Hebe Jebes | May/Jun 2021

Page 41

I have steamed across the Indian Ocean, at night not a single cloud, just the sound of our engine and its vibration under our feet and the firmament of stars from horizon to horizon and bioluminescence glowing green in the sea which 'sizzled' as we moved through it. I have been surrounded by dolphins off the coast of West Africa. There are many highlights.


There have been storms too. Passing through the centre of a Hurricane in the Pacific Ocean in which we almost became overwhelmed was a memorable one, as were three or four other occasions where the wind maintained a speed in excess of 110 knots.


我只聽到引擎的聲音,感受到它在腳下的震動。當我們的船隻駛 過時,海面皆是綠色的粼波,那是不同浮游生物發出的冷光。我 還試過在西非海岸時,船隻被海豚團團包圍。這類的趣事數不勝 數。

隻幾乎被淹沒。還有幾次風速維持在110節以上,這些都是讓人難 忘的體驗。 當我來到香港的時候是退休、半退休的狀態,我的太太在這裡有

When I came to Hong Kong, it was for retirement or semi-retirement; my wife had a good job here and wanted me to stay at home, at least for a while.

一份不錯的工作,希望我留在香港至少一段時間。 作為熱愛航海的我,看到香港這一片土地,每天風和日麗,又有

What was I, a sailor, to do? All this glorious weather, these islands, all this water, I must find something to occupy me related to the water, the sea!

數不盡的島嶼和海域,我一定要找點事做! 就在那時,我發現了航能香港。

That is when I found out about Sailability Hong Kong. 那是一次在市集上的偶然機會,我認識了



I met Kay Rawbone and Cynthia Hartas as they ran a stall at a fair on the Central Pier 8; a short chat later, I was invited down to Hebe Haven Yacht Club to help out at the regular Saturday sailing event.


This is where the two-way street becomes apparent.


I expected to give something back in honour of all those crew members who gave me their time to teach me, of which there were many. But what actually happened was I, once again, became the one receiving.



交談後,我被邀請到白沙灣遊艇會,為周六的常規帆船活動提供 協助。

意料,我又一次成為了受惠的那一個。 所以那時候自己想盡我所能,給予建議、鼓勵給那些對航海有熱

So, I gave my advice, encouragement or was simply there to enable other people to enjoy the thing that I love. What surprised me was they gave back so much. The clients, sailors—or however you want to label our friends—gave friendship, fun, comradeship and laughter. I honestly did not expect that. I think the modern term is 'feedback'; well, at times, it was overwhelming.

情的人,或者單純分享我對帆船的這一份熱愛。讓我驚訝的是, 他們還是源源不絕地給予許多幫助,讓我受益良多!客戶也好, 水手也好,這些稱呼都掩蓋不了他們是朋友這一事實,為我的生 活增添了不少樂趣和笑聲,我是真的沒料到會有這麼多收穫。現 代人比較常用「回應」代替收穫一詞,我覺得描述得不夠準確。


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