Hebe Jebes | Jan/Feb 2021

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Quick Round-up Art Sale—Stephanie Waegemans held a sale of her artwork and it went very well albeit we had a T3 to contend with. Thank you so much Stephanie—the art work was amazing. We also took the opportunity to introduce our Sailability masks at the event, selling 100 over two days. A huge thank you to Sara Houghton and Julie Murphy for coming up with this very innovative fundraising idea. Another thank you to the additional sewing team members who came onboard to make additional masks and fulfill orders placed.

快速總結 藝術品拍賣- Stephanie Waegemans賣掉了她的 藝術作品,儘管我們有三號風球抗衡,但進展非常 順利。非常感謝Stephanie,藝術品很 美。我們還 藉此 機會在 活動中介 紹了我們的航 能口罩,該產 品在2天內售出100個。非常感謝Sara Houghton和 Julie Murphy 提出了這個非常新穎的籌款方法。另 外,感謝縫紉團隊成員,他們製作了額外的口罩來

Hong Kong Society for the Blind brought their delightful clients, together with family, staff and volunteers, for a day out on the water on 22 November. As well as enjoying the sailing in our Hansa 303s they had the opportunity this time to have a more relaxing time as they journeyed outside of Hebe Haven in Hebe One. A retired Geography teacher was also on board giving some audio description to those with visual impairment as well as everyone else. Everyone was so excited by this new experience that HKSB staff are now looking to make this outing part of their monthly programme in 2021. Thank you to the staff of Hebe One for making the day special for them.

完成訂單。 香港盲人輔導會於11月22日帶領令人愉悅的客戶、 家人、朋友和義工一起度過了一天。


303上享受航行的樂趣外,這次他們有機會在白沙 灣遊艇會外的會船旅行有一個更輕鬆的時光。一位 退休的地理老師也在船上,向視障人士以及其他所 有人提供一些音頻描述。



SHK Scallywag Foundation Programme continued to go well until yet another suspension of courses due to COVID-19 in December. Thank you so much Sun Hung Kai from us all at Sailability as you are very instrumental in helping us to offer sailing opportunities which are beyond many of our sailors and their families dreams.

2021年每月活動的一部分,感謝會船職員讓他們過 了特別的一天。 鴻基Scallywag基金計劃進展一直非常順利,直至12 月因新冠肺炎再一次停課,感謝新鴻基對航能的幫

Everyone is now looking forward to 2021 and the resumption of our sailing programmes which includes two Scallywag graduation ceremonies originally planned for December.

助,因為有你們的幫助,我們可以向船員提供航海 機會,這都是超越了船員和其家人的夢想。


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