Headway Essex News Winter 2020

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Headway Essex News Winter 2020


Challenge yourself and take part in the Headway Essex Tandem Skydive on the 15th March 2020 To enquire or reserve your place contact us on fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk.




This year’s annual black tie event will

Steve and Maria share their story with

We are very grateful to everyone who

take place on Friday 6th March and

us and tell us all about Maria’s brain

fundraises and donates to Headway

the theme is Vintage Hollywood. Read

haemorrage whilst pregnant with son

Essex. Read more inside about the recent

more about this event inside.

Ma�hew and their recovery process.


Contents Winter 2020 issue


Service news

Find out the latest news from Headway Essex services, clients, staff, volunteers and more



Fundraising news

Find out the latest from the fundraising team and the events which our brilliant supporters of Headway Essex have held

Thank you

To everyone who raises vital funds for Headway Essex. Your


Maria and Steve’s story

We talk to Maria and Steve about Marias acquired brain

support makes a huge difference to the lives of those living

injury, their recovery process, their family life and the help

with the effects of an acquired brain injury

they received from Headway Essex.


Vintage Hollywood Ball

Let us sweep you away with the romance, glitz and glamour


Colchester Half Marathon

The 10th anniversary Colchester Half Marathon will take place

of a golden era of Hollywood. Read all about what this year’s

on Sunday 29th March 2020. Find out all about the event and

event has in store for our guests.

how you can get involved


Get involved

Read about some of our current fundraisers and fInd out


Support Groups

Our groups offer vital support to clients, carers and their

more about how you can get involved and help raise vital

families. Find out when our next groups are and how you

funds for Headway Essex.

can contact us if you wish to attend a group.

About Headway Essex


eadway Essex cares for people who have acquired a brain injury and this may be through sporting or work accidents, road traffic collisions, stroke, assault or illness. Support is given in two ways. Through the Headway Centre, which is a Day Centre in Colchester where rehabilitation activities take place. These activities are designed to help people to rebuild their lives after brain injury. The centre has 82 places available each week. Headway Essex also has a Community

Support Service. The Community Support Team provides telephone support, information on the different aspects of brain injury, support groups, training for carers, specialist literature on brain injury, home and hospital visits and educational talks. Currently over 500 individuals are supported across Essex.

Registered Charity Number: 1008807 Patron: David Tennant Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England and Wales No. 2674755

Headway Essex News ~ 02

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR READERS! THE SUN SETTING ON 2019….. Firstly, I would like to thank you for your support throughout 2019 and wish you all a very happy New Year! Many people when standing on the threshold of a New Year may look forward with renewed vigour for what the next year may bring or others look backwards over what has been achieved or perhaps the challenges of the previous year. This year I found myself pondering on the very busy year I have had professionally and what a year it has been. One of my main focuses of 2019 has been our premises. Due to the building being refurbished, we moved out of the Town Office in Head Street, after 21 years, to Wellington House. This was a challenge with much culling of items accumulated over many years and many memories and moments of interest uncovered again as we went through files and cupboards! We are now all settled into our new home on the 6th floor and enjoy the spectacular views when we get a moment to look! Another exciting realisation was that after many years of asking we are finally able to purchase the Headway Centre as the building consortium who own it have agreed to sell it to us. I have worked hard on securing the funds and am so grateful to the many Trusts Funders who have given so generously to enable our ownership to become a reality. I am hoping that in a future newsletter I will be able to share with you that the transaction is complete and after 30 years of occupancy our Centre in Colchester is in the ownership of Headway. This will warrant a hearty cuppa and a quality biscuit by way of celebration when it all goes through! 2019 sadly saw the death of our long standing Day Centre Manager, Andy Plowright. His humour and passion for Headway is much missed by our staff and clients and he is always in our thoughts. Tragically Andy died suddenly of a brain haemorrhage and this was very poignant for everyone as we all dedicate our time in support of those who have survived brain injuries. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. Last year saw a big development for Headway as we set up day activities in South Essex, thanks to a generous grant from the Big Lottery. We are so delighted with our South Essex Hub and are thrilled that many people are accessing the new services now. A big thank you to the team there for what a fantastic achievement this has been and how delighted we are to be providing more services in the south of the County. I look to 2020 and see much potential for service provision, but know that we could not achieve any of these things without the help of those who support Headway Essex, whether that be through volunteering, fundraising, sponsorship, attending our events, grant providers, or through donations. Thank you all for your support and for taking the time to read our Newsletter. A happy, healthy and prosperous 2020 to you all. Joanna Wright Chief Executive, Headway Essex

Headway Essex Christmas Lunch 2019 Guests at the Headway Essex Christmas Lunch stepped into a beautiful Winter Wonderland at the Stoke by Nayland Hotel on Friday 20th December. Headway Essex Service Users, past and present and their families, along with Headway Volunteers and Staff enjoyed a delicious three-course meal. Linda Dove, Headway Essex Service User said, “Thanks again to the efficiency of the staff at the hotel it was once again a very successful event” At the end of the meal, everyone joined in with a rousing sing along of the 12 Days of Christmas, kindly led by Ann Mitchell, with many tables adding their own spin on the lyrics accompanied by some flamboyant actions. Linda said “Our table sang the ‘Four Calling Birds’ chorus and I was determined we would be the loudest”. The afternoon finished with a raffle, which raised £384. Headway Essex News ~ 03

Service News SOUTH ESSEX NEWS Our new Brain Injury Hub has been very busy over the last few months and our sessions are proving to be popular, in particular our Fitness Session. In addition to running our weekly ‘Fitness for all’ sessions, we also have ‘Cooking for the Brain’. Our cooking sessions aim to give individuals more confidence in the Kitchen, they are also a great way to socialise and meet others in a similar situation. Our ‘Fatigue and Me’ sessions look at the impact Fatigue has on daily life, not only the individuals we support but also how this impacts on their loved ones and work. Fatigue sessions take place over 5 weeks, during this time we help attendees draw up a Fatigue Management plan, to help reduce the effects of Fatigue. We have also run two nine week Brain Injury and Me, courses, to give people a better insight into their injury, its effects and impact on others, providing tools and techniques to compensate. In the New Year, we will be continuing with these sessions and running new sessions covering topics such as ‘Anxiety’, how to manage it and reduce its effect. There will also be a new group for adult family members and carers to help them to understand the effects of Brain Injury, why the individual may behave differently, and how they can best support them, through the recovery journey. We also look at how their lives have been changed and what can be put in place to best support not only the Brain injury survivor, but also families and carers. In the New Year, we also will be taking ‘Brain Injury and Me’ out on the road. Our intention is to make the course available to all.

We will also be introducing a bi weekly social Group, on a Friday afternoon. Our social group will be held at our Brain Injury Hub Hq, in Benfleet, we are hoping that this group proves to be popular and helps to bring people together in similar situations. More detail on these new sessions and how to book will be available in the next Newsletter – But in the meantime if you are interested in any of our sessions or upcoming sessions, why not give Gemma Baines a call on 01206 845945 Or drop Gemma an email gemma.baines@headwayessex.org.uk

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COGNITIVE REHABILITATION TRAINING A SUCCESS Headway Essex provides training in many aspects of acquired brain injury (including stroke). This is part of our vision to educate carers and concerned professionals so that appropriate support is provided to the brain injury survivor and their families. In November, we ran a training session from the Birkett Long Office in Colchester on the subject of cognitive rehabilitation following brain injury. The sessions were attended by support workers and team leaders from care homes, as well as new Headway Essex staff and volunteers. Feedback from everyone who attended was very positive; “Really enjoyable course. Have had a good refresher around ABI/TBI – will definitely be able to use the information within our homes. Lots of information today will help us with our people and will enable us to help them progress” Team Leader, Care Home. Many thanks to Birkett Long LLP for allowing us to use one of their meeting rooms for the training. For more information on Headway Essex Brain Injury training, visit https://www.headwayessex.org.uk/ im-a-professional/training/ or e-mail info@headwayessex.org.uk

PAST CLIENT STORIES AT THE HEADWAY CENTRE The Headway Centre hosted some very special guests in December. Equipped with mince pies and coffee, previous Headway Essex clients spoke to current clients about their experiances living with acquired brain injury. A lot was learnt from our previous client’s inspirational stories and we are delighted to hear that Headway Essex played a large role in their journeys’. One guest, Robert Talbot, expressed that “Headway rehabilitated me, they showed me the things that I could do rather than the things I couldn’t do anymore... Thank you Headway Essex”. Thank you to all who atended, it was a very special day.

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Fundraising News on recent donations and fundraising

Ardleigh Bowls club charity of the year

Thank You! John Walsham Donation

We were over the moon to hear that Ardleigh Bowls Club had chosen us as their charity of the year last year. The club held numerous fundraising events throughout 2019 and we were delighted to be presented with a donation of over £1,450. Dr. Bruce Galleway, one of Headway Essex’s regular volunteers, attended a presentation lunch in November. Bruce gave a presentation about the work of Headway Essex and thanked the club for its amazing fundraising efforts.

Olivia English Donation

This October, John Walsham and his wife Amanda came along to the Headway Centre to see the incredible work our staff and volunteers do with our clients. He presented us with a cheque for £4,653 for our services. We are very grateful to John and his fellow members of the Worshipful Company of Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers for the very generous donation.

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Olivia English, a very talanted artist who discovered her love of painting after acquiring her brain injury in 2015, recently auctioned one of her paintings to raise money for multiple charities including Headway Essex. Olivia donated £500 from the proceeds of her painting which we are very grateful for.

Thank You To everyone who raises vital funds for Headway Essex, whether by having a collection tin, organising an event, taking part in a sponsored event, making a personal donation or making a donation in memory of a loved one. Your support makes a huge difference to the lives of those living with the effects of an acquired brain injury. Thank you to Michael Gates who raised £871 through a spectacular music night

Thank you to Peartree Pantry who raised £103.10 from their spooktastic halloween raffle

Thank you to Anthony Yates who raised an amazing £654 through hosting a Magic Evening

Christmas Campaign

Thank you to everyone at Niamh Pennington and everyone else at Colchester DVLC for donating £550 from their charity scooter rally

As always, people were very generous in supporting our Christmas campaign.

Thank you to The Milden Singers for donating £371 from their annual winter concert Thank you to The Kingsland Community Gospel Choir who raised £210 at The Annual Night of the Choirs A huge thank you to the Essex Masons Royal Burnham Lodge for the £304 donation A huge thank you to Penguin Random house for donating an extraordinary £500 to Headway Essex

We would like to say a massive thank you to all of our volunteers who gave up their time to help us with our Christmas Bag Packs - we raised an amazing £1583.68 We would also like to say thank you to Waitrose and Marks & Spencer for accommodating us and their continued support.

Thank you to the congregation at St James Church for their generous donation of £82 A huge thank you to Mike Rohan who donated £80 from a sponsored walk Thank you to our Hive members and regular donors. Whether you have been supporting us for a while or you have recently joined us, your support is greatly appreciated by all of us here at Headway Essex. Thank you to everyone who donates anonymously, or online through Facebook, EBay, PayPal, Just Giving and Virgin Money Giving, Although we cannot thank you individually, we are very grateful for your support

Thank you to Attwells Solicitors for getting involved with some festive fundraising. Their Christmas Jumper Day raised an amazing £200 for Headway Essex. Headway Essex released its very first e-card in 2019, raising £98.75. Thank you again to everyone who got involved, we wouldn’t be able to continue providing support for our clients, their families and carers if it wasn’t for people like you.

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Client interview

Maria & Steve’s Remarkable Story Sunday 24th September 2017 was just a normal day for Maria, before she came home after a busy day at work as an events manager. She went to run a bath, leaned forward and was suddenly hit by an excruciating and severe pain in her head. She screamed and her partner Steve came running, she thought she was saying she was okay, but all Steve heard was garbled and slurred speech. Normally Steve worked away and travelled on a Sunday, but luckily, he was home that day and recognised what was happening and called the emergency services straight away. Maria had suffered a severe brain haemorrhage and the doctors said she probably would not have survived, if he had not been there to make the call. A 50/50 Survival Rate Maria was 19 weeks pregnant when the incident happened and doctors feared she would have to lose her baby. She was sent to Queens’s hospital where she underwent a life-saving craniotomy but at the time was only given a 50\50 chance of surviving the night. Amazingly, Maria and her unborn child survived and Maria was placed in an induced coma for a further 2 weeks. She was brought out of the coma the day after her birthday, but has no memory of the first week after waking up from her coma.

“Despite everything, this remarkable woman sees herself as a mum first and her brain injury comes second.” Headway Essex News ~ 08

Client interview

Maria spent a further 2 months in the high dependency ward before being moved to the stroke ward at Broomfield hospital. At this point Maria was about 28 weeks pregnant and the doctors were unsure what Maria’s level of recovery would be. Steve regularly told Maria when she was in hospital to stay strong and to keep fighting. She received physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy in hospital which she continued for 9-12 months after she came home on 23rd November 2017. Miracles happen with Mountains Still to Climb Despite everything on 25th January 2018 Maria gave birth to a healthy baby boy, but just when a young couple should be enjoying a magical time, they still faced huge challenges. With Maria’s strength and determination and with Steve’s unwavering support, she had made great progress, but they still had a long road to recovery ahead. Maria still had speech issues and struggled to have a conversation, she had problems walking and limited use of her arm. In addition, Maria had to wait a year before she could have plastic surgery to replace the missing part of her skull, which was removed in the craniotomy. In the interim, she had to wear protective headwear, which added to feelings of self-consciousness and of not being the same person. She constantly thought “why me” and felt angry about what had happened. With all the changes and challenges, she became withdrawn and was put on antidepressants. Determination and Teamwork Steve was signed off work for 1 year to support Maria with the new baby. They worked as a team to ensure Maria made the best possible recovery. Their whole life had to be re-adjusted, but they took on the struggle together. Despite all the challenges within the six months following her brain injury, they had Matthew and also moved to a new house. Now two years on, they have to remember to look back on how far they have come. Her recovery has been remarkable and defied her surgeon’s expectations. Maria can now walk unaided, has regained most of the use of her arm and her speech has

significantly improved. Maria said “It’s been difficult managing family life, a new born and recovery at the same time. Most people can solely focus on recovery whereas for us there were other things to juggle.” In October 2019, two years after Maria’s brain injury Maria and Steve got married. Support from Headway Essex Making contact with Headway Essex has really helped with Maria’s recovery. Attending some support groups really helped Maria to socialise and realise that she wasn’t alone and she was able to gain great peer support from the group by meeting other people who were going through something similar to her. Headway Essex also gave them advice and introduced them to other organisations that could help. They helped get a bus pass for Maria as well as a brain injury awareness card to give her more independence and confidence. Headway Essex also introduced Maria to the Home Start playgroup for parents struggling with confidence, for her and Matthew to attend. They also advised benefits and support entitlements to make their lives easier. Steve and Maria said, “Headway Essex have been brilliant and we are so thankful to them”. The struggle continues Maria still struggles with fatigue and sometimes cannot easily find the right words, which can make conversation difficult. Maria and Steve are a great team and work together on their goals. Maria lost basic skills such as reading and writing, but recently achieved a huge goal of being able to read a book to her son, Matthew. Her personality has changed, where she used to be very outgoing, the injury has had a huge effect on her confidence. She is also teaching herself to write again, but it takes persistence and determination to keep pushing herself forward. Her determination and hard work are inspirational and she will still have to undergo further plastic surgery on her skull. Despite everything, this remarkable woman sees herself as a mum first and her brain injury comes second.

Headway Essex News ~ 09

Vintage Hollywood Ball Let us sweep you away with the romance, glitz and glamour of a golden era of Hollywood.

Headway Essex’s annual black tie event will take place on Friday 6 March 2020 at the beautiful Stoke by Nayland Hotel, situated near Colchester, on the Essex and Suffolk border.

a cosy coastguard’s cottage and a golfing break in the luxury Vale Hotel and much, much more. We are working hard to make it even bigger and better in 2020.

Hollywood Glitz and Glamour

Let your Hair Down then Lie Down!

We are extremely excited to announce that this year’s theme is Vintage Hollywood! We always pay special attention to our popular themed black tie events to ensure that all our guests have a wonderful experience, whilst raising funds for Headway Essex. This year is no exception, so let us sweep you away with the romance, glitz and glamour of a golden era of Hollywood.

The feel good feeling continues long into the evening. This year, back by popular demand, you can dance the night away with our amazing top disco funk band, Frisco Monk. And if you really want to make it a special occasion there is the option of booking a room for the night at a special event rate and enjoy the extensive golf and spa facilities of the hotel. So what are you waiting for?

Sparkling Reception and Great Food All our guests will enjoy a sparkling reception with canapés and a delicious dining experience with a three course dinner and coffee.

Raising Vital Funds No Charity evening would be complete without a live auction and raffle. We know it is important to source interesting, novel and luxurious items for our guests to bid for in a fun and lively auction. Last year items included a luxury villa stay, a weekend in

Book your tickets today £70 individual ticket £650 table of 10 To book tickets or for any inquiries please contact the Headway Essex Fundraising Team on fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk or call 01206 845945. Terms and conditions can be found on our website www.headwayessex.org.uk

Headway Essex News ~ 10

Colchester Half Marathon 2020

S u n d ay 29th M a rc h 2020

Headway Essex has been chosen as a partner charity for the Colchester Half Marathon. We had the best time at last year’s event however we’re sure this years 10th anniversary run will be bigger and better!

We need volunteers! Headway Essex need to recruit 100 volunteers to help out on the day and marshall the event. If you would like to be a part of this amazing day, experience the exhilarating atmosphere and help a local charity, contact our fundraising team either by email: fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk or call us on 01206 845945.

Run for Headway Essex Set yourself a new challange for 2020 and participate in the Colchester Half Marathon 10th anniversary run. Experience the exhilarating atmosphere and the amazing achievement that comes with competing. We have 20 places so don’t delay in reserving your place! Contact our fundraising team on 01206 845945 or fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk

S av e the d ate !

Gatesy’s Bingo & Quiz Night This year, Gatesy’s Annual Bingo & Quiz Night is on Wednesday 4th March at 7:30pm at the lovely Frinton Gold Club! Tickets cost £10 whcih includes entry to the bingo, quiz and a cottage pie meal. Tickets can be purchased by either visiting the bar at Frinton Golf Club, calling 01255 682455 or visiting https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gatesys-bingo-quiz-night-tickets-67220617677 What are you waiting for? Come and join us for a fun-filled evening!

Headway Essex News ~ 11


Involved Would you like to share your story? We welcome stories from our clients and carers. If you would like to share your story with us please contact our fundraising team on 01206 845945 or email fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk

MATT BRINKLEY FITNESS IN THE NEW YEAR Happy New Year to you all! I’m really looking forward to the year ahead supporting attendees of the Headway Centre in Essex to keep active through achievable health and fitness workouts. I enjoy giving guidance on simple accessible exercise options because there really are so many little ways to make your daily routine a bit more active than it currently is. My consistent message however is that physical activity is important not only to your physical health, but mental health as well. There are lots of benefits that come with being more active such as weight control, lower cholesterol and lower stress levels. We should all aim to achieve 30 minutes of exercise per day, here’s how you can act to achieve this now: #1 Schedule a walk Walking for 30 minutes will burn around 100-200 calories while strengthening your core muscles and improving your cardiovascular fitness. This simple yet effective way to raise your heart rate can also be very refreshing for your mindset. Aim to get out and explore your local area for walking routes. Accessible option: Take seated breaks during your walk / find a flat path for a wheelchair push. #2 Workout at home Several years ago, few people realised that you can effectively workout at home but with the increasing demand on busy lifestyles and accessible options, there are plenty of options which have been highlighted by trainers in recent years. My preferred home workout option is to perform interval style exercise. This is where you perform an exercise for a time period followed by a time period of rest at a high effort level e.g. 30 seconds running on the spot / 30 seconds rest X 5 sets. Six different exercises will allow you to perform a tough 30 minute session. Accessible option: you can perform chair based exercises such as knee lifts, punches, pulls and pushes. #3 Split your 30 minutes of exercise in to 10 minute blocks This will simply allow you to complete your required daily exercise but in smaller chunks which may be more achievable for you. You can also add variety to your daily exercise rather than doing the same thing three times over. The important thing is that you get that 30 minutes of elevated heart rate exercise completed throughout the day. Please feel free to contact me for any further support or exercise guidance Matt.Brinkley@Inspiring-Fitness.co.uk

Charlie Pollard’s London to Bordeaux Cycle In July 2019, Charlie Pollard was struck twice with some shocking news. His best friend Sam from University passed away from a brain aneurism and shortly after his mother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. With a group of his friends, Charlie is fundraising for Headway Essex & Parkinson’s UK, by taking on the London to Bordeaux cycling challenge. If you would like to read more about Charlie’s story and support his efforts, please head over to https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/charlie-pollard4 Headway Essex News ~ 12

Fundraise for Headway Essex Want to feel the exhilaration of free falling to the earth? Now is the time to book your skydive! Why not do something different this year and take part in a Tandem Skydive and raise money for Headway Essex. A Tandem skydive is the easiest and most popular of all skydives and we can arrange individual or group bookings for you to share the experience with friends or colleagues. It requires only 30 minutes of training before you then jump strapped to your instructor and the BPA (British Parachute Association) qualified tandem instructor does all of the hard work for you, allowing you to enjoy the exhilarating feeling of flying through the clouds from over 10,000 feet at up to 120 mph! It is a truly unforgettable experience. Skydiving from 10,000 feet isn’t just about the thrill of the jump, it’s about helping us to continue our vital work supporting people after brain injury. All you will need to do is raise a minimum of £395 and you get to jump for free! The jump will take place from an airfield near Norwich.

Prudential Ride London The 2020 Prudential Ride London will take place on Sunday 16th August. This prestigious cycling event starts in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and follows a 100-mile route on closed roads through the capital, into Surrey’s stunning countryside and back to London for a triumphant finish on the Mall. All you have to do for you guaranteed place in this fantastic event is to raise £300 in Sponsorship for Headway Essex. Gavin Hockey, one of our riders from last year’s event, told us “This is a great event for any keen cyclist to take part in. You don’t have to be a member of a cycling club, you just need a good level of fitness and make sure you get your training in. There is nothing like the buzz you get from the cheers of the crowds as you sprint down the Mall towards the finish line.” For more information or to reserve your place for 2020’s event, please contact our fundraising team on fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk or call 01206 845945.

Colour5K 2020 Date Announced Colour5k is back! We are pleased to announce that the 2020 Colour5k will take place on Saturday 27 June at Ardleigh Showground, Colchester. Whether you’re a casual walker or a regular runner or just want to do something good for charity, you’ll love this event. This year’s event will be bigger and better than ever, look out for more details at the beginning of February when we officially launch the event. In the meantime for more information and to book a place, visit www.colour5k.co.uk

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Headway Essex

Support Groups Support Group Meetings

Carers Support Group Meetings

North East Essex From 7.00pm to 9.00pm Tuesday 7 January Tuesday 4 February Tuesday 3 March Tuesday 7 April

North East Essex From 10.30am to 12.30pm Friday 24 January Friday 28 February Friday 27 March Friday 24 April

South Essex From 7.00pm to 9.00pm Tuesday 14 January Tuesday 11 February Tuesday 10 March Tuesday 14 April

South Essex From 7.00pm to 9.00pm Thursday 23 January Thursday 27 February Thursday 26 March Thursday 23 April

Mid Essex From 10.00am to 12.00pm Tuesday 21 January Tuesday 18 February Tuesday 17 March Tuesday 21 April

West Essex From 12.30pm to 2pm Tuesday 28 January Tuesday 25 February Tuesday 24 March Tuesday 28 April

West Essex From 10.00am - 12.00pm Tuesday 28 January Tuesday 25 February Tuesday 24 March Tuesday 28 April

There is a charge of £2.50 per person or £5 per family for all of our Support Group meetings. If you would like further information on any of the groups and their locations, please contact: Community Support Team 01206 845945 communitysupport@headwayessex.org.uk

Headway Essex News ~ 14

Beecome a Hive Member In Essex, every 58 minutes, someone is admitted to hospital with a brain injury. Quite often, their life and the lives of their family members will forever be affected. By making a regular donation you can make a huge difference to improve their lives. Whatever your regular gift, it will help ensure we can be there for many years to come; taking clients and their families from a place of surviving to thriving. By joining the Headway Essex Hive, your commitment will bring you closer to our work through updates on the impact your gift is making. We promise every penny you give will go towards continuing our work, supporting people living with acquired brain injury. For further information about becoming a Headway Essex Hive member, please contact our fundraising team fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk or visit our website www.headwayessex.org.uk.

In Memory Donations Celebrating a Life

We are always incredibly touched and grateful to receive donations in memory of someone special. Fundraising in memory of someone is a touching way to remember a loved one - creating a lasting tribute by celebrating their life, whilst helping others at the same time.

We realise that everyone is different, so there are a number of ways you could choose to fundraise for Headway Essex in memory of someone dear to you: • Make a donation in the name of your loved one • Hold a collection at a funeral or memorial • Take on a fundraising challenge in their memory • Create an online tribute fund either through Virgin Money or Just Giving

We will always respect your privacy and ensure your donation is used for the greatest impact. You can find more information about In Memory Donations on our Website, or please call our fundraising team who will handle your enquiry sensitively and help to guide you. You can reach the fundraising team on 01206 845945 or email fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk Headway Essex News ~ 15


to all our supporters, partners, commissioners, trustees, volunteers and funders. There are so many ways you get involved! To find out how you can help raise funds, visit www.headwayessex.org.uk/i-want-to-help

Contact us FUNDRAISING: fundraising@headwayessex.org.uk 01206 845945 (Option 4) 6th Floor Annex, Wellington House 90-92 Butt Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3DA

COMMUNITY SUPPORT: communitysupport@headwayessex.org.uk 01206 845945 (Option 1) 6th Floor Annex, Wellington House 90-92 Butt Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3DA

THE HEADWAY CENTRE: dayservice@headwayessex.org.uk 01206 845945 (Option 2) The Headway Centre, Woodland Walk, Colchester, CO4 6DH

FACEBOOK: @headway.essex TWITTER: @headwayessex INSTAGRAM: @headwayessex


Registered Charity Number 1008807

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