of SWEET SEVENTEEN (USA), Busher S, Aqueduct, L. Style And Class (USA), unraced; dam of a winner. STYLISH WILDCAT (USA), Buffalo Trace Franklin County S, Keeneland, L; dam of ANTIQUITY (USA), winner to 2013 in USA. 75

50 Lotus


LOTUS Bay or brown colt 2014-03-12 www.stallpernillanilsson.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 775 96 Krylbo 0706-317 317 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Verglas (IRE) Lumen (FR), 2002 La Le Lu (FR), 1996

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Highest Honor (FR) Rahaam (USA) Exit To Nowhere (USA) La Justice (FR), 1986

1st dam Lumen (FR), 6 wins at 3 to 6 years in Scandinavia and Germany and 588.243 kr, and placed 7 times, Fawzia Stakes, 3 times, Sceptre Stakes, 2nd Coolmore Matchmaker S, Täby, L, 3rd Grosser Zentis Stutenpreis, Krefeld, L, Weidenpescher Stutenpreis, Cologne, L, Morten Og Torvald Klaveness Minnelop, Övrevoll, L, 4th Erik O Steens Memorial, L, hcp 89; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 previous foals; LUMINEUSE (DEN), 2010 f by Academy Award (IRE), 3 wins at 3-5 years in Denmark and 190.082 kr and placed 7 times, won Pompös Cup, placed 4th in Dansk Galops Auktionslöb, hcp 77 FINAL SCORE (DEN), 2011 c by Hot Run (DEN), winner at 2 years in Denmark and placed 4 times, 81.097 kr, hcp 75 La Supernova (SWE), 2013 f by Academy Award (IRE), in training with Lennart Reuterskiöld jr, Jägersro 2nd dam LA LE LU (FR), winner at 3 years in Denmark and placed once; dam of three winnersLumen (FR), see above. LULLA (FR), 2003 f. by Keos (USA), 2 wins in Denmark at 2 and 5 years and 158.931 kr and placed 3 times, hcp 78; dam of one winner; BLACKSTONE (DEN), winner in Denmark, placed in Sweden in 2 starts at 2 years, 2015, 56.540 kr Queens Birthday (FR), placed once in Denmark at 3 years, 2015, 2.400 DKK PURE MAGIC (FR), 2001 g. by Lake Coniston (IRE), placed 3 times in Denmark at 3 years and £2,602; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 years and £8,458 and won 1 race over fences at 8 years and £2,732. 3rd dam LA JUSTICE (FR), by Maelstrom Lake (IRE), winner in Germany and placed 8 times; dam of four winnersLOREDANO (FR), 5 wins at 4, 5 and 7 years in France and in Germany and placed 14 times; also 2 wins over jumps in Germany. LEGISTE (FR), 2 wins at 3 years in Germany and placed 9 times. LOYALITAT (FR), winner at 2 years in Germany and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. LOTHAIRE (FR), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 6 years in France, £and placed 21 times. LA LE LU (FR), see above. L’Egalite (GER), placed 7 times in Germany; dam of a winner. LATIFA (GER), winner at 4 years in Germany. The next dam LITTLE SLAM (GER), 6 wins in West Germany incl Herbst Stutenpreis, Neuss, L, placed 4 times; Own sister to LILIE (GER); dam of seven winners inclLAVENDEL (GER), 8 wins in West Germany. LORDSHIP (GER), 6 wins in West Germany. The next dam LEGENDE, 6 wins in West Germany and placed 28 times; also 2 wins over jumps in West Germany and placed 4 times; dam of nine winners including: LILIE (GER), 4th top rated 3yr old filly in Germany in 1969, 4 wins in West Germany including Furstenberg-Rennen, Baden-Baden, placed fourth in Schwarzgold-Rennen (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf; dam of winners. LHASA (GER), 3 wins in West Germany and placed 5 times; dam of LOVE LETTER (GER), 6 wins in West Germany and Italy including Coppa d’Oro di Milano, Milan, Gr3 and Grosser Preis der Stadt Gelsenkirchen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr3, placed third in Grosser Preis von Berlin, Dusseldorf, Gr1, LUCINO (GER), 6 wins in West Germany and Switzerland including Preis von Hoppegarten, Dortmund, L., placed second in Preis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, Gr3. 76

51 Quinta


QUINTA Bay or brown filly 2014-04-27 www.brantshammar.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Brantshammar Stuteri AB Karin Johansson, Brantshammar 10 741 92 Knivsta 070-628 11 25

Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN)

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Danzig (USA) Gdynia (USA) Taufan (USA)

Roi Danzig (USA) Quite Easy (IRE), 1996 Quietly Impressive (IRE) 1988 Way Ahead (IRE), 1977

1st dam QUITE EASY (IRE), 7 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and 384.500 kr, Juvenile Mile, 2nd in Amacitalöpn, Scandinavia Cup, hcp 85; dam of seven winnersQUINTo (SWE), 2012 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins and placed once in 4 starts at 2, 2014, 286.200 kr, Manoustielöpn, 2nd in Svensk Galopps Auktionslöpn, hcp 78 QUITE LUCKY (SWE), 2001 f. by Sharp Matt (GB), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years and £18,519 and placed 7 times, Cinnamon Challenge, 5th Norwegian 1000 Guineas, hcp 80; dam of one winner: LUCKY YoU (SWE), winner and placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in Sweden. QUITE NICE (SWE), 2003 f. by Sharp Matt (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 4 times, hcp 74 QUITERIA (SWE), 2010 f. by Funambule (USA), winner at 2 years, £14,592 and placed 8 times, hcp 74 QUITE SHARP (SWE), 2002 g. by Sharp Matt (GB), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 6 times. TRAINER’S TRIAL (SWE), 2006 c. by Funambule (USA), winner at 2 years in Sweden, hcp 70 QIGoNG (SWE), 2011 c. by Heart of oak (USA), winner and placed 3 times at 3, 2014, 156.100 SEK Quittra (SWE), 2013 f by Merchant of Venice (USA), in training with Alex McLaren, Täby 2nd dam QUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £13,203 and placed 6 times; also placed once over hurdles; dam of four winnersQUITE EASY (IRE), see above. QUITY (IRE), 4 wins in Hungary and in Slovakia and placed 4 times. QUIET TRAVELLER (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £27,621 and placed 13 times. PERUVIAN BREEZE (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed once; also placed twice over hurdles. 3rd dam WAY AHEAD (IRE), by Sovereign Patch (GB), winner at 3 years, from only 2 starts; own sister to EVERYTHING NICE; dam of one winnerQUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), see above. The next dam Emma Canute, 2 wins at 2 years and placed 6 times incl 2nd Princess Margaret S, Ascot; dam of six winners inclEVERYTHING NICE, 7 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in USA incl Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3 and Musidora S, York, Gr3, 2nd Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr2, Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L, 4th in Sun Chariot S, Newmarket, Gr2 and orchid H, Gulfstream Park, Gr3; dam of winners. NICER (IRE), The I.A.W.S. Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1 and 3rd P. Vittorio di Capua-Consiglio d’ Europa, Milan, Gr1; granddam of PYRRHA (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 yrs incl Totesport Chartwell S, Lingfield Park, Gr3, placed 6 times, SPECTER (AUS), Henry Bucks Best Dressed Exford Plate, Flemington, L and 3rd The Age Caulfield Guineas Prelude, Caulfield, Gr3. Nice Noble (USA), winner in Italy, 3rd Premio Novella, Milan, L; granddam of KELANTAN (NZ), Selwyn River Sth Island Champagne S, Riccarton Park, L, Sultan Gold Vase, Perak, L and Japan Bloodhorse Breeders Asoc.3yo Chall, Singapore, L. Investment (USA), unraced; dam of KEENELAND GoLD (SAF), ACSA Benefit H, Turffontein, Gr3, 2nd Premier’s Cup, Turffontein, Gr1 and 3rd The Champion S, Turffontein, Gr1, and FAMILY INVESTMENT (USA), ontario Colleen S, Woodbine, L and Whimsical S, Woodbine, L 77

52 Alvena Adieu alvenapo@gmail.com

ALVENA ADIEU Brown colt 2014-04-21

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Alvena Gård AB/Per-Olof Johansson Eskelhem Alvena 604 622 70 Gotlands Tofta, 070-432 24 88

Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Diktat (GB) Pandorea (GB), 2008 Puya (GB), 2002

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Warning (GB) Arvola (GB) Kris (GB) Pervenche (GB), 1983

1st dam PANDOREA (GB), winner at 2 years, dam of one previous foal; My Dream, 2013 f by Kheleyf (USA), placed third in first start at 2, 2015, 13.440 kr Alvena Adieu, see above 2nd dam PUYA (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £19,143 and placed 5 times; dam of two winnersHERBALIST (GB), winner at 4 years, 2014 and placed 7 times. PANDOREA (GB), see above. Lacock (GB), placed twice at 2 years, 2013. 3rd dam PERVENCHE (GB), by Latest Model (GB), ran 3 times at 2 years and ran in USA at 4 years; dam of four winnersGORSE (GB), 8 wins at 3 to 6 years at home, in France and in Germany incl Phoenix Sprint S, Leopardstown, Gr3, Prix de Ris-Orangis, Deauville, Gr3, Benazet-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3, Holsten Trophy, Hamburg, Gr3 (twice) and Charles S.Mercedes Benz Wentworth S, Doncaster, L, 2nd Jacobs Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr2, Holsten Trophy, Hamburg, Gr3, 3rd Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr1, Benazet-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3 and NGK Spark Plugs Abernant S, Newmarket, L (twice); sire. PUYA (GB), see above. KIRK MICHAEL (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times. DANAE (GB), winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of a winner. MIND (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Spain. Rochea (GB), placed 11 times at 2 to 4 years; dam of winners. BIENHEUREUX (GB), 10 wins at 3 to 7 years and placed 33 times. BEAUTY ANGEL (TUR), winner in Turkey. SOUND OF SUCCESS (TUR), winner in Turkey. Sweet Briar (GB), ran a few times at 2 to 4 years; dam of winners. IMCO ORIAR (ITY), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and placed 11 times. The next dam ZANTEDESCHIA, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of six winners inclCUT THROAT, 5 wins at 2 years incl New Ham S, Goodwood, L and Salisbury S, Salisbury, L, placed 9 times incl 2nd Champion Two Year Old Trophy, Ripon, L, 3rd John of Gaunt S, Haydock Park, L, 4th in 2000 Guineas S, Newmarket, Gr1 and Jersey S, Royal Ascot, Gr3; sire in USA HEMLOCK CUP, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. Zaide, Memorial Day Invitational H, Golden Gate and 2nd Country Queen S, Hollywood Park.


Scandinavian Breeders’ System Stall Jalih/Jan Hansson Hjärås Gård 9152 242 97 Hörby 0708-94 02 05

53 Silver Valley jalih@telia.com

SILVER VALLEY Grey filly 2014-04-11

Seattle Slew (USA) Weekend Surprise (USA) Mingun (USA) Nureyev (USA) Miesque (USA) Pasadoble (USA) Cozzene (USA) Alphabet Soup (USA) Illitterate (USA) Victory Spirit (USA), 2001 Diamond Prospect (USA) Regal Victress (CAN), 1987 Baraquillo (CAN), 1978 A P Indy (USA)

1st dam VICTORY SPIRIT (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3 and 4 years and £46,801 and placed twice; dam of one winner: ABSOLUT SILVER (gb), 2011 f by Three Valleys (USA), 5 wins in Sweden at 3 and 4 years, 2015 and 398.384 kr, and placed 7 times, hcp 83. Bapak Pintar (GB), 2009 c by Royal Applause (GB), placed 8 times at 2 and 3 years and £3,273. Princess Izzy (GB), 2008 f by Tale of The Cat (USA), placed once at 2 years. Spirit River (SWE), 2013 c by Layman (USA), placed 3 times in 3 starts at 2 years, 2015 and 73.920 kr 2nd dam Regal Victress (CAN), 7 wins at home and in USA from 2 to 6 years and £145,795, placed 19 times, second in First Flight Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr2 and Jammed Lovely Stakes, Greenwood, L. and third in Straight Deal Handicap, Laurel, L. and Florida Breeders’ Distaff Stakes, Ocala T. C.; Own sister to Diamonds For U (USA); dam of ten winners: SUPER RED (CAN), 1996 c by Rahy (USA), 5 wins in USA at 3 and 4 years and £158,760 including Connaught Cup Stakes, Woodbine, Gr2, R., placed 6 times including third in Woodchopper Handicap, Fair Grounds, L. and Steinlen Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L. Dreamers Glory (USA), 1999 f. by Holy Bull (USA), 4 wins in USA from 2 to 4 years and £116,768, placed 3 times including second in Boiling Springs Breeders’ Cup Handicap, Meadowlands, Gr3; dam of a winner: DREAM BABY (USA), winner in USA at 4 years, 2014 and £10,436, placed once. Banner Headline (USA), 1997 g. by Personal Flag (USA), 6 wins in USA from 3 to 5 years and £140,591, placed 11 times including third in Creme Fraiche Stakes, Meadowlands, L. Sharps Island (USA), 2003 c. by Deputy Minister (CAN), 7 wins in USA from 3 to 5 years and £124,983, placed 13 times including second in Native Dancer Stakes, Laurel; also winner over jumps in USA at 7 years and £7,314. ALMABETH (USA), 2009 f by Storm Surge (USA), 3 wins in USA at 3-4 years, £17,176, placed 4 times. REGAL FLING (USA), 2006 f by Richter Scale (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3 years and £12,809 and placed 5 times; dam of A New Venture (USA), placed once in USA at 2 years, 2014 and £2,746. REGAL SIPHON (USA), 2000 g by Siphon (BRZ), 2 wins in USA at 3 years and £18,057, placed 3 times. REGAL TIMES (USA), 2004 c by Rahy (USA), winner in USA at 2 years and £20,968, placed 3 times. CAUGHT FIRE (CAN), 1998 f by Lite The Fuse (USA), winner in USA at 3 years and £22,567 and placed twice; dam of four winners inclSWIFTY VICTRESS (USA), f by Macho Uno (USA), 3 wins in USA at 2 years and £82,386, D Shine Young Memorial Futurity (f), Evangeline Downs, L.R. and John Franks Mem. Sales Fillies Stakes, Evangeline Downs, L.R., placed third in Creme de la Creme Stakes, Delta Downs, R.; dam of SWIFTY UNEAUX (USA), 6 wins in USA to 2014 and placed 11 times. No Rachmones (USA), c by Macho Uno (USA), winner in USA at 2 years and £46,627, placed 7 times including third in Tim Conway Stakes, Santa Anita, L. Lily Charmer (USA), 2002 f by Seattle Slew (USA), placed twice in USA at 4 years and £9,480; dam of 2 winners incl LILY RULES (USA), 6 wins in Canada and USA from 3 to 5 years and £29,570 and placed 4 times. Taken by Storm (CAN), 1995 f by Red Ransom (USA); dam of 2 winners. ALPHABET STORM (USA), 7 wins in USA at 3, 5 and 7 years and £80,886 and placed 17 times. 79

54 752SWE00001852T b.helander@bluewin.ch

Chesnut colt 2014-04-16

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby

070-777 32 11

Storm Cat (USA) Merchant of Venice (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN)

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN)

Street Cry (IRE) Mashaer (USA), 2009 Judhoor (GB), 2000

Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street (GB) Alhaarth (IRE) Almurooj (GB), 1995

1st dam MASHAER (USA), winner at 3 years and 51.400 kr and placed twice, hcp 80; above is her first foal. 2nd dam JUDHOOR (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £32,157 including Ripon Silver Bowl Fillies Stakes, Ripon, L., placed 4 times including third in Newton Fund Managers Rockingham Stakes, York, L.; dam of one winner: MASHAER (USA), see above. Ghur (USA), 2010 f by Hard Spun (USA), placed 3 times at 2 years and £1,034; also placed 3 times in Belgium and France at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and £6,381. Taghleeb (USA), 2011 c by Hard Spun (USA), placed once in USA at 3 years, 2014 and £12,036. Sultah (USA), 2008 f by Redoute’s Choice (AUS), placed once at 2 years. Rehlaat (USA), 2005 f by Swain (IRE); dam of a winner. PIERGIORGIO (GB), 4 wins in Italy from 2 to 4 years, 2015 and £14,903 and placed 10 times. She also has a 3-y-o filly by Invasor (ARG). 3rd dam ALMUROOJ (GB), placed twice at 3 years; dam of six winners: JUDHOOR (GB), see above. Dhaafer (GB), g by Nayef (USA), winner in Australia at 5 years; also winner over hurdles at 4 years, third in Fred Winter Juvenile Handicap Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr3 and winner over jumps in Australia at 5 years and £57,649, third in Wheelie Waste Grand Annual Chase, Warrnambool, L. (twice). MUZHER (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 4 times. MOODHILL (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice; also placed once in U.A.E. at 4 years. AL SIFAAT (GB), winner at 2 years and placed twice, from only 4 starts, dam of winners. TASHEYAAT (GB), winnerat 3 years and placed twice, all her starts. The next dam AL BAHATHRI (USA), Champion 3yr old filly in Ireland in 1985, Champion 3yr old miler in Ireland in 1985, 6 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Goffs Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, Coronation Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr2, Lowther Stakes, York, Gr2, Child Stakes, Newmarket, Gr3 and Princess Margaret Stakes, Ascot, L., placed 4 times second in General Accident 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1 and Gainsborough Stud Fred Darling Stakes, Newbury, Gr3 and third in Tattersalls Cheveley Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr1 and fourth in Sun Chariot Stakes, Newmarket, Gr2, from only 12 starts; dam of eight winners including: HAAFHD (GB) (c by Alhaarth (IRE), Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2004 (9.5-10.5f.), Champion 3yr old in England in 2004, 5 wins including Emirates Airline Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1, bet365 Craven Stakes, Newmarket, Gr3 and Stan James Washington Singer Stakes, Newbury, L., third in Darley Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr1; sire. MUNIR (GB) (c by Indian Ridge), 3 wins incl Victor Chandler Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr2 and Lane’s End Greenham St, Newbury, Gr3, 2nd in Theo Fennell Lennox Stakes, Goodwood, Gr3; sire. HASBAH (f by Kris), Top rated 3yr old filly in Ireland in 1990 (7-9.5 f), Jt 3rd top rated 3yr old filly in Ireland in 1990, 3 wins incl EBF Garnet Stakes, Phoenix Park, L., second in Coronation Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr1; grandam of SUNDRENCHED (IRE), EBF Montrose Stakes, Newmarket, L., and Bonnard (IRE), 4 wins at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, third in Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr1 and Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr1, Zurich (IRE), 2 wins in USA, second in Mel’s Hope Stakes, Calder. 80

55 Muteki


MUTEKI Bay or brown colt 2014-04-09

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Bengt Morberg Vallhall, Fäboda 15 734 91 Hallstahammar 070-471 54 29 Agnes Tachyon (JPN) Devil’s Drink (JPN) Silk Prima Donna (JPN) Final Appearance (IRE) Cut Supreme (DEN), 2003 Half Row (DEN), 1988

Sunday Silence (USA) Agnes Flora (JPN) Brian’s Time (USA) Bound To Dance (USA) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Topping Girl (GB) Saville Row (GB) Harambine (DEN), 1976

1st dam Cut Supreme (DEN), ran 3 times in Denmark and Norway at 2, 5th E Eckebo Legats Vandrepremie, hcp 66; Own sister to CUT CHAMPION (DEN), CUT DI CAMPIONE (DEN), CUT ROYALE (DEN) and ONE DIRECTION (DEN); dam of one winner from 3 previous foals: Cut Cool (DEN), 2008 g by Cajun Cadet (GB), winner in Denmark at 3 years and 108.000 DKK and placed 8 times, 2nd Produce S, 3rd Vinterfavoritternes Aerespraemie, 5th Danish Criterium, hcp 75 Cut Cigale, 2009 c by Academy Award (IRE), only ran once, 2.000 DKK, dead at 3 years Irma La Douce (DEN), 2010 f by Academy Award (IRE), only ran once, 1.900 DKK, dead 2nd dam Half Row (DEN), winner and placed, 2nd Dansk Avlslöb, Rush Aerespraemie and Mowerinalöb, 3rd Dansk Opdraetningslöb; Own sister to Hard Row (DEN); dam of sixteen winners: CUT CHAMPION (DEN), 1998 g by Final Appearance (IRE), 9 wins in Denmark at 2 and 3 years and £81,553 and placed 8 times, Danish Derby, Danish 2000 Guineas, hcp 86 CUT LEGEND (DEN), 1996 g by Muthhil (IRE), Jt 4th top rated 2yr old in Scandinavia in 1998, 3 wins in Denmark and Sweden from 6 to 8 years and £7,576 and placed 9 times, Danish Criterium, 2-åringernes Stayerpröve, Produce Stakes, Fyns 2-års Grand Prix, Ålborg 2-års Grand Prix, etc. CUT SIEGERIN (DEN), 2002 f by Muthhil (IRE), 4 wins in Denmark, Norway and Sweden at 2 and 4 years and £32,519 and placed 6 times, Danish Criterium; dam of two winners. HALF BRIDLED (DEN), 3 wins in Denmark at 3 years, 2014 and £10,687 and placed twice, hcp 74 CUT ROYALE (DEN), 2005 c by Final Appearance (IRE), 2 wins in Denmark at 3 and 5 years and £36,885 and placed 11 times. CUT SO SHARP (DEN), 1997 f by Final Appearance (IRE), 3 wins in Denmark at 2 and 3 years and £15,276 and placed 7 times, Dansk Mesterskap, Ålborg 2-års Grand Prix; dam of seven winners. Half Dane (DEN), 3 wins in Denmark and Sweden at 2-3 years and £31,222 and placed 3 times, 2nd Skandinavisk Opdraetningslöb, Dansk Galops Auktionslöb, 3rd Swedish Criterium. KEEP ON FLYING (DEN), 7 wins in Denmark and Sweden from 2 to 7, £45,371, placed 27 times. HALF EAGLE (DEN), 3 wins in Denmark at 4 and 6 years, 2015 and £8,798 and placed 11 times. WARP CORE (DEN), 2 wins in Denmark at 3 years, 2014 and £5,017 and placed 3 times. Habitus (DEN), 1994 c by Muthhil (IRE), 10 wins and placed 34 times, 330.775 DKK, 2nd in Dansk Opdraetningslöb, hcp 80 HALF AND HALF (DEN), 1993 f by Muthhil (IRE), 4 wins, plac 6 t, 113.000 SEK; dam of three winners: HALFSONG (SWE), f by Songline (SWE), 12 wins in Denmark and Sweden from 2 to 6 years and £240,904, Scandinavian Open Championship, Gr3, Copenhagen Golden Mile, L. Scandinavia Cup, L., placed 22 times inc second in Jockeyklubbens Avelslopning, L. (twice), Golden Mile, L., Coolmore Matchmaker Stakes, L., Scandinavia Cup, L., Semb Hovedgard Hoppelop, L. and third in Bloomers’ Vase, L. and Scandinavia Cup, L.; dam of two winners: HALF TIGER (SWE), 3 wins in Sweden to 2015 and placed 9 times, 301.714 SEK, hcp 81. HALF GLORIA (SWE), winner and placed in just 2 starts at 3, 2015, 84.000 SEK, hcp 78 HALF SADLERS (SWE), 7 wins from 3 to 6 years and £25,489 and placed 11 times. HALF GIRL (SWE), 4 wins in Sweden to 6 years and £18,031 and placed 16 times. CUT IMPERIAL (DEN), 2007 g by Academy Award (IRE), 5 wins in Denmark and Sweden at 4 and 5 years and £15,183 and placed 9 times, hcp 75 CUT DI CAMPIONE (DEN), 2001 g by Final Appearance (IRE), 3 wins in Denmark at 2 and 3 years and £8,307 and placed 4 times, hcp 78 ONE DIRECTION (DEN), 2009 c by Final Appearance (IRE), 2 wins 2 races in Denmark at 3 years and 81 £11,142 and placed twice.

56 Carambola Star stallpernilla@icloud.com

Carambola STar Bay or brown filly 2014-06-03 www.stallpernillanilsson.se

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 775 96 Krylbo 0706-317 317

Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Inchinor (GB) Inching (GB), 2000 Tshusick (GB), 1991

Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Ahonoora (GB) Inchmurrin (IRE) Dancing Brave (USA) Infanta Real (GB), 1985

1st dam Inching (GB), placed 9 times at 2-4 yrs; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 previous foals; CaSaNoVa STar (SWE), 2010 c by Sixties Icon (GB), 6 wins, placed 7 times, 1.054.870 kr, Tapwell Derby Sprint, Kay Jensens Pris, SM 2-åriga, 2nd Götalandlöpn, Voter Juvenile, Manoustielöpn, 5th Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, hcp 86 Impressive (SWE), 2012 f by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ), 2 wins and placed 3 times in 8 starts, 273.000 kr, 2nd in IKC Opportunity, 4th in Scandic Derby Sprint, and 5th in Götalandlöpn, hcp 78 VERA’S MOSCOU (IRE), 2006 g. by Kheleyf (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2010 in France and £58.261 and placed 13 times. CHILWORTH LASS (IRE), 2008 f by Imperial Dancer (GB), winner at 2 years and £4,422 and placed 5 times; also placed 6 times in Germany at 5 and £1,911; also placed 3 times over hurdles at 4 yrs. Mooching Along (IRE), 2005 f by Mujahid (USA), unraced, dam of three winners; Safari Sunseeker (IRE), g by Tagula (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £12,430 and placed 5 times; also 3 wins in Hong Kong at 4 and 5 years, 2014 and £254,930, placed 6 times including second in Macau Hong Kong Trophy, Taipa, l. Primo Uomo (IRE), c by Strategic Prince (GB), winner at 2 years, 2014 and £11,184, placed 3 times including third in Cold Move EBF Marble Hill Stakes, Curragh, l., from only 6 starts STRATEGIC FORCE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £13,355 and placed 6 times. 2nd dam TSHUSICK (GB), winner at 3 years, placed 3 times; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 12 foals; maJESTIC mISSIlE (IRE), c by Royal Applause (GB), 6 wins at 2-5 years at home and in France and £169,225, incl Willmott Dixon Cornwallis S, Ascot, Gr3, Betfair Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3, P. Petit Couvert-Casino Barriere Dinard, Longchamp, Gr3 and Earth Mortgages Scarbrough S, Doncaster, l, 2nd Dubai International Airport World Trophy, Gr3, City Wall S, l, 3rd Nunthorpe S, Gr1 and King of Beer S, Curragh, l; sire. SaNTo PaDrE (IRE), g. by Elnadim (USA), 5 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2009 and £130,370 and placed 8 times, incl Woodlands S, Naas, l, 2nd Piper-Heidsieck Achilles S, Haydock Park, l, Abergwaun S, Tipperary, l, 3rd Weatherbys Ireland Greenlands S, Curragh, Gr3. Parisian Elegance (GB), f. by Zilzal (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £18,321 and placed 5 times, incl 3rd Princess Margaret S, Ascot, Gr3, Weatherbys VAT Returns Service S, Haydock Park, l and Rose Bowl S, Newbury, l; dam of six winners, march on beetroot (GB), 2 wins, 2010 and £55.830 and placed twice, incl 2nd Blue Square Sandy Lane S, Haydock Park, l. SILCA ELEGANCE (GB), winner at 3, placed 5 times; also 3 wins at 4-5 in Greece, £14,500. BROUGHTONS CHARM (IRE), 3 wins from 2 to 4 years, 2014 and £16,990 and placed 10 times. COSMOPOLITAN (GB), 3 wins at 4 years, 2009 and £24,171 and placed once. RAPPEL (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2009 in France and £50,966 and placed 8 times. ABSOLUTE SWAY (GB), placed at 3 years, 2014; also winner in U.A.E. at 4 years, 2015 and £6,293. black moth (IRE), c. by Invincible Spirit (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years, 2010 and £18,021 and placed 4 times, incl 3rd Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, l. majestic alexander (IRE), 2011 f. by Bushranger (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £17,139, placed twice including third in Coral Dragon Stakes, Sandown Park, l. AGATA LAGUNA (IRE), 5 wins at 2 and 3 yrs in Italy and £42,249, placed 11 times, dam of one winner TRIBAL PRINCE (GB), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years and £34,703 and placed 19 times. 82

Scandinavian Breeders’ System Rävdansens Stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93

57 Steel Claw ravdansen@telia.com

STEEL CLAW Bay or brown colt 2014-04-01

Philomatheia (USA)

Kufoof (USA), 2000


Danzig (USA) Kooyonga (IRE) Silver Hawk (USA) Barakat (GB), 1987

Northern Dancer (CAN) Pas De Nom (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Anjuli (IRE) Roberto (USA) Gris Vitesse (USA) Bustino (GB) Rosia Bay (GB), 1977

1st dam Kufoof (USA), ran once at 3 years and ran in Sweden at 5 years, hcp 68; dam of three winnersEVANS (SWE), 2011 g by Philomatheia (USA), 2 wins and 262.472 kr, and placed 7 times, hcp 76 SALLY SOLE (SWE), 2007 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in Sweden and 210.400 kr and placed 4 times, 4th SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, hcp 74 SIR BOURBON LOVE (SWE), 2008 g by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), winner at 3 years in Sweden and 178.200 kr and placed 7 times. Pullman (SWE), 2012 g by Philomatheia (USA), ran twice at 2, 2014, retired due to illness 2nd dam BARAKAT (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, £22,331 and placed 3 times, from only 6 starts; dam of eleven winnersMABADI (USA) (f. by Sahm (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in USA and £81,672 incl Yerba Buena Stakes, Golden Gate, L., placed 4 times including 2nd Santa Barbara H, Santa Anita, Gr2; dam of a winner. SALAI (FR), by Myboycharlie (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in France and £94,300 incl Prix Omnium II, Saint-Cloud, L. and P. Etalons la Cauvinere Crit.de l’Ouest, Craon, L., placed 4 times iincl 2nd Prix Paul de Moussac, Chantilly, Gr3 and 3rd Prix de Conde, Longchamp, Gr3. Ta Awun (USA) (f. by Housebuster (USA), winner at 3 years and £10,490 and placed twice incl 3rd Upavon Stakes, Salisbury, L; dam of winners. Mumaris (USA), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; also 2 wins over hurdles and £10,793 and placed 9 times incl 3rd Listowel Races Sup. Club Lartigue Hurdle, Listowel and 5 wins over fences and £43,426 and placed 20 times. KILLCARA BOY (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £12,993 and placed 3 times; also 3 wins over hurdles and £15,461 and placed once and placed 4 times over fences. STAR COMMANDER (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £18,786 and placed 7 times. CAPPIELOW PARK (GB), placed 4 times at 2-5 yrs, 2014; also 2 wins over hurdles and placed 5 times. BARAJUR (GB), 2 wins at 4 years in Greece and £11,087 and placed 4 times. MABROOKA (USA), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; also placed once over hurdles. MUDALAL (USA), winner at 3 years and placed twice. FAKIH (USA), winner at 3 years and placed once. TADAWUL (USA), winner at 3 years; dam of winners. Absolutly Me (FR), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £51,347 and placed 7 times incl 2nd Berenberg Bank Cup, Baden-Baden, L. and 3rd Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L. Oke Bay (GB), placed twice at 3 years; dam of a winner. OLIVIA (GB), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Hungary and placed once. 3rd dam ROSIA BAY (GB), by High Top (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed twice; dam of seven winners inclIBN BEY, Champion 3yr Old Colt in Italy in 1987, 10 wins at 2 to 6 years at home, in France, in West Germany and in Italy incl Jefferson Smurfit Mem Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1, Gran Premio d’Italia, Milan, Gr1, Der Grosse Preis der Berliner Bank, Dusseldorf, Gr1, R+V Preis von Europa, Koln, Gr1, Walmac Int. Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr2, Grand Prix de Deauville Lancel, Deauville, Gr2, Prix Maurice de Nieuil, Saint-Cloud, Gr2, N M Schroders Predominate S, Goodwood, L and Leisure Investments Silver Cup, Lingfield Park, L. 83

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ISBN ISBN ISBN 978-9 978-9 978-9 ISBN 1-979 1-979 1-979 978-9 676-0 676-0 676-0 1-979 -0-0-0 676-0-0


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Vill du veta mer om galoppsporten?


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Oförgl ingen . Oförgl via gen .domen Oförgl gen och ridnin ömligt och ömligt och hade .ömligt Oförgl hade gen . Nadja hade turen . Nadja och turen .ömligt Nadja turen s utmär hade attatt s utmär .sNadja få att utmär turen få rida slag ktakta få rida slag rida sbok slag löpnin att kta ”i ”i utmär löpnin bok moder få löpnin bok - jag ”i moder gar - kta rida moder slag jag gar - tvekar n tid” jag under gar n”itid” löpnin bok tvekar under nmoder tvekar under tid” - ger -inte jag en - ger gar inte en - oss period nger inte tvekar attatt en under period tid” oss mycke period oss utnäm att mycke - ger utnäm i unginte mycke en utnäm i ungt oss iperiod na sätt initier att ung- i ungt initier na sätt tmycke den na sätt utnäm initier kan den adad kan den tilltill kan umgås och tad den umgås na sätt till och initier den umgås och ”hand den den mest kan ”hand med mest ad ”hand med till mest griplig umgås med matny och och den griplig matny och griplig matny ”hand och tata mest ” inform ttiga med hand ” inform ttiga ta hand ”griplig ttiga matny hand inform och i sitt omom i sitt ation roligas i sitt tadessa ation roligas om ” ation ttiga i sitt hand inform dessa roligas och dessa tete och fascin och och kunska om fascin ation te roligas och kunska fascin dessa och kunska mest erande mest erande och p om mest teberika erande p om fascin och kunska p hur berika fullblo om berika fullblo hur mest nde erande fullblo hur vipvi nde dshäst på nde iberika om dshäst vi på hela i hela bästa dshäst på fullblo hur i hela bästa ar.ar. sporte bästa nde vi på bästa sporte Hon ar. dshäst sporte Hon i hela n, n, Hon visar nämlig visar n, ar. nämlig sporte visar därme nämlig Hon därme enn, därme en visar det d en nämlig det på d aktiva det på d därme det aktiva på det aktiva enengag kanske det kanske det d kanske engag på det kanske engag aktiva - Björn emang - Björn emang - Björn emang engag etet Zachr Zachr och -Zachr et emang och Björn isson, och deltag isson, deltag isson, deltag et andet Zachr galop och galop andet galop andet isson, deltag pexpe i den. pexpe i den. pexpe iandet galop rt,rt, den. i den. innova rt, pexpe innova innova tör, rt, tör, tör, finnova df amatö df amatö d tör, amatö rrytta f rrytta d rrytta amatö rcham rcham rcham rrytta AvAv pion pion Nadja Av pion Nadja rchampion Nadja Av Bellan Bellan Nadja Bellan der der Bellan der i sama i sama i sama der rbete rbete irbete sama med med med rbete Svens Svens Svens med kk Galop k Galop Svens Galop p pk pGalopp ISBN ISBN ISBN 978-9 978-9 978-9 ISBN 1-979 1-979 1-979 978-9 676-0 676-0 676-0 1-979 -0-0-0 676-0-0


in iin iiga ga ga i lo ga lo lopp handboken träning ochtävling tävling förklapp lo pp en pp en ensen IIden nya boken Galoppsport Galoppsport --träning och förklaras ss s fa fa fasc sc fa scin in sc in er er in eran an er ande an de debegrepp, de vä vä värl vä rlrld! d! d! rlfår d! ras många av galoppsportens termer och och många av galoppsportens termer och begrepp, och läsaren prakI bok I bok I bok enen Ien Gal bok Gal Gal en opp opp opp Gal spo spo opp spo rtrtrt spo - -trä -trä trä rtnin nin -nin trä ggoch gnin om och om och om spor g täv spor täv spor och täv om tens ling tens ling tens spor ling täv aktö berä aktö berä tens ling aktö berä rer, ttas rer, ttas aktö rer, berä ttas båd läsaren fårtips praktiska råd och tips om hur man rider, båd utfö tiska råd och om hur man rider, sköter tränar galopphästar. båd utfö rer, eoch ttas utfö etvårligt etvåbåd rligt tvårligt utförligt och eoch tvåoch fyrb tips fyrb tips fyrb tips och enta om enta om enta om fyrb tips ridn . ridn Läsa . ridn Läsa enta . om Läsa ing ing ren ing ridn . ren och Läsa ren och får och ing får trän får ren trän prak trän prak och prak ing får ing tiska ing trän tiska avavav prak tiskatiska galo ing galo galo av och pph och pph och galo pph beg ästa beg ästa beg ästa och pph repp r,r,och repp repp beg r,ästa och och förk förk mån repp förk r,mån lara mån och lara ga lara förk ga s si sde mån ga före ilara de i de ga teels 15 Nadja Bellander ,före iföre sam Författare är journalisten och tränaren teels 15 s 15 teels före iavsn sköter och tränar galopphästar. Författare är tränaren de ererteels avsn avsn er -er 15 itten ren itten ren avsn itten ren titta . I. itten titta titta slut I. slut ren I slut inintitta et.etIav bak inbak etslut bak avav om bok in om bok etbok om bak kuli en av kuli enen kuli om får sser bok får sser får sser kuli läsa na en läsa na läsa na får sser hos - - -läsahos hos na någ någ trän någ hos trän rarara trän arna av någ arna avav arna trän dede rade , som , arna mes som , som av mes mes tdetfram berä berä , som tfram berä mes fram ttar ttar gån t berä ttar gån fram gån om gsri om gsri om ttar gsri sina gån ka sina kaka sina Svensk Galopp , som har faktagranskat boken och ställt arbete med om gsrika stal stal sina stal lruti lruti lruti Nadja Bellander, Belldale Racing School (belldale.com) stal ner. ner. ner. lrutiner. sitt bildarkiv tillmed förfogande. I slutet av boken fårhar vi följa med bakom i samarbete Svensk Galopp, som faktagranskulisserna tilloch några av desitt mest framgångsrika tränarna på olika kat boken ställt bildarkiv till förfogande. platser i landet, som berättar om sina stallrutiner. I slutet av boken får vi följa med bakom kulisserna cm, 140 sid), som är inbunden och rikt illustretill Boken några(18,5x24 av de mest framgångsrika tränarna på olika rad i 4-färg, säljs vid banorna och kan rekvireras mot faktura via platser i landet, som berättar om sina stallrutiner. SRB (som genom sitt förlag Officina Fraterna även ligger bakom Idag kan du köpa boken till specialpriset 200 kr layout och prepresshantering) på mailadress srbz@home.se. (ordinarie pris 250 kr). Du kan också beställa den Priset är 250 kr inkl moms. Porto (36 kr) tillkommer då boken genom attpost. skicka mejl till författaren på Galoppservice, skickas med Vid ett direktbeställning använd SRB nadja.bellander@svenskgalopp.se plusgiro 1 73 49-2 . Glöm då inte att ange adress! Boken kan också beställas för avhämtning vid någon av banorna Belldale Racing School (portot bortfaller då). På Jägersro säljs den även direkt av Vi hjälper Dig att fatta galoppen! Sam W Friberg och på Täby genom Täby Stall och Foder.



NNNAAA NDDD AJJJD AAAJBB ABEEEBLLLLELLA LAALNNN ADDD NEEEDRRRE R I Isam Isam sam arb I arb sam arb ete ete ete arb me me ete me ddSve d me Sve Sve nsk dnsk nsk Sve Gal Gal nsk Gal opp opp opp Galopp

11-05-24 11-05-24 11-05-24 10.41.24 10.41.24 11-05-24 10.41.24 10.41.24


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