Fall Home Improvement 2015

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Fall Home Improvement • 1D

www.crossville-chronicle.com • Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Creative ways to recycle leaves Leaves cascading down from trees indicate the arrival of autumn. However, colorful and awe-inspiring autumn leaves can be a hazard if left to lie on the ground too long. Fallen leaves form a dense insulator to protect trees’ roots and prevent competing plants from growing. Decomposing leaves also provide nutrients for the tree. But wet leaves can be a safety hazard and leaves left on the lawn through the winter can pose a threat to the grass. These are just a couple of reasons why so much effort is placed on leaf clean-up in the fall. The following are some creative ways to recycle leaves that fall from your trees in the weeks to come. • Mulch: Shredded leaves can make for a great amendment to fertilizer for garden beds and even the lawn. Leaves lying on the grass can be mulched into small pieces with a mulching mower so they don’t choke the blades of grass. Leaves also can be broken down with a string trimmer, a leaf blower that has a vacuum function or a commercial shredder/chipper. Add the shredded leaves to a compost pile or use them to fill container plants before adding regular potting soil. • Insulation: Collect leaves to mound over delicate perennial plants and shrubs. The leaves will add more warmth to the soil

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Leaves have long been favorite toys for children. and may help plants make it through harsh winters. Just remove the leaves slowly when spring arrives so that the soil underneath can get the sunlight and water it needs to thrive. Leave some leaves in the yard so that animals can use them as nesting material and line their dens for the winter. • Stuffing: Create whimsical scarecrows as part of your autumn decoration scheme. Gather older clothes that you no longer use and stuff the sleeves of shirts and the legs of pants with leaves, which are less expensive and easier to come by than straw. Use a few pieces of straw around the neck and hand areas of the scarecrow for visual effect. Tie

off with twine and display your scarecrow. • Bedding: Chicken owners can use fallen leaves as bedding in their chicken coops. Dry leaves also may create more comfortable and drier conditions for goats and other livestock. Goats may look to recently fallen leaves as a nutritious food source. Gather the leaves and let the goats munch before you further rake and compost the leaves. • Decorations: Natural leaves can be used as decorations both inside and outside a home. String freshly fallen leaves together and wrap them around a grapevine wreath for a rustic door decoration. Leaves can be placed in clear vases and

Did you know?

Fences can provide privacy and transform backyards into calming places to relax and unwind. But fences also may lead to disputes with neighbors if installation is not carried out with etiquette. Always place the fence within your property lines, which can be determined by examining a land survey for your home. Inform your neighbors of your intention to erect a fence, and give any concerns they might have substantial consideration. Face the more aesthetically appealing side of the fence outward to the street and to neighbors’ yards. In addition, maintain the fence once it is installed so it does not become a neighborhood eyesore that irks your neighbors.

put on display for a cheap way to showcase some autumn color. Preserve favorite leaves with a lamination machine or by sealing them between heated sheets of waxed paper. Cut out the leaf shapes and use for hanging window decorations. • Recreation: Leaves have long been favorite toys for children, who eagerly await jumping into large piles of fallen leaves. Fill paper bags with leaves and draw a target on the front. Let kids test their skill aiming for the targets. Children can camouflage their clothing with leaves and masking tape and have a more intense session of “hide and seek.”

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Earth-friendly tips for autumn Autumn is upon us, and with the change of seasons comes the fall to-do list that must be completed before the arrival of winter weather. Many outdoor jobs are best completed before temperatures drop, while others can be tackled indoors to help save energy and prepare for increased time spent inside the home.

Outdoor cleanup

Autumn means leaves are falling from trees and littering landscapes. Cleaning up leaves can be a time-consuming task, but it’s necessary to promote the health of lawns and other plants. Grass that is completely matted down with leaves can become starved for light and moisture, and lawns may even rot when forced to spend winter beneath fallen leaves. One eco-friendly timesaver is to shred leaves with a mower (a manual mower is preferable) and leave them as topdressing for the lawn. As long as the grass blades can be seen within the leaves, the lawn should be fine. Shredded leaves will decompose and add necessary nutrients and organic matter to the soil naturally. Leaves also can be used in annual flower and vegetable gardens to improve the soil. Mulch made from shredded leaves can be placed on the soil around trees and shrubs.

This helps to reduce weed problems and protects root systems from harsh temperature fluctuations.

Clothing donations

It’s time to pack away summer clothing and once again fill closets and drawers with sweaters and jeans. Before packing away your summer wardrobe, conduct an inventory to determine if there are any items you no longer use. Donate these items or use them as rags when cleaning. Keep some short-sleeved shirts accessible so you can layer them under sweatshirts and sweaters. The heat from layering will be trapped against your body and keep you cozier, reducing your reliance on HVAC systems to stay warm.

Home repairs

Check the roof for any missing shingles. In addition, look for spots where animals or insects may be able to gain entry into your home. Seal these areas and repair any leaks. This will make your home more efficient later on when winter hits its stride. Remove window air conditioners for the winter. If they can’t be removed, seal them with caulking or tape and cover them with an airtight, insulated jacket. If you have forced-air systems,

move furniture away from the vents so that air can flow better around the home and keep it comfortable. Check weatherstripping around windows and doors and make the neces-

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sary adjustments. Installing additional insulation also can help reduce energy consumption. A few tips can help homeowners prepare for autumn in eco-friendly ways.

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2D • Fall Home Improvement

www.crossville-chronicle.com • Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Winterizing 101

How to prepare for your yard for winter Changing seasons can be tough on a lawn. Always exposed to the elements, lawns can fare especially poorly upon the arrival of winter, a season known for its harsh and unforgiving weather. Even the most perfectly manicured lawn can suffer at the hands of winter weather, causing homeowners to sit idly by and hope spring arrives that much sooner. But as punishing as winter weather can be on a lawn, homeowners are not without recourse. Much like homeowners can take steps to help their lawns survive sizzling summer heat waves during the warmer months of the year, they also can take steps to help their lawns make it through the often stormy weather synonymous with winter. • Don’t procrastinate. Put-

ting off the process of winterizing a lawn can put that lawn in jeopardy. Lawns will turn dormant the closer you get to winter, and they may reject the nutrients found in fertilizer as a result. Those nutrients will prove valuable once spring weather returns, so start the winterization process in early fall so the lawn has sufficient time to absorb nutrients and strengthen itself for the seasons to come. • Treat trouble spots. Summer can be even harder on a lawn than winter, especially for those lawns located in regions where heat waves and drought are common. In such instances, certain spots on the lawn seem to be hit harder than others, and those spots should get special attention when winterizing the lawn. Check the soil’s pH levels before

fertilizing or applying any treatments. Such a test will reveal which spots need the most attention, and treating trouble spots now will make spring lawn care that much easier. • Aerate the property. Aerating can help a lawn recover after a long summer and help it survive the potentially harsh months that lie ahead. Aerating, which involves puncturing the soil or removing cores of soil from the ground, can restore a lawn to health by improving its drainage and allowing more water and air to reach the roots of the grass. Aerating also makes it easier for nutrients to penetrate the soil, which encourages a healthier lawn over the long haul. Aerators can be purchased or rented, but homeowners uncomfortable with the process may want to enlist

a professional to tackle the job. Parents of small children who spend lots of time in the yard may need to aerate their lawn more than most, as heavy lawn traffic compresses the soil, a potentially harmful process that can be reversed via aeration. • Take steps to strengthen the roots. Aerating promotes stronger roots, but homeowners might also want to find a winterizing product with potassium and phosphorous, both of which can strengthen roots. Different types of lawns will respond differently to certain winterizers, so discuss your options with a lawn care professional who can help you find the right fit for your property. • Remove debris from the lawn. Debris left on a lawn over the winter can prove very harm-

ful. Piles of debris left scattered around a lawn can suffocate the blades of grass, leading to longterm damage and a potentially unsightly lawn come the spring. In addition, piles of debris might make good homes for organisms that can damage the lawn. As fall moves into winter, periodically remove all debris, including leaves and branches fallen from trees. • Make the lawn off-limits once the temperatures dip below freezing. A lawn should be offlimits once the ground freezes. Stepping on grass that has frozen will leave noticeable footprints, and walking on frozen grass can kill the turf. When winter arrives, people should avoid using the lawn as a shortcut into and out of your home and stick to driveways and sidewalks instead.

Maximize fall, winter energy savings with these simple tips By Scott McGillivray (MS) — As temperatures decrease during the fall and winter months, energy usage and costs tend to climb. These five energy-saving tips for your home will ensure the comfort of your family and your wallet. 1. Adjust your thermostat. Lower the heat on

your thermostat while you are away from home and before you go to bed. Better yet, invest in a programmable thermostat so you don’t have to give it a second thought. 2. Seal gaps around windows and doors. Cracks and gaps around windows and doors can let cold drafts into your home. Weather-stripping

or caulking will seal these problem areas and keep your home warmer, without having to turn up the heat. 3. Insulate well to protect your home from the cold. Add insulation to your basement walls, headers or attic to make a noticeable difference in the temperature of your home and its energy consump-

tion. A mineral wool product specifically designed for thermal performance is ideal. This type of batt insulation will also provide protection from fire, moisture and unwanted noise. Adding insulation is one of the simplest and most-cost effective ways to increase home energy efficiency. See savings page 5D

Enjoy more deck time this season after a few upgrades Routine maintenance can save homeowners many headaches and prevent expensive repairs.

The importance of clean gutters also makes interior spaces more appealing to pests. • Excess weight: Gutters are meant to hold the weight of traveling water and not much more. Gutters filled with leaves and other debris can quickly become heavy. This stresses the entire gutter system and can cause the gutters to fall off of the home entirely. • Nesting areas: Clogged gutters can serve as nesting areas for insects and birds. Mosquitoes and other insects lay eggs in pooling water. Gutters can quickSee GUTTERS page 3D

Lattice is another way to add interest to your deck, while creating privacy at the same time. Durable plastic lattice allows you to visually shield areas of your deck, or block off the space beneath your deck to keep animals from slipping under it. 2. Light the way to longer hours of enjoyment. As summer winds down, days grow shorter. Adding lighting to your deck can help you enjoy fall evenings outdoors. Low-voltage LED lighting can help illuminate steps, accent your deck railing and create areas of

interest — all while using less electricity to save you money. 3. Plant the seeds of great seasons to come. Landscaping adds value and relaxation to a deck area. Wooden planters are a great way to enhance a deck’s visual appeal. Building a planter is an easy weekend project, and provides you the perfect location to plant some fall veggies as well. Add a removable lid to the planting box and you can turn it into additional seating when then growing season is over. When spring comes,

remove the lid and you’re ready to plant spring vegetables or flowers. 4. Warm up the decor. Fall is a great time to score deals on outdoor decor. Deck furniture, outdoor area rugs and decorative items all go on sale as summer ends — even though in many areas of the country there will be plenty of warm days and evenings left in which to enjoy your outdoor spaces. Simply replacing worn furniture and adding an area rug can make your deck feel

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See deck page 3D

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Every autumn, trees and shrubs take on their brilliant display of reds, oranges, purples, and yellows that mark the end of the growing season. Fall foliage may make for ideal photo backdrops and scenic days in the countryside, but closer to home leaves may be more of a hindrance than an aesthetic pleasure. The hundreds of leaves that adorn the maples, oaks and other trees near homes will eventually fall as autumn turns into winter. Some will float down to lawns, while others will get lodged in gutters and downspouts, posing problems that can cause substantial and potentially costly problems for homeowners. Homeowners know that gutter cleaning is an important part of fall home maintenance, but they may not completely understand why. Gutter cleaning can be a messy and time-consuming project, making it a project many homeowners are apt to put off. Waiting to clean gutters can lead to considerable problems, so it’s best to tackle the job well in advance of the winter. Gutters guide rainwater and runoff from the roof so it drains properly away from homes. When gutters are clogged with leaves, a number of problems can occur. • Leaks: Water will take the path of least resistance. When clogged gutters do not allow the water to drain away properly, water will find other ways to the ground. It may work itself right into the walls and ceilings of the home. In addition to damaging walls and ceilings, moisture inside the home can promote mold growth. It

(BPT) — Who says you have to give up time on the deck you love just because summer is over? Whether you’re just relaxing or tackling home improvement projects, time outdoors is a great way to recharge at the end of a hectic day or tiring week. A few simple do-ityourself updates can help you enjoy your deck this fall — and throughout the rest of the year. 1. Add decorative touches like post caps and privacy lattice. Just having a deck adds value to your home, but you can easily make yours more appealing and enjoyable by adding some decorative touches. Post caps are an easy-to-install way to dress up an ordinary deck railing. Deck product manufacturers like Deckorators offer extensive post cap options, including wood designs, metal and decorative caps that incorporate stained glass, metal accents and even solar lighting.

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Fall Home Improvement • 3D

www.crossville-chronicle.com • Tuesday, September 15, 2015


pool around the foundation, expanding when frozen and causing cracks in basement and crawlspace walls. It also can cause driveways and other cement areas around the home to sag and crack. Gutter cleaning should be scheduled in the spring and fall of each year. Homeowners can hire guttercleaning services to handle the job or do the job themselves. Rinse the gutters with water from the hose afterward to ensure good run-off. Take the time to seal any leaks as well. This routine maintenance can save homeowners many headaches and prevent some very expensive repairs.


gle, well-placed heater can provide enough warmth to keep your entire deck comfortable on a chilly fall evening. Need an additional source of warmth to supplement your patio heater? Fire up the grill and fill the fall air with the aroma of grilled treats!

• Continued from 2D ly become breeding spots for harmful pests. Furthermore, birds may nest in gutters, creating unsightly messes and more damage. Seeds that sprout in clogged gutters can grow unchecked. • Ice-damming: Left untreated, pooled water and leaves in gutters can freeze over. Blocked water can back up and push against the roof, lifting shingles and destroying the roof in the process. • Foundation trouble: Clogged gutters also may contribute to flooded basements and cracked foundations. Leaking water will

Hanging items vertically frees up more space in a shed or garage.

Secrets to keeping an organized shed Despite other intentions, homeowners often turn their garages into storage centers for random, little-used items, leaving little to no room for the tools and even vehicles that actually belong in a garage. Such homeowners may turn to sheds to store their garage overflow and keep yard equipment at the ready, but storage sheds are not immune to clutter, and homeowners may find the very structure erected to keep them organized requires a bit of organization itself. A well-organized shed can save homeowners time and energy, as it’s easy to abandon or delay a project if you can’t find that pair of work gloves you stashed. The first step to any organizing project is to take everything out of the shed and determine just what needs to go back in. Items that do not belong in the shed should be

moved to their rightful locations or tossed in the trash if they’re no longer needed. Make a pile of anything that will be kept, a separate one for donations and a third for garbage. Take inventory of what you have so you know whether you’re missing any items or you have something and do not need to purchase another. Now that the entire shed is empty, you can assess just how much room you have. Utilizing vertical and overhead space effectively can free up areas on the floor for larger equipment. Shelving, racks, pegboards and any other materials that enable you to hang or store items off the floor are good investments. Visit your nearby home improvement retailer to find items that can simplify your storage. You also may be able to put scrap wood to use to make your own storage

shelves or a work bench. Extra kitchen cabinets can be installed in the shed to organize additional items. In order to remember where items go, label or sort them accordingly. Some people like to take organization a step further by tracing the outline of tools hung on the wall so they can be placed back in the same spot after use. This also serves as a visual reminder of which tools are missing and which ones need to be purchased. Don’t forget to utilize shed doors as additional storage space. Hang frequently used tools, such as rakes and shovels, on the inside of the doors so they will always be easily accessible. You also can repurpose storage solutions designed for other areas of the home. For example, magnetic knife holders can be mounted to a shed wall to keep paint-

Renovations to help asthma, allergy sufferers breathe easy (BPT) — This is the peak season for do-it-yourself projects, and maybe you already have your tape measure in hand, ready to tackle a bathroom remodel, open up the floor plan or finally reimagine that unfinished basement. There are plenty of considerations to take into account with any project, including space, budget and your desired results. But you also need to think about the people who will be enjoying this space with you, especially if any of them suffer from allergies or asthma. Whether you undertake the project yourself or you hire a professional, each project has the potential to make life easier for the allergy and asthma sufferers living in your home. To help you create the best environment for them, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) offers these helpful tips from its asthma & allergy friendly Certification Program: • Shut the door on bad cabinets. If you’re looking to add or replace your cabinets, you may be considering common options like pressed wood, particleboard or composite boards. These materials, however, often release high levels of volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde. To make your new cabinets more suitable for the asthma and allergy suffers in your home, talk to manufacturers about low-VOC options instead. • Keep the moisture out. Mold and mildew is a common trigger and can make breathing difficult for asthma and allergy sufferers. These hazards grow from excess moisture in your home, which comes in through the doors or windows. New windows offer energy-saving benefits, and updating the weather stripping on your windowsills

and doors can reduce the presence of moisture — thus reducing mold and mildew concerns. • Get serious about your air. No one appreciates indoor air quality more than allergy and asthma sufferers. An updated heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system can improve each breath everyone takes. If you plan to update your home’s HVAC system, opt for one with a replaceable or washable filter-making it easier to control the indoor air quality. This is also a great time to make sure air ducts in your home are unobstructed and large enough to circulate air effectively. • Find fabulous floors. If you have considered replacing your flooring this year, hardwood floors are very stylish right now. Additionally, wood floors are also more asthma and allergy friendly than wall-towall carpet. Cover your new hardwood floors with small, washable area rugs for a more breathable environment everyone can

enjoy. And for those rooms where carpeting still exists, remember to vacuum the space weekly and clean up any spills immediately. • Waterproof your home. Leaky pipes, water in the basement or even on the walls — moisture like this can be a source of mildew, as well as indicate a general waste of money and potential cause of greater damage. These issues should be addressed immediately before water damages your home or mold and mildew become a serious problem. The right home project not only benefits the home itself but all of the people who live in it, including anyone with asthma and allergies. Before you start your project, consider what you can do to improve your home for them as well. Doing so will have everyone breathing more easily and loving your home even more. For more helpful tips and to learn more about specific household products that are certified asthma and allergy friendly, visit www. aafa.org/certified/blog.

The Four Most Common Spiders in Tennessee Are The WOLF SPIDER, BLACK WIDOW, CELLAR SPIDER and BROWN RECLUSE.

brushes organized. These holders also can be used to keep many small metal tools tidy. Metal funnels can hold twine and string. Thread through the narrow end of the funnel for a handy dispenser. Keep dangerous substances off the floor and out of reach. Gasoline, chemical fertilizers and other potentially dangerous substances should be stored high up to keep pets and children safe. Make sure the shed floor is sturdy and level. This makes it easier to neatly store larger items. Roll in the lawnmower, wheelbarrow and any other cumbersome items. Now that more things are mounted vertically, you should find that you have more area to move around. Taking the time to clean and organize a shed can help make anyone more productive.

• Continued from 2D warmer and more inviting. 5. Heat up your outdoor space. Of course, your outdoor environment will eventually get chilly as fall settles in. Why not add an outdoor heater to extend your deck time even longer? Home improvement and lawn and garden stores sell a variety of patio heaters in a range of designs to fit every space, taste and need. A sin-

Don’t let fall drive you indoors too soon. A few simple updates can allow you to enjoy your deck throughout the autumn months.


Fall is the perfect time to do those needed home improvement projects!



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Most spiders like dark, quiet places, so keep nightlights on in your closets. They also like to hide inside boxes, so store your clothes and shoes in sealed, plastic containers. Keep the bed away from the wall and don’t let the bedspread touch the floor. Move your stacked wood and mulch away from the house by at least 18 inches to discourage spiders from moving into your home. Exterminate as needed to help protect you and your home.




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4D • Fall Home Improvement

www.crossville-chronicle.com • Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Prevent winter blues with these projects (BPT) — Three percent of the U.S. population suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) every winter, according to Psychology Today. But you don’t have to be diagnosed with an actual disorder to suffer a bad case of the winter blues — it can happen to anyone. Since climate and environment have a lot to do with causing winter doldrums, you might find engaging in some home improvement projects can make you feel happier and healthier this winter. Freshening your space can feel good any time of year, but certain projects are perfectly aligned to give you a much-needed mood boost when it turns cold or wet weather sets in. Here are four projects that not only can brighten your outlook, they can also be good for your wallet: 1. Install skylights Avoiding SAD is preferable to treatment and skylights can help you maximize the amount of natural light that enters your home this winter. More natural light is good for you on many levels. Sunlight stimulates the body’s production of Vitamin D and increases the levels of serotonin in your brain; lower serotonin levels are thought to be associated with depression, lack of energy, elevated appetite and excessive sleepiness. What’s more, if you opt for Energy Star-qualified solarpowered fresh-air skylights, you can also help

house comfortable. Skylights can be installed in many areas of your home with kitchens and baths being among the most popular choices for more natural light, fresh air, and privacy. Even areas without direct roof access, like hallways and closets, can benefit from more natural light through tubular skylights.

Tubular skylights bring helpful daylight into areas of the home where traditional skylights may not fit and where window are sometimes scarce. These tubular skylights are particularly useful in inside areas including hallways, closets and laundry room.

2. Replace your garage door If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think much about your garage door or the impact it has on how your home looks and feels. Yet the garage door is a huge surface area that directly affects your home’s curb appeal and its ability to retain heat in the winter. A great deal of warm air can escape a home through an uninsulated garage door. What’s more, when the garage gets cold, it can affect the comfort of rooms around and above it. Have a game room over the garage that’s chilly in winter? The garage door could be to blame. Replacing an old, uninsulated garage door with a new insulated model can improve heat retention. And a new garage door is a great way to update your home’s facade.

natural light in your home on a dark winter day can help decrease your need for artificial lighting. And sunshine can help warm the interior of your home and support the work your furnace does to keep the

3. Replace an old appliance (or as many as you can afford) If you’re already bummed by winter, having to live with old, beatup, inefficient appliances will only add to your frustration. Plus, older appli-

Enjoy more natural light from above and fresh air in your home during the winter months and yearround.

improve indoor air quality. These skylights open, providing passive ventilation to allow stale indoor air to escape and fresh air to enter, and they close automatically in case of rain.

Skylights can also be good for your financial health. Solar powered skylights, along with solar powered blinds, as well as installation costs, are eligible for a 30 percent federal tax credit. Also, more

ances generally use more electricity and water than newer models. Replacing an old refrigerator, dishwasher, clothes washer or dryer with Energy Star-qualified appliances can help reduce your energy and water consumption — and bills. It’s also an improvement that you can feel good about because it’s the perfect marriage of practicality (you really need appliances that function well) and enjoyment (all those bells and whistles just make the work more fun). 4. Declutter and add organizers You may not think of cleanup as a legitimate home improvement, but decluttering and organizing your environment can definitely boost your mood. In American homes, the problem of clutter has reached staggering proportions. More than half of Americans (54 percent) say they feel overwhelmed by the amount of clutter in their homes, and 78 percent have no idea what to do with it, according to a recent survey by the National Association for Professional Organizers and Declualsottr.com. Grab some trash bags and start cleaning house. Trash the things that are clearly junk, donate things that are still usable but not by you and set aside the things you want to keep. Invest in some closet, cabinet and drawer organizers. Add storage cubbies to a mud room or entryway and create storage space in your garage.

Replacing home siding can save on energy costs Few home improvements can transform a home more than the installation of new siding. Replacing siding can be a costly venture, but the right siding will maintain its appeal for years to come. Updated siding can improve home’s energy value by enabling owners to save on heating and cooling costs. A new design and color also can improve a home’s property value and set it apart from neighboring properties. According to the Professional Builder’s Home Exteriors Survey, exterior design and materials used are a top priority for new home buyers. Project costs depend on the size of the home as well as which siding material homeowners choose. Considering new siding is a major renovation, it pays to get the job done right. Choose a qualified contractor It is important for consumers to do their research when it comes to siding materials and contractors. A contractor who takes shortcuts or improperly installs the siding may void a manufacturer’s warranty. Always ask family members and friends for recommendations before choosing a contractor, and check out

Calculate how much you need Before you price out siding with contractors, estimate how much you will need for your house. Consumer Reports suggests multiplying the height times the width of each rectangular section of your house in feet, going by what you can measure from the ground, to determine their areas. Multiply the approximate height and width of gables and other triangular surfaces and divide each total by two. Then add all the totals. To allow for

Finding a qualified contractor is an important component to any siding project. each prospective contractor’s work for yourself. Interview more than one contractor and compare both their costs and what they offer. Ask plenty of questions of the contractors, and avoid those who try hard-sell methods. Questionable contractors may try strategies like a promise of a considerable discount if you “act now” or scare tactics that your home is unsafe in its present condition. Be sure the contractor carries general liability insurance as well as work-

ers’ compensation insurance for their subcontractors. Ask for a license number as well and verify its accuracy. Select a durable material Siding comes in all types of materials — from wood to plastic to fiber cement — but vinyl is among the most popular due to cost and availability. Research how well par-

ticular brands of siding stand up to conditions and which are the least likely to crack, warp or discolor. Find this information from online reviews or through consumer advocacy groups. Also remember, vinyl and other synthetic materials have improved and can now mimic the look of many other materials for a fraction of the cost.

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waste, don’t subtract for doors, windows or other areas that won’t be covered. Finally, divide the total square footage by 100 to estimate how many squares of siding you will need. A square represents 100 square feet. Knowing how much you need can save you money. Vinyl siding can completely transform the look of a home and make it more energy efficient. Consumers who do their homework will get the best value for their investments.


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Fall Home Improvement • 5D

www.crossville-chronicle.com • Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Take steps to insulate your home against a deadly fire

As the season changes, take time to spruce up your home’s view from the curb.

Spruce up curb appeal to complement new season (BPT) — Soon, all things pumpkin spice will be here, including the home visitors that bring them. In preparation of the door bell ringing, create a little spice of your own with some seasonal curb appeal. You don't have to limit yourself to pumpkins and hay bales — below are tips and projects for sprucing up your home's view from the curb this season. Front door, first impressions Your front door is one of the first things people notice about your home. Give your door a fresh face with a coat of paint in a bold fall color to draw the eye to this focal point of your home. Another project is to replace the door entirely. Consider options with decorative glass accents, and stunning sidelights (windows on either side of the door) to add more natural light while maintaining a sense of style and privacy. Plus, as temperatures start to drop, Energy Star-qualified entry doors

will help maintain your home's energy efficiency. For entry door inspiration check out Pinterest, your resident showroom or your local home improvement store. Accessorize with new hardware Replace your front door hardware for a quick, easy facelift. Choose hardware finishes that compliment light fixtures, mailbox and house numbers for a polished, cohesive look. You'll be delightfully surprised what a difference new hardware can make in creating an updated look to your home. Refresh exterior body and trim colors For a dramatic change, repaint your home's exterior. It's bold and can make your home stand out from other homes on the block. Not up for the bold change? To make an impact with a smaller change, add new trim colors. When updating trim, choose color schemes that match your home's primary exterior color, or com-

plement it with a fresh twist. Create points of interest with plants You don't have to stop enjoying beautiful plants and flowers simply because summer is over. Add pops of color by arranging pots filled with hearty fall flowers like mums, sedum or asters around your front door, or on a porch or deck. Incorporate planters or container gardens of varied sizes, shapes and colors to add visual interest. Accent with lighting As summer light fades into shorter, darker days, add exterior accent lighting to the front of your home. Illuminate a walking path with groundinsert solar lights. Or consider solar spotlights to bring out landscaping or to shine on your updated front door. Install matching light fixtures outside your front door, garage door or patio door to provide well-lit entrances that are stylish and inviting to neighbors and guests.

Some trees can be pruned in winter Many homeowners may not know that pruning trees in the winter can benefit some trees. Deciduous trees are dormant in winter, so they won’t bleed sap when pruned at this time of year like they will at other times of year. In addition, many varieties of trees are less likely to attract disease or insects if pruned in the winter. Oak trees, for example, emit a strong odor when pruned, and that odor can attract a type of beetle

that causes oak wilt. But this type of beetle hibernates in the winter, making this the ideal season to prune oak trees. Before pruning trees, regardless of the time of year, homeowners should learn the types of trees on their property and when the ideal pruning season is for each type of tree. Pruning also may depend on climate, so speak with a local gardening or landscaping professional to determine

when is the best time to prune the trees on your property. Once the time has come to prune, keep the following tips in mind to maintain healthy and aesthetically appealing trees. • Remove limbs that appear to be competing for space. Tree limbs that are crossing, rubbing or growing parallel to one another can be pruned. Such limbs


of the hit series “Income Property” on HGTV Canada, a full-time real estate investor, contractor,

author and educator. Follow him on Twitter @smcgillivray.

• Continued from 2D 4. Make use of natural sources of heat. Pull back your curtains to let natural light in. The sun can help to warm a room with its rays on a bright fall or winter day. If there are any large windows in your home that don’t receive much sunlight, keep the curtains closed to form a barrier from the cold. 5. Use ceiling fans to your advantage. In the winter, set the fan to rotate clockwise. The blades will pull the air up and around, redirecting warm air that rises back down into the living space. The effect can help you lower your thermostat by two degrees in the winter. While cutting back on energy may seem more challenging as the weather gets colder, it doesn’t have to be. There are many no- or low-cost methods to conserve energy that can provide consistent savings over time. ••• Scott McGillivray is the award-winning TV host

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(MS) — As fire prevention awareness efforts gear up across North America, the National Fire Protection Association and insulation company Roxul Inc. are spreading the word to Americans from coast to coast about the importance of fire preparedness. Through the “Hear the BEEP where you SLEEP” campaign and Roxul’s “When Seconds Count” initiative, Americans are reminded that simple steps can cut their chances of dying in a fire in half. Here are some measures you can take to dramatically reduce your risk: • Be sure to have a smoke alarm on every story of your home and outside sleeping areas. • Develop a fire escape plan and practice it. • Use non-combustible materials when renovating. The choice of insulation can make a big difference. Opt for a product with the highest fire resistance possible, like mineral wool insulation, which, in the event of a fire, will not produce harmful gases, toxic smoke or promote the spread of flames. • Purchase a multi-use fire ladder for each bedroom in your home and practice

Use non-combustible materials when renovating. The choice of insulation can make a big difference. using it. • Place fire extinguishers within reach throughout your home. • In the event of a fire, leave through the closest

Read to know!

exit. Do not stop to collect belongings and never reenter a home once safely outside. Additional fire safety tips are available at nfpa.org.





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6D • Fall Home Improvement

www.crossville-chronicle.com • Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Top renovation tips to creating more space (MS) — As real estate prices continue to climb, the cost to trade up to a larger home is on the upswing across the country, especially as markets remain hampered by tight inventory levels. As a result, more and more Americans are choosing to renovate their current homes instead of relocating. In fact, some forecasts predict that 2015 renovation spending could exceed the record of $324 billion set during the peak of last decade’s housing boom. While the hunt for more square footage can be challenging, homeowners shouldn’t feel like a costly second story or complete addition are the only options. Here are five great ways to create or optimize space in your existing home. 1. Finish an unfinished basement. A basement renovation can hold limitless potential and increase the resale value or income potential of your home. Think about the possibili-

Homeowners shouldn’t feel like a costly second story or complete addition are the only options to creating more space in their homes. ties: a home theater, office, spare bedroom, basement apartment or recreation room. The key to doing it successfully is to focus on what’s behind the walls, especially since moisture is a common issue in base-

ments. Choosing the right insulation is critical. Look for products that are vapor permeable, dimensionally stable and mold and moisture resistant. Many contractors use Roxul Comfortboard IS semi-rig-

id sheathing board paired with batt insulation to combat thermal bridging and protect against mold and mildew growth. An added benefit of this type of mineral wool insulation is that it’s also fire-resis-

Heat your home without wasting energy this season (BPT) — If you’re interested in living a greener lifestyle, perhaps you’re already trying to reduce your energy usage as much as possible. Maybe you ride your bike to work, unplug your electronics when they’re not in use, use fans during warm weather and avoid wasting water. Saving energy can get more difficult, however, when the seasons change and colder weather sets in. Heat is a primary source of energy usage. In fact, research from Tulikivi, the world’s largest manufacturer of heat-retaining fireplaces, shows that 52 percent of a home’s annual energy consumption is allocated to heat. Now is the time to think about reducing your energy usage during the winter. Here are some ideas that will help you enjoy a warm, cozy home while saving both money and energy. • Heat more efficiently A crackling fire makes for more than just a pleasurable experience; it can also be an energy-efficient heating source. Fireplaces can help heat your home long after the fire goes out. Some fireplaces are built from soapstone, which has better thermal conductivity compared to other materials because of its dense structure and mineral composition. For homeowners, this


• Continued from 5D may prohibit the growth of nearby limbs. • Remove limbs that are growing in. Some tree limbs may appear to be growing toward the interior of the tree, and these limbs can be pruned.

tant to 2,150 F. For interior walls and ceilings, Safe ‘n’ Sound insulation is ideal because of its ability to absorb noise and indoor traffic sounds, ensuring your newfound space is a peaceful one. 2. Create a more openconcept feel with light and color. If your home wasn’t blessed with towering windows, installing French doors and pot lights can encourage light to travel more freely, creating the illusion of space. Likewise, choosing a paint color for walls, trim and moldings that is lighter and cooler in tone (think soft grays or blues) will help to reflect light and give the room a more open feel. 3. Remove non-loadbearing walls. Homeowners have the opportunity to rethink the layout of their home by removing non-load-bearing walls. Removing structurally unnecessary walls can make your whole home feel larger, improve flow,

D & D

lighting and the function of your home. 4. Convert your garage into usable living or work space. For many homeowners, the garage becomes an overflow room for storage — and is often a walkin headache. Convert your garage (or a portion of it) into another living space, guest bedroom or home office. Install carpet and quality thermal insulation such as Roxul Comfortbatt to block outdoor noise and keep in warmth. 5. Choose furniture and accessories carefully. Adopt a minimalist’s eye. Begin looking around your home for furniture or accessories that overwhelm the space. Interior designers recommend choosing low-profile or smallscale furniture for rooms with less square footage. Dual-purpose items, such as ottomans with storage chests inside, are a budget-friendly way to save on space while staying organized.


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A crackling fire makes for more than just a pleasurable experience; means once you start a fire in your fireplace, the soapstone will store heat in its thermal mass, allowing a two-hour burn to radiate heat for up to 24 hours. This lets you enjoy the clean, comfortable, cost-saving warmth without using additional energy. • Close the drafts One of the best ways to improve your energy efficiency is to reduce your energy waste. Window cracks and door drafts allow warm air to escape, which means you’re leaking both energy and money. Seal those areas by using caulk to shore up any drafty windows and put plastic

wrap over the window surface to keep out the chill. For the door jambs, you can purchase a door stopper to plug the gap or you can use a towel at the base to block the opening. Try to close off the bottom of any exterior door, particularly the doors you seldom use. • Make sure your other heating options are running efficiently When you’re not using your fireplace, it’s good to know your backup heating options are operating efficiently. Have your furnace inspected routinely and make sure you change the filter each month. You should also invest in

a smart thermostat. This technology allows you to set the temperature of your home for different times of the day so you can lower it when you’re sleeping or away. The calendar option means you can program your home’s temperatures ensuring you never waste energy. Although it’s still nice outside, colder temperatures are on their way. That doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your green lifestyle when you cheeks turn red. By using the tips above, you’ll still enjoy the same warmth and comfort without the additional environmental impact.

• Remove limbs growing toward the ground. A healthy tree’s limbs will grow outward, not toward the ground. • Remove dead limbs. Dead limbs simply take up space, and a dead limb is not going to grow back come the spring. Dead, broken or diseased limbs

should be removed when pruning. • Do not top trees. Tree topping is the removal of large branches and/ or trunks from the top of a tree. Topping leaves a tree susceptible to disease and insect infestation, and homeowners who top trees to prevent them from

getting any larger should know that topping actually promotes the growth of smaller, weaker branches that eventually grow as tall, if not taller, than the original branches before the tree was topped. Topping also decreases a tree’s life expectancy.

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