21-22 Impact Report

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one learning community

500 students - one learning community

Hamilton District Christian High

500 students -

Thank you

for the difference you are making in the lives of our students. Many of them, whether through direct tuition assistance, or indirectly through below cost family tuition rates, are able to be at HDCH thanks to your generosity. All of them, thanks to gifts to the CARE Campaign, can enjoy an environment that is well maintained, more accessible, and conducive to excellent Christian learning.

We are so grateful for your commitment to the Kingdom mission and vision that is being worked out at HDCH.

Our Mission – to cultivate character through learning for lives of service to God.

Our Vision – to see all HDCH students be a faithful presence in the communities that they serve.

The mission and vision provide the focus for how we understand and execute our core purpose at HDCH: Christ-centred learning.

Connecting students to the world beyond the classroom, with a Kingdom perspective, means that students, through what they learn and do in the classroom, are participants in God’s redemptive work in our communities and culture. At HDCH we refer to this as taking our learning “further out”, whether physically, virtually or metaphorically. Projects and class work that connect authentically to the needs and realities of our world drive the learning deeper for students: for them, “further out” also means “deeper in” to their learning because it has a Kingdom purpose beyond grades, credits and credentials.

This makes a clear connection between the way that we do learning in the classroom and our mission (“...lives of service to God”) and vision ( “...to be a faithful presence in the communities that they serve”). So, how we teach (the way in which we conceive of and deliver learning at HDCH) is as important as what we teach (the course content) and where we teach (the physical, social, and spiritual context of learning, the campus culture and climate.)

These are some of the things that your generosity helps make possible. Thank you for being part of the Kingdom work at HDCH!

If you have questions or thoughts to share about HDCH, please call or come and talk with me. I’d love to connect with you!

Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God! 1 Corinthians 10:31


Accessible spaces cultivate belonging. Thanks to a grant from the Government of Canada, the doors to the Library, Main Office (shown above) and Cafeteria are now fully accessible.

Donors responded to our call to CARE. The following improvements were made with proceeds received in 2021-22 designated to the CARE Campaign.

• Summer 2022 replacement of the roof #8 and HVAC over the cafeteria, lobby and library.

• Donors, companies and foundations have been generous in helping to Quell the Smell caused by our regular visits from the septic pumping truck. Once this connection is made, HDCH will save $35K annually in pumping fees

• Repairs and replacements of key systems mean the school operates smoothly, and students and staff enjoy a comfortable, well ventilated learning space.


Life Skills Pathway

funded through operational budget in second year launched

5 1 co-op work experience

students enrolled for the 21-22 school year

OUR COMMUNITY 2021-22 at a glance


Cultivating character through learning for lives of service to God


HDCH has richly blessed our family in many ways.

• Bursary support opened the possibility for an attainable Christian education.

• When struggles surface, HDCH’s learning support team makes passing achievable.

• Teachers encourage my child to pray, successfully easing test anxieties.

• The Co-op education team provides encouraging career pathways, giving my child real hope for the future.

• Because there is a community of support, my child is enthusiastic to attend school every day.

I know at the end of the day HDCH exemplifies the words of Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

~ an HDCH current parent

To cultivate character through learning for lives of service to God.

To see all HDCH graduates become a faithful presence in the communities that they serve.


92 Glancaster Road Ancaster, ON L9G 3K9 905.648.6655

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