The Northern Rivers Times Edition 190

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$17.9mil fgure not a ‘cost blowout’ says

In a lengthy statement, Clarence Property’s Chief Executive Offcer Simon Kennedy outlined ‘key facts’ about the Wallum

Mr Kennedy said

the land on which the development is proposed was zoned ‘residential’ under both the Byron Local Environmental Plan 1988 and the updated LEP of 2014. The original Concept Plan for the Wallum site was lodged by the site’s previous owner Codlea Pty Ltd and received

approval from state government in 2013.

Clarence Property acquired the site from Codlea in 2021.

Mr Kennedy said the project was not a ‘zombie DA’ and had been continually worked on since concept plan approval was frst received

in 2013.

“Clarence Property’s amended concept plan reduces the amount of developed land from 17.3 hectares to 12.3 hectares, retaining 18 hectares of the 30-hectare site for existing vegetation,” he said.

“Management of

Advertising: 1300 679 787 Your local news, entertainment, tv, notices and sports Edition 190 February 29, 2024 Phone: 1800 809 336 LISMORE CASINO BALLINA Email: Northern Rivers to bear brunt of future disaster costs page 8 CLARENCE PROPERTY HIT BACK
Clarence Valley Mayor Peter Johnstone (pictured above) explains why the almost $18 million fgure released in an update on the progress of the Treelands Drive Community Centre project was not a cost blow out.
Full story page 6 By Samantha Elley
Full story by Tim Howard on page 4
Full story continued page 2

WALLUM Development: Clarence Property hit back

Consulting (AWC), who have been working on the Wallum site since it was originally approved for development in 2013.”

Mr Kennedy said the highest quality habitats on the site are to the eastern and western extents of the site and they are being retained as conservation areas.

Clarence Property also revised the design of Wallum to avoid clearing approximately 3000m2 of forest vegetation on the land to the south, which would have been cleared under the previous designs.

The company claim, prior to the subdivision works certificate approval by Byron Shire Council, Council engaged its own independent ecologist to review the ecological report who confirmed that all conditions of consent had been fully addressed.

And ‘extensive investigations’ into

the impacts of the development were prepared by the company’s ecological consultants.

Three independent ecologists agreed there would be no impacts on threatened species which require further assessment than has already been completed.

Mr Kennedy went on to say 50 artificial hollows will be created to offset the expected loss of 20 hollows.

Hollows identified within scribbly gums marked for removal are ‘unsuitable breeding habitat for the glossy black cockatoo’ due to being too close to the

ground, he said.

While BioNet records provided by the Sharing and Enabling Environmental Data (SEED) have determined the Wallum site is unlikely to be frequented by koalas.

But, in the same paragraph, he said the removal of 21 secondary

koala food trees will be offset in a conservation corridor on site at a 2:1 ratio resulting in ‘a gain in food trees in the long term’.

Clarence Property will retain 2.6ha of wallum froglet habitat.

To date, 19 homesites in Wallum have already been sold.

Save Wallum campaigners call on federal government to intervene in development

The Save Wallum campaign continues to be fought on two fronts.

A large group of campaigners are maintaining a 24-hour presence in front of the gates at the Wallum heathland site on Torakina Rd in Brunswick Heads.

Another group is working behind the scenes to challenge what they claim to be inadequacies in various reports put forward in the development application.

The developer, Clarence Property, has stated all the necessary environmental assessments have been carried out rigorously.

The Northern Rivers Planning Panel approved the DA in May last year.

But the fight to protect the environmentally sensitive coastal heathland continues.

Local ecologist James Barrie and fellow Save Wallum campaigners have called for the

federal government to intervene.

They are supporting the community to lobby Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek to call Wallum in as a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC).

The EPBC Act

protects certain plants, habitats, places and nationally threatened species, as they are considered as Matters of National Environmental Significance (MNES) or protected matters.

Ecologists have identified nine EPBC listed species at Wallum, including the Wallum Sedge Frog and the south-eastern Glossy


According to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEEW) a person must not take an action that has, will have, or is likely to have, a significant impact on protected matters - without approval from the environment minister.

To obtain approval, an action must undergo an environmental assessment and approval process.

But it is up to an individual/developer to refer their project to the DCCEEW if they believe any action they undertake, such as construction, will

Continued page 3

NEWS 2 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
An aerial image of the Wallum development site provided by Clarence Property Ecologist James Barrie discusses Wallum’s unique biodiversity during an ecological tour of the site

significantly impact any protected matters.

Mr Barrie said the developer is refusing to honour their legal obligation to self-refer the federally listed threatened species and their habitats (MNES) despite their documented presence.

He said multiple experts have identified that the development will have a significant impact on the protected species.

The Federal Environment Department have previously said Clarence Property has been notified of its obligations under the EPBC Act.

The developer has all the required local and state environmental approvals.

Questions were also put forward to Minister Plibersek asking if an environmental assessment of the Wallum development will be undertaken by the DCCEEW.

She is yet to respond.

Byron Shire Councillor Asren Pugh said

process of bringing in a new set of environmental protection laws.

Mr Pugh said the problem with the Wallum development has always been the fact that the original concept plan was approved in 2013 and it only had to abide by the environmental regulations that were in place prior to that.

Discover hidden gems with launch of latest Visitor Guide

the EPBC Act was ‘thoroughly inadequate’ when it came to protecting threatened species as it was up to an individual/developer to decide if they would refer (self-refer) their project to the federal environment department.

There are also ways around the Act, especially if local and state environmental approvals have been given, which include environmental offset plans to counterbalance a development activity.

The federal government is currently in the

Save Wallum campaigners argue the one law developers’ have never abided by was the EPBC Act and they have ignored previous instruction to refer the project.

The development is often referred to as a ‘zombie DA’ which has become the term for projects approved years and sometimes decades ago, which do not meet modern environmental or cultural impact surveys/ assessments.

Mr Pugh said he believed negotiating with the developer to improve the environmental outcomes for Wallum was now one of the only options left.


THE latest edition of the Discover Richmond Valley Visitor Guide, containing information on everything from festivals and events, interesting places to visit, spectacular national parks, reserves, rivers and beaches, exciting adventure activities, to places to stay, eat, shop, is making its way to visitor information centres and tourism-related organisations throughout NSW and South-East Queensland.

The Discover Richmond Valley Visitor Guide, designed to unlock the treasures of our vibrant community, is produced in full colour in an A5, magazine-style format, with 10,000 copies printed and distributed.

The guide is also available online in an accessible, e-magazine format on the Discover Richmond Valley website.

Key features of the Discover Richmond Valley Visitor Guide include:

• Curated experiences: Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, an outdoor enthusiast, or an art aficionado, the guide

offers tailored itineraries to suit every taste and interest.

• Hidden gems:

Venture off the beaten path and discover the lesserknown gems which make the Richmond Valley truly unique. From charming local cafes to secluded hiking trails, there’s always something new to explore.

• Insider recommendations:

Benefit from insider recommendations from locals who know the ins and outs of the Valley’s best-kept secrets. In line with other North Coast local government areas, the Richmond Valley visitor economy has been growing incrementally over the past five years.

Tourism is estimated to contribute $78 million

direct visitor expenditure to the Richmond Valley visitor economy per year. Domestic daytrips account for 59 percent of visitors to the region and domestic overnight visitors account for 40 percent of visitors.

Increasing direct visitor expenditure and overnight visitation is, therefore, important to growing the area’s visitor economy.

Richmond Valley Council’s Director Community Service

Delivery Angela Jones said the visitor guide was a “must have” for visitors.

“Our goal with the new Discover Richmond Valley Visitor Guide is to provide visitors with an authentic experience which goes beyond the traditional tourist trail,” Ms Jones said.

“We want visitors to feel like locals, uncovering the hidden gems and secret spots which make our beautiful Valley so special.”

For copies of the Discover Richmond Valley Visitor Guide, contact the Casino, Evans Head and Woodburn visitor information centres at tourism@richmondvalley.

NEWS 3 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
RousCountyCouncil_QPV_AD_116x166_01022024-outlines.indd 1 1/2/2024 12:57 pm
UNDER THREAT: The Wallum Sedge Frog is a vulnerable species which is protected under the EPBC Act. Photo credit: Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEEW).

$17.9mil figure not a ‘cost blowout’ says mayor

The costs for a contentious development in West Yamba have not blown out, but include amounts from related developments says Clarence Valley Mayor Peter Johnstone.

Earlier this month The Northern Rivers Times ran a story, based on figures in a Clarence Valley Council press release, which said the costs for the project to demolish and replace the Treelands Drive Community Centre had apparently increased from the tender acceptance figure of $16.25 million (GST inclusive) to $17.97 million.

The paper requested a comment from the council, through its media team, about the apparent difference in the figures, but in its reply, failed to account for the different amounts.

In response to questions to explain the change in amounts and also to explain information that appeared to shed new light on the council processes which led to the decision to go ahead with the demolition and rebuild option, the council made a short response.

“Throughout the project councillors have been kept well-informed through reports to council and a number of workshops,” a spokesperson said.

“Option B, discussed in late 2022 was not progressed as it was a 100% council funded project without a funding strategy and an approved budget to progress.”

This explanation was

printed in full in the original story in the paper.

Cr Johnstone said he was at a loss to account for the failure of council staff to adequately answer the question, but said it the difference was an amount of $3.195 million which included expenditure on other projects in the West Yamba precinct.

The press release also recorded the tender figure at $14,778,230, which was the ex-GST amount of the successful tender.

Mayor Johnstone said it had been necessary to include the figure with GST when the tender came to council for acceptance, but the council did not have to pay the tax.

There was no inference there was a failure to understand the GST figures.

The breakdown of figures showed the construction phase of $3.195 mil, which included expenditure on a carpark, project management/site surveillance and design


This, combined with the tender figure of $14,778,230, brought the bottom line cost of the project to $17,973.230.

The council has funded the project with $11,107,882 from a Bushfire Local Economic Recovery grant, $342,000 from 2021/2022

Buildings Optimal Renewals Program and contributed $1.55million of its own funds.

It will fund the remaining $4,973,348 with loan borrowing.

The process to get to a successful tender was fraught with council doing two major backflips and attracting criticism from a vocal section of the Yamba community.

The first about turn came in late 2022 when the council resolved to change course from a plan to demolish and rebuild the 25-year-old centre to refurbish the existing centre.

At the same time the council was forced to close the Grafton Pool and the council

announced building a new pool for the region at Grafton was its No.1 priority.

Responding to community pressure the council began talks with the BLER funding body to switch the $11.1 million grant it had received for the Treelands Drive centre to the pool project.

The council even announced the talks had been successful, but in early 2023 the news came that NSW Government had ruled the BLER funds could not be switched and must be spent on the community centre.

This outcome and the potential difficulties in finishing the TDCC project within the BLER grant deadline, created fears the council might lose the BLER funding, causing council to make another U-turn.

As planning for the demolition and build project was more advanced the council staff put forward a controversial rescission motion to overturn the resolution to refurbish

the existing building at its February 28, 2023 meeting.

Council passed the rescission motion, but not without a challenge to its legality from then deputy mayor Cr Greg Clancy.

It has since been revealed the legal advice the council received from the Office of Local Government about the legality of a staff-driven rescission motion was not legally based.

But councillors were not told this was not merely an opinion of OLG staff.

During the February 28 meeting councillors were told:

“OLG’s view is that section 372 (of the Local Government Act 1993) only applies to situations where a councillor is seeking to alter, amend or rescind a previous decision of the Council. It does not apply to a situation where because of changed circumstances, a staff report is put up recommending the alteration, amendment or rescission of an earlier decision.”

But councillors were not informed of a qualifying paragraph underneath the advice, which was only made public late last year.

It read: “that the position is not entirely clear and this is very much a “vibe”-based view and does not have a solid legal basis.”

Also other emails obtained from the council and the NSW Department for Regional NSW under GIPA, revealed the BLER funding co-ordinators were prepared to accept a proposal to refurbish the existing centre.

Mayor Johnston said there had been some confusion about what the so-called Option B really was.

He said there had been an earlier proposal, labelled D3, which had become confused with the proposal to refurbish the centre that came out of community meetings in Yamba in 2022.

He said this confusion and lack of sufficient planning for the refurbishment option made Option A the only viable prospect.

NEWS 4 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024 Janelle Saffin MP MEMBER FOR LISMORE Authorised by Janelle Saffin MP. Funded using Parliamentary entitlements. Gets things done I love working with our community to make a difference 02 6621 3624 - 55 Carrington Street (PO BOX 52), Lismore NSW 2480
Clarence Valley Mayor Peter Johnstone explains why the almost $18 million figure released in an update on the progress of the Treelands Drive Community Centre project was not a cost blow out.

A Clarence Valley community group, already the target of Clarence Valley Council legal action, has concerns another attack is coming.

The Yamba Community Action Network said a notice of motion from Cr Karen Toms in the business paper of this month’s meeting, claiming the group flooded council staff with emails, could be seen as a further attempt to muzzle them.

The group’s secretary, Lynne Cairns, said the Notice of Motion (NOM), following the threat of defamation action the council launched last year, was a concern.

“Is it appropriate to request council to use needless time and resources, targeting a local community group, by requesting council provide a report about the allocation of resources to respond to Yamba CAN Inc’s GIPAs and RFI requests,” Ms Cairns said.

Ms Cairns said it was ironic Cr Toms was concerned about council staff spending time on these requests, when her NOM would require

Community group fears attack

significant time and effort.

“Cr Toms, please explain the purpose of expending needless time and resources to obtain such a report,” she said.

Cr Toms’ NOM, a question with notice was: “councillors receive a large volume of email from Yamba CAN executive members in excess of any other individual correspondent, much of which has related to the Yamba Community Centre Precinct project. Noting that staff introduced the Yamba Community Precinct to the current council on January 5, 2022.

“To better understand the volume, my question with notice relates to a report about the council resources applied to managing the expectations of Yamba CAN members.”

Cr Toms’ NOM read:

That the general manager advise, by way of a report the:

1. allocation of resources required to respond to GIPAs submitted by YambaCan since January 2022.

2. allocation of resources required to respond to RFI (Request for Information)

submitted by YambaCan since January 2022.

3. any cost implications of delays to delivering the Yamba Community Precinct project since January 2022.

Ms Cairns also pointed out Yamba CAN was only formed in October 2022, well after the January 2022 date Cr Toms stipulated in her NOM.

In the report the council’s general manager, Laura Black, in a supplementary comment said a member of the executive support team would collate the information sought.

She said both GIPAs and RFIs have resource allocations documented, and therefore this information would need to be collated.

She said cost implications for delays to

the Yamba Community Precinct could be included in the assessment including items such as: “designs costs, materials and contract increase, time allocation to meetings, report writing etc. Some matters will be estimate only.”

“I anticipate it will take a couple of months to gather the information and present it in a way that is meaningful, and therefore the report would likely not be before council until May 2024, if resolved,”

Ms Black’s comment read.

However, Yamba CAN, which is questioning the council in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal this week, suspects the council might be attempting to muzzle it.

Ms Cairns said the information Yamba CAN sought should be

publicly available and the community had a democratic right to have access to it.

She also said having a single group requesting access rather than a number of ratepayers would actually ease staff workloads.

“When Yamba CAN Inc formed on October 2, 2022 it became a voice for its members and the community,“ Ms Cairns said.

“More time and resources would be expended if each resident submitted their requests for documents individually.”

Ms Cairns said Yamba CAN was proud of its record of getting the council to reveal information it was initially reluctant to provide.

She said, if Cr Toms NOM is successful the report should include:

• the number of times the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) has supported Yamba CAN Inc when council refused or only partially provided documents.

• the number of times council has incorrectly redacted documents.

• the number of searches

council undertook and the time it took Council to locate documents.

• how many times council could not locate documents at all.

• how much council has charged Yamba CAN Inc for the documents in GIPA requests ($30 each) and when council overcharged for processing, as IPC previously informed Council and Yamba CAN Inc.

Ms Cairns provided a couple of examples about Council’s processing of GIPAs and RFIs, one where Council undertook three searches and couldn’t locate an email and then after eight months the email was provided accidentally in another GIPA request.

Another is when lodging an RFI, Council informed due to the large volume of RFIs it will take some time to process Yamba CAN’s RFI, as there were 290 RFI’s in front of Yamba CANs.

The Northern Rivers Times print deadline does not allow a report from Tuesday’s ordinary council meeting to be printed. It will appear in next week’s paper.

NEWS 5 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
YambaCAN secretary Lynne Cairns and president Col Shephard.

From one business owner assaulted with a hammer, a single lady’s home broken in to 10 times, an elderly lady who confronted her home invaders knowing there was nothing she could do, to another business who has spent tens of thousands of dollars on security, the village of Coraki has had enough of youth crime.

A small gathering of residents and business owners met at the Coraki Youth Hall and invited The Northern Rivers Times to hear their stories, as well as discuss options on how they could mitigate this crime wave.

I was allowed to write their stories under the agreement no names were mentioned or photos taken, for fear of reprisals.

And their stories are harrowing.

“People are coming onto our property,” said one resident, who recently suffered a break-in while they were asleep.

“You see torches at night and they whistle

Riverside village living in fear

at each other and set the dogs off barking.”

Another resident spoke of how she was in the middle of her house and she heard the knocking.

“They knock on the front door, the back door, the side windows, I’m surrounded,” she said.

“They’ve stolen my phone, my keys, my bag. I got them all back as I found them on the front yard.

“It’s just a game to them.”

This same woman was confronted by an intruder at another time, while she was sitting in our lounge one evening and yet another time, while in her garden she was grabbed by the arm as her offender held a scythe

they had stolen from somewhere else.

In the middle of the day, a business owner had to confront a 17 year old youth with a hammer, putting himself between the offender and young girl serving at the counter.

“I escorted him out of the shop, after he damaged the front counter, then when I wasn’t looking he hit me on the face with the hammer,” he said.

Another resident recounted the story of an elderly couple who were asleep in bed.

“She heard some rustling so she sat up in bed and screamed,” he said.

“Something flashed in her face, but she didn’t

have her glasses on so couldn’t see what it was.

“They stole items from her bedside table including keys, wallet, jewellery and phone, then made their escape.”

Estimates of anywhere between 30 to 60 per cent of people in Coraki have experienced some kind of theft and break in and residents know the police can only do so much.

“We tried to get funding for CCTV cameras to be installed around Coraki,” said one business owner.

“But we were knocked

back on a technicality.”

The group now believes many people are leaving the area in fear of becoming targets of the crime in the village.

Solutions that were discussed to help the situation included personal security, such as cameras around the home, stronger screens on windows and doors and even the option of having a guard dog in the yard.

Another idea was to lobby for legislation to cover the responsibility of parents whose children

commit a crime, to be liable for their actions.

The re-establishment of Neighbourhood Watch and a community night patrol were mentioned.

The final idea was to apply again to obtain CCTV cameras in the hotspot areas where police and emergency groups receive a live feed.

A representative of Richmond Valley Council said they would approach local members for help with the solutions discussed.

NEWS 6 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024 RRUMBLE UMBLE SUN. 3rd. March 9am.-1pm. 2024 S SUN. 3rd. March 9am.-1pm. 2024 MURWILLUMBAH SHOWGROUNDS MURWILLUMBAH SHOWGROUNDS MURWILLUMBAH: DRUE 0427 576 304 PETE 0401 075 288 PETER 0484 616 926 QUEENSLAND RD. MURWILLUMBAH NSW. 2484 BAR HOT RODS AMERICAN & AUSSIE CL ASSICS MUSCLE CARS BIKES LIVE MUSIC GATES OPEN 7am $10pp! ENTRY ON THE DAY! GRASSKANA SUNDAY: 9am. FRIDAY: 6pm. MEET & GREET IMPERIAL HOTEL DINNER, LIVE MUSIC 6pm. DINNER , LIVE MUSIC SATURDAY: 10am. LUNCH RUN (MEET AT SHOWGROUNDS) TOP 10 E : ROD BREWER 0418 762 576 HOT ROD & CUSTOM CAR SHOW HOT ROD & CUSTOM CAR CLUB RUMBLE #1 For more information contact the State Duty Media Officer on 9898 1855 For current incidents or major fire updates visit Media release REVOCATION OF THE BUSH FIRE DANGER PERIOD 15 February 2024 In accordance with Section 82 of the Rural Fires Act 1997 as amended, the Bush Fire Danger Period within the following Local Government areas will be revoked from midnight Thursday 29 February 2024 Ballina Shire Council Byron Shire Council Kyogle Shire Council Lismore City Council Richmond Valley Council Tweed Shire Council Pursuant to Section 87 of the Rural Fires Act 1997 as amended, fire permits will no longer be required in rural areas for the lighting of fire for the purposes of land clearance or land breaks. Smoke regulations prohibit burning in some areas. Contact your local Council or local Fire Brigade for further information. Daniel Ainsworth David Cook (Executive Officer) (Executive Officer) Northern Rivers Bush Fire Far North Coast Bush Fire Management Committee Management Committee
Church Lane backs on to the shops in Richmond Terrace and is a common spot for offenders to hide. The beauty of the riverside belies the problems with youth crime in Coraki

IT IS wonderful to have a good news announcement about our rebuild and recovery as we mark the second anniversary of the 2022 national disaster that hit our region.

In February, I joined Premier Chris Minns, Planning Minister Paul Scully and Housing Minister Rose Jackson at Southern Cross University in Lismore to announce a landmark housing agreement that will deliver more than 400 homes in East Lismore.

The agreement, between the Southern Cross University, Landcom and the NSW Reconstruction Authority, unlocks a parcel of 72 hectares of university land for housing development.

Southern Cross University has played a vital role in our community’s recovery, housing emergency evacuation centres and recovery centres, schools, TAFE, banks, government offices and more, and this is yet another initiative to support a revitalised Lismore.

This announcement gives heart, hope and homes to our communities.

It makes our rebuild and recovery real and gives a great lift to our economic and social recovery.

Importantly, at least 20 per cent of the

Heart, Hope and Homes

development will be set aside for affordable housing, and those in the Resilient Homes Project will be given priority access to purchase the land and housing.

This means people can move away from the floodplain and stay in their community.

This is the first housing announcement, with more to come across the Northern Rivers.

I encourage you to read more on the website where you can also lodge an expression of interest. au/departmentsand-agencies/ nsw-reconstructionauthority/our-work/ northern-rivers/ resilient-lands-program

It was also timely to see the NSW Auditor General’s report on the 2022 disaster, which had the recurring message that there was no plan in place to respond to the temporary housing, and as we know, no plan for such a disaster.

I have said that there was no public policy framework and hence no plan and no actions. Hence the demise of the Resilience NSW, which was charged with being prepared for such disasters.

The Auditor General’s report showed clearly that there was a lack of coordination and no plan for providing temporary housing in the face of a massive natural disaster.

Signed Toilet Walls

Two years ago, when Karen McDonald had her house filled with flood waters, she wasn’t sure how she was going to get it back to a liveable stage.

Then, she received help from people coming from all quarters.

Now her cute little Coraki cottage is a home again and she has found a unique way to remember the people

who helped her get back on her feet.

The smallest room in the house has been signed by all the helpers and tradies who worked on her house and will be a forever reminder of the good in people after such a horrible event.

How have you commemorated two years since the 2022 flood?

The key thing was that NSW had already faced a massive disaster with the 2019-20 bushfires and at the time set up temporary pod accommodation.

But the report found that despite that, there were no lessons learned from that disaster so there was no plan when the 2022 floods hit.

So the then NSW Government had to work out how to meet the demand for temporary housing as it was responding to the flood emergency.

Without a plan for how to manage temporary accommodation, there was no clarity about which agencies should be doing what, no land identified in advance for

temporary housing sites.

It was policy on the run and led to a situation where there were more pods available than land, and lots of unmet housing demand.

I want to make it clear that it was the then NSW Coalition Government that had the duty to ensure that the public policy framework is in place for such disasters, and it was not in place, and of course in 2024 that duty is with the NSW Labor Government and I can report action is underway.

The Auditor General makes recommendations for the NSW Reconstruction Authority to develop an all-ofgovernment approach to

temporary housing.

This is just one example of where there needs to be lessons learned. And that is happening. The NSW Labor Government has just released the nation’s first State Disaster Mitigation Plan, to prepare for the threat of extreme weather before disaster strikes.

So on this anniversary it’s hard to find words to describe the journey we’ve been on. The challenges are many and one I face daily is working with bureaucracies that do what I call BAU, Business As Usual, when we are in a situation that is anything but business as usual.

Red Cross Australia, here locally but also a national institution, and Social Futures show that recovery is anywhere between three to five years, and beyond that in some areas. We were not told this at the outset and whilst our needs have been made clear, we were not informed what to expect in recovery.

However, the most powerful part has been working at such an intimate, interconnected level with community. There’s been a coming together that happened right across our community and that’s what is making us go forward together. We are recovering, we are rebuilding, and we’re about to reimagine our whole community and that’s a lovely thing to be part of.

Highlights of the Richmond Valley Regional Job Precinct Project

New plans are in the pipeline in Richmond Valley, to expand the regional job precinct near Casino.

According to the draft master plan, developed by the NSW Government in consultation with Richmond Valley Council, currently on public exhibition, the long term vision and framework will provide future growth and development within the area.

Broken up into three sub-precincts, the overall plan covers Nammoona, the Casino Co-op and Cassina Drive.


The area partially bounded by Summerland Way and Reynolds

Road and incorporating Dargaville Drive, on the road to Kyogle, is the subject for expansion of the industrial zone.

It will be the key location for new businesses who are looking for a larger development footprint or connecting to rail for freight.

Casino Co-op

As Casino’s largest employer the Casino Food Co-op will have its role reinforced and enhanced with in-principal support for the proposed Co-op biodigester, as part of a renewable energy initiative.

A biodigester uses organic waste, such as food scraps and manure,

to produce fertiliser and biogas.

Cassino Drive

There is a proposal to expand the industrial zone already there to deliver a mix of light/ general industry and manufacturing. There will be opportunities for businesses that provide support and services to complement the Casino town centre.

For further information go to the Richmond Valley Council website where there is an opportunity to make submissions or public comments before March 10, 2024 or you can email regionaljobprecicnts@

NEWS 7 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times
owned and independent
Premier Chris Minns, Janelle Saffin and Planning Minister Paul Scully inspecting the first Resilient Lands development site at East Lismore.

Northern Rivers to bear brunt of future disaster costs

The Northern Rivers area will bear the brunt of the costs of dealing with worsening natural disasters in coming decades warns the NSW Reconstruction Authority.

The authority predicted disaster recovery costs would nearly treble by 2060 in the frst State Disaster Mitigation Plan, which was released on Friday.

In 2023 the estimated average annual cost of disaster recovery was $3.1 billion and by 2060 this would jump to $9.1 billion.

And fooding in the Clarence Valley was the costliest item in league tables of disaster costings comparing estimates from last year to predictions for 2060.

In the total average annual loss in built environment 2023 the Clarence Valley disaster recovery bill came in at

$133 million, of which fooding contributed $112 million.

Coastal areas of the Northern Rivers fgured in the top four places on the table in 2023, with Tweed topping the locals with a bill of $146 million. The Clarence was next and Ballina’s bill came in at $109 million.

Lismore was near the bottom of the table with a disaster bill in 2023 of $57 million.

The NSW Central Coast topped the table with a disaster recovery bill estimated at 178 million.

The NSW Reconstruction Authority was established following the 2022 NSW Independent Flood Inquiry, led by Professor Mary O’Kane and Mick Fuller.

The State Disaster Mitigation Plan was a requirement of the NSW Reconstruction Authority Act 2022, which required the NSW Reconstruction Authority to prepare and

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implement a state disaster mitigation plan.

It was developed to provide guidance for mitigation of disasters across NSW.

The plan outlined how the rising costs of disasters can be addressed by refocusing government policy towards riskreducing actions, and details how government agencies can work together to help communities prepare for worsening bushfres, heatwaves, foods, storms and coastal erosion.

The NSW Reconstruction Authority will help coordinate delivery of the actions to improve community resilience and mitigate disasters.

Since 2019, NSW residents have endured more than 65 declared disasters, costing taxpayers more than $6 billion, with more than 20,000 homes damaged in 2022 alone.

The authority said

climate change was expected to increase the severity and frequency of natural disasters. The plan includes a toolkit of measures to reduce communities’ exposure and vulnerability to disasters through awareness and preparedness campaigns, evacuation infrastructure and warning systems.

The actions include:

• Boosting the State’s “Get Ready” preparedness campaigns to ensure communities are better equipped.

• Building a new local government toolkit to guide councils in preparing for disasters and the impacts of climate change.

• Developing local Disaster Adaptation Plans that will help communities become more aware and prepared and will inform future planning processes and rebuilding and reconstruction efforts after a disaster occurs.

• Developing early warning systems so communities are better prepared when disaster strikes.

• Identifying mitigation infrastructure strategies and approaches to funding.

• Working with industry to review building codes to factor in greater building resilience through materials and design.

• Reviewing insurance

levy arrangements and working with the insurance sector to factor in affordability in adaption planning.

• Minister for Planning and Public Spaces

Paul Scully said historically, the state’s ability to prevent and prepare for disasters hadn’t worked as there has been only 3% of funding spent on prevention and 97% spent after an event.

“This is our opportunity to build better so that we can better deal with disasters that come and equip communities with what they need.”

Minister Emergency Services Jihad Dib said the government was shifting the dial in how it addressed disasters as well as making sure it did not inadvertently put people in harm’s way through bad planning decisions.

“For the frst time, NSW fnally has a plan to begin turning that around with information on how we can invest in reducing risks before disasters occur to better protect communities,” he said.

“Successive years of unprecedented natural disasters have highlighted the need for NSW to meet the challenges of the future by working to reduce both the actual and social costs of natural hazards to our communities.”

He said it had not been easy.

“There is no easy or simple solution to these challenges,” he said. “The

focus of the State Disaster Mitigation Plan is to provide a framework and clear actions for reducing risk where we can, and adapting where we can’t, through improved warning systems and a focus on resilient infrastructure.

“The increasing risk of natural disasters also increases pressure on our emergency services staff and volunteers, who put themselves on the line keeping communities safe. This plan will help to manage that risk by reducing the impact of disasters before they occur.”

Deputy CEO of the NSW Reconstruction Authority Simone Walker was proud of the document.

“The NSW Reconstruction Authority is the frst entity of its kind in NSW with the dual responsibility of proactively reducing the impact of future disasters before they happen, as well as responding after,” she said.

“This milestone plan gives NSW communities the frst ever roadmap to reduce the risk of future disasters.

“This is critical because every dollar we invest in reducing risks will help people recover faster and reduce the cost of future disasters.”

Clarence Valley mayor Peter Johnstone was not ready to comment on the plan. He said he would discuss it with council staff and release a response during the week.

NEWS 8 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
Source NSW Reconstruction Authority. Source NSW Reconstruction Authority.
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Samatha’s Book

A creative response to shortfalls in the health system

The Mystery Guest

The Mystery Guest

Author: Nita Prose

Price: $29.99

Publisher: Harper Collins

Who doesn’t love a good mystery?

Someone dies and the circumstances around their death are suspicious.

ere are a number of people who are suspects and our main character is le to solve the problem and point the nger at the actual murderer, along the way to discovering the reason why.

e Mystery Guest is one such book and is de nitely a ‘curl up in your overcushioned lounge on a rainy day, with the dog’ kind of book.

Molly Gray is the head maid at the very fancy Regency Grand Hotel .

Lennox Head artist

Jenny Gill Schirmer experienced a lot of ‘challenging moments’ while working as an emergency nurse in the Northern Rivers during covid and the 2022 foods.

She takes pride in her role so is very much put on the back foot, when a famous author suddenly drops dead in the tearoom, that she so meticulously prepared for the big event for his surprise announcement to fans and media alike.

Because of the connection she has with the late great mystery author, Molly knows she may hold the key to solving what they soon discover is actually murder.

However, Molly must dig deep back into her memory and a time when her beloved grandmother was still alive. is is Nita Prose’s second book, a er her very popular e Maid which sold more than a million copies worldwide and is published in over 40 countries.

Nita lives in Toronto, Canada in a house that is moderately clean.

She and many other frontline health care workers were left at the coalface as they juggled an infux of patients amidst limited medical resources, staff and communication.

To illustrate the shortcomings in the health system during that time - and process a lot of the strain she witnessed behind the scenes - Ms Schirmer turned to art.

Her latest exhibition titled First Aid is currently on display at the Northern Rivers Community Gallery in Ballina.

It features a series of poignant art pieces,

made from a variety of mediums, including ceramic sculptures, painting and assemblage, to give a clever insight into life as a frontline health worker.

One of the art pieces was made with found objects and shows a spanner placed behind metal bars.

Ms Schirmer said it highlighted the limited access to medical resources during the covid pandemic - and then the foods.

It wasn’t necessarily because the resources weren’t there but accessing them became the hard part.

Different authorities decided what the regional emergency and health services were supplied with.

Frontline health care staff also became in short supply with many being forced to isolate after they caught covid or were a close contact.

It was then up to their

colleagues to carry the additional workload.

“We were all watching the impact covid had around the world,” Ms Schirmer said.

“The increase of cases was expected, and we were prepared for it.

“But it was really hard to access what we needed.

“We somehow managed to provide the level of care we would usually give, but that’s because staff were working long hours,” she said.

As healthcare workers pushed through covid, the 2022 foods came and put further strain on a system already at the brink.

Many health care workers were affected by the foods but chose to continue to work.

Ms Schirmer’s favourite art piece in the exhibition is titled ‘Veneer.’

She sculptured 30 porcelain faces,

positioned on different angles, which are seen through a wooden frame.

“It represents the different faces of a health care worker,” she said.

“The faces are made of porcelain, which looks really fragile, but it’s actually really strong.

“We all go to work and put on our brave face, but what people don’t realise is there’s often a lot going on behind that.

“The staff were becoming really burnt out and a lot of them had to work double shifts.”

The story of the indomitable spirit of Northern Rivers health care workers continues in the First Aid exhibition.

It will be on display at Northern Rivers Community Gallery until March 3.

More of Ms Schirmer’s artwork is available to view at: www.

NEWS 10 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
OFFERED A LOW TRADE-IN PRICE? BUYING YOUR NEXT CAR ONLINE? • INSTANT OFFER • 30 years experience • We can come to you 55 Dawson Street, Lismore Phone Bill on 0417 813 344 MD031589 AKUBRA R.M WILLIAMS DR MARTENS SKECHERS BIRKENSTOCKS INDUSTRIE LEVIS CROCS 109 River Street Ballina 6686 2081 insta@wallace fashion Now accepting Good old-fashioned customer service Locally owned and operating for over 100 years!
One of the art pieces created by Lennox Head artist Jenny Gill Schirmer, which is part of her exhibition First Aid, currently on display at the Northern Rivers Community Gallery

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No State plan for emergency housing during disasters: Auditor General fnds no systemic improvements since 2022 Northern Rivers foods

The NSW Auditor General has today released their Flood Housing Response report along with 7 recommendations to reduce catastrophic housing crises as a result of natural disasters. Among the fndings was evidence that; there was no plan for temporary housing at the time of the 2022 foods, the number of temporary dwellings did not meet forecast demand and that there was no long term plan for transitioning people out of temporary housing and into permanent housing.

The report also found that agencies have not formalised processes that were used during the 2022 foods and that there is no State-wide process to capture the knowledge gained by Government agencies that were involved in the disaster response.

Greens MP and North Coast spokesperson Sue Higginson said “This report will be cold comfort for North Coast residents and food survivors that have felt for years that there was no plan in place for catastrophic natural disasters. The simple truth revealed by this report is, there was no plan,”

“Even more concerning, communities across NSW are still exposed to a Government network that is unprepared for future disasters and that

has not captured or formalised lessons and policy changes that would provide greater security to at-risk communities,”

“People that have been moved into temporary housing in the Northern Rivers still have no pathway to permanent homes and the pods that they are living in are just a few days away from reaching the end of their design-life of 2 years,”

“The treacle-slow actions of the Government since the initial emergency response mean that it could take another 6 months before a timeline to permanently house displaced people is even decided. The Government doesn’t even know how many people have been left homeless as a result of the under-delivery of temporary housing,”

“The Government must deliver on these recommendations, and they should do so urgently. Communities of the Northern Rivers, and particularly food survivors, should not have to wait until late this year to have the bare minimum of delivery standards.

More than that, if the Government has not learnt from their mistakes, communities at risk of other natural disasters are currently exposed to a repeat of the ongoing trauma that my community is still experiencing,” Ms Higginson said.

Queens of Song

Queens of Song is a nostalgic and highly entertaining show coming to the Saraton Theatre on Sunday 7th April at 2pm. Melissa Buchholz (piano) and Meg Kiddle (vocals) are former Grafton girls and they attended South Grafton High School together. They have both established successful careers as individual musicians and reunited after many years to form this duo that has toured across Queensland and NSW. Melissa has achieved many pinnacles and awards during her career including a Fellowship with Trinity College London, and she is now an Examiner with Trinity College London. Meg is a very successful touring performer and holds a Bachelor of Music (classical voice) and her Masters in Vocal Pedagogy.

The show is a celebration of the golden voices of the past, that are no longer with us. People such as Mama Cass, Karen Carpenter, Helen Reddy, Freddie Mercury,

Peter Allen and more. It is a walk down memory lane for audiences as they reminisce about a time when life was simpler and the music was timeless. The show features anecdotes and trivia about the artists, as well as personal insights into each musician and an AV presentation that runs for the entirety of the show. The sparkling vocals from Meg seem to adapt seamlessly between the genres, while Melissa provides stunning pianistic work and cleverly crafted backing tracks that she has produced. Audiences have given rave reviews for the show which starts in 1968 and travels through the decades to the 1990’s. Meg and Mel are very excited to be returning to their hometown for this very special show. The Saraton Theatre is an iconic venue that they both performed in while still at school, and they feel privileged to be returning to this stage as professional musicians. Get your tickets now from .


An extra special gathering happened last Tuesday when all organisations involved with feral pig eradication (where the Endangered Coastal Emus roam) came together to share and discuss working together.

Who was present?

Representatives from National Parks, Clarence Council, Save our Species, Local Land Services, Cane Growers Association, Hopeful Disruptions, North Coast Landcare, Banyula, , Lions Club of ClarenceEnvironmental , Clarence Landcare and Sky Lola ( drone )..Yaegl sent their apologies

The event was hosted by Clarence Landcare and Lions Club of Clarence -Environmental.

All up 15 people sat around the large table in Clarence Landcare’s offce, sharing what each organisation did in pig eradication and then how we could all work more collaboratively and effectively in the future given fnancial resources and work constraints.

It was a very good meeting with many positive outcomes. Also, all present were encouraged to add pigs to Feral Scan. ( app)

It is important to note the more pigs are added to feral scan the more funding will happen!

NEWS 12 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024 LOOK OUT FOR FIRE ANTS IN NSW Report ants 1800 680 244 | Remain vi ilant, and report any si htin s Ensure ire ant carrier materials are compliant with the Emer ency Order Do not disturb or treat nests yourselyou risk injury and spreadin the ants LP1801


Powell sets sights on Country Championships

frst grade rugby coach

Gary Powell had one goal in 2023: to see the Redmen once again be a major force in the Mid North Coast Rugby competition.

Not only did they achieve what some rugby pundits’ thought was a

“pie in the sky”, Powell’s desire, raw emotion and passion saw the club feature in the fnal’s series with frst grade one-step away from a grand fnal berth.

There’s no doubting Powell’s coaching ability, and it has not gone unnoticed by the Mid North Coast Zone committee.

Powell has been appointed as coach of the Mid North Coast Axeman this year as they set their sights on the NSW Country Championships in Tamworth over the June long-weekend.

“They (Mid North Coast) gave me a call and asked if I was interested,” Powell said

Are you concerned about your memory or worried that someone you know may have dementia?

Dementia Australia is offering support in Ballina and Casino between 4 and 8 March.

It is estimated there are more than 141,000 people living with dementia in New South Wales. Without a medical breakthrough this number is expected to increase to more than 252,000 people living with dementia by 2054.

These Dementia Australia sessions are an opportunity for people living with dementia, their carers, family, and friends to attend free education to better understand dementia and to discuss the support and services Dementia Australia can provide. Please note, bookings are essential.

during the week.

“They discussed the matter previously with our president Bart (Bart McGrath) who told them I was thinking about coaching the zone if the opportunity was there.”

The last time Powell coached a representative side was back in the 2000s when rugby was vastly different.

The pace of the game was slower and yellow cards were not handed out like parking tickets on a busy suburban


“I coached a Mid North Coast under-19 side a

long time ago but never at senior level,” Powell said.

“It will be a challenge, but I’m really looking forward to it.”

One major obstacle confronting Powell and the coaching staff will be selecting the right team and combinations as the zone is split between Upper and Lower Mid North coast.

“There is a new plan this year leading up to the championships. We have decided to have a possible-probable’s game which will help with selections,” Powell said.

Dementia Australia supports Ballina and Casino

Carer Wellness Program

This group session is designed to support positive health and wellbeing outcomes for a carer, family or friend of a person living with dementia.

• Monday 4 March

9:30am-3pm in Lismore

Understanding Dementia

This session provides and introduction to dementia including an overview of different types of dementia, diagnosis, planning ahead and how to support someone living with dementia.

• Tuesday 5 March 9:30am-12pm in Ballina

It Starts With You

If you are passionate about your local community and want to

make it more dementiafriendly, then this session is for you.

• Tuesday 5 March 1pm-1:30pm in Ballina

Consumer Engagement Information Session

This session will provide an overview of the three fagship Consumer Engagement programs available at Dementia Australia: Dementia Advocates, Connection Peers and DementiaFriendly Communities.

• Tuesday 5 March 1:30pm-2:30pm in Ballina

Considering Residential Care

This session provides information about the process of considering and preparing for residential care.

• Tuesday 5 March 2:45pm-5pm in Ballina

Driving With Dementia

This program provides information about the impact of dementia on driving. It offers tips for recognising when dementia is impacting on someone’s ability to drive safely, the importance of planning ahead, and acknowledging the signifcance of retiring from driving.

• Wednesday 6 March 9:30am-12pm in Ballina

Activities At Home

This practical session assists carers looking after someone at home to plan engaging activities. It promotes independence and wellbeing by focusing on what the person with dementia can still do.

• Wednesday 6 March 1pm-2:45pm in Ballina

“Also, Lower Mid North Coast start before Upper Mid North Coast so it could be an opportunity to watch a few games.

“Mitch Walton from Coffs Snappers will be helping out as assistant coach which will be fantastic as he knows a fair bit about players vying for selection.”

The Axeman made the fnal of the Richardson Shield last year, but came up against an inform Hunter Rugby side eventually going down 45-26.

One of Powell’s strengths as a coach is his ability to manmanage, and his effect on players…they want to play for him.

“I haven’t been to Country Week for about 30 years, but I know there are plenty of quality players in the zone,” he said.

“For me it is all about managing the players and having players committed to the cause, which is being successful.”

in Casino

Communication and Dementia

The session provides information on dementia, the way we communicate and how changes in communication can occur as a result of dementia.

• Wednesday 6 March 3pm-5:30pm in Ballina

Understanding Changes in Behaviour

This session provides an introduction to dementia and changes to the brain, effects on behaviour and the impacts of changed behaviour. It will introduce problem solving models, including strategies to minimise and respond to changed behaviour.

• Thursday 7 March 9:30am-12:30pm in Ballina and Friday 8 March 1:30pm-3:30pm

EDIE for Family Carers

This session enhances knowledge of dementia through virtual reality technology that allows participants to see the world through the eyes of a person living with dementia.

• Thursday 7 March 1:30pm-4:30pm in Ballina and Friday 8 March 9:30am-12:30pm in Casino

Bookings are essential. Visit https://www. brainhub/ballina-casino for details and to register. You can also call the National Dementia Helpline to register for this course on 1800 100 500. The National Dementia Helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

NEWS 14 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
Redmen assistant coach Mitch Walton has joined the club from Coffs Snappers this year. Photo: Gary Nichols. The Grafton Redmen frst grade coach Gary Powell wants to build on the gains the club made in 2023. Photo: Gary Nichols.

“Leemo has views on just about anything”


It’s ‘Leemo Cat’ back. ‘Mum Jane’ gave me a letter to-day (eeek!) & told me to go climb our tree, & concentrate whilst reading it; to think about it intensely, then come back and we would discuss the contents of the missive. Crikey..what is going on with her? However, being the obeyful feline I am, I tucked the letter under my le front leg (lucky I have 4 in all) & skilfully navigated up the tree with my other front leg’s sharp claws. I settled into a nook in our tree and opened the letter. Hmmm!

How very mysterious?

e letter had a BIG fancy Letterhead saying C.B.T.A. (and in tiny small writing, Cat Behaviour Training Academy) I read these words with a sense of confusion, and applied much focus into reading all the other words. is is what the letter says; Dear Jane.

ank you for your recent communication regarding the behaviour of your adopted feline ‘Leemo Cat’. You have stated he is inclined to sleep in your kitchen sink, chew things that are NOT food, eat indoor plants; you state he uses aggression when playing, refuses to give up the TV remote, brings live animals in to show you then yowls loudly when you relocate them to safety, stalks you & bites your ankles, gets UP high trees but cannot get DOWN, will not eat the same treat twice in 1 day, has to have a new clean bowl for each treat, sleeps on bookshelves or in boxes instead of one of his 3 cat beds.

You also mention that if he does not receive 3 brushes daily he pushes his brush around noisily whilst yowling. You then state that if there is one speck of disorder in his Number 1 or Number 2 litter trays, he yowls loudly enough to alert your neighbours until the trays are immaculately presented. Your letter DID rather go on so I will not allude to the rest of the 4 page listing of ‘Leemo’s’ misdemeanours. A er a meeting to discuss whether he would be suitable for enrolment and training in our distinguished Academy, I have to inform you the motion was defeated unanimously by our Committee, and that we cannot accept ‘Leemo’ as a pupil. Our decision was not taken lightly and took into consideration the adverse in uence he may have on the other more delicately re ned felines under our guidance. We engaged the services of a Distinguished Cat Behaviouralist, and his counsel was that ‘Leemo’ be sent to the Cat Correctional Facility at Broadmoor. For your bene t, he also stated that you need to be aware that you any attempts to instil appropriate behaviours into Leemo are tad too late; it is probable that the reason for Leemo’s lacking in this area lies fair and square with yourself as an over indulgent, remiss & silly parent who has been outsmarted by a most cunning & mega intelligent cat; totally adept at manipulation. In other words, suck it up! In closing, I send you all the very best of British. With regards, Wally Waddy-Woolly, JP. CRIKEY, I almost fell out of my tree nook. Hmmm? What to do? How DARE Mum say those things about me. e fact that they’re true is irrelevant. MY belief in life that we ALL have foibles but we must accept and support each other thru both good and bad. So, I’m going inside to bite Mum’s ankle, then purr happily simply to confuse her AND, I’m not going to Broadmoor. So there! Nitey, (with purrsies) Leemo.

Saffn to host NSW Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig

State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffn this week will host NSW Minister for Local Government and Leader of the House in the Legislative Assembly Ron Hoenig for his frst offcial visit to the Northern Rivers region.

Ms Saffn, who is also NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery, says food and bushfre preparedness and recovery are likely to be high on the agenda when

Minister Hoenig meets with representatives from local councils in Ballina this afternoon (Tuesday, 20 February).

“Local councils are at the forefront of disasters, especially in terms of infrastructure repair and rebuild,” Ms Saffn says.

“Mayors and general managers, together with individual councillors, will have an opportunity to discuss a range of current issues related to the local government


Minister Hoenig and Ms Saffn will also hold discussions with the Northern Rivers Joint Organisation, the peak body representing seven councils in the region.

Minister Hoenig, who is the Member for Heffron, says: “Councils are the closest tier of government to the people and play an invaluable role in supporting their communities, especially during and following

times of disaster.

“I look forward to meeting with mayors and councillors to discuss the local government issues impacting local communities.”

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 21 February), Minister Hoenig will receive further briefngs on how Lismore is rebuilding its civic infrastructure and Central Business District from the devastating foods of February and March 2022.

No State plan for emergency housing during disasters: Auditor General fnds no systemic improvements since 2022 Northern Rivers foods

The NSW Auditor General has today released their Flood Housing Response report along with 7 recommendations to reduce catastrophic housing crises as a result of natural disasters.

Among the fndings was evidence that; there was no plan for temporary housing at the time of the 2022 foods, the number of temporary dwellings did not meet forecast demand and that there was no long term plan for transitioning people out of temporary housing and into permanent housing.

The report also found that agencies have not formalised processes that were used during the 2022 foods and that

there is no State-wide process to capture the knowledge gained by Government agencies that were involved in the disaster response.

Greens MP and North Coast spokesperson Sue Higginson said “This report will be cold comfort for North Coast residents and food survivors that have felt for years that there was no plan in place for catastrophic natural disasters. The simple truth revealed by this report is, there was no plan,”

“Even more concerning, communities across NSW are still exposed to a Government network that is unprepared for future disasters and

that has not captured or formalised lessons and policy changes that would provide greater security to at-risk communities,”

“People that have been moved into temporary housing in the Northern Rivers still have no pathway to permanent homes and the pods that they are living in are just a few days away from reaching the end of their design-life of 2 years,”

“The treacle-slow actions of the Government since the initial emergency response mean that it could take another 6 months before a timeline to permanently house displaced people is even decided. The Government doesn’t

even know how many people have been left homeless as a result of the under-delivery of temporary housing,”

“The Government must deliver on these recommendations, and they should do so urgently. Communities of the Northern Rivers, and particularly food survivors, should not have to wait until late this year to have the bare minimum of delivery standards. More than that, if the Government has not learnt from their mistakes, communities at risk of other natural disasters are currently exposed to a repeat of the ongoing trauma that my community is still experiencing,” Ms Higginson said.

NEWS 16 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
NSW Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig MP and State Member for Lismore Janelle Saffn MP with local mayors

Renovating your home can be a daunting task with the investment of time, money, and energy it demands. However, the numerous benefts that come with home renovations can far outweigh the initial inconveniences, offering long-term rewards that enhance both your living space and lifestyle. There is a myriad of advantages to renovating your home, from increasing property value to enhancing energy effciency, improving functionality, and boosting aesthetic appeal, and so much more! Let’s look at a few.

Increases Property Value

One of the most signifcant benefts of home renovation is the potential increase in your property’s value. This is especially important for homeowners looking to sell in the future.

Strategic renovations, such as updating kitchens and bathrooms, adding additional living space, or improving the home’s exterior, can signifcantly

boost the market value.

According to real estate experts, even minor kitchen remodels can recoup an average of 81% of their cost in added value, making renovations a wise investment for those looking to increase their home’s marketability.

Enhances Energy Effciency

Renovating your home also presents an excellent opportunity to enhance its energy effciency. Replacing old windows or blinds with energy-effcient options, adding extra insulation, and upgrading to high-effciency appliances can reduce your home’s energy consumption. This not only helps in saving on utility bills but also contributes to a smaller carbon footprint. Energyeffcient homes are increasingly in demand, which can further increase your property’s value and appeal to environmentally conscious buyers.

Improves Functionality and


As families grow and needs change, the functionality of a home can diminish. Renovations allow homeowners to customise their living spaces to better suit their current needs. This could mean knocking down walls to create an open concept living area, adding a home offce, or expanding the master bedroom. Improving functionality can also involve updating outdated features, improving lighting, or enhancing storage options, all of which can signifcantly improve the quality of daily life.

Boosts Aesthetic Appeal and Comfort

Aesthetic appeal is another critical factor that is signifcantly enhanced by home renovation. Updating the design and décor of your home can transform it into a more inviting and enjoyable space. Whether it’s through modernising fnishes and fxtures, repainting, or adding decorative

details, renovations can breathe new life into your home. This not only makes your living space more pleasant but can also make it more comfortable. For instance, upgrading your HVAC system or improving insulation can enhance indoor comfort levels by regulating indoor temperatures more effciently.

Enhances Safety and Security

Renovations also provide an opportunity to address any safety or security concerns. This can include fxing structural issues such as cracks in the foundation, replacing old wiring to prevent electrical fres, or upgrading windows and doors to enhance security. Making these improvements not only protects your investment but also ensures the safety and well-being of your family.

Promotes Better Use of Space

Renovating your home can also lead to a more effcient use of space. By reimagining and

reorganising areas, you can eliminate unused spaces or convert them into functional parts of your home. For example, an unused attic can be transformed into an additional bedroom, or shed can become a family entertainment area. These changes not only make your home more functional but can also add to its value.

Increases Comfort and Enjoyment

The comfort and enjoyment of your home are paramount, and renovations can play a signifcant role in enhancing these aspects. Upgrading your kitchen or bathroom can make these spaces more luxurious and enjoyable to use. Adding features like a deck or patio can also create outdoor living spaces for relaxation and entertainment, further enhancing your home’s comfort and enjoyment.

Encourages a Healthier Lifestyle

Finally, certain renovations can encourage a healthier lifestyle. For instance,

creating a dedicated workout space can motivate you to exercise regularly. Similarly, renovating your kitchen with a focus on functionality can inspire healthier cooking and eating habits. By making your home more conducive to a healthy lifestyle, renovations can have a positive impact on your overall well-being. Get to renovating! The benefts of renovating your home are manifold. From increasing property value and enhancing energy effciency to improving functionality, boosting aesthetic appeal, and ensuring safety, the advantages are clear. While the process may require signifcant investment and patience, the end result can offer a more comfortable, enjoyable, and valuable living space. Whether you’re planning to sell your home in the future or simply looking to enhance your current living experience, home renovations can be a worthwhile endeavour.

NEWS 17 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent AROUND THE HOME FEATURE 76 Conway St Lismore • Email: Call Patrick for a FREE measure & quote on 6621 5139 or 0404 806 387 *Price Match Guarantee Found a beter price on your LPG? We’ll beat it.* Give us a ring on 0400 716 228 or email today! - (02) 6628 8460 *New 45kg botle exchange customers only. Price match on LPG price for 12 months from ofer redempton. Annual equipment fees and T’s and C’s apply.* Northern Rivers Gas Distribution: Your Gas Suppliers in the Northern Rivers “Australian Family Owned & Operated” Local LPG Suppliers Residental Gas Medical Gas Commercial Gas New Installatons Hospitality & Food Repairs & Compliance

Dignity to be & do…by

“DIGNITY,” once said the Prussian stalwart of the Enlightenment period, Immanuel Kant, “is a value that creates irreplaceability.”

An unforgettable impressiveness, if not a deeply lasting impression too; it is the defning characteristic, and fuel with which a human head is roused to hold itself high, at all times.

As such, the quality of dignity is considered so sacrosanct by the United Nations that it is enshrined as Article One (of the 30 listed overall) in their Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which they drafted in 1948. Thus, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” If only every Head of State had this ‘one article’, let alone all 30 framed above their desk, so as to keep each one in sight at all times.

Fitting then, that Eleanor Roosevelt (who chaired the committee that drafted the above UN Declaration) once graciously said: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Be confdent, not certain…[Because] it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.”

Which are all notions that lend themselves to the very essence of what the word ‘dignity’ means. It originated from the Latin ‘dignitas’, a term that referenced ideas of ‘worth, worthiness, proper, and ftting.’

Unlike many other traits of the human being, a prevalence, if not an unmitigated presence

Northern NSW Health District Welcomes Record New Graduates

In a signifcant boon to local health services, over 190 graduate nurses and midwives are set to commence work within the Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) this year, contributing to the enhancement of healthcare provision in the region.

of dignity is something that is never out of place. It rises uneclipsed in every possible setting and circumstance. It is something that can’t, if anything, be taken away from those who possess it. As Laura Hillenbrand once said, “Dignity is as essential to human life as water, food, and oxygen. The stubborn retention of it, even in the face of extreme physical hardship, can hold a person’s soul in their body long past the point at which the body should have surrendered it.”

To reach the heart of this non-incidental quality takes effort, it requires you to dig (as the frst syllable of the word even suggests) to locate it deep within the shifting, cloud-like realm that is the human psyche. But a person without dignity is nothing short of a parading shadow of an entity that remains relevant, or robust, as long as things are going well, and once they veer in the opposite direction, then a clear, wholesale capitulation of character usually ensues.

Dignity in and of itself is something that can’t be taught, and as such you won’t fnd it on any university syllabus or business college subject list, it is something that crystalises from within, of its own primordial accord. What’s more, to be dignifed at all times, is to put yourself beyond the pointed barbs of those that wish you harm, as well as directly within the reach of those that need your support, care and understanding. Or quite simply, as Bryant McGill once noted, “Become a dignitary by treating others with dignity.”

The Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD) is poised to experience a substantial infux of fresh talent as more than 190 graduate nurses and midwives prepare to embark on their professional journeys within its healthcare facilities. Across the state, this cohort represents a portion of the over 3,400 graduate nurses and midwives set to join the NSW public health system, underscoring the government’s commitment to bolstering the state’s healthcare workforce.

Expressing gratitude to the incoming graduates for their dedication to

the noble profession, Katharine Duffy, Director of Nursing and Midwifery at NNSWLHD, emphasized the pivotal role these new recruits will play in delivering high-quality and compassionate care to patients across a diverse range of clinical settings. The graduates will have the opportunity to gain invaluable experience not only within hospital settings but also in community healthcare, thus contributing to the holistic healthcare landscape of the region.

Ms. Duffy further highlighted the district’s commitment to nurturing and supporting these new graduates, emphasizing the presence of dedicated mentors and teachers who will guide them in their professional development and specialization. Moreover, the district is proud to offer these new staff permanent roles, refecting its dedication to cultivating a sustainable local health


The NSW Government’s comprehensive strategy to fortify the state’s health workforce includes various initiatives such as implementing safe staffng levels in emergency departments, making permanent over 1,100 nursing roles, abolishing wage caps, and providing record pay increases for healthcare workers. Additionally, the government is expanding recruitment efforts in regional, rural, and remote communities and enhancing incentives for healthcare professionals, including increased subsidies for tertiary health study and attractive salary packaging options.

Aspiring nurses and midwives interested in pursuing careers within the NSW public health system are encouraged to explore opportunities and resources available through the NSW Health website, further underscoring

the government’s commitment to fostering a dynamic and robust healthcare workforce.


1. Record Number of New Nurses: Northern NSW Health District has welcomed over 190 new graduate nurses and midwives, marking a signifcant addition to the local healthcare workforce.

2. Boost to Healthcare Services: The infux of new graduates will provide crucial support to Northern NSW’s health services, enhancing patient care across various clinical settings and community healthcare.

3. Government Initiatives: The NSW government’s initiatives to strengthen the healthcare workforce include implementing safe staffng levels, creating permanent nursing roles, and offering fnancial incentives to attract and retain healthcare professionals.

NEWS 18 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
Ballina Exclusive Company 02 6681 6038 Ballina’s only legal brothel. Private and clean. Open 7 days 10am til very late Call in 34 Piper Dr, Ballina Your pleasure is our business...
Tweed new graduates Feb 2024

Clubhouse Lismore again opens its doors – two years after unprecedented fooding

Clubhouse Lismore

– a free after-school technology-learning hub for young people – has a new home in the heart of the Lismore, two years after the original space was damaged in the 2022 foods.

Social Futures CEO Tony Davies said Clubhouse Lismore is valued by Northern Rivers young people.

(After the original venue was damaged, Social Futures continued to deliver the Clubhouse program from a small space in Lismore, but there is now a new dedicated Clubhouse


“The new Clubhouse Lismore is fantastic, full of brilliant tech equipment. It’s wonderful to have it in town,” Mr Davies said. “I often describe Clubhouse as an engine room for our future digital leaders.”

Clubhouse Lismore provides young people (aged 12 to 17 years) with a safe and supportive space to explore technologies like video and sound editing, movie making and animation creation with a youth worker. The Clubhouse is equipped

with sound and video editing, games, robotics and traditional crafts and electric musical instruments. “There are so many advantages for young people learning to do things like code games, edit movies and animate cartoons,” Mr Davies said.

“They are being challenged to think, develop new concepts, fnd the technologies to realise new ideas, build their multi-media skills and ultimately believe in themselves, grow in confdence and appreciate they have so much to offer

their community and the world. “The frst Clubhouse was established in 1993 by two education researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – that is a top global university.

“Lismore is again fnding its feet and it’s wonderful for the young people of the region to have a great resource like Clubhouse Lismore. It supports young people to use the latest tech tools to create and express themselves.”

Norther Rivers teenager Finn Bicchieri encouraged local young people to visit Clubhouse


“Give clubhouse a go, it’s really fun,” Finn said.

“I’ve been able to work on a lot of really cool projects, a lot of community-involved projects and it’s always just a nice way to meet people and get out.

“We have lots of cool things. There is lots of computers, there’s a three-dimensional, there’s VR which is really fun. There’s lots of different musical instruments, there’s some robots you can play with, lots of different stuff.

“It’s very exciting to have club house back

in Lismore. I was really sad when the food took out the old clubhouse, because it was a nice space which was great, and I’m so glad there’s a new space.” The Clubhouse Network, which began in Boston, Massachusetts, has 100 locations around the world and has made a difference to the lives of over 50,000 youth. There are more than 120 clubhouses in 19 countries that introduce young people to creative technology.

NEWS 19 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent 2024 MAKE YOUR BOOKINGS FOR YOUR SPECIAL EVENTS FOR 2024
Sgt Ricardo Troncoso, with teen Finn Bicchieri and Clubhouse worker Sean Spencer Social Futures CEO Tony Davies with Sgt Ricardo Troncoso, and Cassie Primer and Melissa Gordon also from Social Futures

Janelle Saffn secures $1.5 million boost for koala care in the Northern Rivers

Janelle Saffn, the local member for Lismore has delivered on her election commitment to provide additional support to wildlife hospitals, koala protection and research with $1.5 million in new funding provided to Northern Rivers wildlife care facilities.

Koalas in the state’s north will have a more secure future with $1.4 million allocated to complete building the Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital in Wollongbar, a key election commitment made by Lismore MP Janelle Saffn.

In another of Ms Saffn’s delivered commitments, Northern Rivers koalas will

receive protection against chlamydia, with 300 koalas to be vaccinated by the Friends of the Koala Hospital. The $110,000 grant will also be used by the group to develop a koala database. This funding builds on previous NSW Government commitments to protect the region’s koalas from vehicle strike and degraded habitats.

Grants totalling $460,000 have been awarded to Lismore City, Tweed Shire, Ballina Shire, Richmond Valley and Clarence Valley councils for signage to alert drivers to slow down and watch for koalas in vehicle strike


Koala habitat restoration is also underway in the Northern Rivers region, with $810,000 invested to restore 660 hectares across private land and national park estate.

The NSW Government is committed ensuring the long-term survival of koalas in the wild and each partnership with councils, land managers, community organisation and wildlife groups is an important step toward achieving that goal.

Quote attributable to Minister for Climate Change and the Environment Penny Sharpe:

“Janelle Saffn has

Byron Shire clean up in Brunswick Heads this March

Byron Shire Council (Council) and Positive Change for Marine Life have organised a clean-up in Brunswick Heads for this year’s Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 3 March from 8am until 11.30am. Sarah Child, Council’s Resource Recovery Strategy and Engagement Offcer, said that she was thrilled to partner with Positive Change for Marine Life again for this year’s clean up.

“We’ll be focusing our efforts on Brunswick Heads this year

and encourage the community to sign up to join us. This can be done via the Clean Up Australia Day website, or you can just come on the day,” Ms Child said.

“We will meet at Torakina Park on South Beach Road and will focus on picking up rubbish around the Torakina and Brunswick Heads beach area.

“We will provide everything you need, and you will even get a free coffee as a little thank you, just bring your own cup.

“If you want to do a

clean up closer to home, you are encouraged to fnd an event near you,” she said.

Around 1,200kg of litter was picked up from events across the Shire in 2023. Council can assist with rubbish disposal for registered events if required. Please contact au for more information. Further information on the Brunswick Heads event can be found on Council’s What’s On page.

fought tirelessly for this funding, and I am pleased that the NSW Government can deliver it.

“It is important that koalas have a bright future in NSW, which they do under this government thanks in part to the strong advocacy of Janelle Saffn.

“The NSW Government is taking steps to prevent koalas needing to be in veterinary care, and this funding helps to ensure that native wildlife have the best possible outcome when treated and returned to the wild.”

Quote attributable to Member for Lismore Janelle Saffn:

“The Northern Rivers Wildlife Hospital is wonderful. We have already turned the frst sod but this $1.4 million in funding ensures its place within our network of native wildlife care.

“Our local communities love our iconic koalas and the $110,000 in funding will help protect them against chlamydia, and importantly, keep track of them.

“Friends of the Koala in East Lismore is a fantastic organisation, professional, with compassionate and competent volunteers.

“I am proud to have advocated for and secured funding for these projects and very pleased

to join Minister Sharpe to announce them here in the electorate.”

Quote attributable to a spokesperson for Friends of the Koala:

“The licensing and funding to administer the chlamydia vaccine to koalas marks a signifcant leap forward in safeguarding our local population.

“We have recently seen a decline in community and corporate donations. We will continue to meet with the NSW Government to discuss ongoing support, but it will take all levels of government, corporate and philanthropic support to help us save this iconic species.”

Clear vision to be one of Australia’s leading sustainable destinations

The Tweed Shire Council, recognizing the pivotal role tourism plays in the local economy, has recently undertaken a comprehensive consultation process culminating in the adoption of the Tweed Destination Management Plan (DMP) 2024-2030. This strategic blueprint, developed in collaboration with stakeholders, including the Tweed Tourism Company (TTC), outlines a roadmap to shape the future of tourism in the region.

Mayor Chris Cherry emphasizes the signifcance of the DMP in steering the Tweed towards becoming a leading sustainable destination in Australia. Highlighting the region’s natural,

cultural, and creative assets, the plan aims to capitalize on these strengths while fostering sustainable growth in tourism.

Integral to the implementation of the DMP is the partnership between Tweed Shire Council, TTC, and other local stakeholders. Sally Scott, General Manager of TTC, underscores the collective effort required to realize the vision outlined in the plan, emphasizing the importance of community ownership and collaboration.

The Tweed DMP is structured around fve key goals, including recovering from external impacts, building a sustainable brand aligned with ecoprinciples, showcasing the region’s unique strengths, investing

in signature Tweed events, and facilitating sustainable growth.

Looking ahead, the Council’s strategic agenda includes the development and adoption of a Tweed Events Strategy and associated Events Sponsorship Policy, further aligning with broader regional and state tourism strategies to drive increased visitor spend across the Tweed and the wider North Coast NSW region.

By harnessing the region’s natural beauty, cultural heritage, and creative vitality, the Tweed DMP sets a course for sustainable tourism development, ensuring the Tweed remains a compelling destination for both locals and visitors alike.

To view the Tweed Destination Management Plan see the QR Code below.

NEWS 20 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024

SAE Creative Media Institute now a University College

Australian creative media institute, SAE, is proud to announce that it is now a University College.

The University College category was introduced by the Australian Government in 2021 to recognise superior self-accrediting higher education providers.

SAE recently joined an elite group of just six other University Colleges across the country – and is the only one delivering creative media nationally.

SAE CEO, Joseph Anthonysz, said this was a signifcant milestone in SAE’s 48-year history that refected an ongoing commitment to sustained educational quality and


“Since it was founded in 1976, SAE has had an unblemished regulatory history, including 20 years as an Australian Higher Education Provider,” he said. “It has grown to be one of Australia’s largest independent providers, and, as a University College, is now recognised as one of the best.”

SAE has six campuses across fve Australian States and one transnational campus in Dubai.

Mr Anthonysz said SAE’s new provider category status was welcome recognition of

its exceptional student outcomes, robust academic processes and deep industry engagement, along with

its continued contribution to industry.

“SAE is renowned for its highly relevant and practical curriculum,

state-of-the-art facilities, teaching staff with strong industry experience and small classes offering an immersive learning environment,” he said.

“As recognised leaders in creative media education, SAE looks forward to building on these foundations and sharing our teaching and learning practices to help shape the future of the higher education sector and industry at large.”

SAE Australasia General Manager, Dr Luke McMillan, said SAE has always been guided by a student-frst ethos and would continue that focus.

“At SAE we pride

ourselves on providing a learning environment where individuals from all backgrounds can explore and develop their creative talents,” he said. “Our students’ best interests are at the core of everything we do, and our elevation to University College status only strengthens that, now and into the future.”

SAE was offcially registered as a University College on 22 December 2023 under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (Cth) – Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.

Social Futures welcomes the frst Resilient Lands project but calls for more land and social housing targets

Social Futures has welcomed the announcement of the frst major Resilient Lands project to be delivered under the $100 million Resilient Lands Program but is keen to see the release of more land (under the program) and social housing targets.

Southern Cross University, Landcom (a state government agency) and the NSW Reconstruction Authority have signed an agreement to deliver more than 400 homes in East Lismore. The land is expected to come onto the market in 2026.

“This is a great frst step,” said Social Futures

CEO Tony Davies, “but of course we’d like to see the other post-food land projects developed and delivered as soon as possible.”

The Northern Rivers will mark the second anniversary of unprecedented fooding that badly damaged more than 6,000 homes on February 28.

“Social Futures is also calling on the government to set targets for affordable and social housing on each land project, so that the working people who serve the Northern Rivers – nurses, tradesmen, police offcer and teachers – can afford

to buy a home in this beautiful region,” Mr Davies said.

“In London, new developments have a requirement for 50%.

This is a once-in-ageneration opportunity to rebuild our community and ensure we have the

right mix of housing for people on low-incomes, working people and also the tree-changers arriving from cities with more generous budgets.

“In short there needs to be a mix of housing so no one is left out in the cold.”

Mr Davies said the Northern Rivers Resilient Land Strategy, developed last year, cited that some 7800 new dwellings would be needed to accommodate people most impacted by the 2022 foods.

“We’ve long been waiting for this frst announcement of land, but we are glad it’s out because the people of the Northern Rivers need certainty,” he said.

“The East Lismore project includes a 20% affordable housing target and land is also set aside for people to relocate homes.

“I would have liked to see a higher target

for affordable housing and a defnite target for social housing, because this region has about a 30%-plus shortfall in social housing compared to the state average.

“The Northern Rivers needs more housing close to services and public transport, and we need higher density housing.

“We are also hoping the federal Housing Australia Future Fund will fnance much needed social and affordable housing for the Northern Rivers. This fund needs to target regional areas in acute housing needs, such as northern New South Wales.”

Community Engagement Vital in Tweed Valley Flood Study Review

Tweed Valley residents are being called upon to actively participate in shaping the future resilience of their region against fooding. The ongoing Tweed Valley Flood Study, now open for public exhibition, represents a crucial step in charting a course for effective food management strategies.

The study, currently accessible for review and feedback, will serve as the cornerstone for Tweed Shire Council’s planning and response efforts in mitigating food risks in the

years ahead. Council offcials emphasize the signifcance of community involvement in shaping the fnal version of the study, urging both business owners and residents to provide their insights and perspectives. To facilitate community engagement and understanding of the study’s fndings, Council has organized a series of face-to-face information sessions across key areas of the Tweed Valley. These sessions aim to provide residents with an opportunity to delve into

the details of the draft report, ask questions, and share their feedback directly with Council representatives. Scheduled sessions will take place in Tyalgum on Monday, February 19, Uki on Wednesday, February 21, Chillingham on Thursday, February 22, Murwillumbah on Monday, February 26, Chinderah on Tuesday, February 27, and Tweed Heads on Wednesday, February 28. Additionally, an online session is slated for Thursday, March 7,

2024, at 5 pm. Residents interested in learning more about the project or registering for the community information sessions are encouraged to visit the Your Say Tweed website for further details and updates. This collaborative effort between Council and the community underscores the collective commitment to enhancing food resilience and safeguarding the Tweed Valley against future inundation risks.

NEWS 21 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
Community feedback is sought on the Tweed Valley Flood Study which will help shape Council plans for dealing with foods into the future.

NSW Maritime and NSW Police offcers were out in force over the weekend for a joint operation cracking down on illegal and anti-social behaviour on jetskis across Greater Sydney and the Illawarra.

The joint operation saw NSW Maritime and NSW Police Marine Area Command offcers conduct over 1300 vessel safety checks statewide, handing out around 70 penalty notices and almost 150 offcial warnings.

NSW Maritime Executive Director Mark Hutchings said that while most recreational riders are doing the right thing, there is a dangerous minority who have been clashing with residents, boaters and swimmers at popular waterways.

“Hooning, aggression and intimidation will absolutely not be tolerated. If you want to keep your licence, follow the rules and respect other peoples’ right to a safe day on the water,” Mr Hutchings said.

Tweed Regional Gallery to unveil extraordinary gift alongside additional works from the National Gallery of Australia’s Sharing the National Collection initiative.

The Tweed Regional Gallery Foundation Ltd is hosting a special event at the Gallery on Thursday 29 February, honouring the generosity of individuals who play vital roles in supporting the development and preservation of public art collections.

An extraordinary gift from the Margaret Olley Art Trust will be unveiled at the event in honour of former longserving director Susi Muddiman OAM and her invaluable service to the Tweed Regional Gallery. Susi led the team as Director of Tweed Regional Gallery for more than 16 years and received continual commendation for her passionate commitment and visionary approach.

Ticket-holders will be the frst to view the generous gift, an

Agencies join forces for jetski crackdown

“Waterways are for everyone to enjoy, not a playground for hoons on high-powered vessels. Those who act dangerously or fout the rules face hefty fnes, loss of licence and in some cases even having your vessel impounded.” Enforcement patrols saturated jetski hotspots over Saturday and Sunday with NSW Maritime and Marine Area Command offcers on boats and jetskis on the Georges River, Botany Bay, Port Hacking, Pittwater, Brisbane Waters, the

Hawkesbury and Lake Illawarra.

The operation also saw Highway Patrol, Public Order Riot Squad, and Strike Force Raptor offcers positioned at strategic land locations to target any illegal or anti-social behaviour linked to vessel owners and operators.

Commander of Marine Area Command, Superintendent Joe McNulty, said that operations like this are necessary to ensure safety on our waterways by targeting dangerous and anti-social behaviour.

“We are warning those with personal watercrafts that not only are they putting themselves at risk but other water users” Mr McNulty said.

“We have some of the most picturesque waterways in the country, which also means they see a signifcant increase in recreational activity during warmer months, this unfortunately means potentially more boating, and water related incidents resulting in injuries or fatalities.”

The operation followed a spate of jetski and

personal watercraft incidents since the start of 2023, including eight that saw people taken to hospital for treatment, and an alleged assault on a NSW Maritime offcer which is currently before the courts.

Mr Hutchings said in the last year, NSW Maritime Boating Safety Offcers responded to more than 270 jetski complaints ranging from noise complaints to speeding, irregular riding, riding close to swimmers, damage to shoreline and even harassment of wildlife

including whales and dolphins.

“It’s reckless and disrespectful and inevitably it’s going to result in more people being seriously hurt or worse,” Mr Hutchings said.

In the last 12 months, NSW Maritime have conducted nearly 10,000 jetski vessel checks statewide, and handed out more than 1500 penalty notices and offcial cautions.

Greater Sydney is home to the top three worst locations for jetski offences including George’s River with 343 counts, Botany Bay with 159 counts and Port Hacking with 149 counts.

The top three offences across the state were speeding (30 per cent), licencing or registration (26 per cent) and irregular riding (10 per cent).

To report dangerous or anti-social behaviour, call the NSW Maritime general enquiries line on 13 12 36.

Building a Collection, Sharing a Collection

important addition to the Gallery’s collection and a signifcant storyteller of a particular time in Olley’s extraordinary life and enduring career.

Alongside the gift’s unveiling, the event includes a preview of artworks on loan from the National Gallery of Australia as part of the Sharing the National Collection initiative. This landmark initiative from Revive, Australia’s National Cultural Policy, allows the National Gallery to share its collection through longterm loans with regional

and suburban galleries across the country.

Joining Monet’s Meules, milieu du jour [Haystack’s, midday], 1890 currently on display at the Tweed Regional Gallery, will be three works by one of Australia’s most celebrated artists, Margaret Olley, and a painting by the iconic artist Giorgio Morandi, one of Olley’s favourite painters of still life.

Ticket-holders will hear from esteemed guests: Trustee of the Margaret Olley Art Trust Philip Bacon OAM, Head,

- National Gallery of Australia Tracy Cooper-Lavery, Director Gallery & Visual Arts at HOTA Susi Muddiman OAM and Uncle Victor Slockee.

Gallery Director Ingrid Hedgcock invited supporters to join her and special guests for this signifcant occassion.

“The event is a celebration of passionate individuals who play a crucial role in building and shaping our public art collection,” Ms Hedgcock said. Guests will be able to

enjoy drinks generously provided by Tweed Regional Gallery Foundation supporters Husk Distillers, and a selection of canapés by Apex Dining, while mingling with other art enthusiasts and experiencing the Gallery’s latest exhibition A Delicate Terrain.

The exhibition is curated from the Tweed Regional Gallery collection and showcases the work of renowned contemporary Australian artists. A Delicate Terrain will be on display from

Saturday 2 March until

Sunday 26 January 2025.


Building a Collection, Sharing a Collection will be held from 5.30 - 7 pm on Thursday 29 February 2024 at Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre. Tickets cost $35 - $55. Book now via Humanitix: https:// building-a-collectionsharing-a-collection Meules, milieu du jour [Haystack’s, midday], 1890 by Claude Monet will be on display until 26 October 2025.

Pomegranate I 1976, Katie’s quinces 1976, [Morning interior]

c.1973 by Margaret Olley and Natura morta [Still life] 1956 by Giorgio Morandi are on long-term loan from late February until 2029. These 5 works of art are on long-term loan from the National Gallery of Australia with support from the Australian Government as part of Sharing the National Collection initiative.

NEWS 22 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
Art Across Australia Excitement is building for the installation of four new artworks En route to the Tweed Regional Gallery are three new Margaret Olley pieces. Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre Director Ingrid Hedgcock is excited for the launch of several new exhibitions
RURAL NEWS 29th of February, 2024 YOUR 27th February - Prime Cattle Sale - 8am 12th March - Prime Cattle Sale - 8am 18th March - Store Cattle Sale - 9am 26th March - Prime Cattle Sale - 8am 9th April - Prime Cattle Sale - 8am 18th April - Store Cattle Sale - 9am 9 Coldstream Street, Ulmarra NSW 2462 | Office 02 6642 5200 | David Farrell 0437 448 455 | Lachlan Gay 0477 123 770 UPCOMING SALE DATES CLEARING SALE’S COMING UP FRIDAY 5TH OF APRIL 21 COLDSTREAM ROAD ULMARRA Antiques & Collectables Craftsmaking Gear FRIDAY 12TH OF APRIL 29 PINE STREET JUNCTION HILL Household & Recreational PHOTOS AND FULL LISTINGS WILL BE ON OUR WEBSITE SOON WWW FARRELLMCCROHON COM AU Dates to Remember * March Store Sale has been moved to Monday 18th of March at 9am * EMPOWERING CITIZEN SCIENTISTS: TRACKING RABBIT VIRUS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Full story page 42



W/E 23/02/2024

Cattle numbers remained frm on last sale , sheep and lamb numbers were back by 2/3ds of last weeks numbers. However the markets remained relatively frm for the better trade and export types. The lighter feed on and back to the paddock categories were at similar rates for cattle and slightly dearer for lambs.

Vealer steers av 326.7c/kg topping at 695.2c/kg or $761.54 to $1425.16

Vealer heifers av 280.5c/kg topping at 350.2c/kg or $712.37 to $1018.49

Feeder steers av 323.9c/kg topping at 370.2c/kg or $1194.69 to $1880.28

Feeder heifers av 261.6c/kg topping at 360.2c/kg or $863.90 to $1386.77

Yearling steers av 339.9c/kg topping at 392.2c/kg or $956.11 to $1353.82

Yearling heifers av 269c/kg topping at 384.2c/kg or $747.14 to $1344.70

Steers av 311.3c/kg topping at 396.2c/kg or $1732.96 to $2094.67

Heifers av 285.4c/kg topping at 386.2c/kg or $1307.50 to $1911.25

Manufacturing steers av 541c/kg topping at 281.2c/kg or $1330.71 to $1991.83

Cows av 219.4c/kg topping at 260.2c/kg or $1091.89 to $1989.89

Bulls av 273.4c/kg topping at 350.2c/kg or $1315.34 to $2885.85

Sheep and Lamb numbers were back by two thirds compared to last week, with the yarding today having more good trade and export types compared to the yarding last week. The lighter lambs today were also dearer as they were fresher and a little more competition on the feed on lambs. Mutton largely remained unchanged.

Lambs topped at $170 to av $111.46 rise of $3/head

Hoggets topped at $81 to av $55.85 a rise of $10/head

Ewes topped at $55 to av $27.13 par rate with last week Wethers topped at $77 to av $52.80 $12/head down

Rams topped at $105 to av $68.96 a rise of $34/head

Lamb rams topped at $75 to av $70.68 a drop of $10/ head

Sale average of $89.75 was $20/head dearer than last week.

Sows sold from $ 132 to $ 192 , Boars sold to $122, Baconers sold from $50 to $ 60 , Light Pork sold to $ 174, Stores sold from $48 to $176

Poultry saw Groups of Quails sell to $15, Ducklings sell to $70, Chicks sell to $25, Hen & chicks sell to $55, Guinea Fowl sell to $40, Pullets sold to $20, Roosters sold to $42.50,



Agents today yarded 1480 head a third of last weeks sale. The yarding was dominated by good trade and export weight lambs. The lighter end was also fresher and a little dearer compared to the previous week. Mutton was on a similar vein as last week with the heavier end a shade dearer whilst the light end was cheaper. Lambs topped at $170 to av $111.46 ($3 up), hoggets topped at $81 to av

$55.85 ($10 up), ewes topped at $55 to av $27.13 (PAR), wethers topped at $77 to av $52.80($12 down), rams topped at $105 to av $68.96 ($34 up), lamb rams topped at $75 to av $70.68 ($10down). The total yarding av $89.75 a rise of $20/head on last week.

Greenup Maryland P/S sold Dorset lambs 53kg to Thomas Foods for $150

Warren & Kerri -Anne Lee sold Xbred lambs 60kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $150, 55.8kg hoggets to Eversons for $55, 45kg hoggets to restockers for $48, ewes and wethers to Eversons for $55

Armstrong Family sold Dorper x lambs off crop 53.5kg to Lawsons Butchery for $159, 52.3kg to Eversons for $155, 49.8kg to Jock Young Meats for $150, 50.5kg to Thomas Foods for $151

Rory & Kathy Frost sold Dorper lambs 44.5kg to GR Prime for $137

Robert Deans sold Dorper x lambs 44.5kg to Jock young Meats for $134, Rams to restockers for $105

Drew Wilson sold Dorper lambs 51.6kg to Take It Easy Meats for $159, 45kg to Hurley & Weiss for $110

Callygoora Holdings sold White Dorper lambs 51.5kg to Thomas Foods for $138, 46.3kg to Jock Young Meats for $123, 51kg hoggets to Eversons for $80

Dayne & Michelle Barrett sold Dorper x lambs 49kg to Jock Young Meats for $144

Brad & Lynda Johnson sold Aussie white lambs 54kg to Thomas Foods for $155, 42.1kg to restockers for $95, 33.3kg to restockers for $54,hoggets 66.1kg to Eversons for $81, wethers to restockers for $77.

Andrew O’Dea sold Dorper x lambs 36kg to GR Prime for $90, 35kg ram lambs to restockers for $49, hogget rams 50kg to restockers for $67

RURAL NEWS 24 e Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024 CONTACT US - The Northern Rivers Times Rural Edition ✆ 1300 679 787 SALES 02 6662 6222
- 02 6080 9520, Casino - 02 6662 6222, Dubbo - 02 5858 4078, Grafton - 02 5632 3041, Moree - 02 6794 3889, Tamworth - 02 5719 1656, Wagga Wagga - 02 5940 8516 Directors, co-owners and co-founders: Jeffrey Gibbs and Sharon Bateman
2652-7928 a Genesis Media company ABN: 84 134 238 181 All rights reserved © 2023 Distribution Coffs Harbour north to Southport and west to Tenterfield weekly.

NSW Unveils Groundbreaking State Disaster Mitigation Plan

The NSW Government is unveiling the nation’s inaugural State Disaster Mitigation Plan (SDMP), crafted by the NSW Reconstruction Authority, to address the escalating threat of extreme weather events before they ravage communities.

According to the plan, the projected annual cost of building and infrastructure damage from natural disasters could soar to $9.1 billion by 2060 without adequate mitigation efforts. This stark forecast underscores the urgent need for proactive measures, as increasingly frequent and severe events exact a heavier toll on homes, businesses, and vital infrastructure, eclipsing the current estimated annual damage cost of $3.1 billion in NSW.

The genesis of the State Disaster Mitigation Plan traces back to the 2022 NSW Independent Flood Inquiry, spearheaded by Professor Mary O’Kane and Mick Fuller, which catalysed the establishment of the NSW Reconstruction Authority. Mandated by the NSW Reconstruction Authority Act 2022, the plan serves as a strategic blueprint, guiding comprehensive disaster mitigation efforts state-wide.

Emphasizing a paradigm shift towards risk-reducing actions, the plan elucidates collaborative strategies for government agencies to assist communities in fortifying defences

against escalating bushfres, heatwaves, foods, storms, and coastal erosion threats.

Central to the plan’s implementation is the coordination efforts of the NSW Reconstruction Authority in spearheading initiatives aimed at enhancing community resilience and disaster mitigation. Since 2019, NSW has grappled with over 65 declared disasters, incurring a staggering $6 billion in taxpayer expenses, with 2022 alone witnessing the damage of over 20,000 homes.

As climate change intensifes the frequency and severity of natural disasters, the SDMP encompasses a multifaceted toolkit of measures to bolster community preparedness and resilience. These

include expansive “Get Ready” campaigns, localized disaster adaptation plans, early warning systems, and infrastructure enhancements, coupled with industry collaborations to fortify building codes and insurance frameworks.

The plan’s formulation involved rigorous analysis to ascertain NSW’s most pressing threats, pinpointing storms and foods as posing the highest risks to homes, businesses, and infrastructure, while heatwaves and bushfres pose signifcant threats to life.

Currently, the NSW Reconstruction Authority is spearheading the development of the frst three local Disaster Adaptation Plans for the Northern Rivers,

and plans for the Central West. These plans serve as foundational pillars for future disaster mitigation endeavour’s.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Paul Scully, underscored the

imperative of proactive disaster planning, highlighting the potential for substantial cost savings and heightened community resilience.

Similarly, Minister Emergency Services Jihad Dib emphasized

the plan’s signifcance in reducing both tangible and societal costs of natural hazards, with a keen focus on preemptive risk mitigation and resilient infrastructure investments.

Deputy CEO of the NSW Reconstruction Authority, Simone Walker, affrmed the pivotal role of the Authority in proactively curbing future disasters’ impact, underscoring the crucial need for strategic investments in risk reduction.

The unveiling of the State Disaster Mitigation Plan marks a watershed moment in NSW’s disaster preparedness efforts, offering a comprehensive roadmap to pre-emptively confront and mitigate the escalating threat of extreme weather events, thereby safeguarding communities and bolstering resilience against future calamities.

240 Massey Fergusson Tractor, Polaris Diesel Quad bike, 2 x Stihl chainsaws, Pasture harrows, Nobili Mulcher 5ft, Slasher 5ft, Fertiliser spreader, John Deere LX279 Mower, Push Mower, Poly pipe, Barb and plain wire, Electric fence energisers , Electric fence posts, Electric fence tape and reels, 2 x calf feeders, Ryobi Grass Trimmer, Small Quad bike trailer , Farm tools & equipment , 3 x 15L Knapsacks, Stilh misting machine, Fuel cans, Chicken waterer, Assorted building/plumbing tools and equipment,


Front load washing machine (suitable for horse rugs) Kincade all-purpose saddle 16”.


Piano, Pinball machine , Gym gear (treadmill, bikes etc), Triathlon bike, Men’s push bike, Spa bath, Dog kennel, Antique radio , Antique meat safe, 3 x Milk cans, 2 x outdoor work spotlights , Lockers, Fridge , Wine rack, Coffee machine, cups & milk frother, Antique sewing machine, Camping equipment/tent, Rusty garden ornaments, 2 x Canoes, Small fish tank, tiles , Assorted garden tools


1988 model International 784 4 x 4 Tractor, International

View full list & photos available on our website

RURAL NEWS 25 February 29, 2024 e Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent 02 6643 4411 Mitch: 0428 470 132 Jonny: 0438 735 061 Sam: 0490 776 889 CLEARING SALE A/c D Howard Saturday 2nd March 2024 10 AM 410 Central Bucca Road, Central Bucca Bid Card System will apply Light Refreshments Available Terms Strictly: Cash, Cheque or Eftpos Mitch: 0428 470 132 Jonny: 0438 735 061 Sam: 0490 776 889
Hay Baler, Tonutti P4/94 Hay Rake, Massey Ferguson 3PTL Sickle Mower, PTL Back Blade with 6FT Adjustable angle, 4 in 1 Bucket for 745 Bobcat, 5 ft Heavy Duty Slasher, Massey Ferguson 3 PTL Jib, Mitsubishi FM series Panel Van 2002 model tare weight 6430kg GVM 16 Tonne rego 1 year 580,000kms, 2009 PK Ford Ranger 240,000kms rego to June, 5ft Southern Cross Slasher, 5ft Southern Cross Box Scrapper/Ripper, John Deer ride-on Lawn Mower, 3 Bay Dog Pen, 2 Bay Dog Pen.
Hawkesbury Nepean,

Controversial Biosecurity Levy attracts fresh criticism

Another independent body has today raised concerns the Government’s proposed Biosecurity Protection Levy “does not pass critical scrutiny”, validating the claims of Australia’s 85,000 farming families.

Independent academics from the Australian National University’s Tax and Transfer Policy Institute (TPPI) have backed widespread condemnation of the Government’s proposed policy which is due to come into effect in just a matter of months.

In a policy briefng paper published today on the TPPI’s website, the Institute questions the economic justifcation and design of the proposed Biosecurity Protection Levy (BPL), pointing to an alternative model charging risk creators.

The Institute’s detailed analysis of the

proposed levy concludes that “overall, the government’s package to implement the BPL does not pass critical scrutiny” and “given the list of weaknesses of the proposed BPL, an alternative policy approach is desirable”.

In assessing alternative options, the exploration of alternative models such as charging risk creators is fagged, with the author’s suggesting

“a tax on those who create the most biosecurity risk could be introduced to align the marginal private cost with the marginal social cost, creating an effcient market outcome”.

Even following recent changes made by the Government to the levy’s design, the TPPI notes that “the revised policy’s approach of setting the levy according to industry GVP is at

odds with standard tax practice”.

This work by the TTPI builds on the analysis conducted by the Productivity Commission in December 2023 which provided a similar scathing critique of the policy.

In commenting on the paper, NFF President David Jochinke said the report was another example of independent analysis supporting

the issues raised by producers.

“We’ve said from the outset that this is a fawed policy and that producers across the length and breadth of the agricultural sector oppose it.

“Here we have yet another example of a respected institution outlining that these claims are entirely valid.

“The Minister has shown a willingness to

listen, having attempted to tweak the proposal in recent weeks, however it is now clear that the policy should not proceed in its current form.

“Producers have welcomed increased contributions from taxpayers and travellers to biosecurity efforts, and have made clear that we are more than willing to work with government on ways the agricultural sector can contribute to strengthening our Australia’s biosecurity system, but this policy is simply not the way to do it.”

The TTPI report can be accessed via the QR Code below.

NSW Alternatives to Buybacks: A Modest Step Forward

As the Murray-Darling Basin grapples with the imperative of fulflling water recovery obligations, the recent unveiling of the NSW Alternative to Buybacks Plan offers a glimmer of progress. However, the fate of Basin farmers and communities’ hinges on governments’ commitment to fulflling their end of the bargain.

The plan, though commendable, falls short of delivering substantial water-saving projects, with only a handful identifed after languishing on the table for years. These projects, including the Murrumbidgee Irrigation and Coleambally Murrumbidgee Optimisation initiative, hold promise for water recovery and ecological revitalisation. Yet, their effcacy relies heavily on the Commonwealth’s willingness to redefne criteria for water recovery.

According to Claire Miller, CEO of the NSW Irrigators’ Council, while certain proposals show potential, expeditious collaboration

between NSW and federal departments is imperative to ensure timely implementation. Past bureaucratic inertia raises concerns about the feasibility of

on the Plan’s capacity to minimise such measures.

realising these initiatives within the stipulated timeframe, leaving Basin communities and farmers in a state of uncertainty regarding the Plan’s effcacy.

The prevailing

narrative, characterised by fnger-pointing between state and federal entities, exacerbates frustrations among stakeholders grappling with the prospect of buybacks overshadowing alternative solutions.

The federal Water Minister’s apparent inclination towards prioritising buybacks further compounds anxieties, casting doubt

Moreover, the NSW Plan underscores the practical challenges of achieving additional water recovery, even when disregarding socioeconomic considerations. With previous initiatives having exhausted readily available water-saving avenues, the effcacy of further buybacks remains

dubious, as evidenced by shortfalls in existing programs like Bridging the Gap.

Most signifcantly, the imperative for additional water recovery is called

into question by existing data revealing substantial reductions in diversions for various sectors.

With only 28% of Basin infows directed towards towns, industry, and irrigation, the focus must

shift towards addressing underlying causes of river degradation, such as invasive species and poor policy frameworks.

In light of these realities, the allocation of billions of taxpayer dollars towards further water recovery raises pertinent questions about governmental priorities. Redirecting resources towards addressing systemic issues undermining river health may prove more effcacious in fostering sustainable ecological restoration.

In essence, while the NSW Alternative to Buybacks Plan represents a step towards addressing water recovery challenges, its effcacy hinges on collaborative action and a recalibration of governmental priorities towards holistic river management strategies. Only through concerted efforts to address underlying drivers of degradation can the Basin realise its full ecological potential and safeguard the livelihoods of its communities.

RURAL NEWS 26 e Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
NFF President David Jochinke




Brace yourselves for a mind-blowing cosmic journey when World Science Festival Brisbane returns in 2024.

For ten days from

Friday, 15 March until

Sunday, 24 March, World Science Festival Brisbane presents a program full of engaging conversations, awe-inspiring events, art installations and so much more for visitors of all ages.



Thought: AI’s New Breakthroughs and Boundaries

Thursday, 21 March

15 to 24 March 2024

2024, 7:30pm

Leading researchers and privacy experts join Brian Greene to explore the function and ethical implications of this technological


Mysteries from the Museum

Friday, 22 March 2024, 6pm

A fragment of rock, a scrap of paper, a headless

bird. Three ordinary, if slightly obscure objects, with three extraordinary stories.

Dream On: The Waste and Climate War

Saturday, 23 March

2024, 1:30pm Planet advocate and environmental provocateur, Craig Reucassel plunges into Australia’s waste and climate crisis.

Life On Mars

Friday, 22 March 2024, 7:30pm

Graham Phillips and a panel of experts shed light on the intricacies of space exploration, the technological marvels of interplanetary missions and the profound questions they raise about life’s existence beyond our planet. To buy tickets and see the full program, visit the CR Code below.

FEBRUARY 29, 2024




Today’s target:

20 words average

25 words good

30+ words excellent

Find words of four letters or more. Every word must include the centre letter and each letter is used once only. Find at least one nine-letter word. No colloquial or foreign words, capitalised nouns, apostrophes, hyphens. No verbs or plural words ending in ‘s’. Solution list is not exhaustive. Ref: Macquarie Dictionary

ASTROLOGY with Joanne Madeline Moore

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

The Mars/Uranus square could amp up your impulsive, impatient, argumentative side, especially involving friends or finances. And relationships look challenging, as loved ones are more unpredictable than usual. With Venus visiting your friendship and peer group zones, strive to be more diplomatic. If you can temporarily morph from a raging ram to a gentle lamb, then life will be less bumpy. Channel your fiery energy into making a goal or dream come true.

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)

This week the Venus/Uranus square revs up your motivation and boosts your Bullish bravado. But you could also feel rather rushed and slightly unsettled. Cool down and calm down! Aim to do plenty of physical activity, so you can channel your restless energy in pleasant and productive ways. But being overly proprietorial about a person or situation will only lead to a fraction too much friction. Strive to be less stubborn about people, possessions and work.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Gregarious Geminis are clever communicators but are you confident enough for big-time success? With no less than eight planets (including the New Moon) activating your career and aspirations zones, a golden opportunity is waiting in the wings. But you must grab it when it appears, or it will promptly pass you by. Monday and Tuesday favour original ideas and innovative plans, whereas Friday and Saturday are fabulous for creative projects and spiritual pursuits.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Unpredictable Uranus could unsettle a close relationship on Monday or Saturday, especially if there are secret agreements, trust issues or joint finances involved. Then Sunday’s New Moon activates your adventure zone, so you’re in the mood to plan (and book?) weekend getaways or work holidays for the rest of the year. Mercury also moves into your career zone so it’s time to amp up the communication with colleagues, clients and/or customers.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)

Have you been feeling like a tired and listless

Leo? This week – courtesy of the restorative, transformative New Moon – you’ll feel your mojo, motivation and Lion’s roar returning. So find a challenging project to direct your energy into. The Sun, Mercury and Uranus also encourage you to be more positive when communicating with others. A sunny smile and an encouraging comment will get you a lot further than feisty fireworks and theatrical foot-stamping!

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The planets could generate a lucky break involving a partnership, joint venture, travel opportunity or educational project. So get your ideas out there (in person and online) as you inform and entertain others with your mercurial mind. A major relationship (of the romantic or platonic variety) could go through a New Moon metamorphosis. Do your best to air any concerns in a compassionate way, as you work through problems that have been holding you back.

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Laidback Librans love peace and harmony! But they may be hard to find, as unpredictable Uranus squares Venus (your power planet) on Monday. So expect upsets or surprises … perhaps a disruptive partner, an unpredictable friend or a rebellious child. Then Sunday’s New Moon stimulates your wellbeing zone, so it’s a wonderful weekend to start a new diet, reboot an exercise program or begin a meditation practice. Remember – health is the true wealth.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Uranus disrupts domestic harmony but don’t let it disturb your equilibrium. The secret to success is learning to let go, as you keep what’s working in your life and discard what isn’t. (But you may have to lose a current battle in order to win the long-term war.) Opportunities for New Moon growth come from a loved one, as you realise who has your best interests at heart. It’s also a good time to express your creative side and appreciate the talents of others.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Being of service to others (with kindness and compassion) brings much joy and satisfaction. Plus take the time to savour and enjoy the simple things in your everyday life – like a kiss from a child or a walk in the park. But avoid making a rash, insensitive comment (in person or online) that you later regret. It’s a wonderful weekend to entertain at home with a special meal, as the New Moon stimulates your family zone. Convivial conversation is a bonus.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

The New Moon lights up your communication, education and neighbourhood zones, so it’s a fabulous week to focus, plan, study, organize and strategize. Especially involving partnerships, joint ventures and projects within your local community. But double-check all information that comes your way on the weekend. Make sure someone isn’t trying to steamroll you or pull the wool over your eyes (particularly involving friends and/or finances).

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

This week Uranus (your ruling planet) squares Venus and Mars, which will stir up your impulsive, restless, rebellious side. So slow down, Aquarius –otherwise you could find yourself headed for an argument or an accident. With Venus and Mars both visiting your sign, you’ll find the more you cooperate with others, the more affection and abundance you’ll attract. And the more proactive you are about making positive changes, the better your week will be.

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

The stars bless creative projects, boost intuition, and help you get lost in a fabulous fantasy novel or a favourite romantic movie. With the Sun, New Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune all illuminating your sign, you’re keen to please others. But avoid the temptation to say ‘yes’ to everyone and everything, like a compliant doormat. You may find you’ve bitten off more than you can comfortably chew! Confidence is high on the weekend so make the most of it.

ACROSS DOWN Solution No. 3035
Release No. 3035
1 11 13 18 25 29 33 41 46 48 2 19 42 3 30 4 20 26 31 39 43 49 17 34 5 14 21 35 40 15 36 6 12 27 47 7 24 37 44 22 8 16 28 32 50 9 23 45 10 38 B A P T I S T C A M O U F L A G E D U A N A L E N I R U L U R C H B R O C A D E L E A K S L A I L S N V A N T S E M I B R E V E S P E E C H D A Y O I T N I S T U N T S H A B B Y U P R O A R A N F B I W O S E N O T I C E B O A R D O D D M E N T D H E R S D R A G U B R A V A D O H A I R D R E S S E R A B O W E N N P N G L O S S Y A D A G I O C H A R S U L P O R D E T R I M E N T D E P E N D E N T A F D S R A O C P A T I A R A S T U D I E S A L A R M E C H E M R E V R E S T E N O G R A P H Y S C E N T E D PO Box 8271 Bundall Qld Australia 4217 Telephone: (07) 5553 3200 Toll Free: 1 800 652 284 Fax: (07) 5553 3201 Auspac Media Email: Visit our site: The Feature People ACROSS 1 Racist 4 Attain 8 Liability 11 Water store 12 In another place 13 Encourage 14 Regular 16 Guide 17 Accustomed (arch) 18 Armed vessel 21 Famous garden 22 Junkie, drug ... 25 Obsolete 26 Consultant 28 Keepsake 29 Fits of sullenness 31 Laboratory worker 32 Extinguish 33 Bread shop 34 Microwaves 37 Masterpiece 40 Robin Hood’s priest; Friar ... 41 Divulge (3,2) 43 From Wales 44 Spanish bull ghter 46 Sugar substitute 47 Arti cial language 48 Cleans 49 Mix (5,2) 50 SW Arabian republic DOWN 1 Dog noises 2 Pants 3 Discoloured, of silver 4 Dried earth brick 5 Appetiser (4,7) 6 Recluse 7 Literary works 8 Australia (4,5) 9 Deciduous tree 10 Notional 15 Furthermore 19 Grid 20 Flat sh 23 Disease 24 Reviewer 25 Disbanded (an army) 27 Gruyere or Emmental, eg (5,6) 30 Crushes 32 Occurring every three months 35 Capital of Georgia 36 Bodily discharge 38 Satirical drawing 39 Eddies 42 Bloodsucking insects 44 Clear away (3,2) 45 Twilled cotton
FIND All the words listed below can be found in the grid. SOLUTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Accomplished Clouds Code Crowd Dam End Entry Erase Found Inches Knife Meal Noses Our Pure Raft Red Rescue Seam See Senior Settee Spear Spray Suck Tie Use Utterly Wires Yea Q T N S N D G R K N I F E L H Z O E N D O K O U R E R A E P S T P I N C H E S E Q E D T E T N F O U N D K I S M E S S E D M M S S T Q P D D J N S E W A A E Y L R E T T U J R Y O E D A H A X R E S A R E P R S V V Y Y M U F S D U O L C L E V L I T P K V C T U O A A C C O M P L I S H E D S O X G I D T U X E F W E W M G Y A B A W I R E S K ACROSS 1 Stretch 5 Drain 6 Aardvark fare 7 Break DOWN 1 Asterisk 2 Yearn 3 Cultural doings 4 Birth place TARGET TIME otter, pepo, poet, poetry, poor, pope, pore, port, potter, pottery, potto, prop, PROTOTYPE, pyrope, root, rooty, rope, ropy, rote, ryot, toot, tooter, tope, toper, topper, tore, tort, torte, tote, troop, trope, trot, troy, tyro, yore. TINY CROSS ACROSS: 1 Span, 5 Tire, 6 Ants, 7 Rest. DOWN: 1 Star, 2 Pine, 3 Arts, 4 Nest. QUICK WORKOUT SOLUTION 2 Fit the into that touch, same. repeated © bmpuzzles Distributed Barbara Midgley 5 2 4 5 3 4 3 5 2 4 6 3 1 6 2 3 4 6 6 1 1 2 6 6 4 3 3 6 1 5 5 4 2 2 1 1 5 6 6 1 3 1 6 3 4 4 1 2 2 4 6 2 1 4 5 3 3 1 5 2 2 3 6 6 5 5 4 3 5 5 3 1 1 4 4 2 2 5 1 4 5 3 5 4 6 2 2 4 3 5 6 1 3 1 6 4 Fit the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 into the hexagons so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers will be the same. No number is repeated in any hexagon. TULOS NO 2 Fit the numbers 1-6 once into every hexagon so that where the hexagons touch, the numbers are the same. No number is repeated in any single hexagon. © bmpuzzles Distributed by Knight Features 699 200829 Barbara Midgley 5 2 4 5 3 4 3 5 2 4 6 3 1 6 2 3 4 6 6 1 1 2 6 6 4 3 3 6 1 5 5 4 2 2 1 1 5 6 6 1 3 1 6 3 4 4 1 2 2 4 6 2 1 4 5 3 3 1 5 2 2 3 6 6 5 5 4 3 5 5 3 1 1 4 4 2 2 5 1 4 5 3 5 4 6 2 2 4 3 5 6 1 3 1 6 4 Q T N S N D G R K N I F E L H Z O E N D O K O U R E R A E P S T P I N C H E S E Q E D T E T N F O U N D K I S M E S S E D M M S S T Q P D D J N S E W A A E Y L R E T T U J R Y O E D A H A X R E S A R E P R S V V Y Y M U F S D U O L C L E V L I T P K V C T U O A A C C O M P L I S H E D S O X G I D T U X E F W E W M G Y A B A W I R E S K BIGOT ACHIEVE DEBIT A A A D O R S O E H RESERVOIR ELSEWHERE K P N B S M A N C O INSPIRE DAILY USHER N S WONT S N E GUNSHIP EDEN ADDICT E E L U C E L I DATED ADVISER RELIC E W I R W I N A MOODS CHEMIST QUELL O R C E S I U S BAKERY ZAPS CLASSIC I U S TUCK R A LETON WELSH MATADOR I I C I A E O E E T SACCHARIN ESPERANTO E K E L T S U L I O DUSTS SHAKEUP YEMEN Puzzles and pagination supplied by Auspac Media PUZZLES AND WEEKLY HOROSCOPE
XPRESS. VER.4.03 publication can be separate text box.





SBS, 8.40pm


ABC, 7.35pm

Gone are the days of the hardworking yucca plant featuring in almost every second front garden. Thankfully, plant lovers’ eyes have been well and truly opened to the beauty and bene ts of Australian natives, and tonight Clarence Slockee celebrates the bright and beautiful array of autumn owering natives. The tail end of summer won’t seem so sad once you lay eyes on these blooming beauties. While Millie Ross soaks up the last rays of summer, Costa Georgiadis (pictured) meets multicultural community gardeners, and Tammy Huynh pops in to a collector’s colourful balcony. Always vibrant and earthy.



SEVEN, 8.30pm

Author Delia Owens’ hit novel comes to life with atmospheric cinematography.

Normal People’s Daisy Edgar Jones (pictured) is “marsh girl” Kya.

A return trip to Italy accompanied by the breezy charms of Stanley Tucci (pictured)? It’d be rude, if not a little outrageous, to say no to this gleaming rendezvous. In season two of the award-winning actor’s journey to his ancestral homeland, The Lovely Bones star adds a little extra dough to proceedings with eight episodes (two more than last time). It includes a rather personal trip to his paternal grandfather’s town of Calabria, with Piedmont and Umbria also on the itinerary. This pilgrimage begins in the “ oating city” Venice. Featuring a morning at wine bar serving cicchetti (aka tapas) and a gondola ride to an 1000-year-old sh market. 0103

FRIDAY, March 1

Abused then abandoned in swampland, Kya grows up alone and ostracised by her small North Carolina town, only to end up as a murder suspect after she emerges from her solitary existence to try and nd some human connection. Produced by Reese Witherspoon, it is a choppy adaptation that’s perhaps too slick to do the haunting tale justice. For those who haven’t devoured the book and don’t have sky-high expectations, it is a gripping 1960s-set, moody mystery thriller with many plot twists. In a very Hollywood style adaptation, Jones is undeniably electric.

ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (6) TEN (5) NBN (8, 80)

6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Planet America. (R) 10.30 That Paci c Sports Show. (R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 News. 1.00 Silent Witness. (Mav, R)

2.00 House Of Gods. (Ml, R) 3.00 The Cook And The Chef. (R) 3.25 Tenable. (R) 4.15 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

5.10 Grand Designs. (R)



Seven Morning News.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 6.00 7News Local. 6.30 7News @ 6:30. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens.

MOVIE: Where The Crawdads Sing. (2022, Masv) An abandoned girl who raised herself in the marshlands opens herself to a new world when she is drawn to two young men from town. However, when one of them is found dead, she nds herself the prime suspect. Daisy Edgar-Jones, Taylor John Smith, David Strathairn.

12.40 12


Hosted by Grant Denyer.

7.30 The Graham Norton Show. Graham Norton chats with Cate Blanchett, Kate Winslet and Dua Lipa.

9.30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly Australia. (PG, R) It is a busy week for British dog trainer Graeme Hall as he meets a labrador, a bulldog and a terrier.

10.30 Fire Country. (Mav, R) Vince’s judgment is compromised.

11.30 The Project. (R) A look at the day’s news.

12.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Hosted by Stephen Colbert.

1.30 Home Shopping. (R)

6am WorldWatch. 10.00 The Movie Show. 12.10pm Most Expensivest. 12.40 Transnational. 1.40 The Pizza Show. 2.05 Hustle. 2.55 WorldWatch. 4.55 Joy Of Painting. 5.25 Lee Lin Chin’s Fashionista. 5.35 Joy Of Painting. 6.05 Trip Hazard: My Great British Adventure. 6.35 Jeopardy! 7.30 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.25 The Day The Rock Star Died. 8.55 Athletics. World Indoor Championships. Day 1. Morning session. 1.10am Late Programs. 6am Shopping. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Room For Improvement. 8.00 Million Dollar Minute. 9.00 Our Town. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Better Homes. 1.00 House Of Wellness. 2.00 Last Chance Learners. 2.30 Weekender. 3.00 Room For Improvement. 3.30 Harry’s Practice. 4.00 Animal Rescue. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Border Security: International. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 Soccer. A-League Men. Round 18. Melbourne Victory v Central Coast Mariners. Highlights. 8.30 Diagnosis Murder. 9.30 Jake And The Fatman. 10.30 JAG. 12.30pm In The Dark. 1.30 NCIS. 2.30 Jake And The Fatman. 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. 5.30 Bondi Rescue. 6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 JAG. 7.30 Bull. 8.30 NCIS. 9.25 NCIS: Hawai’i. 11.15 Diagnosis Murder. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 Diagnosis Murder. 4.05 JAG. 6am Danger Man. 7.00 Cre o. 7.30 Skippy. 8.00 TV Shop. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 Explore. 2.05 Dr Quinn. 3.05 Antiques Roadshow. 3.35 MOVIE: Twice Round The Da odils. (1962, PG) 5.30 Celebrity Yorkshire Auction House. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders. 8.30 MOVIE: Dune. (1984, PG) 11.15 Late Programs. BOLD (51) 9GEM (82) 7TWO (62) VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 6.55pm Shaun The Sheep. 7.05 Riley Rocket. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 MOVIE: Pride. (2014, M) 10.30 Would I Lie To You? 11.00 QI. 11.30 Killing Eve. 12.15am Back. 12.40 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. 1.30 MOVIE: Walkabout. (1971, M) 3.10 Ballet Now. 4.10 ABC News Update. 4.15 Close. 5.00 Clangers. 5.10 Kiddets. 5.25 The Wonder Gang. 5.35 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon Scorpion. 2.00 Bewitched. 2.30 Full House. 3.00 Raymond. 4.00 Family Ties. 4.30 The Addams Family. 5.00 Bewitched. 5.30 Children’s Programs. 5.40 MOVIE: Bridge To Terabithia. (2007, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Nanny McPhee. (2005, PG) 9.30 MOVIE: Bean. (1997, PG) 11.15 Dating No Filter. 11.45 Medium. 1.40am Raymond. 2.05 Full House. 2.30 Gigantosaurus. 3.00 Bakugan: Geogan Rising. 3.30 Beyblade Burst QuadStrike. 4.00 Transformers: Prime. 4.30 Ninjago. 5.00 Late Programs. 6am Hook, Line And Sinker. 7.00 My Fishing Place. 7.30 Creek To Coast. 8.00 A Football Life. 9.00 America’s Game. 10.00 Blokesworld. 10.30 American Restoration. 11.00 American Pickers. Noon Pawn Stars. 1.00 Counting Cars. 2.00 Secrets Of The Supercars. 3.00 Timbersports. 3.30 Mt Hutt Rescue. 4.30 Storage Wars. 5.00 American Restoration. 5.30 American Pickers. 6.30 Pawn Stars. 7.30 MOVIE: Men In Black: International. (2019, M) 9.50 MOVIE: Hellboy. (2004, M) 12.20am Late Programs. 6am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 Becker. 8.00 NBL Slam. 8.30 Friends. 10.00 The Big Bang Theory. 11.00 Becker. Noon Frasier. 1.30 Two And A Half Men. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Farm To Fork. 4.30 Becker. 5.30 Frasier. 6.30 The Big Bang Theory. 8.30 Two And A Half Men. 11.00 Frasier. Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Just For Laughs Uncut. 3.30 Bold. 4.30 Shopping. 5.30 Joseph Prince. 9GO! (83) 6am Peggy Sue Got Married. Continued. (1986, PG) 7.10 Kim Ji-Young, Born 1982. (2019, PG, Korean) 9.20 Princess Caraboo. (1994, PG) 11.10 Desperately Seeking Susan. (1985, M) 1.05pm Stage Mother. (2020, M) 2.45 The Movie Show. 3.15 Young Girls Of Rochefort. (1967, PG, French) 5.35 December Boys. (2007, PG) 7.30 The Lady In The Van. (2015, M) 9.30 Swan Song. (2021) 11.30 The Duke Of Burgundy. (2014, MA15+) 1.30am Benedetta. (2021, MA15+, French) 3.55 Late Programs. PEACH (52) 7MATE (64) SBS MOVIES (32) 6am Children’s Programs. 1.10pm The Next Step. 1.55 Horrible Histories. 2.25 Scream Street. 3.00 Get Blake! 3.25 Dennis & Gnasher: Unleashed! 3.40 Space Nova. 4.00 Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. 4.20 Planet Lulin. 4.45 The Inbestigators. 5.00 Hardball. 5.25 Miraculous. 5.55 So Awkward. 6.30 Operation Ouch! 7.00 Horrible Histories. 7.40 The Penguins Of Madagascar. 8.00 Transformers: EarthSpark. 8.25 Dragon Ball Super. 9.10 Dwight In Shining Armour. 9.35 All-Round Champion. 11.15 Close. ABC ME (23) 6am News Programs. 1pm ABC News Day. 3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon Brie ng. 5.00 ABC News. 6.00 ABC News Hour. 7.00 ABC National News. 7.35 ABC Evening News. 8.00 Planet America: Fireside Chat. 8.45 If You’re Listening. 9.00 ABC News Tonight. 9.30 Close Of Business. 10.00 ABC Nightly News. 10.30 World This Week. 11.00 News. 11.15 Planet America: Fireside Chat. Midnight News. 12.30 Breakfast Couch. 1.00 News. 1.15 Close Of Business. 1.45 If You’re Listening. 2.00 Late Programs. ABC NEWS (24) 6am Morning Programs. 7.30 Postcards. 8.00 Garden Gurus. 8.30 The Block. 9.30 House Hunters Int. 10.30 Hello SA. 11.00 Living Alaska. Noon House Hunters Reno. 1.00 Unsellable Houses. 2.00 My Lottery Dream Home International. 2.30 My Lottery Dream Home. 3.00 The Block. 4.00 Living Alaska. 5.00 Fixer Upper. 6.00 House Hunters Int. 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Island Of Bryan. 8.30 Houses With History. 9.30 Revealed. 10.30 Renovation Impossible. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 11.30 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico. 12.35pm Everyday Gourmet. 1.05 My Market Kitchen. 1.30 Dolce India. 2.00 My Greek Table. 2.30 Food Lover’s Guide. 3.00 Australia’s Food Bowl. 3.30 Amy Schumer Learns To Cook. 4.30 Everyday Gourmet. 5.00 Eat China. 6.00 Food Trail. 6.30 Mary Makes It Easy. 7.00 The Cook Up. 7.30 Rick Stein’s Far Eastern Odyssey. 8.40 Jamie’s Great Britain. 9.35 Come Dine With Me UK. 10.30 The Cook Up. 11.00 Late Programs. 9LIFE (84) 6am Morning Programs. 9.00 News. 9.30 News. 10.00 AM Agenda. 11.00 NewsDay. Noon News. 12.30 News. 1.00 The Kenny Report. 2.00 Afternoon Agenda. 3.00 Paul Murray Live. 4.00 Afternoon Agenda. 4.30 Business Now With Ross Greenwood. 5.00 Erin. 6.00 Steve Price. 7.00 Prime Time. 8.00 The US Report. 9.00 The Media Show. 9.30 NewsNight. 10.00 NewsNight. 11.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 11.55 MOVIE: Flawless. (1999, M) 1.50pm First Sounds. 2.05 Going Places. 2.30 The Cook Up. 3.00 Motown Magic. 3.25 The World According To Grandpa. 3.35 The Magic Canoe. 4.00 Toi Time. 4.30 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 NITV News: Nula. 6.00 Bamay. 6.40 Arabian Inferno. 7.30 Eddie’s Lil’ Homies. 7.45 MOVIE: Journey To The Center Of The Earth. (1988) 9.15 MOVIE: Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son. (2011, M) 11.05 Late Programs. SKY NEWS (53) NITV (34) SBS FOOD (33) Please Note: Programs are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by the Networks. CONSUMER ADVICE (P) Pre-school (C) Children (PG) Parental Guidance Recommended (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (R) Repeat (CC) Closed Captions (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence.

12.00 MOVIE: Patsy And Loretta. (2019, Masv) 2.00 House Of Wellness. (PGa) 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: Love Amongst The Stars. (2022, PGa, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 9News Afternoon. 5.00 Tipping Point Australia. (PG) 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 Neighbours. (PGa, R) 9.00 Bold. (PGas, R) 9.30 Deal Or No Deal. (R) 10.00 Farm To Fork. (R) 10.30 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 11.00 Dr Phil. (PGal, R) 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.30 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 2.00 Dr Phil. (Ma, R) 3.00 Farm To Fork. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. (R) 4.30 Bold. (PGas) 5.00 News.
Back Roads: Conquering Isolation Special. (PG, R) 6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 7.00 ABC News. 7.35 Gardening Australia. Millie Ross savours summer. 8.35 Midsomer Murders. (Mav) Part 3 of 4. A pet detective is found dead inside the kennel of a dog he was searching for. 10.05 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
The Weekly With Charlie Pickering. (R)
ABC Late News. 11.25 Joanna Lumley’s Great Cities Of The World. (PG, R) 12.10 Grand Designs. (R) 12.55 Tenable. (R) 1.40 Belgravia. (PG, R) 2.30 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Good Ship Murder. (Mv) 8.25 Endurance: Race The Pole: The Discovery Expedition 1901-1904. 9.20 Queens That Changed The World: The Queen Of Empire – Victoria. (PG) 10.15 SBS World News Late. 10.45 Departure. (Madl) 11.30 Miniseries: The Unusual Suspects. (Mls, R) 3.20 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. (PG, R) 4.20 Bamay. (R)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Make Me A Dealer. (R) 9.50 Hugh’s Wild West. (PGa, R) 11.00 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City. (R) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Mastermind Aust. (R) 3.00 NITV News: Nula. 3.30 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. (R) 3.35 Dirty Bird. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.15 Secrets Of The Tower Of London. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! (R) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
Griggs visits Mandurah.
Get On
2.00 Home
4.00 Million
5.00 NBC Today. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 A Current
air. 7.30 David
Regina King. 11.00 MOVIE: Monster-InLaw. (2005, Ms, R) 12.50 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.40 Pointless. (PG, R) 2.35 Great Australian Detour. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Postcards. (PG, R) 4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)
11.10 First Dates UK. (Mal, R) Couples meet for the rst time in a restaurant. 12.10
Monkeys. (MA15+av, R)
Dollar Minute. (R)
Attenborough’s Dynasties
II: Meerkats. (PGa) Narrated by Sir David Attenborough. 8.40 MOVIE: Miss Congeniality 2: Armed And Fabulous. (2005, Mv, R) An FBI agent goes undercover once again. Sandra Bullock,
Or No
6.30 The Project. The hosts and guest panellists take a look at the day’s news, events and hot topics.



NAME ROUND 1 ROUND 2 ROUND 3 ROUND 4 ROUND 5 ROUND 6 ROUND 7 ROUND 8 ROUND 9 ROUND 10 ROUND 11 ROUND 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ROUND 25 ROUND 26 ROUND 27 TOTAL 2024




Here is a crossword with a di erence, all the letters of the alphabet are represented by a number in the grid and there are no clues. Some letters have been given as clues to get you started, use the code cracker grid below to keep track of each letter and their coded number.


Quick Crossword



Which is the correct meaning for these words?

1 EVITERNAL (a) Everlasting (b) Making evident (c) Uniform

2 FRISSON (a) A fringe of curls on the forehead (b) A shiver or thrill (c) Wooded country

3 LUX (a) A figure skating jump with rotation (b) Indulgence in costly pleasures (c) A unit of illumination

SINECURE (a) The forepart of the head or skull (b) An office without work (c) A mustard plaster

UMBRAGE (a) That which casts a shade (b) The boss of a shield (c) A small depression

ACROSS 3 Neckwear 7 Liquid part of blood 10 Appropriate 11 Pointed a weapon 12 Lowest point 13 Male sheep 15 Climbing palm 16 Far apart 17 Emotional strain 19 Select group 22 Mourn 25 Bird 26 Go before 28 Have on 30 Therefore 32 Withdrew from federation 34 Catch the breath 36 Severe trial 38 Cut o 39 Of the side 42 Serene 44 Small 45 Fuel 46 Shifted 47 Place 48 Say again 49 Parts of eggs 50 Biblical quotations DOWN 1 Rejected with disdain 2 Plan with ingenuity 3 Governing body 4 Bird 5 Attacks 6 Tree 7 Musical composition 8 Dutch cheese 9 Unassuming 14 Fashion 16 Acting part 18 Tend the sick 20 Let down 21 Tantalise 23 Combine 24 Hangman’s rope 27 Unclouded 29 Practical persons 31 Old French dances 33 Dressed 35 Ministers 36 Large solitary hawk 37 Pull with force 38 Moves easily 40 Wear away 41 Watchful 43 Barrel 46 Floor covering SOLUTIONS Puzzles and pagination supplied by Auspac Media No. 8484 Across 3 Game of skill 7 Tree 10 Coating on teeth 11 Waterway 12 Part of a theatre 13 Fate 15 Cowardly 16 Restaurant cars 17 Find fault with 19 Expel by legal process 22 Wards off 25 Scold 26 Gun part 28 Equipment 30 Large hemispherical vault 32 Sundry 34 Judge 47 Surrenders 48 Spiritualists meeting 49 Encouraged 50 Postpone Down 1 Instructor 2 Hanger-on 3 Fault 4 Unaccompanied 5 Long lock 6 Knight's title 7 Thought 8 Metal 9 Dwelling places 14 Rend 16 Draw with force 21 Stop 23 Wear away 24 Woody plants 27 Iced as a cake 29 Given up 31 Threatening 33 Turn away 35 Rubeola 36 Literary ridicule 37 Quantity of paper 38 Bank employee 40 Unbound 41 Tantalise 43 Fish 46 Colour
GRID Y Created: Ted Whillier Creator Number: Matt Trickey Qxpress: 8484 Checked: Rosemary Note to Editor: Created in QUARK XPRESS. VER.4.03 Items not needed for publication can be erased as each is in a separate text box. Yesterday’s Solution A C T I V E P I C A D O R S R N R O A R D E D E B A T E R A N D R E P P E N C L A N S T A V E R E L E N T D A M E N E I S P E C I A L I G L E N O D E D E B U T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Auspac Media The Features People PO Box 8271 Bundall Qld Australia 4217 S C S C A R F S E R U M P R O P E R A M E D O U N N A D I R R A M D R A T T A N D R E M O T E N R T E N S O N D S E L T E U L A M E N T D O V E P R E C E D E O W E A R S L E R G O E S E C E D E D G A S P O R D E A L A S E V E R S R L A T E R A L O I P L A C I D R L I T T L E R G A S M O V E D T S E S T E A D R E P E A T Y O L K S T E X T S S S WEEKLY CROSSWORD T I P S O S H A R E D A R O I I S S H E L F D U C K S V E T K V A R H K I O W E T V N E N T O I N S N A E P N E T W O R K P U S H N S L P B L H O O P S Q U E E Z E O N E I N L T N E E D N E X T H O T I A U C E J N E O U R G R E Y S U R G E D N E L L E G R H Y M E S M Y D I E CROSSCODE 4 13 5 10 18 10 3 8 6 9 D 7 8 6 18 13 13 10 10 3 9 19 23 7 16 17 26 10 V 22 9 T 4 26 22 8 6 3 26 13 18 11 9 4 22 13 25 9 13 25 4 18 13 25 10 25 8 9 5 25 9 4 11 18 6 26 5 16 10 3 25 10 19 5 1 19 3 18 18 5 10 21 16 9 9 2 9 18 25 9 13 25 19 4 25 9 9 7 25 9 24 4 3 18 4 13 8 16 17 9 14 25 9 18 16 6 12 6 9 15 10 16 6 12 9 7 25 9 19 19 9 12 6 3 15 20 9 10 20 15 7 13 9
CAPP WEEKLY CROSSWORD SUDOKU 6 5 3 3 5 1 6 8 6 7 9 5 3 4 1 7 8 6 1 4 2 9 Fill in the blank cells using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block.
1 2 3 T 4 5 6 D 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 V 22 23 24 25 26
4 POIGNANT (a) Deeply moving (b) Mottled (c) Malignant
Letters A to Z have a number value Some are shown in the right hand cells Create remaining values using clues in centre cells © Auspac Media - AK1274 © Auspac Media AK1274 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 3 2 6 26 12 23 4 8 21 13 9 15 11 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 7 5 25 14 24 16 17 1 19 10 22 20 18 A V-S N A+G B H÷G 2 O Y÷G 5 C A+A P X+A D J×B Q P-M E X-W R X+B F T+C S M+O G E÷A T S+U H G×B U L-Q I N+Q V M+H J H+O 13 W N+A K A×A X M×B 22 L O+W Y N+J 20 M K+B Z G+Q Letters A to Z have a number value. Some are shown in the right hand cells. Create remaining values using clues in centre cells. ALFAKODO WHICH WORDS 1 (a) Everlasting 2 (b) A shiver or thrill 3 (c) A unit of illumination 4 (a) Deeply moving 5 (b) An office without work 6 (a) That which casts a shade ALFAKODO
MEDIUM HARD 3 9 8 5 3 6 6 2 4 5 8 1 6 8 7 4 5 1 1 9 3 6 3 2 1 9 2 7 2 8 6 9 1 4 5 3 4 3 9 5 2 7 6 1 8 1 5 6 8 3 4 9 7 2 3 6 2 4 7 5 8 9 1 5 1 7 9 8 6 2 3 4 8 9 4 2 1 3 7 6 5 9 4 3 7 5 2 1 8 6 6 7 1 3 4 8 5 2 9 2 8 5 1 6 9 3 4 7 SUDOKU MEDIUM SUDOKU HARD 3 1 5 9 6 8 7 4 2 7 4 8 5 2 1 3 9 6 6 9 2 7 3 4 1 5 8 9 7 1 2 4 5 8 6 3 2 8 3 6 1 9 5 7 4 5 6 4 8 7 3 9 2 1 8 2 7 1 9 6 4 3 5 4 5 6 3 8 7 2 1 9 1 3 9 4 5 2 6 8 7 © Auspac Media - AK1274 © Auspac Media - AK1274 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 3 2 6 26 12 23 4 8 21 13 9 15 11 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 7 5 25 14 24 16 17 1 19 10 22 20 18 G E÷A T S+U H G×B U Q-L I N+Q V M+H J H+O 13 W N+A K A×A X M×B 22 L O+W Y N+J 20 M K+B Z G+Q © Auspac Media - AK1274 © Auspac Media - AK1274 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 3 2 6 26 12 23 4 8 21 13 9 15 11 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 7 5 25 14 24 16 17 1 19 10 22 20 18 K A×A X M×B 22 L O+W Y N+J 20 M K+B Z G+Q PUZZLES AND CARTOONS


Dive into an ocean of excitement with Yarrila Arts and Museum and Coffs Harbour Libraries Family Fun Day!

Have fun with interactive performances with Erth’s Roaming Prehistoric Aquarium as they bring ancient sea creatures to life at Yarrila Place, Coffs Harbour!

Experience roving, interactive performances with master puppeteers Erth and their prehistoric marine reptiles at Yarrila Place.

Meet the playful Plesiosaurs and evade the fearsome Kronosaurus.

Be careful not to be lured in by the mysterious Anglerfsh!

For over 30 years, Erth have delighted, challenged, and inspired audiences around the world with their fagship shows Erth’s Dinosaur Zoo and Erth’s Prehistoric Aquarium.

Enjoy them for one day only – Saturday 24 February from 10:30 to 1:30 at Yarrila Place. Erth’s work blends

exquisite puppetry and irreverent humour with scientifc rigour, inspiring awe and wonder.

Let your imagination run wild and create a sea monster masterpiece!

Visit The Workshop at Yarrila Arts and Museum (YAM) and explore the form and function of some of the incredible beasts that once dominated our oceans. Combine these

forms to create your very own sea monster with its own unique function and name.

Join a special Sea Monster Storytime, with Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary!

Come along to the Story Space in the Harry Bailey Memorial Library at Yarrila Place. Listen to stories of the deep with the Coffs Coast Wildlife Sanctuary and their friends. Storytime

sessions start at 11am and 12pm and run for approximately 30 minutes.

Best of all, it’s free! Plus, don’t miss the chance to purchase tickets to explore the fascinating Sea Monsters Exhibition.

Save the date for a day of fun, discovery, and adventure!

Saturday 24 February from 10:30 to 1:30 at Yarrila Place.



Don’t miss your chance to experience the acclaimed touring exhibition Sea Monsters: Prehistoric Ocean Predators, opening at Yarrila Arts and Museum (YAM) this weekend.

Sea Monsters invites audiences to journey deep into the past, where the ocean’s depths were ruled by mighty predators. Visitors can

enjoy hands-on activities, including creating their own monstrous designs, dressing up to dive into the prehistoric world, and even examining dino poo!

Not for the fainthearted, Sea Monsters will ignite the imagination of all ages. It’s seriously scary and seriously fun. Find out more.

Exhibition open from

Friday 23 February until Sunday 26 May 2024.


• Adult $15.00

• Child (4 – 16 years) $7.50

• Student/ Concession $10.00

• Family (2 adults + 2 children) $40.00

• Infants under 4 years FREE


With March approaching quickly, movie lovers are about to get a treat! With a whole lot of big pictures coming, lets break down some of the highly anticipated flms being released.

Dune: Part Two

March 1

The second flm, based on Frank Herbert’s Dune novel series, will reunite Paul Atriedes with Chani and the Fremen as he seeks revenge on the House Harkonnen, who are responsible for the murder of House Atriedes, including his father, Duke Leto.

Kung Fu Panda 4

March 8

After saving the Valley of Peace from the wicked Kai, Po wishes to become a spiritual master but requires someone to take his place as the Dragon Warrior. However, while Po takes it easy in the mortal realm, a mysterious villain named Chameleon is determined to unleash the villains Po

has vanquished into the spirit realm. In addition to Po, audiences will hopefully see the return of the Furious Five in the flm.


March 8

Imaginary is a new venture into the horror genre from Blumhouse, starring DeWanda Wise, Tom Payne, Pyper Braun, and Taegen Burns. From the creators of M3GAN and Five Nights at Freddy’s, Imaginary follows Jessica, a responsible mother who moves back into her childhood home with her family.

Arthur the King

March 15

Mark Wahlberg’s latest flm based on a true story, Arthur the King, has the potential to move audiences to tears, especially if viewers on the receiving end are dog lovers. Arthur the King, starring Wahlberg and Simu Liu, follows Mikael Lindnord, an ambitious racer aiming to

win his last competition, which includes climbing, biking, and kayaking. However, along the road, he meets a dog that saves his life, and as Lindnord repays his kindness, the dog follows him for 400 miles, through thick and thin, eventually becoming his best friend.


March 22

Sydney Sweeney has been busy recently with a string of successful projects, and Immaculate, a religious horror flm directed by Michael Mohan, seems particularly intriguing.

Cecilia is a devout follower of her religion, and due to her faith in God, she is warmly welcomed into a convent in the Italian countryside. Despite everything going well, she suspects that her new home harbors some dark secrets, which, if unveiled, may turn her life upside down.

Ghost Busters: Frozen Empire

March 29

In the forthcoming flm, The Spengler family returns to New York City to team up with the original Ghostbusters, who have supposedly developed a new research facility to make their ghost-hunting more effcient. However, when an incident involving an artifact unleashes an ancient evil into the world, it is up to

both the old and new Ghostbusters to save the day once more.

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

March 29

The latest entry picks up where the last one left off, putting King Kong and Godzilla on a brand-new adventure, but this time, they team up against an unknown colossal threat hiding deep within our world.

The flm will dive into the origins of these magnifcent creatures and the mysteries of places such as Skull Island, providing audiences with not only a brand-new storyline but also tons of action sequences.

This is a rough guide for new flms being released. Check with your local cinema to see if the flm is running in your area and for session times.

ENTERTAINMENT 38 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS, EVENT OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE NORTHERN RIVERS TIMES! Give us a call to get a spot in our weekly paper, covering from Coolangatta to Coffs Harbour and every town in between Contact us on (02) 6662 6222

Australia’s Dairy Excellence: Winners of the 2024 Sydney Royal Cheese and Dairy Produce Show Announced

Australia’s dairy industry reached new heights of recognition as the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS) unveiled the champions of its esteemed Sydney Royal Cheese and Dairy Produce Show. Held at a captivating cocktail function within the Sydney Showground, the event showcased the fnest dairy products from across the country.

With over 530 entries vying for top honours, the competition brought together renowned industry judges to evaluate an impressive array of submissions.

Remarkably, 89% of the exhibits received either a bronze, silver, or gold medal, underscoring the exceptional quality of Australia’s dairy offerings.

Among the standout winners was Bega’s Rindless Vintage

Cheese, which claimed multiple accolades including Champion Cheese and Champion Cheddar Cheese, earning a coveted spot on the Australian Cheeseboard.

In the milk category, Lactalis Australia’s Pauls Farmhouse Gold emerged victorious, while Gelateria Gondola’s Nocciola Piemonte and Cow and Moon’s Madagascan Vanilla Bean stole the spotlight in the ice cream and gelato divisions.

Chair of Judges, Tiffany Beer, commended the outstanding calibre of entries in this year’s competition, attributing the success to the industry’s commitment to excellence and continuous improvement in production techniques. Particularly noteworthy was the substantial increase in entries for the Research and

Development class, refecting the industry’s innovation and dedication to delivering cutting-edge products.

Beer also highlighted the impressive performance of nonbovine products, with Berrys Creek Gourmet Cheese’s Riverine Blue receiving acclaim as the champion non-bovine product, showcasing Australia’s capacity to produce world-class dairy alternatives.

Representing a true national effort, entries from across all Australian states contributed to the show’s success, with New South Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania demonstrating exceptional medal strike rates. The winners were commended for their contributions to advancing the Australian dairy industry and encouraged to

continue their pursuit of excellence.

In a testament to the industry’s generosity, all remaining samples from the show were donated to the Addi Road Food Pantry in Marrickville, underscoring the commitment to giving back to the local community.

The winners of the 2024 Sydney Royal Cheese and Dairy Produce Show exemplify the pinnacle of dairy excellence in Australia, setting the standard for quality and innovation in the industry.

Full list of 2024 Sydney Royal Cheese and Dairy Produce Champions:

Champion Butter

CopperTree Farms

Cultured Salted Butter

Champion White Milk

Pauls Farmhouse Gold, produced by Lactalis Australia

Champion Flavoured Milk

Sharma’s Kitchen Milk


Champion Cheddar


Bega Cheese Rindless


Champion Specialty


Berrys Creek Gourmet Cheese Oak Blue

Champion Cow Milk


Bega Cheese Rindless


Champion Cheese of Show

Bega Cheese Rindless


Australian Cheeseboard

• Bega Cheese Rindless


• Lactalis Jindi President’s Camembert

• Bruny Island Cheese Co. C2

• Pecora Dairy Bloomy

• Berrys Creek Gourmet Cheese Riverine Blue

Champion Full Cream

Ice Cream or Gelato

Gelateria Gondola

Nocciola Piemonte

Champion Low/ Reduced Fat Ice Cream or Gelato

Cow and the Moon

Madagascan Vanilla


Champion Novel Ice Cream or Gelato

Bulla Dairy Foods

Creamy Classic

Honeycomb Stick

Champion Yoghurt or Cultured Milk Product

Gippsland Dairy

Lemon Curd Twist

Yogurt, produced by Chobani Australia

Champion Cream

Mungalli Creek Dairy

Biodynamic Pouring

Cream Organic

Champion Sheep, Goat, Buffalo or Camel

Milk Product

Berrys Creek Gourmet

Cheese Riverine Blue

RURAL NEWS 39 February 29, 2024 e Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent SHIPPING CONTAINERS 20ft & 40ft Storage Best Prices Lease or Buy On or Off Site BREWHOUSE VILLAGE LOCALLY OWNED IN GRAFTON 160-170 North St GRAFTON 6642 8168 - 0439 445 654 People Product Partnerships

RIC hosting free online Drought Loan webinar

Australian Government farm business lender, RIC (Regional Investment Corporation) will host a free online webinar on Wednesday, 28 February 2024 for farmers, fnancial advisers, business planners and rural counsellors who are interested in learning more about how a lowinterest RIC Drought Loan may be able to help prepare for, manage through or recover from drought.

As part of the online forum, RIC customer Tim Webb from Forbes, NSW will share experiences about how he and his wife, Jenny, used their Drought Loan to strengthen their farm business.

RIC Chief Executive Offcer John Howard

said farmers may be eligible to apply for a Drought Loan even if they are not currently in drought because the loan can also be used for activities that will reduce risk and prepare for drought.

“Whether farmers are currently in drought or between cycles, drought is never too far from

their minds so knowing what fnancial options are available can make a difference to how quickly and effectively they manage through and recover,” Mr Howard said.

“Many farmers would be interested to know RIC’s Drought Loan is available for drought preparation activities like

increasing water storage or improving water effciency. This means even if farmers are not currently in drought but want to improve their drought resilience, they may be eligible if they have had a signifcant fnancial impact outside their control within the past 5 years.

“RIC loans can help to

refnance or restructure existing farm debt to improve cash fow and provide access to new funding for operating expenses and capital expenditure,” he said. Merino producer, Tim Webb is pleased to be available to help other farmers learn more about RIC loans. He will explain how a lowinterest RIC loan helped his business to refnance part of their existing commercial debt during the last drought.

The Webbs were able to use the money they saved in interest payments to buy in grain to keep their breeding stock fed and their business running in preparation for retirement.

“The RIC loan kept us going through the

drought and the interest pressures at the time,”

Tim said.

“We’ve since been able to repay a big chunk of our debt, which has put us in a strong position as we approach succession planning and retirement – it’s been a game changer.”

To register for the free online RIC Drought Loan webinar, visit

The webinar will be held on Wednesday 28 February 2024 from 12:00 – 1:00pm AEDT. If webinar participants are not able to attend on the day, a recording will be emailed after the event if they register in advance.

For more on the RIC Drought Loan, please visit drought

Cairns Group Farm Leaders Advocate Agricultural Trade Reform Pathway at MC13

The Cairns Group Farm Leaders convened this month to emphasize their unwavering dedication to agricultural trade reform ahead of the Thirteenth Ministerial Conference (MC13) of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Led by Chair David Jochinke of the National Farmers’ Federation (Australia), the group underscored the critical need for progress in key areas such as domestic support, tariff and non-tariff barriers, and dispute settlement mechanisms.

Highlighting the

urgency of addressing trade-distorting domestic support measures, Farm Leaders reiterated their commitment to the Cairns Group’s proposal aimed at capping and reducing such support entitlements. Chair Jochinke stressed the importance of creating a level playing feld for farmers worldwide by tackling imbalances caused by heavy subsidies.

Additionally, Farm Leaders emphasized the need to address tariff and non-tariff barriers that impede agricultural trade. They called for assurance that

non-tariff barriers align with evidence-based exceptions recognized by the WTO, ensuring fair and unhindered trade practices.

Expressing growing concerns over sustainability and climate change measures becoming trade barriers, Farm Leaders advocated for risk- and science-based approaches consistent with international agreements and WTO disciplines. They urged for transparency and adherence to evidencebased decision-making, aligning with farmers’ daily practices.

Recognizing the pivotal role of open and predictable agricultural trade in maintaining global food price stability and food security, Farm Leaders stressed the signifcance of accessible dispute settlement mechanisms. They called for a recommitment at MC13 to restore a fully functioning WTO dispute settlement system by the end of the year, ensuring equitable access for all Members. Amidst rising global food prices, Farm Leaders emphasized the importance of fostering a conducive

environment for agricultural trade, particularly for net food importing, low-income countries. Their advocacy aims to promote fair, transparent, and sustainable trade practices benefcial for farmers and consumers worldwide.

“The dispute settlement system provides security and predictability to the multilateral rules-based trading system,” Mr Jochinke stressed. WTO MC13 will convene from 26-29 February in Abu Dhabi, with Farm Leaders

eagerly watching developments.

Farm Leaders from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Guatemala, New Zealand, Paraguay and Uruguay have released their MC13 Statement of Intent which can be found by scanning the QR Code.

RURAL NEWS 40 e Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024 • Hydraulic parts & equipment • Hose & Fittings • Oils • Belts • Filters • Tools • Struts • Seals • Excavator bucket teeth & blades with many more products available IF WE DON’T HAVE IT, WE WILL GET IT ! 02 6642 4401

NFF leadership in WA to highlight concerns of local producers

Leaders of Australia’s peak farm body are in Western Australia this week, hearing concerns from local farmers about the impact of Federal Government policies.

President of the National Farmers’ Federation David Jochinke said policies currently being rolled out from Canberra were putting farm productivity at risk.

“Whether it’s the disastrous live sheep ban, the biosecurity

levy, mandatory climate reporting or union-driven workplace laws – the government is churning out anti-farming policies at an unprecedented rate,” Mr Jochinke explained.

“What we’re hearing is that farmers in the west have had a gutful of not being listened to by government. These decisions are already having an impact on their livelihoods and on their local communities. Confdence is being sapped dry.”

Mr Jochinke said the cumulative layering of damaging policies on the sector had prompted the NFF to lead the Keep Farmers Farming campaign – aimed at raising community awareness of the policies hurting farmers.

“Our aim with Keep Farmers Farming is to encourage the Government to understand the impact of these policies and look to correct course. We want them to listen to the

voices of the people who grow our food and fbre and work collaboratively with us to grow the sector.

“Sadly what we’re seeing in a range of areas, like the phase out of live sheep exports is a willingness to back the wild ideas of fringe activists rather than being led by the evidence.”

The visit by both Mr Jochinke and NFF CEO Tony Mahar coincides with a visit to WA by the Federal Agriculture

Minister, Murray Watt.

“It’s good to see the Minister turning up to hear the perspective of farmers in the west. There’s no doubt they’ll be telling him the same thing we have in Canberra – and that is that people are increasingly frustrated and anxious at how government policies are going to impact on the sector and regional communities that host them.

“Their policies will diminish WA’s great

farm sector, they’ll mean less jobs and less investment, and they’ll hurt WA’s iconic farming communities. It’s madness to pursue this agenda against a state that handed this government its numbers.”

The NFF’s Keep Farmers Farming campaign will continue to maintain a strong focus on the issues impacting WA farmers and the repercussions this will have for the broader WA economy.

Statement on NSW Alternatives to Buybacks Plan

Comments attributable to NFF President David Jochinke

We welcome the NSW Government’s ‘Alternatives to Buybacks Plan. It is good to see NSW continue to stand up for regional communities and push back on the Federal Minister’s

pursuit of communitydestroying buybacks.

The success of this plan will depend entirely on whether Minister Plibersek is willing to engage collaboratively with her state counterparts to deliver win-win outcomes for the environment and communities.

So far this type

of fexibility and collaboration has been in short supply, with the Minister giving communities the cold shoulder at every turn.

It is time for the Minister to bring onboard all Basin states toward a common objective.

The Minister has stated repeatedly

that additional water recovery will be guided by the principles of enhancing environmental outcomes, minimising socio-economic impacts, and achieving value for money. The Minister must be held to account on her promises.

The Parliament made clear that all options should be on the table,

yet there is still no policy for options such as leasing arrangements as an alternative to buybacks.

Buybacks appear to be priority number one. To date, the Government has not discussed or engaged on other solutions. This misalignment between action and rhetoric

gives no confdence or certainty to Basin communities.

The ball is now in the Minister’s court. Communities are sick of the fnger pointing. They want to see alternatives to buybacks given genuine consideration, so that we can strengthen both the environment and communities.

ABARES Weekly Australian Climate, Water and Agricultural Update

In the week ending 21 February 2024, a tropical low (07U) embedded into a monsoon trough developed over the Top End of the Northern Territory at the beginning of the week and strengthened into a category 1 Tropical Cyclone Lincoln, bringing heavy rainfall in the north.

Over the coming days, ex-Tropical Cyclone Lincoln is expected to redevelop into Category 2 Tropical Cyclone and bring heavy rainfall to the west of Western Australia as it moves southward. Storms and showers are expected in the tropics and eastern Australia.

Rainfall in Queensland and New South Wales

will continue to support development of summer crops and pasture growth.

If realized, forecast rainfall across Western Australian cropping regions will provide some boost to soil moisture levels following several months of dryness. However, more rainfall in autumn will be

required in these areas to support the planting of winter crops.

Autumn 2024 rainfall is likely to be below median across much of northern and central Australia. There is 50% chance of rainfall being above median across parts of western and south-eastern Australia. Water storage levels in the Murray-Darling

Basin (MDB) decreased between 15 February 2024 and 22 February 2024 by 298 gigalitres (GL). Current volume of water held in storage is 18 736 GL, equivalent to 84% of total storage capacity. This is 10 percent or 2121 GL less than at the same time last year. Allocation prices in the Victorian Murray

below the Barmah Choke decreased from $32 on 15 February 2024 to $22 on 22 February 2024. Prices are lower in the Murrumbidgee and regions above the Barmah choke due to the binding of the Murrumbidgee export limit and the Goulburn intervalley trade limit.

RURAL NEWS 41 February 29, 2024 e Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent 02 6642 8600 CLARENCE COAST CONSTRUCTIONS 6643 2428 Coraki Rural & Hardware Supplies 102-104 Queen Elizabeth Drive CORAKI

Empowering Citizen Scientists: Tracking Rabbit Virus for Environmental Conservation

Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, is spearheading a ground-breaking citizen science initiative aimed at combating the detrimental impact of feral rabbits on the country’s ecosystem.

Through the longestrunning citizen science survey of rabbit diseases globally, rural and regional Australians are invited to participate in tracking the prevalence of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), also known as Rabbit Calicivirus or Lagovirus.

Feral rabbits pose a signifcant threat to Australia’s biodiversity, agricultural industry, and native fauna. Their unchecked

proliferation leads to intense competition with indigenous species, loss of plant biodiversity, and substantial economic losses amounting to approximately $239 million annually. To mitigate this ecological menace, RHDV serves as a biocontrol agent, specifcally targeting rabbits and hares without affecting other wildlife. Notably, vaccination options are available for domestic rabbits, ensuring their protection against the virus.

Central to this citizen science endeavour is a nine-year-long disease monitoring program facilitated by CSIRO.

Participants, equipped with free sample kits

provided by the agency, are encouraged to collect tissue samples from deceased rabbits found within their localities. These samples, comprising both wild and domestic rabbits, offer invaluable insights into the circulating strains of viruses within rabbit populations.

Dr. Maria Jenckel, a CSIRO scientist, underscores the signifcance of community engagement in bolstering the breadth and depth of virus tracking efforts. Since 2015, citizen-collected samples have played a pivotal role in enhancing researchers’ understanding of RHDV prevalence across

Australia. The program’s expansion, from fewer than 30 samples annually to an average of 345 samples yearly, highlights the pivotal role of citizen science in scientifc research.

Dr. Nias Peng, a virologist at CSIRO, emphasises the transformative impact of citizen-contributed samples on research scalability and geographic coverage. By leveraging community participation, scientists can extend their surveillance efforts to previously inaccessible regions, laying the groundwork for effective biocontrol strategies. This collaborative approach not only

benefts Australia’s biosecurity but also bolsters conservation efforts for native species and ecosystem health.

Sustaining such citizen science initiatives is paramount for long-term ecological preservation. Continuation of the program, supported by funding from the Australian Government, underscores the government’s commitment to environmental stewardship and wildlife conservation. With ongoing support from stakeholders, including the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry, the project aims to maintain

its momentum in safeguarding Australia’s delicate ecological balance.

To join the cause and request a free test kit, interested individuals can reach out to the research team at rabbitcalicivirus@, providing their postal address. Together, through the collective efforts of citizen scientists, researchers, and government support, Australia can take proactive steps in mitigating the impact of feral rabbits on its natural landscapes and preserving its rich biodiversity for future generations.

RURAL NEWS 42 e Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024 Personalised, Individual Pet Cremations Cedardale Park “Let Us Help” Pet Crematorium Pet Crematorium Please feel free to phone Andrew Pittaway at Cedardale Park on 02 6688 8304
Feral rabbits are one of the most destructive invasive pest species in Australia.

Flickerfest celebrates masterful Northern River’s flmmakers in Best Of Australian Shorts; & IQ inc announces 12 local fnalists for Byron All Shorts

Fresh from its 10 day Bondi event late January Flickerfest, Australia’s leading short flm festival returns to the Northern Rivers for its 27th year. The Island Quarry inc and Flickerfest will present their satellite event at

A Celebration of Northern Rivers Talent!

the Mullumbimby Civic Hall from Thur 29th

Feb to Sat 2nd March, Rolling out 40 incredible short flms over 3 days, including much loved festival award winners and exciting local talent. This year Flickerfest is thrilled to be celebrating an abundance of masterful, creative and engaging storytelling from Northern River’s flmmakers, who will be sharing their work on the big screen with the best of short flms from

Australia and the world. Local highlights fresh from their Flickerfest Bondi & screening in the Best Of Australian Shorts programme on Friday the 1st of March include: Djalbuyan Nahra, written and directed by Flickerfest alumni & award winner Jahvis Loveday, based on a real life story that illuminates his little sister’s Nahra’s experience of disconnection from country and the power return to family, culture

and the land and the delightful coming of age comedy/drama Living With It by Lennox Head born and raised Mobina Rowhani. The stunning Duwarra Wujara by Eltham animator Brent McKee, winner of the Yoram Gross Award For Best Australian Animation at Flickerfest 2024 will also feature, screening as part of Byron All Shorts.

Joining these Flickerfest flms across the weekend are an

exciting range of flms from our region’s most talented flmmakers. Now in its 19th year, the Byron All Shorts Competition will again celebrate our unique local culture and approach to storytelling. An incredible collection of 12 impressive local shorts, showcasing the talent of our region’s creators, will feature, refecting our local life through a range of themes. All Byron All Shorts 2024 fnalists

will enjoy their local premieres on the big screen on Saturday 2nd March at 4pm as part of Flickerfest 2024 Mullumbimby. View the: Byron All Shorts Finalists programme simply scan the QR below.

BYRON ALL SHORTS 2024 – Northern Rivers Short Film Finalists Programme

Waterfalls Of Thought | 4min | Mullumbimby | 2023

Wri/Dir/Prod: OVP & Mullumbimby High School youth

A music video made with the special needs kids at Mullumbimby High School.

River Boy | 5min | Brunswick Heads | 2023

Wri/Dir/Prod: Louise

Dwyer | Prod: Phoenix Dwyer

River boy is a journey of the heart of a brave teenage boy overcoming his fears of the river after the impacts of the 2022 February foods in Northern NSW Australia.

Moments | 6mins | Mullumbimby | 2023

Wri/Dir/Prod: Eliana Rose Mutimer-Korn Moments is a short documentary about living in the moment, the difference between being present and observing life. the importance of not taking the little

things in life for granted. These Are The Sounds

I Make | 8min | Suffolk Park & Ballina | 2024

Wri/Dir/Prod: Andy Bambach & Suzanne Whiteman

Simi, a young woman with disabilities, communicates in many different ways from making sounds and gestures to using conversation cards and communication technology.

Djalbuyan Nahra | 5min | Crabbes Creek | 2023

Wri/Dir/Prod: Jahvis

Loveday | Prod: Nahra Loveday

Djalbuyan, meaning little sister in the frst nations Dyirbal language, follows the story of Nahra. Taken from

her community, Nahra returns home to confront past traumas and reconnect with her people, land, and waters after 8 years away.

Duwarra Wujara |

27min | Eltham & Ocean Shores | 2023

Wri: Dinah Norman

a-Marrngawi | Dir/Prod: Brent D McKee, John Bradley

| Prod: Fred Leoni

In the time of the Dreaming, the Australian Aboriginal period of creation, two young cousins become Duwarra Wujara, newly initiated young men in the clans of their people. Frustrated and impatient, these two cousins abandon their duties in search of adventure… and mischief.

Coming Home | 7min | Cabbage Tree Island | 2023

Wri/Dir/Prod: OVP & Cabbage Tree Island youth

A music video made with the elders, kids &

community at Cabbage Tree Island, looking to return home. Intermission.

Headland | 4min | Lennox Head | 2023

Wri: June Chute | Dir/ Prod: Daniel Elliott

Headland presents a small story of moving to a quiet Lennox Head of the early 70s contrasted against the busy and sometimes chaotic visuals of Lennox Head today.

Coming Home - Stories Of Bandjalang Elders | 24min | Richmond Hill | 2023

Dir/Prod: Karenza Ebejer

| Prod: Mitch King

Three Elders from the Bandjalang region near Coraki reminisce about their childhoods growing up at Box Ridge Mission as well as their ongoing connection to country.

Trinket | 2.5min | Mullumbimby | 2023

Wri/Dir/Prod: Alisha Doherty Hough

Trinket explores an apocalyptic Australian landscape from the eyes of a tiny protagonist as she encounters warped & nightmarish creatures, all from the back of an ancient huntsman spider.

Elephants In The Sky | 9min | Lennox Head | 2023

Wri/Dir/Prod: Natalie Grono

During an outing to a waterfall, Ruby, an eccentric girl, struggles to assimilate with her taunting peers. The arrival of an ethereal outsider, Astrid, provokes mixed emotions for Ruby, leaving her torn between two worlds.

The First Of Seven | 12min | Byron Bay | 2023

Wri/Dir/Prod: Daniel Gaut

A spiritual being is sent to save planet Earth but things don’t go to plan.

Love Lockdown | 15min | Mullumbimby | 2023

Wri/Dir/Prod: Nicole Fantl

A darkly twisted love story about lonely people who go to desperate lengths to fnd love in a disconnected world; and a woman who is fnally ready to take control of the narrative of her own reinvention. How far will she go to have the life of her dreams?

iQ Cafe

Opens 1 hr before sessions; serving delicious treats & drinks.

All Info: (tickets are available online & at the door subject to availability).

All sessions approx 115 mins (Classifcation: under 15yrs must be w/Adult) Programme Times & Prices:

Thursday 29th Feb 7pm opening drinks | 8pm Best Of International Shorts, $30/25

Friday 1st March: | 8pm

Best Of Australian Shorts, $18/16

Saturday 2nd March | 4pm

Byron All Shorts fnalist screening | 8pm Shorts Laughs Comedy, $18/16 ea Season Pass: $65/$55 Scan the QR to make a booking.

NEWS 43 February 22, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent

Preparation is Key:

The key to a successful rainy camping trip lies in preparation.

Before embarking on your adventure, check the weather forecast diligently.

Understanding the expected rainfall, temperature, and wind conditions will help you pack accordingly.

Waterproof gear, including rain jackets, pants, and durable rain covers for your tent, should be at the top of your packing list.

Investing in a highquality waterproof tent is crucial for staying dry during a downpour. Look for a tent with a durable rainfy and a waterproof foor.

Additionally, consider bringing a ground tarp to add an extra layer of protection against moisture seeping into

your tent.

Pack Smart: When camping in the rain, packing effciently is essential.

Keep your gear organised in waterproof bags or dry sacks to prevent your essentials from getting wet. Pack spare clothing, especially socks and underwear, as these tend to get damp quickly.

Waterproof footwear is also a must, as wet and cold feet can quickly dampen your spirits.

Chose the right Campsite: Look for elevated ground to avoid potential fooding and ensure proper drainage. Avoid setting up camp in lowlying areas where water can accumulate. If possible, pitch your tent under the cover of trees to provide additional protection

from the rain, although, make sure you’re not under a dead tree as the risk of the branch snapping it high.

Embrace the right attitude:

Camping in the rain is a mindset. Rather than letting the weather dictate your experience, embrace the unique beauty and tranquillity that rainy conditions can offer.

The sound of raindrops on the tent can be soothing, creating a natural lullaby that enhances the camping experience. Take the opportunity to appreciate the glistening foliage and the fresh scent of rain-soaked earth.

Cooking in the rain: One of the challenges of camping in the rain is cooking. Traditional campfres may be challenging to start

and maintain in wet conditions, so consider bringing a portable stove or grill.

Cooking under the shelter of a rainfy or tarp will protect you and your food from the elements.

Plan simple and hearty meals that require minimal preparation and cooking time.

Entertaining in Wet Conditions:

Rainy weather doesn’t have to dampen your entertainment options. Bring along waterproof playing cards, board games, or a good book to pass the time inside your tent.

Consider downloading movies or podcasts before your trip for entertainment during wet evenings.

Embrace the opportunity to connect with your fellow campers through

storytelling or engaging in conversations while cosying up in your rainproof shelter.

Stay Dry and Warm:

Staying warm is crucial when camping in the rain, as wet and cold conditions can lead to discomfort and even hypothermia. Invest in quality insulation layers, such as feece or down jackets, and avoid cotton clothing that retains moisture. Ensure your sleeping bag is rated for the expected temperature and has a water-resistant outer layer.

If clothing or gear gets wet, take the time to dry them as soon as possible. Hang wet clothes under the rainfy or in a covered area and use a small towel or chamois to remove excess moisture from your gear.

With preparation,

you’ll be fne!

Camping in the rain may present its challenges, but with proper preparation and the right mindset, it can become a rewarding and memorable adventure.

Embrace the elements, stay dry, and appreciate the beauty that rainy conditions bring to the great outdoors. By following these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to turn a rainy camping trip into an experience that showcases the resilience and adaptability of outdoor enthusiasts.

So, grab your rain gear, pack your positive attitude, and embark on a rainy camping adventure that you’ll remember for years to come.

TRAVEL NEWS 44 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024

As the European summer approaches, the desire to travel begins to stir in the hearts of travellers eager to explore the rich tapestry of cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and historical marvels that Europe has to offer. With its diverse array of countries, each offering its unique charm and experiences, Europe is a treasure trove for any traveller. Here, we explore the top ten European countries that promise unforgettable adventures in the upcoming European summer.

1. Italy

Italy is a mesmerising blend of historical grandeur, artistic masterpieces, and culinary excellence. From the ancient ruins of Rome and the Renaissance art of Florence to the romantic canals of Venice and the picturesque Amalf Coast, Italy offers a journey through time. Summer is the perfect time to explore its vineyards, enjoy al fresco dining, and bask in the vibrant Italian culture.

2. France

France is synonymous

with romance, fashion, and art. Paris dazzles with its iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral. Beyond Paris, the lavender felds of Provence, the stunning French Riviera, and the world-class vineyards of Bordeaux beckon. French summers are flled with music festivals, outdoor markets, and the irresistible allure of sidewalk cafes.

3. Spain

Spain is a country of vibrant festivals, mouth-watering cuisine, and diverse landscapes. From the lively streets of Barcelona and the historic heart of Madrid to the beaches of Costa del Sol and the dramatic architecture of Seville, Spain offers a rich cultural experience.

Summer in Spain is a time for festas, siestas, and enjoying the laid-back Mediterranean lifestyle.

4. Greece

Greece is a paradise of crystal-clear waters, ancient ruins, and mythical tales. The Greek islands, from Santorini’s stunning sunsets to Crete’s rich

history and the party vibes of Mykonos, are perfect for summer explorations. Mainland Greece, with sites like the Acropolis and Delphi, offers a deep dive into history amidst the Mediterranean’s azure embrace.

5. Portugal

Portugal, with its dramatic coastline, historic cities, and warm hospitality, is a hidden gem. Lisbon’s timeless charm, Porto’s wine culture, and the Algarve’s breath-taking beaches make Portugal a diverse destination. The summer brings lively festivals, delicious seafood, and perfect conditions for surfng and exploring.

6. Croatia

Croatia boasts a stunning Adriatic coastline, dotted with ancient walled towns, pebbly beaches, and pristine islands.

Dubrovnik, the “Pearl of the Adriatic,” offers a mesmerizing blend of history and seaside beauty. The Plitvice Lakes National Park showcases nature’s splendour, while the islands of Hvar and Korčula invite leisurely exploration.

7. Iceland

Iceland, with its otherworldly landscapes, offers an adventure unlike any other. Summer is the ideal time to witness its midnight sun, explore volcanic landscapes, soak in geothermal hot springs, and marvel at waterfalls and glaciers. The Golden Circle route and the rugged beauty of the Westfjords are highlights not to be missed.

8. Switzerland

Switzerland is a haven for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. Its majestic Alps, serene lakes, and lush valleys offer endless outdoor activities, from hiking and cycling to paragliding and swimming. The charming cities of Zurich, Geneva, and Lucerne provide cultural delights, making Switzerland a perfect blend of nature and urban sophistication.

9. Austria Austria is celebrated for its musical heritage, imperial history, and stunning Alpine landscapes. Vienna’s grand palaces, Salzburg’s baroque architecture, and the scenic beauty of the

Salzkammergut region offer a feast for the senses. Summer in Austria is flled with music festivals, outdoor activities, and the vibrant café culture.

10. Netherlands

The Netherlands is a country where art, history, and nature converge. The tulip felds bloom in vibrant colours, the windmills dot the countryside, and the canals of Amsterdam offer picturesque views. The summer months are perfect for cycling through its fat landscapes, exploring art museums, and enjoying the outdoor terraces.

Get Travelling! Europe in summer is a mosaic of experiences, from the sun-kissed Mediterranean shores and the ancient ruins steeped in history to the vibrant festivals and the serene beauty of the northern landscapes. Each country on this list offers its unique allure, promising travellers an unforgettable journey through the continent’s heart and soul. Whether you’re seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural enrichment, the upcoming European summer holds the promise.

TRAVEL NEWS 45 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent

Navigating Generational Housing Affordability Challenges: A Closer Look

Escalating property prices and the resurgence of interest rates have catapulted housing affordability to its most precarious state in decades, triggering a renewed discourse on intergenerational equity within the real estate landscape. As recordhigh property values cast a shadow over the dreams of prospective homeowners, the question arises: did Baby Boomers have it tougher, or do younger generations face the steepest uphill battle in achieving property ownership?

Examining both affordability and accessibility metrics can offer valuable insights into this contentious debate.

The latest PropTrack Housing Affordability Report sheds light on

the formidable deposit barriers confronting aspiring homeowners, with households grappling with the most challenging savings environment since records began in 1995. As home prices surge ahead of wage growth, the task of amassing a deposit has become a prolonged ordeal, stretching the average time required to save from just over two years in the 1990s to a daunting fve-to-six year endeavour today.

Cameron Kusher, Director of Economic Research at REA Group, asserts that today’s younger cohort faces a considerably tougher housing market entry compared to their predecessors. While the era of the late 1980s and early 1990s witnessed sky-high

interest rates, it also boasted more accessible property prices, enabling individuals to embark on homeownership journeys at a younger age. The landscape has since evolved, with escalating property values outpacing wage growth and rendering renting less affordable, exacerbating the savings challenge for aspiring buyers.

With lenders typically requiring a 20% deposit to circumvent lenders

mortgage insurance (LMI), the fnancial hurdle becomes even more daunting. In Sydney, for instance, potential buyers must amass over $211,000 for a 20% deposit on an average-priced property, underscoring the monumental task faced by many. While Darwin emerges as the most affordable capital for saving towards a deposit, the broader trend of rising property prices, rents, and living

costs permeates across the nation, compounding the savings dilemma.

In navigating these formidable challenges, expert advice becomes indispensable. Terri Unwin, a Mortgage Choice broker, advocates for adopting a proactive approach by emulating the fnancial responsibilities of homeownership before embarking on the journey. By saving the difference between rent and anticipated mortgage repayments, prospective buyers can gradually acclimate to the fnancial demands of property ownership.

Additionally, meticulous budgeting and setting achievable savings goals can provide a roadmap towards realizing homeownership aspirations.

Moreover, leveraging

government schemes and incentives can serve as a lifeline for deposit-strapped buyers. Initiatives like the help-to-buy scheme and the Home Guarantee Scheme offer fnancial relief and shared equity opportunities, easing the deposit barrier and broadening access to homeownership.

In essence, while the contemporary housing market presents formidable challenges, proactive fnancial planning, expert guidance, and leveraging available support mechanisms can empower aspiring homeowners to navigate the path towards property ownership, bridging the generational divide and unlocking opportunities for a brighter housing future.

Unlocking Affordable Housing Investment Opportunities Across Australia’s Cities

For many aspiring homeowners, the dream of owning property remains elusive, particularly in Australia’s major cities where soaring property prices present formidable barriers to entry. However, pockets of affordability exist, offering hope to frsthome buyers seeking to navigate the housing market maze. A closer examination reveals that certain cities boast a higher proportion of suburbs where property prices fall below the national median value, providing accessible

entry points into the real estate landscape.

At a national median house value of $792,000, affordability remains a pressing concern, with only 35% of city suburbs offering properties below this benchmark. Yet, there are cities where the odds tilt favourably for prospective buyers. Darwin emerges as a beacon of affordability, with a staggering 90% of suburbs boasting median house prices below the national average. Similarly, Hobart (70%) and Perth (64%) present ample opportunities for budget-conscious buyers,

albeit with dwindling listings in the latter.

Conversely, in Australia’s priciest urban enclave, Sydney, only a meagre 8% of suburbs offer respite from exorbitant prices, compelling buyers to venture further afeld to satellite regions like the Central Coast or the outer west for more affordable options.

Canberra follows suit as the second least affordable city, with just 13% of suburbs falling below the national median value, signalling a paradigm shift that sees it surpass Melbourne in

the affordability index.

In the quest for affordable housing, certain suburbs emerge as veritable havens for budget-conscious buyers. Gagebrook in Hobart steals the spotlight with a median house price of $356,000, epitomizing the notion that affordability need not sacrifce proximity to urban amenities. Darwin, Brisbane, and Adelaide also feature prominently, with suburbs like Moulden in Darwin offering compelling value propositions for savvy buyers.

The allure of affordable

housing extends beyond detached dwellings to the realm of units, where opportunities abound for those willing to explore. Darwin leads the charge as the most affordable capital for unit buyers, with every suburb boasting median unit prices below the national median.

Adelaide, Perth, and Hobart follow closely behind, underscoring the diverse array of affordable housing options available across Australia’s urban landscape.

In navigating the labyrinth of real estate,

knowledge becomes the most potent ally for prospective buyers. Understanding where affordability intersects with desirability unlocks a treasure trove of housing opportunities, enabling individuals to fnd their place within the cityscape without compromising fnancial prudence.

From Gray in Darwin to Carramar in Sydney, and beyond, affordable housing beckons, offering a pathway towards the realization of homeownership aspirations.

REAL ESTATE NEWS 46 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
Cameron Kusher, Director of Economic Research at REA Group


Almost $1 million in fines have been issued at the halfway point of SafeWork NSW’s 12-month blitz on falls from heights.

The ‘Working at Heights in Construction’ campaign followed a concerning rise in the number of serious injuries and deaths attributed to falls from heights, resulting in 17 people killed between 2018 and 2022.

Since May 2023, SafeWork Inspectors have visited 1,218 worksites resulting in 1,499 Improvement Notices, 727 Prohibition Notices and 352 Penalty Notices amounting to $972,000.

The blitz has seen Inspectors visit several commercial and residential sites across the state, as well as conducting high visibility checks in manufacturing and warehouse industries in addition to inspections

in the transport industry leading up to a busy Christmas period.

During their field work, Inspectors gauged that 65 per cent of industry is using the highest form of safety measures as their first choice including the use of fall prevention devices, such as roof guardrails and scaffolding, rather than fall arrest systems such as harnesses.

SafeWork will continue to prioritise the safety of workers at heights in 2024 with continuing inspections, starting off with a blitz on the safe installation of rooftop solar panels this month.

Contractors and builders are obligated to protect workers by identifying height risks and taking steps to control these hazards as far as

reasonably practical by implementing higher order controls.

Workers who have concerns about workplace health and safety can anonymously contact SafeWork on 13 10 50 or through the ‘Speak Up Save Lives’ app.

More information relating to working from heights can be found via the SafeWork website.

Quotes from the Head of SafeWork NSW

Trent Curtin:

“As we pass the halfway point of SafeWork’s ‘Working at Heights in Construction’ compliance blitz it is important to note that falls from heights is still the number one cause of traumatic fatalities on NSW construction sites.

“While it is encouraging that 65

What does the supermarket code of conduct actually do?

Public scrutiny of supermarkets has a longstanding history.

Nearly a decade preceding the current spotlight on inflated prices and allegations of price gouging, a code of conduct was instituted to address the market disparities between major retailers such as Woolworths and Coles and their suppliers. Fast forward to the present, and it’s evident that issues persist. A 2023 report revealed that over a third of Australian vegetable producers contemplated exiting the industry within a year, citing pressures from retailers on pricing and shrinking profit margins. Consequently, the federal government has commissioned a review of the code of conduct.

So, what precisely is this code, and does it effectively operate? Introduced in 2015,

the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct serves as an agreement aimed at enhancing business practices within the supermarket sector, particularly concerning the dynamics among retailers, wholesalers, and suppliers. While suppliers are mandatorily covered by the code, participation by supermarkets remains entirely voluntary. Notably, major players like Woolworths, Coles, Aldi, and Metcalf (parent company of IGA) have all opted in.

Under the code, supermarkets bear several obligations, including the fundamental principle of conducting dealings with suppliers in good faith — be it during negotiations, contract establishment, or dispute resolution. However, the code refrains from explicitly defining the concept of “good faith.” Instead, it delineates

various factors to assess good faith, such as acting honestly and without retaliatory or coercive measures. Additionally, supermarkets are required to appoint their own code arbiter to investigate disputes and propose resolutions, though a recent review highlighted supplier concerns regarding the arbiters’ lack of independence, resulting in scant formal complaints.

Should a breach of the code occur, suppliers possess the option to file formal complaints with the designated arbiter. Yet, a central critique of the code emerges here: due to its voluntary nature, supermarkets face no tangible repercussions for non-compliance. This deficiency was acknowledged by Dr. Craig Emerson, tasked with leading a review of the code, who emphasized that instituting penalties

within a mandatory code could incentivize greater adherence from supermarkets. Nonetheless, supermarkets argue that the paucity of complaints indicates smooth relations between them and suppliers.

Will the code undergo revision? It remains uncertain. Dr. Emerson is slated to deliver a report on the review by June’s end, which will furnish a recommendation to the federal government on potential amendments — either retaining it as a voluntary pact while modifying certain aspects or overhauling it into mandatory regulation. The government, led by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, asserted a commitment to taking requisite action following the review’s outcome.

per cent of industry is using the highest form of safety measures, this means that 35 per cent are not and this needs to change. Otherwise, businesses run the risk of workplace accidents as well as fines and prosecution.

“During one worksite blitz a SafeWork Inspector noted a worker who was not connected to a harness system while working on a roof. When questioned as to why they were not connected, the worker reasoned that they had been roofing for 30 years without an incident.

“Attitudes like this will eventually result in a workplace accident or death. This is simply unacceptable. SafeWork Inspectors will not hesitate to stop work on site, issue fines and consider prosecution against businesses and individuals disregarding the rules.”

BUSINESS NEWS 47 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent Learn more about us at Ballina 02 6686 9988 Byron Bay 02 5643 9066 Murwillumbah 02 6672 4044 Your Local Northern Rivers Accountants Ready to assist you with your personal or business accounting & taxation needs Three convenient locations in Ballina, Byron Bay and Murwillumbah Get in touch with us today

In a strategic move to capture a share of Australia’s burgeoning pickup market, Hyundai is set to introduce not just one, but two all-electric utes. Fresh trademarks fled with IP Australia last week reveal Hyundai’s intention to launch the ‘IONIQ T7’ and ‘IONIQ T10’, signifying a departure from traditional combustionengine pickups towards a sustainable future.

While Kia Australia gears up with its Tasman turbo-diesel ute, slated for an EV variant by 2026, Hyundai is charting a unique course with its electric pickup

Cupra, the Spanish automotive brand, has introduced the Born VZ, a fagship electric hatchback set to hit Australian shores in early 2025. This model promises enhanced performance, extended range, and upgraded dynamics, making it an exciting addition to the electric vehicle market.

The Born VZ features a more potent 240kW rear electric motor, delivering 41% more power and 76% more torque than the standard model.

Accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h in just 5.7 seconds, it outpaces the current Born by 1.3 seconds, with a top speed boosted to 200 km/h.

Equipped with a larger 79kWh battery,


offerings. The ‘IONIQ’ moniker, synonymous with Hyundai’s electric vehicle lineup, coupled with the ‘T’ designation for ‘truck’, underscores the brand’s commitment to electrifcation. The distinction between the T7 and T10 lies in their size and purpose within Hyundai’s line-up. The IONIQ T7 is poised to be a compact, SUV-based dual-cab model, likely sharing hardware with the IONIQ 7, offering a blend of lifestyle and utility akin to the Santa Cruz. On the other hand, the IONIQ T10 will cater to a larger, more utilitarian segment, potentially rivalling established names like

the Ford Ranger and Toyota HiLux. While details on Hyundai’s electric pickups remain scarce, it’s plausible that the development of the T10 aligns with Kia’s electric

Tasman ute, hinting at a robust electric lineup to compete with conventional counterparts. The move echoes North America’s market dynamics, where Ford offers a diversifed

range of pickups catering to varying consumer needs.

Hyundai’s venture into the pickup market isn’t entirely unprecedented, with the Tucson-based Santa Cruz already making waves in North America. Despite previous efforts to secure right-hand drive production for Australia, Hyundai’s foray into the compact ute segment has been limited. However, with the impending shift towards electrifcation, Hyundai’s ambition to expand its EV portfolio remains unwavering.

While Hyundai Australia has yet to offcially comment on the trademark flings, the brand’s Chief Operating

Cupra Unveils High-Performance Born VZ Electric Hot-Hatch for Australia

the Born VZ offers a provisional range of 570km, providing drivers with an extended driving experience. Cupra has also upgraded the chassis extensively, incorporating new springs, dampers, and anti-roll bars to ensure precise handling characteristic of a true hot-hatch.

Adding to its allure, the Born VZ boasts 20-inch wheels, CUP bucket seats, and a larger 12.9-inch digital infotainment display. With options including a Sennheiser audio system and exterior-palette choices like Dark Forest and Midnight Black, this electric hot-hatch offers both performance and style.

While pricing details are yet to be confrmed,

Offcer, John Kett, has hinted at a forthcoming announcement. With Kia expected to unveil its Tasman ute project soon, Hyundai’s confrmation of its pickup plans seems imminent.

Although Hyundai’s electric utes may not hit showrooms anytime soon, the groundwork laid through the trademark flings underscores the brand’s commitment to sustainable mobility. As the automotive landscape continues to evolve, Hyundai’s bold step towards electric pickups signals a paradigm shift in the Australian automotive market.

Cupra Australia is enthusiastic about bringing the Born VZ to the Australian market, building on the success of the standard Born, which became a popular choice for electric vehicle enthusiasts. With its impressive specifcations and innovative features,

the Born VZ is poised to make a signifcant impact in the electric vehicle segment.

to the regular Born’s 511km. This upgraded battery also enhances performance and ensures a longer-lasting driving experience.

1. Performance

Boost: The Cupra Born VZ boasts a signifcant increase in power, with a 240kW rear electric motor delivering 41% more power and 76% more torque than the standard model. It accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in just 5.7 seconds, signifcantly faster than the current Born’s 7.0-second time.

2. Extended Range: Equipped with a slightly larger 79kWh battery, the Born VZ offers an improved driving range of up to 570km, compared

3. Enhanced Dynamics: To deliver a true hot-hatch experience, the Born VZ features an upgraded chassis, including new springs, dampers, and anti-roll bars. Additionally, the steering system has been refned for sportier response, and wider wheels wrapped in high-performance tires provide improved grip and handling. The cabin is adorned with CUP bucket seats and a larger 12.9-inch digital infotainment display for an immersive driving experience.

Utes Firming for Australia
Hyundai IONIQ 7: A Teaser of Tomorrow’s Mobility

Six Ways the Isuzu D-MAX is Built to Tame the Aussie Bush

When it comes to traversing the rugged terrain of the Australian bush, the Isuzu D-MAX stands as an unrivalled companion, armed with an impressive arsenal of off-road capabilities. From sandy beaches to dense bush tracks and expansive outback landscapes, the D-MAX is engineered to conquer any challenge with confdence and ease. Here are six key features that make the Isuzu D-MAX the ultimate bush-taming machine:

1. Torquey and Tough 3.0-litre Turbo-diesel Engine

At the heart of the Isuzu D-MAX lies a formidable 3.0-litre fourcylinder turbo-diesel engine, meticulously crafted by Isuzu’s expertise in diesel engineering. Boasting 140kW of power and a robust 450Nm of torque from just 1600rpm, this engine delivers the brute force needed to navigate through soft sands and conquer steep off-road climbs with ease. Not only does it provide impressive performance, but it also ensures exceptional fuel effciency, with an average consumption of 8.0L/100km, translating to a remarkable range of up to 950km on a single tank.

2. Dual Range Terrain Command 4WD

Equipped with a versatile Terrain Command 4WD system, the D-MAX offers seamless transition between 2WD and 4WD modes with the fick of a switch, allowing for optimal traction in varying conditions. Whether cruising on sealed roads or tackling challenging off-road terrain, the D-MAX’s part-time 4WD system ensures maximum effciency and performance. With both high and low-range settings, drivers can confdently tackle a wide range of surfaces, from dirt roads to soft sands and steep inclines.

3. Traction Control and

Rear Diff Lock

Navigating slippery offroad conditions demands superior traction, and the Isuzu D-MAX delivers with electronic fourwheel traction control and a selectable rear differential lock. These features work in tandem to prevent wheel slippage and ensure maximum traction on uneven terrain, providing drivers with the confdence to tackle any obstacle with ease. Additionally, Hill Start Assist and Hill Descent Control further enhance off-road capability, offering stability and control on steep gradients and descents.

4. Underside and Suspension Clearance

Designed with off-road prowess in mind, the Isuzu D-MAX boasts ample ground clearance and robust suspension, allowing for smooth navigation over rugged terrain. With a generous underbody ground clearance of up to 240mm and optimal approach, ramp-over, and departure angles, the D-MAX ensures minimal risk of scraping or damage when traversing obstacles. Its sturdy construction and agile suspension make it perfectly suited for tackling even the most challenging off-road


5. Underbody Protection

Recognizing the inevitability of undercarriage impacts during off-road adventures, the Isuzu D-MAX comes equipped with comprehensive underbody protection as standard. Featuring a solid ladder frame chassis with eight cross members, along with steel guards for the engine, transfer case, and fuel tank, the D-MAX shields vital components from potential damage. Additionally, reinforced resin underneath the fuel tank provides added protection against

ground strikes, ensuring peace of mind in rugged environments.

6. Water Fording Capability

With its impressive water-fording capability, the Isuzu D-MAX instils confdence when traversing water crossings and challenging terrain.

Boasting a maximum water-fording height of 800mm, the D-MAX is well-equipped to tackle shallow streams and fooded tracks with ease. For added assurance, Isuzu offers a genuine accessory snorkel, providing extra protection and peace of mind for drivers venturing into waterlogged areas.

In conclusion, the Isuzu D-MAX’s comprehensive array of off-road features makes it a formidable contender in the Australian bush. From its torquey turbo-diesel engine to its advanced 4WD system and robust underbody protection, the D-MAX is engineered to conquer any terrain with confdence and reliability. Whether exploring remote trails or embarking on epic off-road adventures, the D-MAX proves itself as the ultimate companion for tackling the challenges of the Aussie bush.

Anticipating the Arrival: Porsche’s Next Hypercar Set to Electrify

The automotive world is abuzz with anticipation as Porsche gears up to confrm the production of its next hypercar, potentially marking a signifcant leap forward in the realm of electrifed performance. The decision on the production version of the Porsche Mission X concept is slated to be fnalized this year, offering enthusiasts a glimpse into the future of high-performance electric vehicles.

Porsche’s ambitious vision for electromobility encompasses a diverse lineup, including electric SUVs, hybrid variants of the iconic 911, and two electric sports cars. At the forefront of this electrifying revolution stands the Mission X concept, poised to redefne the boundaries

of speed and innovation in the hypercar segment.

Oliver Blume, CEO of Porsche, recently shared insights into the brand’s plans, highlighting the overwhelmingly positive reception received for the Mission X concept during Porsche’s 75-year celebration. Blume emphasized the importance of feasibility in realizing

such a project while reaffrming Porsche’s commitment to delivering top-tier performance.

The decision to greenlight the Mission X for production hinges on various factors, with Blume expressing the intention to make a defnitive call within the year. However, lingering questions remain regarding the feasibility

of producing a right-hand drive variant for markets like Australia. Historically, Porsche’s hypercars have been exclusively left-hand drive, posing challenges for potential RHD production due to cost considerations. Despite these logistical hurdles, the Mission X is poised to shatter records and redefne expectations. Powered solely by

electricity, this hypercar boasts a quad-motor electric drivetrain and utilizes a cutting-edge 900V electrical architecture. With reported power outputs ranging from 1500 to 2000 horsepower (1100kW to 1500kW) and a svelte curb weight as low as 1500kg, the Mission X promises unparalleled performance.

Charging capabilities are equally impressive, with the Mission X capable of accepting up to 270kW of charge, ensuring rapid replenishment of its battery pack. A carbonfbre exoskeleton further enhances its agility and effciency, setting the stage for a hypercar with a power-to-weight ratio that defes convention.

While specifc details about the Mission X remain closely guarded, enthusiasts can’t help but speculate

about the potential moniker it will wear upon entering showrooms. However, one thing is certain: the Mission X represents a paradigm shift in Porsche’s storied history, signalling a bold step towards a future where electrifcation and performance seamlessly converge.

As Porsche inches closer to the momentous decision of greenlighting the Mission X for production, anticipation reaches a fever pitch among enthusiasts and afcionados alike. With the promise of unparalleled speed, innovation, and electrifying performance, the Mission X stands poised to leave an indelible mark on the automotive landscape, cementing Porsche’s legacy as a pioneer in the age of electrifcation.

MOTORING NEWS 49 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent


From simple meals to show-stopping feasts, there’s something for everyone.


10m prep 25m cook


• 1 1/2 tbsp ghee

• 1 tsp cumin seeds

• 1 cinnamon stick

• 10 fresh curry leaves

• 1 large brown onion, halved, thinly sliced

• 3 garlic cloves, crushed

• 3cm piece fresh ginger, fnely chopped

4 servings


384 calories

1. Heat the ghee in a large non-stick frying pan over medium-low heat. Add the cumin and cinnamon and cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until aromatic. Add the curry leaves and cook for 30 seconds or until aromatic. Add the onion and season with salt. Cook, stirring, for 3-4 minutes or until soft.

2. Add the garlic, ginger, coriander and chilli.


15m prep

4 servings


15m cook

182 calories

• 1/2 cup fresh multi-grain breadcrumbs

• 1/4 cup fat-leaf parsley leaves, fnely chopped

• 1/3 cup fnely grated parmesan cheese

• 1 tsp fnely grated lemon rind

• 1 tsp olive oil

• 4 (about 200g each) thick white fsh steaks (such as blue eye or kingfsh)

• olive oil cooking spray

• Steamed green beans, to serve

• Boiled chat potatoes, to serve

• Lemon wedges, to serve

COOKING 50 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
batch, handcrafted Sauce, Chutneys and Relishes

Max Crus is a Clarence Valley-based wine writer and Grape Expectations is now in its 27th year of publication. Find out more about Max or sign up for his weekly reviews and musings by visiting

Grape Expectations by Max Crus

Putting the sham back in the poo.

What sort of product is called ‘Hairifcation’?

Okay, shampoo would be a front-runner but the real question is what sort of person came up with the name and what sort of people sitting on the board of that company agreed and said “Yeah, that’ll work”.

There’s a column in the name alone, believe me, I wrote it before I got out of the shower and read the rest of the bottle, and thus had to use a whole bottle of

Tahbilk Ngambie Lakes

Cane Cut Marsanne 2018, $21. Nice enough on its own, and not sweet enough to qualify as proper sticky, mixed with its stablemate, Tahbilk’s Couselant Chardonnay Pinot Noir, some soda water, orange and thyme (or Hairifcation) it magically becomes the most refreshing beverage

white-out to start all over.

It goes on : “Pure Grow Shampoo, Get longer stronger faster!” They haven’t actually mentioned hair yet and it sounds more like an Olympic ideal, until…”Dynamic follicletargeting formula, clinically proven to increase hair growth in just ten days”. There you go.

Anecdotally proven to be complete poo if not the complete shampoo. I’ve used it for three months since Ms L. foisted the

of summer. Ms L. had four! 9.5/10.

Tahbilk Central Victoria

Non-Vintage Couselant, $23. Ditto the marsanne, this is fne on its own but becomes a delicious delightful spritz with a glass full of ice and other bits as above. It won’t put hairs on your chest, but neither will Hairifcation, so maybe you could use

follicle fxer upon me, presumably having decided it didn’t work, or more likely that she needed the opposite to something that increased hair volume. She leaves the stuff everywhere. Even the dog complains.

But maybe she should have persisted because this stuff apparently “kicks lazy, lagging follicles to the curb.” Better than vacuuming it up, just put the catcher on the mower.

“A dynamic growthpromoting treatment

it as shampoo? As a cocktail, it’s 9.5/10.

Brown Brothers

Tasmania Patricia Chardonnay 2021, $45. Fair bit sharper than you might expect of such an expensive chardonnay but such is the trend away from big buttery things. Think seafood or schnitty rather than creamy chicken. 9.5/10.

moonlighting as a shampoo. Get ready for your best hair yet.”

‘Struth, hang on hair washers.

“Prep and prime, baby!” it goes on. Then it’s suggested you follow up with Pure Grow Conditioner, then some Pure Grow Intensifying Spray “and let the ingredients party.” Which is followed by the warning “May cause compliments”.

Well, not yet.

At last the magical

Brown Brothers Milawa ‘Patricia’ Shiraz 2018, $60. Hard to choose between this and its cabernet sibling, both in terms of quality and what you feel like in the bottle shop. Depends on whether you ‘re having bankers or tradies for dinner. 9.5/10.

Chapel Hill McLaren

Vale The Parson Verdelho 2023, $18. Ideal

ingredients, the frst of which is, um, water.

However, after the Sodium Olefn Sulfanate, Cocoyl Isethionate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Glycol Distearate, and a couple of unpronounceable things, comes Coffee Seed (Arabica no less), and Glucose.

You can drink the stuff as a morning pick-me-up while watching your hair grow…or not.

Apparently “IT’S NOT SORCERY, IT’S

for those of a religious bent or those who have lapsed or just enjoy the game of seeing how many variations on the religious theme Chapel Hill can fnd, and no matter which you are rewarded with one of the most favoursome verdelhos on offer. Much more body than most which doesn’t really match the godly theme. 9.1/10.

SCIENCE.” Is marketing science? Just in case you are worried about the actual science, Hairifcation is “TESTED ON BABES NOT BUNNIES”. Hairy babes evidently.

But if all this is too much and you feel like you’ve wasted your dough, fear not, other ingredients include salt and citric acid, so you can ‘shot’ it with tequila too!

Or better yet, in your fancy summer spritz

Ferngrove Frankland River (Great Southern) Malbec 2022, $25. The smell is different enough to most Aussie reds to capture your attention while the characters and body too, from something weighing in at only 13.5, will maintain it. A really good standard and really good value. 9.4/10.

WINE 51 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times

Supporting Seniors Amid the Transition to a Cashless Society

As the prevalence of cashless transactions continues to rise, concerns about the impact on seniors and their ability to access essential services have come to the forefront.

While banknotes remain legal tender, the increasing preference for card or mobile payments by businesses poses challenges for older Australians, who may rely heavily on cash for their day-to-day transactions.

The recent incident involving Queensland Federal Member, Bob Katter, highlights the frustration faced by many seniors when attempting to use cash for purchases, only to be met with resistance from establishments that accept only electronic payments. This trend towards cashless transactions has been exacerbated by factors such as the shift towards online shopping during the pandemic and the

closure of bank branches and ATMs.

For seniors, the transition to a cashless society presents signifcant challenges. Many may not have access to mobile phones or may lack the necessary technological skills to navigate electronic payment systems. Concerns about additional fees associated

with card payments, as well as the potential for power outages disrupting digital transactions, further compound these challenges.

While businesses have the right to specify their preferred payment methods, it is essential that consumers are informed of these terms and conditions before making a purchase.

However, it is equally important for businesses to consider the needs of all customers, including those who prefer or rely on cash for their transactions.

Looking ahead, the transition to a cashless society may continue to accelerate, with some experts predicting its completion by the end of the decade. However,

this does not mean that cash will become obsolete entirely. Instead, it is essential to strike a balance between digital and cash payments, ensuring that all individuals have access to the payment methods that best suit their needs.

In supporting seniors during this transition, it is crucial for Australians to “pay it forward”

by using cash where possible, thereby sending a message to government, banks, and businesses that cash remains a vital form of payment. Additionally, businesses should prioritize customer service and support initiatives aimed at increasing digital literacy among older Australians, such as the Be Connected Program.

By working together to address the challenges posed by the transition to a cashless society, we can ensure that all Australians, including seniors, have access to the payment methods and support services they need to navigate an increasingly digital world.

For more information and support, visit the Be Connected Program

website: au/seniors/be-connectedimproving-digitalliteracy-for-olderaustralians

New Study Predicts Nearly 100% Increase in Cases by 2054

New data from Dementia Australia indicates that the prevalence of dementia is set to nearly double by 2054.

According to research conducted by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare on behalf of Dementia Australia, dementia rates are projected to increase by 93% by 2054.

In 2024, Australia has over 421,000 individuals living with various forms of dementia. Without medical advancements, this number is anticipated to escalate

to 812,500 by 2054, as cautioned by Dementia Australia CEO Maree McCabe AM.

McCabe emphasized the signifcance of these fndings in informing strategies for service provision and funding to address the evolving needs associated with dementia. She stressed Dementia Australia’s commitment to supporting those affected, encouraging individuals and their families to seek assistance via the National Dementia

Helpline, available 24/7. The study highlights a nationwide trend of rising dementia diagnoses over the

next three decades, with varying degrees of growth across states and territories. Western Australia is

projected to experience the highest increase at 109%, followed by the Northern Territory (106%), the Australian Capital Territory (104%), Queensland (100%), Victoria (96%), and South Australia (59%), with Tasmania exhibiting the lowest growth at 52%.

Catherine Daskalakis, a Dementia Advocate at Dementia Australia diagnosed with younger onset dementia, underscored the importance of accessing Dementia

Australia’s support services. Refecting on her own experience, Daskalakis encouraged individuals to reach out to the National Dementia Helpline, emphasizing the invaluable emotional support and counselling it provides during challenging times.

For more details about dementia prevalence data: https://www. information/statistics/ prevalence-data

SENIORS & HEALTH NEWS 52 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024 Your local family - owned Dentist

Government Grants $50 Million for Australian Scientists Pioneering World’s First Long-Term Artifcial Heart

In a landmark initiative poised to revolutionize cardiovascular medicine, Australian scientists are spearheading the development of the world’s frst longterm artifcial heart. With a signifcant boost from the federal government, which has pledged a grant of $50 million towards the project, researchers are advancing towards a transformative breakthrough in cardiac care.

The artifcial heart, conceptualized as an off-the-shelf alternative to organ donation, holds immense promise for patients suffering from end-stage heart failure. For individuals like Jayden Cummins, whose life was irrevocably altered by a viral infection that led to severe heart deterioration, the prospect of a long-term solution represents a beacon of hope.

Cummins, a Sydneybased flmmaker, vividly recounts his battle with heart failure, attributing it to a viral assault that left him operating at a mere 7 percent heart function. While he underwent a temporary solution with a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) followed by a heart transplant, his

journey underscores the critical need for innovative interventions to address the scarcity of donor organs. Enter Dr. Daniel Timms and his team of bio scientists, who’s pioneering BiVACOR Total Artifcial Heart promises to be a gamechanger in the feld of cardiac medicine. Unlike conventional devices that mimic the pumping action of the natural heart using balloons prone to wear and tear, the BiVACOR heart utilizes magnetic levitation technology to propel blood circulation effciently.

Dr. Timms elucidates on the innovative design, likening it to the magnetically levitated trains in Japan and China, which ensure smooth and frictionless motion. Supported by a multidisciplinary team, including Associate Professor Shaun Gregory of Monash University’s Artifcial Heart Frontiers Program, the project unfolds with regular visits to the local hardware store, where components for heart replication are sourced.

The journey from laboratory benchtops to animal testing has yielded promising results, with the titanium hearts demonstrating

remarkable durability and effcacy. Human trials are slated to commence in the United States later this year, marking a signifcant milestone in the quest for a viable long-term solution to heart failure.

Professor Garry Jennings from the Heart Foundation of Australia underscores the urgency of such innovations, citing the stark reality of organ shortages and the pressing need for alternatives. With heart failure claiming one in 50 Australian lives annually and a limited number of heart transplant procedures performed each year, the advent of artifcial hearts offers a lifeline to countless patients awaiting salvation.

The federal government’s generous funding injection signals a resounding vote of confdence in Australia’s scientifc prowess and commitment to advancing medical innovation. With hopes pinned on accelerated progress, scientists aim to make these groundbreaking devices available to patients within the next few years, heralding a new era of cardiac care.

For transplant recipient Jayden Cummins, the potential impact of

compassion. With each beat of progress, the collective hope is for a future where life-saving

technology transcends boundaries, enriching and extending lives with boundless possibility.

these advancements is profound. Refecting on his journey posttransplant, Cummins marvels at the newfound lease on life, cherishing precious moments with loved ones made possible by the gift of a donor heart. His story serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of medical innovation and the enduring spirit of resilience in the face of adversity.

As Australia embarks on this bold frontier of medical innovation, the promise of artifcial hearts offers solace to those grappling with the debilitating effects of heart failure, embodying the triumph of human ingenuity and

1. Revolutionary Technology: The BiVACOR Total Artifcial Heart represents a groundbreaking advancement in cardiovascular medicine. Unlike conventional devices that mimic the pumping action of the natural heart using balloons prone to wear and tear, the BiVACOR heart utilizes magnetic levitation technology for effcient blood circulation. This innovative design, inspired by magnetically levitated trains in Japan and China, promises enhanced durability and effcacy, offering hope to countless patients grappling with end-stage heart failure.

2. Government Funding: The federal government’s pledge of $50 million towards the project underscores its commitment to advancing medical innovation and improving healthcare outcomes. This substantial investment not only signifes confdence in Australia’s scientifc prowess but also accelerates progress

towards making artifcial hearts available to patients within the next few years. Such funding injections play a pivotal role in driving research initiatives and fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and government entities.

3. Human Impact: Jayden Cummins’ personal journey serves as a poignant testament to the transformative potential of medical innovation. Having navigated the harrowing challenges of endstage heart failure and subsequent transplantation, Cummins embodies resilience and hope. His story highlights the profound impact of artifcial hearts on patients’ lives, offering a lifeline to individuals awaiting organ transplantation. Through advancements in medical technology, Cummins and countless others fnd solace and renewed optimism for the future, underscoring the profound human dimension of scientifc progress.

SENIORS & HEALTH NEWS 53 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent Blue C Building Suite 1 3 McLean Street Coolangatta (07) 5536 8368 sunshinehearing com au co dit o s app y p ease ca us o de ai s Free Undercover Parking Mention this ad and receive $250 OFF a set of rechargable hearing aids* Your local independent & experienced hearing care provider. Discover a better quality of life with Sunshine Hearing. Reg stered provider of hear ng a ds under the government’s Hearing Ser vices Program for e ig ble Pens oners and Veterans* ng, Suite 1, 3 M oolangatta (07) 5536 8368 *conditions app y p ease c all us for det ails Free Undercover Parking Mention this ad and receive $250 OFF a set of rechargable hearing aids* Your local independent & experienced hearing care provider. Discover a better quality of life with Sunshine Hearing. Registered provider of hearing aids under the government’s Hearing Ser vices Program for eligible Pensioners and Veterans* Blue C Building, Suite 1, 3 McLean Street, Coolangatta (07) 5536 8368 sunshinehearing com au *conditions app y p ease ca l us for detai s F ee dercover king Mention this ad and receive $250 OFF a set of rechargable hearing aids* Your local independent & experienced hearing care provider. Discover a better quality of life with Sunshine Hearing. Registered provider of hearing aids under the government s Hearing Ser vices Program for eligible Pensioners and Veterans*

How to make a temporary pool look good

Making a temporary pool look good is not just about enhancing its aesthetic appeal; it’s about creating a fun, inviting, and comfortable outdoor space that maximizes your enjoyment during those warm months. Whether it’s an infatable pool, a frame pool, or any other type of above-ground pool, there are numerous creative and practical ways to transform it into a beautiful oasis. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to achieve that.

1. Positioning Your Pool

The frst step in making your temporary pool look good is choosing the right location. Select a spot that gets a good balance of sun and shade throughout the day. This ensures the water stays at a comfortable temperature and also protects swimmers from excessive sun exposure. Additionally, placing your pool on a fat, stable surface away from trees and shrubs minimizes debris falling into the water and makes maintenance easier.

2. Creating a Pool Deck or Surround

Building a temporary deck or surround can drastically improve the look of your temporary pool. Materials like wooden pallets, non-slip outdoor carpeting, or interlocking patio tiles can be used to create a stylish and safe poolside area. Not only does this add to the aesthetic appeal, but it also prevents dirt and grass from being tracked into the pool.

3. Landscaping Around the Pool

Integrating your pool with the surrounding landscape can transform your backyard into a picturesque retreat. Planting ornamental grasses, fowers, or even small shrubs around the pool area adds colour, texture, and privacy. Consider using potted plants for fexibility; they can be moved around to change the look or to make room when necessary.

4. Adding Lighting

Proper lighting can make your temporary pool area look magical at night. Solar-powered lights, waterproof LED strips, and foating pool lights are great options

that can enhance safety and create a cosy, ambient atmosphere. Strategically place lights around the pool area to highlight landscaping features or illuminate walkways.

5. Incorporating Shade Structures

To ensure your pool area is enjoyable at all hours, consider adding shade structures. Umbrellas, canopies, or even a temporary gazebo can provide much-needed relief from the sun while adding an element of style. Choose colours and materials that complement your overall design theme to create a cohesive look.

6. Accessorising with Outdoor Furniture

Comfortable and stylish outdoor furniture can elevate the look of your temporary pool area. Waterproof loungers, outdoor rugs, and accent tables not only provide convenience but also contribute to the pool’s aesthetic appeal. opt for furniture that matches your style, whether it’s modern, rustic, or tropical, to create an inviting lounge area for relaxation and


7. Adding Fun and Functional Features

Water features like foating fountains or infatable slides add a fun element to your pool while enhancing its appearance. Additionally, practical accessories like a pool cover can keep the water clean and also serve as a safety feature.

8. Maintaining Water Quality and Clarity

A clean pool is a beautiful pool. Regular maintenance, including vacuuming the bottom, skimming the surface, and maintaining proper chemical levels, is essential to keep the water sparkling and inviting. A wellmaintained pool not only looks better but is also healthier and more enjoyable to use.

9. Personalising with Decor

Finally, adding personal touches can make your temporary pool area feel unique and welcoming. Outdoor cushions, waterproof bean bags, or even a small outdoor bar can add character and functionality to your poolside space. Decorative elements

like pool foats, garden statues, or a mural painted on a surrounding fence can also add a playful or artistic touch.

Get to designing!

Making a temporary pool look good involves a combination of practical and decorative efforts. By carefully selecting the pool’s location, enhancing its surroundings with decking, landscaping, and lighting, and adding personal touches through furniture and decor, you can create a beautiful and enjoyable outdoor living space. Remember, the goal is to create an area that refects your personal style and meets your relaxation and entertainment needs. With a little creativity and effort, your temporary pool can become the centrepiece of your summer fun.

**PLEASE NOTE: It is important to check with your local council/government to see rules and regulations around pools. It is also important to check with the manufacturer of the pool for recommended procedures regarding function, warranty etc.**

GARDENING NEWS 54 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024

Funeral Notice

Elizabeth Stephens “Betty”

5th Aug 1937-17th Feb 2024

Loved and loving wife of Clive for 66 years.

Much loved Mum to Bruce, Russel & Wendy Family & Friends are invited to a ‘Celebration of Life’ to be held in the Anglican Church Hall on 1st March at 10am.

Death Notice

In Loving Memory

Lola Jean Locke 01/11/1930 – 04/11/2023

Kevin William Locke 09/12/1927 – 31/01/2024


In Loving Memory

Funeral Notice

OSBORNE – Thomas William (Tom)

Of Kingscliff, formerly of Coffs Harbour, Killara and Dubbo Died peacefully at The Tweed Hospital on 7 Feb 2024, aged 80 years.

Adored wife of Dianne (dec’d) and dear friend of Margarett Wyatt (dec’d).

Tom is survived by his beloved sister Mary Di Qual and many nieces, nephews and cousins.

A service of thanksgiving will be held to celebrate Tom’s life on Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at St Lukes Anglican Church, Liverpool at 2pm, with a light luncheon to be served prior from 12pm in the Church Community Centre.

RSVP to CEREMONY RSVP’s - Picaluna Funerals

Death Notice

55 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times IN MEMORIAM
Late of Alstonville, formerly of Moree Privately cremated for 72 years, now resting together in eternal peace Loved & sadly missed by Ian & Debbie & family
Monumental Masons BECKINSALES Monumental Masons Pty Ltd We have the largest range of monuments on the North Coast or custom-made to your requirements Servicing 300km radius from Lismore Call for an appointment Since 1935 Ph: 6621 5497 Cnr Bridge & Baillie Sts North Lismore A member of NSW Monumental Masons’ Association Monumental Masons ELLEM MONUMENTAL CASINO GRANITE HEADSTONES NEW & RESTORATION Gloria m 0457 976 491 Scott m 0481 170 218 Brian m 0433 905 601 Phone 66 626 066 Ballina-Lismore-Casino -Sth Grafton 1800 809 336 Funeral Directors & Services Funeral Directors & Services Funeral Directors & Services Funeral Directors & Services Sacred Earth Funerals Funerals with Heart 1300 585 778 Bespoke - Personal - Professional LISMORE • BALLINA • RICHMOND VALLEY Locally Owned 55 Magellan Street, Lismore Warwick Binney Ph 02 6622 2420 LISMORE • BALLINA • RICHMOND VALLEY Locally Owned and Operated 55 Magellan Street, Lismore Warwick Binney Ph 02 6622 2420 LISMORE • BALLINA • RICHMOND VALLEY Locally Owned and Operated 55 Magellan Street, Lismore Warwick Binney Ph 02 6622 2420 LISMORE • BALLINA • RICHMOND VALLEY Locally Owned and Operated 55 Magellan Street, Lismore Warwick Binney Ph 02 6622 2420 McGuiness Funerals “A Tradition of Care” Murwillumbah 02 6672 2144 Billinudgel 02 6680 3084 Funeral Directors & Services

SSA Representatives

PLEASE NOTE: Members attending MUST produce their current S.S.A.A

card and be a Member of the S.S.A.A- (NSW)-Northern Rivers Branch Inc.

Any member wishing to submit items for the agenda, must be submitted by 5pm March 13th 2024 to

The Returning Officer is Scott Wagner

SSAA No: 356343


In accordance with Cl the Returning Officer calls for Nominations of candidates to fill the vacant offices on the Nomination forms must be received on or before the 11th March 2024 by 5pm, either by email to the returning officer, or by mail to the Branch at PO Box 899, Casino NSW 2470.

This AGM Notice and Nomination forms are available at htp:/

Remember the AGM is important. no less than***50*** people are required to come along and participate to make the AGM work All members are encouraged to attend.

Trailer for Sale

PUBLIC NOTICES, TRADES & SERVICES 56 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024 Personal Sasha’s on Cook Street Supporting your local community Escort Services available in the Northern Rivers. Ladies and Couples welcome! Check out our website Payments accepted - Credit card, bank transfer, over the phone payment and CASH! Open 7 days 10am till late Monday-Tuesday: 10am-6pm Call us on (02) 6622 5533 20 Cook Street South Lismore. Email: 18+ Massage UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Maple Bell Massage Therapeutic Massage Males – Females All welcome Shop 1 - 94 Main St, Alstonville Open 7 Days - 9am to 8pm - 0452 196 722 Ag Supplies for Sale Business for Sale Position Vacant Vehicle for Sale Seeking Friendship AGM , . , { � ! NOTICE OF AGM Notice is hereby give on the 28th February 2024 for the Annual General .,..,.,, .. Meeting of SSAA Northern Rivers Branch Inc .,..,.,,., . ..:;:'"'"""''"'"'" This meeting will be held on Monday 25th March 2024 "'""'"'""'"""'"'" 6.30pm for a 7pm start at the Lismore Heights Bowling Club 181A High Street, Lismore NSW 2480 Business to be transacted at the meeting includes: Welcoming
Election of Committee General Business
Set the date
Confirmation of minutes fromAGM 2023 Business arising from minutes ofAGM 2023
3 Treasurers Report Presidents Report -Achievements of the Branch in 2023
* Appointment of disciplines Captains * Appointment of Accountant * Annual Return to Department of Fair Trading
for 2025AGM
For Sale For Sale



Kubota M7040

4WD Tractor 1503hrs with LA1153

Loader & 8’ Bucket, MF 353 4WD

Tractor 789hrs, Quik Spray with two reels and remotes, Costos Hyd. Post Driver, MF 373 4WD Tractor 4444hrs, 6’ Superior Slasher, Hyd. Berends 8’

Grader Blade, Agrihaus Soft Bale Grab Loader, 9 Tyne Rippers, MF 7 Tyne Rippers, as new Teven Vet Cattle Crush, 6’ K Series Slasher, Silvan 600L Spray Unit, Selecta Diesel Tank, Qty of various new Farm Gates and Barb Wire, Silvan 400L Hose Reel, Lister fully reconditioned diesel Motor, Pee Wee 50cc Bike, Honda CTX200 Farm Bike, Old Scooter, RI Small Crop Irrigator, qty. Irrigation hoses and sprays, Dryer & Cooling small crop fan, As new Molasses 20,000L Tank, Spray Tanks, 600L PTO Spray Unit, Roll of Flexi Hose, Yard Belting, Varius Yard Panels & Bows, Railing, Steel Fence Post, Concrete Post, Dog Fence Post, 3PL Forks, Steel Stays, Wire Stays, 2 Elec.

57 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent RURAL, TRADES & SERVICES Northern Rivers Brick & Blocklaying 30 years experience Licence no 178334C Houses, Retaining Walls, Fences, Renovations 0478 103 617 Quality Work Bricklayer Architecture/Drafting Builder Casino, Kyogle, Lismore and Goonellabah 0466 029 862 Kathy’s Kleaning SERVICE NORTHERN RIVERS Casino, Kyogle, Lismore and Goonellabah 0466 029 862 Kathy’s Kleaning SERVICE NORTHERN RIVERS Casino, Kyogle, Lismore and Goonellabah 0466 029 862 Kathy’s Kleaning SERVICE NORTHERN RIVERS Casino, Kyogle, Lismore and Goonellabah 0466 029 862 Kathy’s Kleaning SERVICE NORTHERN RIVERS Cleaning Services Cabinet Maker Specialising in Kitchens & Timber windows & Doors P h o n e 0 2 6 6 8 4 1 0 6 6 B u i l d e r s L i c e n c e 3 2 7 6 0 8 C W i t h o v e r 4 0 y e a r s o f e x p e r i e n c e i n t h e I n d u s t r y L a m b r u k i s y o u r f i r s t c h o i c e f o r J o i n e r y & C a b i n e t M a k i n g i n t h e N o r t h e r n R i v e r s Concrete Products THE TRUSTED NAME FOR CONCRETE PRODUCTS 4-8 Craig Street, Kyogle. 6632 2978 • Septic Tanks • Aerated Wastewater Treatment System • Reed Beds • Water Troughs • Cattle Grids Handyman Services Ph: 0407 837 547 Dial A Dad Property Services Licenced & insured • Lic 73852C • Gutter Cleaning • Rubbish Removal • Electrical Work • Window Cleaning • Mowing/ Yardwork ABN 68 783 520 626 Pressure Cleaning Handyman Services Builder Builder Allen Ramsey 0428 664 927 Wayne Bulmer 0428 661 167 Steve Davis 0429 623 066 Alex Sullivan 0490 058 091 Peter 0427 042 713 • Matthew 0427 737 938 Mark 0411 491 437 • Jack 0498 400 176 Licensed Stock & Station Agents T&W McCormack Casino 02 6662 1577 Ramsey & Bulmer Casino 02 6662 6662 PRELIMINARY NOTICE LIVEWEIGHT & OPEN AUCTION STORE SALE NRLX – CASINO FRIDAY 5TH APRIL 2024 LIVEWEIGHT & OPEN AUCTION STORE SALE NRLX - CASINO FRIDAY 1ST MARCH 2024 Commencing 10.00am DST 2000 HEAD 2000 Bookings are now being taken for this Forthcoming Store Sale Rural Sale
Taurus Dozer 1029hrs
Blade including
and Winch,
3PL Bale Spike, Carry All, 1T & 2T Self Feeders, 5’ Rotary Hoe, Back Rub Frame, 6m x 400mm
Pipe, 3PL Pump, Jarrett 16 plate off set Disc, Berends
Rear Blade, Jarrett 8 Tyne Chisel Plough, 3 Disc
4’ Rotary Hoe, Pasture Harrows, Wire Security Gates, Qty of 2nd Hand Iron, Farm Pajero and heaps of Tools, small machinery & Sundries. CLEARING SALE A/C D & D CECIL Saturday, 9th March 2024 10:00AM DST 269 Doon Doon Road Doon Doon, NSW 2484 Brent Casey Mike Smith Lance Butt 0428 530 422 0413 300 680 0455 589 932 For More Information Contact Your Agent Licensed Auctioneers, Stock & Station & Real Estate Agents CASINO BANGALOW MURWILLUMBAH WARWICK STANTHORPE Rural Sale MURWILLUMBAH SPECIAL STORE SALE 400 Head Comprising: 50 Grower Steers 100 Euro Weaners - Mixed Sex 100 Angus X Weaners - Mixed Sex 60 Crossbred Weaners - Mixed Sex 10 Crossbred Cows & Calves 30 Angus Brangus Cows - PTIC 20 Charolais Cows - PTIC 1 Ultrablack Bull - 5 Years Old 1 Brangus Bull - 5 Years Old 400 Head Murwillumbah Saleyards Saturday, 2nd March 2024 9:00AM DST Licensed Auctioneers, Stock & Station & Real Estate Agents CASINO BANGALOW MURWILLUMBAH WARWICK STANTHORPE Further Bookings Invited Brent Casey Jasen Somerville 0428 530 422 0429 660 657 Rural Sale Engineering *Price Match Guarantee Found a beter price on your LPG? We’ll beat it.* Give us a ring on 0400 716 228 or email today! (02) 6628 8460 *New 45kg botle exchange customers only. Price match on LPG price for 12 months from ofer redempton. Annual equipment fees and T’s and C’s apply.* Northern Rivers Gas Distributon: Your Gas Suppliers in Northern Rivers Gas Supplier Glenn Weir 0427 653 450 e: Rural Sale
Compressors 50L 2HP,

Rooftech Roofing Services

For Everything Roofing

• New & replacement metal roofs

• Painting of tile and metal roofs

• Roof repairs: tile and metal

• Guttering: whirly birds: mesh

• Emergency/insurance repairs

Phone office on 66811793

2/32 Southern Cross Drive, Ballina Lic 303299C and 301815C INSURANCE - COMMERCIAL STRATA - RESIDENTIAL


CRAWFORD HOUSE MUSEUM - This is the last week of the latest exhibition at Crawford House Museum, “Sew Inspired”. Take the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful work of some of the most creative people in our district, the Ballina/Byron U3A Textile Art Group. This is a group of passionate stitchers who have an ongoing love affair with fabrics and threads of all kinds. They combine the ancient art of traditional hand stitching with the amazing capabilities of the modern sewing machine to create exquisite works from a vast range of chiffons, silks, velvets, hessians, and threads, using textiles as a medium for storytelling. The exhibition will fnish this Sunday, 3rd March. Crawford House Museum is at 10 Wardell Road Alstonville and is open on Fridays 10am-4pm and Sundays 1pm - 4pm or at other times by appointment for groups. For enquiries, call 6628 1829, email aphs2477@ or visit


Would you like to join a friendly local community group? Crawford House Museum and the Alstonville Plateau Historical Society have openings for people of any age to volunteer in administration or in the museum. If you’re on a Jobseeker payment and 55 or older, it’s a great way to meet your mutual obligation requirements. No experience is necessary, as training is provided. If you’re interested, visit us at 10 Wardell Road Alstonville on Fridays 10am-4 pm and Sundays 1pm-4pm, call 6628 1829 or email

ALSTONVILLE RSL SUB-BRANCH meets on the second Saturday of the month, with morning tea at 10am followed by the meeting, then a light luncheon from 1200. All ex-service persons and families are welcome to attend the lunch.

ALSTONVILLE BRANCH OF THE RED CROSS - The Alstonville Red Cross branch meets monthly in Alstonville. As meeting dates sometimes vary, please call Carol on 0424 742 774 for details of our next meeting.

ALSTONVILLE PROBUS CLUB - Alstonville Probus Club meets on the last Thursday of each month at Plateau Sports Club at 10.00 am. This commences with a cupper and chat, with the formal meeting commencing at 10.30 which includes an interesting guest speaker. All visitors are welcome.

ALSTONVILLE QUOTA CLUB - A local women’s service club that meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at the Plateau Sports Club. Quota is committed to supporting and improving the physical and mental wellbeing of the disadvantaged in our community through local projects.

QUILTERS ALSTONVILLE - We are called Plateau

Quilters Alstonville we meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the Month at the RSL Hall Alstonville from 1pm until 4pm New members would be most welcome. Rhonda Bonner 66298267

EMBROIDERERS GROUP Meetings are 9.30am2.30pm 1st and 3rd Wednesdays and 2nd Saturday of each month. Our venue is the Resource Centre at the rear of Crawford House Museum, Alstonville. We welcome embroiderers of all ability levels to meet, share and learn.

MCLEANS RIDGES CRAFT GROUP meet at the McLeans Ridges Hall, Cowlong Road, McLeans Ridges on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9.30am to 3.30pm. Scrapbooking, card making, paper craft, knitting whatever takes your fancy. Come along for an enjoyable day. Bring your own morning tea and lunch. Coffee, tea, milk provided. A small fee to cover hall hire. Ph 0401 047 513.



Alstonville RSL sub-Branch will now hold their monthly meetings on the second Wednesday of the month at 11am at the RSL Hall, 13 Bugden Ave (next door to the Alstonville Medical Centre). All ex-Service persons are welcome to attend, and we have a convivial morning tea on completion of the meeting. Alstonville RSL sub-Branch have a ‘Lower Deck Luncheon’ at 1200 each Friday, everyone is welcome, we sit out the back of the Hall, order lunch from local suppliers, and have great conversations with good mates. There is always plenty of support & advice on any issue!


The next meeting of the ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT RETIREES will be held on Friday 1 March, at Ballina RSL Club, River Street Ballina. The meeting will commence at 10.00am, but doors will be open from 9.30 for ‘catch-up’ before the meeting. Guest speaker for this meeting will be Ian McBean, from Sunshine Sugar, who will present a very sweet talk on this product. Morning tea will be available before

TRADES & COMMUNITY NOTICES 58 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
Septic Roofng Services
Tree Services PH: 0408 620 829 or 6662 2025 CASINO/KYOGLE BONALBO CORAKI WOODBURN EVANS HEAD OUR EQUIPMENT IS IDEAL FOR SITES WITH LIMITED ACCESS Dingo mini digger & stump grinder goes anywhere Tree & Palms Removed • 17m Cherry Picker • Larger Chipper • Stump Grinder Qualified Arborist Tree Detailing • Climbers • Rubbish Removed FULLY INSURED TREE SERVICES Tree Services Low rates, friendly service Email: The Channon covering all areas of the North Coast P 6688 6136 M 0427 886 136 EXPERIENCED, FULLY INSURED, ALL SIZE JOBS For a free quote & advice Lopping Wood Chipping Felling Stump Grinding Removal • Lopping • Felling • Removal • Wood Chipping • Cherry Picker • Stump Grinding Low rates, friendly service Email: The Channon covering all areas of the North Coast P 6688 6136 M 0427 886 136 EXPERIENCED, FULLY INSURED, ALL SIZE JOBS For a free quote & advice Lopping Wood Chipping Felling Stump Grinding Removal Low rates, friendly service Email: The Channon covering all areas of the North Coast P 6688 6136 M 0427 886 136 EXPERIENCED, FULLY INSURED, ALL SIZE JOBS For a free quote & advice Lopping Wood Chipping Felling Stump Grinding Removal For a free quote and advice contact NOEL
this presentation. Attendance fee of $5.00 is now payable at each meeting to help defray the ongoing costs. All retirees are welcome to come along, members and guests, to join in some friendly social activity. Enquiries to Secretary Bob Taylor on 04521 972 192 BALLINA COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB - LIVE COUNTRY MUSIC DAYS of the Ballina Country Music Club happen on the frst Sunday of every month. Our next Live Music Day is on Sunday, 3 March at Ballina RSL Club, Grant Street, Ballina, starting at 10.45 am. “The Classics”, one of our popular regular bands, will be playing. And Des McDonald is the feature Showcase Artist. There are also many regular COMMUNITY NOTICES must be emailed to community@heartlandmedia. before 3pm Fridays Phone numbers only, no email addresses. Get the word out about your Club, Membership, Events, etc Pets 46 Terania Street, Lismore 6621 9998 Janet Goodwin (Proprietor) 0402 443 988 Drop o and pick up available Pest Control 02 6681 6555 PHONE YOUR PEST & TERMITE SPECIALISTS Motor Repairs Repairers licence No: MVTC157416 Mobile Panel, Paint & Bumper Repairs FREE QUOTES Ph: Cory 0403 918 831 • Scratch & Dent Repairs • Bumper Repairs • Rust Repairs • Pre Sales Tidy Ups • Car Park Dents • Accident Damage 0403 918 831 Mobile Panel, Paint & Bumper Repairs Bumper to Bumper Repairs 6986066aa | Repairers licence No: MVTC157416 Phone Cory 0403 918 831 We come to you Family owned and operated Fully qualifed, fully insured and all work is guaranteed • Scratch & Dent Repairs • Bumper Repairs • Rust Repairs • Pre Sales Tidy Ups • Car Park Dents • Accident Damage We come to you Family owned and operated Fully qualifed, fully insured and all work is guaranteed Servicing the Ballina Shire up to Tweed Heads J.R PLASTERING SERVICES 0412 252 726 Plastering Call: 02 6662 6663 Your Removalist & Relocation Professionals Removalists Lawn Mowing & Gardening MOWING GARDENING PHONE NOEL 0439 607 795 10 YEARS TRADING Servicing: LISMORE GOONELLABAH WOLLONGBAR ALSTONVILLE BALLINA areas Engineering CRAIGS FLOAT HIRE Float Hire Mobile Mechanic we come to you Stump Grinding In Northern Rivers No Stump Is Too Big Or Too Small STUMP REMOVALS TREE REMOVALS LAND CLEARING GARDEN MAKEOVERS Landscaping

Locally owned

and some visiting Walk-Up Artists. The experienced line dancers demonstrate their skills and others take to the foor dancing however they want! There are great raffe and lucky door prizes, as well as Club members’ and Walk-Up Artists’ draws. Come along and enjoy the company and music.

BALLINA CWA Branch - Every Wednesday we meet for our Friendship and Handicraft mornings from 9:00 am to noon at the Ballina CWA rooms in River St Ballina (Next to the RSL) Both Handcrafters and those who would just like to chat are welcome.

Also, on the frst Wednesday of each month, we run a cooked goods and handicraft stall at our CWA rooms from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. Everyone is welcome to come along, and for $5 join us for morning tea THE NEXT STALL WILL BE ON 6TH MARCH 2024 Mahjong is played in our rooms every Wednesday and Thursday from 12:30 pm at a cost of $4. Everyone is welcome queries relating to our Wednesday gatherings, contact the Branch Secretary Janet Henderson on 0435323079

BALLINA UNITING CHURCH congregation invites everyone to join us at Ballina Uniting Church, 54 Cherry Street Ballina to celebrate World Day of Prayer, on Friday 1st March 2024 at 9: 30am. The service will be followed by morning tea in our church hall. We look forward to welcoming you for information phone 0422520537

BALLINA LADIES PROBUS CLUB - Our March 6th meeting will be at Crowley Care at 10 am. It is our AGM with voting for new members of the committee for the following 12 months. We will have the meeting, tea and coffee and the changeover lunch to follow, Cost is $35.00 For bookings or information call Pamela on 0405 776 977.Normally we meet on the frst Wednesday of the month at the Ballina RSL Club on River Street at 10am for a business meeting, a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit or two and a guest speaker. Visitors are allowed at our meetings, and we welcome new members. We usually have a friendly morning tea each month, and often a lunch at a local cafe. For more information about the club and its activities call Beryl on 0409 258 252


WHEEL AUSTRALIA meets on the frst Wednesday of the month at 11.30. Our objective is to share friendship and passion for community service in our local area as well international projects. If you would like more information, please contact our President Joan Hetherington on 0402 885091 or Secretary Chris Penn on 0427 807135




CHORUS We are an all-female group of all ages who love to sing “Acappella” in 4-part Barbershop harmony. We are well known in the Northern Rivers community and would love you to join us. Come along to a rehearsal on Monday nights from 7pm and for more information see our website or enquire to Tracey Ezzy on 0438 446 809

BALLINA ARTS & CRAFTS CENTRE INC. (BACCI) - We are a diverse group of Artists and Crafters that participate in wonderful group exhibitions. Over 50 members are from all over the Northern Rivers. Meetings are usually on the 1st Monday of every month at the Cherry Street Sports Club. Social gathering at 5, for a 5.30 start.

Ph: Deb on 0432105540

BALLINA BRIDGE CLUB - “Social play every Monday 9-11.30am”. Sessions for all levels of players on Mon, Wed, Sat from 1pm to about 5pm. Be seated at 12:45. Restricted session (under 300 Masterpoints) Thu 1pm – about 5pm. Friday mornings, Help with Play. Open to anyone who would like some help with their game from teachers on duty. 9am to about 11:15pm. Sessions are $5 for members and $7 for visitors at 13 North Ck Rd, Ballina Call Judy Forsyth: 0407664337.


- We meet at the North Lakes Community Hall in Whiting Way, Ballina on a Wednesday twice a month from 9 am to 2 pm. The group gives opportunities for friendship, support, and socialisation. and to celebrate our creative achievements in the area of quilting and related stitchery. We encourage our members to seek and share knowledge of their skills. New members would be most welcome. The cost is $5 per session Georgia 66876834


Wednesday of each month at the Ballina RSL Club at 6.30 for dinner at 7pm - Guests are always welcome. Our members support the education of disadvantaged children in Australia by fundraising activities and social events in our local community for The Smith Family - by sponsoring 5 Learning for Life students. Ph: Julie Stephan 0434988770.


HOT BRUNCH - Ballina Free Community Hot Brunch, First Saturday of each month. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a hot brunch of sausages, rissoles bacon & eggs, cereal, tea and coffee. Or just come for a chat. Frozen take away meals available. Held at the Ballina Presbyterian Hall Corner of Cherry & Crane st Ballina 10AM TO 12PM

Carol: 0438812235

BALLINA LIGHTHOUSE RSL DAY CLUB - A Day Club for elderly and isolated people in our community, held every Thursday at the Richmond Room Ballina. Enjoy morning tea and a mental stimulation exercise like Tai Chi, followed by lunch and afternoon musical entertainment.Every Thursday 10am to 2pm cost $10 Richmond Room, Regatta Avenue Ballina RSVP Lorraine Fox 66874350, 0439301249

BALLINA SENIOR CITIZENS BRIDGE CLUB - Social Bridge Play in Seniors Hall. Swift Street Ballina on Wednesday & Saturdays @ 12.05 pm Enquiries Phone: 0493425002 for details.

BALLINA TOY LIBRARYWelcomes families from Ballina Shire. 9 Regatta Avenue, Ballina. Open Tuesdays 1pm - 3pm, and Saturdays 10am - 1pm. Ph. 0411719074.


CLUB - How about trying something different? If you would like to improve your communication and leadership skills or simply make new friends and have fun, you are warmly invited to attend the In Focus Toastmasters Club. We meet the 3rd Wednesday evening of each month. You may attend either from the comfort of your own home via zoom or join us in person at the Cherry Street Sports Club, Ballina.



CLUB - Brunswick Valley VIEW

Club’s monthly luncheons are held at Brunswick Heads Bowling Club on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 10.30am for 11am. Apologies to Wenda on 0449 563 580 no later than the Monday before. VIEW stands for Voice, Interests and Education of Women. The club supports seven disadvantaged students in The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program. 1800 805 366


WINDARA - It’s on again this year ST PATRICK’S DAY BINGO at WINDARA, Cost is only $20 which covers bingo book and Irish Stew and dessert. Starts at 11am and come dressed in your best green outft. Tickets are available at Cottage Collection Casino, or phone Windara 62223800. Come along for a morning of laughs and win a prize. Raffe tickets also on sale and Lucky Door Prize. Bookings must be in by Wednesday, 13th March. Windara is at 253 Sextonville Rd, Casino.


I have organised an activity sheet for Casino Senior Citizens for 2024. This was made in mind for members of our community who would like to have the occasional outing each month. Each activity has now been extended to anyone in our community – Outings are at your own cost, but I always make arrangements to have the cost as low as possible. If there are any activities noted that you would like to attend, please don’t hesitate to contact. Should you require transport, I will do my very best to assist and get you there. If any trips are with bus, the bus will pick you up from your own home and of course drop you off. Obviously for the purpose of numbers etc you will need to contact me and advise if you are attending, if you require transport etc I have attempted to accommodate the needs of our older community who would like to escape the four walls of their home and join friends and peers to an enjoyable day out! Don’t hesitate to call Jan Danaher on 0414 625 680



2 – Movie afternoon at RSM 1.


23 – Senior’s Week - Lunch at Windara - Inviting other groups 11.00am


12 – Coffee morning at Zeebra’s Café 10am

28 –Bus trip to Harwood Hotel for lunch plus visit Alpaca Farm


5 – Mother’s Day Lunch?? Ballina RSL OR Goonellabah sports Club (More info later)


7 – Coffee morning at Cecil Hotel 10.00am

23 – Bus trip to Evans Head


10 – AGM Casino RSM 10.00am

28 – ‘Christmas in July’ Luncheon at Casino RSM AUGUST

9 – Coffee morning at Casino RSM


31 – Movie afternoon at Casino RSM 1.00pm


13 – Lunch at Hong Kong 12.00pm

29 –Bus trip to Cherry Street Sports Club for lunch


11 – Coffee morning at Charcoal Inn 10.00am NOVEMBER

9 – Movie afternoon at Casino RSM 1.00pm


6 – Coffee morning at Mike’s 10.00am

15 – Christmas Luncheon at Casino RSM

Don’t hesitate to call Jan Danaher on 0414 625 680

THE CWA CASINO DAY frst street Stall for 2024 will be 16th March at the front of D.I.Y. Hardware with baked goods and plants for sale; from 8.30am till sold out! Our next meeting is Thursday 14th March 2024 (the 2nd Thursday this time). Everyone is welcome, come and see what we are all about. If you want to know more before then please give us a call. Enquires Jennifer Baker 043892060 and Jane Flick 0427 707 669.

FAIRY HILL CRAFT GROUP will be on Thursday, March 7th, 10 a.m. at Fairy Hill Hall on the Summerland Way. Work on your current project, enjoy friendship, BYO lunch, tea/coffee provided. Show & Tell: Bring a book that you’re happy to swap, give a short review. For more information please ph Sue 66633233.


- If you would be interested in volunteering your time to help with meals on wheels give the offce a call on 66621217.

MONDAY B.McEnerny & C.Moulden J. Yates

TUESDAY B.Bennett K.O’Reilly & L&N O’Reilly WEDNESDAY M.&M. Ayshford G.Mannix

THURSDAY J.Crooks S. Garrard & E. Grogan

FRIDAY M.Anderson J.Connell

CASINO CWA EVENING BRANCH - NEW MEMBERS WANTED! Ladies, it’s now ‘24 so open a new door for yourself and your community by joining the Casino CWA Evening branch. You’ll discover fun, & friendship with a diverse group of ladies of varying ages just waiting to meet you. We meet once a month and share ideas & plans regarding our role in contributing to the wellbeing of women & children in our community through our fundraising endeavours. PLEASE THINK ABOUT JOINING US!!!

Why not come along as a “GUEST” to see how this feels for you. Our meetings are held frst Thursday of each month at 6pm, Uniting Church Hall Canterbury Street Casino. We look forward to WELCOMING

you! Contact: Leaine 0413 133 397


SHED - Mon, Tues, Wed, attendance limited to 50 members, 8am-1.30pm. Contact 66626423


Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 2pm, Wednesdays from 12pm to 4pm and every third Saturday from 9 am to 11.30 am. We are in Room 5, Upstairs in the School of Arts building in Walker Street, Casino. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 10 am. For a small fee we can do research for you as well. Call 6664 1118

CASINO GALLERY-ART at the CASSINO GALLERY. The Casino Art Group meets here every Thursday to Saturdays 10am to 3pm Interested in promoting YOUR medium? Come to the gallery for information.


CRAFT GROUP Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. Bring your own morning tea. Names to be in by lunch time Monday. Phone Vivian on 66621838 or Jan on 66626424.


SOCIETY Meet the 4th Thursday each month. At St Marks Anglican Hall @ 6:30pm

CASINO MINI RAIL - Every Sunday 10am to 4pm. Weather permitting. West Street Casino. Phone 0455673722.


- Our Meeting is on fourth Thursday of each month at Casino RSM Club at 10:00am. Contact Kathleen Griffns, President phone 0427622470 or Daphne Boyd, Secretary phone 0400070085.



Wednesday @ 10-11am. All

Welcome 10am Morning Tea Fellowship. Welcome and Chat 10.30am Praise and Worship

CASINO VIEW CLUB - Monthly luncheon meeting at Casino RSM Club at 11am, second Thurs of every month. Contact Jan on 0418715374

AA-LIVING SOBER MEETING is held every Tuesday 12:00-1:30pm At the Casino Baptist Church Cnr. West & Canterbury Streets Casino each week. The group will discuss a chapter on living sober out of the AA Living Sober Book. Contact George 0427133372

LION’S CLUB CASINO - Lion’s Club meeting is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at Casino RSM Club from 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. Denise Green 0448014682

LISMORE CASINO NAVAL ASSOCIATION Meets bi-monthly at Casino RSM, new members welcome. Ph: Chris 66293269 or Jim 0427400625.

ST MARKS OLD TIME NEW VOGUE DANCE CLUB St Marks Anglican church hall Barker Street Casino. Old Time and New Vogue. Revision & Beginners. Every Tuesday from 3pm-5.30pm @ $5 per head. First Saturday night of each month from 7pm -10pm @ $10 per person. Live music Judy Johnson New members, all ages most welcome. Bring a plate to share in a supper. Contact Ronald: 66623328 / mob: 0449710552.

THE PLATYPUS RSL DAY CLUB operates every Tuesday at the Community Centre from 10am to 2pm. The day consists of gentle exercises, mental stimulation, games, and entertainment. Members are asked to pay $7 for their morning tea and lunch. Transport can be provided within the town limits. If you are feeling socially isolated or just need a day out, please contact Robyn on 66623871. New members are welcome.


ELTHAM MASONIC LODGE - The Eltham Masonic Lodge welcomes all masons, to attend their monthly meetings, which are held on the fourth Tuesday, each month (except in January, at the Eltham Masonic Temple. The meetings commence at 7.30 pm, but we have a few savouries & a drinks beforehand, as a welcome. Information ring Col 0416530456


ROTARY EVANS HEAD holds meeting the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month 5.30pm at Evans Head RSL downstairs in remembrance room. New members warmly welcomed. Cont. Sue 0438853921


HEAD MARKETS held on the last Saturday of Each Month. Where: Club Evans RSL Time 8am - 1pm A vast variety of stores from clothes, candle, Honey Photographs, books, and Organic Vegetables along with Rotary Bacon & Egg Rolls

EVANS HEAD CWA BRANCH meets every third Tuesday for lunch at noon. New members welcome. More info Roz 0427825560

EVANS RIVER RSL DAY CLUB - The Evans River RSL Day Club meets each Monday in the Remembrance Room at Club Evans RSL Evans Head from 10am until 2pm Cost $10 includes Morning Tea and Lunch. We have several vacancies for volunteers and members, anyone who is feeling in need of some company are welcome to attend. Come along and join in the fun. Contact Merilyn 0401493316.


Meet every Tuesday 9am-12noon in the Recreation Hall (opposite the Kiosk). We invite you to join us for a relaxing morning of crafting, friendship and sharing ideas. Beginners are very welcome. Finishing UFO’s, Embroidery, Gold Work, Hexagons, & Group Projects are just some of the crafts done.



and Thursday mornings social playing: 9am-12noon; Monday and Wednesday nights social playing: 7-9pm; Training Monday mornings: 9am-12noon; Junior coaching after school Wednesday 3.30pm4.45pm, $6 a session. Everybody is welcome – all levels. Phone centre on 66251602. Mon-Thurs


THE PROBUS CLUB of Goonellabah meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Workers Sports Club in Oliver Ave. All welcome. Goonellabah Probus is solely a social club. We have a guest speaker each month and go for outings throughout the year. Meetings on Thursday commence at 10am and fnish at midday. For further information, please contact Gloria Francis on 02 6629 1442.



‘Seniors February meeting attendance 56, apologies 6. Deaths: sympathy to families of recently passed former members, Shirley Chaseling; Jean Brown; Val Davidge. Also, to Judith Ireland & Bob Townsend, who lost relatives. Sick: best wishes to Betty Doggett, Alan Ryall, Doris Holbrook. New members: welcome Margaret Wilks, Judy Johnson. Correspondence: In, bank statement; Ou! letters to new members; letters inviting patron, trustee, auditor, solicitor. Guest speaker: planned ambulance paramedic late cancellation due to urgent call out. Bus Trips: day to Dorrigo, 1 March, 2024,35 booked; 4-day tour to Stanthorpe area, from I 1 Sept.’24, now on sale, seats still available; day to Lennox Head are4 Fri 3 May, will go on sale at March meeting. General Business: emergency evacuation for food or fre, be aware of what to take, & be able to grab it in an instant.

AGM: will be held in conjunction with March general meeting, Tues, 12 March. Note early start, 10am. Have questions for guest speaker, federal member, Kevin Hogan. Meeting competition winners: M. Sales: D. Bailey; B. Smith; y. chard; G. Mealia; J Johnson; C. Doggett. Enquiries: Sandra, 66427720: or 0417 464 946)

GRAFTON AND DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB - Connecting people with an interest in gardening, plants, fowers, and nature. We will be holding our AGM at our next meeting, Thursday 7th March, 10am to midday at the Joan Muir Centre. 194 Turf St Grafton. $2 entry at the door, bring some morning tea to share if you are able. Visitors are free for their frst meeting so come along if you would like to. Please note that Membership Fees are increasing from $10 to $15 this year and are payable in March. You can do a bank transfer to the Club’s bank account see bank details in the latest Newsletter emailed to you recently. Or you can pay in cash at the next meeting Please think about nominating for a role on the Committee or just putting forward your name as a general committee member with no particular role, someone who can be called on to help out if needed. Our guest speaker will be Di from Honeybee Hives, always a popular topic. Also, our Bring and Buy table and From My Garden table will be set up. Don’t forget your name badge and pop your mobile on Silent during the meeting please.

LONG WAY HOME STORY COMPETITION - It’s time for local writers to look at the twilight sky for inspiration, with the launch of this year’s Long Way Home story competition. Long Way Home editor Claire Aman said the competition invites Clarence locals of all ages to write a story on the theme ‘Fly by Night. ’We’re hoping to get lots of wild and imaginative stories featuring fying foxes, the night sky, and travelling in the dark,’ said Claire. ‘From our inner realms to wild places, fying foxes are the stuff of fable. They can fll the sky, they can travel more than a thousand kilometres, they sleep upside own. They’ve inspired Batman, Bartok the Magnifcent, Batty Koda, and Dracula. If not fying foxes, think about fying by night and see what else you can come up with. The sky’s the limit. ‘We want stories from primary and high school students, and from adults. We’re looking for original stories that move us or surprise us, stories that make us curious about what happens next. We look for authentic voices with a touchstone of the writer’s own culture and experience, enlivened by imagination. ‘The competition grows more popular each year. We discovered some fabulous writing last year, especially from winners Loueen Winters, Eva Patricks and Zali Nicholls. We hope to unearth new talent this year. ‘As with previous years, the best entries will be published in a book. ‘Stories from the Clarence Valley 2024 - Fly by Night,’ will be released at the end of this year. The deadline for all stories is 1 June. Adults’ stories have a 2,500-word limit, while high school and primary students have a 500 word and 200 word limit respectively. More details fnd us on

Facebook Claire 0423 747 468

GRAFTON CWA - Meetings of Grafton CWA are held on the 2nd Friday of each month, starting with morning tea at 9.30am, followed by the meeting at 10am. The meetings are held in CWA Rooms, at the corner of Duke and Pound Sts. New members are always welcome. Craft mornings are held in the CWA Rooms on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, starting at .30am. Everyone is welcome, bring along some craft, and enjoy morning tea with other ladies who have similar interests and can share their knowledge. All types of crafts can be done- knitting, sewing, patchwork, applique, beading, card making, paper craft, macrame etc, whatever is your area of interest.



CLUB - Perhaps it’s time to fnd out what it’s all about! If you would like to improve your communication and leadership skills. Make new friends and have fun, you are warmly invited to attend the Mighty Clarence Toastmasters Club. We meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday evening of each month. You may attend either from the comfort of your own home via zoom or join us in person at the Joan Muir Community Centre: 194 Turf Street, Grafton.


EXERCISE CLASSES - Every Friday at the Uniting Church, Prince Street. Join us for gentle exercises designed for Seniors. We meet at 10.30a.m. for a cuppa and a chat with the exercises commencing at 11. All equipment is provided and there is no cost to the participants. Further information can be obtained from Chris 0400490691 or Dot on 66423248 or 0477213017

GRAFTON VIEW CLUB meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Grafton District Services Club, Mary Street, commencing at 10.30am. Please come along, enjoy yourself with a tasty meal, a motivated guest speaker & ultimately disadvantaged children will be helped. Please phone 66424719 for catering purposes no later than the Friday before the meeting. As well, a mid-month social outing is held. You are warmly invited to come along to the next meeting to have some fun & help disadvantaged children. Hope to see you there!


Many items are being ‘rested’ and replaced with different interesting historical photographs, paintings, and objects. Come to see if you can “spot” the changes! Our museum is constantly changing, just like the lovely garden that surrounds it! When did you last “drop in? All our museums have different collections and are entertaining so check out the opening times for Alumy Creek, Iluka,Yamba, Glenreagh, Maclean, Lawrence and Copmanhurst.

Schaeffer House hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Sun 1-4pm Admission Family of four $12.00 Adults $5.00 and children $2.00 We have been welcoming many new members lately, if you would like to join our historical society, you too, can receive our quarterly newsletters and receive many benefts in the Research Area.


HASTINGS POINT COMMUNITY CHOIR - Do you enjoy singing. Our repertoire covers a variety of music styles – both unison and part singing We would love you to join us. New members needed. You will be made most welcome When: Tuesday Evenings from 7pm – 8.30pm Where: Tricare Residential Village Community Room Tweed Coast Road, next to Shell Petrol Station. For more information, contact Jean Berry 0414794380

PROBUS CLUB OF HASTINGS POINT - The Probus Club of Hastings Point Tweed Coast meets at 10am on 3rd Tuesday each month, in the residents’ lounge at Hastings Point Tricare. Retirees and seniors are welcome to join this happy social group. Phone the Probus president 0409872773 for additional information.


KINGSCLIFF 500 CARD CLUBKingscliff 500 Card Club. Monday and Wednesday afternoons 1pm to 4pm Cudgen Surf Club

New players WELCOME Contact: GARY 0499869992

KINGSCLIFF PROBUS CLUB - First Wednesday of the month, 10am to 12 noon in the function room of Kingscliff Bowls Club. We have an interesting guest speaker each month plus bus trips to various points on the map each third Wednesday of the month. Retirees and seniors are most welcome to join us in this happy social group.

59 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times
and independent COMMUNITY NOTICES

The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024


For more information please phone

Janet 0439230125


LIFE WRITING WORKSHOPUSING THE FIVE SENSES - A practical two-hour workshop that focuses on the use of the fve senses in creative nonfction. This includes local history, family history, memoir, autobiography, personal essay, travel, or feature article writing. Whether consciously or sub-consciously, we experience the world through our senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. The use of sensory language adds richness and depth to writing, while tempting the reader’s imagination.

WHEN:1.00 - 3.00pm, Saturday

23 March WHERE: Laneway Community Space (aka ‘The Youthie’) 161 Summerland Way Kyogle COST: $20 – or whatever you can afford to pay. No questions asked. FORMAT: We write, we read, we discuss. After introductions and a brief outline of the workshop I have people writing quickly. This is a writing workshop – bring whatever you want to write with. Numbers are limited phone 0408 676 550 Please arrive in time to start at 1pm.This workshop is presented with support from Kyogle Together.

KYOGLE WRITERS GROUPKyogle Writers Group meets on the last Saturday of each month and we welcome newcomers. We meet at the Roxy Lane back. entrance to the Kyogle Memorial Institute (Supper Room). Our aim is to provide support and encouragement for those new to writing, as well as more experienced writers. We practice many genres of writing poetry, memoir, and journaling to name a few. Morning tea at 9.30am is followed by our meeting from 10.00am till 12.00 pm. Throughout the year we have planned some wonderful writing workshops facilitated by local authors. For further information contact Vince on 0459 574179 or Susan on 0414 958245.

SAVE THE DATE - Kyogle Garden Club Inc will be holding their Annual Flower & Foliage Spectacular again this year on Friday 19th April 9am – 5pm & Saturday 20th April 8am – 2pm at St Brigid’s School Hall & Grounds. Entry Fee will be $3 & light refreshments will be available. There will be lots of plants on display & for sale along with lots of other garden-related art & products. Phil Dudman from ABC Gardening will make a guest appearance on Friday this year from 10.30am.

On Saturday there will be Guest Speakers & Demonstrations that are sure to be of interest to the keen gardener. There will be Raffes on the hour over the two days so chances are you will go home with something worthwhile to add to your garden. A variety of plant stalls with Cacti, succulents, bromeliads, natives, indoor plants, fresh fowers & many more will be available not to mention the Club Stall which will be packed with plants. Put these dates on your calendar & come along. Lots to see & a great way to catch up with friends & share a cuppa & delicious homemade delight from St Brigid’s Canteen

KYOGLE SUNSHINE CLUB Meets every Thursday at 9.30am. For more details contact 0499824274.

KYOGLE TIDY TOWNS FARMERS MARKET Held every Saturday morning in Stratheden Street from 8am -12. Come along grab some local fruit & veggies, experience all Kyogle has to offer.

New Stall Holders welcome. Ph: Anne 66321851

LION’S CLUB OF KYOGLEMeeting is held on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month at the Kyogle Lion’s shed from 6.30–7pm. Contact Neville Moon on 0448222334.

RICHMOND RIVER BEEF PRODUCER’S ASSOCIATION - Meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at Kyogle Showgrounds in the luncheon room at 7pm.

Ph: Jan on 0427293455.


Fourth Saturday of every month. See Rotary Kyogle Bazaar on social media for all the details or call 0459512249.



Craft Mornings on Mondays 9.30am-12noon in the community centre at Lennox Head. Call Jan on 66816150.


CLUB - The Lennox Head Day VIEW Club meets on the frst Monday of each month at the Lennox Head Community Centre with the meeting starting at 11am and includes an interesting speaker and concludes with a light lunch. An informal Coffee and Chat meeting is held on the third

Monday of the month. The Club sponsors three students through The Smith Family Learning for Life scholarship program that provides educational items for disadvantaged Australian children. New members and guests are most warmly welcomed, and enquiries may be made to Enid 047187511 or Dawn 0466717435.


VIEW CLUB Meets on the second Tuesday of each month upstairs at the Lennox Hotel at 6.30pm for dinner at 7pm. Guests are welcome. “VIEW members support the education of disadvantaged Australian children by raising much needed funds for The Smith Family. Through fundraising activities and social events in local communities, members raise money that goes directly to The Smith Family’s learning and mentoring programs for disadvantaged. students.” Lennox Head Evening VIEW Club currently sponsors two Learning for Life students.

Ph: Sue Brennan 0409728814.

LENNOX HEAD LIONS CLUBNew members welcome to join our close-knit club where the emphasis is on community service in a fun environment. Meetings are on the frst and Third Wednesday of each month at Club Lennox starting at 6.30pm. Members do what they can, when they can to facilitate the needs of our club.


HEAD - Meets 9.30 for 10 at Club Lennox, 10 Stewart Street, on the frst Thursday of each month. Visitors are welcome, also retired, or semi-retired people wishing to join our non-service club to hear interesting guest speakers and to join in trips and outings are invited along. Ph: June Zentveld on 66871004



inc: Note next General meeting date has been changed to Thursday 7th March, 11am for members, Molesworth Street, Club House. Friday 22nd March, 11am - 1pm - You are invited to Seniors

Week “Come and Play - Social Friday - FREE Sausage Sizzle”, at the Lismore Croquet Club. For information or become a new member call Fay on 0412910487.

WE ARE BACK Lismore Base Hospital Auxiliary Shop is up and running in the Foyer of LBH. We are a fun group to join and are looking for new Members to help in the shop one day a month, help with our Markets and raffes days we need, sewers, crocheters and jam makers. Last year we donated around $80,000 in vital equipment that was on the Hospital Wish list. This year we are looking at buying 5 Ook Snow LC Low Falls Prevention Beds plus the accessories at the cost of $54,395.00. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm at the Lismore Workers Sports Club. 202 Oliver Avenue Goonellabah. We would love to see you there.

LISMORE PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP. We meet every third Friday of the month Next group Meeting is 15th of March 2024. Commences at 10am to 12pm at the South Lismore Bowls Club, 25 Wilson Street South Lismore. New members welcomed. Snacks & Cold drinks available. Tea and Coffee with a Gold Coin Donation. Social Networking, Companion Support Group, and special guest speaker. Contact Marie 0448871290


MEMBERS WANTED! Ladies, it’s now ‘24 so open a new door for yourself and your community by joining the Lismore CWA Branch? You’ll discover fun, & friendship with a diverse group of ladies of varying ages just waiting to meet you. We meet once a month and share ideas & plans regarding our role in contributing to the wellbeing of women & children in our community. Whilst waiting on our beautiful rooms in Spinks Park to be restored after the 2022 food damage, we meet at ‘Norma’s Kitchen’ at the Lismore Showgrounds for a 9:30am catch-up followed by our meeting at 10:00am. We also conduct weekly craft meetings providing fun & learning. Why not come along as a ‘guest’ to see how you fnd the experience? For more information on the benefts of becoming a member of Lismore CWA Branch simply call our President HELEN DARGIN on 0438 828 619. For Craft enquiries call VICKI BOYLE on 0437 465 642. In this very special Lismore CWA 100th Anniversary Year we so look forward to meeting you.

THE LISMORE SNR. CITIZENS SOCIAL CLUB A.G.M. will take place on Thursday March 7th commencing at 9a.m. at the Senior Citizens Meeting Room located in the Goonellabah Library building.

LISMORE LIONS CLUB - Please save your used stamps to raise

funds for The Australian Lions Children’s Mobility Foundation. Stamps are collected & forwarded on to be sorted & sold at Auction, to raise money for Children’s Mobility contact Margaret Boxsell on 0427141425

LISMORE CITY BOWLING AND RECREATION CLUB Community BINGO every Monday morning 10 am to 12 noon. Morning tea and Progressive Jackpot. All welcome. Phone 66 21 5991.

LISMORE CITY CONCERT BAND - Rehearsals are held during school terms on Mondays, 6.15-7.45pm at Southern Cross University. If you can play a concert band instrument: brass, woodwind, or percussion, please come and join us! All ages welcome. We have some instruments available for loan.

Ph: 0432575911

LISMORE MEN & COMMUNITY SHED - President: Mr Bob Greig 0404860504 publicity offcer Don

Abrahams 0437576837 Opening

Hours: Tuesday & Thursday 9.00am – 3.00pm. We are a community based non-proft organisation. Everybody is welcome: men, women & people with a disability of all ages. We encourage social inclusion. Our aim is to promote the mental, physical & emotional wellbeing of people in our community.

Shed Activities Members work on their own projects, Mentoring is available, General woodworking, Welding & light engineering, Repair & restoration of items for the public Constructing projects, of items for the public Constructing projects for preschools, hospitals & other organisations Assembling fatpack, Minor maintenance work for the elderly & disabled, working with the disabled, talking with other members or simply having company. Memberships: $40-year Attendance Fee: $3 tea/coffee 15 Industry Drive East Lismore


INC. - Lismore Orchid Society now meets 3rd Wednesday each month, 1:30pm to 4:00pm at Goonellabah Community Centre in the Goonellabah Public Library, 27 Oliver Ave Goonellabah. Ph: Bev on 0400326289


Meet at the Goonellabah Community Centre every second Thursday starting at 9am where we have morning tea followed by games bingo how etc we play cards Monday and Friday and play bowls Tuesdays and craft every second Tuesday afternoons come and join our friendly group you will be very welcome.

LISMORE SPINNERS & WEAVERS - Please join us…... Weaving, Spinning, Felting, Dyeing, Knitting, Crochet, Workshops, Chat…. Sharing Craft & Ideas.From 10am, on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays of each month. (Formal business meeting is 10.30-11.30 every 1st Friday) McLeans Ridges Hall Cnr Cowlong and McLeans Ridges Rds. (off Bruxner Hwy) Morning Tea provided. Bring your lunch (and a mug) Contac: Kim: 0423935060, Linda: 0419489987

LISMORE TARGET RIFLE CLUB for .22 calibre rifes, meets Wed nights from 6.30pm & the 1st & 3rd Sat of each month from 1.00 pm. Air rife shooting for .22 & 177 air rifes will also be available at the Saturday shoots. For more information, please phone Derek on 66282082 (ah).

CO-DEPENDANTS ANONYMOUS (CoDA) - CoDependants Anonymous is a Twelve Step Fellowship of people whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships. The only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy relationships. The CoDA meeting in the Lismore area meets on Mondays from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at Riverland’s Drug and Alcohol Centre. 75 Hunter Street, Lismore. For further information call 0456178826 or 0408336143


CLUB Community Bingo Tuesday night 7.30pm start. 20 games of bingo + progressive jackpot Neilson Street East Lismore. Everyone Welcome


TENNIS - Social Tennis is played at East Lismore Tennis Club, Cnr Neilson St & Oakley Avenue every Tuesday from 8am. We invite social players of all abilities to join us, we are a mixed group who enjoy a morning’s tennis without the commitment of competition. Ph: Fay Ross 0412910487. Everyone welcome.

MAINLY MUSIC - Fun, interactive, music sessions for young children [birth to school age] and their parents/caregivers in a relaxed setting on Tuesdays starting at 9:30am during School Terms. Children will be introduced to music, creativity and more. They will develop gross motor skills, as well as socialise with others in a

loving, shared family environment. Morning tea with snacks included. Mainly Music at Lismore Anglican Parish Centre, 10 Zadoc Street, LISMORE. T: 0266213200


HEIGHTS - Our mixed group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Lismore Heights Bowling Club in High St. Our brief meeting is followed by morning tea and a guest speaker. Senior’s lunch for $15 at noon is optional. Guests and visitors are welcome. Ring/text Pam on 0418766247 for details of our other monthly social gatherings and outings.


NETWORKING - Want to be part of an innovative, interesting, and inclusive networking group who meet fortnightly to share ideas, meet other professionals and work together to make a difference in your community? Then Rotary Club of Lismore Networking could be the answer for you! Meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month at 5.30pm at The Civic Hotel (210 Molesworth Street Lismore). Ph: Rita on 0413300578 or Gae 0412742095.


WEST INC - East Lismore Bowling Club each Thursday at 6pm. New members would be made most welcome. Further information available on 0428151934.


- Interested in contributing to community? Local and international? The Rotary Club of Summerland Sunrise meets every Friday at 7.05am for Breakfast at Options Cafe, Main St. Alstonville until further notice. Join us at Options please. Ph: 0435990919

SUMMERLAND AMATEUR RADIO CLUB - Meetings of the club are normally held on the second Sunday of each month at the clubrooms: 412 Richmond Hill Road, Richmond Hill at 1pm. Visitors are welcome. The clubrooms are usually open on Sunday afternoons from about 1pm onwards. We are primarily amateur radio enthusiasts and welcome persons interested in radio, electronics, astronomy, and similar subjects.

SUMMERLAND BONSAI SOCIETY INC.Come and learn an addictive hobby with us. We provide personal support from experienced teachers as well as demonstrations and Bonsai information. Club days are held on the second Saturday of every month at 1pm in the Red Dove at Lismore Be inspired about the art of creating little trees. Ph: 0438103601

ZEN AND INSIGHT MEDITATION – LISMORE HEIGHTS INSIGHT (VIPASSANA) MEDITATION and practice: This mindfulnessbased meditation group sits on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm. The evening includes meditation instructions, sitting and walking meditation, Dharma talks and discussion.

For further details, please contact Rosie - 0402682925

ZEN MEDITATION and practice The Zen meditation group sits on Mondays from 6:30pm-8:15pm. The evening includes instructions, sitting meditation, Dharma talks and individual interviews with the teacher. For further details, please phone: 0427778837 Beginners and experienced meditations are warmly welcomed at both groups.



Saturday 2 March at Lismore

Children’s Library, 10am-1pm

Come and join the celebrations! We will be making some Seuss craft, reading a book or two, having a parade and eating cake. Dress up as your favourite Seuss character to join the parade! SOCIAL CIRCLE:


Friday 1 March at Lismore Pop-up Library, 10am-12pm Join this fun group every Friday morning at 10am. This Friday we share any book recommendations and discuss our favourite parts. ATLAS - BOOK LOVERS CLUB Wednesday 6 March at Goonellabah Library, 4pm-5pm Atlas brings together three clubs and is designed for young people between 5 to 15 years. Each club meets regularly during school terms for interactive online sessions led by Library educators, with special guest appearances by authors and illustrators. CONTACT

US: Lismore Pop-up Library 02 6621 2464 Lismore Children’s Library 02 6625 5190 Goonellabah Library 02 6625 1235


MACLEAN VIEW CLUB - Monthly meetings the 3rd Thursdays of each month at 11am. Contact Ruth Toyer on 0409844212 by Mondays, no later than 7pm. Numbers are required for catering




MURWILLUMBAH - Fine art printmakers. Meet at studio space 224 Stokers Rd, Stokers Siding. Prints, gallery, workshops and more! Ph: Peter 0498399640 or Sue 0408493253.

MURWILLUMBAH COMMUNITY GARDENMembers and visitors are invited to join the group for activities and gardening tips most Sundays. Time 3-5pm, street parking, BYO, covered footwear, comfy clothing, hat, and water. Children ok with strict supervision. Covid plan operating. Ph: Bob Johnson (02)66225792. Mummulgum


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Is drinking costing you more than money? AA works and is very active in Pottsville. We meet every Thursday 7pm at St Marks 15A Coronation Ave Pottsville and local contact 1800 423 431 or 04019 45671

POTTSVILLE FUN CROQUET CLUB Meets at Black Rocks Sports Fields on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8.30am. New members are welcome to come and join us for a hit and a bit of fun. For any further enquires please call Jean on 0431606375.

POTTSVILLE LADIES LIFEBALL - Every Thursday morning 9.30am to 11.30am. Pottsville Community Hall, $5 per session includes morning tea. No joining fees. Ph: Jan 0431909760.


POETS AND WRITERS ON THE TWEED meet every Tuesday at the South Tweed Sports Club 1.30-3.30pm. Beginners welcome. Phone 0755248035.


CLUB - Probus Club, Coolangatta/ Tweed Heads. Be at Club Tweed at 10-00am on the frst Wednesday of the Month. Visitors and new members are very welcome.


Meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at South Tweed Community Centre from 9-1pm at 18 Heffron Street Tweed Heads south all beginners welcome phone Moira on 0418686643. A friendly group of people with common interest in seeing, quilting and related craft.


V I E W as in Voice, Interests, Education of Women - (Not many people are aware of what ‘VIEW’ club stands for!) AND NOT ONLY IN NAME: We are a group of ladies who care what will become of our youth! Our heritage – Their heritage – It is sad but true that many of our young people have no direction in their lives. Every morning, we wake to the news that violence has occurred overnight in what was once considered a safe neighbourhood. How do these offending children/ youth feel the next morning knowing they have caused so much heartache - is this why we also hear of youth harming themselves so they can spread the pain? So, this is where VIEW Clubs and other similar clubs are starting from the bottom of the ladder by providing much needed funds to educate our youngsters so they will WANT to become the very best person they can not only in education but in their community and being proud of themselves and giving their parents hope for their child’s future. We at TWIN


PROVIDE THE NECESSARY FUNDS to educate just 7 of these children. We know not where they come from, but someone in their community has contacted THE SMITH FAMILY and they in turn contact VIEW CLUBS OF AUSTRALIA who anonymously contact a VIEW Club who in turn take over the responsibility for these worthy children’s fees and so year after year their tertiary fees are paid. These fees are raised by VIEW Club members who attend meetings, listen to interesting guest speakers, and regularly have days out at each other’s homes – so FUN and a tremendous satisfaction of knowing we are helping our future generation. More information can be gleaned by contacting our President Kathie on 0407709629.



Yamba Day View Club’s monthly luncheons are held at Yamba Bowling Club on 3rd Monday of month, starting 10am for 10.30am. Acceptance and apologies to President Lyn 66463164 by Friday prior to luncheon for catering purposes. We hold a monthly social outing either for lunch or morning tea and visitors are always welcome.


Lions Club’s meetings are held 2nd & 4th Thursdays of month at Yamba Bowling Club, commencing at 7pm for 7.30pm. For further information, please contact the Secretary Peter 0417546097. Social outings also held at various time and visitors and new members’ welcome.





The next meeting of the Northern Rivers Evening Prostate Cancer Support Group for 2024 is to be held on Wednesday March 6th7pm until 9 pm at the LISMORE


CLUB 202 OLIVER AVENUE, GOONELLABAH Meals available at the Club Men previously and newly diagnosed with prostate cancer are urged to join with the group to experience the personal cancer stories told which give a great opportunity for all to share, learn and beneft from each other - Partners and Carers are also most welcome to attend as family are very much involved with the process and treatment of those with this diagnosis –Theme for this evening Quality Sharing ph Bob Johnson (02) 6622 5792

NRCF WOMEN’S GIVING CIRCLE - The Northern Rivers Community Foundation (NRFC) is inviting Northern Rivers women to play an active role in empowering vulnerable women and girls in our region. The newly formed NRFC’s Women’s Giving Circle brings Northern Rivers women together to achieve equality and human rights for women and girls in our region and enable them to realise their full potential. Ph: 0499862886

The NORTHERN RIVERS HASH HOUSE HARRIERS is a non-proft community group that is part of a worldwide organisation. The Hash House Harriers meet every Monday at 6pm for a run/walk from various locations around Lismore, Alstonville, and Ballina. The run/ walk lasts for approximately an hour, followed by friendship, banter and grub. We are very friendly and welcome new members.

NORTHERN RIVERS PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP - Covering Wollongbar to Ocean Shores. Meets 2nd Friday of each month at Summerland Farm, Wardell Road, Alstonville. A general catch up & chat with the opportunity to join in a casual Q&A session with Rebecca, our Parkinson’s nurse. She will be there to answer any questions that you may have about anything to do with living with Parkinson’s or supporting or caring for a loved one. Maybe you want to know about symptoms, medication, treatments, or services etc. Rebecca is there to support us and help you manage your disease so that you live your best life. All those living with Parkinson’s Disease or those supporting them are most welcome.

Please RSVP Cheryl 0428286753.

NORTHERN RIVERS NAVAL & MARINERS ASSOCIATION - This association was formed to attract veterans for companionship, wellbeing and to supply advocacy to veterans. We hold an informal gathering every Friday, 2.30pm at Ballina Angling Club (families are welcome). Ph: Allan Watt: 0402 749 582


Al-Anon Family Groups: 1300 252 666 * * Not everyone trapped by alcohol is an alchoholic. Family and friends are suffering too. Al-Anon and Alateen can help.

BALLINA, WEDNESDAY, 6.30pm, St Mary’s Anglican Church Admin Building, 24 Burnet St (also via Zoom Meeting, ID 25260000, dial-in option: +61 2 8015 6011)

BANORA POINT, MONDAY, 6.30pm, Salvation Army, The Community Centre, cnr Woodlands and Leisure Drives

BANGALOW, FRIDAY 2.00PM, via Zoom Meeting, ID 25260000, dial-in option: +61 2 8015 6011

CHINDERAH, SUNDAY 4.00pm, Seventh Day Adventist Church, 83 Phillip St GRAFTON, TUESDAY, 12.00 noon, CWA Rooms, Market Square, Duke St ILUKA, MONDAY 11.00am, Iluka CWA Hall, 2 Charles Street (behind Iluka Museum)

LISMORE/GOONELLABAH, TUESDAY, 1.00pm, The Studio, 14 Pleasant St, Goonellabah (also via Zoom Meeting, ID 25260000, dial-in option: +61 2 8015 6011)

MURWILLUMBAH, WEDNESDAY, 1.00pm, Church of Christ, 18 William St, Murwillumbah

TWEED HEADS, THURSDAY, 5.00pm, NSW TIME, St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church Hall, 13 Powell St (cnr Florence St)

TWEED HEADS, ALATEEN, THURSDAY, 5.00pm, St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church Hall, 13 Powell St (cnr Florence St)




Northern Rivers District:

Partly cloudy. Slight chance of a shower near the Queensland border. Light winds.

Thursday. The chance of morning fog. Sunny day. Light winds becoming northeasterly 15 to 20 km/h during the afternoon then becoming light during the evening.

Northern Tablelands District:

Mostly sunny. Slight chance of a shower in the south. Winds easterly 15 to 20 km/h becoming light during the morning.

Thursday. Mostly sunny. The chance of morning fog on and east of the ranges. Slight chance of a shower. The chance of a storm in the afternoon and evening. Light winds becoming northwest to southwesterly 15 to 20 km/h during the morning then becoming light during the evening.

New South Wales:

The chance of a shower along the ranges. Dry and mostly sunny elsewhere. Hot in the west. Patchy morning fog possible about the ranges. Daytime temperatures well above average across the west and south, grading to near average in the northeast. Northeast to northwesterly winds, freshening along the coast. A southwesterly change entering the far southwest in the afternoon or evening.

Thursday. Hot to very hot. The chance of a shower or storm across most districts, except the far northeast and southwest. Patchy morning fog possible in the northeast. Daytime temperatures well above average. Northeast to northwesterly winds, tending westerly over the ranges and becoming fresh to strong about the Alpine peaks. Winds freshening along the coast during the afternoon. A southwesterly change spreading across the west, south and central districts during the day.

Byron Coast:

Winds: Southeasterly 10 to 15 knots turning easterly below 10 knots during the day. Seas: Below 1 metre. 1st Swell: Southerly around 1 metre inshore, increasing to 1 to 1.5 metres offshore south of Cape Byron during the morning. 2nd Swell: Easterly around 1 metre. Weather: Mostly sunny.

Coffs Coast: Winds: East to northeasterly below 10 knots increasing to 10 to 15 knots during the day then decreasing to about 10 knots during the evening. Seas: Below 1 metre. 1st Swell: Southerly around 1 metre inshore, increasing to 1 to 1.5 metres offshore during the morning. 2nd Swell: Easterly around 1 metre. Weather: Mostly sunny.

Gold Coast Waters: Winds: Southeasterly 10 to 15 knots turning easterly during the evening. Seas: Below 1 metre. Swell: Easterly around 1 metre. Weather: Mostly sunny.


1008 1008 1008 016 1016 1016 1016 997 1007 1006 1017 1023 TODAY 10AM 1000 1008 1008 1016 1016 1016 1016 1007 1006 1021 TOMORROW 10AM 1024 1008 1008 1016 1016 1016 1016 1006 1007 101 1025 FRIDAY 10AM FORECAST cold front warm front 1024 hectoPascal (hPa) trough Forecast Rain 24 hrs to 9am Warnings: Latest info at Warnings 1300 659 210 State Service 1300 934 034 Coastal Waters 1300 978 023 BYRON BAY UV ALERT 9:10am - 4:50pm MAX UV Index 12 (extreme) TIDES, SUN & MOON Ballina Issued February 26, 2024 for February 28, 2024 Sunny Mostly sunny Partly cloudy Cloudy Chance shower Shower or two Showers Light rain (drizzle) Rain Storm Showers storm Windy Dust Fog 1.5m WEATHER Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Low:5:10am0.4m High:11:27am1.4m Low:5:33pm0.4m High:11:55pm1.4m Low:5:49am0.5m High:11:57am1.3m Low:6:00pm0.4m High:12:33am1.4m Low:6:34am0.6m High:12:30pm1.2m Low:6:28pm0.4m High:1:16am1.4m Low:7:29am0.6m High:1:08pm1.1m Low:7:01pm0.5m High:2:11am1.3m Low:8:41am0.7m High:2:01pm1.0m Low:7:47pm0.5m
Low:10:13am0.7m High:3:25pm0.9m Low:8:56pm0.6m RiseSet
RiseSet Sun6:37am7:20pm Moon9:43pm10:22am RiseSet Sun6:38am7:19pm Moon10:15pm11:17am RiseSet Sun6:39am7:17pm Moon10:52pm12:15pm RiseSet Sun6:39am7:16pm Moon11:35pm1:16pm RiseSet Sun6:40am7:15pm MoonNil2:18pm Kyogle Mullumbimby Kingcliff Wed 20 30 Thu 20 32 Fri 21 34 Sat 21 34 Sun 22 27 Murwillambah Wed 23 28 Thu 22 28 Fri 23 29 Sat 23 29 Sun 23 26 Byron Bay Wed 21 30 Thu 21 30 Fri 22 31 Sat 22 32 Sun 22 28 Tweed Heads Wed 21 29 Thu 20 31 Fri 21 32 Sat 21 33 Sun 21 27 Ballina Wed 21 30 Thu 21 32 Fri 21 33 Sat 22 34 Sun 22 27 Evans Head Wed 22 29 Thu 22 30 Fri 23 31 Sat 23 32 Sun 23 26 Yamba Wed 20 33 Thu 20 36 Fri 21 36 Sat 22 36 Sun 22 27 Grafton Wed 15 28 Thu 15 31 Fri 18 33 Sat 18 31 Sun 17 22 Tenterfield Wed 19 29 Thu 18 32 Fri 19 34 Sat 20 34 Sun 20 26 Lismore

Harwood looks to be in a prime position to snare the minor premiership in its frst year back in the Clarence River frst grade cricket competition.

After rolling Tucabia Copmanhurst for just 109, Harwood replied to be 1/60 at the end of day one at Harwood Oval.

In contrast its closest rival, Lawrence, has a contest on its hands against reigning premiers GDSC Easts, which racked up 6/196 from just 50 overs.

Tucabia’s modest 109 could have been worse except for innings of 37no from veteran Matt Pigg and 24 from Travis Anderson.

Dean Carroll, who smote 260no before Christmas for Harwood’s Lower Clarence frst grade team, showed his talent with the ball opening the bowling and snaring 3/30.

He made two early breakthroughs and returned later to pick up the dangerous Matt Dougherty for 11.

Brothers Ben and Jacob McMahon picked up a pair of wickets as did the other opening bowler Troy Turner.

At 1/60 and with a wealth of batting in the sheds Harwood need only to snare frst innings points to take

23.02.2024 BALLINA

1. Jan small, 2. Jan He let, 3. Shirley Atkinson, 4. Lesley Ritchie, 5. June Greenaway, 6. Joy Lowien, 7. Gladys D’Anna, 8. Barbara Ellan, 9. Lisa Wong, 10. Pam Farrell, 11. Lorna Simpson, 12. Janene Jarvis, 13. Jeanette Henwood, 14. Jan Boardman, 16. Ronda Taylor, 17. Pauline Kearney, 18. Sally Lowry, 19. Jane Fenech, 20. Linda Lloyd, 21. Cindy Smith, 22. Val Heinritz, 23. Susan Allan, 24. Vanessa Reynolds, 26. Diana Auret, 26. Ann Hewitt, 27. Ramsay Roper, 28. Susan Scott, 29. Valda McLerie, 30. Yvonne Weddup, 31.

the minor premiership.

Opener Maison Simmons is unbeaten on 29 and Coby Tabor is with him on 15no when play resumes on Saturday.

Lawrence, the only team to keep pace with the front runners this season, seem certain to take second spot.

They are in a battle with Easts at Lower

Fisher Turf, Grafton. After a lean couple of games with the bat Easts all rounder Shannon Connor found form on Saturday with 70 from 92 balls.

His innings with fve fours and a six was relatively sedate compared to his usual freworks and has put his team in a highly competitive position

Kathy Pickles, Shirley Coleman, 33. Caro Lawless


Ivy Watson, Maria

Hellyar, Denise Skinner & Jan Cooke Fours Club Champions

On Wednesday 21/2 the fnal for the Fours Club Championship was played & congratulations to Jan Cooke, Denise Skinner, Maria Hellyar & Ivy Watson for winning this event.

Well, played by the runners up: Marlene Jordan, Denise Grice, Mary Mead & Kay Jonsson.



The winner of social golf on Sunday was Matthew Gooding with a stableford score of 21. The putting trophy went to G. Shephard with 15 putts and G.Randall won the players draw. Nearest to pins: 2nd, J.Rankin. 3rd & 7th, R.Ruttley. 4th, G.Shephard. 6th & 8th, G.Raddall.

18th G.Skennar. Next Sunday’s event sponsored by Vinny will be a single stroke on the top 11 holes for the monthly medal and visitors are welcome to play with hit off from 6-30am till 730am.




D.Simmons M.Donati 21 d R.Chapman

D.Scott 14

P.Waters P.Hume 21 d

S.Hume G.Porter 9 RICOCHET


P.Bolte R.Chapman 11

d R.Allen D.Scott 10

J.Doust B.Bill 9 d

B.Waters C.Woodlands 6

N.Barnes J.Hannigan 11 d P.Scott 7

R.Poynting 13 d

R.Allen M.Russell 12

N.Watts R.Sparks 13 d

R.Offey J.Hannigan 11


M.Field 14 d D.Jones

N.Poynting 11

going into day two.

Sean Walters with 36, Tom Gerrard, 24 and Matt Lobsey, with 20, all helped get the total competitive before players were forced to leave the feld due to lightning and rain delays.

Big hitting Aiden Tredinnick is at the crease on 14no with Ted Lobsey, also on 14no. They will be looking to get their score well past 200 and give their bowlers a formidable target to defend.

At Ellem Oval Souths Westlawn and Coutts Crossing also had to contend with the storm that hit Grafton on Saturday, with Coutts racking up 6/143 on the back of a stylish 72 from Lewis Chevalley.

Souths Westlawn legspinning all-rounder Brenden Cotton was the best of the bowlers with four wickets for 29 runs. Chevalley and opening bat Tim Tilse 26, combined for an 88-run frst wicket partnership that ended when Cotten bowled Tilse.

Four more wickets tumbled for the addition of 30 runs.

Coutts will have 11 overs to build on their total, although South Westlawn’s indifferent form with the bat in recent games might suggest they are in a comfortable position.


Div 3 : M.Russell 20 d

B.Wellings 13

Hcp Doubles : R.Poynting N.Poynting 8 d G.Kerr P.Waters 7. C.Edlund J.Doust 14 d

P.Scott N.Barnes 8




Casino v Byron Bay

Ref Debbie Jones

Alstonville v Lismore

Ref David Scott

Ballina v Cherry Street

Ref Ray Chapman

All new players very welcome.

Play days Tuesday, Thursday, Sundays.



THURSDAY 22/2/24

47 golfers played winner J Celich, 2nd B Waterson, 3rd P Smith, free game W Henwood, chicken/ ball winners P Bruggy, J Nilsson, D Knox, M Bruggy, R Rodda, P Sugden, S McDonough, K Osborne, P Lassig, T Beemster, T Doyle, J Savins. Nearest pins 3rd/12th T Foster, 6th/15th B Waterson.

This Thursday 29/2/24 will ba an 18hole single stableford commencing at 8.00am followed by our monthly barbque.



SPORTS NEWS 62 The Northern Rivers Times February 29, 2024
Aiden Tredinnick doesn’t mind launching the ball to and over the boundary and has a licence to thrill when he resumes batting on 14no on Saturday.

The collaboration between the Tweed Seagulls Women’s team and Gold Coast Airport has been a cornerstone of the team’s identity since its inception in 2019.

Gold Coast Airport has proudly held the front-of-jersey naming rights sponsorship for the team since they joined the QRL statewide competition, and this partnership has evolved into a mutually benefcial alliance.

In anticipation of the 2024 BMD Premiership season, Gold Coast Airport and the Tweed Seagulls Women’s Team have announced the extension of their valuable partnership.

Gold Coast Airport (GCA) played a pivotal role as the founding sponsor, igniting the

Tweed Seagulls’ mission to promote female rugby league in our region. Six years on, their commitment to this cause remains steadfast, contributing to the sport’s rapid growth in female participation.

Built upon shared values and a vision to empower local female athletes, the partnership provides a platform for them to excel both on and off the feld.

Brendon Lindsay, CEO of Tweed Seagulls, eagerly welcomed the return of Gold Coast Airport as the team’s major sponsor for the 2024 BMD season, expressing gratitude for their unwavering support over the past six years. Lindsay looks forward to nurturing this enduring partnership in the years to come.

Brian McGuckin, Chief Property and Planning Offcer of Queensland Airports Limited, echoed this sentiment, expressing GCA’s delight in renewing this signifcant partnership with Tweed Seagulls. He emphasised GCA’s longstanding commitment to supporting women in sports, a cause they have championed for years.

The participation of Australian Jillaroo legend Tarryn Aiken and Australian PM XIII star Jasmin Morrissey, both part of the Tweed Seagulls lineup for the 2024 BMD Cup, created excitement at the season’s kickoff.

Beyond business ties, the partnership between Tweed Seagulls and GCA extends into the community,

advocating for inclusion and diversity. Both organisations are dedicated to creating a welcoming environment for individuals from all backgrounds and promoting equal opportunities.

A portion of Gold Coast Airport’s sponsorship is allocated to the Tom Searle Scholarship, supporting young athletes in their academic or professional endeavors. By endorsing this scholarship, GCA reaffrms its commitment to nurturing local talent and enhancing the community’s well-being. The recipients of the Tom Searle Scholarship will be announced at the 2024 Ladies Leaders in League Breakfast, scheduled for Wednesday, May 15th.

Northern Rivers Hash House Harriers did their 2000th run/walk on

Saturday 17th February at 4 pm at the Southern Cross University where the frst run was held in 1986.

Past and present Hashers attended and after the run/walk all gathered at the Lismore City Bowling Club for a get together to celebrate and exchange stories

from the past and present.

Much frivolity was had and afterwards dinner was served.

About an hour later the cutting of the cake was done by Bob (Feel Free) who started this Hash and Peter (Hash Brown) who was an early attendee.

Always willing and able to welcome new Hashers.

The Evans Head Junior Bombers Rugby League Club are all set for a fantastic frst year back in the competition, and the support they’ve been shown is proof that junior rugby league is alive and well in the Northern Rivers. Committee members and family visited the junior bombers major sponsor, Club Evans RSL on Friday night to enjoy a meal together and get behind one of their gold sponsors, the Old Boys Club for their regular Friday Raffes. The excitement for the juniors to be back in Evans Head was evident as club committee members, Old Boys members and the public all had something encouraging to say and show that rugby league is more than just a game, it’s a community. One kind patron visiting from Runaway Bay Juniors even donated his raffe winnings back to the junior bombers so they can gift it to a deserving family.

Saturday morning saw the Junior Bombers hold their sign on day combined with a skills clinic run by the NRL Ignite team and some enthusiastic volunteers. Kids from 5-16 years came along to register, meet their coaches, and be put through their paces in a fun and encouraging atmosphere. With around 70 children already signed up, the Junior bombers will be felding 5 teams- Under 6’s, Under 8’s, Under 10’s, Under 12’s & Under 16’s. First round of the Group 1 Junior Rugby League competition kicks off on the 6th of April, with a home game at Stan Payne Oval, adding an extra dash of excitement. Second round will also be held at home on the 13th April, so mark your diaries and get behind junior rugby league. See you there!

For any club enquiries please email jnrbombers2473@

SPORTS NEWS 63 February 29, 2024 The Northern Rivers Times Locally owned and independent
Left to right: Jasmin Morrissey - BMD Cup player. Brian McGuckin – Chief Property & Planning Offcer Queensland Airports. Brendon Lindsay – CEO Tweed Seagulls. Tarryn Aiken – BMD Cup player and Australian Jillaroo
9 772652 792008 ISSN 2652-7928 Edition 190 $2.00 SPORTS NORTHERN RIVERS 02 6662 2031 WWW.NORTHERNRIVERSUSEDCARS.COM.AU FORD RANGER WILDTRAK 2016 $37,990 Vehicle Description: Top of the range, packed full of features, freshly serviced and pink slipped. Excl. Govt. Charges FORD FALCON XR6 2011 $17,950 Vehicle Description: Low km, in the right colour, books, freshly serviced and a pink slipped. Excl. Govt. Charges TOYOTA YARIS SEDAN 2009 $9,500 Vehicle Description: Awesome first car - nifty little manual. Freshly serviced and pink slipped. Excl. Govt. Charges GOLD COAST AIRPORTS ONGOING SUPPORT FOR FEMALE RUGBY LEAUGE

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Articles inside

How to make a temporary pool look good

pages 54-63

Government Grants $50 Million for Australian Scientists Pioneering World’s First Long-Term Artifcial Heart

pages 53-54

New Study Predicts Nearly 100% Increase in Cases by 2054

page 52

Supporting Seniors Amid the Transition to a Cashless Society

page 52

Putting the sham back in the poo.

page 51

Anticipating the Arrival: Porsche’s Next Hypercar Set to Electrify

page 49

Six Ways the Isuzu D-MAX is Built to Tame the Aussie Bush

page 49


page 48


page 47

Unlocking Affordable Housing Investment Opportunities Across Australia’s Cities

page 46

Navigating Generational Housing Affordability Challenges: A Closer Look

page 46

BYRON ALL SHORTS 2024 – Northern Rivers Short Film Finalists Programme

pages 43-45

A Celebration of Northern Rivers Talent!

page 43

Empowering Citizen Scientists: Tracking Rabbit Virus for Environmental Conservation

pages 42-43

ABARES Weekly Australian Climate, Water and Agricultural Update

page 41

Statement on NSW Alternatives to Buybacks Plan

page 41

NFF leadership in WA to highlight concerns of local producers

page 41

Cairns Group Farm Leaders Advocate Agricultural Trade Reform Pathway at MC13

page 40

RIC hosting free online Drought Loan webinar

page 40


page 38


page 38


pages 27-29

NSW Alternatives to Buybacks: A Modest Step Forward

pages 26-27

Controversial Biosecurity Levy attracts fresh criticism

page 26

NSW Unveils Groundbreaking State Disaster Mitigation Plan

page 25


page 24

Agencies join forces for jetski crackdown

pages 22-23

Community Engagement Vital in Tweed Valley Flood Study Review

pages 21-22

Social Futures welcomes the frst Resilient Lands project but calls for more land and social housing targets

page 21

SAE Creative Media Institute now a University College

page 21

Janelle Saffn secures $1.5 million boost for koala care in the Northern Rivers

page 20

Clubhouse Lismore again opens its doors – two years after unprecedented fooding

page 19

Northern NSW Health District Welcomes Record New Graduates

page 18

No State plan for emergency housing during disasters: Auditor General fnds no systemic improvements since 2022 Northern Rivers foods

pages 16-18

Saffn to host NSW Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig

page 16

REDMEN TO AXEMEN Powell sets sights on Country Championships

pages 14-16

Northern Rivers to bear brunt of future disaster costs

pages 8-9

Signed Toilet Walls

page 7

Heart, Hope and Homes

page 7

Riverside village living in fear

pages 6-7

Community group fears attack

pages 5-6

$17.9mil figure not a ‘cost blowout’ says mayor

pages 4-5

Save Wallum campaigners call on federal government to intervene in development

pages 2-3

WALLUM Development: Clarence Property hit back

page 2
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