Higher education reports July 2012

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What’s Inside July 2012: • • •


England ranks 26th out of 34 for highly able. http://www.suttontrust.com/news/news /england-ranks-26th-out-of-34-oecdcountries-for-highly-able/ Sutton Trust report examination of international rankings of high achievement in Maths at age 15.


Home Office: Tier 4 student credibility pilot analysis of quantitative and qualitative data http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publicat ions/science-researchstatistics/researchstatistics/immigration-asylumresearch/occ104


House of Lords. Science and Technology Committee - Second Report Higher Education in Science,

Articles on higher education ranking Education and technology. Higher education access

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects HL 37 http://www.publications.parliament.uk/ pa/ld201213/ldselect/ldsctech/37/37.pd f Following up the Wilson review of business-university collaboration: Next steps for universities, business and government http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/biscore/hi gher-education/docs/f/12-903following-up-wilson-businessuniversity-collaboration-next-steps This response to the Wilson review of business-university engagement (sets out what the government will do to build on strengths to create the best conditions for universities and businesses to work together to create prosperity over the next decade. REPORTS: EDUCATION AND SOCIAL EXCLUSION.

Pupil premium money will have limited impact on poorer pupils, http://www.suttontrust.com/news/ne ws/pupil-premium-limited-impacton-poorer-pupils-teacher-survey/ Little of the £1.25 billion allocated through the Pupil Premium for disadvantaged children in England in 2012-13 will be spent on activities


proven to be the best bets for boosting attainment, suggests a survey of teachers by the Sutton Trust. Expanding and improving part-time higher education Department for Business, Innovation and Skills http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/biscore/hi gher-education/docs/e/12-906expanding-improving-part-time-highereducation Report on research that explores whether part-time undergraduate study in England can be expanded as an alternative for young students to the full-time three to four year model of first degree undergraduate participation. Also looks at how undergraduate part-time students of all ages can be encouraged and supported with their studies.

Understanding higher education in further education colleges http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/bisco re/higher-education/docs/u/12-905understanding-higher-education-infurther-education-colleges Department for Business, Innovation and Skills



Innovating Pedagogy http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/innova ting/ Free access to this useful new report from the OU the 38 page report Explores new forms of teaching learning and assessment, covering 10 themes in detail. Similar to the American Educause reports it predicts new trends and provides useful links to associated websites with examples: areas covered include: ebooks, personal inquiry learning, seamless learning and badges to accredit learning. Mobile IT in higher Education 2011 Useful report from EDUCAUSE.http://www.educause. edu/library/resources/mobile-ithigher-education-2011-report 33 page report prepared researchers in the USA surveys the current landscape and predicts future trends. It includes useful statistics on the impact of mobiles on student life in usa plus general reviews of strategies in colleges. And clear guidelines for future development.


Researchers of Tomorrow (The Research Behaviour of Generation Y Doctoral Students) http://pressandpolicy.bl.uk/PressReleases/The-results-are-in-majorstudy-into-the-behavioural-habits-ofthe-Generation-Y-PhD-studentsreleased-by-JISC-and-the-BritishLibrary-5ad.aspx Latest update from this ongoing project which is being managed by UK by JISC and the British Library.It is based on Generation Y students, those born between between 1983-1992. Over 17,000 have been interviewed as part of the project, this section of the research focused upon researchers’ use of social media applications within the research setting The full report can be read from http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/repo rts/2012/researchers-of-tomorrow One surprising finding was a move away from primary data (newspapers, archives towards secondary published research) which could have implications for future research provision in libraries) and was identified by the report as needing further research. A lack of understanding of open access issues- how to put author documents online, the use of repository material in research (ie is it authentic enough?) take up of new technology for doctorial research is slow. Students may use social media in everyday life but are often slow to adopt it in research settings.

Compiled by Heather Dawson


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