July eng 2014

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No 2 & 3, Janani, 1st Floor, 7th Cross, Central Excise Layout, Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore 94, Phone: 8197554373 E-mail: mediaicon@ymail.com JULY-2014




A Complete Family Magazine on Ayurveda, Health & Pharma

Volume-5 Issue-7

July 2014


EDITOR Shri Krishna M

PUBLISHED BY MEDIA ICON No 2 & 3, Janani, 1st Floor, 7th Cross, Central Excise Layout, Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore 94 Phone: 8197554373 www.bangalorehealthtv.com E-mail: mediaicon@ymail.com

Medical Advisors

Dr. Chalapathy Dr Somashekar Dr Dinesh Babu Dr M.G. Jvali Dr Muralidhar Dr Prabhakar G. Dr G. Mohan Dr Vittal Nayak Dr Sampath kumar Dr Geethanarayan Dr Dugraprasad Reddy Dr Sham Bhat Dr Seetharam prasad Dr Padmini prasad Dr venkatramana Hegde Dr K. Bhujanga Shetty Dr Keerthy patel Dr B. Ramesh Dr S.S. Hiremath Dr. Vasundhara Bhupathy Dr. G. Grace

Consulting Editors Keshav V. Ramu D V Kumar

Media Advisor Raghavendra Raju


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Editor Speak

Good Manners for Children

D A Kalpaja

Director, VIMS

Teach good manners to children at a young age to grow up as a perfect ladies and gentleman We observe kids throw trashy temper tantrums, scream, shout, lie on the floor refusing to get up, making a huge scene to get whatever they want. Parents some time get frustrate. Hence high priority should be given on the importance of good manners. zz Manners are taught: No one is born with good manners. It is really practical applications of kindness and it has to be taught by being good examples ourselves. zz Teach the Basics: Start teaching manners by using magic words (like Please, Thank you, Excuse Me, I’m Sorry). zz Behaviour in Public Places or others house: Do not allow to wander, see not touch anything that does not belong to children, you should not make a scene instead settle it out of public view, Trash should always be disposed of in the bin. Teach children not to go into other rooms, nor opening cupboards, fridge and drawers zz A Child’s Personal Hygiene and Grooming: dressed properly appropriate to the situation or place, washing hands before eating and after using the wash room, sitting manners. zz Expressing Emotion: Tech children to be patient and control temper like expressing anger, disappointment or frustration by using

Save Life in an Emergency





zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz zz




bad language, kicking something or the use of insults. And if temper is lost, she should apologies when she has calmed down. She accepts apologies when they are offered. She does not shout, pout, sulk, or cry to get what she wants. Socializing: Teach to consider another person’s feelings, to be kind and make an effort to include everyone in the conversation, in a game, or at a party, never to steal, never to bring an uninvited guest to a dinner or party or ask if she can bring someone to a party. Set good examples of respected persons and tell their stories. Listen to your child when he speaks, even if you have heard it before. Do not discipline your child in front of others. Be generous with compliments and stingy with criticism. Admit when you are wrong, and offer an apology to your child when you are. Respect your child’s privacy and boundaries. Knock first. Teach to wait for their turn and not interrupting other people when they are speaking. Always greet someone when they come over to your house. Depending on your level of formality. Clean up after yourself. Whether at home or at a friend’s house, always pick up after yourself. It’s their mess, so they need to clean it up. If children leave a mess, then remind them that they need to clean up before the next activity can begin, and stick to it. Good sportsmanship. After playing a game (sports, cards, board game), no matter the outcome, be pleasant. If your child wins, tell him/her to not gloat or show off, but to be kind. If they lose, don’t sulk or get mad, but be a good sport and tell the other child(ren) “good game” or speak well of them. Take compliments courteously. If someone praises your children, teach them to be gracious and say, “thank you” and avoid putting themselves down or pointing out flaws. Respect differences. When people do things differently from your family because of diversity in culture, race, or religion, then teach your child respect. Point out how interesting it is or how different families do different things. Families have their own traditions or rituals, and it is important and has meaning for that family.





Chronic kidney disease 8 GENITAL HERPES 10 OVARIAN CYSTS 13 BONE – SETTER 15 My Birth Story 16 Contact Lens 19 Glaucoma 20 Heart Diseases 22 Redefine yourself 23 Revive a Fizzling Relationship 25 STAMMERING 26 Hair care… 29 RISK OF POSES 32 AYURVEDIC THERAPIES FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT 33


Ayurpharma Health Mag l Healthmag and vydyaloka now global magazine. l Subscribe and read lead a healthy life. l Subscribe for digital editions.


Design : Chandrashekar Gajani - Design Editor

For articles and news contact : Mediaicon - 8197554373, email: mediaicon@ymail.com

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This publication is a reference volume only. Do consult your doctors. While the editors do their utmost verify informations published, they do not accept responsibility for its absolute accuracy. Articles, Advertisements published in the book does not imply endorsement by the publisher.



Food health

HUNGER CONTROL HELP! I’m always so hungry!

Dr. Chalapathy Professor of General Surgery Vydehi Hospital Whitefield, Bangalore – 66 Ph: 080-28413381/2/3/4 www.vims.ac.in

Control your hunger ... Before It Controls you Hunger is nothing more than a physiological reaction of the body, letting us know it is time to eat. How we respond to hunger - i.e., what type of food we put in our body in response to feeling hungry, and whether we tend to overeat or ‘binge’ in this situation.

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zz We know that we are what we eat. Hunger (or the drive to eat) is the single greatest enemy of any weight loss program. In order to control hunger effectively, one has to first understand and need to know about hunger, to get the upper hand in this battle. Hunger is a perfectly normal phenomenon but what creates problems is the deregulation of the hunger mechanism which ultimately results in overeating and increased calorie intake long-term. It is darned hard to control our hunger. So here are tricks to control hunger so that you can go ahead and finally be successful in your attempts to stop overeating. zz Learn to predict your body’s hunger schedule, and to intercept it before it kicks in: zz Chew sugarless gum. This is a great way to satisfy the “chewing” instinct and the mind will think its eating zz Eat small frequent meals: A good way to control hunger is to eat regular meals, of reasonable size, before feeling very hungry. Eat 5-6 small meals per day. This is very important because it keeps you satisfied throughout the day. Your body needs food to provide energy, repair damaged www.bangalorehealthtv.com 6

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muscle tissue, and to carry out various other functions .Once we feel very hungry, the odds are we’ll eat a larger amount of food, and we’ll crave foods that are rich in saturated fats and/or sugars. Such foods are not only fattening, but also likely to cause renewed hunger and fatigue a short time after the meal. So when choosing your food, make it a point to avoid them. These foods are certain to derail your weight loss program Destroy temptation Drink more water: Drink 2-3 big glasses of water or a diet drink when hunger pangs hit. Water fills up the stomach and makes you feel full. Water is the healthiest, cheapest and most easily available appetite suppressant around. Thirst is often mistaken as hunger. Also, foods with high water content can fill you up easily. They naturally pack fewer calories for their volume. Increase your fluid intake: Toss together a salad of lettuce, cucumbers, celery and tomatoes, or a fruit cup with watermelon, strawberries and orange slices for a watery hunger-satisfying snack. Walking first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This is the best way to burn maximum fat. Eat protein at every meal. Protein is critical for maintaining/building muscle and will keep you full. Avoid simple sugars, Fruit juice and soda will kill any diet plan because they spike insulin and make you hungry. Eat high fiber foods. Fiber expands in the stomach and makes you feel full. Oatmeal and beans have tons of fiber. Add some healthy fats. Fat is very satiating and helps with hunger. Focus on olive oil, salmon, avocados, walnuts. Eat slowly. Make sure to allow the body/mind time to respond to the presence of food in the stomach. Choose low calorie snacks. Air popped popcorn and fat-free Jell-O are great snacks during the day if hunger hits. Drink green tea and oolong tea - they are particularly rich in healthy antioxidants which rejuvenate the body and facilitate weight loss. Find a new hobby that doesn’t involve food.


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Examples: Yoga, martial arts, meditation, arts and crafts, working out at the gym, etc. Taking your mind off food and keeping it focused on something you enjoy can work wonders. Relax more during the day. This decreases the blood-levels of the hormone cortisol (the stress hormone) Increase your sleep time: You should sleep at least 8 hours per night. This keeps you away from food (literally), and decreases your stress levels (which makes it easier to loose fat, especially abdominal fat). Lack of sleep affects hormones related to appetite, causing you to gain pounds. In conclusion, getting enough sleep is an excellent way to control hunger effortlessly. Tip: Take Fish and walnuts. However, about 7 walnuts bring in 180 calories, so try not to exceed this portion in one day. Avoid restaurant food, especially fast food. It is likely to contain trans fats, which may cause renewed hunger shortly after eating. Trans fats also promote accelerated weight gain, and have somewhat of an addictive effect (give you the urge to eat more of the same Go nuts. Drink two glasses of water and eat an ounce of nuts (6 walnuts, 12 almonds or 20 peanuts). Within 20 minutes, this can extinguish your craving and dampen your appetite Focus on the fatigue: Shut the door, close your eyes, re-energize. Get minty fresh. Brush your teeth; gargle with mouthwash. «When you have a fresh, clean mouth, you don›t want to mess it up Distract yourself. If only ice cream will do, it›s a craving, not hunger. Cravings typically last ten minutes, recognize that and divert your mind: Call someone, listen to music, run an errand, meditate or exercise. Plan or avoid. Vary your usual routine to avoid passing the bakery or pizzeria. Don’t skip meals: Skipping meals and going too long without food can turn hunger pangs into





irresistible cravings. Don’t skip breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day. Your first meal of the day helps replenish all those nutrients lost during that all-night fast. Missing out on this meal means setting you up for low blood sugar levels and, thus, low energy levels and irresistible hunger pangs and cravings at lunchtime. Eat vegetables which are healthy. They are also rich in fibre, and secret weapon to control hunger. While all vegetables are beneficial as far as good health and hunger control go, certain veggies, like broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and mushrooms, are super-high in fibre and have a negligible amount of calories. They can fill your stomach and control your hunger while filling you with a small amount of calories. Eat more whole grains which are less refined carbohydrates, healthier, higher in fibre. Thus they are more filling and satisfying. While refined carbs -- like idlis, dosas, white bread, white rice -may be low in fat, they are higher in fibre. You may run the risk of over-consuming calories. Eat slowly: It actually works. The brain actually takes ten minutes longer than the stomach to receive the message that it is full. Thus, eating too fast might cause you to eat beyond the point of fullness without even realising. zz If hungry between meals, choose a healthy snack which brings in a reasonable amount of calories zz Exercise: When you start feeling hunger, challenge yourself with a short burst of exercise (such as 50 squats, or 5 minutes lifting dumbbells, or 20 pushups) - and only then reward yourself with snacks. Exercise in itself may help control hunger. Since the heart rate goes up, i.e. the heart is pumping harder, more blood with nutrients is being delivered to the vital organs (including the brain), which may curtail the sensation of hunger. If you experience persistent refractory hunger, you may also want to talk to your doctor about ruling out any medical conditions apt to cause increased appetite. In such instances, medical treatment may be necessary to control hunger.



Chronic kidney disease

For details contact Vydehi Hospital Whitefield, Bangalore – 66 Ph: 080-28413381/2/3/4 www.vims.ac.in Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as either kidney damage or a decreased kidney glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Whatever the underlying etiology, the destruction of renal mass with irreversible sclerosis and loss of nephrons leads to a progressive decline in GFR. ¾¾ Causes zz Systemic hypertension zz Diabetes Mellitus zz Acute insults from nephrotoxins or decreased perfusion zz Proteinuria zz Hyperlipidemia zz Hyperphosphatemia with calcium phosphate deposition zz Smoking In India the increasing number of patients with chronic diseases like hypertension(20-40% in urban adults and 12-17% among rural adults) and diabetes (3.8% in rural and 11.8% in urban adults) has peopotionally increased in number of CKD as it is estimated that 25-40% of these patients are likely to develop CKD. ¾¾ Symptoms zz Peripheral neuropathy



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Restless leg syndrome GI symptoms - Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea zz Skin manifestations - Dry skin, pruritus, ecchymosis zz Fatigue, increased somnolence, failure to thrive zz Malnutrition zz Erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, amenorrhea zz Platelet dysfunction with tendency to bleeding ¾¾ Treatment options zz Early education regarding natural disease progression, zz Different dialytic modalities, zz Renal transplantation, THINK BEFORE RENAL REPLACEMENT….. ¾¾ Complications of Renal transplant zz Allograft Rejection zz Vascular Occlusive Disease zz Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia zz Malignancy zz Chronic Liver Disease zz Other gastrointestinal (GI) disorders zz Musculoskeletal problems zz Cataracts


Inaugural function of Rural Health Centre, Kannamangala- VIMS & RC

Inaugural function of Rural Health Centre, Kannamangala. and Preventive Gynaec Oncology wing,VIMS & RC took place on 26th June in the campus. The Honorable Health Minster of Karnataka, Shri U.T. Khader kindly consented to be the Chief Guest at the function. Dr Shri. Prakash K.S., Vice Chancellor, RGUHS was the Guest of Honour. There was an address by Shri U.T. Khader, who is the Honorable Health Minster of Karnataka and an address by Dr Shri. Prakash K.S., Vice Chancellor, RGUHS along with an address by Mrs. Kalpaja Delavoi, the director of VIMS and RC. It closed with a Vote of Thanks




Dr. C. SHARATH KUMAR DIRECTOR & CHIEF FERTILITY SURGEON, MEDIWAVE IVF & FERTILITY hospital City X-Ray complex, Sayyaji Rao Road, Mysore - 570021. Ph : (O) : 0821-2444441, (R) : 0821-2519026. E-mail : drcsharath@hotmail.com.

GENITAL HERPES Herpes is a common viral infection. There are several species of this virus. Herpes zoster virus causes chicken pox and shingles. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) causes genital herpes. Genital herpes is commonly called as Herpes. Herpes is a one of the sexually transmitted disease (STD) & is a common viral infection causing inflammation and blistering on genitals, buttocks or anal area. Herpes is found worldwide, and is the most common STD. The disease affects genitals, skin and mucous membranes, but it may also involve many other parts of the body, including eyes and finger ¾¾ Causative Organism There are two types of viruses which cause herpes. The most common herpes viruses are herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Usually HSV-1 causes cold sores or fever blisters on or around the lips and HSV-2 affects areas below the waist, causing genital herpes. But both HSV1 and HSV-2 virus can cause herpes in either area.

Fig1. Virus causing Herpes infection Herpes Simplex Virus(HSV) ¾¾ How genital herpes is spread? Genital herpes is spread easily. The virus from contact with an infected person can enter the body through a break in the skin or through the skin of mouth, penis or vagina, urinary tract opening, or anus. Herpes is most easily spread when blisters or sores can be seen on the infected person. But it can be spread at any time, even when there aren’t any symptoms. Herpes is usually spread from one person to another by having sex or through intimate contact including oral sex. Herpes can also be spread from one place of a body to another, such as from genitals to fingers, then eyes or to other parts of a body. Herpes can also be spread from a mother to her baby when she



gives birth. ¾¾ Stages of herpes: Primary stage This stage usually starts 2 to 8 days after infection, but it can take much longer to begin. Usually, the infection causes groups of small, painful blisters. The fluid in the blisters may be clear or cloudy. While most people have a painful primary stage of infection, some don’t have any symptoms at all, and may not even know they’re infected. Latent stage During this stage, there are no blisters, sores or other symptoms. At this time, the virus is traveling from skin into the nerves near your spine. Shedding stage The virus starts multiplying in the nerves. It can then get into body fluids, such as saliva, semen or vaginal fluids. This is called shedding. There are no symptoms during this stage, but the virus can be spread during this time. Sign and symptoms: The symptoms of herpes vary from person to person. Some people have severe symptoms, such as many painful sores, while others have mild symptoms. An initial outbreak of genital herpes usually brings about symptoms within two weeks of having sexual contact with an infected person and can last from two to three weeks.

Fig 2.A Red blisters over an upper lip -infected with herpes. ¾¾ Early symptoms: zz An itching or burning feeling in the genital or anal area zz Swollen glands in the genital area. zz Pain in the legs, buttocks, or genital area zz Vaginal discharge ¾¾ Later symptoms: zz Small red bumps on the penis, vagina, or wherever the infection began. zz Fever, headache, muscle aches. zz Pain when urinating.


Fig 3. A red lesion over a vagina showing Fig 4. A red lesion over penis showing herpes infection Herpes infection


Recurrence of herpes outbreaks In most people, the virus can become active and cause outbreaks several times a year. This is called a recurrence, and infected people can have symptoms.


Diagnosis The diagnosis of Genital herpes is done by the following tests. zz Herpes viral culture. Cells or fluid from a fresh sore are collected with a cotton swab and placed in a culture container. zz Herpes virus antigen detection test. Cells from a fresh sore are scraped off and then smeared onto a microscope slide. This test detects antigens on the surface of cells infected with the herpes virus. zz Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. PCR testing can be done on cells or fluid from a sore or on blood or on other fluid (such as spinal fluid). This test can distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV2. zz Antibody tests. Blood tests can detect antibodies that are made by the immune system to fight a


herpes infection. Antibody tests are occasionally done. ¾¾ TREATMENT There are several antiviral medications for controlling herpes infection, such as Acyclovir (Zovirax), Famciclovir (Famvir), or Valacyclovir (Valtrex) that prevent the virus from multiplying and even shorten the length of the eruption. This can decrease the risk of passing herpes to sexual partners. ¾¾ Prevention To reduce the risk of Herpes and other STDs, one has to adhere to practice of safe sex and follow ABC guideline, that iszz Abstinence - Not having sex before marriage or practicing it with more than one sexual partner. zz zz

Being faithful towards your spouse.

Condoms should be used for any type of sex with any other. zz Also it is always ideal to avoid intimate contact with an infected person. ¾¾ Other measures that have been suggested include: People with herpes should follow a few simple steps to avoid spreading the infection to other places on their body or other people. zz Avoid touching the infected area during an outbreak, and wash hands after contact with the area. zz Do not have sexual contact from the time of first genital symptoms until symptoms are completely gone. zz Use of a lip protectant or lip gloss, zz Management of stress, zz Adequate sleep and nutrition zz Avoidance of cross-infecting different sites on the body if HSV blisters are present. ¾¾ Complications Genital herpes infections usually do not cause serious health problems in healthy adults. In some people whose immune systems do not work properly, genital herpes outbreaks can be unusually severe and long lasting. Occasionally, people with normal immune systems can get herpes infection of the eye, called ocular herpes. It can occasionally result in serious eye disease, including blindness. A woman with herpes who is pregnant can pass the infection to her baby. A baby born with herpes might die or have serious brain, skin, or eye problems. ¾¾ Conclusion Herpes like any other STDs initially may not look serious but if treatment is not taken it may be fatal. Also it may cause lot of complications to the infected person which may be sometimes fatal. Always an infected person should talk frankly with doctor and sexual partner as well about having any STDs & proper treatment must be taken as soon as possible. www.bangalorehealthtv.com





Women health


Gynecologic problems

A Common and Treatable Problem If your health care provider has told you that you have an ovarian cystj know that you’re not alone. Many women get cysts on their ovaries during their childbearing years. A cyst is usually a fluid-filled sac, like small water balloon. These cysts are almost always harmless, and many go away on their own. Sometimes surgery is needed to treat a cyst, but in most cases the ovary does not have to be removed.

¾¾ Understanding Ovarian Cysts

You have two ovaries, each about the size of a walnut. The ovaries contain thousands of immature eggs. Each egg is enclosed in a capsule called a follicle. Every / month, several follicles start to enlarge. One grows more rapidly and produces a mature egg. When you ovulate, the follicle releases the ripe egg, which then travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized, the follicle, shrinks and disappears in 2-3 weeks. Then the cycle starts again. If this process is altered in some way, a cyst can grow. This booklet is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. 2 Only your doctor can diagnose and treat a medical problem. ¾¾ Common Types of Ovarian Cysts No one knows exactly why cysts form. Usually they grow slowly, and they are rarely cancerous in women under 50. They can vary in size from as small as a pea to larger than a grapefruit. Many cause no symptoms at all. Often they are felt only during a pelvic exam. (Note; A Pap test screens for problems in the cervix, not in the ovaries.) The four most common types of ovarian cysts are functional cysts, dermoid cysts, endometriomas, and benign cystadenomas. zz A functional cyst is the most common kind of cyst. It forms when a follicle does not release a mature egg or continues to grow after releasing the egg. Functional cysts usually occur on only one ovary, and shrink on their own in 1-3 months. Rarely, a cyst will twist or rupture, causing pain. zz Endometrioma (“Chocolate” Cyst):


Dr B Ramesh Dr. RAMESH HOSPITAL # 6/63, 59th Cross, 4th Block, Rajajinagar Entrance, Opposite to MEI Polytechnic, Bangalore - 560 010 Ph: 080 - 23151873 Mob: 9844291777

Sometimes tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows and attaches to the outside of the ovary. This kind of cyst is often called a “chocolate” cyst because it contains old, dark-brown blood. These cysts can grow on one or both ovaries. They often cause pain, especially around menstruation or during sexual intercourse. zz Dermoid Cyst: Sometimes an unfertilized egg will start to grow into different kinds of tissue, such as fat, hair, and teeth. This kind of cyst is called a dermoid cyst. Dermoid cysts can grow on one or both ovaries. Usually they cause no symptoms. But if they leak or become twisted, they can cause severe pain. zz Benign Cystadenoma: If the capsule that surrounds the ovary grows, it can form a cystadenoma. These cysts can grow on one or both ovaries. Usually they cause no symptoms. But if they become large, they can press on organs near the ovaries, “causing pain. A cyst that pushes on the bladder can cause frequent urination. Sometimes these cysts rupture and bleed. ¾¾ Medical Evaluation and Treatment Your health care provider will carefully evaluate your cyst before deciding on the best treatment. He or she will do a pelvic exam to feel the cyst and ask about your medical history. You may also have tests to help determine the size and kind of cyst you have and to rule out other conditions, such as pregnancy. If you have a functional cyst, it can probably be treated medically. Other kinds of cysts usually require surgery. ¾¾ Your Pelvic Exam Your health care provider can usually feel a cyst during a pelvic exam. Often this is the first sign that you have a cyst. Your health care provider will gently feel your ovaries from inside www.bangalorehealthtv.com


the vagina. This helps reveal the size and kind of cyst you have, and whether there is a cyst on one or both ovaries. He or she may also insert one finger in your rectum (rectal exam) to better feel the cyst. ¾¾ Your Medical History You may also be asked questions such as the following to help diagnose your cyst: zz Have you ever had a cyst before? zz What symptoms do you have, if any? When did you first notice them? When do they occur? zz Has your mother or a sister ever had a cyst? zz Have your recent periods been regular? zz Are you taking birth control pills (oral contraceptives)? Did you recently stop taking them? To feel your ovaries, your health care provider gently inserts two fingers into your vagina and presses against your abdomen with the other hand. Ultrasound : To confirm that you have a cyst and to help determine the size and kind, your health care provider may order an ultrasound. This is a painless, non-surgical test done in a medical office or lab. During the test, a small instrument called a transducer is placed in your vagina or on your abdomen. (For an abdominal ultrasound, you will be asked to drink extra fluids beforehand. A full bladder makes the ovaries and uterus easier to see.) The transducer passes harmless sound waves through your body. No radiation is involved. The sound waves are converted into a sonogram “picture” on a TV monitor. The picture tells your health care provider whether the cyst is filled with fluid or is solid tissue. During an ultrasound, sound waves passed through your body are converted into a picture on a TV screen. The picture helps determine the size and kind of cyst you have. Other Tests: Based on your pelvic exam and medical history, your age, and the results of an ultrasound, your health care provider may suggest other tests. These may include one or more of the following: A pregnancy test if your periods have An MRI or CT scan to get a picture of the not been regular shape and density of the cyst zz A CA-125 blood test to assess the possibility of cancer, especially if you’re postmenopausal zz Laparoscopy to view the cyst directly through a small incision in your abdomen Medical Treatment: A functional cyst can usually be managed by watching it to see if it will go away on its own, or by taking birth control pills to help shrink the cyst and prevent future cysts. If you are already on birth control pills, you may have another kind of cyst. Monitoring: Many functional cysts stop growing



and shrink on their own after 1-3 menstrual cycles. Your health care provider may have you wait and come back for a follow-up visit in 4-6 weeks. If the cyst has gone away, you won’t need any treatment. Call your health care provider right away if you have any pain or abnormal bleeding between appointments. And be sure to have regular pelvic exams, as new cysts can develop. Birth Control Pills: Your health care provider may have you take birth control pills. Birth control pills stop the follicles from developing and producing eggs. This helps give a functional cyst time to shrink, and prevents new cysts from forming. Taking birth control pills may not be right for some women, especially women who smoke or are over 40. Your health care provider will help you decide whether birth control pills are right for you. Surgical Evaluation and Treatment: Some cysts can only be diagnosed and treated surgically. Often a cyst can be removed without removing the ovary. Your doctor may first look at the cyst through a small incision in your abdomen (laparoscopy) to diagnose the kind of cyst Some cysts can then be removed through this incision. Others cysts require open surgery (laparotomy). The cyst may be diagnosed and treated at the same time, or in separate procedures. Your health care provider will tell you what you need to do before you arrive at the surgery center, and what will happen during surgery. Before Your Procedure: You will be asked not to eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery, You’ll probably check into the hospital on the day of surgery, f When you register, you will be required to sign a consent form. A nurse may start an IV (intravenous) line to give you medications and fluids during surgery. An anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist will talk with you about the medications you’ll be given to keep you comfortable. Just before surgery, you’ll be taken into the operating room. Risk and complication: Your doctor will talk with you about the risks and possible complications of laparoscopy and laparotomy. They may include: zz Infection zz Bleeding, with a possible need for transfusion zz Damage to the bladder, bowel, or nearby nerves or blood vessels zz Side effects from anesthesia Laparoscopy: First your abdomen is inflated with a harmless gas to make the ovaries easier to see. Then your doctor makes a half-inch incision in or just below your navel and inserts a small, lighted instrument (laparoscope). The laparoscope allows your doctor to look closely at the ovaries. He or she may then remove the cyst by inserting surgical instruments through the laparoscope or through other tiny incisions. The tissue will be sent to a lab to confirm that the cyst is not cancerous. Laparoscopy usually takes 1-2 hours. Laparotomy: If your cyst cannot be removed with a laparoscope, your doctor will do a laparotomy. A 4”5” incision is made in your abdomen, and surgical instruments are inserted. Your doctor may be able to remove the cyst without removing the ovary. Sometimes the ovary must be removed, but it is still possible to get pregnant with one ovary. The tissue will be sent to a lab to confirm that the cyst is not cancerous. Laparotomy usually takes 1-2 hours and may be done at the same


uu A medicinal plant in your own yard tt Dr.Vasundhara Bhupathi No 222, 2nd E cross, 3rd Block 3rd Stage Basaweswara nagar Bangaluru - 79 Mob: 9480334750

BONE – SETTER (Mangaravalli)

The paste of this plant is used in setting bone fractures. The extract can be given in Vata & Kapha related disorders. The plant is used in deworming, ophthalmic defects and as an appetizer. Family


Scientific name Cissus quadmngularis L. Common name

Edible stemmed vine: Bone-setter


Asthisamharaka, Asthishrunkala, Vajravalli










Chanamparanda Parand)




It is called ‘Asthishrunkala1 in Sanskrit as it has got the property of setting fractured bones together. This is a scorpiod shrub found throughout India. Though it is grown as an ornamental plant in many places its medicinal uses are not so well-known. This cactus climber is an essential element in papad making. This grows up to 15-20 feet climbing with a support on other plants. The green stem is fleshy and quadrilateral in its cross section. Nodes are there on stem with an internodal length of 2 inches. Each node has one small green leaf. Flowers blossom in July, triangular and biangular types are rarely found. ¾¾ CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Plant contains two steroidal principles, calcium

time as laparoscopy, or at a later time ¾¾ Recovery after surgery: You’ll be in the recovery area for several hours after surgery. A nurse will monitor your progress and give you pain medication. The gas used to inflate your abdomen may cause some pain in your shoulders. You can usually go home later the same day, but make sure to have someone drive you. Plan to rest at home for a few days. Some vaginal bleeding is normal. Use sanitary pads, not tampons, and avoid intercourse for as long as your health care provider recommends. He or she will see you for a follow-up visit in about 2 weeks. Call your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms after surgery: zz Severe or increasing pain


oxalate and carotene. Fresh plant contains ascorbic acid, vitamin C, triterpenoid and glucosides. ¾¾ MEDICINAL USES zz While treating fracture, stem of this plant is crushed and its juice is used in bandaging. zz Persons suffering from piles should drink the juice of this plant mixed with honey and the juice should be applied to the pile mass. zz Applying the paste of this plant to the wounds helps in fast healing. zz For skin diseases the patient should be made to drink 2 spoons of mangaravalli juice and should apply the same to the skin. zz If there is burning micturition the patient should be made to drink the decoction made from powder of dried stem of the plant. ¾¾ RECIPE Chutney : Ingredients : Mangaravalli stem, Onion, Green chillies, Salt, Grated coconut, Mustard Wash and peel the mangaravalli stem and boil it in water for 5 minutes. Add all the ingredients and grind it to a fine paste, season it with mustard. Especially useful for patients suffering from cough and cold.

zz zz zz

Redness or swelling around the incision Fever over IOO°F, or chills Persistent or heavy vaginal bleeding or drainage from the incision zz Recurring nausea or vomiting from the incision ¾¾ Your Ongoing Health Once your cyst is gone, you can feel good about your health again. Be sure to keep all follow-up appointments with your health care provider, and have pelvic exams as often as he or she recommends. Sometimes another cyst will occur. Remember that having a cyst does not mean you have cancer, and usually will not prevent you from getting pregnant.



From my Diary

Dr.Shubhankari P. Rao Shubha Ayurvedic centre, 3o/3 Patalamma temple street South end Circle, Basavangudi; Bangalore-04 Ph. 08026578620 Email: drshubhankariprao@gmail.com

My Birth Story Week 13 and 14 HIGH LIGHTS OF WEEK 13&14The dawn of happier days has started for my mom vomiting free days, especially after those bouts of vomiting in the first trimester. Placenta is a new device formed in the uterus during pregnancy creating a vital connectivity between me and my mother .This is an oval flat organ and a place where moms blood and my blood are in close contact yet do not mix, So my mom can supply oxygen and nutrients to my body and at the same time remove waste from my blood.



Mom is sensing relief My mom has crossed her first trimester and with most of the symptoms of nausea and vomiting gone she is sensing a sign of relief these days. She is feeling bit peppier and lot happier with a feeling of boost in energy. My features When I was 13wks old I was almost 9cms long and weighing almost 5o Gms. I always felt my head was larger but now, my body has started


growing rapidly in compared to my head. Ayurvedic physician who was seeing my mom could feel the belly of mother and she was able to detect my heart beat with the use of her Doppler instrument used to hear the heartbeat. Now I have a gag reflex and my nose and nasal passage are fully developed. Gag reflex is body’s natural defence against choking on foreign objects .There are ways to ease gag reflex like relaxing. Controlledbreathing and meditation clear the nasal passage ways and facilitate breathing if your nose is congested. Now that I am in 14th week I can now use my facial muscles to grimace and smile .My fully developed genitals make their grand appearance though they may still be very difficult for the sonologist to see on an ultrasound. I was able to do only jerky movements last trimester but now my movements are smooth and flexible and my slouching movements are no longer there .My neck is getting longer because of which I have a straightened look and head is more sturdy and erect . My hair is sprouting and my eyebrows are filling. I am covered with a downy coating of hair called lanigo to maintain warmth. As fat accumulates latter on in pregnancy it will take over the functioning of keeping the warmth of the body and all this hair starts shedding. Some babies those born earlier still have this coating of hair after delivery, but get cleared after few days. Intestinal action also increases and starts producing meconium which is the waste and will show its first appearance after birth. As my placenta has started functioning on its own it is responsible for many physical changes in my mother during middle pregnancy such as increase in skin pigmentation , lowering the blood pressure, increasing constipation and possibly causing bleeding gums or bleeding from the nose Placenta is a new device formed in the uterus during pregnancy creating a vital connectivity between me and my mother .This is an oval flat organ anda place where moms blood and my blood are in close contact yet do not mix, So my mom can supply oxygen and nutrients to my body and at the same time remove waste from myblood. Placenta --Sounds confusing. Give me an analogy. Imagine you have several bunches of berries neatly piled up individually stalks up into a sink. All the small pieces of string connect each stalk together and these strings meet in the middle of the sink woven into a rope. The rope represents the umbilical cord coming out of the middle of the placenta .If the sink tap is kept open and the drain is open then the water - maternal blood flows around the bunches of berries and out the drain continuously . The flow represents the uterine artery blood flowthough; the only difference is that maternal blood is actually pumped into the placenta by the action of the mother’sheart. If the water is warm represents oxygen the berries get warmed up .The rope then gets warmed up and so the warmth or oxygenated blood will go up the umbilical cord to the developing baby. The individual cherries represent the business


end of the placenta and are called the placental villi. The skin of the cherries keeps the cherry juice in place. If the cherry juice representsfoetal blood, skin represents the very thin placental barrier between the mothers blood circulation and the baby’s blood circulation . The placental layer is deliberately thin at the tip of villi so that the gasses and metabolic waste products from the baby can pass freely to the maternal blood to be removed by lungs and kidneys. Dalhana – The well-known Ayurvedic physician feels that a foetus receives its nourishment from the mother just like a tree situated on the bank of a full pond derives its nourishment. It’s “The principle of Kedara kulya nyaya” which explains the inner transport system of theentire biologicalfluids, nutrients,energies,impulses,emotions, thoughts and factors both tangible and intangible. The micro circulation and tissue perfusion works at the level of nourishment of the body through innumerable micro vascular channels to their respective places in the tissues .The cells and the tissues are perfused with nutrient plasma .Tissue perfusion is only a part of the process of nourishment where only pooling of nutrients takes place . Selective uptake of nutrients by the respective cells and tissues takes place just as different species of birds have their selective grains from the common harvesting ground. Well expanded blood volume for efficient placental function. Separation of the placenta from its attachment to the uterus wall before the baby is delivered is a condition caused not always by trauma but by clotting of the pool of the maternal blood which is normally behind the placenta. The cause of this clotting is usually an inadequate blood volume which results from inadequate nutrition. When the placenta first implants on the inner uterine wall it secretes enzymes produced by panchaka pitta energy which dissolves the end of the capillaries at theinner surface of the uterus .As a result the open ends of the arterial capillaries gush forth in a rapid stream in spurts little fountains of blood behind the placenta and the open ends of the venous capillaries return the blood to the mothers heart like sink draining. A pool of blood forms behind the placenta and the baby capillaries in the placenta which remain intact like little loops are continually bathed in this lake of the mother’sblood. Through this process (oxygen)



vata bio energy and ( nutrients) ambu pass from the mothers pool of blood through the capillary walls into the baby’s blood stream and waste products pass from babies capillaries to the mothers blood . As the placenta grows the pool of the blood behind the placenta needs to grow and mother needs to grow more blood in order to keep this pool of blood well supplied .In order to help her body to increase her blood volume in this way the mother needs to eat a nutritive meal , with moderate amount of salt and fluids and lead a healthy life style; because if the mothers blood volume fails to keep up with the growth of placenta through inadequate nutritional loss of salt and fluids or through wrong life style conditions the flow of blood behind the placenta shuts down. The blood that is supposed to be spurting out of the open arterial capillaries behind the placenta slows down to a trickle and the blood flowing through the pool behind the placenta to the open venous capillaries slows down to such a very slow rate that it begins to clots as blood always does when it is not flowing at a good rate Reduce the risk of clotting and favour smooth functioning of the placenta: To reduce the risk of clotting and favour smooth functioning of the placenta: 1. It’s important to keep well hydrated by drinking enough water and liquids in the form of vegetable juices or fruit juices. 2. Elevate your feet if you are sitting for a long period of time. 3. To support healthy blood volume and reduce the risk of abnormal clotting use moderate amounts of zz Gooseberries to make the capillaries stronger zz Garlic as a distinct and potent anticoagulant zz Ginger an effective anticoagulant with an additional benefit of promoting healthy liver. zz Grapeextract/juice including seeds – the purple variety as a potent anticoagulant. 4. If you are on calcium supplements don’t over dose .It should be appropriately balanced with nuts



and seeds like sesame,almonds, peanuts etc. Too much of calcium can impede placental function with calcifications and risk of increasing the chances of blood clot. 5. Exercise gets the blood moving and muscle contraction improve circulation include walking or any basically low impact exercises. Taste of coconut inflorescence: This week I had an opportunity to taste unfermented juice of coconut infloresence.It was prescribed by the physician to my mother to taketwice aweek. Taken during pregnancy the juice has marked effect on the complexion of the baby he said”. It will be born of a fair complexion i.e. if of dark parents comparatively fair. It also has an additional effect of reducing the pigmentation problems commonly faced by the mother during this week. Other health issues during this week zz Round ligament pain is the most common pain felt commonly because of the uterine growth .It is usually felt as achy or sharp pain on one or both sides of the abdomen. The uterus is supported by thick band of ligaments that rise from the groin up the side of the abdomen. As the uterus grows the supporting ligaments stretch and thin out to accommodate the increase weight. This weight pull out on the ligaments and causes a sharp pain or dull ache in lower abdomen Its noticeable when you change your position suddenly to get up from sitting position or lying down or when coughing. To get relief of this pain put your feet up and rest in a comfortable position that should ease the pain .Mild application of muscle relaxants like masha taila or Narayana taila eases the pain zz

As there is increase in blood flow to the mucous membrane in the body including nose the walls of nose can swell and soften making breathing difficult .Try running a warm mist humidifier while you sleep to make breathing easier. To combat dryness in your nose dab a little medicated ghee like varanadi Ghrutha in each nostril. Try using Amalaki –Goose berry in addition to your daily intake .It makes capillaries strong and reduces the chances of nose bleeding and bleeding from gums duringpregnancy.


Eye care

Contact Lens

Dr. K. Bhujang Shetty

Founder Chairman, Narayana Nethralaya Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology Bangalore, Karnataka Telephone no: +91-80-66121300-305 Fax No: +91-80-23377329 Email: info@narayananethralaya.com, chairman@narayananethralaya.com Website: www.narayananethralaya.org

A contact lens, or simply contact, is a thin lens placed directly on the surface of the eye ¾¾ Contact lens People choose to wear contact lenses for many reasons. Aesthetics and cosmetics are often motivating factors for people who would like to avoid wearing glasses or would like to change the appearance of their eyes.[6] Other people wear contacts for more visual reasons. When compared with spectacles, contact lenses typically provide better peripheral vision, and do not collect moisture such as rain, snow, condensation, or sweat. ¾¾ Contact Lens Care Tips zz Always wash your hands with soap and water before handling your lenses. Dry your hands with a lint free towel. zz To avoid getting your lenses mixed up, always apply and remove in the same order. zz Never use eye drops or solutions that are not specifically for contact lenses. Never use tap water to clean your lenses. zz Never use saliva to try to clean or wet your lenses. zz Do not sleep in your lenses unless you have been prescribed a specific type of lens designed for extended wear or your doctor has approved sleeping in your lenses. zz Keep all solution bottles tightly capped when you are not using them. zz Don’t let the tip of solution bottles contact any surface, including your fingers, lenses, or contact lens case. zz Never use expired solutions. zz Never reuse solutions. After inserting your lenses, empty the remaining solution out of your case, rinse it with warm water, and let it air dry. zz Replace your lens case at least every 3 months. ¾¾ Insertion Tips for Soft Contact Lenses


zz Make sure your fingers are clean and dry. zz Remove your lens from the package or storage case. zz Inspect the lens to make sure it is not inverted. zz Inspect the lens for any debris and rinse if necessary. zz Place the lens on the tip of the index finger of your dominant hand. zz With the middle finger of your other hand, pull your upper lid up to prevent you from blinking. zz Pull down your lower eyelid using the middle finger of your inserting hand. zz Gently place the lens on the center of your eye. zz Slowly release your eyelid and gently close your eye. zz Gently blink a few times. zz Insert the other lens following the same procedure. ¾¾ Removal Tips for Soft Contact Lenses zz Wash and Dry your hands. zz Make sure the lens is centered on the eye. zz Looking up, pull your lower eyelid down with the middle finger of your dominant hand. zz Bring your index finger close to the eye until you touch the lower edge of the lens. zz Gently slide the lens down onto the white part of your eye. zz Squeeze the lens between your thumb and index finger to remove it from your eye. zz If the lens is a daily disposable lens, simply throw it away. If it is not a daily disposable lens, you will need to clean and disinfect it. Clean the lens by placing it in the palm of your hand with a small amount of solution. Gently rub the lens for 5-10 seconds. Rinse the lens with solution before storing it in its case. zz Repeat for the other eye. ¾¾ Important Facts to Remember zz Remove your lenses if you experience discomfort, redness, or decreased vision. zz Lenses may become contaminated if worn in swimming pools, hot tubs, or saunas. zz Always use fresh solution. Never reuse solution to store your lenses. zz Discard your lenses at the interval recommended by your doctor. zz Remove lenses before using medicated eye drops. ¾¾ Normal Adaptation Symptoms May Include zz Increased glare sensitivity outdoors. This can be relieved with quality sunglasses. If it is severe, contact your doctor. zz Some initial mild discomfort. zz Some dryness in air conditioning or smoky environments. zz Slight awareness of the lenses. www.bangalorehealthtv.com 19

For details contact

Eye care

Dr Hareesh K V Medical director Abhishek Nethradhama HIG2024, 3rd B cross, ‘B’ Sector, ICICI bank road, near SBI, Yelahanka New town Bangalore -64, Ph: 08040933219/7795715203




Glaucoma accounts for 15-20% of world’s blindness, and is second most common disease (after cataract) of preventable blindness. Though gives predispose a personto glaucoma racial factor are also important. It is more common among Blacks (Negroids) and Asians. It is responsible for about 12 million blind in India alone. It is produced by decreased/altered outflow of aqueous (the fluid produced within the eye) resulting in increased intraocular pressure (Normal range 1022 mm Mercury). Prolonged increase in Intraocular pressure causes optic nerve damage and visual field defects. ¾¾ It is of two types zz Open angle glaucoma zz Angle closure glaucoma In this article we shall discuss open angle glaucoma. In patients with Open angle glaucoma patients present with browache, frequent change of glasses, presbyopic earlier than forty years of age and reduced vision after dusk. The cause is supposed to be laxity of the trabecular ring in old age (likened to an old rubber band) resulting in decreased pore size and reduced outflow of

OUR BRANCHES Mosque Complex, Opp. Rajkamal Theatre, Fort Road, Doddaballapura-561 203 Phone : 0819- 321161, Mob: 7795805848 1st Floor, Opp. Bus Stand, Railway Station Road, Arsikere, Hassan Dist.-573 103, Phone : 08474 - 234030


aqueous. No visible obstruction to outflow is noticed on gonioscopy. It is diagnosed by IOP recording, fundus examination and visual field analysis ; hence all above 40 years of age compulsorily need ophthalmic attention. The patients are admitted to hospital when in doubt and pressures are recorded over 24 hours – 2 hourly – Duirnal phasing of IOP. Medical treatment is begun and reviewed in 10-15 days, repeating pressure recording, fundoscopy and visual field examination. Worsening will need increase in frequency of medicines or augmentation of medication. When intraocular pressures do not decrease adequately, or drift occurs or compliance is bad – surgical options can be considered. Laser therapy is a temporary time gaining procedure and is used only if pressure reduction required is small, or if other systemic contraindications to surgery exist. Trabeculectomy with or without use of antimitotic agents is the procedure of choice, though viscocanalostomy and deroofing of Schlem’s canal are gaining acceptance.

FACILITIES AVAILABLE Cataract Services Cornea Services Diabetic Eye care Services Paediatric Services

Glaucoma Services Orbit, Oculoplasty & Neurophthalmology Community Services Facial Asthetics


# HIG 2024, 3rd ‘B’ Sector, ICICI Bank Road, Near SBI, Yelahanka New Town, Bengaluru-64, Ph: 080 - 40933219 / 7795715203

E-mail : abhisheknethradhama@yahoo.in www.bangalorehealthtv.com





Dr Mahantesh R. Charantimath

Tathagat Diabetes and Heart Care centre, #32/60, 2nd Main, Vyalikaval, Next to Canara Bank, at Vyalikaval Police Station Bus Stop, Bangaloe-560 003.

Tathagat polyclinic & Diagnostic Centre, #838, 6th Cross, `A’ Block, Sahakara Nagar, Bangalore-92

9986807086 / 8277474667 / 9448462883 / 080-23462515

Heart Diseases

Heart Disease is a leading cause of death accounting for 30% of all deaths worldwide. It is predicted that by 2020 heart disease will become the number one killer in developing country like ours. The heart is the most powerful organ and works day and night for our well being of our life. But we take it for granted and do the things that harm it. Heart disease below 60 years of age is due to our mistakes and after 80 years is due to nature and natural process of atherosclerosis Heart Disease is a prime killer and crippler in prime of life. It is estimated that more than 20 million people suffer from heart disease in India and about 2.5 million have untimely death every year. Hence it is of paramount importance that we woke up to the occasion and take steps to prevent the heart diseases before it becomes like an epidemic. ¾¾ Heart diseases can be broadly divided into three groups 1. Coronary heart Disease or Ischemic Heart Disease in middle aged & elderly. Coronary arteries are vessels that supply the blood to the heart muscles. Heart block or decreased blood supply to arteries leads to Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). The symptoms seen due to coronary ‘blocks’ are generally Chest

pain technically known as (Angina Pectoris), heart attack (Myocardial Infarction),reduced pumping (Heart Failure) and may be sudden death due to cardiac arrest 2. Congenital Heart Diseases -occurring at birth: This occurs, may be because of infections during pregnancy or inner family marriages or due to developmental errors to the child in the womb. 3. Valve diseases due to Rheumatic Heart Disease -occurring in school going children and young adults: these are due to throat infection. ¾¾ The following are risk factors that could lead to heart

disease: zz Tobacco Smoking zz Diabetes Mellitus (High Blood Sugar) zz High Blood Cholesterol zz High or low Blood Pressure zz Obesity or Overweight zz Family history of Coronary Artery Disease zz Age Factor Sedentary life ¾¾ Certain myths associated with heart disease: zz Myth: Heredity is the biggest risk for heart disease.




Cosmetic life

Redefine yourself

Dr.Surindher D.S.A Cosmesis India Suite 213, 2nd Floor, EVA Mall, 60, Brigade Road, Bangalore- 560025 Phone:+91-99457-80075/+91-80-25575052 Cosmetic Surgery is gradually gaining more acceptance. The cause for this being more awareness regarding the options, the wider availability of the procedures and also because of it becoming more affordable. Cosmetic or Aesthetic Surgery is a subset of plastic Surgery dealing with treating patients without any active disease process. Plastic and reconstructive surgery principles are the base on which cosmetic surgery has evolved. Though Cosmetic Surgery has been around for many years in India, it is gradually gaining more acceptance. The cause for this being more awareness regarding the options, the wider availability of the procedures and also because of it becoming more affordable. Looking good and keeping fit helps build ones confidence to take on the challenges in life. People want to look good in their roles, be it as an officer, a corporate employee or even as a young housewife. It is no longer only for the celebrities and is also no more only for the fairer sex. Cosmetic surgery in India is hence coming of age, but there is a huge lacuna regarding the understanding of these procedures. The most commonly sought after surgical procedure are liposuction and body contouring, nose correction or rhinoplasty, breast enlargement or augmentation, male breast reduction, hair transplant and face lifts. Minimally invasive or non invasive procedures like lip enlargement with fillers, thread lifts, zz

zz zz zz zz

Reality: A person is not doomed just because his parents had heart disease. Though it is true that a person whose parents had heart disease is more likely to develop it but every lifestyle factor - physical inactivity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cigarette smoking increases the risk of heart disease. Myth: Heart disease is primarily a man’s disease Reality: Heart diseases are lifestyle dependent and not gender biased. Myth: Prevention means eating a saltfree diet, Reality: Though evidence suggests that an increased intake of salt adversely affects blood pressure and can contribute to heart disease, sodium remains an essential element for the body to


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function properly and regulate fluid balance. Myth: Heart-healthy food means a tasteless and a boring diet. Reality: A well-balanced diet that is rich in proteins, fruits and vegetables can be varied and interesting. Myth: All cholesterol contributes to heart disease Reality: Cholesterol is actually essential to our well being. But too often, the two forms, bad cholesterol and good cholesterol are lumped together and called harmful. However, cholesterol is needed to insulate nerves, create cell membranes and produce certain hormones. But the body manufactures enough cholesterol for these functions. Problems occur only when there is an excess of dietary cholesterol. Rather than simply cutting out foods high in cholesterol, one should eat food that has lower levels of cholesterol. www.bangalorehealthtv.com


botox and chemical peels are gaining more and more popularity. Cosmetic surgery is not about changing who you are, it is about maintaining your individuality, which makes you the person you are, but along with removing any flaws there might be. That is our aim and hence our tag line.... “Redefine Yourself” Q. What is the difference between cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery? A. Cosmetic surgery enhances specific features to improve one’s appearance and boost one’s self esteem. Reconstructive surgery is done to provide or improve / restore form and function in patients affected by birth defects, trauma, tumors, infection or developmental abnormalities. Q. Who is a good candidate for cosmetic surgery? A. A good candidate for cosmetic surgery is one who understands the procedure, is realistic about the expectations and risks of surgery and of course is motivated by his/ her own desire. Also, the candidates must be willing to follow orders and willing to tolerate unavoidable inconveniences like healing time, time for the swelling to come down, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight, refraining from smoking, etc. Q. What tests need to be done before surgery? A. All patients undergoing procedures under general anesthesia require basic blood tests. Older patients require an ECG and maybe a chest X- ray at the surgeon’s and anesthetist’s discretion. Q. Will it hurt? A. During the procedure our anesthetist’s will ensure that you are comfortable and feel no pain since you will be asleep. In cases where local anesthesia is used only the initial discomfort of a needle prick is felt. After surgery any pain or discomfort you experience will be dealt with by medication and usually subsides within a few days. Q. How soon can I get back to work? A. Depends on the procedure done. In procedures not requiring hospitalization, usually 2 – 3 days is enough, but larger operations may require some additional time away from work. Q. How long before the final result can be seen? A. This varies with the type of operation. Generally, there will be swelling and bruising for some time. 80% of the swelling abates within a few days, but it takes 3 – 6 months for the final results to be seen. Q. Will there be scars? A. Yes, but they probably won’t be noticeable. All efforts are made to keep the scars as minimal as possible and to try and hide them in natural lines and skin creases. In majority of the cases the scars settle with time and are barely noticeable. In few cases they might become hypertrophic, this depends on the person’s healing capacity. So, if you have any hypertrophic scars please bring it to the notice of the



surgeon. Q. Are there any risks and complications? A. As with any operation, there are risks. But in an otherwise healthy individual there is no increased risk of any kind. The most common risks are anesthesia related, bleeding, infection and significant scarring. Though these are infrequent, they do occur sometimes. Since potential complications vary with each procedure, these are usually discussed with you at the time of the consultation. Q. How long will the results last and is the procedure a one-time job? A. This varies on the type of operation performed. Procedures that reshape such as surgery of the nose, chin, breast augmentation, etc. offer permanent benefits. As the healing process is unique to each individual, though the surgeon will do his best to give you the best result, no guarantee or warranty can be given. In such cases sometimes a “touch up” or adjustment procedure is needed. If this should occur, the surgeon will not charge for the revision but the other charges like the anesthetist’s charge, hospital charges, implants and any other expenses are the patient’s responsibility. Myths and Facts Myth: Only women go in for plastic surgery. Fact: More and more men are opting for plastic or cosmetic procedures to improve their looks, selfesteem and confidence. Myth: Cosmetic or plastic surgery is only for models or film personalities and is of no use to the average individual. Fact: Though models or film and theatre personalities opt more readily to have a cosmetic procedure done, it is useful for any one who needs a flaw corrected as this gives them confidence and boosts self esteem. Myth: Plastic surgery involves taking skin from one area and putting it on another area. Fact: Though skin grafting is one of the commonly performed procedures in plastic surgery, it is only a single procedure out of many in the armamentarium of the plastic surgeon. Myth: There will be no scars after cosmetic surgery. Fact: Scars will ‘always’ be there after a surgical procedure. Cosmetic surgery involves minimizing the scars and concealing them within skin creases or folds. Myth: Cosmetic surgery alone is enough. Fact: Cosmetic surgery along with proper exercise routine , proper diet and proper after care, can give you the best results.


Love & Relation

Dr Lohit Dr. Lohit’s Ayur Sex Clinic # I 18/137,5th Main, 2nd Block, 3rd Stage, Opp, to 88 ‘A’ Last Bus Stop, Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore-79 Phone : 080-23234969 Mobile : 9620496969 Email: drlohit@drlohit.com Website: www.drlohit.com

Revive a Fizzling Relationship



Love is exciting, and when a relationship is new, almost everything you do together is fresh and alive, and keeps you enthralled. Then time begins to pass, and while the love is still there, the relationship may have lost some of its sparkle, whether it’s because you now have a family or not. Here are some of the top 10 ideas to revive a fizzling relationship that might just put some of the bubble back into the champagne of your life.

zz zz

Do something unexpected. Send your partner flowers at work. That applies to men, too! Or take them out for dinner on a weeknight. What lit your fire to start with? Strike the match again, by duplicating that initial moment


zz zz zz zz zz zz

you fell in love with your partner, and be sure to tell them why you’ve created this just for them. Communicate. If you find it hard to say things, try surprising your better half with notes in their lunch, on their pillow, in the car, etc. Often the written word opens other doors. Make time just for you. And don’t break the date! Book babysitters ahead or clear your work calendar so there is nobody on it but the other person. Get out of the rut-literally. Take your partner somewhere new, and alone. Even if it’s just a cabin on the lake. Rediscover each other all over. Find something you like about your partner, every day. Then tell them what it is. Find a shared interest. Explore new hobbies, sports, or other interests that you both like, and can participate in together. Accept your partner’s faults. Then admit your own. Make an effort not to keep repeating them out of laziness or habit. Get physical. Touch your partner. In compassion, sympathy, friendship, and sexual attraction. Let them know that you are there. Make promises, and keep them. Slip a note into their wallet or purse that says what is being served for dinner tonight, and promise that dessert will be worth waiting for! If you’re still in love, there is always hope.



Personality development


Partha Bagchi

Director Stammering cure center House # 145, 23rd cross, 12th main, Jayanagar 3rd Block East, Bangalore 11 Near to Jaya Nagar swimming pool Mob: 98860600037

Are You Depressed, Tensed, Humiliated, Frustrated And Lost All Hope In Life For Stammering?


Stammering is not a disease, neither is it by birth nor any physical defect. It is purely a psychological and a bad habitual problem and is easily curable. Walk In With Trust & Walk Out With A New Life only at Stammering cure center

and even varies from situation to situation for a particular person. There is no difference between stammering and stuttering. Stammering is commonly used in UK and India also. Stuttering is the term used in US and some other countries. Incorrect pronunciation is not stammering, it is called lisping. ¾¾ Causes of stammering Stammering develops mostly from the early age of a person. It is an acquired behaviour not inherited. It is usually caused by multiple factors and their interactions. Some of the causes that lead to the development of stammering are : zz Childish imitation of other stammerers either in the family or outside. zz An after effect of certain serious illness. zz Feeling of insecurity in the early age. zz Strict, rude & rough guardianship. zz Sudden physical or mental shock.


WHAT IS STAMMERING? Stammering is an interrupted way of speaking, blocking of speech or repetition of the same letter or word. If the normal flow of speech is hampered in any way, it is called stammering. It may be in the form of mind block, hesitation, blocking, taking more time to utter any word, repeating either any particular starting sound or the word itself, elongating more than normal and distracted sound due to unnecessary force. It is an in-coordination among respiratory, vocal cords and articulatory mechanisms. Stammering is speech which is hesitant, stumbling, tense or jerky to the extent that it causes anxiety to the speaker. There is a wrong belief amongst a section of the people that stammering means severe speech problem. It may be minor, medium or severe. The extent of problem varies from person to person





Shy or introvert nature from childhood. zz Very fast speaking habit. zz Parental fights and misunderstandings. zz Disturbances and quarrel in the family. zz Fast thought process. zz Lack of co-ordination between thinking & speaking. zz Stiff competition in all spheres of life. zz If one is bilingual or multilingual, confusion may occur to the child while speaking. zz Side effects of strong medicinal action. zz Subjected to tremendous fear and tension from childhood. zz If the child is left alone for some time without parents or familiar people. zz When a second child is born in the family. zz Seeing horrifying scenes in real life or in movies. zz If the child is weak or sickly. zz When pressurised by parents to achieve difficult and high targets. zz When forcibly changed from left handed behaviour to right-handed. zz The child tries to attract attention and stammers when neglected. zz If the teacher is strict and always punishes and terrorizes the child. zz Humiliation in front of friends and class mates. zz If one is frightened of every little thing. zz Hurting one’s head due to some accident, specially the back side of the head and zz If parents and family members all talk very fast, the child is unable to compete with their speed and thus faulters. zz Whatever may be the reason for developing stammering, it occurs due to excitement tension fear nervousness hesitation anticipation of blocking and lack of confidence & courage to speak. ¾¾ How stammering develops and complicates In most of the cases, stammering develops from an early age (from 3 to 10 years). Neither does it start by birth nor is there any physical defect. Plenty of causes are responsible for its occurrence which is given in the book ‘Stammering A Sure Cure’. It usually starts with minor problems but gradually complicates due to certain circumstances, ignorance, unconducive environment and wrong parenting. When a child begins to stammer, the family members and others draw the attention of the child to it and make the child conscious of his disfluency. The child, at this stage, is not mature enough to deal with this sudden problem and the constant awareness of the difficulty make it even worse. Different advices and guidance from an array of people makes the child confused as to what to follow and what not. The child feels guilty and helpless if the parents are over-anxious, sad and dejected. The problem gets triggered if they discuss these problems in front of


the child. So the child starts hiding it by avoiding, substituting, hesitating and the confidence level dips down gradually. There is a lack of co-ordination between thought and speech as the child is battling in his mind to cover up his problem. Fear, nervousness and tension develop with the constant anticipation of blocking. Slowly the problem becomes so acute that the child becomes branded as a ‘STAMMERER’ for life. Naturally depression, dejection and inferiority complex encircle the child. Being small, they are unable to express their feelings freely. They want to express so many things but pulls back because of the fear and anticipation of problem. They are caught in the vicious cycle of being subjected to teasing, mockery, humiliation and under-estimation. Their negative beliefs and pessimistic thoughts get pampered. With the passage of time, the initially minor problem worsens and the child loses confidence in himself that their problem cannot be cured. All these things which start in the childhood continue lifelong. ¾¾ IS IT HEREDITARY OR BY BIRTH? Stammering generally develops from the childhood. A child learns to talk in a gradual manner like: first the child listens to sounds and learns to respond to them, then he tries to imitate and produce sounds which develops into short words. Then they learn telegraphic speech and finally frame proper sentences. In this manner a child learns to speak. If some elders in the family is having this problem (may be either parents, elder brother or sister), a child, after listening to or by imitating that person, may develop this bad habit. Sometimes two or three generations of stammerers are found in a family. All this makes the people believe that stammering must be due to heredity which is absolutely a wrong notion and myth. A section of the people goes too far to the extent that they assume that the problem has developed by birth. If the belief is based on these things, then the people become more frustrated, dejected and hopeless by thinking that it is a life time problem. They have to suffer as long as they are alive. In fact if hope is there everything is there. But if the situation is totally hopeless, everything is lost. Moreover, no knowledge is gathered by the people due to lack of books, scientific literature for the lay persons, articles on this matter or resources. Furthermore, they come to the conclusion that it www.bangalorehealthtv.com


is impossible to cure, it’s a curse from God or a result of bad Karma of past lives. Plenty of free advices are poured in from various sections of “not-so-knowledgeable” people, whose wrong advices and discouraging statement makes a stammerer totally frustrated and hopeless. He is forced to believe that there is no hope, no cure and only a dark future awaits him. They become more and more depressed, lose enthusiasm in life and altogether miss out on all the pleasures of life. Unfortunately, very few people are there to motivate and offer correct guidance to go ahead in life. But the fact is that stammering is not a disease. Neither is it by birth nor due to any physical defect or disorder. It is purely a psychological and a bad habitual problem. ¾¾ Does it get cured on its own? It is not that stammering once developed is not curable at all. But the percentage is so negligible that it is a gamble to wait for the lucky chance to come. More importantly, if anyone gets cured at a later age like in 20’s or 30’s or later, then so many golden years of one’s life become a nightmare. This time will never come back and there is no way to compensate for it. The formative period of anybody’s life-childhood, early schooling, adolescent and afterwards are the stages in which to build up one’s personality, skill and other necessary essential qualities for a bright life and a successful career. But during those vital periods, if one is forced to stay in the shell, avoiding people and engage in all other self-defeatist behavior, naturally it affects one’s success and achievement in life. So it is always important that without waiting for the fortunate day when it may or may not get cured on its own, take immediate action to solve the most complicated problem of a person’s life – stammering.. ¾¾ Whether stammering is curable, controllable or incurable? The general idea that prevails in the minds of maximum stammerers is that stammering is a disease; there must be some physical defects or disorder. That is why it is considered incurable. This is quite natural as many people have tried and failed to relieve themselves of this problem. The various



ineffective suggestions and solutions given lead to further frustration and helplessness and they become passive sufferers accepting it to be a life-long curse that they have to live with for eternity. Let me clarify the fact that ‘STAMMERING IS NOT A DISEASE’. It is a psychological and a bad habitual problem. It is psychological in the sense that it is there only in the mind and not in any of the speech organs. The bad habitual problem comes because of fear, nervousness, excitement, tension and anticipation of problems in the mind and the person tries to speak in a defective manner. Neither it starts from birth nor is there any genetic problem. Your speaking machine is basically in perfect condition. You only have to make certain adjustments in the operation of this machine. Consider the fact that when you talk alone, you talk fluently. Most of the time you have no problem with severe stammering and can also sing perfectly. If it is a physical defect, the problem of speech would have been always everywhere irrespective of the situation, place and person. The problem lies in the mind, not in the mouth. The way you think makes all the difference. If you allow negative thoughts and thoughts anticipating stammering more and more, then the problem becomes very complicated and it gets deep-rooted in your mind that stammering is not curable. Along with this, avoidance to speak, staying always in the shell, depressed mood, negative and pessimistic thoughts increase the problem rapidly. When this state of mind continues for several years, the entire speech mechanism is in a disorderly and disorganized manner. Negative and pessimistic thoughts start commanding your mind. All this definitely makes a simple problem a very complicated life-long problem. It is absolutely true that it can be curable. It is equally a fact that it is not the job of any ordinary person with just random commonsensical technique or two to cure it. It can quite easily be cured in the hand of a highly experienced, well-qualified, dedicated person who can actually guide you with the effective practices and techniques, understanding correctly the kind of problem you have and is inspirational and motivational. It is needless to say that an ExStammerer is the right kind of person for doing all these quite effectively for they too have lived with what you are going through. zz To the guardians: Inspite of giving excellent education and other facilities to your children, unless you take prompt steps to cure the stammering problem of your children, everything will be wasted. They will also blame you life long for not taking immediate steps for curing their problem. So please take stammering cure as a first priority since the benefits of a transformed stammering-free life is priceless. Cure is for all ages.


Hair care… Hair loss causes a great deal of stress and anxiety. In society, one of the factors other people judge us by is our looks, which includes our hair. Hair loss, therefore, can have an enormous impact on selfperception, self-esteem, and social life. Although there is no cure for excessive hair loss caused by male or female pattern hair loss, there are a variety of hair loss remedies available for people suffering from hair loss. One hair loss remedy is simply to learn to live with it. It is, after all, a common, normal process that many go through much like acne. Many people who suffer from hair loss find that one good remedy can be found in hair styling and cosmetic techniques. Hair coloring, waves, and haircuts alone can make a big difference in the way you look and feel, making hair loss much less apparent. Hair loss is not a quick fire phenomenon. Hair loss or


Stop your baldness

baldness takes a long time, unless otherwise because of chemotherapy. Not every male will experience baldness, but for sure, he will have thin hair over a period of time. Although lot of research has taken place in this area, nothing exact has been found to arrest hair loss or stop balding process. It is estimated that around 100 hairs are lost in a 24hour cycle. This doesn’t mean baldness. ¾¾ Some of the reasons of abnormal hair loss may include: zz Health concerns such as major illness, fungal infections, hypo or hyper thyroidism, and hormone imbalances zz Reaction to medications used to treat cancer, diabetes, lupus, gout, birth control, and antidepressants zz Improper hair care, including excessive use of chemicals and blow-drying zz Genetics zz Poor diet, including too much fried and fatty foods, a lack of fruits or green vegetables, and dehydration. Baldness – How and Why? www.bangalorehealthtv.com


Technically known as alopecia, baldness means thinning or loss of hair as a result of illness, functional disorder, or hereditary disposition. There could be many types of baldness, major among these are patches of baldness getting usually grow back, rapid shedding after childbirth, fever, or sudden weight loss and thinning from tight braids or ponytails. Baldness can be found in males and females both, but men are more susceptible to this phenomenon. This has been attributed to male sex hormone called testosterone. Some of the other culprits causing baldness are scalp infection, oiliness or dirtiness of the scalp and hair, and excessive lacquering of hair. Person’s own immunity attacking the hair follicles may also cause hair loss Tips to Stop Baldness ¾¾ Effect of diet on baldness: zz Silica, calcium & iron rich diet can reduce hair loss or arrest baldness. Shampoo containing organic silica was found to help prevent baldness, stimulate hair growth and assure beautiful shine, luster and strength. Outer coverings of potatoes, green & red peppers and cucumbers contain silica. Bean sprouts are also high in silica. Eat whole foods including sprouts. zz Good intake of vegetables can improve your vitamin C score leading to higher iron absorption. Vitamin E is important for healthy hair growth. Eat avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil on a regular basis. zz If thyroid dysfunction is the cause of baldness vitamin A and iodine food can help revent baldness. Eat vegetables such as carrots or spinach in unrefined, cold-pressed seed oils such as flax, walnut or pumpkin seed and sea salt. Take turnips, cabbage, mustard, soy beans, peanuts, pine nuts and millet if there is a deficiency of iodine. Dried fruits, green & leafy vegetables, cherry juice are good sources. Diet should avoid these - cold foods & drinks, sugary foods, fatty foods, animal protein, fruit, especially citrus, tomatoes, millet, salt and dairy products. ¾¾ Female Hair Loss zz Biological events like puberty, pregnancy and menopause that effect female hormone levels can cause female hair loss. In the case of pregnancy, hair loss is simply a consequence of the stress the body undergoes during labor and



should stop approximately 6 months after birth. Discontinuation of taking birth control pills can also cause temporary female hair loss. zz The most common type of female hair loss is androgenetic alopecia or female-pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is associated with hair thinning predominantly over the sides and top of the head. Female hair loss affects about one-third of all susceptible women and usually onsets after menopause although it can begin earlier. zz Gastrointestinal tract can also be the culprit for female baldness. It could be a sign of insufficient stomach acids; it could also mean a deficiency of protein, zinc and other nutrients. Females are greatly affected due to anemic conditions, leading to accelerated baldness. zz Other causes of female hair loss include dieting. Rapid weight loss over a short period of time promotes hair loss and some supplements such as excessive vitamin A also contribute to hair loss. zz Physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss but this usually only occurs when the trauma is excessive and of a long duration. Everyday stress does not promote hair loss. ¾¾ Nutritional tips to healthy hair growth. zz Eat adequate amounts of protein. Protein is composed of the amino acids essential for the building of new cells, including hair. Inadequate protein intake over a lengthy period can force hair into the resting phase with shedding a few months later. It is obvious then that sufficient portions of protein rich foods should form part of your daily diet. The best sources of dietary protein are lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, soy, nuts, grains and seeds. At least 15% of your daily calories should come from protein-rich foods. zz Eat adequate amounts of useful carbohydrates. Carbs are an essential source of energy and help in the growth of body tissues, including hair. They are an important source of the B vitamins that are vital to healthy hair. It is important that you concentrate on consuming non-refined carbs rather than the sugars and white flour that are so prevalent in many overrefined carb products. You should place an emphasis on consuming vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown


rice and potatoes. It is recommended that you obtain 55-60% of your daily calories from the carbohydrates found in these foods. zz Achieve a healthy balance of dietary fats. Fat is used in energy production and can be found in both animal and plant foods. Your body needs sufficient levels of fat to maintain good health. That fat should be obtained from a mixture of lean animal and plant sources. Roughly 25-30% of your daily calories should come from these sources. zz The right nutritional balance is one that suits your personal circumstances. How much of each food group you eat depends on a host of factors including age, sex, health and level of physical activity. When choosing meals and snacks, take account of the following key principles of sound nutrition: - Eat a variety of foods. - Apply moderation to your consumption of junk foods. - Choose natural and lightly processed foods as often as possible. - Do not over cook. zz Support a nutritious diet with a few carefully chosen supplements. Following a nutritious diet is essential for good hair health, but on its own this may not be sufficient for a number of reasons: - Modern farming methods may deplete the nutrient quality of food. - High stress levels may diminish nutrients in your body. - Dieting may affect nutrient levels. - Aging reduces the ability of our bodies to utilize certain nutrients. - Exercise can deplete some nutrients. 他他 Ayurveda can stop hair loss. Most hair loss sufferers seek solutions from Western medicine or turn to remedies derived from local traditions. Some experts however argue that the ayurvedic system of medicine has much to offer in dealing with hair loss conditions. The following principles are beneficial to healthy and plentiful hair: 1. The scalp must be kept cool, so protection from sun and washing in cold or lukewarm water are paramount. Sound nutrition is a key, so a hairfriendly diet should emphasize proteins, iron, zinc, sulfur, and Vitamin C, Vitamin B-Complex and essential fatty acids. 2. Use should be made of hair analysis to ascertain toxicity levels and nutritional deficiencies. 3. Oils, for example sesame and coconut, should be applied to the scalp to nourish, lubricate and strengthen the roots. This will also improve circulation to the head. The Path to Hair Restoration 他他 What are the options?



While an estimated 95% of all excessive hair loss is generic, there is a chance a family doctor or a professional hairstylist can provide the quickest and least expense answer to hair restoration. He can recommend changes that may help with hair regrowth. zz The hairstylist can look at the condition of the hair and work up a hair care routine that may correct the damage. This routine may include hot oil treatments, scalp massage, and a change of conditioner and shampoo. zz The stylist may also recommend a haircut to reduce the appearance of thinning hair. zz Hair attachments are another option in the search for an effective hair loss remedy. Made out of human hair and synthetic fibers, these attachments give the appearance of a fuller head of hair. They are kept on by being anchored to the existing hair, skin, or grafted on through surgical techniques. zz Hair transplants helps to optimize the hair restoration process. The process of hair transplants involves removing hair from the densely covered areas of the head and, using a needle, implants those hairs to the thinning section of the head. zz Those suffering from male-pattern baldness may also choose a scalp reduction. A scalp reduction is the surgical process of removing large sections of the bald scalp, then the skin from the densely haired sections of the head are stretched to replace the area of scalp that is removed. Remember, all medications and surgical procedures involve a certain amount of risk, and no hair restoration solution is guaranteed to work. Before agreeing to a hair restoration regime, consult with a doctor and know your risks. If medications and surgery seem too extreme, those suffering from abnormal hair loss still have the option of wearing a wig which can look natural.




Dr. Shantagiri Mallappa State President, Karnataka State Doctor’s Handwriting Improvement Association ® Mob: +91 9449662344.

1. 2.



5. 6. 7.

Doctor’s illegible handwriting causes 7,000 deaths in the US every year. This campaign is inspired by the quality council of India’s hospital accreditation system called the National Accreditation Board for Hospital (NABH) which requires prescriptions to be written in capital letters. A decade ago, in a landmark, case in the history of Indian medicine when a three-year-old child died at the Spring Meadows Hospital in Noida decade ago following a badly written prescription. The family was awarded Rs.17.5 Lakh in compensation by the National Consumer Forum. In 2011, a 65 year old tailor, who had hypertension, who was erroneously given medicine for Cancer by the chemist in Mumbai. He died in hospital soon after from taking the wrong medicine. This was also launched by a Mumbai based NGO called the forum for enhancement of quality in healthcare and the quality council of India in 2012. India, where 40 Lakh prescriptions are written every day. Must be having its fair share of errors, feel experts. According to a report by the Institute of

8. 9.

Medicine (IOM) in July 2006, medication errors affect more than 1.5 Million Americans each year in hospital alone. Nearly 7000 deaths are attributed to medication errors, which include. Prescribing or giving wrong drugs. This, when drugs are only dispensed by Pharmacists in the US. “If we include the Indian figures, the count would be much higher, as we can’t ensure that medicines are dispensed by Pharmacists only, said Dr. K.K. AGGARWAL, Chief Finance Secretary, Indian Medical Association, also the Head of Cardiology, Mool Chand Hospital. In 2006, a law in Olympia, US, had banned doctors from writing a prescription in cursive hand writing. There’s no excuse for poor handwriting though. As Dr. Y.K. Gupta, head of Pharmacology, AIIMS, points out: “most doctors write the trade name of medicines when there are lots of readalike medicines. For example, Arkamine and Artamine have similar spellings, but the former is for blood pressure and the latter for the Rheumatoid arthritis. If the handwriting is not legible, it can lead to a fatal mistake.


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AYURVEDIC THERAPIES FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT The term “Stress” is difficult to define. Because it is subjected to the sensation associated with various symptoms & reasons that differ from each of us. Even though it may not pose harmful to the physique it gradually overtakes our health vulnerably. Studies show that 70% to 90% of adults visit primary care physicians for stress related problems, which is said to be one of the largest killer of humans today. Ayurveda theory articulates that, stress is a state of mental / emotional / physical strain, which is said to be a Manasa Dosha (Mental Disorder). Many of us feel, we are under more stress than our parents were 30 years ago. The goal and priority of the contemporary human is to possess materialistic status and fast economic growth, thus resulting in losing the virtue and value of life. Hence ultimately we all succumb to the so called “STRESS” which is also created by highly competitive atmosphere, sedentary life style and urbanized living with excessive needs, lack of time, financial crisis and excessive commitments and more workaholic aspects. The high levels of stress or chronic stress crumbles our immune system, which is the root cause of psychosomatic disorders such as zz Hypertension zz Gastrointestinal disorders zz Ischemic heart disease zz Diabetic mellitus zz Bronchial Asthma zz Migraine zz Arthritis zz Anxiety, depression, Insomnia etc., One can’t get rid of stress, but can manage it better


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