Modern Health and Living April 2021

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Simple Steps Toward a Fresh Start with Detox

not until the sixth week does she have the participants run for three miles. In this way she slowly builds the person up to the distance that he or she will be going on the 5K! If you have been a fast walker and want to start your running career and want to startparticipating in 5Ks you might want to start with even shorter runs, like at first a quarter of a mile, then half a mile, and finally to Brandner’s beginning six week training of starting at one mile. You could vary a fast walk with a run, until you just loop into a full run. Remember to stretch before and after each session, and hydrate before and after as well. Runs can be done outside or on a treadmill. Even a country road or a hard packed beach is easier on your feet and knees than a concrete sidewalk. Check your running shoes, make sure your soles have good tread on them. You may even want to treat yourself to a brand new pair of running shoes just for the 5K. Looking for a really colorful pair, and there are many now on the market, will make you look forward to your 5K even more. And after your 5K you may even make it to the next racing distance, the 10K! Happy running!


By: Edward Jones, founder Nutrition World @theholisticnav The science of detoxification in living organisms has been intensively studied, and the mere fact that nature has placed highly efficient detox pathways within all living organisms affirms its vital importance to the preservation of life. By definition, detox is a process in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances. I’ve been counseling people for more than 40 years on the subject of detoxing for the improvement of their health through my wellness clinic. I’ve witnessed the 2XU FOLQLF ZDV IRXQGHG RQ WKH SULQFLSDO RI JHWWLQJ importance of therapies concerning detoxification, but it’s also crucial to highlight /\PH 'LVHDVH WR WKH URRW FDXVH RI LOOQHVV E\ DVVHVVLQJ WKH ZKROH &DQFHU the potential caveats and concerns with its practices. SHUVRQ WKHLU ERG\ PLQG DQG VSLULW $XWR ,PPXQH 'LVHDVH Toxins are all around us, so it can be difficult to avoid them in our daily lives. 3DLQ 0DQDJHPHQW Heavy metals, mold, hormone disruptors, pesticides -- you name it. Even in situa&RQFXVVLRQ 5HFRYHU\ tions where we embrace a clean, organic lifestyle, we can continue to be exposed to $OOHUJLHV toxins through the products we use. The body’s capacity to deal with these toxins is $XWLVP $Q[LHW\ limited and is often beyond its capacity attempting to deal with these compounds. 'HSUHVVLRQ These systems must be reinforced and supported to achieve and regain health for &KURQLF ,QIHFWLRQ many people. Daily lifestyle choices can confer several benefits to your body, but one of the ZZZ EURRNILHOGKHDOWKDQGZHOOQHVV FRP first common-sense steps in detoxification is to limit your amount of toxic exposure. The regulations of other countries do not allow many of the same ingredients and products that are allowed in the United States due to potential toxic dangers to the body. It’s vital to educate yourself on these compounds, and it’s easier than ever to do. An amazing resource I recomRelax and Calm the Nervous System mend is, which evaluates the safety and risk of many of the products Bring a Sense of Peace and Well available to us today. To begin the process of detoxification, Being to Body and Mind it’s important to understand the process. Detoxification happens in three phases: Help you Connect to your Own 1. Enzymatic Transformation: This process helps to transform fat-soluble Innate Healing toxins, so they are more water soluble. This is usually carried out by the liver. Identify Limiting Patterns and 2. Enzymatic Conjugation: This process further increases water solubility Beliefs that may Hold You Back and uses a number of molecules, including glutathione, for effectiveness. Enjoy Deeper Sleep 3. Transport: This process excretes Allow the powerful energy of water soluble compounds from the cells and out of the body. Reiki to soothe and relax Connect to Your Joy When you are putting together your your mind and body. detox plan, it’s important to not resort to means that can be addictive and dangerous. When many people hear the word detox, they automatically think of flushing out the colon. Achieving regularity is important, but it will be more beneficial

What can Reiki and Energy Healing do for you?


Cindy Carlson


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