DAAT Strategic Plan 2017-2021

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5 Devon Air Ambulance 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN 2017 – 2021


“ Putting our patients first ”

Committed to achieving the best clinical outcomes

Contents 3 4 6 6 7

Introduction Vision, Mission and Values Review of Previous Strategic Plan Current Position Strategic Direction

7 8 9 10

Strategic Considerations Patient Services Aviation Income Generation

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12 13 14 15

Finance People Infrastructure Beyond 2021


fundraising through to retail and how we engage and communicate with our supporters and communities.

This Strategic Plan sets out what we intend to deliver over the years 2017-2021. It shows a clear strategic direction for the charity, how we aim to achieve these objectives and a clear understanding of the strategic considerations which have shaped our thoughts, and which are fundamental to ensuring we work together towards achieving the very best outcome for our patients in the future. The Patient Services and Aviation strategies set out in more detail our key objectives and the rationale behind these, including the importance of evidenceled decision making in relation to our clinical delivery, aircrew profile, number of flying hours and purchasing the most appropriate aircraft for our needs. Our Income Generation strategy covers all aspects of our vital fundraising operations - from our lottery, donations, business engagement and community

The Finance strategy gives a detailed overview of the targets we need to meet in order to support our service delivery objectives. Our People strategy outlines how we will ensure we have the right skills and experience to support delivery of our objectives and our commitment to operating within a ‘just’ culture. Our Infrastructure strategy considers how we ensure we have the right systems, IT, training and working environments to support our people in meeting our core strategic objectives. While this strategic plan aims to capture all the objectives we wish to achieve over a 5-year period, it should be seen as a ‘working document’ which remains responsive to the changing needs of the dynamic environment within which we operate.

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Our Vision An outstanding Helicopter Emergency Medical Service, available to all, 24 hours a day

Our Mission Relief of sickness and injury in the county of Devon and surrounding areas

Our Values Our values are important to us because they inform our actions and our behaviour

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Exemplary Patient Care

A Safe and Just Culture

• Patient led • Evidence-led • Developed through experience

• • • •



• Local engagement • Listening • Accountable • Owned by and for the people of Devon • Regional partnerships • National collaboration

• • • • •

Transparent Fair Inclusive Ethically aware

Professional Volunteer support Innovative Investment in people Robust governance

Our Supporter Promise • We do not share or sell any of our supporters’ data. • We treat our supporters as we would wish to be treated ourselves. • The only mail we send out is our Helipad magazine (three times a year) to keep our supporters up-to-date with our activities and local interest. • We do not authorise any house-to-house fundraising or sales. The only face-to-face sales we authorise are for our in-house lottery. • We do not employ third party companies to ring our supporters asking for more, or to cold call.

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Review of Previous Strategic Plan Through the combined drive, enthusiasm and commitment of the people who support Devon Air Ambulance, we were able to achieve all the objectives set out in our previous strategic plan (2013-2017) ahead of time. As well as achieving our anticipated goals, we were also able to deal successfully with a number of unanticipated challenges, such as applying for, and being awarded, our Air Operator’s Certificate. This exceptional achievement is a direct reflection of how the charity has matured and grown over the years; this has put us in a very strong position with an ability to quickly respond to the rapidly changing environment, new opportunities and unexpected challenges.

Current Position

It currently costs in the region of £7 million each year to keep Devon’s two Air Ambulances flying. We are proud to operate entirely independent of any national or local government funding. All the money needed to operate the Air Ambulance comes directly from the generosity and goodwill of the communities, businesses and people of Devon, through public fundraising and donations. Since November 2016, we have operated one of our helicopters through until midnight each day, throughout the year, with our ultimate aim – if supported by the evidence - to work towards offering a 24-hour a day service. In a local context, we currently work closely with our key partners, namely South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT), which seconds the paramedics to the aircrew and from whom we commission the tasking of the service in partnership with our neighbouring air ambulance charities (Cornwall, Dorset & Somerset, Wiltshire and Great Western). We are proud of our collaboration with Plymouth University in developing and implementing the Master’s Degree in Pre-Hospital Critical Care Retrieval and Transfer which is significantly upskilling our paramedics through education, simulation, research and advanced mentoring.

1 year £7m

Nationally, we are a member of the Association of Air Ambulances and support its work in developing and sharing best practice and supporting effective national communications and campaigns.

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Strategic Direction The overarching consideration when determining the strategic direction of the charity is to constantly strive to improve clinical outcomes for all our patients. In support of this, we have adopted an evidence-led approach to all aspects of our strategic decision making processes. We are committed to ensuring that all our decisions – and the strategic objectives which arise from them - ultimately result in achieving the very best clinical outcomes for our patients. This evidence-led decision making will be particularly relevant when considering: • potential plans to extend operating hours • the most appropriate profile of our aircrew (such as number of pilots, ratio of paramedics/doctors) • how we appropriately skill and support our clinical crew, and • the specification of any new helicopter we purchase We also continue to be committed to maintaining the independence of the charity and to ensuring that any decisions in relation to external influence and governance are made in the best interests of our service delivery and our fundraisers and supporters.

Strategic Considerations In support of the overall strategic direction of our operations, we have employed a number of analytical tools, modelling of outcomes and consideration of the wider national and international political climate. These considerations have included: • the use of SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) • the use of PESTLE analysis (Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Legal, Environmental) and • the use of ‘sensitivity’ analysis to test ‘what if’ scenarios such as : • a significant drop in any income stream • a significant increase in costs • implications of extending operating hours • implication of changes to existing aircrew ‘profile’ as directed by changes to regulations (such as requirement for dual piloting)

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5 Patient Services

Key Objectives: • Importance of evidence-led decisions • Increasing operating hours • Review of profile of aircrew e.g. more advance roles, integration of doctors etc

Over the 5-year life of the strategic plan... Crew • Retain Specialist Paramedic Critical Care post • Development of Advanced Paramedic Critical Care role PPE • Replace RTC jackets and utility vests (2017 & 2020) • Replace flight suits (2018 & 2021) Dispatch • Dispatch IT integration Governance • Continue to support Clinical Governance • Extend to other emergency services and hospital clinicians (2018) Education • Continuation of 3 year ‘Master’s Degree in Pre-Hospital Critical Care Retrieval and Transfer’ for existing cohort of paramedics • Enrolment on to ‘Master’s Degree in Pre-Hospital Critical Care Retrieval and Transfer’ for new paramedics needed to facilitate our extension in operating hours • ‘Diploma in Immediate Medical Care’ (DipIMC) Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care – the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh • To Enable some of our ‘Specialist Paramedics’ to progress to ‘Advanced Paramedic’ role in- line with the College of Paramedics ‘Post Registration Career Framework’ • Independent prescribing (of medications) by paramedics • At time of publication, the proposal to develop the independent prescribing by paramedics is under consideration by the ‘Commission on Human Medicines’ (CHM) for ‘Advanced Paramedics’ • Continuation of courses developing advanced skills/qualifications/knowledge in Trauma/Medical/ Paediatrics/Surgical procedures for paramedics and doctors

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Training Resource • Acquisition of simulation training aids (2017 & 2021) • Acquisition of MD mannequin (2018 & 2021) • Acquisition of LD mannequin (2018 & 2020) • Acquisition of skillset training aids each year Equipment • New ventilators and retainers • Replacement of vital sign monitors • Replacement of LUCAS device

Aviation Key Objectives: • Replacement aircraft • Research options • Review requirements • Decision-making process • Timeframe • Community Landing Sites • Development of in-house resilience Over the 5-year life of the strategic plan... Availability • Extend operating hours to 2am from 1st quarter 2018 • Begin 24 hour operating (by 4th quarter 2021) Equipment • Replacement stretchers • Add spare stretcher • Additional weather stations Safety Management System & Just Culture • e-learning module on reporting through our cloud-based aviation management system • Crew Resource Management course • Publish quarterly ‘Safety Matters’ newsletter Aircraft • Research aircraft replacement options harmonisation with current support arrangements (2017) • Decision (2018) • Tooling (2019) • Delivery of new aircraft (2020) Training • Review of in-house pilot provision • Aircraft ‘type’ training linked to replacement aircraft Regulation • Monitor developments pre-Brexit (2017 & 2018) • Prepare for any regulatory changes resulting from Brexit (2019) • Monitor regulations post-Brexit (2019 & beyond) Landing Sites • Improvements to Hopsital Landing Sites for night operations • Add a further 45-50 Community Landing Sites (each year from 2017-2020 inclusive)


5 Income Generation

Key Objectives: • Steadily grow income by 36% over period in order to: • Support developments in patient services • Support rolling programme of aircraft replacement and maintenance • Maintain key strategy of community fundraising in line with Supporter Promise

Over the 5-year life of the strategic plan... DAA Events • Continue with support each year to: • Motorcycle Ride-out • Dragon Boat Festival • Increase contribution from events to £180k Celebrations • 25th anniversary celebrations events to raise £20k (2017) • ‘Tour of Devon’ with new aircraft to raise £10k (2020) Commando Challenge • Increase participants from 1,000 to 2,000 • Generate surplus (from 2018) and increase surplus (from 2019) • Renegotiate agreements with partners (2020) Community Fundraising • Steady increase to income National Air Ambulance Week • Target to generate additional £5k each year Donations, regular giving and in memoriam • Target to increase donations by additional £5k each year Lottery • Increase number of players by additional 1,000 each year (above 2017 level of 38,500) Corporate/Businesses ‘on board’ • Develop South West regional fundraising opportunities • Register 70 Businesses ‘on board’ in 2017, increasing to 85 by 2021

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Capital Appeals, Trust and Foundations • Develop more proactive approach for small capital expenditure projects • Begin developing capital fundraising plan for new HQ/South Devon Airbase (2020) Legacies • Maintain legacy income at c.£2m each year App/web • Create new website (2018 and 2021) • Create new app (2019) Digital Marketing • Devolve budgets to fundraising team and retail • Training in content development tools (e.g., ripl) • Licensing for music for videos • Review Search Engine Optimisation and digital marketing support and contract Shops • Increase number of shops to 28 by 2021 • Reassess Furniture & Electrical form and potential for superstore • Shop moves for Barnstaple and Honiton • Review music contracts and implement • Review Point of Sale/till contracts and implement • ‘Bus Stop’ signs for all shops • Recruit sponsors for shop TV • Look to create additional discount store (2019) Retail Targets • Increase income from £1.8m to £2.5m • Increase gift aid from £118k to £162k • Increase contribution from £94k to £279k • Increase overall net profit from 5.2% to 11.1%

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Key Objectives: • Ensure sustainability beyond lifetime of the plan • Apply funds to charitable objectives • Probity • Control costs • Extend benefit • Ensure cashflow for major outlays

Over the 5-year life of the strategic plan...

Targets • Increase income by £1.8m to £8.9m over the 5 years • Maintain efficiency levels while supporting the growth with regular monitoring and review • Ensure sufficient cash held to meet reserves target, allowing for requirements beyond the 5 year strategy


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Training • Concur Training (2017) • Sage Training (2018)

Audit and Review • Review of appointment of auditors (2017) • Review of auditor and review of support costs (2018) • Tender for appointment of auditors (2021)

Budgets & Forecast • Detailed budget (2017) • High level 5 year forecast (2017) • Detailed rolling budget (from 2018) • Detailed 5 year forecast (from 2018)

Investments • Meet free reserve targets each year • Management of funds for purchase of new aircraft – designated funds drawn down for: • Deposit (2018) • Stage payments (2019) • Final payments (2020)

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People Key Objectives: • Ensure we have the right skills and experience to support delivery of objectives and Just Culture

Over the 5-year life of the strategic plan... Governance • Delivery of annual trustee training • Appointment of additional trustees (as appropriate) • Appointment of specific positions (Chair, Deputy Chair and Treasurer) (as appropriate) Volunteers • Increase number of volunteers from 470 to 721 • Maintain and improve training opportunities Recruitment • New roles to include: • IT Support and Training Officer (2017) • Additional Van Driver (2017) • Legacy Officer (2017) • Additional Area Manager (2019) • Additional Relief Manager (2020) • Additional retail staff (as appropriate) Development • Delivery of annual ‘Away Day’ (staff engagement event) • Define minimum IT standards and training plan • Introduce Digital Skills Development Plan HR Support • New contract for external HR support (2017) • Re-tender for external HR support (2019)

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5 Infrastructure

Key Objectives: • Ensure our people have the right systems, working environments and tools to do the job

Over the 5-year life of the strategic plan... IT software/firmware • Identify minimum standards for IT • Roll out Office 365 • Establish IT Working Group • Invest in: • Productivity tools • Training • Data storage, and • Photo library IT hardware • Produce hardware strategy • Produce graphic standard hardware for video editing and image library Data Management • Migrate gift aid data • Cross reference Helipad magazine • Cross reference for donors to raise gift aid • Cleanse data • Roll out General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) compliance training (2018) • Review GDPR compliance post-implementation (2019) Airbases • Deep clean Exeter (2017, 2019, 2021) • Deep clean Eaglescott (2018, 2020) • Decorate Eaglescott (2017, 2021) • Review capacity at Eaglescott and increase if required Head Office • Redecorate (2018) • Begin review of HQ requirements, options and consultation (2021)

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Warehouse • Review of warehouse capacity (2018) Fleet • Renew car leases (2020) • Lease additional van for retail (2018) • Renew lease for first retail van (2019)

Beyond 2021 – Our next 5-year strategic plan 2022

30th Anniversary


New Combined HQ and Airbase


Replacement of aircraft G-DAAN


Retail expanded to 30 shops


Retail Targets: Income: £2.6m Contribution: 427k Net Profit: 16%

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5 DEVON AIR AMBULANCE TRUST 5 Sandpiper Court Harrington Lane Exeter EX4 8NS 01392 466666

www.daat.org f devonairambulancetrust t @DevonAirAmb

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