Shorelines: Works by Doris McCarthy & Wendy Wacko

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Shoreline S

Work S by Dori S Mc c arthy & Wen D y Wacko

r ivages

Œuvres de d oris Mc c arthy et Wendy Wacko


Jeudi, 14 mars 2024

17 h – 19 h

Veuillez RSVP exposition

14 mars au 2 avril 2024

Heffel Toronto

13 avenue Hazelton

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front cover/couverture avant:

1 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

Ireland at Yawl (050118)

oil on canvas, 2005

60 × 72 in, 152.4 × 182.9 cm

sH orelines

Works by d oris Mc c arthy & Wendy Wacko

opening re C eption

Thursday, March 14, 2024

5 – 7 PM

Please RSVP

e x H i B ition

March 14 – April 2, 2024

Heffel Toronto

13 Hazelton Avenue

Purchased works will be available for pickup or shipping at the conclusion of the exhibition.

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inside cover/couverture intérieure:
– 2010
3 Doris Jean
on canvas,
Oregon Coast on a Misty Morning (010516) oil
× 60 in, 121.9 × 152.4 cm

Shoreline S

Heffel i S H onou R ed to present Shorelines: Works by Doris McCarthy & Wendy Wacko. This exciting two-artist exhibition features a curated offering of works by Doris McCarthy, shown alongside selected and new works by McCarthy’s friend and painting companion Wendy Wacko.

We at Heffel met Wacko in 2022 and quickly learned of her impassioned dedication to promoting McCarthy’s work and legacy. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and we feel very grateful to have worked with her to bring exceptional and rare McCarthy paintings to auction in recent years. We have seen, first-hand, collectors and enthusiasts awed and inspired by McCarthy’s atmospheric renderings of rugged and remote areas of Canada. The character of McCarthy too elicits great fascination: the ambitious traveler, the prolific writer, the influential educator and engaged community member. Of course, to Wacko, McCarthy was also a mentor and friend.

We are proud and excited to show Wacko’s powerful and dynamic work at Heffel for the first time. Shorelines: Works by Doris McCarthy & Wendy Wacko provides a poignant visual commentary on the impact and importance of mentorship, and Heffel looks forward to sharing these special works to be enjoyed by all.

Wendy Wacko & Doris McCarthy, County Mayo, Ireland, 2004

A Canadian Icon

fR om 1926 to 1930, Doris McCarthy attended the Ontario College of Art, studying closely under Group of Seven artist Arthur Lismer. The Canadian art world was experiencing a storm of change at this formative time in McCarthy’s life. The artistic approach initiated by Tom Thomson—exploring the rugged wilderness and sketching outdoors—was developing into a popular national art movement. McCarthy embraced the immersive outdoor practice with rigorous enthusiasm as a young artist, and she would dedicate her life to exploring new vistas and interpreting landscapes in her own ever-evolving style.

Those who knew McCarthy recall her as an intrepid force: a determined and adventurous spirit. She traveled extensively throughout North America, Europe and the Middle East, taking two major sabbaticals during her teaching career. Beginning in 1972, McCarthy began making sketching trips to the remote Canadian Arctic—as Lawren Harris and A.Y. Jackson had done before her. The arctic journeys were major endeavours and the painting conditions were extreme, but McCarthy remained fiercely committed to her craft. McCarthy had painted in all environments and conditions and was adaptive: she stored tubes of paint beneath her base-layer clothing to keep the paint soft, and she added glycerine to her watercolours to prevent them

Doris McCarthy, County Mayo, Ireland, 2004 Wacko painting by Jasper Lake, Alberta, 2010. The year of McCarthy’s passing, Wacko traveled to the painting spots in Jasper Park she had shared with McCarthy over the years.

from freezing. These remote excursions, and her iconic canvases related to these trips, confirm McCarthy’s place within an important lineage of Canadian landscape painters.

McCarthy’s larger body of work, in its breadth and richness, contends to eclipse her modernist predecessors. She painted in every corner of Canada, experimented with various media, and negotiated varying degrees of stylization. McCarthy’s renderings present a vision of the Canadian landscape that is fresh, dynamic and wholly her own.

A Shared Passion

Wendy Wacko fi RS t met McCarthy in the late 1960s at Toronto’s Central Technical School, where Wacko was enrolled in McCarthy’s art history and still life classes. A decade later, when McCarthy had retired from teaching and was painting full time, the two met by chance transiting through Edmonton—McCarthy en route to the western Arctic, and Wacko traveling home to Jasper. A few weeks later, Wacko hosted McCarthy in Jasper and joined her in outdoor painting sessions. Wacko shared McCarthy’s passionate appreciation for the landscape, and a friendship quickly formed. From 1977 on, the two artists would embark on annual painting expeditions together each spring, traveling widely throughout Canada and abroad.

In 1983, Wacko produced the documentary film Doris McCarthy: Heart of a Painter. The film tells the story of McCarthy’s life and chronicles her approach to painting out of doors in the Alberta badlands. In McCarthy’s autobiography The Good Wine, she dedicates a chapter to Heart of a Painter, recalling fondly her adventures with Wacko during the film’s production: sketching in the blustery badlands, revisiting her London art school after 40 years, and the vulnerable exercise of having her studio process captured on film.1

Wacko continued to produce films throughout the 1980s and in 1992, she founded Mountain Galleries at the Fairmont, a retail gallery promoting Canadian contemporary artists. Mountain Galleries would eventually expand to have three locations—Jasper, Banff and Whistler—which Wacko owned and operated for 30 years. Beginning in 1999, Wacko began exhibiting almost annually at the Scott Gallery in Edmonton. Throughout her accomplished career as a filmmaker, gallerist and artist, Wacko maintained her annual painting trips with McCarthy. Here she describes the artists’ routine:

Each day started early, usually 5 a.m. After a good breakfast we would pack a lunch, and if we were not out and in a stunning location by 9 a.m., McCarthy was not happy. She was always anxious to set up and start painting. We traveled to locations that were rich with spectacular vistas and close to where we hung our hats at night.

These trips were not painting holidays. There was no interest in socializing or exploring. I always made sure I was positioned to allow for my own view (McCarthy always grabbed the grand vista). Finding my own voice was always important, and not wanting to simply do my interpretation of the same view or be overly influenced by what McCarthy chose to paint. “Don’t worry, dear,” she would say, “when I am gone, you will be able to grab the grand vistas.”

Our last painting trip together was to the northwest coast of Ireland in 2004, returning to a place McCarthy had embraced in the early 1950s and that we had done together in the 1990s. By this time McCarthy used a walker and a wheelchair. However, the inspiration from this dramatic location gave her a renewed energy and strength, and before the month was over she was walking with the kick in her step that was so familiar.

A Dynamic Legacy

i n t H e yea RS since McCarthy’s passing in 2010, Wacko has continued to champion her mentor’s work and promote her legacy. In 2022, Wacko took a leadership role in a major donation from McCarthy’s estate, placing 180 artworks in the permanent collection of the University of Toronto Scarborough’s Doris McCarthy Gallery.2 With this donation, McCarthy’s work will be comprehensively represented in the public domain and accessible to scholars, art professionals and the community.

And now, in Shorelines: Works by Doris McCarthy & Wendy Wacko, one can experience a more intimate and personal meditation on McCarthy’s legacy. The McCarthy works selected represent diverse styles, locations and media from the artist’s lengthy career, shown alongside new and selected works by Wendy Wacko. Included in the exhibition are numerous works from the painting trips mentioned. Notably, Wacko’s Looking toward Achill Island, County Mayo and two McCarthy works, From Yawl, Ireland and Ireland at Yawl, are from the previously noted final trip. Ireland at Yawl is an exhibition highlight, a monumental canvas in which sea, land and sky are stylized into harmonious geometric forms—an excellent example of how, even late in her career, McCarthy was unceasing in her artistic experimentation.

Wacko recalls McCarthy as a generous teacher, who was always willing to share her knowledge and wisdom of love, politics, religion, relationships and painting. More than a decade after her passing, McCarthy’s determined and ambitious approach continues to inform Wacko’s experience as an artist.

I work outside as much as possible, exploring new distant and isolated locations. I continue to hear her voice when I am working, reliving the advice she passed on and reaching for new and experimental approaches to my own work.

In reflecting on her relationship with and memories of McCarthy, Wacko identified the shoreline as a reoccurring motif and important symbol. Wacko and McCarthy would often settle on the shoreline, an ever-changing and dynamic painting location. To Wacko, the shoreline’s liminal nature, transitionary and undefinable, speaks to her experience of recalling her mentor. In Shorelines, Wacko seeks to explore these liminal and imprecise spaces in our landscape: waves lapping on the sand, a horizon obscured by sunlight, wisps of clouds upon mountain peaks.

Where does the ocean stop and the shore begin? Where are the boundaries in relationships? When does the past and the present become one? The shoreline is a place where two elements meet and become seemly indistinguishable at the meeting point. Where exactly does the water meet the sand? Without each other, one would be either a vast desert or an ocean.

I have been captured in this liminal space. Moving forward I am learning to focus on the present, with my past dissolving into meaningful intuition that dictates each mark I make on a canvas.

Wacko continues to embark on painting excursions, most recently to British Columbia’s Cariboo Mountains in summer 2023. Staying in a remote lodge, accessed by helicopter, provided her with an exceptional opportunity to view the high-alpine icefields and glacial-carved peaks. Witnessing the rapidly changing terrain was an impactful experience, reaffirming to Wacko the importance of appreciating and documenting our landscape.

Getting into the high country each summer awakens me to the urgency of understanding our disappearing glaciers. . . . As I witness the loss of the glaciers first-hand, my heart aches and I mourn the loss of these magical formations that have such an important role to play in our world.

The landscape continues to hold a place of unparalleled significance in Canadian art. And, like McCarthy before her, Wacko remains committed to interpreting and rendering the Canadian landscape in her own distinctive voice.

1. Doris McCarthy, The Good Wine: An Artist Comes of Age (Toronto: Macfarlane Walter & Ross, 1992), 199–213. 2. Eric Volmers, “Mountain Galleries Founder Donates Doris McCarthy Artwork to U of T Art Gallery,” Calgary Herald, April 29, 2022. Wendy Wacko’s outdoor easel, near CMH Bobbie Burns Lodge, British Columbia, summer 2021

1910 – 2010

Ireland at Yawl (050118)

oil on canvas, 2005 signed and on verso titled and inscribed 050118 60 × 72 in, 152.4 × 182.9 cm

1 Doris Jean McCarthy

2 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

From Yawl, Ireland (040714)

oil on canvas, signed and on verso titled, dated 2004 on the gallery label and inscribed PP and 040714 32 × 40 in, 81.3 × 101.6 cm

1910 – 2010

Oregon Coast on a Misty Morning (010516) oil on canvas, on verso signed, titled, dated 2001 on the gallery label and inscribed 010516 48 × 60 in, 121.9 × 152.4 cm

3 Doris Jean McCarthy

4 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

Driftwood Beach at Port au Choix (030712)

oil on canvas, signed and on verso titled Driftwood Beach at Port aux Choix [sic], dated 2003 on the gallery label and inscribed 030712 36 × 48 in, 91.4 × 121.9 cm

1910 – 2010

Colin Range, Jasper (920730) watercolour on paper, 1992 signed 22 × 30 in, 55.9 × 76.2 cm

5 Doris Jean McCarthy

6 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

Okanagan Lake at Naramata (880906 B ) watercolour on paper, signed and on verso titled and dated 1988 on the gallery label 15 × 22 in, 38.1 × 55.9 cm

7 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

Early Light on Old Man Mountain (920417 C ) oil on board, 1992 signed and on verso titled Early Light on Old Man Mt and inscribed PP / 920417 C / MCC 920417 C 11 1/2 × 15 1/2 in, 29.2 × 39.4 cm

1910 – 2010

Maligne Canyon (770625)

oil on board, 1977 signed and on verso inscribed 770625

12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm

8 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

Boats at Brixham (510524)

watercolour on paper, 1951 signed and on verso titled on a label and inscribed Buxham [sic] Devon and 510524 twice 15 × 22 in, 38.1 × 55.9 cm

9 Doris Jean McCarthy


1910 – 2010

Low Tide, Achill Island (510719)

watercolour on paper signed twice and on verso titled and dated 1951 on the gallery label 15 × 22 in, 38.1 × 55.9 cm

Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

Lava and Grass Tufts (930131 B )

watercolour on paper, signed and on verso titled and dated 1993 on the gallery label 11 × 14 in, 27.9 × 35.6 cm

11 Doris Jean McCarthy

12 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

Foothills Near Cochrane, Alberta (741008)

acrylic on panel, signed and on verso titled and dated 1974 on the gallery label and inscribed 741008 twice 12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm

1910 – 2010

Mutton Bay (820816)

watercolour on paper, signed and on verso titled and dated 1982 on the gallery label 22 × 30 in, 55.9 × 76.2 cm

13 Doris Jean McCarthy

14 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

Uncle’s House (820724) watercolour on paper, 1982 signed 22 × 30 in, 55.9 × 76.2 cm

15 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

Puddle in the Rocks, Georgian Bay (790802) oil on board, 1979 signed and on verso titled on a label and inscribed 790802 twice 12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm

1910 – 2010

The Red Sheds at Port au Choix (030617)

watercolour on paper, signed and on verso titled The Red Sheds at Port aux Choix [sic] and dated 2003 on the gallery label 15 × 22 in, 38.1 × 55.9 cm

16 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

Rocks at the Keyhole (020803)

oil on board, signed and on verso titled, dated 2002 on the gallery label and inscribed 020803 and PP 11 3/4 × 15 7/8 in, 29.8 × 40.3 cm

17 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

watercolour on paper, signed and on verso titled and dated 1977 on the gallery label

9 1/2 × 16 in, 24.1 × 40.6cm

18 Doris Jean McCarthy Dry Dock (770619)

1910 – 2010

River Boat in Dry Dock, Fort McMurray (800414) watercolour on paper, signed and on verso titled and dated 1980 on the gallery label 17 × 22 in, 43.2 × 55.9 cm

19 Doris Jean McCarthy

1910 – 2010

The Giant and Boulder (830714) watercolour on paper, signed and on verso titled and dated 1983 on the gallery label 15 × 22 in, 38.1 × 55.9 cm

20 Doris Jean McCarthy

21 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Frozen Shoreline Georgian Bay, Tiny Beach (231010) oil on canvas, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 231010 48 × 60 in, 121.9 × 152.4 cm


1951 –

Dawn, Inside Passage, A Row Boat Ride with Adam (231007) oil on canvas, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 231007 48 × 60 in, 121.9 × 152.4 cm

Wendy Wacko

23 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Spotlights Over the Bay, Tiny Beach (231001)

oil on canvas, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 231001 48 × 60 in, 121.9 × 152.4 cm

24 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Shoreline Fantasy, Maligne Lake (231005)

oil on canvas, 2023

on verso signed, titled and inscribed 231005 48 × 60 in, 121.9 × 152.4 cm

25 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Receding Storm Cariboos, A Visit with Hans (231014) oil on canvas, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 231014 48 × 60 in, 121.9 × 152.4 cm

26 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Glacial Pool, Bobbie Burns CMH Heli Painting (230820) oil on canvas, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230820 40 × 60 in, 101.6 × 152.4 cm

1951 –

oil on canvas, 2011 signed and on verso inscribed 11103 24 × 30 in, 61 × 76.2 cm

27 Wendy Wacko Spring Break-up, Jasper Lake (11103)

28 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Warm Spring Day, Jasper Lake (11104) oil on canvas, 2011 signed and on verso inscribed 11104 24 × 30 in, 61 × 76.2 cm

1951 –

Low Hanging Clouds over the Glacier (230726) oil on board, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230626 and 230726 11 × 14 in, 27.9 × 35.6 cm

29 Wendy Wacko

30 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

After the Rainbow (230720)

oil on board, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230720 11 × 14 in, 27.9 × 35.6 cm

1951 –

Melting Headwater Glacier, Cariboos (230727) oil on board, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230727 11 × 14 in, 27.9 × 35.6 cm

31 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Cliffs Across from the Glacier (230703)

oil on board, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230703 11 × 14 in, 27.9 × 35.6 cm

32 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

oil on board, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230629

11 × 14 in, 27.9 × 35.6 cm

33 Wendy Wacko Purcell Meadow View Above the Lodge (230629)

1951 –

Bobbie Burns, CMH Dreaming (220724)

oil on board, 2022 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 220724 12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm

34 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Sue’s Beach, PEI (230905)

oil on board, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230905 and variously 12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm

35 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Tip of the North West Coast, PEI (230906) oil on board, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230906 12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm

36 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

South Kihei, The Wedding Beach (230115)

oil on board, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230115 12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm

37 Wendy Wacko

38 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

South Kihei Coast, Tidal Pools (230120)

oil on board, 2023 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230120 12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm

1951 –

oil on board, 2023 on verso signed, titled and inscribed 230109

12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm

39 Wendy Wacko Calm Day, South Maui Coast (230109)

40 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Looking toward Achill Island, County Mayo (111015) oil on canvas, 2011 signed and on verso signed, titled and inscribed 111015 and inspired by 2004 painting trip 36 × 36 in, 91.4 × 91.4 cm

1951 –

Smoke Veil Study, Sketch from My Kayak, Maligne Lake watercolour on paper, signed and on verso titled and dated 2018/08/01 10 × 10 1/2 in, 25.4 × 26.7 cm

41 Wendy Wacko

42 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Inspirational Study watercolour on paper signed, titled and dated 2023 4 × 5 1/2 in, 10.2 × 14 cm

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iSbn: 978-1-927031-67-4

left/G auc H e :

Wendy Wacko painting near CMH Bobbie Burns Lodge, British Columbia, 2021

back cover/couverture arrière:

21 Wendy Wacko

1951 –

Frozen Shoreline Georgian Bay, Tiny Beach (231010)

oil on canvas, 2023 48 × 60 in, 121.9 × 152.4 cm

Shoreline S Work S by Dori S Mc c arthy & Wen D y Wacko

of publication: March 14, 2024. Prices are subject to change.

Shoreline S : Work S by Dori S Mc c arthy & Wen D y Wacko Price List no artiSt title Price 1 Doris Jean McCarthy Ireland at Yawl (050118) $55,000 2 Doris Jean McCarthy From Yawl, Ireland (040714) $18,000 3 Doris Jean McCarthy Oregon Coast on a Misty Morning (010516) $29,000 4 Doris Jean McCarthy Driftwood Beach at Port au Choix (030712) $26,000 5 Doris Jean McCarthy Colin Range, Jasper (920730) $10,000 6 Doris Jean McCarthy Okanagan Lake at Naramata (880906B) $5,500 7 Doris Jean McCarthy Early Light on Old Man Mountain (920417C) $6,500 8 Doris Jean McCarthy Maligne Canyon (770625) $6,500 9 Doris Jean McCarthy Boats at Brixham (510524) $10,000 10 Doris Jean McCarthy Low Tide, Achill Island (510719) $12,000 11 Doris Jean McCarthy Lava and Grass Tufts (930131B) $3,000 12 Doris Jean McCarthy Foothills Near Cochrane, Alberta (741008) $6,500 13 Doris Jean McCarthy Mutton Bay (820816) $10,000 14 Doris Jean McCarthy Uncle’s House (820724) $10,000 15 Doris Jean McCarthy Puddle in the Rocks, Georgian Bay (790802) $6,500 16 Doris Jean McCarthy The Red Sheds at Port au Choix (030617) $4,000 17 Doris Jean McCarthy Rocks at the Keyhole (020803) $6,500 18 Doris Jean McCarthy Dry Dock (770619) $3,000 19 Doris Jean McCarthy River Boat in Dry Dock, Fort McMurray (800414) $5,500 20 Doris Jean McCarthy The Giant and Boulder (830714) $5,500 21 Wendy Wacko Frozen Shoreline Georgian Bay, Tiny Beach (231010) $9,500 22 Wendy Wacko Dawn, Inside Passage, A Row Boat Ride with Adam (231007) $9,500 23 Wendy Wacko Spotlights Over the Bay, Tiny Beach (231001) $9,500 24 Wendy Wacko Shoreline Fantasy, Maligne Lake (231005) $9,500 25 Wendy Wacko Receding Storm Cariboos, A Visit with Hans (231014) $9,500 26 Wendy Wacko Glacial Pool, Bobbie Burns CMH Heli Painting (230820) $8,100 27 Wendy Wacko Spring Break-up, Jasper Lake (11103) $4,200 28 Wendy Wacko Warm Spring Day, Jasper Lake (11104) $4,200 29 Wendy Wacko Low Hanging Clouds over the Glacier (230726) $2,200 30 Wendy Wacko After the Rainbow (230720) $2,200 31 Wendy Wacko Melting Headwater Glacier, Cariboos (230727) $2,200 32 Wendy Wacko Cliffs Across from the Glacier (230703) $2,200 33 Wendy Wacko Purcell Meadow View Above the Lodge (230629) $2,200 34 Wendy Wacko Bobbie Burns, CMH Dreaming (220724) $2,300 35 Wendy Wacko Sue’s Beach, PEI (230905) $2,300 36 Wendy Wacko Tip of the North West Coast, PEI (230906) $2,300 37 Wendy Wacko South Kihei, The Wedding Beach (230115) $2,300 38 Wendy Wacko South Kihei Coast, Tidal Pools (230120) $2,300 39 Wendy Wacko Calm Day, South Maui Coast (230109) $2,300 40 Wendy Wacko Looking toward Achill Island, County Mayo (111015) $6,000 41 Wendy Wacko Smoke Veil Study, Sketch from My Kayak, Maligne Lake $1,400 42 Wendy Wacko Inspirational Study $800

Date de publication : 14 mars 2024. Les prix sont susceptibles d’être modifiés.

r ivage S : Œuvre S D e Dori S Mc c arthy et Wen D y Wacko Liste de P rix no artiSte titre Prix 1 Doris Jean McCarthy Ireland at Yawl (050118) 55 000 $ 2 Doris Jean McCarthy From Yawl, Ireland (040714) 18 000 $ 3 Doris Jean McCarthy Oregon Coast on a Misty Morning (010516) 29 000 $ 4 Doris Jean McCarthy Driftwood Beach at Port au Choix (030712) 26 000 $ 5 Doris Jean McCarthy Colin Range, Jasper (920730) 10 000 $ 6 Doris Jean McCarthy Okanagan Lake at Naramata (880906B) 5 500 $ 7 Doris Jean McCarthy Early Light on Old Man Mountain (920417C) 6 500 $ 8 Doris Jean McCarthy Maligne Canyon (770625) 6 500 $ 9 Doris Jean McCarthy Boats at Brixham (510524) 10 000 $ 10 Doris Jean McCarthy Low Tide, Achill Island (510719) 12 000 $ 11 Doris Jean McCarthy Lava and Grass Tufts (930131B) 3 000 $ 12 Doris Jean McCarthy Foothills Near Cochrane, Alberta (741008) 6 500 $ 13 Doris Jean McCarthy Mutton Bay (820816) 10 000 $ 14 Doris Jean McCarthy Uncle’s House (820724) 10 000 $ 15 Doris Jean McCarthy Puddle in the Rocks, Georgian Bay (790802) 6 500 $ 16 Doris Jean McCarthy The Red Sheds at Port au Choix (030617) 4 000 $ 17 Doris Jean McCarthy Rocks at the Keyhole (020803) 6 500 $ 18 Doris Jean McCarthy Dry Dock (770619) 3 000 $ 19 Doris Jean McCarthy River Boat in Dry Dock, Fort McMurray (800414) 5 500 $ 20 Doris Jean McCarthy The Giant and Boulder (830714) 5 500 $ 21 Wendy Wacko Frozen Shoreline Georgian Bay, Tiny Beach (231010) 9 500 $ 22 Wendy Wacko Dawn, Inside Passage, A Row Boat Ride with Adam (231007) 9 500 $ 23 Wendy Wacko Spotlights Over the Bay, Tiny Beach (231001) 9 500 $ 24 Wendy Wacko Shoreline Fantasy, Maligne Lake (231005) 9 500 $ 25 Wendy Wacko Receding Storm Cariboos, A Visit with Hans (231014) 9 500 $ 26 Wendy Wacko Glacial Pool, Bobbie Burns CMH Heli Painting (230820) 8 100 $ 27 Wendy Wacko Spring Break-up, Jasper Lake (11103) 4 200 $ 28 Wendy Wacko Warm Spring Day, Jasper Lake (11104) 4 200 $ 29 Wendy Wacko Low Hanging Clouds over the Glacier (230726) 2 200 $ 30 Wendy Wacko After the Rainbow (230720) 2 200 $ 31 Wendy Wacko Melting Headwater Glacier, Cariboos (230727) 2 200 $ 32 Wendy Wacko Cliffs Across from the Glacier (230703) 2 200 $ 33 Wendy Wacko Purcell Meadow View Above the Lodge (230629) 2 200 $ 34 Wendy Wacko Bobbie Burns, CMH Dreaming (220724) 2 300 $ 35 Wendy Wacko Sue’s Beach, PEI (230905) 2 300 $ 36 Wendy Wacko Tip of the North West Coast, PEI (230906) 2 300 $ 37 Wendy Wacko South Kihei, The Wedding Beach (230115) 2 300 $ 38 Wendy Wacko South Kihei Coast, Tidal Pools (230120) 2 300 $ 39 Wendy Wacko Calm Day, South Maui Coast (230109) 2 300 $ 40 Wendy Wacko Looking toward Achill Island, County Mayo (111015) 6 000 $ 41 Wendy Wacko Smoke Veil Study, Sketch from My Kayak, Maligne Lake 1 400 $ 42 Wendy Wacko Inspirational Study 800 $

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