(2018) Heights Vol. 65, No. 2

Page 56

Central Board has an image problem. cb does not stand for crystal ball — no one knows what this thing is yet. (Have an idea? Drop us a line at the Publications Room. The most creative suggestion wins a free The GUIDON t-shirt.) Remember when they had to drag people in from the corridors to vote in order to meet the 60% election requirement? comelec teasers threatened “vote or die” in red. Now you get the picture. Maybe we just don’t care as much about our school administration as we do our nation’s, and that’s the paradox. There were fears these innocently looking clubs are fertile hot-beds of communism. Cutting in lunch lines has become a custom. The English Rule, a dead law. Students complain of the lack of parking spaces, the danger of theft, the makeshift conditions of the parking lots, the distance of the parking slots from classrooms. Found on a blackboard in Room 206: “Did you know that Dante went to Inferno just for the hell of it?” In the Ateneo alone, a 16% tuition hike. The college cafeteria sells an average of 7 packs of cigarettes a day. The GUIDON boss keeps two air pistols in his filing cabinet. Elitist bullies. Tomorrow, murder shall be a legal act. Our God, the qpi. This restlessness will end within us when we reach our true home — Christ. A giant casts its shadow across the Ateneo of today. The dreaming stage is over. It is time for us to face facts, face reality: the declining Atenean. Turning point. Let’s hope that next time, we can overcome our chronic political immaturity. The Super Atenean is not dead—no, he’s only changing for the better. History is threatening to repeat itself. Shall we learn from the past? If the Atenean is to think in the real world, he ought to think here, too. We, the students, are entitled to nothing less. So what are you doing sitting around reading this editorial? 45

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