The Northern Rivers Times Newspaper Edition 206

Page 1

No early education care places in ‘childcare desert’

Flood plain DA refusal “historic” and “monumental”

Emma Perrier needs to overcome a funding barrier to compete


An explosion in fu cases across the state has prompted North Coast health authorities to urge people over 65 to book in for their free fu jabs as the virus continues to surge across the state.

Your independently owned Weekly Newspaper
Story By Samantha Elley - Page 5 Story By Tim Howard - Page 4 Story By Sarah Waters - Page 10 Story By Tim Howard page 3

Ballina Shire Council to speed up food-resilient housing plans with new funding

Ballina Shire Council has been allocated

$210,000 from the NSW Government’s $100 million Resilient Lands Program (RLP) to help bolster housing options in the Shire.

Last Friday, Member for Lismore Janelle Saffn, Member for Ballina Tamara Smith and Acting CEO of the NSW Reconstruction Authority Mal Lanyon made the announcement.

The funding will be used to help Ballina Shire Council fast-track the planning and design of housing on councilowned land at Hutley Drive, Lennox Head. It will also be used to ‘unlock housing capacity’ in the Ballina CBD, including using shop tops as housing.

Ballina Mayor Sharon Cadwallader said the boost would help council address some of the housing needs that have existed in Ballina prior to the foods.

“Council can now get on with the important job of planning for this site on Hutley Drive in Lennox Head and explore options in the CBD for mediumdensity housing,” Ms Cadwallader said.

The Ballina Shire Housing Strategy prioritises providing residences for local workers within the community.

Member for Ballina Tamara Smith said she hoped that any council land that comes under the Resilient Lands

Program has a signifcant portion dedicated to either social or affordable housing.

“We need genuine affordable housing for residents in our community, not expensive housing stock that is of more interest to property investors,” Ms Smith said.

The announcement marked the ffth round of funding under the Resilient Lands Program, which is fully fnanced by the NSW Government.

Ballina is the fourth food-impacted council to be assisted with funding under the program.

Previous allocations have supported housing projects in East Lismore, Mount Pleasant Estate in Goonellabah, Saddle Road in Brunswick Heads and Summerland Estate in Casino.

The Resilient Lands Program was established to unlock land and

provide safer places for people to live across the Northern Rivers following the 2022 foods.

The program includes a

The Resilient Lands Program links in with the $700 million Resilient Homes Program (RHP).

Participants of the RHP, who have accepted

variety of new home and land options and provide pathways for foodimpacted homeowners to relocate to safer areas.

a buyback offer from the government, are typically given the frst opportunity to purchase new land and homes

before they’re offered to the open market.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully emphasised the program’s role in advancing the development of food-resilient housing solutions, particularly in food-prone areas like Ballina.

“This will really accelerate the delivery of food-resilient land and housing options for people to move off the food plain.

“In Ballina it will help deliver a greater range of higher density housing options in the CBD and at Lennox Head and potentially add to the social housing stock as well.”

Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffn said foodaffected communities across the Northern Rivers region had been waiting for safer land and housing options to be identifed.

“I’m pleased to see another LGA added to the councils receiving support under the Resilient Lands Program.

“The Community Leaders Forum (seven mayors and six state and federal MPs) early on adopted the principle of equity in recovery for the entire region affected by the 2022 foods.”

Acting CEO of the Reconstruction Authority Mal Lanyon said the RLP would offer families affordable housing options while assisting councils in infrastructure planning for major housing developments.

Upcoming Improvements on McDonalds Bridge Road

Daily users of McDonalds Bridge Road will be pleased to hear that further improvement work is scheduled to commence in August, weather permitting.

An investment of over $2 million will fund the repair of approximately four kilometres of the road. This project will include widening the shoulders from the base of the hill east of Edenville Road to Stratheden Road. Upon

completion, the entire width of the road will be resealed.

The scope of the project also includes widening and installing scour rock protection on culverts, setting up guideposts, and cleaning table drains.

Richmond Valley Council’s General Manager, Vaughan Macdonald, emphasized the Council’s commitment to restoring the local transportation network to meet

community expectations.

Mr. Macdonald highlighted that the Council is working collaboratively with the NSW and Australian governments to not only restore but also enhance the road network’s resilience, supported by funding from all three levels of government.

“The safety and effciency of people and freight movements on our roads are paramount,” said Mr.

Macdonald. “The foods of 2022 resulted in a road repair bill exceeding $100 million.

Unfortunately, our road network faced additional strain over the past eight months, with record rainfall causing extensive pothole damage.

“While signifcant progress has been made in restoring our local roads and ensuring their safety and effciency, Council relies heavily on government funding to

repair and upgrade our damaged roads to a more resilient standard.

“Despite these challenges, our capital program acknowledges the crucial role of local roads and infrastructure in building resilient, connected communities and supporting economic growth in the Richmond Valley.”

NEWS 2 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
Ballina Shire Mayor Sharon Cadwallader has welcomed a NSW funding boost to help council deliver more housing Member for Lismore Janelle Saffn, Member for Ballina Tamara Smith and acting chief executive of the NSW Reconstruction Authority Mal Lanyon in East Ballina during last week’s funding announcement

Flu numbers explode, over 65s most at risk

An explosion in fu cases across the state has prompted North Coast health authorities to urge people over 65 to book in for their free fu jabs as the virus continues to surge across the state.

Director of North Coast Population and Public Health Dr Valerie Delpech said a recent surveillance report revealed there had been a 25% jump in fu diagnoses in a week.

“Flu is rapidly increasing across the state,” Dr Delpech said.

“In the past week alone presentations to NSW emergency departments increased by almost 22% for people with infuenza-like illness.

“We are expecting the fu season will be around for several weeks to come, so now is the time to book in for your free fu vaccine to get

the vital protection you need.”

Dr Delpech said the more elderly, who were in greater need of the protection vaccination offered, were lagging behind in vaccination rates.

“At present, just half of people 65 and over (52.4 per cent) in NSW have received their fu vaccine,” she said.

The doctor said with infuenza, COVID-19

and RSV all circulating in the community, health services reminded the community to avoid visiting high-risk settings including hospitals and aged care facilities if they are experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness.

“Vaccination is the best protection against infection and severe disease,” Dr Delpech said. “Everyone, but particularly those at

increased risk of severe disease, is urged to get vaccinated now. By getting vaccinated you also help protect those around you.”

She said the infuenza vaccine was free and readily available for those at higher risk of severe illness from infuenza from GPs for any age group, as well as through pharmacies for everyone aged fve years and over.

Those considered to be at higher risk of severe illness from infuenza who are eligible for free vaccination include:

• people aged 65 and over

• children aged six months to under fve years

• Aboriginal people from six months of age

• pregnant women

• those with serious health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, immune disorders, severe asthma, kidney, heart, and lung disease.

Dr Delpech said there were some simple steps people could take to protect themselves and loved ones from respiratory viruses like COVID-19, infuenza and RSV, including:

• Stay up to date with your recommended infuenza and COVID-19 vaccinations

• Get together outdoors or in large, wellventilated spaces with open doors and windows

• Avoid crowded spaces

• Consider doing a rapid antigen test (RAT) before visiting people at higher risk of severe illness

• Talk with your doctor now if you are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 or infuenza to make a plan about what to do if you get sick, including what test to take, and discussing if you are eligible for antiviral medicines

• Don’t visit people who are at higher risk of severe illness if you are sick or have tested positive to COVID-19 or infuenza

• Practice good hand hygiene, including hand washing.

• Stay home if you are sick and wear a mask if you need to leave home

NEWS 3 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
South Grafton pharmacist Michael Troy was part of a successful campaign for a law change to allow pharmacists to vaccinate against the fu. He urges people to get regular fu shots ahead of every fu season.

Flood plain DA refusal “historic” and “monumental”

A planning panel decision to refuse a controversial DA for 284-lot development in West Yamba is “historic” and “monumental”, according to opponents of the plan.

Last Tuesday The Northern Region Planning Panel met last week to consider a DA for the development at 52-54 Miles St, Yamba.

On Monday the panel determined with a 3-1 vote in favour of refusal.

The development, with an estimated value in excess of $46 million, has been controversial from the start.

It was withdrawn once because of a large number of non-compliances and was the subject of 330 submissions from the public, with all but two opposing the development.

Adding to the controversy was a resolution made at the last Clarence Valley Council meeting recommending the panel refuse the development, going against a council staff assessment recommending approval.

At the NRPP meeting last week 12 residents made submissions opposing the development.

The determination to refuse cited section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

It gave four reasons for refusal

1. The proposed development relies upon signifcant additional flling of the subject site. There is some

discrepancy between the assessment report and the submitted application documents in relation to the intended minimum fnished surface levels. Insuffcient information was evident as to the quantity of additional (not yet approved) fll material, an approved source for this and the required method of transport to the site. Accordingly, the Panel could not be satisfed as to the environmental and amenity impacts of this required flling activity as part of the project, having regard to the provisions of cls. 5.21(2)(e) and 7.2 of the Clarence Valley LEP 2011 and s.4.15(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

2. The site is in a high-risk food catchment, where food planning is in transition. The proposed residential subdivision would necessitate evacuation in major food events and is not intended to provide a food refuge for residents who may otherwise be isolated for signifcant periods of time. Some of these are likely to be vulnerable persons. Mindful of the need to apply a precautionary, risk-based approach to the determination of development applications in food-affected locations, the Panel did not have evidence that there would be adequate capacity or facilities for additional evacuees in safe evacuation centres. Nor did the SES email response to the proposal provided to the Panel address this issue or its capacity to

support an evacuation of this subdivision, only noting that the warning triggers for evacuation in the applicants’ Flood Evacuation Plan were consistent with those in the local Flood Emergency sub-Plan. Accordingly, the Panel was not suffciently satisfed in relation to safe evacuation measures for the purposes of cls. 5.21 of the Clarence Valley LEP 2011 and having regard to s.4.15(1)(b), (c) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

3. Having regard to s.4.15(1)(d)of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the Panel has also noted the level of community concern and anxiety about fooding issues and associated insurance costs, the complexities of riverine and stormwater food impacts, as well as problems experienced with food warning, evacuation and potential resident isolation in Yamba.

4. ThePanel was

not satisfed that an adequate Acid Sulphate Soils Management Plan for the development had been supplied to the Council, as required under cls. 7.1(3) of the Clarence Valley LEP 2011, noting that Council had required such a Plan to be submitted as a condition of any consent. Accordingly, the panel was not satisfed that the granting of consent would be in the public interest, having regard to s.4.15(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

One member, Penny Holloway, support approval of the development.

Ironically the decision came soon after one of the development’s major opponents, the Yamba Community Action Network, gave evidence to the NSW Parliament Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment.

YambaCAN secretary Lynne Cairns and member Helen Tyas Tungal had been invited to Sydney too give

evidence of planning irregularities around developments in West Yamba to the committee.

Ms Cairns said the news of the refusal came through just after they had given their evidence.

“It’s a monumental decision,” Ms Cairns said. “In a way it was a shame it didn’t come through before we spoke, but overall it’s just the best news we could have had.”

Ms Cairns and Ms Tyas Tungal had both made submissions to the NRPP panel meeting last week.

Another prominent opponent of the DA, Cr Greg Clancy, described the decision was historic and should set a precedent for to planning laws.

Cr Clancy, who successfully moved for council to oppose approval for the DA at the May meeting, said it was likely DA would go to the Land and Environment Court, where hopefully it would be refused again.

“It was a shame this decision was made before the result of the Portfolio committee investigation were made public,” he said.

“The planning minister, Pau Scully, needs to defne his view on development on the foodplain, because he’s already stopped some developments down south.”

But he said whatever happened next, a precedent has been set.

“There will be now an expectation in the community that these sort of developments are not sustainable,” he said.

“So even though the

planning staff felt this DA ticked all the boxes there was something in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act that were factors other than just box ticking that were important.

Cr Clancy said he believed these were a section of the Act, s.4.15(1)(d), which said there had to be due consideration given to the concerns of the public.

He pointed out there had been 328 submissions from the public against approval of the DA.

“It’s good to see these submissions have been taken seriously, because sometimes planners tended to overlook them.”

In its determination the panel noted the concerns raised in submissions to it.

It noted issues included:

• Stormwater drainage

• Flooding and Flood evacuation

• Impacts associated with climate change

• Urban Design

• Impacts to biodiversity and natural environment

• Filling of land

• Infrastructure and services

• Environmental impacts associated with dredging

• Impact on town amenity

The Panel considers that concerns raised by the community have been adequately addressed in the Assessment Report and that no new issues requiring assessment were raised during the public meeting.

NEWS 4 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024 Janelle Saffin MP MEMBER FOR LISMORE Authorised by Janelle Saffin MP. Funded using Parliamentary entitlements. Gets things done I love working with our community to make a difference 02 6621 3624 - 55 Carrington Street (PO BOX 52), Lismore NSW 2480
Clarence Valley deputy Mayor Cr Greg Clancy.

No early education care places in ‘childcare desert’

Rachael Lane and Jaclyn Pilbeam are two young mums who are fnding it diffcult to navigate the lack of childcare spaces in the Lismore area.

Because she was unable to fnd childcare for her two-year-old daughter, Sophie, Rachael does shiftwork at night, packing shelves, then takes over at home so her husband can go to work during the day.

Jaclyn was luckier in that she was able to fnd a place for her 13-monthold daughter, Evie, but she had to take extreme action.

“We had our daughter Evie on a daycare (list) before she was even born,” she said.

“She is still on waiting lists, as Evie goes to daycare that is 20-30 minutes from our house.

“It’s not ideal for our family. I need to go to work. I’d love to stay at home with my children but it’s just not an option for me.”

Ms Pilbeam said the

cost of living meant she had to work, but not only that, her time at work helped her as well.

“I am a better mum when I work,” she said.

“I am quite happy to send my child to daycare, although it’s not my frst option. It works for me and it works for my family.

“We need those options available in our area for mums like me.”

Ms Pilbeam said that the waiting lists in Lismore for childcare is on average 200 young ones.

Isabel McLennan of The Learning Cottage in Lismore and Wollongbar confrmed the numbers.

“I’ve got 300 families on both waiting lists,” she said.

“That’s 600 children that we can’t supply places for.”

Another issue, especially since the 2022 food, is the need for quality early childhood educators, according to Mitch Hutchinson of Kyogle Early Learning.

“To fll those spots with

quality educators is also a big issue in this area,” he said.

“To attract and retain high quality early childhood teachers in the area where there’s zero rentals (and) high cost of living area is really hard for the award wages they get paid.”

The opposition is calling for the government to address the crisis for young families.

“This is a big problem across our country,” said Angie Bell, Shadow Minister for Early

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Childhood Education.

“We are looking at more fexibility and choice for regional families that currently do not have access to early learning.”

Minister Bell said the issue seemed more acute in Lismore, due to the food crisis, but it was an issue across the country.

“There are 9 million Australians who live in a childcare desert and what that means is there are three children waiting for every place available.”

Minister Bell said the Labor government

needed to step up and deliver more for regional families.

“They spent $4.7 billion on their Cheaper Childcare Bill and all they’ve delivered is zero places for regional Australians,” she said.

“Fees have gone up by 7% in less than six months and so families are paying more, which means they have to work longer hours.”

And while Minister Bell was unable to reveal the childcare policy of the Coalition, more would be revealed closer

to the next election.

“What we want to see is fexibility and choice for families,” she said.

A new report from the Centre for Policy Development was released last week and it recommended bold reforms to ensure universal early education and care for all children.

Ten key reforms were suggested in the Growing Together: A future universal early childhood education and care system for Australia report.

These included ensuring all children had access to a minimum of three days of early childhood education and care a week at low or no cost.

“Three days is perfect,” said Jaclyn.

“It feels like a happy medium. I feel like I can give more to my children.

“It’s good socialisation for the kids and you’ve still got four days with your children at zero dollar rate.”

NEWS 5 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent 37th Annual Bentley Art Prize
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L to R: Federal Member for Page, Kevin Hogan, Jaclyn Pilbeam with 13 month old daughter Evie, Rachael Lane with 2 year old daughter, Sophie, Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Learning, Angie Bell.

Planning work recognised Clarence Valley Council has been recognised at the Local Government Professionals Award dinner held in Sydney on June 6.

Council general manager Laura Black said she was proud of the result and the efforts of the staff in achieving the result.

Council was a fnalist in fve categories including Special Project Initiative, Innovative Leadership, Partnership and Collaboration, People Workplace Wellbeing categories as well the Emerging Leaders category.

“Staff have worked hard on making the transition to the NSW Planning Portal as streamlined as possible and as one of the frst councils in the State to have completed the integration with our corporate systems it was great to see it recognised as a winner at the Local Government Professionals Awards,” Ms Black said.

$400k to transform

Yamba CBD

The Yamba community will have $400,000 to spend on developing a new look for its CBD after winning a state government grant.

The grant, part of the NSW Government’s Community Improvement District Pilot Program, will help the community and businesses to make the most of their open public spaces and local character to attract more visitors and make the CBD more vibrant, day and night.

The government said the plan was to empower businesses and communities to revitalise their own local centres across both metropolitan and regional areas.

Nineteen new citizens welcomed The Clarence Valley welcomed 19 new members over the June Long Weekend at a citizenship ceremony in Grafton.

Clarence Valley Council’s general manager, Laura Black, led the ceremony held at the Grafton Council

In Brief

Chambers held last Thursday.

Councillor Allison Whaites was also on hand to welcome the new citizens and present them with their certifcates.

JADA judge revealed Grafton Regional Art Gallery has revealed the this year’s judge for the richest regional drawing award in Australia.

Last week the gallery confrmed the judge for the Jacaranda Acquisitive Drawing Award, worth $35,000 to the winner will be deputy director at Artspace, Sydney Michelle Newton.

Ms Newton has been the deputy director at Artspace since 2012, and in this time has co-commissioned and co-curated signifcant projects with artists and in partnership with leading international institutions.

The 2024 JADA will be judged in the days prior to the JADA Offcial Opening Gala, on September 27.

Entries for the 2024 JADA are open until midnight, Sunday, June

and local character, attracting more visitors and making the CBD more vibrant both day and night.

The NSW Government’s commitment through this program is to empower businesses and communities to revitalize their local centres, benefting both metropolitan and regional areas.


Artists from across Australia aged 18 and over and are invited to enter the award, with an acquisitive frst prize of $35,000 and $5,000 early career award.

Yamba’s CBD

Transformed Thanks to Community Improvement Program Yamba’s CBD is set for a signifcant transformation, thanks to a $400,000 grant from the NSW Government’s Community Improvement District Pilot Program. This initiative aims to help local communities and businesses maximize their open public spaces

Community Improvement Districts provide a platform for businesses and communities to collaborate, stimulating local economies and enhancing the overall appeal of these areas.

Clarence Valley Council’s General Manager, Laura Black, highlighted the program’s potential to establish a community engagement model. “This pilot program offers us the chance to strengthen relationships with stakeholders to deliver enhancements and activities that support sustainable economic growth and revitalization of Yamba’s CBD,” Ms. Black said.

The Council is set to

collaborate with local businesses, the Yamba Chamber of Commerce, and community members, beginning with a Stakeholder Summit in the coming months. This summit will allow for the sharing of enhancement ideas and the planning of initiatives aimed at increasing visitation rates and providing an attractive, safe destination for CBD visitors.

“The pilot program enables us to deliver both physical and non-physical improvements,” Ms. Black continued. “These include developing a district brand and vision, incorporating smart technology, adding outdoor furniture, public art, lighting, and urban greening. These efforts will culminate in a Yamba CBD event in 2025.”

The Community Improvement District Pilot Program represents a signifcant opportunity for Yamba to enhance its public spaces, support local businesses, and create a vibrant, welcoming environment for all.

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NEWS 6 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
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The JADA judge for 2024 will be the deputy director at Artspace, Sydney Michelle Newton
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Invitation for Public Feedback: Bangalow Tree Replacement Plan

The Byron Shire Council invites input from Bangalow residents and businesses regarding a proposed initiative to replace nine trees within the village streetscape.

The “Succession Plan for Trees in Bangalow Village Streetscape” will be available for public review until July 14th.

The plan outlines the replacement of fve mature Leopard trees and two Bangalow palms along the southern side of Byron Street, as well as two Liquidambar trees on the eastern side of Station Street. These trees were originally planted in the mid-1990s following the opening of the Bangalow bypass and were selected by a local resident.

Due to their vigorous growth in the subtropical climate, these exotic trees now pose trip hazards on footpaths and are undermining nearby historic buildings. The Bangalow palms, in particular, drop fronds and hard seeds,

posing challenges for pedestrians.

Malcolm Robertson, Manager of Open Space and Facilities, acknowledges previous efforts by the Council, such as installing root barriers and repairing damaged footpaths, but emphasizes that recurring maintenance costs and safety concerns necessitate a more sustainable approach.

The proposed succession plan recommends the gradual removal and replacement of the trees with semiadvanced native species, which will be planted in specialized root containment pits before new footpaths are laid.

Council’s preferred strategy is to initially remove two smaller Leopard trees and two palms between Fire Station Park and Station Street. Once these replacements have matured to awning level, the remaining trees at the top end of Byron Street and those

on Station Street will follow suit. Weeping Lilli Pilli and Ivory Curl are being considered as replacement tree species.

Residents and stakeholders are encouraged to learn more about the plan and submit feedback by visiting the Your Say page on the Council’s website.

This initiative underscores Council’s commitment to enhancing safety, reducing maintenance costs, and preserving the aesthetic appeal of Bangalow’s streetscape. Your participation is invaluable in shaping the future of our community.

Have your say by scanning the QR Code

Application for Appointment of Board Members

Mallanganee Public Hall Land Manager

Ever wondered who is responsible for keeping Crown reserves operating?

Countless facilities like showgrounds, local halls and parks are run by Statutory Land Manager Boards, made up of people just like you. People who understand the need and have a desire to manage public land and assets for the beneft of the entire community.

Your role as a Board Member is voluntary, but the rewards of giving something back to the community are priceless.

We are looking for a good mix of people with a variety of skills, however, sound business and fnancial management skills and objective decision-making expertise would be a distinct advantage. Don’t let this opportunity to do something for yourself and your community pass you by – contact us today.

The Mallanganee Public Hall Land Manager manages the Reserve No. 83808 at Mallanganee notifed on 19-Apr-1962 for Public Recreation, Resting Place, Reserve No. 540076 at Mallanganee notifed on 4-Dec1936 for Public Hall. The term of appointment will be for a period not exceeding 5 years.

Application for membership can be made via

All applications are required to be lodged by 18 July 2024.

For further information contact Joe Endean on (02) 6642 9204 or go to SB1768

Diary of a Flood Survivor

I would like to know if other people are manifesting behaviours that they may not have had before the food.

At the beginning of the year, hubby and I went to Western Australia to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. While there, we visited Margaret River and we ordered a case of wine from the region.

It was lovely to fll the new wine rack with the bottles when they arrived, and to see it full.

Over time, we entertained and used some of the bottles and it was fne.

Then one day, I walked past the wine rack and noticed that there were only a few bottles left.

Admittedly, I don’t count the number of bottles each day, so it was a bit of a surprise that there were hardly any bottles left.

It was nagging at me, as I know I hadn’t done THAT much entertaining or drinking for the bottles to disappear so quickly. It turns out, hubby, who is a trained chef, was using the bottles when he was cooking, to add to the food and have a cheeky drink himself.

This bugged me no end and I am not even sure why.

I mean, the wine is there to be used and it was OUR wine, so why was it niggling at me?

Hubby and I talked about it, and I came to the realisation that,

after seeing so many of our belongings be thrown out, I am loathe to see what we do have, disappear.

I am ok if it is rubbish or something that no longer works, to send it to the rubbish, but there was something satisfying about having a full wine rack, and then something

almost fearful to see it disappear.

I have since suggested he get cheaper bottles of wine to use in the cooking, so we can actually enjoy drinking the good stuff. I also have to be aware, that it is only wine and it doesn’t need to be horded. Little steps.

NEWS 8 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
RICHMOND VALLEY BUSINESS AWARDS AWARDS NIGHT - 17th of JUNE 23 Categories Nominations Open Now Entries Close 4th of July 2024

Terania Street Reopening to Light Vehicles Only

After a closure lasting over four months, Terania Street in Lismore is set to reopen to light vehicles starting from late Friday 21 June, pending favourable weather conditions. This reopening follows the implementation of traffc calming measures aimed at preventing further damage to the rail-overroad bridge caused by oversized vehicles.

• Traffc Calming


o New measures include speed humps, a reduced speed limit of 25 km/h, restricted lane width, traffc islands, and surveillance cameras. These are designed specifcally to slow down light vehicles and restrict heavy vehicles (over 4.5 tonnes) from using Terania Street near the rail bridge.

• Purpose of Measures:

o The installation aims to prevent future damage to the bridge, which necessitated its closure between Tweed and Peate streets since February 7.

• Community Impact and Appreciation:

o Transport for NSW,

through Director Region North Anna Zycki, expressed gratitude to residents and businesses for their patience during the closure period. They continue to work towards a permanent solution for the bridge’s sustainability.

• Heavy Vehicle Detour:

o Heavy vehicles are advised to use a detour via Wilson Street, Elliott Road, and Ballina Road until further notice.

currently addressing the consent conditions and will inform the community about the commencement of this work.

• Compliance and Safety:

o New signage, including ‘No right turn’ signs at Peate Street, has been installed to guide vehicles and ensure compliance with the new traffc conditions.

• Heritage Council Approval:

o Transport for NSW has received approval from the NSW Heritage Council to remove the Terania Street rail-overroad bridge. They are

Residents needing access to or from Peate Street should detour via Pine, Crane, and Tweed streets.

For ongoing updates and details, residents and road users are encouraged to stay informed through Transport for NSW communications channels.

This reopening marks a signifcant step in restoring normal traffc fow while safeguarding the historic bridge structure from further damage caused by inappropriate vehicle use.


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Emma Perrier needs to overcome a funding barrier to compete at the 2024 World Surf League Longboard Tour

When Emma Perrier was eight years old, she convinced her dad to enter her into her frst surfng competition, the Annual Evans Head Malibu Classic.

Fifteen years later, she has been selected as one of the top 24 women surfers, from across the world, to compete in the 2024 World Surf League (WSL) Longboard Tour.

Emma, 23, is still coming to terms with the news after only fnding out a few weeks ago that she had made the tour, which starts at Bells Beach, in Victoria, in less than a month on July 13.

“I had just arrived at work and was making myself a coffee, checking my emails as you normally do and I didn’t really believe it, but an email notifcation (from the WSL) came up saying I had been selected,” she said.

“It was a very surreal moment.”

Emma has been active in the local longboarding community since she was a young surfer.

She grew up in Brisbane but spent her weekends among the waves on her longboard

at Evans Head, where her parents had a beach house.

Her surfng style was shaped by the ‘veterans of longboarding’ at Evans Head Malibu Club, who helped her to fne tune her ‘drop knee.’

Over the years she has become a familiar name at local surfng competitions along the coast, but she had never competed at a professional level - until four months ago.

In February, Emma decided to enter the 2024 Gold Coast Open WSL Longboard Qualifying Series event (for the Asia Pacifc region) at Burleigh Heads. She was ranked as the last seed out of nine competitors but managed to fnish in second place.

It wasn’t enough to gain her automatic entry into the WSL Longboard Tour, however.

The winner from each of the seven regional WSL qualifying events typically makes the tour.

But the woman who bet Emma in the qualifer (Tully White) had been pre-selected for this year’s tour as she was one of the top 10 competitors from last year’s event.

Emma said it was ‘very exciting’ when she fnally found out, via email, that she had made the WSL tour.

But it has only given her six weeks to prepare and scramble together the necessary funds to take part in the competition, which she estimates will cost about

“I work full time (as a data analyst) and my work has been super supportive, but it would take me years to save up what I need for the tour, and I don’t have much time.

“I don’t have any sponsors yet - even at the qualifer event I was the only competitor who didn’t have any sponsor stickers on their board.”


The tour will feature four international events, running from JulyOctober.

It will start at Bells Beach, in Australia, followed by an event at the ‘birthplace of longboarding’ Huntington Beach in California.

The location of the third event is still to be announced, but the championship will take place at famed surf spot El Salvador.

Emma said as exciting as it has been to make the tour, it has also been daunting when looking at the travel costs.

“You have to pay your way to every stop on the tour, there is no funding provided by the WSL or Surfng Australia.

Emma has started an online fundraising page in the hope it will allow her to participate in the opportunity of a lifetime.

“It’s all very new to me the self-promotion, but I’ve got to try, and that’s my goal for the next month to try and fnd some funds.

“This tour gives you the opportunity to surf waves that you might not ever be able to - and particularly by yourself.

“My goal is to win a world title and I’d love to make the Olympics, if they do decide to have longboarding in Los Angeles in 2028, but just been on a world tour is such an amazing learning curve.”

As an added confdence boost before the tour, Emma won the Open Women’s Final at the NSW Longboard State Titles at Port Stephens,

two weeks ago. She is the vicepresident of the Evans Head Malibu Club and they have got right behind her to try and support her as much as possible.

In the past, Emma has helped to raise a huge amount of money for breast cancer research.

She started a popular surfng event known as ‘The Breast Comp Ever,’ a womenonly longboarding competition in Evans Head.

The competition has helped to raise more than $155,000 since it started in 2021.

To help Emma participate in the 2024 WSL Longboard Tour please google: EMMA PERRIER - WSL LONGBOARD TOUR FUNDRAISER and donate to her fundraising page: projects/emma-perrier/ emma-perrier-wsllongboard-tourfundraiser or scan the QR Code

NEWS 10 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024 30% OFF GUITARS 30% OFF UKES 30% OFF PEDALS 20% OFF DRUMS 30% OFF HARMONICAS 3rd PACK OF STRINGS FREE MICS 20% OFF BUY 2 LEADS GET 1 FREE SELECTED AMPS AT COST SALE ENDS JUNE 30 “NewLogo–Same quality&service” Structural – Landscaping - Fencing - Composite Decking Hardwood – Pine – Hardware B&B Timbers 6686 7911 110 Tevan Road, Ballina
Tweed Heads resident Emma Perrier, 23, has been selected for this year’s World Surf League (WSL) Longboard Tour but needs help funding her travel costs.

Council Recognised at Local Government Awards

Clarence Valley Council was honoured at the Local Government Professionals Award dinner in Sydney on Thursday, June 6, 2024. The Council emerged as fnalists in fve categories: Special Project Initiative, Innovative Leadership, Partnership and Collaboration, People Workplace Wellbeing, and the Emerging Leaders category.

The Planning Portal Integration project, aimed at enhancing customer experience and simplifying online application processes, won the Judges Award in the Special Project Initiative category.

Clarence Valley Council’s General Manager, Laura Black, expressed immense pride in the contributions of the staff and the positive impact on the community. “Staff have worked hard on making the transition to the NSW Planning Portal as streamlined as possible. Being one of the frst councils in the state to complete

the integration with our corporate systems, it was great to see it recognized as a winner at the Local Government Professionals Awards,” said Ms. Black.

Nick Harvey, the esteemed Financial Accountant, was a fnalist in the Emerging Leader category. Harvey has brought enthusiasm and innovative thinking to the organization, consistently meeting challenges with unwavering dedication.

The Council’s staff received recognition in the Innovative Leadership category for their efforts in restoring civil infrastructure after eight consecutive natural disasters, completing several years’ worth of work in just one year despite enduring multiple foods and fres.

The Rediscover Grafton project, a great example of the Council’s collaborative efforts, was a fnalist in the Partnerships and Collaboration category.

Through cooperation with internal teams,

local businesses, and community groups, the project revitalized the Grafton CBD, creating a pedestrian-friendly environment and enhancing the main street’s appeal.

Additionally, the Grow Your Own trainee and apprentice program was recognized as a fnalist in the People Workplace Wellbeing category.

This initiative addresses staffng needs by training apprentices and trainees across various roles, from People and Culture personnel to Plant Mechanics.

“Although we didn’t win an individual category award, being fnalists in fve categories from hundreds of nominations and receiving one of three special Judges Awards demonstrates that we are delivering on our commitments. The continuous improvements we have implemented in recent years are recognized by our peers,” Ms. Black said.

Wonderful Wardell: A Day to Connect, Play, and Get Creative

Join the community for a fun-flled day at Wonderful Wardell, an event designed to spark creativity, enjoy music, and spend quality time with family and friends.

On Sunday, June 30, 2024, from 10 AM to 3 PM, the western end of Richmond Street in Wardell will come alive with free, engaging activities for all ages, featuring some of the region’s most imaginative artists, facilitators, musicians, and performers.

Event Highlights

• Pop-Up Play Space by internationally recognized Roundabout Theatre, based in Northern Rivers.

• Live Music by Wardell’s own Serendipiti, Bella Frankie, Andrea Soler, and the Evans River High Band.

Creative Workshops for All Ages and Abilities

• Natural Fibre Weaving with Aunty Tania Marlowe and Deb Cole from Jugan Dandii.

• Creative Design Workshop with Kate Stroud, contributing to a mural for Wardell.

• Artwork Workshops with Jeremy Austin to design pavement tiles for the future Wardell Village Centre Revitalisation project.

• Collaborative Chalk Mosaic activities with The Chalkies.

• Collage Workshop with Claudie Frock in “Let’s Stick Together.”

• Music Workshop with Andrea Soler.

Event Details

• Date: Sunday, June 30, 2024

• Time: 10 AM – 3 PM

• Cost: Free

• Audience: All ages and community members welcome; family-friendly event

• Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible; a sensory-friendly quiet space will be available.

If you require an Auslan interpreter, please notify us two weeks in advance. For access queries, contact Claudie Frock at frockonya@yahoo. or call/text 0432 400 753.

• Location: Richmond Street, Wardell (western end)

The Wonderful Wardell event is organized by Ballina Shire Council and supported by the NSW Government. For more information, visit wonderful-wardell.

NEWS 11 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent

Flood plain DA refusal “historic” and “monumental”

A planning panel decision to refuse a controversial DA for 284-lot development in West Yamba is “historic” and “monumental”, according to opponents of the plan.

Last Tuesday The Northern Region Planning Panel met last week to consider a DA for the development at 52-54 Miles St, Yamba.

On Monday the panel determined with a 3-1 vote in favour of refusal.

The development, with an estimated value in excess of $46 million, has been controversial from the start.

It was withdrawn once because of a large number of non-compliances and was the subject of 330 submissions from the public, with all but two opposing the development.

Adding to the controversy was a resolution made at the last Clarence Valley Council meeting recommending the panel refuse the development, going against a council staff assessment recommending approval.

At the NRPP meeting last week 12 residents made submissions opposing the development.

The determination to refuse cited section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

It gave four reasons for refusal

1. The proposed development relies upon signifcant additional flling of the subject

site. There is some discrepancy between the assessment report and the submitted application documents in relation to the intended minimum fnished surface levels. Insuffcient information was evident as to the quantity of additional (not yet approved) fll material, an approved source for this and the required method of transport to the site. Accordingly, the Panel could not be satisfed as to the environmental and amenity impacts of this required flling activity as part of the project, having regard to the provisions of cls. 5.21(2)(e) and 7.2 of the Clarence Valley LEP 2011 and s.4.15(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

2. The site is in a high-risk food catchment, where food planning is in transition. The proposed residential subdivision would necessitate evacuation in major food events and is not intended to provide a food refuge for residents who may otherwise be isolated for signifcant periods of time. Some of these are likely to be vulnerable persons.

Mindful of the need to apply a precautionary, risk-based approach to the determination of development applications in food-affected locations, the Panel did not have evidence that there would be adequate capacity or facilities for additional evacuees in safe evacuation centres. Nor did the SES email response to the proposal provided to

the Panel address this issue or its capacity to support an evacuation of this subdivision, only noting that the warning triggers for evacuation in the applicants’ Flood Evacuation Plan were consistent with those in the local Flood Emergency sub-Plan. Accordingly, the Panel was not suffciently satisfed in relation to safe evacuation measures for the purposes of cls. 5.21 of the Clarence Valley LEP 2011 and having regard to s.4.15(1)(b), (c) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

3. Having regard to s.4.15(1)(d)of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the Panel has also noted the level of community concern and anxiety about fooding issues and associated insurance costs, the complexities of riverine and stormwater food impacts, as well as problems experienced with food warning, evacuation and potential resident isolation in Yamba.

4. ThePanel was not satisfed that an adequate

Acid Sulphate Soils Management Plan for the development had been supplied to the Council, as required under cls. 7.1(3) of the Clarence Valley LEP 2011, noting that Council had required such a Plan to be submitted as a condition of any consent.

Accordingly, the panel was not satisfed that the granting of consent would be in the public interest, having regard to s.4.15(1)(e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

One member, Penny Holloway, support approval of the development.

Ironically the decision came soon after one of the development’s major opponents, the Yamba Community Action Network, gave evidence to the NSW Parliament Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment.

YambaCAN secretary Lynne Cairns and member Helen Tyas Tungal had been invited to Sydney too give evidence of planning irregularities around developments in West Yamba to the committee.

Ms Cairns said the news of the refusal came through just after they had given their evidence.

“It’s a monumental decision,” Ms Cairns said. “In a way it was a shame it didn’t come through before we spoke, but overall it’s just the best news we could have had.”

Ms Cairns and Ms Tyas Tungal had both made submissions to the NRPP panel meeting last week.

Another prominent opponent of the DA, Cr Greg Clancy, described the decision was historic and should set a precedent for to planning laws.

Cr Clancy, who successfully moved for council to oppose approval for the DA at the May meeting, said it was likely DA would go to the Land and Environment Court, where hopefully it would be refused again.

“It was a shame this decision was made before the result of the Portfolio committee investigation were made public,” he said.

“The planning minister, Pau Scully, needs to defne his view on development on the foodplain, because he’s already stopped some developments down south.”

But he said whatever happened next, a precedent has been set.

“There will be now an expectation in the community that these sort of developments are not sustainable,” he said.

“So even though the planning staff felt this DA ticked all the boxes there was something

in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act that were factors other than just box ticking that were important.

Cr Clancy said he believed these were a section of the Act, s.4.15(1)(d), which said there had to be due consideration given to the concerns of the public.

He pointed out there had been 328 submissions from the public against approval of the DA.

“It’s good to see these submissions have been taken seriously, because sometimes planners tended to overlook them.”

In its determination the panel noted the concerns raised in submissions to it.

It noted issues included:

• Stormwater drainage

• Flooding and Flood evacuation

• Impacts associated with climate change

• Urban Design

• Impacts to biodiversity and natural environment

• Filling of land

• Infrastructure and services

• Environmental impacts associated with dredging

• Impact on town amenity

The Panel considers that concerns raised by the community have been adequately addressed in the Assessment Report and that no new issues requiring assessment were raised during the public meet.

NEWS 12 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024 131 601 RTO 90003 | CRICOS 00591E | HEP PRV12049
Rivers, enrol now Whether you want to learn a new skill, upskill or re-skill, there are hundreds of courses to choose from at TAFE NSW, one of Australia’s leading providers of education and training. Enrol now for Semester 2, 2024 + Animation & Gaming + IT Networking + IT Support + Cyber Security
Ms Cairns and Ms Tyas Tungal

$210,000 funding agreement to help deliver food resilient land and housing for Ballina

Ballina Shire Council will receive $210,000 through the NSW Government’s $100 million Resilient Lands Program (RLP) to help support the delivery of a range of housing options across the Local Government Area (LGA).

and land development identifed in the Ballina Shire Housing Strategy which has a focus on delivering homes for local workers in the Ballina Shire.

options in the CBD and at Lennox Head and potentially add to the social housing stock as well.”


“It is a signifcant part of recovery which builds on the Resilient Homes Program.

Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery Janelle Saffn said:

The funding will help Council accelerate the planning and design of medium density housing on Council-owned land at Hutley Drive, Lennox Head.

It will also assist in unlocking housing capacity in the Ballina CBD, including shop-top living, and to advocate for investment in centrally located housing.

This is the ffth announcement under the NSW Reconstruction Authority’s Resilient Lands Program, which is wholly funded by the NSW Government.

It follows recent RLP announcements in East Lismore, Mount Pleasant Estate, Goonellabah, Saddle Road, Brunswick Heads, and Summerland Estate in Casino.

The funding supports planning for housing

The Resilient Lands Program aims to accelerate the delivery of new land and housing options, linking with the $700 million Resilient Homes Program, to give food impacted homeowners a pathway to move to a safer location.

For more information, visit NSW Reconstruction Authority.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully said:

“This is the ffth Resilient Lands Program announcement this year and Ballina becomes the fourth food-impacted council to be assisted with funding under this program.

“This will really accelerate the delivery of food-resilient land and housing options for people to move off the food plain.

“In Ballina it will help deliver a greater range of higher density housing

“Flood-affected communities across the Northern Rivers region have been waiting for safer land and housing options to be identifed.

“I’m pleased to see another LGA added to the councils receiving support under the Resilient Lands Program.

“The Community Leaders Forum (seven mayors and six State and Federal MPs) early on adopted the principle of equity in recovery for the entire region affected by the 2022 foods.

“This announcement for the Ballina LGA shows that we are putting this principle into action.”

Acting CEO of the Reconstruction Authority Mal Lanyon said:

“The Resilient Lands Program is about giving options to families to gain access to affordable land where they want to

“The program is also helping councils to scope out what infrastructure it needs to support really signifcant housing developments.”

Ballina Mayor Sharon Cadwallader said:

“This funding will help us address some of the housing needs that have existed in Ballina since before the foods.

“Council can now get on with the important job of planning for this site on Hutley Drive in Lennox Head and explore options in the CBD for medium-density housing.”

Member for Ballina Tamara Smith said:

“It is my hope that any council land that comes under the Resilient Lands Program has a signifcant portion dedicated to either social or affordable housing.

“We need genuine affordable housing for residents in our community, not expensive housing stock that is of more interest to property investors.”

NEWS 14 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024 AKUBRA R.M WILLIAMS DR MARTENS SKECHERS BIRKENSTOCKS INDUSTRIE LEVIS CROCS 109 River Street Ballina 6686 2081 insta@wallace fashion Now accepting Good old-fashioned customer service Locally owned and operating for over 100 years! 123 Summerland Way, Kyogle - 02 6632 1519 @scarboroughskyogle @Scarboroughs.Shoes.Fashion

Casino Truck Show registrations opening Monday 1 July – prizes galore

REGISTRATIONS for the 2024 North Coast Petroleum Casino Truck Show, to be held on Saturday 3 August, will be opening Monday 1 July.

Registration is $30 per truck, including competition entry and parking in the event precinct.

Online registrations can be made at casinotruckshow. and will go into the draw to win some amazing prizes, including: a Lubecore 210 On-Highway Automated greasing system, valued at $5050; a $5000 voucher towards a

Gozbar bullbar or bumper, supplied by Dawson’s Haulage; and 10 Austone line haul tyres valued at $4880, courtesy Tyre Network.

On-day registrations will also be accepted and can be done at the Richmond Valley Council’s depot in the industrial estate from

6am. Registrations for those not participating in the Dawson’s Haulage Parade can be completed at the Casino Truck Show merchandise stall at the Mafeking Lamp roundabout.

All entrants are encouraged to drop their specially-numbered, on-day registration

ticket in the lucky draw barrels at both check-in points to go in the running for a $15,070 Wedge Lock bullbar voucher, supplied by AJ’s Total Truck Gear and Kentweld Bullbars.

The industrial estate is also the marshalling area for parade participants, which will get underway

10am sharp, making its way to the Casino CBD via Johnston and Centre streets. The Casino RSM Fishing Club will be on hand to serve a hearty breakfast.

Stay up to date with all things Casino Truck Show by following us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

NEWS 15 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
“Leemo has views on just about anything”

Goodie, we’re safely home now so I spoke. ‘Mum Jane, YEP, we all agreed it was kind of you to take me & my buddies down to the river to teach us to sh. Hmmm, a most interesting adventure indeed. BUT, as you KNOW Mum, we cats always have an in-depth talkfest following outings, so here’s the detailed feedback ref. our ‘Cats Going Fishing Day’. It was suggested you might perhaps make notes and a ‘TO DO’ list for our next excursion? Gottit?’ (It’s ‘Leemo Cat’ here). ‘Firstly, Mum, we are all grown up ‘thinking’ felines & we unanimously agreed we should have been given proper shing RODS, (like ‘Daiwa’ or ‘Shimano’) NOT some old stick with a bit of string or pink wool attached to it. What if one of us had caught a really BIG sh? WELL? at monster sh would have dragged one of us o the jetty, down the river and out to sea, (to anyone observing, it would look like a cat water-skiing) never to be seen again, ALL BECAUSE you were too mean to get us proper rods. Further talk concluded your choice of bait was, in shing terms, out of line. Putting chicken & mullet gut on our hooks was stomachchurning. It’s slimy to touch, smelled dreadful and contradicted the strict hygiene & frequent grooming practices to which we felines adhere. It was not feasible for us to groom with our PAWS and TONGUE ‘cos of the le -over bits of slimy gut stuck in our fur. I reckon even YOU should appreciate that a lump of mullet gut doesn’t taste even vaguely like ‘Felix’ or ‘Fancy Feast’ Treats?’

(Eeek, the pruney face was changing from her normal ½ frown crabby visage to one resembling an over boiled red cabbage. Crikey!!) Being a brave & most forthright cat (some might say STUPID) and appointed speaker for our group, I continued loudly whilst my buddies peered from behind chairs & stu ‘OK Mum, ARE YOU AWARE that we cats clean ourselves constantly to get rid of yukky smells completely alien to our own scent? We have all agreed that smelling of chook or mullet gut was not at all in the scheme of how we should smell. It made us feel quite bilious. WHY would a sh want to eat it? AND, Mum, bear in mind we have FUR on and between our paws! Imagine the horror we experienced with the smell of le -over chook & mullet gut wa ing up into our super sensitive delicate nostrils all the way home? It was really not acceptable Mum. SO, we agreed that on future shing adventures, big changes are to be approved and implemented. Proper shing rods (with 5lb line, smallish round sinkers & ‘Suicide’ hooks) will be mandatory. We MUST have fresh cleaned prawns as bait. YOU will bait our hooks, do the casting for us, remove all shies we catch from our lines & put them back in the river, and then re-bait & cast for us again. And bring a supply of warm water & so cloths to wipe lumps of gut from our fur. We also require ‘treat breaks’ throughout the day. Eeek! She kinda fainted whilst turning purple & saying very rude words. I revived her with cup of tea & she told us all to shut up. (shouty rude tone?) ‘OK you lot, you may have noted ‘I’ was happy to use chook gut for my bait without constant whinging, and ‘I’ was the only one to catch a sh! I’m NOT taking you on any more shing trips...gottit? Just go away all of you & come back when you have a plan about where you all can take ME on a ni y adventure for a change.

OMG!? ‘Treasure’ spoke & said ‘does she like tree climbing or staring at grass?’ Nitey with ‘sneaky planning purrsies’ Leemo.

150 Years of Continuous Operation and Australian Ownership

With the 2024 crushing season kicking off next week, the NSW sugar industry has more than just crushing cane and making sugar to be done this year.

The Harwood Sugar Mill will crush for its 150th consecutive season since 1874, with local cane crops estimated to achieve higher than expected yield. Some 560,000 tonnes of cane are set to be harvested across the Clarence Valley, with the mill commencing crushing operations on Monday 24th June.

The Broadwater Sugar mill will also start crushing on the 24th of

June and is expected to process around 470,000 tonnes of cane from across the Richmond Valley.

“This is a remarkable achievement by the Broadwater growers who have been recovering since the worst known food devastation on record just two years ago”; said Sunshine Sugar CEO, Mr Chris Connors.

The crop is forecast to increase year on year for the next few years as existing cane felds quickly recover to full production and new production areas come online.

Favourable weather

conditions and recordhigh sugar prices are driving a resurgence in cane farming interest across the NSW Northern Rivers, as one of the regions’ oldest and most reliable agricultural industries regains favour.

The Richmond Valley alone has some 1,200 hectares of new cane production area on the books, with growers attracted by a forecast price of circa $60 per tonne for the next few years.

Moving on to the northern-most mill at Condong, it will be the frst to fre up this year.

On the 17th of June the Condong Sugar Mill will

start processing a crop of around 475,000 tonnes from the Tweed Valley.

The cool, fne weather is delivering good ripening conditions which boosts sugar content and yield.

Sunshine Sugar and the NSW sugar industry have plans to make the most of the milestone sesquicentenary season, with a line-up of industry and community events and activities happening at Harwood (near Yamba) in August. The celebrations with culminate in a massive outdoor community event to be held at the Harwood Cricket Oval on Sunday 25th August.

Council’s beach animal patrol interrupted by injured seabird

A regular beach animal patrol was cut short this week after staff were called on to help an injured seabird.

Council’s Animal Enforcement Offcers, James and Sarah, were on Broken Head beach early Tuesday morning when beach walkers hailed them down.

“They pointed out a bird, an adult gannet, in obvious distress in the shore break and so I just jumped in and went to help it,” James said.

“It was obviously

scared and I was hesitant of its large beak but aside from a few nips I managed to get one arm around it, and another around its beak and we got to shore.

“Sarah found a towel in the ute and we wrapped the bird up and headed off to the vet,” he said.

“I was wetter than the gannet in the end and while the water temperature was quite nice it was pretty cool on the beach, especially with wet boots.

James and Sarah took

the gannet to the Byron Wildlife Hospital where it was x-rayed and checked out.

“The vet said it has a swollen joint and hopefully after some antibiotics it will make a good recovery and be able to be released,” James said.

“Thanks to the concerned people on the beach for pointing out the bird to us because it was not well and may not have lasted long in the condition it was in,” he said.

NEWS 16 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
Leemo & Buddies go Fishing Harwood Sugar Mill 2024 New Harwood Mill framed Old Harwood Mill framed James and bird
$19,490 Wagon TDI 8R MY14 Excl. Govt. Charges $35,990 Vehicle Description: 2015 Toyota Hilux Utility SR5 GUN126R Utility SR5 GUN126R Excl. Govt. Charges Kilometers 229,640 Transmission Sports Automatic ARRIVING SOOON! This 2015 SR5 is ready for a range of different activities. Sports Automatic, bullbar, UHF radio, aluminium tray and only 229,640kms Contact us today 2017 2018 $9,950 Sedan ES Sport CF MY1 Excl. Govt. Charges A favorite brand for a reason. Great car for a Learner, or someone that wants a reliable run about. Just serviced and pink slipped. 12mth Warranty included. Contact us today $17,990 Sedan XR6 FG MkII Excl. Govt. Charges 18” Alloy Wheels, Bluetooth System, Leather Steering Wheel, and Sports Seats, this XR6 is designed to impress. Cruise control, climate control, and rear air conditioning ensure a comfortable ride for all passengers. Contact us today $28,990 Wagon Vibe SAS23 MY22 Excl. Govt. Charges Very low KM current model MG SUV. The largest in the range, the HS offer plenty of cabin space, ample boot space, but is still easy to swing into a car park. Still under manufactures warranty for years. Contact us today $11,990 Hatchback CD TM MY14 Excl. Govt. Charges Looking for the perfect rst car that won’t break the bank? Look no further! This 2013 Holden Barina CD Hatchback is the ideal choice for anyone looking for a reliable, low km vehicle. Contact us today $9,980 Wagon SX FD MY11 Excl. Govt. Charges Live life practically with this Hyundai i30 Wagon - Auto 2.0L Petrol. Just had a local service and pick slip, ready for delivery. 3mths additional rego will be included through to Sept 2024. Contact us today $9,990 Hatchback LX WT Excl. Govt. Charges Auto, Hatch, modern, popular brand - what more could you want. Snap this up while you can as Auto hatches don’t last long here... Rego all the way to October 2024.12mth Warranty included Contact us today Step into the world of sophistication with this 2014 Audi Q5 TDI Wagon. This European SUV offers an impeccable driving experience with its 2.0DT engine and quattro technology. Contact us today TRADING HOURS Monday - Friday: 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Saturday: 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sunday: CLOSED 108 Centre Street, Casino, NSW 2470 Dealer Licence MD 090263 02 6662 2031 NORTHERNRIVERSUSEDCARSCASINO Vehicle Description: 2013 Holden Barina Hatchback CD TM MY1 Vehicle Description: 2010 Hyundai i30 Wagon SX FD MY11 Kilometers 52,356 Kilometers ............179,093 Transmission Automatic Transmission .........Automatic MITSUBISHI LANCER SEDAN ES SPORT CF TOYOTA HILUX UTILITY SR5 GUN126R Vehicle Description: 2017 Mitsubishi Lancer Sedan ES Sport CF MY17 Kilometers 177,141 Transmission Automatic 2013 2010 HOLDEN BARINA HATCHBACK CD TM MY14 HYUNDAI I30 WAGON SX FD MY11 2012 2022 2014 2012 FORD FALCON SEDAN XR6 FG MKII MG HS WAGON VIBE SAS23 MY22 AUDI Q5 WAGON TDI 8R MY14 FORD FIESTA HATCHBACK LX WT Vehicle Description: 2012 Ford Falcon Sedan XR6 FG MkII Vehicle Description: 2022 MG HS Wagon Vibe SAS23 MY22 Vehicle Description: 2014 Audi Q5 Wagon TDI 8R MY14 Vehicle Description: 2012 Ford Fiesta Hatchback LX WT Kilometers 129,622 Kilometers 21,634 Kilometers 176,231 Kilometers 141,212 Transmission Sports Automatic Transmission Sports Automatic Transmission Sports Automatic Transmission Sports Automatic

Social Housing Waitlist Surges in Northern NSW

Analysis by the Community Housing Industry Association NSW (CHIA NSW) has revealed a signifcant increase in the number of people seeking priority social housing in the Northern NSW region. The priority housing list is designated for those at imminent risk of homelessness, highlighting the severity of the housing crisis.

Priority Housing Increase by Region:

• Ballina: 190%

• Casino: 165%

• Tweed Heads: 142%

• Grafton: 132%

• Byron Bay: 129%

• Mullumbimby: 118%

• Lower Clarence: 108%

• Lismore: 107%

CHIA NSW CEO, Mark Degotardi,

emphasized the dire shortage of available homes in the Northern NSW region. “Many people are languishing for more than a decade in some suburbs and regions. Over 58,000 families and individuals are waiting for housing across NSW. This is why we need signifcant funding in the upcoming State Budget to start addressing the housing crisis,” Mr. Degotardi stated.

Mr. Degotardi underscored the readiness of the notfor-proft community housing industry to collaborate with all levels of government to deliver housing solutions for vulnerable people. “Community housing providers have projects that are ready

to roll but need the funding to get them started,” he said.

The upcoming state budget on June 18 is crucial for the Minns Government to demonstrate its commitment to resolving the housing crisis. “A housing crisis needs a crisis response. The time for incremental reform and small budget allocations is over,” Mr. Degotardi asserted.

The escalating need for priority social housing across Northern NSW underscores the urgent requirement for substantial government intervention and funding to provide immediate and effective housing solutions.

Don’t Get Caught Out by a Cold Snap

As winter sets in and many regions experience their frst frosts, Local Land Services (LLS) is urging livestock producers to implement measures to safeguard their animals against cold snaps and wet weather.

In harsh conditions, livestock expend additional energy to stay warm. To maintain their wellbeing, producers must take appropriate precautions to keep their stock in optimal condition. Here are several key strategies to mitigate the impact of cold weather on livestock:

1. Provide Adequate Shelter:

o Ensure that livestock have access to shelters that protect them from wind, rain, and cold temperatures.

2. Suffcient Feeding:

o Ensure that animals are receiving enough food to meet their increased energy requirements during cold weather.

o Increase feed levels by up to 20%

during severe weather conditions such as wind, rain, and cold temperatures.

3. Special Care for Vulnerable Animals:

o Prioritize care for the most at-risk animals, including newborns, lambing ewes, calving cows, animals in poor condition, and sick animals.

o Provide these animals with suffcient shelter and food, and check on them regularly.

Scott Ison, the Animal Biosecurity and Welfare Program Lead for LLS, emphasizes the importance of seeking tailored advice from district veterinarians.

He notes that local veterinarians can offer invaluable support and information pertinent to the specifc seasonal conditions in various areas.

“In regions where rainfall has been scarce, the cold temperatures and frosts will further impede pasture growth. Producers must be aware of these challenges and seek advice from our

Wollongbar Housing Project Commences Design Phase

Ballina Shire Council is initiating the design process for the Wollongbar Housing Project, aiming to enhance diversity in the residential housing market. This development, situated on Council-owned land on Dundee and Elsa Avenues in Wollongbar, seeks to address the growing housing needs of the community by offering medium-density housing options.

Project Goals:

• Diversity: Promote a variety of housing types to cater to different needs.

• Sustainability: Implement eco-friendly design principles.

• Inclusivity: Ensure housing is accessible and benefcial for all community members.

Proposed Development Features:

• Housing Types:

experts,” Mr. Ison said. “Taking the necessary precautions is crucial for ensuring the health of your herd or fock and maximizing the returns when selling stock or during breeding seasons.”

Contact Information

• To speak with a Local Land Services district veterinarian:

o Phone: 1300 795 299

o Visit: Your nearest Local Land Services offce.

• For further livestock advice:

o Website: Local Land Services on www.lls.

• For weather forecasts and tools:

o Visit: Bureau of Meteorology http://www. By preparing adequately for the winter season, livestock producers can help ensure the health and productivity of their animals despite the challenges posed by cold and wet weather conditions.

A mix of one, two, three, and four-bedroom dwellings.

• Stage One Development:

o Lots: 5

o Dwellings: 15

o Garage Spaces: 17

o Breakdown:

 2 x four-bedroom townhouses

 9 x three-bedroom townhouses

 1 x one-bedroom unit

 2 x two-bedroom units

 1 x three-bedroom unit

Local consultants have been appointed to lead the planning and design for the frst stage of the project. This phase is crucial as it encompasses planning, design, and obtaining necessary approvals, paving the way for future construction.

Community Engagement:

Ballina Shire Council is committed to involving the community in the decision-making process. Several decisions, including planning and construction approvals and the selection of construction partners, are still pending.

Community input is vital to ensure the project aligns with local needs and aspirations.

Stay Informed and Provide Feedback:

For more information and to stay updated on the Wollongbar Housing Project, please visit our website au/making-a-submission and provide your feedback by Friday, 5 July 2024. Your participation is essential to the success of the Wollongbar Housing Project. Join us in creating a diverse, sustainable, and inclusive community.

‘Buckle Up on the Bus’ Campaign Launched by

Regional bus passengers across NSW are set to receive important reminders to “Buckle up on the bus” with the launch of Transport for NSW’s new advertising campaign. This campaign will be featured on TV, radio, digital media, social media, and regional print newspapers starting today.

Howard Collins, Coordinator General at Transport for NSW, stated that this advertising campaign is the second phase of a program aimed at ensuring regional bus passengers understand that buckling up is mandatory on all buses equipped with seatbelts in NSW.

“The frst phase of the campaign saw Transport for NSW install posters, stickers, and decals on more than 2,500 buses across regional NSW,” Mr. Collins explained.


Research by Transport for NSW highlighted a lack of awareness among many bus passengers regarding the physics of a bus crash—when a bus stops suddenly, loose items continue to move at speed. The new advertisement dramatically illustrates the impact of a bus crash, showing a locket snapping off a passenger’s neck and fying through the air, symbolizing the connection to a loved one and their irreplaceable loss.

The campaign is a direct result of recommendations from the Bus Industry Taskforce, which was formed last year to enhance bus services and improve safety following the tragic Hunter Valley bus crash.

“As the campaign states, ‘In the event of a crash, the bus

for NSW

will stop, you won’t.’ This highlights the importance of every adult adhering to their legal obligation to wear a seatbelt when available on a bus, and for parents and carers to discuss this safety measure with their children,” Mr. Collins said. “Wearing a seatbelt doubles your chances of survival in a crash – it’s a simple act that is not only a legal requirement but one that could save your life or your child’s life.”

BusNSW Executive Director, Matt Threlkeld, also endorsed the campaign. “The industry seeks community support to build a culture where passengers, including school students, understand that wearing a seatbelt on a bus is not a personal choice but a legal requirement,” Mr. Threlkeld said.

NEWS 18 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024

ETC Launches Second Year of First Nations Scholarships Program to Foster Indigenous Education and Empowerment

Enterprise and Training Company (ETC), a leading provider of employment, training, and business services, is excited to announce the continuation of its First Nations Scholarships Program for the second year. This program refects ETC’s unwavering commitment to promoting reconciliation and supporting the education and empowerment of Indigenous Australians across the regions where it operates.

As an organization that values inclusivity and social responsibility, ETC recognizes the critical role of education in driving empowerment and social change.

The First Nations Scholarships Program aims to provide fnancial assistance and support

to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals aged 15 and above, who are pursuing further education or vocational training.

By enhancing their skills and knowledge, these scholarships empower recipients to succeed in high-demand

driver of empowerment and social change,” said ETC’s CEO Damon Munt.

In May 2024, Australia’s employment landscape saw signifcant improvements, setting new records and achieving notable reductions in both unemployment and under-employment rates.

Key Highlights:

1. Record High Employment:

o Australian employment reached a new all-time high of over 14.3 million.

o This includes an increase of 78,000 employed individuals from the previous month.

o Full-time employment drove this surge, increasing by 112,000 to a record high of 9,441,000.

o Part-time employment saw a slight decrease, down by 34,000 to 4,869,000.

2. Decrease in Unemployment:

o Unemployment dropped by 170,000, bringing the total number of unemployed Australians to 1,365,000.

o The unemployment rate fell by 1% to 8.7% of the workforce.

o Those looking for full-time work decreased by 69,000 to 600,000.

o Those seeking parttime work decreased by

industries and contribute to building a more equitable society.

“At ETC, we believe that education is a key

“Through our First Nations Scholarships Program, we aim to create opportunities for First Nations Australians to access quality education and training, and contribute to building a more equitable society in the regions we serve.”

Scholarships Program will provide 3 successful applicants with $2500 each in funding to cover things like tuition fees, course materials, and travel expenses related to their education needs.

“We understand that fnancial barriers can often hinder access to

The First Nations

Australian Employment at Record High with a Declining Unemployment and Under-employment

101,000 to 765,000.

3. Reduction in Underemployment:

o The number of underemployed Australians fell by 256,000, totaling 1,338,000.

o This represents 8.5% of the workforce, a signifcant reduction from previous fgures.

4. Overall Labour Under-utilisation:

o Combined, 2.7 million Australians were either unemployed or under-employed in May, accounting for 17.2% of the workforce.

o This is the lowest level of total labour underutilisation since April 2022.

5. Workforce Growth:

o The total workforce in May was 15,675,000, a decrease of 92,000 from April but an increase of 710,000 from a year ago.

o The number of employed Australians increased by 603,000 over the past year.

Detailed Breakdown:

• Full-Time Employment:

o Increased to 9,441,000, marking a new record.

• Part-Time Employment:

o Slightly decreased to


• Unemployment:

o Decreased to 1,365,000.

• Under-employment:

o Decreased to 1,338,000.

Yearly Comparisons:

• May 2023 vs. May 2024:

o The workforce grew by 710,000.

o Employment increased by 603,000.

o Unemployment increased by 107,000, highlighting the growing workforce but also the capacity to absorb more workers into employment.

The Australian employment market is experiencing robust growth, reaching record highs in employment and seeing signifcant reductions in unemployment and under-employment. These improvements refect a strong and dynamic labour market, despite the challenges posed by a rapidly growing workforce. The continued focus on job creation and economic stability will be crucial to sustaining these positive trends.

education and training for our First Nations people,” added ETC’s Indigenous Services Manager Ceharnie


“Our Scholarships Program aims to alleviate these barriers and provide muchneeded support to Indigenous Australians who are striving for educational success and economic empowerment.”

Eligibility Criteria:

• Applicants must identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

• They must be over 15 years of age.

• Applicants should express their current career goals and specifc industries of interest.

• Formal training requirements necessary for achieving career goals should be outlined.

• Financial hardship experienced by applicants will be considered.

• Active participation

in the local community (e.g., through volunteer work or leadership roles) is valued.

• Recipients are encouraged to consider how their scholarship benefts the local community.

ETC encourages First Nations individuals who are interested in furthering their education or vocational training to explore the opportunities offered by the First Nations Scholarships Program. Applications are now open and close on Friday 19 July. Further details, including eligibility criteria and application process, can be found at https://

Stand for your community

This September, the NSW Government is callin on people from all backgrounds to stand for election to their local council. NSW councils need to represent diverse communities. Councils play a vital role in their communities and councillors’ decisions affect your daily life. You could help make life better in your community. No formal qualifcations are required and training is available for elected councillors.

Nominations open on 5 August and close 14 August 2024. Local government elections are on 14 September 2024.

If you or someone you know would make a great councillor, visit the O fce o Local Government’s website for more information.

NEWS 19 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent

Samantha’s Book


A world of absurdism ready to be ordered

Title: Genevieve Knows too Much

Author: Susie Allanson

Price: $22.95

Publisher: Shawline Publishing By Samantha Elley

Hot o the presses is the new title from Shawline Publishing: ‘Genevieve Knows Too Much’.

Prime Minister Julian Pope is right wing to the extreme and doesn’t mind mixing in some religious beliefs if he thinks it will win him votes.

Genevieve Parker is the glamorous news anchor all men, and a few women, love to watch on their tellies at night while eating their TV dinner on the lounge.

Genevieve knows everything about everything and digs

deep to ensure her viewers nd out as well. When the absolute unthinkable happens to the Prime Minister, Genevieve wants to know more.

From there we are launched into a world of absurdism where the comical and the ‘tragical’ happen at a fast pace.

When there is so much to ght for, why not make sure you have the winning hand when you go into battle?

Susie Allanson OAM Phd lives in Melbourne, Australia and works as a clinical psychologist. She has written other books including Murder on His Mind (A true crime book on the murder of a security guard at the clinic where she worked) and Empowering Women: From Murder and Misogyny to High Court Victory. You can pre-order your copy of ‘Gevenieve Knows to Much’ at shawlinepublishing.

25 primary schools across regional and rural Australia will receive a boost thanks to funding through the 2024 CRT Primary Schools Program.

In its third year, the CRT Primary Schools Program will distribute $50,000 among Parents and Friends Associations (P&Fs) of primary schools in regional and rural Australia.

Head of Independents, Rebecca Gay highlighted the program’s overwhelming response this year.

“We received over 100 applications, making it a challenging task for the selection panel to narrow it down to the 25 successful applicants,” said Ms Gay.

“CRT stores are local

employers in many regional communities, and schools play a vital role in these areas.

This program aims to recognise the crucial contributions P&F associations make in fostering the growth and development of the next generation.”

“We believe investing in primary schools is an investment in a smart, strong, and confdent

future for regional Australia.”

This year’s funding will support various initiatives, including improving outdoor play spaces, upgrading technologies in the classroom, and providing funding for sporting and educational equipment and ag learning resources.

“We’re seeing many P&F associations

eager to connect with agriculture through cattle clubs and paddock to play initiatives.

These projects provide students with a hands-on connection to food and agriculture and a chance to immerse themselves in the outdoors,” said Ms Gay.

“We’re also pleased to be able to fund excursions and extracurricular activities, which are often a struggle for regional and remote schools to access.”

The CRT Primary Schools Program will return in 2025. For a list of successful applicants visit: au/primary-schoolsprogram/ Ladysmith Public School, recipient of a CRT grant in 2023

Have your say on the future of Byron Bay foreshore

The Byron Shire community is invited to have their say on the future of the Byron Bay foreshore throughout June and July.

Byron Shire Council’s Director Infrastructure Services, Phil Holloway, said that a concept plan has been developed for the iconic area, which is one of the community’s most beloved places and attracts a huge amount of visitors every year. It is also of great importance to traditional landowners.

The plan proposes a range of changes and upgrades across four main areas including the Main Beach carpark, Apex Park, Dening Park and Clarkes Beach. The community’s invited to view the concept plan and have a say via Council’s website until 31 July.

“The foreshore area is quite degraded now and has accessibility and emergency access issues, so this plan will guide gradual upgrades to the site over the next ten years,” Mr

Holloway said.

“Feedback from the community will be used to determine the best uses for different parts of the site, and also guide the relocation of The Beach Café at Clarkes Beach so that it’s further back from the dune,” he said.

“Some of the ideas proposed are to remove the exe-loos from Main Beach and build some much-needed and welldesigned new toilet and shower facilities that can service this popular area into the future.

“One option for the community to consider is replacing the current ‘ocean view’ car park at Main Beach with green open space and a beautiful wide footpath promenade which will return the whole space to pedestrians and allow people to walk, roll or ride all the way from First Sun Caravan Park to the Lighthouse,” Mr Holloway said.

“To ensure there’s no net loss of car parking for the area, the plan proposes to use the

existing car park behind the pool and build a multi-story carpark there – near the shops and tucked out of the way,” he said.

“However, we know that the ocean-view carpark is signifcant to the community, as well as generating signifcant income for Council, so there is also an option to keep it with a slight reduction in parking numbers to improve accessibility.”

“Council staff have looked at the Byron Bay Town Centre Masterplan and Main Beach Shoreline Project, as well as consulting with key stakeholders on the project, to develop a plan that refects what everyone values,” Mr Holloway said.

“Now we want to hear from the wider community on what we’ve got right, what we’ve got wrong and whether there’s anything we’ve missed.”

“We’re hosting some information sessions at Apex Park and farmers

market in June and the July Byron Community Market to talk about the plan and answer questions, and people can review the foreshore plan and provide feedback anytime online via Council’s website until the end of July,” he said.

Information sessions about the Byron Bay Foreshore Plan will be held as follows:

• Thursday 20 June –Byron Farmers Market (6.30am – 11am)

• Saturday 22 June –Byron Surf Club (9am – 12pm)

• Thursday 27 June –Byron Farmers Market (6.30am – 11am)

• Friday 28 June –Apex Park, Byron Bay (2.30pm – 5.30pm)

• Sunday 7 July –Byron Community Market (7am – 2pm)

If you can’t make it to a session, you can have your say on the project via Council’s website until 31 July 2024.

NEWS 20 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024

Flood damaged information centre to be demolished ahead of Budd Park upgrade

The Council is seeking community feedback on a draft concept plan to upgrade Budd Park in Murwillumbah, a popular meeting spot beside the Tweed River. This upgrade is part of a $15.5 million funding package from the Australian and NSW governments aimed at restoring and improving community assets damaged by storms or foods.

The proposal includes plans to demolish the World Heritage Rainforest Centre, which once housed the Murwillumbah Visitor Information Centre. The Centre was heavily damaged in the 2017 and 2022 foods.

Mayor of Tweed Shire, Chris Cherry, explained that the Council decided to remove the food-prone building to prioritize public safety and reduce future risks associated with its vulnerable location. “Budd Park is a signifcant meeting place for Tweed residents, with generations of families enjoying picnics on the lawns and the river

serving as a picturesque backdrop for Year 12 formal photos,” said Mayor Cherry. “The demolition of the building will allow for the revitalization of the park. The space previously occupied by the building and internal car park will be converted into parkland, enhancing access to quality public open space for residents and visitors. This transformation will create a vibrant community hub,

promoting outdoor activities and social interaction, and signifcantly improving the area’s aesthetic and recreational value.”

Proposed works include:

• Demolishing the World Heritage Rainforest Centre and internal road

• Repairing existing public toilets

• Retaining the western car park with an additional accessible parking bay

With infation effecting the lives of many, we don’t want you to miss out on enjoying your life. To help out with the cost of living, we have teamed up with some local businesses to offer discounts through a range of different products and services. Get in contact with these businesses today to fnd out more details.

• Reducing the size of the eastern car park by fve spaces, resealing the car park, and enabling entry and exit onto Tweed Valley Way

• Installing accessible shelters, barbecues, picnic tables, seating, and rubbish bins

• Creating connecting pathways and bike racks

• Installing a drinking fountain

• Adding informative food markers and painting the existing feature pole

• Landscaping and tree planting Mayor Cherry emphasised that the decision to demolish the Centre arose from the need to address public safety and reduce food risks. “Frequent fooding has caused extensive damage to the building, making it uninhabitable without signifcant repairs. Additionally, its food-prone location makes the building uninsurable, imposing a fnancial burden on the

Council and diverting funds from other essential community projects and services.”

“The proposed upgrade offers an opportunity to deliver modern, resilient infrastructure capable of withstanding future weather events,” she added.

The Murwillumbah Visitor Information Centre has been relocated to Murwillumbah Railway Station, at the trailhead of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail. The Green Cauldron Panorama mural, previously located within the Centre, has been stored for safekeeping.

The World Heritage Rainforest Centre is scheduled for demolition in late 2024, with construction beginning in early 2025.

The Council invites residents to provide their feedback on the draft concept plan for the Budd Park upgrade before 4 pm on July 10, 2024.

View the concept plan and share your input at buddpark.

NEWS 21 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent 6/40 Richmond St Wardell - Phone 02 6683 4078 SENIORS DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE
Each business will have there own terms and conditions. Please contact them today to fnd out more.
An artist impression of the Concept Plan for the upgrade of Budd Park. Overlooking the Tweed River at the gateway to Murwillumbah, Budd Park has long been a popular attraction for locals and visitors. The World Heritage Rainforest Centre was substantially damaged in the 2017 and 2022 foods and will be demolished to make way for the upgrade of Budd Park.

Making collected sense…

Iam sure I’m not unique or even extreme in any way, when it comes to the passion I have for the things I collect. Maybe it’s a throwback to more innocent times, but having collections was something we all seemed to have once. I rounded up postcards as a kid, and now as an adult I collect books by Nobel Prize winners, and Melbourne Football Club memorabilia (eclectic, I know).

One of my favourite essays of all-time is called ‘Unpacking my library’ which was written in 1931 by the German literary and cultural theorist Walter Benjamin. For those afflicted with the collecting bug, it is 11 pages of the purest reflections that delve into the iridescent heart of what ‘acquiring things’, is all about.

Aptly, Benjamin notes, “Making the old world new again – that is the deepest drive in the collector’s desire to acquire new things.”

There is something about retrieving or resurrecting time in some way, making it fresh or somehow alive again via objects, that deeply appeals to me when I collect the things I do. As such, Benjamin went on to say, “For the collector, ownership is the very deepest relationship a person can have with things: not that they live inside him; it is he who lives in them… Period, region, craft, previous owners – all, for the true collector, merge in one of his possessions into a magical encyclopedia whose quintessence is the fate of his object.”

I was reminded of

NSW Government Invests in AI-Driven Water Usage Study to Improve Regional Water Effciency

The NSW Government is embarking on an innovative trial to better understand water usage patterns among residents in regional New South Wales. By investing $163,500, the government aims to improve water effciency by leveraging smart meters and advanced artifcial intelligence (AI) technology.

Project Overview

this recently when I spied a handwritten letter, dated 1899, by the first ever winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature – Sully Prudhomme. To some I may well have paid an exorbitant sum for what could be considered a signed shopping list (it is essentially a memo to his publisher about a book he was due to appear in). But for mine, it is akin to bottled lightning: there is something so magical about it, I just can’t help but bound out to my letterbox each day waiting for it to arrive. Relatedly, Prudhomme won the inaugural Nobel Prize in 1901 under a cumulonimbus-like cloud of praise, and criticism. However, it wasn’t his fault that the more favoured Tolstoy, Emile Zola or Mark Twain did not take out the award in its first year. That Prudhomme was a worthy trailblazing recipient is echoed in one of the few translated passages you’ll find written by him, “In my soul rages a battle without victor. Between faith without proof and reason without charm.”

And so, back to Walter Benjamin, he was not to live beyond his 48th year, having taken his own life on the Spanish border trying to escape to America, and the lunacy of Nazi occupation. He once very masterfully chimed, “Every sort of passion verges on chaos, I know, but what the collecting passion verges on is a chaos of memories… For what are these possessions but a disorder in which, habit having made itself at home among them, that disorder can seem like its opposite.”

The trial, set to run over the next six months, will measure water consumption in Ballina, Bathurst, Dubbo, and the Murray River Council area. These locations were selected for their existing smart meter installations and their representation of diverse regional areas, ranging from the coast to the inland. The study is being conducted by Griffth University using its AI software program, Autofow, which will analyse the smart meter data to determine water usage down to specifc household activities. Technology and Methodology

Autofow uses preexisting knowledge from other water usage studies to analyse data from smart meters. This data is then categorized into different household activities such as showering, brushing teeth, flling water bottles, or boiling kettles. The insights gained will provide a detailed picture of water consumption patterns, enabling the government and Local Water Utilities to make informed decisions regarding water management, especially during droughts and

periods of peak demand.

Traditionally, households have relied on water meters that require manual reading every few months, making it diffcult to understand detailed water usage. In contrast, smart meters are digital devices that can remotely send measurement data to Local Water Utilities, providing a real-time view of water consumption.

Expected Outcomes

The trial is being delivered by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water through its NSW Water Effciency Program. Results are expected later this year and will help shape future water management strategies.

Ashraf El-Sherbini, Executive Director of Operations Resilience at the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, emphasized the signifcance of the study:

“If someone asked you how much water you use every day to shower, brush your teeth, fll up your water bottle, or boil the kettle, most people wouldn’t know. This study will bring smart meters and

AI technology together to help us understand exactly how much water is being used in regional homes and for what purposes.”

Implications for Water Management

Understanding supply and demand trends will enable the government and Local Water Utilities to make more informed decisions about water management in regional NSW. This includes determining how to minimize water usage, when to implement water restrictions, whether infrastructure needs upgrading, and how to maximize the effciency of available water resources.

A similar trial conducted in metropolitan areas proved successful, prompting the extension of the study to regional NSW. This initiative refects the ongoing commitment to boost water effciency and ensure that no drop of water is wasted.

Academic Perspective

Professor Rodney Stewart from Griffth University’s School of Engineering & Built Environment highlighted the innovative aspects of the project:

“Our innovative Artifcial Intelligence software model has been created using existing water data and various AI techniques to identify usage trends and patterns that are captured on the smart meter. The software will then harvest this information and categorize it into different residential activities from fushing a toilet to running a bath and watering the garden.”

By partnering with the NSW Government, Griffth University aims to shed light on regional water use, providing crucial data that will help shape future water effciency programs across the state.

Conclusion This groundbreaking trial represents a signifcant step towards more effcient water management in regional NSW. By utilizing state-of-the-art technology and AI, the NSW Government aims to gain valuable insights into water consumption patterns, ultimately leading to better water resource management and sustainability for local communities.

NEWS 22 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
Ballina Exclusive Company 02 6681 6038 Ballina’s only legal brothel. Private and clean. Open 7 days 10am til very late Call in 34 Piper Dr, Ballina Your pleasure is our business...

Glen Innes Severn Council Celebrates Success at New South Wales Local Government Awards

Glen Innes Severn Council celebrated a remarkable evening at the New South Wales Local Government Awards in Sydney on Friday, June 7, securing multiple accolades in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the local government sector.

Rural Management Challenge Triumph

The Council’s Rural Management Challenge (RMC) team, known as the ‘Highlanders,’ emerged as state winners, triumphing over 24 other councils. The team, comprised of Rhonda Bombell (Coordinator of Economic Development and Tourism), David Hunt (Manager of Assets), Shageer Mohammed (Chief Financial Offcer), and Anthony Kamphorst (Manager of Infrastructure Delivery), initially won the regional heat in Bellingen in November 2023, advancing to the state fnal in Sydney in February 2024.

The RMC fnal challenged the Highlanders with complex scenarios that simulated real-world situations, testing their strategic thinking, decision-making skills, and knowledge of rural management practices. Their exceptional performance demonstrated a profound understanding of the challenges faced by rural communities, securing their victory as state


Asset and Infrastructure Award

Adding to the evening’s success, Glen Innes Severn Council received the Asset and Infrastructure Award for the construction of the Yarrow Creek Bridge on Mount Mitchell Road. This award highlighted the Council’s innovative approach to upskilling staff, enabling them to complete intricate projects internally and

reduce dependency on external contractors.

Glen Innes Severn was among eight councils nominated for this prestigious award.

Leadership and Community Impact

Mayor Rob Banham expressed immense pride in the Council’s achievements, stating, “Council’s success at the LG Awards night is a clear indication of the hard work within Glen Innes Severn Council.

Winning two prestigious awards motivates us to continue striving for excellence in all aspects of our operations.”

General Manager

Bernard Smith, who attended the LG Awards night, also lauded the Council’s accomplishments: “We are incredibly proud of our staff’s achievements. The Rural Management Challenge award highlights the Highlanders’ strategic

thinking and leadership capabilities, while the Award for Asset and Infrastructure refects our Infrastructure Delivery Team’s ongoing efforts to enhance and maintain our community’s essential services.”

Celebrating Collective Achievements

The Glen Innes Severn Council extends its congratulations to all winners and nominees, celebrating the collective achievements that strengthen the vitality of local government in NSW. This recognition underscores the Council’s commitment to excellence and its dedication to improving the community through innovative practices and effective leadership.

By securing these awards, Glen Innes Severn Council not only showcases its capabilities but also sets a benchmark for other councils in New South Wales, inspiring continued growth and development within the local government sector.

NEWS 23 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent 2024 MAKE YOUR BOOKINGS FOR YOUR SPECIAL EVENTS FOR 2024


State Nationals MP for Clarence Richie Williamson has renewed calls in the NSW Parliament for the Minns Labor Government to implement a 10-year dredging strategy for the Clarence and Evans rivers, similar to plans the Government has put in place to dredge Swansea Channel in the Lake Macquarie region to improve navigation and provide improved access.

Mr Williamson recently moved a motion in the NSW Parliament calling on the Minns Labor Government to develop a long-term dredging plan for both the Clarence and Evans rivers systems.

“In river communities like ours, continual maintenance of rivers like the Clarence and Evans rivers is essential on many levels, including environmental, economic and recreational,” Mr

Williamson said.

“These rivers are the lifeblood of communities that live along them, and it is evident that dredging is required to keep them in optimum health.

“The Yamba and Evans boat harbours are home to a commercial fshing feet, a booming recreational fshing and boating enthusiasts and a signifcant maritime sector, including Marine Rescue. Hundreds and hundreds of jobs could be at risk if action isn’t taken.”

Mr Williamson said in addition, the continuing silting up of the river’s ecosystem increases the risk of fooding in terms of river height and fow rates.

“I will work with the NSW Government to get these very important projects underway, which will beneft the entire community,” Mr Williamson concluded.


Work is well underway to ensure the Northern Rivers region is better prepared to withstand future severe weather events, with physical works now starting this week to improve a stretch of Clarence Way.

The only road connecting north to south in this area, Clarence Way provides a vital thoroughfare between Woodenbong and Grafton in the south.

The project is being funded through more than $27 million from the Albanese and New South Wales Governments and Kyogle Council. This includes;

• A $10 million grant from the joint FederalState Regional Roads and Transport Recovery Package to ensure the road is rebuilt stronger and is better able to withstand future weather events.

• A further $9.09 million jointly-funded will fx damage from recent foods.

• The signifcant roads project is also boosted by a $4 million election funding commitment from the NSW Government, and;

• $4.26 million from Kyogle Council.

Kyogle Council will lead the rebuild of the road, which is severely potholed with many other pavement failures along this 22-kilometre stretch, as well as sections south of Sandilands and between Bonalbo and Urbenville.

Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Murray Watt:

“All three levels of Government have been working really hard behind the scenes to get this, and many other Northern Rivers projects to the point where they’re ready to start physical works, so it’s very exciting to see it hit this milestone.

“The Albanese Government is committed to building back better from natural disasters.

“When we make key roads like this one better able to withstand severe weather conditions, we improve evacuation and recovery efforts for communities right across the region.”

Quotes attributable to NSW Regional Transport and Roads Minister, Jenny Aitchison:

“The NSW Government is pleased to deliver its election commitment for Clarence Way.

“This additional $4 million in addition to the $5 million contributed to the RRTRP by the State Government will not only repair the damage caused by the natural disaster but ensure the road is more reliable in the future and safer for local residents and visitors.

The NSW Government is committed to building back better. We know for every $1 spent on resilience, we save $10

in disasters.”

Quotes attributable to NSW Minister for Emergency Services, Jihad Dib:

“This is another example of all levels of Government coming together and getting on with recovery in the Northern Rivers.

“It is also important that we take these opportunities to build back better and this investment in Clarence Way will help ensure it will better withstand future weather events.

“It is great to see this project getting underway, showcasing how the NSW Reconstruction Authority can help coordinate across three levels of government to make priority improvements which will help boost resilience and assist communities recover from disasters.”

Quotes attributable to NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery and State Member for Lismore, Janelle Saffn:

“I’m proud to be delivering on one of my key election commitments to Kyogle Council –$4 million towards improving food immunity of the Clarence Way at Tunglebung and Culmarran creeks between Sandilands and Bonalbo.

“This commitment is an integral part of a more signifcant betterment project for this section of the Clarence Way under Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements

and is a win for local residents who campaigned for safety improvements and for all motorists who use the road.

“I worked closely with locals, including Kyogle councillors and staff to ensure that the community campaign to upgrade Clarence Way got real traction.”

Quotes attributable to Kyogle Council Mayor Cr Kylie Webster: “We thank the Australian and NSW Governments for providing the betterment funding to make the Clarence Way more food resilient.

“The Clarence Way is a vital transport link for residents in the west of our local government area.

“It was badly impacted in the 2022 foods and the RRTRP funding will allow Council to build it back better, ensuring residents of Bonalbo, Old Bonalbo and beyond have a safer, more reliable road including during times of heavy rainfall events.”

For more information on the Regional Roads and Transport Recovery Package, visit:

NEWS 24 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
Richie Williamson at the Evans Head boat harbour Clarence Way signage taken May 2024 Janelle and Kyogle Deputy Mayor Cr Tom Cooper, Bonalbo Works Depot
RURAL NEWS 20th of June, 2024 YOUR Including lines of Bullocks, Steers, Weaners, Cows/Calves & Cows PTIC Cattle will be pre-weighed & sold live weight David Farrell 0437 448 455 | Office 02 6642 5200 | Lachlan Gay 0477 123 770 9 Coldstream Street Ulmarra NSW 2462 | | T H E G R A F T O N S T O R E C A T T L E S A L E Thursday the 20th of June - Grafton Saleyards - 9am


Statistics By Stock Type



The NRLX in Casino saw a yarding of 1470 head on June 12, marking a decrease of 200 from the previous week. Young cattle were plentiful, mainly vealers and weaners, with some yearlings. Quality was mixed, with many weaners showing winter effects, though there were some well-bred cattle.

Prices varied: lightweight weaner steers and heifers remained stable, while medium weight steers dropped 5-10 cents, averaging 323 cents/kg. Restocker heifers declined by 10-20 cents. Grown steers topped at 275 cents, and grown heifers at 256 cents/kg. The cow market struggled, and heavy bulls sold at 240 cents/kg.




372 Total Head Yarded - 203 Export - 169 Young Cattle

372 head yarded today with the quality being fair to good.

With an extra Export buyer present, bullocks lifted 10-




The livestock numbers for the weekly sales were slightly higher this week than the previous sales. Is this a sign of the change in conditions or not ? As we move further into the winter the condition of stock if not supplemented will deteriorate. This is the age old conundrum do I feed them or do I sell them? This is a frustrating time for both purchasers and vendors as they all like to do their job properly. The market for Beef was on the back- burn as both restockers and processsors took a long hard look at things. Sheep and Lamb market was slightly different with the heavy trade and export types up as well as feed on types , only if they were going forward.

Vealer steers av 303.1c/kg topping at 352.2c/kg or $685.97 to $1232.00

Vealer heifers av 239.9c/kg topping at 302.2c/kg or $536.66 to $938

Feeder steers av 284.2c/kg topping at 340.2c/kg or $995.43 to $1457.94

Feeder heifers av 242.8c/kg topping at 268.2c/kg or $817.82 to $1148.33

Yearling steers av 317.3c/kg topping at 378.2c/kg or $785.25 to $1401.83

Yearling heifers av 245.4c/kg topping at 346.2c/kg or $710.88 to $1411.83

Steers av 264.7c/kg topping at 305c/kg or $1567.33 to $1931.89

Heifers av 227c/kg topping at 290.2c/kg or $993.35 to $1352.33

Cows av 179.9c/kg topping at 225.2c/kg or $933.35 to $1563.77

15c/kg, topping at 264.2c/kg. The cow market held frm on previous Fat Sales. The quality of the young cattle was mixed with the good quality calves selling frm. However, the light calves sold to a slightly cheaper trend today.


• A/c JB & FJ Gorrie sold Limousin Cross Bullocks 264.2c/kg averaged 663kg - $1,751.65 p/hd

Bulls av 243.5c/kg topping at 318.2c/kg or $1105.86 to $2275.00

Sale total of 1231 head was at $$834.69

Lambs topped at $190 to av $135.19 ($ 8/head up )

Hoggets topped at $134 to av $90.85 ( $14/head up )

Ewes topped at $114 to av $60.78 ($ 14/head down)

Wethers topped at $90 to av $61.07 ($14/head down )

Rams topped at $114 to av $42.93 ($27/ head down)

Lamb rams topped at $130 to av $99.39 ($28/head up )

Ewe lambs topped at $170 to av $146.21 ($ 21/head up )

Sale total of 1926 head was $112.79 a rise of $8/head across the total yarding.

Pig numbers were up this week and prices were frmer. Boars sold to $130, Sows to $186, Pork $116 to $290, Stores from $ 40 to $195

Poultry numbers seemed to be unaffected by the seasonal aspects with Rosters selling to $22.50, Hens o $25, Laying hens to $15, Ducks to $ $15, Guinea Fowl to $15, Turkeys selling to $40, Peacocks selling to $30


A similar yarding of sheep and lambs were at the weekly sale, with the only difference being in weight , fnish and type compared to the last weeks sale. The Western growers sent a few lines of very handy Merino types and along with the New England and local vendors saw a sale that was up in value for most categories. Lambs topped at $190 to av $135.19 ($8/head up ), Hoggets topped at $134 to av $90.85 ($18/head up ), Ewes topped at $114 to av $60.78 ($14/head down), Wethers topped at $90 to av $61.07 ($14/head down), Rams topped at $114 to av $42.93 ($27/head down), Lamb rams topped at $130 to av $99.39 ($28/head up), Ewe lambs topped at $170 to av $146.21 . The total yarding of 1926 head averaged $112.79 per head a rise of $8/head over last week.

• A/c GW & JM Clarke sold a Brahman Cow 209.2c/kg weighed 645kg - $1,349.34

• A/c RJ Wright sold a Charolais Bull 223.2c/kg weighed 905kg - $2,019.96

• A/c M Howard sold Angus Heifers 244.2c/kg averaged 234.2kg - $571.84 p/hd

• A/c JG Janes & AH Gibson sold Angus Cross Steers 330.2c/kg averaged 150kg - $495.30 p/hd

Greenup Maryland P/S sold Dorset lambs 54.5kg to Tonys Supa Meats and Eversons for $188

Baines Family sold 50kg Dorper x lambs to Eversons for $160

David Sedgwick sold Dorper x lambs 52kg to Eversons for $161

Allen Family sold Xbred lambs 57kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $190, 53.5kg to Warwick Meats for $177, Hoggets 73.8kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $132, wethers to Eversons for $90

Stuart & Prue Barkla sold Dorset lambs shorn 52.1kg to Eversons for $160, 47.4kg to Eversons for $137

Russell & Jackie Hughes sold Suffolk lambs off crop 44.5kg to GR Prime for $139, 90kg hoggets to Take IT Easy Meats for $133

Andy & Helen Ferrier sold Dorper lambs 46kg to Mc Mahon Bros for $161

Cobby & Theresa Hobbs sold Dorper lambs 45kg to GR Prime for $139, hoggets 48kg to restockers for $126

Dugald & Jenny Spenceley sold Dorper lambs 51kg to Warwick Meats for $166, 45kg to Mc Intyre Meats for $136

Owen Mc Auley sold Merino hogget wethers 53.8kg to Eversons for $70, 46.4kg to Eversons for $49, 53kg wethers to Eversons for $67, Merino stag to Eversons for $50 and Merino wether to restockers for $68

Hacker Family sold Merino wethers 2 and 4tooth 46.8kg to restockers for $82, 45kg to Eversons for $60, Ewe 2and 4 tooth 47 and 45kg to Eversons for $51, 35kg ewe 2and 4 tooth to Eversons for $27, 32.5kg wethers to restockers for $28 and $10, Polled rams to restockers for $80, to Eversons for $30, to restockers for $30, Horned Merino rams to Eversons for $30

Fred Hacker sold Merino wethers to Eversons for $79, Ewes to Eversons for $55, stags to Leslie Lamb for $70, rams to Eversons for $37

CONTACT US - The Northern Rivers Times Rural Edition ✆ 1300 679 787 SALES 02 6662 6222

Albury - 02 6080 9520, Casino - 02 6662 6222, Dubbo - 02 5858 4078, Grafton - 02 5632 3041, Moree - 02 6794 3889, Tamworth - 02 5719 1656, Wagga Wagga - 02 5940 8516 Directors, co-owners and co-founders: Jeffrey Gibbs and Sharon Bateman

ISSN: 2652-7928 a Genesis Media company ABN: 84 134 238 181 All rights reserved © 2024 Distribution Coffs Harbour north to Southport and west to Tenterfield weekly.

e Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange PRIME Cattle (41) : 12 June 2024 ALL DATA Per: Head --- PRICE --CATEGORY LOTS QTY LOW AVG HIGH VALUE COWS & CALVES 5 4 150.00 506.00 640.00 2530.00 Sale Summary 5 4 150.00 506.00 640.00 2530.00 Per: Kg --- PRICE --- --- VALUE --- --- TOTAL --CATEGORY LOTS QTY LOW AVG HIGH LOW AVG HIGH WEIGHT VALUE BULLOCKS 31 11 110.2 237.5 275.0 325.09 1679.74 2064.63 21925 52071.90 BULLS 34 25 130.0 215.6 245.2 420.00 1249.71 2265.26 19705 42490.16 COWS 291 148 20.0 172.8 256.2 52.00 828.45 1537.25 139510 241077.52 HEIFERS 501 199 80.0 224.3 288.2 70.00 541.66 1537.20 120977.5 271370.57 STEERS 578 270 26.2 302.8 382.2 19.21 730.51 1724.84 139465 422234.86 VEALER BULL 23 8 162.2 256.2 338.2 409.56 659.32 794.77 5920 15164.32 Sale Summary 1458 661 20.0 233.4 382.2 19.21 716.33 2265.26 447502.5 1044409.33
KB1 At Workstation OUTCROSSOFFICE1 Page: 1
Report Prepared At 17:47 Wednesday, June 12,

Foot-and-Mouth Disease Case Numbers Stabilize in Indonesia

The incidence of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Indonesia has stabilized, with daily reported cases decreasing from over 12,000 during the peak of the outbreak in mid-2022 to approximately 25 per day currently.

Effective from June 4, 2024, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry will align biosecurity measures for travellers arriving from Indonesia with those applicable to other countries.

Deputy Secretary of Biosecurity, Operations and Compliance, Justine Saunders APM, stated that the department has been closely monitoring the FMD situation since the outbreak began in May 2022.

“FMD case numbers in Indonesia have stabilized

and are now comparable to the 70 other countries where FMD is present,” said Ms. Saunders.

“Following revised scientifc risk assessments, the department will remove some biosecurity measures at the Australian border that have been in place for travellers from Indonesia since mid-2022.

“Travelers arriving from Indonesia will now be subject to the same biosecurity controls as those from any other FMD-affected country.

“While sanitation foot mats will no longer be used for fights arriving from Indonesia, heightened biosecurity measures will remain for all international fights.”

These measures include:

• Increased use of

detector dogs trained to identify biosecurity risks.

• Enhanced screening with 2D x-ray technology and trials with advanced 3D x-rays.

• Real-time risk assessments conducted by Australian biosecurity offcers.

• Targeted communication and increased signage to inform travellers.

Ms. Saunders emphasized that managing risks at the Australian border is part of a broader effort to enhance regional biosecurity.

“Australia continues to support our neighbouring countries and key trading partners in addressing animal disease challenges,” Ms. Saunders said.

“The Australian

Government’s support for Indonesia’s FMD response included providing 4 million vaccine doses and training over 100 Indonesian quarantine offcers through the Biosecurity Training Centre at Charles Sturt University.

“This support has been pivotal in Indonesia’s effective response to FMD and has reinforced our national biosecurity system.

“Thanks to our robust biosecurity protocols, effective management in Indonesia, and the vigilance of incoming traveller’s, Australia remains free from FMD.”

Fast Facts

• Sanitation foot mats, introduced at international airports in July 2022 and cruise

terminals in September 2022, will no longer be used for travellers from Indonesia starting June 4, 2024.

• Non-compliance with biosecurity requirements can result in penalties, including fnes up to $6,260 and visa cancellations.

• Since 2022, detector dogs have been trained to identify additional FMD risk products, which will continue to be targeted.

• Ongoing enhanced measures to address global biosecurity risks include:

o Real-time risk assessments by biosecurity offcers, including post-arrival risk indicators and targeted questioning of travellers.

o Application of biosecurity profles to identify high-risk

traveller’s, mail, and goods.

o Referral of high-risk passengers and mail for biosecurity screening.

o Continued screening with 2D x-ray technology and trials with advanced 3D x-rays.

o Expanded deployment of detector dogs at all major international airports and mail facilities.

o Targeted communication and engagement to raise awareness of biosecurity risks and import requirements.

The Australian Government has committed over $10 million to support Indonesia’s response to the FMD outbreak.

Creating Agricultural Career Prospects through the AgCAREERSTART Pilot Program

Young Australians seeking careers in the agriculture industry will beneft from the AgCAREERSTART pilot program. This initiative offers successful applicants aged 18-25 the opportunity for a practical placement on a farm over a 10-12 month period.

Commencing in November 2021, the AgCAREERSTART

pilot program has provided 180 young people with invaluable experience working in agriculture at the start of their careers. The program includes on-the-job training, free lodging with the host farm, a development grant, and the chance to build strong industry relationships.

Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry Policy

Matthew Lowe praised the program as a fantastic initiative that connects farmers with individuals seeking career pathways in the sector. “The pilot program has been valuable for both employers and participants, with 82% of participants completing their placement,” said Lowe. “A high percentage of them (80%) also

indicated they will stay in the agriculture sector following their time with the program.”

Lowe emphasized the importance of the program in reaching the agricultural sector’s goal of becoming a $100 billion industry by 2030.

“To reach this goal, it is vital to have a pipeline of young, motivated Australians in this space,” he said. “The AgCAREERSTART

pilot program connects young like-minded people, creating strong relationships and networking opportunities for participants.”

The agricultural sector offers diverse career pathways, including animal husbandry, developing and operating state-ofthe-art machinery and technology, business, marketing, and STEM

research and analysis. The Federal Budget for 2023-24 has committed an additional $500,000 to the $5 million initiative, extending the pilot for a further two years.

For more information on the AgCAREERSTART pilot program, visit www.agcareerstart.

RURAL NEWS 27 June 20, 2024 e Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
Photo by the University of Sydney

Demand for Fodder Remains High Despite Recent Rainfall

Recent rainfall across four states has not reduced the high demand for fodder needed to support drought-affected livestock.

Australia’s most trusted rural charity, Rural Aid, reported that farmers were immensely relieved by the recent rains, particularly in south-western Western Australia, which had been experiencing its driest conditions on record.

“This rain could not have come at a better time given the circumstances producers had in front of them,” said Rural Aid CEO John Warlters.

“But we don’t expect the demand for fodder, or the challenge in sourcing it, to change in the short to medium term.”

Many farming families, having received only light relief, still hope for more rain in the coming weeks.

Large areas of Victoria remain exceptionally

dry, with autumn rainfall among the lowest 10% on record for the southwest, west, north-east, and East Gippsland.

South Australia has seen some relief with average falls between fve to 15mm but remains parched.

“Rural Aid continues to be active right across the country at this time, providing hay for livestock, drinking water,

and fnancial relief,” Mr. Warlters added.

“Our counsellors are particularly active, providing one-on-one support and attending various industry events to ensure they are visible and easily accessible to anyone who wants to chat.”

In the past month, Rural Aid coordinated 29 fodder drops across the country.

Western Australia: Funded in part by the Cook Government, Rural Aid delivered stock feed, hay, water tanks, emergency household drinking water, and counselling support. They connected with farmers and families at drought resilience events in Yornup and Manjimup.

South Australia: A series of hay drops

over multiple weeks have been scheduled, with the most recent drop at Quorn on Monday (June 3). Further drops are planned, pending additional rain and continued access to fodder.

Victoria/NSW: Rural Aid counsellors continue to provide wellbeing support while discussions with industry stakeholders are

ongoing to determine how Rural Aid can best support farmers beyond its traditional service delivery.

Queensland: Producers impacted by late 2023 bushfres across the Southern and Western Darling Downs are receiving support with hay and counselling. Additionally, 30 volunteers recently spent a week working on nine properties in and around Tara.

Mr. Warlters emphasized that Rural Aid heavily relies on community and corporate support to fund its activities and is encouraging tax-time donations to sustain its efforts.

“With June 30 just around the corner, now is an opportunity to make a tax-deductible donation in support of Rural Aid and ‘our mates in the bush’ – the farming families that need our help.”

Grants Up to $50,000 Available for Horticulture Events Across Australia

In an effort to enhance the future of the horticulture industry, the National Horticulture Roadshow has been launched to fund and promote exceptional industry events nationwide. Eligible organizations can now apply for grants of up to $50,000 to spotlight the latest advancements in horticultural practice and technology, aiming to build a more sustainable, resilient,

and competitive sector. Funded by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) and delivered by the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) and its Horticulture Council, the Roadshow supports regional events that beneft participants across the horticultural supply chain and the local communities that support them.

NFF Horticulture

Council Chair Jolyon Burnett emphasized the importance of the Roadshow for the industry. “The Roadshow will provide a unique platform for sharing knowledge, innovations, and best practices, driving the sector towards a more sustainable and prosperous future,” said Burnett. “By supporting events that bring the best practices and technologies to the

forefront, we can ensure our horticulture sector remains at the cutting edge and continues to thrive.”

The Roadshow funding will support new and existing events and activities designed to enhance the horticulture industry over a 12-month period, from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025. Applications are invited from eligible entities, including industry groups,

research organizations, and community groups, and close on Friday, 28 June 2024, at 5pm AEST.

For more information on the National Horticulture Roadshow and how to apply for grant funding, visit the NFF website.

About the Horticulture Council

The Horticulture Council, established in 2017, is the recognized

peak body for forming policy and advocating on behalf of the national horticulture industry. It comprises 21 national commodity and statebased horticulture bodies and is a member of the National Farmers’ Federation, advancing its own policy positions and responses to issues impacting the horticulture industry. For more information about the Council,

RURAL NEWS 28 e Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024 • Hydraulic parts & equipment • Hose & Fittings • Oils • Belts • Filters • Tools • Struts • Seals • Excavator bucket teeth & blades with many more products available IF WE DON’T HAVE IT, WE WILL GET IT ! 02 6642 4401 Personalised, Individual Pet Cremations Cedardale Park “Let Us Help” Pet Crematorium Pet Crematorium Please feel free to phone Andrew Pittaway at Cedardale Park on 02 6688 8304
Happy farmers at a SA hay drop June 2024 Hay drop near Quorn, SA June 2024



The rise of Battlesnake continues as they forge their path out of the underworld and across this earthly realm to deliver the fnal sermon ‘The Rise and Demise of the Motorsteeple’. Under the forbidding gaze of the winter solstice, gather with fellow disciples for a sinister soirée of music and malevolence.

As excitement mounts and anticipation builds, Battlesnake continues to solidify their position as one of the most exciting acts in the metal scene. Battlesnake’s electrifying performances have caught

the attention of the Australian music industry, leading them to support renowned acts such as KISS on their “End of The Road World Tour,” as well as The Smashing Pumpkins and Jane’s Addiction on ‘The World Is a Vampire Tour’.

Returning after their inaugural European Tour in May and showcasing at The Great Escape, Bearded Theory Festival UK and Sniester Festival NL, the band slithers back to the motherland to deliver their crushing riffs to their devout servants. Prepare to be ensnared

Prepare to be consumed

Prepare to embark on a mystical journey with Battlesnake’s highly anticipated album release All Hail Battlesnake!


• When: Friday 21st of June at 7pm

• Where: The Northern, Byron Bay

• Price: from $35.20

• Tickets: Via the QR code

JUNE 20, 2024

Place the digits 1 to 9 in the blue squares, so that all 6 equations are correct. Multiplication and/or division are performed rst, in whichever order they appear

followed by addition and/or subtraction, in whichever order they appear.


1 Who played the role of Kim Hyde in the TV series, Home and Away? (a) Margot Robbie (b) Kylie Minogue (c) Isla Fisher (d) Chris Hemsworth

2 In which sport do youth teams from across the world compete in the annual Gothia Cup in Sweden? (a) Netball (b) Handball (c) Football (d) Basketball

3 The character, Mallika, is a slave featured in which opera? (a) Lakmé (b) Nabucco (c) Aida (d) Turandot

4 Which one of the following products contains the highest amount of lycopene?

(a) Eggs (b) Polystyrene (c) Formaldehyde (d) Tomatoes

5 Waikiki is a popular tourist destination located on which of Hawaii’s four main islands?

(a) Kauai (b) Maui (c) Hawaii (d) Oahu

6 Selenology is the scientific study of what?

(a) The brain (b) The hand (c) The ocean (d) The moon


Which is the correct meaning for these words?


(a) Between zones

(b) Small and cosy

(c) Not disposed of by will


(a) Sleight-of-hand

(b) Nimbleness

(c) Array in legions


(a) Moistness

(b) Rubble in mason-work

(c) Half


(a) A dungeon with no opening but at the top

(b) A lock-opening tool

(c) A Sumatran ape


(a) A blasting explosive

(b) The rear part of a motor car body

(c) A crystalline rock formation



ACROSS 4 Finishes 8 Contend for a prize 9 Becomes more forgiving 12 Fact of being elsewhere 14 Anger 15 Stand for 18 Monkey 20 View 22 Public speaker 24 Brings into being 25 Hindu garment 26 Part of the eye 27 Heckled 29 Without fullness 31 Stingy person 34 As well 35 Embellishment 38 Printers measures 40 Smallest amount 41 Merciful 42 Component 43 Moves elsewhere DOWN 1 Fragments 2 Arbitrator 3 Cookery instructions 4 Stop 5 Combine 6 Water pitcher 7 Sibling 10 Unit of capacity 11 Tidy 13 Curving 16 Starry 17 Famous 19 Law-enforcers 21 Cowardly 23 Silly 24 System of belief 28 Rub out 29 Hammer-like tool 30 Middle East port 31 Dissolved 32 Pollen-bearing organ 33 Turn 36 Passing bounds of what is proper 37 Nominates 39 Bearing SOLUTIONS Puzzles and pagination supplied by Auspac Media No. 8487 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Quick Crossword DAILY CONVENTIONAL CROSSWORD 15 X 15 GRID P Note to Editor: Created in QUARK XPRESS. VER.4.03 Items not needed for publication can be erased as each is in a separate text box. Created: Ted Whillier Qxpress: 8487 Matt Trickey Checked: Rosemary Across 4 Diverts the attention 8 Irreligious 9 Apprehends 12 Angry 14 Writing fluid 15 Produces 18 Frozen treat 20 Kind of wheat 22 Wise counsellor 24 Common to both sexes 25 Fashion 26 Openings 27 Responded 29 Irrational animals 31 Commence 34 High mountain 35 Encouraged 38 Prosecute Down 1 Mars 2 Respect paid 3 Hid 4 Postpone 5 Inadequate 6 Prayer ending 7 Sibling 10 Ascended 11 Slight parody 13 Bank employees 16 Airman 17 Free from faults 19 Barrel maker 21 Drive forward 23 Nullified 24 Rub out 28 Anaesthetic 29 Conductors' wands recess 31 Garden pests 32 Slave to a habit 33 Bird 36 Family members 37 Stops up 39 Encourage Yesterday’s Solution U T T E R V O S A G E R U S T S R C A P E D C A S T N I I N T E N D R A E C A R P D O U L F L O I T E R E A N E W S R U G S C G T O M A A L I E N P Y D E F E S U R C O M P L E T E S C O M P E T E E W I R P C A R E L E N T S A L I B I S G I R E T P R E P R E S E N T A P E S C E N E T O R A T O R R D C R E A T E S L S A R R L E I R I S V N E E D L E D N C M E A G R E A M I S E R A N D A D O R N M E N T O L E M S U A L E A S T L E N E N T M T M A E E R E L E M E N T T R A N S F E R S D N E WEEKLY CROSSWORD B P H E L L O J O B P U L P A I L U A L P U Z Z L I N G N A N T S N Z S D I I A T T A C H E D S U N S E T S R R S A D D N O R U S E Q W I P P U P P E T N O V E M B E R E H A P A S T U N I T I C K L N G N E A U E U N A V Y F I X U P S E T M T CROSSCODE 18 8 5 17 24 24 14 9 14 18 8 12 24 8 19 16 24 12 19 24 P 8 12 Z 6 6 24 16 7 G 22 7 19 7 15 20 7 6 20 21 16 16 19 15 15 19 4 5 17 21 20 12 7 20 17 15 20 10 10 20 19 21 21 7 14 10 12 20 17 1 23 16 8 8 12 8 8 17 15 7 14 25 17 2 18 17 10 16 17 5 19 8 19 20 15 12 7 16 15 16 4 3 24 16 7 22 7 17 19 12 17 12 7 19 25 13 26 16 11 12 8 20 17 15 2 15
1 2 3 4 5 Z 6 7 P 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 G 22 23 24 25 26
Letters A to Z have a number value
are shown in the right hand cells Create remaining values using clues in centre cells © Auspac Media - AK1290 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 20 2 26 18 21 1 6 15 3 12 16 24 25 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A D+B N Q+W B E-Z O F+I 4 C S+I P O+U 9 D B×P 18 Q O+I E D+I R Y+X F K-H S Q+K G C-A 6 T I+X H O+T U O+F I G÷B V C÷B 13 J X+O W A÷B K G+W X L÷I L J×B Y J+B 14 M L+F Z O+H Letters A to Z have a number value. Some are shown in the right hand cells. Create remaining values using clues in centre cells. ALFAKODO WHICH WORDS 1 (c) Not disposed of by will 2 (b) Nimbleness 3 (c) Half 4 (b) A lock-opening tool 5 (a) A blasting explosive Here is a crossword with a di erence, all the letters of the alphabet are represented by a number in the grid and there are no clues. Some letters have been given as clues to get you started, use the code cracker grid below to keep track of each letter and their coded number. SUDOKU 7 8 1 5 4 1 3 2 6 4 3 9 9 6 3 7 6 1 5 6 9 8 1 7 4 Fill in the blank cells using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block. MEDIUM HARD 1 2 7 4 3 6 2 9 3 4 5 8 2 5 7 8 3 9 6 7 8 6 2 6 9 2 6 7 8 4 1 3 5 9 9 8 3 2 5 6 7 1 4 4 5 1 9 3 7 8 2 6 1 4 2 5 7 3 9 6 8 5 9 8 4 6 2 1 3 7 7 3 6 1 8 9 2 4 5 6 7 9 3 1 5 4 8 2 3 2 4 6 9 8 5 7 1 8 1 5 7 2 4 6 9 3 SUDOKU MEDIUM SUDOKU HARD 1 7 8 6 4 2 5 3 9 6 3 2 8 5 9 1 7 4 4 5 9 7 1 3 6 8 2 9 4 6 5 2 8 7 1 3 7 1 3 9 6 4 2 5 8 8 2 5 1 3 7 9 4 6 2 8 1 3 9 5 4 6 7 5 9 7 4 8 6 3 2 1 3 6 4 2 7 1 8 9 5 ALFAKODO © Auspac Media - AK1290 © Auspac Media - AK1290 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 20 2 26 18 21 1 6 15 3 12 16 24 25 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 17 4 9 7 22 23 11 5 13 10 8 14 19 K G+W X L÷I L J×B Y J+B 14 M L+F Z O+H © Auspac Media - AK1290 © Auspac Media - AK1290 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 20 2 26 18 21 1 6 15 3 12 16 24 25 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 17 4 9 7 22 23 11 5 13 10 8 14 19 L J×B Y J+B 14 M L+F Z O+H TIME FOR TRIVIA: 1 (d) Chris Hemsworth 2 (c) Football 3 (a) Lakmé 4 (d) Tomatoes 5 (d) Oahu 6 (d) The moon 12 6 12 2 1 8 12 6 12 2 1 8 6 2 9 3 4 8 1 5 7 NUMBER CRUNCH 12 6 12 2 1 8 12 6 12 2 1 8 6 2 9 3 4 8 1 5 7





SBS FOOD, 7.30pm

Sometimes an outsider’s perspective o ers the most entertaining and keen view. In this travel slash cooking series, British TV personality Jimmy Doherty (pictured) is primed with enthusiasm in his rst trip to Florida. These episodes are stu ed with diverse and unique dishes, streetscapes and destinations, and Doherty’s megawatt grin shines almost brighter than the everpresent sunshine. After boiled peanuts in Pensacola, Southern grits and the Kennedy Space Center, tonight, the playful cook is on Florida’s west coast. At St Pete, Doherty discovers a local delicacy, learns the art of making the famous Cuban sandwich in Tampa Bay and meets a fellow farmer on his urban plot.

FRIDAY, June 21



ABC, 7.30pm

Unabashedly twee and wholesome, with some particularly melodramatic characters thrown in for good measure recently, this British crime staple following a savvy priest sits cosily in an afternoon slot in its homeland. It’s an entertaining, 1960s-set distraction that leaves witty crumbs and clues for its loyal viewers to nibble on. Tonight marks the end of its 10th season with a nale that shakes things up. In “The Serpent Within”, Inspector Sullivan is arrested, derailing his plans to leave Kembleford. But fans of this British favourite can rest assured that star Mark Williams (pictured) will return for season 11 as the lovable, crimesolving man of God.


NBN, 7.30pm

ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (6)

Eminent journalist Tracy Grimshaw returns to our screens alongside medical expert Dr Nick Coatsworth (pictured right with Grimshaw) for this docuseries that explores the limits of human health and longevity. It sees eight participants embark on a 12-week journey looking at health and ageing, seeking the secret to turning back their biological age as they undergo medical tests to determine ways they can live longer. Tonight’s second episode sees Dr Nick lead The Block’s Liberty and Eliza through the chilling experience of cryotherapy. Amid subzero temperatures, they delve into the potential health bene ts for the human body, including reducing in ammation, boosting metabolism and reducing stress.

(8, 80) 6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Planet America. (R) 10.30 That Paci c Sports Show. (R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 News. 1.00 Silent Witness. (Ma, R) 2.00 The Split. (Mals, R) 3.00 Tony Armstrong’s Extra-Ordinary Things. (PG, R) 4.00 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. (PG, R) 4.45 Grand Designs NZ. (R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.15 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs: What Happened Next. (PGa, R) 10.10 Great Canal Journeys. (PG, R) 11.05 Icons. (PGav, R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Mastermind Aust. (R) 3.00 NITV News: Nula. 3.30 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. (R) 3.35 The Cook Up. (R) 4.05 Zoo Mum. (PGal, R) 5.05

6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) Hosted by Tom Gleeson.

7.00 ABC News. A look at the top stories of the day.

7.30 Gardening Australia. Millie Ross grows owers under gum trees.

8.30 Silent Witness. (MA15+a) The team helps a police o cer accused of murder in a coastal community.

9.30 Gruen. (R) Wil Anderson and a panel of experts analyse the advertising industry and consumerism.

10.10 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) Presented by Tom Gleeson.

10.40 Austin. (PG, R)

11.05 ABC Late News.

11.25 Grand Designs New Zealand. (R)

12.10 Love Your Garden. (R)

1.50 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

7.20pm Bluey. 7.30 Shaun The Sheep. 7.35 Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. 7.50 The Strange Chores. 8.00 Hard Quiz Kids. 8.30 BTN Newsbreak. 8.35 Operation Ouch! 9.05 O cially Amazing. 9.35 Dragon Ball Super. 9.55 Supernatural Academy. 10.20 The PM’s Daughter. 10.40 Phoenix Rise. 11.40 Good Game Spawn Point. 12.30am Rage. 1.30 TMNT. 2.15 The Legend Of Korra. 2.40 Late Programs. ABC FAMILY (22)

6.00 Mastermind Australia. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.35 Abandoned Railways From Above. (PG) 8.30 Secrets Of The Lost Liners: Empress Of Britain. (PGa) 9.20 Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters: Alien Abyss. (PGa, R)

10.05 SBS World News Late.

10.35 World On Fire. (Malv)

11.35 Cargo. (MA15+v, R)

3.20 Peer To Peer. (PG, R)

4.20 Bamay. (R)

4.55 Destination Flavour Down Under Bitesize. (R)

5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

(31) 6am

6.00 7News Local. 6.30 7News @ 6:30. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. Johanna Griggs and Pete Colquhoun share the pros and cons of living in Marrickville.

8.30 MOVIE: Notting Hill. (1999, Mls, R)

The life of a bookshop owner changes after a Hollywood celebrity enters his shop in Notting Hill while promoting her latest movie. The unlikely duo soon faces all manner of obstacles to make their romance work. Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts, Rhys Ifans.

11.05 To Be Advised.

12.50 Australia’s Amazing Homes: Coastal Paradise. (PG, R) Experts try to nd Australia’s best homes.

2.00 Home Shopping.

4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R)

5.00 NBC Today.

6am WorldWatch. 10.00 Over The Black Dot. 10.50 Lee Lin Chin’s Fashionista. 11.00 The Story Of. 11.30 Bowls. Austn Open C’ships. 4.30pm WorldWatch. 6.20 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Travel Man’s Greatest Trips. 9.25 Sex Before The Internet. 10.20 Sex Unlimited. 11.15 Ten Year Old Tom. 12.15am Bad Education. 12.50 Dark Side Of Comedy. 1.45 QAnon: The Search For Q. 2.40 NHK World English News. 5.00 Al Jazeera. 6am Shopping. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Medical Emergency. 8.00

Dollar Minute. 9.00 Harry’s Practice. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 House Of Wellness. 2.00 Our Town. 2.30 Weekender. 3.00 Australia’s Best Backyards. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Medical Emergency. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country.

6.00 NBN News.

7.00 A Current A air.

7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 16. Dolphins v Melbourne Storm. From Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane.

9.55 Golden Point. A wrap-up of the Dolphins versus Melbourne Storm with NRL news and analysis.

10.40 MOVIE: Ronin. (1998, Mlv, R) Freelancers steal a mysterious package. Robert De Niro, Jean Reno.

1.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) Hosted by Ben Shephard.

2.00 Pointless. (PG, R)

3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

4.00 Postcards. (PG, R)

4.30 Global Shop. (R)

5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)

5.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)

9GO! (83) 6am The Movie Show. 6.30 A River Runs Through It. (1992, PG) 8.45 Alone In Space. (2018, PG, Swedish) 10.15 A Taste Of Hunger. (2021, M, Danish) 12.10pm The Glorias. (2020, M) 2.50 Fried Green Tomatoes. (1991, PG) 5.10 The Movie Show. 5.40 Nights In Rodanthe. (2008, PG) 7.30 St Elmo’s Fire. (1985, M) 9.30 The Emigrants. (2021, M, Swedish) 12.15am All The King’s Men. (2006, M) 2.30 Seven Years In Tibet. (1997, M) 5.00 Alone In Space. (2018, PG, Swedish)

6am Children’s Programs. Noon Aussie Snake Wranglers. 1.00 MOVIE: Isaac’s Dream. (2023, M) 2.30 The Nanny. 3.30 Seinfeld. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 MOVIE: Monster Family 2. (2021, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Instant Family. (2018, PG) 9.55 MOVIE: It Only Takes A Night. (2023, MA15+) 11.55 Love Island USA. 12.55am


6.00 Deal Or No Deal. (R) Hosted by Grant Denyer. 6.30 The Project. Special guest is Anthony Lehmann. 7.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (Malns, R) Hosted by Tom Gleisner.

8.30 The Graham Norton Show. (Ms, R) Graham Norton is joined by Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Saunders, Daisy Haggard and Take That.

9.30 The Cheap Seats. (Mal, R) Presenters Melanie Bracewell and Tim McDonald take a look at the week that was.

10.30 10’s Late News.

10.55 The Project. (R) 12.00 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R)

Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00
Morning Show.
11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: The Client List. (2010, Mads, R) 2.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: Before I Fall. (2017, Mal, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG, R) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 5.00 Tipping Point Australia. (PG, R) Hosted by Todd Woodbridge. 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 Bold. (PGa, R) 9.00 Dr Phil. (PGal, R) 10.00 My Market Kitchen. (R) 10.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R) 11.00 The Drew Barrymore Show. (PGas) 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.30 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. (R) 3.00 Farm To Fork. (R) 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. (R) 4.30 Bold. (PGa) 5.00 News.
6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Mighty Cruise Ships. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 Roads Less Travelled. 8.30 Diagnosis Murder. 10.30 JAG. 12.30pm Bull. 1.30 NCIS. 2.30 Jake And The Fatman. 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. 5.30 JAG. 7.30 Bull. 8.30 NCIS. 9.25 NCIS: New Orleans. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 Diagnosis Murder. 4.05 JAG. 6am Danger Man. 7.00 Cre o Dollar Ministries. 7.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. 8.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 Explore. 2.00 Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman. 3.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.30 MOVIE: Billy Liar. (1963, PG) 5.30 Yorkshire Auction House. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Take Me Home. 8.30 MOVIE: The Five Year Engagement. (2012, MA15+) 10.55 Late Programs. BOLD (51) 9GEM (82) 7TWO
Children’s Programs.
Bakugan: Evolutions.
Transformers: Prime.
Step Outside. 7.30 Creek To Coast. 8.00 A Football Life. 9.00 America’s Game. 10.00 Blokesworld. 10.30 American Restoration. 11.00 American Pickers. Noon Pawn Stars. 1.00 Full Custom Garage. 2.00 Secrets Of The Supercars. 3.00 Timbersports. 3.30 Nature Gone Wild. 4.30 Storage Wars. 5.00 American Restoration. 5.30 American Pickers. 6.30 Pawn Stars. 7.00 AFL: Friday Night Countdown. 7.20 Football. AFL. Round 15. Carlton v Geelong. 10.30 AFL Post-Game. 11.15 Late Programs. 6am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 Becker. 8.00 The Drew Barrymore Show. 9.00 MasterChef Australia. 10.10 The Middle. 11.00 Becker. Noon Frasier. 1.00 Impractical Jokers. 1.30 Rules Of Engagement. 2.00 The Big Bang Theory. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Good Chef Bad Chef. 4.30 Becker. 5.30 Frasier. 6.30 The Big Bang Theory. 8.30 Two And A Half Men. 10.00 Rules Of Engagement. 10.30 Impractical Jokers. 11.00 Late Programs.
PEACH (52)
11.45 Not Going Out. 12.15pm My Family. 12.45 Changing Ends. 1.20 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. 2.05 ER. 2.55 Doctor Who. 3.40 Speechless. 4.05 Would I Lie To You? 4.35 MythBusters. 5.25 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. 6.15 Car S.O.S. 7.00 My Family. 7.30 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 MOVIE: Focus. (2015, MA15+) 10.15 ER. 11.40 Rage. 12.45am Not Going Out. 1.15 Speechless. 1.35 Would I Lie To You? The Unseen Bits. 2.05 Late Programs. ABC ENTERTAINS (23) 6am News Programs. 1pm ABC News Day. 3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon Brie ng. 5.00 ABC News. 6.00 ABC News Hour. 7.00 ABC National News. 7.30 ABC Evening News. 8.00 Planet America: Fireside Chat. 8.45 ABC News Tonight. 9.00 The World. 9.30 Close Of Business. 10.00 ABC Nightly News. 10.30 World This Week. 11.00 News. 11.30 Breakfast Couch. Midnight News. 12.15 Planet America: Fireside Chat. 1.00 News. 1.30 Close Of Business. 2.00 DW News. 2.30 DW Con ict Zone. 3.00 Late Programs. ABC NEWS (24) 6am Morning Programs. 7.30 Postcards. 8.00 Garden Gurus. 8.30 The Block Glasshouse. 9.30 House Hunters Int. 10.30 Hello SA. 11.00 Country House Hunters Australia. Noon Bargain Block. 1.00 Luxe Listings Sydney. 2.00 Australia’s Best House. 3.00 The Block Glasshouse. 4.00 Mediterranean Life. 5.00 House Hunt Dilemma. 6.00 House Hunters Int. 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Scott’s Vacation House Rules. 8.30 Rock Solid Builds. 9.30 Frozen In Time. 10.30 Holmes Family Rescue. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 11.30 Sophie Grigson: Slice Of Italy. 12.30pm Barefoot Contessa. 1.00 Mary Makes It Easy. 1.30 Giada Entertains. 2.00 First People’s Kitchen. 2.30 Gourmet Farmer. 3.00 Gok Wan’s Easy Asian. 3.30 Food Fight Club. 4.30 Taste Of France. 5.30 My Market Kitchen. 6.00 Taste Of Aust. 6.30 Food Safari. 7.00 The Cook Up. 7.30 Jimmy’s Taste Of Florida. 8.30 Secret World Of Snacks. 9.30 Come Dine With Me Couples. 10.30 The Cook Up. 11.00 Late Programs. 9LIFE (84) 6am Morning Programs. 8.00 Sky News Breakfast. 9.00 News. 9.30 News. 10.00 AM Agenda. 11.00 NewsDay. Noon News. 12.30 News. 1.00 NewsDay. 2.00 Afternoon Agenda. 3.00 Afternoon Agenda. 4.00 Afternoon Agenda. 4.30 Business Now With Ross Greenwood. 5.00 Erin. 6.00 Steve Price. 7.00 Prime Time. 8.00 The US Report. 9.00 The Media Show. 9.30 Lefties Losing It. 10.00 NewsNight. 11.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 10.50 News. 11.00 Going Places. Noon MOVIE: Radiance. (1998, M) 1.30 Going Places. 2.00 Shortland St. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 The Magic Canoe. 3.25 Wolf Joe. 3.35 Nanny Tuta. 3.40 Bushwhacked! 4.05 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 4.35 Motown Magic. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 NITV News: Nula. 6.00 Bamay. 6.40 Arabian Inferno. 7.30 MOVIE: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. (1968, PG) 10.00 MOVIE: Next Friday. (2000, MA15+) 11.45 Late Programs. SKY NEWS (53) NITV (34) SBS FOOD (33) Please Note: Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the Networks. CONSUMER ADVICE (P) Pre-school (C) Children (PG) Parental Guidance Recommended (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence.
Ashlee And
2.20 The Nanny. 2.50
Cyberverse. 3.00
3.30 Beyblade
QuadStrike. 4.00
4.30 Late Programs.
Fishing Addiction. 7.00
7MATE (64) SBS MOVIES (32) 6am Children’s Programs. 11.00 Car S.O.S.






Today’s target: 18 words average 25 words good 33+ words excellent

Find words of four letters or more. Every word must include the centre letter and each letter is used once only. Find at least one nine-letter word. No colloquial or foreign words, capitalised nouns, apostrophes, hyphens. No verbs or plural words ending in ‘s’. Solution list is not exhaustive. Ref: Macquarie Dictionary

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Auspac Media

Don’t barge in with Full Moon guns blazing! If you do, then you could end up smack bang in the middle of a fiery argument – especially at work.

The Sun transits into your home zone on Thursday night/Friday morning, so it’s a good time to focus on home and hearth, domestic matters, your blood family or your family of choice. Whether you tackle domestic or professional projects, make sure you finish details properly before you embark on exciting new ventures.

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)

Neptune squares your ruler Venus on Monday, so be aware that all is not as it seems (especially involving friends and/or finances). Then the Full Moon activates your adventure-and-exploration zone. Plus, Mars and Uranus push you to jump out of your comfort zone, shake off bad habits, embrace opportunities and fast-track changes. As birthday great Nicole Kidman observes: “Life has got all those twists and turns. You’ve got to hold on tight and off you go.”

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Are you impatient for adventure, excitement and success? Awesome opportunities are circling around you, but they’re not immediately obvious. They are hidden in unexpected places, waiting for you to discover them. Gung-ho Geminis love to spring into immediate action but – at the moment – some of your best work will be done quietly, behind the scenes. Others may not notice what you’re currently doing but your efforts will be rewarded in the months ahead.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

This week don’t let your Crab curiosity (and fertile imagination) cloud your better judgment. Step back and view a complex situation from a wider perspective, and a more realistic angle. If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is! It’s Full Moon week, so strive to get the balance right between personal needs and relationship responsibilities. Some quiet time for rest and relaxation is just as important as being at the beck and call of loved ones.

Lions can appear to be brazenly bold but sometimes (on the inside) you feel like a much less confident kitten – especially this week, when confusing Neptune squares the Sun. However, proactive Mars is charging through your career zone (and there’s a Full Moon), so it’s time to ditch the doubts and talk up your talents, promote your accomplishments and tackle life with plenty of charm and chutzpah. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else?

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Adventurous Virgo – this week Uranus, Mars and Mercury encourage educational matters, travel arrangements, proactive communication and international connections. But don’t let yourself be deceived by fake news, sidetracked by dubious friends, or distracted by empty promises. Keep your eyes wide open and your feet firmly planted on the ground! Friday’s Full Moon favours socialising, entertaining and creating, as you tap into your inner child.

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

On Monday your deft diplomatic skills are required to sort out a messy misunderstanding. Then Friday’s Full Moon highlights home and family, so it’s a good time to network and socialise with family and friends, as you mix business with plenty of pleasure. Librans are clever and capable, but are you confident enough for big time success? This week Venus, Mercury and the Sun shift into your career zone, so step up and assume a leadership role ASAP.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Neighbourhood activities and local connections are favoured, as the Full Moon urges you to be more community minded. Courtesy of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, you’ll be given the chance to heal an old emotional wound or patch up a relationship problem. Don’t let false Scorpio pride and silly misunderstandings stop you from taking a giant leap forward when it comes to love and forgiveness. Accept the opportunity with outstretched hands and an open heart.

The focus is on financial matters, as the Full Moon fires up your money zone and your spontaneous spending gene. Which is OK – as long as you have the cashflow to fund a shopping spree. If you don’t, then you’ll have to entertain yourself in more frugal ways. Family and finances are a particularly messy mix, so strive to keep the two well-separated. The Mercury/Mars link favours proactive communication and dynamic ideas, especially at work.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Even though the Full Moon is in your sign, it’s not all about you this week, Capricorn! Venus, Mercury and the Sun shift into your partnership zone, so the focus is firmly on relationships of the romantic, platonic and business variety. It’s time to walk around in the shoes of others for a while. Be inspired by birthday great, actress Meryl Streep: “The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy.” Friday night favours creative conversations.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Courtesy of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, it’s a wonderful week to express your creativity in exciting new ways. But consider the consequences of what you do and say. If you act with haste –without all the facts at hand – then you could find yourself deep in a disagreement or a messy misunderstanding (especially on Monday). Friday’s Full Moon is a good time to meditate, contemplate, relax and regenerate, as you connect with the wise Aquarian within.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Piscean plans could be turned upside down as nebulous Neptune (your patron planet) squares Venus, Mercury and the Sun, and throws unrealistic expectations and confusing misunderstandings into the mix – especially involving relationships, communication and confidence. Don’t let other people lead you astray, and don’t let self-doubt stymie your confidence and derail your dreams. There are lessons to be learned, so learn them quickly and then move on.

ASTROLOGY with Joanne Madeline Moore
BIG CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN Solution No. 3037 Crossword 19 x 19 Grid L XPRESS. VER.4.03 publication can be separate text box. 1 11 20 23 29 35 41 49 57 60 2 17 36 3 15 21 34 53 16 30 50 4 12 22 24 46 58 13 18 42 5 25 37 43 6 31 51 54 61 44 47 7 28 32 55 26 48 52 8 14 27 40 45 59 19 38 9 39 10 33 56 B E T A T A X I N G L A W L E S S A E L S E I I L P C Y M B I D I U M N E G O T I A T E K P B V S U H H T L P R O M I S E D J I L T B E L L A A S P F N S F B C A S K I M P U T E D J E T S K I K H E N N A H A A L N S P I R E T A R D Y P E T F O O D F G U E O P H B T A T T L E R R O U G E E M B E D R E E E T A G R E E E I N D I C T F O G H O R N T R I P G T C N S A W E L G O B I O V E N S E W E R A G E E I I I E S A A C T R E S I D E N C Y P A V A R O T T I E O O E E A E E O D A N G L E D D U R E S S E D E N PO Box 8271 Bundall Qld Australia 4217 Telephone: (07) 5553 3200 Toll Free: 1 800 652 284 Fax: (07) 5553 3201
Email: Visit our site: The Feature People ACROSS 1 Bygone vessel 6 Golfers’ knickerbockers (4,5) 11 Terrible 12 Eliminate (4,3) 14 Crazily 15 Hobbles 17 Leader in the Ma a 18 Units of time 19 Kitchen appliance 21 Long ago 23 Stone memorial 24 Wait on 26 Puts up with 29 You (arch) 30 Beaks 32 Shrivelled (5-2) 35 Gaping 37 Two or more 38 Indonesian island 41 Captivating 42 To thrust 45 Pillars 47 Funeral pile 49 Blowy 50 One who lives in solitude 52 Bows 54 Sill 57 Pay-o 58 Cilium 59 Bush track 60 Colour (5,4) 61 City in NSW DOWN 1 Vacillate 2 Competent 3 Area of very calm water 4 Injure 5 Single beat 6 He, she, I, eg 7 Disordered 8 Give o vapour 9 Whole 10 Axioms 13 Spill 16 Particle 20 Absent-minded 22 Slaughter 25 Pound 27 Security 28 Perfectly 31 Eat (soup) noisily 33 Clergyman 34 Eminent 36 Aquatic plant 39 Helper 40 Light opera 41 Cavity of the heart 43 Disencumber 44 Fencing swords 46 Withdraw formally 48 Tatter 51 Killed 53 Bride’s garment 55 Arab sailing ship 56 Chimney TINY CROSS WORD FIND All the words listed below can be found in the grid. SOLUTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Admit Arc Bar Beasts Boy Curls Dog Edge Explores Feels Fit Furs Host Mad Mars Newspapers Oats Onto Over Read Sheep Ship Sky Soils Thirst Tide Tub Use Weeds Wore M H V B Y C P L H W P I E B Y R N U X E I Z T A R C D K W M E T E Q H E T E E Y K F R X W H F W S I G A C K O Z R G S H E U D M L U W S E R O L P X E E A K R E T I M D A M A E L R T L E H M D K T K Y P B S I S D Z X S J Y M I U E A G M S R T L T I F S E Z R R R T S R I H T Y U T L E S E O E X O N T O J R A V R H J S T S A E B O D S O B ACROSS 1 Render speechless 5 Water carrier 6 Individuals 7 Dry run DOWN 1 Opportunity 2 Pitch 3 Applies 4 Cosy home TARGET TIME cede, censed, cestode, code, condense, coned, conned, CONSENTED, contend, costed, decent, denote, dense, dent, descent, docent, done, donee, dose, dote, encode, need, nested, node, nosed, noted, scend, scented, second, seed, send, sonde, steed, stoned, teed, tend, tendon, tensed, toed, toned. TINY CROSS ACROSS: 1 Stun, 5 Hose, 6 Ones, 7 Test. DOWN: 1 Shot, 2 Tone, 3 Uses, 4 Nest. QUICK WORKOUT SOLUTION 2 Fit the into every that where touch, the same. repeated © bmpuzzles Distributed Barbara Midgley 2 4 3 3 2 1 3 5 4 6 6 5 5 1 4 4 6 5 5 3 3 4 1 1 6 5 5 2 6 5 5 6 4 4 6 6 3 2 2 1 3 6 1 1 5 5 1 2 2 4 6 4 2 6 1 2 2 4 5 3 3 1 2 2 5 1 4 3 4 4 3 1 1 6 6 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 1 1 4 5 6 6 2 1 5 4 4 5 6 3 Fit the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 into the hexagons so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers will be the same. No number is repeated in any hexagon. NOITULOS 2 Fit the numbers 1-6 once into every hexagon so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers are the same. No number is repeated in any single hexagon. © bmpuzzles Distributed by Knight Features 714 201212 Barbara Midgley 2 4 3 3 2 1 3 5 4 6 6 5 5 1 4 4 6 5 5 3 3 4 1 1 6 5 5 2 6 5 5 6 4 4 6 6 3 2 2 1 3 6 1 1 5 5 1 2 2 4 6 4 2 6 1 2 2 4 5 3 3 1 2 2 5 1 4 3 4 4 3 1 1 6 6 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 1 1 4 5 6 6 2 1 5 4 4 5 6 3 STEAMSHIP PLUSFOURS W F A U R N U N A AWFUL RULEOUT MADLY Y E LIMPS N I E I I CAPO SECONDS OVEN S T ONCE U Y I G CAIRN ATTEND ABIDES A V D R H I A E THEE SNOUTS DRIEDUP T H A M L E L R YAWNING PLURAL BALI A G E R L O S E CATCHY PROPEL POSTS H E R E PYRE I T AIRY RECLUSE ARCS M L V P I LEDGE T F BRIBE EYELASH TRAIL E L A V I O T N U ROYALBLUE NEWCASTLE M H V B Y C P L H W P I E B Y R N U X E I Z T A R C D K W M E T E Q H E T E E Y K F R X W H F W S I G A C K O Z R G S H E U D M L U W S E R O L P X E E A K R E T I M D A M A E L R T L E H M D K T K Y P B S I S D Z X S J Y M I U E A G M S R T L T I F S E Z R R R T S R I H T Y U T L E S E O E X O N T O J R A V R H J S T S A E B O D S O B Puzzles and pagination supplied by Auspac Media

Surfers Paradise is gearing up for an electrifying tribute to the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll with “Elvis: A Musical Revolution.”

This dynamic production promises to be a mustsee event, celebrating the life and legacy of Elvis Presley through music, dance, and storytelling.

The musical, which will run from June 22

to June 30, 2024, at the Home of the Arts, delves into the pivotal moments of Elvis’s storied career. Audiences will journey from his humble beginnings in Tupelo, Mississippi, to his meteoric rise to fame, and his unforgettable ‘68 Comeback Special.

The show features over 40 of Elvis’s greatest hits, including timeless

classics like “Jailhouse Rock,” “Hound Dog,” “Suspicious Minds,” and “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” Each song is meticulously performed, capturing the spirit and energy that made Elvis a global sensation.

“Elvis: A Musical Revolution” boasts an all-star Australian cast, renowned for their exceptional

talent and dynamic performances. The production is flled with dazzling choreography, vibrant costumes, and a spectacular set design that transports audiences back to the golden era of rock ‘n’ roll. The musical not only highlights Elvis’s musical genius but also provides a deeper look into his life, showcasing the trials and

triumphs that defned his journey.

This event is not just for die-hard Elvis fans; it offers something for everyone, from those who grew up with his music to younger generations discovering his infuence for the frst time. The universal appeal of Elvis’s music, combined with the highenergy performance,

ensures an unforgettable experience for all attendees.

Tickets are selling fast, so don’t miss your chance to be part of this monumental celebration of Elvis Presley.

For more information and to secure your seats, visit the What’s On Gold Coast event page.

“Don Quixote.” This extraordinary event

promises an evening of enchanting storytelling, dazzling choreography, and a celebration of cultural heritage.

“Forest Song,” a celebrated Ukrainian ballet, delves into a mystical love story that refects the deep-seated yearning for peace and harmony in Ukraine. The ballet is a testament to the country’s rich folklore and artistic legacy, brought to life through the mesmerizing performances of the Grand Kyiv Ballet’s talented dancers. The narrative, infused with elements of fantasy and romance, captivates the audience, transporting them to a world where love conquers all obstacles.

In stark contrast, “Don Quixote” offers a lively and comedic counterpoint with its

festive Spanish fair. This classical ballet, inspired by Miguel de Cervantes’ literary masterpiece, follows the adventures of the idealistic knight-errant and his loyal squire, Sancho Panza. The ballet’s vibrant energy, intricate choreography, and colourful costumes create an exuberant atmosphere, celebrating love, chivalry, and the joy of life.

The evening’s performance is not only a showcase of exquisite dance but also a visual and auditory feast.

Lavish costumes and elaborate sets enhance the storytelling, while the inspiring music score elevates the emotional

resonance of the ballets. The event is designed to captivate both seasoned ballet enthusiasts and newcomers alike, offering an unforgettable cultural experience.

With ticket prices ranging from $95.05 to $115.95, this event provides an accessible opportunity to witness world-class ballet. The Grand Kyiv Ballet of Ukraine’s visit to QPAC is more than just a performance; it is a celebration of artistic excellence and a tribute to the enduring power of culture and the human spirit.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit QPAC’s event page.

ENTERTAINMENT 36 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
The Grand Kyiv Ballet of Ukraine is set to grace the stage of the Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) on July 2, 2024, with a magnifcent double bill featuring “Forest Song” and

Discover Ag Sydney: Spotlighting Careers in the Australian Agriculture Industry

Australia’s largest agricultural careers expo, Discover Ag, is set to take place at Sydney Showground on Wednesday, 26th June. This event aims to showcase the vast array of career opportunities available within one of Australia’s largest and most vital industries.

A Gateway to Diverse Career Paths

Discover Ag is designed to expose students in years 9 to 12 to the multitude of career paths available in agriculture through interactive learning activations. The event will feature over 50 career options, dispelling the common misconception that a career in agriculture

is limited to farming. Attendees will have the chance to meet professionals from various felds including data science, engineering, mechanics, animal and soil science, primary production, and marketing, all of whom contribute to the dynamic and expanding agricultural industry.

Promoting Agricultural Education and Careers

RAS Education Manager Duncan Kendall expressed his enthusiasm for unveiling Discover Ag 2024, inviting students from across New South Wales to explore the diverse career opportunities in agriculture.

“We are thrilled to

bring Discover Ag to Sydney this June and highlight the incredible range of careers available within the agricultural sector,” Kendall said.

“The event, previously known as AgVision, plays an instrumental role in connecting students with organizations and individuals working within the industry. It provides students with a unique opportunity to explore and engage with a variety of careers.”

Kendall emphasized that while working on the land remains a key aspect of agriculture, the industry also offers numerous opportunities in fnance, science, engineering, technology, and communications.

“Whether you are interested in fnance, science, engineering, technology, or communications, there is an opportunity for you to work within an industry that clothes, feeds, and nourishes our nation,” he said.

A Mission to Educate and Inspire

As a not-for-proft agricultural organization, the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS) aims to educate the community about the importance of agriculture in Australia. Kendall noted that Discover Ag continues the educational mission of the RAS, which is well-known for its Sydney Royal Easter Show.

“I encourage any student interested in exploring career options within agriculture or any student still searching for their passion to join us in June to learn more about this vital and growing sector,” Kendall added.

Event Details

When: Wednesday, 26th June 2024, from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.

Cost: $15

Where: Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park.

Who: Secondary school students, TAFE students, and university students. Students can attend individually

Increase in Water NSW rural bulk water charges limited to infation

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has fnalised its annual review of WaterNSW’s regulated charges for bulk water services to apply from 1 July 2024to 30 June 2025.

IPART has determined to maintain the charges set under the 2021 Determination, allowing for infation, following its annual review of WaterNSW’s bulk water service charges.

outside of school, TAFE, or university, but those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Learn More and Register

To learn more about Discover Ag or to book tickets, visit education.

About the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW

Discover Ag is organized by the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS), which has been promoting and supporting Australian agriculture since 1822.

The RAS is renowned for organizing the iconic Sydney Royal Easter Show, and through Discover Ag, it continues its mission to educate and inspire the next generation about the opportunities within the agricultural sector.


Discover Ag Sydney provides a unique platform for students to explore the diverse and exciting career opportunities within the agricultural industry. By attending, students will gain valuable insights and be inspired to consider a future in a sector that plays a crucial role in sustaining and enriching the nation.

IPART Chair Carmel Donnelly said the review considered charges that apply in the 9 regulated NSW valleys in the Murray-Darling Basin and the Fish River Water Supply Scheme.

“Our fnal decision is to maintain the charges set under the 2021 Determination. This means that increases in charges will be limited to infation of 3.6% from 1 July 2024,” Ms Donnelly said.

“We have not found evidence of a sustained shift in water sales compared to the demand forecast we used to set prices in the 2021 Determination.

“Therefore, we do not consider it to be reasonably necessary to vary WaterNSW’s charges in the MurrayDarling Basin and Fish River for 2024-25 except for infation.

“We will consider the key factors affecting the availability and demand for water in regional and rural NSW during our next comprehensive review of WaterNSW’s charges which is due to commence in September 2024.”

The Final Report and supporting information are available on IPART’s website.

RURAL NEWS 37 June 20, 2024 e Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent

Bungawalbyn is situated between Coraki and Woodburn, on Bungawalbyn Creek.

For many years a small ferry operated at Bungawalbyn and for years the residents campaigned for a new bridge.

A public meeting was held on 5th June 1907 in Purseys Hall (Bora Ridge). It was chaired by Mr L H Robinson and attended by Councillors Pursey and Fisher among others. Councillor Pursey moved the frst motion that a bridge be built at Bungawalbyn.

Mr H.A. McCallam was appointed secretary of the movement with H. Williams, J. Olive, Tom Flett, Mr Brown, L. Patch and L.H. Robinson as representatives to meet with Minister Mr Lee.

Extract from Richmond River Express – Casino, Kyogle Advertiser –16/7/1909, also “Looking Back at Bungy” by Margaret Jennison and

Margaret Olivieri. “A tender submitted by Mr W.S.F. Oakes, for a bridge over Bungawalbyn Creek on the Coraki/ Woodburn Road had been accepted by the Public Works Department. The total length of the bridge including approaches, was to be 900 feet (275 meters) with the actual bridge measuring 345 feet (105 meters). The timber truss construction consisted of nine spans being 45 feet long (14 meters) and four spans of 30 feet (9.1 meters).

The roadway was 15 feet (4.6 meters) wide

with a pedestrian refuge at the ffth pile. The bridge was 27 feet (8.2 meters) above the highwater mark with 35 piles. The piles in the river were 12x12 (3.7m x 3.7 m) and 70 feet (921 meters) long. The decking was constructed of quality hardwood and the approaches fenced with split rail fencing. The contract price was 1,897 pounds and the completion time was approximately six months. The timber was supplied by Mr I. Roslyn of New Italy”.

The Bungawalbyn Bridge was erected at

a cost of 400 pounds. The opening ceremony took place on 28th September 1910. Shortly after 3 o’çlock the crowd assembled in force on the bridge, towards the centre of which the ceremony took place. The Mayor of Coraki, Mr C.J. McRae and also chairman of the committee invited President Campbell of Woodburn Shire, to declare the Bungawalbyn Bridge offcially open. Mr W.F. Oakes, contractor for the bridge, who was present by special invitation, said he had to thank his

staff for the character of the work they had performed. Mr Oakes then presented Mrs H.F. Robinson with a pair of beautiful silver scissors bearing the inscription, “Presented to Mrs H.F. Robinson, by W.F. Oakes 28th September 1910 for cutting of the ribbon at the opening of the Bungawalbyn Bridge”. Mrs Robinson then stepped forward and cut the ribbon and thanked Mr Oakes for his handsome gift. The Shire President then declared the Bungawalbyn Bridge opened for traffc. A wonderful day followed

by a picnic and sports day with over 400 in attendance.

For many years there were discussions about building a new Bungawalbyn Bridge. Finally in 1967, at a cost of $372,000, a new bridge was built. The bridge was offcially opened by the Minister for Local Government, Mr Morton. Among those who attended the opening were Mrs Oakes, widow of the contractor who built the frst bridge and her son Mr Percy Oakes. Mrs Oakes was born at Bungawalbyn.

The Woodburn CWA hosted a luncheon at Woodburn Memorial Hall to commemorate the opening. A bridge everyone was proud of, one built to last a lifetime.

Ref: Terry Murphy from Bora Ridge, Peggy O’Çonner from Swan Bay, “Looking back at Bungy” by Margaret Jennison and Margaret Olivieri, Noel Thompson from Coraki.

RURAL NEWS 38 e Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
Opening day of Bungawalbyn Bridge in 1910. Bungawalbyn Bridge Bungawalbyn Ferry The “ Neptune” ploughing through the water hyacinth under Bungawalbyn Bridge. Photo courtesy of the Late George Hunt, Tuckurimba. Present Bungawalbyn Bridge taken by Noel Thompson June 2024.

Regional Telecommunications Review


The Regional Telecommunications Review occurs every 3 years and is an opportunity to examine the existing and future telecommunication needs in regional, rural and remote communities across Australia.

The Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP, has announced the appointment of the 2024 Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee (the Committee), led by the Hon Alannah MacTiernan, as Chair. Mr Ian Kelly, the Hon Fiona Nash, Dr Jessa Rogers and Ms Kristy Sparrow have also been appointed to the Committee. More details of the Committee members can be found here.

The Committee has been asked to examine the adequacy of regional Australia’s telecommunications, including hearing from people in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia. More information about how the Committee will do this is available in the Terms of Reference, below. The Committee will present its fndings to the government by 31 December 2024. More information about the Review can be found at Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999. Information about past reviews can be found at Regional Telecommunications Review.

Terms of Reference for the 2024 Regional Telecommunications Review

1. The Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee must conduct a review of the adequacy of telecommunications services in regional, rural, and remote parts of Australia.

2. In determining the adequacy of those services, the Committee must have regard to whether people in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia have equitable access to telecommunications services that are signifcant to people in those parts of Australia, and currently available in one or more parts of urban Australia.

3. In conducting the review, the Committee must make provision for public consultation and consultation with people in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia.

4. In conducting the Review, the Committee is to have regard to any policies of the Australian Government notifed to it by the Minister for Communications, and such other matters as the Committee considers relevant. The Minister requests that you have regard to the following:

a. awareness and the impact of the Government’s $1.1 billion investment in improving regional communications, including the $656 million Better Connectivity Plan for Regional and Rural Australia; extent to which this investment is addressing identifed

needs; and fexibility to address emerging needs and challenges;

b. the implications of, and opportunities presented by, changing and emerging technologies and broader market developments for regional communications policy settings and the design and delivery of regional communications programs;

c. attitudes of regional households, communities and businesses to; community awareness of; access to supporting technologies to support take-up of; and public sentiment on changing and emerging technologies;

d. needs in First Nations communities, and the extent to which those needs are being met, taking into account initiatives across the Government;

e. potential to fast track some USO modernisation outcomes, particularly within NBN Co’s fxed wireless network footprint, which would build momentum for broader change; and f. the suitability of regional communications during emergencies and natural disasters, including reliability, resilience, speed and coverage.

5. Taking into account Terms of Reference Section 4, the Committee is to consider and provide advice on:

a. telecommunications needs in regional Australia, gaps in services, and barriers to addressing needs, gaps and improvements in telecommunications outcomes;

NSW Riverina the biggest loser from buybacks: ABARES

b. changes or adjustments needed to existing Government policies and design and delivery of programs to ensure they continue to be effective; remain ft for purpose; are maximising the social and economic potential of regional Australia and of existing and emerging technologies; and deliver improved telecommunications outcomes;

c. policy settings that might be needed to support more rapid rollout of, and investment in, new and emerging telecommunications technologies in regional, rural and remote Australia, or to address emerging issues;

d. constraints and capacity of the telecommunications providers to deliver investment and improved services to meet the needs of regional Australia; and

e. the need for targeted place-based solutions, which may differ by region and remoteness.

6. The report may set out recommendations to the Australian Government.

7. In formulating a recommendation that the Australian Government should take a particular action, the Committee must assess the costs and benefts of that action.

8. The Committee must prepare a report of the review by 31 December 2024 or earlier and present it to the Minister for Communications.

The Murrumbidgee and mid-Murray valleys will be hit the hardest by water buybacks driving up prices and reducing production, according to an ABARES report released today, with the Government’s announcement of an assistance package for Murray-Darling Basin communities.

NSW Irrigators’ Council CEO Claire Miller said these Basin communities already struggle to survive droughts when water is scarce and too expensive to grow key crops such as rice, which keep vital processing jobs in towns like Deniliquin.

“This report shows more Government buybacks will add to costs and water scarcity, leaving these and other vulnerable communities in an even more precarious position,” Ms Miller said.

“Murrumbidgee and mid-NSW Murray communities have little scope to diversify their economies beyond irrigated agriculture – if they could, they already would have done so in response to the price and production impacts of previous buybacks.”

Ms Miller said given the Government has been caught out manipulating drought images in its

scaremongering urban ad campaign to justify buybacks, it cannot be trusted to be honest now about the impacts on communities.

“The ABARES report says more buybacks will increase average water allocation price about 10%, or $45/ML. What it doesn’t say is that that $45/ML is on top of an average $72/ ML increase ABARES has already attributed to past water recovery in earlier reports.

“And in Australia, averages mean nothing. An average $45/ ML increase can be expected to surge to hundreds of dollars extra during droughts when prices soar.”

The report says additional water recovery will hurt the Murrumbidgee Valley and the Murray Valley above the Barmah Choke, with the rice industry taking the biggest hit among Basin commodities.

Northern Victoria is also vulnerable, but ABARES admits it does not have the data to properly model dairy impacts.

“The Government’s announcement of $300 million to assist Murray-Darling Basin communities will barely touch the sides on what irrigationdependent communities will need,” said Ms Miller.

RURAL NEWS 39 June 20, 2024 e Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent

Shortage of skilled plant breeders could impact global food security

A lack of scientists specialised in plant breeding could lead to ‘dire’ food security implications in Australia, and around the world, according to new research conducted across three continents.

Plant breeding is a multidisciplinary science that underpins the global production of food, animal feed, fuel and fbre.

A joint paper between Australia’s national science agency CSIRO, Lincoln University in New Zealand and McGill University in Canada to address the issue, has painted a concerning picture about future capacity in the plant breeding area.

The paper found that to maintain our level of agrifood, fbre and feed production, we need to urgently address the skills shortage.

Lead author and CSIRO scientist Dr Lucy Egan said the shortage has been building for some time and has the

potential to impact agricultural production worldwide.

“What we’re seeing is a whole generation of highly-skilled plant breeding specialists who are now reaching retirement age, with a gap left as university graduates opt to focus on other areas of plant science including molecular biology,” Dr Egan said.

“The implications of this shortage could be dire, including affecting global food security and the economies of different countries around the world, including Australia.”

Lincoln University’s Dr Rainer Hofmann said the situation is much the same across the Tasman.

“Agricultural production plays such a key role for our country, and so it’s really important we start looking at strategies to slow this skills shortage,” Dr Hofmann said.

“Our research looked at the current state of plant breeding across tertiary, government and industry sectors and found that decreasing skills in plant breeding will have fow-on effects for a wide range of agrifood and fbre sectors.”

The report has highlighted a number of responses to the skills shortage, including the need for a coordinated approach between the public and private sectors.

McGill University’s Dr Valerio Hoyos-Villegas said one of the keys to addressing the shortage will be the establishment of dedicated training facilities in different countries.

“We also need more focus on graduate programs in plant breeding, and increased private sector involvement if we are to keep pace with emerging scientifc and technological advances in the sector,” Dr HoyosVillega said.

“Due to the long-term nature and the variety of agricultural industries plant breeding serves, it is important that funding and research become a matter of priority, with modernised plant breeding education top of mind.”

NFF Joins Access for Every Child Coalition

The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) has become a member of the Access for Every Child Coalition, which was launched today to advocate for equal access to early childhood education and care for families in rural areas, matching the standards available to city counterparts.

Alongside over 50 other organisations, the NFF is urging the Federal Government to develop tailored solutions that help families overcome one of the most signifcant barriers to workforce participation.

life and managing a farm business is challenging at the best of times. Limited or non-existent childcare options exacerbate this diffculty, leaving farming families at a disadvantage,” said Mr. Mahar.

Mr. Mahar emphasised that childcare services in regional areas are declining or even non-existent, despite growing demand and a critical need for workers in the agricultural sector.

“A key part of the NFF’s vision for Australian agriculture to become a $100 billion industry by 2030 is to double the number of women in leadership roles within the sector.

“We are proud to see an increasing number of women in agriculture and leadership, but we must support this growth through the child-rearing years.

“Frequently, leadership trajectories are paused when childcare options are lacking.

territories to manage, monitor, regulate, and shape the early childhood education and care (ECEC) system.

• Provide a variety of options in partnership with states and territories to incentivise service provision in regional, rural, and remote areas.

NFF Chief Executive Tony Mahar stated that joining the coalition aligns with the Early Childhood Education and Care policy endorsed by NFF members earlier this month.

“Balancing family

Improving access to childcare could not only boost farm productivity but also enhance developmental, social, and academic outcomes for regional children. Mr. Mahar stressed the importance of addressing this issue for women, who often bear the primary responsibility for childcare.

“The Federal Government has promised a universal early education system, and it is crucial to hold them accountable to ensure that families in rural areas are not left behind.”

The NFF’s policy calls on the Federal Government to:

• Collaborate more closely with states and

• Develop a workforce strategy tailored to regional needs to attract and retain early childhood workers. This could include wage subsidies, professional development, relocation incentives, and professional support and training.

• Implement more fexible policy options and market interventions for family day-care, in-home care, and other care options in areas where establishing a centre is not viable.

RURAL NEWS 40 e Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024 People Product Partnerships CLARENCE COAST CONSTRUCTIONS 6643 2428 Coraki Rural & Hardware Supplies 102-104 Queen Elizabeth Drive CORAKI
Plant breeders play a crucial role in ensuring the long-term success of crops.

Relax, have a break and enjoy BRISBANE

Enjoy good times in the CBD

Located in the heart of the Brisbane City CBD just steps from the Queen Street Mall shopping precinct, casino and cultural centre, travellers enjoy well-appointed one-bedroom apartment accommodation with free private parking, exceptional dining and amenities that include a recreation deck with heated pool, sauna and gymnasium

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- Split A/C (heating + cooling) in living area and bedroom - WIFI

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To make a booking, simply scan the QR Code and select your getaway dates.

How Social Media has Effected Travel

The beginning of social media has fundamentally transformed various aspects of our lives, and travel is no exception. Gone are the days when travel was solely about the destination and the journey; today, it is equally about capturing and sharing experiences with a global audience. This shift has brought about both positive and negative consequences, reshaping the travel landscape in unprecedented ways. As we look ahead, it is clear that social media will continue to play a pivotal role in how we explore the world.

The Evolution of Travel Through Social Media

In the pre-social media era, travel was often a personal or family affair, documented through physical photographs and shared in intimate settings. Planning a trip involved guidebooks, travel agents, and word-of-mouth recommendations. The internet began to change this dynamic, but it was the rise of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter that truly revolutionised travel. Today, platforms like Instagram have turned travel into a highly visual and

Positive Effects of Social Media on Travel

1. Increased Accessibility and Inspiration

Social media has made travel more accessible by providing a wealth of information and inspiration at our fngertips. Stunning images and engaging stories from infuencers and everyday travellers can ignite wanderlust in people who might not have considered certain destinations otherwise. Platforms like Pinterest and Instagram are virtual treasure troves of travel ideas, tips, and itineraries, making trip planning more straightforward and enjoyable.

2. Real-Time Information and Reviews

One of the signifcant benefts of social media is the availability of realtime information and reviews. Travellers can share their experiences almost instantaneously, providing valuable insights into accommodation, dining, and attractions. Websites like TripAdvisor and Yelp, which incorporate social media elements, offer a platform for travellers to read and write reviews, ensuring more informed decisions.

3. Community Building

Social media has raised a sense of community among travellers. Online travel groups, forums, and hashtags allow individuals to connect with like-minded people, share experiences, and offer support. This community aspect can enhance the travel experience by providing insider tips, local recommendations, and more.

shareable experience. The hashtag culture allows users to showcase picturesque destinations and unique experiences to a vast audience. This shift has modifed travel inspiration, making it accessible to anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection. Infuencers and travel bloggers have further amplifed this trend, offering curated travel content that can inspire millions whilst also offering them income to continue there travels.

Negative Effects of Social Media on Travel

1. Over-Tourism

One of the most signifcant drawbacks of social media’s infuence on travel is overtourism. Picturesque spots can become viral sensations, attracting hordes of tourists and overwhelming local infrastructure. This infux can lead to environmental degradation, loss of local culture, and strained resources. Places like Machu Picchu, Venice, and Iceland have experienced the adverse effects of over-tourism, driven partly by social media exposure.

2. Unrealistic Expectations

Social media often portrays an idealised version of travel, focusing on pictureperfect moments while glossing over the challenges. This can lead to unrealistic expectations, where travellers feel disappointed when their experiences do not match the fawless images they have seen online. The pressure to capture the perfect shot can also detract from the genuine enjoyment of the trip.

3. Privacy Concerns

Sharing travel experiences online can sometimes compromise personal privacy and security. Posting real-time updates about one’s location can make travellers vulnerable to theft or other crimes. Additionally, the constant need to share can detract from the immersive experience of travel, as individuals become more focused on their online persona than the present moment.

The Future of Travel and Social Media

Looking ahead, social media will undoubtedly continue to shape the travel industry in profound ways. The rise of new technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), promises to take travel inspiration and planning to the next level. Exploring a destination virtually before booking a trip or using AR to enhance the travel experience on-site may be on the cards soon.

Sustainability will also become a more signifcant focus, driven by social media awareness campaigns and the increasing demand for eco-friendly travel options.

Infuencers and platforms can play a crucial role in promoting sustainable practices and responsible tourism, encouraging travellers to make more conscious choices. Social media platforms will likely become even more integrated with travel services, offering seamless booking experiences, personalised recommendations, and enhanced customer support. The use of big data and AI will enable more tailored travel experiences, making trips more aligned with individual preferences and needs.

Final Thoughts

Social media has revolutionised the way we travel, bringing both opportunities and challenges. While it has made travel more accessible and community-oriented, it has also contributed to over-tourism and unrealistic expectations. As we navigate these changes, it is essential to harness the positive aspects of social media while

mitigating its negative impacts. The future of travel, intertwined with social media, holds exciting possibilities, promising a more connected, informed, and responsible global travel community. But just like the quick rise of social media, who knows what the future will hold.

TRAVEL NEWS 42 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024

2024 Iconic Escorted Group Tours


$13,720 pp Twin Share $1,600 Single Supplement

This 22-day tour of Scandinavia and Iceland will have you snapping photos at all the scenic spots. Visit Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Estonia . Travel in comfort with everything taken care of!

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$7,850 pp Twin Share $1,650 Single Supplement

Join us on this unique 12 day South Island tour will have you enjoying all the best that the South Island has to offer. The must do and see things when visiting the South Island are all included, and then some more on this fantastic tour. Sit back and travel in comfort, everything taken care of with this small group.

Price includes:

• Return transport to/from home to airport in Northern Rivers

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• 11 Nights quality accommodation with breakfast daily

• 7 dinners Incl. TSS Earnslaw Cruise & Walter Peak Evening Dining

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TERMS and CONDITIONS: Prices current at 24 April 2024 and are per person twin share. Single supplement applies. Credit card surcharges will apply. Non refundable deposit required at the time of the booking. Non-refundable final payment required at least 90 days prior to departure. Travel Insurance purchased from Casino Travel Shoppe is compulsory. Please read our detailed Terms and Conditions PRIOR to booking. Ask us about our exciting 2025 Group Tours including Tasmania coming soon!

Real Estate Agents Weigh Profts Against Prices as Property Market Accelerates

Property prices across Australia continue to rise, with the market showing no signs of cooling. CoreLogic reports a 1.9% increase in property values for the three months ending in May, up from 1.1% in January. The Bureau of Statistics reveals the mean price of residential dwellings rose by $14,300 to $959,300 in the March quarter, pushing the total value of residential properties to $10.72 trillion—three times that of the share market.

Driving Forces Behind Price Increases

Demand Outstripping Supply: Tim Lawless, CoreLogic’s head of research, attributes the price surge to overwhelming demand outpacing the supply of new homes. The number of residential dwellings increased by 52,700 in the March quarter, equating to an annualized

rate of 210,800 new homes. However, to meet demand, approximately 240,000 homes are needed annually.

Rising Construction Costs: Vanessa Radar, Ray White’s head of research, points to the rising cost of land, construction, and labour as additional factors driving prices. These increased costs set a new economic benchmark for new developments.


on Homebuyers

Affordability Crisis: Decades of rising prices have pushed many city dwellers out of the property market. Lawless notes that medianincome households in cities like Sydney would need to spend about 60% of their gross income to service a mortgage on a medianpriced property—an unsustainable ratio that lenders are unlikely to approve.

First Home Buyers: ANZ economist Blair Chapman advises frsttime buyers to adjust their expectations and consider more affordable options. With many households already in mortgage stress, this trend is expected to continue.

Industry Perspective

Balancing Proft and Affordability: Despite the affordability crisis,

real estate agencies like Ray White are experiencing increased returns due to higher transaction volumes and prices. Radar acknowledges the challenge of balancing business profts with affordability for consumers.

Government Response

Housing Australia Plan: In response to the housing crisis, the government has introduced the $32 billion Homes for Australia plan. This includes the $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund, aimed at funding 30,000 social and affordable rental homes, and a national target to build 1.2 million welllocated homes.

Future Outlook

Potential Market

Stabilization: Lawless suggests that it may take 12 to 18 months for a material supply response to impact the

market, with a potential for prices to stabilize or even fall in the future. Until then, affordability remains a signifcant challenge for many Australians.

Long-Term Solutions: Ensuring affordability in the long term will require a sustained increase in housing supply, alongside measures to manage rising construction costs and ensure that new developments meet the needs of a diverse range of consumers.

In conclusion, the Australian property market’s ongoing growth presents signifcant challenges for affordability, necessitating a careful balance between industry profts and consumer needs. The government’s housing initiatives offer hope, but their impact will take time to manifest.

CoreLogic Reports Record-High Rents Across Australia’s Biggest Regions as WA and Queensland Top the List

The allure of escaping the high cost of living in Australia’s capital cities for more affordable regional areas is diminishing, as rental prices in nearly every part of the country reach record highs. CoreLogic, a real estate analytics frm, has found that rents in three-quarters of Australia’s largest regional areas are now higher than ever.

Signifcant Increases in Regional Rent

• Batemans Bay, NSW: Experienced the most substantial

increases over the past three months, with rents rising by $32 per week, a 6% hike.

• Bunbury, WA, and Sunshine Coast, QLD: Both regions saw rental prices increase by over 4% recently, with Bunbury witnessing a staggering 20% rise over the past year.

• General Trend: No major regional center recorded a signifcant decrease in rental prices. The slight declines were minimal, with Karratha in WA falling by 0.8% to an average

rent of over $1,000, and Maryborough in QLD dropping by 0.2% to $478.

Factors Driving the Rental Surge

CoreLogic economist Kaytlin Ezzy highlighted that rental prices rarely decrease unless driven by an economic downturn. The current pace of rent increases is unusual compared to the pre-COVID era, with rents rising at about 6% annually across regional markets, whereas they typically increased by only 2%.

High Interest Rates: Persistent high-interest rates, hovering above 4% since their steady rise from 2022, are exerting pressure on both renters and investors. Investors, facing higher mortgage costs, are likely passing

some of these expenses onto renters.

House Prices in Regional Areas

CoreLogic’s data also examined house prices in Australia’s major regional areas, revealing signifcant growth in Western Australia:

• Geraldton, WA: House prices surged by 8.8% over three months.

• Busselton, WA: Increased by 7.7%.

• Bunbury, WA: Rose by 6.4%, with homes selling fastest at an average of 14 days.

Queensland: Regions such as Rockhampton, Gladstone, Gold CoastTweed, and Townsville featured prominently in the top 10 for quarterly growth. Conversely, New South Wales and Victoria had minimal representation.


Areas: Ballarat (outside Melbourne) and Port Macquarie (NSW Mid North Coast) experienced declines in house prices, with Ballarat down 2% over three months and 4.2% over the past year, averaging just over $540,000.

Market Dynamics

Ms. Ezzy pointed out that while most areas suffer from a housing shortage, regional Victoria has 15% more homes on the market than average. Despite cost-of-living concerns, high interest rates, and low consumer sentiment generally correlating with a falling market, the current mismatch between supply and demand is driving prices up.

Western Australia

Leading Growth: WA properties are outperforming other regions, with Queensland following closely behind. Notable growth in Queensland includes regions like Gladstone, Emerald, and Rockhampton, where property values have surged by about 16% over the past year.

Contradictory Trends: Despite several economic indicators suggesting a potential market decline, the persistent demandsupply imbalance is propelling property values higher.


The soaring rental and property prices across Australia’s regions highlight the growing challenges in the housing market. While some regions experience remarkable growth, affordability remains a critical concern, exacerbated by high interest rates and a consistent demandsupply mismatch. As the market continues to evolve, stakeholders must balance proftability with the pressing need for affordable housing solutions.

REAL ESTATE NEWS 44 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024 The team at Ray White Tenterfeld are locals selling local real estate & livestock, ensuring that customers have the very best experience. Whether you are looking to buy or sell, we’ve got all your needs covered. We’ve Got Tenterfeld Covered Ben Sharpe Principal 0428 364 487 Ray White Tenterfeld 139 Logan Street Tenterfeld, NSW 2372 02 6736 1136
Port Macquarie experienced declines in house price

Apple Reaches Record High with New AI Features

Apple Inc. shares soared to a record high after unveiling its muchanticipated artificial intelligence platform, Apple Intelligence, during the Worldwide Developers Conference on Monday. The new technology, designed to offer a personalized and subtle AI experience, aims to enhance user engagement by summarizing text, creating original images, and retrieving relevant data.

Key Highlights from the Presentation:

• Apple Intelligence: The centrepiece of the event, this new AI platform will integrate seamlessly with Apple’s ecosystem, providing users with advanced features such as text summarization, original image creation, and intelligent data retrieval. A revamped version of Siri will also be included, promising more precise control within apps and better overall functionality.

• Stock Performance: Apple’s stock surged

7.3% to $207.15, achieving its first record high of the year despite a lukewarm premarket reaction.

• AI Market Push: Apple is positioning itself to catch up with tech giants like Google and Microsoft in the competitive AI market, leveraging its streamlined interface and dedicated customer base. Partnership with OpenAI:

Apple formally announced a partnership with OpenAI, allowing users to access ChatGPT via Siri at no extra cost. This collaboration aims to enhance Siri’s capabilities, with additional features available for OpenAI’s paid subscribers. The AI platform will start rolling out later this year, with some features, including multi-language support, expected next year.

New Operating System Features:

• iOS 18 and iPadOS Enhancements: The latest updates will introduce an upgraded home screen, a new Control Centre, satellite text messaging support, and enriched communication features in the Messages app. Other notable additions include a Passwords app for secure logins and a redesigned Photos app with AI-enhanced editing.

• MacOS Sequoia: This update will bring the same Apple Intelligence features to Macs, along with new capabilities like interacting with iPhone notifications and organizing application windows as tiles.

• VisionOS 2: The Vision Pro headset’s new software will include 3D spatial photos, advanced hand gestures, and

the ability to AirPlay content from other Apple devices.

Additional Announcements:

• International Launch of Vision Pro: Preorders for the Vision Pro will begin in China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore on June 13, with sales starting June 28. The rollout will extend to Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the UK shortly after.

• AirPods and Apple Watch Updates: New software for AirPods will enhance call clarity by reducing background noise, while the Apple Watch will feature improved health tracking capabilities.

Apple CEO Tim Cook emphasized the transformative potential of AI for the company, stating, “AI will be the next big step for Apple.” Despite recent revenue declines, Apple aims to bolster user loyalty and encourage more frequent upgrades with these new AI-driven features.

Australian Energy Commission Signals Major Overhaul of Complex Electricity Pricing Amid Consumer Concerns

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has announced plans to overhaul electricity pricing rules in response to growing concerns about complex and often punitive tariffs affecting many households.

Key Points:

• Revamp Announcement: Anna Collyer, Chair of the AEMC, will address these issues in her keynote speech at the Australian Energy Week conference in Melbourne, highlighting the need for new consumer protections amid the rollout of smart meters and changing tariff structures.

• Consumer Protections: The AEMC will introduce measures to protect consumers from unexpected tariff changes. This includes requiring greater notification and detailed information from retailers about how changes will impact users.

The AEMC, which sets the rules for retailers in the national electricity market covering about 10 million customers along the eastern seaboard, is addressing concerns about the rapid and radical changes to electricity pricing. Traditionally, households paid a flat

rate for electricity, but the introduction of smart meters has enabled more complex tariffs such as time-of-use rates and demand charges. These changes, however, have left many consumers facing higher bills without understanding why.

Ms. Collyer emphasized

the critical role of smart meters in transitioning Australia to renewable energy. She noted that these devices allow consumers to better manage their energy use, particularly in homes with rooftop solar systems. However, she acknowledged that not all consumers are willing

or able to adjust their energy consumption habits significantly.

“We need to account for all types of consumers, not just those who thrive on more complexity,”

Ms. Collyer will say.

She also highlighted the importance of smart meters in the broader context of reducing peak demand and infrastructure costs.

Proposed Changes:

• Greater Transparency and Notification: New rules will ensure that consumers are adequately informed about tariff changes, including more detailed explanations and the elimination of up-front costs for smart meter installations.

• Review of Tariff Appropriateness: The AEMC will launch a review to assess whether current power charges are fair and effective in reducing peak demand and overall costs.

• Innovative Approaches: Collyer

urged energy companies to innovate with the advent of smart technology, such as electric vehicles and internet-enabled appliances, which can adjust their energy use based on real-time pricing.

Collyer’s speech will also include a challenge to power companies to be more like “Uber, not the taxi; Apple, not Kodak,” encouraging them to embrace innovation rather than sticking to outdated practices.

The AEMC’s proposed overhaul of electricity pricing rules aims to balance the transition to a greener grid with the need for consumer protections and transparency. By addressing the complexities and unexpected costs associated with new tariff structures, the commission hopes to ensure that all consumers benefit from the move towards smarter energy management.

BUSINESS NEWS 45 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
Apple CEO Tim Cook emphasized the transformative potential of AI for the company

Seniors Urged to Speak Up About Home Aged Care Services

Key Findings from the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Report

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has released its frst report specifcally for people receiving home aged care services, titled Complaints about Aged Care Home Services – Insights for People Receiving Care.

The report highlights several critical issues and offers guidance on how recipients can address their concerns.

Major Issues Identifed:

• Consultation and Communication:

The most frequent complaints (15%) relate to poor consultation and communication between service providers and recipients.

• Fees and Charges:

The second most common issue (10%) involves fnancial concerns, particularly regarding fees and charges.

Despite the high number of people accessing home care services, there are fewer complaints compared to residential aged care. Over the report period (July to December 2023), the commission received 8,021 complaints and inquiries, resolving about 4,800 of them (just over half). The average resolution time was 59 days, with 65% of complaints resolved within 60 days.

Encouraging Feedback and Complaints

The report emphasizes the importance of feedback from the over 1 million older Australians receiving home care services. It aims to boost confdence in the quality and safety of home care by ensuring recipients feel empowered to express their concerns.

Key Messages from the Commission:

• Choice and Control:

Recipients should have choice and control over their care.

• Raising Concerns: If something isn’t right, recipients are encouraged to speak up.

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner

service providers. However, if this is not possible or if issues remain unresolved, the commission is available to assist.

How to Make a Complaint Complaints can be made

• Online: Make a complaint here QR below link

Who Can Make a Complaint:

• Recipients of aged care services

• Family, friends, representatives, and

Janet Anderson and Aged Care Complaints

Commissioner Louise Macleod both stress the importance of addressing issues directly with

directly to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission through the following channels:

• Phone: Call 1800 951 822

Australians are Living Longer but Require More Support, Study Finds

A pre-COVID-19 health data study has revealed that Australians over 70 are living longer, but their increasing longevity is placing greater demands on the health care system. This research, conducted by the University of Adelaide, was led by Dr. Liliana G. Ciobanu and Associate Professor Scott R. Clark. The study involved collaborators from GBD Australia and examined Global Burden of Disease statistics from 1990 to 2019. Their fndings, published in The Lancet Regional Health, estimated several health metrics including mortality, causes of death, years of life lost (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), life expectancy at age 70 and above (LE-70), and healthy life expectancy (HALE-70). These metrics were compared globally and with high socio-demographic index (SDI) groups.

Key Findings

• Life Expectancy

Increase: In 2019, the LE-70 for men was 86 years, while for women it was 83.3 years. This marks an increase of 3.9 years for men and 3 years for women since 1990.

• Improved Longevity in Males: Dr. Ciobanu highlighted that the overall increase in life expectancy is primarily due to improved longevity in males, driven by reductions in YLLs from cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases.

• Rising Health Burden: Despite a reduction in DALY rates, the absolute number of DALYs for older Australians increased by 72.4% from 1990 to 2019, refecting a growing burden on the health system.

• Top Causes of YLLs: Ischemic heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer were identifed as the top reasons for

years lost from life expectancy.

Health Care Implications

Dr. Ciobanu expressed concern over the rising DALYs, indicating a signifcant strain on the health system due to the expanding older population. She emphasized the need for further research to develop targeted support and intervention programs, especially considering potential shifts in care and illness burden post-COVID.

“While some environmental and lifestyle risks, like smoking, are decreasing, others, such as climate instability, are increasing and require urgent coordinated intervention,” she said.

Associate Professor Clark added that the fndings establish pre-COVID baseline estimates for Australians aged 70 and above, crucial for health care preparedness. The study found signifcant increases in the burden from neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s,

diabetes, chronic renal disease, prostate cancer, and falls. He stressed the need for multifaceted strategies to address these issues, including co-morbidity management and reviewing the use of sedating medications.

Future Research

The researchers plan to evaluate post-COVID data to assess the pandemic’s impact on the health outcomes of older Australians. Associate Professor Clark noted that COVID-19 differentially affected older Australians in terms of mortality and access to care for chronic diseases.

“The impact on fatal and non-fatal burden will potentially have signifcant implications for aged care moving forward,” he said.

The researchers hope their fndings will inform policymaking and health care practices to better meet the evolving needs of Australia’s aging population.

• Service providers cannot punish anyone for making a complaint.

• If you’re raising a concern on behalf of someone else, ensure they are aware and involved in the process. For more detailed information on making a complaint and understanding the complaints process, visit the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website.

carers of recipients

• Aged care staff and volunteers

• Health and medical professionals

Important Note:

The report underscores the importance of open communication and the need for recipients of home care services to feel confdent in raising issues. By addressing concerns directly or through the commission, recipients can help ensure they receive the high-quality care they deserve.

https://www. agedcarequality. complaints-concerns/ make-complaint

How to Support Your Adult Child Through Their Divorce

Seeing your child go through a divorce can be heart-wrenching, and knowing how to help isn’t always straightforward. Here are fve ways to provide meaningful support.

1. Share Information and Opinions Carefully Family law outcomes vary greatly, and advice based on personal experiences can sometimes be more harmful than helpful. Avoid unsolicited opinions, especially if your child already has professional support. They may need you to listen more than to solve their problems.

2. Speak Thoughtfully About Their Ex-Partner

It’s natural to feel anger towards your child’s ex, but avoid harsh words. Couples sometimes reconcile, and negative comments can create tension. Promote positive co-parenting and avoid speaking negatively about the divorce or the ex around grandchildren, as parental confict can adversely affect them.

3. Build a Support Team

While your emotional and practical support is crucial, you don’t need to handle everything. Encourage your child to consult professionals such as lawyers, divorce coaches, psychologists, accountants, and fnancial

advisors. Trusted referrals can help them build a reliable support team, easing their burden and streamlining the process.

4. Encourage Learning and Connection In today’s digital age, many free resources are available on topics related to divorce, co-parenting, and moving forward. Books, podcasts, and reputable online content can empower your child with knowledge and help them make informed decisions.

Connecting with other single parents can also provide emotional support and reduce feelings of isolation.

5. Offer Practical Assistance Divorce brings a host of additional tasks. Offer to babysit, handle household chores, or arrange for professional services if you can’t help directly. Taking these responsibilities off their plate allows your child to focus on the legal and emotional aspects of their divorce.

Mind Your Own Well-being Supporting a child through a divorce is emotionally taxing. To be there for them in the long run, ensure you are also taking care of your mental and physical health. Balancing self-care with supporting your child will enable you to provide sustained, effective help.

HEALTH & SENIORS 46 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024

Centrelink Payment Increases Effective from 1 July 2024


Rising infation has led to an increase in government benefts to help offset the cost of living. Starting 1 July, age pensioners, carers, and other social beneft recipients will see higher payments due to changes in indexation limits.

These adjustments refect the recent rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which increased by 3.6% over the 12 months to March 2024. Approximately 2.4 million Australians are expected to beneft from these changes.



Income Free Area (Full Pension Eligibility)

• Singles: Increase of $8 from $204 to $212 per fortnight.

• Couples: Increase of $12 from $360 to $372 per fortnight.

Maximum Income Before Pension Ceases

• Singles: Increase of $8 from $2,436.60 to $2,444.60 per fortnight.

• Couples: Increase of $12 from $3,725.60 to $3,737.60 per fortnight.

(Note: Rates may vary for homeowners and may be higher if receiving Rent Assistance or Work Bonus.)



• Single Homeowners: Increase of $12,250 from $301,750 to $314,000.

• Couple Homeowners (combined): Increase of $18,500 from $451,500 to $470,000. Non-homeowners

• Single Nonhomeowners: Increase of $22,250 from $543,750 to $566,000.

• Couple Nonhomeowners (combined): Increase of $28,500 from $693,500 to $722,000.



• Singles: Threshold for assets deemed at 0.25% increases from $60,400 to $62,600.

• Couples: Threshold for assets deemed at 0.25% increases from $100,200 to $103,800. Deeming is used to estimate income from assets for determining pension payments under the income test. These adjustments mean more of your deemed income will attract the lower

deeming rate of 0.25%, potentially resulting in a slight increase in payments for those subject to the Age Pension income test.



For a complete list of payment increases, including detailed income and asset limits effective from 1 July 2024, please visit the Department of Social Services website via the QR code below.

The government has announced that deeming rates will remain frozen at 2022 levels for another year, a measure that has been advocated for by National Seniors Australia. The deeming rates of 0.25% and 2.25% will stay in place, benefting approximately 876,000 income support recipients, including 450,000 age pensioners. This freeze prevents what would have been a signifcant increase in deeming rates, which could have led to reduced payments for nearly half a million pensioners.

Mental Health in Young Men: The Need for Change

As part of International Men’s Health Week, Kids Helpline is urging boys and young men to prioritize their mental health. Tracy Adams, CEO of yourtown, emphasizes the importance of this week for fostering a positive culture around mental and emotional well-being, especially for young men.

Key Findings from Kids Helpline

• Help-Seeking

Disparity: Young males are signifcantly less

likely to seek help for mental health concerns compared to females. In May, Kids Helpline recorded 57 daily responses from young males versus 195 from females.

• Age Groups: Males aged 19 to 25 are the largest group of male help-seekers (37%), while those aged 15 to 18 are the least likely to seek support.

Societal Stigma and Hypermasculinity

Ms. Adams highlights that societal stigma

and the culture of hypermasculinity discourage boys from talking about their emotions and seeking help. Many boys conform to a masculine ideal that values stoicism, toughness, and competitiveness, which has long-term negative effects on their mental health.

The Impact of Reluctance

Reluctance to access mental health support leaves many young men feeling isolated and

vulnerable. Kids Helpline counsellors note that this reluctance is often due to the stigma associated with mental health issues and societal expectations of masculinity.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Kids Helpline provides a safe and inclusive space for boys and young men to connect with professional support around the clock. The service aims to change the way boys view mental health and encourage them to reach

out for help.

Call to Action

Ms. Adams concludes by urging the community to teach boys that it’s okay to seek help.

Emphasizing the importance of support, she highlights the need to change societal norms and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in young men.

Contact Information

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only national 24/7 counselling service for children and young people aged 5 to 25

years, provided by yourtown. It offers free, confdential support via:

• Phone: 1800 55 1800

• Website: Kids Helpline https:// Conclusion International Men’s Health Week serves as a crucial reminder to address the mental health needs of young men. By encouraging open conversations and providing accessible support, we can help young men lead healthier, happier lives.

HEALTH & SENIORS 47 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent Blue C Building, Suite 1, 3 McLean Street Coolangatta (07) 5536 8368 sunshinehearing com au *condit ons app y p ease ca l us fo de ai s Free Undercover Parking Mention this ad and receive $250 OFF a set of rechargable hearing aids* Your local independent & experienced hearing care provider. Discover a better quality of life with Sunshine Hearing. Registered provider of hearing aids under the government s Hearing Ser v ces Program for eligible Pensioners and Veterans , Suite 1, angatta (07) 5536 8368 pp y p us for det ails Free Undercover Parking Mention this ad and receive $250 OFF a set of rechargable hearing aids* Your local independent & experienced hearing care provider. Discover a better quality of life with Sunshine Hearing. Registered provider of hearing aids under the government s Hearing Ser vices Program for eligible Pensioners and Veterans* Blue C Building, Suite 1, McLean Street, Coolangatta (07) 5536 8368 *conditions app y – please c a l us for details Mention this ad and receive $250 OFF a set of rechargable hearing aids* Your local independent & experienced hearing care provider. Discover a better quality of life with Sunshine Hearing. Registered provider of hearing aids under the government’s Hearing Ser vices Program for eligible Pensioners and Veterans*

2024 Hyundai Santa Fe Pricing and Specifcations:

The 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe seven-seater now comes exclusively as a hybrid and is signifcantly better equipped, resulting in a base price increase of $9,450 compared to the previous V6 model.

Key Points:

• Pricing and Specifcations for the 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe

• Hybrid-Only Model Available in Three Variants

• Expanded List of Standard Features

• Starting Price at $55,500 Before On-Road Costs

The entry-level price for the 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe seven-seat SUV has jumped by nearly $10,000 for this larger, betterequipped, hybrid-only model, set to arrive in showrooms soon.

New Hybrid Powertrain and Design

The 2024 Santa Fe will be available in Australia solely as a 1.6-litre turbo-petrol hybrid, offering both front- and all-wheel drive options.

The redesigned model features a larger, boxier body and includes more advanced equipment and technology. While a petrol-only 2.5-litre turbo variant may be added later to replace the previous V6, the diesel option has been completely

discontinued for this new generation, according to Hyundai Australia’s latest information.

Price Increase Details

The starting price has risen to $55,500 plus on-road costs from the previous $46,050 plus on-road costs for the base petrol V6 model. The lineup now includes three models: an unnamed base grade, the Elite, and the Calligraphy, which replaces the Highlander.

• Base Model (AWD): Priced at $58,500, this is $8,950 more than the previous entry-level all-wheel-drive version,

which used a 2.2-litre turbo-diesel engine. It is only $210 more than the entry-level Toyota Kluger Hybrid.

• Elite Model: The hybrid AWD Elite is now $65,000, marking a $2,000 increase over its predecessor, which was the most affordable hybrid in the previous Santa Fe range.

• Calligraphy Model: Prices for the Calligraphy variant range from $75,000 for the seven-seat version to $75,500 for the six-seat version, an increase of $5,450 to $5,950 depending on the


Enhanced Features

The signifcant price increases are justifed by a longer list of standard features. These include 20-inch alloy wheels, LED headlights, dual 12.3-inch interior screens, dual-zone climate control, and a power-adjustable driver’s seat, all standard across the range. Many of these features were previously limited to the higher-priced Active and Elite versions of the Santa Fe.

Advanced Technology and Safety Top-tier models now come

with advanced technology such as semi-autonomous Highway Driving Assist, which can centre the car in its lane and assist with lane changes. Performance and Effciency

All variants are powered by a 1.6-litre turbocharged four-cylinder petrol engine paired with an electric motor and lithium-ion battery pack, delivering a combined output of 172kW and 376Nm (an increase of 3kW and 26Nm from the previous hybrid). This powertrain is coupled with a six-speed automatic transmission,

available in both AWD and, for the frst time in Australia, FWD confgurations.

Hyundai Australia claims a fuel consumption rate of 5.6L/100km, although it is not specifed whether this applies to the FWD or AWD models. Despite the new model being approximately 250kg heavier than its predecessor, this fgure is more effcient than the 6.0L/100km claimed by the outgoing Santa Fe Hybrid AWD and matches the effciency of the Kluger Hybrid.

2024 Hyundai Santa Fe Prices in Australia:

• Santa Fe Hybrid seven-seat front-wheel drive: $55,500

• Santa Fe Hybrid seven-seat all-wheel drive: $58,500

• Santa Fe Hybrid Elite seven-seat all-wheel drive: $65,000

• Santa Fe Hybrid Calligraphy seven-seat all-wheel drive: $75,000

• Santa Fe Hybrid Calligraphy six-seat all-wheel drive: $75,500

The 2024 Hyundai Santa Fe offers a notable advancement in hybrid technology, design, and features, albeit at a higher cost. Potential buyers will need to consider the improved capabilities and effciency against the signifcant price increase.

2024 Lotus Emeya Sets EV Recharge Record

The all-new 2024 Lotus Emeya, an upcoming electric super-sedan, has set a new benchmark in DC fast-charging technology. With its advanced 402kW peak charging speed, the Emeya can recharge its 102kWh battery from 10% to 80% in just 14 minutes.

Key Highlights:

• Record-Setting

Recharge Speed: The Emeya achieves a 10-80% top-up in just 14 minutes using a 400kW DC charger, maintaining an average charge speed of 331kW.

• Rapid Range Addition: This translates to approximately 310km of added range in just 10 minutes.

• Advanced Battery

Technology: The Emeya’s cell-to-back battery structure incorporates a cutting-edge cooling system that signifcantly enhances thermal performance, surpassing many competitors.

Performance and


The Lotus Emeya was tested against several high-profle electric vehicles, including the

Mercedes-Benz EQS, BMW i7, Tesla Model Y, Genesis G80, XPeng G9, Hyundai IONIQ 6, Nio ET5, and BYD Atto 3. This testing highlights the Emeya’s superior charging capabilities, narrowing the gap between the time required to recharge an electric vehicle and refuel a conventional combustion-engine vehicle. However,

it’s worth noting that recharging the Emeya for a 310km range still takes fve times longer than refuelling a combustion engine car like the Porsche Panamera, which takes about two minutes.

Among its competitors, the XPeng G9 was the closest, achieving a peak charge rate of 320kW but averaging around 233kW as it approached 80% capacity.

Power and Speed

Designed to compete with the fastest electric vehicles on the market, particularly the Porsche Taycan, the fagship Lotus Emeya boasts impressive performance specs:

• Acceleration: 0-100km/h in a claimed 2.8 seconds, matching the Porsche Taycan Turbo S.

• Top Speed: 256km/h.

• Powertrain: Dualmotor setup delivering 675kW and 985Nm.

• Transmission: Two-speed system for optimized performance.

Offcial Statements

Lotus Group CEO Qingfeng Feng

emphasized the breakthrough in charging technology, stating, “With our industry-leading charging technology available today, Emeya pushes the boundaries for how an EV performs, providing drivers with the confdence to travel anywhere. We’re bringing an unrivalled driving experience in the ultimate grand tourer package, so drivers want to go electric.”

Launch and Availability

Customer deliveries have already begun in China, with the Lotus Emeya set to launch in right-hand drive markets, including Australia, in the second half of this year.

The 2024 Lotus Emeya not only sets a new standard for fast-charging electric vehicles but also promises exceptional performance and driving experience, making it a strong contender in the luxury EV market.

see the Lotus Emeya in next week’s Motoring

Times June 20, 2024
The Northern Rivers

Hi, I’m the guy that started TradeTools way back in 1987 &, just a few years ago, I bought 145 acres in the Northern Rivers area, not far from Nimbin. Since then, I’ve been building a place on my land on which to retire & it soon became obvious to me that the entire area needed a company like TradeTools with its unique range of tools & equipment. No other company that we know of has anything like our range of air compressors [many of which we still make ourselves] pressure washers, workshop equipment, tool storage, ute canopies, air tools, nail guns or hand tools that so many of us good folk in regional areas like this one always need & usually have to search for far & wide.

You can go to a major hardware store, or even another tool company, but over half of what we stock they simply don’t have &, in the rare event that they do, their prices are often outrageous! TradeTools is a major importer of much of what we sell, particularly our very own exclusive Renegade Industrial brand of tools, machinery & equipment so, when you buy from us, you are mainly dealing directly with the national importer with over 1000 containers annually fowing through our Gold Coast warehouse alone.

We also carry a huge range of major brand Cordless Tools & Equipment, all at great prices rarely seen outside of the major cities. TradeTools has a fully qualifed ftter onsite at Lismore so, even if you buy major brand power tools from elsewhere, you’ll often fnd that TradeTools is your nearest warranty & repair agent covering Milwaukee, Makita, DeWalt, Hikoki, Metabo etc.

This article is showing you just a small sample of all that we sell, so feel free to come down & meet the guys at TradeTools Lismore anytime, you’re always welcome! TradeTools is a private family business, run more like a cooperative than a traditional company, where the people that serve you are often the very people that actually own the enterprise; old fashioned yes, but we all really like it that way, & we hope you do too!

Thanks for your time………. Greg Ford, TradeTools Director & Founder. Trade Duty! Trade Duty! SAVE $50! SAVE $350! SAVE $200! SAVE $50! Renegade Industrial 380mm (15”) PRO Max 3600PSI Surface Cleaners Renegade Industrial 200 Amp Inverter AC/DC TIG Welders Renegade Industrial Stackable Storage Tool Box Combo Kits Renegade Industrial 72” 10 Drawer Stainless Steel Tool Cabinets With Timber Top Renegade Industrial 1500W 50J Impact Jack Hammers Renegade Industrial 6.5HP Belt Drive Honda Powered Petrol Air Compressors EGO 56V 2.5Ah Brushless Cordless 900m3/h Blower Kits Renegade Industrial 1800mm Aluminium Ute Canopies • 380mm/15” Rotary Cleaning Head • Lightweight & Strong Nylon Enclosure • Quality Brass 1/4” Quick Connect Fittings • Max Operating Pressure: 3600PSI • Slim Stacker With 12 Organisers & 2 Dividers • Large Stacker With A Tool Tray • Mobile Stacker With A Telescopic Handle, All Terrain Wheels & Integrated Tool Bar • Includes 30mm Wide Chisel & Pointed Chisel • Powerful Hit Force Of 50 Joules • Vibration Control Keeps Vibration Through The Handles To A Minimum • 1 x 56V Brushless Cordless Blower Skin • 1 x 56V 2.5Ah Lithium-Ion Battery With Fuel Gauge • 1 x 56V POWER+ Standard Charger + 1 x BONUS 56V 2.5Ah Lithium-Ion Battery • Dimensions: 1800mm x 1800mm x 860mm • 3 Easy Access Gull Wing Style Doors • Heavy Duty 2.5mm Thick Reinforced Flat Aluminium Construction • Powerful Genuine Honda 6.5HP GX200 Motor • 440 Litres Per Minute Of Free Air Delivery • Solid Cast Iron Triple Cylinder Pump • Large 75 Litre Tank Capacity • High Quality Water Trap • Includes 4 Metre Earth Cable, 4 Metre Arc Welding Torch, 4 Metre TIG Torch, 5 Metre Foot Controller Pedal & Spare TIG Cups • Pulse Function To Reduce Material Distortion • 35% Duty Cycle @ 200Amp • Dimensions: 1900mm x 470mm x 1000mm • Polished Timber Worktop For A Stylish Finish • 2 Fixed & 2 Swivelling Lockable Castor Wheels • 10 Drawers With Eva Foam Lining RISFC15-PRO RIACDC200I RISSTBK RISS7210RCV2 RIJH75 HD440-P LB5302E-B RIFAC1800-3WT BONUS LEG KIT Location: 23 Habib Drive, South Lismore 2480 (Former Lismore Joinery Works Building) Phone: (02) 5645 7000 Trading Hours: Weekdays 7am - 6pm & Saturdays 8am - 4pm. BONUS BATTERY VALUED AT $ 299! VALUED AT $ 229! YEARS S TRONG SINC E 1987

One small step for man, one backward step for vacuums. Grape Expectations by Max Crus

In 1969, one man took a small step, a giant leap for mankind, despite many thinking this was faked. Many of those people also believe Elvis is alive and Donald Trump our saviour, but that’s not the point, many other things haven’t changed since 1969 apart from National party voters, the most crucial of which is vacuum cleaners.

Back then Mum had a Hoover, as did the entire western world, which

Devil’s Baie Mornington

Peninsula Syrah 2022, $40. Lighter syrah as beftting its origins but round and full like a proper red so you might not notice and you’ll be happy to have another glass whether you do or not. Classy like the label. 9.4/10.

looked really modern, indeed other worldly, the sort of thing you saw in advertisements when graphics people were imagining what the future looked like.

It looked amazing, it was amazing. It glided about like a hovercraft, indeed it was a hovercraft and equally amazingly, they didn’t call it a ‘Hoovercraft’.

But vacuum cleaners have gone backwards since 1969. The hovercraft

Peninsula Chardonnay 2023, $40. A lot going on in a small space here, which invites you to have another glass just to see if there’s anything you missed, as if you needed invitation. Warm and full, so don’t chill it and spoil the fun. 9.5/10.

Devil’s Baie Mornington

Hoover would be the best thing on the market were it to return. It glided across the foor on a cushion of air, it’s dodgem-car rubber bumper-strip meant it bounced off everything, and followed you around effortlessly while you sucked up the disgusting mix of dead skin cells, discarded snot and food scraps that make up the detritus of daily life, as it did in 1969.

Okay it was hopeless going up stairs, although

2021, $45. The most expensive of the bunch, but that’s pinot for ya. Always acting above its station. Baie is French for bay by the way, so hey, learn a new language while you imbibe. Very Mornington pinot. 9.3/10.

Byrne Clare Valley Reserve Shiraz 2019,

going down was fun to watch, but neither can modern vacuum cleaners climb stairs. Worse still, they no longer glide effortlessly after you, nor bounce of furniture and walls.

55 Years of technological development since man frst walked on the moon has done absolutely nothing for vacuum cleaners.

Everyone reckons Dyson are the bees-knees, but Mate, you don’t want

label that always piques one’s interest, curiosity and credit card details, Clare Valley and Reserve. This warm, welcoming user-friendly wine carries the can for the brand in fne fashion for a very user-friendly fee. Great value. 9.5/10.

Byrne SA Estate Grown

honey from those bees, and Dyson need to stick to fans.

Okay they can suck up the skin fakes okay, but the old Hoover could pick up a bowling ball, while the stupid wheel arrangement of modern machines guarantees they get stuck on almost everything and capsize when they run over the cord and they can’t be righted like an Eskimo roll in a kayak either.

And don’t get me started on vacuums on a stick.

Sure they’re not trailing

2022, $20. Australians all let us rejoice that someone is prepared to produce wines like this for so small a pricetag. Noice wine to ponder the voice and maybe a new national anthem while we’re at it. 9/10.

Byrne Clare Valley Reserve Riesling 2019,

around a dirty, long cord with which to entangle furniture and knock over valuables but neither do they do much to help you dispose of your human waste particles.

In short, modern vacuum cleaners suck, and it’s just not good enough and I refuse to use them until such time as they correct this. Which serendipitously affords more time to relax with a glass of wine and think about such important things.

2023). It wouldn’t be summer in Australia without oysters, cricket and riesling. Actually, who cares about the cricket, just give me the oysters and riesling, preferably from Clare Valley. The riesling that is, Clare Valley oysters should are

WINE 50 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
Max Crus
a Clarence Valley-based wine writer and Grape Expectations is
publication. Find out more about Max or sign up for his weekly reviews and musings by visiting
Max Crus
now in its 27th year of


From simple meals to show-stopping feasts, there’s something for everyone.



• 1 tbsp olive oil

• 20g butter

• 1.2kg Chicken Thigh Fillets, trimmed, cut into 4cm pieces

• 2 leeks, trimmed, halved, washed, sliced

• 200g middle bacon rashers, trimmed, chopped

• 250g cup mushrooms, thickly sliced

• 1/2 cup dry white wine

• 1/3 cup plain four

• 3/4 cup chicken style liquid stock

• 3/4 cup pure cream

• 80g baby spinach

Mashed-potato topping

• 1.6kg desiree potatoes, peeled, chopped

• 100g butter, chopped

• 1/2 cup milk


1. Make mashed-potato topping: Place potato in

a large saucepan. Cover with cold water. Bring to the boil. Simmer over medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes or until tender. Drain. Return to pan. Add butter and milk. Mash until smooth.

2. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 200°C/180°C fanforced. Heat oil and butter in a large, deep frying pan over medium-high heat. In batches, cook chicken for 2 to 3 minutes or until browned. Transfer to a 6cmdeep, 3.8 litre-capacity baking dish.

3. Add leek and bacon to pan. Cook, stirring, for 8 minutes, or until leek has softened. Add mushrooms. Cook for 4 to 5 minutes or until tender. Add wine. Bring to the boil. Boil for 2 minutes. Add four. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Gradually stir in stock and cream. Bring to the boil. Remove from heat. Season with salt and pepper. Place spinach over chicken in dish. Carefully pour cream mixture over spinach. Stir to combine. Top evenly with mashed potato. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden and chicken is cooked through. Stand for 10 minutes. Serve.



05m prep 15m cook

4 servings


• 400g pappardelle pasta

• 42g (1/4 cup) mixed seeds (such as pepitas, sunfower seeds and pine nuts)

• 1 tbsp olive oil

• 3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

• 2 tbsp baby capers, drained

• 1 lemon, rind fnely grated, juiced

• 425g can tuna in springwater, drained, broken into chunks

• 300ml light cream

• 1 tbsp fresh lemon thyme leaves

• Shredded parmesan, to serve (optional)

• Lemon cheeks, to serve


1. Cook the pasta in a large saucepan of salted boiling water following packet directions until al dente. Drain and return to the pan.

2. Meanwhile, heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add mixed seeds. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until lightly toasted. Remove from pan and set aside. Add oil to pan and heat over medium heat. Add garlic and capers. Cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes. Add lemon rind and tuna, tossing gently to combine. Add cream and 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice. Simmer for 1-2 minutes. Stir in thyme leaves and season.

3. Toss sauce through drained pasta. Divide among serving bowls. Top with toasted seeds and parmesan, if using. Serve with lemon cheeks.


• 1 large (about 275g-300g)

Sebago potato, washed

• 1 egg

• 2 tbsp grated three cheese blend

• 1 tbsp basil pesto


1. Prick the potato with a fork all over. Wrap in a paper towel. Place on a microwave-safe plate. Microwave, turning halfway during cooking, on 1200 watts/HIGH for 5 minutes or until tender (see recipe introduction above for more information). Set aside for 5 minutes to cool. Cut the top of the potato off. Scoop out fesh, leaving

a 5mm border and being careful not to pierce through the skin, then transfer fesh to a bowl.

2. Spray the potato case with oil. Place in an air fryer basket. Crack an egg into the potato case. Air fry at 180C for 8 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, mash the reserved potato fesh. Stir in half the cheese and half the pesto. Season.

4. Spoon the potato mixture on top of the egg. Top with the remaining cheese. Air fry at 180C for 3 minutes for runny yolks, or until the cheese is melted and golden. Transfer to a plate and stand for 1 minute. Serve the jacket potato topped with the remaining pesto.

COOKING 51 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
30m prep 1h 15m cook 8 servings
10m prep 20m cook 1 servings

What to plant in June

June marks the beginning of winter in Australia, presenting unique gardening opportunities for those looking to maximise their green spaces. As temperatures cool, it’s an excellent time to plant a variety of hardy vegetables, herbs, and fowers that thrive in the mild winter climate.

For vegetable gardeners, brassicas are a top choice. Broccoli, cabbage, and caulifower can be planted now, as they enjoy the cooler temperatures and will be ready for harvest in spring. Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and silverbeet also thrive during this season, providing a continuous supply of nutritious leaves. Root vegetables such as carrots, beetroots, and radishes can be sown directly into the soil, ensuring a steady growth through the winter months. These vegetables are not only cold-tolerant but also beneft from the reduced pest activity during winter.

Herb enthusiasts should consider

planting parsley, coriander, and chives. These herbs not only tolerate the cooler weather but often fourish with the reduced pest pressure of winter. Additionally, winter is an ideal time to plant garlic cloves, which will mature by late spring to early summer. Rosemary and thyme are also great choices, as they can withstand cold and add wonderful favours to winter dishes.

For a splash of colour, winter annuals like pansies, violas, and snapdragons are perfect. These hardy fowers can withstand cooler temperatures and will brighten up any garden bed with their vibrant blooms. They provide muchneeded colour and cheer during the dreary winter months. By choosing the right plants, gardeners can ensure a productive and beautiful garden throughout the winter season. Embrace the cooler weather and get planting to enjoy a thriving garden come springtime.


Gardening enthusiasts and outdoor lovers alike are continually seeking ways to enhance their outdoor spaces, creating sanctuaries that can be enjoyed year-round. One of the most compelling additions to any garden is an outdoor fre pit.

More than just a source of warmth, a fre pit can transform a garden into a cozy retreat, perfect for relaxing evenings, social gatherings, and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal.

Let’s investigate the multifaceted benefts of outdoor fre pits, offering insights into their types, design considerations, and tips for maintenance and safety.

The Appeal of Outdoor Fire Pits

1. Wood-Burning Fire Pits: These are the most traditional type, providing the authentic crackling sound and smoky aroma of burning wood. They are typically more affordable and can be built as permanent structures or purchased as portable units. However, they do require a steady supply of wood and can be more challenging to clean.

ensure there is ample space around the fre pit for seating and movement.

can prolong its lifespan and reduce the need for frequent cleaning.

The charm of a fickering fre has captivated humans for centuries, offering not just warmth but also a sense of peace and connection. In a garden setting, a fre pit serves as a focal point around which family and friends can gather, extending the usability of outdoor spaces well beyond the warmer months. Imagine cool autumn nights or crisp winter evenings spent outdoors, basking in the glow of a gentle fre, sipping hot drinks, and sharing stories under the stars.

Types of Fire Pits

Outdoor fre pits come in a variety of styles and fuels, each with its own set of benefts. The most common types include wood-burning and gas

2. Gas Fire Pits: Fuelled by propane or natural gas, these fre pits offer convenience and ease of use. They can be turned on or off with the fick of a switch, and they produce consistent heat without the need for tending. Gas fre pits are available in various styles, from sleek modern designs to more rustic options. They do, however, require a gas line or propane tank.

Design Considerations

When planning to incorporate a fre pit into your garden, several design considerations come into play. These include the placement, materials, and overall aesthetic.

1. Placement: The location of your fre pit is crucial for both safety and enjoyment. It should be placed on a fat, non-fammable surface, away from overhanging branches, structures, and other fammable materials. Consider the prevailing wind direction to minimise smoke blowing towards seating areas. Additionally,

2. Materials: Fire pits can be constructed from various materials such as stone, brick, metal, or concrete. The choice of material should complement the existing garden design. For a natural look, stone or brick can blend seamlessly with the landscape. Metal fre pits, especially those made from stainless steel or cast iron, can offer a more contemporary appeal.

3. Aesthetic: The fre pit should enhance the overall look of your garden. Think about the style you want to achieve—rustic, modern, or traditional—and select a fre pit that aligns with that vision. Incorporating seating options like builtin benches or movable chairs around the fre pit can create an inviting atmosphere.

Maintenance and Safety

Maintaining an outdoor fre pit involves regular cleaning and adherence to safety practices. Here are some essential tips:

1. Regular Cleaning: Remove ashes and debris after each use to prevent buildup. For gas fre pits, check the gas lines and connections periodically to ensure they are secure and leak-free.

2. Covering: Use a weather-resistant cover to protect the fre pit from the elements when not in use. This

3. Safety Measures: Always keep a fre extinguisher or a bucket of sand nearby in case of emergencies. Educate family members, especially children, on the importance of fre safety. Never leave a fre pit unattended when in use, and ensure the fre is completely extinguished before leaving the area.

4. Local Regulations: Check with local authorities regarding any regulations or restrictions on fre pit usage in your area. Some regions may have specifc rules about open fames, particularly during dry seasons.

Stay Warm In Your Garden!

An outdoor fre pit can signifcantly enhance your garden, offering a warm and inviting space for relaxation and socialising. By choosing the right type, considering design elements, and adhering to maintenance and safety guidelines, you can create a stunning focal point that brings year-round enjoyment to your outdoor space. Whether you prefer the rustic charm of a wood-burning fre or the convenience of a gaspowered option, a fre pit is a versatile addition that can transform your garden into a cozy retreat. Embrace the allure of outdoor fre pits and enjoy the countless benefts they bring to your home and garden.

GARDENING NEWS 52 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024
outdoor fre pits.

Death Notice

Late of Wollongbar. Passed away peacefully on June 4th, 2024, with her loving family by her side. Beloved wife of Trevor (dec). Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Sue & Didier; Rik & Donelle; Pia & Paul; Tod & Paula and cherished “pam pam” of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Much loved sister and sister-in-law to Richard & Pam (both dec); Robert & Joyce; Barry & Sharon and a dear friend to many.

Forever Loved and Adored Family and Friends are warmly invited to attend a celebration of Pam’s life to be held in the Gummifera Gardens, Lismore Memorial Gardens Crematorium, Skyline Road Goonellabah on (Friday June 21, 2024) commencing at 12.00 noon. Please wear something colourful in memory of Pam’s joyful personality. is service will be livestreamed and may be viewed at

Passed away in the loving care of St. Andrew’s Nursing Home, Ballina with his loving wife Pam by his side. Former husband of Denise (dec).

Cherished father & father-in-law of Camilla Pilley (dec), Shane & Suzette, Mardi & Christopher, Grant (dec) and Melissa.

Much loved pop, great pop and great great pop. Loved brother of Patricia Myles and Robyn Murphy. Loved by his extended family and friends.

A private burial at East Ballina Cemetery has taken place.

53 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times IN MEMORIAM This page is dedicated to all those that have passed Funeral Notice PAMELA WHITEHEAD
John Albert McCoy “ e real” 10. 04. 1928 ~ 28. 05. 2024
Ballina 02 6686 7036 Monumental Masons ELLEM MONUMENTAL CASINO GRANITE HEADSTONES NEW & RESTORATION Gloria m 0457 976 491 Scott m 0481 170 218 Brian m 0433 905 601 Phone 66 626 066 Ballina-Lismore-Casino -Sth Grafton 1800 809 336 Funeral Directors & Services Funeral Directors & Services Funeral Directors & Services Sacred Earth Funerals Funerals with Heart 1300 585 778 Bespoke - Personal - Professional Funeral Directors & Services LISMORE • BALLINA • RICHMOND VALLEY Locally Owned 55 Magellan Street, Lismore Warwick Binney Ph 02 6622 2420 LISMORE • BALLINA • RICHMOND VALLEY Locally Owned and Operated 55 Magellan Street, Lismore Warwick Binney Ph 02 6622 2420 LISMORE • BALLINA • RICHMOND VALLEY Locally Owned and Operated 55 Magellan Street, Lismore Warwick Binney Ph 02 6622 2420 LISMORE • BALLINA • RICHMOND VALLEY Locally Owned and Operated 55 Magellan Street, Lismore Warwick Binney Ph 02 6622 2420 McGuiness Funerals “A Tradition of Care” Murwillumbah 02 6672 2144 Billinudgel 02 6680 3084 Funeral Directors & Services


1. The proposed facility comprises the swap out of panel antennas - removal of four redundant (4), installation of fve new (5 x 2533mm L), re-use of three existing (3 x 2580mm L) and relocation of one existing (1 x 2580mm L); ancillary equipment to be upgraded including remote radio units, tower mounted amplifers, mounts, cabling and feeders; and internal works within the equipment shelter, to improve Telstra’s mobile phone network (including 4G / 5G).

2. Telstra regards the proposed installation as a ‘Low impact’ Facility under the Telecommunications (Low Impact Facilities) Determination, based on the description above. The proposed infrastructure will comply with the ACMA EME regulatory arrangements.

3. In accordance with Section 7 of C564:2020 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code, we invite you to provide feedback about the proposal. Further information and/or comments should be directed to: Planning Consultant on behalf of Telstra, via email to, phone: 0487 949 301, via post to Planning Consultant, Servicestream, 129 Pilbara Street, Welshpool, WA 6106 by 5pm 8th July 2024.

CLASSIFIEDS, RURAL, TRADES & SERVICES 54 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024 Personal Sasha’s on Cook Street Supporting your local community Escort Services available in the Northern Rivers. Ladies and Couples welcome! Check out our website Payments accepted - Credit card, bank transfer, over the phone payment and CASH! Open 7 days 10am till late Monday-Tuesday: 10am-6pm Call us on (02) 6622 5533 20 Cook Street South Lismore. Email: 18+ Massage Therapeutic Massage Males – Females All welcome Shop 1 - 94 Main St, Alstonville Open 7 Days - 9am to 8pm - 0452 196 722 Ada Massage Center Wanted Hay for Sale Positions Vacant Ads get noticed Call Sharon on 02 6662 6222 UNWANTED ITEMS? SELL THEM HERE IN THE NORTHER RIVERS TIMES CLASSIFIEDS CALL SHARON OR TONNI ON 02 6662 6222 Position Vacant Ritchies Supa IGA is a leader in the independent Supermarket and Liquor industry. We are seeking a Meat Manager and a Butcher to join our Ballina team. Previous applicants encouraged to re-apply. Join the Masters of Meat at Ritchies today! Applications to: @thenorthernriverstimes Clearing Sale Cattle & Rural Sale Hay for Sale
Stream Ltd ABN 46 072 369 870 Telstra Ltd ACN 086 174 781 Amplitel Pty Ltd ACN 648 133 073
Peter 0427 042 713 • Matthew 0427 737 938 Mark 0411 491 437 • Jack 0498 400 176 Licensed Stock & Station Agents Ramsey & Bulmer Casino 02 6662 6662 Allen Ramsey 0428 664 927 Wayne Bulmer 0428 661 167 Steve Davis 0429 623 066 Alex Sullivan 0490 058 091 T&W McCormack Casino 02 6662 1577 LIVEWEIGHT & OPEN AUCTION STORE SALE NRLX – CASINO FRIDAY 5TH JULY 2024 Commencing 10.00am 1000 HEAD 1000 Booking are being taken for this upcoming sale. Cattle & Rural Sale Auction List: 2022 Case Maxxum 125HP 4WD Tractor693 hours with Bucket/ Forks & Slasher Yamaha ATV Buggy John Deere Zero Turn Mower DR200 Motor Bike 90cc Quad Bike Honda 450cc Quad Bike Yamah 450cc Quad Bike Lathe and Tools Bearing Press Drill Press 2 x 22500L Poly Tanks Calf Cradle and Slides 2 Gravel Spreaders for a Bobcat Truck Cab Guard 6 Concrete Culvert Pipes 4 Steel Gas Pipes 1 Poly Culvert Pipe CLEARING SALE A/C ALLEN FAMILY (PROPERTY SOLD) 10:00AM AEST, Saturday, 22nd June 2024 403 Wyndham Road, Wyneden via KYOGLE NSW 2474 David O’Reilly Riley Wellman Lance Butt 0428 299 743 0499 222 514 0455 589 932 For More Information Contact Your Agent Licensed Auctioneers, Stock & Station & Real Estate Agents Full Payment On Day Cash, Cheque or EFTPOS (0.7% Fee) CASINO BANGALOW MURWILLUMBAH WARWICK STANTHORPE 3 Large Concrete Pipes 1000L Fuel Tank 60 Cattle Panels 3 Lick Pins Hay Ring 2 Compressors Vanguard Motor Power Hacksaw Stick Welder Uni Mig Welder 4 x 1000L Pods Grazon Wetting Agent Herbicide Dye Rolls of Fencing Wire 50 Star Posts Qty of Assorted Steel 3 Pallets of Cement Powder Qty Lick Blocks Grinding Discs Dyna Bolts Turnbuckles Gate Hinges Qty of Taps and Fittings Qty of Tire Wire Anvil Qty of Tools Pipe Bender Antique Cutter Chains and Dogs Tie Down Straps Wheel Barrows & Trolleys Cement Mixer Rolls of Steel Cable Vintage Drill Press Trolley Jack Lifting Chains 6 Aluminium Steeps Workshop Tool Box 4 Fire Hoses 4 Man Tent Sorghum Round Bales Horwood Bagshaw Series 1 - 14 dropper Seeder PLUS Sundries.
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56 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024 TRADES, SERVICES & COMMUNITY NOTICES COMMUNITY
must be emailed to before 3pm Fridays Phone numbers only, no email addresses. Get the word out about your Club, Membership, Events, etc Tree Services PH: 0408 620 829 or 6662 2025 CASINO/KYOGLE BONALBO CORAKI WOODBURN EVANS HEAD OUR EQUIPMENT IS IDEAL FOR SITES WITH LIMITED ACCESS Dingo mini digger & stump grinder goes anywhere • Tree & Palms Removed • 17m Cherry Picker Larger Chipper Stump Grinder • Qualified Arborist • Tree Detailing • Climbers • Rubbish Removed FULLY INSURED TREE SERVICES Roofng Services Rooftech Roofing Services For Everything Roofing Phone office on 66811793 2/32 Southern Cross Drive, Ballina Lic 303299C and 301815C INSURANCE - COMMERCIAL STRATA - RESIDENTIAL • New & replacement metal roofs • Painting of tile and metal roofs • Roof repairs: tile and metal • Guttering: whirly birds: mesh • Emergency/insurance repairs Septic Tree Services Low rates, friendly service Email: The Channon covering all areas of the North Coast P 6688 6136 M 0427 886 136 EXPERIENCED, FULLY INSURED, ALL SIZE JOBS For a free quote & advice Lopping Wood Chipping Felling Stump Grinding Removal • Lopping • Felling • Removal • Wood Chipping • Cherry Picker • Stump Grinding Low rates, friendly service Email: The Channon covering all areas of the North Coast P 6688 6136 M 0427 886 136 EXPERIENCED, FULLY INSURED, ALL SIZE JOBS For a free quote & advice Lopping Wood Chipping Felling Stump Grinding Removal Low rates, friendly service Email: The Channon covering all areas of the North Coast P 6688 6136 M 0427 886 136 EXPERIENCED, FULLY INSURED, ALL SIZE JOBS For a free quote & advice Lopping Wood Chipping Felling Stump Grinding Removal For a free quote and advice contact NOEL
TRADES, SERVICES & COMMUNITY NOTICES 57 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
58 The Northern Rivers Times June 20, 2024 COMMUNITY NOTICES
59 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent COMMUNITY NOTICES




Northern Rivers District:

Partly cloudy. Light winds.

Thursday. Partly cloudy. Light winds.

Northern Tablelands District:

Partly cloudy. Areas of frost in the morning, mainly on and west of the ranges. The chance of morning fog. Winds westerly 15 to 20 km/h becoming light during the evening.

Thursday. Partly cloudy. Patches of morning frost on and west of the ranges. Slight chance of a shower on and west of the ranges. Light winds becoming west to northwesterly 15 to 25 km/h during the morning.

New South Wales:

Isolated showers in the southern inland. The chance of a shower about the central coast and snow showers about the Alpine above 1200 metres. Dry and mostly sunny elsewhere. Areas of fog along the ranges. Widespread frost across the ranges, slopes, and inland plains, except the far west. Daytime temperatures below average. North to northeasterly winds west of the ranges, west to northwesterly east of the ranges. Thursday. Isolated showers in the southern and central inland. The chance of a shower about the central and southern coasts and snow showers about the Alpine above 1100 metres. Patchy morning frost along the ranges. Daytime temperatures average, if not slightly below. North to northwesterly winds west of the ranges, west to northwesterly east of the ranges.

Byron Coast: Winds: Southwesterly 10 to 15 knots turning west to northwesterly below 10 knots during the morning. Seas: Around 1 metre. Swell: Southerly 3 to 4 metres, decreasing to 2 to 3 metres during the morning. Weather: Mostly sunny. Coffs Coast:

Winds: Southwesterly 15 to 20 knots becoming variable about 10 knots during the day. Seas: 1 to 1.5 metres, decreasing below 1 metre during the morning. Swell: Southerly 3 to 4 metres, decreasing to 2 to 3 metres during the morning. Weather: Mostly sunny.

Gold Coast Waters: Winds: West to southwesterly 10 to 15 knots tending west to northwesterly during the day. Seas: Below 1 metre. Swell: Southerly 2.5 to 4 metres, decreasing to 2 to 3 metres during the morning. Weather: Sunny.

1024 1024 1008 1016 1016 1016 1016 1010 1000 1021 1031 TODAY 10AM 1024 1024 1008 1008 1016 1016 1016 1016 1003 1009 011 1031 1019 TOMORROW 10AM 1000 1024 1008 1008 16 1016 1016 016 102 1031 FRIDAY 10AM
cold front warm front 1024 hectoPascal (hPa) trough Forecast Rain 24 hrs to 9am Warnings: Latest info at Warnings 1300 659 210 State Service 1300 934 034 Coastal Waters 1300 978 023 BYRON BAY UV ALERT 10:10am - 1:20pm MAX UV Index 3 (moderate) TIDES, SUN & MOON Ballina Issued June 17, 2024 for June 19, 2024 Sunny Mostly sunny Partly cloudy Cloudy Chance shower Shower or two Showers Light rain (drizzle) Rain Storm Showers storm Windy Dust Fog 4m
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Low:12:30am0.7m High:5:55am1.2m Low:11:47am0.5m High:6:47pm1.7m Low:1:18am0.6m High:6:43am1.2m Low:12:26pm0.5m High:7:29pm1.7m Low:2:02am0.5m High:7:30am1.2m Low:1:04pm0.4m High:8:10pm1.8m Low:2:45am0.5m High:8:16am1.2m Low:1:46pm0.4m High:8:53pm1.8m Low:3:29am0.4m High:9:04am1.2m Low:2:31pm0.4m High:9:38pm1.9m Low:4:15am0.4m High:9:54am1.2m Low:3:18pm0.4m High:10:24pm1.9m RiseSet Sun6:38am4:56pm Moon2:25pm3:40am TODAY MELBOURNE 12 ADELAIDE 17 DARWIN 31 ALICE SPRINGS 26 HOBART 12 SYDNEY 16 CANBERRA 10 CAIRNS 26 BRISBANE 22 PERTH 18 BROOME 32
RiseSet Sun6:38am4:57pm Moon3:07pm4:41am RiseSet Sun6:39am4:57pm Moon3:56pm5:43am RiseSet Sun6:39am4:57pm Moon4:54pm6:46am RiseSet Sun6:39am4:57pm Moon5:58pm7:44am RiseSet Sun6:39am4:58pm Moon7:06pm8:37am Kyogle Mullumbimby Kingcliff Wed 7 22 Thu 8 23 Fri 11 23 Sat 8 21 Sun 7 21 Murwillambah Wed 11 18 Thu 13 20 Fri 15 20 Sat 11 17 Sun 11 18 Byron Bay Wed 9 21 Thu 10 23 Fri 13 23 Sat 9 21 Sun 9 21 Tweed Heads Wed 8 20 Thu 9 21 Fri 11 21 Sat 7 19 Sun 7 19 Ballina Wed 6 20 Thu 7 21 Fri 11 22 Sat 7 19 Sun 7 20 Evans Head Wed 8 19 Thu 9 21 Fri 11 21 Sat 8 19 Sun 9 19 Yamba Wed 5 20 Thu 6 21 Fri 7 21 Sat 4 20 Sun 4 21 Grafton Wed -1 15 Thu 1 16 Fri 3 13 Sat -1 15 Sun -2 16 Tenterfield Wed 4 19 Thu 5 21 Fri 8 21 Sat 4 19 Sun 3 19 Lismore

NRL club Wests Tigers are getting behind a NSW Government campaign to keep kid’s sport fun this winter.

The Tigers have joined more than 250 sports clubs and associations and 32 State Sporting Organisations to support the Shoosh for Kids winter campaign which urges spectators at junior sport to keep sideline behaviour positive, so it remains fun for kids.

Rather than remaining completely silent, Shoosh for Kids is a reminder that if you don’t have something positive to say, then Shoosh for Kids.

The Tigers joined junior players from Concord Burwood Wolves at the Wests Tigers Centre of Excellence at Concord this morning where they got a chance to meet their heroes and share their experiences of why

Shooshing for Kids is so important.

Chief Executive of the Offce of Sport Karen Jones said:

“When attending junior sport we need to remember, it isn’t the NRL, EPL or NBL – it’s community sport.

“It’s a chance for kids to have fun, make friends

and learn new skills.

“As adults, we wouldn’t perform our best if someone shouted at us.

“And as spectators, we need to ensure junior sport remains fun for kids so that they want to keep playing and can enjoy all the benefts that it offers.

“The message is simple, if you don’t have anything positive to say, Shoosh for Kids.”

Wests Tigers David Klemmer, who has three boys who play footy at weekends, is right behind the shoosh campaign:

“I think it’s really important that parents

are always positive on the sidelines.

“Our kids are playing footy because they enjoy being with their mates and having fun.

“It’s their time, by all means be encouraging but don’t spoil it by going over the top.”

Concord Burwood Wolves President Glenn

Bruce said:

“The Concord Burwood Wolves support the Shoosh for Kids program.

“Spectators who yell abuse at referees, players and offcials are not welcome at our home ground.

“Just let the kids play and always be respectful to the people who allow our kids to play in a fun, safe and inclusive sport: the volunteers.

“Keep the cheer, ditch the fear, stop the bully, let’s play footy!”

The Shoosh for Kids program provides free resources to clubs and associations to share the message and help keep sport fun for junior players.

For further information and to sign up to the campaign, visit:



The winner of social golf on Sunday was Fred Bruni with a net score of 29 on a count back from Frosty Day also 29. The putting trophy was won by Ray Ruttley with 17 putts and he also won the players draw.

Nearest to pins: 8th, 11th & 12th, R.Ruttley. 10th, G.Randall. 14th, 16th,& 18th,

G. Skennar. 17th,G. Shephard.Next Sunday’s event sponsored by Century Batteries Lismore will be a single stableford on the bottom 10 holes and visitors are welcome to play with hit off from 6-30am till 7-30am.





P.Waters P.Hume 11 d

S.Hume G.Drew 6



P.Bolte P.Scott 13 d

J.Doust B.Waters 7

P.Waters J.Hannigan

14 d N.Barnes

R.Chapman 8

C.Woodlands 19 d

B.Wellings 19

N.Poynting N.Barnes

19 d P.Scott J.Hannigan


P.Bolte D.Jones 11 d

J.Doust M.Field 10

R.Poynting 7 d

M.Russell D.Scott 6



PENNANTS : Byron Bay 8 d Alstonville 2

Byron Bay 1st, Cherry Street 2nd, Alstonville 3rd, Ballina 4th, Lismore 5th, Casino 6th. Croquet for Kids 3.30 pm Tuesday afternoons all welcome.

Ballina Mahjong 14TH June 2024

Joy Lowien 1, Ramsay Roper 2, Sally Lowry

3, Susan Allan 4, Gail McDonagh 5, Vanessa Reynolds 6, Lorna Simpson 7, Ronda Taylor 8, Barbara Ellan 9, Jeanette Henwood 10, Pauline Bolte 11, Jan Boardman 12, Yvonne Weddup 13, Valda Mclerie 14, Coral Lavelle 15, Margaret Bryant 16, Wendy Thornton 17, Cindy Smith, Pam Farrell 18, Pauline Kearney 20, Kath Hubbard 21, Linda Lloyd 22, Gladys

D’Anna, Jane Fenech 23, Shirley Atkinson 25, Jan Henry, Jan Small, Lisa Wong 26, Shirley Coleman 29, Susan Scott 30. Friday at 12:30pm at the Ballina Bridge Club North Creek Road. Enquiries for new players phone Shirley on 0423384647.

SPORTS NEWS 61 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent

TWO Grafton Redmen players have bolted into the NSW Country Corella’s team after impressive debuts for Mid North Coast at the NSW Country Championships in Tamworth over the June long weekend.

Natalie Blackadder and Yuri Fuller have been instrumental in Grafton’s run to a tilt at this year’s Mid North Coast Women’s 10s premiership.

Both players had no

idea if they did enough to gain selection in the Country squad, however a phone call from the Corellas’ coach on Friday confrmed what they hoped to hear.

“The coach called me about 10am while I was at work. He asked me how I was going and said he was just giving me a call to inform me I had been selected in the Country squad,” a jubilant Blackadder said.

“He also gave me a few tips on what I have to work on to improve my game which was


It wasn’t so smooth sailing for Fuller who had to endure a nervous ten-hour wait for the call she thought would never eventuate.

“I didn’t get an early phone call because I put down the wrong number on the registration sheet,” Fuller laughed.

“They had to go searching for me and I got the phone call about eight-thirty that night.

“During the day I just excepted my fate and believed I missed out.”

Blackadder admitted

she was a bundle of nerves before Mid North Coast’s opening game in Tamworth but added as soon as she ran out on the feld the nerves quickly vanished.

“I thought I was going to die when we were warming up,” Blackadder said.

“But once I got out there, I cleared my head, made my frst tackle and I was all good.

“It was such a different experience playing ffteen-a-side rugby. You have your role, and you have to stick with it as

there is less room than ten-a-side.”

For the rangy Redmen back-rower, it was by chance she even tried out for the representative side.

“I only tried out for Mid North Coast because Tamar (McHugh, Redmen captain) and Yuri did it. I thought to myself, why not give it a go and see where it takes me,” she said.

Fuller, a prolifc try-scorer, who can slot into most positions in the backline, said her

selection had a lot to do with the improvement of the Grafton Redmen Women’s side and the quality of women’s rugby throughout the Mid North Coast.

“Our team has improved dramatically over the past two years and obviously the growth of Women’s Mid North Coast rugby has produced a higher standard with quality players throughout the Zone,” Fuller said.

Forsyth Park, Saturday –Katie Thorn showcased her exceptional skills with a hat-trick as the Urunga Raiders triumphed over the Coffs United Lionesses, securing a 4-1 victory in a thrilling top-of-thetable clash.

Thorn ignited the scoreboard early when Bre Martin delivered a precision through ball, slicing through the Lionesses’ defence.

Thorn’s speed and strength prevailed as she powered the ball into the roof of the net.

The Raiders maintained their momentum, entering halftime with a 2-0 lead. In the second half, Thorn capitalised on a loose ball, driving it into the bottom corner for her second goal of the match.

Despite Georgia Silvy’s effort to pull one back for the Lionesses, Thorn

sealed the victory and the three points with her third goal, just fve minutes before the fnal whistle.

This win extends the Urunga Raiders’ lead at the top of the table to six points, with a total of 24 points from 8 matches.

Coffs City United remains in second place with 18 points, while Woolgoolga holds third with 12 points

June 20, 2024
The Northern Rivers Times
Natalie Blackadder, left and Yuri Fuller in high spirits after their selection in the NSW Country Corellas team. Both learned of their selection last Friday.

The Grafton Ghosts have bounced to form with an emphatic 20-10 win over Macksville at Frank McGuren Field, Grafton, on Sunday.

The style of the four tries to two win would have quelled misgivings Ghosts fans must have experienced after the 62-12 shellacking their team copped at the hands of competition leaders Nambucca just a week before.

The missed tackles, dropped ball and poor options that crucifed the Ghosts last week were gone.

Instead the Grafton forwards dealt with the Sea Eagles big, physical pack with crunching front on defence.

And when the visitors resorted to some niggle to attempt to put the Ghosts off their game, their discipline was excellent, refusing to get drawn into tit-for-tat exchanges.

In attack the Ghosts showed their best form of the season.

With Jordan Gallagher at fve-eighth the

backline looked the best organised it has for the season.

His kicking and passing game kept the Macksville defence guessing all afternoon.

The Ghosts were frst on the board when live-wire fullback Toby McIntosh broke his try scoring duck for the side.

Woods converted to give his team a lead, which they did not surrender.

Stung to be behind the visitors hurled their big forwards into the Ghosts forward pack only to fnd the Grafton forward willing to put their bodies on the line.

Midway through the half the Ghosts made the most of some rare feld position when second rower Jake Martin got the ball out wide and was able to accelerate through a gap into space.

He threw a brilliant one-handed pass inside to centre Rhys Hambly who headed for the corner post to score.

Woods missed the sideline conversion, but the score gave the

Ghosts confdence and they were able to add another on their next visit to Sea Eagles territory.

It was a classic try to their skipper Dylan Collett when McIntosh slipped into frst receiver with the Ghosts on attack 15m from the line.

McIntosh spun a looping 20m pass to Collett putting the big centre one on one with his opposite number Daneil Donovan.

Collett stood up the centre with a little in and away, then showed too much strength for the winger to plunge over the line.

The try-scoring wizard could have added another soon after when chased a delightfully weighted Gallagher grubber kick into the in-goal only to knock on a he desperately tried to ground the awkwardly bouncing ball.

Ahead 14-0 and with half time closing the Ghosts fnished the half with some resolute defence on their goal line.

The second half began

badly for the Ghosts when their lock forward

Adam Slater was forced from the feld with a head knock after making a heavy front on tackle.

Slater had been a handful for the Macksville pack throughout the frst 40 minutes with some powerful surges and his defence had been outstanding.

Ten minutes into the half the Macksville backs turned on a show for the crowd in the southern grandstand.

Five eighth Reilly Laverton hit the ball at speed and put in a perfectly placed chip kick into front of Donovan who swept onto the ball and into the backfeld.

He drew the cover, the slipped a perfectly timed pass to Laverty who raced over about 5m to the right of the posts.

Andrew Blair converted to put them visitors back in the game.

Macksville dominated play for the next period and it was only great goal line defence that kept them out.

A kick that hit the posts and bounced awkwardly could have been disastrous for the Ghosts, but winger Liam Bloomer was alive to the danger and shovelled the ball across the dead ball line.

With about 15 minutes left on the clock halfback Cooper Woods sealed the game with a moment of individual brilliance.

Finding himself matched with a backrower Woods put on a right footstep and fend to get into the clear.

He stepped of his left to beat the next defender and then off his right again to get inside another and plunge over for a try under the posts. It was a score too many for Macksville to get back into the game, but they kept plugging away and were rewarded with the fnal try of the game with about seven minutes on the clock. Again it was a Laverty kick which bounced kindly for winger Wezley Brown, who dived on the ball just before it went dead, that beat the defence. Blair

missed the conversion from touch to leave the score at 20-10.

The Ghosts had a couple of chances to add to their lead in the fnal minutes of the game, but the chances went begging.

The South Grafton Rebels had another heart breaking loss, giving up a 20-14 lead against competition leaders Nambucca at Coronation Park to go down 22-20. It was a great chance for the Rebels to put one over the Roosters, who monstered them at home 46-12, just a few weeks ago.

The loss means the Rebels, last season’s beaten grand fnalists, have only one win for the season and puts them at risk of missing the semi-fnals.

It was also the fourth close loss this season for the Rebels.

Next week the Rebels are on the road again to Coffs Harbour, to play the Comets and the Ghosts have the bye.

The GIANTS’ AFLW list is heading to Canberra on 4-5 July to meet the footy community and inspire the next generation of footy superstars, as part of the frst-ever, league wide AFLW Community Camp program.

Around two months out from its NAB AFLW Round 1 clash at Manuka Oval on Saturday, 31 August, the GIANTS players will spend some time with their fans at their home away from home.

Headlining the camp is the Canberra Girls Footy Festival which welcomes girls aged 5-14 to get involved in a jam-packed night of fun and footy alongside GIANTS AFLW players.

To be held at EPC

Solar Park in Phillip on Thursday, 4 July, the Girls Footy Festival is open to local footballers and NAB AFL Auskick participants, as well as anyone wanting to come and try Australian rules football in a fun and friendly environment.

In addition to the GIANTS players, there will be activities and games, large infatables, giveaways and, of course, a barbecue.

As part of the AFLW Community Camp, the GIANTS will also hold a Coach Your Way session featuring GIANTS coaching staff and its star defender and accredited Level 3 coach, Katherine Smith.

On Friday, 5 July the GIANTS players will connect with hundreds

of Canberra school children when they visit to schools around the nation’s capital.

AFL NSW/ACT’s Participation and Programs Manager, Dylan Potter, said of the GIANTS’ 2024 AFLW Community Camp:

“This is another great opportunity for footy fans in Canberra to meet elite players face to face.

“Auskick and junior girls will be particularly excited with the Canberra Girls Footy Festival kicking off on Thursday. This will be the frst time we’ve brought women and girls from across the ACT to meet and learn from the GIANTS’ AFLW team and I can’t wait to see everyone loving the game together.

“Thank you in advance to the community for their support and the GIANTS AFLW program for visiting Canberra in a year when the ACT is celebrating 100 years of footy.”

Canberra Girls Footy Festival details

Date: Thursday, July 4

Time: 4:30pm-7pm

Location: EPC Solar Park, Phillip Age: 5-14 years

Coach Your Way program

The Coach Your Way Program is exclusively available for women and girls looking to develop their skills in coaching.

Date: Thursday, July 4

Time: 5:30pm-7pm

Location: EPC Solar Park, Phillip Register: Scan the QR Code

NAB AFL Auskick Burst in Canberra

Participants inspired by the GIANTS will have an opportunity to join the fun weekly, with NAB AFL Auskick opening in Canberra from 21 July, offering participants half a season of the Auskick experience and the beloved Auskick pack. We call it Auskick Burst, with participants bursting on the footy scene and having a great time.

Auskick Burst will be offered at a greatly reduced price, which will be revealed before 4 July’s Girls Footy Festival.

NAB AFLW Season 9 coming to Canberra

GIANTS fans will get a chance to see the team in action in Round 1 of the

NAB AFLW season and again in Round 3. Round 1 1:05pm Saturday, 31


GIANTS v Western Bulldogs Round 3 5:05pm Sunday, 15 September GIANTS v Gold Coast Suns

Tickets for these matches will be available closer to the date.

SPORTS NEWS 63 June 20, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
The Tyalgum Hotel offers refurbished Accommodation, Bistro, Sports bar, Swimming Pool, Snug room and Bottleshop Tyalgum Hotel, Coolman St, Tyalgum, NSW 2484 - 02 6679 3994 - - TYALGUM HOTEL - SINCE 1926 SMOKER BBQ Every Saturday and Sunday OLD MACDONALDS FARMS PETTING ZOO Saturday 6th July from 12pm MOVIE NIGHT (KUNG FU PANDA 4) Saturday 20th July at dusk FLYING HIGH REDMEN SELECTED IN CORELLA’S SQUAD

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