Hawaii Filipino Chronicle - May 20, 2023

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WHAT’S UP, ATTORNEY? does AGe mAtter in love And in immiGrAtion?


trumP’s new Yellow Peril: will FiliPinos–And All AsiAn

AmeriCAns–Get CAuGht


three YounG FiliPinos shAre how theY Are PerPetuAtinG their Culture in hAwAii


CeCile Guidote

AlvArez: the PhiliPPines is A stAGe

MAY 20, 2023

Worker Displacement Due to Tech Obsolescence is a Socioeconomic Crisis Not Properly Addressed

Let’s say you’ve been in sales for a retail company chain that is closing down due to competition from online sales. You apply online for a sales manager position, then are interviewed on zoom or another face-to-face app. Most often everything is now done online in the jobs hunting process. The interviewer asks: “How have you boosted sales in your company in the last five years?” And “How many people have you managed on your sales team?” Job hunters say creativity (unique ways to realize profit potential) and leadership-managerial experience are the top soft skills they’re looking for today.

This scenario could be typical in today’s ever-increasing complex, high tech work environment that has many intimidated, underprepared and confused.

Digitization, automation, technology and now the latest robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are rapidly changing the labor market and often rendering occupations obsolete. Job replacement is a serious social-economic issue not properly addressed.

In the last presidential election candidate Andrew Yang was the only and first candidate to seriously address technology’s takeover of many industries via automation, which means massive job replacement and unemployment in various sectors.

Precisely who are currently and will be facing job replacement? Experts say automation and robotics will hit hardest those whose work is “predictable physical work” or can be done without much expertise analysis. We’re looking at assembly line workers, cashiers, customer service representatives, to name only a few.

The automobile and transportation industries are models of the tech trends impacting workers. For example, auto mechanics (97% of them) are not able to repair electronic vehicles (EVs). As more EVs are sold, auto mechanics will be replaced by computer auto experts. That’s already happening now.

Moreover, in the not too-distant future with advancements in auto self-driving technology, transportation industry experts predict some truckers and other commercial drivers would also eventually have their jobs obsolete.

Generation Z be prepared

Choosing the right major and occupation has never been as critical as today given the rapidity of work environment changes. College students of course will gravitate towards a career they’d enjoy doing, something that fits with their interests, personality and ability.

But if they’re not careful, many could find themselves in college debt with no job to turn to.

Students must also consider industry growth, job stability (based on supply and demand) for the next 10-20 years, salary, and new technological developments.

There are no guarantees, but students should be asking themselves: “Are the skills I’m learning now the type of skills that are robust to weather the storms of change powered by technology?”

There are plenty of resources to turn to on the top degrees in demand for the future that show career longevity.

Bottom line, your chosen career should be able to stand the test of time and not just excite you.

STEM (science, technology, engineering and medicine) careers have withstood this test for decades now amid all the dynamic developments. Such careers should be in the mix for strong consideration.

Workers, update skills, be aware of work trends

Like students, workers of all ages should be aware of the constant flux of work and trends. For example, the trend of digitization should be met with honing skills on digital platforms.


High school and college students -- this is an issue that could be life changing. Many of you have already heard from your parents the importance of choosing the right major and career to pursue. They’re absolutely correct, especially in today’s fast-changing and complex work environment that commonly has industries upended and rendered obsolete.

For our cover story this issue, associate editor Edwin Quinabo goes over the top careers of 2023 and immediate future, their projected growth and average income. Once again, the top tier careers are mostly dominated by healthcare and technology. We also have some of the top cutting-edge majors that colleges and universities are now offering which could land you a lucrative job. It also bodes well for workers of all ages to find out what the current work trends are that could give you that advantage in advancing your career. Some in our community who are in these top professions share their experiences and challenges, as well as impart advice to college students on what it takes to succeed in these careers.

Speaking of college students, we have a feature by Lizette Nolasco “PINOY PRIDE: Three Young Filipinos Share How They Are Perpetuating Their Culture in Hawaii.” Besides academics, college is a time of personal growth exploring one’s identity, including ethnic identity. See how joining a Filipino cultural club have helped these students.

Keeping with a theme of education, we have 1) HFC columnist Elpidio Estioko’s “Teacher Appreciation Week: A Teacher Makes Our Life Meaningful and Fruitful;” 2) HFC contributor Federico Magdalena’s “Bridging Literature and Peace;” and 3) HFC contributor Rose Churma’s “Cecile Guidote Alvarez: The Philippines Is a Stage,” a bilingual children’s book in English and Tagalog.

If you missed the Filipino Fiesta and community health fair earlier this month, we have a lively and colorful pictorial news of the event. Mahalo to those who visited our booth at the Fiesta. It was a pleasure to meet so many of our readers.

Also, in this issue we have two articles on the recent controversial CNN Town Hall in New Hampshire with former president Donald Trump. First, our second editorial examines how the 2024 presidential election should be covered differently to avoid the trappings of Trump’s tendencies for falsehoods; and second, HFC columnist Emil Guillermo contributes “Trump’s New Yellow Peril: Will Filipinos– and All Asian Americans–Get Caught.” Emil writes, “Considering how he [Trump] loves to squint his eyes as he emphatically says, “CHY-nah,” it’s the perfect racist follow-up for 2024.

Our other columns are Atty. Emmanuel Tipon’s “Does Age Matter in Love and in Immigration?” and Seneca Moraleda-Puguan’s “Irreplaceable,” an article on motherhood.

We hope you enjoy this issue. Please visit our website for back issues. For your advertising needs, call 808-284-4185 or email us at filipinochronicle@gmail.com. Thank you for supporting the Hawaii Filipino Chronicle. Until next issue, warmest Aloha and Mabuhay! Until next issue,warmest Aloha and Mabuhay!

So, if you must change your job due to obsolescence, you can take with you the skills you’ve learned (whether at work or outside of work).

Government response to what is an untold socioeconomic crisis

The U.S. and governments globally are and will be faced with perhaps is the biggest challenge – how can we keep as high a percentage, our working population employed and productive in society.

At the very least, government should work with the private

Publisher & Executive Editor

Charlie Y. Sonido, M.D.

Publisher & Managing Editor

Chona A. Montesines-Sonido

Associate Editors

Edwin QuinaboDennis Galolo

Contributing Editor

Belinda Aquino, Ph.D.


Junggoi Peralta


Tim Llena

Administrative Assistant

Lilia Capalad

Editorial & Production Assistant

Jim Bea Sampaga


Carlota Hufana Ader

Elpidio R. Estioko

Perry Diaz

Emil Guillermo

Melissa Martin, Ph.D.

Seneca Moraleda-Puguan

J.P. Orias

Pacita Saludes

Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq.

Charlie Sonido, M.D.

Emmanuel S. Tipon, Esq.

Contributing Writers

Clement Bautista

Edna Bautista, Ed.D.

Teresita Bernales, Ed.D.

Sheryll Bonilla, Esq.

Rose Churma

Serafin Colmenares Jr., Ph.D.

Linda Dela Cruz

Carolyn Weygan-Hildebrand

Amelia Jacang, M.D.

Caroline Julian

Raymond Ll. Liongson, Ph.D.

Federico Magdalena, Ph.D.

Matthew Mettias

Maita Milallos

Paul Melvin Palalay, M.D.

Renelaine Bontol-Pfister

Seneca Moraleda-Puguan

Mark Lester Ranchez

Jay Valdez, Psy.D.

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(continue on page 3)

CNN’s Trump Town Hall Was a Spectacle that Media Can Learn From As Not What to Do Going Forward

CNN’s town hall with the former President Donald Trump was deservedly met with an avalanche of criticism and showed that viewers and most media expect better coverage of Trump in the 2024 presidential election.

CNN should have already learned from Trump’s two presidential elections and the 2020 midterm what Trump’s tendencies are – everyone knows them – to double down with falsehoods when pressed to comment on truth.

So, CNN wasn’t blindsided when he once again claimed the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” from him, a claim already debunked by the courts and widely accepted as a lie.

They knew Trump wouldn’t have come clean on that.

And it wasn’t just election denialism Trump lied about. He spewed falsehoods on the Jan. 6 insurrection, the economy, inflation, abortion, practically everything.

Many viewers and the media said Trump shouldn’t have been given a platform considering he faces several state and federal investigations of his election subversion and incitement of the Jan. 6 attack on Congress.

sector on worker retraining programs. Unemployment caused by company closure – which will be happening more – in those situations the worker should be eligible for a retraining program. That program should include advising and personal support, funding to help retraining when unemployment benefits are exhausted. The retraining could be at a college or government-led type classroom.

And there should be awarding upon completion of such a program certification of some sort to be able to present to potential employers. Employers, in kind, should recognize such certification.

This is a basic governmental role to deal with what

That is debatable.

Format that benefitted Trump

But CNN’s format of the town hall was just derelict journalism and one of the cable station’s lowest in its history.

First, many in the media said the format shouldn’t have been live. Famed journalist and CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour criticized her own station on the live format, saying “Some of the very best and even most fiery, compelling interviews are, in fact, taped, and they are edited, not to change the context or the content or the truth or the intent, but to edit for filibuster and a stream of disinformation. So maybe less is more. Maybe live is not always right.”

For a politician like Trump – again CNN should have known better – a live format made it almost impossible to challenge each lie, especially if CNN elected to have only one interviewer.

Second, and perhaps the most egregious decision by CNN, was having a town hall audience comprised of mostly Republican voters and a few Republican-leaning independents. What could CNN have been thinking? The set up amounted to being a pep rally for Trump.

is really a socioeconomic crisis that has people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s suddenly deemed not productive and not skilled in today’s labor force.

And many of them have worked hard all their lives, paid their taxes and contributed to government and society, only to find themselves in this dire and emotionally deflating situation.

Just as corporations put stock in “creativity” as the most important soft skill to help their companies make a healthy profit – so too, should government be “creative” in finding ways that would enable displaced workers to make government continued profit as taxpayers.

Corporations, especially

The town hall was received with such acrimony that CNN had to play defense to justify what they had done, and even apologetic sounding. CNN’s viewership dropped dramatically since the town hall. CNN is now falling behind the newbie, far-right cable channel Newsmax.

What we can learn

It’s encouraging that the CNN town hall was received with aversion by a vast majority of media because as the presidential election draws nearer, we know coverage will no longer be business as usual when covering Trump, even if he ends up the nominee of the Republican party.

A vast majority of media finally came to the conclusion that it doesn’t serve America and voters to give Trump a platform if the setup would enable him to barrel through and ignore interviewers when confronted with lies.

Finally, most media are on the same page that they will not continue to be used and promote a false narrative that has dangerous consequences to democracy. It’s a shame that chairman and CEO of CNN Chris Licht hasn’t learned from the mistakes of past elections in covering Trump.

Even after the town hall

those tech giants that are spearheading all these rapid changes, should be required to help displaced workers with some sort of retraining work program.

For millions of Americans the current work environment is daunting and a source of anxiety. Workers’ displacement due to obsolescence is a socioeconomic problem under the radar of policy discussion. It’s time to change that.

Worker displacement due to tech obsolescence should be what Andrew Yang started – a political issue, a political platform. In so doing, only then, can we have the financial backing and vehicle (whatever form it would be) to correct what really is a tech industry caused phenomenon.

Licht defended it saying that Trump represents “a large swath of America” and CNN’s Anderson Cooper when as far as saying that the mostly Republican audience is a sampling of about “half of the country.”

No, it’s not true that Republicans represent half the country. Since 2004, almost 20 years ago, a Republican presential nominee and one incumbent, failed to win both the popular and electoral vote.

Experts say die-hard Trump loyalists represent about one-third of the country and that independents who vote Republican are not Republicans, but often will vote Republican because they oppose the Democratic party. And from what we’ve seen in the last BidenTrump matchup, Biden won the independent vote.


A vast majority of media that rebuked CNN’s town hall are not only wanting to hold Trump more accountable for his lies this time around, but

they’re also wanting to be held more accountable for their own role in promoting Trump in the past.

As the Washington Post stated Trump has been given more coverage in an election than any other presidential candidate in modern history. Academics have criticized the media for building up Trumpism and Trump through exhaustively covering him.

Whether such coverage were negative or not, the sheer number of hours Trump had received in coverage was free publicity estimated to be worth billions.

As the saying goes, if a lie is repeated over and over, it starts to chip away at the truth. This has been what Trump has done as a marketer before running for office and continues to use as a ploy until the present. The town hall once again was evident of this.

In this light, there is sound logic by those in the media who say Trump shouldn’t be given a platform, period!

(Worker..from page 2)

Stay Ahead in Today’s Work Environment: A Guide to Top Careers, Majors and Work Trends

Are you prepared for the artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and automation revolution? AI expert-venture capitalist KaiFu Lee predicted that 40% of the world’s jobs will be replaced by robots in the next 15-25 years. An Oxford study also warns that as AI progresses, it is inevitable that large sectors of the workforce will face mass unemployment or job replacement.

The internet has already transformed the work environment and is almost single-handedly and slowly upending traditional retail. Outside of major cities, malls are so desperate for tenants, spaces are being leased for non-retail uses like gyms and yoga classes.

But that’s just the internet. The AI, robotics and automation revolution is expected to make obsolete car mechanics that auto industry giants say cars will move to mostly electric and self-driving vehicles, resembling computers. Computer scientists will be fixing cars. Auto industry experts say already 97% of active auto mechanics aren’t qualified to work on electric vehicles.

AI chatbots are expected to replace customer service representatives. Simple tasks like paying bills online or on the telephone have already cut into customer service representatives’ workload.

The workload for cashiers and bank tellers is also being reduced – for grocery stores with increasing self-check outs, for banks with increasing ATMS. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predict by 2026 there will be 41,800 fewer

Top careers in 2023 and future

Healthcare and technology remain prominent among experts’ list of top careers in 2023 and the future. There are some surprises like engineering and pharmacy (once among the top careers) are not in the top tier in part due to out-

bank-teller jobs in the U.S.

New tech is expected to render obsolete or dramatically impact warehouse workers, taxi and commercial drivers, payroll employees, assembly-line workers, air-traffic controllers, fast-food restaurant servers, to name a few.

The potential for automation is highest in manual work and lowest in work where expertise must be applied. Here are some averages for automation replacement: predictable physical work 78%, data processing 69%, data collection 64%, unpredictable physical work 25%, applying expertise 18%, managing others 9%.

It’s estimated that 30% of half of all jobs today can be automated. And as technology advances to more sophisticated capabilities, automation is bound to increase.

Selecting a career of the future

Choosing the right career has never been more critical for college students than today, pursuing a career that is not forecasted to be on the chopping board of obsolescence in the next 10 to 20 years. Getting the most years of post-secondary education, like a Ph.D. or an advanced degree, can be advantageous in certain fields but is not as important as selecting the right career to pursue.

Over the past 25 years, around 30% of new jobs created in the US were those that were almost non-existent or totally didn’t exist. Some of these jobs had no “major” to select in college programs. These new tech jobs include IT systems management, app creation, hardware

sourcing for engineering and increasing automation for pharmacy. But both are still high in demand and lucrative employment. With AI gaining momentum, management is making a comeback. AI can perform what employment talent hunters call hard skills -- like crunching numbers and even provide analysis -- but

AI cannot execute soft skills like managing people.

US News & World Report’s 25 top jobs

Healthcare professions make up nearly 40% of the top 100 Best Jobs for 2023 while technology has the top spot, according to researchers who assessed 17 categories

manufacturing, and IT development.

While STEM (science, technology, engineering and medicine) careers started to take off during Generation Xs’ time in college starting in the late 1980s, by the time millennials enrolled in college tech and healthcare majors were high in demand and the most competitive programs to get into. Until today STEM and trade professions offer some of the most secure and highest paying careers.

Faye Campos, a millennial Filipina, Honolulu, said “Our Gen X parents impressed upon our generation the importance of choosing the right career. I pursued a career in STEM as well as many of my cousins, friends and classmates. More Filipinos are pursuing STEM than in previous generations.

for US News & World report.

1. Software deve loper , 370,600 projected jobs, $120,730 median salary

2. Nurse practitioner , 112,700 projected jobs, $120,680 median salary

3. Medical and health services manager, 136,200 projected jobs, $101,340 median salary

4. Physician assistant , 38,400 projected jobs, $121,530 median salary

5. Information Security Analyst, 56,500 projected jobs, $102,600 median salary

6. Physical therapist,40,400 projected jobs, $95,620 median salary

“In my social cluster, I see it’s harder financially on those who did not choose a career in STEM. I don’t like to say this, but I do sense regret from some of them. I think Filipino millennials are more diverse careerwise than our parents were. STEM gave many of us a social-economic boost. I think the gap between the haves and have-nots widened within our Filipino community compared to our parents’ mostly working class, immigrant generation,” said Campos. (continue on page


(Stay Ahead....from page 4)

7. Financial manager , 123,100 projected jobs, $131,700 median salary

8. IT Manager, 82,400 projected jobs$, 159,010 median salary

9. Web developer, 28,900 projected jobs, $77,030 median salary

10. Dentist, 7,700 projected jobs, 160,370 median salary

11. Lawyer, 80,200 projected jobs, $127,990 median salary

12. Veterinarian, 16,800 projected jobs, $100,370 median salary

13. Physician, 19,400 projected jobs, $208,000 median salary

14. Orthodontist, 300 projected jobs, $208,000 median salary

15. Market Research Analyst, 150,300 projected jobs, 63,920 median salary

16. Logistician, 54,100 projected jobs, $77,030 median salary

17. Registered nurse , 195,400 projected jobs, $77,600 median salary

18. Management Analyst , 108,400 projected jobs, $93,000 median salary

19. Occupational Therapy Assistant,11,000 projected jobs, $61,730 median salary

20. Computer System Analyst,50,900 projected jobs, $99,270 median salary

21. Financial Advisor , 50,900 projected jobs, $94,170 median salary

22. Data Scientists, 40,500 projected jobs, $100,910 median salary

23. Financial Analyst,77,200 projected jobs, $81,730 median salary

24. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, 300 projected jobs, $208,000 median salary

25. Nurse Anesthetist, 5,300 projected jobs, $195,610 median salary

“Software developers are becoming increasingly critical for the growth and sustained success of businesses across industries,” says Janica Ingram, careers editor at U.S. News. “The 10-year outlook for the occupation is strong

and expected to grow at an above-average rate. It is predicted to be in high demand, because of the rising number of products and services that leverage software. Low unemployment and a high median salary also contribute to the appeal of this career.”

Nurse practitioner, Charmaine Gonzalvo, MSN, APRN, told the Filipino Chronicle “There is an increasing demand for nurses as the baby boom generation rises and more people are living longer.

“Nurses are needed to deliver care managing chronic and acute diseases. The aging workforce will hike up, and approximately one-third of the nurses could be at retirement age in the next 10 to 15 years. Nurses are assets in the health field who provide indispensable duties to deliver quality patient care. The beauty in nursing is the wide spectrum of specialties available such as critical care, emergency, pediatrics, or surgeries.”

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2022), there are about 203,200 openings for nurses projected each year and is calculated to grow at 6% from 2021 to 2031.

Nurse practitioners are a type of advanced practice registered nurses who furthered their education and underwent additional clinical training to expand their scope of practice beyond the initial registered nurse (RN) preparation.


“Hawaii is one of the states with full-practice authority, which means we can practice to the full extent of our education and training. Collectively, we assess, evaluate, diagnose, order, interpret labs, initiate, prescribe, and manage treatments including pharmacotherapy. Depending on the type of work setting or environment you desire to work in (inpatient versus outpatient), we generally manage chronic and/or acute illnesses,” said Gonzalvo.

Her advice to a college student interested in pursuing a nurse practitioner career is to focus on becoming a registered nurse first and gain nursing experience, then get the additional education required. “Gaining nursing experience builds a strong foundation for becoming a nurse practitioner. You will learn how to approach various patient populations, interact with families, collaborate with other healthcare team members, time management, familiarize yourself with medications, and develop interpersonal skills. Those skills are things you learn in practice, outside of the textbook which can set you up for success during your transition from a registered nurse to a nurse practitioner,” Gonzalvo said.

A nurse practitioner and a physician, Paula Nichaelle Aquino, MD, ARPN-RX, told the Filipino Chronicle one of the most important roles that NPs should remember is that

“There is an increasing demand for nurses as the baby boom generation rises and more people are living longer. Nurses are needed to deliver care managing chronic and acute diseases. The aging workforce will hike up, and approximately one-third of the nurses could be at retirement age in the next 10 to 15 years. Nurses are assets in the health field who provide indispensable duties to deliver quality patient care. The beauty in nursing is the wide spectrum of specialties available such as critical care, emergency, pediatrics, or surgeries.”

nurse practitioners act as a primary care provider to their patients. “In a nutshell, we can diagnose and treat acute and chronic conditions, write prescriptions, order and interpret diagnostic tests, and perform certain procedures when necessary. As a result, NPs have vastly more flexibility and freedom in their roles than many other types of nurses. Nurse practitioners can work at a variety of settings that include, ER, hospital, managed care facilities, surgical facilities, and private practices. We treat a wide range of patient populations depending on our unique area of expertise.”

She mentions some of the areas of expertise such as Family, Adult-Gerontology, Pediatric, Psychiatric Mental Health, and Women’s Health.

Her advice to college students interested in this medical field, “GRIT! It takes dedication

and determination! Knowing the reason behind the ‘why’ can help you stay grounded and focused on your end goal. The journey may be long and sometimes challenging, but the beauty is at the end of the road. Enjoy the adventure and embrace the view. At the end of it all, the commitment you have given to your chosen specialty as a nurse practitioner, will reflect towards the compassionate and competent care you will provide to your patients.”

Ann Mae F. Mendoza, M.D., told the Filipino Chronicle, “We [physicians] are expected to remain in high demand, although there may be some changes to the way healthcare is delivered in the future. Advancements in technology and healthcare delivery methods may result in more opportunities for us

(continue on page 6)


Iknow only a small number of Filipinos like to use the term “Asian” or even “Asian American.”

And now there’s data thanks to the Pew Research Center. Among all adult Asians only 28% use the label “Asian” on its own or the label “Asian American” (16%), according to Pew.

Fifty-two percent of Asians say they most often use their ethnic label either alone or with “American.”

Specifically, when the survey asked Filipinos, a third of us like to call ourselves by our ethnicity alone, without the addition of “American.” Hence, Filipinos often just describe themselves as Filipino. And that’s it.

There’s pride in our Asian diversity, which is fine. But there is a need for the term

Trump’s New Yellow Peril: Will Filipinos–and All Asian Americans–Get Caught

Asian or Asian American.

It’s an umbrella term that is a matter of political identity. And it combines our experiences and our strengths.

But this is the stat that is relevant in this new Pew research.

A majority (60%) say most people would describe them as “Asian” while walking past them on the street, meaning most Asian adults feel they are seen by others as a single group, according to Pew.

We feel connected to each other’s group, says the survey, with another 60% saying “What happens to Asians in the U.S. affects their own lives.”

You saw it during the pandemic. When then-President Trump scapegoated the Chinese during the pandemic, the targets of any violence ended up being more than the Chinese.

It included too many Filipinos.

Hence, Pew’s survey concludes it’s extremely important to 68% of Asian Americans to

have a national leader advocating for the needs of our entire community.

Keep that in mind as you consider the abomination last week known as the Trump hijacking of CNN when he hit us all where we live.

Trump’s slur unveiled

If you were a Filipino American watching that CNN Town Hall in New Hampshire this past week, then you know there’s cause for concern.

This was Donald Trump’s big national reveal of his new xenophobic tic.

The man who made the phrases “Kung Flu” and “China Virus” the scourge of Asian

America–leading to thousands of transgressions, often violent, toward AAPIs during the pandemic–now has a new trick to deploy.

Considering how he loves to squint his eyes as he emphatically says, “CHY-nah,” it’s the perfect racist follow-up for 2024.

In this new campaign, Trump will now say “Chinatown” more times than a lost tourist with a hankering for egg rolls and sweet and sour pork.

Chinatown, Chinatown, Chinatown. With zeal.

I live in KDaly City, Emil, you say, not Chinatown.

Yes, I know. The point is Chinatown is being used symbolically. And whether you like it or not, it includes us.

In Trump’s mind, this is as emotionally charged and divisive as it gets in the next campaign.

And since it’s just us Asians, no one will notice, because no one notices us if we don’t speak out. Not even during AANHPI Heritage


So let me be offended for us all.

The Chinatown slur is made to order for Trump.

When the topic of Mar-aLago and the unlawful handling of presidential documents comes up, as it will in this campaign, especially if more criminal indictments are to come, Trump is ready to have Chinatown on the tip of his tongue.

Why? Because Vice President Joe Biden once had an office in D.C.’s Chinatown. And that’s where Biden kept some of those presidential records he shouldn’t have had.

Of course, Biden has allowed the presidential archive to retrieve the documents. There was no need for a subpoena, as was the case with Trump’s haul of documents, many of which were highly classified.

But in Trump’s mind, the boxes are his bridge to get to another issue: The House Oversight Committee’s inves(continue on page 15)

to expand practice, and even work remotely or in virtual settings. In effect, there is a great outlook for physicians in the next decades to come. There may be increased emphasis on preventative care and wellness, which could change the focus on healthcare delivery and the type of services that are in demand.”

(COVER STORY: Stay Ahead....from page 5) search allows you to explore the scientific side of medicine and contribute to advancements in the field. Working with a professor or joining a research team will provide valuable experience and potentially enhance your medical school applications. If you have a thesis in college, try to absorb everything so you are ready for med school research.” She said mentors can offer insights into the medical field and potentially write recommendation letters when you apply to medical school,” Dr. Mendoza said.

Dr. Mendoza said college students interested in becoming a physician should focus on academics, develop strong communication skills, and build a well-rounded profile. She said medical schools look for well-rounded individuals.

To learn more about the profession she recommends 1) volunteer and shadow, 2) pursue research opportunities, and 3) seek mentorship. “Gain hands-on experience in healthcare by volunteering at hospitals, clinics, or nursing homes. Try to shadow physicians to observe their day-to-day. Engaging in re-

Marielle Corazon Bantog, MD. said working in a healthcare setting provides job stability and security, even during economic recession as seen throughout the pandemic. She said medicine is constantly changing and evolving leading to more innovative therapies.

“Most satisfying about being a physician is that you wake up every day knowing you make a

difference. It is indeed a humbling experience to care and treat for the sick during their most difficult time, and to be a part of that change in a patient’s life is one of the most rewarding feelings you can experience.”

To college students thinking about a career as a physician, Dr. Bantog said, “Ask yourself, can you imagine doing anything else aside from being a physician knowing its pros and cons? If not, then definitely go for it. Being a physician is no easy feat. You must have grit, a combination of passion and perseverance, to survive the journey towards being one. Be dedicated to your goals. Be compassionate and have a strong heart and a strong-willed mind. Medicine is a life-long commitment. As we all say, there are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

Elaborating on the profession’s challenges, “Physicians are often faced with life and death situations and

are expected to make crucial decisions that can greatly impact patient’s life. And seeing people every day who continuously suffer and cry in pain can be mentally and emotionally draining. Aside from the emotional toll, the nature of profession - working for long hours even weekends and holidays, can lead to both physical a mental exhaustion, making it difficult to balance work and life,” Dr. Bantog said.

New majors in colleges for industries with high growth

To meet industry demands, colleges and universities are offering vanguard majors like these.

1. Cybersecurity, career options as security engineer, information security officer, IT security manager, projected job growth 13% over next 10 years, median salary $116,000. Cybersecurity is a lucrative and growing field. Students with a cybersecu-

rity degree should not have trouble building a long, successful career protecting businesses, mitigating risks, and developing policies for maintaining security. Many cybersecurity majors find jobs in the government, law enforcement, healthcare, and financial sectors.

2. Game Design, career options as game designer, software developer, application developer, projected job growth 12.8% by 2030, median salary $77,200. While many game design majors work for video game studios, some work as software/app developers or even computer systems analysts.

3. Financial technology (Fintech), career options as blockchain developer, apps developer, quantitative analyst, projected job growth 25% over the next couple of years, average salary $80,000 - $175,000. Fintech graduates (continue

Donald Trump
page 14)

ge does not matter, When you love each other.” –May Ann M, a 25-year-old virgin who married an 85-year-old Ilocano.

“Age is just a number. It’s totally irrelevant unless, of course, you happen to be a bottle of wine.” – Joan Collins.

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain

The biggest age difference of a married couple was 63 years. Gertrude Grubb Janeway, who was born on July 3, 1909, was 18 when she married 81-year-old Union Civil War veteran, John Janeway on June 9, 1927, according to the


Does Age Matter in Love and in Immigration?

Guinness World Records.

Among celebrity couples with big age differences are Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (25 years) and George Clooney and Amal Clooney (17 years).

There is a 90-year-old Ilocano lawyer and a 19-year-old virgin of unparalleled beauty and insightful intelligence who could beat that record if he pops the question and the virgin says “yes.” That would be 71 years difference.

Will he pop the question?

As a lawyer, you should not ask a question of the opposite party unless you know the answer and the answer will be in your favor. The lawyer believes in love at first sight but as a good lawyer, he also believes in taking a second look ex abundante cautela.

The virgin belongs to generation Z (born between 1996 and 2010). Having been born during the internet age,

they are very knowledgeable. They have many wants – to be close to home and family, to have fun and have funds, to be well-educated, and to work in good jobs. They are skeptical and seek people they can trust. They believe in equality.

The lawyer who belongs to the mislabeled “Silent Generation” (born between 19251945) is articulate and could cater to the reasonable expectations of a generation Z woman.

An 85-year-old man from Ilocos Norte who lived in California courted, won the affection, and married his 25-yearold townmate, an attractive virgin. There was a 60-year difference. He was a U.S. citizen and petitioned for her. USCIS approved the petition.

During the consular interview, the girl was asked why he married her husband despite the age difference. She replied: “Age does not matter

when you love each other.” It was a perfect answer. There is rhythm. “Where did you learn that?” I asked the girl. “It came from my heart,” she replied. So, it is possible that there can be love between an 85-yearold man and a 25-year-old woman.

The woman is a millennial or Generation Y (born between 1981 and 1996). This generation is less inclined to have sexual intercourse compared to their predecessors when they were the same age if you believe Wikipedia.

However, the woman admitted that she and her husband had sexual relations on at least 5 occasions during their few months of marriage when questioned during an immigration court hearing. For skeptics who do not believe that men over 60 can have sexual relations, they probably are looking at a mirror.

She was placed in removal

proceedings because her Form I-751 Petition to remove conditions on residence, which was prepared by a travel agent, was denied. Aliens whose marriage is less than 2 years before admission to the U.S. are conditional residents and must file a petition to remove the condition within the 90day period before the second anniversary of the marriage.

USCIS said that she did not provide sufficient evidence to establish that her marriage to her spouse was in good faith. The Immigration Judge ordered her removed because of a lack of credibility with regard to her Form I-751. The case is on appeal.

A 90-year-old Ilocano, a U.S. citizen, married a 50-year-old Filipina tourist. USCIS approved her application for adjustment of status despite the 40-year age gap. They filed a joint petition to remove the conditions on her residence. The husband died before the rescheduled date of the interview. Immigration officers placed her in removal proceedings because her con-

(continue on page 14)


PINOY PRIDE: Three Young Filipinos Share How They Are Perpetuating Their Culture In Hawaii

Hawaii is a large melting pot of cultures so it is understandable that much of one’s traditions, practices and beliefs can get lost through the generations.

However, some young Filipino immigrants take pride in their roots and encourage others to join and honor where they came from.

Three of them share how they are perpetuating their culture in various ways while living among many other cultures in Hawaii.

College culture clubs

Angelo Landao from Aiea is a 22-year-old psychology major at the University of Hawaii at Manoa who is perpetuating his culture by being involved in Katipunan, a club where students enrolled in Filipino courses come together

to have a sense of community and explore their shared cultural identity.

Landao came to Hawaii from Kawit, Cavite in 2007 and recalled the difficulty transitioning to a new lifestyle. When he came, he didn’t speak English and had to enroll in classes to aid him in learning the language. He described how the club lets students feel more comfortable during the cultural shift.

“The way I see it, it [the club] makes them feel right at home and a sense of realization that they’re not the only ones struggling to try to adjust,” Landao said.

“There are others as well. And I think that’s an important one that is often overlooked when you move to a different place. It’s the self-realization that this is who I am. I can be proud of who I am, and there’s no shame in that.”

The lifestyle in Hawaii was also more independent than in the Philippines. Landao described that after school, students would typically keep to themselves rather than play outside together like in the Philippines.

However, he appreciated the newfound community on his college campus. The club allowed him to connect to his roots by being part of an organization that builds relationships and provides Filipinos in Hawaii with the communal feel they would have at home.

“I’m proud to be Filipino

[because of] the concept of being interdependent, just overall grounded in helping the people around you and not just focusing on yourself,” Landao said.

Like Landao, Angel Navor joined a culture club in college. The 21-year-old from Waipahu is studying business administration with a marketing concentration at Chaminade University.

To perpetuate her culture, she reactivated and was the former president of the Filipino Club at the university during her first year of college.

She has participated in nu-

merous events to highlight Filipino culture, including at the annual International Extravaganza, where members of the club performed Pandanggo sa Ilaw and Tinikling.

In addition to performing, Navor encourages her peers at the university to learn more by teaching them about Filipino food and language.

She emigrated from Mandaluyong when she was four years old and her first language is Tagalog, which she aims to teach those around her.

“I think it’s very important

(continue on page 10)

Angelo Landao (left, inset) with UHM Katipunan club members.

Governor is Last Hope to Rein in State Spending Spree

The chaos that typically characterizes the final days of a Hawaii legislative session this year produced a state budget that exceeds the constitutionally mandated spending limit by 10%.

Gov. Josh Green’s proposed budget would have exceeded the state’s legal spending limit by about 6%. But the Legislature added $668 million more to the bill, bringing the total proposed executive branch general fund budget to $11.2 billion — or $1.06 billion in excess of the state’s spending cap.

The upshot is that unless we can persuade Gov. Josh Green to use his line-item veto power to shed some or all of that proposed excess spending, the state is unlikely to have the $10 billion budget

surplus in 2028 that so many analysts had been projecting just a few months ago. Instead, it will have a $45 million deficit, which would be bad news for Hawaii taxpayers and Hawaii’s economy as well.

So what the heck happened? How did the state’s spending plans balloon virtually overnight — and why does this mean the state’s budget surplus is likely to vanish?

The main reason our lawmakers went on a spending spree is because they could.

Delegates to the 1978 Constitutional Convention mandated that state spending shall not grow faster than the threeyear average of Hawaii’s personal income growth. But it also allowed legislators to override that limit by a twothirds vote of both the House and the Senate.

Considering that Hawaii is virtually a one-party state these days, a two-thirds vote has become a pretty low bar.

However, even most of the legislators in the minority party went along with the deal, and of the handful of legislators who voted against the bloated budget, most of them did so on the grounds that the state should be spending even more.

Meanwhile, projected tax revenues for the state have been falling because of economic uncertainty — and when spending grows and revenues shrink, surpluses disappear.

So while it might seem like “Happy days are here again” at the Legislature, the sobering reality for Hawaii residents is that lawmakers will need to either increase our taxes or take on more debt if this high level of spending keeps up. Both options would end up adding to Hawaii’s cost of living — leading to more homelessness, unemployment and migration of Hawaii residents to the mainland.

Thankfully, there is a sim-

ple solution, although it requires discipline: Stick to the spending limit.

According to the Committee on Taxation and Finance at the 1978 Constitutional Convention, the state spending cap was put in place in response to “the genuine concern of taxpayers that the costs of government should not consume an increasing proportion of their income.”

Today’s lawmakers should recognize the wisdom of those ConCon delegates and rein in their penchant for spending. Showering money on favored constituents can be politically popular in the short-run, but it shows a lack of leadership in the long run in terms of ensuring a healthy and prosperous future for Hawaii.

Now that the Legislature’s budget bill has passed, we can only hope that Gov. Green will use his line-item veto power to pare it back to a more reasonable level before

signing it into law. The success of future generations depends on the decisions made today, so let’s not saddle our children with higher taxes and debts to pay for today’s excess.

KELI‘I AKINA is president and CEO of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii.

This year, Teacher Appreciation Week is on May 8-12, 2023.

Teachers, thank you for all that you do for our students and the hope for the future. You are a lifesaver because you are saving the future. After all, our students will soon be our leaders of tomorrow, the hope of the future!

My colleague once said: “A teacher nourishes the soul of a child for a lifetime. He or she presents the past, reveals the present, and creates the future; they inspire them.” What a food for thought!

In short, they direct and lead the path students choose. A teacher serves as a source of inspiration for the students to look up to. They are role models for students to emulate.

We have a chance to remember our teachers who inspired us and made our school days memorable, meaningful, and fruitful.

They deserve to be remembered and appreciated for a job well done professionally without any mental reservations! Remembering them is a

Teacher Appreciation Week: A Teacher Makes Our Life Meaningful and Fruitful

way of thanking them for what they did for our students.

During my college of law days at the Manuel L. Quezon University in the Philippines, I remember my teachers Justice Santiago M. Kapunan and Judge A. Caesar Sangco for their efforts to make the class alive by telling and narrating weird and humorous stories based on their experience to keep the students engaged.

They always break the monotony for every long lecture on Criminal Law and Civil Law. Their moves provided the breaks law students need in between serious readings of the Criminal Code, the Civil Code, Family Code, and other textbooks for aspiring lawyers to read.

I will never forget their stories and in fact, I have been sharing them with colleagues and friends during our free time.

How about in high school?

Well, how can I forget my Pilipino teacher in Urdaneta Community High School, Ms. Paz De Guzman?

Aside from teaching, she also served as a confidant, a friend, a mentor, and an adviser to our group, D’Heartaches. We get a lot of encouragement from her, not only in our classes, but in all aspects of our life. I will never forget her!

I don’t remember much about elementary school, but I do remember Ms. Dolores Alcayaga, the famous school principal of the Urdaneta Central School, who was a disciplinarian. Most students hated her because of her strict disciplinary ways, but now I realized she was right! She was after the welfare of the students.

My former student in college at Arellano University, a former dean and now a fullpledge college professor and a distinguished educator, Angelina Santa Elena, PhD. at the Jose Rizal University, was very appreciative of her college days.

This was what she said: “My idol professor – funny, great, challenged us, and always inspired us to be successful in life.”

Also, allow me to comment and commend the foster grandparents/volunteers under the Seniors Council Foster Grandparent & Senior Companionship Programs from Salinas Valley, Seaside, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and Watsonville, all in California, who went back to school and assisted regular teachers in the classroom as teacher aides instead of retiring, spending their time, going to vacation places, and enjoying their moments with


their families. at home.

They’re likewise revered by the students at San Jose Job Corps, where they were assigned because the students considered them as their mentors and buddies.

FilAms Grandma Dolores Misa and the late Grandpa Avelino Ocampo were part of this institution. Grandma Dolores was assigned to assist English teacher Fehmida Shaikh while Grandpa Avelino was assigned to help NLRO Instructor Elpidio R. Estioko.

When asked, Grandma Dolores, said: “I love assisting the students. This is one way of giving back to the community. If I can help, in my modest way, why not?”

As to Grandpa Avelino, “Even with my old age, I still want to render public service because it is in my heart. I love doing it and I find satisfaction whenever I see a student benefit from what I do, even in a very little way.”

Whenever I see and hear from my former students from the University of the Philippines, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Arellano University, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, De Anza Community College and the University of Phoenix, I’m happy to hear their comments/

stories which are signs they remembered me.

Teachers still chose to teach and work with students sharing their expertise and care despite the fact that the teaching profession is most often not completely understood. For the most part, they are underpaid, underappreciated, and under-resourced and they are typically asked to do more with less in return.

So, in commemoration, we would like everyone to take the time out of their very busy schedules and say thank you to a teacher. Expressions of gratitude are rare for teachers, so we are sure that they would welcome and appreciate your gestures.

Let’s remember that teachers are professionals, and they do a job that is in our best interest. Besides, it takes a special; kind of person to become a teacher because it takes patience and understanding to be one.

I would say - thank you to all the teachers the world over. Let’s thank a teacher today because it means a lot to them. They deserve the best!

ELPIDIO R. ESTIOKO was a veteran journalist in the Philippines and a multi-awarded journalist here in the US. For feedbacks, comments… please email the author at estiokoelpidio@gmail.com.

that people know how to speak it, because if you don’t pass it on to the next generation, that language might get lost,” Navor said.

“I’m glad that our generation is willing to learn, because if they’re willing to learn, then that means that it will stick for longer, and I don’t want it to disappear because then it’s this big part of history that would be lost.”

Navor suggested those who have grown distant from their culture and are looking for a connection to their roots should start with the culinary aspect.

“I think for those [who] have already lost that part of them, I think the first step is probably to start with food, because food brings everyone

together,” Navor said.

“And so it gives you just a baby step of like, ‘Okay, I’m going to try this and be out of my comfort zone, but also at the same time, get back into the culture that I know I’m in.’ And they also need to accept, before that, they need to accept what kind of culture they’re in. They need to accept that they’re Filipino and be proud of it.”

Art and faith expressions

Another young Filipino from Liliha uses his talent and creativity to showcase his cultural pride by perpetuating it through art.

Darold Ramelb is a 32-year-old award-winning artist who features elements of Filipino culture in his art. His paintings include de-

pictions of Filipino textiles, his experiences growing up on a farm in the Philippines and his Catholic faith. His works have been featured in galleries such as the Hawaii State Art Museum and the Downtown Art Center.

“Most of my paintings of any Filipino depiction or culture was through experience through my family,” Ramelb said. “I try not to appropriate anything that I’m not familiar with. So anything that I paint is anything that happened in my past or things that I went through growing up there or being an immigrant here.”

His painting, “Our Lady of the Forgotten Fields,” is a blend of influences of his depiction of the Virgin Mary

FEATURE: Pinoy Pride ....from page 8) (continue on page 12)


Last May 6, thousands attended the 31st Annual Filipino Fiesta at the Filipino Community Center (FilCom Center) in Waipahu.

Attendees enjoyed cultural performances and exhibits that showcased the diversity of the Philippines. An art, fashion and pre-loved auction was held to support the FilCom Center’s cultural and educational programs. Various Filipino businesses highlighted Filipino cuisine during the event. The games were also a hit among the keiki. By noon, the Best of Da Best Adobo Cook-Off winner was announced during the event.

Aside from celebrating Filipino culture and heritage, the event was also a community health fair featuring Bayanihan Clinic Without Walls. Filipino doctors were present to answer questions during the curbside consultations at the Chronicle’s booth “Ask A Doctor” and other healthcare insurance providers and multiple healthcare vendors and clinics were also present at the event such as Kaiser Permanente, Waianae Comprehensive Health Center, Humana, WellCare Ohana, UHA Health Insurance, 5-Minute pharmacy, and San Diego Dentistry.

The Filipino Fiesta is a staple celebration in the Filipino community in Hawaii. For former state senator and community leader Bennette Misalucha, the event is more than just a festival.

“Yes, it gathers us all together as a community to celebrate our shared heritage,” she said. “But I think, the value it brings is that it serves as a statement that we have ‘arrived’ and we are part of the colorful and intricate tapestry that makes Hawaii special.”


Cecile Guidote Alvarez: The Philippines Is a Stage

On the opening page, Cecille Guidote Alvarez was quoted:

“Theater is a memory bank of our history, so our nation does not suffuse from amnesia; an armor against social ills; an anchor to appreciate our habitat, wealth of indigenous heritage, mother tongue, and traditions.”

This publication is a bilingual children’s book in English and Tagalog. Using different fonts (the Tagalog version is under the English version but in italics), the book becomes accessible to both English and Tagalog speakers or those in the Filipino Diaspora who are attempting to learn Tagalog.

Typically, authors use “Filipino” to designate the national language of the Philippines which is based on the Tagalog language. But in this book “Tagalog” is used—it may not be politically correct but truthful.

The Tagalog translation reminds me of my school days when we were taught balarila and panitikan: very deep Tagalog, no hint of Taglish or any form of bastardization of language: the effect is beautiful, almost poetic in its cadence.

This is the type of book

I would recommend to those learning to read Tagalog. This is not the way Filipinos speak—where English and Tagalog words are intermingled, and English words are transformed into Tagalog (i.e. mag-paplant ka na ba?) But this was how a generation of Filipinos was taught to read their language—and very appropriate for this book.

The subject is the icon of Philippine theater—Cecile Guidote Alvarez. She is credited with establishing the Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA), a pioneering theater group that honed creative artists and audiences through children’s, college, and community theaters. PETA depicted social issues through original Filipino plays, using the language of the masses and alternative theater spaces.

When she was 16, she was tapped to join the Ateneo Summer Graduate School Theater, where she did a theater workshop with disabled children. Cecile discovered the power of the arts to transform marginalized youth into creative individuals when she saw the children emerge from hopelessness to confidence.

At 18, she directed a tele-

vision series that tackled the problems of the youth. This early exposure convinced Cecile that theater is not just for entertainment, but also as a significant social venue.

After pursuing studies in the US, she returned to the Philippines in 1967 with her graduate thesis that envisioned a Philippine national theater movement. This became the basis for the Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA). PETA has inspired creatives who made successful careers in the theater and movie industry. This theater movement now has regional chapters involving children, college, and community theaters and traditional arts.

One of her projects of “cultural caregiving” is by providing free arts training to street children, the disabled and indigenous youth because she believes that “the arts are a peaceful and powerful means of transmitting values.” She deserves to be called a “cultural caregiver.”

that includes traditional textile patterns and highlights an appreciation for his life on his family farm.

The painting won The Golden Callus Award for Best in Show in the 2022 Hawaii Watercolor Society Open Show.

“The Virgin Mary, to me, can represent different things for a lot of people,” Ramelb said. “For me, it’s motherhood and love for the land that I grew up in.”

Ramelb’s family originates

Executive Council as the foremost exponent of dynamically applying cultural diversity for achieving its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), where she was designated as ITI spokesperson in UNESCO’s UN high-level meetings.

Widely recognized as the “Mother of Philippine Theater”, her cultural vision of a national theater that reflected and promoted Philippine languages, cultures and traditions has been realized and is now a vibrant part of the Philippine cultural scene.

Cecile is the youngest to receive the Ramon Magsaysay Outstanding Asian Award for Public Service in 1972. But when Martial Law was declared in September 1972, Cecile and her fiancé, Heherson “Sonny” Alvarez hastily got married in Manila and escaped the brutal regime of Ferdinand Marcos and settled in the US East Coast. While there, she pursued her theater activities with La MaMa Experimental Theater in New York.

After the People Power Revolution of 1986 that ousted the dictator, Cecile and her family moved back to the Philippines where she headed the Philippine Center of the UNESCO International Theater Institute (ITI).

On the 50th anniversary of the founding of PETA in 2017, the organization received the Ramon Magsaysay Award for using “the power of theater arts in empowering communities and in social change.”

Cecile is also the first Filipina to be elected to the ITI

from Batac, Bacarra and Laoag City. Ramelb came to Hawaii in 1994 and highlighted that, although many Filipinos come to Hawaii, much of the culture is lost in the transition.

His art with Filipino themes serves as an inspiration to showcase the culture as something to take pride in and inspire other Filipinos to connect with their roots.

“In the Philippines, there’s a very rich culture. A lot of people do a lot of the inabel

The author, Rey E. de la Cruz, was a playwriting student in the Czech Republic, where at 16, he wrote his first play, Tatlong Manyika, a tragic farce on the Philippines’ class warfare and was first staged by PETA. He writes not only in Tagalog and English, but also in Spanish and Ilocano, the lingua franca of his hometown in Cagayan, Philippines. He resides in Glenview, Illinois.

The book’s illustrator, Beth Parrocha is a visual communication graduate of UP Diliman. She has won numerous awards as a children’s book illustrator, including the grand prize at the Asian Festival of Children’s Content in 2017 in Singapore. She is one of the founders of Ilustrador ng Kabataan (INK), a group of visual artists dedicated to graphically representing children’s books.

ROSE CRUZ CHURMA established Kalamansi Books & Things three decades ago. It has evolved from a mail-order bookstore into an on-line advocacy with the intent of helping global Pinoys discover their heritage by promoting books of value from the Philippines and those written by Filipinos in the Diaspora. We can be reached at kalamansibooks@gmail.com.

(traditional handwoven fabric) and other craftsmanship that’s over there,” Ramelb said.

“But when it comes to Hawaii, a lot of that is lost. A lot of people here are very proud to be Filipino. But as a kid growing up, I did not find any Filipino person or group that I looked up to when I was smaller. So, I would like to see more diversity…I think it’s very important. We should be proud of who we are and also show it to the world.”

(FEATURE: Pinoy Pride ....from page 10)



One of the most life-changing events of my life, aside from becoming a wife, was when I became a mother.

From pregnancy to delivery, I have endured pain and sleepless nights without complaining because I knew that the joy of carrying a baby far outweighs the hardships.

I imagined the kind of mother I will become. I’ll never raise my voice or lose my patience, my child will only eat healthy food, and I will do it all right.

Now that I have two children and the days are getting longer, I have gained a deeper understanding that motherhood is never about me and my plans but about loving the children entrusted to me. The kind of mother I thought I would become has just become an imagination.

Reality is motherhood sucks me dry on a regular–of my energy, my freedom, of my time. But I am grateful–forever grateful because motherhood is such an amazing gift, a wonderful calling.

Every mother is special. But there are extraordinary

mothers in the world I would like to take time in honoring and remembering at this time. They are supermoms. They have been blessed with an extra ounce of grace, patience, and deep love for the children they have been called to nurture.

Single moms. Oh, God bless you, single moms. I have my husband who works alongside me in raising our children, but it doesn’t make motherhood and parenting much easier. I can only imagine the weight on your shoulders, the length of your days and the depth of your endurance as you raise your child/ ren by yourself each passing day.

You may feel alone but know that you are not forsaken. Your Heavenly Father, the Lover of your soul is with you and His grace is sufficient for you. In your weakness, He is your strength. May He surround you with people who will support you, help you and encourage you as you take on the role of being a mother and a father to your children.

Thank you for hanging on. For your children, you are irreplaceable.

Adoptive moms. “If

there’s a cause worth fighting for, it’s this: children belong in families” (Nicole Skellenger) It takes great love to nurture someone who came out of your womb, but it takes greater love to care for a stranger and call it your own.

When our children are older, my husband and I are planning to adopt children because we believe that it is the visible expression or manifestation of the gospel.

We were once enemies of God because of our sin but because of what Jesus Christ has done, we have been adopted and called as children of God. To all moms out there who have chosen to foster children not their own, you are amazing.

Just as a quote from an unknown author says, “The world may not change if you adopt a child, but for that child their world will change.”

You have changed a life


Bridging Literature and Peace

The year 2023 has been declared by the United Nations as the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace, by virtue of UN Res. 77/32 upon the initiative of Turkmenistan. What does it mean for the Philippines?

The Philippines ranks low on the Global Peace Index of 2022 – 125th place out of 163 countries. However, the country registered the largest improvement in the Asia-Pacific Region (one of 5 countries with the largest improvement globally) according to OPAPRU. At least, it beats the Unit-

ed States! (Rank 129th).

More can be achieved if both government and civil society turn to peacebuilding rather than valorizing conflict and war. Along this line, literature is one avenue in raising the bar toward peace.

Popularizing and teaching folk literature, especially those of the indigenous peoples, may be undertaken through peace studies and peacebuilding actions in several arenas like the school system, peace advocacies, and structural programs related to trauma healing, reconciliation, poverty reduction, and greening of the environment.

and in turn, you have changed the world. Thank you for your selflessness, generosity, compassion and great love. Your child may not have chosen you, but you are irreplaceable.

Moms of special child/ ren. To moms who are raising children with special needs–mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically–hats off to you.

You are indeed a superwoman. The depth of your patience and love for your child who depends on you in everything, and every way is beyond comprehension.

Raising an ordinary child is already exhausting, I believe for you it’s twice as much. Thank you for not giving up. Thank you for every day choosing to fight for your child.

Thank you for choosing to love and loving hard. In their lives, you are irreplaceable. Stepmoms. Fairytales and movies depict stepmoms as wicked and antagonistic. But in reality, this is not true.

I believe that women who take on the role of being a mother to children who are not their own are special and worth honoring. I know of many women who are stepmoms to their children, and they are doing an amazing job.

To stepmoms who feel misjudged and looked down

upon, may you see yourself the way God sees you. He has a special calling for your life.

Thank you for selflessly loving the children entrusted to you. You may have replaced their mom for some reason, but in God’s eyes, you are irreplaceable.

“Motherhood is a calling not just for women who have biological or adopted children. Mothering is a calling for all women. Our nurturing is, by nature, missional.” – Gloria Furman from her book, Missional Motherhood. Mothers extend God’s love to His people.

To all the women who mothered and are mothering through their wombs or through their hearts, we honor and celebrate you. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU. You are unique and irreplaceable.

May this excerpt from the devotional I’ve read called “So God Made a Mother” by Leslie Means encourage you:

“Motherhood – busy, exhausting, unpredictable motherhood- is so much more than we could have ever planned. This calling is yours and it’s extraordinarily beautiful. God made a mother and you are His masterpiece. When God made a mother, He had you in mind- imperfect, incredible, irreplaceable you.”

Peace and peacebuilding refer to the academic and actionable parts of making peace. By literature, we mean oral and written narratives (including religious texts) about the people of a particular place. The bigger question lurks: how do we bridge literature and peace? Simply put, in what ways do we translate it to peaceful behaviors?

Peace studies, especially those that promote the “culture of peace,” has already begun in the Philippines at least 30 years ago. They are conducted by Miriam College in Manila, Notre Dame University in Cotabato City, Ateneo de Davao/

Ateneo de Zamboanga Universities, and recently Mindanao State University.

The actionable part of it, peacebuilding, is also being done. However, more work is desired to achieve lasting and

sustainable peace.

Probing into the folk literature of the indigenous peoples (Meranaw and Lumad), we found some pieces worth using to promote peace through the (continue on page 14)


media, dialogues, school system and other institutionalized structures.

Among the Meranaw of the Lanao region, they have an epic known as Darangen, which is now recognized by UNESCO in 2005 as an Intangible Cultural Heritage together with the Ifugao’s Hudhud

Incidentally, it has remained mostly in oral form though some practitioners called onor (singer) keep a written record of it in the form of kirim (Meranao language in Arabic script).

The Darangen consists of 8 volumes published by Mindanao State University over a period of 10 years from 1986 to 1995. It contains 26 episodes that are more or less related to each other, chanted by onors during important cel-

ebrations in the community. Of these, Book 3 (Ep. 8- Abduction of Arkat a Lawanen) and Book 5 (Ep. 10-Kambagombayan a Lena) are examined for their moral values relating to war and peace.

Lessons extracted from these stories showed that the men usually started the war, while their women mended fences to reconcile rival chiefdoms. They were aided by tonongs (friendly spirits) in these struggles.

On one occasion, women used simple techniques to prevent conflict by hiding the weapons of their husbands and prodded the warriors to engage in a nonviolent contest like wrestling.

Since the result was a draw, the influential women

(COVER STORY: Stay Ahead....from page 6)

help banks, governments, and companies update their systems (including adopting blockchain and distributed ledger technology).

4. Health Informatics, career options as health informatics specialist, clinical informatics analyst, medical information officer, health information technology project manager, projected job growth 8% by 2030, median salary, $67,000. Health informatics is a scientific field that employs computer technology in advancing health care services. This major integrates computer technologies, clinical practice, information science and business management.

5. Actuarial science, career options as business analyst, budget analyst, fund manager, management consultant, projected job growth 24% through 2030, median salary $72,000. Actuarial science is considered one of the best college degrees in 2023. Majors are trained in statistics, mathematics, and economic techniques that enable them to quantify risk. They apply their skills to social security, employee benefits, and determine rates for various insurances.

High demand work with nontraditional requirements

Not all college students are in their early adult years and have less life responsibilities without children and a mortgage. For those middle-life career changers, there is high demand for work that requires little to no college degree, has online courses, and some allow you to work from home. These jobs can also be a second job, a supplemental income stream.

behind it advised the conflict parties to go home and forget their differences. Peace came to a land that turned red due to bloody encounters.

Colorful narratives portrayed by performing artists in the Philippines and abroad (e.g., Integrated Performing Arts Guild in Iligan City, and Parangal Dance Company in San Francisco) also provide vivid experiences of war and peace. Young dancers enact the Darangen to portray the Meranaw society that existed hundreds of years ago.

Through their performances, the audience gets a glimpse of life and death, love and politics through symbols, metaphors, irony and satire, including moral values this society lived by.

ing for the fastest growing careers in 2023 with nontraditional requirements.

1. Home Health and Personal Care Aide, over 1 million new hires and projected growth in the next seven years. This profession shot up to number one during the pandemic and stayed there. The job requires that you travel to people’s homes, group homes to provide daily care to patients. You would work for a certified home health or hospice agency. Online classes are available. No student loan money is required. Starting pay is close to $30,000 a year.

2. Chef, over 28,000 new chefs needed, about $53,300 a year, community college or technical school, or skills through work experience.

3. Animal Caretaker, projected growth 29.9%, average about $28,000 a year, home study program for certifications.

4. Health Specialties Teachers/ Postsecondary, expected growth 24.1%, average salary $100,000-plus. If you are already credentialed in certain health professions like medical technology, counseling, respiratory care or other specialties and want to teach, it might take just certification from a board to be able to teach on your subject of specialty.

Work trends of the future

No matter what your occupation is, there are work trends that all workers should be aware of to get ahead.

1. Digitization of work. With the rise of remote working and alternative workforces, the digitalization trend (meaning work on the computer via internet) has gained more speed. The U.S. labor market is seeing an inten-

In another instance, Arkat a Lawanen (kidnapped by a powerful ruler) attended the wake of the death of a woman from the rival community. Her act showed forgiveness and reconciliation rather than anger and vengeance.

Also, children would sometimes put themselves in between the two warring groups just to prevent the adult members from killing each other.

In addition, the Manobo tribe of Bukidnon and Cotabato has its own epic, Ulahingan It depicts a war of resistance against a ruling Muslim group (Maguindanao). Through the use of magic and wisdom, the Manobo preferred to avoid conflict by fleeing to Nilandangan, a paradise.

In real-life situations, this

sifying digitalization across all industries which means the acquisition of digital skills is becoming increasingly requisite for career advancement. In the US alone, the use of digital tools has increased to about 90% of the entire US economy. Even lower-skilled jobs like security guards, construction laborers, and the like are now required to know some computer apps to perform their jobs.

2. Skills over experience, focusing on job candidates’ skills to match job requirements. Companies are increasingly valuing skills (for example cloud computing and artificial intelligence are very in-demand) over experience. Top global companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple had

(WHAT’S UP, ATTORNEY?: Does Age ....from page 7) ditional resident status was terminated based on her failure to demonstrate that she entered her marriage in good faith. We established the bona fides of the marriage.

Immigration authorities added a new charge that she had lied on her visa application by writing the name of her deceased spouse in reply to the question “Spouse full name.” We argued that whether a tourist visa applicant is married or single is immaterial to the qualification for such a visa. The case was dismissed. We saved another Filipina from deportation.

Inappropriate to question age gap

Consular and immigration authorities have no right to ask why a female visa applicant married a man who is significantly older than she is. This question is inappropriate because it is an invasion of privacy. It could be

is the typical response of other Lumad tribes in dealing with development programs in their communities. Others are assimilated into the dominant culture around them, notably the Christian settlers.

Sustained through larger or more powerful institutions, peace can be delivered more widely by changing the mindsets of young people and adults alike.

DR. FEDERICO V. MAGDALENA is Associate Specialist and the Deputy Director, UH Center for Philippine Studies. This article is partly based on his keynote Address to the Webinar: Mga Tinig ng Pagbabago: Pagsusuri sa mga Interseksyon ng Panitikan, Kapayapaan at Pag-aayos ng Hidwaan (shortened: Intersections between Literature and Peace), April 29, 2023, University of San Carlos, Cebu City.

shifted looking at college degrees and began focusing on the skills that a potential new hire may bring.

3. Soft skills that matter in today’s labor market are creativity, good communication and leadership. Creativity is the most in-demand soft skill. It’s defined as the act of making new and innovative concepts into reality. It’s a skill that can be applied to any job or function.

It’s a brave new world, certainly when it comes to the modern work environment. It’s complex and fastpaced. Experts say staying ahead and informed of job trends and where job opportunities can be the difference between achieving success or getting lost.

considered age discrimination.

The question is irrelevant and immaterial because there is no law prescribing the age of the parties for obtaining immigration benefits. Officers ask it anyway because nobody stops them. I would object if I were the lawyer of the girl.

Immigrants should not be afraid of these intrusive and biased officers. Such officers will have a serious problem if a complaint is filed against them for harassment, invasion of privacy, discourtesy to women, age discrimination, etc.

Immigration officers have a stereotype of what constitutes a bona fide marriage – same ethnicity, same cultural and educational background, the man is a few years older than the woman, there is courtship, a marriage ceremony, honeymoon, cohabitation for a significant amount of time, and commingling of assets.

on page 15)
compiled a jobs list-
(Bridging Literature....from page 13)

LET’S ZUMBA | Filipino Community Center | Every Monday starting January 9, 2023 at 6:15pm | FilCom Center, Consuelo Courtyard, 94-428 Mokuola Street, Waipahu | Need to unwind in movement and dance after a long workday? Join the community as we Zumba through the evening. Only $5 per class. Proceeds go to support these programtypes for FilCom Center.

tigation into the president’s son, Hunter Biden.

That investigation has revealed some connections between Hunter Biden and Chinese-based energy companies owned by high-level Chinese officials with connections to the Chinese military and the Chinese political elite.

Does Joe Biden have anything to do with that? No.

But Hunter Biden has big money deals with Chinese companies. And Joe Biden has those archive boxes in Chinatown.

It’s only relevant in the same illogical way Trump made the Obama “Birther” conspiracy a political thing, and a general nuisance. It made no sense and was based on a lie that Obama was not born in the U.S.

But if Trump lovers ate up that xenophobic smear, they’ll love the “Biden’s boxes in Chinatown” treachery.

It’s Trump’s 2024 racist smear.

Boxes in Chinatown.

To Trump, it’s proof Biden’s in bed, or at least in boxes, with the communists and President Xi.

And what of Trump’s bootlicking bromance with Putin in Helsinki in 2018?

Nothing like Biden’s box-


COVID-19 & FLU FREE VACCINATION | Filcom Cares | Apr. 20, May 18 and Jun 15 from 10am to 12pm | Filipino Community Center, 94-428 Mokuola St., Waipahu | FilCom Cares is inviting the community to get jabbed in the upcoming free vaccination drive. Flu vaccines and COVID-19 shots are available for free to the community. Just bring your photo ID, medical insurance card (if any), and your

es in Chinatown.

Trump has been practicing this since last month when the House Oversight Committee led by Rep. James Comer issued its report. Even the Wall Street Journal admits there’s no smoking gun in any of it, and nothing really connects the president to his son’s business dealings.

But Biden has boxes in Chinatown and that’s good enough for Trump, who started the CNN Town Hall with the first of many lies, that 2020 was a “rigged election.”

If that’s his barometer of truth, then he must really feel he has something with Biden’s boxes.

Yes, the boxes were in Chinatown. But they have nothing to do with anything. But it’s a real thing used to promote a lie— that it’s President Biden having a fiscal relationship with Chinese companies, not Hunter Biden. But don’t tell that to Trump. Or his devotees.

“He had boxes sent to Chinatown, Chinatown,” Trump said to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins in response to questions about the Presidential Records Act.

“Chinatown, where they don’t speak even English in that Chinatown we’re talking about.”

You mean in DC’s Chinatown, home of the big sports

(WHAT’S UP, ATTORNEY?: Does Age ....from page 14)

Test of bona fide marriage

The test of a bona fide marriage is whether the bride and groom intended “to establish a life together at the time they were married. The concept of establishing life as marital partners contains no federal dictate about the kind of life that the partners may choose to lead.

Any attempt to regulate their lifestyles in the guise of specifying the requirements of a bona fide marriage would raise serious constitutional questions. Aliens cannot be required to have more con-

ventional or more successful marriages than citizens.” Bark v. INS, 511 F.2d 1200 (9th Cir. 1975).

Therefore, since any attempt to regulate the age difference of an alien who marries a U.S. citizen would raise serious constitutional questions, and since a 63-yearage difference between an 18-year-old American woman and a Civil War veteran is considered conventional and valid, then a 60-year or 71year difference between an alien woman and a male U.S. citizen should likewise be

arena where all of metro Washington goes to see major athletic and pop cultural events? You mean in the mostly gentrified DC Chinatown of today, where English is more commonly spoken than Mandarin or Cantonese?

Trump carried on about the Presidential Records Act, just as CNN’s Collins continued to correct Trump in real-time, especially when Trump said he could “automatically declassify documents when [he] took them.”

Trump glided over her objections and continued his harangue.

“Why is it that Biden had nine boxes in Chinatown? And he gets a lot of money from China.”

Collins should have corrected that too. So far, the business connection is between China and Hunter Biden.

Still, the rowdy live audience, which fed off Trump’s lies, clapped loudly at the Chinatown reference.

Just as they clapped when Trump said he would pardon some of the Jan. 6 insurrectionists.

Just as they clapped when he insulted E. Jean Carroll, the woman who just this week won a $5 million judgment against Trump, who was found by a jury liable for sex-

considered conventional and valid.

Why young women marry much older men

A number of young women want to marry older men for security and stability. They believe that older men are usually established, have money, and can sufficiently provide for them, that older men are generally more trustworthy, protective, loving, caring and less likely to hurt them, that older men are less prone to having extra-marital affairs, and according to a beautiful

vaccination card. For more information, call FilCom Cares at 808-369-5380.


MARKET | Aloha Tower Marketplace @ Hawaii Pacific University | May 27, 5-9pm | 1 Aloha Tower Drive, Honolulu | Open for all military and civilian community members. RSVP at https://forms.hpu. edu/view.php?id=1566623.

ual abuse and defamation.

To hear the crowd’s applause is exactly why “boxes in Chinatown” will become a Trump thing. It lets him connect the president to China in an emotional way that brings out a divisive politician’s secret sauce—American xenophobia.

It’s one of the few things in all of politics that actually trickles down.

The negative feelings toward Biden’s boxes in Chinatown transfer to everyone’s negative feelings towards people in Chinatown.

And not just Chinese people, or people of Chinese descent, but all Asian Americans, everywhere.

We saw what happens when Trump scapegoated us with “Kung Flu” and “China Virus” slurs.

An attack on one of us is an attack on all, no matter if you’re Filipino, Vietnamese, or Korean.

It’s all China to the perps.

And it’s all due to a modern form of Yellow Peril that has been on simmer for some time, mostly impacting Asian American scientists and professors accused of being spies. But as Washington/Beijing politics heats up, even the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus has

mestiza who was involved with a man 20 years her senior - older men have more experience in everything including love-making.

ATTY. TIPON was a Fulbright and Smith-Mundt scholar to Yale Law School where he obtained a Master of Laws degree specializing in Constitutional Law. He has a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the Philippines. He is admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court, New York, and the Philippines. He practices federal law, with emphasis on immigration law and appellate federal criminal defense. He was the Dean and a

noted its leader Rep. Judy Chu (CA-28) has been “falsely and maliciously” accused of “misplaced loyalties.”

In a polarizing campaign, when the presidential documents issue possibly turns into indictments, it will be Trump’s cue to ramp up the “Biden’s boxes in Chinatown” rhetoric.

It may protect him, but it will clearly stoke anti-Asian sentiment and discriminate of our community as “perpetual foreigners.”

For others, the town hall was a showcase of Trump’s lies. We all should have noticed Trump’s hate. For AAPIs, the CNN Trump Town Hall was our direct warning.

Remember Pew said twothirds of Asian adults want a leader looking out for our interests.

Is there any doubt after the town hall? The leader for our concerns? Definitely not Donald Trump.

NOTE: I will talk about this column and other matters on “Emil Amok’s Takeout,” my AAPI micro-talk show. Live @2p Pacific. Livestream on Facebook; my YouTube channel; and Twitter. Catch the recordings on www.amok.com.

EMIL GUILLERMO is a journalist and commentator. His talk show is on www.amok.com.

Professor of Law of the College of Law, Northwestern University, Philippines. He has written law books and legal articles for the world’s most prestigious legal publisher and w rites columns for newspapers. He wrote the best-seller “Winning by Knowing Your Election Laws.” Listen to The Tipon Report which he co-hosts with his son Attorney Emmanuel “Noel” Tipon. They talk about immigration law, criminal law, court-martial defense, and current events. It is considered the most witty, interesting, and useful radio show in Hawaii. KNDI 1270 AM band every Thursday at 8:00 a.m. Atty. Tipon was born in Laoag City, Philippines. Cell Phone (808) 225-2645. E-Mail: filamlaw@yahoo.com. Website: https://www.tiponlaw.com.

(CANDID PERSPECTIVES: Trump’s...from page 6)
MAY 20, 2023

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