14 saef netversion104pps

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Följ det senaste om auktionen på www.saef.se





Desert Dawn, uppfödd hos HorseNature KB i Brottby, som gick under klubban på SÅEF-auktionen 2010 för 20.000 kr, ses ovan vinna sin hittills största seger. Det gäller Breeders’ Trophy Classic den 21 juli 2014 på Täby som med Jan-Erik Neuroth i sadeln gav hans ägare Easy KB o Stall Dawn 659.123 kr inkl bonus på ett bräde. Den av Roy Arne Kvisla tränade valacken ligger nu på 1.556.243 kr efter 13 starter inkl 4 segrar. Vem gör ett sådan fyndköp på SÅEF-auktionen denna gång? Foto Svensk Galopp Bildbank.

78 katalognummer Tillgängliga för visning fredag 18-20 Planlagd visning lördag 09.30



Såstaholm lördag 13 sept 2014 kl 13

Rätt försäkrad Tryggt hästägande med Agria

20% ie lägre prem

Säkra ditt auktionsfynd!

Veterinä rvård för 449 kro Veterinärvårdsförsäkringen A2 ökar du enkelt tryggheten för Vi Med finns på plats och hjälper dig att försäkra din nhäst, o dig och din häst – för bara 449 kronor om året. Maxersättningen är om året r ! 000 du kronor,20% självrisken är 2 800 kronor samt enåret, rörlig del om om nu120får rabatt första du köpt häst på 20 procent. I försäkringen ingår buköppning och kolik utan extra

auktion. Hästar sålda på auktionen kostnad. En olycksfallsförsäkring för ryttare eller kusk ingår i allaär automatiskt/gratis Agrias hästförsäkringar. livförsäkrade i en månad hos Agria till köpeskilling! Ring oss redan i dag så berättar vi mer. Du hittar ditt lokala

Ringhästombud ditt lokala Rogerkundcenter Nilsson 070-811 på Agriaombud agria.se eller kontakta på 020-8849 8814, 88. Lars Lindh 070-557 87 07, Kontakta ditt lokala hästombud på agria.se eller ring 020-88 88 88. Kerstin Åker Werner 070-371 60 56 för att få veta mer. Du kan också ringa 0775-88 88 88.

Agria länsförsäkringsgruppens specialistbolag för djuroch grödaförsäkring. AgriaDjurförsäkring Djurförsäkring är är länsförsäkringsgruppens specialistbolag för djuroch grödaförsäkring.

Välkommen till Stockholms Åringsauktion 2014!


älkomna alla galoppvänner till årets traditionella åringsauktion, den 11e i ordningen i SÅEFs regi. I år har vi valt att förlägga auktionen till Såstaholm, en plats där vi tror både hästar och människor kommer trivas ypperligt. Vi fortsätter med förra årets initiativ, att hålla auktionen i samband med Stockholm Cup-helgen, då flertalet skandinaviska tränare och ägare redan gästar Täby. Värt att notera för vår auktion i år är att vi har en stark ökning av antalet åringar som går genom ringen, samt att årets katalog bjuder på flertalet intressanta härstamningar. Notera också att vår mycket uppskattade auktionsutropare Alastair Pim är tillbaka. En framgångrik sport behöver en framgångsrik avel och det skall löna sig att köpa svenska hästar. Därför får svenskuppfödda 2-, 3- och 4-åriga fullblod 40% extra av prispengarna i form av hästägarpremie i de flesta öppna löpningarna i Sverige. Till detta kommer prispengar avsatta till löpningar för enbart svensk- eller skandinaviskfödda hästar. Det penningstinna Breeder’s Trophy paketet är ju också ett starkt incitament att satsa på svenska åringar.

Dags att premiera våra trogna kunder!




070-573 78 00 073-02 00 194 070-918 32 01



Leif Wretman Petra Amoudruz Roger Asp



Stockholms Åringsauktioner Ekonomisk Förening (SÅEF)


Stockholm Cup-helgen, inklusive vår auktion, är årets höjdpunkt för många, lite fest i vardagen kan man säga, och vi vill gärna bidra till att höja feststämningen. Kl 19.30 på fredagskvällen, dagen före auktionen, bjuder vi därför uppfödarna som säljer häst, tränare, samt de som köpt en åring på någon av våra två senaste auktioner, på mingel på Såstaholm Hotell. Vi vill även se er som gäster på lördagens lunch kl 12 på Såstaholm. Det enda du som gäst behöver göra är att anmäla ditt deltagande på mailadressen saefsastaholm2014@gmail.com senast måndagen den 9 septem­ber. Ange vilken eller vilka dagar du kommer. Vi har de senaste åren sett flera exempel på hur stor glädje ägarkonsortier kan ge, så varför inte bilda ett i år med en fin svensk åring! Var med och dela på miljonerna - kom och bjud på våra fina åringar lördagen den 13e september på anrika Såstaholm! Varmt välkomna och glöm inte att ta med släkt och vänner till detta event under Stockholm Cup-helgen.


Förteckning - Åringar




Ej namngivna åringar NN u Magic Moment NN (NOR) u Royal Adelaide NN u Baileys Silver NN u Bongo Quest NN u Dalalaat NN u Danetime Music NN u Easy Red NN u Energia Especial NN u Est Est Est NN u Fräulein NN u Magical Wood NN u Optimise NN u September Sunrise NN u Swinging Lass NN u The Fast Lane

22 73 28 44 37 57 74 27 56 12 66 32 2 21 76


År/au 2009 2007 2010 2011 2009 2006 2010 2010 2010 2008 2008 2010 2007 2009 2007

Far Statue of Liberty King Charlemagne Eishin Dunkirk Eishin Dunkirk Eishin Dunkirk Trempolino High Chaparral Mandrake El Mago Swedish Shave Eishin Dunkirk Trade Fair Black Sam Bellamy Swedish Shave Sharp Matt Most Welcome

Ägare efter auktionen Segr Pris/bonus Stall Gransäter 11 2 985 996 Racemusic HB 16 2 681 198 Almrin Racing Stable 8 2 028 842 Stall Trick or Treat AB 7 1 926 168 Sandås Ann-Louise 6 1 809 528 SRS AB 13 1 539 607 Mr Ascot 2 1 114 659 Johansson Maria, Draken, Texas 2 999 837 Engblom Henrik 6 954 709 Stall Kyrassiär 3 847 478 Dysell Sigyn 11 838 765 Stall Julianus 3 821 028 Falkbolagen AB 13 808 671 Cabinet Racing HB 4 766 880 Malmborg Gunilla 9 692 050

Tabellen läses fr v med åring, auktionsår, åringen född året före, ägare, antal segrar och prissumma/svenskbonus.









Stockholms Åringsauktioner på Såstaholm lördag 13 september Tidsprogram för auktionshelgen Fredag 12 september Boxarna disponeras från kl 09.00. Kl 18.00-20.00

Åringarna tillgängliga för visning

Lördag 13 september Visning av åringarna - se schema nedan! Lunchbuffé Auktionen börjar

Kl 10.00-11.00 11.00 13.00

Funktionärer Uppstallning/platsansvarig Personal Sekretariat Displayservice Koordinator SÅEF Utropare/presentatör

Leif Wretman 070-573 78 00 Petra Amoudruz 073-02 00 194 Göran Nilsson och Marita Wirenstål SRB AB Roger Asp 070-918 32 01 Alastair Pim (Tattersalls Ltd, UK)

Obligatoriskt tidsschema för visning av åringarna i nummerordning lördag morgon kl 10.00-11.00 i ridhuset. Åringarna visas i skritt, numrerade med ”hip numbers”, och leds runt i högervarv enligt följande tidsschema:

Kl 10.00 Kl 10.10 Kl 10.20

Nr 1-12 Nr 13-25 Nr 26-40

Kl 10.30 Kl 10.40 Kl 10.50

Nr 41-60 Nr 61-70 Nr 71-81

Boka hotellrum till rabatterat pris!

Täby Park Hotel Bokning helst via mejl: hotell@tabypark.se Ange ”Hästauktionen” för rabatt. Tel 08-506 483 00 3


Auktionsvillkoren 2014 1.

Auktionen anordnas av Stockholms Åringsauktioner Ekonomisk Förening (SÅEF) lördagen den 13 september 2014 på Brunmåla Hästanläggning, Såstaholm, Täby.

Auktionen är öppen för skandinaviskuppfödda fullblods­åringar (födda 2013). Säljare ansvarar för att åring som utbjudes är vederbörligen registrerad. Auktionen beräknas starta kl 14.00 med visning dagen före, fredag kl 18-20 och auktionsdagen från kl 10. Åringarna beräknas kunna tas emot fredag från kl 09.00 samt lördag fram till kl 09.00.

För övriga tidsangivelser, se katalogen.


Åringarna säljs i befintligt skick. Samtliga uppgifter rörande åringen är lämnade av säljaren, som ensam svarar för riktigheten av dessa. SÅEF och säljaren friskriver sig uttryckligen för fel och brister hos de försålda åringarna. Arrangören och säljarens ansvar gentemot köparen är begränsat till prisavdrag eller till att som mest återbetala det klubbade priset jämte provision och mervärdesskatt. Arrangören och säljaren ansvarar således inte för direkta eller indirekta skador som köparen drabbas av.


För fullgörande av sin undersökningsplikt äger köpare rätt och möjlighet att besiktiga och/ eller låta veterinär undersöka hästen före auktionstillfället. Kostnaden för en sådan åtgärd skall betalas av köparen.


Försäljningen sker i nummerordning enligt katalogen.


Anmälningstiden utgår fredagen den 6 juni 2014. Anmälningsavgift till auktionen är 2.200 kr, vilket in­klu­derar boxplats och strö samt plats för katalogsida i kata­logen. För svenskuppfödda åringar bidrar Jockeyklubben med 1.000 kr av katalogsideskostnaden för att främja svensk fullblodsavel. Därför faktureras endast 1.200 kr av SÅEF i anmälningsavgift för svenskuppfödda åringar. Anmälningsavgiften skall vara inbetald senast den 31 juli. Anmälningsavgiften återbetalas ej oavsett strykningsanledning. Efteranmälan godtas ej.


Anmälan kan göras med den anmälningsblankett som utsändes till samtliga ägare av registrerade svenskuppfödda fullblodsåringar. På anmälningsblanketten skall säljarens registreringsnummer för mervärdesskatt anges. Om skyldighet att redovisa mervärdesskatt ej föreligger skall detta markeras i avsedd ruta.

Låt din häst åka med Håkans Hästtransporter till vinnarcirkeln! www.hakanshasttransporter.se 070-591 24 00 4

Håkan mobil


Transportbidrag lämnas med 400 kr per häst om resvägen enkel väg överstiger 250 km.


Budgivningen skall vara på minst 1.000 kr per bud. Minimipris 10.000 kr.


Bevakning av reservpriser görs ej från SÅEF:s sida utan säljare har att själv med motbud eller på annat sätt bevaka sin åring under det att den är i ring för försäljning.

10. Försäljningen sker kontant eller - om så överenskommes med säljaren - mot faktura per 30 dagar netto, räknat från auktionsdagen. Resp säljare ombesörjer fakturering och kreditbevakning. Vid försenad betalning har säljaren rätt att debitera dröjsmålsränta med 2% per månad räknat från förfallodagen. 11. Auktionsprovision debiteras säljaren med 2% och köparen med 6%. Vid återrop debiteras säljaren 2% i återropsprovision. Vid återrop debiteras således säljaren totalt 4%. Åring som säljs efter auktionen och senast 15 september registreras som såld på auktionen om säljaren dokumenterar köpet på SÅEF försäljningsblankett och anmäler köpet till SÅEF senast 2014-0915 kl 24.00. Återropsprovisionen bortfaller då och köparen debiteras sedvanlig köpprovision. Provisioner debiteras separat genom SÅEF. Vid försenad eller utebliven betalning debiterar SÅEF dröjsmålsränta med 2% per månad. 12. Mervärdesskatt tillkommer på anmälningsavgift, inropssumma, auktionsprovision och ev övriga avgifter. 13. Om i katalogen upptagen åring utan giltig anledning dras tillbaka från auktionen, debiteras säljaren en provision på 6% av auktionsmedelpriset. Som giltig anledning godtas endast veterinärintyg utvisande att det av medicinska skäl är omöjligt för åringen att delta. 14. Äganderätten till såld häst övergår till köparen först när hästen är till fullo betald. Efter klubbslaget övergår ansvaret och eventuella kostnader på köparen. Skulle häst insjukna, skadas eller dö efter klubbslaget är köparen ändå skyldig att betala hela köpesumman inkl provision. 15. Samtliga försålda åringar, utom de som återropats, nytecknas kostnadsfritt under 30 dagar i AGRIA Racing till klubbat pris (exkl moms och provisioner). 16. Följande veterinärintyg skall avlämnas till behörig auktionsfunktionär vid åringens ankomst till auktionsplatsen:

a. Intyg gällande influensavaccination: Minimikravet är en grundvaccination (A) där andra injektionen (B) ges inom 21-92 dagar efter A.

b. Intyg gällande smittfrihet: Intyget, som får vara högst 3 dygn gammalt, skall utvisa att såväl åringen som övriga hästar i aktuellt stall inte uppvisar symptom på smittsam sjukdom.

17. SÅEF förbehåller sig rätt att ombesörja dopingprovtagning auktionsdagen på åringarna jämlikt SG:s bestämmelser om otillåtna medel. 18. Inropad åring får stå kvar i sin auktionsbox på Brunmåla Hästanläggning till efter tävlingarna Stockholm Cup-dagen söndagen den 14 september. I annat fall förbehåller sig SÅEF dels rätten att flytta hästen, dels debitera en avgift om 3.000 kr per häst.










19. SÅEF (inkl SRB AB som framställer katalogen) fritar sig från allt ansvar beträffande ev felaktigheter och tryckfel i auktionskatalogen.


Article 1 (RACING) Excerpt from International Agreement on Breeding and Racing and Appendixes

Recognition and Categorization of Quality Races (Group/Graded and Listed Races) Introduction. A convention has been establish­ ed whereby Racing Authorities, in categorising the races of the highest quality run in their res­pective countries, apply common descriptions. These descriptions, and abbreviations thereof, are shown below, in descending quality order: Group 1/Grade 1 (Gr1) Group 2/Grade 2 (Gr2) Group 3/Grade 3 (Gr3) Listed or Listed Restricted (L or LR) Such races are set out in the International Cataloguing Standards (ICS) Book published by the Jockey Club Information Systems Inc, in association with the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA). The ICS Book separates countries and/or races into three sections, Part I, Part II and Part III. Group/Graded races in Part I are recognized as such internationally. For countries in Part II and Part III, the country code is included as a prefix to the Group/Grade to denote domestic recognition. Further recognition of Group/Graded and Listed status is included in section 3 of this Article. Group/Graded races contained in Part I are also listed on the IFHA web site (www.IFHAonline.org). Procedure for the Selection/ De-selection of such races. 2.1 Granting Group/Graded Race status or upgrading a race to a higher Group/Grade, must be justified by the quality of the runners. 2.2 Granting Listed Race status must be justif­ied by the quality of the runners or by published National standards that ensure quality runners. 2.3 Conversely, except in exceptional circumstances, Group/Graded Races must be downgraded or lose their status if the quality of the runners does not justify it 6

and Listed Races must be downgraded if the quality of runners does not justify it or if they do not adhere to published National standards that ensure quality runners. Note: ’Quality’ can be assessed by different systems in different regions: ratings, last performances, points. Implications of Such Categorisation Such categorisation is relevant in recognizing the highest class races conducted for domestic and international purposes. Additionally, such categorisation is relevant: In the treatment within sales catalogues of horses which have performed in such races In determining whether a horse is qualified for a race and/or the weight it is assigned - race conditions may make reference to the categorisation of the races in which the horse has previously competed. In such cases, whether a race in another country is or is not treated as such by the Staging Authority will depend on the country in which the prior race was run. For both the above purposes, positioning within the various parts of the ICS Book - determines policy, as shown below. Sales Cataloguing Races listed in Part I: The appropriate abbreviation for Group/Graded races (eg Gr1, Gr2, Gr3,) will follow the name of the race in question. Horses winning or being placed in the first three in Group/Graded and Listed races will be assigned ’Black Type’ (ie the horse’s name will appear in a bolder typeface). Races listed in Part II: Horses winning or being placed in the first three will be assigned ’Black Type’ and the races are treated the same as Listed races for Part I countries. Races listed in Part III are published for information purposes only and do not confer Black Type.

Note: The above applies for sales catalogues that comply with standards recognized by the Society of International Thoroughbred Auctioneers (SITA). 3.2 Interpretation of Races Run Abroad, For the Purpose of Qualification for Races and/ or the Assignment of Weights For countries whose major races are published in Part I only or in both Part I and Part II: Races categorised as Group or Graded are regarded as Group/Graded races of the Group/

Grade indicated. Other published races are regarded as Listed Races. For countries whose major races are published in Part II only: All published races are regarded as Listed Races. For countries whose major races are published in both Part II and Part III: Those races either (i) published in Part II or (ii) published in Part III and described as Group 1, are regarded as Listed races. Updated in April 2014

Recognized Black Type Races (Gr3/L) in Scandinavia 2014 Denmark (Gr3 - 1, L - 2) Gr3 L L

Scandinavian Open Championship Dansk Pokallöb Dansk Jockey Club Cup

Kla Kla Kla

500 000 DKK 250 000 DKK 180 000 DKK

3y+ 3y+ 4y+

2400 gr 1800 gr 1800 gr


3y+ 3y+ 3y+ 3yo 3y+ f/m 3y+ f/m 3y+ 3y+ f/m 3y+

1800 gr 2400 gr 1370 gr 2400 gr 2400 gr 1600 gr 1600 gr 1800 gr 1170 gr


3y+ 4y+ 3y+ 3y+ 3yo 3y+ 3y+ f/m 3y+ 4y+ f/m 3y+ f/m 3y+ 3y+ f/m 3y+ 3y+ 4y+ 3y+

1730 dt 1950 gr 2400 gr 1200 dt 2400 dt 1200 dt 1730 dt 2400 dt 1600 gr 1600 gr 2000 dt 1950 gr 1600 gr 1150 gr 1150 gr 1600 dt

Norway (Gr3 - 3, L - 6) Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Oslo Cup Polar Cup Norsk Derby Erik O Steens Memorial Lanwades Stud Fillies & Mares Stakes Polar Mile Cup Semb Hovedgård Hoppelöp WABA Europallers Sprintlöp

Gr3 Gr3 Gr3 L L L L L L

Övr Övr Övr Övr Övr Övr Övr Övr Övr

1 300 000 600 000 500 000 1 200 000 400 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000

Sweden (Gr3 - 4, L - 12) Pramms Memorial Stockholms Stora Pris Stockholm Cup International Zawawi Cup Svenskt Derby Lanwades Stud Sprint Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpning SFK Jubileumslopning Bloomers’ Vase Lanwades Stud Stakes Songline Classic Stockholm Fillies & Mares Swedish Open Mile Täby Open Sprint Championship Täby Vårsprint Tattersalls Nicke’s Minneslöpning

Gr3 Gr3 Gr3 Gr3 L L L L L L L L L L L L

Jäg Täb Täb Jäg Jäg Jäg Jäg Jäg Täb Täb Täb Täb Täb Täb Täb Täb

800 000 800 000 800 000 600 000 1 600 000 400 000 400 000 400 000 400 000 400 000 400 000 400 000 400 000 400 000 400 000 400 000

Note: Some of the abovelisted races have been run under other names/sponsors during the years they have been qualified as such. The Black Type status previously and locally assigned to several other major races in Scandinavia has retroactively been removed. 7

Förteckning - Mödrar

Åringarna i bokstavsordning/mödrar Moder Ambitious Angel’s Share Assraar Asuncion Baby Dancer Baileys Silver Blue Jean Baby Blusher Bongo Quest Borena Capizzi Cherokees Smoke Costly Member Crystal Air Cycle of Life Dalalaat Danetime Music Day To Shine Delta Downs Diafa Easy Red Ellis Island Emily Rose Energia Especial Est Est Est Eurotanz Flip Flopping Fly French Madness Fräulein Gimme Gimme Graceful Pegasus Grey Pearl Heart That Matters Hidden Ransom Holly Society Kufoof L’Italiana La Bonita Lady Lonsdale Lalla Top Top Little Green Apple 8


Love’s Mirage Lovely Eyes Lucky Thoughts Lumen Madeline Bassett Magic Moment Magical Wood Maidford Mariee Celebre Melody Star Mint Whip Mon Dia Monita Optimise Pandorea Power Kiss Premier Quite Easy Reed Door Rose Quantas Royal Adelaide Sadowa Seeking The Storm September Sunrise Snowfall Solid Platinum Solid Snake Sun Song Sweet Fox Fever Sweet Marguerite Sweeten Swinging Lass The Fast Lane The Spread Tomodachi Victory Spirit White Heather


Förteckning - Säljare

Säljare i bokstavsordning Alebäcks stuteri AB/Peter Björnsson Lindärva Gård 1, 531 91 Vinninga 25 Bear Thoughts 60 Bear Wells Alvena Gård AB/Per Olof Johansson Eskelhem Alvena 604, 622 70 Gotlands Tofta 31 Alvena Waltz 67 Martelle Brantshammar Stuteri AB/Karin Johansson Brantshammar, 741 92 Knivsta 10 Mix 41 Tamagotchi 68 Quittra Campbell Mette Andbell Stud, Marsh Green Lane Hartfield, East Sussex TN7 4ET, England 73 NN u Royal Adelaide Christer Svanholm AB/Christer Svanholm Igellösa 103, 388 96 Ljungbyholm 9 La Kiss 55 Label Erna van Doorn, Jägarskogen 2, 155 94 Nykvarn 6 Earnest 19 Ellisette 30 Emilia 52 Extacia 71 Eye Drop Eriksson, Per-Johan o Ylwa, Enge Får- o Hästgård, Gammelgarn Änge 121, 623 67 Katthammarsvik 42 Enge Euphoria

I R Hovslageri Sport o Avel/Ida Rehnström Videbynäs Siggetorp, 646 94 Björnlunda 61 Accelerate Jacobson Katarina Skartoftavägen 213, 275 94 Sjöbo 18 Sweet Hill 39 Lyrique Hill 69 Bonjour Hill Malea Racing AB Ann-Charlotte Ahlin Nordström, Svanvägen 18, 183 77 Täby 35 Hit the Road Jack Martell Lena Stånga Österlings 322, 623 60 Stånga 70 Pim Mec-Com Klippan AB/Bengt Thomasson Krika 2272 A, 264 92 Klippan 3 Cat O Nine 14 Cat on Fire 23 Catch 33 Kitty Cat Fly 43 Ramstein 63 Solid Edge Morberg Bengt Vallhall Fäboda 15, 734 91 Hallstahammar 8 Monique 29 Myron 51 Meandro 75 Maipo Navesta Hästklinik AB o Equo Bloodstock HB Helena Gärtner Navesta, 641 42 Valla 79 Eyes On The Prize

Fällbro AB/Kerstin Ericsson Skålhamravägen, 187 70 Täby 40 Prometheus 9

Nilsson Pernilla Råby 14, 775 96 Krylbo 13 La Supernova 34 Amarillo Starlight 53 Capoeira 64 Golden Yen 81 Nitro Nobella Peep Kask Trav AB o Fellowship Racing AB Mårten Kask Årstaängsv 31 H, 117 43 Stocksholm 80 Madiba Renew HB/Peter Wallin Kyrkvägen 9, 635 06 Eskilstuna 24 Zoey The Princess Rävdansens stuteri/Ivan Sjöberg Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla 7 All Or Nothing 15 Begging 20 Bounce 26 Dolly Dagger 38 Fiddle And Drum 54 Home and Dry 72 Pink Star 77 Pistol SMS Racing HB o Expromo HB Stefan Ahlqvist, Stava Gård, 184 43 Åkersberga 1 Picasso Staffansson Gösta och Therese Therese Staffanssson, Nannberga Gammelgård 214, 732 91 Arboga 16 Destimona 46 La Maitresse 65 Wild Experience Stalfelt Annika Lanna Niordsta 109, 692 93 Kumla 5 Cordelia 59 Houston Heat Stall Ekeby/Caroline Söderberg Ösbyvägen 26, 761 75 Norrtälje 4 Delta Dagger 47 Caproni


Stall Jalih/Jan Hansson Hjärås gård 9152, 242 97 Hörby 17 Calgary 36 Red Deer 58 Spirit River 78 Golden Meadow Stall Mojito/Thomas Gjelsås Möllebakken 12, 1359 Eiksmarka, Norge 57 NN u Danetime Music Stern Gunilla Högaholmen, Lämnarp, 576 91 Sävsjö 49 Stern Laprillapril Stjärnstallet HB o Stall Texas/Hans Carlzén Flyghamnsv 16 B, lgh 1301, 183 64 Täby 48 Dallas Svista Säteri/Bo Helander Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 2 NN u September Sunrise 12 NN u Fräulein 21 NN u Swinging Lass 27 NN u Energia Especial 32 NN u Optimise 37 NN u Dalalaat 44 NN u Bongo Quest 56 NN u Est Est Est 66 NN u Magical Wood 76 NN u The Fast Lane Vägerstorps Stuteri HB/Ulla Josefsson Vägerstorp, 535 91 Kvänum 50 Mariee Gare Östersäby Stuteri/Sonja Olsson Östersäby, 736 92 Kungsör 22 NN u Magic Moment 28 NN u Baileys Silver 74 NN u Easy Red

Förteckning - Hingstar

Hingstförteckning ACADEMY AWARD (IRE) b 2000 Danehill (USA) - Ingabelle (GB) / Taufan (USA) Unplaced in his only race at 2, in Ireland, retired due to injury Champion Sire in Scandinavia in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Sire of 128 winners of 399 races and £4,118,661 incl RAGAZZO (Polar Cup Gr3, Polar Mile Cup L, Norsk Jockeyclubs Sprintlöp L, 2nd Zawawi Cup Gr3, 3rd Zawawi C up Gr3, Täby Vårsprint L), THEATRICAL AWARD (Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Gr3, Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn L, Semb Hovedgard Hoppelöp L, 2nd Stockholm Cup International Gr3, Lanwades Stud S L, 3rd Stockholms Stora Pris Gr3, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Gr3, Walter Nilsens Minnelöp Gr3, Valley Chapel Memorial L, Morten og Torvald Klaveness’ Minnelöp L), SYDNEY (Morten og Torvald Klaveness’ Minnelöp L, 3rd Morten og Torvald Klaveness’ Minnelöp L), REVENTON (Copenhagen Golden Mile L, 2nd Härkila 110, Pokallöb L, 3rd Copenhagen Golden Mile L, Seeland Dansk Pokallöb L), Master Kid (3rd Skandinavian Open Championship Gr3), Maltho (2nd Dansk Jockey Club Cup L, 2nd Härkila 111. Pokallöb, 3rd Swedish Open Mile L), Be My Award (3rd Land Rover Svenskt Derby L). Kat nr: 13 ALFRED NOBEL (IRE) b 2007 Danehill Dancer (IRE) - Glinting Desert (IRE) / Desert Prince (IRE) 3 wins at 2 and £244,633 incl Phoenix S Gr1, Railway S Gr2, 3rd Greenlands S Gr3. Sire of 2 winners of 2 races and £15,025 from his first crop, 2yos in 2014, incl AIMEE (France) and EXPLOSIVE LADY (England). Kat nr: 81 APPEL AU MAITRE (FR) ch 2004 Starborough (GB) - Rotina (FR) / Crystal Glitters (USA) 12 wins at 2 to 6 and Euro876,602 incl Grand Prix Premiere Gr3, Stockholm Cup International Gr3, Marit Sveaas Gr3, Stockholms Stora Pris Gr3, Svenskt Derby L, Walter Nilsen Memorial L, 2nd Rhineland Pokal Gr1, Oppenheim Union Gr2, 3rd Deutschland Preis Gr1, Champion 3yo in Scandinavia 2007, Champion Older Horse in Scandinavia 2008 His first crop are yearlings of 2014. Kat nr: 17, 46, 50


Fri uppstallning i 30 dagar! Loggan härintill, som återfinns på många katalogsidor längst ned, innebär att säljaren/ uppfödaren är villig att erbjuda kostnadsfri uppstallning inkl skötsel och vård - på köparens risk - under 30 dagar direkt efter auktionen den 13 september för varje såld åring. Kontakta resp säljare direkt vid auktionen för praktiska detaljer. 11

ARCHIPENKO (USA) b 2004 Kingmambo (USA) - Bound (USA) / Nijinsky (CAN) 6 wins at 2 to 5 and £1,254,781 incl Queen Elizabeth II Cup Gr1, Al Fahdi Fort S Gr2, Summer Mile S Gr2, Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial Gr2, Zabeel Mile Gr3, 2nd Arlington Million Gr1, 3rd Dubai Duty Free S Gr1. Sire of 16 winners of 29 races and £240,946 incl MADAME CHIANG (Tattersalls Musidora S Gr3), LADY PENKO (FR) (Prix Caravelle - Haras des Granges L), Lady Penko (ITY) (2nd Criterium Aretuseo L, 3rd Premio Repubbliche Marinare L, 106th Criterium Labronico L). Kat nr: 6 CHINESE MANDARIN (USA) ch 03 Kingmambo (USA) - Rose Gypsy (GB) / Green Desert (USA) 7 wins at 3 to 6 and £162,433 incl Scandinavian Open Championship Gr3, 2nd Scandinavian Open Championship Gr3, SFK Jubileumslöpn L. Sire of 2 winners (STRADIVARIUS (DEN), POSION YVY, of 4 races and £17,466. First crop are 3yos in 2014 Kat nr: 19, 52 COCKNEY REBEL (IRE) b 2004 Val Royal (FR) - Factise (USA) / Known Fact (USA) 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £448,721 incl 2000 Guineas Gr1, Irish 2000 Guineas Gr1, 3rd Champagne S Gr2. Sire of 45 winners of 95 races and £720,533 incl Cock of the North (2nd National S L), Cockney Bob (2nd Prix Policeman L, 3rd Prix des Sablonnets L), Taloubet (3rd Winterfavorit Trial L). Kat nr: 73 DEVIL’S DRINK (JPN) b 07 Agnes Tachyon (JPN) - Silk Prima Donna (JPN) / Brian’s Time (USA) Unraced. To stud in Denmark in 2011. His first crop are 2yos in 2014. Kat nr: 51 DUSTOORI (GB) br 2004 In The Wings (IRE) - Elfaslah (IRE) / Green Desert (USA) 2 wins at 3 and £12,243. Sire of 4 winners (CATMANDU, 2 wins, CARACAS DANCER, DUST IS LOOSE, EL ABANDONADO), of 5 races and £44,341. First crop are 4yos in 2014. Kat nr: 2, 8, 16, 28, 29 EISHIN DUNKIRK (USA) ch 97 Mr Prospector (USA) - Forest Flower (USA) / Green Forest (USA) 3 wins at 2 to 4 and 39,571,000 Yen in Japan. Champion Sire in Sweden 2010, 2011 and 2012, Champion Sire in Sweden of 2yos in 2009, 2011 and 2012, Champion Sire in Scandinavia of 2yos in 2012. Sire of 52 winners of 126 races and £1,489,429 from his European crops incl EDE SENSATION, F/M of the Year in Sweden 2012, Older Horse of the Year in Sweden 2012 (Lanwades Stud S L, BT Stayer, Lanwades Stud S, Swedish Champion Sprint, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 3rd Coolmore Matchmaker S L), Girl From Ipanema (3rd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn L), WAKAYAMA, F/M of the Year in Sweden 2009, (BT Mile, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn 2, Becky Moss Fillies Mile, JIMMY MACK, Champion Horse of the Year in Sweden 2012, Champion 3yo in Sweden 2012 (BT Classic, BT Mile, BT Juvenile, Mischa Kahns Minne, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn), QUITE A MISSION (Dansk Derby, BT Juvenile, Svenskt Kriterium, Agria Auktionslöpn, JK 2000 Guineas), JELLY ROLL (JK Jubileumslöpn), PAID (BT MIle), DOMO ARIGATO (SM 2-åriga), HONGKONG STAR (Svenskt Kriterium), SKRIK (Skand Mesterskap 2-årige) and RED EISHIN (Försommerlöp 3-årige). Also sire in Japan of A Shin Sword (3rd Wakakusa Sho L) and HONEST JOHN, major Black Type winner. Kat nr: 7, 20, 26, 38, 53, 54, 59, 64, 67, 72, 77


FRAAM (GB) br 1989 Lead On Time (USA) - Majestic Kahala (USA) / Majestic Prince (USA) 5 wins at 3 to 5 and £133,142 incl Joel S L, 2nd Premio Natale di Roma Gr3, Prix Chemin de Fer du Nord Gr3, Ben Marshal S L, Doncaster Mile L, 3rd City of York S L, Strensall S L. Sire of 148 winners of 469 races and £4,295,899 incl MAJESTIC DESERT (Fred Darling S Gr3, Oak Tree S Gr3, 2nd Coronation S Gr1, Prix d’Astarte Gr1, Premio Vittorio di Capua Gr1), LADY LAHAR (Futurity S Gr3, 2nd Prix de la Nonette Gr3, 3rd Falmouth S Gr2), CLIFTON DANCER (Eternal S L), SUBITODOPO (Premio Villa Borghese L), ANNEBEE (Coolmore Matchmaker S L), BLUSHER (Amacita, Svealand, Scania Sprint), LOIS (Altamira), STEELWOLF (3rd Täby Open Sprint Championship), IRISH CORNER (2nd Mowerina, Svealand). Kat nr: 79 HEART OF OAK (USA) ch 1992 Woodman (USA) - L’On Vite (USA) / Secretariat (USA) 6 wins at 3 to 5 and SEK577,960 incl Toto-Lotto Sprint Preis L, P-E Pramms Minneslöp L. Halvbror till HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR, Champion 2-åring i Frankrike 2006. Sire of 54 winners of 165 races and £1,022,035 incl Queen of Hearts (Norsk Breeders Prize, Svenskt Oaks, 2nd Lanwades Stud S L), LUCKY HEART (SM Sprinters). Kat nr: 45 KHELEYF (USA) br 2001 Green Desert (USA) - Society Lady (USA) / Mr Prospector (USA) 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £77,648 incl Jersey S Gr3, 2nd Norfolk S Gr3, 3rd Lennox Cup Gr2. Sire of 322 winners of 926 races and £8,958,474 incl SAYIF (Diadem S Gr2, Battlefield S L, 2nd Middle Park S Gr1, July S Gr2, Oceanport S Gr3, San Simeon H Gr3, 3rd Vintage S Gr2, Mill Reef S Gr2), PENNY’S PICNIC (Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte Gr2, Prix Eclipse Gr3, Prix La Fleche L, 3rd Prix Djebel Gr3), CHARLIE EM (Senorita S Gr3, 3rd Autumn Miss S Gr3, PERCOLATOR (Prix du Bois Gr3, Prix La Fleche L, 2nd Prix Robert Papin Gr2), MAJESTIC QUEEN (Ballyogan S Gr3, 2nd Brownstown Fillies S Gr3), INCOGNITO (The Forbes Breeders’ Juvenile Championship L), MALDON PROM (Macau Summer Trophy L, 2nd Macau Chairman’s Challenge Cup L, 3rd Macau Sprint Trophy L), VLADIMIR (Criterium du Bequet L, 3rd Prix Morny Gr1), MERACUS (Criterium Labronico L, Premio Toscana L), MOONLIGHT RED (Premio Mantovani L), CAPTAIN RAMIUS (Star Appeal S L), PLAYFELLOW (Silver Tankard S L, Champagne S Gr2), MAREMMADIAVOLA (Premio Eupili L), VIRTUAL GAME (Premio Merano L, Premio Rumon L, Premio Regione Toscana L), GO ANGELLICA (Stonehenge S L), NEED YOU NOW (Radley S L), TIGGY WIGGY (National S L, 2nd Queen Mary S Gr2, 2nd Marygate S L). Kat nr: 31, 34, 41, 42, 70 KÖNIGSTIGER (GER) b 2002 Tiger Hill (IRE) - Kittiwake (GB) / Barathea (IRE) 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £196,922 incl Gran Criterium Gr1, Oppenheim Union-Rennen Gr2, Fruhjahrspreis des Bankhaus Metzler Gr3, 2nd Merrill Lynch Euro Cup Gr2. Sire of 75 winners of 184 races and £1,823,549 incl SAINT PELLERIN (Criterium du Fonds Europeen de L’Elevage L, 2nd Prix des Chenes Gr3), SHINING GLORY (Grosser Preis der Eilert Bauunternehmung L), WHY NOT (Bavaria Preis L), SECESSIO (Iffezheimer Derby Trial L, Winter Cup L, 2nd SWB Derby Trial L, Grafton Cup L, 3rd Lord Mayors Cup L, W J McKell Cup L). Kat nr: 39 LAYMAN (USA) ch 2002 Sunday Silence (USA) - Laiyl (IRE) / Nureyev (USA) 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £136,761 incl Prix de Cabourg Gr3, Sovereign S Gr3, 2nd Prix Morny Gr1, 3rd Grand Criterium Gr1. Sire of 79 winners of 202 races and £2,976,876 incl BOLDOGSAG (Prix des Reservoirs Gr3), GAMMARTH (Prix Servanne L, 2nd Goldene Peitsche Gr2, Prix de Ris-Orangis Gr3, Prix de Meautry Gr3, 3rd Prix du Gros-Chene Gr3), REGATTA (Prix des Sablonnets L, Prix des Lilas L). Kat nr: 9, 35, 36, 48, 55, 58, 65, 78


MERCHANT OF VENICE (USA) b 98 Storm Cat (USA) - Bonita Franchita (USA) / Devil’s Bag (USA) Winner at 3 and £6,677. Halfbrother to JULES (USA) and ORPEN (USA). Sire of 187 winners of 683 races and 4,25 mill USD incl ASHTAR (El Derby S Gr1, Herrera Martinez S Gr2, Mistral S Gr3), IL VENEZIANO (Tanteo de Potrillos S Gr1), LOBO BLANCO (Gran Criterium Gr1, Venegas S Gr3, Fernandez S Gr3, 2nd Seleccion de Portrillos S Gr3, 3rd Guineas Bicentenario S Gr1), ALCOHUAZ (Seleccion de Velocistas S Gr2, Flieger Preis L, Prix de Bonneval L, Zawawi Cup L, Täby Open Sprint Championship L, Täby Vårsprint L, Jägersro Sprint L (twice), Hoppegartener Sprint Cup L, 2nd Prix de Seine-et-Oise Gr3), PUERTO BOTANY (Nicanor Senoret S Gr2, 2nd Copa de Plata S Gr1), AMARNA (J S Baeza S Gr3), EL GONDOLIERO (Seleccion de Potrillos S Gr3), LA TOR�ROSA (Jose Saavedra Baeza S Gr3) and Black Type-winners TOUCH ME BABY, BRUNEQUILDA, YANGTSE, TAIHEDIAN and MOUNTAINEER and a further 10 Stakes-winners. Kat nr: 4, 10, 24, 27, 40, 44, 47, 56, 68, 71, 76 MORES WELLS (GB) b 2004 Sadler’s Wells (USA) - Endorsement (GB) / Warning (GB) 8 wins at 3 to 7 and £725,604 incl Ballyroan S Gr3 (twice), Ballysax S Gr3, Stockholm Cup International Gr3, Grand Prix de Lyon L, 2nd Canadian International Gr1, Curragh Cup Gr3, Prix d’Hedouville Gr3, Stockholm Cup International Gr3, Prix de Sud-Ouest L, Prix Rene et Jacques Bedel L, 3rd Irish St Leger Gr1, Irish Champion S Gr1, Mooresbridge S Gr3, Prix de Reux L, Grand Prix de Nantes L. His first crop are yearlings in 2014. Kat nr: 25, 60, 80 NOBILEO (GB) ch 2003 Galileo (IRE) - Nataliana (GER) / Surumu (GER) 3 wins at 3 and £74,531, 2nd Svenskt Derby L, 3rd Derby Trial Rennen L. Sire of 2 winners of 2 races (NOBEL BRIDE, NOBLE ROCKET) and £48,671. Kat nr: 5 PHILOMATHEIA (USA) br 1997 Danzig (USA) - Kooyonga (IRE) / Persian Bold (IRE) 5 wins at 3 to 6 in Japan. Sire of 15 winners of 44 races and £512,903 incl MASTER FITZ (Criterium Partenopeo L, 2nd Criterium di Pisa L, 3rd Premio Vittorio Riva L), PATTAYA (Premio del Giubileo Gr3, Premio Circo Massimo L (twice), 2nd Premio del Giubileo Gr3, Premio Signorino L, 3rd Premio Presidente della Repubblica Gr1) and in Scandinavia the winners FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT (BT Juvenile, SM 2-åriga), PHILADELFIA and EVANS. Kat nr: 1, 15, 75 SADDEX (GB) b 2003 Sadler’s Wells (USA) - Remote Romance (USA) / Irish River (FR) 7 wins at 3 to 5 and Euro609,680 incl Premio Presidente della Repubblica Gr1, Rheinland Pokal Gr1, Grand Prix de Chantilly Gr2, Gerling-Preis Gr2, Grosser Preis der Sparkasse L, SWB Bremer Derby Trial L, 2nd 2nd Prix Ganay Gr1, Preis der Deutschen Einheit Gr3, 3rd Grosser Preis von Baden Gr1, Frankfurter Fruhjahrspreis Gr3. Sire of 13 winners of 22 races and £121,882. Kat nr: 61 SIXTIES ICON (GB) b 2003 Galileo (IRE) - Love Divine (GB) / Diesis (GB) Champion 3yo Stayer in Europe in 2006. 8 wins from 3 to 5 and £533,054 incl St Leger S Gr1, Jockey Club S Gr2, Geoffrey Freer S Gr3, Glorious S Gr3, Cumberland Lodge S Gr3, Festival S L, 2nd Jockey Club S Gr2, 3rd King Edward VII S Gr2. Sire of 30 winners of 58 races and £542,208 incl CHILWORTH ICON (Premio Primi Passi Gr3, Woodcote S L), CRUCK REALTA (Ballymacoll S L, 2nd Chesham S L, Swettenham Stud Fillies’ Trial S L), AUDACIA (Pipalong S L), Effie B (2nd Bosra Sham S L, 3rd National S L, Marygate S L). Kat nr: 74


SUMMER BIRD (USA) ch 06 Birdstone (USA) - Hong Kong Squall (USA) / Summer Squall (USA) 4 wins at 3 and $2,323,040 in USA incl Belmont S Gr1, Jockey Club Gold Cup Gr1, Travers S Gr1, 2nd Haskell Invitational S Gr1, 3rd Arkansas Derby Gr2. Sire of 2 winners of 2 races and $33,704 from his first crop. Kat nr: 43 SWEDISH SHAVE (FR) ch 1998 Midyan (USA) - Shavya (FR) / Shavian (GB) 11 wins at 2 to 7 and SEK3,354,395 incl Prix de Ris Orangis Gr3, Grosser Preis von Berlin Gr3, Prix de Bonneval L, Prix Servanne L, Prix Cor de Chasse L, 2nd Prix Meautry Gr3, Pris de Ris-Orangis Gr3, Prix Servanne L, Prix Cor de Chasse L, 3rd Prix Contessina L. Sire of 27 winners of 97 races and £623,780, incl PUYOL (Agria Auktionslöpn), KING BULLTOFTA (Swedish Champion Sprint, SM Sprinters), SWEDISH GIRL (Altamiralöpn). Kat nr: 49 SWING THAT CAT (USA) b 2005 Cat Thief (USA) - Incha (GB) / Nashwan (USA) 5 wins at 2 and 3 and SEK2,142,840 incl Svenskt Derby L. His first crop are 2yos in 2014. Kat nr: 3, 14, 23, 33, 63 TERTULLIAN (USA) ch 1995 Miswaki (USA) - Turbaine (USA) / Trempolino (USA) Jt-Champion Older Sprinter in Germany in 1999. 12 wins from 3 to 6 and £221,201 incl Prix de la Porte Maillot Gr3, Grosser Buchmacher Springer Sprint Preis Gr3, Grosser Preis von Berlin Gr3, Premio Chiusura Gr3 (twice), 2nd Grosser Preis der Dortmunder Wirtschaft Gr3, Grosser Buchmacher Springer Sprint Preis Gr3, 3rd Goldene Peitsche Gr2, Holsten Trophy Gr3 (twice), Benazet Rennen Gr3, Grosser Preis von Berlin Gr3. Sire of 132 winners of 426 races and £6,076,083 incl MAWINGO (Doomben Cup Gr1, Bavarian Classic Gr3, 3rd Fruhjahrs Preis der Bankhauses Metzler Gr3), IRIAN (Mehl-Mulhens Rennen Gr2, Dr Busch Memorial Gr3, 3rd Prix Jean Prat Gr1), AVISO (Mehl-Mulhens Rennen Gr2, 3rd Jaxx Pokal Gr3), RUSSIAN TANGO (Preis der Deutschen Einheit Gr3, SWB Derby Trial L, Preis von Dahlwtiz L, Bwin Sachsen Preis L, 3rd Deutsches Derby Gr1, Mehl-Mulhens Rennen Gr2, Hamburg Trophy Gr3), ILLO (Grand Px Premiere Gr3, Devk Jubilaumscup, 2nd Gr Preis der Wirtschaft Gr3), TERTIO BLOOM (Jägersro Sprint L (twice), Zawawi Cup L, 2nd Svenskt Derby L), DIATRIBE (Kronimus Rennen L), TULIANGREEN (Premio d’Estate L), IDOLINO (Preis der Casino Baden-Baden L, 3rd Bavarian Classic Gr3), ILLIANA (Oppenheim-Rennen L), BELTANUS (EBF Meile L, 3rd Frankfurt Meile Gr3), BELANGO (Le Defi du Galop Cup L), BAIADERA (Krefelder Sprint Cup L), GUILIANI (Prix Matchem L). Kat nr: 18, 57, 69 VIRTUAL (GB) b 2005 Pivotal (GB) - Virtuous (GB) / Exit to Nowhere (USA) 5 wins at 3 and 4 and £336,878 incl Juddmonte Lockinge S Gr1, Prix Le Fabuleux L, Ben Marshall S L, 3rd Prix Jacques Le Marois Gr1, Prix du Moulin Gr1, Bet365 Mile Gr2, Heron S L. Sire of 7 winners of 8 races and £83,507. Kat nr: 30 ZAAHID (IRE) ch 2004 Sakhee (USA) - Murjana (IRE) / Pleasant Colony (USA) 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £107,088 incl Victoria Cup H, 2nd William Hill Lincoln H, 3rd Newbury Spring Cup H. His first crop are 3yos in 2014, sire of a winner and £19,066, UNCLE ALFIE (3rd BT Juvenile). Kat nr: 12, 21, 32, 37, 66


To our potential buyers from abroad:

A ”Swedishbred” will take you a lot further! In Sweden, there are several extra benefits for horses bred and raised within the country. All the yearlings in this sales catalogue qualify as Swedishbreds, even if they were born abroad, which is then shown in small letters after the horse’s name, for example ”Swede Girl (ire)”.

A Swedishbred horse: 4 receives an extra owners’ premium of 40% in all races as a 2-, 3- and 4-year-old (except in those races that are restricted to Swedishbreds only). 4 can participate in all the races in Sweden but also has a certain amount of races to choose from, open exclusively to Swedishbreds (for example, the Swedish Championships ”SM”) or same for Scandinavianbreds (e g, Svenskt Kriterium, which is closed to foreignbreds).

4 can be trained and raced in Sweden even if owned abroad, or can also be trained abroad and come to Sweden to race, which ever alternative is the most suitable.

The Scandinavian Breeders’ System Most of the Swedishbreds are entered in the Scandinavian Breeders’ System when they are yearlings. This concept, in which about 3.500.000 SEK is payed out in 8 races (5 in Sweden, 2 in Norway and 1 in Denmark), is open to foreignbreds as well, but as the sire of the horse has to be entered before the progeny is even born, very few foreignbreds actually qualify. The yearlings in this catalogue that are entered in the Scandinavian Breeders’ System has a reference about it in the top right hand corner. Get your overnight stay paid! To encourage buyers from abroad and from other parts of the country, the Swedish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (SFAF) will pay for the overnight stay at a hotel, on the condition that the buyer has purchased at least one horse for at least 75.000 SEK plus VAT at the sale (valid for maximum two nights and/or maximum 3.000 SEK, and payment against hotel receipt only). To claim this benefit, contact the secretary of the sale. (In Swedish): Svenska Fullblodsavelsföreningen (SFAF) betalar för övernattning på hotell för de köpare som köpt minst en åring för minst 75.000 SEK, plus moms, vid auktionen (bidraget utbetalas för max två nätter/max 3.000 SEK, och endast mot kvitto på hotellräkning). För att göra anspråk på bidraget, kontakta sekretariatet på auktionsplatsen.


Några hästar som är födda och uppvuxna på Rävdansens Stuteri . . . Född/uppvuxen på Rävdansen




1993 1996 2000 1990 2009 2010 1991 2008 2005 1992 2005 1995 2011 1996 1998 2007 1995 2010 1996 2009 2006 1994 1996 1998 1996 2011 1991

Diaghlyphard Funambule Songline Diaghlyphard Eishin Dunkirk Eishin Dunkirk Diaghlyphard Most Welcome Most Welcome Diaghlyphard Most Welcome Diaghlyphard Philomatheia Diaghlyphard Diaghlyphard Eishin Dunkirk Diaghlyphard Eishin Dunkirk Funambule Eishin Dunkirk Most Welcome Diaghlyphard Funambule Spectacular Tide Diaghlyphard Philomatheia Diaghlyphard

Totalt insprunget/SEK

3 288 500 2 980 045 2 965 350 2 314 960 2 028 842 1 926 163 1 755 700 1 614 395 1 516 846 1 335 000 1 181 130 1 030 760 981 341 981 341 975 350 967 865 855 250 766 883 757 870 703 202 692 050 637 356 627 700 626 290 614 320 597 839 580 460

Vi har listat de som tjänat minst 500.000 kr.

I år kommer vi och våra samarbetspartners med rekordmånga åringar, 15 stycken, till Såstaholm den 13 september! 17

Hur kan du motstå den betydande fördel det innebär att ha en bra unghäst som är uppfödd i Svea rike och som har förmåga att tufsa till lite ordinära importer och samtidigt tillgodgöra sig plus 40% av vunna prispengar i öppna löpningar . . . ?

40% +

2-4-åriga svenskuppfödda hästar får 40% i bonus i alla öppna löpningar, vilket ju betyder att de kan anses vara ”värda 40% mer” än sina utlandsuppfödda konkurrenter. De senaste två årens danska derbyvinnare köptes på SÅEF-auktionen i Stockholm, nämligen . . .

2013 Quite A Misson som nu tjänat 1.926.163 i SEK räknat 2014 Davicii som nu tjänat 545.694 i SEK räknat

. . . precis som Skandinaviens vinstrikaste 2-åringar 2013: Frank Lloyd Wright, som nu tjänat 981.341 i SEK räknat Hongkong Star, som nu tjänat 754.887 i SEK räknat M






SÅEF-auktionen på fullblodsåringar avhålles i år lördagen den 13 september på Såstaholm (ett stenkast från Täby Galopp) 18




1 Picasso

ahlquist@algonet.se Uppfödd hos Rävdansens Stuteri PICASSO (SWE) March 6th, 2013 A Chesnut Colt (First Produce)

Philomatheia (USA)

French Madness (USA) (2006)

Breeders 2015-17 Stefan Ahlqvist SMS Racing HB Stava Gård, 184 43 Åkersberga 0768-56 79 99, 070-551 09 93 (Rävdansen)

Danzig (USA) Kooyonga (IRE)

Johar (USA) Shadow Play (USA)

Northern Dancer (CAN) Pas de Nom (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Anjuli (IRE) Gone West (USA) Windsharp (USA) Theatrical (IRE) Rima (USA)

1st dam

French Madness (USA): placed once incl 5th Fabellalöb at 3-4 in Sweden and Denmark; dam of; Picasso (SWE) (2013 c. by Philomatheia (USA)), FT66: Above is her first foal. 2nd dam SHADOW PLAY (USA): winner at 4 years in USA and £39,019 and placed 5 times; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 foals; TRIBAL MYTH (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in England and £15,282 and placed 10 times. BARAT SHADOW (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and placed once. DIAMOND SHADOW (IRE): winner of a point-to-point at 6 years, 2014 and placed once. French Madness (USA): see above. 3rd dam RIMA (USA), by Jade Hunter (USA): unraced; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 7 foals; SHADOW PLAY (USA): see above. HIGH YIELD HUNTER (USA): winner at 3 years in USA and £13,750. 4th dam ESTRAPADE (USA): Champion Turf Filly in USA in 1986, 12 wins in France and in USA and $1,834,600 and 753,000 fr. incl Oak Tree Invitational H., Santa Anita, Gr1, Yellow Ribbon S., Oak Tree, Gr1, Gamely H, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Santa Ana H., Santa Anita, Gr1, Budweiser Arlington Million, Arlington Park, Gr1, Las Palmas H., Oak Tree, Gr2, Beverly Hills H., Hollywood Park, Gr2, La Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte, M’-Laffitte, Gr3, Prix de la Pepiniere, Longchamp, L and Prix des Tourelles, Longchamp, L, 2nd Trusthouse Forte Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr1, Gamely H., Hollywood Park, Gr1, San Juan Capistrano Invitation H., Santa Anita, Gr1, Santa Barbara H., Santa Anita, Gr1, Beverly Hills H., Hollywood Park, Gr2, 3rd Yellow Ribbon S., Santa Anita, Gr1, Vanity Invitational H., Hollywood Park, Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Turf, Santa Anita, Gr1, Wilshire H., Hollywood Park, Gr2, Prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr3, 4th Matriarch Invitational S., Hollywood Park, Gr1, Del Mar Invitational H., Del Mar, Gr2 and Prix du Prince d’Orange, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 6 foals; RICE (USA): 8 wins in USA and £165,658 incl Meadowlands Endurance S., Meadowlands, L, placed 5 times incl 2nd Red Smith H., Aqueduct, Gr2. TROIKA (USA): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £72,480 and placed twice; dam of a winner: MISS MAMBO (USA), 5 wins, A. Retza & M. Soudavar EBF Garnet S., Naas, L, 2nd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr2, Ben Dunne Memorial Solonaway S., Curragh, L, 3rd Gainsborough Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1 and Indian Maid Breeders’ Cup H., Hawthorne, L; dam of RACE TO URGA (USA): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2012 in USA and £117,609 incl Wait a While S., Gulfstream Park, placed twice. Estrabug (USA): unraced; dam of two winners: Plaza Recoleta (USA): unraced; dam of CALYPSO (PER), 7 wins, Clasico Almirante Miguel Grau Seminario, Hipo Monterrico, Gr2 and Clasico Santorin, Hipo Monterrico, Gr3 (twice), 2nd Clasico Ciudad de Lima, Hipo Monterrico, Gr2, Clasico Presidente de la Republica, Hipo Monterrico, Gr2, Clasico Miguel A Checa Eguiguren, Hipo Monterrico, Gr3, Clasico Baldomero Aspillaga, Hipo Monterrico, Gr3, Clasico Pedro Garcia Miro, Hipo Monterrico, Gr3, 3rd Premio Santorin, Hipo Monterrico, Gr3 and Clasico Laredo, Hipo Monterrico, L, Aracena (PER): 3 wins in Peru 2nd Clasico Felipe Pardo y Barreda, Hipo Monterrico, L. Vilka (USA): unraced; dam of three winners incl: Ayres Hall (USA): winner in USA, 2nd Highland Happening S., Suffolk Downs; dam of DIOCESAN POLICY (USA): winner at 3 years, 2013. 21

2 752SWE00001636T b.helander@bluewin.ch

A BAY FILLY Foaled April 30th, 2013 (first foal)

1st dam

Dustoori (GB) September Sunrise (IRE) (2004)

Bo Helander Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11 In The Wings Elfaslah (IRE) Mull of Kintyre (USA) Deep In September (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17


Sadler’s Wells (USA) High Hawk(IRE) Green Desert (USA) Fair of The Furze (IRE) Danzig (USA) Retrospective (USA) Common Grounds (IRE) Spindle Berry (GB)

SEPTEMBER SUNRISE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and 104.500SEK, incl Kay Jensens Pris, and placed twice, FT78. 2nd dam DEEP IN SEPTEMBER (IRE), ran 3 times at 2 years; dam of two winnersSEPTEMBER SUNRISE (IRE), see above. VIRGOS BAMBINO (IRE), winner over fences. Lohan (IRE), placed once at 2 years. 3rd dam SPINDLE BERRY (GB), by Dance in Time (CAN), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of seven winnersTIFFANY’S CASE (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years and placed 8 times; dam of winners. LEGAL SET (IRE), 11 wins and placed 39 times. GOLDEN BRIEF (IRE), 9 wins at 3 to 5 years and placed 11 times. SILKEN BRIEF (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of SZAMOCA (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Hungary. IMPERIAL GARDEN (IRE), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Macau. COALITION, 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 6 times. PEGWOOD (IRE), 2 wins; dam of winners. AKITA SUN (AUS), winner in Australia. DESERT BOY (AUS), winner in Australia. CIRCUIT COURT (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed 5 times. HELEN RED, winner at 2 years. SUNNY DANE (IRE), winner at 3 years in Germany; dam of winners. SARONG (GER), 4 wins at 4 to 6 years in Germany and placed 8 times. SUNNY HILL (GER), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany and placed 9 times. Camanime, unraced; dam of winners. JIMMY PROTECTOR (IRE), 6 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Greece. TASH DANCE (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed 11 times; dam of BIG VALENTINO (IRE), 7 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2014 in Italy and placed 16 times, SKY OF LIMITS (IRE), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and placed 7 times. IRSKA SIPKA (IRE), Champion 2yr Old Filly in Czech Republic in 1998, 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in Czech Republic. ZLATA SIPKA (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Czech Republic. BOLD AND GORGEOUS (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 5 times, all his starts. The next dam CHOKEBERRY, unraced; Own sister to CRANBERRY SAUCE and Kingsberry; dam of two winners inclJackie Berry, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times incl 3rd Larkspur S, Leopardstown, Gr3; dam of winners. CONEYBURY (IRE), IBM Stockholms Stora Pris, Täby, L, SFK Jubileumslöpn, Jägersro, L, Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Övrevoll, L, 2nd Oslo Cup, Övrevoll, L, Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Övrevoll, L and Nickes Minneslöpn, Täby, L; sire in Norway. Pencader (IRE), winner at 2, placed twice incl 2nd King Edward VII S, Royal Ascot, Gr2. Juniper Berry (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 4 times incl 2nd Shadwell Stud Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L; granddam of BLITZEN (JPN), Lord Derby Challenge Trophy, Hanshin, Gr3, 2nd Tomoe S, Hakodate, L and 3rd December S, Nakayama, L, KITASAN MESSAGE (JPN), Sapporo Nikkei Open, Sapporo, L. 22

3 Cat O Nine


CAT O NINE (SWE) April 12th, 2013 A Grey Colt

Bengt Thomasson Mec-Com Klippan AB Krika 2272 A, 264 92 Klippan 070-863 29 86

Swing That Cat (USA)

Cat Thief (USA)

Hidden Ransom (USA) (2000)

Silver Ghost (USA) Ransom Dance (USA)

Incha (GB)

Breeders 2015-17

Storm Cat (USA) Train Robbery (USA) Nashwan (USA) Idle Gossip (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Misty Gallore (USA) Red Ransom (USA) Dance Teacher (USA)

1st dam

Hidden Ransom (USA), 4 wins in USA 2nd Thomas J Malley S, Monmouth Park, Betsy Ross S, Monmouth Park and 3rd Regret S, Monmouth Park, L; Own sister to GHOST DANCING (USA); dam of two winnersSAMYSILVER (USA) (2008 c. by Indian Charlie (USA)), 7 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2014 in Italy and £85,204 incl Gran Premio Citta’ di Napoli, Naples, L, placed 12 times. TIZ HIDDEN (USA) (2007 f. by Tiznow (USA)), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years in USA and £20,141 and placed once. Raize’s Ransom (USA) (2010 f. by Tapit (USA)), placed once at 2 years in USA Hidden Fever (USA) (2006 f. by Stormin Fever (USA)), ran in USA; dam of a winner vizStormin Wendy (USA) (f. by Ecclesiastic (USA)), winner in USA, 3rd Irish Sonnet S, Delaware Park. Cat In Vegas (SWE) (2012 c. by Swing That Cat (USA)), qualified 2014-06-25 2nd dam RANSOM DANCE (USA), placed once at 3 years in USA; dam of eight winnersGHOST DANCING (USA) (f. by Silver Ghost (USA)), 5 wins in USA incl Oakley S, Colonial Downs, R.; dam of winners. Moro Tap (USA), winner to 2013 in USA, 3rd Louisville H, Churchill Downs, Gr3. Diamond Spirit (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), winner at 2 years in USA, 2nd Sands Point S, Belmont Park, Gr3, Herecomesthebride S, Gulfstream Park, Gr3, Valley Stream S, Aqueduct, Gr3, 3rd Go For Wand S, Delaware Park, L and Gaily Gaily S, Gulfstream Park. Hidden Ransom (USA) (f. by Silver Ghost (USA)), see above. Maria’s Dance (USA) (f. by Maria’s Mon (USA)), 3 wins at 3 years in USA and £49,828 and placed 4 times incl 3rd Oakley S, Colonial Downs, R. ; dam of winners. 3rd dam DANCE TEACHER (USA), by Smarten (USA), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in USA incl Ladies H, Aqueduct, Gr1, Gallorette H, Pimlico, Gr3 and Bal Harbor S, Hialeah Park, 2nd Vineland H, Garden State, Gr3, Wallis S, Sandown Park, L, 3rd First Flight H, Aqueduct, Gr3, Spicy Living H, Rockingham Park, L; dam of five winnersINTENTIONAL FEVER (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA incl Walking in Da Sun S, Delaware Park and Beautiful Day S, Delaware Park, placed 7 times incl 2nd Miss Woodford S, Monmouth Park, L, Interborough H, Aqueduct, Drumtop S, Suffolk Downs, 3rd Heed S, Saratoga, L, Sweet & Sassy S, Delaware Park, L and Correction H, Aqueduct. Ghostly Moves (USA), 6 wins at 2 to 5 years in USA and placed 11 times incl 2nd Widener H, Hialeah Park, Gr3, 3rd Pegasus H, Meadowlands, Gr2, Broward H, Gulfstream Park, Gr3 and Kenny Noe Jr. H, Calder, L; sire. Dancehall Fever (USA), 12 wins in USA, placed 14 times incl 2nd Steward Mitchell S, Laurel. State Craft (USA), 10 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in USA and placed 5 times incl 3rd Sunny Slope S, Santa Anita, L. Dance Move (USA), unraced; dam of winners. CAT MOVES (USA), Prioress S, Belmont Park, Gr1 and 3rd Test S, Saratoga, Gr1. DANCE HALL DAYS (USA), Serena’s Song S, Monmouth Park. Forty Moves (USA), winner in USA, 2nd Hurricane Bertie H, Gulfstream Park, Gr3; dam of Joe Tess (USA), placed in USA 2nd Decathlon S, Monmouth Park, L. 23

4 Delta Dagger linaso@live.se

DELTA DAGGER (SWE) May 14th, 2013 A Brown Gelding

Merchant of Venice (USA) Diafa (POL) (1993)

Breeders 2015-17 Caroline Söderberg Stall Ekeby Ösbyvägen 26, 761 75 Norrtälje 073-645 19 93 Storm Cat (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Juror (POL) Diamina (POL)

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Saragan (GB) Jurystka (POL) Parysow (GB) Diamanta (POL)

1st dam

DIAFA (POL), 3 wins, placed 4 times, 2nd Rzeka Wisla S, 3rd Cardea S, Solina S, Fillies Derby Trial, Krasne S; dam of five previous foals; Diafanta (POL), 2006 f by Siam (USA), unraced, died at 3, 2009 Dolores (POL), 2007 f by Exaltation (IRE), unraced to date Daphne (SWE), 2009 f by Don Corleone (GB), ran once at 3, 2012 Mosquito Fighter (SWE), 2010 g by Melmac, unraced to date Flying Barrel (SWE) (2012 c. by Zaahid (IRE)), not reported in training. 2nd dam DIAMINA (POL), 5 wins, Nagroda Liry (Oaks), Warsaw, L and Nagroda Soliny, Warsaw, L, 3rd in Nagroda Criterium Eqvalan, Warsaw, L and Wielka Warszawska Nagroda Prezydenta, Warsaw, L; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 6 foals, Diafa (POL), see above. DAHIRA (POL), 1992 f by Dakota, 2 wins, placed 9 times, dam of a winner: Donald (POL), 2000 c by Enjoy Plan, 2 wins, placed 3 times, 2nd Doris Day S, 4th Neman S, Aschabad S, also placed on the flat in England and 2 wins over hurdles in England, £10.259 DASMINA (POL), 1996 f by Jape, winner, placed 3 times, dam of one winner: DOROTHY HILL (SWE), winner to 2013 in Sweden. DALCIANA (POL), 1999 f by Winds of Light, 4 wins, placed 5 times, dam of winners incL. DETERMINACJA (POL), 2005 f by Sorbie Tower, 7 wins, Czechian Oaks, Slovakian Oaks, and three other Stakes races, placed 9 times; 7 times in Stakes races. 3rd dam DIAMANTA (POL), by Mehari (FR); dam of one winner from 2 foals of racing age vizDIAMINA (POL), see above. The next dam DEMONA (POL), by Masis, 14 wins, Polish Derby, Derby Trial, Polish 2000 Gns, Austrian St Leger, Berlin S, and 7 other Stakes races; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 12 foals; DEMON CLUB (POL), 6 wins, Polish Derby, Polish 2000 Gns, Strzegom S, 2nd St Leger, sire DAMON (POL), 3 wins, Strzegom S, 2nd Derby Trial, sire DIANA (POL), 3 wins, Probna Prize, Efforta S, Solina S, 4th Polish Derby, dam of winners DIADEMA (POL), 4 wins in Poland, Driada S, Otwarcia H; dam of one winner: DIORAMA (POL), winner in Poland; dam of Diego (POL), 5 wins in Poland 2nd Nagroda Syreny, Warsaw, L, and Drink (POL), 2nd Nagroda Iwna, Warsaw, L. Demonio (POL), placed 3rd Grande Crse.de Haies de Printemps Hurdle, Auteuil, L. Danae (POL), unraced; dam of one winner: DIONIZOS (POL), Nagroda Mokotowska, L. Demonika (POL), unraced; dam of one winner: Demilight (POL), winner in Poland; also winner over jumps in Germany, 2nd Badener Roulette Preis Hurdle, Baden-Baden, L.


5 Cordelia

Annika Stalfelt Lanna Niordsta 109 692 93 Kumla 070-885 78 08

annika@niordsta.se niordsta.se

CORDELIA (SWE) April 23rd, 2013 A Chesnut Filly

Nobileo (GB) Costly Member (SWE) (2000)

Galileo (IRE) Nataliana (GB) Emarati (USA) Sawlah (GB)

Breeders 2015-17

Sadler’s Wells (USA) Urban Sea (USA) Surumu (GER) Nathia (GER) Danzig (USA) Bold Example (USA) Known Fact (USA) Sanctuary (GB)

1st dam COSTLY MEMBER (SWE), 2 wins at 2 years in Sweden and £17,104 and placed 8 times; 3rd SM 2-åriga, dam of two winnersHONGKONG STAR (SWE) (2011 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), 3 wins at 2 years, 2013 in Sweden and £52,459 and placed 3 times, incl Svenskt Kriterium and Svensk Galopps Auktionslöpn HOLLY SOCIETY (SWE) (2007 f. by Funambule (USA)), 3 wins at 2 years in Sweden and £26,829, incl SM 2-åriga. Colonel (SWE) (2009 c. by Heart of Oak (USA)), placed once at 3 years in Sweden. 2nd dam SAWLAH (GB), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of seven winnersFANUS (IRE), 13 wins in Spain and in Sweden and £41,719, sire ZAITOON (IRE), placed 3 times at 3 years; also 2 wins over hurdles and £18,888 and placed 8 times and 4 wins over fences and £30,867 and placed 22 times. FIELD SPURT (GB), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Japan and £662,817 and placed 7 times. TOTTE (SWE), 4 wins at 5 and 6 years in Norway and £25,169 and placed 17 times. PANCAKEHILL (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £13,064 and placed 10 times. COSTLY MEMBER (SWE), see above. OLGA (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and £10,243 and placed 4 times. Iktidar (GB), placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners. Qadar (IRE), 7 wins and £106,133 and placed 36 times incl 3rd pontins.com Cleves S, Lingfield Park, L. Ikan (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £52,648 and placed 12 times incl 2nd Constant Security Doncaster S, Doncaster, L. Valjarv (IRE), winner at 2 years and £72,516 and placed 13 times incl 3rd Green Ridge Stables Empress S, Newmarket, L. Sulwaan (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and placed 3 times; also winner over hurdles and £12,854 and placed once and winner over jumps in USA and £15,184 and placed once viz 3rd Marcellus Frost Hurdle, Percy Warner, R. HAZELHURST (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed twice; dam of CAPITAN CORALLO (GB), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Italy and £10,031 and placed 4 times. 3rd dam SANCTUARY, by Welsh Pageant (FR), unraced; dam of seven winners inclSHEIKH ALBADOU (GB), Champion Older Sprinter in Europe in 1992, 6 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in USA incl Keeneland Nunthorpe S, York, Gr1, Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr1 and King’s Stand S, Ascot, Gr2, 2nd Ladbroke Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr1, CIGA Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1, Vosburgh S, Belmont Park, Gr1 and 3rd July Cup, Newmarket, Gr1; sire. Latalomne (USA), 3 wins and placed 6 times; also winner over hurdles and placed 4 times incl 3rd Barton & Guestier Top Novices’ Hurdle, Aintree and 4 wins over fences and placed 7 times. DURHAM (GB), 8 wins and placed 27 times; also winner over hurdles and placed twice. ASSIGNMENT, 6 wins at 3 to 7 years and placed 30 times. CAPTAIN JACK (GB), 5 wins at 4 and 7 years and placed 4 times; also winner over hurdles and placed twice. TRANQUIL LIFE (USA), winner at 2 years; dam of winners. 25

6 Earnest

Erna van Doorn Jägarskogen 2 155 94 Nykvarn 070-580 77 00

erna@amska.se stallamska.com

EARNEST (SWE) February 15th, 2013 A Brown Gelding 1st dam

Archipenko (USA) Rose Quantas (IRE) (1999)

Kingmambo (USA) Bound (USA) Danehill (USA) Summerosa (USA)

Mr Prospector (USA) Miesque (USA) Nijinsky (CAN) Special (USA) Danzig (USA) Razyana (USA) Woodman (USA) Rose Red (USA)

ROSE QUANTAS (IRE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 3 times; Own sister to Summerland (IRE); dam of four winnersEMILY ROSE (SWE) (2006 f. by Bahamian Bounty (GB)), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and £26,700 and placed 11 times. EVITA QUANTAS (GB) (2004 f. by Zamindar (USA)), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed 4 times. ECHINUS (SWE) (2009 c. by Dr Fong (USA)), 2 wins at 4 years, 2013 in Sweden, under both rules. LA ROSA NOSTRA (GB) (2005 f. by Dr Fong (USA)), winner at 2 years and placed 5 times. Ecco (SWE) (2011 c. by Footstepsinthesand (GB)), ran in Sweden at 2 years, 2013. 2nd dam SUMMEROSA (USA), winner at 3 years and placed 6 times; dam of three winnersSummerland (IRE) (g. by Danehill (USA)), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in Hong Kong and £326,998 and placed 12 times incl 2nd Criterium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr1, Victor Chandler Chester Vase, Chester, Gr3, Manchester Evening News July S, Haydock Park, L, 3rd King Edward VII S, Ascot, Gr2, Criterium du Fonds Europeen de L’Elevage, Deauville, L and Queen Mother’s Memorial Cup, Sha Tin, L. ROSE QUANTAS (IRE), see above. LAST LOVE (IRE), winner at 3 years and £16,077 and placed once, from only 3 starts; dam of winners. Pageboy (IRE), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years; also 2 wins over hurdles and £15,314 and placed twice incl 3rd Fishery Lane Hurdle, Naas and winner over fences and £11,390 and placed 3 times. LEAGUE OF NATIONS (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2013 and placed 7 times. Danehill’s Dream (IRE), unraced; dam of winners. Viking Storm (GB), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2013 and £63,487 and placed 6 times incl 3rd Congrats R Hughes Chmpn. Floodlit S, Kempton Park, L. 3rd dam ROSE RED (USA), by Northern Dancer (CAN), winner at 2 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of five winners inclZIND (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in Singapore incl Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Singapore, L, 3rd Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr1. LEGAL RIGHT (USA), winner at 3 years; also 3 wins over hurdles and placed twice and 7 wins over fences incl Tote Silver Cup Showcase H Chase, Ascot, Tripleprint Gold Cup H Chase, Cheltenham and Tommy Whittle Chase, Haydock Park, placed 8 times incl 2nd Pillar Property Chase, Cheltenham and 3rd Martell Cup Chase, Aintree. EXCELLENT GIFT (USA), winner at 3 years in USA; dam of winners. ALLEGED GIFT (USA), winner in USA; dam of SOUVENIR GIFT (USA), Landaluce S, Hollywood Park, Gr3 and 2nd Del Mar Debutante S, Del Mar, Gr1. Rose of Jericho (USA), unraced; dam of winners. DR DEVIOUS (IRE), Ever Ready Derby S, Epsom Downs, Gr1, Three Chimneys Dewhurst S, Newmarket, Gr1, Kerry Group Irish Champion S, Leopardstown, Gr1 and 2nd Budweiser Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr1; sire. ROYAL COURT (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl Ormonde S, Chester, Gr3, 3rd Great Voltigeur S, York, Gr2; sire. ARCHWAY (IRE), Champion 3yr Old Sprinter in Ireland in 1991, Greenlands S, Curragh, Gr3 and 3rd King’s Stand S, Royal Ascot, Gr2; sire. 26

7 All Or Nothing ravdansen@telia.com ravdansen.se

ALL OR NOTHING (SWE) March 24th, 2013 A Brown Colt

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Sweet Fox Fever (USA) (2005)

Ivan Sjöberg Rävdansens stuteri Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Stormin Fever (USA) Twirley (USA)

Breeders 2015-17

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Pennant Fever (USA) Deputy Commander(USA) Lovely Nedra (USA)

Own brother to NORTH SIDE GAL (SWE) 1st dam Sweet Fox Fever (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Denmark and in Sweden (undefeated 2yo) and 652.000SEK, Amacita, Malmö Stads Pris and Pompös Cup and placed 11 times incl 2nd Mowerina, Adalöpn, 3rd Lanwades S, Täby, L and Zawawi Cup, Jägersro, L, and Scania Sprint, 5th Svenskt Oaks, FT87 dam of a winner NORTH SIDE GAL (SWE) (2011 f. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Sweden and 218.946SEK, incl Götalandlöpn and placed 3 times, FT75 Stormzig (SWE) (2012 c. by Philomatheia (USA)), in training (F Reuterskiöld, Jägersro) 2nd dam TWIRLEY (USA), ran in USA at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winnersSweet Fox Fever (USA) (f. by Stormin Fever (USA)), see above. Flip Flopping Fly (USA) (f. by Orientate (USA)), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and £30,009 and placed 10 times incl 3rd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, Jägersro, L. INSIDE THE PARK (USA), winner at 4 years in USA and £12,232 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam LOVELY NEDRA (USA), by Irish Tower (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and placed 3 times; dam of eight winnersLAURA’S PISTOLETTE (USA), 10 wins at 2 to 5 years in USA incl Humana Distaff H, Churchill Downs, Gr3, Gardenia S, Ellis Park, Gr3 and Fairway Fun S, Turfway Park, L, placed 12 times incl 2nd My Charmer S, Turfway Park, 3rd Ballerina S, Saratoga, Gr1, Budweiser Churchill Downs Breeders Cup H, Churchill Downs, Gr2 and Double Delta S, Arlington Int.; dam of winners. BESSIE’S BULLET (USA), winner to 2014 in USA Wayward Ways (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and placed twice incl 2nd What A Pleasure S, Calder, Gr3; sire in USA MI SIERRA (USA), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in USA and placed 9 times. LOVELY IMP (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed 5 times; dam of winners. NEDRA’S SOCIETY (USA), 2 wins at 4 years in USA and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. HARNSBERGER (USA), winner at 5 years in USA and placed 7 times. BETTERINCLUDEME (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed twice. VILLIFIED (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once. Justified (USA), placed 5 times at 3 years in USA; dam of winners. SMARTIFIED (USA), winner to 2013 in USA Hollins (USA), unraced; dam of winners. HOWICK FALLS (USA), Polypipe Flying Childers S, Doncaster, Gr2, Costcutter Roses S, York, L and 3rd Derrinstown Stud Mahab Al Shimaal S, Nad Al Sheba, Gr3. The next dam LAKE IVOR (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners inclIvory Slew (USA), 5 wins in Brazil 2nd Grande Premio Onze de Julho, Gavea, Gr2, Grande Premio Oswaldo Aranha, Gavea, Gr3 and 3rd Grande Premio Duque de Caxias, Gavea, Gr2; dam of winners. MISS CROSS (USA), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA, placed 4 times; dam of winners. VOY SI NO (USA), Frances A Genter H, Calder, L and 3rd Convenience S, Calder, L. 27

8 Monique


MONIQUE (SWE) April 10th, 2013 A Chesnut Filly

Dustoori (GB) La Bonita (IRE) (1990)

Bengt Morberg Vallhall Fäboda 15 734 91 Hallstahammar 070-471 54 29 In The Wings Elfaslah (IRE) Common Grounds Catherine Linton (USA)

Breeders 2015-17

Sadler’s Wells (USA) High Hawk Green Desert (USA) Fair of The Furze Kris Sweetly (FR) High Echelon (USA) Reckless Driver (USA)

1st dam LA BONITA (IRE), 9 wins at 3 to 6 years in Sweden and £15,046 and placed twice, incl 5th Bloomers’ Vase, L, Scandinavia Cup, FT72; dam of nine winnersMOLTAS (SWE) (2002 g. by Melmac (SWE)), Champion 3yr Old in Scandinavia in 2005, 9 wins at 2 to 6 years in Norway and in Sweden and 1.090.397SEK incl Swedish Open Mile, Täby, L, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, Skand Mesterskap 3-årige, SM - Classic, Ulriksdals Minne (twice), placed 17 times incl 2nd FRBC Swedish Open Mile, Täby, L, GHR Gold Cup (twice), Upplandlöpn, and 3rd Songline Classic, Täby, L, SM Classic, 4th Svenskt Kriterium, Polar Mile Cup, L, 5th Nickes Minneslöpn L (twice), FT92 For more offspring from La Bonita, please under Nr 29! 2nd dam CATHERINE LINTON (USA), unraced; dam of eleven winnersZAR BITTER (c. by Artaius (USA)), 10 wins at 3 to 7 years in Italy and £26,511 incl Premio U.N.P.C.P.S., Milan, L, 3rd Premio Boschetti, Milan, L; also 3 wins over jumps in Italy. FOR SURE FOR SURE, 18 wins at home and in Italy and £45,384. LA BONITA (IRE), see above. NETHER LANE (IRE), 7 wins at 4 to 6 years in Denmark and in Sweden and £15,235 and placed 4 times. TRY MY LINTON, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £17,926; also 3 wins over jumps in Italy and £12,325; dam of a winner. CHOOSEY’S TREASURE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 7 times; also 3 wins over hurdles and placed 3 times. SPUSABELA (IRE), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 7 years in Italy; also 2 wins over jumps in Italy. IMPOSING, 3 wins at 3 and 6 years at home and in Sweden and £12,084. PERPLEX, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in Malaysia. THE LIONHEART, 2 wins at 3 years and £12,993 and placed 3 times. HEATHCLIFF (IRE), winner at 2 years and placed twice. Love Lost, ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. Jenufa (IRE), winner at home and in USA, 3rd Wintergreen S, Philadelphia Parkk. It’s Cryin’ Time (AUS), winner in Australia, 3rd Dayana S, Belmont, L. Yours As Always (AUS), placed 4 times in Australia; dam of SINCERO (AUS), George Main S, Rosehill, Gr1, AAMI Stradbroke H, Eagle Farm, Gr1 and 3rd Cathay Pacific Caulfield S, Caulfield, Gr1. 3rd dam Reckless Driver, 9 wins at 2 to 5 years in USA and placed 9 times incl 3rd Mermaid S, Atlantic City; Own sister to BEST IN SHOW (USA); dam of five winners inclGreenbriar (USA), 12 wins in USA and placed 14 times incl 3rd Springtime H, Thistledown. FAST DRIVER (USA), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and placed 3 times; sire. RECKLESS REIGN (USA), 3 wins at 3 years in USA and placed 10 times; dam of winners. CORILAND (USA), winner in USA; 3rd dam of DARKMAN (USA), Spur S, Louisiana Downs. RECKLESS STAR (USA), winner in USA; dam of NORTHERN LOMBARDI (USA), Buckeye Belle S, Beulah Park and Glacial Princess S, Beulah Park; granddam of SHEER SABLE (USA), Battler Star H, Fair Grounds, L. 28

9 La Kiss


LA KISS (SWE) April 16th, 2013 A Brown Filly

Layman (USA) Power Kiss (SWE) (2003)

Breeders 2015-17 Christer Svanholm Christer Svanholm AB Igelösa 103, 388 96 Ljungbyholm 0708-33 35 60 Sunday Silence (USA) Laiyl (IRE) Richard of York (GB) Kissimmee (SWE)

Halo (USA) Wishing Well (USA) Nureyev (USA) Alydaress (USA) Rainbow Quest (USA) Triple First Pharly (FR) Atitlan (GB)

1st dam POWER KISS (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 9 times; dam ofAmerican Kiss (SWE) (2009 f. by American Post (GB)), placed once at 2 years in Sweden. 2nd dam KISSIMMEE (SWE), placed 4 times at 2 and 4 years in Norway and in Sweden; dam of five winnersCIGARILLO (SWE), 3 wins in Norway. KISSINGER (SWE), 2 wins at 5 years in Norway and in Sweden and £10,802 and placed 13 times. POWER KISS (SWE), see above. KISS ME KATE (SWE), winner at 4 years in Sweden and placed 5 times. RED DREAM (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed twice. Pascali (SWE), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden. 3rd dam Atitlan (GB), by Relko (GB), 4 wins in France and placed once viz 3rd Premio U.N.I.R.E., Naples, Gr3; dam of four winnersTUXEDO (SWE), 6 wins in Sweden. TESTA DURA, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy. ROD (SWE), 4 wins in Sweden. GUECA SOLO (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 4 times; dam of winners. ALGHATREEF (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ramz Aljood (KSA), ran in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at 4 years; dam of ALMOHARRER (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, NAFH ALJOOD (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ZAAKHIRAH (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Alghatreefah (KSA), unraced; dam of BADR ALKAWAKIB (KSA), winner to 2014 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kissimmee (SWE), see above. Alhyard (SWE), placed once in Sweden. The next dam AMATITLAN (GB), placed 4 times at 3 years in France; dam of two winners inclAtitlan, see above.


10 Mix karin.johansson@brantshammar.se

MIX (SWE) April 10th, 2013 A Bay Gelding

Merchant of Venice (USA) Mint Whip (IRE) (2007)

Karin Johansson Breeders 2015-17 Brantshammar Stuteri AB Brantshammar, 741 92 Knivsta 070-628 11 25


Storm Cat (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Whipper (USA) Aminata (IRE)

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Miesque’s Son (USA) Myth To Reality (FR) Glenstal (USA) Belle Epoque (IRE)

1st dam MINT WHIP (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of Arresting Boy (IRE) (2011 c. by Lawman (FR)), ran in Sweden at 3 years, 2014. Mint Chocolate (SWE) (2012 f. by Manduro (GER)), in training (A Skoglund-Figueroa, Täby) 2nd dam AMINATA (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years and £37,078 incl Shernazar EBF Curragh S, Curragh, Gr3 and Smurfit Italia EBF Fillies S, Leopardstown, L, placed 5 times incl 3rd D McCalmont Tetrarch EBF S, Curragh, Gr3 and 4th Phoenix S, Phoenix Park, Gr1, from 9 starts; dam of ten winners SWIFT GULLIVER (IRE) (c. by Gulch (USA)), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in USA and £49,647 incl Ridgewood Pearl Desmond S, Curragh, Gr3 and Tyros S, Curragh, L; sire in Italy. ABDERIAN (IRE) (g. by Machiavellian (USA)), 9 wins at 2, 5 and 7 years at home and in USA and £232,611 incl Turf Monster H, Philadelphia Park, L and Smile H, Arlington Inter, L, placed 18 times incl 2nd Kentucky Cup Turf Dash S, Kentucky Downs, L, Turf Monster H, Philadelphia Park, L, 3rd Shakertown S, Keeneland, Gr3, Calder Turf Sprint H, Calder, L, Woodford County S, Keeneland, L, Kentucky Cup Turf Dash S, Kentucky Downs, L and Decathlon S, Monmouth Park. Minatonic (IRE) (f. by Zafonic (USA)), winner at 2 years and £15,451 and placed once viz 2nd Aga Khan Studs Blenheim S, Curragh, L, from only 3 starts. PRINCE MINATA (IRE), 4 wins and £14,538 and placed 7 times; also placed once over hurdles. REQUESTED PLEASURE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £22,008 and placed twice; dam of a winner. MINT WHIP (IRE), see above. MUSADAF (IRE), winner at 2 years and placed once; also placed twice over hurdles. DANON BUDDY (IRE), winner at 3 years in Japan and £38,604 and placed 3 times. TURQUOISE SEA (USA), winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of winners. AMANDIAN (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of winners. BAHAMIAN C (GB), winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed once. 3rd dam BELLE EPOQUE (IRE), by Habitat (USA), placed 7 times at 3 and 4 years; own sister to DOUBLE FORM; dam of five winners inclAMINATA, see above. BLUSHING CONNIE (USA), 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and placed 3 times. Franziska (IRE), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. GRANNY FRANNY (USA), winner in USA; dam of KITTEN’S DUMPLINGS (USA), Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, Keeneland, Gr1, Lake George S, Saratoga, Gr2, Regret S, Churchill Downs, Gr3, Edgewood S, Churchill Downs, L, M2 Technology La Senorita S, Retama Park, L and 2nd Florida Oaks, Tampa Bay Downs, Gr3, GRANNY MC’S KITTEN (USA), P G Johnson S, Saratoga, L. The next dam Fanghorn, 2 wins in France, 3rd Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longch, Gr1, dam of seven winners, incl DOUBLE FORM, 7 wins at home and in France, incl Kings Stand S, Gr1, Px de l’Abbaye, Gr1, Vernons Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr2, Temple S, Sandown, Gr3, 2nd Cork and Orrey S, Royal Ascot, Gr3, 3rd July Cup, Newmarket, Gr1, Px de l’Abbaye, Gr1, sire; SCIMITARRA, 3 wins, at 2-3, incl Sheraton Park Tower Lite S, L, dam of winners, SMAOINEAMH, winner at 2 and 3, incl Norelands Stud Trial,Gowran Park, L, and Dawn Milk EBF Challenge, L, dam of six winners, incl LUMINATA, 2 wins at 2, incl Vodafone Silver Flash S, L, 2nd Moyglare Stud S, Gr1, 3e Px Marcel Boussac Royal Barriere, Deauville, Gr1, Areta, 2 wins at 2-3, 2nd Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial S, L, 3rd C, L, Weld Park S, Gr3, Flying Five S, The Curragh, Gr3. 30

12 752SWE00001581T b.helander@bluewin.ch

A CHESNUT FILLY Foaled March 12th, 2013

Zaahid (IRE) Fraulein (SWE) (2003)

Bo Helander Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11 Sakhee (USA) Murjana (IRE) Songline (SWE) Ramonia (SWE)

Breeders 2015-17


Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA) Diaghlyphard (USA) Princess Persian Miami Springs Ramona (SWE)

1st dam

FRÄULEIN (SWE), 5 wins at 3 to 7 years in Sweden and 316.700SEK and placed 16 times, FT70. dam ofNo Angel (SWE) (2011 g. by Zaahid (IRE)), died in 2014. 2nd dam RAMONIA (SWE), 3 wins, 2nd Altamiralöpn; dam of seven winnersQueen of Hearts (SWE) (f. by Heart of Oak (USA)), 4 wins at 3 years in Norway and in Sweden and £121,060, Svenskt Oaks, Norsk Breeders’ Prize, and placed 4 times incl 2nd Lanwades Stud S, Täby, L, Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile; dam of one winner: KING ACCENT (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden, 2nd SM 2-åriga, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn SPIRIT (SWE), 9 wins at 2 to 7 years in Sweden and £37,516 and placed 35 times. FRÄULEIN (SWE), see above. SPRING HEART (SWE), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Sweden and £32,011 and placed 21 times. WATCH ME FLY (SWE), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in Sweden and £43,384, incl Nordic Champion Series/Sprinters and placed 10 times, incl 3rd JK Jubileumslöpn, SM 2-åriga. SKY MASTER (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 4 times. MALVA (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed twice. 3rd dam RAMONA (SWE), by Moonbeam (SWE), 3 wins, Dianalöpn, Täby, 4th in Mowerinalob (1000 Gns), Klampenborg, Gr2; dam of three winners: RAMONIA (SWE), see above. RAMIRIS (SWE), 4 wins, RAMOON (SWE), winner. The next dam IRIS (DEN); dam of three winners: RAMONA (SWE), see above. ELIZ (SWE), 11 wins, HILLMER (SWE), 5 wins.

Please note: No 11 has been withdrawn before the book has gone to print. 31

13 La Supernova stallpernilla@icloud.com stallpernillanilsson.se

LA SUPERNOVA (SWE) February 15th, 2013 A Bay Filly

Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 775 96 Krylbo 070-631 73 17

Academy Award (IRE)

Danehill (USA)

Lumen (FR) (2002)

Verglas (IRE)

Ingabelle La Le Lu (FR)

Breeders 2015-17

Danzig (USA) Razyana (USA) Taufan (USA) Bodelle Highest Honor (FR) Rahaam (USA) Exit To Nowhere (USA) La Justice (FR)

Own sister to LUMINEUSE (DEN) 1st dam Lumen (FR), 6 wins at 3 to 6 years in Denmark and £43,005 and placed 7 times incl 2nd Coolmore Matchmaker S, Täby, L, 3rd Grosser Zentis Stutenpreis, Krefeld, L, Weidenpescher Stutenpreis, Cologne, L and Morten Og Torvald Klaveness Minnelop, Övrevoll, L, FT89; dam of two winnersLUMINEUSE (DEN) (2010 f. by Academy Award (IRE)), 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 in Denmark and £10,845 and placed twice. FINAL SCORE (DEN) (2011 c. by Hot Run (DEN)), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Denmark. 2nd dam LA LE LU (FR), winner at 3 years in Denmark and placed once; dam of three winnersLumen (FR) (f. by Verglas (IRE)), see above. PURE MAGIC (FR), placed 3 times at 3 years in Denmark; also 2 wins over hurdles and winner over fences. LULLA (FR), 2 wins at 2 and 5 years in Denmark and £12,868 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam LA JUSTICE (FR), by Maelstrom Lake (IRE), winner in West Germany and placed 8 times; dam of four winnersLOREDANO (FR), 5 wins at 4, 5 and 7 years in France and in Germany and placed 14 times; also 2 wins over jumps in Germany. LEGISTE (FR), 2 wins at 3 years in Germany and placed 9 times. LOYALITAT (FR), winner at 2 years in Germany and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. LOTHAIRE (FR), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 6 years in France and placed 21 times. LA LE LU (FR), see above. L’Egalite (GER), placed 7 times in Germany; dam of a winner. LATIFA (GER), winner at 4 years in Germany. The next dam LITTLE SLAM (GER), 6 wins in West Germany incl Herbst Stutenpreis, Neuss, L, placed 4 times; Own sister to LILIE (GER); dam of seven winners inclLAVENDEL (GER), 8 wins in West Germany. LORDSHIP (GER), 6 wins in West Germany.

Ditt försäkringsombud: Kerstin Åker Werner Tel 08-562 831 56 Mobil 070-371 60 56 32

14 Cat on Fire


CAT ON FIRE (SWE) May 4th, 2013 A Bay Colt

Bengt Thomasson Mec-Com Klippan AB Krika 2272 A, 264 92 Klippan 070-863 29 86

Swing That Cat (USA)

Cat Thief (USA)

Heart That Matters (USA) (2000)

Carson City (USA)

Incha (GB) Family Style (USA)

Breeders 2015-17

Storm Cat (USA) Train Robbery (USA) Nashwan (USA) Idle Gossip (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Blushing Promise (USA) State Dinner (USA) Sharp Kitty (USA)

1st dam HEART THAT MATTERS (USA), placed twice at 2 years in USA; dam of two winnersTASYA (USA) (2008 f. by Successful Appeal (USA)), 10 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2013 in USA and £57,765 and placed 7 times. SHIGERU PASSION (USA) (2009 c. by First Samurai (USA)), 4 wins in Japan. Cloudy Bay (USA) (2007 g. by Tiznow (USA)), placed 5 times at 4 years at home and in France. Billable Ours (USA) (2010 c. by Lawyer Ron (USA)), placed once at 2 years in USA Red Means Go (SWE) (2012 c. by Swing That Cat (USA)), in training (P Wahl, Täby) 2nd dam FAMILY STYLE (USA), 10 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and £1,196,256 incl Arlington Washington Lassie S, Arlington Park, Gr1, Frizette S, Belmont Park, Gr1, La Canada S, Santa Anita, Gr1, Spinaway S, Saratoga, Gr1, Arlington Matron H, Arlington Park, Gr2, Black Eyed Susan S, Pimlico, Gr2, Silver Belle H, Hollywood Park, Gr2, La Brea S, Santa Anita, Gr3 and Cleopatra H, Arlington Park, L, placed 15 times 2nd Apple Blossom H, Oaklawn Park, Gr1, Demoiselle S, Aqueduct, Gr1, Matron S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, Aqueduct, Gr1, Adirondack S, Saratoga, Gr2, Ak Sar-Ben Queen’s H, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr3, Jersey Belle S, Garden State, L, Breeders’ Cup S, Ak-Sar-Ben, 3rd in Arkansas Derby, Oaklawn Park, Gr1, Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr1, Mother Goose S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Bonnie Miss S, Gulfstream Park, Gr3, Cascapedia H, Santa Anita, 4th in Fantasy S, Oaklawn Park, Gr1, Santa Anita Oaks, Santa Anita, Gr1 and El Encino S, Santa Anita, Gr3; dam of two winnersPOLISH STYLE (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and 316,000 fr. incl Prix Hampton, Evry, L, placed 5 times incl 2nd Prix de Bagatelle, Longchamp, L, Prix Petite Etoile, Saint-Cloud, L and 3rd Premio Royal Mares, Turin, Gr3; dam of winners. FOLK (USA), Gulf News UAE 1000 Guineas, Nad Al Sheba, L, Al Tayer Group UAE Oaks, Nad Al Sheba, L and 3rd Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr1; dam of CAPTIVATING LASS (USA), Busanda S, Aqueduct, L and 3rd Davona Dale S, Gulfstream Park, Gr2. Polish Panache (USA), winner, 3rd King of Kings EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr3. DANUTA (USA), winner in UAE and in USA; dam of DEVOTEE (USA), Meydan City UAE Oaks, Nad Al Sheba, L and 3rd Darley Alcibiades S, Keeneland, Gr1; granddam of LADY OF OPERA (JPN), Yodo Tankyori S, Kyoto, L and 2nd Silk Road S, Kyoto, Gr3. BALTIC COAST (USA), winner to 2013 in USA Pelerine (USA), unraced; granddam of Jungle Lily (CAN), winner in Canada, 3rd Hong Kong Jockey Club H, Hastings Park. EBEN AL HABEEB (IRE), placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years; also 4 wins over hurdles and £13,356 and placed twice and winner over fences. Piccolo Player (USA), ran in USA at 3 years; dam of winners. PLAY BALLADO (USA), Miss Oceana S, Aqueduct, R., 2nd El Encino S, Santa Anita, Gr2 and La Canada S, Santa Anita, Gr2; dam of SWEET SEVENTEEN (USA), Busher S, Aqueduct, L. Style And Class (USA), unraced; dam of a winner. STYLISH WILDCAT (USA), Buffalo Trace Franklin County S, Keeneland, L; dam of ANTIQUITY (USA), winner to 2013 in USA. 3rd dam SHARP KITTY (USA), by Blade (USA), unraced; dam of five winners inclLOST KITTY (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA incl Gr1, Gr2 and Gr3. 33

15 Begging

Ivan Sjöberg Rävdansens stuteri Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93

ravdansen@telia.com ravdansen.se

BEGGING (SWE) April 9th, 2013 A Bay Colt

Philomatheia (USA) Kufoof (USA) (2000)

Danzig (USA) Kooyonga (IRE) Silver Hawk (USA) Barakat (GB)

Own brother to EVANS (SWE)

Breeders 2015-17

Northern Dancer Pas de Nom (USA) Persian Bold Anjuli Roberto (USA) Gris Vitesse (USA) Bustino Rosia Bay (GB)

1st dam KUFOOF (USA), ran once at 3 years and ran in Sweden at 5 years; dam of three winnersSALLY SOLE (SWE) (2007 f. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), 2 wins at 2 years in Sweden and £12,891 and placed 4 times. SIR BOURBON LOVE (SWE) (2008 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), winner at 3 years in Sweden and £11,718 and placed 7 times. EVANS (SWE) (2011 g. by Philomatheia (USA)), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Sweden and £11,979 and placed 7 times. Pullman (SWE) (2012 c. by Philomatheia (USA)), qualified 2014-07-09 2nd dam BARAKAT (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £22,331 and placed 3 times, from only 6 starts; dam of eleven winnersMABADI (USA) (f. by Sahm (USA)), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in USA and £81,672 incl Yerba Buena Stakes, Golden Gate, L., placed 4 times including 2nd Santa Barbara H, Santa Anita, Gr2; dam of a winner. SALAI (FR), by Myboycharlie (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in France and £94,300 incl Prix Omnium II, Saint-Cloud, L. and P. Etalons la Cauvinere Crit.de l’Ouest, Craon, L., placed 4 times iincl 2nd Prix Paul de Moussac, Chantilly, Gr3 and 3rd Prix de Conde, Longchamp, Gr3. Ta Awun (USA) (f. by Housebuster (USA)), winner at 3 years and £10,490 and placed twice incl 3rd Upavon Stakes, Salisbury, L; dam of winners. Mumaris (USA), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; also 2 wins over hurdles and £10,793 and placed 9 times incl 3rd Listowel Races Sup. Club Lartigue Hurdle, Listowel and 5 wins over fences and £43,426 and placed 20 times. KILLCARA BOY (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £12,993 and placed 3 times; also 3 wins over hurdles and £15,461 and placed once and placed 4 times over fences. STAR COMMANDER (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £18,786 and placed 7 times. CAPPIELOW PARK (GB), placed 4 times at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2014; also 2 wins over hurdles and placed 5 times. BARAJUR (GB), 2 wins at 4 years in Greece and £11,087 and placed 4 times. MABROOKA (USA), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; also placed once over hurdles. MUDALAL (USA), winner at 3 years and placed twice. FAKIH (USA), winner at 3 years and placed once. TADAWUL (USA), winner at 3 years; dam of winners. Absolutly Me (FR), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £51,347 and placed 7 times incl 2nd Berenberg Bank Cup, Baden-Baden, L. and 3rd Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L. Oke Bay (GB), placed twice at 3 years; dam of a winner. OLIVIA (GB), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Hungary and placed once. 3rd dam ROSIA BAY (GB), by High Top (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed twice; dam of seven winners inclIBN BEY, Champion 3yr Old Colt in Italy in 1987, 10 wins at 2 to 6 years at home, in France, in West Germany and in Italy incl Jefferson Smurfit Mem Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1, Gran Premio d’Italia, Milan, Gr1, Der Grosse Preis der Berliner Bank, Dusseldorf, Gr1, R+V Preis von Europa, Koln, Gr1, Walmac Int. Geoffrey Freer Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Grand Prix de Deauville Lancel, Deauville, Gr2, Prix Maurice de Nieuil, Saint-Cloud, Gr2, N M Schroders Predominate S, Goodwood, L and Leisure Investments Silver Cup, Lingfield Park, L. 34

16 Destimona

tessan191@hotmail.com staffanssonfbluppfodning.se

DESTIMONA (SWE) April 4th, 2013 A Chesnut Filly (first foal)

Dustoori (GB) Mon Dia (SWE) (2005)

Gösta och Therese Staffansson Breeders 2015-17 Nannberga Gammelgård 214 732 91 Arboga 070-438 02 87 In The Wings Elfaslah (IRE) Funambule (USA) Amourina (SWE)

Sadler’s Wells (USA) High Hawk Green Desert (USA) Fair of The Furze Lyphard (USA) Sonoma (FR) Modern Pleasure (USA) Amourette (SWE)

1st dam MON DIA (SWE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years in Sweden and £15,664 and placed 11 times; own sister to PAMONA (SWE), 2nd dam Amourina (SWE), 3rd Amacitalöpn, Täby; dam of nine winners from twelve runnersMOHIKAN (SWE), 7 wins to 2014 in Norway and in Sweden and £46,988 and placed 29 times. PAMONA (SWE), 5 wins at 2 years in Sweden Champion 2yo Filly in Sweden 2003 and £79,895, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, SM 2-åriga, TGAB Auktionslöpn, and placed 4 times, incl 3rd Dianalöpn, Amacitalöpn; dam of a winner. SPADER KNEKT (SWE), winner in Sweden. MONTILJA (SWE), 4 wins at 4 years in Denmark and placed 7 times; dam of a winner. RED PASSION (DEN), winner in Denmark and in USA MEMORY (SWE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £35,641 and placed 4 times incl 2nd BT Juvenile. MORELL (SWE), 3 wins, placed 9 times incl 2nd Malmö Stads Pris, 3rd Götaland, 5th Rosengård, also placed over hurdles. MOONLINE (SWE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed 7 times. Morina (SWE), placed 3 times at 3 years in Sweden; dam of a winner. WELCOME IN MAY (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden. 3rd dam AMOURETTE (SWE), by Montal (FR); 5 wins in Sweden incl Dianalöpn (1000 Gns), Täby, and Eurocard Cup, Jägersro; dam of six winnersAmourina (SWE), see above. AGENA (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 11 times. ADAMO (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 5 times. AMOULETTE (SWE), 2 wins, SFAF Stora Pris, and placed 5 times incl 4th Amacita, dam of winners MISTER ADMIRAL (SWE), 11 wins to 2013 in Sweden. PANDURO (SWE), 6 wins and placed 21 times, to 2013 in Sweden. FIDELITY (SWE), 4 wins in Sweden, and 2nd Altamiralöpn Amira (SWE), unraced; dam of winners. MIADONNA (SWE), winner in Denmark. TIMO (SWE), 3 wins, Ceres Jydsk Derby, and 2nd Svenskt Kriterium, 3rd Dansk Kriterium, 4th Duty Time Juvenile Mile, 5th Breeders Trophy, Vinterfavoriternas Pris NAMIR (SWE), 19 wins, Champion 2yo in Sweden 1997, SFAF Stora Pris, Sweden Cup Stayer (twice), Duty Time Sweden Cup (twice), Ulriksdals Minne, 2nd Ulriksdals Minne (twice), Upplandlöpn, 3rd SM Stayers, 4th SM Stayers (twice) PHOENIX FABULOUS (SWE), 4 wins in Denmark and in Sweden, Svenskt St Leger 2003. MIDWAY (SWE), 3 wins in Sweden. Amourosa (SWE), unraced; dam of a winner. PARTY TIME (SWE), 3 wins in Sweden. Amoulette (SWE), unraced; dam of winners. The next dam ALTESSE (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden; Own sister to APOSTROF (SWE); dam of seven winners inclAMOURETTE (SWE), see above. 35

17 Calgary

Breeders 2015-17 Jan Hansson Stall Jalih Hjärås gård 9152, 242 97 Hörby 0415-402 05


CALGARY (SWE) April 20th, 2013 A Chesnut Filly

Appel Au Maitre (FR) Sweet Marguerite (GB) (2002)

Starborough (GB) Rotina (FR) Diktat (GB) Margaret’s Gift (GB)

Soviet Star (USA) Flamenco Wave (USA) Crystal Glitters (USA) Rudolfina Warning Arvola (GB) Beveled (USA) Persiandale (IRE)

1st dam SWEET MARGUERITE (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and placed 9 times; dam of two winnersSIBENIK (SWE) (2008 c. by Septieme Ciel (USA)), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and £33,697 and placed 16 times, incl 3rd Swedish Champion Sprint. BESSIE SMITH (SWE) (2010 f. by Academy Award (IRE)), 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 in Sweden and £12,554 and placed 7 times. 2nd dam Margaret’s Gift (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £42,998 2nd Thermoval Deutschland Bayer Fliegerpreis, Munich, L, Suchard Sprint Cup, Bremen, L and 3rd Hambro Countrywide Charlotte S, Newmarket, L; dam of five winnersGAME N GIFTED (GB), 12 wins at 2 to 7 years at home and in Italy and £67,038 and placed 35 times. EL MARCO (GB), 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £53,468 and placed 10 times. HUNTING CALL (GB), 5 wins at 3 and 5 years in Sweden and £29,367 and placed 23 times. SWEET MARGUERITE (GB), see above. MOUFASSAH (GB), 2 wins at 4 years in Greece. Its Another Gift (GB), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. Reel Gift (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Greece and £68,426 and placed 7 times incl 2nd Princess Margaret S, Ascot, Gr3. Scented Present (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £14,532 and placed 4 times incl 3rd Smith & Williamson Dragon S, Sandown Park, L. Gifted Gamble (GB), winner at 2 years and £44,699 and placed 18 times incl 3rd williamhillpoker.com Merrion S, York, L. 3rd dam PERSIANDALE (IRE), by Persian Bold (IRE), unraced due to an accident; dam of five winnersPEONY (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France incl Prix Imprudence, Maisons-Laffitte, L, placed 3 times viz 2nd Dubai Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1, Prix Coronation, SaintCloud, L and Prix Normandy Barriere-Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L; dam of winners. UNFURLED (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years incl Letheby & Christopher Predominate S, Goodwood, L, placed 3 times incl 2nd ABN Amro Gordon S, Goodwood, Gr3; also placed 4 times over hurdles. Satalite Boy (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Italy 3rd Premio Pisa, Pisa, Gr3; also winner over jumps in Italy. Margaret’s Gift (GB), see above. PERSIANO (GB), 6 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years and placed 14 times. IL MILIARDARIO (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed 12 times. The next dam WHARFEDALE, 2 wins at 3 years and placed once; dam of three winners inclRAFFINDALE, 8 wins at home and in Australia incl Epsom H, Randwick, Gr1, Marlboro Cup, Caulfield, Gr1 and Craven Mild Cup S, Victoria Park, Gr3, 2nd George Adams H, Flemington, Gr1, W S Cox Plate, Moonee Valley, Gr1, Spring S, Morphettville, Gr2, Berkshire S, Newbury, L and 4th in C.and G. Gimcrack S, York, Gr2; sire. MERRY YARN, winner at 4 years and placed 4 times; dam of winners. MY COURT TRIAL, Premio Arconte, Rome, L and 3rd Premio Natale di Roma, Rome, Gr3. LAMB’S TALE, 3 wins at 3 years incl Morland Brewery Trophy, Newbury, L, placed once. 36

18 Sweet Hill


SWEET HILL (SWE) March 28th, 2013 A Brown Filly 1st dam

Tertullian (USA) Sweeten (USA) (2002)

Katarina Jacobson Skartoftavägen 213 275 94 Sjöbo 0767-89 15 38 Miswaki (USA) Turbaine (USA) Cherokee Run (USA) La Princesa (USA)

Breeders 2015-17

Mr Prospector (USA) Hopespringseternal (USA) Trempolino (USA) Allegretta Runaway Groom (CAN) Cherokee Dame (USA) Latin American (USA) Really Blue (USA)

SWEETEN (USA), unraced; dam of two winnersHORIZONTE (USA) (2008 c. by Quiet American (USA)), Champion Horse of the Year in Mexico 2012, 11 wins to 2014 in Mexico and $114.750, flera Black Type wins incl Grand Premio Nacional Gr1, and placings. LIGETY (SWE) (2010 f. by Academy Award (IRE)), winner at 3 years, 2013 in Sweden and £14,183 and placed 9 times. Lindsey (SWE) (2011 f. by Academy Award (IRE)), placed once at 2 years, 2013 in Sweden. 2nd dam LA PRINCESA (USA), unraced; dam of three winners inclPOMATINI (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and £16,228 and placed 4 times; sire. 3rd dam REALLY BLUE (USA), by Believe It (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and placed 6 times; dam of three winnersREAL QUIET (USA), Champion 3yr Old Colt in USA in 1998, 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA incl Hollywood Gold Cup, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Preakness S, Pimlico, Gr1, Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr1, Hollywood Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr1 and Pimlico Special H, Pimlico, Gr1, placed 11 times incl 2nd Belmont S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Santa Anita Derby, Santa Anita, Gr1, San Felipe H, Santa Anita, Gr2, New Orleans H, Fair Grounds, Gr3, Texas Mile S, Lone Star Park, Gr3, 3rd Massachusetts H, Suffolk Downs, Gr2, Brown & Williamson Kentucky J. C. S, Churchill Downs, Gr3 and Indian Nations Futurity Cup, Santa Fe, L; sire. MINING MY BUSINESS (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and placed 7 times; dam of winners. REAL COZZY (USA), Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr2, 2nd Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr1, Mother Goose S, Belmont Park, Gr1 and 3rd Acorn S, Belmont Park, Gr1. WORTH EVERY PENNY (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed once; dam of winners. Worth A Buck (USA), 2nd Count Fleet S, Aqueduct. Beaming Belle (USA), ran in USA at 3 years; dam of winners. FOREIGN ARGUMENT (USA), Danzig S, Penn National, L The next dam MEADOW BLUE (USA), unraced; Own sister to CROWNED PRINCE (USA), MAJESTIC PRINCE (USA) and Our Queen (USA); dam of five winners inclNUREYEV’S BEST (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France incl Prix Finlande, Evry, L, placed twice 2nd Prix de Bagatelle, Longchamp, L, 3rd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr3 and 4th in Prix des Reservoirs, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of winners. ANDUJAR (USA), Milady Breeders’ Cup H, Hollywood Park, Gr2, 3rd Go For Wand H, Saratoga, Gr1 and Vanity Invitational H, Hollywood Park, Gr1; dam of ABSTRACTION (USA), Federico Tesio S, Pimlico and 3rd Matt Winn S, Churchill Downs, Gr3, MARION RAVENWOOD (USA), Capades S, Aqueduct. POLA (USA), winner in USA; dam of GOING WILD (USA), San Miguel S, Santa Anita, L, Michael G Schaefer Mile S, Hoosier Park, L, Sham S, Santa Anita, L, Premier H, Zia Park, L and 2nd Santa Catalina S, Santa Anita, Gr2, POLA’S PLACE (USA), Queen S, Turfway Park, 2nd Hancock County H, Mountaineer Park, L, West Virginia Secretary of State S, Mountaineer Park, L and 3rd Ohio Valley H, Mountaineer Park, L. Allegedly Blue (USA), winner at 3 years and placed 5 times incl 2nd Princess Royal S, Ascot, Gr3 and 3rd Park Hill S, Doncaster, Gr2, all her starts; dam of winners. 37

19 Ellisette

Erna van Doorn Jägarskogen 2 155 94 Nykvarn 070-580 77 00

erna@amska.se stallamska.com


February 25th, 2013 A Bay Filly

Chinese Mandarin (USA) Ellis Island (SWE) (1996)

Kingmambo (USA) Rose Gypsy (GB) Selkirk (USA) Vinga (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17

Mr Prospector (USA) Miesque (USA) Green Desert (USA) Krisalya Sharpen Up Annie Edge Sadler’s Wells (USA) Cornish Heroine (USA)

1st dam ELLIS ISLAND (SWE), unraced; dam of five winnersELLIS LAD (SWE) (2006 c. by Funambule (USA)), 9 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and £187,857, incl BT Trophy Mile, BT Trophy Classic, Scandinavian Classic Challenge, BT Trophy Stayer, SM Classic and placed 6 times. FIRST EDITION (SWE) (2000 c. by Songline (SWE)), 8 wins at 2 to 4 years in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £197,907 incl Duty Time Juvenile Mile, Agria BT Trophy, Norsk Breeders Prize, ITM Dansk Breeders Cup, Krafft SM Classic and placed 5 times incl 2nd Agria Breeders 2-års Trophy, Svenskt St Leger, Dansk Breeders Cup, Kapps Stora. ELLIS DANCER (SWE) (2004 c. by Funambule (USA)), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and £24,420 incl Hurricanelöpn and placed 5 times. MISTER CREAKLE (SWE) (2001 c. by Diaghlyphard (USA)), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and £39,837 and placed 11 times incl TGAB Auktionslöpn, Sweden Cup Stayers, 3rd Breeders Trophy Classic, Sweden Cup Stayers. EDGE OF LINE (SWE) (2008 f. by Songline (SWE)), winner at 3 years in Sweden. Ellison (SWE) (2012 c. by Showcasing (GB)), in training (E van Doorn, Täby) 2nd dam VINGA (IRE), winner at 3 years in Denmark and placed 4 times; dam of five winnersSATANG (SWE), 12 wins in Sweden and £77,018 and placed 27 times. VINJETT (SWE), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in Denmark and in Sweden and £32,536 and placed 17 times; dam of winners. HAKUNA MATATA (FR), winner to 2013 in Norway and in Sweden. BORN FREE (SWE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed once. CROSBY (SWE), winner in Sweden and placed 10 times. STYLISH LADY (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 6 times. 3rd dam Cornish Heroine (USA), by Cornish Prince (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years 2nd Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L and 3rd Esal Bookmakers Oaks Trial S, Lingfield Park, Gr3; dam of six winners inclLOMAX, 6 wins at home, in Sweden and in USA NOVAMAIL (SWE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years in Sweden and placed 15 times. NOVALAW (SWE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed 6 times; dam of winners. The next dam POMADE (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and placed once; dam of eleven winners inclLAUGHING BOY (USA), 14 wins at 2 to 7 years in USA incl Orange Coast H, Los Alamitos, placed 11 times incl 3rd Hollywood Express H, Hollywood Park; sire. BEAUTY HOUR (USA), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA incl Sorrento S, Del Mar, placed 4 times incl 2nd Del Mar Debutante S, Del Mar, Gr2 and 3rd Anoakia S, Oak Tree, Gr3; dam of winners. CASSA BEAUT (USA), winner in USA; dam of JUDGES’ VIEW (USA), Garden State S. STYLISH QUEEN (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years in USA incl Q,Santa Anita, placed 5 times incl 4th in Honeymoon H, Hollywood Park, Gr3; dam of winners. Cornish Heroine (USA), see above. COPO (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and placed once; dam of winners. 38

20 Bounce

Ivan Sjöberg Rävdansens stuteri Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93

ravdansen@telia.com ravdansen.se

BOUNCE (SWE) May 11th, 2013 A Chesnut Colt

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Delta Downs (GB) (1990)

Mr Prospector (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Ruthless Rose (USA)

Breeders 2015-17

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Vice Regent (CAN) Mint Copy (CAN) Conquistador Cielo (USA) Unfurled (USA)

Own brother to JIMMY MACK (SWE) and CROWN OF CREATION (SWE) 1st dam DELTA DOWNS (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of seven winnersJIMMY MACK (SWE) (2009 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), Horse of the Year in Sweden 2012, Champion 3yo in Sweden 2012, 8 wins at 2 to 4 years, and 2.028.842SEK, incl BT Juvenile, BT Mile, BT Classic, Mischa Kahns Minne, Ulriksdals Minne, placed 8 times, FT89. PHILADELFIA (SWE) (2011 c. by Philomatheia (USA)), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Sweden and 597.839SEK and placed 7 times, incl 2nd Svenskt Kriterium, SM 2-åriga, 3rd BT Mile, FT81 MEKONG (SWE) (2004 c. by Diaghlyphard (USA)), 7 wins at 4 and 5 years in Norway and 303.393SEK and placed 10 times, FT75 (Övrevoll championtäcke 2008) STATE (SWE) (1998 f. by Spectacular Tide (USA)), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Sweden and 418.250SEK and placed 23 times, incl Cinnamon Challenge (twice). CROWN OF CREATION (SWE) (2006 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), 2 wins at 2 and 5 years in Sweden and £21,653, incl 2nd SÅEF/SFAF Auktionslöpn, and placed 19 times. SOUL SACRIFICE (SWE) (2001 c. by Diaghlyphard (USA)), winner at 3 years in Sweden. ASUNCION (SWE) (2005 f. by Most Welcome), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed once. 2nd dam RUTHLESS ROSE (USA), ran in USA at 3 and 4 years; dam of ten winnersREGAL ROSE (GB) (f. by Danehill (USA)), 2 wins at 2 years and £83,512 incl Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S, Newmarket, Gr1, all her starts; dam of winners. Royal Banker (GB), winner at 2 years, 2013 and £23,658 and placed 3 times incl 2nd Eddie Logan S, Santa Anita, L and 3rd Generous S, Hollywood Park, Gr3. REGAL RIBAND (GB), winner at 2 years and placed twice, all her starts; dam of REGAL REALM (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £72,910 incl Whiteley Clinic Prestige S, Goodwood, Gr3 and Oak Tree S, Goodwood, Gr3, placed twice. GENERALIST (GB) (c. by Danehill (USA)), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Japan and £998,089 incl Hai Kinko Sho, Chukyo, L and Nikkan Sports Sho Shinzan Kinen, Kyoto, L, placed 3 times incl 3rd Asahi Hai Sansai S, Nakayama, L and NHK Mile Cup, Tokyo, L. Regal Flush (GB) (c. by Sakhee (USA)), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £166,351 and placed 6 times incl 2nd Enter the Tentofollow Aston Park S, Newbury, L and 3rd Stowe Family Law Grand Cup, York, L. REGAL VELVET (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. REGAL SILK (GB), winner at 3 years, 2013 and placed 4 times. POLISONNE (GB), winner at 2 years in Belgium and placed once; dam of winners. Aurora Australis (USA), unraced; dam of SOUTHERN SKYE (AUS), Chargold Geelong Classic, Geelong, L and 2nd Cellarbrations HKJC Nev. Sellwood S, Rosehill, Gr3. SOCIETY ROSE (GB), winner at 2 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of winners. Verdane (GB), winner at 2 years and placed once viz 3rd Carraig Winkfield S, Ascot, L. KHEE SOCIETY (GB), winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 4 times. Sahara Rose (GB), ran once at 2 years; dam of winners. SHARE A SECRET (GB), winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed twice. Regency Rose (GB), unraced; dam of winners. REGIONAL COUNSEL (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £48,106 incl Dubai Duty Free Anglesey S, Curragh, Gr3, placed twice; also winner over hurdles and placed 3 times. 3rd dam UNFURLED (USA), by Hoist the Flag (USA), winner at 2 years in USA, dam of nine winners inclSHAADI (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Airlie Coolmore Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, St James’s Palace S, Royal Ascot, Gr1 and Craven S, Newmarket, Gr3; sire. 39

21 752SWE00001579T b.helander@bluewin.ch

A BAY FILLY March 4th, 2013 (first foal)

Zaahid (IRE) Swinging Lass (SWE) (2007)

Bo Helander Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11 Sakhee (USA) Murjana (IRE) Celtic Swing (GB) Malvern Lass (SWE)

Breeders 2015-17


Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA) Damister (USA) Celtic Ring Malvernico (IRE) Coolawinnia Lass (IRE)

1st dam

SWINGING LASS (SWE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and 288.720SEK and placed 4 times incl 3rd SM 2-åriga, FT75. 2nd dam MALVERN LASS (SWE), Champion 2yo Täby Galopp 2009, 3 wins at 2 years in Sweden and 127.600SEK and placed once, FT82; dam of one winner (dead by accident early as a broodmare) SWINGING LASS (SWE), see above. Melass (SWE), placed twice at 2 years in Sweden. 3rd dam Coolawinnia Lass (IRE), by Thatching (IRE), unraced; dam of two winnersMALVERN LASS (SWE), see above. MALOO (SWE), winner in Sweden and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. CATMANDU (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden at 2 and 3 years. The next dam JOYFUL LASS (USA), by Danzig (USA), ran in USA; dam of three winners inclTalasea, 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and placed 12 times incl 3rd Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L RUSTIC WEDDING (GB) (1989 f. by Red Sunset), winner, £2,488 at 2 years; also 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in Germany, £3,442; dam of one winner. REKTOR SKINNER (GER) (c. by Chief Singer), 2 wins in Germany and placed 4 times. PRETTY TARA (IRE) (2000 f. by Namaqualand (USA)), 2 wins, placed twice, 82.900 kr, FT67 Kermit (IRE) (1996 c. by Tirol), placed 7 times at 2 to 4 years in Norway in Sweden. Pretty Gasa (SWE) (2002 f by Be My Chief (USA)), placed 4 times at 3 years 2005, 35.900 kr, FT65 Namaqualass (IRE) (1997 f. by Namaqualand (USA)), placed 3 times at 2 years. Coolawinnia Lass (IRE), see above

Ditt försäkringsombud: Kerstin Åker Werner Tel 08-562 831 56 Mobil 070-371 60 56 40

22 752SWE00001709T ostersaby@telia.com

A BAY FILLY Foaled May 2nd, 2013

Mirio (FR) Magic Moment (GB) (1996)

Sonja Olsson Östersäby Stuteri Östersäby, 736 92 Kungsör 0702-81 10 48 Priolo (USA) Mira Monte (GB) Magic Ring (IRE) Epithet (GB)

Breeders 2015-17

Sovereign Dancer (USA) Primevere (USA) Baillamont (USA) Mirea (USA) Green Desert (USA) Emaline (FR) Mill Reef (USA) Namecaller (USA)

1st dam

MAGIC MOMENT (GB), winner at 3 years viz T.D.I. Challenge Maiden S, Carlisle, placed 3 times incl 3rd Moulton S, Catterick Bridg; dam of four winnersVANUNU (SWE) (2007 c. by Trade Fair (GB)), 11 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2013 in Sweden and £68,747, under both rules and placed 20 times. CITY BHOY (GB) (2004 c. by Ishiguru (USA)), 7 wins at 3 to 6 years in France and in Spain and £48,950 and placed 20 times. MAGIC VICTORY (GB) (2005 c. by Vettori (IRE)), winner at 3 years in Spain and £27,517 and placed 14 times. RUN FOR THE ROSES (SWE) (2008 f. by Heart of Oak (USA)), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed once. Johannes (SWE) (2009 c. by Heart of Oak (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 and 4, 2013 in Sweden. Phantasmagoria (GB) (2002 f. by Fraam (GB)), placed twice at 3 years; dam of a winner vizLA FORTUNATA (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2013 and £71,891 and placed 19 times. Magic Dust (SWE) (2011 c. by Dustoori (GB)), in training, died at 3. Checkitoutcharlie (SWE) (2012 f. by Dustoori (GB)), in training (S Sivrup-Rosenqvist, Älvängen) 2nd dam Epithet (GB), 2 wins and £16,877 and placed 5 times incl 2nd Cheshire Oaks, Chester, Gr3, Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr3 and 3rd Galtres S, York, L; dam of seven winnersYAKITORI (GB), 6 wins at 4 to 7 years in Belgium and £13,390. KILTIMONY (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years and £30,728 and placed 5 times; dam of winners. SUGAR PLUM FAIRY, 2 wins at 3 years and placed twice; dam of winners. A CHEF TOO FAR (GB), winner at 3 and placed twice; also winner over hurdles, placed 5 times. MAGIC MOMENT (GB), see above. FRISKY LADY (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of winners. SARDOUS (GB), winner at 4 years in France. Certain Story, unraced; dam of winners. Pharly Story (GB), winner at home and in Italy; also winner over jumps, 2nd Tote Placepot Hurdle, Kempton Park and Beaufort Hurdle, Chepstow. Atahuelpa (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £18,833 and placed 6 times; also 3 wins over hurdles and £22,660 and placed 11 times incl 3rd Sandals Resorts Novices’ Hurdle, Kempton Park. FAIRY STORY (IRE), 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and £31,204 and placed 6 times; dam of ZIETORY (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in France and £67,578 incl Variety Club Atalanta S, Sandown Park, L and Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L, placed 6 times, Welenska (GB), 6 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in Hong Kong and £294,755 and placed 7 times incl 2nd Premio Gardone, Milan, L. Shomoose, unraced; dam of winners. SHAAMIT (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £584,722 incl Vodafone Derby S, Epsom, Gr1, placed 3 times incl 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S, Ascot, Gr1; sire. AGNES CHEERFUL (JPN), winner in Japan; dam of Impressionniste (JPN), winner in Japan, 2nd Anemone S, Nakayama, L. 3rd dam NAMECALLER (USA), by Malicious (GB), winner at 3, placed 4 times; dam of four winners inclCOLUMNIST, 2 wins at 2 and 4 years incl Autobar Victoria Cup H, Ascot, L, placed 8 times incl 2nd Duke of York S, York, Gr3 and 3rd Ladbrokes Abernant S, Newmarket, L; sire. 41

23 Catch



May 29th, 2013 A Brown Colt

Swing That Cat (USA) Graceful Pegasus (USA) (2007)

Bengt Thomasson Mec-Com Klippan AB Krika 2272 A, 264 92 Klippan 070-863 29 86 Cat Thief (USA) Incha (GB) Fusaichi Pegasus (USA) Gracie Lady (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17

Storm Cat (USA) Train Robbery (USA) Nashwan (USA) Idle Gossip (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Angel Fever (USA) Generous (IRE) No Disgrace (IRE)

1st dam GRACEFUL PEGASUS (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed twice; dam ofGraceland Ticket (USA) (2012 f. by Swing That Cat (USA)), ran once at 2, 2014 2nd dam GRACIE LADY (IRE), placed 5 times at 3 and 4 years in France; dam of six winnersMISTER FUSAICHI (USA), 6 wins at 3 to 6 years in USA and £96,166 and placed 10 times. GREAT OPINIONS (USA), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in USA and £108,409 and placed 8 times; dam of a winner. CANDID OPINIONS (USA), winner to 2013 in USA GRACEFUL PEGASUS (USA), see above. STATE BANQUET (USA), winner at 2 years and £18,153 and placed 3 times. BLACK SEA GIRL (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once. GRACEAN (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once. 3rd dam No Disgrace (IRE), by Djakao (FR), winner at 2 years in France and placed 7 times incl 2nd in Suwannee River H, Gulfstream Park, 4th in Prix Chloe, Evry, Gr3, Prix Cleopatre, Saint-Cloud, Gr3 and Prix de Flore, Saint Cloud, Gr3; dam of nine winners inclNO PASS NO SALE, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France viz Poule d’Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr1, Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr3 and Prix La Rochette, Longchamp, Gr3, placed 4 times incl 2nd Prix Lupin, Longchamp, Gr1, 3rd Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1 and Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr1; a leading sire. ONCE IN MY LIFE (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France incl Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr3 and Prix d’Angerville, Evry, L, 3rd Prix d’Astarte, Deauville, Gr2 and All Along S, Laurel, Gr2; dam of winners. THE GOOD LIFE (IRE), winner at 3 years in France; dam of DOUBLE VIE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in France incl Prix de la Californie, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L, placed once. Sofia Royale (GB), placed once at 2 years; dam of SAKHEE’S RETURN (GB), winner at 2 years, 2014, from only 2 starts. The Knack (IRE), unraced; granddam of COSMO OZORA (JPN), Hochi Hai Yayoi Sho, Nakayama, Gr2, Meine Auram (JPN), winner to 2014 in Japan, 3rd Sankei Sports Sho Flora S, Tokyo, Gr2. NO LIES (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 5 years in France and in USA incl Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L, placed 7 times incl 3rd Prix Saint Roman, Saint-Cloud, Gr3. NO PASARAN, placed 3 times at 3 to 5 years in France; also 9 wins over jumps in France and in Italy incl Grand Prix de la Ville de Nice Chase, Cagnes-sur-Mer, 2nd Prix Fifrelet H Hurdle, Auteuil and Prix Ketch H Hurdle, Auteuil. LASTING GRACE (IRE), placed twice at 2 years in France; also 5 wins over jumps in France incl Prix Wild Monarch Hurdle (c&g), Auteuil, placed 10 times incl 3rd Prix Georges de TalhouetRoy Hurdle, Auteuil and Prix Aguado Hurdle, Auteuil. RUSSIAN GRACE (IRE), winner at 3 years in France and placed 3 times; dam of winners. Loulan Genereux (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in Japan and placed 6 times incl 3rd Andromeda S, Kyoto, L; also placed once over jumps in Japan. NO WAY (IRE), winner at 3 years in France and placed twice; dam of winners. RYEHILL DREAMER (IRE), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in USA incl American H, Hollywood Park, Gr2. 42

24 Zoey The Princess renew.racing@telia.com

Friröntg. Uppf Östersäby/HorseNature.

ZOEY THE PRINCESS (SWE) March 23rd, 2013 A Bay Filly 1st dam

Merchant of Venice (USA) Sun Song (SWE) (2006)

Breeders 2015-17 Peter Wallin Renew HB Kyrkvägen 9, 635 06 Eskilstuna 070-527 20 47 Storm Cat (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Songline (SWE) Sun Orchid (USA)

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Diaghlyphard (USA) Princess Persian Warning Omnia (USA)

SUN SONG (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and £18,727 and placed 6 times; dam ofWill I Am (SWE) (2012 g. by Dustoori (GB)), 4th on debut at 2, 2014, Täby. 2nd dam SUN ORCHID (USA), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed once; dam of three winnersMAJESTIC SONG (SWE), 5 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2013 in Norway and in Sweden and £26,303 and placed 17 times. BLACK ORCHID (SWE), 2 wins at 4 years in Sweden and placed 6 times. SUN SONG (SWE), see above. Orchid Beauty (SWE), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in Sweden. Sun Trip (SWE), placed once at 2 years in Sweden. 3rd dam Omnia (USA), by Green Dancer (USA), winner at 3 years 2nd Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L and 3rd Golden Daffodil S, Chepstow, L; dam of nine winnersLOVE DUBAI (USA), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in USA LOVE ANGEL (USA), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 10 times; also 3 wins over hurdles and placed 4 times and placed once over fences. GOTTA TEMPER (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in USA and placed 9 times; dam of a winner. LATE DATE (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed 5 times; dam of a winner. THE ROCK (USA), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Singapore and placed 4 times. BARONESS SILVIA (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed twice. FYODOROVICH (USA), winner at 2 years and placed twice. MISLEADINGMISS (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once; dam of winners. SUN ORCHID (USA), see above. Miss Pompei (USA), ran in USA at 3 to 5 years; dam of: Princess Money (VEN), 2nd Clasico Hipodromo La Rinconada, La Rinconada, L and 3rd Copa Ramon Alfredo Dominguez, La Rinconada, L. The next dam RUTLEDGE PLACE (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners inclFIRM PLEDGE (USA), 7 wins at home and in USA incl Tanforan H, Bay Meadows, Gr3, 2nd San Francisco H, Bay Meadows, Gr3, 3rd Dewhurst S, Newmarket, Gr1 and Golden Eagle Farm H, Bay Meadows. Omnia (USA), see above. STELLAR EMPRESS (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and placed once, from only 4 starts; dam of winners. Welsh Queen (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed twice incl 2nd Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L. SUMMERWOOD (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once; dam of winners. Leceile (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years and placed 3 times incl 2nd EBF Alice Keppel H, Goodwood, L; also winner over hurdles and placed twice. American River (USA), unraced; dam of winners. BOSTON EXPRESS (USA), Valid Expectations S, Lone Star Park, L, Dixie Miss S, Louisiana Downs, 2nd Carousel S, Oaklawn Park, Wafare Farm S, Lone Star Park and 3rd Azalea Breeders’ Cup S, Calder, Gr3. 43

25 Bear Thoughts info@aleback.se

BEAR THOUGHTS (SWE) March 3rd, 2013 A Bay Colt

Mores Wells (GB) Lucky Thoughts (USA) (2007)

Breeders 2015-17 Peter Björnsson Alebäcks stuteri AB Lindärva Gård 1, 531 91 Vinninga 0706-23 09 23 Sadler’s Wells (USA) Endorsement (GB) Woodman (USA) Thoughts (USA)

Northern Dancer Fairy Bridge (USA) Warning Overdrive Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Seattle Slew (USA) Lucky Spell (USA)

1st dam LUCKY THOUGHTS (USA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in Sweden; dam of Bear Luck (SWE) (2012 c. by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ)), qualified 2014-07-19, and ran his first race on Aug 6 at Täby. 2nd dam THOUGHTS (USA), ran in USA at 2 and 3 years; dam of eight winnersROYAL ST CROSSING (USA), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and £42,746 and placed 10 times. THE FAT MAN (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £39,465 and placed 5 times. SPECIAL THOUGHTS (USA), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in USA and £25,424 and placed 5 times. I’M SO LUCKY (USA), 3 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in USA and placed 3 times. HIGH THOUGHTS SLEW (USA), 3 wins at 3 years in Canada and £20,722 and placed 3 times. OUR EMM (USA), 2 wins at 4 years in USA and placed twice. PRESCOTT CITY (USA), winner at 4 years in USA and placed 3 times. CASHMERE THOUGHTS (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and £11,276 and placed twice. Unimaginable (USA), unraced; dam of winners. MAYAN EYES (USA), winner to 2013 in USA 3rd dam LUCKY SPELL (USA), by Lucky Mel (USA), 12 wins at 2 to 5 years in USA incl Las Palmas H, Oak Tree, Gr3, Princess S, Hollywood Park, Gr3, Time To Leave S, Golden Gate, Las Flores H, Santa Anita and Linita S, Golden Gate, placed 19 times incl 2nd Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr2, Linda Vista H, Oak Tree, Gr3, Yerba Buena H, Golden Gate, 3rd Autumn Days H, Santa Anita, California Oaks, Golden Gate, Hawthorne H, Hollywood Park, La Canada S, Santa Anita, La Centinela S, Santa Anita, Las Madrinas H, Pomona, Santa Ysabel S, Santa Anita, R., 4th in Santa Maria H, Santa Anita, Gr2 and Anoakia S, Oak Tree, Gr3; dam of eight winners inclMERLINS CHARM (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Jersey S, Royal Ascot, Gr3, placed 3 times viz 2nd Ladbroke Nell Gwyn S, Newmarket, Gr3, Kiveton Park Steel S, Doncaster, L and 3rd Child S, Newmarket, Gr3; dam of winners. BLACK SABBATH, Omnium International de Sterrebeek, Sterrebeek, L. Native Guile, winner at 2 years and placed once viz 3rd Black Bottle Whisky Prestige S, Goodwood, Gr3. Wizardry, placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of LADY MAIL (IRE), 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in USA incl Sun City S, Turf Paradise. GOLDSPELL (USA), 5 wins at 3 and 5 years in USA incl Torrey Pines S, Del Mar, placed 6 times incl 2nd Woodside H, Bay Meadows, L, Louisiana Downs Oaks, Louisiana Downs, 3rd Linda Vista H, Oak Tree, Gr3, Santa Lucia H, Santa Anita, L and 4th in Hawthorne H, Hollywood Park, Gr2; dam of winners. BASHFUL CHARMER (USA), Palatine Breeders’ Cup S, Arlington Int.; dam of SATURDAY’S CHILD (USA), Hildene S, Delaware Park, R. LOVETHESPELL (USA), winner in USA; dam of OUR DOUBLE PLAY (USA), Super S, Tampa Bay Downs and Prairie Mile S, Prairie Meadows, COOL SPELL (USA), Gasparilla S, Tampa Bay Downs, 2nd La Troienne S, Churchill Downs, Gr3 and 3rd Debutante S, Churchill Downs, Gr3; granddam of COARSEGOLD (USA), Secret Grace S, Gulfstream Park and Safari Queen S, Gulfstream Park, LET EM SHINE (USA), Came Home S, Hollywood Park. FORYOUREYESONLY (USA), winner in USA; granddam of JORGE PRINCE (VEN), Clasico Cavepro, La Rinconada, L, Clasico Grano de Oro, La Rinconada, L (3 times), Copa Gaceta Hipica, La Rinconada, L, Clasico de los Sprinters, La Rinconada, L, Copa Don Fabian, La Rinconada, L and Copa Gran Abuelo, La Rinconada, L. 44

26 Dolly Dagger ravdansen@telia.com ravdansen.se

DOLLY DAGGER (SWE) February 20th, 2013 A Chesnut Filly

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Little Green Apple (SWE) (1996)

Ivan Sjöberg Rävdansens stuteri Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Funambule (USA) Dappled Flag (USA)

Breeders 2015-17

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Lyphard (USA) Sonoma (FR) Akureyri (CAN) Baruna (USA)

Own sister to Girl From Ipanema (SWE) and VIRGIL (SWE) 1st dam LITTLE GREEN APPLE (SWE), 5 wins, Svenskt Kriterium; dam of three winnersGirl From Ipanema (SWE) (2009 f. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2013 in Sweden and 703.202SEK, incl Stosprint/Stoserien, and placed 5 times incl 3rd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, Jägersro, L, FT80. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT (SWE) (2011 c. by Philomatheia (USA)), 3 wins at 2 years, 2013 in Norway and in Sweden and 981.341SEK, incl BT Juvenile, SM - 2-åriga, 2nd Sv Galopps Auktionslöpn, 3rd Sv Kriterium, Sofierolöpn, 5th JK 2000 Guineas, FT82. VIRGIL (SWE) (2010 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Sweden and 364.876SEK and placed 6 times, FT84. 2nd dam DAPPLED FLAG (USA), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of nine winners from twelve foals REDBONE (SWE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and placed 8 times; dam of winners incl WAKAYAMA, Champion Filly/Mare in Sweden in 2010, 4 wins and 967.865SEK, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, Becky Moss Fillies Mile, 2nd Svenskt Kriterium, 3rd Dianalöpn, BT Trophy Juvenile, 4th Svenskt Oaks, FT82. MELLOW YELLOW (SWE), 2 wins and 174.000SEK, SM 2-åriga. GREEN RIVER (SWE), 6 wins and 573.260SEK and placed 27 times, incl 2nd Svealand, 3rd SM 2-åriga, Vinteravoriternas Pris, SM Milers, 4th Malmö Stads Pris, Svenskt Kriterium, 5th Breeders Trophy, GHR Gold Cup. 3rd dam BARUNA (USA), by Grey Dawn (FR), ran in USA at 3 and 4 years; dam of seven winners inclDIAMONDRUNA (CAN), winner at 2 years in USA viz Sales S, Hastings Park, L, placed twice; dam of winners. Zoomin Bayou (USA), winner in USA, 3rd Louisiana Stallion S (fillies), Louisiana Downs, L Dancer’s Kolo (CAN), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in USA and placed 10 times incl 2nd Golden Gate Derby, Golden Gate, L, 3rd Ascot Graduation S, Hastings Park, L, Juvenile Breeders’ Cup S, Hastings Park, L and Sales S, Hastings Park, L. DIAMOND CRUSADER (CAN), 8 wins at 3 to 7 years in USA and placed 17 times. BRETTHEVET (CAN), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in USA and placed 9 times. Red Rain (USA), placed once at 2 years in USA; dam of winners. BENT CREEK CITY (USA), Cinderella S, Hollywood Park, L, 2nd Landaluce S, Hollywood Park, Gr2 and 3rd Sorrento S, Del Mar, Gr2; dam of SIMPLY BECAUSE (USA), Cerf H, Del Mar, L, Bent Missile (USA), 2nd Spring Fever S, Oaklawn Park, Lady Kentucky (USA), 3rd Disi Tay Deneme (1000 Gns), Veliefendi, L; granddam of Tomica’s Spirit (USA), 3rd Tippett S, Colonial Downs. Red Press (USA), winner in USA, 2nd Rumson S, Monmouth Park, L. The next dam SHORE, 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA incl Bewitch S, Keeneland, placed 9 times incl 2nd Indian Maid H, Hawthorne; Own sister to CABILDO, CANAL and Moss (USA); dam of seven winners inclAlligatrix (USA), winner at 2 years and placed once viz 3rd Hoover Fillies’ Mile, Ascot, Gr3; dam of winners. 45

27 752SWE00001634T b.helander@bluewin.ch

A BAY COLT Foaled April 16th, 2013 (first foal)

Merchant of Venice (USA) Energia Especial (FR) (2009)

Bo Helander Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11 Storm Cat (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Agnes Kamikaze (JPN) Quality Special (BRZ)

Breeders 2015-17


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Sunday Silence (USA) Dyna China (JPN) Burooj (GB) Lady Be Special (USA)

1st dam

ENERGIA ESPECIAL (FR), unraced. 2nd dam Quality Special (BRZ), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years in Brazil and in France and £47,469 and placed 7 times incl 2nd Classico Criadores, Taruma, L, HH The President Cup, Abu Dhabi, L, Al Tayer Group UAE Oaks, Nad Al Sheba, L and 3rd Grande Premio Presidente Guilherme Ellis, Cidade Jardim, Gr3; dam of ENERGIA ESPECIAL (FR), see above 3rd dam LADY BE SPECIAL (USA), by Bering (GB), 2 wins at 3 years in Brazil; dam of four winners inclQuality Special (BRZ), see above. Get Real (BRZ), 2nd Classico Luiz Gurgel do Amaral Valente, Taruma, L. INCREASING PROFITS (BRZ), 3 wins in Brazil. The next dam UNCOMMITTED (USA), winner in France; dam of five winners inclWAVERING MONARCH (USA), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA incl Haskell Invitational H, Monmouth Park, Gr1, San Fernando S, Santa Anita, Gr1, Ak-Sar-Ben Omaha Gold Cup, AkSar-Ben, Gr2 and Jefferson Cup S, Churchill Downs, placed 4 times viz 2nd Charles H. Strub S, Santa Anita, Gr1, 3rd Blue Grass S, Keeneland, Gr1, Santa Anita H, Santa Anita, Gr1 and Malibu S, Santa Anita, Gr2; sire. Florenza (USA), winner at 3 years in France and placed 3 times incl 3rd Prix Chloe, Evry, Gr3 and Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr3; dam of winners. ALL CANADIAN (CAN), Valedictory H, Greenwood, L. Hot N’ Foxy (USA), unraced; dam of KAHYASIN (BRZ), Grande Premio Derby Paranaense, Taruma, Gr2 and 3rd Grande Premio Parana, Taruma, Gr1. Ruby Green (USA), winner in France, 4th in Prix Robert Papin, M’-Laffitte, Gr1; dam of winners. WESTERN BORDERS (USA), Hialeah Sprint Championship H, Hialeah Park, L and 3rd Carter H, Aqueduct, Gr1 (twice); sire. GERVAZY (USA), Gulfstream Sprint Championship H, Gulfstream Park, L, 3rd Carter H, Aqueduct, Gr1 and Metropolitan H, Belmont Park, Gr1. Chellingoua (USA), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years in France and in USA; dam of winners. OUT WEST (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Ruinart Champagne Conqueror S, Goodwood, L, placed 3 times, all her starts; dam of MOTIVATOR (GB), Jt Champion 3yr Old in England in 2005, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Vodafone Derby S, Epsom Downs, Gr1 and Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr1, placed twice viz 2nd Coral Eclipse S, Sandown Park, Gr1 and Baileys Irish Champion S, Leopardstown, Gr1; sire, MACARTHUR (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years incl Hardwicke S, Ascot, Gr2, placed 5 times incl 3rd Juddmonte Coronation Cup, Epsom Downs, Gr1; also placed 9 times over hurdles, IMPERIAL STAR (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl intercasino.co.uk Magnolia S, Kempton Park, L, 3rd Sheikh Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Nad Al Sheba, Gr3. Pretty In Green (USA), unraced; dam of winners. ANTRIM RD (USA), Illinois Derby, Sportsmans Park, Gr2, Fort Springs S, Keeneland, 2nd Turfway Prevue S, Turfway Park, L, Sam F Davis Breeders’ Cup S, Tampa Bay Downs, Promised City S, Oaklawn Park and 3rd Washington Park H, Arlington Int., Gr2. POSTULANT (USA), winner in USA; dam of BEGGARTHYNEIGHBOR (USA), Dancing Count S, Laurel, L and 2nd Fred Cappy Capossela S, Aqueduct, L. 46

28 752SWE00001708T ostersaby@telia.com

A BAY COLT Foaled April 27th, 2013

Dustoori (GB) Baileys Silver (USA) (2000)

Sonja Olsson Östersäby Stuteri Östersäby, 736 92 Kungsör 0702-81 10 48 In The Wings Elfaslah (IRE) Marlin (USA) Port of Silver (USA)

Sadler’s Wells (USA) High Hawk Green Desert (USA) Fair of The Furze Sword Dance Syrian Summer (USA) Silver Hawk (USA) Portuguese (USA)

1st dam

BAILEYS SILVER (USA), unraced; dam of four winnersCOUNTRYMAN (GB) (2010 g. by Pastoral Pursuits (GB)), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 and £15,060 and placed 5 times. BAHAMA BAILEYS (GB) (2005 g. by Bahamian Bounty (GB)), winner at 2 years, placed 8 times. AUSONIUS (GB) (2006 g. by Kyllachy (GB)), winner at 4 years in Bahrain and placed once. BOLLINGER (SWE) (2011 c. by Proclamation (IRE)), 2 wins at 3, 2014 Silver Snipe (GB) (2004 g. by Piccolo (GB)), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years, under both rules. Barra Raider (GB) (2007 g. by Avonbridge (GB)), placed twice at 3-4 years in GB and Germany. Baileys Moneypenny (GB) (2008 f. by Monsieur Bond (IRE)), placed twice at 2 years. Heart of Baileys (SWE) (2012 f. by Heart of Oak (USA)), in training (I Karlsson-Gomez, Kvarnby) 2nd dam PORT OF SILVER (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in USA and £45,345 viz Queen Empress S, Pimlico, L and Locust S, Philadelphia Pk, placed 4 times incl 3rd Miss Grillo S, Belmont Park, Gr3; dam of four winnersZaheemah (USA) (f. by El Prado (IRE)), winner at 3 years and £16,442 and placed 4 times incl 2nd Shadwell Stud Nell Gwyn S, Newmarket, Gr3; dam of winners. CALCULATING (IRE), 10 wins and £71,614 and placed 43 times. HARDBODY (USA), winner to 2013 in USA HIJA DE PLATA (USA), 6 wins at 3 to 6 in USA and £88,386, placed 13 times; dam of winners. Strong And Tough (USA), winner to 2014 in USA, 3rd Louisiana Legends Sprint S, Evangeline Downs, R. (twice). RELENTLESS SLEW (USA), winner to 2013 in USA SILVER VISION (USA), winner to 2014 in USA PORTICIPATION (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and £27,261 and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. BLUESVILLE (USA), winner to 2013 in USA SILVER PATINA (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and placed once; dam of a winner. MOJO’S PRISTINA (USA), winner to 2013 in USA 3rd dam PORTUGUESE (USA), by Jacinto (USA), unraced; dam of six winners inclPORT OF SILVER (USA), see above. City Of Dreams (USA), 9 wins at 2 to 6 years in USA and placed 18 times incl 2nd Old Ironsides H, Suffolk Downs and 3rd Sam McCracken Memorial H, Rockingham Park. PORTLAND PARK (USA), 13 wins in USA and placed 13 times. YES VIRGINIA (USA), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and placed 19 times; dam of winners. Guaranteed Sweep (USA), winner in USA, 3rd Blue Skies H, Louisiana Downs. EUROEXPORT (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA; dam of winners. Ouroexport (BRZ), winner in Brazil, 2nd Classico Ernani de Freitas, Gavea, L. Far North Port (USA), placed 9 times at 2 and 3 years in USA; dam of winners. ROCKY NORTH (USA), Cool Air H, Calder, Delta Lady H, Calder and 3rd Georgia On My Mind H, Calder, L. Port Roberto (USA), placed once at 3 years in USA; dam of winners. KILGOWAN (USA), El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, Gr3 and 3rd Joseph T Grace H, Santa Rosa, L. 47

29 Myron


MYRON (SWE) April 2nd, 2013 A Grey Colt

Dustoori (GB) Monita (SWE) (1998)

Bengt Morberg Vallhall Fäboda 15 734 91 Hallstahammar 070-471 54 29 In The Wings Elfaslah (IRE) Spectacular Tide (USA) La Bonita (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17

Sadler’s Wells (USA) High Hawk Green Desert (USA) Fair of The Furze Tsunami Slew (USA) Bid Me Adieu (USA) Common Grounds Catherine Linton (USA)

1st dam MONITA (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and 157.950SEK and placed 6 times, incl 2nd Altamiralöpn, FT77; dam of four winnersMYTHOS (SWE) (2005 g. by Melmac (SWE)), 9 wins at 2 to 5 years in Sweden and £35,341 and placed 12 times, incl 5th SM Sprinters, FT86 MYSTIK (SWE) (2006 c. by Melmac (SWE)), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in Sweden and £30,876 and placed 16 times, FT78. MYKENE (SWE) (2003 f. by Melmac (SWE)), 5 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Sweden and £20,183 and placed 14 times, FT67. MYKONOS (SWE) (2009 g. by Melmac (SWE)), 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2014 in Sweden and £29,237 and placed 5 times incl 4th Nordic Champion Sprinters, FT79. Mykita (SWE) (2012 f. by Devil’s Drink (JPN)), in training (M Smith, Täby). 2nd dam LA BONITA (IRE), 9 wins at 3 to 6 years in Sweden and £15,046; dam of nine winnersMOLTAS (SWE) (2002 g. by Melmac (SWE)), Champion 3yr Old in Scandinavia in 2005, 9 wins at 2 to 6 years in Norway and in Sweden and 1.090.397SEK incl Swedish Open Mile, Täby, L, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, Skand Mesterskap 3-årige, SM - Classic, Ulriksdals Minne (twice), placed 17 times incl 2nd FRBC Swedish Open Mile, Täby, L, GHR Gold Cup (twice), Upplandlöpn, and 3rd Songline Classic, Täby, L, SM Classic, 4th Svenskt Kriterium, Polar Mile Cup, L, 5th Nickes Minneslöpn L (twice), FT92. MOGUL (SWE) (2005 g. by Heart of Oak (USA)), 7 wins in Sweden and £49,935 and placed 20 times, FT79. MONZA (SWE) (2004 f. by Melmac (SWE)), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £21,911 and placed 8 times, incl 3rd Melmaclöpn, 4th Götaland, FT78. MOLINO (SWE) (2006 g. by Melmac (SWE)), 3 wins at 5 years in Denmark and in Sweden and £20,314 and placed 16 times, FT70. MONTUS (SWE) (2009 c. by Funambule (USA)), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in Sweden and £17,451 and placed 7 times, FT78. MAD MEN (SWE) (2008 c. by Melmac (SWE)), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Norway and £10,024 and placed 3 times, FT76. MONTEREY (SWE) (2007 g. by Melmac (SWE)), 3 wins at 3 years in Sweden (incl over hurdles) and placed 6 times, FT75. MOZAIKA (SWE) (2010 f. by Melmac (SWE)), winner at 3 years, 2013 in Sweden and £17,649 and placed 13 times, FT71. MONITA (SWE) - see above. Moretti (SWE) (2000 g. by Melmac (SWE)), placed 3 times at 2 years in Sweden. 3rd dam CATHERINE LINTON (USA), by High Echelon (USA), unraced; dam of eleven winners inclZAR BITTER, 10 wins at 3 to 7 years in Italy incl Premio U.N.P.C.P.S., Milan, L, 3rd Premio Boschetti, Milan, L; also 3 wins over jumps in Italy. FOR SURE FOR SURE, 18 wins at home and in Italy. LA BONITA (IRE), see above. NETHER LANE (IRE), 7 wins at 4 to 6 years in Denmark and in Sweden and placed 4 times. TRY MY LINTON, 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy; also 3 wins over jumps in Italy; dam of a winner. CHOOSEY’S TREASURE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 7 times; also 3 wins over hurdles and placed 3 times. SPUSABELA (IRE), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 7 years in Italy; also 2 wins over jumps in Italy. 48

30 Emilia

Erna van Doorn Jägarskogen 2 155 94 Nykvarn 070-580 77 00

erna@amska.se stallamska.com

EMILIA (SWE) January 28th, 2013 A Bay Filly (first foal)

Virtual (GB) Emily Rose (SWE) (2006)

Pivotal (GB) Virtuous (GB) Bahamian Bounty (GB) Rose Quantas (IRE)

Polar Falcon (USA) Fearless Revival Exit To Nowhere (USA) Exclusive Virtue (USA) Cadeaux Genereux Clarentia Danehill (USA) Summerosa (USA)

1st dam EMILY ROSE (SWE), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and £26,700 and placed 11 times incl 3rd Scania Sprint.. 2nd dam ROSE QUANTAS (IRE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 3 times incl 2nd Amacitalöpn, 3rd Svealandlöpn; own sister to Summerland (IRE); dam of four winnersEMILY ROSE (SWE), see above. EVITA QUANTAS (GB), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed 4 times. ECHINUS (SWE), winner at 4 years, 2013 in Sweden; also winner over jumps in Sweden and 3rd Lindarängen Memorial (hurdles). LA ROSA NOSTRA (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 5 times. 3rd dam SUMMEROSA (USA), by Woodman (USA), winner at 3 years and placed 6 times; dam of three winners inclSummerland (IRE), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in Hong Kong 2nd Criterium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr1, Victor Chandler Chester Vase, Chester, Gr3, Manchester Evening News July S, Haydock Park, L, 3rd King Edward VII S, Ascot, Gr2, Criterium du Fonds Europeen de L’Elevage, Deauville, L and Queen Mother’s Memorial Cup, Sha Tin, L. Danehill’s Dream (IRE), unraced; dam of winners. Viking Storm (GB), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2013 and placed 6 times incl 3rd Congrats R Hughes Chmpn. Floodlit S, Kempton Park, L. The next dam ROSE RED (USA), winner at 2 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of five winners inclZIND (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in Singapore incl Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Singapore, L, 3rd Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr1. EXCELLENT GIFT (USA), winner at 3 years in USA; dam of winners. ALLEGED GIFT (USA), winner in USA; dam of SOUVENIR GIFT (USA), Landaluce S, Hollywood Park, Gr3, Cinderella S, Hollywood Park, L, 2nd Del Mar Debutante S, Del Mar, Gr1 and Sorrento S, Del Mar, Gr3. Rose of Jericho (USA), unraced; dam of winners. DR DEVIOUS (IRE), Ever Ready Derby S, Epsom Downs, Gr1, Three Chimneys Dewhurst S, Newmarket, Gr1, Kerry Group Irish Champion S, Leopardstown, Gr1 and 2nd Budweiser Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr1; sire. ROYAL COURT (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl Ormonde S, Chester, Gr3, 3rd Great Voltigeur S, York, Gr2; sire. ARCHWAY (IRE), Champion 3yr Old Sprinter in Ireland in 1991, Greenlands S, Curragh, Gr3 and 3rd King’s Stand S, Royal Ascot, Gr2; sire. SHINKO KING (IRE), 8 wins at 3 to 6 in Japan incl Takamatsunomiya Hai, Chukyo, L and Fuji S, Tokyo, L, placed 12 times, 3rd Hong Kong International Bowl, Sha Tin, Gr2; sire. Band of Angels (IRE), unraced; granddam of AWESOME PLANET (AUS), Hidden Dragon Doomben Roses S, Doomben, Gr3 and 3rd New Zealand Bloodstock 1000 Guineas, Riccarton Park, Gr1. Rain Flower (IRE), unraced; dam of DANCING RAIN (IRE), 4 wins at 3 years, incl Investec Oaks S, Epsom Downs, Gr1 and Henkel Preis der Diana - Stuten Derby, Dusseldorf, Gr1, SUMORA (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years incl stanjamesuk.com St Hugh’s S, Newbury, L, placed 3 times; granddam of MAYBE (IRE), Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 2011, 5 wins at 2 years incl Moyglare Stud S, Curragh, Gr1, placed once viz 3rd Qipco 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1. 49

31 Alvena Waltz

Breeders 2015-17 Per Olof Johansson Alvena Gård AB Eskelhem Alvena 604, 622 70 Gotlands Tofta 070-432 24 88

ALVENA WALTZ (SWE) January 1st, 2013 A Filly (first foal)

Green Desert (USA)


Kheleyf (USA) Pandorea (GB) (2008)

Society Lady (USA) Diktat (GB) Puya (GB)

Danzig (USA) Foreign Courier (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) La Voyageuse (CAN) Warning Arvola (GB) Kris Pervenche (GB)

1st dam PANDOREA (GB), winner at 2 years. 2nd dam PUYA (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £19,143 and placed 5 times; dam of two winnersHERBALIST (GB), winner at 4 years, 2014 and placed 7 times. PANDOREA (GB), see above. Lacock (GB), placed twice at 2 years, 2013. 3rd dam PERVENCHE (GB), by Latest Model (GB), ran 3 times at 2 years and ran in USA at 4 years; dam of four winnersGORSE (GB), 8 wins at 3 to 6 years at home, in France and in Germany incl Phoenix Sprint S, Leopardstown, Gr3, Prix de Ris-Orangis, Deauville, Gr3, Benazet-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3, Holsten Trophy, Hamburg, Gr3 (twice) and Charles S.Mercedes Benz Wentworth S, Doncaster, L, 2nd Jacobs Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr2, Holsten Trophy, Hamburg, Gr3, 3rd Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr1, Benazet-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3 and NGK Spark Plugs Abernant S, Newmarket, L (twice); sire. PUYA (GB), see above. KIRK MICHAEL (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times. DANAE (GB), winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of a winner. MIND (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Spain. Rochea (GB), placed 11 times at 2 to 4 years; dam of winners. BIENHEUREUX (GB), 10 wins at 3 to 7 years and placed 33 times. BEAUTY ANGEL (TUR), winner in Turkey. SOUND OF SUCCESS (TUR), winner in Turkey. Sweet Briar (GB), ran a few times at 2 to 4 years; dam of winners. IMCO ORIAR (ITY), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and placed 11 times. The next dam ZANTEDESCHIA, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of six winners inclCUT THROAT, 5 wins at 2 years incl New Ham S, Goodwood, L and Salisbury S, Salisbury, L, placed 9 times incl 2nd Champion Two Year Old Trophy, Ripon, L, 3rd John of Gaunt S, Haydock Park, L, 4th in 2000 Guineas S, Newmarket, Gr1 and Jersey S, Royal Ascot, Gr3; sire in USA HEMLOCK CUP, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. Zaide, Memorial Day Invitational H, Golden Gate and 2nd Country Queen S, Hollywood Park.


32 752SWE00001583T b.helander@bluewin.ch

A BAY FILLY Foaled March 21st, 2013

Zaahid (IRE) Optimise (IRE) (2002)

Bo Helander Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11 Sakhee (USA) Murjana (IRE) Danehill (USA) Sifaara (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17


Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA) Danzig (USA) Razyana (USA) Caerleon (USA) Royal Touch (IRE)

1st dam

OPTIMISE (IRE), placed once at 2 years; dam of two winners CUORI AGITATI (GB) (2010 c. by Dutch Art (GB)), winner at 3 years, 2013 in Italy and placed twice. VIRTUELLE (SWE) (2011 f. by Virtual (GB)), winner and placed at 3, 2014 in Sweden, 66.300SEK A Touch of Luck (GB) (2007 g. by Lucky Story (USA)), placed once at 2 years, died at 2. Three Tops (GB) (2009 f. by Three Valleys (USA)), placed once at 3 years in Sweden. 2nd dam SIFAARA (IRE), ran in France at 3 years; dam of four winnersALITTLEBITLEFT (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 5 years in IRE and USA and £19,630 and placed 12 times. MR MIDASMAN (IRE), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £14,433 and placed 8 times. MARK OF ZORRO (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £23,419 and placed 5 times. MAURONE (IRE), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in Italy and £10,524 and placed 13 times. 3rd dam ROYAL TOUCH (IRE), by Tap On Wood (IRE), Champion Older Mare in Germany in 1989, 5 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years at home, in West Germany and in USA incl Grosser Preis von Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Gr2, San Gorgonio H, Santa Anita, Gr2 and Preis von Koln, Koln, L, 2nd Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1, Santa Ana H, Santa Anita, Gr1, Santa Barbara H, Santa Anita, Gr1, Buena Vista S, Santa Anita, Gr3, Fluorocarbon Marshall S, Newmarket, L, 3rd Yellow Ribbon H, Santa Anita, Gr1, Matriarch S, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3, Beverly D S, Arlington Int, L and 4th in Breeders’ Cup Mile, Gulfstream Park, Gr1; dam of four winners inclETHELINDA (GB), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years in France incl P. Point du Jour-Fourrages A.N. Dutertre, Craon, L (twice), Prix Tantieme, Maisons-Laffitte, L and Prix Isola Bella, Maisons-Laffitte, L, placed 8 times incl 3rd Grand H de Deauville, Deauville, L and Prix Jacques de Bremont, Vichy, L; dam of winners. Ennoblement (IRE), winner at 3 years 3rd Foundation S, Goodwood, L. NOBILITY (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years. The next dam SOVEREIGN DONA, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France incl Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr3; dam of seven winners inclFORESEE (GB), 7 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in UAE incl Blandford S, Curragh, Gr2 and EBF Leopardstown S, Leopardstown, Gr3, 2nd Great Voltigeur S, York, Gr2, 3rd Budweiser Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr1, Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1 and Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S, Leopardstown, Gr3. ROYAL TOUCH, see above. BONARELLI (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years incl Bellway Homes Stardom S, Goodwood, L. Aventino, 7 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in USA 3rd Arcadia H, Santa Anita, Gr2 and 4th in San Francisco Mile H, Golden Gate, Gr3. Sylvan Point (GB), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and placed 8 times incl 2nd Made in Europe Val des Pres Trophy, Frankfurt, Gr2, Preis der Deutschen Einheit, Hoppegarten, Gr3 and 3rd Premio Carlo Porta, Milan, Gr3. Sovereign Touch (IRE), unraced; dam of winners. SERAPHINE (GER), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France, in Germany and in Italy incl Premio FIA European Breeders Fund, Milan, L, placed 9 times incl 3rd Premio Sergio Cumani, Milan, Gr3. 51

33 Kitty Cat Fly


KITTY CAT FLY (SWE) April 15th, 2013 A Brown Filly

Bengt Thomasson Mec-Com Klippan AB Krika 2272 A, 264 92 Klippan 070-863 29 86

Swing That Cat (USA)

Cat Thief (USA)

Flip Flopping Fly (USA) (2006)

Orientate (USA)

Incha (GB) Twirley (USA)

Breeders 2015-17

Storm Cat (USA) Train Robbery (USA) Nashwan (USA) Idle Gossip (USA) Mt Livermore (USA) Dream Team (USA) Deputy Commander (USA) Lovely Nedra (USA)

1st dam Flip Flopping Fly (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and £30,009 and placed 10 times incl 3rd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, Jägersro, L; dam ofHillybilly Cat (SWE) (2012 c. by Swing That Cat (USA)), in training (P Wahl, Täby) 2nd dam TWIRLEY (USA), ran in USA at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winners Sweet Fox Fever (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Denmark and in Sweden (undefeated 2yo) and 652.000SEK, Amacita, Malmö Stads Pris and Pompös Cup and placed 11 times incl 2nd Mowerina, Adalöpn, 3rd Lanwades S, Täby, L and Zawawi Cup, Jägersro, L, and Scania Sprint, 5th Svenskt Oaks, FT87 dam of a winner NORTH SIDE GAL (SWE) (2011 f. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), winner at 2 years, 2013 i Sweden and £14,794, incl Götalandlöpn and placed 3 times. Stormzig (SWE) (2012 c. by Philomatheia (USA)), in training (F Reuterskiöld, Jägersro) Flip Flopping Fly (USA) (f. by Orientate (USA)), see above. INSIDE THE PARK (USA), winner at 4 years in USA and £12,232 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam LOVELY NEDRA (USA), by Irish Tower (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and placed 3 times; dam of eight winnersLAURA’S PISTOLETTE (USA), 10 wins at 2 to 5 years in USA incl Humana Distaff H, Churchill Downs, Gr3, Gardenia S, Ellis Park, Gr3 and Fairway Fun S, Turfway Park, L, placed 12 times incl 2nd My Charmer S, Turfway Park, 3rd Ballerina S, Saratoga, Gr1, Budweiser Churchill Downs Breeders Cup H, Churchill Downs, Gr2 and Double Delta S, Arlington Int.; dam of winners. SHOOTER’S TOUCH (USA), winner in USA KODIAK (USA), winner in USA BESSIE’S BULLET (USA), winner to 2014 in USA Wayward Ways (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and placed twice incl 2nd What A Pleasure S, Calder, Gr3; sire in USA MI SIERRA (USA), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in USA and placed 9 times. LOVELY IMP (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed 5 times; dam of winners. NEDRA’S SOCIETY (USA), 2 wins at 4 years in USA and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. HARNSBERGER (USA), winner at 5 years in USA and placed 7 times. BETTERINCLUDEME (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed twice. VILLIFIED (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once. Justified (USA), placed 5 times at 3 years in USA; dam of winners. JUJU (USA), winner in USA JUST DEVIOUS (USA), winner in USA UNJUST (USA), winner in USA SMARTIFIED (USA), winner to 2013 in USA Power of the Pad (USA), placed 4 times at 4 years in USA; dam of winners. LACY’S LUCK (USA), winner in USA Amber Lake (USA), placed once at 3 years in Canada. Hollins (USA), unraced; dam of winners. HOWICK FALLS (USA), Polypipe Flying Childers S, Doncaster, Gr2, Costcutter Roses S, York, L and 3rd Derrinstown Stud Mahab Al Shimaal S, Nad Al Sheba, Gr3. GOOD MAN DAN (USA), winner in USA. 52

34 Amarillo Starlight stallpernilla@icloud.com stallpernillanilsson.se

AMARILLO STARLIGHT (SWE) April 2nd, 2013 A Colt

Kheleyf (USA) Sadowa (GER) (1999)

Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 775 96 Krylbo 070-631 73 17 Green Desert (USA) Society Lady (USA) Lomitas (GB) Sangueta (USA)

Breeders 2015-17

Danzig (USA) Foreign Courier (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) La Voyageuse (CAN) Niniski (USA) La Colorada (GER) Miswaki (USA) Teresa Talani (ITY)

1st dam SADOWA (GER), 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £118,295 incl Premio Regina Elena (1000 Guineas), Rome, Gr2, placed 4 times; dam of six winnersZAMINDOWA (GB) (2008 f. by Zamindar (USA)), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £55,912, under both rules incl Premio del Prato Hurdle, Merano, placed 9 times. DOLCE SADOWA (GB) (2009 f. by Halling (USA)), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 in Italy and £28,164 and placed 22 times. SADOWA DESTINATION (GB) (2007 f. by Dubai Destination (USA)), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £59,201 and placed 7 times. LADY SADOWA (GB) (2006 f. by Nayef (USA)), 3 wins at 3 years in Italy and £34,291 and placed 10 times; dam of a winner vizNIK SADOW (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2014 in Italy. SADOWA VALLEY (GB) (2010 f. by Three Valleys (USA)), winner at 3 years, 2013 in Italy and placed twice. SADOWA RIZED (GB) (2012 c. by Authorized (IRE)), 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 in Italy, from 3 starts. Sadoshi (GB) (2011 c. by Shirocco (GER)), placed once at 3 years, 2014 in Italy. Red Sadowa (GB) (2005 f. by Red Ransom (USA)), ran in Italy at 2 years; dam of three winners. VALDIVIZZE (IRE), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in Italy and £18,519 and placed 17 times. RED AND RED (FR), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Italy and placed 9 times. 2nd dam SANGUETA (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £18,528 and placed 13 times; dam of seven winnersSADOWA (GER) (f. by Lomitas (GB)), see above. Sardanapalo (GER), 3 wins at 3 years in Italy and £29,170 and placed 7 times; also winner over jumps in Italy and £13,358 and placed 3 times incl 2nd Premio Coppa General Bocchini Hurdle, Rome. SACHALIN (IRE), 12 wins to 2014 in Italy and £69,560 and placed 47 times. SAINT JUST (GER), 3 wins at 4 years in Italy and £21,631 and placed 10 times. RAIPUR TOKAR (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and £33,080 and placed 13 times. SAAVEDRA (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and £11,849 and placed 4 times. TORPIDA (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and placed twice. Samotracia (IRE), placed 6 times at 2 years in Italy; dam of winners. LUIS BISO (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2013 in Italy and placed once. Salpiglossis (GER), placed once at 3 years in Italy; dam of winners. SAMADEN (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £37,828 incl Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L, placed 3 times. CANNIBAL FREEDOM (IRE), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in Italy and £10,361, placed twice. Torrida (IRE), unraced; dam of winners. CORIANDOLO (ITY), 6 wins in Italy and £37,236 and placed 28 times. ARGIA DA FOGLIANO (ITY), winner at 4 years, 2013 in Italy and placed twice. 3rd dam TERESA TALANI (ITY), by Luthier (FR), winner at 3 years in France and placed 4 times; dam of four winners inclSANGUETA (USA), see above. TIBERIO AUGUSTO (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and placed 4 times. 53

35 Hit the Road Jack malea@malearacing.se

HIT THE ROAD JACK (SWE) April 4th, 2013 A Bay Colt

Layman (USA) Cherokees Smoke (USA) (2006)

Ann-Charlotte Ahlin NordströmBreeders 2015-17 Malea Racing AB Svanvägen 18, 183 77 Täby 070-544 08 51 Sunday Silence (USA) Laiyl (IRE) Cherokee Run (USA) S’more Smoke (USA)

Halo (USA) Wishing Well (USA) Nureyev (USA) Alydaress (USA) Runaway Groom (CAN) Cherokee Dame (USA) Smoke Glacken (USA) Avie’s Song (USA)

1st dam CHEROKEES SMOKE (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £30,609 and placed 5 times; dam ofOutlaw Pete (SWE) (2012 c. by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ)), 2nd first run July 21, Täby. 2nd dam S’more Smoke (USA), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in USA and £85,681 and placed 9 times incl 2nd Jack Betta Be Rite S, Finger Lakes, R.; dam of six winnersDream S’more (USA) (f. by Mineshaft (USA)), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in USA and £53,271 and placed twice incl 3rd Mountaineer Juvenile Fillies S, Mountaineer Park, L. CHEROKEES SMOKE (USA), see above. GLAD IT’S MAY (USA), 3 wins at 4 years, 2013 in USA and £13,567 and placed twice. SMOKE OVER WATER (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and £10,967. WITH POLISH (USA), winner at 3 years, 2013 in USA and £17,774 and placed 3 times. EL BIOLOGO (USA), 7 wins at 2 and 3 years in Mexico, Champion 3yo Colt and Horse of the Year in Mexico 2010 incl Clasico Campeonato Juvenil Gr1, Gran Premio Nacional Gr1, Handicap de las Americas Gr1, Derby Mexicano Gr1,2nd Clasico Ciudad de Mexico, Clasico Anahuac. 3rd dam Avie’s Song (USA), by Lord Avie (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once viz 2nd Fleet Treat S, Del Mar, L; dam of eight winners inclDOC CALLS HER KATE (USA), 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA incl What A Summer S, Laurel Park, L, Francis Scott Key S, Laurel Park, L and Roamin Rachel S, Philadelphia Pa, placed 4 times incl 3rd Dearly Precious S, Aqueduct, L; dam of winners. MY LADY AVIE (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in USA incl Maid of the Mist S, Belmont Park, L, placed twice; dam of winners. Suave Voir Faire (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in Canada and in USA and placed 6 times incl 3rd Golden Rod S, Churchill Downs, Gr2 and Bourbonette Oaks, Turfway Park, Gr3. S’more Smoke (USA), see above. The next dam MINETT (CAN), unraced; dam of six winners inclSMOKY CINDER (USA), 18 wins at 2 to 7 years in USA incl Canadian Derby, Northlands Park, L, Derby Trial S, Assiniboia Downs, Skoal/Mac’s Wheat City S, Assiniboia Down (twice), R James Speers H, Assiniboia Down (twice), Westerner H, Northlands Park, Free Press H, (twice) and Moslon Canada G Sydney Halter S, Assiniboia Down, placed 21 times incl 2nd Assiniboia Downs Gold Cup, Assiniboia Downs (twice), Wheat City S, Assiniboia Down, R James Speers H, Assiniboia Down, Free Press Sprint H, Moslon G Sydney Halter S, Assiniboia Down, Gold Breeders’ Cup S, Assiniboia Down, 3rd Speed to Spare Championship H, Northlands Park, Gr3R., Manitoba Derby, Assiniboia Down, L, Wells Fargo Bank California Cup Classic, Santa Anita, L, Assiniboia Downs Gold Cup S, Assiniboia Downs, Wheat City S, Assiniboia Down, Winnipeg Futurity, Assiniboia Down, R., R James Speers H, Assiniboia Down, Westerner H, Northlands Park, G Sydney Halter Inaugural H, Assiniboia Down and Gold Breeders’ Cup H, Assiniboia Downs. Dakota Playboy (USA), 14 wins in USA and placed 23 times incl 2nd Woodlands H, Woodlands. Cozzena (USA), 4 wins at 3 years in USA and placed 7 times incl 3rd Yankee Fashion S, Suffolk Downs; dam of winners. MEGANS BLUFF (USA), Mrs Revere S, Churchill Downs, Gr2; dam of ELUSIVE BLUFF (USA), Pilgrim S, Belmont Park, Gr3; granddam of SING DIXIE SING (USA), Arctic Queen H, Finger Lakes, R. 54

36 Red Deer

Breeders 2015-17 Jan Hansson Stall Jalih Hjärås gård 9152, 242 97 Hörby 0415-402 05


RED DEER (SWE) March 12th, 2013 A Chesnut Colt (first foal)

Layman (USA) Reed Door (USA) (2007)

Sunday Silence (USA) Laiyl (IRE) Street Cry (IRE) Pigricia (USA)

Halo (USA) Wishing Well (USA) Nureyev (USA) Alydaress (USA) Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street Lord Avie (USA) Regal Debutante (USA)

1st dam

REED DOOR (USA), 2 wins at 4 years in Sweden and £12,218 and placed 6 times. 2nd dam PIGRICIA (USA), Champion Grass Mare in Peru, 6 wins at 3 and 4 in Peru incl Clasico Pamplona Copa Amerinvest, Hipo Monterrico, Gr1 (twice) and Clasico Postin, Hipo Monterrico, Gr2, 2nd in Clasico Estados Unidos de America, Hipo Monterrico, L and 3rd Clasico Oscar Berckemeyer Pazos, Hipo Monterrico, Gr2; dam of two winnersPeruvian Lily (USA) (f. by English Channel (USA)), 3rd Clasico Oscar Berckemeyer Pazos, Hipo Monterrico, Gr2. REED DOOR (USA), see above. DENIS OF KERRY (USA), winner at 7 years, 2013 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam REGAL DEBUTANTE (USA), by Vice Regent (CAN), unraced; dam of six winnersPIGRICIA (USA), see above. Acai (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed 5 times incl 2nd Pennsylvania Derby, Philadelphia Park, Gr2 and 3rd Indiana Derby, Hoosier Park, Gr2. NAT PLAYS NO TRUMP (USA), 9 wins at 2 to 6 years in USA and placed 12 times. YANKEE VICE (USA), 7 wins at 3 to 6 years in USA and placed 7 times. WEST OF HOUSTON (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and placed 4 times; dam of winners. BURNET (USA), 2 wins at 5 years in USA and placed 5 times. The A T M (USA), placed twice at 2 years in USA 4th dam SPECIAL WEEKEND (USA), 9 wins in USA incl Petticoat S, Sportsmans Park, L and Thomas P Scott H, Sportsmans Park, L, 2nd Yo Tambien H, Hawthorne, L, Lady Hallie H, Sportsmans Park, L and Truly Bound S, Fair Grounds; dam of seven winners inclElls Chana Donna (USA), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in USA and placed 9 times incl 3rd Valnor Breeders’ Cup S, Hawthorne, L; dam of winners. A Perfect Weekend (USA), unraced; dam of UNBELIEVABLE DREAM (USA), Japan Racing Assoc. Appalachian S, Keeneland, Gr3 and 3rd Riskaverse S, Saratoga, L. The next dam Prom Date (USA), by Arts and Letters, unraced half-sister to STAGE DOOR JOHNNY, 5 wins, Champion 3yo Colt in USA 1968, incl Belmont Stakes Gr1, etc, dam of nine winners from 12 foals, 10 to race.


37 752SWE00001632T b.helander@bluewin.ch


Zaahid (IRE)

April 6th, 2013 (first foal)

Dalalaat (GER) (2007)

Bo Helander Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11 Sakhee (USA) Murjana (IRE) Oasis Dream (GB) Denice (GB)

Breeders 2015-17


Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA) Green Desert (USA) Hope (IRE) Night Shift (USA) Despoina (GER)

1st dam

DALALAAT (GER), 4 wins at 4 years in Sweden and £10,312 and placed 3 times. 2nd dam Denice (GB), winner at 2 years in Germany and £40,447 and placed 6 times incl 2nd in Henkel Rennen (1000 Gns), Dusseldorf, Gr2 and 3rd G. P. der Spielbank Bad Neuenahr, Dusseldorf, L; dam of three winnersDALALAAT (GER), see above. MY SWEET MUSIC (ITY), 3 wins at 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £12,204 and placed 5 times. DENICES MOONLIGHT (GB), winner at 3 years in Slovakia. 3rd dam DESPOINA (GER), by Aspros (GER), winner in West Germany and placed 8 times; Own sister to DIASPRINA (GER); dam of five winners inclDESABINA (GER), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany incl Grosser Preis der Frankfurter Volksbank, Frankfurt, L; dam of winners. DARIA (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in Germany incl GP von E & V. Commercial Weidenspescher, Cologne, L, placed once. DESSAU (GER), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany incl Henkel Stutenpreis, Dusseldorf, L, placed once viz 2nd Preis der Winterkonigin Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3. Denice (GB), see above. DESPOT (GER), 2 wins at 4 and 6 years in Switzerland and placed 18 times. DEBUETANTIN (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and placed 5 times. The next dam Dorle, 4 wins at 3 years in West Germany and placed twice incl 2nd Nereide Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, L; dam of seven winners inclDUKE OF WINDSOR (GER), 4 wins in West Germany incl Orakel der Dreijahrigen, Mulheim, L, 3rd Grosser Preis der Steigenberger Hotels, Frankfurt, Gr3, Cognac Hennessy Rennen, Hamburg, L, Preis von Schlenderhan, Baden-Baden, L and 4th in Mehl-Mulhens Rennen, Koln, Gr2. DIASPRINA (GER), Champion 2yr Old Filly in Germany in 1988, 2 wins at 2 years in West Germany incl Preis der Winterkonigin, Mulheim, L, placed 6 times incl 2nd OppenheimRennen, Koln, L, 3rd Preis von Koln, Koln, L and 4th in Moet & Chandon Rennen, BadenBaden, Gr2; dam of winners; DIACADA (GER), Jt Champion 3yr Old Filly in Germany in 2003, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany incl Henkel Rennen (1000 Gns), Dusseldorf, Gr2, placed 3 times; dam of DIATRIBE (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 4 years in Germany incl Coolmore Stud Baden-Baden Cup, Baden-Baden, L, Grosser Jubilaums-Sparkassenpreis, Dusseldorf, L and Kronimus Rennen, Baden-Baden, L, placed 4 times, DAKTANI (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2014 in Germany incl Frankenheim Cup - Junioren-Preis, Dusseldorf, L, placed twice. DESIDERA (IRE), Champion 2yr Old Filly in Germany in 1994, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany incl Grosser Preis von Berlin, Hoppegarten, Gr3, placed 5 times incl 2nd Moet & Chandon Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr2; dam of DARESSALAM (GER), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany incl G. Preis der Hannoverschen Volksbank, Hannover, L, placed 4 times, DICKENS (GER), winner, Grosser Freiberger Premium-Preis L, Dresden and 2nd BMW Deutsches Derby Gr1, Hamburg. DIABLE (GB), 7 wins at 3 to 6 years in Germany incl Silberne Peitsche der Sparkasse KolnBonn, Cologne, L and Europa Sprint, Cologne, L, placed 20 times. 56

38 Fiddle And Drum

ravdansen@telia.com ravdansen.se

FIDDLE AND DRUM (SWE) April 21st, 2013 A Chesnut Colt

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Seeking The Storm (NOR) (2003)

Ivan Sjöberg Rävdansens stuteri Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Lujain (USA) Persian Flight (GB)

Breeders 2015-17

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Satin Flower (USA) Catrail (USA) Persian Victory (IRE)

Own brother to SKRIK (NOR) and SEEKING DUNKIRK (SWE) 1st dam SEEKING THE STORM (NOR), winner at 3 years in Norway, placed 7 times, incl 3rd Malmö Stads Pris, Skand Opdraetningslöb, 4th Dansk Kriterium; dam of three winnersSKRIK (NOR) (2011 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in Norway incl Skand Mesterskap 2-åringer, Forsommerlöp 3-åringer, and £43,015, incl and placed once, Norsk Rikstotolöp 2-årige. TUSEN TAKK (SWE) (2009 f. by Academy Award (IRE)), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2013 in Norway and in Sweden and £14,678 and placed 4 times. SEEKING DUNKIRK (SWE) (2010 f. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Sweden and £11,541 and placed 3 times. Julien Delamare (SWE) (2012 c. by Academy Award (IRE)), qualified 2014-07-02 2nd dam PERSIAN FLIGHT (GB), ran once at 3 years; dam of seven winnersZEN CAT (NOR), 5 wins at 5 and 6 years in Norway and £21,806 and placed 12 times. CATCHING THE STORM (NOR), 4 wins at 2 years in Norway and 636.350SEK, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Skand Mesterskap 2-årige, Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp and placed 4 times, incl 2nd Forsommerlöp 3-årige, 4th Norsk Mesterskap 3-årige, FT75. DOMO ARIGATO (SWE), 2 wins at 2 years in Sweden and 240.000SEK, SM 2-åriga. PRIMUS MOTOR (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and £17,812 and placed 8 times. SEEKING THE STORM (NOR), see above. LUZ ARCAL (NOR), winner at 2 years in Norway and £18,960 and placed 7 times. VESPER (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 5 times. 3rd dam PERSIAN VICTORY (IRE), by Persian Bold (IRE), unraced; dam of six winners inclLA DATA DI GIULIO (GB), 12 wins to 2013 in Italy and placed 31 times. PERSIAN TREASURE (GB), 12 wins in Italy and placed 22 times. FINAL VICTORY (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 6 times; also winner over hurdles and placed twice. OCEAN VICTORY (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times. The next dam LADY HABITAT, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy; dam of eight winners inclBIG REEF, 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in Italy incl Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio d’Aprile, Milan, Gr3, 2nd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples, Gr3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, L, Premio Tupini, Rome, L, 3rd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples, Gr3, 4th in G.P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan, Gr1, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio Ellington, Rome, Gr3; sire. HABIDOS, 3 wins at 2 years in Italy incl Criterium Labronico, L, placed once; dam of winners. LUNA D’ESTATE (GB), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Italy and placed 16 times; dam of ZENONE (IRE), 10 wins in Italy incl Premio del Piazzale-Mem. Enrico Camici, Milan, L, placed 28 times, LUI E LA LUNA (GB), 3 wins at 2 years in Italy incl Premio Rumon, Rome, L, placed 3 times incl 2nd Premio Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr3, LUNA NEL POZZO (GB), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy incl Premio Repubbliche Marinare -Tattersalls, Rome, L, placed once. I REMEMBER (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy; dam of L’INDISCRETA (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 4 years in Italy incl Premio Carlo Chiesa, Rome, Gr3 and Premio Ubaldo Pandolfi, Rome, L, placed 9 times incl 2nd Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L, Premio Eupili, Milan, L, 3rd Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr3 and Pr Pietro Bessero Trofeo Shadwell, Milan, L. 57

39 Lyrique Hill


LYRIQUE HILL (SWE) April 6th, 2013 A Bay Filly

Konigstiger (GER) Lady Lonsdale (GER) (1999)

Katarina Jacobson Skartoftavägen 213 275 94 Sjöbo 0767-89 15 38 Tiger Hill (IRE) Kittiwake (GB) Big Shuffle (USA) La Palma (GER)

Danehill (USA) The Filly (GER) Barathea (IRE) Gull Nook Super Concorde (USA) Raise Your Skirts (USA) Acatenango (GER) La Sierra (GB)

1st dam Lady Lonsdale (GER), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and £35,631 and placed 16 times incl 3rd in G.P. der Renault Bank Fliegerpreis, Dortmund, L; dam of a winnerMR SABATINI (SWE) (2006 c. by Swedish Shave (FR)), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Norway and in Sweden and £11,640 and placed 9 times. Gigabite (SWE) (2008 f. by Swedish Shave (FR)), placed 8 times at 3 to 6 years, 2014 in Denmark and in Sweden. Saiko (SWE) (2007 c. by Swedish Shave (FR)), placed once at 2 years in Sweden. 2nd dam LA PALMA (GER), winner at 3 years in Germany and placed 4 times; dam of three winnersLady Lonsdale (GER) (f. by Big Shuffle (USA)), see above. LILY MARLENE (GER), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in France and £58,832 and placed 17 times. LAHORE (GER), 4 wins in Germany and placed 6 times. La Perousa (GER), ran in France at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. LE MAGELLAN (FR), winner at 3 years, 2014 in France and £14,991 and placed 5 times. 3rd dam LA SIERRA (GB), by Connaught (GB), winner at 3 years in West Germany; Own sister to LIRUNG; dam of seven winners inclLos Solano (GB), 8 wins in Germany and in USA and placed 19 times incl 3rd Kronimus Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. Los Sainos (GER), winner at 3 years in Germany and placed 6 times incl 3rd Orakel der Dreijahrigen, Mulheim, L; also placed twice over hurdles. LABATECO (GER), 6 wins at 4, 5 and 7 years in Germany and placed 22 times. LOS DARIOS (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 6 years in Germany and placed 11 times. The next dam LIRANGA (GER), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in West Germany and placed 3 times; dam of nine winners inclLIRUNG, Champion 2yr Old in Germany in 1984, Champion Older Miler in Europe in 1986, 12 wins in France and in West Germany incl P. Fresnay-le-Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1, Grosser Amdahl Deutsch-Pokal, Munich, Gr2, Henckel-Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr2, Consul-Bayeff-Rennen, Bremen, Gr3, Furstenberg-Rennen, BadenBaden, Gr3, Elite-Preis, Koln, Gr3 (twice), Preis des Winterfavoriten, Koln, Gr3, RatiborRennen, Krefeld, L and Otto-Wolff Preis, Koln, L, 2nd Badener Meile, Baden-Baden, Gr3, Henry M Betrix Hessen-Pokal, Frankfurt, Gr3, 3rd Prix d’Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1, P. du Moulin du Longchamp Ecurie Fustok, Longchamp, Gr1 and IBM-PC Pokal Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr1. LAGUNAS, Champion 2yr Old in Germany in 1983, 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in West Germany incl IBM-PC Pokal Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr1, Preis des Winterfavoriten, Koln, Gr3, Rostek & Pesch Rennen, Krefeld, L, Ratibor-Rennen, Krefeld, L and Hamburger Criterium, Hamburg, L, placed 3 times viz 3rd Schwarzwald-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L, 4th in Aral-Pokal, Gelsenkirchen, Gr1 and Henckel-Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr2; sire. LASOLO, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in West Germany incl Hammonia Preis, Hamburg, L, placed once viz 2nd Hessen-Pokal, Frankfurt, Gr3. Loveria, winner at 2 years in West Germany and placed twice incl 2nd Oppenheim-Rennen, Koln, L; dam of winners. LORD OF ENGLAND (GER), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany and in Italy incl G.DallmayrPreis Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr1, placed 4 times incl 3rd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr1; sire. 58

40 Prometheus

Kerstin Ericsson Breeders 2015-17 Fällbro Gård/Affe Racing HB Skålhamravägen, 187 70 Täby 0708-72 85 10


PROMETHEUS (SWE) March 9th, 2013

A brown colt

Madeline Bassett (IRE) Kahyasi (1998) Impressive Lady (GB)

Merchant of Venice (USA)

Storm Cat

Bonita Francita

Storm Bird Terlingua Devil’s Bag Raise The Standard Ile de Bourbon Kadissya Mr Fluorocarbon Concave (GB)

1st dam

MADELINE BASSETT (IRE): 4 wins, £32,849: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £25,305 and placed 8 times; also winner at 5 years in Sweden and placed 3 times; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 previous foals; BLACK MAGIC WOMEN (SWE) (2007 f. by Country Reel (USA)): 5 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2012 in Sweden and £38,938 and placed 10 times. MIDNIGHT EAGLE (SWE) (2005 c. by Eagle Day (USA)): 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £16,351 and placed 12 times. Man After Midnight (SWE) (2008 g. by Eagle Day (USA)): placed 10 times at 2 to 5 years, 2013 in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden. Magic Wind (SWE) (2011 f. by Academy Award (IRE)): unraced, in training (C Vång, Bälinge). Prometheus (SWE) (2013 c. by Merchant of Venice (USA)): see above. 2nd dam Impressive Lady (GB): winner at 2 years and £13,274 and placed twice, 2nd C L Weld Park S., Phoenix Park, Gr3 and Wassl Race, Leopardstown, L; dam of three winners from 9 runners and 11 foals; Compton Arrow (IRE) (g. by Petardia (GB)): 5 wins and £33,905 and placed 14 times incl 3rd Milcars Easter S., Kempton Park, L. PRINCESS SELEN (IRE): 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Turkey and £108,173; dam of four winners: SELEN SULTAN (TUR): winner in Turkey. JAC (TUR): winner in Turkey. BENJAMIN (TUR): winner in Turkey. BUNNY (TUR): winner in Turkey. MADELINE BASSETT (IRE): see above. Pappy (IRE): placed twice at 2 and 3 years. I’m No Lady (IRE): placed once at 3 years. Dissident Lady (IRE): placed once at 3 years. Impressive Act (IRE): unraced; dam of a winner: NICK THE ODDS (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 and placed 3 times. Dane Thyme (IRE): unraced; dam of two winners: HIGH TIME TOO (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and £43,539 and placed 8 times. BRIDGE OIDUALC (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014 in Italy and placed twice. 3rd dam CONCAVE (GB), by Connaught (GB): ran 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals; Impressive Lady: see above. CONTRACT LOVE (IRE): 6 wins at 2 to 6 years in Italy and £40,089 and placed 26 times. PILLOW TALK (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 8 times; dam of a winner: BOLAS NUEVAS (IRE): 7 wins in Spain and £39,123 and placed 12 times. MOONRIDGE (IRE): placed once at 2 years; also winner over hurdles at 4 years and placed 3 times; dam of a winner: ELKA NIKOL (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and placed 5 times. The next dam ABERANGELL: winner at 2 years and placed 5 times; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 9 foals incl: Hedingham Boy: 5 wins, £10,828: 3 wins at 2 and 5 years and placed 11 times incl 4th Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr1; also 2 wins over hurdles at 6 years. Bronco Buster: 13 wins in USA and £20,082 and placed 13 times. 59

41 Tamagotchi


TAMAGOTCHI (SWE) Kheleyf (USA) February 26th, 2013 A Filly Tomodachi (IRE) (first foal) (2007)

Breeders 2015-17 Karin Johansson Brantshammar Stuteri AB Brantshammar, 741 92 Knivsta 070-628 11 25


Green Desert (USA) Society Lady (USA) Arakan (USA) Ivory Bride (GB)

Danzig (USA) Foreign Courier (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) La Voyageuse (CAN) Nureyev (USA) Far Across (GB) Domynsky Ivoronica (IRE)

1st dam

TOMODACHI (IRE), placed twice at 2 and 3 years. 2nd dam IVORY BRIDE (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £16,294 incl Manton Rose Bowl S, Newbury, L, placed 5 times; dam of six winnersCABCHARGE STRIKER (GB) (c. by Rambo Dancer (CAN)), 11 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in Italy and £120,735 incl Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L. FUNFAIR WANE (GB) (g. by Unfuwain (USA)), 8 wins and £202,239 incl Washington Singer S, Newbury, L, placed 17 times. PARKSIDE PURSUIT (GB), 14 wins and £68,545 and placed 20 times. PURE IMAGINATION (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years and £34,566 and placed 11 times. BOLD ARGUMENT (IRE), 5 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years and £18,532 and placed 6 times. BRIDE’S ANSWER (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; also placed once over hurdles; dam of a winner. Isili (USA), placed once at 3 years in Italy; dam of winners. TYRANITAR (ITY), 4 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £50,105 and placed 18 times. Wrong Bride (GB), ran once at 2 years; dam of winners. HIGHLIFE DANCER (GB), 12 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2014 and £33,357 and placed 15 times. 3rd dam IVORONICA (IRE), by Targowice (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times, all her starts; dam of eight winners inclPUTUNA (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl Ballymacoll Stud S, Newbury, L and Dahlia S, Newmarket, L, placed 13 times incl 2nd Tripleprint Lupe S, Goodwood, L, 3rd Trusted Partner Matron S, Curragh, Gr3, Chisholm Bookmakers Virginia Rated Stks., Newcastle, L and Upavon S, Salisbury, L; dam of winners. IVORY BRIDE (GB), see above. Lochonica, 4 wins at 2 and 5 years and placed 5 times incl 4th in Scottish Equitable Gimcrack S, York, Gr2 and Norfolk S, Royal Ascot, Gr3. TYKEYVOR (IRE), 6 wins at 2 to 7 years and placed 11 times; also placed 3 times over hurdles. DIAMOND APPEAL, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. LOCHIVOR, 3 wins at 3 years and placed once. WARNING EXPRESS (GB), 2 wins at 4 years in Australia; dam of winners. Zephyria (NZ), unraced; dam of EVERY FAITH (AUS), Mittys Laelia S, Morphettville, L and 3rd Sportingbet South Aus. Fillies Classic, Morphettville, Gr3. Petonica (IRE), placed once at 2 years; dam of winners. Bourgainville (GB), 4 wins at 2, 4 and 7 years and placed 20 times incl 2nd Bet Attheraces Gordon Richards S, Sandown Park, Gr3, Stan James Now Online Winter Hill S, Windsor, Gr3, Persimmon Homes Strensall S, York, L, Sovereign S, Salisbury, L, Royal Windsor S, Windsor, L and 3rd Magnolia S, Kempton Park, L. The next dam LADY MICKEY (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once; dam of four winners inclEla Minnie Mou, unraced; dam of a winner. SIBARITO (IRE), Premio Villamejor (St Leger), Madrid, L. 60

42 Enge Euphoria p-j.eriksson@post.vtfors.se gotrot.se

ENGE EUPHORIA (SWE) February 14th, 2013 A Chesnut Filly

Kheleyf (USA) Grey Pearl (GB) (1999)

Breeders 2015-17 Per-Johan Eriksson Enge Får o Hästgård Gammelgarn Änge 121, 623 67 Katthammarsvik 0705-15 80 79 Green Desert (USA) Society Lady (USA) Ali-Royal (IRE) River’s Rising (FR)

Danzig (USA) Foreign Courier (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) La Voyageuse (CAN) Royal Academy (USA) Alidiva Mendez (FR) Dry Land (GB)

1st dam GREY PEARL (GB), 4 wins at 3 and 5 years and £35,819 and placed 9 times; dam of two winnersSAKHEE’S PEARL (GB) (2006 f. by Sakhee (USA)), 3 wins at 3 to 5 years and £23,911.. EXCEEDINGLY BOLD (GB) (2007 g. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)), winner at 2 years and £15,530 and placed twice. Nepalese Pearl (GB) (2010 f. by Tiger Hill (IRE)), placed 3 times at 3 years, 2013. (2011 c. by Archipenko (USA)). (2012 f. by Sakhee (USA)). 2nd dam RIVER’S RISING (FR), winner at 3 years; dam of nine winnersDubaian Duel (GB) (f. by Daggers Drawn (USA)), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in USA and £95,468 and placed 6 times incl 3rd Malaysia Airlines Prestige S, Goodwood, Gr3. THE POTATO (GB), 11 wins in Italy and £113,597 and placed 26 times. JIGADEE CREEK (GB), 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in Austria and in Hungary and placed once. GREY PEARL (GB), see above. BELLA VITTORIA (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Yugoslavia and placed 3 times. RISING STREAM (GB), 4 wins at 3 years in Netherlands; dam of a winner. HAZE BABYBEAR (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice. ESTER MY LOVE (GB), placed twice at 3 years in Italy; also winner over jumps in Italy. MUDFLAP (GB), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of a winner. 3rd dam DRY LAND (GB), by Nonoalco (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of four winners inclTROJAN DESERT, 2 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in USA; dam of winners. GILIBERTO (GB), 3 wins at 3 years in Spain incl Premio Villamejor (St Leger), Madrid, L, 2nd Copa de Oro de San Sebastian, Lasarte, Gr3. The next dam LAND HO, ran 3 times at 3 years; dam of seven winners inclLIFTING (IRE), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy incl Premio Archidamia, Rome, L, placed 4 times; dam of winners. FRANKENSTEIN (GB), 9 wins in Italy incl Coppa d’Ora di Milano, Milan, L, Premio Conte Felice Scheibler, Rome, L and Premio Regione Toscana - Defi du Galop, Pisa, L, placed 24 times incl 2nd Premio Carlo d’Alessio, Rome, Gr3, 3rd Premio Ambrosiano, Milan, Gr3 and Premio Carlo d’Alessio, Rome, Gr3 (twice). ARNEB (GB), 2 wins at 2 in Italy incl Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L, placed once. EASY LANDING, 3 wins at 2 years incl Kingsclere S, Newbury, L, placed 5 times incl 2nd National S, Sandown Park, Gr3, Temple S, Sandown Park, Gr3, 3rd Queen Mary S, Royal Ascot, Gr2 and Lowther S, York, Gr3; dam of winners. AIRFIELD, Q Stakes L, Hollywood P, 2nd Cecil Frail H, Haydock Park, L ,Peter Hastings H, L. Inland Sea, unraced; granddam of INTOWISHIN (AUS), Helena Vale Cup, Belmont, L. BRIGHT LANDING, 3 wins at 3 years in France; dam of winners. UPPER STRATA, 3 wins at 2 and 4 years incl George Stubbs EBF S, Newmarket, L and Jennings The Bookmakers Zetland S, Newmarket, L, placed 5 times incl 4th in Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1, from only 9 starts; dam of LORD OF MEN (GB), 10 wins at 2 to 6 years at home, in France and in UAE incl Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr1, 3rd Premio Roma - Trofeo After Eight, Rome, Gr1; sire, HER LADYSHIP (GB), 2 wins at 3 years in France incl Prix de la Seine, Saint-Cloud, L, 2nd Prix de Diane Hermes, Chantilly, Gr1; granddam of DIGNIFY (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years in France incl Prix d’Aumale, Chantilly, Gr3, POLISH PATRIOT (IND), Maharaja Jiwajirao Scindia Trophy, Mumbai, L and Rohan Maharaja Jiwajirao Scindia Trophy, Mumbai, L. 61

43 Ramstein


RAMSTEIN (SWE) April 20th, 2013 A Brown Colt

1st dam

Summer Bird (USA) Day to Shine (USA) (2005)

Bengt Thomasson Mec-Com Klippan AB Krika 2272 A, 264 92 Klippan 070-863 29 86 Birdstone (USA) Hong Kong Squall (USA) Aldebaran (USA) Ellie’s Moment (USA)

Grindstone (USA) Dear Birdie (USA) Summer Squall (USA) Hong Kong Jade (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Chimes of Freedom (USA) Kris S (USA) Kelley’s Day (USA)

DAY TO SHINE (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once; dam of 2 runners from 3 foals of racing age vizGotta Runaway (USA) (2010 c. by Run Away And Hide (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years, 2013 in USA. Shine Today (USA) (2011 f. by Monarchos (USA)), placed 3 times at 3 years, 2014 in Sweden. Wonderful Top Fuel (USA) (2012 f. by Stevie Wonderboy (USA)), in training F Reuterskiöld, Jäg). 2nd dam ELLIE’S MOMENT (USA), 6 wins at 2 to 5 years in USA and £191,281 incl Rare Treat H, Aqueduct, L, placed 4 times incl 2nd Ladies H, Aqueduct, Gr3, Next Move H, Aqueduct, Gr3 and WNBC S, Belmont Park, R.; dam of five winnersAWESOME BET (USA) (c. by Awesome Again (CAN)), 4 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2013 in USA and £202,567 incl Barbaro S, Delaware Park, L, placed 12 times incl 2nd Super Derby, Louisiana Downs, Gr2. Moment in Dixie (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in USA and £206,551 and placed 6 times incl 2nd Hillard Lyons Doubledogdare S, Keeneland, Gr3, Summer Guest S, Saratoga, L, Serena’s Song S, Monmouth Park, L, Jazzy S, Belmont Park and 3rd Trevita S, Aqueduct, R. DEUS EX MACHINA (USA), 2 wins at 5 years in USA and £18,447. TACTICAL MOMENT (USA), winner at 4 years, 2014 in Canada and £30,005 and placed twice. DAY TO SHINE (USA), see above. 3rd dam Kelley’s Day (USA), by Graustark (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and placed 7 times incl 3rd in Gazelle S, Belmont Park, Gr2; Own sister to JAVA MOON (USA), SYLVAN PLACE (USA), Autumn Glory (USA) and Outward Sunshine (USA); dam of nine winners inclBRIAN’S TIME (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA incl Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr1, Pegasus H, Meadowlands, Gr1 and Jim Dandy S, Saratoga, Gr2, placed 8 times viz 2nd Preakness S, Pimlico, Gr1, 3rd Belmont S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Bernard Baruch H, Saratoga, Gr1, Travers S, Saratoga, Gr1, Nassau County H, Belmont Park, Gr2, Jim Beam S, Turfway Park, Gr2, Ben Ali H, Keeneland, Gr3 and 4th in Fountain of Youth S, Gulfstream Park, Gr2; a leading sire. ELLIE’S MOMENT (USA), see above. Storm Day (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and placed 8 times incl 2nd Turfway Park Fall Championship S, Turfway Park, Gr3, 3rd Governor’s H, Ellis Park, L and Warfield S, Keeneland, L; sire. Floramera (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and placed 4 times incl 3rd Virginia H, Calder, Gr3 and Dispute S, Gulfstream Park, L; dam of winners. BOUNDLESS QUEST (USA), winner in USA; dam of BONNY AND CLYDE (CHI), Premio Mil Guineas (1000 Gns), Hipodromo Chile, Gr1, OCEAN QUEST (CHI), Premio Mil Guineas (1000 Gns), Hipodromo Chile, Gr1. Encantado (USA), placed twice at 3 and 4 years in USA; dam of HIRABOKU KING (JPN), Heian S, Kyoto, Gr3. Rebounding Thrill (USA), 9 wins at 3 to 7 years in USA and placed 9 times incl 3rd Sunshine Budweiser Breeders’ H, Tampa Bay Downs. 62

44 752SWE00001637T b.helander@bluewin.ch

A CHESNUT FILLY Foaled April 30th, 2013

Merchant of Venice (USA) Bongo Quest (IRE) (1996)

Bo Helander Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11 Storm Cat (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Be My Guest (USA) Not Too Bad (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Northern Dancer What A Treat Simply Great (FR) Audenhove (GER)

1st dam

BONGO QUEST (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed 5 times, incl 3rd Amacitalöpn, FT74; dam of five winnersCON CIO (IRE) (2002 c. by Sri Pekan (USA)), 13 wins at 2 to 6 years in Italy and £62,244 and placed 12 times. EST EST EST (IRE) (2003 f. by Shinko Forest (IRE)), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and 222.400SEK and placed 11 times; dam of: Trinity (SWE), placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014, FT79 DELAROCHE (SWE) (2008 c. by Heart of Oak (USA)), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and 306.801SEK and placed 3 times, FT76. MUSICAL CONTEST (SWE) (2009 f. by Songline (SWE)), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and 545.060SEK and placed 8 times, incl 2nd Amacitalöpn, SM 2-åriga, FT80. I ASK YOU (IRE) (2004 f. by Ashkalani (IRE)), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed 3 times. Bongo’s Stardust (SWE) (2010 f. by Dustoori (GB)), placed twice at 3 years, 2013 in Sweden. Hayley Mills (SWE) (2012 f. by Sakhee (USA)), in training (C Malmborg, Täby) 2nd dam Not Too Bad (IRE), by Simply Great (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in Sweden and placed 14 times incl 2nd Norsk 1000 Guineas, Övrevoll, and 3rd Malmö Stads Pris, Jägersro; dam of five winnersStone Tycoon (IRE), 14 wins in Italy and placed 54 times incl 2nd Premio Nearco, Rome, L. BONGO QUEST (IRE), see above. TAWNY EAGLE (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 7 times; dam of three winners. MISS MARPLE (SWE), 4 wins and 216.020 SEK and placed 7 times in Sweden. KNOXVILLE (SWE), 3 wins in Sweden. EL ABANDONADO (SWE), winner to 2013 in Sweden. NO TWO WORDS (IRE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and 58.540 SEK and placed 4 times. BOYS’ CHOICE (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 4 times. Devils Date (SWE), placed 8 times at 3 and 4 years in Sweden. Flying Cockatoo (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in Sweden; dam of a winner. ARREBATO (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 7 years in Spain and placed 23 times. To The Queen (SWE), placed 3 times in Sweden; dam of four winners. CROSSOFFISSIO (SWE), 5 wins in Sweden and 312.270SEK and placed 8 times incl 4th Rosengårdlöpn, 5th Sofierolöpn, FT84 QUEEN OF RACING (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden and 228.340SEK and placed 8 times incl 3rd SFAF Stora Pris Auktionslöpn, 4th Amacita, SM 2-åriga, FT71 KINGBIRD (SWE), 3 wins in Sweden and 225.050SEK and placed 20 times, FT65. MAZZARIN (SWE), winner in Sweden and 122.300SEK and placed 12 times incl twice over hurdles, FT68. 3rd dam AUDENHOVE (GER), by Marduk (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in West Germany and placed 13 times; own sister to ALEGRIA (GER); dam of seven winners inclROOFTOP FLYER (IRE), 11 wins at home and in Germany. GOLDEN LUCK, 6 wins at 5 to 7 years in Hong Kong. ANGEL OF ZURICH (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 6 years in West Germany and in Switzerland; also 2 wins over jumps in Switzerland. SUPERB INVESTMENT (IRE), Champion 2yr Old Filly in Czech Republic in 1992, 3 wins at 2 years in Czechoslovakia and placed 3 times; dam of winners. 63

46 La Maitresse

tessan191@hotmail.com staffanssonfbluppfodning.se

LA MAITRESSE (SWE) March 24th, 2013 A Chesnut Filly

Appel Au Maitre (FR) The Spread (GB) (2003)

Gösta och Therese Staffansson Breeders 2015-17 Nannberga Gammelgård 214 732 91 Arboga 070-438 02 87


Starborough (GB) Rotina (FR) Alhaarth (IRE) Evie Hone (IRE)

Soviet Star (USA) Flamenco Wave (USA) Crystal Glitters (USA) Rudolfina Unfuwain (USA) Irish Valley (USA) Royal Academy (USA) Tochar Ban (USA)

1st dam THE SPREAD (GB), placed once at 3 years; dam of two winnersTHE PROVOCATIVE (SWE) (2008 c. by Piccolo (GB)), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2013 in Sweden and £36,419 and placed 12 times, incl 5th Hurricanelöpn. EL GRAN MAGO (SWE) (2009 c. by Mandrake El Mago (CHI)), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in Sweden and £74,333 incl BT Stayer, and placed 12 times incl 2nd Svenskt St Leger, 3rtd SM Classic, 4th JK Jubileumslöpn, Nordic Champion Series Stayer The Intrusive (SWE) (2011 c. by Dustoori (GB)), in training Ma Johansson, Täby. 2nd dam EVIE HONE (IRE), placed once at 2 years; dam of two winnersARRAN SCOUT (IRE), 2 wins at 4 years and £14,564 and placed 8 times. KNEESY EARSY NOSEY (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 4 times. 3rd dam TOCHAR BAN (USA), by Assert (IRE), winner at 3, placed 6 times, from only 8 starts; dam of seven winners inclUNCHARTED HAVEN (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and in USA incl San Clemente S, Del Mar, Gr2 and San Gorgonio H, Santa Anita, Gr2, placed 5 times incl 2nd Mrs Revere S, Churchill Downs, Gr2, 3rd Santa Barbara H, Santa Anita, Gr2 and Buena Vista H, Santa Anita, Gr2; dam of winners. HIGH HEELED (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years incl totesport.com St Simon S, Newbury, Gr3, 3rd Investec Coronation Cup, Epsom Downs, Gr1 and Investec Oaks S, Epsom Downs, Gr1. Faraday Light (IRE), ran twice at 3 years; dam of JUST THE JUDGE (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 incl Etihad Airways Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, placed 4 times incl 2nd Qipco 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1, 3rd Coronation S, Ascot, Gr1 and Newbridge Silverware Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr1, Obliterator (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2013 and placed once viz 2nd Ebm-papst Feilden S, Newmarket, L. ALBANY (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 8 times; also 6 wins over hurdles and placed once. CHOCOLATE REEF (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed 6 times. Amber Tide (IRE), placed 9 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. FERNELEY (IRE), 6 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in USA incl Del Mar Mile H, Del Mar, Gr2 and Amethyst S, Leopardstown, Gr3, 2nd Woodbine Mile S, Woodbine, Gr1, San Gabriel H, Santa Anita, Gr2, P W McGrath Memorial Ballysax S, Leopardstown, Gr3, 3rd Galileo EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr2, San Marcos S, Santa Anita, Gr2, Somerville Tattersall S, Newmarket, Gr3, Glencairn S, Leopardstown, L and Wickerr S, Del Mar, L Ambrix (IRE), placed twice at 3 years; dam of KLODA (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Russia. The next dam Guest Night, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 6 times incl 3rd Fred Darling S, Newbury, Gr3, Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L and 4th in Falmouth S, Newmarket, Gr3; dam of seven winners inclISTICANNA (USA), 2 wins at 2 years at home and in Italy incl Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L, 3rd Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L; dam of winners. CHANCELLOR (IRE), 6 wins incl Royal Whip S, Curragh, Gr2. WHATCOMBE (USA), Premio Gino Mantovani, Milan, L. Age of Reality (USA), placed once at 3 years; granddam of AGE OF CHIVALRY (IRE), 3 wins 64

Please note: No 45 has been withdrawn before the book has gone to print.

47 Caproni

Breeders 2015-17 Caroline Söderberg Stall Ekeby Ösbyvägen 26, 761 75 Norrtälje 073-645 19 93


CAPRONI (SWE) April 24th, 2013 A Bay Gelding

Merchant of Venice (USA) L’Italiana (IRE) (2003)

Storm Cat (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Rossini (USA) Paganina (FR)

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Miswaki (USA) Touch of Greatness (USA) Galetto (FR) Parforce (FR)

1st dam

L’ITALIANA (IRE), placed 7 times at 2 to 4 years at home and in Sweden; dam of 2 foals of racing age vizSopwith Pup (SWE) (2011 f. by Zaahid (IRE)), ran once at 3, 2014, 4.620 kr Night Hawk (SWE) (2012 f. by Fraam (GB)), not reported in training 2nd dam PAGANINA (FR), unraced; dam of three winnersIMSHY (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and £41,151 and placed 5 times. MYSTIC VENTURE (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,378 and placed 7 times. KEEP FAITH (IRE), winner at 3 years in Greece and £15,640 and placed 10 times. 3rd dam PARFORCE (FR), by Mill Reef (USA), 3 wins at 3 years in France and placed once; dam of four winners inclPHILIPPI (FR), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in France incl Prix Robert Papin, M’-Laffitte, Gr2, Prix du Pin, Longchamp, L, Prix Pharel, M’-Laffitte, L and Prix de Montretout, Longchamp, L, placed 8 times incl 2nd Prix de la Porte Maillot, Longchamp, Gr3, 3rd Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1 and Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte, M’-Laffitte, Gr2; sire. PHANTASTICA (FR), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and placed 22 times; dam of winners. The next dam PIA, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Oaks S, Epsom, Park Hill S, Doncaster, Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket and Lowther S, York, placed 5 times incl 2nd Cheveley Park S, Newmarket, 3rd in Musidora S, York, 4th in Champion S, Newmarket and 1000 Guineas S, Newmarket; dam of five winners inclPrincipia (FR), 3 wins at 3 years in France and placed twice incl 4th in Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr3; dam of winners. CHIEF SINGER, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years viz Norcros July Cup, Newmarket, Gr1 and Swettenham Stud Sussex S, Goodwood, Gr1, placed 3 times incl 2nd General Accident 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1 and 3rd Benson & Hedges Gold Cup, York, Gr1; sire. QUERIDA, winner at 2 years and placed 5 times; dam of KIROV PREMIERE (GB), Rutgers H, Meadowlands, Gr3, THEATRE CRITIC, G. P. Europeen l’Elevage-Roland Chambure, Deauville, L, 2nd Grand Prix de Deauville Lancel, Deauville, Gr2 and Prix Greffulhe, Longchamp, Gr2; sire, QUINTILLION, San Matean H, Bay Meadows and 3rd Hillsdale S, Bay Meadows, L; granddam of CESARIO (JPN), Champion 3yr Old Filly in Japan in 2005, American Oaks Invitational S, Hollywood Park, Gr1, ANNA PAVLOVA (GB), 10 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in France incl Bet 365 Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr2 and P. de Royallieu Hotel Hermitage Barriere, Longchamp, Gr2, 3rd Audi Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr1, GOTHENBERG (IRE), 7 wins at 2 to 4 years at home, in Germany and in Italy incl Sea World International S, Curragh, Gr2, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan, Gr2 and Brandenburg Trophy der Landesbank Berlin, Hoppegarten, Gr2, 2nd Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1 and Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr1; sire; 3rd dam of EPIPHANEIA (JPN), Kikuka Sho (St Leger), Kyoto, Gr1, 2nd Tokyo Yushun (Derby), Tokyo, Gr1 and Satsuki Sho (2000 Guineas), Nakayama, Gr1, EURO FALCON (GB), 11 wins at 2 to 6 years in Germany and in Slovakia incl Sandbahn G. P. Deutschen Buchmacher, Neuss, L, placed 10 times; also placed once over hurdles, QUIZ EVOLUTION (ITY), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in Italy incl Criterium Nazionale, Milan, L, placed 3 times incl 3rd Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr3, ISANOUS (FR), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France incl Prix Miss Satamixa, Deauville, L, placed 5 times. 65

48 Dallas

hans.carlzen@bahnhof.se Uppfödd hos Jan Hansson, Hörby.


April 28th, 2013 A Brown Colt

Layman (USA) Melody Star (SWE) (2005)

Hans Carlzén Breeders 2015-17 Stjärnstallet HB/Stall Texas Flyghamnsv 16 B, lgh 1301, 183 64 Täby 0737-38 29 29 Sunday Silence (USA) Laiyl (IRE) Pennekamp (USA) Tamara Red (IRE)

Halo (USA) Wishing Well (USA) Nureyev (USA) Alydaress (USA) Bering Coral Dance (FR) Mukaddamah (USA) Special Meeting (IRE)

1st dam Melody Star (SWE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £58,098 (816.855 SEK inkl bonus) and placed 20 times incl 2nd incl Lanwades Stud S L, Täby, and 3rd Coolmore Matchmaker S L, Täby, Cinnamon Challenge, Ulriksdals Minne (twice), Amacita, 4th BT Classic, Svenskt Oaks, BT Juvenile, SFK Stolöpn, FT85; dam of one winner: BRAZIL JACK (SWE) (2012 c. by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ)), winner and 2nd in only runs at 2, 2014, 81.900 kr 2nd dam Tamara Red (IRE), placed 5 times at 2 years in Sweden; dam of three winnersMelody Star (SWE) (f. by Pennekamp (USA)), see above. RACING LADY (SWE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden, incl Dianalöpn and £47,938 (724.900 SEK inkl bonus) and placed twice, FT83. OSSO BUCCO (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden. Goldgrape (SWE), placed 7 times at 3 and 6 years in Denmark and in Sweden. Tamara Quest (SWE), placed twice at 2 years, 2013 in Sweden. 3rd dam SPECIAL MEETING (IRE), by Persian Bold (IRE), unraced; dam of three winnersSavage (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany and placed 4 times incl 2nd Moet & Chandon Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr2 and IDEE Festa Rennen, Baden-Baden, L; dam of winners. SOUL CITY (IRE), 4 wins at 2 years at home and in France incl Prix La Rochette, Longchamp, Gr3 and Prix Francois Boutin, Deauville, L, 3rd boylesports.com Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1; sire in France. SENTINELESE (IRE), 3 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in UAE incl Grand H de Deauville, Deauville, L, placed 5 times. FASCINATING (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 4 times. FUTURE WONDER (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times. GRANDE TERRE (IRE), 2 wins at 4 years and placed twice; dam of MANCHESTAR (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and placed 5 times, THE MELLOR FELLA (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed once. SANTON LAD (IRE), 4 wins at 3 to 7 years at home and in Sweden. SPECIAL SOCIETY (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed 16 times; dam of winners. SAMYA (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy incl Premio Torricola, Rome, L; dam of FINGLASS (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2014 in France and placed once. OMBRA DEL VENTO (GB), 14 wins in Italy and placed 21 times. BISESE (IRE), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in Italy and placed 9 times. VALPERTO (GB), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and placed 15 times; also 3 wins over jumps in Italy. KIAI (GB), 3 wins at 3 years in Italy and placed 8 times. SIBIRA (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and placed 6 times. Tamara Red (IRE), see above. The next dam ISTIEA, winner at 3 years viz Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr3, placed 5 times incl 2nd Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L and 4th in Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr1; dam of four winners inclSlim Design, unraced; dam of winners. OAKFIELDS (NZ), Ford Dealer Team Champagne S, Wingatui, L, Ford Dealer Team Welcome S, Riccarton, L, 2nd Ford Wakefield S, Trentham, Gr3 and Hutt Valley Cartage Wellesley S, Trentham, L. 66

49 Stern Laprillapril selia@telia.com

Swedish Shave (FR)

STERN LAPRILLAPRIL (SWE) April 1st, 2013 A Chesnut Colt

Lalla Top Top (SWE) (2000)

Gunilla Stern Högaholmen, Lämnarp 576 91 Sävsjö 0382-710 66

Midyan Shavya Mr Eubanks Estrad (GB)

Breeders 2015-17

Miswaki (USA) Country Dream Shavian Stormy Scene Imp Society Whitesburg Lass Risk Me Capriati (USA)

1st dam

LALLA TOP TOP (SWE): 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Norway and in Sweden and £10,205 and placed 7 times; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 previous foals; PAID (SWE) (2010 f. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 in Sweden, incl BT Mile, and £48,997 and placed 9 times, incl 2nd Cinnamon Challenge, 3rd JK Stolöpn Adechike (SWE) (2011 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)): placed 4 times at 3 years, 2014 in Sweden. Stern Laprillapril (SWE) (2013 c. by Swedish Shave (FR)): see above. 2nd dam ESTRAD (GB): placed 3 times at 2 years in Sweden; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 foal; LALLA TOP TOP (SWE): see above. 3rd dam CAPRIATI (USA), by Diesis (GB), placed 3 times at 3 years; also 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £14,598; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals; DAVID (GB): 5 wins, £12,877: winner at 2 years and placed twice; also 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in Spain and £10,015 and placed 12 times. AS-IS (GB): 4 wins at 3 years and £13,738 and placed 4 times. CSENDES EJ (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Hungary. YOGUITO (GB): 2 wins at 3 years in Spain and placed 4 times. The next dam CHATEAU DANCER (USA): 2 wins at 2 years and £25,014 incl Kingsclere S., Newbury, L, 3rd May Hill S., Doncaster, L, Monrovia H., Santa Anita, Morgaise S., Hollywood Park and 4th Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr3; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 12 foals incl: CHATEAU TIME (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in USA and placed 7 times. CAPRIATI (USA): see above. Baby Sips (USA): ran on the flat in USA; dam of four winners incl: CAGEY BABY (CAN): winner in USA; dam of Wild Young Cowboy (CAN): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Canada and £34,625 and placed 5 times incl 3rd Beaufort S., Northlands Park. The next dam DELRAY DANCER (USA): unraced; Own sister to Pajara (USA); dam of nine winners from 14 runners and 16 foals incl: ZAHDAM (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £46,992 incl Salisbury 2000 Gns Trial S., Salisbury, Gr3, 2nd Prix Maurice de Nieuil, Saint-Cloud, Gr2 and Grand Prix de Vichy, Vichy, Gr3. ZACCIO (USA): 22 wins: winner in USA; also 21 wins over jumps in USA incl Carolina Cup H. Hurdle, Camden, Colonial Cup International Steeplechase, Camden (twice), Grand National H. Hurdle, Charlottesville, Indian River H. Steeplechase, Delaware Park, Lovely Night H. Steeplechase, Saratoga, Midsummer H. Steeplechase, Monmouth Park, New York Turf Writers H. Hurdle, Saratoga (twice), Noel Laing H. Hurdle, Montpelier, Pillar Cup Steeplechase, Lexington and Temple Gwathmey H. Hurdle, Belmont Park, 2nd Carolina Cup H. Hurdle, Camden, Lovely Night H. Steeplechase, Saratoga, Hard Scuffle H. Steeplechase, Prospect, 3rd Sandhills Cup H. Steeplechase, Southern Pines and Delta Air Lines H. Hurdle, Atlanta. STANISLAVSKY (USA): 3 wins at 3 years and £26,209 incl Garrowby S., York, L, placed 5 times incl 2nd Extel H., Goodwood, L; sire. CHATEAU DANCER (USA): see above. KOHAYLAN (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in USA and £36,679 incl Acomb S., York, L, 4th Diomed S., Epsom, Gr3 and Guardian Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr3; sire. 67

50 Mariee Gare


MARIEE GARE (SWE) March 25th, 2013 A Chesnut Filly

Appel Au Maitre (FR) Mariee Celebre (GB) (2004)

Ulla Josefsson Vägerstorps Stuteri HB Vägerstorp, 535 91 Kvänum 0702-17 05 35 Starborough (GB) Rotina (FR) Peintre Celebre (USA) Baby Bride (USA)

Soviet Star (USA) Flamenco Wave (USA) Crystal Glitters (USA) Rudolfina Nureyev (USA) Peinture Bleue (USA) Dayjur (USA) Last Feather (USA)

1st dam MARIEE CELEBRE (GB), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 3 times; dam of two winnersVAINQUEUR (SWE) (2009 c. by Dalakhani (IRE)), 4 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2014 in Denmark and in Norway, incl Skand Mesterskap 2-årige, and £33,281 and placed 9 times. NOBEL BRIDE (SWE) (2010 f. by Nobileo (GB)), winner at 3 years, 2013 in Denmark and placed once. Nobel Groom (SWE) (2011 g. by Nobileo (GB)), placed once at 2 years, 2013 in Norway. Cara Blanca (SWE) (2012 f. by Mingun (USA)), qualified 23 July Jägersro. 2nd dam BABY BRIDE (USA), unraced; dam of a winnerMARIEE CELEBRE (GB), see above. Balcarce (USA), unraced; dam of winners. BAJISTA (ARG), Gran Premio Provincia de Buenos Aires, La Plata, Gr1 and 2nd Gran Premio Dardo Rocha-Internacional, La Plata, Gr1. Bayern (ARG), placed in Argentina 2nd Gran Premio Polla de Potrillos, Palermo, Gr1. 3rd dam LAST FEATHER (USA), by Vaguely Noble (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years viz Musidora S, York, Gr3 and Rochford Thompson Newbury S, Newbury, L, placed 3 times incl 3rd Oaks S, Epsom, Gr1, from only 6 starts, died in 1997; dam of six winners inclPRECIOUS FEATHER (USA), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA incl Noble Royalty H, Calder, L, Judy’s Red Shoes S, Calder, L, Born Famous H, Calder, L and Plum Country H, Calder, placed 7 times incl 2nd Azalea Breeders’ Cup S, Calder, Gr3, Turfway Breeders’ Cup S, Turfway Park, Gr3 and Shocker T H, Calder, L; dam of winners. AWESOME FEATHER (USA), Champion 2yr Old Filly in USA in 2010, Gazelle S, Aqueduct, Gr1, Grey Goose Breeders’ Cup Juv. Fillies, Churchill Downs, Gr1, Nasty Storm S, Belmont Park, L, Florida Stallion S (Desert Vixen), Calder, L, Florida Stallion S (My Dear Girl), Calder, L, Florida Stallion S (Susan’s Girl), Calder, L, Florida Sunshine Millions Distaff S, Gulfstream Park, L, Le Slew S, Belmont Park and J J’s Dream S, Calder. Brooks ‘n Down (USA), winner in USA, 3rd Oak Hall S, Evangeline Downs. RUZNAMA (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years incl City of York S, York, L and M Reveley Racing Club Oh So Sharp S, Newmarket, L, placed 4 times incl 3rd May Hill S, Doncaster, Gr3, from only 9 starts; dam of a winner. Phar Feather (USA), winner at 2 years in France and placed twice viz 2nd Prix de Conde, Longchamp, Gr3 and 3rd Prix Matchem, Evry, L; sire. Bawaeth (USA), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. ELMUTABAKI (GB), 2 wins at 3 years incl Leith’s July Trophy S, Haydock Park, L, placed 4 times. Marabou (USA), placed once at 3 years; dam of winners. Biwa Good Luck (JPN), winner in Japan, 2nd Kansai Telecasting Corp. Sho Rose S, Hanshin, L. Saint Sailor (JPN), placed 3 times at 3 years in Japan; dam of SILK FAMOUS (JPN), American Jockey Club Cup, Nakayama, L, Kyoto Kinen, Kyoto, L, Nikkei Shinshun Hai, Kyoto, L and 2nd Takarazuka Kinen, Hanshin, Gr1, Ken Bridge L (JPN), winner in USA, 3rd Silk Road S, Kyoto, Gr3. 68

51 Meandro


MEANDRO (SWE) March 17th, 2013 A Bay Colt

Devil’s Drink (JPN) Snowfall (GB) (2000)

Bengt Morberg Vallhall Fäboda 15 734 91 Hallstahammar 070-471 54 29 Agnes Tachyon (JPN) Silk Prima Donna (JPN) Polar Falcon (USA) Soluce (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17

Sunday Silence (USA) Agnes Flora (JPN) Brian’s Time (USA) Bound To Dance (USA) Nureyev (USA) Marie d’Argonne (FR) Junius (USA) Amatrice (IRE)

1st dam SNOWFALL (GB), 7 wins at 3 to 7 years in Norway and in Sweden and 350.281SEK and placed 25 times, incl 5th Amacita, FT77; dam of a winner MELLON (SWE) (2010 c. by Melmac (SWE)), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Norway and in Sweden and £16,898 and placed 8 times, FT64. Megin (SWE) (2011 c. by Dustoori (GB)), dead 2013. 2nd dam SOLUCE, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £22,963 incl The North Ridge 1000 Guineas Trial, Phoenix Park, Gr3; dam of eight winnersSPLICE (GB) (f. by Sharpo), 7 wins at 2 to 4 years and £80,519 incl Abernant S, Newmarket, L, placed 12 times incl 2nd Abernant S, Newmarket, L, Rous S, Newmarket, L and 3rd King George S, Goodwood, Gr3; dam of winners. SOAR (GB), JT Champion 2yr Old Filly in England in 2004, 3 wins at 2 years and £98,973 incl Jaguar Lowther S, York, Gr2, placed once. FEET SO FAST (GB), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in UAE and £310,243 incl Al Shindagha Sprint, Nad Al Sheba, L and HH The President Cup, Abu Dhabi, L, placed 4 times incl 3rd Keio Hai Spring Cup, Tokyo, Gr2. ENTWINE (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £14,346 and placed 3 times; dam of ENTANGLE (GB), Champion 3yr Old Filly in Scandinavia in 2009, Champion Older Mare in Scandinavia in 2010 & 2012, 20 wins at 3 to 6 years in Norway and in Sweden and £430,393 incl Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Övrevoll, Gr3, placed 12 times; granddam of MISS WORK OF ART (GB), 3 wins at 2 years and £104,677 incl Langleys Solicitors EBF Marygate S, York, L, placed 3 times incl 2nd Laundry Cottage Firth of Clyde S, Ayr, Gr3, Romantic Settings (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 and £39,655 and placed 7 times incl 2nd Tattersalls Musidora S, York, Gr3. Desert Rose (GB), ran once at 2 years; dam of BURNING THREAD (IRE), 6 wins and £89,352 incl totesport.com Scurry S, Sandown Park, L, placed 4 times. SNOWFALL (GB), see above. ALFUJAIRAH, 7 wins at 3 to 7 years at home and in Italy and £38,718. TARAWAN (GB), 6 wins at 3, 5 and 7 years and £51,100 and placed 21 times. PRESENTS GALORE (GB), 5 wins at 5 years in Austria and placed 3 times. SPLICING (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £15,498 and placed 8 times; dam of winners. Mi Amor (IRE), placed once at 3 years; dam of FRANKTHETANK (IRE), 4 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £12,507 and placed 3 times. POLAR LADY (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 7 times; dam of winners. ARCTIC FEELING (IRE), 6 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2013 and £70,558 incl Zenith Ltd Harry Rosebery S, Ayr, L, placed 12 times. SOLO SAIL (GB), winner at 3 years and placed once; also winner over hurdles. Prima Facie (GB), ran 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. Babayigit (TUR), winner in Turkey, 2nd 19 Mayis, Veliefendi, L. Absolute Pleasure (GB), ran 3 times at 2 years; dam of winners. TRUE PLEASURE (IRE), 7 wins at 3, 6 and 7 years, 2014 and £27,410 and placed 7 times. Caribbean Escape (GB), unraced; dam of winners. KNAVESMIRE (IRE), 2 wins at 2, £16,671, Hilary Needler Trophy, Beverley, L, placed twice. SLEEPING STORM (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £12,295 and placed 4 times; dam of SUSHI TUNA (GB), 3 wins at 2 years in France and £53,403 incl Criterium du Languedoc, Toulouse, L, placed twice. 69

52 Extacia

Erna van Doorn Jägarskogen 2 155 94 Nykvarn 070-580 77 00


EXTACIA (SWE) February 13th, 2013 A Chesnut Filly

Kingmambo (USA)

Chinese Mandarin (USA)

Rose Gypsy (GB)

Ambitious (GB) (1995)

Ayodhya (IRE)

Ardkinglass (GB)

Breeders 2015-17

Mr Prospector (USA) Miesque (USA) Green Desert (USA) Krisalya Green Desert (USA) Reuval Astronef Caramica (GB)

1st dam AMBITIOUS (GB), 9 wins at 4 and 5 years and £66,124 and placed 18 times; dam of three winnersEXODUS (SWE) (2008 c. by Avonbridge (GB)), 4 wins at 2 and 4 years in Sweden and £30,426 and placed 5 times, incl 3rd JK Jubileumslöpn, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn. CLIFTON BRIDGE (GB) (2007 g. by Avonbridge (GB)), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, died at 4. CAMISSA (GB) (2004 f. by Averti (IRE)), winner at 2 years and placed twice. Lady Ambitious (GB) (2003 f. by Pivotal (GB)), placed once at 4 years; dam of a winner. Buckle Up (GB) (2006 g. by Primo Valentino (IRE)), placed once at 3 years. Exotica (SWE) (2012 f. by Avonbridge (GB)), in traing (E van Doorn, Täby) 2nd dam AYODHYA (IRE), 4 wins at 2 years in France and £30,526 and placed 3 times; dam of six winnersAMBITIOUS (GB), see above. MCELDOWNEY (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 4 years and £66,337 and placed 18 times; also placed twice over hurdles. ASTRONOMER (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 6 years and £26,699 and placed 13 times; also winner over hurdles and placed twice. ACROBATIC (GB), 4 wins at 2, 5 and 6 years at home and in Hong Kong and £296,217 and placed 9 times. APSARA (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years and £24,745 and placed 12 times; also placed once over hurdles. AMALIANBURG (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times. Cruceau (GB), placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years in France and in Hong Kong and £13,433. 3rd dam CARAMICA (GB), by Charlottown (GB), unraced; dam of five winnersDROMOD HILL, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years incl McDonogh Limited Extended H, Galway, L and Golden Pages Ltd. Extended H, Leopardstown, L, placed 10 times; also placed 4 times over hurdles incl 2nd Guinness Champion 4-y-o Hurdle, Punchestown; sire. DUBLIN’S COQ HARDI, 3 wins at 3 years and placed 4 times; also 3 wins over hurdles and placed once. AYODHYA (IRE), see above. JAN VAN RIEBEECK, placed once at 3 years; also winner over hurdles and placed once. SEAL BEACH, placed once at 3 years; also winner over hurdles and placed once; dam of a winner. Snowmass (IRE), placed 3 times in Hong Kong. The next dam CAIRN KITTY, unraced; dam of seven winners inclKESHCORRAN, winner at 4 years viz Trigo S, Leopardstown, L, placed 3 times.


53 Capoeira

CAPOEIRA (SWE) March 22nd, 2013 A Chesnut Colt

Breeders 2015-17

Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 775 96 Krylbo 070-631 73 17

stallpernilla@icloud.com stallpernillanilsson.se

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Capizzi (GB) (2007)

Mr Prospector (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Dubai Destination (USA) Berkeley Lodge (IRE)

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Kingmambo (USA) Mysterial (USA) Grand Lodge (USA) Searching Star (GB)

1st dam CAPIZZI (GB), unraced; dam ofIceandsnow (SWE) (2012 f. by Verglas (IRE)), qualified 2014-07-21 2nd dam BERKELEY LODGE (IRE), unraced; dam of a winnerTEES AND CEES (IRE), winner at 4 years in Germany and placed 3 times. 3rd dam SEARCHING STAR (GB), by Rainbow Quest (USA), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of seven winners inclFA-EQ (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl Mcarthurglen City of York S, York, L, placed 3 times incl 2nd Hibernia Foods Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1. CORINIUM (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Radley S, Newbury, L and EBF Conqueror S, Goodwood, L, placed twice, all her starts; dam of winners. Ellway Star (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 5 times incl 3rd EBF Lansdown S, Bath, L; dam of winners. BA AED ALNAHAAWI (KSA), winner to 2013 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MOHAWK STAR (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 7 years and placed 12 times; also winner over hurdles and placed 10 times and placed once over fences. HARTSTOWN HOUSE (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and placed twice, from only 5 starts; dam of winners. BELDALE MEMORY (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years, 2013 incl Langleys Solicitors EBF Marygate S, York, L. GILDED VANITY (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of winners. Birdman (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2014 and placed 6 times incl 2nd 32red.com Superlative S, Newmarket, Gr2 and 3rd Galileo EBF Futurity S, Curragh, Gr2. A Mind of Her Own (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years incl 3rd Coolmore Stud Sprint S, Naas, Gr3, from only 5 starts. Gilded Truffle (IRE), placed twice at 3 years; dam of KALON BRAMA (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2013 and placed twice. The next dam LITTLE WHITE STAR, unplaced at 3 years; dam of eight winners inclBELDALE STAR, 4 wins incl Racal Vodafone Blue Riband Trial S, Epsom, L, placed 7 times incl 2nd Lanson Champagne S, Goodwood, L; also 5 wins over hurdles and placed 4 times incl 2nd New Year’s Day Hurdle, Windsor and 3rd Swinton Insurance Brokers Trophy Hurdle, Haydock Park. MOON DROP, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Remembrance Day EBF S, Doncaster, L, 2nd Scherping-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L and Grosser Sprint Preis von Bayern, Munich, L; dam of winners. Dancing Drop (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and placed 9 times incl 2nd London Clubs Fern Hill Rated H, Ascot, L, Bonusprint October S, Ascot, L, 3rd Enza New Zealand Sweet Solera S, Newmarket, L, Sino Group Dragon Trophy, Sandown Park, L and Oh So Sharp S, Newmarket, L; dam of JEWEL IN THE SAND (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 4 years incl Chippenham Lodge Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr2, placed once, DAVIGNON (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany incl Scherping Rennen, Baden-Baden, L, placed 4 times; granddam of MIBLISH (GB), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2014 at home and in Qatar incl BetVictor Magnolia S, Kempton Park, L, 3rd CantorFitzgerald Brigadier Gerard S, Sandown Park, Gr3. 71

54 Home and Dry ravdansen@telia.com ravdansen.se

HOME AND DRY (SWE) May 1st, 2013 A Bay Colt (first foal)

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Asuncion (SWE) (2005)

Ivan Sjöberg Rävdansens stuteri Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Most Welcome (GB) Delta Downs (GB)

Breeders 2015-17

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Be My Guest (USA) Topsy (GB) Deputy Minister (CAN) Ruthless Rose (USA)

1st dam ASUNCION (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed once. 2nd dam DELTA DOWNS (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of seven winners JIMMY MACK (SWE) (2009 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), Horse of the Year in Sweden 2012, Champion 3yo in Sweden 2012, 8 wins at 2 to 4 years, and 2.028.842SEK, incl BT Juvenile, BT Mile, BT Classic, Mischa Kahns Minne, Ulriksdals Minne, placed 8 times, FT89. PHILADELFIA (SWE) (2011 c. by Philomatheia (USA)), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Sweden and 597.839SEK and placed 7 times, incl 2nd Svenskt Kriterium, SM 2-åriga, 3rd BT Mile, FT81 MEKONG (SWE) (2004 c. by Diaghlyphard (USA)), 7 wins at 4 and 5 years in Norway and 303.393SEK and placed 10 times, FT75 (Övrevoll championtäcke 2008) STATE (SWE) (1998 f. by Spectacular Tide (USA)), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Sweden and 418.250SEK and placed 23 times, incl Cinnamon Challenge (twice). CROWN OF CREATION (SWE) (2006 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), 2 wins at 2 and 5 years in Sweden and £21,653, incl 2nd SÅEF/SFAF Auktionslöpn, and placed 19 times. SOUL SACRIFICE (SWE) (2001 c. by Diaghlyphard (USA)), winner at 3 years in Sweden. ASUNCION (SWE) (2005 f. by Most Welcome), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed once. 3rd dam RUTHLESS ROSE (USA), by Conquistador Cielo (USA), ran in USA at 3 and 4 years; dam of ten winners inclREGAL ROSE (GB), 2 wins at 2 years including Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S, Newmarket, Gr1, all her starts; dam of winners. Royal Banker (GB), winner at 2 years, 2013, 2nd Eddie Logan S, Santa Anita, L. and 3rd Generous S, Hollywood Park, Gr3. REGAL RIBAND (GB), winner at 2 years and placed twice, all her starts; dam of REGAL REALM (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Whiteley Clinic Prestige S, Goodwood, Gr3 and Oak Tree S, Goodwood, Gr3, placed twice incl 2nd Juddmonte Princess Margaret S, Ascot, Gr3. GENERALIST (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Japan incl Hai Kinko Sho, Chukyo, L and Nikkan Sports Sho Shinzan Kinen, Kyoto, L, placed 3 times incl 3rd Asahi Hai Sansai S, Nakayama, L. and NHK Mile Cup, Tokyo, L. Regal Flush (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and placed 6 times incl 2nd Enter the Tentofollow Aston Park S, Newbury, L. and 3rd Stowe Family Law Grand Cup, York, L. MATIKANESIRUYAKIMI (GB), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Japan and placed 5 times; also winner over jumps in Japan and placed twice. POLISONNE (GB), winner at 2 years in Belgium and placed once; dam of winners. Aurora Australis (USA), unraced; dam of SOUTHERN SKYE (AUS), won Chargold Geelong Classic, Geelong, L, 2nd Cellarbrations HKJC Nev Sellwood S, Rosehill, Gr3, Tattersalls Club Cup, Randwick, L, McGrath Estate Agents Sky High S, Rosehill, L and 3rd De Bertoli Wines Festival S, Rosehill, L. SOCIETY ROSE (GB), winner at 2 years and placed once, all her starts; dam of winners. Verdane (GB), winner at 2 years and 3rd Carraig Insurance Winkfield S, Ascot, L. KHEE SOCIETY (GB), winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 5 times. Sahara Rose (GB), ran once at 2 years; dam of winners. SHARE A SECRET (GB), winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed twice. 72

55 Label


LABEL (SWE) April 8th, 2013 A Chesnut Colt (first foal)

Layman (USA) Blusher (GB) (2006)

Christer Svanholm Breeders 2015-17 Christer Svanholm AB Igelösa 103, 388 96 Ljungbyholm 0708-33 35 60 Sunday Silence (USA) Laiyl (IRE) Fraam (GB) Quickstyx (GB)

Halo (USA) Wishing Well (USA) Nureyev (USA) Alydaress (USA) Lead On Time (USA) Majestic Kahala (USA) Night Shift (USA) Red Bouquet (GB)

1st dam BLUSHER (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in Sweden incl Amacitalöpn, Svealandlöpn, Scania Sprint and £63,358 and placed 17 times. 2nd dam QUICKSTYX (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of six winnersBLUSHER (GB), see above. HAIRSPRAY (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £22,478 and placed once. WATNEYA (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed twice. HAYMARKET (GB), winner at 4 years, 2013 and placed 3 times; also winner over hurdles and placed twice. MEMORY STYX (GB), winner at 2 years, 2013 and £17,226 and placed 12 times. COLLINGBOURNEDUCIS (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2013 and placed once. 3rd dam RED BOUQUET (GB), by Reference Point (GB), 3 wins at 4 years in Germany and placed 8 times; dam of six winners inclRED FORT (IRE), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in USA incl Wolferton S, Ascot, L, 2nd Charles Whittingham Memorial H, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Inglewood H, Hollywood Park, Gr3 (twice) and 3rd Charles Whittingham Memorial H, Hollywood Park, Gr1. RED CARNATION (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl CIU Serlby S, Doncaster, L, 3rd Gala Bingo Berkshire S, Windsor, L; dam of winners. RED WINE (GB), 10 wins and placed 33 times; also winner over hurdles and placed once. ROYAL JET (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years and placed 18 times. The next dam CERISE BOUQUET, winner at 2 years; dam of five winners inclRED CAMELLIA (GB), Jt Champion 2yr old Filly in England in 1996, 3 wins at 2 years incl Crowson Prestige S, Goodwood, Gr3 and Milcars Star S, Sandown Park, L, 3rd Dubai Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of winners. RED BLOOM (GB), 6 wins at 2 to 5 years incl Meon Valley Stud Fillies’ Mile S, Ascot, Gr1, Irish National Stud Blandford S, Curragh, Gr2 (twice), sportingoptions.co.uk Strensall S, York, Gr3 and Weatherbys Bank Pipalong S, Pontefract, L, 2nd Audi Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr1, Prix Jean Romanet, Deauville, Gr2, 3rd Coronation S, Ascot, Gr1, Vodafone Nassau S, Goodwood, Gr1, Audi Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr1 and Darley Prix Jean Romanet, Deauville, Gr2. RED GALA (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years incl corbettsports.com Chester H, Chester, L, placed 4 times incl 3rd betinternet.com Fred Archer S, Newmarket, L. RED AZALEA (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed twice; dam of winners. Red Peony (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 4 times incl 2nd Totesport Virginia Fillies H, Yarmouth, L, EBF Harvest S, Windsor, L and 3rd Citroen C5 Prestige S, Goodwood, Gr3. Red Fuschia (GB), unraced; dam of RED BADGE (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Whiteley Clinic Select S, Goodwood, Gr3 and Shadwell Steventon S, Newbury, L, placed 5 times incl 2nd Novae Bloodstock Ins. Fairway S, Newmarket, L, On The Dark Side (IRE), winner at 2 years and placed once viz 3rd Investec Woodcote S, Epsom Downs, L. Red Begonia (GB), unraced; dam of Robert Le Diable (FR), 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2014 in France and placed 8 times incl 2nd Prix Montenica, Deauville, L, 3rd Prix Saraca, Maisons-Laffitte, L and Prix La Fleche, Maisons-Laffitte, L. 73

56 752SWE00001633T b.helander@bluewin.ch

A BAY COLT Foaled April 9th, 2013

Merchant of Venice (USA) Est Est Est (IRE) (2003)

Bo Helander Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11 Storm Cat (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Shinko Forest (IRE) Bongo Quest (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Green Desert (USA) Park Express Be My Guest (USA) Not Too Bad (IRE)

1st dam

EST EST EST (IRE), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and 222.400SEK and placed 11 times, FT79; dam of one runner from 2 foals of racing age vizTrinity (SWE) (2011 c. by Heart of Oak (USA)), placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in Denmark and in Sweden. Zamir (SWE) (2012 c. by Zaahid (IRE)), qualified July 9th 2014, and ran his first race on Aug 6. 2nd dam BONGO QUEST (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and 148.100SEK and placed 5 times, incl 3rd Amacitalöpn, FT74; dam of five winnersCON CIO (IRE) (2002 c. by Sri Pekan (USA)), 13 wins at 2 to 6 years in Italy and £62,244 and placed 12 times. EST EST EST (IRE) - see above. DELAROCHE (SWE) (2008 c. by Heart of Oak (USA)), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and 306.801SEK and placed 3 times, FT76. MUSICAL CONTEST (SWE) (2009 f. by Songline (SWE)), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and 545.060SEK and placed 8 times, incl 2nd Amacitalöpn, SM 2-åriga, FT80. I ASK YOU (IRE) (2004 f. by Ashkalani (IRE)), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed 3 times. Bongo’s Stardust (SWE) (2010 f. by Dustoori (GB)), placed twice at 3 years, 2013 in Sweden. Hayley Mills (SWE) (2012 f. by Sakhee (USA)), in training (C Malmborg, Täby) 3rd dam Not Too Bad (IRE), by Simply Great (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in Sweden and 150.950SEK and placed 14 times incl 2nd Norsk 1000 Guineas, Övrevoll, and 3rd Malmö Stads Pris, Jägersro; dam of five winnersStone Tycoon (IRE), 14 wins in Italy and placed 54 times incl 2nd Premio Nearco, Rome, L. BONGO QUEST (IRE), see above. TAWNY EAGLE (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 7 times; dam of three winners. MISS MARPLE (SWE), 4 wins and 216.020 SEK and placed 7 times in Sweden. KNOXVILLE (SWE), 3 wins in Sweden. EL ABANDONADO (SWE), winner to 2013 in Sweden. NO TWO WORDS (IRE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and 58.540 SEK and placed 4 times. BOYS’ CHOICE (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 4 times. Devils Date (SWE), placed 8 times at 3 and 4 years in Sweden. Flying Cockatoo (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in Sweden; dam of a winner. ARREBATO (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 7 years in Spain and placed 23 times. To The Queen (SWE), placed 3 times in Sweden; dam of four winners. CROSSOFFISSIO (SWE), 5 wins in Sweden and 312.270SEK and placed 8 times incl 4th Rosengårdlöpn, 5th Sofierolöpn, FT84 QUEEN OF RACING (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden and 228.340SEK and placed 8 times incl 3rd SFAF Stora Pris Auktionslöpn, 4th Amacita, SM 2-åriga, FT71 KINGBIRD (SWE), 3 wins in Sweden and 225.050SEK and placed 20 times, FT65. MAZZARIN (SWE), winner in Sweden and 122.300SEK and placed 12 times incl twice over hurdles, FT68. The next dam AUDENHOVE (GER), by Marduk (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in West Germany and placed 13 times; own sister to ALEGRIA (GER); dam of seven winners inclNot Too Bad (IRE), see above. 74

57 752SWE00001547T gjelsaas@hotmail.com

Friröntgad. Uppfödd hos HorseNature.

A BAY FILLY Foaled April 8th, 2013 1st dam

Tertullian (USA) Danetime Music (IRE) (2004)

Thomas Gjelsås Breeders 2015-17 Stall Mojito Möllebakken 12, 1359 Eiksmarka, Norge 91 63 29 98 Miswaki (USA) Turbaine (USA) Danetime (IRE) Tuesday Morning (IRE)

Mr Prospector (USA) Hopespringseternal (USA) Trempolino (USA) Allegretta Danehill (USA) Allegheny River (USA) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Mourwara (GB)

DANETIME MUSIC (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 4 at home and in Norway and £15,051 and placed 7 times; dam of one winner from 3 foals of racing age: ROYAL MUSIC (SWE) (2011 g. by Royal Experiment (USA)), winner and placed, 75.600 kr Pilula Feliz (SWE) (2012 f. by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ)), in training A Bye Hansen, Övrevoll). 2nd dam TUESDAY MORNING (IRE), unraced; dam of nine winnersDANEHILL MUSIC (IRE) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £133,074 incl EBF Park Express S, Curragh, Gr3 and Netjets Celebration S, Curragh, L, placed 7 times incl 2nd Lodge Park EBF Park Express S, Curragh, Gr3, Eyrefield S, Leopardstown, L, 3rd Keeneland International S, Curragh, Gr3 and Oak Lodge Sires Loughbrown S, Curragh, L; dam of a winner. Seussical (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years, 2013 and £32,432 and placed once viz 3rd King George V Cup Nijinsky S, Leopardstown, L. Rocky Wednesday (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed once; also 3 wins over hurdles and £56,793 and placed 9 times incl 2nd boylesports.com H Hurdle, Leopardstown, Weatherbys Ireland GSB Hurdle, Fairyhouse and 3rd Winning Fair Juvenile Hurdle, Fairyhouse and placed once over fences. BOHEMIAN SPIRIT (IRE), winner over hurdles anvirtuelled placed 3 times and 7 wins over fences and £58,251 and placed 10 times. DANETIME MUSIC (IRE), see above. ROCK CANYON (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2014 and £13,463 and placed 16 times. RUBY ESTATE (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed 8 times. QUESTOR (IRE), winner at 3 years in Turkey and £16,232 and placed 7 times. SU COLLE (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and £13,031 and placed 7 times. PURPLE DAWN (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed once; also placed 3 times over hurdles. 3rd dam MOURWARA (GB), by Wolver Hollow (GB), placed once at 2 years; dam of one winnerMasterfleet, 3 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in West Germany 2nd Badener Jugend-Preis, BadenBaden, L, Scherping-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L and 3rd Suchard Sprint Cup, Bremen, L. The next dam Miss Melody, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times incl 2nd Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3 and Seaton Delaval S, Newcastle, Gr3; dam of five winners inclMASARIKA, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France incl Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1, Prix Robert Papin, M’-Laffitte, Gr1 and Prix du Bois, Longchamp, Gr3, placed 3 times viz 2nd Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr1, Prix Imprudence, M’-Laffitte, L and 3rd Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr1; dam of winners. MASSYAR (IRE), Gallinule S, Curragh, Gr2 and 3rd Airlie Coolmore Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1. MADJARISTAN (USA), Arcadia H, Santa Anita, Gr3 3rd Eddie Read H, Del Mar, Gr1; sire. MASSKANA (IRE), winner in France; dam of DANK (GB), 7 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 at home and in USA incl Beverly D S, Arlington International, Gr1 and Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare Turf, Santa Anita, Gr1, 3rd Dubai Duty Free S, Meydan, Gr1, EAGLE MOUNTAIN (GB), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Hong Kong incl Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, Gr1, 2nd Emirates Airline Champion S, Newmarket, Gr1, Vodafone Derby S, Epsom Downs, Gr1, Emirates Airlines Breeders’ Cup Turf, Santa Anita, Gr1 and 3rd Budweiser Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr1, SULK (IRE), Champion 2yr Old Filly in France in 2001, 2 wins at 2 years at home and in France. 75

58 Spirit River

Breeders 2015-17 Jan Hansson Stall Jalih Hjärås gård 9152, 242 97 Hörby 0415-402 05


SPIRIT RIVER (SWE) March 24th, 2013 A Chesnut Colt 1st dam

Layman (USA) Victory Spirit (USA) (2001)

Sunday Silence (USA) Laiyl (IRE) Alphabet Soup (USA) Regal Victress (CAN)

Halo (USA) Wishing Well (USA) Nureyev (USA) Alydaress (USA) Cozzene (USA) Illiterate (USA) Diamond Prospect (USA) Baraquillo (CAN)

VICTORY SPIRIT (USA), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £46,801 and placed twice; dam of one winnerABSOLUT SILVER (GB) (2011 f. by Three Valleys (USA)), winner at 3 years, 2014 in Sweden and £10,381 and placed 3 times. Bapak Pintar (GB) (2009 c. by Royal Applause (GB)), placed 8 times at 2 and 3 years, died at 3. Princess Izzy (GB) (2008 f. by Tale of The Cat (USA)), placed once at 2 years. 2nd dam Regal Victress (CAN), 7 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in USA and £145,795 2nd First Flight H, Aqueduct, Gr2, Jammed Lovely S, Greenwood, L, 3rd Straight Deal H, Laurel, L and Florida Breeders’ Distaff S, Ocala T. C.; Own sister to Diamonds For U (USA); dam of ten winnersSUPER RED (CAN) (c. by Rahy (USA)), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £158,760 incl Connaught Cup S, Woodbine, Gr2R., placed 6 times incl 3rd Woodchopper H, Fair Grounds, L and Steinlen H, Gulfstream Park, L. Dreamers Glory (USA) (f. by Holy Bull (USA)), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and £116,768 and placed 3 times incl 2nd Boiling Springs Breeders’ Cup H, Meadowlands, Gr3; dam of a winner. DREAM BABY (USA), winner to 2014 in USA Sharps Island (USA) (c. by Deputy Minister (CAN)), 7 wins at 3 to 5 years in USA and £124,983 and placed 13 times incl 2nd Native Dancer S, Laurel; also winner over jumps in USA Banner Headline (USA) (g. by Personal Flag (USA)), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in USA and £140,591 and placed 11 times incl 3rd Creme Fraiche S, Meadowlands, L. ALMABETH (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in USA and £17,176 and placed 4 times. REGAL FLING (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and £12,809 and placed 5 times. REGAL SIPHON (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA and £18,057 and placed 3 times. VICTORY SPIRIT (USA), see above. REGAL TIMES (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and £20,968 and placed 3 times. CAUGHT FIRE (CAN), winner at 3 years in USA and £22,567 and placed twice; dam of winners. SWIFTY VICTRESS (USA), D Shine Young Memorial Futurity (f), Evangeline Downs, L, John Franks Mem. Sales Fillies S, Evangeline Downs, L and 3rd Creme de la Creme S, Delta Downs, R. No Rachmones (USA), winner in USA, 3rd Tim Conway S, Santa Anita, L. Lily Charmer (USA), placed twice at 4 years in USA; dam of winners. LILY RULES (USA), winner to 2013 in Canada and in USA INVASORA (USA), winner to 2013 in USA 3rd dam BARAQUILLO (CAN), by Barachois (CAN), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and placed 6 times; dam of six winners inclCHINGQUILLO (AUS), 2 wins in Australia viz Beck’s Bier S, Flemington, L and Mona Nursery, Caulfield, L, placed 8 times incl 3rd 100F Blue Diamond S, Caulfield, Gr1 and Reisling Slipper Trial, Rosehill, Gr2; dam of winners. Cousy (AUS), winner in Australia, 3rd Maribyrnong Plate, Flemington, Gr2 and Pierre Fontaine Trophy, Moonee Valley, L. Regal Victress (CAN), see above. Diamonds For U (USA), 6 wins in Puerto Rico 3rd Clasico dia de Reyes, El Comandante, L. 76

59 Houston Heat

Annika Stalfelt Lanna Niordsta 109 692 93 Kumla 070-885 78 08

HOUSTON HEAT (SWE) April 27th, 2013 A Chesnut Colt (first foal)

Mr Prospector (USA)

annika@niordsta.se niordsta.se

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Holly Society (SWE) (2007)

Forest Flower (USA) Funambule (USA) Costly Member (SWE)

Breeders 2015-17

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Lyphard (USA) Sonoma (FR) Emarati (USA) Sawlah (GB)

1st dam HOLLY SOCIETY (SWE), 3 wins at 2 years in Sweden and £26,829, SM 2-åriga. 2nd dam COSTLY MEMBER (SWE), 2 wins at 2 years in Sweden and £17,104 and placed 8 times, incl 2nd incl Stora Tvååringspriset, 3rd SM 2-åriga; dam of two winnersHONGKONG STAR (SWE) (2011 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), 3 wins at 2 years, 2013 in Sweden incl Svenskt Kriterium, SG Auktionslöpn and £52,459 and placed 3 times. HOLLY SOCIETY (SWE), see above. Colonel (SWE), placed once at 3 years in Sweden. 3rd dam SAWLAH (GB), by Known Fact (USA), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of seven winnersFANUS (IRE), 13 wins in Spain and in Sweden, sire. ZAITOON (IRE), placed 3 times at 3 years; also 2 wins over hurdles and placed 8 times and 4 wins over fences and placed 22 times. FIELD SPURT (GB), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Japan and placed 7 times. TOTTE (SWE), 4 wins at 5 and 6 years in Norway and placed 17 times. PANCAKEHILL (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 10 times. COSTLY MEMBER (SWE), see above. OLGA (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 4 times. Nidaa (GB), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years. Iktidar (GB), placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners. Qadar (IRE), 7 wins and placed 36 times incl 3rd pontins.com Cleves S, Lingfield Park, L. Ikan (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 12 times incl 2nd Constant Security Doncaster S, Doncaster, L; dam of EXCEEDINGLY GOOD (IRE), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years and placed 10 times. Valjarv (IRE), winner at 2 years and placed 13 times incl 3rd Green Ridge Stables Empress S, Newmarket, L; dam of VAL C (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in Qatar, DESTINY OF DREAMS (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2013 and placed 10 times. Sulwaan (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and placed 3 times; also winner over hurdles and placed once and winner over jumps in USA and placed once viz 3rd Marcellus Frost Hurdle, Percy Warner, R. FOLLOW THE FLAG (IRE), 13 wins and placed 53 times. CLOSE TO THE EDGE (IRE), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 15 times. MILLIBAR (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and placed 14 times. SIR IKE (IRE), 3 wins at 4 and 5 years and placed 9 times. TO THE WOODS (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of TUZKIGYO (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Hungary and placed once. HAZELHURST (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed twice; dam of CAPITAN CORALLO (GB), winner at 2 years, 2013 in Italy and placed 4 times. The next dam SANCTUARY, unraced; dam of seven winners inclSHEIKH ALBADOU (GB), Champion Older Sprinter in Europe in 1992, 6 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in USA incl Keeneland Nunthorpe S, York, Gr1, Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr1 and King’s Stand S, Ascot, Gr2, 2nd Ladbroke Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr1, CIGA Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1, Vosburgh S, Belmont Park, Gr1, 3rd July Cup, Newmarket, Gr1; sire. 77

60 Bear Wells

Breeders 2015-17 Peter Björnsson Alebäcks stuteri AB Lindärva Gård 1, 531 91 Vinninga 0706-23 09 23


BEAR WELLS (SWE) February 17th, 2013 A Brown Colt

Mores Wells (GB) Premier (SWE) (2005)

Sadler’s Wells (USA) Endorsement (GB) Nicolotte (GB) Fernet-Branca (SWE)

Northern Dancer Fairy Bridge (USA) Warning Overdrive Night Shift (USA) Nicoletta Diligo (FR) Almunicar (GB)

1st dam PREMIER (SWE), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and £36,364 and placed 12 times; Own sister to AUCHROISK (SWE); dam of Bear Premier (SWE) (2012 c. by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ)), in training (M Johansson, Täby) 2nd dam FERNET-BRANCA (SWE), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and placed 12 times; dam of eight winnersAUCHROISK (SWE) (f. by Nicolotte (GB)), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Sweden and £68,240 incl Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Jägersro, L, placed 13 times incl 2nd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, Jägersro, L, 3rd Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Jägersro, L and Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, Jägersro, L. PREMIER (SWE), see above. BLACK GROUSE (SWE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £31,523 and placed 11 times. TEBHEAGNANEILAN (SWE), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Sweden and £48,312 and placed 10 times. LOCHRANZA (SWE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed 4 times. GLENURY ROYAL (SWE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed once. TAMNAVULIN (SWE), winner at 5 years in Sweden and placed 5 times. GLEN EDWARD’S (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 3 times. Aultmore (SWE), placed 4 times at 4 years in Sweden. Glen Ellen (SWE), placed once at 3 years in Sweden. 3rd dam ALMUNICAR (GB), by Sharpen Up (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of six winnersROMI MARTÄNG (SWE), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Sweden incl Svealandlöpn, Täby, 2nd in Dianalöpn (1000 Gns), Täby, and 3rd Avianca de Colombi Amacitalöpn, Täby; dam of a winner. LOCHNAGAR’S (SWE), winner in Sweden. FERNET-BRANCA (SWE), see above. FIRST SKYLINE (SWE), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and placed 11 times. SPRINGBANK (SWE), 3 wins at 4 to 6 years in Denmark and in Sweden and placed 24 times. HOGMANAY (SWE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and placed 8 times. BRANCAMENTA (SWE), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in Sweden and placed 9 times. Excellent Choice (SWE), placed 8 times at 2 to 4 years in Sweden. Svart Renault (SWE), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden. May Kells, unraced; dam of winners. ROSE OF GLENN (GB), 7 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years and placed 14 times; also placed once over hurdles. KILLY’S FILLY (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 10 times; also placed 4 times over fences. Bladnoch (SWE), unraced; dam of a winner. YAMAZAKI (SWE), winner in Sweden. Brora (SWE), unraced; dam of a winner. PRINCE OF DARKNESS (SWE), winner in Norway and in Sweden.


61 Accelerate

Ida Rehnström I R Hovslageri Sport o Avel Videbynäs Siggetorp, 646 94 Björnlunda 073-563 23 49

rehn.ir@gmail.com sportoavel.se

ACCELERATE (SWE) March 24th, 2013 A Bay Colt 1st dam

Saddex (GB) Assraar (GB) (2000)

Sadler’s Wells (USA) Remote Romance (USA) Cadeaux Genereux Possessive Dancer (GB)

Northern Dancer Fairy Bridge (USA) Irish River (FR) Aviance Young Generation Smarten Up Shareef Dancer (USA) Possessive (GB)

ASSRAAR (GB), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of two winnersAZZATO (FR) (2009 c. by Soldier Hollow (GB)), 2 wins at 4 years, 2013 in France and £45,164 and placed 8 times. MOOTED (UAE) (2005 g. by Mtoto), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed twice, died at 5. 2nd dam POSSESSIVE DANCER (GB), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £204,680 incl Kildangan Stud Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr1 and Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1; dam of four winnersMAYLANE (GB) (g. by Mtoto), 6 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and £101,254 incl September S, Epsom, Gr3 and CIU Serlby S, Doncaster, L, placed 8 times incl 3rd Victor Chandler September S, Epsom, Gr3 and Hole in the Wall Fred Archer S, Newmarket, L. Gold Gun (USA), winner at 3 years and placed once; also 2 wins over hurdles and £24,255 and placed 10 times incl 3rd VC Poker Holloway’s H Hurdle, Ascot and placed once over fences. MORSHID (USA), 3 wins at 4 and 6 years in UAE and £26,961 and placed 14 times. ASSRAAR (GB), see above. Mayl (GB), unraced; dam of winners. MERCI CHERIE (GER), winner at 4 years, 2014 in Germany and placed 4 times. 3rd dam POSSESSIVE (GB), by Posse (USA), unraced; dam of five winners inclPOSSESSIVE DANCER (GB), see above. POSSESSIVE LADY, 2 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. Protectorate (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed twice incl 2nd Touchdown in Malaysia Prestige S, Goodwood, Gr3. Morini (GB), 2 wins at 3 years in France and placed 6 times incl 2nd Prix Panacee, Toulouse, L and Street Dancer H, Del Mar, L; granddam of SECRET GYPSY (USA), Distaff H, Aqueduct, Gr2 and Honorable Miss H, Saratoga, Gr2. FATAL BARAARI (GB), 2 wins at 5 years in UAE POSSESSIVE ARTISTE (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of winners. Free Art (GB), placed 14 times at 2 to 4 years incl 3rd Golden Fleece S, Leopardstown, L. VELMA KELLY (GB), winner at 3 years, from only 2 starts; dam of KITTY BAXTER (GB), winner at 3 years, 2014 in France and placed 4 times. The next dam FRONT ROW, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, placed twice viz 2nd Coronation S, Royal Ascot and 3rd Ascot 1000 Guineas Trial S, Ascot; dam of ten winners inclLONG ROW, 7 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in Belgium incl Horris Hill S, Newbury, Gr2, Houghton S, Newmarket, L and Prix Chevalier de Stuers, Ostend, L, 2nd William Hill Gold Cup H, Redcar, L and 4th in Ascot 2000 Guineas Trial S, Ascot, Gr3; sire. COLMORE ROW, 4 wins at 2 years incl Norfolk S, Royal Ascot, Gr3 and Roses S, York, L, placed once viz 2nd Precocious National S, Sandown Park, L; sire. Her Grace, winner at 2 years and placed twice viz 3rd Princess Margaret S, Ascot, L and 4th in Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3, from only 4 starts; dam of winners. WARHEAD (USA), El Jovan S, Retama Park, L. Goodnight Moon, winner in GB and USA, 2nd Saxone Fillies’ S, Sandown Park, L and 3rd Hennessy X. O. Killavullen S, Leopardstown, Gr3; dam of ROYAL GLADIATOR (IND), Kingfisher Colts’ Trial S, Bangalore, L, Golconda St Leger, Malakpet, L, Golconda 2000 Guineas, Malakpet, L and Nanoli Stud Bangalore Juvenile Million, Bangalore, L, GLENSANDA (IND), Idar Gold Trophy, Pune, L. 79

63 Solid Edge


SOLID EDGE (SWE) April 15th, 2013 A Bay Filly (first foal)

Bengt Thomasson Mec-Com Klippan AB Krika 2272 A, 264 92 Klippan 070-863 29 86

Swing That Cat (USA)

Cat Thief (USA)

Solid Platinum (SWE) (2008)

Belong To Me (USA) Threeminuteappeal (USA)

Incha (GB)

Breeders 2015-17

Storm Cat (USA) Train Robbery (USA) Nashwan (USA) Idle Gossip (USA) Danzig (USA) Belonging (USA) Exbourne (USA) Appeal To Me (USA)

1st dam

SOLID PLATINUM (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and £26,282 and placed 5 times, incl 2nd SM 2-årige, Amacitalöpn. 2nd dam THREEMINUTEAPPEAL (USA), 4 wins at 4 years in USA and £37,999; dam of three winnersUNO WAY CALLE (USA), 7 wins in USA and $101,900. ONLYGOTAMINUTE (USA), 2 wins in USA and $59,870. SOLID PLATINUM (SWE), see above. 3rd dam APPEAL TO ME (USA), by Valid Appeal (USA), unraced; dam of seven winners inclFor Elise (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA, placed twice incl 2nd Meafara S, Arlington Inter, L. Restless Appeal (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and placed twice incl 3rd Boo La Boo S, Santa Anita, L; dam of winners. CHARMING COLLEEN (USA), Angie C S, Emerald Downs, 2nd Gottstein Futurity, Emerald Downs, L, Barbara Shinpoch S, Emerald Downs, 3rd Las Virgenes S, Santa Anita, Gr1 and Fairfield S, Solano. RESTLESS YOUTH (USA), Sam J Whiting Memorial H, Pleasanton, 2nd Oakland S, Golden Gate and 3rd Joseph T Grace H, Santa Rosa. THREEMINUTEAPPEAL (USA), see above. NEWS TO ME (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and placed 3 times. MY DANCE (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in USA and placed 7 times; dam of: My Dance Partner (USA), 3rd Gin Talking S, Laurel, R. The next dam AWARE (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in USA, placed 4 times; dam of nine winners inclPARK’S POLICY (USA), 6 wins at 3 years in USA incl West Virginia Derby, Waterford Park, placed 13 times; sire. All Hands On Deck (USA), 10 wins at 3 to 7 years in USA and placed 10 times incl 2nd Fort Marcy H, Belmont Park, Gr3. Brigadier Tom (USA), 5 wins in Republic of Panama 2nd Premio dia del Trabajo, Panama, Gr2 and 3rd Premio dia del Locutor Hipico, Panama, Gr3. Cox’s Miss (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in USA and placed 5 times incl 3rd Daffodil S, Calder; dam of winners. Without Dissent (USA), winner in USA, 2nd Hirsch Jacobs S, Pimlico, L. Forum Rules (USA), winner in USA, 3rd Katy S, Houston. SATIN JADE (USA), winner in USA; dam of TEE’S PEARL (USA), City of Anderson S, Hoosier Park, R. and Instant Racing Breeders’ Cup S, Oaklawn Park, SHAN JADE (USA), Creme de la Creme S, Delta Downs, R. VALID TENET (USA), winner in USA; dam of RAINMAN’S REQUEST (USA), Gateway to Glory S, Fairplex Park. Appealing Miss Cox (USA), unraced; dam of Crusading Miss Cox (USA), winner in USA, 2nd Victoria S, Woodbine, L; granddam of Song of the Sword (USA), winner in USA, 2nd Illinois Derby, Hawthorne, Gr2 and 3rd Coolmore Lexington S, Keeneland, Gr2; sire, Valerie’s Dream (USA), winner in USA, 2nd Astarita S, Belmont Park, Gr2, Mr Sword (USA), winner in USA, 3rd Lane’s End S, Turfway Park, Gr2, Breathless Kiss (USA), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years and placed 12 times incl 2nd Mercury S, Dundalk, L, Permanent Makeup (USA), winner in USA, 2nd Cassidy S, Calder. Diablo’s Madam (USA), unraced; dam of Drift King (USA), winner to 2013 in USA, 3rd Sunshine Millions Sprint S, Gulfstream Park, L 80

Please note: No 62 has been withdrawn before the book has gone to print.

64 Golden Yen

Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 775 96 Krylbo 070-631 73 17

stallpernilla@icloud.com stallpernillanilsson.se

GOLDEN YEN (SWE) February 23rd, 2013 A Chesnut Filly

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Solid Snake (SWE) (2004)

Mr Prospector (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Golden Snake (USA) Caution (GB)

Breeders 2015-17

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Danzig (USA) Dubian Warning Fairy Flax (IRE)

1st dam SOLID SNAKE (SWE), winner at 2 years in Denmark and £17,453 and placed 9 times, incl 2nd TGAB Auktionslöpn, 3rd Becky Moss Fillies Mile, SFAF Stora Pris; dam of a winnerGOLDEN HIT (SWE) (2010 c. by Songline (SWE)), winner at 2 in Sweden and placed 3 times. Golden Sea (SWE) (2011 c. by Philomatheia (USA)), in training (T Gustafsson, Täby) Texas Snake (SWE) (2012 c. by Philomatheia (USA)), in training (P Wahl, Täby) 2nd dam CAUTION (GB), 5 wins and £38,878 and placed 25 times; dam of a winnerSOLID SNAKE (SWE), see above. 3rd dam FAIRY FLAX (IRE), by Dancing Brave (USA), winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of five winners inclCAUTION (GB), see above. FAIRLIE (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and placed 5 times; dam of winners. FAIRYWINGS (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and placed 7 times; dam of winners. The next dam Fairy Tern, 2 wins 2nd Strensall S, York, L, 3rd Grosser Kaufhof-Preis, Koln, Gr3, Duchess of Montrose H, Newmarket, L, Harry Rosebery Challenge Trophy, Ayr, L, Prince of Wales S, York, L and 4th in Salisbury 1000 Gns Trial S, Salisbury, Gr3; Own sister to NEMESIA; dam of ten winners inclWAY OF THE WORLD (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA incl Fleet Victress S, Belmont Park, L, placed 4 times; dam of winners. LAURIE BEGONE (USA), Brookmeade S, Colonial Downs, R. LETTERS IN SILVER (USA), winner in USA; dam of SISTER GINGER (USA), Martha Washington S, Oaklawn Park, L, Indiana Grand S, Indiana Downs, L, 2nd M2 Technology La Senorita S, Retama Park, L, Mistletoe S, Remington Park, Opelousas S, Evangeline Downs, 3rd Pippin S, Oaklawn Park, L, Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, L and Bayakoa S, Oaklawn Park, L. Hoy, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 9 times incl 2nd Tara Sires Desmond S, Curragh, Gr3, Monks Cross S, York, L, Bassett Foods Mile, Doncaster, L, Crawley Warren Heron S, Kempton Park, L and 3rd Hennessy Ballymacoy S, Leopardstown, Gr3; sire in Turkey. Papua (GB), 3 wins at 2 years 2nd Prix du Haras de la Huderie, Deauville, L and 3rd Milcars Easter S, Kempton Park, L; also 2 wins over hurdles and placed 8 times incl 2nd Crowther Homes Swinton H Hurdle, Haydock Park and 4 wins over fences and placed 10 times. FAIRY FORTUNE, winner at 3 years and placed 6 times; dam of winners. Counsel’s Opinion (IRE), 9 wins and placed 21 times incl 2nd Jardine L. Thompson Huxley S, Chester, Gr3, Letheby & Christopher August S, Windsor, L and 3rd Jardine L. Thompson Huxley S, Chester, Gr3. Halloa (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times incl 3rd Rose Bowl S, Newbury, L and Sweet Solera S, Newmarket, L; granddam of All On Red (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and placed 3 times incl 3rd Compton Estates Rose Bowl S, Newbury, L. Preceder (GB), unraced; dam of a winner. Metropolitan Man (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years 2nd Unicorn Asset Management Craven S, Newmarket, Gr3, Vodafone Thoroughbred S, Goodwood, L, Al Tayer Motors Zabeel S, Nad Al Sheba, L, 3rd Bet365 Mile, Sandown Park, Gr2 and Extrabet Royal Windsor S, Windsor, L. 81

65 Wild Experience tessan191@hotmail.com staffanssonfbluppfodning.se

WILD EXPERIENCE (SWE) March 7th, 2013 A Brown Gelding

Therese Staffansson Nannberga Gammelgård 214 732 91 Arboga 070-438 02 87

Layman (USA)

Sunday Silence

White Heather (GB) (2003)



Durrah Green (GB)

Breeders 2015-17


Halo Wishing Well Nureyev Alydaress Sharpen Up Annie Edge Green Desert Durrah (USA)

1st dam WHITE HEATHER (GB): ran twice at 3 years; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 previous foals; WHITE POKER FACE (SWE) (2010 g. by Piccolo (GB)): winner at 3 years, 2013 in Sweden. Wipe Out (SWE) (2011 c. by Dustoori (GB)): ran on the flat in Sweden. Wild Experience (SWE) (2013 g. by Layman (USA)): see above. She also has a 5-y-o mare by Motivator (GB). 2nd dam DURRAH GREEN (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 13 foals; JADE NECKLACE (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and £32,208. GREEN DAY PACKER (IRE): placed once at 3 years; also winner over hurdles at 3 years. WALDORF (IRE): winner at 4 years. STRIKE THE GREEN (USA): winner at 2 years. 3rd dam DURRAH (USA), by Nijinsky (CAN), winner in France at 3 yrs; own sister to NUMBER (USA) and BOUND (USA); dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 10 foals incl: MOWLAIE (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 6 years and £10,169. HIGH STANDARD (GB): winner at 2 years; dam of eight winners incl: CHACARITA (SPA): winner, 2013 in Spain. Clever Clogs (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £18,624; granddam of SUZI’S CONNOISSEUR (GB): 3 wins at 2 years, 2013 at home and in Germany and £25,960 incl Kronimus Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. Desert Classic (GB): placed twice at 3 years; dam of WROTE (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years at home and in USA and £522,692 incl Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf (c&g), Churchill Downs, Gr1; sire, Do It Yourself (IRE): 4 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2013 in Germany and £14,483. STOLEN TEAR (FR): winner at 2 years; dam of three winners: She’s An Angel (IRE): unraced; dam of SHE’S HAPPY (ARG): 7 wins in Argentina incl G. P. Estrellas Sprint - Revista Palermo, San Isidro, Gr1, 2nd GP Felix de Alzaga UnzueBiogenesis Bago, San Isidro, Gr1. Loch Tay (USA): unraced; dam of three winners incl: DANCEALLTHEDANCES (CAN): winner, 2013 in Canada and in USA The next dam SPECIAL (USA): ran on the flat in USA at 3 years; Own sister to LISADELL (USA) and THATCH (USA); dam of six winners from 6 runners and 10 foals incl: NUREYEV (USA): Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 1980, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and 180,000 fr. incl Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr3; Champion Sire. BOUND (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and £218,352 incl Budweiser Churchill Downs Breeders Cup H, Churchill Downs, L, 3rd Acorn S., Belmont Park, Gr1 and 4th Ashland S., Keeneland, Gr1; dam of nine winners incl: ARCHIPENKO (USA): won Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr1, 2nd Arlington Million S., Arlington International, Gr1 and 3rd Likely Fields Dubai Duty Free S, Nad Al Sheba, Gr1; sire. NUMBER (USA): 8 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £171,537 incl Firenze H., Aqueduct, Gr2 and Hempstead H, Belmont Park, Gr2, 4th Apple Blossom H, Oaklawn Park, Gr1, Delaware H, Saratoga, Gr1 and Ruffian H, Belmont Park, Gr1; dam of nine winners incl: JADE ROBBERY (USA): Ciga Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1; sire. NUMEROUS (USA): Derby Trial S., Churchill Downs, Gr3 and 3rd Malibu S., Santa Anita, Gr2; sire. 82

66 752SWE00001584T b.helander@bluewin.ch

A CHESNUT FILLY Foaled March 25th, 2013 (first foal)

Zaahid (IRE) Magical Wood (USA) (2008)

Bo Helander Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11 Sakhee (USA) Murjana (IRE) Woodman (USA) Rivermorn (USA)

Breeders 2015-17


Bahri (USA) Thawakib (IRE) Pleasant Colony (USA) Golden Reef (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Riverman (USA) Morning Games (USA)

1st dam

MAGICAL WOOD (USA), placed once at 3 years in Sweden; Own sister to QUIET RULER (USA). 2nd dam RIVERMORN (USA), ran in USA at 3 years; Own sister to MAGICAL RIVER (USA); dam of four winnersQUIET RULER (USA) (g. by Woodman (USA)), 7 wins at 3 to 5 years in USA and £262,193 incl Mohawk H, Belmont Park, L (twice), placed 8 times; also placed once over jumps in USA GOLD BID (USA), 3 wins at 5 years in USA and £27,579 and placed 11 times. PHANTOM CHIEF (USA), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in USA and £10,117 and placed 4 times. LITTLE LOVELY (USA), winner at 3 years in USA Swift Star (USA), placed once at 4 years in USA; dam of winners. BELLAMY STAR (USA), Xtra Heat S, Belmont Park and 2nd Lake George S, Saratoga, Gr2. 3rd dam MORNING GAMES (USA), by Grey Dawn (FR), ran in USA at 2 years; dam of ten winners inclALPHABATIM (USA), 7 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in USA incl William Hill Futurity S, Doncaster, Gr1, Hollywood Turf Cup, Hollywood Park, Gr1 (twice), Highland Spring Derby Trial S, Lingfield Park, Gr3 and Guardian Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr3, 2nd Hollywood Gold Cup H, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Geoffrey Freer S, Newbury, Gr2, Bel Air H, Hollywood Park, Gr3, 3rd Holsten Pils St Leger S, Doncaster, Gr1, San Luis Rey S, Santa Anita, Gr1, San Marcos H, Santa Anita, Gr3, Golden Gate Field Breeders’ Cup H, Golden Gate, L and 4th in Santa Anita H, Santa Anita, Gr1; sire. ROYAL EXPERIMENT (USA), Champion 3yr Old Colt in Scandinavia in 2002, 9 wins at 2 to 6 years in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden incl Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Övrevoll, Gr3, Hangover Square Pokallob, Copenhagen, L and Dansk Jockey Club Cup, Copenhagen, L (twice), placed 15 times incl 2nd Stockholms Stora Pris, Täby, L, 3rd Scandinavian Open Championship, Copenhagen, Gr3, Voskwagen - Preis der Deutschen Einheit, Hoppegarten, Gr3, IBM Stockholms Stora Pris, Täby, L and Songline Classic, Täby, L; sire. GRAN ALBA (USA), 2 wins at 3 years incl EBF Irish National Stud S, Phoenix Park, L, 3rd Leisure Investments Burr S, Lingfield Park, L; also 3 wins over hurdles incl Gerry Feilden Hurdle, Newbury and Top Rank Christmas Hurdle, Kempton Park, placed 7 times incl 2nd Kingwell Hurdle, Wincanton, Seagram 100 Pipers Top Novices’ Hurdle, Liverpool and 3rd Trafalgar House Supreme Novices’ Hurdle, Cheltenham; sire. MAGICAL RIVER (USA), 9 wins in Germany incl P. der Firma Jungheinrich Gabelstapler, Hannover, L, placed 11 times. PUZZLE BOOK (USA), 4 wins at 3 years in USA incl Canterbury Oaks, Canterbury Down, L, placed twice; dam of winners. MONARCH’S MAZE (USA), Jamaica H, Belmont Park, Gr2 and Red Smith H, Aqueduct, Gr2. BROCK STREET (CAN), Eclipse H, Woodbine, Gr3. MYSTERIOUSLY (CAN), Konica Long Look H, Meadowlands, Gr3 (twice); dam of Strizzi (CAN), 2nd Toronto Cup H, Woodbine, Gr3, Multipass (USA), 2nd Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, L; granddam of Dancing Rage (USA), winner in USA, 2nd John Franks Juvenile Fillies Turf S, Calder, L MAGICAL KING (USA), 7 wins at 4, 5 and 7 years in Germany and placed 23 times. BUJONES (USA), 6 wins at 4 to 7 years in USA and placed 10 times. AFTERNOON Winner (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. 83

67 Martelle

Breeders 2015-17 Per Olof Johansson Alvena Gård AB Eskelhem Alvena 604, 622 70 Gotlands Tofta 070-432 24 88


MARTELLE (SWE) February 5th, 2013 A Bay Filly (first foal)

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Angels’ Share (SWE) (2009)

Mr Prospector (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Most Welcome Inshallah (SWE)

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Be My Guest (USA) Topsy Diaghlyphard (USA) Princess Persian (IRE)

1st dam ANGELS’ SHARE (SWE), unraced. 2nd dam INSHALLAH (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden; Own sister to SONGLINE (SWE) and MAUREEN STAR (SWE); dam of three winnersDAY TRIPPER (SWE), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in Denmark and in Sweden and £30,549 and placed 21 times, incl 2nd GHR Gold Cup. MINT CONDITION (SWE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £30,875 and placed 3 times, incl 2nd SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, 3rd Amacitalöpn.. AURA (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and £13,691 and placed 7 times. Inch By Inch (SWE), placed once at 2 years in Denmark. 3rd dam PRINCESS PERSIAN (IRE), by Persian Bold (IRE), ran in Sweden; dam of six winnersMAUREEN STAR (SWE), Jt Champion 3yr Old Filly in Scandinavia in 1992, 19 wins in Sweden incl Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Jägersro, L, 2nd Bloomers’ Vase, Täby, L and Nickes Minneslöpn, Täby, L; dam of a winner. MAYCY STAR (SWE), winner in Sweden; dam of EDE SENSATION (SWE), Lanwades Stud S, Täby, L and 3rd Coolmore Matchmaker S, Täby, L. Movie Star (SWE), unraced; dam of MARION STAR (SWE), winner in Sweden. SONGLINE (SWE), Champion 2yr Old Colt in Scandinavia in 1995, Champion Older Horse in Scandinavia in 1997, 14 wins in Sweden incl Pokallob, Klampenborg, L, IBM Stockholms Stora Pris, Täby, L and Kapps Stora Pris, Täby, (twice); sire of winners in Scandinavia. DRY SLUDGE (SWE), 12 wins in Sweden. STRAIGHT EDGE (SWE), 4 wins in Sweden and placed 12 times. INSHALLAH (SWE), see above. SILK ROAD (SWE), winner at 2 years in Norway and placed 10 times. Mind The Gap (SWE), placed 4 times in Sweden; dam of winners. FILL THE GAP (SWE), 8 wins in Sweden. BRIDGE THE GAP (SWE), winner in Sweden. Soul Sister (SWE), unraced; dam of a winner. SOUL CAT (SWE), 5 wins to 2013 in Norway and in Sweden.

Låt din häst åka med Håkans Hästtransporter till vinnarcirkeln! www.hakanshasttransporter.se 070-591 24 00 84

Peter Lundberg mobil

68 Quittra


QUITTRA (SWE) April 29th, 2013 A Bay Filly

1st dam

Merchant of Venice (USA) Quite Easy (IRE) (1996)

Breeders 2015-17 Karin Johansson Brantshammar Stuteri AB Brantshammar, 741 92 Knivsta 070-628 11 25


Storm Cat (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Roi Danzig (USA) Quietly Impressive (IRE)

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Danzig (USA) Gdynia (USA) Taufan (USA) Way Ahead (IRE)

QUITE EASY (IRE), 7 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £18,642; dam of six winnersQUITE LUCKY (SWE) (2001 f. by Sharp Matt (GB)), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Sweden and £18,519 and placed 7 times; dam of: Lucky You (SWE), placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in Sweden. QUITE NICE (SWE) (2003 f. by Sharp Matt (GB)), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and placed 4 times. QUITERIA (SWE) (2010 f. by Funambule (USA)), winner at 2 years in Sweden and £14,592 and placed 8 times. QUITE SHARP (SWE) (2002 g. by Sharp Matt (GB)), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 6 times. TRAINER’S TRIAL (SWE) (2006 c. by Funambule (USA)), winner at 2 years in Sweden. QIGONG (SWE) (2011 c. by Heart of Oak (USA)), winner and placed twice at 3, 2014, 80.500 SEK Quinto (SWE) (2012 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), in training (H-I Larsen, Jägersro) 2nd dam QUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £13,203 and placed 6 times; also placed once over hurdles; dam of four winnersQUITE EASY (IRE), see above. QUITY (IRE), 4 wins in Hungary and in Slovakia and placed 4 times. QUIET TRAVELLER (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £27,621 and placed 13 times. PERUVIAN BREEZE (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed once; also placed twice over hurdles. 3rd dam WAY AHEAD (IRE), by Sovereign Patch (GB), winner at 3 years, from only 2 starts; Own sister to EVERYTHING NICE; dam of a winnerQUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), see above. The next dam Emma Canute, 2 wins at 2 years and placed 6 times incl 2nd Princess Margaret S, Ascot; dam of six winners inclEVERYTHING NICE, 7 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in USA incl Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3 and Musidora S, York, Gr3, 2nd Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr2, Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L, 4th in Sun Chariot S, Newmarket, Gr2 and Orchid H, Gulfstream Park, Gr3; dam of winners. NICER (IRE), The I.A.W.S. Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1 and 3rd P. Vittorio di CapuaConsiglio d’ Europa, Milan, Gr1; granddam of PYRRHA (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years incl Totesport Chartwell S, Lingfield Park, Gr3, placed 6 times, SPECTER (AUS), Henry Bucks Best Dressed Exford Plate, Flemington, L and 3rd The Age Caulfield Guineas Prelude, Caulfield, Gr3. Nice Noble (USA), winner in Italy, 3rd Premio Novella, Milan, L; granddam of KELANTAN (NZ), Selwyn River Sth Island Champagne S, Riccarton Park, L, Sultan Gold Vase, Perak, L and Japan Bloodhorse Breeders Asoc.3yo Chall, Singapore, L. Investment (USA), unraced; dam of KEENELAND GOLD (SAF), ACSA Benefit H, Turffontein, Gr3, 2nd Premier’s Cup, Turffontein, Gr1 and 3rd The Champion S, Turffontein, Gr1, FAMILY INVESTMENT (USA), Ontario Colleen S, Woodbine, L and Whimsical S, Woodbine, L Reachout And Touch (USA), unraced; dam of PASSING SALE (FR), Champion Older Horse in Italy in 1991, Premio del Jockey Club, Milan, Gr1, 2nd Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr1 and 3rd Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr1; sire, RANCHER (FR), Queen Mother’s Cup, Sha Tin, L. 85

69 Bonjour Hill


BONJOUR HILL (SWE) May 3rd, 2013 A Chesnut Colt

Tertullian (USA) Borena (FR) (2001)

Katarina Jacobson Skartoftavägen 213 275 94 Sjöbo 0767-89 15 38 Miswaki (USA) Turbaine (USA) Diaghlyphard (USA) Simply Katie (GB)

Breeders 2015-17

Mr Prospector (USA) Hopespringseternal (USA) Trempolino (USA) Allegretta Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Most Welcome Rechanit (IRE)

1st dam BORENA (FR), winner at 3 years in Norway and £32,164 and placed 6 times; dam of two winnersMAX MANUS (NOR) (2008 c. by Septieme Ciel (USA)), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Norway and £22,927 and placed twice. PRETTY PERFECT (NOR) (2011 f. by Deceptor (USA)), 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Norway and £12,341 and placed 3 times. 2nd dam SIMPLY KATIE (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, all her starts; dam of eight winnersXSTASE (SWE) (f. by Trempolino (USA)), Champion 2yr Old Filly in Scandinavia in 2004, 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £95,035 incl Scandinavia Cup, Jägersro, L, placed 7 times, FT87; dam of winners. XOTIC (FR), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in France and £123,936 and placed 14 times. SYGMA (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years, 2013 in France and £49,993 and placed 4 times. ON LIGHT (SWE), 8 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and £34,771 and placed 8 times, FT87; dam of a winner. PROPELINO (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 6 years in Sweden and £25,009 and placed 15 times. WALK THE PLANK (FR), 3 wins at 4 years in Sweden and placed twice. ONE COOL BUCK (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Norway and placed 4 times. MISS AUGUST (SWE), 2 wins at 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden and placed 3 times; dam of a winner. SEE ME (SWE), winner at 2 years in Norway and placed 6 times; dam of winners. RED DRESS ON (SWE), 3 wins, Svenskt Oaks, JK Avelslöpn L, Jägersro, Norsk Mesterskap 2-årige, and 2nd Lanwades S L, Täby, SM Classic, 3rd Kapps Stora, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, FT 86. SHADE OF PALE (ger), 12 wins, Breeders Prize Classic, Svenskt St Leger, Kapps Stora and placed 21 times, FT89. BORENA (FR), see above. 3rd dam RECHANIT (IRE), by Local Suitor (USA), 4 wins at 3 years in Italy and placed 4 times; dam of seven winnersDANCING FLYER (GB), 9 wins at 4 to 6 years in Netherlands and placed 7 times. ROCCAROMANA (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and placed 12 times. PRIME HAND (GB), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in USA HIP HOP HARRY (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 4 times. GOODWOOD SPIRIT (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 11 times. RECHULLIN (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. SIMPLY KATIE (GB), see above. The next dam CLARETTA (USA), winner at 2 years; dam of eight winners inclSAPIENCE, 5 wins incl General Accident Jockey Club S, Newmarket, Gr2 and Princess of Wales’s S, Newmarket, Gr2, 2nd St Leger S, Ayr, Gr1, Hardwicke S, Ascot, Gr2, Ibn Bey Geoffrey Freer S, Newbury, Gr2, Yorkshire Cup, York, Gr2 (twice), Jockey Club Cup, Newmarket, Gr3, 3rd Eclipse S, Sandown Park, Gr1 and Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr1; sire. Autolycus, 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Belgium 3rd Prix Baron Brugmann de Walzin, Sterrebeek, Gr3. Claradane (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in USA 2nd Ali Retza/Mamadi Soudavar Garnet S, Naas, L; dam of winners. 86

70 Pim

Lena Martell Stånga Österlings 322 623 60 Stånga 0706-67 29 55


PIM (SWE) March 3rd, 2013 A Bay Colt

Kheleyf (USA)

Green Desert

Maidford (IRE) (2003)


Society Lady Milde (USA)

Breeders 2015-17

Danzig Foreign Courier Mr Prospector La Voyageuse In The Wings Glorious Song Desert Wine Margie Belle (USA)

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated.

1st dam MAIDFORD (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years and placed twice; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 previous foals; FOXLEY (IRE) (2008 f. by Indian Haven (GB)): winner at 3 years and placed once. Luckington (GB) (2009 f. by Peintre Celebre (USA)): died at 3. Posh Secret (GB) (2010 f. by Sakhee’s Secret (GB)): ran twice. Pim (SWE) (2013 c. by Kheleyf (USA)): see above. She also has a 3-y-o filly by Virtual (GB). 2nd dam MILDE (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in France and 217,000 fr. incl Prix La Sorellina, Bordeaux, L, placed once; dam of four winners from 9 runners and 11 foals; KUROKAMI (IRE) (f. by Caerleon (USA)): 7 wins at 3 and 4 years in Japan and £865,633 incl Fuchu Himba S., Tokyo, L and Keio Hai Autumn H., Nakayama, L, 3rd Tokyo Shimbun Hai, Tokyo, L and Laurel Racecourse Sho Nakayama Himba S., Nakayama, L (twice); dam of five winners incl: Crow Canyon (JPN): winner in Japan, 3rd Hyogo Junior Grand Prix, Sonoda, L; dam of CAMINO TASSAJARA (JPN): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Japan and £621,793 incl Hochi Hai Yayoi Sho, Nakayama, Gr2, placed once, 3rd Hopeful S., Nakayama, L, BOREAS (JPN): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Japan and £834,177 incl The Leopard S., Niigata, Gr3, placed 6 times incl 2nd Japan Dirt Derby, Ohi, L, 3rd Unicorn S., Tokyo, Gr3 and Urawa Kinen, Urawa, L, BELL CANYON (JPN): Principal S., Tokyo, L, 2nd Kyodo NewsService Hai Tokinominoru Kinen, Tokyo, Gr3 and Hopeful S., Nakayama, L. SWEET MILDE (IRE): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £17,224; dam of seven winners incl: HARD CRYSTAL (JPN): Tokai TV Hai Tokai S., Chukyo, L, Breeders’ Gold Cup, Asahikawa, L, Marine S., Hakodate, L, 2nd Urawa Kinen, Urawa, L, The Negishi S., Tokyo, L, Hakusan Daishoten, Kanazawa, L, 3rd Heian S., Kyoto, L and Brilliant S., Tokyo, L. MAIDFORD (IRE): see above. CAFE EDINBURGH (IRE): winner at 2 years in Japan and £51,278 and placed 4 times. 3rd dam Margie Belle (USA), by Vaguely Noble (IRE), winner at 3 years in France and 108,000 fr. 3rd Prix des Tourelles, Longchamp, L; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 14 foals incl: MILDE (USA): see above. Mirandolo (GER): placed 7 times at 3 and 4 years in Germany; also 2 wins over jumps in France and in Germany 3rd Markgraf Berthold Steeplechase, Baden-Baden, L. Beldi (USA): winner at 3 years and £11,425 3rd A R Dennis Bookmakers Predominate S., Goodwood, L; also placed 4 times at 5 and 6 years in Italy. MASSIMO (GER): 6 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in Germany and £28,460. FRANCISCO (CAN): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and £39,152. GRIM REMINDER (USA): 4 wins at 3 years in USA and £19,239. MARLBOROUGH (GER): 3 wins in Germany and £12,099. MARGIE QUEEN (GER): 2 wins at 4 years in Germany; dam of three winners: PIETRA SANTA (FR): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £99,668 incl Prix Ceres, SaintCloud, L. 87

71 Eye Drop

Erna van Doorn Jägarskogen 2 155 94 Nykvarn 070-580 77 00

erna@amska.se stallamska.com

EYE DROP (SWE) April 12th, 2013 A Grey Filly

1st dam

Merchant of Venice (USA) Baby Dancer (GB) (1992)

Storm Cat (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Rambo Dancer (CAN) Mrs Gray (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17

Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Northern Dancer Fair Arabella (USA) Red Sunset Haunting (GB)

BABY DANCER (GB), 3rd Dianalöpn (1000 Gns), Täby; also 8 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and £17,669; dam of five winnersPOLAR BEAR (SWE) (2002 c. by Funambule (USA)), 9 wins in Sweden and £75,363 and placed 44 times. ATTITUDE BY BABY (SWE) (2001 g. by Funambule (USA)), 7 wins at 3 to 7 years in Sweden and £29,075 and placed 24 times. ALASKA STATE (SWE) (2004 g. by Bahamian Bounty (GB)), 6 wins at 3 to 6 years in Sweden and £39,427 and placed 17 times. TERRE ADELIE (SWE) (2006 f. by Bertolini (USA)), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £20,003 and placed 4 times. ESKIMO (SWE) (2008 g. by Konigstiger (GER)), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and £12,512 and placed 4 times. Tigris Altaica (SWE) (2010 f. by Pastoral Pursuits (GB)), placed 3 times at 3 years, 2013 in Sweden. Brave Dancer (SWE) (2000 c. by Spectacular Tide (USA)), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in Sweden. Nanook (SWE) (2011 f. by Funambule (USA)), placed at 3 years, 2014 in Sweden. 2nd dam MRS GRAY (IRE), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of nine winnersSTEELANINCH (GB) (c. by Inchinor (GB)), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in USA and £94,815 incl La Puente S, Santa Anita, L, placed 4 times incl 2nd Academy Road S, Santa Anita, L. FLYING APPLAUSE (GB), 11 wins and £32,398 and placed 17 times. BABY DANCER (GB), see above. SNOWEY MOUNTAIN (GB), 5 wins at 2 and 5 years at home and in Macau and £50,042 and placed 4 times. ANUVASTEEL (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 4 years and £23,161 and placed 9 times. GRAY GRANITE (IRE), 2 N.H. Flat Races. EXGRAY (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years at home and in France and £24,099 and placed 3 times. LUCAYAN BEACH (GB), winner at 4 years and placed 4 times. SCRUPULOUS (GB), winner at 3 years and placed once. Woodcock Moon (GB), unraced; dam of a winner. MOONSTONE MAGIC (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 and £52,157 incl Dubai Duty Free Fred Darling S, Newbury, Gr3, placed once, from only 5 starts. 3rd dam HAUNTING (GB), by Lord Gayle (USA) placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of twelve winners inclOUR MARTIN, Jt Champion 3yr Old Colt in Denmark in 1982, Champion Older Horse in Sweden in 1986, 24 wins in Denmark, in West Germany, in Norway and in Sweden incl Norsk St. Leger, Övrevoll, Gr2, Gran Prix Aufgalopp, Koln, L and Pokallob, Klampenborg, L, 3rd CHR F Michelets Minnelop, Övrevoll, L. AMIGO SUCIO, 7 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years at home, in West Germany and in USA incl Moet & Chandon Zukunfts-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr2, 3rd Coventry S, Royal Ascot, Gr3 and Lanson Champagne Vintage S, Goodwood, Gr3. HARTBURN SARAH, 8 wins at home and in Italy incl Premio Coppa del Mare, Livorno, L, 2nd Premio di Lombardia, Milan, L and Premio Monte Rosa, Milan, L. 88

72 Pink Star

Ivan Sjöberg Rävdansens stuteri Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93

ravdansen@telia.com ravdansen.se

PINK STAR (SWE) April 29th, 2013 A Chesnut Filly

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Blue Jean Baby (SWE) (2000)

Mr Prospector (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Spectacular Tide (USA) Angel Love (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Tsunami Slew (USA) Bid Me Adieu (USA) Chief Singer Lumiere (USA)

Own sister to PRETTY BOY FLOYD (SWE) and ROCKPORT SUNDAY (SWE) 1st dam BLUE JEAN BABY (SWE), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and £12,447 and placed 5 times, FT84; dam of four winnersMADDOX (SWE) (2006 c. by Most Welcome), 9 wins at 3 to 6 years in Sweden and 692.050SEK and placed 16 times, incl 2nd Tre Kilometer, 3rd Dansk Derby, FT83. WELCOMETOMYWORLD (SWE) (2007 c. by Most Welcome), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Norway and in Sweden and £15,406 and placed 9 times. PRETTY BOY FLOYD (SWE) (2010 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 in Sweden and £10,254 and placed twice. ROCKPORT SUNDAY (SWE) (2009 c. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), winner at 4 years, 2013 in Sweden and £14,640 and placed 8 times. Hearts And Bones (SWE) (2011 f. by Eishin Dunkirk (USA)), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in Sweden, 3rd SM 2-åriga. 2nd dam ANGEL LOVE (IRE), 6 wins at 4 and 5 years in Norway and in Sweden and £35,982 incl Peugot Pokallop for Hopper, Övrevoll, L (track record Jägersro 2400 dt), dam of four winnersGANELON (SWE), 15 wins in Sweden and £49,800 and placed 16 times. BLUE JEAN BABY (SWE), see above. ANGIE (SWE), winner at 4 years in Sweden and placed once. MAUDIE (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed once; dam of a winner. ANGEL LIGHT (SWE), 7 wins and 1.614.395SEK, Lanwades Stud S, Täby, L, Bloomers’ Vase, Täby, L, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Jägersro, SM Classic, Täby, 2nd Bloomers’ Vase, Täby, L, Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, Jägersro, L, Dianalöpn. 3rd dam LUMIERE (USA) by Northjet (IRE), winner at 4 years in France and placed once; dam of three winnersANGEL LOVE (IRE), see above. Bella Michela (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed 27 times incl 2nd Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L, 3rd Premio Umbria, Rome, Gr3 and Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L; dam of a winner. Ocean Bell (IRE), unplaced at 3 and 4 years; dam of GREAT AMBITION (IRE), 9 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Italy and placed 26 times, BELL EXHIBITION (IRE), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and placed 12 times, LA BELLA LAURA (IRE), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Italy and placed 11 times. GEILL SLI (IRE), 3 N.H. Flat Races incl Paddy Power Champion INH Flat Race, Punchestown, placed 3 times; also placed 3 times over hurdles. Bright Eagle (IRE), placed 3 times at 3 years; also placed 3 times over hurdles and placed 3 times over fences. Kennett Square (IRE), placed once in a N.H. Flat Race; also placed 3 times over hurdles. The next dam ATTIRANCE (FR), winner at 3 years in France viz Prix des Lilas, Chantilly, L, placed twice incl 2nd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr3; dam of six winners inclAttractive Crown (USA), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in USA 2nd Ind. Newspapers Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr2 and 3rd Silver Flash S, Leopardstown, L; dam of winners. BASEMAH (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France incl Prix Charles Laffitte, Chantilly, L, placed once. 89

73 578NOR130000113

mette@andbell.com Consigned by HorseNature/E Isacsson-Sjun’n

A BAY COLT (NOR) March 7th, 2013

Cockney Rebel (IRE) Royal Adelaide (IRE) (2006)

Breeders 2015-17 Mette Campbell Andenäs Andbell Stud, Marschgreen Lane, Hartfield East Sussex TN7 4ET England UK Val Royal (FR) Factice (USA) Redback (GB) Ball Cat (FR)

Royal Academy (USA) Vadlava (FR) Known Fact (USA) Wacky Princess (USA) Mark of Esteem (IRE) Patsy Western Cricket Ball (USA) Copy Cat (FR)

1st dam

ROYAL ADELAIDE (IRE), ran a few times at 3 years; dam ofMISS REBEL (GB) (2012 f. by Cockney Rebel (IRE)), winner at 2 from 2 runs at Övrevoll 2014. 2nd dam BALL CAT (FR), winner at 4 years in Belgium and placed 7 times; dam of four winnersDRAWNFROMTHEPAST (IRE) (g. by Tagula (IRE)), 16 wins to 2014 and £88,866 incl Windsor Castle S, Ascot, L, placed 18 times. ALDIRUOS (IRE), winner at 3 years in France and placed once; also 7 wins over hurdles and £37,269 and placed 11 times and placed twice over fences. SIR AXEL (IRE), 5 wins at 4 to 6 years in Greece and £17,365. GHOST RUNNER (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2013 and placed once. 3rd dam Copy Cat (FR), by King of Macedon (IRE), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in France and placed 12 times incl 3rd Prix Soya, M’ Laffitte, L; dam of eight winners inclLEADING TIME (FR), 2 wins at 2 years incl Shernazar EBF Curragh S, Curragh, Gr3, placed twice; also placed twice over hurdles. BAZELLE (FR), 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy incl P.Royal Mares- Mem. G Bianchetti Ltd H, Turin, L, placed 22 times incl 2nd P.Royal Mares- Mem. G Bianchetti Ltd H, Turin, L, Premio Verziere, Milan, L, Premio European Breeder’s Fund, Florence, L, 3rd Premio Pietro Bessero, Milan, L and Premio Seregno, Milan, L; dam of winners. Caslon (FR), 2 wins at 2 years in France and placed 4 times incl 3rd Prix d’Arenberg, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of winners. April Green (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and in USA and placed 8 times incl 3rd Criterium de Lyon, Lyon-Parilly, L; dam of winners. GARP (FR), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in Barbados. CONNECTICUT (FR), 4 wins at 3 and 5 years in France and placed 7 times; also 3 wins over jumps in France and placed 7 times. The next dam Paraxelle (FR), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and placed 13 times incl 3rd Prix Joubert, Evry, L; dam of ten winners inclRICH AND FAMOUS (FR), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and in USA incl Prix du Bois, Longchamp, Gr3, placed 4 times incl 2nd Prix d’Arenberg, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of winners. RANGHIROAH (USA), winner in Germany; dam of CROWN’S MASTER (AUS), Macau Director’s Cup, Taipa, L, Macau Chairman’s Challenge Cup, Taipa, L (twice), Macau Summer Trophy, Taipa, L, Macau Hong Kong Trophy, Taipa, L, 2nd Macau Autumn Trophy, Taipa, L, 3rd Macau Derby, Taipa, L, Macau Autumn Trophy, Taipa, L and Macau Spring Trophy, Taipa, L. LOUCOUM (FR), 7 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in USA incl Osunitas S, Del Mar, R. and Labor Day S, Bay Meadows, placed 15 times incl 2nd Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L, Bay Meadows Oaks, Bay Meadows, 3rd Prix d’Arenberg, Longchamp, Gr3, Swingtime S, Hollywood Park and Star Ball S, Hollywood Park; dam of winners. Copy Cat (FR), see above. HELVETICA (FR), winner at 4 years in France and placed 14 times; dam of winners. 90

74 752SWE00001711T ostersaby@telia.com

A BAY FILLY (SWE) May 16th, 2013

Sixties Icon (GB) Easy Red (IRE) (2007)

Sonja Olsson Östersäby Stuteri Östersäby, 736 92 Kungsör 0702-81 10 48 Galileo (IRE) Love Divine (GB) Hunting Lion (IRE) Colleville (GB)

Sadler’s Wells (USA) Urban Sea (USA) Diesis La Sky (IRE) Piccolo (GB) Jalopy Pharly (FR) Kibitka (FR)

Own sister to LORETTA MARTIN (GB) 1st dam EASY RED (IRE), unraced; dam of one winnerLORETTA MARTIN (GB) (2012 f. by Sixties Icon (GB)), winner at 2 years, 2014, from only 2 starts. Nakeeta (GB) (2011 g. by Sixties Icon (GB)), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014. 2nd dam COLLEVILLE (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £16,143 and placed 5 times; dam of seven winnersSendintank (GB) (g. by Halling (USA)), 11 wins at 4 and 5 years and £104,405 and placed 6 times incl 3rd J.Smith’s Ext.Smooth Silver Cup H, York, L and Toteexacta Fenwolf S, Newmarket, L. GONE EAST (GB), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Sweden and £14,612 and placed 9 times. SENDINPOST (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 3 times; also placed 5 times over hurdles. ZAVILLE (GB), 2 wins at 4 years and placed 5 times. EIGHTEENFIFTY (GB), winner at 5 years and placed twice; also 1 N.H. Flat Race and placed twice. FJTOR (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and placed 7 times. PRETTY ANGEL (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2013 and placed twice. 3rd dam KIBITKA (FR), by Baby Turk (IRE), unraced; dam of three winnersRANVILLE (GB), 5 wins at 3 years and placed 4 times. COLLEVILLE (GB), see above. WILMORE (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 5 times; also placed once over hurdles. The next dam SHAMSHA (FR), unraced; dam of two winners inclFair Port, winner at 2 years and placed once viz 3rd Roses S, York, L.

Ditt försäkringsombud: Kerstin Åker Werner Tel 08-562 831 56 Mobil 070-371 60 56 91

75 Maipo


MAIPO (SWE) March 11th, 2013 A Brown Colt

Philomatheia (USA) Crystal Air (IRE) (2003)

Bengt Morberg Vallhall Fäboda 15 734 91 Hallstahammar 070-471 54 29 Danzig (USA) Kooyonga (IRE) Distant Music (USA) Columbian Sand (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17

Northern Dancer Pas de Nom (USA) Persian Bold Anjuli Distant View (USA) Musicanti (USA) Salmon Leap (USA) Miss Sandman (GB)

1st dam CRYSTAL AIR (IRE), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Sweden and £26.007 incl Treåringarnas Elitlöpning, and placed 4 times, incl 4th Scania Sprint, 5th Lanwades Stud Stakes L, FT84; dam of Mateus (SWE) (2010 c. by Melmac (SWE)), placed once at 3 years, 2013 in Sweden. Macrina (SWE) (2012 f. by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ)), in training (M Smith, Täby) 2nd dam COLUMBIAN SAND (IRE), unraced; dam of six winnersARC (IRE), 8 wins and £39,943 and placed 21 times. SAND REPEAL (IRE), 7 wins at 4 to 7 years and £33,815 and placed 26 times. TARN RIDGE (IRE), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years; also 2 wins over hurdles and £15,791 and placed 5 times and 4 wins over fences and £32,442 and placed 7 times. CRYSTAL AIR (IRE), see above. KING COLUMBO (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years and £15,916 and placed 15 times. PETERSON’S CAY (IRE), placed twice in N.H. Flat Races; also winner over hurdles and placed twice and placed once over fences. Majestic Wind (IRE), placed twice at 3 and 4 years. Garadice Girl (IRE), placed twice at 2 years. 3rd dam MISS SANDMAN (GB), by Manacle (GB), winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of eight winnersARMAN’S SAX (IRE), 3 wins at home and in Italy incl Premio del Dado, Milan, L and Premio Lazio, Rome, L, 2nd Bonusprint Easter S, Kempton Park, L, 3rd Hong Kong Gold Cup, Sha Tin, L and Queen Mother’s Cup, Sha Tin, L. San Salu, placed once at 2 years viz 3rd Goff’s S, Curragh, L; dam of: Sure To Go, ran once at 2 years; dam of RICHIE RICH (IRE), 4 wins at 5 and 6 years and placed 15 times. REEL OF TULLOCH (IRE), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Italy; also placed 3 times over hurdles and 6 wins over jumps in Italy. LA MANZONIANA, 6 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Italy. SPANISH MARINER, 6 wins at 2 to 5 years at home, in Denmark, in West Germany and in Sweden. FIRESIDE LEGEND (IRE), winner at 2 years and placed 5 times; also winner over hurdles and placed once. MISS TONILEE, winner at 3 years and placed 5 times. ROYAL PAPER (IRE), winner at 4 years in Italy and placed twice. PRINCESS SANDMAN, winner at 3 years in France. Sandwich Man (IRE), placed twice at 3 years in Japan. Tamarama, placed once at 3 years. Singida, placed once at 2 years. Indian Sand, ran a few times at 3 years; dam of winners. Freeloader (IRE), 7 wins at 3 to 6 years and placed 20 times; also 2 wins over hurdles and placed 3 times incl 2nd Guinness Galway H Hurdle, Galway. WEETMAN’S WEIGH (IRE), 20 races and placed 43 times. BOLEY LASS (IRE), 6 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and placed 7 times; dam of CONNYELLA (IRE), 3 wins and placed 9 times. 92

76 752SWE00001638T b.helander@bluewin.ch

A BROWN FILLY April 30th, 2013

Merchant of Venice (USA) The Fast Lane (SWE) (2007)

Bo Helander Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 070-777 32 11 Storm Cat (USA) Bonita Francita (CAN) Songline (SWE) Just Walk On By (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17


Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Devil’s Bag (USA) Raise The Standard (CAN) Diaghlyphard (USA) Princess Persian Jareer (USA) Avebury Ring (GB)

1st dam

THE FAST LANE (SWE), unraced; dam ofMumm Mumm de Mumm (SWE) (2012 f. by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ)), winner of first start at 2, 2014, Täby, 58.800SEK. 2nd dam JUST WALK ON BY (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden; dam of six winnersDOUBLE NET (ire), Horse of The Year in Sweden 2000, 8 wins in Sweden and 2.382.280SEK and placed 12 times, Svenskt Derby, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Breeders’ Trophy, SM Stayers, 3rd Svenskt Kriterium, 4th Dansk Derby, track record 2200 dt at Jägersro, FT87, sire of winners. ROYAL ROAD (SWE), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years in Sweden and £24,075 and placed 25 times, FT79. ZAP OFF (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and £11,841 and placed 9 times, 3rd Svenskt St Leger, Hurricanelöpn. TRIPLE NET (IRE), winner at 3 years in Denmark and placed twice. SONGMATE (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed once, dead at 3. DOUBLE AT (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden. Run Along (SWE), placed twice at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Sweden. Female Voice (SWE), unraced; dam of four winners. VALLEY’S PRIDE (DEN), 3 wins in Denmark and in Sweden and 731.738SEK, Cinnamon Challenge, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, Breeders’ Prize Sprint, Fawzia S, Pompøs Cup, 3rd Larch Ærespraemie, 4th Dansk Breeders Cup, BT Mile, 5th Götalandlöpn, FT84. SUMMERTIME (DEN), 2 wins in Denmark and in Sweden and 872.047SEK, Svenskt Oaks, and placed 7 times, incl 2nd Dansk Derby, Skandinavisk Grand Prix, 3rd Dansk Breeders Cup, Dansk Oaks, JK Avelslöpning, FT82. MISS COOPER (DEN), 2 wins in Denmark and 622.933SEK, Larch Ærespræmie and placed 5 times, incl, 2nd Norsk BP Classic, BT Mile, 3rd Mowerina, FT76. MISS MARIKO (DEN), 2 wins in Denmark and 121.552SEK, Toåringernes Stayerprøve, dead at 2. 3rd dam AVEBURY RING (GB), by Auction Ring (USA), winner at 3 years; dam of six winnersSCENE (IRE), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years and placed 17 times; dam of a winner. TWOTIME BID, 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 7 times. TE AMO (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years and placed 9 times; also placed once over hurdles. KICK ON MAJESTIC (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 5 times. JUST WALK ON BY (IRE), see above. BARRICADE, winner at 3 years and placed once; also placed 4 times over hurdles. Peace Trail (IRE), placed 5 times at home and in Switzerland. The next dam PAMPATAMY, placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winners inclPADOVANNA, winner at 2 years and placed once; also winner over hurdles and placed once; dam of winners. SINGVANNA (DEN), Champion 3yr Old Filly in Denmark in 1985, Champion 3yr Old Filly in Norway in 1985, Dansk Oaks, Klampenborg, Aker Brygge Skand Mesterskap 3-årige, Övrevoll, Svenskt Oaks, Jägersro, Norsk 1000 Guineas, Övrevoll, Peugot Pokallop, Övrevoll, L, Skandialöpn (subsequently Coolmore Matchmaker), Täby, L, 2nd Norsk 2000 Guineas, Övrevoll, 3rd Jägersro Cup, Jägersro, 4th in Norsk Oaks, Övrevoll, and Clarion Sceptre S, Klampenborg; also winner over jumps in Norway; dam of Nordic Express (AUS), winner in Australia, 2nd Carbine Club S, Flemington, L. 93

77 Pistol

Ivan Sjöberg Rävdansens stuteri Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93

ravdansen@telia.com ravdansen.se

PISTOL (SWE) May 17th, 2013 A Chesnut Colt 1st dam

Eishin Dunkirk (USA) Love’s Mirage (IRE) (2005)

Mr Prospector (USA) Forest Flower (USA) Pivotal (GB) Lone Spirit (IRE)

Breeders 2015-17

Raise A Native Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Polar Falcon (USA) Fearless Revival El Gran Senor (USA) Obeah (IRE)

LOVE’S MIRAGE (IRE), winner at 3 years in France (Longchamp) and placed 3 times; dam of one runner from one foal of racing age vizPSILORITIS (SWE) (2011 c. by Maybach (GB)), 2 wins and 137.900SEK and placed, from only 3 runs, FT78. 2nd dam LONE SPIRIT (IRE), unraced; Own sister to PANAMA CITY (USA), MORGANA (USA) and Bedivere (USA); dam of three winnersLonesome Me (FR) (f. by Zafonic (USA)), 2 wins at 2 years in France and £44,440 and placed 4 times incl 2nd Prix Occitanie, La Teste De Buch, L; dam of winners. LONSOME DRIVE (FR), 4 wins in France and £59,768 and placed 9 times. LOVE’S MIRAGE (IRE), see above. Amagansett (GB), placed twice at 3 years in France. Plaiwela (IRE), placed twice at 2 and 3 years in Italy. Lone Look (GB), placed once at 3 years in France; dam of a winner. Lone Spectre (GB), unraced; dam of a winner. LOVE QUEEN (IRE), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £77,975 incl Prix Miss Satamixa, Deauville, L, placed 3 times. 3rd dam OBEAH (IRE), by Cure the Blues (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in USA incl Waterford Candelabra S, Goodwood, Gr3, 3rd Pago Hop H, Fair Grounds and 4th in Hoover Fillies’ Mile, Ascot, Gr2; dam of five winnersMORGANA (USA), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in USA incl Palomar H, Del Mar, Gr2 and Melvin Durslag H, Hollywood Park, L, 2nd Ramona H, Del Mar, Gr1, Wilshire H, Hollywood Park, Gr2 and 3rd Santa Barbara H, Santa Anita, Gr1. PANAMA CITY (USA), 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in USA incl W L McKnight H, Calder, Gr2, Chester Vase, Chester, Gr3 and Mac Diarmida H, Gulfstream Park, Gr3, 2nd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr1, Tripleprint Geoffrey Freer S, Newbury, Gr2, Greene King Feilden S, Newmarket, L, 3rd Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr1 and Pan American H, Gulfstream Park, Gr2. Bedivere (USA), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years at home and in USA 3rd Jim Murray H, Hollywood Park, L. RUACANA FALLS (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of winners. GAHALANTINE (USA), winner at 3 years in Switzerland and placed 3 times. The next dam Trusted Maiden, placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years incl 3rd Azalea S, Phoenix Park, L; dam of seven winners inclOBEAH, see above. THE PREDECESSOR (IRE), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years in South Africa incl Easter Fillies & Mares H, Clairwood, L, 2nd Natalia S, Greyville, Gr2, 3rd Azalea Fillies & Mares H, Greyville, L and Flamboyant S, Greyville, L. Classic Trust (IRE), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in Hong Kong 2nd The Centenary Vase, Sha Tin, L. Sarah Purser, placed once at 2 years; dam of winners. Purser’s Guest (SAF), winner in South Africa, 3rd Natal Breeders Championship, Scottsville, L and Henneman Memorial H, Newmarket, L. 94

78 Golden Meadow jalih@telia.com

GOLDEN MEADOW (SWE) April 19th, 2013 A Chesnut Colt

Layman (USA) Gimme Gimme (SWE) (2005)

Breeders 2015-17 Jan Hansson Stall Jalih Hjärås gård 9152, 242 97 Hörby 0415-402 05 Sunday Silence (USA) Laiyl (IRE) Funambule (USA) Imsoexcited (IRE)

Halo (USA) Wishing Well (USA) Nureyev (USA) Alydaress (USA) Lyphard (USA) Sonoma (FR) Mujadil (USA) Ex-Imager (IRE)

1st dam Gimme Gimme (SWE), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £58,434, Dianalöpn, SFAF:s Stora Pris Auktionslöpn, and placed 7 times incl 3rd Bloomers’ Vase, Täby, L, 4th Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, Breeders’ Trophy Mile; dam ofGirl On Fire (SWE) (2012 f. by Mingun (USA)), not reported in training. 2nd dam IMSOEXCITED (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £15,567 and placed 7 times; dam of two winnersGimme Gimme (SWE) (f. by Funambule (USA)), see above. ELDIVO (SWE), winner at 5 years, 2013 in Sweden and placed 9 times. Encore Belle (SWE), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years in Sweden. 3rd dam EX-IMAGER (IRE), by Exhibitioner (IRE), unraced; dam of five winnersDEMON DANCER (IRE), 10 wins in Norway and placed 8 times. MODERN STYLE (IRE), 9 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and placed 22 times; dam of winners. BLACK REVOLVER (ITY), winner at 2 years in Italy and placed 13 times. BARRIQUE (ITY), winner at 3 years in Italy and placed 4 times. DISSIDENTIA (IRE), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Belgium and in France; dam of winners. GOLDEN LEGACY (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years incl TSG Firth of Clyde S, Ayr, Gr3, placed 3 times; dam of ROACHDALE HOUSE (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and placed twice. PARI E DISPARI (IRE), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and placed 23 times. Sunset Darling (IRE), ran once at 2 years; dam of SWEET CHEEKS (IRE), winner at 2 years. Dissonance (IRE), unraced; dam of KING PHILIPS (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2014 in Italy and placed 8 times, CONSONANCE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2014 and placed 4 times, DISKO (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2013 and placed 3 times, from only 5 starts. ZACK’S KEY (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and placed 7 times. IMSOEXCITED (IRE), see above. Omey Strand (IRE), placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years. Monashee Grey (IRE), placed once at 3 years; also placed 5 times over hurdles. Penninia (IRE), placed once at 3 years in Belgium.


79 Eyes On The Prize helena.gartner@svenskgalopp.se

EYES ON THE PRIZE Fraam (GB) (SWE) April 12th, 2013 Lovely Eyes (IRE) A Brown Filly (2007)

Helena Gärtner Navesta Hästklinik AB Lerbo, Navesta, 641 42 Valla 070-254 77 14 Lead On Time (USA) Majestic Kahala (USA) Red Ransom (USA) Polygueza (FR)

Breeders 2015-17


Nureyev (USA) Alathea Majestic Prince (USA) Charvak (USA) Roberto (USA) Arabia (USA) Be My Guest (USA) Polifontaine (FR)

1st dam LOVELY EYES (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; dam ofGlory Days (SWE) (2012 c. by Gloria de Campeao (BRZ)), in training (M Smith, Täby). 2nd dam POLYGUEZA (FR), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of six winnersTHE GEEZER (GB) (g. by Halling (USA)), 4 wins at 3 years and £255,035 incl ABN Amro Gordon S, Goodwood, Gr3 and H2O July Trophy, Haydock Park, L, placed 10 times incl 2nd Ladbrokes St Leger S, Doncaster, Gr1, Totesport Dante S, York, Gr2, Daily Telegraph Great Voltigeur S, York, Gr2, totesport.com Pontefract Castle S, Pontefract, L and 3rd King Edward VII S, York, Gr2, RPR 119. Big Sinisa (IRE) (c. by Barathea (IRE)), 6 wins in Italy and £61,394 and placed 18 times incl 2nd Premio Rumon, Rome, L. DOCTORED (GB) by Dr Devious, 6 wins at 3 years and £28,276 and placed 11 times; also winner over hurdles and placed 6 times. THE TWELVE STEPS (GB) by Diktat, 5 wins at home and in Bahrain and £10,750, placed 5 times. FLIGHT CAPTAIN (GB) by In The Wings, 3 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in USA and £28,776 and placed 3 times. MAZIONA (GB) by Dansili, winner at 2 years and £10,647 and placed once, dam of Think Again, by Dalawi, sold 16.500 gns 2012 3rd dam POLIFONTAINE (FR), by Bold Lad (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years in France and placed 6 times; dam of five winners inclLEPOUSHKA, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl EBF Solonaway Race, Curragh, L, placed 8 times incl 2nd Berkeley Court Hotel Knockaire S, Leopardstown, L and 3rd Ballycorus S, Leopardstown, L; dam of winners. LE CIEL (IRE), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 6 times; also winner over hurdles and placed once; dam of Bros (IRE), winner at 3 years in Germany and placed 4 times incl 3rd P.der Dreijahrigen-Merck Finck Co. Bank, Dusseldorf, L. I’LL TRY, 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in USA; dam of winners. POLYNORIX (FR), 3 wins at 4 and 6 years in France and placed 28 times. The next dam MORTEFONTAINE (FR), winner at 4 years in France and placed 18 times; Own sister to POLYFOTO and Chagrin Falls; dam of five winners inclKATIES, Champion 3yr Old Filly in England in 1984, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Goffs Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1 and Coronation S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, placed 3 times viz 2nd Queen Elizabeth II S, Ascot, Gr2, Child S, Newmarket, Gr3 and 3rd Princess Elizabeth S, Epsom, Gr3; dam of winners. HISHI AMAZON (USA), Champion 2 & 3yr Old Filly in Japan in 1993 & 1994, Champion Older Mare in Japan in 1995, Sankei Sho All Comers S, Nakayama, L, Hanshin Sansai Himba S, Hanshin, L, Kyoto Daishoten, Kyoto, L, Daily Hai Queen Cup, Tokyo, L, Queen S, Nakayama, L, Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cup, Kyoto, L, Kansai Telecasting Corp. Sho Rose S, Hanshin, L, New Zealand Trophy Yonsai S, Tokyo, L, Crystal Cup, Nakayama, L and 2nd Japan Cup, Tokyo, Gr1. HISHI PINNACLE (USA), Kansai Telecasting Corp. Sho Rose S, Hanshin, L. KATIES FIRST (USA), Remembrance Day EBF S, Doncaster, L and Prix du Cercle, Deauville, L; granddam of ADMIRE MOON (JPN), Champion Older Horse in Japan in 2007, Japan Cup, Tokyo, Gr1, Takarazuka Kinen, Hanshin, Gr1, Dubai Duty Free S, Nad Al Sheba, Gr1, 2nd Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, Gr1 and 3rd Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr1. 96

80 Madiba

Breeders 2015-17 Mårten Kask Fellowship Racing AB Båtmansvägen 58, 192 48 Sollentuna 070-710 59 01


MADIBA (SWE) June 10th, 2013 A Bay Filly

Mores Wells (GB) Eurotanz (IRE) (2006)

Sadler’s Wells (USA) Endorsement (GB) Danehill Dancer (IRE) Eurostorm (USA)

Northern Dancer Fairy Bridge (USA) Warning Overdrive Danehill (USA) Mira Adonde (USA) Storm Bird (CAN) Eurobird (IRE)

1st dam

EUROTANZ (IRE), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of 1 runner from 2 foals of racing age vizDr Dagge (DEN) (2011 c. by Sakhee (USA)), ran in Sweden at 3 years, 2014. Rain (SWE) (2012 f. by Bosun’s Watch (GB)), in training (P Wahl, Täby) 2nd dam EUROSTORM (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in USA and £76,962 incl Brownstown Stud S, Leopardstown, L and Diamond S, Curragh, L, 2nd Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L, Locust Grove S, Churchill Downs, L and 3rd Mint Julep H, Church Downs, L; dam of four winnersMan O’Mystery (USA) (g. by Diesis), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years and £86,915 and placed 11 times incl 2nd Lawdirect James Seymour S, Newmarket, L; also winner over hurdles and £16,096 and placed twice incl 2nd Laurel Pub Company Top Novices’ Hurdle, Aintree and winner over jumps in USA and £10,370 and placed once. VALEO SI VALES (IRE), 3 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2013 in Norway and in Sweden and £14,052 and placed 12 times. CATS IN BOOTS (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Japan and £380,126 and placed 9 times. DESTORM (USA), winner at 2 years and £11,186 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam EUROBIRD (IRE), by Ela-Mana-Mou (IRE), Champion 3yr Old Stayer in Ireland in 1987, 4 wins at 3 years incl Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1, Blandford S, Curragh, Gr2 and Kinderhill Oaks Trial, Phoenix Park, L, placed 7 times incl 2nd Meld S, Curragh, Gr3, Royal Whip S, Curragh, Gr3, 3rd Gilltown Stud Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr1, Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1 and Blandford S, Curragh, Gr2; dam of ten winners inclEUROSTORM (USA), see above. BOWMORE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years incl Ardilaun House Hotel Oyster S, Galway, L, placed 5 times incl 3rd Ballyroan S, Leopardstown, L and Challenge S, Leopardstown, L; also winner over hurdles and placed once. Garden Society (IRE), 7 wins and placed 8 times incl 3rd Bet Direct Channel 4 Chester S, Chester, L. Wing Express (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years 2nd Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L. Golden Cat (USA), winner at 3 years and placed twice incl 3rd Mitsubishi Diamond Vision S, Curragh, L, all her starts; dam of winners. POUNCED (USA), Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf (c&g), Santa Anita, Gr2 and 2nd Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1; sire in Brazil and Italy. Big Bound (USA), winner to 2013 at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2nd Bet365 Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr3 and 3rd Spillers Horse Feeds Fairway S, Newmarket, L. Pampas Cat (USA), 2 wins at 3 years and placed twice viz 2nd National Express Fairway S, Newmarket, L and 3rd Bank of America Chester Vase, Chester, Gr3, from only 5 starts. Celtic Cat (IRE), 5 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in Hong Kong 2nd Acomb S, York, L. TERVEL (USA), placed once at 4 years; also 2 wins over hurdles incl Martell Mersey Novices’ Hurdle, Aintree, placed once. Romaha (IRE), 1 N.H. Flat Race and placed once; also winner over hurdles and placed 5 times and placed 3 times over fences incl 3rd Paddy Fitzpatrick Memorial Novice Chase, Leopardstown. Euroceleb (IRE), placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners. 97

81 Nitro Nobella

Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 775 96 Krylbo 070-631 73 17

stallpernilla@icloud.com stallpernillanilsson.se

NITRO NOBELLA (SWE) March 19th, 2013 A Brown Filly

Alfred Nobel (IRE)

Cycle of Life (USA) (2000)

Nitro Nobella has been seen to crib-bite

Danehill Dancer

Glinting Desert

Spinning World

Autumn Moon (USA)

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated.

Danehill Mira Adonde Desert Prince Dazzling Park Nureyev Imperfect Circle Mr Prospector Lypatia (USA)

1st dam CYCLE OF LIFE (USA): winner at 3 years in USA and £19,598 and placed once, FT83; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 previous foals; SAVING KENNY (IRE) (2010 c. by Footstepsinthesand (GB)): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Sweden and £30,434 incl Svealandlöpn, and placed 3 times. ATLANTIC CYCLE (IRE) (2007 f. by Stormy Atlantic (USA)): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £20,408 and placed 5 times. FOOTCYCLE (IRE) (2008 f. by Footstepsinthesand (GB)): winner at 3 and placed once, died at 5. Street of Hope (USA) (2006 f. by Street Cry (IRE)): placed twice at 2 years. Nitro Nobella (SWE) (2013 f. by Alfred Nobel (IRE)): see above. She also has a 5-y-o mare by Choisir (AUS). 2nd dam AUTUMN MOON (USA): unraced; own sister to TERESHKOVA (USA) and LYCIUS (USA); dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals; SUTEKI SHINSUKEKUN (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)): 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Japan and £807,580 incl Keisei Hai Autumn H., Nakayama, L, Kochi S., Nakayama, L and Arlington Cup, Hanshin, L, 3rd Keisei Hai Autumn H., Nakayama, Gr3 and Silk Road S., Kyoto, Gr3. Keg Party (USA) (c. by Any Given Saturday (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in USA and £47,033 3rd Brooks Fields S., Canterbury Down. INDY MOON (USA): 8 wins at 2 to 6 years in USA and £77,198. WILDCAT FORMATION (USA): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2012 in USA and £36,157. CYCLE OF LIFE (USA): see above. She also has a 2-y-o filly by First Samurai (USA). 3rd dam Lypatia (FR), by Lyphard (USA), 2 wins at 4 years in France and in USA and 99,500 fr. 2nd Prix d’Alencon, Deauville, L; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals; LYCIUS (USA): 2 wins at 2 years at home and in France and £282,521 incl Newgate Stud Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr1, 2nd Carroll Foundation July Cup, Newmarket, Gr1, General Accident 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1, Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr1, P. Fresnay-le-Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1, 3rd Airlie Coolmore Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1 and Emirates Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1; sire. AKABIR (USA): 6 wins at 5 and 6 years in France and in USA and 398,000 fr. and £247,804 incl Dixie H., Pimlico, Gr2 and Bougainvillea H., Hialeah Park, Gr2, 2nd Bowling Green H., Belmont Park, Gr1, Pan American H., Gulfstream Park, Gr1, 3rd Sword Dancer S., Belmont Park, Gr1 and 4th Hialeah Turf Cup H., Hialeah Park, Gr1; sire. TERESHKOVA (USA): 6 wins in France and in UAE and £106,906 incl Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr3, 2nd Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr1 and 3rd Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr1; dam of six winners incl: ALESSANDRIA (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £15,846; dam of SAINT BAUDOLINO (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years, 2012 in France and £593,984 incl Prix Guillaume d’Ornano, Deauville, Gr2, 2nd Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr1 and 3rd Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr1, ARMY BULLETIN (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in France and £74,603 incl Prix de Suresnes, Maisons-Laffitte, L, 2nd Prix de Guiche, Chantilly, Gr3 and 3rd Prix Paul de Moussac, Chantilly, Gr3, Herculanus (GB): 7 wins at 4 to 6 years, 2014 in Italy and £23,762. 98

Förteckning - Tränare

Professionella tränare i Sverige Tränare Hans Adielsson Björn Björkman Claes Björling Bodil Blomqvist Åsa Borger Fabricio Borges Ylva Brandt Sandra Brolin Lars Bäck Francisco Castro Erna van Doorn Sigyn Dysell Åsa Edvardsson Henrik Engblom Johanna Ericsson Elisabeth Gautier Charlotte Goss Tommy Gustafsson Bodil Hallencreutz Helena Halling Christer Hederud Jacqueline Henriksson Pia Höiom Peter Jardby Lennart Jarvén Maria Johansson Roy Arne Kvisla Annika Källse Hans-Inge Larsen Ole Larsen Karola Larsson Annelie Larsson Lotta Lien Karin Lindberger Jessica Long Marie Lustig Tina Långström Caroline Malmborg Alex McLaren Bo Neuman

Träningsort Mobilnummer E-postadress Kvarnby 0708-47 53 16 mai.adielsson@telia.com Angarn 0708-30 53 34 bjorkman.b@gmail.com Täby 0708-75 67 56 worldracing@hotmail.com Vedum 0733-82 60 20 mo45810@tele2.se Ankarsrum 070-799 21 04 borger@telia.com Jägersro 070-699 10 08 fborges_treinamento@hotmail.com Täby 073-684 14 41 ylva.brandt@telia.com Täby 076-171 20 06 macyver@spray.se Angarn 070-513 87 26 back79@ovi.com Jägersro 070-576 26 34 francisco@stallcastro.com Täby 070-580 77 00 erna@amska.se Åkersberga 070-554 08 64 sigyn@dysell.com Brålanda 076-170 73 75 asa.edvardsson@vgregion.se Mellerud/Täby 073-391 47 80 henrik-engblom@spray.se Täby Galopp 073-391 22 10 ericsson.racing@hotmail.com Vellinge 070-756 07 04 lisa_gautier1@hotmail.com Kristianstad 0768-55 63 48 charlotte@mossagarden.nu Täby 070-718 03 73 tgracing@telia.com Jägersro 070-345 86 32 bodhall@gmail.com Falsterbo 072-586 09 26 helena.halling12@live.com Kungsbacka 070-772 27 35 hederud@home.se Höör 070-731 26 39 jacqueline.henriksson@lympos.se Åsa 0705-79 78 13 pia@hoiom.se Trelleborg 070-547 26 26 jardby@telia.com Stenstorp 070-520 09 50 l.jarven@tattersalls.com Täby 0760-16 75 76 johanssonaim@gmail.com Täby 0708-55 88 97 info@kvisla-racing.com Täby 0708-97 29 04 annika.kallse@gmail.com Jägersro 0708-37 71 09 larsenhansinge@telia.com Svedala 070-755 54 40 olelarsen0405@hotmail.com Kvarnby/Jägersro 070-662 70 67 karolalarsson@hotmail.se Eslöv 070-495 64 91 an.la@hotmail.se Angarn 073-708 11 75 lotta.lien@hotmail.se Täby 0739-82 44 10 klindberger@ymail.com Klågerup 0708-64 88 24 jplong@live.se Örkelljunga 0707-75 33 07 marie@rider.nu Täby 0707-74 85 11 tinalangstrom@gmail.com Täby 070-441 18 89 caroline@stallmalmborg.se Täby 0709-30 67 61 alex@mclarenracing.se Täby 070-591 26 34 gladh-brandt@telia.com 99

Rune Ohlsson Tony Oscarsson Dennis Persson Jan-Erik Pettersson Ricardo Ramallo Johan Reuterskiöld Fredrik Reuterskiöld Lennart Reuterskiöld jr Maria Sandh Vanja Sandrup Susanne Sivrup-Ro’qvist Annika Sjökvist Anna Skoglund-Figueroa Madeleine Smith Katharina Stenefeldt Mikael Tjernström Patrick Wahl Catharina Vång Catharina Östlund

Harlösa 070-748 44 40 stall.enur@telia.com Veberöd 072-735 44 41 tony.oscarsson@vomb.se Strömsholm 0708-20 43 86 persson.dennis@telia.com Kvarnby/Jägersro 0708-96 63 95 teampettersson@telia.com Kvarnby 0739-08 20 56 ricran_82@hotmail.com Jägersro 0701-60 01 60 jreuterskiold@hotmail.com Jägersro 0733-86 62 77 fredrik-3@hotmail.com Jägersro 0708-53 98 34 lenreu@telia.com Täby 0707-69 28 10 mariasandh1@hotmail.com Jägersro 0709-26 35 68 vanja.sandrup@live.se Älvängen 070-604 73 37 susanne@aleracing.se Saxtorp 0736-80 65 22 sjokvistannika@gmail.com Täby 073-617 49 52 anna@achorses.se Täby 070-867 41 81 info@smithracing.se Jägersro 070-229 63 18 k_stenefeldt@hotmail.com Täby 070-731 19 62 stall.tjernstrom@gmail.com Täby 070-496 16 69 pwahlracing@hotmail.com Bälinge 0708-58 06 25 ninna@ullbolsta.com Asmundtorp 070-817 83 98 catharina.ostlund.k@spray.se

Svenska Fullblodsavelsföreningen SFAF, bildad 1919, är en sammanslutning av fullblodsuppfödare och and­ra som vill gagna svensk fullblodsavel. Föreningen har som syfte att främja fullblodsavelns och galopp­spor­tens po­­sitiva utveckling i Sverige. Årsavgiften är 300 kr. Intresserade som vill teckna med­lemskap är välkomna att reglera årsavgiften genom plusgiro 25 30 08-7. Ange namn, adress, telefon samt ev sto/n.

SFAF:s styrelse 2014 Ordförande Vice ordf

Bo Helander Ture Lindblad

Ledamöter Suppleanter Adjungerade

Eva CS Pettersson Helena Sigfridsson Stefan Uppström Anna Drion Pernilla Nilsson Anna Fischer Bengt Thomasson Peter Josefsson, kassör Nadja Bellander, sekr


Hedersledamöter Kirsten Rausing Björn Zachrisson Postadress c/o Nadja Bellander, Centralvägen 8 186 31 Vallentuna E-post nadja.bellander@telia.com Tel ordf 0707-77 32 11 Tel sekr 0708-98 14 15 Hemsida www.sfaf.se Plusgiro 25 30 08-7 Bankgiro 5870-8777

Svensk Galopp fortsätter att satsa på Svenskprogrammet! Från och med den 1 januari 2012 erhåller svenskuppfödda 2-, 3-, och 4-åriga engelska fullblod 40% i hästägarpremie (svenskbonus) på prispengar i öppna löpningar i Sverige. Undantagna är löpningar för enbart svenskuppfödda hästar samt de storlopp där en sär­skild bonus finns angiven i propositionen. Maxbeloppet är 75.000 kr per löpning/häst. Till detta kommer prispengar avsatta till löpningar för enbart svensk- eller skandinaviskfödda hästar.

Total satsning på den svenskuppfödda hästen var 2013:

10.000.000 kr

A Porto betalt/Sverige

AB HANSON & MÖHRING BOX 222, 301 06 HALMSTAD, SWEDEN, T +46 35 18 32 20, F +46 35 18 32 90 A PART OF SALINITY GROUP


Prepress SRB AB, Djursholm, tryck Laseretryk AS, Århus, Danmark, 2014 - 1.200 ex

Adressreturer: SRB AB, Box 14, 182 05 Djursholm, Sweden

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