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使用者介面設計 視覺識別設計 包裝設計
品牌定位 5W1H HOW 漫畫店結合咖啡廳的經營模式 WHO 青年(約18~35歲),較具有消費能力 WHAT 日式昭和風 WHERE 巷內 (鬧中取靜) WHY (1) 為漫畫愛好者提供舒適的閱讀環境 (2) 改變大眾對漫畫店的不良印象 品牌定位 店名發想 呸啦呸啦PERAPERA (取自日文翻書狀聲詞) ペラペラ

C:70 M:30 Y:80 K:0

R:87 G:14 4B :8 5

C:30 M:30 Y:40 K: 0

R:19 0G :176 B:15 2

45mm 45mm 4mm 4mm 4mm 52mm 215mm 52mm 40m m 31m m 20.5mm 15mm 13mm 2 14m 75.5mm 20.5 14 2 2 45mm 4mm 52mm 206m m 45mm 52m m 31mm 40m m 4mm 4mm 標準字應用 LOGO製圖法
包裝內容物:茶葉包、開心果 材質使用:萊尼紙


The Chinese New Year is a very important festival for Taiwanese society. During the Chinese New Year, every family will put a fish on the table, which symbolizes surplus every year. Chinese New Year is also a period of vacation for everyone. As time goes by, most young people will choose to take advantage of the holiday to travel and relax. The habit of watching TV, eating traditional melon and drinking tea with their families is gradually not so valued.

·Design Concept

To break the impression that people can only drink tea with traditional melon seeds at home, so that people can drink tea, eat melons and chat for a day during the rest time when traveling. Containers of different shapes are filled with tea bags and melon seeds respectively, and the other is a container for throwing melon seeds. The box body is light and easy to carry, and can be discarded after use.

·Prepare the hot water first, then put the tea pag inside the

·Thinking turn
vocation chinese decoration
for use turn expanding hot water
the packaging box
·Thinking map of the visual part Chinese New Year
traditional melon fire crakers cow year ·Instruction
the drinking container. ·Tilt
to pour the tradional melons out ·Throw
traditional melon’s husk in to the container after finishing it
Name: Content: Material:

Research :

Interviewee(46people): Art school students, someone who have experience of sewing.

Q:Is finding thread ends a annoying thing for you?

Yes 90% 10% No

Most of the interviewees feel annoying when finding the thread ends every time they start to use it. Seldom of interviewees think that it's a great sense of accomplishment if they can find the end of the thread after a little pumping.

Q:What method do you usually use to fix the thread ends?

The response that most interviewees said.

A1:Tie a knot at the end of the thread.

A2:Put a piece of tape on the thread to make a mark on it.

A3:Homemade storage board to fix the thread end on it.

A4:Stretch the line for a certain distance at first


Whenever we use the sewing tools, the annoying thing is that we always encounter the problem that it takes a lot of time to find the thread ends, and it is easy to lose the thread ends that we have finally found because of carelessness. Usually the solution is to tear off a piece of tape to fix it, or stretch the line for a certain distance first, so as not to find it in the next use. However, repeated use of the tape will lose its stickiness, and stretching the wires will easily cause the exposed wires to become knotted.

Texture on silkworm moths

Design Concept

Many garments are sewn from silk. The concept of this packaging design is based on the idea of spinning silkworm silk. The content is cotton thread, and when the cotton thread passes through the mouth of the silkworm baby, it is like the silkworm spinning silk. This package structure is formed in one piece, it looks like a silkworm moth when it is buckled up, and it looks like a silkworm baby when it is unfolded. The source of inspiration for the design on the packaging is the texture on silkworm moths, and what I want to present is a natural design style. This packaging is not only designed for appearance, but also functional.The purpose is to make the sewing experience better.

·silkworm mont (back side)

·silkworm baby buckled up

·silkworm mont (foront side)

Texture design sketching

Texture design on silkworm moths(three types)

·Deline with design pattern

外觀為蠶寶寶的造型, 內容物棉線, 概念為蠶寶寶吐絲。 棉線可固定於蠶寶寶的嘴邊, 避免下次使用須花時間找線頭。
穿針器 needle-threader 棉線 針 filament needle
包裝內容物:蜂蜜罐 材質使用:厚銅版紙(上霧膜)
內嵌的構造讓包裝內容物蜂 蜜罐避免劇烈晃動,且有保 護防撞的緩衝作用 手提袋是包裝讓消費者方便 攜帶,且使裡面的蜂蜜罐得 以直正正的卡在裡面。

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