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No 2 & 3, Janani, 1st Floor, 7th Cross, Central Excise Layout, Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore 94, Phone: 8197554373 E-mail: mediaicon@ymail.com JUNE-2014





A Complete Family Magazine on Ayurveda, Health & Pharma

Volume-5 Issue-6

June 2014


EDITOR Shri Krishna M


Editor Speak

No 2 & 3, Janani, 1st Floor, 7th Cross, Central Excise Layout, Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore 94 Phone: 8197554373 www.bangalorehealthtv.com E-mail: mediaicon@ymail.com

Health care

Medical Advisors

Dr. Chalapathy Dr Somashekar Dr Dinesh Babu Dr M.G. Jvali Dr Muralidhar Dr Prabhakar G. Dr G. Mohan Dr Vittal Nayak Dr Sampath kumar Dr Geethanarayan Dr Dugraprasad Reddy Dr Sham Bhat Dr Seetharam prasad Dr Padmini prasad Dr venkatramana Hegde Dr K. Bhujanga Shetty Dr Keerthy patel Dr B. Ramesh Dr S.S. Hiremath Dr. Vasundhara Bhupathy Dr. G. Grace

D A Kalpaja

Director, VIMS

The common man has a misconception that the health of the public needs doctors and hospitals. Nothing can be farther there from the truth. Doctors and the hospitals are not needed to keep society healthy. In fact, doctors and hospitals might even make society unhealthy. There is significant fall in total morbidity and mortality.

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ealth of the public needs the following H very important ingredients Clean drinking water for all citizens (not available for the 80% of the world population) Three square meals a day uncontaminated by human/ and or animal excreta. Toilets for every house in the village to avoid hookworm infection

Consulting Editors Keshav V. Ramu D V Kumar

Media Advisor Raghavendra Raju


HELPLINE 9945191619 | 9845291182 | 9448496666 Save Life in an Emergency






zz zz

zz zz

Healthy, locally available, nutritious food for the poor people. Cooking methods in our villages, where dry leaves, dry twigs and cow-dung cake are used for cooking, emit more carbon monoxide than tobacco smoke, resulting in physical damage to inmates. The most important cause of death in children below the age of 5 is pneumonia and in women due to lung cancer and other lung diseases, both of which are aided and abetted by cooking smoke coming into the house. We must provide the poor with simple smoke free cooking methods. Education of the poor people about healthy lifestyles and the danger of smoking and drinking and irresponsible sex life. Economic empowerment of the masses to avoid the greatest stress for all illnesses viz- not knowing from where your next meal comes from.

Patients’ Responsibilities 6 care for your eyes 7 What is stress? How to manage it? 8 LEPROSY 10 BREAST FEEDING 12 Normal Changes of Pregnancy 15 My Birth Story 16 EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR BLOOD TYPE 18 Glaucoma 20 Computer injury! 22 URINARY TRACT INFECTION 24 BAD CHOLESTEROL CAN AFFECT YOUR SEX 26 FIGHT INSOMNIA–AN AYURVEDIC WAY 27 BOOK RLEASE 29 SUNFEAST 30 Environment Day 31 Worrying trend in Bangalore! 32


Ayurpharma Health Mag l Healthmag and vydyaloka now global magazine. l Subscribe and read lead a healthy life. l Subscribe for digital editions.


Design : Chandrashekar Gajani - Design Editor

For articles and news contact : Mediaicon - 8197554373, email: mediaicon@ymail.com

Doctors, Hospitals can send their articles and Programs deatails with photographs to mediaicon@ymail.com or to the Address

This publication is a reference volume only. Do consult your doctors. While the editors do their utmost verify informations published, they do not accept responsibility for its absolute accuracy. Articles, Advertisements published in the book does not imply endorsement by the publisher.





Contact Dr. K. Ravi Babu Associate Professor Department of Hospital Administration Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066 Phone :, 080-28413381/2/3/4/5 6




Eye care

Care for your eyes

This article illustrates what eye problems are to be anticipated at various stages of life. “Prevention is better than cure” This is an important principle in health care. Hence we undertake periodic evaluation of the various biochemicals, hematological and other parameters and correct them immediately before any untoward incident such as a heart attack or stroke occurs. Eye care evaluations are required soon after birth, in infancy, at school entry, in adolescence, at entry to professional course, and before employment. Subsequently evaluations are performed at forty years and every year from then on till death. This is because increased intraocular pressure –glaucoma becomes evident after forty years of age. .Moreover the affects of hypertension and diabetes mellitus are noted in the retina, these have to be constantly monitored. Neonates –children under one month of age tend to have watering due to in complete canalistion of the nasolacrimal duct / red sticky eyes – conjunctivitis. Their visual apparatus and refractive status have to be evaluated and corrected immediately if required. Congenital abnormalities have to be looked for and treated. Delay can be dangerous and lead to permanent visual deficits. Premature infants can have retinal disease , retinopathy of prematurity which needs urgent attention. Infants – children under one year of age are examined to ensure eye coordination has developed normally, to correct any refractive error and misalignment of the eyes. Evaluation at preschool age and school entry is very useful as the children have by then learnt to indentify common objects of use – a cup or pencil and animals which are drawn to scale subtending the normal visual angle. The eyes retain the capacity to improve their acuity and reflexes upto six years of age after which correction will not be of much functional benefit, therefore it is essential to evaluate the eyes - three



DR.Vittal Nayik. I MS Ophthalmology Professor and HOD, Ophthalmology. ph: 080-28413384/82/83 www.vims.ac.in

times in the first five years. Teachers are told to report any deviation of the eyes squint, or shaking of the eyes ie nystagmus School going children may not notice anything amiss until a school vision assessment programme makes them aware of the problem. Only the severe cases are detected by a deteriorating performance at school .As growth of the child leads to change in the refractive status the glasses may need to be changed once in six months or at least once a year. The growth spurt which occurs in adolescence will also change the refractive status , needing reassessment and correction once in six months ,failing which there will be a suboptimal vision affecting the performance of the child in all spheres of life. Vision has to be reassessed when the person is about enter professional life to ensure he/she is fit for the work allotted. At forty years of age hardening of the lens and loss of elasticity of the capsule causes presbyopia difficulty in reading small print .This is easily corrected by using convex reading glasses. After forty years of life the retina has to be assessed on a regular basis, as it can be affected by hypertension or diabetes . Ophthalmoscopy gives an authentic view of blood vessels and allows us to know if these conditions are progressing or are under control. Age After fifty years, cataract , open angle glaucoma and age related macular degeneration may be evident and be the cause of visual loss . Only cataract blindness will be correctable , glaucoma, and Age Related Macular Degeneration may be asymptomatic till late stages when it is not possible to salvage the lost vision, and the goal of treatment is only to preserve existing visual acuity and field of vision if detected late . To conclude , periodic and regular assessment at all stages of life will go along way in optimizing our eyesight and improving our functioning in day today living .



For Detail contact VIMS and RC 82, EPIP Area, Whitefield, Bangalore, Karnataka 560066. ph: 080-28413384/82/83. www.vims.ac.in

What is stress? How to manage it? It is only when stress is overwhelming, or poorly managed, its negative effects appear.

Stress may be considered as any physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental unrest and that may be a factor in disease causation. Physical and chemical factors that can cause stress include trauma, infections, toxins, illnesses, and injuries of any sort. Emotional causes of stress and tension are numerous and varied. While many people associate the term “stress” with psychological stress, scientists and physicians use this term to denote any force that impairs the stability and balance of bodily functions. If stress disrupts body balance and function, then is all stress bad? Not necessarily. A mild degree of stress and tension can sometimes be beneficial. For example, feeling mildly stressed when carrying out a project or assignment often compels us to do a good job, focus better, and work energetically. Likewise, exercising can produce a temporary stress on some body functions, but its health benefits are indisputable. It is only when stress is overwhelming, or poorly managed, that its negative effects appear. An important goal for those under stress is the management of life stresses. Elimination of stress is unrealistic, since stress is a part of normal life. It’s impossible to completely eliminate stress, and it would not be advisable to do so. Instead, we can learn www.bangalorehealthtv.com 8

to manage stress so that we have control over our stress and its effects on our physical and mental health. Who is most susceptible to stress? Stress comes in all forms and affects people of all ages and all walks of life. No external standards can be applied to predict stress levels in individuals -- one need not have a traditionally stressful job to experience workplace stress, just as a parent of one child may experience more stress related to parenting an a parent of several children. The degree of stress in our lives is highly dependent upon individual factors such as our physical health, the quality of our interpersonal relationships, the number of commitments and responsibilities we carry, the degree of others’ dependence upon and



expectations of us, the amount of support we receive from others, and the number of changes or traumatic events that have recently occurred in our lives. Some generalizations, however, can be made. People with strong social support networks (consisting of family, friends, religious organizations, or other social groups) report less stress and overall improved mental health in comparison to those without these social contacts. People who are poorly nourished, who get inadequate sleep or who are physically unwell also have reduced capabilities to handle the pressures and stresses of everyday life and may report higher stress levels. Some stressors are particularly associated with certain age groups or life stages. Children, teens, working parents, and seniors are examples of the groups who often face common stressors related to life transitions. The Natural way to get relief by stress is to do regular exercise and pranayama. The recent case study on stress relief will suppress by using lot of Herbal green tea. One who works with the atmosphere of stress may drink two –three times a cup of herbal green tea will reduce the stress drastically. Do not eat any sleeping pills or alcohol to avoid stress. If you are not able to control stresses by yourself please consult your family physician to better before it would worst. Most of our lives are filled with family, work, and community obligations, and at some point we feel as though we are “running on empty.” Here are SOME immediate stress busters to help “fill up the tank!” So take deep relaxing breath and read on. 1. Watch for the next instance in which you find yourself becoming annoyed or angry at something trivial or unimportant. Then practice letting go, making a conscious choice not to become angry or upset. Do not allow yourself to waste thought and energy where it isn’t deserved. Effective anger management is a triedand-true stress reducer.








Breathe slowly and deeply. Before reacting to the next stressful occurrence, take three deep breaths and release them slowly. If you have a few minutes, try out a relaxation technique such as meditation or guided imagery. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by stress, practice speaking more slowly than usual. You’ll find that you think more clearly and react more reasonably to stressful situations. Stressed people tend to speak fast and breathlessly; by slowing down your speech you’ll also appear less anxious and more in control of any situation. Jump-start an effective time management strategy. Choose one simple thing you have been putting off (e.g., returning a phone call, making a doctor’s appointment), and do it immediately. Just taking care of one nagging responsibility can be energizing and can improve your attitude. Get outdoors for a brief break. Our grandparents were right about the healing power of fresh air. Don’t be deterred by foul weather or a full schedule. Even five minutes on a balcony or terrace can be rejuvenating. Drink plenty of water and eat small, nutritious snacks. Hunger and dehydration, even before you’re aware of them, can provoke aggressiveness and exacerbate feelings of anxiety and stress. 7. Do quick postures check. Hold your head and shoulders upright and avoid stooping or slumping. Bad posture can lead to muscle tension, pain, and increased stress. If you’re stuck at a desk most of the day, avoid repetitive strain injuries and sore muscles by making sure your workstation reflects good ergonomic design principles. 8. Plan something rewarding for the end of your stressful day, even if only a relaxing bath or half an hour with a good book. Put aside work, housekeeping or family concerns for a brief period before bedtime and allow yourself to fully relax. Don’t spend this time planning tomorrow’s schedule or doing chores you didn’t get around to during the day. Remember that you need time to recharge and energize yourself. You’ll be much better prepared to face another stressful day. www.bangalorehealthtv.com


Skin care

LEPROSY “The death before death”

Dr K Hanumanthayya Professor & HOD Dermatology Department Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & RC Bangalore - 560066 ph: 080-28413384/82/83. www.vims.ac.in

Leprosy is one of the oldest and most dreaded diseases, which has tormented humans throughout history, leaving lasting impressions on religion, literature and art.

Leprosy is one of the oldest and most dreaded diseases, which has tormented humans throughout history, leaving lasting impressions on religion, literature and art. It has been and still continues to be synonymous with stigma and discrimination due to the hideous deformities it produces. Hence leprosy has been known since ancient times as “The death before death”. In all the four Yugas - Krutha Yuga, Tretha Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga the disease leprosy has been mentioned. In Krutha Yuga, Parashuram’s mother Renuka Yallamma gets cursed from her husband Jamadagni and suffers from leprosy. Ekkayya and Jogayya advice Renuka Yallamma to penance on Lord Shiva





and also to drink and to have a bath in Yanni Bhavi (holy pond). Renuka Yallamma penances on Lord Shiva and starts drinking water from the Yanni Bhavi and start taking bath from Yanni Bhavi. Soon her disease gets cured. From Krutha Yuga till today, leprosy patients visit the hilltop Goddess RenukaYallamma at Soudatti, Belgaum district, pray to her and take a bath in Yanni Bhavi and drink Yanni Bhavi water. Yanni Bhavi’s water is rich in Zinc. Zinc is essential for the normal function of macrophages. Macrophages help cell mediated immunity to fight the leprosy disease. In Dwapara Yuga Sri Krishna’s 5th wife Jambavathi, had a son called Samba. Samba gets cursed from Hermits and suffers from leprosy. Sri Krishna advises him to go to Arasivalli near Srikakulum town and penance on Lord Surya. Samba penances on Lord Surya and his disease gets cured. From Dwapara Yuga till today leprosy patients come to Arasivalli and pray to Lord Surya and feel their leprosy is getting cured. We now know that higher doses of Ultraviolet B rays reaches the Arasivalli, and Ultraviolet B have germicidal properties and these germicidal properties may be the cause for the beneficial effects to leprosy patients. In Kali Yuga, Manu Smruthi written 1500 BC, forbids marriages with leprosy patients and their family members, and also imposes punishment to the family members who hide the leprosy disease information intentionally at the time of marriage. Sushruta Samhita written in 600 BC describes the spread, classification and treatment for leprosy. Leprosy spreads by touch, by breath, sharing the same bed, eating and drinking from the same vessel and using the same apparel. Sushruta classified leprosy into Maha Kushta– (Today’s Lepromatous Leprosy). Kshudra Kushta – (Today’s Tuberculoid Leprosy). Vata Rakta – (Today’s Pure Neuritic Leprosy). Sushruta also mentioned the treatment for leprosy by oil of Tuvaraka seeds. The active ingredient of Tuvaraka seeds are Hydnocarpic oil and Chaulmoogric acid. Both have bacteriostatic properties. Jesus Christ revealed his healing powers



in a small medieval town called Emmaus, 7 kilometers from Jerusalem. By touching the leprosy patients he cures their sufferings. Jesus Christ brings ray of hope in the lives of leprosy patient’s life. A popular Hadit from Sahih Al-Bukhari say’s, Allah has not sent down an illness without sending down a cure for it. One more Hadit says “flee from lepers as you would flee from a Lion”. This was said to isolate leprosy patients and to prevent its spread. Modern Medical history of leprosy starts from the discovery of mycobacterium leprae in 1873 by Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hensen of Norway. Anti leprosy activities in India. zzChristian Priests saw the suffering of leprosy patients in India. In 1875, at Chamba town, Himachal Pradesh, Christian Priests started a charity association to nurse leprosy patients. Today this charity association has grown and serves leprosy patients all over the world, under the new name “Leprosy Mission”. zz In 1925, the British Government started wellorganized anti leprosy work throughout India by “The Indian Council of the British Empire Leprosy Association”. After independence, this institute is renamed as “Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh”. zz In 1941, Guy Henry Faget discovered Dapsone for the treatment of leprosy. zz In 1955, the Government of India launched National Leprosy Control Programme. The prevalence rate of leprosy was 5-6/1000 population. The aim of the programme was to bring down the prevalence rate to 2/1000 population. The strategy of the programme was Survey, Education and Treatment. By house to house survey, resurvey, special group survey of all the villages, towns in India, a search was made for leprosy cases. All Leprosy cases are registered. All patients, family members and community as a whole are educated about Dapsone treatment regularly for adequate time. zz In 1983, the Government of India redesignated NLCP to National Leprosy Eradication Programme. The aim of the programme was to eradicate leprosy by 2000 AD. zz The strategy was to give multi drug regimen to all leprosy patients, at their door steps. zz Since 2002, the prevalence rate of leprosy has come down. Government of India integrated Anti leprosy activities as part of Primary Health Centre activities. Today leprosy prevalence rate has come down to less than 1/100000 population. Modern medicines will cure the remaining leprosy patients. Soon the leprosy disease will enter the history books. Today we show our students photos of Small Pox. Similarly tomorrow we will show our students the photos of leprosy patients from our photo album.



Info guide

BREAST FEEDING “Breast milk is all that the baby needs for the first six months.” DR. M G JAVALI Professor and HOD, Dept of Paediatrics Vydehi Hospital Whitefield, Bangalore – 66 Ph: 080-28413381/2/3/4 www.vims.ac.in And Dr. Joy D’Souza Associate Professor, Dept of Paediatrics Breast milk is an ideal food for your baby because it contains all the nutrients that a baby needs for first 6 months of life. It is quickly and easily digested and it contains fat, lactose, protein, vitamins, minerals (including iron), immunoglobulins, and water which are necessary for growth of your baby. Before your baby is born he is protected within your womb from all infections and after birth breastfeeding takes over the protection process. The milk which you secrete for the first few days known as colostrum should be given to your baby as it provides resistance to your baby against various diseases and infections. Your milk is made especially for your own baby. It is the right nutrition for the growth of your baby. It is easy to digest and it contains protective substances which help prevent infection especially loose stools. You can give it even when you are ill, pregnant or menstruating. zz Like all mothers you can successfully breastfeed your baby, which is the most natural way to feed babies. zz Mother’s milk is complete nutrition for the baby for first 6 months and your child should be exclusively breastfed during this period of time. No other milk, food, drink or even water is required. zz Your baby should be breastfed immediately after birth preferably within 1/2 to 1 hour of birth. zz Your baby should be breastfed unrestrictedly and on demand. zz Your baby must be given Colostrum - the first yellowish mother’s milk during the first 2-3 days



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after birth. Nothing should be given before the first breastfeed. No pacifiers should be given to the baby. You can continue breastfeeding during your sickness without any harm to the baby and yourself. You should continue breastfeeding for two years or beyond. Bottle-feeding is not necessary and even harmful for your baby. It is the leading cause of loose stools in babies. Solid foods should be introduced only after 6 months of age. Home-made, family food is better than commercial food for your baby. Commercially available powder milks are always inferior to mother’s milk is recommended that all infants should be fed exclusively on breastmilk until they are six months of age and continued to be breastfed till 2 years or beyond. Breastfeeding is advantageous for all - you, your baby and the society. Benefits your baby enjoys: Breastfeeding provides numerous benefits to your baby which are as follows (Fig. 1)-




Breastmilk contains adequate calories and provides the right kind of proteins, fats, lactose, vitamins, iron, minerals, water and enzymes in the amounts necessary for your baby. zz Breastmilk contains iron, water soluble Vitamin D, Vitamin A, C and E more than cow’s milk. zz Breastmilk is clean, free from bacteria and has anti-infective properties. zz It also contains substances which prevent harmful bacteria from growing in intestines and causing loose stools. zz It is ready to serve when the baby wants it, needs no preparation and it has the right temperature. ¥ It is economical and free from contamination. zz Breastfeeding enhances the emotional bond between the child and the mother and provides warmth, love and affection and is more than food. zz Breastfeeding protects the child against several infections including respiratory infections. zz Breastfed babies are less prone to have diabetes, heart diseases, eczema, asthma and other allergic disorders later in life. zz Breastfed babies have been shown to have a higher IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and develop better mathematical abilities than infants who are not breastfed. zz Breastfeeding enhances brain development. There is better visual development and visual acuity leading to learning readiness. Benefits you enjoy as a mother: Breastfeeding has many advantages to the mother, which include the following zz It reduces post-delivery bleeding and chances of anemia. zz Obesity is less common among breastfeeding mothers as it helps the mother regain her normal figure. zz It has a contraceptive effect . zz It has a protective effect against breast and ovarian cancers. zz If you exclusively breastfeed your baby, you will have better adjustment with your baby. Benefits the society enjoys: zz Breastfeeding lowers health-care costs by reducing illness and deaths of children under five years of age and thus reduces the strain on the family budget. zz It helps in reducing absenteism of mothers from work as exclusively breastfed children are less prone to diseases. Thus, it will prove less costly to the employer. Colostrum-The first few days of breastmilk zz During the first few days after delivery you produce special milk known as colostrum which is thick, sticky and yellowish in colour. zz It is easily digestible, contains anti-infective elements to protect your newborn against infections. zz It stimulates your baby’s immature intestines to develop, in order to digest and absorb milk and to prevent the absorption of undigested proteins. zz Colostrum also has a mild “gut clearing effect”, which helps your baby’s gut to pass the first, very dark stool called meconium. It also helps to prevent jaundice by clearing the bilirubin from the gut.




Although colostrum is secreted in small quantities (30-90ml), it is sufficient to meet the energy needs of a normal newborn during the first few days of life. Mature milk zz During the two weeks that follow the colostrum stage, the milk increases in quantity and changes in appearance and composition as per your baby’s needs, the protein content decreases while the fat and sugar content increases. At this time, your breasts may feel full, hard and heavy. zz Mature milk is thinner and watery but contains all the nutrients essential for optimum physical and mental development of the baby. The mature milk consists of hind milk and foremilk. The milk which comes at the start of the feed is called foremilk. Foremilk, which is watery and bluish in color, has a low level of fat and is high in lactose, sugar, protein, vitamins, minerals and water. It satisfies your baby’s thirst and is produced in large amount than hind milk. You may sometimes worry that your milk is too thin. Milk is never “too thin”. It is important for you to give both foremilk and hind milk to provide complete meal and water that your baby needs.

Hindmilk is the milk which comes later in a feed, is richer in fat and this extra fat makes it look whiter than foremilk. It satisfies the baby’s hunger and supplies much of the energy required. Therefore, it is important not to take your baby off the breast too quickly. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing for every mother. It is a unique experience to be cherished. Sometimes certain simple problems faced by mothers result in stoppage of breastfeeding or giving of supplements of animal milk/commercial infant formula to the baby. Problems may be like flat nipples, inverted nipples, breast engorgement, swelling, sore nipples or not enough milk etc. These problems are preventable if due care is taken from the pregnancy period to prepare for breastfeeding. www.bangalorehealthtv.com






Women health

Gynecologic problems

Dr B Ramesh Dr. RAMESH HOSPITAL # 6/63, 59th Cross, 4th Block, Rajajinagar Entrance, Opposite to MEI Polytechnic, Bangalore - 560 010 Ph: 080 - 23151873 Mob: 9844291777

Normal Changes of Pregnancy zz Morning sickness (sensation of vomiting in the morning) zz Urgency of urination > Heartburn due to acidity > Constipation zz Tiredness zz Low backache zz Darkening of skin, moles, scars etc., zz Stretch marks (long marks on the skin of the abdomen and the thighs due to stretching of the skin) zz Liking for particular food item zz Inability to sleep ¾¾ What Is not Normal (See your doctor immediately if you notice any of the following changes) zz Bleeding from the birth canal zz Severe abdominal pain zz Large amount of watery discharge from the birth canal zz Blurred vision zz Severe headache zz High fever zz Swelling of feet, hands and face zz Absence of fetal movements zz Frequent and painful urination zz Excessive vomiting ÂÂ Do’s zz Spend at least 8 hours in the bed during night and 2 hours in the afternoon.

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Take a good balanced diet. Drink a lot of water, Take all the medicines prescribed by your doctor regularly. While picking up things from the floor always squat (sit) down. The best execcise is a good deal of daily walking. Stop when you are tired, Your teeth are prone to decay during pregnancy Take good care of them. To ensure good ventilation, always keep a window open at night. ÂÂ Don’t Don’t worry if you have trouble in falling asleep. Rest is more important than sleep. Avoid spicy food and large meals before going to bed. Do not smoke or consume alcohol. Avoid even passive smoking, Do not take any medicine without consulting your doctor, Do not lift heavy objects. Do not go on hiking expeditions or horse riding. Do not travel long distances. If unavoidable, take a train instead of car or bus. Your feet need good support. Avoid wearing high heeled shoes. Avoid bad postures



From my Diary

My Birth Story Week 11 and 12 I am sporting a new look and proud about my reflexes Now that my reflexes have become active and stronger, mind has become expressive and reactive to feelings both happiness and sorrow. I try connecting to my past memories which have still not completely erased from my mind. These Expressions and desires are based on the experiences of previous life and I try expressing them to and through my mother. My mother due to possession of two hearts one her own and one of mine both being functional and expressive during this period is called dauhrudini. The mother should be provided by the desired substances because the negligence or non-fulfilment can vitiate vata bioenergy and cause abnormalities



Dr.Shubhankari P. Rao Shubha Ayurvedic centre, 3o/3 Patalamma temple street South end Circle, Basavangudi; Bangalore-04 Ph. 08026578620 Email: drshubhankariprao@gmail.com I am big enough to hold in the palm of the hand. All these days my skin was paper thin you could see through the tiny blood vessels and the organs .But now it’s strong and becoming layered loosing much of its transparency. The highlights of these weeks are my reflexes becoming stronger. As for the fingers I am able to close and open my fists , my toes will curl , eye muscles can clench , and I can make suckling movements with my mouth . If my mom pats her



tummy I will recoil in action in response although she is not able to appreciate it in this period. My head is ½ of my total size but I am sure my body will catch up. Eyes have moved from sides to the front of the head and ears have settled down in their position right where they should be. My diaphragm is developing and soon you will hear me hiccupping, sneezing and blinking. Experts believe that hiccupping prepares the baby for breathing after birth. Though my mom is not feeling any movements in the uterus I am an acrobat and already practising kicking and swimming inside the amniotic sac. As my neck has also lengthened I can shake and nod my head too. However all these actions performed by me will be felt by my mom in advanced stage when she starts feeling my movements. Now that my reflexes have become active andstronger, mind has become expressive and reactive to feelings both happiness and sorrow. I try connecting to my past memories which have still not completely erased from my mind from my previous birth. Once the senses become active and functional the mind gets associated with the feelings of happiness and sorrow and thus in this period the foetus starts desiring the subjects of senses through sound , touch , vision , taste and smell of the senses of the mother. In movement mind is like the wind .Air is its secondary element. There is nothing faster in movement than the mind. It is faster even than the speed of the light. If you look closely at the mind it is always coordinating the body and senses, gathering information, making judgments, reacting emotionally and endlessly thinking. All this is possible because of its connectivity to the air element. Though ether and the air are the main elements relating to the mind, the other elements have their place in the mind. zz The fire element in it can perceive things in the form of illuminating and capacity of understanding zz water element takes care of emotional, empathy and feeling, zz Earth element memory and attachment and opinions. zz Air element exists in the mind as the under lying mental sensitivity or deeper feeling .It is the back ground vibratory field of all energies habits and tendencies that sustain the mind by which we are continually thinking. Air is the capacity of the mind to relate, identify it, and feel alive. Through it we can move, act and function as conscious beings. It constitutes the heart or core consciousness’s which are evident at the surface and is the motivating force behind the minds other functions.Baby’sheartthough formed with the maternal components is attached to the mother’s heart via rasa vaha channels and by these channels it expresses its longings through the mother. . Chakrapani the great physician says the foetus quivers - rapid vibrating movements with a thought that it can get rid of the sorrows and obtainshappiness. These Expressions and desires arebased on the experiences of previous life. The woman due to



possession of two hearts- one her own and other her baby’s, bothbeing functional and expressive during this period she is called dauhrudini. As the future of present life depends upon the desires of previous life similar longings during dauhruda are also on the basis of previous life and effect fate. The woman should be provided by the desired substances because thenegligence or non-fulfilmentcanvitiate vata bioenergywhich can cause abnormalities or even death to the foetus. Welfare of the mother is identical to the foetus thus wise persons always treat pregnant woman affectionately and with beneficial substances. Desires should be fulfilled except things likely to injure the foetus. However if the desire to use the articles is likely to harm the foetus is very acute the articles should be provided with addition to the beneficial substances capable of counteracting the harmful effects. Suppressions of desires vitiate vayu –wind bioenergy, which moving in the body produces various diseases abnormalities and also death. If desires of the foetus expressed through the mother are supressed then due to direct association of these desires with very delicate foetus its vayu gets vitiated and injures it. However if mothers own desires are supressed then vitiated vayu of the mother reaches the foetus because welfare of both is the same and this aggravated vayu influences the manas of the foetus produces various abnormalities .This congenial and affectionate treatment should be extended even to non-pregnant woman during rutu kala - ovulatory period even before pregnancy was registered.Suppression of desires related to specific indriyas produces abnormality of the sameindriyas of the foetus. Fulfilment of desires results in birth of child possessing high quality and longevity via rasa vaha channels and by ¾¾ Changes in my Mom Now days she is better than what she was in the first trimester. Her sickness feeling has passed appetite has returned and she is feeling more energetic these days. She has got relief from morning sickness and fatigue. As this is her first pregnancy she is still not showing that she is pregnant Uterus is expanding as every day as the pregnancy is progressing. At week 11 it is peeking just above the midpoint of the pubis bone .As she is tall she may not look pregnant for quite some time but she prefers to keep pregnancy hidden. Her hair and nails she feels are growing at a faster pace and she is shedding fewer hairs too,giving her a fuller look and it also looks shinier. All this is because of Pritvi Mahabhuta –the earth element which is actively involved in nourishing the internal organs, muscles, skin, bones and the tissues of the baby in normalcy reflected. The health of the organs in our body is determined by the health of Pritvi mahabhuta that makes up the organ. If Pritvi mahabhuta is balanced that makes the organ in our body healthy. The converse is also true if Pritvi mahabhuta that makes up the organ is dysfunctional or diseased then that organ is dysfunctional or diseased.Certain foods and substances are known to have specific effect on specific organ for e.g. we know that food rich in Pritvi mahabhuta can promote healthy bones and teeth. But it is incorrect to say that these nutrients www.bangalorehealthtv.com


produce only these specific results .when u eat food rich in Pritvi mahabhuta like Sprouted whole grains , root vegetables, dried fruits , beans and legume seeds and nuts ,sea salts and trace minerals the nutrients touch all of your cells including those thatmake up your brain , bones and teeth . Mother is the main source of Pritvi mahabhuta to grow healthy bones, teeth muscles .If she does not consume sufficient amount through food or supplements the body will compromise with Pritvi mahabhuta in mother’s body and that can affect the health of the mother. Gas and constipation are two pregnancy symptoms which have been troubling her a lot. She has to pay attention to her diet to avoid gas and constipation. She started eating smaller meals throughout the day, exercise regularly and eat a high fibre diet. Varicose veins plague many women during pregnancy.Women already having varicose veins prior to pregnancy findthat the symptoms become worse during pregnancy. Some women develop varicose veins for the first time during pregnancy because of the increasing levels of blood volume in the body. combined with pressure of your uterus on the veins in

the lower limbs leads to swelling in the blood vessels and bulging veins .There are many things you can do to minimise the effect of varicose veins and minimise the discomfort it produces . You can use support stockings Put it on the first thing in the morning this will help prevent excessive oedema and swelling in the leg during the day. Exercise is also critical to prevent varicose veins. If you spend long time standing there will be more pooling of blood into your legs causing problems , Keep walking and pumping your toes and calf muscles which will help your blood circulation sand minimise blood pooling in the legs .pop your legs up feet up avoid crossing your legs which can help pooling blood in the legs Some pregnant women develop varicose veins in places other than in the legs , The increased blood volume during pregnancy and the weight of the growing foetus can increase the pressure on the tiny vessels in the vulva and around the rectum . When the blood vessels in the vulva dilate they are called as vulvar varicosities and the blood vessels around the rectum dilate they are called the haemorrhoids. For vulvar varicosities ice pack will relieve the swelling and pain to subside



Could eating a diet based on your blood type -- O, A, B, or AB -- help you trim down and get healthier? That’s the idea behind the Blood Type Diet. A chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods you eat. This reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. This reaction is caused by “Lectins” which is a protein found in foods, have agglutinating properties that affect your blood and targets an organ or bodily system and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area. If you follow a diet designed for your blood type, your body will digest food more efficiently. You’ll lose weight, have more energy, increase immunity and help prevent disease. ¾¾ Blood Type Diet - Type O Blood type

Diet Profile


Food to avoid for Weight Loss purpose

Wheat & corn kidney beans & navy beans lentils High Meat cabbage & Protein: fish Type O cauliflower Meat vegetables Brussels eaters fruit sprouts Dairy products mustard greens

Food that help with Weight Loss

Seafood salt liver red meat kale spinach broccoli

Type Os muscle tissue is slightly on the acid



side. Type Os can efficiently digest and metabolize meat because they tend to have high stomach-acid content. The initial weight loss on the Type O Diet is by restricting consumption of grains, breads, legumes, and beans. They interfere with insulin efficiency and slow down metabolic rate making them less “charged” for physical activity. Another factor is to have low levels of thyroid hormone which cause metabolic problems. Therefore it is good to avoid cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard green. Because of the high acidity stomach, Type Os should eat fruits of alkaline nature such as berries and plums.Type Os should severely restrict the use of dairy products. ¾¾ Blood Type Diet - Type A Blood Diet type Profile


Vegetables & tofu Type seafood Vegetarian A grains beans legumes

Food to avoid Food that for Weight help with Loss purpose Weight Loss Meat dairy kidney beans lima beans wheat

Vegetable oil soy foods vegetables pineapple

Type As flourish on vegetarian diets. When Type As eat meat, they experience sluggishness. As they have low stomach-acid content, therefore they have a hard time digesting meat. Since Type As eat very little animal protein, nuts and seeds supply an important protein component. Type As also thrive on the vegetable proteins found in beans and legumes, except those mentioned for the “Avoid” list. Tofu should be a staple in the Type A Diet. Dairy foods are also poorly digested by Type As, and can cause metabolic slowdown but can tolerate small amounts of yogurt,




Lower abdomen pain and cramping Risk of miscarriage is lower in this trimester. Cramping can be due to many causes. Round ligament pain – mild stabbing type of pain along the lower part of abdomen may be sign of your growing uterus stretching its supportive ligaments ‘.The round ligaments that support the uterus stretch as your uterus grows bigger to make room for the growing baby hitting certain nerves as it does and this can give rise to sharp stabbing pains , This discomfort called as round ligament pain is a common pregnancy symptom that occurs in 2nd and 3rd trimester To relive round ligament pain try bending towards it to relieve the pain . You can prevent these pains by changing positions more slowly. Slower movements let your round ligament stretch slower minimising your discomfort. Learn doing kegel exercises say start with 20 a day .You can do this when you are stuck in the traffic washing dishes, listening to a boring lecture from a boss or a boring presentation Kegels helps strengthen the pelvic floor and tone the vaginal and Perineal area .Tighten h muscles around the vagina and anus and hold for 8to 10 seconds. My mom’s diet during this period wasMilk with

honey and Ghrutha – ghee /medicated ghee.Sweet cold and liquid diet specially cooked rice with milk or with pulses helps her prevent dehydration and supply required nourishment. This week onwards muscular tissue of foetus grows sufficiently requiring more protein which is supplied by use of pulses and non-vegetarians can use meat soup. Besides Ayurvedic herbs like shatawari being anabolic will help in the maintenance of proper health of mother and foetus. Herbs vrukshadini, payasya lata utpala and sariva are to be triturated with milk abortion is prevented in week 11 and 12 ¾¾ My Dads role during week 11 and 12: My father has taken up a major role and responsibility especially the charge of cleaning department .He wants my mom to stay away from toxic chemicals found in cleaning products and iskeen on her staying in a cleaner environment. He is also supportive and deals with craving of my mom which is quite common during this period because she is a Dauhrudini. This will make her blissfully happy and help her have a safe uneventful pregnancy.

dairy foods. Most nuts and seeds(especially peanuts, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds) are not advised for Type Bs. It is important to leave off chicken for Type Bs but can eat deep-ocean fish. Chicken contains a Blood Type B agglutinating lectin.Eliminate tomatoes completely from Type B diet. It has lectins that irritate the stomach lining. Fruits and vegetables are generally well tolerated and should be taken generously. Blood



Blood Diet Profile Allowed type

nonfat sour cream, and cultured dairy products. Type A are very sensitive to the lectins in potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, cabbage, tomatoes and peppers. Type A should eat more fruits that are alkaline, avoid mangoes, papaya and oranges for they are not good for your digestive tract. ¾¾ Blood Type Diet - Type B Blood type

Diet Profile

Type B

Meat (no chicken) Dairy Balanced Grains & omnivore Beans Legumes Vegetables & Fruit


Food to avoid for Weight Loss purpose

Food that help with Weight Loss

Corn lentil peanuts sesame & seeds buckwheat & wheat

Greens eggs & liver venison licorice & tea

For Type Bs, the biggest factors in weight gain are corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts, whole wheat and sesame seeds. These foods have different lectin that affect the efficiency of the metabolic process, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention, and hypoglycemia. Type B is the only blood type that can fully enjoy a variety of



Meat & seafood dairy & Mixed tofu Type diet in beans AB moderation legumes & grains vegetables & fruits




Food that Food to avoid help with for Weight Weight Loss purpose Loss Red meat kidney beans lima beans seeds & corn buckwheat

Tofu & dairy seafood greens kelp pineapple

Multiple antigens make Type ABs sometimes A-like with weak stomach acid, and sometimes B-like with genetically programmed for the consumption of meats. Type AB do best when their muscle tissues are slightly alkaline. Type ABs can’t metabolize meat efficiently because of low stomach acid. Tofu is a good protein supplements for Type ABs. Eat nuts and seeds in small amounts and with caution. Type ABs can tolerate dairy foods fairly well. Generally Type ABs do well on grains, even wheat. Type ABs has a weaker immune system, so you will benefit from the vegetables. Tomatoes do not impose any ill effects on Type ABs. Type AB should begin each day by drinking a glass of warm water with the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon to cleanse the system of mucus accumulated while sleeping. www.bangalorehealthtv.com


For details contact

Eye care

Dr Hareesh K V Medical director Abhishek Nethradhama HIG2024, 3rd B cross, ‘B’ Sector, ICICI bank road, near SBI, Yelahanka New town Bangalore -64, Ph: 08040933219/7795715203

Glaucoma ¾¾

What Is Glaucoma?


Glaucoma is the name given to a group of conditions in which the optic nerve sustains damage where it leaves the eye. In many cases, this damage is associated with a rise in pressure within the eye. As the pressure builds, it compresses the fragile blood vessels supplying the optic nerve, which sends messages to the brain. If left untreated, this can lead to irreversible damage to the optic nerve. ¾¾ What Causes Glaucoma? A clear liquid called aqueous humor flows through the eye nourishing the lens, iris, and cornea. When

OUR BRANCHES Mosque Complex, Opp. Rajkamal Theatre, Fort Road, Doddaballapura-561 203 Phone : 0819- 321161, Mob: 7795805848 1st Floor, Opp. Bus Stand, Railway Station Road, Arsikere, Hassan Dist.-573 103, Phone : 08474 - 234030


the delicate mesh that forms Glaucoma the drainage system becomes defective (called open angle is a group of Glaucoma) or completely conditions blocked (called closed in which the angle Glaucoma) the liquid optic nerve continues to flow into the eye and pressure builds. It is this sustains build-up of pressure which damage where causes Glaucoma. it leaves the ¾¾ Recognizing the eye Symptoms The most common form of Glaucoma, open angle, starts gradually with darkening at the outer edges of your sight (peripheral vision) and gives no warning symptoms until a very late stage, when much irreversible damage has been done to the field of vision. ¾¾ Without treatment it can progress to complete blindness. A much less common form of Glaucoma, acute closed angle, starts with severe pain in the eye,

FACILITIES AVAILABLE Cataract Services Cornea Services Diabetic Eye care Services Paediatric Services

Glaucoma Services Orbit, Oculoplasty & Neurophthalmology Community Services Facial Asthetics


# HIG 2024, 3rd ‘B’ Sector, ICICI Bank Road, Near SBI, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru-64, Ph: 080 - 40933219 / 7795715203

E-mail : abhisheknethradhama@yahoo.in www.bangalorehealthtv.com AYURPHARMA


headache, blurring of vision, halos around sources of light. This needs immediate treatment. Progressive loss of vision in open-angle glaucoma ¾¾ Who is at risk for Glaucoma? It is important for each of us, from infants to senior citizens, to have our eyes checked regularly, because early detection and treatment of glaucoma are the only ways to prevent vision impairment and blindness. This may apply to you if: You are 55 years & above and have not had your eyes examined regularly Someone in your family has a history of glaucoma Myopia (nearsighted) ¾¾ Diagnosing Glaucoma An annual eye examination is as important as a regular vision test. This examination will measure both the pressure within the eye, funduscopy (Cup/ Disc ratio) and the field of vision. These tests together are more effective in the detection of Glaucoma than the standard eye test alone. A regular test of the pressure within the eye can detect Glaucoma. (Tonometry) ¾¾ Treatment Although t re at m e n t can control Glaucoma, and possibly avoid or delay the need for surgery, sight loss cannot be recovered so early detection and treatment are vital. Most drug treatments aim to reduce the production or drainage of fluids in the eye. It is very important to use prescribed medication regularly and not to miss doses. Laser Treatment: If the condition cannot be controlled using medication, it may be necessary to have laser surgery. The drainage holes are opened using a laser beam and the pressure within the eye is then controlled with the appropriate medication. Surgery: An eye specialist may recommend surgery to help control Glaucoma through which the aqueous fluid can escape from within the eye and drain away under the loose covering of the eye (conjunctiva).



Eye Care: Eye drops should be applied correctly to be of maximum benefit. Consult your doctor for correct administration of drops. Frequently Asked Questions zz Is glaucoma curable? Glaucoma is not curable, but it is manageable usually with simple medications such as eye drops and pills. Which age groups are most affected? All age groups are at risk for glaucoma, though elderly persons above the age of 60 years are more at risk. zz Does glaucoma cause blindness? If left untreated, glaucoma can cause blindness. About 10% of patients with glaucoma who receive proper treatment may still have loss of vision. Loss of vision from glaucoma is irreversible. zz How can I protect myself against the damage that glaucoma can cause? You can protect yourself from loss of vision due to glaucoma through regular eye examinations, taking your medication as prescribed and good eye care. zz What is the role of surgery? Surgery is done when medications are not effective or they cause intolerable adverse effects. Surgery is effective in relieving glaucoma, but the condition can recur even after surgery. zz Will glaucoma affect my work? Many people have productive lives despite having glaucoma. Ensure good lighting at the work place and get magnification of texts if needed. Maintain good communication with your employer / supervisor. Above all, be positive!



Health technology

Dr. K. Bhujang Shetty

Founder Chairman, Narayana Nethralaya Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology Bangalore, Karnataka Telephone no: +91-80-66121300-305 Fax No: +91-80-23377329 Email: info@narayananethralaya.com, chairman@narayananethralaya.com Website: www.narayananethralaya.org

Computer injury!


The Main objective of this article is to make our computer users to know about their health hazards in long run if they are using or working on PC / laptops WRONGLY. One shouldn’t try to ignore any simple pain while working on PC. As in many cases we have seen major damages happening to them after ignoring that simple pain. Computer Vision Syndrome Computers are straining our eyes, creating a condition often referred to as Computer Vision Syndrome. Everybody knows “Prevention is better than CURE,” it is very simple and easy to PREVENT. Almost everyone is forced to learn computers including children, so more are at RISK, as they are not taught the scientific way of using on them. We say my child is doing Engineering in Computer Science, but there is no science, they only know computers. If one knows the science or scientific ways of using it, one will start enjoying the time spent on PC. “WRONG style of working on PC is injurious to health.” Parents should be very much careful about their children when they are using PC. Kindly look at their sitting posture. “Millions of children have damaged their necks and nerve damage because of wrong posture.” Here are few SAFETY mantras:-

Whenever anyone experiences any sort of pain while working on PC, immediately get FREE advice. Eye Saving Tips for Every Computer User Computer vision syndrome (C.V.S): Commonly known as Dry eyes, is a very common problem with every computer user due to the prolonged exposure or usage of computers, the altered lifestyle & the change in the work environment. Symptoms: zz Dry • Itching • Irritation zz Watery sensation in eyes zz

zz Never type by looking into the keys. Learn the art of

touch typing skill and implement it.

zz Never place keyboard or mouse on the desk, place




zz zz zz zz zz zz zz

them in the keyboard drawer. Never rest your hands on sharp edges, kindly rest them on a cushion bar. Never wear wrist watch while working on PC. Trim your long nails, as it decreases your accuracy level. Never place matter to be typed flat on the desk, use a hanging pad and keep it straight. Avoid sitting on revolving chair or stool, use any fixed chair. Monitor should be placed at one arm distance. Avoid any glare on the monitor. Take micro-breaks for every 20 minutes for 20 seconds and drink plenty of water.







while working on computer. Eye to monitor - the ideal distance: Your computer monitor should be straight in front of you ideally at a distance of more than 25 inches from your eyes. Monitor location: The ideal viewing area of the monitor is 6 inches, below the horizontal eye level. Font colour selection: Preferably work with fonts of darker shades on light backgrounds vice versa. Anti - glare screen: Attach an anti - glare screen infront of the monitor, which will decrease the amount of light reflected from the screen. Document holder: Use a screen mounted document holder, positioned between keyboard & monitor screen almost at the same distance & height as that of the monitor. Light effect: Use suspended lights from ceiling & windows with shades, blinds or curtains. Avoid light hitting directly on eyes. Sitting posture: Use chairs with armrests which



are able to provide, support while typing, position of head slightly tilted downwards & height of the chair adjusted appropriately so that the feet rest flat on floor. zz A.C. Distance: Avoid sitting at a location with direct blow of air on eyes from a blower or an A.C. or for a long period in a room with low humidity. zz 20-20-20 rule: Take short breaks for your eyes every 20 minutes between your work for 20 seconds then look at objects that are atleast 20 feet away. zz Eye exercise: Close your eyes & slowly roll your eyeballs clockwise & anticlockwise. Repeat it for three times. If you can relate with any of the above mentioned symptoms. Meet ophthalmologist immediately. Visual problems like eyes strain may result from overusing the muscles of your eyes. If not careful, eye strain will occur in any eye muscle held in one position for a long period of time. These eye straining activities are as follows: reading, watching television, or staring at the computer People with occupations that require lots of staring such as dressmaking, designers, or computer engineers are prone to developing eye strain. Even people who do a lot of reading is prone to developing eye strain like medical students, lawyers, scientists, and researchers. zz The muscles of your inner eye tightens and irritates your eyes, making you feel very uncomfortable, resulting to eye strain. zz A five-minute break from time to time is very good to your eyes. zz Eye strain may be caused by improper lighting, excessive glaring at the computer screen, bad position of the computer screen, or difficulty reading copy material. zz Eye strain may present with the following symptoms: pain and burning in and behind the eyes. There may also be headache and eye fatigue. Blurred vision, dry eyes, itching eyes, and burning eyes. zz It is important to consult a qualified eye doctor at once when you experience such symptoms to prevent possible damage and to learn eye exercises that you can do. zz Treating symptoms of CVS zz What is the medical option for treating symptoms of CVS? zz Use of lubricant eye drops is recommended (or treating symptoms of CVS. zz Lubricant eye drops are meant to provide moisturizing relief to the eyes. zz Lubricant eye drops help in soothing the eyes and relieving irritation, redness and eye strain. Your eye doctor can recommend the right lubricant eye drops for you. ¾¾ How often can you use lubricant eye drops? Lubricant eye drops can be used whenever you experience irritation, burning and redness of the eyes. You can instill 1-2 drops of



lubricant eye drops in a day as often as needed. ¾¾ Are lubricant eye drops safe to use? Are there any side effects? Yes, lubricant eye drops are extremely safe to use. There are no significant side effects anticipated with their use, when used as directed. ¾¾ Can you u se lubricant eye drops with other medications? Yes, lubricant eye drops can be used safely with/ other medications. ¾¾ What are the general precautions to be followed while using the drops? zz To avoid contamination, do not touch tip of the bottle to any surface.Replace cap after using. zz If using multiple eye drops wait for 5 minutes between the eye drops. Simple yoga for computer operators Those who are working with computers from morning till evening should adopt some simple Yogasanas to get relief and to regain health. Continuous concentratin causes problems to the eyes, neck, shoulders, back and hips. Such people cal solve their problems by sitting in their places. They have to practice these postures for 5 to 8 minutes for every 2 hours duration. Simple postures zz Sitting on your chair, lift your hands till the head,

claps your fingers and take deep breath (twice).

zz Keep your fingers on your shoulders and move the

hands forwards and backward.

zz Drink ½ or a glass of water slowly (Don’t drink

coffee or tea)

zz Keep your back, neck, head straight, loosen

your body, close your eyes gently and do Sukha Pranayama three times. zz Do Dhyana keeping your back, neck, head straight. Watch your breathe then rub your palms and touch the closed eyes, and then watch the palms. Yogasanas that can be done Simple exercises, Tadasana, Vrikshasana, Uttanasana, Trikonasana, Padmasana, vajrasana, Shashankasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Sarvangasana, Makarasana, Bhujangasana, Shavasana, Pranayama and Dhyana. www.bangalorehealthtv.com



What? Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a collective group of inflammatory disorders involving the urethra, bladder or kidneys. Urine is generally germ-free, which means it doesn’t contain any bacteria or infectious organisms. However, infectious organisms can sometimes get into the urinary tract and cause infections. ¾¾ Did you know? Most women – especially girls develop at least one or two UTIs during their lifetime. Some men tend to get UTIs after age 50, because of an enlarged prostate gland. ¾¾ Why & How zz Bacteria, viruses, fungi, or some types of parasites are to blame for UTI zz Cystitis (bladder infection) is the most common form of UTI. Likewise, kidney infections are called pyelonephritis; those of the urethra are



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called urethritis. Urinary tract infections are usually not contagious. However, when bacteria in the vagina get pushed into the urethra during sexual intercourse, infections are a possibility zz In addition, infections may also be a result of some annoyance in your genital area – from contraceptives, wearing tight clothing and cosmetics. zz More than 90 percent of cystitis is causes by E coli bacteria. Following menopause, UTIs may be more common because the tissues of the vagina, urethra and the base of the bladder become thin and fragile due to loss of oestrogen. Other hazards include anything that blocks the flow of urine, such as an enlarged prostate or kidney stones. Diabetes, or the prolonged used of bladder catheters, may cause recurrent UTIs. When ignored, UTIs may become more than serious and damage your kidneys permanently. Children and the elderly are at the greatest risk of kidney damage, because their symptoms are often disregarded, or mistaken, for other condition. Pregnant women, with UTI, may have an increased risk of delivering low birth weight or premature babies. ¾¾ Symptoms Not everyone exhibits symptoms, but some do zz Painful urination :- Symptoms include a strong, constant urge to urinate, a burning sensation while urinating, pain in abdomen, or lower back, sometimes with blood in the urine. zz Frequent urination :- feeling of urgency or feeling the need to urinate frequently but only some quantities are passed each time. zz Urine colour and clarity:- The urine may have a cloudy appearance with a strong smell or bloody. zz Other symptoms may include fever, chills, nausea, a frequent need to urinate, or bloody urine. zz Self-diagnosis is not recommended. If you have any symptoms of urinary infection, speak to your doctor as soon as possible. When suitably treated, UTIs seldom lead to complications. ¾¾ Diagnosis Your doctor will look at your medical history, ask about your symptoms, and perform a physical exam that includes pressing on your abdomen to check for tenderness or sensitivity. A urine sample is sent to the laboratory to determine if bacteria are present in your urine. zz



When there is a history of repeated infections, your doctor may ask for an ultrasound study of your abdomen, intravenous pyelography (IVP), which is an X-ray of the urinary tract, or cystoscopy, which involves inserting a tube into the urethra for a close view of the urethra and bladder. In men, a prostate exam to check for any tenderness or enlargement is performed. Your doctor will also check for and take a sample of any discharge from the penis. ¾¾ Self- Help :zz Drink plenty of liquids , especially water to flush out the bacteria. zz Urinate frequently and avoid retaining urine for a long time after you feel the urge to void . zz Wipe from front to back after a bowel movement to prevent bacteria in the anal region from spreading to the vagina and urethra. zz Wash the skin around the vagina and anus daily. Empty your bladder as soon as possible after intercourse, and drink a full glass of water to help flush out bacteria. zz Avoid using deodorant sprays or feminine products such as douches in the genitals area – that can irritate the urethra. zz Wear cotton undergarments. ¾¾ Homeopathic treatment :UTI can be treated in 2 different ways . For a acute attack of UTI we can start with medicines along with other general measures .the medicines include cantharis with severe burning and frequent urination, jelly like shreds in the urine. apis melifica is another remedy which is used in UTI with burning and high coloured urine .If the condition is of a recurrent tendency a constitutional approach is followed . a deep acting remedy is selected for the total irradiation of the tendency for UTI. ¾¾ Case :NANDINI (35 ), a bank employee , approached us with recurrent episodes of urinary tract infection. Since her job involved long , continuous hours at the cash counter , she was unable to relieve herself – this led to recurrent infection . She was put on cantharis for the acute symptoms and thereafter followed by her constitutional remedy ( derived after detailed case taking). She could get rid of the tendency to suffer with UTI with a span of few months .




zz zz zz zz zz zz

zz zz zz zz zz zz

ÂÂ DOS Sleep hygiene Make the bedroom conducive to sleep Minimize your exposure to light during day time Sleep on the side to avoid snoring Warm milk or a hot bath will help in inducing sleep Follow some relaxation techniques ÂÂ DON’TS Do not fall asleep at work Stressful and high intensity work One should avoid jogging, heavy meals or alcohol a couple of hours before going to bed Decrease your intake of caffeine because it also affects sleep Avoid running errands and head straight to bed Keep the surroundings well-lit during the night at the work place www.bangalorehealthtv.com


Dr. C. SHARATH KUMAR DIRECTOR & CHIEF FERTILITY SURGEON, MEDIWAVE IVF & FERTILITY hospital City X-Ray complex, Sayyaji Rao Road, Mysore - 570021. Ph : (O) : 0821-2444441, (R) : 0821-2519026. E-mail : drcsharath@hotmail.com.


& loosing weight can also reduce bad cholesterol. ¾¾ Effects of cholesterol on our body Excess of Bad cholesterol can be dangerous to our health. When LDL cholesterol levels are high, cholesterol is deposited on the walls of arteries and

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat like substance found in the bloodstream & every cell in our body. We all must have some amount of cholesterol within our body, without it we would be unable to produce cell membranes, various hormones including sex hormones & bile acids. But if cholesterol level increases in the body it leads to several complications. Cholesterol is synthesized in the liver. 85% of cholesterol is produced by the body, rest 15% comes from the diet. ¾¾ Good & Bad Cholesterol Depending upon the usefulness of the molecule to our body. Cholesterols can be classified into two types namely “Good” & “Bad”. The good & bad cholesterol depends upon the carrier molecule that transports the cholesterol. Bad cholesterol is called the Low Density Lipoprotein(LDL). Good cholesterol is the High Density Lipoprotein(HDL).


Normal Range of Cholesterol:The table shows the normal values for cholesterol: LIPID Normal Desirable Values (mg/ Values (mg/dl) dl) Cholesterol(total) 170-210 Below 200

LDL Cholesterol


Below 130

HDL Cholesterol


Above 40



Above 135


Factors which increases Bad Cholesterol level Some of the factors that can lead to high bad cholesterol are Obesity, hereditary, diabetes & ageing. Also Food containing high level of bad cholesterol such as French fries, cookies, cakes, egg yolk & meat can give rise to bad cholesterol. ¾¾ Factors which increases Good Cholesterol level Some of the factors that lead raise in good cholesterol & decrease in bad cholesterol are Exercises like walking, cycling, swimming, running, jogging, skipping, yoga etc reduces bad cholesterol. Decreasing the intake of carbohydrates like sugar, flour, potatoes and white rice also increase good cholesterol. Stopping Smoking



forms a hard substance called plaque. Over time, plaque causes the arteries to become narrower, decreasing blood flow and causing a condition called atherosclerosis, or hardening & narrowing of the arteries. Fig 1: Comparison of Normal & Affected Artery When atherosclerosis affects the heart blood vessels, it results in heart attack. When atherosclerosis affects the blood vessels that supply the brain, it results in stroke. Atherosclerosis may also block blood flow to other vital organs, including the kidneys and intestines & sex organs. ¾¾ ffect of Cholesterol on Sex Cholesterol is the precursor hormone for all the sex harmones. Any change in the cholesterol level affects the sex hormones. Low cholesterol: cholesterol lower than the normal range severely depresses sex hormones in both man & women. This decreases libido & may cause infertility. High cholesterol especially of LDL type results in accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques in the blood vessels supplying the sex organs like Testis, Penis in male & Ovaries, Uterus & Vagina in females. In males: Decreased blood supply to penis results in erectile dysfunction & loss of libido. Decreased blood supply to Testis results in decreased production



of Testosterone & decreased sperm production. These may results in infertility. In Females: Decreased blood supply to the ovary may results in reduced production of Estrogen & Progesterone & also results in decreased Ovulation. Decreased blood supply to Uterus may result in thinned out endometrium. This may result in menstrual problems. Decreased blood supply to Vagina results in dry Vagina. All this may lead to loss of Libido & infertility. ¾¾ Cholesterol Testing Young people should undergo blood tests for cholesterol once in 5 years. After 40 years it is better to have blood test once in 2 years. Persons who have raised cholesterol or those who are obese should have blood test done more frequently. ¾¾ Cholesterol Reducing Diet Healthy eating can reduce cholesterol. Diet should be low in saturated fats, and low in fat overall. Biscuits, cakes, pastries, red meat, hard cheese, butter and foods containing coconut or palm oil all tend to be high in saturated fats, so cut down on these foods. Large amounts of cholesterol are found in foods like eggs, meat & eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, green leafy vegetables, fibers, beans, oats, soy protein. Use oils which contain mono unsaturated fatty acid like Soya bean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, olive oil, peanut oils. Use whole grains, brown bread, brown rice, butter milk, curds & fat free milk. ¾¾ Cholesterol Reducing Medicines Some of the medicines available for reducing the Cholesterol are: Simvastatin, Atorvastatin, Ezetimibe & Vitamin B3 (Niacin). ¾¾ Conclusion High cholesterol especially of LDL type may not only result in heart attack, renal failure etc but also it may cause loss of libido& infertility in both men & women. Very low cholesterol is also dangerous. Hence it is always better to have balanced level of cholesterol in the body.



DR.YOGITHA BALI M.R Ayurvedic Surgeon, Yoga and Diet Consultant Dheerghaayu Ayurvedic Health Care, Bangalore Swasthya Holistic & Integrated Therapy Centre, Bangalore, Ebnezar Orthopedic Centre, Bangalore Lecturer, Dept. of Shalya Tantra Sushrutha Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore Email id: baliyogitha@gmail.com Mob: 9886948511

FIGHT INSOMNIA – AN AYURVEDIC WAY Sleep is a physical and mental resting state of a person. During sleep, one becomes inactive and will not be aware of the surrounding environment and senses do not respond to the external stimuli. According to Ayurveda, sleep has both beneficial and harmful effects depending on sleeping time and duration. A good sleep nourishes body and strengthens, increases memory power, knowledge, virility and longevity whereas, untimely and insufficient sleep leads to unhealthy conditions and reduces longevity. ¾¾ Duration of Sleep The amount of sleep you need depends on your mind-body constitution or body type. People with Kapha constitution need the most sleep - about eight or nine hours in order to feel rested. Pittas are next, with a need of seven to eight hours. Vatas can manage with six to seven hours of sleep. Your requirements of sleep also depends on what stage of life are you in. Babies can sleep as much as 15 or 16 hours out of every 24. Children frequently sleep 10 hours or more. At the other extreme, elderly people rarely enjoy a sound, unbroken sleep of more than four or five hours.


Benefits of good sleep 6-7 hrs of sleep is necessary for a healthy body and mind. People who sleep less than 6-7 hours are at the risk of developing diseases. The benefits of sleep are as follows zz It keeps us fit and healthy zz Reduces stress, calms mind and helps in overcoming depression. zz Good sleep helps to overcome diseases causing pain and inflammation zz 6-7 hours of sleep boosts memory power and increases alertness. zz It relaxes and makes us refreshing www.bangalorehealthtv.com



Insomnia It is a general term describing difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Insomnia can have many different causes, including psychological stress, a poor sleep environment, an inconsistent sleep schedule, or excessive mental or physical stimulation in the hours before bedtime. Also termed as Nidraanasha in Ayurveda is said to be caused due to uncomfortable bed, over work schedules, excessive physical exercise, old age diseases, mental exertion such as stress and anxiety and sometimes by nature like vata prakriti people. Insomnia, apart from causation of the diseases, also disturbs the quality of life and thereby leading to imbalance in our health. Therefore it becomes very necessary to treat insomnia before it conquers us. Ayurveda, an ancient medical science practiced since 5000yrs ago has beautifully described some of the measures proved effective in managing insomnia. Here are the measures Abhyanga or the massage with the medicated oil zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz

to fight insomnia through Ayurveda, a holistic science. ¾¾ Ayurvedic measures for Insomnia

zz zz

A refreshing bath Massaging foot with warm oil and taking foot bath in warm water for 15 minutes. Regular yoga and meditation Exercise regularly in daytime Clean and comfortable bed arrangements Consume warm and light foods such as mamsa rasa, shali rice, curds, milk and foods consisting of unctuous substances Aroma therapy – inhalation of good smells Hearing soothing sounds Application of soothing lepa’s over the face, head and the eyes Avoid sleeping in daytime Avoid coffee, tea, alcohol and tobacco before going to bed. Avoid consumption of oily foods at night. Do not watch television before going to bed








The Book on “ Mudras for health� written by Yogarathna Gopalakrishna Delamapdy was released recently in the D.C. office Mangalore, by the Deputy Commissioner, Shri .A.B. Ibrahim. The contributions made in the field of Yoga by conducting free camps for all, since last so many years by Shri. Delamapady was apprised by the D.C. The chief of Udayavani News Bureau , Shri. Manohar Prasad was the chief guest at the function. The sponsors of the book, Smt. Rekha Ramani and Shri. Muralidhar Ramani and Shri. Sham Prasad Mudraje, Prof. Sreepada of Mangalore University, Shri. Mariyappa and other beneficiaries from Yoga camps conducted by Shri. Delamapady were also present at the function.



SUNFEAST FARMLITE CREATES ‘FARM’ INSIDE KEMPEGOWDA BANGALORE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT F irst-of-its-kind traveler engagement program by Sunfeast Farmlite Creates awareness on ‘health and taste’

Commenting on this unique consumer engagement program, Mr. Chitranjan Dar, CEOFoods Division at ITC Foods said, “Sunfeast is a premium presence in the biscuits market. With the launch of Sunfeast Farmlite, we have entered into the health biscuit segment. The brand straddles the desirable space, where health meets taste.” He further added, “This product has been developed after indepth research by our experts, Sunfeast Farmlite is a perfect combination of health and taste.” The program involved two large elements of surprise for the travelers after they de-board the aircraft and reached the airport lobby. The travelers navigated through the replica of a farm which encompasses windmills, actual almond trees, wheat farm etc. As they navigated through the farm and reached the baggage section, the baggage belt had to be manually pedaled using exercise cycles stationed at the venue. Curious travelers started cycling and the conveyor belt loaded with Sunfeast Farmlite biscuits arrived for the travelers along with their baggage. Thus Sunfeast Farmlite managed to transform a mundane activity such as waiting for your baggage into a fun workout and hence reinforcing the brand message that Staying Healthy can be fun! Sunfeast Farmlite health biscuits are available in two variants across all leading grocery stores. Sunfeast Farmlite Oats and Almonds: A deliciously healthy cookie loaded with the goodness of oats, wheat and almonds. Sunfeast Farmlite Oats and Raisins: A deliciously healthy cookie loaded with the goodness of oats, wheat and raisins. For further details, please contact: Perfect Relations – Juhi +91 8880354348

Sunfeast, from the house of ITC Foods, enters health biscuit segment with the launch of ‘Sunfeast Farmlite’ through a unique consumer engagement program at the Kempegowda International Airport, Bangalore. The first-of-its-kind engagement program by Sunfeast was aimed at creating awareness about ‘Health and Taste, holding true to the product’s promise.





SoulTree® Commemorates Environment Day with Farmers SoulTree®, India’s leading and only range of certified organic and natural beauty products, celebrates World Environment day by appreciating & supporting the contribution of farmers in helping spread nature’s goodness with honesty & responsibility to consumers worldwide. 2014, which is declared as the International Year of Family Farming by the United Nations (UN) has helped SoulTree® foster the recognition of farmers – the “People behind SoulTree” by running an initiative of Thanking the Farmer. This initiative allows consumers of SoulTree® to thank and spread smiles to the farmers & their families by writing postcards to them. Vishal Bhandari, Founder – SoulTree® quotes “This Environment Day, choose an organic product because: zz Organic products use herbs that are produced in a sustainable manner (without the use of chemicals fertilizers & pesticides) zz It’s production does not generate any toxic wastes zz Being bio-degradable they don’t cause harm when post-use they enter environment zz And above all, it is an opportunity to benefit the farmers & communities and boost their livelihoods.” SoulTree® works closely with small farmers, especially women farmers & not-for-profits to promote organic farming on a scale to generate sustainable livelihoods from it for them. The rich herbs derived from



the pristine Himalayas are then cultivated & processed in-house as per Ayurvedic tradition, ensuring only the finest reach consumers. The SoulTree® promise of genuine goodness is reflected in every aspect of business - be it choosing safe ingredients, supporting sustainable farming practices or going the extra mile to get an International Natural cosmetic certification like the BDIH. About Soul Tree: SoulTree® is India’s first and the only range of certified natural personal care products developed by Vedicare Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. Vedicare is a member of BDIH as a manufacturer of Natural cosmetics. The products are crafted from natural origin ingredients, using natural oils and carefully selected Ayurvedic herbs, which are grown organically or wild-crafted in the Himalayas. In addition to the organic Ayurvedic herbs, these natural origin ingredients are derived from natural sources through strictly regulated processes to ensure that synthetic & harmful ingredients do not make their way into the products. No artificial colours, fragrances or harmful preservatives are added. SoulTree® products are free of parabens and silicones. SoulTree® offers a wide range of skin care, hair care, bath care and beauty products available throughout India in select outlets that stock Organic products as well as in Religare Wellness outlets in Delhi & Bangalore. www.bangalorehealthtv.com


Worrying trend in Bangalore! On account of International Day of Action for Women’s Health, apan India study conducted by Metropolis Healthcare Ltd in Bangalore observed the trends in two common diseases that affect the women population in India. We observed the data for TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) and Hb1ac (Diabetes) TSH

hormone. Over 16% of the sample screened in the 20 to 30 age group showed high TSH levels, while the margin increased to 22% in the 30 to 40 age bracket. Samples screened in the age group 40 to 50 recorded 26% in high TSH. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone. Since the main purpose of thyroid hormone is to “run the body’s metabolism,” it is understandable that people with this condition will have symptoms associated with a slow metabolism. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism include Fatigue, Weakness, Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight, Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches, irritability, Abnormal menstrual cycles, etc Hb1ac

Age group

High Low Normal Grand Total

20 to 30





Age Group



30 to 40





20 to 30




40 to 50





30 to 40




50 to 60





40 to 50





50 to 60




60 to 70




Above 70 Grand Total







Grand Total 7385

937 30818

Out of the 39,140 samples studied, 18% of the total sample was found with high TSH levels that lead to Hypothyroidism. Over 47% of the sample that were screened fell under the age group 20 to 30 that indicates an alarming trend of younger population being identified with symptoms of Hypothyroidism. The low values of TSH may indicate hyperthyroidism or treatment with thyroid

Grand Total

Over 64% of the sample screened (7125) recorded a high blood sugar level. Highest number of abnormalities was observed in the age group 40-50


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Ph: 080-2350 5777 Fax : 080-2340 9450 Email : dhanvantari.ayurved@gmail.com, Web: www. dhanvantarihospital.com Branch : #2537/11, 2nd Main, 1st Cross, Maruthi Nagar, Nagarabhavi Road, Bengaluru-72, Ph : 080 - 2339 0202





(67%) and 50- 60 (82%) suggesting the onset of such life-style diseases. A worrying trend is also observed in the age group 30-40 with almost 40% abnormality observed within that age-group. A regular health checkup will aid in keeping a track on their health. This also focuses on preventive measures that are required to reduce obesity, increase in physical activity, controlling junk foods and a constant effort to promote awareness among the masses. ¾¾ ABOUT METROPOLIS HEALTHCARE LTD. Metropolis Healthcare Ltd. was founded by Dr. Sushil Shah in 1981. Metropolis Healthcare is India’s leading multinational chain of 105 diagnostic centers and 700 collection centers across India, Sri Lanka, South Africa and Middle East. It provides around


4500 specialized tests under a single roof ranging from oncology to genetics, molecular biology and immunoassays using best-of-breed and latest diagnostic equipment. Metropolis has been awarded numerous accolades like the ‘Modern Medicare Diagnostic Company of the year’ in 2006 and ‘Frost and Sullivan Diagnostic Company of the Year’ in 2010. Its quality practices made Metropolis a “Quality Brand”, and its technological capabilities won the CMO Asia Award and e-health award in healthcare IT. eHealth World Expo 2011 – has also awarded Metropolis Healthcare Ltd as “Best Jury Award” for ICT enabled diagnostic service provider for the project IT integration of customer service management. Owing to the increasing test demands, Metropolis has recently expanded its processing capacity and made its central lab arguably the single largest lab in India. In the pursuit of scientific development, Metropolis has conducted 48 CMEs in the last financial year and has successfully added 140 new tests through its R&D department. In June 2010, Warburg Pincus, a leading global Private equity firm, has invested up to $85 million in Metropolis Healthcare Ltd. Ms. Ameera Shah, MD & CEO, Metropolis Healthcare has been voted by GE/Modern Medicare as ‘The Young entrepreneur of the Year’ in 2006 and in 2011 by Entrepreneur India and Bloomberg. She was also recognized and awarded ‘The Young Achiever of the year’ at the CMO Asia Awards in 2011. She has been honored with ‘Exemplary Women Leadership award’ at the World Women Leadership and Congress awards 2014. She has also been listed in the acclaimed ‘Top 40 under 40 List’ by Economic Times & Spencer Stuart. Ms. Shah was also the winner of the McKinsey Case awards and also received the ‘Young Achiever of the Year Award 2006. Ms. Ameera Shah had also contributed towards awards powered by Bloomberg I UTV - Women in leadership for the year 2012.


Safeguard your Health before it complicates ¸ÀA¥ÀQð¹

Dr. Michael Gonsalves

B.H.M.S., M.S.

Mangalore clinic : FIRST CHOICE, 1st floor , Opp. To kadri petrol pump, kadrishivabagh , mangalore – 2 Bangalore clinic: FIRST CHOICE, 1st floor, opp. To nagarjuna apartments , 19th main , 27th cross, hsr- 2nd sector, bangalore - 2 Mob: 8050485240 & 9980188918





5,000 5,000














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