What is a skin healthy diet

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What is a Skin Healthy Diet? Top skin care products tend to get more and more expensive every single year, if only these women buying this item knew what you are about to know; ingredients and products in your own grocery isles can help just as much with keeping your skin happy and healthy and you don't have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to buy them - just a few bucks. And these might even be items you already get anyway or even have at home right now! If you want to stay on budget but you still want to have healthy looking and feeling skin, here are a few products to consider and how they can help keep your skin looking and feeling good. If you want more advice about a skin healthy diet you should contact a top dermatologist in Short Hills. Dermatologists in Short Hills NJ are experts at skin health and can help you develop a diet that is good for your skin and your body.

Chocolate Did you know that chocolate can actually keep your skin looking and feeling firm? It’s true. However, this only works with dark chocolate and not any other type of chocolate like white or milk. Dark chocolate contains high levels of antioxidants, but in order to get the maximum amount, try to find chocolate that has 70% percent or more of cacao. A couple of squares a day are a great way to keep your skin looking supple, firmer, healthier and improve luminosity - this coming from a Doctor who really knows their skin, Doctor Nicholas Perricone. You can also apply this type of chocolate right onto your skin and it can also reduce puffiness around the eyes and mouth. And since it only costs a few dollars, anyone can do this.

Yogurt Prevents Wrinkles Not everyone knows this, but yogurt can actually prevent wrinkles. The protein in yogurt and other healthy dairies can help your skin become firmer over time and when this happens your skin becomes less resistant to things like lines i.e.; wrinkles. If you really want to get a lot of this healthy protein into your diet, try Greek Yogurt - this type of yogurt has more than 2 times the protein than regular yogurt, but it will cost a few dollars more for the really good stuff. Try to eat at least one serving daily in order to make your skin smoother, less prone to wrinkles and feeling healthier. You can also find Soothing Gels at Sephora if you have itchy or dry skin.

Pomegranates Work Wonders Pomegranates are one of those "super foods" that are pumped full of natural antioxidants, just like blueberries. These help to fight things like free radicals and keep the skin flowing nicely. One pomegranate a day or a few glasses of the natural juice a day should do the trick, but it should also be noted that this can be added to your skin, which will also help promote smooth skin that is moisturized and healthy. Blueberries can do the same exact thing, so just by adding in a few blueberries to your diet you can also accomplish the same thing - maybe with your Greek Yogurt combination above! Peppers for Crows Feet? You read that correctly. Women who eat more green and yellow veggies tend to have fewer crow’s feet than women who do not, especially when it comes to wrinkles around the eyes i.e.; crow’s feet. There are also antioxidants in yellow and orange veggies like carrots and peppers that can actually decrease the skins sensitivity to the sun. You can do this quite easily by adding 2 cups of peppers daily. You can eat them as is, with hummus, or you can even put them in a salad to make them taste better. But, yellow, red

and orange peppers are much sweeter than green peppers so you should have no problems eating a few of these a day to keep your skin looking healthy! Kidney beans Help Zap Zits If you break out every so often, maybe around that time of the month and you want a way to get rid of the acne quickly, try kidney beans! These little miracle beans are very high in zinc and researchers say that there IS a correlation between low zinc levels vs. blemishes and breaking out. Eating kidney beans is easy and a very small amount is beneficial - just 1 4oz serving a day will keep the breakouts away and will keep your skin looking healthy and clear. If you really hate kidney beans or are allergic to them, also try ointments and lotions with zinc in them because this acts in the same way. These are just a few of the easiest ways you can eat certain foods to keep your skin looking clear and blemish free as well as taught and wrinkle free. But, there are many other options as well so it might be time to start looking at more articles such as this one to find out more.

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