Helgi R. Ingvarsson composer and conductor newsletter #2 Sept.2015

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Newsletter Issue #2 September 2015

Helgi R. Ingvarsson Composer Conductor News


Loftkastali Concert by

Helgi R. Ingvarsson

A 4 star review

In August and September I visited Iceland to do a talk at the Iceland Academy of the Arts on Sept. 4th and to produce a showcase concert in Harpa concert hall, Reykjavík on Sept. 6th, featuring 5 pieces for strings by me. Above you can see the set-up for the concert in the beautiful Kaldalón Hall. Matthildur Anna Gísladóttir is warming up by the piano. It all went really well as you can see by reading the below review by renowned Icelandic critic Jónas Sen (excerpt). I am in 7th heaven. "If this music would have been performed 20 years ago, Helgi would have been crucified. You could hear melodies and simple meters, even repetition. Such things were not easily recognized back then, which is why contemporary music was hated by the general public. The good news is: that is not the case anymore. Helgi began his music career by studying vocal arts [I actually start by playing the Euponium years earlier], which could explain the melodic elements in his music.

The melodies were inconspicuously catchy, not like in a pop song however. There was nothing banal about the music: all sorts of clever nuances were introduced and the narrative was exciting and surprising. Helgi´s music carries the composer´s strong personal style. The tonality was, as I have already said, quite traditional, but far from being a cliché. Helgi had a lot on his mind, and he went his own way in delivering his message. The frame echoed the past, but the inspiration was completely unique. I´m looking forward to see what Helgi will do in the future.” - Jónas Sen." (transl. by Helgi) Fréttablaðið, 10.9.2015, bls.47.

UPCOMING 11.09.15: Solitude 1

What: A short piece for actor/singer and piano, set to a poem by Nobel prize writer Tomas Tranströmer. When: September 11th, 2015, 10pm Where: St. John´s Smith Square, London.

Tomas Tranströmer

March 2017:

Maybe we skip this one

What: A new piece for solo trumpet and wind band. Performers: Jóhann Nardeau and Kopavogur Youth Concert Band (Skólahljómsveit Kópavogs). When: March, 2017. Where: Eldborg, Harpa Concert Hall, Iceland.

Harpa Concert Hall, Reykjavík

Funded by the National Radio Composer´s Fund (Tónskáldasjóður RÚV).

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